RERALD lib EXPOSITOR. IM BY . Gepp,,y, PLIALOPS • , .: , :: ; • - .C'A' . .ft:!;l! ; :k:.,''g', , i , . FRI)/11' O'OroliErt ,5,_ 1838. • The People's Candidates, VOR I RtS/DENT , a,Lailattocurtgb ,Van.PLO•en Ticket. FOR GOVERNOIi, JOSEPH AV't 49861414 y, ---GEtHIGE_ItUPLEY;_ - BKFLIAIVIIN-RIEIYINTOLDS. Oininiasioner. ; - Di : rector qf the Poor.-' JAMES WEAKLEY• ADAM REIGEL: *6 - adVise - oUr friends - to--beware-Of-the 'falsehoods which will be circulated by uur opponents -upon-, the eve of the election. P.aniphlets,.: handbills; - ,slanders , every shape iiiay be_ expected to be, put in drew= lation; tOO - - - late 'for the "friends of: Ritner,te refute them. The friends of Porter, de -sPairing-otiuccess,---may-rbe--e-ipeeted,lte resort carry,their eandi-; date: •Wu 'would say; -believe nothing which can be' trumped up - between this time and. the election, as any thing true which there nlightbeio injure Gov. Ritner, would haie been 'breught out long-ago. Willem ber the forged letter _ which was_put oulin 1832, aJojig:ffie• Ncirth and West Brandi • Canals, - -aud - =which--defeated Ritnees elec tion at 'that time; To the Polls! To the Polls:; 'FREEMEN thefirstbloW has been struck! the ball• has 'beett iiutitt motion I Oj Fri - day - la4o . .tiiii: . great. antagonist pai'iretfif: •PettUsylvania Met , " in: battle although .it - was.but the, Onset, - the s'friends of*RlTN,Ell4.lpocm,thilnll, and the Su rl?EM*Y or TiliLmve, liave, every - where behMied.nOld and !'ven to/the enemies of Law and Order a foretaste`of what theysie to expect on . 'ruesdaymext. 'But'we must not relax in,Mur exertions ; We lutist not fOld,etir, arms and 'remain inactive when we, hive - Work.,' - to -- perform; - -: From - what we witnessed on Friday last, We are more ato. rriOre'eOnviriced that - the Loco Focos :will , endeavor' to y accomplish by, fnaun what they gannet, do 'by fair ;means. . c They are straining every nerve to. saddle . upon the people of the' Key-stone 'Stile, a time:eery fine ,and:,. elirriifit POlitidiaii-::-ix, : - dishoizest rniit/i 1.--an imbecile:toed:who aipires to - the' high Office - of ' , Gov.einor inToider ;hit he. inay gratify his. Om petty' aMbition ' an<l,l3e. stew upon his noisy partianS th 4 spoils.Toffe effect 'their 'purpose,' they ivii , l, leave : nothing undone, bi,which theyinV secure Notes. ,They will import votes-from - neigh:. Wiring 'sfates—Pratid ,earid - Perjiiiir — Will - be - . resorted, to; tiny, IT ri.ts ,, nr.EN DONE 1 In districts vilieie thity.havo snceeeded In car. ... ryiug, - their Inspectors;:thondeavor , .they ;will , tOI.O-reicluit-‘AtualifiedTe-ititon-utront-;-vodtig who.are,:lsnoW9-1,t6 ,be friendly le Pitilet, wiliftif; ' -(if iroCf;iiietti'yvitl'fito...,.oifi: . will -receive eyeryillegat - Porihr.votothat may,- lret`otrersii. -, -. , ......, - ;,,',.,. '.; 4 '; - :' ..•• ~' ' :4 41 hcgt.*4 1 1*-citiiooibe'oli:youiiittaydr, ft Wiriy , fitiliei'ollij'iil'the i4kiiiiii4i , f ilia' :43le e gattsiiid ''Aillusifsk;SAloris' ''''Thii; r ...;;/..,11.1., , . 7 ....' :... ~ , 5.,.... ._,. . ii,.. ~..„ ~ , c 9 ) 44 # l:9 *P- 9 . 'e Y?r iila T t( . i ; --.4 ...* ,41 a t Y r. If wo,tilfgaeflOif . id.,,FlOg'irlikeikßjainti, ( 4 '4 1146- : - *Mi t Y -o :' (lo6 *f' i fr9:- . .* 84 .t 46 1 . 411;it:00y ,1 94: , Y ' 0) : - _ ,1 _,LA4 1 $ 4 * 4 -iit 60!PitkitY It r iLitiqi, 3 l 3 4 :rifig; 40 , Al 4. 4ii.909 - gYiige Ttilinrll#o,:;,Agiao l 4 .',....ri 44'fillAill' 1 / 4 /11tiaffoxi,*ii#414id;.1 , .. ,- ,:r-7.m. - E - 1: - ,'...:• . .7 . ,...',..i:; 4, 1: - . 1 .. ),„ ,14i. ' ' , ;.7. l t#S4w 4 if:ock Voikvso:44, 0 - ..*4 40 -#1 0 : to; .i - peftrezfq:eh .., !:i'F* li 1 ,ItO i Lo-*** .i 4 4 0 •-• pv'x44o.;* , :i.Nktkitiri;lkai,iiiiiri o_loProtit K , "# - „_.,:#o -- ,A4 ? ~#:4 4 001.: r 4 0 111 0 JP*SPOIIPP 114' VW,ltAtiilltiaP/PettO proi iittlitl f X At t 1 0.,,),4104„44 - ,i 1 u1#44,0i; 00 1 :4i00) , * - ky;iii'liiirq(? ; iiki#J - 4v.f001*,-*th..60;90600 - 00 , ,, #?ktoololi!koporiiii* :;OP.l: oo 4Poi (B4 rfi, M OleVilittVi; , ,Plite:YOUF .fra*Alif ilto'l)44ooo4i# , , e .. .f l L Y IN. • rrA V T;#l.?i ta fq lt,?tt9 l T c* 4 °P:o o .o7 , 'rvilliT°'"?" , nWl u f . . oi. laßikoraor ;lii.,?,;or4Rlo`, 'Atos '''' iio 4 ' fiipi Eike * 11 404 4 ii , in..o,r, ‘ , iftr.4,t °,.~ #: l, /.0 0 104 j,lkAsa C 1 0 3, 04.#100,9 1 0!, ..W# 4-41 t iIi# 0 ,20, TfirPizo4o 4 , */1:41y,-)04440 fop r - v o l NOV. rP4rFiwmfr acia*nof , im OF . 410- tolliltY 4140, 09 WO fkket, - ii4 *AV kat* RITNERU ,been by Veit Buren and • within a fiis , days of the nomination for congr4ss; the . idea wits held to the , üblic that he would he the candidate :Of the. party. Al all die public: meeting's, Col. Ill'ClUre was . pusherlforivard as the prineipal rater; and it resolUtiOn applauding his talents and and heftily approving of pis-politicalainli officlal.acti,'Wesuna tiitnposly pulsed by the party at theircounty meeting in August.' But there was a deep laid plot to defeat blni , natl.. the-result' shows theentk; .. Irei!`s!jr,. ternately made use : of;and a Jotter declining a*,.nomih eation;:rdsforrefl from Col. 111'Clureahe day heroic the con trees int. - 4291.13 loomfieldL:Cntittitio - tike,...he thOught, that all was rightounlyas.fully enifident that Ids friend llamsey.wotild not deceive him: ' .Bet the colonel was.sadly Mistaken; by beingtiislineereMo niousli lutailetl.out of 'the:back . door of the party, to .make room for an itidivldual who v urider - the:guise -of using - krle"iatiVit: and7iimning - to supplant Win. , 4s,thia, hciwever, is a matter be tween them and the party; wi; shalkleavo them to set-- - tie it ht their own way. - ~ • . . • 'Sento - of the Porter men deny !that the 6161:;e ever made .an _attack_ mpoti_.;thelme ehaniqi of our coontry. That paper does eXpress the. sentiment; ',that . ceitein _clasSes of our .mechanics' afe .unfit for situations either in the Wavy 4 or. Army; and -that their principles .and , maxims prevent 'Weir ever liecOMing . heroes. So much for the "de . mocroey .of .the Van . Buren Porter party -audits love for-workingmeni— trfAire last week published a chain cif testimony hi relation to David R. Porter, which previa that hd has acted the part of a frauduierk and. perjured villain- 7 w o was represent ed 'Re . an elder of the Presbyterianckurch and an - cx-; emplsry member of society; was tried for knoWingly, passing 'counterfeit money s _And ._,N;lo.considered, those who knew him beat to be 'a dishonest rrian—;-that -ilq!llß,.signed,by_ati.iitdiiiiltial f was Pronounced-hi hiM abase forgery, lie having 'lie, versigned porapProved of Such a document--and that the blessers:: ttiebrakere, who have been, so much slandered apdahused; are preyed hy. their neighbors,. who are all members of the Methodist church; to be honest and upright- citizens. The overwhelming, evidence to which we refer,kre the'certificateil'of Morelhan a •hulidted members of , the church to which old Mr, -the-convineing7letter of Si - S.. Wharton:Esq.: a-very ,reapectable laWyerfofiluntingdon r and lately afriend : of Porter—and the adMirable and pointea. letter Of EA:Speator)Vallace, which will cause thd reader to st rile at, the depravity villainy of Porter and his minickna. 4iiiilevideggehaw had sucha . powerful 'feet in Moie"sections of this county; that we havdbeen 'reiiiieMe4 to ripubhah it, which ire in this paper , and , towhipli;we , soloing attention of all our rondo' converts - of' 'Beiertit ;Porter men; arid completely 'slag; gfio ' F ; rmiTy Oth.e.!4!t' O_ Ulu , . ut letter OfJohn Willianwoa, Esq. in reply to a',gonimittea ef ltiti fellow citizens la. lituttlugdon ithieftive waiii lira, for the. first time to-day, is most un quettloatally_ a eUnclto •.*, Itia,au extirigu4dter, and puts die kiensitin*LpOitical cOlu of David`U. 1 Rover,. •Tbe •evidenee or Mr: Wfillainsoa mar be entireirroniut on; Anolo i';reer paped ittyeltlize the most exoitoda - ninolOf. fOr-iidenistinttritYs - Iran%' itod,ol o ooo,ndi74"' 7 Vien he irliii,Poit9r '!n'fne but igau hiii.f.filithoulthisi444.4gh.roi4i, oiaigi*,aeti#4 , ,e!o=iO4. 4 .o. faiis..i:v#4l - 0; 1 ii,4o , °!filo..64iitnitillnio,o*r hOning.toinnigo will " 144 / 11 , 411 0 110 ' . .' 1 40i: 0180 aler ..inldinici 1 4e/ 14 0 14 ‘ ,411 4 1 qPikpriu — iii, , loupidg,P9iii.:iohh, 0 4 a 414 4fw* 4 .,;#14!0.4i 4 0t471 , 6**en; .--- ' -,..5.,.. —, ~r_.;',..‘ ~,,,, : ~ • -,-- 0.44).i00.:#100,44:14:****** , 5E:th0r: ),44414: 0 14 # 1 4k 01 #0440i, - *MOgif.' , l i :o!;Yß,l* .- :*iii:6 lTT f. ".ii • .4,0*.g.# :: 40, , .** 144406*-.*.4.*:0 - 4 1 4 4 . 40 1 0.0iifloo)**4-*p:4o , ' , *ll - w * ,.041ki 0 0:#0:00444:'#01* - #0"4 , .i.(001' lit*** )-**looo/01-214*-fei*DteFik,';o' MEI Frel*RP *.'4.4*/Pff.o. ' ,7. :rice nouliticitioSti k tO heordlemihegi talents 'or `reputation, 4 Iv hitter.pill-for, the reilieetable portion of the - Loco :Faco,party 'to low. , The ddsei hoWever, nittet . hi taken the, ftith 7 , Id; and they,litould:therefore;tnalte,:tirtheiritands at once to shut their' months and hold their „tiOseit take it down like any other pauseotta tireecriptiow.:-": I . If elosted.).:Wirsti , e'lipit.chensireAhat:Willizint 'S; ItaniS4.. Would be. at . .Washington; as 'Million ItaintsCi is Cumbeiland county (as the say).- 7 -blitu:vet.f,skimp pattei.n....Thefigitt*he.wintld, cut would be' mall, and be aliont as great'as, a cypher's on the left offigurcs. . • lf.Willigia*S:"llliniSeridi'dnlil,46:'M . :Sys'shinglOil, mid has nothing' efie tto the;r6 , --if - iii to be hoped tbat" Ile. will favor , Oiingeess: with; 'Oie . sie . 'eck upkilist ()Inuit:B r ij. "a 'Most excellent, thing: . . , . . lf th Rascy Stoalsl gq a? A% athington; it teek sce 'oath a reiweSethatiye.' We - ;timoultl.lue thouilit'a aka people; that .positi;Esed, disci itiiivatioti«-of course,llrillifith would :hi. tiea deiva as the Gest Huta •iti tith three COuthies,.• • ' . : . . . If lc should gl'!. to Congreoilai to,lieti man aniong ; .rnern . should therehavinaife bargain. frith the other memberg, ni,nilat to that niaile by the eliielten.a.ith the horae—ncit, to ti'ead on t. other's totiii:' , AVe have no:rather sugiestion make - to Wiltiant -.-4m( raylo' theyotera Of thlaiihitrict, he,eare ful nOt to that • libieh::10l1 diay,race yoUrseltes, satar.,4istrietionl yotir.state.- s • • . COL:ChtiiiCSArtiMV. . We think there never waa any individual of any, Mire "Awful Disclosures:), '7. : L: : ,4*.5,wp0. i . p:,:r..,*.41*..i.4:..*,:# . -. 0,-.._ . p..** i i##44,.: t . :: : ,•i; ; .. We will g~c .an hat.a+).-1,!.r010 talFut B and aptness debiTtichea-.TW business. • At. Aha trial clfGeorge ,9auderson for is Itbel-upon C 11 Pen rose, J sq. , lie , iseie&aiataitit; R e. non pously r,":;"ht,io," 11,c6!irtTn`Pr=i1f111'0.1.13.ewePa , pal sand the charge; of bribery.:niadO . 4 vPF3'..° l r.'e-'l!c 4 4 l 'd;49:'sr4:-thtI , IVI4O , O I on- firP. at onee,:yhen this. h6nesi anti p oa•errrul aratorahould begintif ilotible - aisdtaiiit his dMidy•foimi•;')A.ll.'er'pro es;&lingtiititaiUsiiiinlSiiCii<.isiiOeiMlitigi gate to ..theCourt and J.tiry for:sontoutiMqOs,ltOpro-; tioStid gOing into a "uewfisaPer=ltistor7 RtirOse's, polities and This !sculled hilaw sal for theTrosecution were laughing.hi their , sleeves at: the;'net he was weaving for; &fondant, while ! John, N.:pead, his colleague; was *tithing at every sett ! . tome. •.The Quirt lieke' interrupted, and 'Stated that lhe:centistd*.tor, ..tlefondant find: a agglst'io' pr'ove the limit of the char 4 es stn.:dna:Mr: Penrose if he , could; hut If he uttompttxl it 4 14 faeleg, the court could not qty 7WIS;it, ivondil he tlsO . esteat of theinnsishmeat:S,perk the leamied jfick-fi:n4e's itiok Isis seat, and John M. tutted. rested-their delinsee upon defen dant's absencefrorn the press when the offensive arti-' cle . was printed—that no . Mitt) .thiithted- foi• one UM: meat Mr. peurosdl - ,lssnoeptanc:„.• •Sanderson lied therefore left tci, the n set Of Wslliura S. Ramsey alode,ise: would now Inisittilitig his 'amine in the , Penitentiarj; insults! of advocating , the claims of this ./0.71t:0*4,1,11U4, ttki seat !gross. 60v... Sl' ze7 Lei usell emugh atone. • r p the.adinitable Innen:of this disting;nish-__ ed man, the felloWin: languave is held - with n==i eferenee 3o . Prospects i—",Ths ;'aer:n zwis 6f :Pennsyl ',Junin will hold, fast to4ehnt they know to be gOod: : - They knoW' the honesty . stid . -,strai g ht forward poiicy Josepl{ltil n er, and support him. , They_ know he is s good Pennsylvanian, aftd .. that with economy -and.. care, , he Watehes over the inte'rests_of the statejand..the.p_eople: s .: They will riot east away what they'have'tested, what . they.kiistp to be good, .to,itrir c ',experi. 7. thents .with.;:eonsiitntions .with'inen, .Whielvnia.' Mr correspondence • has been ! extensive, and . my.other opportunities_ "good, -and I _do assure you: that-Llutve . the utmost con &luau re.4l - edion of — covernor Pit ens lLoco Focoism. The reason of the greatchanges against Porter and Lac° FecoisMis r that-the-charailter and principles.of the Candidate and the party will notlear examination.. The tendency of their doctrines is to !I/oast the insti tutions of the country—to intedere with the rights of property—to expire the inSalons:and prejudices of the pooragainst-the rich, --They Uri:midi-in fact, make ue a oution of Joiebina, and bring our country to wit-. .tiers seines similar to those-enacted during the French revolution, when die beit blood ed France was poured out bi a lawless mob. To prevent such. an occur rence here, is the.fervent wish of every patriot—and henee we see the intelligent and virtuous portion of .the community-ranging-themselves under -the -banner opposed to dangcrout and -destructive doctrines of LOCO rocotsst. • Specie• We are pleased to find that our market pea* re fuse, to tako Shin-plasterg , for their commodities.— They, have too long been imposed upon by this There appears .4:t he a disposition.on the part of the Porter Van Buren Shin-plaster party to continue the circulation of their worthless trash. This should be discountenanced, and we are glad the market people hase_hdce.n a stand againsktheir circUlation.— We aialit call upon our dealing men to, aid in re storing a constitutional narrow to the people. They ought to receive all the small notes'in , good credit of feredat their, counters , and unitedly adopt some mea sures to lutve them returned to the place, where is. sued for - m(100m. They., Ought not to re-issue any small notes whatever. ' . • A Large - Bet., The.result of' the late InsiecTor's Elie tiOn tiroughout the State .has terminated ao favorably to tile cause of the old: Farther, that our friends at Haniaburg are, so' san guine.of success;, that tkeyliave'offered the . • , following bet,. through . ' the Harrisburg Chronicle.:: - • , „ . . 000 - ET. .'We are, aeihinised B of , a BET of ,TEN.THOUSAND DOLLARS that Jo sept(RitnerWill, reseiie 3000 mere, votes at the nest„ ”General Election " . sylriutia, than hie opponentDavld_R. rOr.: ter; on the following eonditiona; A forfeit' of Qua thousand dollar t be • poste of d 9n=ik.:Fof 4 Y , 50 i3OrOefol 3 erg. . thelialtlmOre Banks. 1 , Refer to Mr. 1444ew NVIO iiitiriibure Pa. t N, Y.! istroieirect.. Potter 4 1. 16 - 40 '' 11 °Prffe the Amd4;iii*Jhe'llio;lo . 3ralc* 'OA Miia,n;and the rfm fl l)rinree,ool' in ku-do:ed '"";iAir--° 4 :' 76 . 0 c1, , 61 , e F tif Y;.;'S'Y" , -$ 1 0 14) e (4 be? lien! 4 ,F 04 4 0 4 1 1 6 . 4 1ii,44 14, r • t 2 ' 41 1 2 t. 22 2 2 J 2 4 :,4 1 1i 4 .) 04 4 8 N , Enc /TA ?fat e thi a k, l4, , W94il4 l ll e ' , 4ll 4c i r 1 10 94 , -10 .400 , 4fek‘rgi,sik*galk* ufiacelt - poiorgpo,fAstAii6o4i*oo.44oll.644l :0 1410144 ,riAikiY,V'It:*41,vili#4 1 4: 444 tar *AgiA4l4 l4 4ll4 kofeiii; 4111-4 " 41 ' 1 9 ri, ecs l l, , , e ' 01 14144i i 4 n*itatlinOlifelefidil tiii?,e‘isi* o 99464 04448,404 'aittliOtAtW i diii 44164 0116 'Ow 4 611 14 1 *f?1br ,0 ta . 4 " 4341 ; 4 4 14 4 A : g i s t: l 44d of 46114)4412h tht4F but a miniberwOlit ge4o;i4 triewte or PaFtei tow the ibou the' VanV:a tllureu lad* PriOida with the elieepi#ogof d;e, jem a of•lohneo4 0444 yillcioe 41are ii pilaw *ftheirim;ol J pttliStoi 474, sovortberoithortiv , Mri =I I 110 1ePi , S,c l ew '7IV - o,'icarCt3k 'Pick uji a p'4ri wO do?, not seethenetitee of dozens ,who haire•beeti' aetingWith : die • -Porter, party, but, wheet be 7, coming 'disgusted; laie, pulAicly, renounced , faither connexion With Many who were,iyipaintedttithePittsbUrgqonvey:tion; Or the friends - of ,:eortei• in Selitenthq:. 104 1 lleelinatfto go, and many who go' came away, the friends of'. Ritner.:-1 ity3faoe, the y 404441 Reporter of the. I,sth contains inst.,. containsjetters,frnin_ithe,follow‘ng_ gentte men who were appointed to' the Pittsburg. Porter Convention; 'wheal deolitte the intended: w deter honor, and avow their, , mination to,vote for Gov., ; timer: - • DAVID G. RA.BE,, .'" X'A.TRICK 'O'NEELEri, JANIE ..TENN iNGS; real :the Mercer Luminary of the . .l2thinst., publishes the declinations of Orson Painel,l and Jonas Fell, both of: whom had been delegates to the Pittsburg' Porter. ()omen,. tioii, alllonnection with . Porter and his cause. . The Luminary also ' eon - tains - the renun ciation .of 'Mr: • a Siltiers from a Porter Conunittee-of-y-igilanee: .' The Greene County Democrat contains thee renunelaiiefis of - kraut' Poi*: and Sbrahani----Smith-dele;ates_to-the_Porter. Convention.; lately held ,at Pittabiug,h, who Tiave since come-out fot-Ritner. • . CO210SE)?"1111Tnit aholibhed the State Wax The tieineiii . ipb - eketi,show t s. Jpscpli Ititner diminishet)the State bebt . actfera hvtgeifithartettial-dollars.--Thuxecords show . Joseph yitneetibolialted Shin, Phisters. elamation " • • . 'Joseph Ritrier • bronglirabout. sperie ..P.apnenta. The:geitnilding oC tlielocoTdeipsahowthis. - _ Jimeph Ilitner will, for these and other good ma -6014, be.Re.-ELECITI) Governor..- !'1 he. B.LLO',V- BoxEs will proro this, ° . _ - . as .voted, for an ! appropriation of $150,000 - to the Gettysburg The. journal , . of Senate ehowe.this. - •David - ltPorter, - .ift die session of 1837-8, voted for an aPprcipiiatioi; „Itail4oad t . Mo./or/tat of the Senate this; pako 073 and id. - , - • David R. Portor.voted; at thdaame session, for an appropriation,. of_ $9.50,*. r ta... thd-puntingdon-nad- Chambrsburi . Rail-road, the most crooked of ail:- -- trocilCetrioads, and the least useful The join:nal of 'the Setiate show, this: . • - David.R—PorterNoted,_at the same session, to-in- strata our Senators and requeit our 'Representatives in Congress to vote in•favor of the. famous and iu : quitous Sub-Treasury bill. The journal of the 'note shows this David IL Porter will , for these 'and various other reasone, be most signally defeated on Tuesday next, and bo 'laid oh the shelf' forever after. . , trr•Vill the nutx.-heatled editor , of the Volunteer name the individual to whom he alludes as tli ? writer of varioue articles which have appeared in this paper,' particularly thosefrorn Shippensburg? . In thatevent, we shall know how to treat him, being prepared with . documents to prove him a malignant amf deepicable area. - lie will not, moreover, then 'be able'to d4ity to the individual alluded to r _that he wits_not_the_prz,' son meant in the paragraph, as he did to the samein- dividual six or seven weeks since, when almoit every ,person in the place believed the contrary.. It•would .be a very strange circumstance that a-man -should -be the author ofletters fro ; Shi 'enslou f where he has - not - been-for - years,--- - which - contain - the - names - of - per- - sons . and ' a description of local affairs - that, he - knows nothing; about.. He is also totally Cmacquainted . with either of the reputed writeri there, and nerer had any communication with our correspondent . Y. either di rect/y er. See howv a _plain statement nails the babe falsehood of' tliC:'io:rvieted unstun' to the counter. Whit next, Vlfuster SluaLowl', OyThe Voinntherima been peculiarly unfortunate _ 7n its assaults upon, our riniollillies=Aliceit — eie4 thing ti e'ICUMAKULL editoe'lias said against them,bas recoiled upon himself and his party ' . lliffalschoodi in regard to Messii. Rnpley and - Seper we nailed to • the counter so Promptly eTeetnilly, that:even the snarling cur hirimelf dire not Make a rejoins:ler. • The . . - letter, of Mr, Watts in_ paPer, nails another . of his filsehoods to the counter completely. At eveey step he takes, he Mir sukraTnt auth a rate: as to make • hinuseif ridiculOnsbefoo the public. It is no wonder that some of the leading P orter men !Mita : lately-been' . constrained to admit,': thit theii ,'nnunizal editor had neither judgment, Mai W -nor ent to Conduct a news. _l),leri_nod that itit_werewat for -Wm. S.-Romney-anal theex.mlit.or of the *olunteer, they could* get, a. long at all With' him._ cinefert,' truly, in these -P!Ong Q - - 'l , :itibi a rsituad,roinTmed. ot'a baker's en, who change aidea'abota eueo e iegr,•areveiy it'li= rive at _ t h bite foci, atOtiors, making vooOseu and beating !ft'. rot' keetvitt• : 'Afike'sdi'iscr converts , &I', are eatromot,y zealous in:the politica° show their,sin eefr ily in their new toler** faiti,an4 heeee they ta ut 4 ? ou 'iti " o'orte with as sel ippareut gravity 'as though they llO 114"V4i.ilat411' One of the leaders' ' l4 i4.oktriiii - !iriilikl?foniblisultie: 4 teiliikaedihat: l 034 1 svOuld **F:i4::inikiliT'aiii - 4:0iO "!iiiiiiiiipiad , _ 1 ibis ,boat as ail-0 4 iii;i 3 efituso,4 *iste4olt to .141 Y. where iS4 ii o , l ;!.o° 0 ° 64 i ,, iiiC7P , O 4 ' . • 7, 0 41 0 i 1 4 - 4 4: 42 bk ind ikerac* VisAii,pl4 ~. ,-: .:,....:,...;,:„.., ,'7' . l '' '''',.' ' ' , , '.'l - '''• '• , .--).'-. '' ~' '':'- '-: •,-• , '.. ' ' ,li . , *,i'Vi :e*i t :4 l 9! l i l :** l xei*ii4it;;*.igio,i; - !eA iyAulzilfcl i dicok;';iiiied iii*li;i4eitiitrikiiii,dil*- gbiwi*VAN beeit:ol;:a44;i4e#,li:*triete t it . ag t atUst the'Vaiill!!iii 4 ilii!6, P liao , *ko.94'44iti . l4 6 *s'l4P''' 1 ; iO4el 614** lit,. #,•• 6 **;r 4 A'4:o*?N'*44ii j tk .., 0. 1 :4 4 ". 0 4,;44. : . $00 4 00' 1 !i: 066 10 4 iii4)0 11, 0 163 14 114 )7 1 14tialt 04:,,A1 po4e, iiii4iiib i renif ittnittit', ilia oir,i; ii.taikttitits;t l o l; 7tlV.ooo744iii47aai*etiid , in i6iiiszjly!:=' live 0444 that *i*4o4ilidoiii,/kirt.,414:44. ik# 1 2 ,1 ).40,70ii4**-4kiigifiV . i v7- Tit.iiiiuji 4 Arii,i4610k4 6 40410:: '.:' . .•..',,•.,:,;:'',. '',: , - ; :,.,.. 1 . , , '' , '''' , ' 1'.. ...':91 1 •:; , %••.'" ' •: 4 ;.:; .: A '.,/,. : 1 i 111118 said #"4 Pq nnll fc;;'"P rl 'V I RK . 4 ' 16 _4 ii4o. gi*. -41, :firp,rprOotto4 1 t a . ;au * 6 lOlOO ti.lO,t,e)yo4 to support ViciF , ": , rorlCfeilt. of , !!1.YP4* 11 1'45)0,ti1 4 0rd0ati1i 4, 44,4 - . i 006 tt'.; l Insure Olikciiee. -04 kit/out sip sta. - `,' , loiii*it,tlo,l '.#0.0 bot*o4*Fttl,ito4:4f*liii 444 pgi,rtit4#44-. :0 41 /WiioP o iiii* 400". :4 6,04:4:80*• # 4.4.1,f .i#: :tiiiififiiiiti4iiol 2 44ll#64ll`li liiiit l 4 l 7o4i4inikt* 'lta!ktig , :atoraish,o4 by 6:B4moitie. ' . • ~ ,::,,,' ...,, . . . =ill WaiebitrOjgePorten — , hu ; 44 ; tvtot i t e Clit the loco candidate' for Ake ; legislatore; notwithstandinghewas on the spot importuning the delegates tu'iolp for. l4ru, and the secre lotieringFtlF* and of .69 '§l'ileTrcgOret'7 B o l- clP:tiror cure his Nomination~,.Tlm,..4eporter pronounces this glut tk . 4 . ibervi . e jOifilup'slL_apl challenges pe 'tp - Produia,OvUtt',the shadsWof, : proOf to justify (ouTry ' Or 'consent i t... stan d befot . .,e-the , people' of Cumbexhipil as )if . the roota-.. his dolts of the. Reporter will rciop their temper, we. willUntlbnlitilve item the, 'shadow; • but' he /M . & aid* of the Tivef,' , ,i'fLiChliiis derlietririnif the spat zealous boo fQco rriengs.of Mr GOrgas in 'lie Panay, ...OPOnforrnantlaur. told,pn the of the Augustootirt, by.another Van Aurew.sad, Por ter man from the lower end of the noddy, digit he had recently been over to :Iltirrisbnrg and Was in the . Ile pisrter °nisei' nO that, t h e editors, in c onversing with • him in relation to thii utfuirs . of this county, eXpressed . their hopes:that David 'lltime would be tiolviinated frr the legislature , . Upon being told' by Ahe ?Mier: marl iliatlhaine was incompetent and UnPopular,they itiniMainedthat he was every Way tintilyied;ittid with tin air of teiuMpli:pOititetl'io Siis electionps-a dele gate to the sth of March convention to proi_e his pO , pularlty! The Porter man Watianbsequently told by ti,elerk in the State Treasurer's office,thitt Mune lrsis atire of the delegates from East-PennsborOuglt--4iid a good prospect of those from Allen and some other Of the lowertownshipart-and would receive aid from the upper end: The substance-of all-rthitt wait com municated to Mr. Gorgas by our informant the imitate - day he heattil it, .atitl lie requeited him tti call upon - his autlior, to-satisfrhinisaf of the arreetness of the staternent„whichifie immediately did. Mr. Gorges thus received the 'same statement from °lir inforniatit. dent friends; and it he thinks proper to give up their ,names to the persons ininlicated, it is no !Militated of ours. We have now given the facts to. tile publicomd therefore hurl'baek in the teeth of the sla-dering and ignorant creatures Of tho-Reporter, - the foul. epithets, , which they npplied to tut.' ji itttlid recent bispeetor's efeetion in this bOrough; the- kieofbcos secured . .the'efeetion.ortheir counting off, by bringing - up - verowd:OffffegaVyotera to . _ stand in their line. - But what - . is : still worse r thc votes of th6geiiieii - WefelifteTi4arda recei red -by-tilti Constable and Judges,' - and thitscwe were - defrauded - most aliainefu ly - ont'of - dur elVctiont.—The*.ltittge-s - were &lid against ns--4e Conitabio 'Witto held tin. eleition Was point blank agaisuit us-:-and the Clerks who the votes_ w - ere. against '.us--fyet, not-: 'withstanding .W. tl4 . liiievheatAli onfernycjovotesf . To show incontrorertibly that there !was fraud com mitted, it iaonly- neeesSary to State the-simple FACT, that, in counting off the voteS, tlkreWere FIVE more ballot& jii the Lox than. there were navies of 'yoterS re -corded, lift4e - iikrkv! Let those who conducted •the, elect' Oli fiIIS{VCC_A;; their felloW citizens,Ayir constd cum, and their God, for this daring Outrage upon JUSTICE, (HONESTY, and -the MUTT of tO elective . .franchise.- T Whether-they-were-ssuormor not„ -we ace unable to say; but we hope they able to ex,. ) tilsome of the fact just stated. The shamefal non-- duct of our opponents on Friday, however; will Only stimulate our friends to redouble their exertions,Juk bring every Ritner vote to-die-polls.. CO'sthi Friday last, at the election for. Inspector in this, borough, the following amusing circumstance oc curred: hipster Einnsin . COlt2llsliNj the lad wheie name figUretriti the - Vottin:iiiruirthe ostenaibte aoivroß editor of that dignified print, boldly Walked op to the, window and , tendered his tidket to the Constable. A friend GovernorErrsan'a; however, who happen ed to be present, and who is well_acquainted with Ephraim, Challenged his Note, and alleged that he was yet an istravr.' Of course this excitetlCOnside- Table surprise, as ir - was well - known to ITht Lser—:lirelrefit that the young man had, at the last election, voted "on age;" atkil, indeed, no one, to lo . ok at him, could dispute his manhood, were it not for a peculiar some and boyish simplicity "thick rCvels' in his countenance, as E kande at least six. feet ehallepge MO he could notenjoy tl4"gloriouS' pri vilege 'eye freeman" until he had Iniorn - to-his age: Accordingly, he started, for the Judge's desk; but the " still small voice of conscience"! was at work within him, and told him to setraaa..!-4f E t c was still a minor. He therefore prudently declined appearing before the - Judges, he Merely entering at one door and SNEAKING out it another, amid , the gibes : and jeers of some mischievous boysi_whosasMiledids_as._ . tonished-care with the iMio iiiey shout of,-ticlkeliy — TW . mother know you're out 2 4 • • • d, The Volunteer, hi speaklug of the appearance of the two ranks at the stand out for Judges, says;the "hard-wprking men,. the. dirty shirts, were on the 'Porter side, whilst the hiungers,Bic.were for Ritner." Amongst the Rimier. woof course must include cnit. Ramsey, Captain Allen John Moore; James H. Gra. hens, - jacob• liyou, a num whicliicifTlenry "kora , csalr me; and last, though not leastYJoe' and ,Sarinuy Hepburn:, Oh, decency ! Gh, honesty !' truth'! where was Nod ShoWers.? Ju - dgis dllkeElection. - We hope that;;at the,elestion 4TueidaYnekt, no man will beapppinted,teact asqedge,wito is taterest= esl‘ anY, bet upontheresult to'thP'irmPtinqfonecent. No matter how honestly disrsed an individusl may 6 e. Yet ids iodgme 4 tWill be Waived bla interests.: in; order, t herefore, to render the jleclisione of tbe Judges satisfactory to all, we ficipe this coarse will be Sidopted by both friends and foes.' We -hope oardler - Paceth°," who ace selected fOrthik imPtlrttft4, station, not a:kelpies. to deprive an man ofhis vot e 'who is legally 'elititled to it, Or:toOctthe Part 'ot mete' Ptirtizoos jokes' ) 4the hoPortial vaild9tersOfthFrlisss. seleten obligations of the 401,u-adarilfilekibei 4")1'14.n°1 be ft'irittes--then their ijotives h e wOotPescheils and their decisions b9' aboveo att.ol4:*: :Ali 4th4 Which sbabicirkdos invariable and 0Puia 6 0, 44 if444oo,o:wifi*ekiiiiVbeionsufg: •,• • %; r ‘11:' ' • :`.• =EI MS , At the, general ,:: eik 'oll o d r i r l " 4l4 1 " b barei: lll th‘t $O. lOOO ( *a d° nor b rlag l snen to rwik*. arcuotga,Llitiei.• Every efrort?wilL be "4"teftk * 4l-113* Flirn*""'44 i/d ja i le4 6 it ) , 16 4€ : iil #itemil< '44 4 . woad- be dolleriSti - 4 44111 0 ,1 W 1 ,"f;' : 4 111 the'iiiia, E ' tel it th ii' Uw• ‘ 1 !* * 0 80 " i t tea l lii*V -04 0 1 .#ier* , '" , 6 - 44 ;titPoWtO tortilgniryidlivir 4 1 4 0114 ' 14 b, ) 4A 4 4# 1 P al ized! biveVone(salslainiiii`ao uike!te 'km the , f 1 0 ,: 'Pols bid; 01 . t 6 i l icP 4 MPthat the 0 1 4 e4 4 ' 4 gr 4t 11 4 4 / 616 0 ' :t 4 r4 t!° papers under fies4 ;ap #o o 4"*‘"*" h€ 4, 4 0.9 1 4 1 .0 34' 4 1 bit*Fth i t l / 1 1 Pt' ' I i t l#PPlA 44' skt 111,74", !PI" 4v ot t oa o r tcorioy *evibappifi preveo(ek 5571t9 9 4 ‘ 0 1 ) Pagent, 14 - t.A-ritd Rase -.retina waits, Esq.- Atine*ed:nie glve`a letter - front:T*l;o,i. teui. to 'ityo•gentlenien in the ,ph d of our county, vhiph neils theobase • falifehoedn the -Volunteer . itt I..tiori to this gentleman' to - the Counter; To" Samuel Smith, Chairman, and frill- Crot l, 'Secretary, ofa meet . --inkat-Nethhurg r ke,` -- , GEN . 4I.EIIIEN:•-•-•A: copy-of - the - resolution of your meeting requesting. several gentle men,- and among them myself, to 'attend and address Your adjourned meeting, has been hartde - Alo". • ''" ' On any occasion would - Word Me pleas; are td , complY with - the 'wishes of so re-: spectable'a portion,of my. felloW citizens, to address them on a subject of so much in teres,f; trust it , may not be , construed into any. want of - respect on my part, when' 1 say that previous_indispensable eng,age ments prevent me from beingprefient with , , I regret this the-less. because I feel con scious, that the little experience I have had in. party politics would ,not enable me to add much to the interest'of your meeting: My nOmination,-as - keavididate for Con -greso was doubtless produced by the kind feeling ,of personal - friends, and certainly Without any,agency , on my part. I have no political, desires An, gratify, no private interests to promote by political preferment: on the contrary, every coneideration ofper sonal interest would indnee•;ine any sue!' distinction. Itope I, shall never have the conscious feeling of -ha:Ving sought a nomination to office for myself;--but when nominated-by-the-unbiassed-preferenceeLT: respectable party, wliose, principles are in accordance with the interests of the coun tryi-I shall not feel myself at liberty to dis appoint their Wishes. No man..has alight to himself 'in the security of , his own selAsh pursuito,- and - disregard the demands of..peblic opinion upon his. time and his energies. Thus, inuchl have said in an- - Myer to the suggestions that I have raved to.permitmy_namc>to be used. - -ternaware_itThas_ been . puhlielfiaid; " That! have avowed the opinion that every elector shOuld thepossession of realestate of the yalue-of-one thousand _AI 01l ars;” - :- - Sucii --an - opininiallive - never entertained: such.a.sentiment I never utter ed: it is utterly repugnant to every . Pripci- ple of republican government whichi have everilmen_taught or It io - but a few years,since any property have deprived - .myself of the privilege of voting: it will-scarcely be believed - that could so soon 'forget my own poverty as to despise it in others.-: . .D . o.me_tho_favor tO.communicate_this letr, ter to the nieetingpver which you preside, and accept. for . , yourselves, and tliose who Lniay_ineet_you, my unfeigned respect. FREDK: WATTS. lase Slander of tlie Dienhers and Jlleia►►onites.. , It appears to be a 'part of the policy of the - Porter party to driye all men who en— tertain any regard for-religion, front any participation' in politics; We frequently. see assaults made on individuals, and even on whtite classes of Christians, because they cannot sanction the excesses of those who are! now seeAng to destroy - the prosperity of the country. - As an instance of this,ve citetheiollowingfrom the Hanover-Herald: George Gitt, Esquire, a Justice of the PeaPe appointed by George Wolf a short time before hp left the gubernatorial chair, and a4eader of the Porter party in this - bo.; ,rou h, said the other day, that "JILL THE - - N 0 N WERE .I,SE T OP D--D.TORIESi" This outrageOus and unjustifiable expres sion,vvas applied to the large and respecta ble body:of our fellow citizens, belonging to the Dunkard and Mennonite denomina tions, because the greater number are in favor- of 'Joseph Miner, the Gervan Far mer--of Washington county, mieopposed to.D. R. Porter, because, he has no knowl -edge-of-the-Gertnark-chareter—is ignoritit of the language, and cannot be considered friendly tO their interests. For proof of this, we arealithorised to refer to Mr. Jour/ HERsuzy, York street, Hanover, of whom it will _be sufficient to - say that he belongs to one of the ; most,, respectable and well known famili,es in York county. , I - Extreictqf -,- a - letteAtcr:the::4'ilitpri-dcyeci Si/Wharf:4*, towinship; iOctpber:l, 5 With regardlo the election, our friends - are - active - and - confident - of success-connt w--1 on from'2o to 20 majoritrin this-township. for - Ritner; --- The, - people:lit the "Ogees - are in favor of the'German Farmer, or the . 4 ‘ Old Ditch H o g,"as the Porte . i men are • pleased;ter earl _him We, are tletermined that Ave will not be bullied at the polhi any more the SCuthamPton lion," - but beard his den, and make hiMloar at. the tesult ,of the, election More thaWititii keOper'had him by '." • ' The Stik:ll*Baifte.3l;';' Our read9's wijL bear .fri;ts of porter have' assailed rep at of itd 4 rtGe State friends ~ d'441464*0rr-bli° money in de9tlUo7, ki . l:lll?Lble".64adi toPkt, 4 . 4`,4 1 * 1 4 . ,;4101 7 ; a l ` f° 11 0.44. 0054 ' 0 .?-4, 1404 e'r 3i0) TOsilirtr;*4 tit:* 4 1 :4,T oI tqf i t , *** 4 00 ..1 , ,ew - li, OinFrsl , 1 4:00 - AR : 1 0, this . sqado , / of maim nail . .?: ,, s24,4#4_,sm.*4o4thic.(kiv t ,p6AASs-64144' •,' • „,•••,,..m o t e Pao* 04.4.0 Wi4," o l4Auffou .l4 o,lAtiZoill Of-thi*, ire at `ills; % . rrASuri:bokruP4';."Yitierv:ACl,t4 o,ul *l4 hundred al# 2 4ithi.fitv',(l(oo*•'. 441 , 1 24 4 4 ,f*, 4 ! it i, vvo. l 4tq.s l o4 ! , 9 r : ,.0 ,1 0 0.,0 4 0 11 0004.0 * ".e*V"Pie#4# 7tt'"'"*"4*, 44,14101twoino.alfiii, 4 06 sreot 04t4:0itop - sc r ottiti‘*.it . 4006110.611 i:: 11 1 ) 1 t . .I.Nt!kt;:liilk,'.#44kJeciedqua' kllen ri"*lnet!f.n4wigkYf;:rciii Aillows! , i ) ox fled hank ' - AMilVinatknie. - we Y give ithe Sturgis, Esq., andthe ; pertifieate . of several. • ether- gentlemen of ShipPensbuig, in .re , gard to the fraudulent manner in:which the. Porters Constable and; Judges carried , ther - Inspec tor in that`Ogee. ." We have heard; that upon examination; on Saturday, after the election; - the tickets, and tally papers :were.„missing, and it is believed we had this filthier to.friake any, merits on.thinfact, as:a warrant has issued against the 'Cons table :and and - Jnolgeli - aMI - will n - ndergo- a.judiciaLliivestigaiion. - It will be seen by the” affidavit and certifi cate who are, the advocates'nf abolition and amalgamation. loVing-tp see a Per, ter, man arm in.arni, and cheek by jowl, with an ebony brother ; marching up to the • polls and -yet hew .diatardly to make the charge. against us. " SUIEF,EfieStlftC4 Oct. lit, 1838. r We - whose names are hereuntnaffixeil ' certify, diat, - : on . Friday last, the day of the 'lnspector'si Election, SEVERAL NEo4, GROES obtained their votes, notwithstand ing objections Were - made 'on account oc, illegality; also that the polls Were opened, about ten o'clock, A. M., and that Con- . stablee d had selected his board either thay • previous, or early in the morning of.the day ofElectien, and that one Of the Judges had bets made on-the result 'of -the`-Inspector's Election. - • - SAMUEL D. HENDERSON, • GEO. Burrs, - - APE, • WILSON - HUBLEY. . STATEMENT of the proieedings Hof the. Inspector's Election 'held in the rough ofShippensbilfg,"Cumberland co;; Peneylvania, on the 28th day.of "ember, 1838: t The election watkopened by the. Consta 'ble at 10 o'clock, he being a Porteirman, ,before-the citizens were assembled, having-- chosen.hislioard the day befoTe - ; and about 15 votes_w_ere taken inNefere_ the people. Were aitgembled. 'At 11 o'clock the people assembled and the'Constable to • giveili~m the priwile'ge of -- eledthig:ilioaiii. He replied that it WAS DONE, AND T.BrEY HAD NO BUSINESS_ WITH IT. _The JUDGE HAD A -BET ON THE - - hisrEcton's t,acrtox, and thee- - Constable had - made a _ bet_on the.Getteral Deelion, presented their votes ;•• the'cillZens objected -- to 'their votes. - The judgeltold them - they - had. "no business with-it, and to go away , from. the window. • One man who resides -- in Indiana presented his - - vote, and •it was_ 'taken. One of Illinois and one of Ohio, also- presented , their,votei and they were - taken, and they were citizens of said states. One young tnan who .was a Porter-man.- :- also, , between the -age of- - -21-: and -22, pre- - seuted his vote and it was reeeived.without oath; one-of. the (Ritner,-party"offered his* - vote and it was rejected- without he would , swear, and thus was depriVed.. There • were THREE' NEGROES WHO VO TED,' namely: John Kepperd; Richard Baker William jOrinktri. One - of'these _ negroes I saw voting; and both partieS ad mitted that the other. two :voted. I was ,not present at the time, but heard it after wards, and the. Porten party- admitted they voted. One of the Porter Partysaid' HE GLORIED IN BRINGING UP A-NE GRO MAN TO vcag; if he had a rilht to vote. JAMES — STURGIS: Affirmed and Subscribed the 29th day of September,' - A. D. 1898, before ROBERT SNODGRASS, J. P. • Extroct of a tette?. W the Eeitpr, dated - - Shippensburg, Oct. 2,1838. DEAR Sit:—The contest in' our :town will be warm: but it will not be, because we will try to get any-of - their -- v otes: we ' ask none of thern to vote with us, unless therbillaiipur principles correct; but thit - COntest_ giair part, -- to force inland= on our part_to keep out, illegal will make the, cenflict warm. We have. a • majority of 30,0r-46 Vote's in-the borough; but if he - gives and aliens, and citizenslat oder states are alloViSllck vote againsis, God only known what the result will be. Our,frionds .have, already. issued- a warrant against the Inspector, and Judges for fraud at the Inspector's Election Fridayi and we.arU , determined to' prosecute everyman in our illegally. - There, are 'two - ei t .three, l wbehave been -- ::folinifersratirs - without AOWing: their na tizralijaiion-Pageo- now demand them, -laid if theY,,are not Pivdt!cedi . and 'their votes are, vectnved s .We prosecu notCalY the*te4; but the !esPeetoF, and `itidflelu 4i'utigt.Stslie . cheefllll4l 4 4 4 lT With neer' and - Watte ' jon one; ids and Porter and tillYltonest . 06 11 ' 6 0 4 0.0, Pho9r 449 toOneit- .I,llroare &c. • =ERNI , PloPewell true:to the Owe. Extract 11 * a Oferg to 10'e teilior;4 l igeFfs ,Hopeli4lo4C:ilo44 , octobetr.:lB , ll4 ) ami.1 4 cm 4 Jr#4,14€_ 10 .0 16440 . - b ate heekti th c e*eniter ike trkiii/L*4.reeiiiie. We were beat ;,lo,'ifile.,. 144 1. 7 foo a n d 'hon.- . J,_. .,0,,,, ' 'l , '" . t ° 1 104,0 , ieilll o l'. ' ' 'll g l l stoll'it''cal i taini and Olt* tii ltiinni. - :It'a`'‘na# oo kl i lillkl i a' - ieeff"riii . :teiVth, , tiil ' ' 4 'd -- #l. _ l4 1)(4 1 4-1 40 1 0 111 :anklf. 4 • Their ileomitwoit 3 Y . siallriridtolliv 4 devan *op* *ldiliot oimition to, env hest lntareata., ,'#t the ballot ` ] ox l'ili ' wa Prov'a ourielves true to 'the core' for R 4110104 - 'Equal liigitte j out shove our 4postuan to Riumsik; l ail'f)u ---4 - 11 ,.. 4 #4 1 1"4", QV!' %II -- it least 15 of tr majority, '''. ' Mci Eta Yourf truly, ttito, _- .:~~ . r--~ .. ~ .__ ~ Eli UM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers