161 IS ~ „-Kr kOr 4 veriety of reasons, which ,it ./is not necessary- now to enumerate,' ,we haire delayed-the publication of this, weelts • paper until to-clay. ' 4 I ;Doak' not•give a cent foe the trudge of an election. who would not admit to voteall.olhis own party .whose right is doubtful This is the doctrine and these the words which .. _ ... .. , 7'po iyi.i)nv.iigato a few - days since I • by: a . 1,•**..1., k 'ec0 .. ,. LAWYER of. our Borough, 7—on:Alteptibliesquareand-in-the-preserice-of- 1 a deiegater_iitiring - the sitting ef..the'ccinVention;—.that Beyeritl...e ' itiiims: The, author is. one of the- l in . this t i h e e 7 O a ffi l % t : ta to l totally .unqualified, to discharge the duties !of traveling orators ' ' of '"the' Party" aspires--and e s .. 0 i a a n thatbia contemptibleni i i ta n a : --Courity,-ainilf-this,be:the - 7 thictritte .whtek,4oll,,' through. the intrig r it s •• be - taught inthe congregations of . the faith-1 -li,4lie in. ih4l -17 0i'atiitri:iiaa,l; o?aittl - iiiiif Yi, .-thriTith-Er ,candidateri, every ono of whemishistWikilOr in ev'ery .. ful, the .SyStem .of fraud,- and: .dishenesty espect..._ No attempt:Whatever has'heenMailito deny which was practised in almtot every - 4own- palliate these charges because those implicated ship at the 4ispeeter . 's . Telections' on FridaY know them to be strictly true and , tatileeptibleoep'roof; , ' ,AL • : .if st ick men' and have therefore deemed 'it prMlent to acquiesce, in last, cannot-be-worOered their c d orrechie i ss ; ; - w i ell -knoiving -that-the more- they 'as Samuel Hepburn, - who occupies a re were would - be i n a n r d de t r fie t i l r teL ndidt brought to • spectable station in'Society; and upon whose ',bear upon ti ss ie ( :ll;tre -integity and _intelligence. "the Parili" at I But there is another m atter connect d with this -.- _least : de not hesitate to Tely,will propagate ', subject, .Witli which I was not acquainted w e henlin t rot i e my former communication, 'and which shouldarouse-.' sucks ductrine, to practice which would be I , the indi g nation of every honest man against the base to ,destroy the freedom . and equality of .: the ,d ortintan had i perpetrators of - the act. kfterJohriC elective: franchise,_ and to set at naught the i obtained the nomination, and - when th e •,. sanctity of an oath, what can be - expected . I '_ engaged so ' appointing committees , one of theli te i:ro w u eire b delegates handed in a hat containing-the names oat. .fri*thosel.Who hear-only . to believe . , :and Geliit D . ,Foitik, Col. John MsGiiinis, Gen. Jarites• ' -. who - reverence the -wortis-of=theirleadeis --- . quier; John ArCtcrtney,tharles -ii.O. less than does . fite, - .Maliemetlan the pre- Bell, in :I rt id c( o n 'ne j ; ? t ti w:others, as members of:the stand .- ':. cepts of- his Koran?, t : • . • img commi ttee 'for Carlisle.- The other delegatefro . m . the.borough gave in the names of Col. IVITeeIY and .- . ._,We_have.been_taught..helieve thativery:i. , bitt -no r ' others, as lie'PoSitively.assured .' man is' bound - to adduce : satisfactory _evi- inc —}' et rite -th ose 13 .4 iv ,F een i umerated . ,: Hence that he is a. quali fi ed elector, or he 'with the single am ei es ce ° Mi n on i -'5, were —...-teannot-be-permitted-to-exerrise_th4ight Of ..tuppresixd by some unautliorized:person or ) persons, and the names of Joieph-Lobacb-and-Johni-li:iivii i,. ti ufriage;Titif ni. Tlepburri - , - iir I the , ~ from th e vr borough,:eie not on the !list of eit ; er o f the delegatei . • , Cif ins . , iv Wisdom, itultl have us believe thatnig fri l itte e:p: g d .. ov , :e ...m b rni e t : , the judge who.is . .swern - to_decide honestly ',,tee!. The namesMeS of the coin andinvartially, ought to be got/Arne& by a :were derived from thehorough delegates thimielves. by this writer, who is willing to testify to the fac.tdis ,-,Aliffprent.xule.',.-. 'Though his "light is doubt--- . . losed_alany-_lime,_and_.before7anyimegish•ato_in_tim tfill,'' yet if ..he- be With us, permit him . to I place , . ~.. , _ . . -.-- - _ mote—if .against m i scast. him .4._ . .........._ • 1 We have here e r shibited . before .us a beautiful' and The decisiOnsvafiLr....,Graullaglier, One ce_stiiking specimen of the tricks-and stratrigem-:- i s ofßie . 'of:--die -V tdunteeranithislittle clique, to keep -- .".the - ,party'.4" judges. •at -the -inspector ti' I on'.slie background tluise who will not sanction Ail. - --- - -- ...Electionfsweretuililet - discussion; .as ve..ar.e ;.. t h forward e ir - s,:h those 1 'es o u f tL er s onal aggrandiziniient, and topttah - ',..4nformed, When - Mi..' , l-I;auttered ; the •words.are connected - with them - by the '''AVhieli" • -•heari--- this .•. article:--' .io , tine .64iies-Ttivo-Oluierestaad Offise._ It_ was not, .emiugh 'Air - the '• lire, . tharlits• srs.l..araberton, 11I‘Ginnis, Foulke, . Lions .Mr.9atillag4'.itintegrity.orPurity . c :sgater,..milurtit t ,y, and Bell; sliould be thrust atiide . •of .motiV6, although If is ''alleired tiv mat . commissioner— . . _ ..,_ : ...,.___,3.y to make remit for John-Genii:aim as • ", _ __ but.they.must be 'further .iinsall unittreated with dis; dais by having_ their names suppressed as ineroherh of al ie..standhig emumittee! -Tire very feet:AA - their buinvaindidateain opposition . to-John Cornmaii,.wls, coeugh ,t.o - insure .their prosetiPtion, - or at least to 'brin g :themtinder ilie;banltif the - diriiie'sil4 - pleasltre;- Who aappresaed die manes of the g entlemen referred :to, and who epuggled those- of-Messrs. Lobach...tuad.: lrivin uptuuthe.committee, I cannot iositively say--' - phut let thoseanterested andiiinplicated - iii this Ulmer he editorsT of the Volunteer 'have . rentable and dishonomble'idlillr, teat the truth of the yielded up their:columns:to-Him - S. /?am- Attiole-prooeediag_hefore any_justice.in_the borough,. -' • • - '-- and Hulce no diailit :bathe 4 sathlle-•will be dacetton tey for the .purpose of allowing him,:under ~ . , . • • , i tue right norse.' Abe editorial/cad, to.praise.himself anclutter 1 There .are some menibers Of the party, .who tirge' idle venomous -outpoutinga dl'-iiia :feelings :Ms to cease .Our oppoSitionici Cornaan, - lest iumight mgainst bis opponent for Congress, Fred7k. hija re thati - Cket generally,al though they Uoknowledge incompetency, and uripopulnrityr:,They admit that - NV-awl, Esq.. The malignity , tit the attack. he fois t e dupon the party in opposition to the ex . :upon' this , gentlempw, - which appears-in-yes- pressed - wishes - of a large majority - of:its -members;' terday!tt ,paper, and lite . grovelling spirit of 1 but that the.eiil.can be remedied after -the elelition!, ,professional envy, -jealousy and despair 1 And how could itbFmmetliedthed 'What ridiculous, p , y nonsense! , The remedy .ntuSyse applied itt the polls which ,ervades it the' . on the 'day of:election- 7 ,11e only time and, place that .author.• • . . - ht.r.anbea sre pplied ctirof/y/ .11-167 that would.put it off . . - Mr. Ramsey starts . ' 'with . „tho . .asseri.ion l 'onta. afierthat ..perioo,)4 willing'to sanction Island s ithatate - will threw ItiO'gkaves , off,".and i go, in . trigue, and eorrupflo/—lelsAillling, to surrender -own-lira away Ids ;wind .to work, at Mr. Watts' character. Tbiszize !plea, merely to prophintesho favor of Sanderson and aloes in fine style, denying-that he possesses ! his contemptible clique! But let such remeMber . that 'talents, ',education, or airy Of the. essentials !the leader alla others Wrere cautioned sgainstAhe no hinination of COrnman twee Months ' ago ro by , zealous of "thegentleman or scholar." He sneers _ .- -‘ • . • b ....... - . , I'riends of-Gen. Porter,'whe spoke of ids unfitness and at die elevateiranand Mr. 'Watts 'has 'taken ..- • - unpopularity: Their advice :did friendly admonitions, - at thelbar,- and asserts • thaythe Law Reports i •however; w t lii uidieeded.and disregarded, as the clique „s h am • , 3ec rtt nrrstuals!snfaithatilmrly day to havetorriman Of ihisigentleman . .are ridictiled slime - , - ;in pr.:di:rowel° Atte others, believing..and intimativ the State. ' .. . .... . ~ i ithat the prmidarity of Gen. Porter and the Iparty oould -.• f l'hgt! Mi..W6tts o in :his. '.legal capacity.,, 'carry hinithrongh in the' couidii!! . -:. _ _ should be attacked by-ftettliant -S.,.RapriBey ;- -- IWiSitillyi ' :cleuily::*osed-Cornsitanhviorance , and arrogance,und the unfair'iLeariiii.y whieh he cilt. it; . nettist •e. .. -lie has' riasoni ioriii;but edth - entrniimition 'Tor commissioner lot us take thbse should be tthrerithe 45videncetif Mr.. rata view . his 4„ di ng and P°Pularity•wil The de m°- AVatte-ability, than his -wantcftit. -:Thiatersteparty.-It a well ' kn own. thatl.e_ as. placed--on that he. diredin admitting some Tann rejecting -- ;othervvotes"; alwaysborne. the. ‘charactei of an ,honest and upright , man, 11s1t_" God:Save .the Cerrunoulvealto from cthe prevalence' of such honesty .as eon ...taieedin..the-abcuninable itenets of ..Fuurniel Hepburn. = . '-• - • • - ,. bitieritesslit - the workings 4iheart burning xhetieket far diriteiiiiT " - eliiiiii - fo - u - i - f Tili hewas most signally defeated—end-it is are: an d wl ~-.-.lt/gt. anger; shame Ind vindictive reeli _known that be,wiuilacod . _ on die ticket for coroner The recollection of the trial of Henderson, ba t yearol --- nel 7 thet he was defeated' spinßut the tin e . .against Lambertmi was fresh in the mind ' f irst 'of his popularity will be found in ;he returns o f ' l •of this yonng man when .he wrote hi e :Ith - c - ciection4u,lfist, when COIIIBIBII and other's were running for sheriff on their own bottom and merits. Plainiie. In this ease, gth 6 ligii he mig ht The ‘nullificator' boasted Much of his large 'smuts not be-willint : to-accord -to-Mr. Watts:the. t conneoxiomand extensive stemaintance with the pen possession of a ‘‘griisping Mind," yet he pk throughout the .county, and expressed the most o feel that that.. gendinaan was twas forced .-t ' I confident hopes of being elected y b aLs ndsome mi‘jo __•ible_to_deteet_thom_who had this quality in r ' r t i u tY 2 ` i _ J ß Li u : (m w _ h w at _,l w E a f i ll y _ t i tet i e re ! d i t : h e. G .. l ,7,,. s4 Bee 2 ,_.;„ m in h u a e l . ,n,conspicuous degree. Withregard to the', ltedeti 487,J0hn Corms' ' 'it ,327, George"..Crolt 232, . 6 .fraaw 'Reports"- ofMr . .skattsi -We aappre=:.and IlenjaMin 11,Wer:269;7This.:is. W 'fiiir, P l6 of Ile received buti427 vo tesin fiend `that ffitain '.B. Ramscy is a .man 1 C 9nnan ' a P ° P uliwit 'i l, 1 the countybut 149 in this distriOt--and but.-fit in • too weak--in intellect" d and .. too ign!raar,af the the horeegtitinwithineediek lie was ,Acojh au W' o f rinoiplea Of ' the pr esston.whict she hatd . the °etc' And thisl. tl ' '' - . ' ' I4 ' *dOpted; to . arrive at• any :correct decision of .. - an the merits of a ' legal.Workt:lana in this •' 1 it down• ' I'of i f ~' `• •• - bearing' . 1, in every avt n te co In " weight of itioire i ? thtl."ll the mere But other e'r es ve!ffluviialar4k iq i eiiitj! stance has shown., dishonesty in rnisiejne. 1 i above period, which have ' render4d CoininatijUal aentiai the oidniOna cseiiiiiiili. w would' • I cunlet'lliceahave:tn4l2ii"&silim die 9 objectionable to numhers of the Old ilettici is f 7 ' l , 4ymr. Ramsey'speaka of lir.' Watts i al itettodiessinglllnreqUisites of - a - gentle- awn county ; ing tle. l etio . *;7 . A . Ith% . ti t g ° l P ;i ti rilict s-T :yeh at O rin ti-le ' 1 and which 17 0 .11. °! 5 0 131 .4' . .Whire , titid he le of • liOw , for - iambi' . 07 *Safe *id Aliirt':(lo '6 ii •- ' ' ' ' containing the7pa l. 'Ml iirCcitnlinit in9:P p P lit; l4 Zirc 4 Ctr d; o e r slite. m3,xitryt. A .. e 4, ,::,,Ay4 it w hen he As poor, has prononi* hini:iicinsistent" mi' ''. * th e sliSei!akpil ' i ! .. k.:45), , 111 , :44) . ..,tiiii; 970...) 9 ie"i0r . . l a :- lug su p, de ort em of r tl e t t it , '. ( rpa nd ` ri i ; . '; c y .7 et7. :l :. ' i, ' 7,, , ,t. 7 .;e. f ie tPt . l it e. ; falsifier 'in :tittOimt9to.y..otat _ ttum raltty 7.... .104 , was it Bo saiing.. W 9 'know' John' Cornman tOitk4 . ve been 7:1t#4'0.-e-nf.,..'0;,',f00fi.:,4i. 'ol3llferio;'iii, 6 ,,,,fictionists . 4 44 1480i:tiitaiaeive kt;o14: dist hd • 0F4.3" , 0 1 *e , )11 *Y‘ 91.146Aii,Matinef;.-,lii! 7`,': sl ! l inlis irl**tkiii'llit`itil6l4ol/lal4'4ein oortl-' 4110.eitkeiolotitioti ao parimiiii,ttio;6aat - s V ir s it t:! : !1!.„,'5;,,m*Y,"..1g t o raise itheUtgretio .o iriiia , .4 . l 4piameaai ,h :'• - h ; lva " e- 7,#P d '"* l6i O dwre: # 4 l'i ttilit i• aeneral ~, . ~•,! ~, , , , , ~, e rtty. have learned ..._._, 0A Pea eral - tAiiibe'rti4,. Jti4e Stuart,: 8 - mori litif4, - bit :whatiiii‘idde-diii,3m,,,, p te -,,, — „.„, - 3 4.l l v ll 9deklieh,r4.ll , ..,iiez i e . :y. o , - 3 I f m ,'-' ~y ' other old ' den&• .1, s ',J. e .i.. ..‘" , '---.l;' A ' --" , ; - ;74-,.7 - 77 7 - , aerate; did "not •L' . b 1, -11 ' - t'11!t49411/11P"!; , improved his ,liA . .l,3i;? ` * . :',or . gave .itu.hi, t , - :,,..062,,-;.::,,?..! ..#4iiiiri * :tite tentest in , , ef' . ' "'-'-:Ltlif.lansiikeititf •;// -3 ' -7. l , °l !:3 l ) cir,:l *.. kaAPlT . lliet. 6 ..°68 : 6 -.-of . 4*Pe - riiiiiiiii itiiiViontri , thiwn iFlowledge ofthil :sa rilb ute ll 4 4tei'" cpiiieg4;ptrselyedoeeptical. s. ((Ma voidd direct the Wte qt . :reader to fin adliteteson our fouith tinie;nign . 44,:dinthOish.4 iu.selatil4l Ord!, 4- :44 aid • Thnfentlathin sear,lnts hopn3aia in litsnittive4otttev,.4oloeos wilitsl l 2:Viiaba .... - o'OM[mlil,OupAro'o.o.o . • For the fferald E.s Expositor. • - . . . Mn...PnaLur9-I:hree weeks ve ow °hired . since the appearance of my Artier copaintinleation, alleging that five-slitthe of the democrats of the bore' Were opposed to .the: nomination ofJOhn Cortittlan es commissioner—that he.never would have noml.: anted, had he not held an interest in the Volunteer establishment,and had , his artner not tam . red with '" of fue friends, in - oiwcuintiog th e io e tio n , f ii!)lliii.ejta-, c~ieiai to o 111 ' ___ ... . _ ... j.) tanditt tr tinte.ltiien indie 1410Tkie#ileiiii Li littiviasi, l hie!for hint , taiie*nliiit beta, in lieriOtiottii.nait4elf forptlea Oar f?rgiv,e+l; Igt lou 'be remiesay .ow ilanf i fay reaebted pt-the'retl4,: l ;!The iisty . ii,e. i t i o 4hidi m i T, is at band—the (avenging hatna will mien afrite`.: : - 4.. :and•Cernm anti irs c anhlique will be ineileto imam, for iltONtreta,uralilifin- 8 ;14 :temerity ; _; ; heir denunciations arrofanse. 4 I'9IIrEftIDOLOGRAT.:.. .( - 3, - _ - .....0,.*:::44; : 4 - :vi*...,1.1:,0:i.** ; ::A0:: - 1t::*..4:1(pr: . -....45:tr....X.1 . W . .0:0'1 . 0:::i.t.:ii.,..0.*4 - .. Itor;theker' 451 .ExPlsitdr• . Ma Brorien-4 have.beei‘.a goodderti amused in-. reading the eritleisms of yotir. ecuveSiindents'epon sr' number Of the: tmfiere: toasts drank at, the loco foso 4th Of July end Hervest Home celebrations :in- this eountiduring't/Mirreeent;season. ' , lt 3$ very evident that the Van'Buren,and Porter men litive evisseest but little telent'andlenluildtheir toasts: thei'sometimes have given the saniernentirnents•twp or:three times at the.sarae celebrationa;with the single alterition of a Instil or two! Besides, I find a number of old shied , sentiments, wtr , -•• - Which were quite familiar to me 18 or. •88 . years ago, "cooked again for • the 'present bcM sioN and given:tii the public as the original irodttc tions cotsoine of our great would-:6e political leaderid following; which-I find arruintthe voluitteir timeikti at, the' hiuiresklonielcelebrationiii piekintion township, is a sti. iiPecimen • of 'the liters?irg orfie to which I have.referrelli..- •• . • : • By Dr: 'Jacob Batighinan-; , -Cumberland county the Keystone _ofPennsyliania--Yennsylvatiii, the Key 'stone of the federal arch''—suiCumberland county goes, s o goes therstatelis the' state goes, so goes the union. --Now; any old politician-`,who was a reader of the Deniocratie-Press- in the, memoraldeeonteit -between* Findlay :and Heisler_ in_lBl7, whep.John Binns _Was the great champion of the dethoeratic party, will ' Collect the ab'ove (with two additional parts of senten ces) to haie been ou'z eflis dechWations immediately -after the receipt of the returns •of the election from this county. After giving Findlay.'s majority 'in Old cumherland,,whichAhen embraced Perry,lllr.llinns exclaimeti with much ex'ultation: "Cumberland ty, the Keystone of the Federal Arch: As' he goes; sogoesYennirylvtudit.".. This Sentiment was respond ! `ed to.by . democratic paper iii the state, and - Wasmoreihin once afterwards drank at celebra tionslin :this county: Yet yow,:after the lapse Of 21 - .years, we have it reviveil and atnehikd by a LEARNED lender-of th_e_i[:_tarty, and ushered forth into .the world asene tinlchoicestpolitical and litercirytems! A's the doctor '6Carcely ever Ventures Aogive a _toast, on -suckeevishansithe,al.. anddhave_giyeaikuuldic one that contained aomething original when-he did-make - the Italy, tio Cato show that he was-worthy Of the hoz . nor aonfer;edupon him by the party, which he for years opposed with such violence and virulenee.,-, But even the intended Epilendrpenti:which the doe-, `Tor has added to the sentiment. 'of Binne; have Only xlestroyed its btevity, pungency, and symmetry. It is ',lbw not unlike glorney liece,llOrney there, and Hors ney-eveCy wh'ere'—or : fding, diong,.dell, old Joe's in the well. l . But if mayhave tgedesired effect: , it may pass for genuine ,Coin With the party: it may impress . them with the belief that he is, and ever has -6ecii, a ..uniformideinoorat!...lt may_hidelia_forniir devotion. to madams and ClaY•:—his-zealcalsaUpport.of Bank-.7-104d his . abuse ofJaokson, Van Buren; Oed the. deinocratie party, of which he now assumes to. be one . -ofthe pritlripidieaders! :But there ar'e others who have not forgotten these things, and - who 'at:e. not to bo ceived by . the flits veil of hypocrisy .7,11001 . '1a worn - to. screen' them: • Whenidiliviiinaliiiiithind merit or / .ability, but who are it'ctuattitl solely by tho love Of of- ,kee, j and desire to dictate to their fellow citizens, here - re - the public as plagiar- - 4its to'obtaiti notoriety, the claws should be shorn of their 'borroivefl plumage,' and exposed in their 4/fortuity.' VEatriAS. j . V . 'einville, Sept. .29,1838 -111mirtutuars—Last- night s adeording-to-the_usual notice; the Porter menritelt! a meeting' at - lliminitt's tavern on the rail roiU near this place. Being in- formed'that.Wm.„S. Ramsey would be,present to ad- Areas the meeting, 'and being (deiirous to, hear, ,who irthe.eandidate or the Van Maren partylpr con gress make a speech, I went: Well, at the appointed •tinte,:.there were assembled some twenty or:thirty, perhaptiof the' Staunch--members of the plirty, from very , few - df the death:is *tient' I observed from 'the country, and all 'that cotild 'be - mustered about the place of both parties, made up'the meeting, which probably numbered:in allitbout 80.. ' I ' After waiting nearly two hours for the tardy demo crats to gather, the meeting was organited i and the Speaker took.the'lloor. Hehegan.byannouneingth l e 4tidket-formed-at-the,coutitg-convention;_and,_aftec.in, ifeivvetiliinimuiiotouching:the'lmportance of electing the'dhiletic7cekas well the assemblymen as the een 7 *roman, ) heiptoceededito--What? . A discus sion of thelptinciples involved in the contest? No— but to the identification of-the-misnamed democratic ,party with the democratic party of '9B! But why all Ithisjanglingahout names, as if the moron ofithe par:, ty depended on the title by which they are flesigiutted? Surely Mr. !Ramsey iihmild have knowa that the moat certain and sensible method of arriving at the propek, name of the:party, would have been the•discussion of Om layitiliirietekhe am:Meter of a political philoso tiher, should knoW that, in politics, principle should govern= lawliluit a wante,apart;from principle, thiogr2-the'ntere4utdommititotit the - substance. He harped on Otis string' t good while; sounding With great tact Onlithe'netes that were csdenlated to fall soothingly-and.**ltatraso4Lottithe-oirstirtsisioto fools atidienee, You Watt id naturally ,suppose di at — Mr. • Ramsey scanned all the protninent inostsurasand doirigs of the party frOm the yepr dowm to tlu: preseut time; licit yerilylie seemed to knovilds 'part too Well to . atteinpt it! Not a-word was said about the reeharter-of-the- IL &Batik under Mr ( Madison; the grind expounder or the ennstitution,r and head'of the' real democratic party - of Tit:: Not ii'iword was said about. any d the prominent measures2ihioli have soconspiouoddy dis *Visited the a4ministraticons of. Gen. L Jacition and Ilfartil Van Burticthe great oracles of Modern dent= 'After bathingin the spirit oT 'OB, the orator came gliding - down the tide sSitime with the spirit of demo crady beaming froin*face 'and burning on histongie, Paiking 'those - sainted demneratitwithOutever ding to As hcpskialitl..oo irtportant_ branch thOirganient,being, See beyond cavil, 1M came to thci - iipiestion'onWeimMediately at issue; viii the earn-, partitive' merits of the two einihdates for. governor, David IL !inter and Joseidi2Ritaer, and their 'reaper, The question vtio anii whatis ,Gen. R. Porter, led idin to an investigation of Ids character, which he c"ducted ;Iciueding to,the candied prineiples of law, ,throwing aside all the evidence', against Poker; and denouncing ItUe an' insult' tcribe feellitge end, Airily urVeuUsYlviiduive Thua ecjauthe question ' , bound whit is Joseph likeeti • iiis begi 9 #lo;4lBe 4 uudon of this question by athUit: - : Ong Air. Allem tobe man ;of ueSolli RriVate eha ra4tar herU to throw. Out bait b . y . pronouncing enl*Zten tiln*Onlincin.r er 4?e'rari9- 16 1( 1 k 14.°914 .think4littuiier'_ue r e4iu k er!fsrekUji) nil to edvantageAl!be eicaiton 10.40 o.friendti turn 1. 0 ;V; I: .P r c l4 'c ded: * 4O5 elA l ,will!o on his farm;•=aloBfAsous ecogipany iof -4olitiolanet and the, intrigues of the cabinet, r an honest is *liters ge ' Veralii, oo ;*juldurru eliMlallY w hile 46 4 4, t 110 113. "`• itileis youth, above:Other - tieri t odi i ,of migNlifp, bis purposes are hoetat and'ide heart I°9 o "d -1 ° the side of truth.__ But,Riao! tluiePh Wi ner was to trecorne governor of rennsylea- F, 11 ° 04, 4 41 1 uff Wilgulinutjuit SY the dei 6 urati° party MOO* Vien helPnilids he ihFew 4ipikelf Into ti)oeoFli9e* of. ie ' auti-nt a aoasiu the; hope thlti - ertainly the eitiitain„ did not seethe absuirdity of his •deelatOtlon weiild not haie made ie What! Is it reasonable to suppose ,that of Joaeph ner's' good sense mould desert the strongest party in _1 the state to faltin with the iieakeit,lne ,hopeth of • - • • • rising to. the gubernatorial / chair? ttbsitrd in the highest degree: Besides, such nOtloni were never Ritnel,•untilihe asseveration fell horn the lips ' Rainsey. But the truth is,the . paptain • got ino . a dilemma, and- saw , . no other way of getting out oft. Helvas unfortunate in the on-set in Mr: to be on .i.ng.- - 11171 Ttner to be an honest man,: and - 0 ',live beerin leading, membei of, the demneeatio party: lie Ca* in the countenances of hio awlieyicethe question-4 why 4id ioeepli Ritner'leavo the party? -- This had to be answered, and in. such a 4 way as would not lie pre •judicial to the•catisei and - the cai!tahl - dia r iCto a - de. monstratien!' • • _ • . The speech came off without eliciting aflingle ma nifestation of applause. Even the Gettyshurg.Rail -foad, in his hands; w as . insufficient to raise alatigh, though Made as ludicrous as ,possible by the; rally" . . ing witty comparison: Sir, saidle, sir, it (the Gettya burgroad) is twisted ,into as many crooks and curves as. any snake - or serpent 'yi?u ever saw—stretohed• The , audience -were either•destitute of zeal in the. cause; or else awed into silence by the over-powering . eloquence 'of thc.speaker! Be this as it may, there can be no better evidence of the wortideestlessOf their cause, and no more certain omen -of signaLdefeaq. limp the apathy so appArent at ihiti as well as at• the meetings of the party every where. • . . Pari.tiitYon have probably heard before :this time-of the result of yesterday's election in this ho - rough: I now write-to let you know how that re snit wasobtained: You areaware that-the.lnW of this state.requires the Constable to open the election be tween 2 ando'cldek,P. M..andliiiirtiWeitizenspre= , ' - sent shall choose the judges, gio.• But our Constable, -(Ctimings,)being a good and true member of 'the par - - ty.' opened the. election between 10 and it, A.. M.-..-- appoih!ed the kidgOs the-evening previous, or at least _early mythe morning Of the--eleetion,'Mul•theyohose the clerks- 7 -conseynently the whole board,were mem bers of the Porter party. _The'juages were George Atherton (in whose favor very little can be said) and . the celebrated Rois Scott, .;.‘ylico, the evening before ; lid a . bet on the election of die inspector; ...Foe these_ IiLEGAL prOCeollli4, the : Constahle can have no excuse, as Le lhud thelnw before him, and atevery: - step was warned - of the - consetiencen - Of•his conduct. • faiiiiiillyaCtiniiineed thatif no illegitlVotes hail been: taken, the whigs would havecarried the flay; but this was not the case.L' VotesNrere taken_from men Who, withOit even aSkiiigTHfbr - theirTeertifietiteg - • One cit:izeitOflllifrois; !.prie . .Of Ohio or-Indiana, and one orinore Franklin county, voted witlitiptatii difficulty! ; But that was not •all:• three negrcles gave in theitvotes!,end;_althougb: -the-late decision-of the:,Supreme-Court_was_referred to . by those who objected;..thesti worthy anti 7 amalga- Inati - judgestook their. : votes • without- hesitation! Who'are the ainalganuition party ribw? - These ille gal proceedings are ensily•aceounted for by any one YJIM will ifike the trouble 'to think. • Several whigs refused to 'vote, not recognizing the election as legal; aiarlieridesithese, •iit least twenty-eight: were-not-pt the election. On tbe other side, every vote but two TllB called out The ex-magistrate from Franklin outityandthe-younglunatie_haiLcole_over the, whole _ 'townehip anti borough on Monday, calling on every .unquMlified•person•they _could- find. This same 'ex magistrate, on -whose tongue isever hung a noisy cla mor about Abolition, Amalgamation, Rituer's Aboli- - _tion -doetriees,-Sieeletd-the-efli•ontery to 'Outrage , tire, insult our-citizens, .and vitiate our election, by leadingitp to the pills a poor disfranchised negro— thus condescending to the most yile and degrading trick that human citPio)ity could Suggest to curry the election! "Oh, shame! where is thy blush?' But the result of this election, as might be'expected, has ex ' asperateCthe whigs very, much. If the elections of the people are titiTheliratallyahuseithymen-desiituter of honor, Ito 'win' their bets---if the citizens inc to be out-vota by mciiiiinpOrted front Other counties, Or• oven other states---or •if the sooty negro is to he ked polls whenever the party deed Ids assistance= ...then:let the eight of ifuffragebettiken away as saunas possible. 'lf the negroesand uliens•are not permitted to 'vete, we will beatthem at least twentifive votes in this borough on the secondTiiesday. But I will write no more on this subject,. as 'I Understand mea- . sures have been taken to coolest - the election in the . legal way. ' fitc. Y. • • ME 3V B see 'the' Vol tinteer of Thursday 'contains another prosing and stupid communication from the Pedagogue! As usual wifii that petty scribbler, it is made up :of hij-h-yuivt4ght • e'ulogiuTi upon David It. Porter and - NicTidii.Sinf Dither!' - cit - i pletefanfuransule .of nonsense; being the.effusiens of -an.-egotisticattipstaremul-a.4ementett-creatiMe.—lfji would but read the 6 Evidence i of ex-§enatorWidlnee; Liiwyer'lllfiartomand Scares of respectable members of the Methodist church residing' in Huntingdon co. which was published In your last paPey. Mid if he COuld;properly umferetand and apfirgeiate what' ie. dots read he would chatieta tune very quick, and leave his estiPlos;ers • Mn. EDITOR :—Pliiie — ilifitilt — Lawyer' -Hepburn of your place 'fiu ..beltulf. of the Rimer men of Monroe for the very efficient service which he rendered us in this town ship by the: celebrated speech which he delimed et the Porter meeting held in ,Chuichtown a' short time since. " To „this speech We attiibUte. the victory Willa . we will obtain - on the seenfid Tuesday. .''This' is, we understand, the, only politicitspeeelf Whichhe has ;delivered during the present contest,._ rind' here W° uneXoe .. , 4 i4rj r :q# 66 4 our Inspector. . Be ti*goiid este inform us whether. Mr. '-ilf., , , , like' gr. ,Dorsheineer, Cannot. ir hOugli't, or: Wlinthet it wS''rnisS ,gnnd.cee he. will,.;;go. into :every district in the cuipty:pntl support .:thp , claims.if:: * *,.. Porter ' 10'Aivve'n'o doubt:iflie''VerSitn do So,' Hitnir WOUld . hoYe S 'Ulll4 O l l O* *ail iS,ritY iXt.. Cumberland Onnnty. :111,9 have Iheard here 'that 'Mr. , IL is' a member .0 r the! PresbYtetian • chliicii : . iiiiisi r r think& can seel'Cfir be P Psk -el SSlYe.gs.nnq!T e- /Pw-a man who p °fosses religion ..can c in com .PanY W4h4;c9zO i q ed 44Ary nSiginrr the chant! . nt 4 swindler of Pouf' _men, .a fraudu lent insiilVent,:a..biaipheming - Wretch, and a perjured:knave, 'lilt a village . pot house, and there, tell what he knows to be false, to ' a few ignorentinen whe trust to Itis . veraci; l? . • . . ‘. MO ROI: ''' - i . - - .. .• • • SPECTATOR S7iippensburg, Sept. 29:,'•1838 al The /We/ids -of Rif/ser= :int4;w . r e Triumpliewt. rinsTaleltzirAN.T.A. o8r1).‘ CUMBERLAND. In 411 en • township; the friends'. of Rimer carried - . heir Inspector by a rhajlarity of;113.: , , When'we.bear n mind that the old German farmers... scarcely ever urn out on such occasions o the result' f this election: . •s the best evidence lhative,shall have a large major= ty in Allen on the:second Tuesdliy. ' • _ -In Carlisle, the loco focoti carriedtheir Inspector by a Major;ity.ofl, five tickets' being found- intro box more than there were names on the clerics' lists! It was .a hard fought battle, and the loco focos'had out almost every one of their votes in the-bormigh, while we can . connt 65 of our' friends who were not put; ,hut we shall boat.them at least 35 . on Tuesday. ..• . • In:Dickinson, our.. friends madetto Opposition, to the Porter men, who have majority that town. ship;. but reieryeil their, strength for die 2d Tuesday, When they will brush up the liocoe so slutrply that thq will find there . is_nu_‘ebild's Ida? in- _ --_-_._ ; _- In East Penn . aborotigh, which gave ti majority of . 57 against. its fast year, there was u.tie,ticitvithettuld ipg the contractor and.hiti agents marched uP - abent. 40 hands from the bridge, all of whom voted against This township will given majority , of 05 at least 0r351v.-Ititner, Wldch will make a change of more thanoo.in dln Frankl9ll4-vhichluis for years been on of the strong-golds rer - ..TsieVeoni and Van Ilitrenism,lthe Porter men !Carried by a small . majority., . In iropewell, the regidenee of A., Smith MlCinnef, and several other ae66 and leading - loco focus, the Porter - men beaftts by 10. In Jtfeehaniclablog, the Porter men carried their Inspector by IS, in consequtace of the. absence of a number .of our friends.,,_ , In Monroe, lytkich Irnaiwin against us for, the hist two - years, we havetriuroplieAtb pandsoine . naajori= ity; and on, Tuesday neat, is votes more-to Winer -thrill .Porter. In Mirth 41.4thileton, one - of the:Van Buren strong- holds, our friends made Jo opposition to the Porter natai — Unt ret - them mannge:. their - affairs in their 01411 iway; wiltpuslt thein hard fo,,lhe '2d heat on Tuesday. In ~S:atfthrlliddlelot4-which-gave-si-ragjoriiff .against—llitner at the last gubernatorial election, we carried out Assessor by it votes, aits the loco; their Inspeeitot by 6 votes.. It was a great turn out; and Bit battle was nobly Contested; . but, sae a number of our friends are known - to have been absent, it is ~now re ducedalmost to a certainty that We shall beat out Op ponents at least 30.. Chalk' that down, Tim! Tin ShippeusbutT, which gave a majority, of .59 votes against Rimer three. years . ago, the locos carried their InspeetorhY one Tote, with the aid Of iIIiV6 7 7ICBTOCB, severaVoreignePs, and two or three residents of other counties. 'Stick a pin there.' . . . In Soithamploti, where the Van Buren men have 'always beaten'us pretty sharply, they Carried their In spector by but nine votes after a hard contest. . In .Sovor Spring, the very hot bed •ofloCo focoism in this countY,' our-friends rtradc.no 0pt2111160m.. but we are glad to leartyfrona sources, that may be relied on, that Porter's majority in this township will ,not reach the loco majority last yetti. .by from 50 to 75. lit Newton, after another hard fought 'battle, the locos beat us only-by three votes, although they boast ed that their majority would be 30! . In .34§47n, there was no opposition to the locos, --leruzittal_to take die firstiient by,ilefault; :MEE but with the understanding that their speed and 4ottom' , would be pat severely to tho test on The 2tl heat. In Newville, thelocosbeatus 7 virtue, although our' friends are confident Carrying it by a small major- ity-orTuesday.' - Iti.New Cumberland, where we Intve a majority of front 10 t 0.15, there' wasu tie for Inspector, the locos turning out intheir strength. in Upper ItrestpenneVerough, we carried oar In spector by a most triumphant majority, leaving the locos far onlhe back ground, and shall bent them still Micreilfnixiell - flly'enTifesday . : .•-•' • ___ ~._. _ . ._ln La:ii , erPetnsborough j ale locos raised no oppo sition to our friends, well kiigtiing that in this town= Ship, where - lOW Ptirmericie' was raised, he will have. st , :Mujority of more. than 100. The people of West Pennsbottmgh tciwnsln p „ttnppoiiiseph - ltitner ..-with great zeal and mach anuttintiti; because they—qnow, I # lll ' . . - : 4 '. - - - ‘: : - ci7ln casting up the aggiegateVote for Inspector, _ .. . we find that the loco' focus have beaten us ONLY 153 votes in the countri- This is truly mmosuning to our 1 • friends, as the Porter men • boasted that , they Would hettPus from '7OO to • 800! But they have been mad -egregiously-AlitappointelintheirWeulitio!u*R 64l !e i r, wo-begone cuuntenanees nudjitiutexaltations cleSrly indicate., One more effort on the part of the anti- Van Buren men of Cumberland,Und we shall carryout. 1- nOunty ticket, 'orlut least a portion of it,ltutl_run_Alm renutintler nockailft heck.' Let our readers b . tv Mind; the importance etililegle,-.Stic , w "r" we 'telt , - them that one more vote would No red us the ln- speCtor in East Pentudtorotigh a Sew Cumberland; thnitwp more votes would vettecurans ShiPpeitst bUrg and Upper Vrtinkf6rd,; and that seven mlreVotetr, would have securedjis Catflisle, , l3Mith Middleton,and •-; Istewville ; >Tlidfleidess th . an 30_ v-tei; WO. sta ve at" cured ,us seven =Ore, inspeCtors;',:wide ' 4 ; have', jte‘ r. itiiilfrieComidiaited ineitidi . tithattli '''fli . fra, sur friends hieri as 'active , 4S*,,Opptitients: :.;:tiye care: ''Li'war,.l;i;vever' t;iiiiiierBiir;;ii t; ' of o ttb his' Slonnonisiti;-United 110146:di -Nviiiiiiretataiiims; bco'. iii - siiii4BBiiiiitl6B6 - B?th's 606t5f;-*tiO.ii6vorgB';i6 . stia , liopcii6w.etki4oB; : or *6. shout4. l l'iSirjf 4,i,446T Cite' °Ptisilo4/ 14 they3',*0`'41 41ik ..'00; 14 ' eer; 'ei,mitiii6itilottootiAt3/46,,iiiittr,*6sitor4iiiiftcy.:(i? the iiki,;6ilio'6pi"44:iii*i.ll# destr;tedyckiiMl ; levellitk .'ldoCtrico B?tt '1 af#60(6866:: . .'i:'! - .' ..,,.....;:-.‘.:, :':, .'Arlim - 8;•' , .1, -,, , , • • . ) : !:Ada . vias. -hits,-seareely: perneitted', b: - .. grease' ... - spett, - of - iticofgeoism, .to . remain on:. her .fair . seil:-:: ' In' : all the .tottroShips * T - tv — ht(di. have heeit - heard: of; 'th es ' friends 'of' honesty. and iii;iio.'git'lh: dif earrfediheit - Ins ri` Sabi's.' • '. All ` Hail` lategheny! The. friends '9( [Meier in Allegheny finve routed ; th'e en' my. horrse.fpnt.anili: ll 6 , "t9w ll 9 l ,oP four hall,),eo - u carried by'9 l o (Oonds—; Oni every Ins‘*.or,l4-ivrp. old Franklin, Mako way; for Berks. She resents a, bold fr - ont: Out of twenty:eight:township& in the county, the friencrs of " Old Dutch Joe" . suceeeded in carrying their inspee. tors in, eleven,- ' One , thousand cheers for tho - county 'of forks ! ' 2 The news-from - this-county-is . faverable. As far as heard from, we have a_largeJes-_ jority of Inspectors: - ' - C HESTER. --_ln-tbis-„county-the-friends-of SpeeirkPay.,.: ments carried 25 Inspectors; whilst th LoCo-focos carried but nine. , '2 -1 DAUPHIN.. • DaUphin did NlVell. Our_friends in that' county elected 14 Inspectors, and the Loy cos only 5. - Three mbeers for Dauphin..!!! DELAWARE. Little Delaware is herself again. • ,The Whigs have carried nine townships, and the Loocifocos' one. . - ONE HIINDItED C EERS FOR 1111INTINVOON. Porter totally roofed nand sto ' riously-defeategl . A . . . . T Below tsend you the result of the.lnspec- • tor's election in a number of oer townships,. as far. as heard,from. - I giie you : aleo PM* ter's majority in some_ of the townships - the.time he run- for Senator... You can See . hatehangeft- , thelaartliiig:disclesurettofiri guilt have made. •' . • •••• In ..Shirley townshipme_:carried .our spectots by : 15- majority;: in 1836 Porter had :a-majority:_James. M'Dohald, -the `mancharged-in —Por ter!tv-paperswith 'Attar—. der,.was elected by the Ritter men. This seals the estimates: of . the people liptit the two men—WPM - laid and Porter—the first limiest,. the last a Perjurer. . , • - In:Dubliniltitner - Inspeetor, eleeted.- Ritner Intipeetoi.elected 2 to 1 • . _ Efirifigfield; RitoeAriepector - elected. In . 1835 'Porter had - thirty4iiio majority. Williamsburg; . Ritner Inspector elected. luspector elbeied.' . - This ie Porter's old towiisliip, thattis7 pa . pers have talked so much 'about. • This • • is -the Stonebrakers' township, and Porter had 55 majoritY:in - 1 - 8: now sustainsAhoStone.brakere: - 11ofewell; - Ritner Inspector._ . .7 - Murray's Run_ do do • • Morris, do di) do 'Tyrone, do. do • do • . Union, do (hi do Antis, do do do Arid in 1836 Porter_had a ,rnajority of 97. Ritnerinspector elected. Frankstown, do do • do - Hollidaysburg do„ 'do. do Porter had 148 majority. Tile Porter men carried theii. Inspectors in Barre, Porter, Wartiorsritark, West Roxlieriy, and Tell: - . - - - PIIILADELPHIA. In the county - of Philadelphiapur frienths have exceeded their most S anguine expec , tations. They ekcted their candidates .izi dome of the 'hitherto' e.krongest holds of the Locofecos.. The Philadelphia Inquirer of yesteiday speaking of..the result,. says: " While our frierndi did not lose a single township that thei carried last year, ,they .triumphed in.several of the most important, heretofore in,the hands of the, eneniy, :.No where haVe we lost, while our gain is ap , parent, and conceded at every poll at which there was a struggle. : The good work luis commenced' in'earnest, and under'the most atispicious eiremnstariees; aml !tiiner's nu►jority im,Philadelphia -will exhibit 4 gait of between filar and five, thowand votes! -ever the Iciet GubeAatorial contest." We have achieved a glorious vict • in this esunty;"haling carried ever ownsiiip but that in wlich the Row is sltiiatedi` Lebanon may be eons red goo&forn ner, majority of 1 0: ' : ' ANCAST.ER.--. •Th bends of Ritder have carried every wnship iii this cOunty, but saven v , and bran-aggregate-majorify_of_3_29o We have carried a majority in the town- fithipls tif this county,-atni al:6ond ,write= "Lehigh will Certainly give e-very'llatitl- 7- 13 9 1 he ntiajWltY joF,Gavernnr 14tner." All the distrietal hear rom -have elected .Ititner Inepeettnfe .bY tretaemleus majori . . "‘Star.hi the West" - 'dowO foi'll.Boo Majority for the farmer Governor. d R . I d " .d -e rien s o cur e •ever,y. trict in the coun,y Ottwo,.! : ME YORK. 'Old . Demoeratic,,Yoilt-Aaa '"ae' ted, _,nehly. 4 . ,.e -far, as Jum ' f r om; ihe - friends - ofititner have eleeta t` teelnspeeterSA';, ' SC -1.1),Y1ICII,t. f;" ' • Ritner. Inspectors elected 'in - Pottsville, d' ti' F.. '' • • i' • ti '4 an la Loco ; . 4:,..4,? msjort y grea y . ,re u-_ . intl in-Orwigshurib; :-.-- - •- - --- -.— < _ •;t ~.; r , , ' MONTeol.4lElrir. • ' - - As,..l:k)' , p , ho ard 'frem, we have ftvelve l . ~s 4, D al r s F -13 2,, x1 END 0 •----' % .• - Inallentar l Y.: r' , -, ,' -; .... - . irlp H ' • ' -Ocio4ei• r i * srti . 3B!" l4ll4-11 .1.0 , w , ,. ~ i , I t l i lli d oa ay rd t il ia l?r d ec a tott Of . thin -Instltotioip. - AV, ;'.in Cm4re, 'the .enemy's forees.are in jo hne i, c ivoy,i,o o , , _ „, , ... . ..., : ellivAr.for the lost sis. "4 = l l}i 4 4 f: l)oUg . :9 l El ,In ioni'erne .44 h il ipe '-` •-ed four - . StalE - 1 ho derw . and'wepkly 4eptibitore, no or after : the ,„ ! , i - car out of , loth October tostont:r.-Bit orilei•orthe &turd. - sero die`trreis hear d from.: Ortomer4 183te '. . ", ' =I o LEBANON. -LEHIGIL SOIVIERSET, , ' UNION EIS Make Waif tor. Watiliiingtou . Count*. RITNIER IFTLLT4 ANT AT. UOME. ' From a Postwilit in the , Washington Reporier,*.pt In Washington borough, as usual. Canion—Anti 72, Porter . Eciti„ Porter oppinution-f-too weak, ' S. Stra'bane- 7 -Last year the eaMliclntg_n.f l the Porter party hail two to one—this year, with a' full vote, only 20 ,of a majority ! I Am well—Porter candidate elected 31i tatiakmajorityonly-Q !I I! In this township ' thc-contest - war warm==the - gpili - kiFlßiner • is acknoWledged to be •,about . 201! Well; done for Amwelft -.- 4 . .' ' -' ; : . . • Canonsbitrg;-:., -Linit year otik_frieni,l*.lfad. - 12`of - alitajorritythine year ' The Chartier-Both i nner candidates elected—Last year - the 'Antics"in South Char - tiers :19st the Inspector-good again, forlThartiers 1 ; . , , . . '' .N. Strabane-Porter candfdate - eleeted as • usual. Last year majority'lthis year majority 8-! ! . '. - ' ' •BuffaloHuzza for old Buffalo!. After all the bragging and blowing of,the 'Porter-' ites, that they would have a M ajority in, favor of Porter in . Rititer's own township, ,she is still"erect—true to her favorite son. Majority 8. Huzia,.We. say, for Buffalo, East Bethlehem—r.Ritner Inspector elect 7 ' ,ed by 100,niajctrityl ! ! lasi year the aver- ... age majority for the'Ritner Assembly'tick. • 'et over that of the Locefoces was'43 _votes. , llnzza for-the gain.in East - Bethlehem!! As far as- heard from we have a--gain of. one Inspector over last, year—and a con- siderablrinereased• vote in Atitwelli South Strabane; Canonsburg,•&e; In Bedford - wt have carried Moult out of seven. ,In Cambria, five out of six. ' - lii u t-stop have --neither-. time nor - room to particularize. In short, we stand afair - chance - of - electing . , Rimer \ by from FIFTEEN' Tgo TWENTY - • r ir-HoEJSkND'majoritY. • - In aA extra issued from this office ' • .oMFriday- night last, giVing an account of the_maimeriti .witieh the election for in speCtor in-this borough was-conducted,.Wo stated . amongpther tltings that Uhited States - • iSoldiers our opponents. Ve_ mad 6 tliie_ assertion from the fadt• - thative' Saw them -- bring - up' . ,the`P - olli one or-two:men -wearing apart .-- of the undress of the firogoiatis.:„ - Wc - have; • -however;-- since understood=tfiat thelpers - so - brougbtup had been:dismissed from 'tier. • ice - oar - account of :their worthlessness. ' • happyLto state that G . apt. Sumner, the reatimable gen. tleman who has command of the United • Statei Barracks; will- itot permit any, of the soldiers to leave the garrison on the day of the election, as" he eonsiders it contrary to all law that they should be permitted to • hire de-to -bit POSTSCRIPT. 100 Guns for Balti- more. td'Just as our . paper Was going to press we received the glorious intelligence,that the, Whigs have carried .tbeir entire Ticket - - for governor, Senate, and Assembly in naltintore'City:' ~The- - -cOritess—thc---- warmest ever . known ,. 8o exasperated were the. Locefo,ces at the result,' that 'they • at-, • tempted to mob the Chronicle ofilec—,and but forthe_tiraely assistance of two or three Volunteer Corn panics, would.have - &Strop.. ed it. . . rdAR.RiuD, • In this place, on the '2(l inst., by it • • cc. J..P. Due bin,,l.lle., James '.l, , 51171.T8i07 ' erchaut of Bald- Mire, to 'Miss Elizabeth b. • y daughter of the Into hlgely. El ulge, - near 13altintore. Our thanlmi . are ,, ered to the happy couple for the fine slice 4f lost' tleTiciOus wedding cake,. which accompiin the :bore notice. Alayileace sod irletvs, 4 , ul them through if ft er lif - • . liaty.-11:_aritz gr af.; Saxer _Springjtrwnship,... to , moony Stiilk - ler, of - South 111hidleton township. • t On the gcl inst., by the same,:llfr. Thoinas Scott, of it NeWton: iownship, , to 'Allis .7ifitry Attu ',41121er, of - §mokeyto,u-n. , • • • • On tlie.lst lost., by the Rer.V., Rosenmiller. Shumak-er; to Allis Elizabeth Maser, both o' Newburg, liopeweti township. ', • , _ lED E .Sonterssille, Baler County, at tiirie7sidine - a Mr. George lleaq, ltir. Robert Itkiek, son of Me. T..W..Blnek of ibis cOunty,sged 14 . years. . .*. . 711EAD tkiliaolP, P. Curlielr., September t 7, 1898. , aecordanee with the advice of a large number of the' officers of the'DivisiritiOt ts.ordeteothlr,' I.Nhijor-ticneral .Samuel AleXander, that an ineam,pr rocnt he formed; at ShippensburvLon the 1,1th,,14th4 I . 3th „days, of' October nest, for: theitturpo* of ' instruction nod drill. All the field of fitaff?ollicers of the Division; are particularlyrequ*ed to attend, in ;• Cult oniforte, , with ,swords;iritudrets, eripraents. Company Officers , ititr-Volonteirs Auur 'Waited to attend:. It is expecte - 41411a ll necessary convohlrieettrill be pitoridtqloit'kheiall'roaft,' • . • ,fitsi,order or XV: Gen—S, Alerneider, • " • • , .r.DwAnD rt, . . „ • - - - , . „ . Lf . . M,N,47r Ffil4ollt, to. reTiove to 'ray ow 4 t i onae;: m y irisi*oi!l'Ve-iidetic6,..witi. ,beoffiredifat rent , untll ji . c',16,1., 11) , 4 , 9!" 41.111 hes t: - • • ~ - , , 1: : ...;• i ‘ (:..„'..:-;•?.•,. „,' • - .r.,.1) - . ELLIOTT . :' l':q ! l.p4 A .., ; o4obei 5,838;5. - ~- ~ . - .., . .... ~:, ." 4 , , „ . , , ' NOTIC, I W' ; ;:" . • , E,. o l . ' rr i l l p i ,n .B ' s ‘ R 'tc: l it ,_or itii w i_ . 6 22.. n ., ift:i n ' te o a u , : olifli th vm e li :: :l as ioe :' su il o i d ll w - it o ie2 f .t r iple : 4.. 4ilum44""i ' c°6l47°'''': ':l7 " "e wai."l', , al' - - 00611 b s"bscriber ' tt'64lln3.4l ' . ' '44 l;Lnu i lt w e tAj: l nient l igmetli. i nilchteAttoe said esti!!,ei : ,qy e _. _ _ . _ xlir. 1:34 ,..... 3 ,:..iu g`t4kr t4 ,ii ti l c in m‘b r scri e n itTn a i:n i t. l 7 sc 1114 . 8 7, 7 Pre*l"- --- ''.°. ' 6 EORGE" BEELAtis:,- : 1 .octollet ; ' s,lB3B - 6 `v; ' WI INSIE
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