j ifl H £ There «a a cry in the streets. People rushed from their fc# wWI doors and strained H Oietr trM on the etr.ißglirig balloonist f>£*- for life. //f) Even the poor, pant // x icjj sufferer in the y. —sick room was for gotten while the fam ily gazed- breathless at this strange tragedy «rf theOt. Then they went back to the «ck room to tell of the terrible struggle for life they had just witnessed. It dulnot occur to them teat under their Terr eves a more ternble, more pathetic •tniggle wa« jgyir-g on daily. iw can be nothing more pitiful than the struggle the consumptive makes against disease. The greatest help in this struggle is gained by the nse of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. "It curtes Obstinate coughs, weak and bleeding lungi, emaciiuon, asd other ailments which if neglecVed or unskillful!;/ treated find a fatal termina tion in consumption. •In iVrs cue o4 my diaghler* «» mS-rr.-nt on KCount <A a «**•«. 'Mgb, hectic icver wanisg of &o>b and 'jth*r , *vT*ptcm • diwraa*-'. lanjt*.* writrs Ker. JoTT*' H- FtujrfJ-Tman. of Barium ferines. InsWl Ct». N C. "I K*' e * her dTjl V. Pierce » GoMe« Medical fritcorerr wftSi rnufftng max**, mmA <be now enjoys eTcxltaii health This beiaj tme. X hereby heartily eadorte jroor me«liri»es" A BiHti" le for " Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing " just as good n for diseases of the stomach, &nd lungs. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist th» ■C ion of the .7 .., ' —r~;~~ r ~ f . For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gnresTdlel Th* continued use of Hum phi eys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. nweeMxe.. **«., *•«. mm 4 §» •«. »•« w ml pnrpmU mm receipt of price. fiu«D»t r<->. Co., Cmr. WUUam ma* John XcwVwlu NERVOUS DEBILITY. Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, or spec ial pacjkage.for serious cases, $3. fcU bjr Dra«sfcU, orsaat prepaid oa nwctpt trf jirlce. Miwp hiji* ■>*. Ca, Willaa k Uk» Stojt V. U|CTQD " LUNG * I SYRUP Be Great "Im Rewfly," "Tkrsat Mr," and "dull Killer" Consumption in first stages abso lutely cured. Tbe friend of Singtf - and public Speakers. The Gold' Kenedy for frmm r. IDiimanif' 1 Jffcili ma, Qui my, CoJ« Hoarseness, Coughs, Etc. It Cat hy striking at tbe root of tbe disea* ■ Are you afflicted? address VICTOR REMEDIES CO. Frederick# , • Maryland For tale at Reed's Pharmacy Eyes Examined Free of Chargt ft. U WBKPATBICK. Jawalar and Graduate Optician Vet* *v«o» to Pfflwt Hon** ,n»ll»r P<, 'Jt& -DCMTAk BOOMS." fntutowa , P» *W WVr»r«ACTICAM.V <> «"* u^ 1V V CROWN «"» aaicac in Htttto/f-WMV NOT 00 SHI Jr®*ou RS7 R 0«fN» nlMEii BRIDGE * |I6 PIH TOOTH Also «N> Hh A»e Cm f M f'inr Real E»t*U, Farr/j or Builncoq CormtMiiOencn ■c»lt<it*o. iU t*tnnt>t*rtvu 00 VOi; WAJIT TO HFU. your f»rm or otlxir r« 4I > f r.«n <lo It f</r Jfrti. Hotfl rrui foil v*»H''«l*»r» at JOH* HOIMV.H. tot Ker»U»ne Holldtric. I'ltuliarx. I'* I madam Dean'sl A mto, nortoln i*-IW r D»j>|irtiwi! I MmnatrumtMm. ' r kk.itn <<> fi/l. m«M ■ Kor«-! Hp"-«ly! K»!J.fn/tH/n 4 ■ or r/ioncr Went Vl**!* »<r ■ •!>!'> ix-r 0»x. Will wntl tli< in ort'ri*J. to ■ be 6»r wheti nriltrol Hutu i«l • » Kn*. ■ Hol/1 ia Bnd«r ut th<- Otitrt Ave. Phd—'-IU'V, Mowoeooeocooeocccococo^, .o#. # TMH .J JZtL MAKTiN ,Hok .Tr AND AF*IL COMMIIkCIAL InMrnnMiw SCHOOL, Liberty Atre. Ii Flflti 81., PitUborg, Pt. km old *rU>'A iwH/ W on (1* uxMt i|He«. | Tin dmiMd for j".on uwi «W wom«» , >rnw Mi*o B*«r Call »«■» «M o»i» Of »»hi bf»l l .'»t v t.iMtla In llrf) 1 «m»iuy. «e»l <>n rwi>uwt. . BVIIO. TWVMJIfO WV^fttßWi. i :«(• neuu. infw, tttKunr, tic. X i H- k N • jooaococo»scoeoceo3oeae»3o^ aim Kyth Brcm. Big Bargains IN Wall Paper AND HAMMOCKS EYTH BROS N«t UJ Old P. O. M. A. BBRKIMER, Funeral Director. S. Main St. Butler PA SAVED HIS FINGER. The Faitktal Bntan Felt. How rrrr, Tkat He Had L out Cute. One day a Brahman' accidentally tout-bed some uwlun object with hia little finger. The Br:h::-]1D tiiou ht tl.at now. bis little finger having become un clean. any substance which it would touch would be also rendered unclean and ihaa rnak* him an unclean man. Seeing no other way to get out of the scrape be resolved to g'*t the offc-nding member amputated. Forthwith be went : to a carpenter and explained to him | that un!e*s the finger was cut off Ue .the Brahman > was unai.le tut !:-• food. l!ic carpenter tried to <!'- -u" tbe devotee an J urged that ;.n application of some of water the sa c-red river Gunga would make the lin ger once wore holy. the i.raLman persisted. He said that tfc • flu? r v/as of no use to him any k>:i>r and that he would not rest uni.il U w s vered. As a final recourse tbe carp -user re so!ved to play his awkward a trick. He (old tb* Brahman to put 1-is , finger on an anvil and to look to tbe sky while the wound was iniicted. Tbe Brahman did so. The carpenter took up a hatchet and gave tha finger a smart blow with the back of it. This elicited a cry of pain from the pa tient. who at once put the finger in hia mouth to allay tbe a? >ay. The carpen ter. laughing, explain'd to the Brah iuan tli.it the blow had mlasM and the liitle finger was still entire; nnd. worst of all. the Ilnbman had defiled him:* If by potting the finger h*o his mouth. The obliging operator, moreover, offer- Mi to perform tbe operation once more, but the Brahman had had enough pain for the nonce and declined with thanks. —Golden Penny. * Some Mustache History. What la tbe history of tbe mustache? In Greece and Borne no mustaches were worn without tcmrds, but In tbe conquering days of the Roman empire several half civilized races who had come partially under the influence of the Romans and who wished to br; rid wf the name of Imrbfiri, or wearer* of heard*, attempted to shave in Imitation of their conquerors; but. as th"y had rery Imperfect implements for the pur rvm- and as the upper lip Is notoriously the hardest part of the f,v.-e to shave in [he case of any one poorly skilled in the art, they wre unable to make a clean |ob of It and left a quantity of hair on the npper Hp. Tliis mark was characteristic of sev eral nations on the confine* of Rornm civilization, of tbe Gauls In particular, ;{ the Dadens and some others. Tbe Latin language has no word for mns lach". This barbarous accident was unworthy of the honor of a Roman name.— Exchange. Tkc Mincer ilouj. It is a curtoo* (act that with a I moat every generation the dinner hour h:i* undergone a change. the principal meal of the day being eaten at different pe riod*, from 10 o'clock In tie- morning until JO o'clock at night. Tbe author of "The f'leaaures of tbe Table" point* out that In England 400 or tit*) year* ago people t/Kik four m«»als~~ breakfast at 7, dinner at 10. supper at 4 and liv er}' at 8. In France In the thlrt< w- nth century '•> In the morning wb» tlx* d:n tier Iwur? Henry VII. dln«-d at 11. In Cromwell's time 1 o'clock had come to be the fashionable hour and In Addi son'* day 2 o'clock, which gradually wa* transformed Into 4. Pope found fault with Lady Hnffolk for dining ho late a* 4. Four and 5 cos tinned to he tbe dining hour* ajnong the aris tocracy until the xecond decade of t In* nineteenth century, when dlnn'-r wa* further postfioned, from which period It ha# steadily continued to encroach upon the evening. A Kilns »t Tmayiwni. mmmmpwn' l » swaps sell unmnmmim of Jane Wclnh Carly le" la a letter to her husband In which occur* the fol lowing arousing little fling at Tenny son: "I>ld you know that Alfred Tennyson la to have a pension of £2OO a year, aft er all? I'eel ha* stated hi* Intention of recoinmewlLtiK him t» le-r gradou* maj esty, and that la <;on*ldered llnal 'A cliacun Melon sa capaclte!' Lady Har riet told me he wanted to marry; 'mart h«Ve it woman to live Hesldc; would prefer a lady, hot cannot altotd one. and no must marry a maidservant' Mrs. Henry Taylor said she wan about to write to him In behalf of their house maid, who waa quite a superior charac ter In her way." A l|«ail»l«''*" Vmmur Krmhla. Fanny Kcmhle la remembered by old reiddirnta of Oermantown and Philadel phia aa a *ui>erb horsewoman. She had a fiery temper, which mulched that of her husband, fierce Butler, and spoed lly brought about on<• of the moat noted divorce trial* reported In the law books. In her youth alio wax remarkably beau tlful, anil In the role of Juliet she waa the pcrsonlfl'utlon of dazzling lovell ncaa. She wan noted for her keenne*s of Wtt even In the daya of her old age. Once when an Impertinent street loun ger stepped up to her while ahe wot looking lfi frte window of a brlc-g-bfic atore and aald, "Are yon fond of an tl<|ultlea?" Mra. Keinble quickly un pinned her veil and, turnlug on the man her aged face <*be waa then sev enty-three), naked, "Are you f Aa Amgrmrmtlnm »»'«•!>. One of tta; wlta of the parliament bouse la aald to have olxiervcd on the Wcasfon of Judge Dea*' promotion to i the honor of knighthood, "Tlse <ji. -en may make George l>eaa a knight, but no one will ever make him a gentle man." Ix-un waa (|«ile able, however, J to bold bft (rtvii, and he pUtiWhcd the wlta wlien they come to make their maiden speech** before him. "I'rla oner at the bar," he ou<<> said to an unfortunate wretch on whose behalfj an Infant advocate had t*>en feebly urging "extenuating clreiiOJ'stances," "everything that your conn-.' I ha* aald in mitigation j corixider to Ijo an ag gravation of your offense." Two War* »( lining R>mln»aa. Tie? Industrious man -Ik plain, ev- ( eryday kind, we mean get* to hi* work early. Three hour* later the man of marked executive ability drops In to see that the lndu*trlou* man keep* ateadlly at work. If everything I* go Ing well (he man of marked executive ability leave* for the day, for there la no need for a dlaplay of hi* peculiar qualities. If everything 1* going 111 the man of marked executive ability quits at once In order that hi* reputation may not be compromised by hi* pres ence,— Boston Transcript. A Slam l» Methud. A medical *peciali*t wa* very mtieh In the habit of using a notebook to as sist hi* memory and Insure precision. In coorw of time It happened that hi* aged father died. The worthy doctor attended the obac'iutea lIH chief mourn »r with due solemnity. At tl»e citnwi tie j wa* observed to take out lila ootxlKuk and carefully t< it se the word* "Mem. liury father."- H<ottl*h American. Trttnalaied. "I heard her IxjaNtlng that b'-r dinner party wa* u *ucce*« from the tx-gln nlng and ended with the grcatcet 'eclaw,' What'* 'eclaw/ anyway?" "Why er that wa* tbe deaaert, of eourac Didn't you ever eat a 'choco late eclaw?*Exchange. A«*Mnl* Will lU»m*. Landlady Ve*. air, two '-bleken* went Into that aoup. Hoarder Never mind, madam, never mind. Nh harm done. No one would ever atttpect It, 1 aaaure you.—Town and Country. _____________ CAPITAL SURPLUS S2OO 000.00. $200,000.00. UNDIVIDED PROFITS $21,138.00. Butler Savings & Trust Co. SUCCESSOR TO BUTLER SAVINGS BANK, 108 South Main Street. WM. CAMPBELL. Jr., President. s __,„ „ . „ J. n. TBOCTMAN. Ist Vice Pres. r »nNTVWFTT AsstTreLu^' LOUIS B. STEIN. Treasurer. C. E. C*»ON EN NN ETT. Ass» t i reanur. Will continue to do a general banking business at the old stand and is also prepared to transact a general Trust Company business. 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to withdrawal without notice. wmmmmm »»*»»»*»*»»****»»«**■——l »»»■»««*»*»» j Standard Trust Company j i RUTfcER, PA. I CAPITAfc ------- $150,000.00 | ; Paid on Deposits * Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. D. GReeNkEE, Prudent. | C. A. BAIbEy, Sectj}. and Treasurer. J THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - $32,000.00 (EAKKKI'I Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOCNKINS. President. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HUTZLKR. Asa t Cafchier. ||i \ j) wmUm^X, IC. B. MeLEAN, W. R. CHRISTIAN, F. W. VAN 08TEN, I I Pre«t. Cuhlrr. A ufttmabier. ■ I aMiLITIII D,RECTORS HAaBIBOJ«P. DII-WOBTH I ■ RTM IDWAUD H. UTU? ■ ■ WMF WILSOW ■ I OWHOB Am MoLLAfI vnvTi R vf £B I SEESF- I ■ o*o. *. lUCLQV 3 A °- B ■ I THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK I Jj, !■ 533 ImiUUteUl Utrect, Plttibtrnh, Pa. ■ BANK BY MAIL 1| And get the 4 per cent annual interest and absolute protection of this strong bank. I Assets over 07,700,000. GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS PlTTSftunG. PA J —— - §9990999999999999990999090 We Are Now Showing § 8 £? Fall Styles § 0 In All Sorts© [{ /fgk Of Footwear. o 0 # Clw We have always noticed that 0 0 j| raE MAN S O § BEHIND - 9 g Vgft THE PLOW g || time looking for high-priced 0 if footwear, but he does like 0 to ft& hijß money's worth. p 8 * 1.25, 1.50, ' 2.00 and 2.50 That is wny you see buys the best wearing Xso many teams driving dhoes made for either X up to this store. man or wopien. § HUSELTON'S. I Opposite Hotel Lowry. O (3 9 ©©©©©©©©©©©©©© ©© ©©©©©©© O Bros.,^ S PLUMHICHS i S Estimates given on all kinds of work C 1 NICKLE- PLATED, \ p SEAMLESS, f S OPEN-WOPK. ? ) 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pal C S Peoples Phone. 630. C / CTI J \ \ I The Oavis Sewing Hachlne lor Saje by W. B. M cCm i/11 chh, 45, Enclid, Pa. Also Pianos and Organs. [Subscribe for the CITIZEN THE Boiler County National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $180,000.00 Jos. Hartman, President; J V. Ritts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. King, Ass't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposit*. Money loaned on approved security. We Invite you to open an account with this bank. DIRECTORS— Hen. Joseph Hartman, Hon. W. 9. Waldroc. Harry Heaslev H. Mc gweeney. C. V. Collins I. G. Smith, Leslie P. Hailevt, M. Heoshaw. W. H. Larkln. T. P. Mifflin, Dr. W. C. STcCandless. E M. Bredln, W. J. Marks. J l . V. glttn. A. L. Reiber. j INTCRCSIT 9 •> aAvmo DCTMITS K up* •mmni B Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House Butler The best of horses and flrst class rifs al wars on haod and for hire. Best accommodations In town for perms nent boarding and transler.t trade. Sped al care guaranteed Stable Room For 65 Horses A good c khh of hor*o». both drlT©r» and draft horses always om hand And for sale under a full guarantee; and borne* toujf i >n or PEARSON B. NACE. Telephone Nr.-. ll». F' amily Reunions'! We often cause ourselves end less worry and remorse by ni£- iicting to do some little thing. Get a good picture of your family and home made at your first op portunity. We make the best at $6.00 per dozen, Bxlo inches and iran'ee them permanent. Itt us know 'i't nit to go out. The Butler Dye Works D) eing. Cleaning, Vressing R. FISHER W. S & H. WICK, DK.ALF.RSMN Kiiugh and Wnrkf-d Lumljef of «.!! Klfcds Doors, . w a«h and Mouldings OH Well Ulgs a Specialty. Office and Yard R. Cunningham and Monroe His n»ar Wwrt Poni^Dejw^ j Wm. Foster, j j Architect, j ) Plan of all kind of balldinga \ > ftirniahwl on abort notice. q r Office In Ber# Unlldtng, 7 1 Kwtlur P* \ HUGH L, CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer In Fin*; Whljkles For Medicinal Purposes, Pell Phone 27b, People's Phone 578. 316 East Jefferson Street. BUTLER. PA. Come and See us wbcfi In f'lttabnra. A bottle of our Whlalov ujnkts tlw l**t lO*i**iitloij Hf«iv<iHi«r Kolf'K- A dollar unvuf fllfl better boyiPK. ALWAYS IN STOCK r I*l.ll. f, o*i!miioi,t. Uf)(.HK"HK|tII!K, «r. IIIONPUO*, ItlH'OM, IHM.I HKIMJKroKT. and 'ilTi-r tlmi/i u. vou « yar old at |l ix r full ■ quart, « quarts t> <*>. GUAWbVATMB'B CHOICE. whisk l y Kuarsntri 'l A yjars old, I' W) p«ir gal lon W«i pay Viprniw »*liarg<-» on all mall or>l«rs of *>o" of o*«r. Goods shipped promptly. IU Wl ntli AID LIQUMttf, Rn 14 Imltbflrld Direct, NTtSBUIO. PA. •Plioms: Bell «»• t. k A. I4M. PAROID RIiADY OOFINO. 1)AKOIl>. **"hc Uoofjujj wilh NO TAK. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. AN VON 1C can apply It, Tin*, Nails 4»d Cement in cure of each roll. RKI'KKSKNTS the rc»ult« o year* of Experience and Ex perimenting. ONLY require* painting every fcwycar*. Not when firat laid. r S Cheaper 'han (iravei, Waic * or tihiriglcd. 1 \KMANIJ for PAHOII) i> world wide MADE IN 1,2 AND 3 PLY / T i.-t--, Hatnpina and Price* are your* If yon will M# Uf L C. WICK, BUTLER, HA. Hsidtrhst Cart 4 WilN QlutM. Artificial Eye*. liugcne Heard Spectacle Co. LCQITIMATC OPTICIAN# TOI PKMM • UPr, pKHMZmUIIMiItU. riTTMHI IlO ' • i-l»If . JfTFRCANIILE HURIIAU, Hrtnfm Klrsl-<la»s lf»rrsmll« • nil llloli.ulol I'mllK'Si.w Offi'* • ritUliMC. 1 Kourtli Arenuo, SMUjr Get the Habit in Our New Fall Clothing. EXCLUSIVE STYLES In abundance, and the kind sold here must be of the highest grade —Perfect. In selling our Exclusive Smart Clothes we realize that it is expressive of the highest attainment of the tailor man's art. We can tell you all about the clothes, but you must see them to truly appreciate their elegance and finish, you must try on a garment to see how well it fits and how dressy it looks Men's Suits, $8 to S2O. Fall showing of the New Styles in Stiff and Soft Hats. Cost no more than the ones called just as good. Schaul & Nast, LEADIN6 CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St.. But!p-. Ia Little Disfigured in Front! I But still Doing Business I I on the Inside. I S Greater bargains than 3 tliis tearing-iij) is going on. I I Seethe large piles of shoes weß 9 liave beon compelled to mark way ■ Q below cost in order to get room for I i workmen. Your size is among I I them. Come in today before it is I | (rone. ■ H B B SO PAY US A VISIT B C. €. /Wilier,l ■ 215 S. Main Ht, Bntler. Pa., Oppoelte Hotel ArllngtOß, B _ Rickcl's Fall Footwear. Largest Stock and Wost Handsome Styles of Fine Footwear we Have Ever Shown. OflpftQiQ QUflpe tie latwit up- OUI Uvlw OIIUvO to-dste NtyleM in uiedlntn or high top*. Misses' and Children's Shoes Extremely large «t<ick of Mlmies' and Children * fine «ho«'« comprised of many new and pretty HtyleM for fall. aB ■ Ol All the latent atylea in Men's fine ahoea. A fnll Man e \nnDC lineof Men'» Patent kid, the latest atyle lant*. meil O OIIUCO mto Men HilneCttlf, VI«H-kid and Boz . ralf rh'»ea $1 o<l to $5.00. Ltrae Assortment of Boy??YoJth?andTTltle Gents' Fine Shoes r\ I of Jame»town. N. V.. who failed aijrnetlme ago and who waa hAVOU cloae<J down for over a year baa utarted np again We *ave hUn a UU WC Y very large or.ler for Meu'n Ui* Ua. and plain toe »ho*; alao br)y« J and Yontha' eopper tipped ii'i'iea The g<xHU are all in. Theae ahoea are rut from g'"»d water pro<»f kit) hand pegged, aewed with heavy wnxnl en.la. The la*at of Hemlock oat and inaolen Nothing larking !<• 'uake them a flrat claaa wlnte? "hoe. Every pair Stamped on sole, N. W. Gokey 6c Son, Jameetown, Y We invite you to call and sto this well known line be foro buying your wintor ahoea. Largo atock of Ladies' Kan garoo, Calf, Oil-grain and Kip » L -oa at away down prices, SPECIAL BARGAINS * SCHpOL SHOES. Repairing promptly done. JOHN SICK6K 128 South Main Street. Butler, Pa. _" . i Jit EARLY FALL ARRIVAL OF II JMPORTED AND DO MESTIC SUITINGS Now on Display al graham Building. j! Suits from Jj ifl to sso. 0 We Defy Competition. it B Call and Examine Goods Early. j|J ft COOPER & CO., H It Leading Tailors, ** ** 335 S. Main St , - - - - Butler, Pa. 1W or i m 1 Do Not jJespair I | Doctor kTdd CanXurs Veil Vitt« i g out a Cutting Operatloo. I! If .(ilTrrlriK fr»tn ehmnle womb and o*#rl«n trmiH- tj' t 1..., d oplwAtnenta, painful »"<1 I»rh-la, T \tirrrimnm, unuatural dlwhargw, ulwr- /k J il i#if"* troutil'-", *iom»« I •««*y »»r I JI" I ' ; |X'l«'n, ImRK I ■ ~r »,.♦ d,r«j»«lk: •llt.Mi.M,' ,WKflTb i lt« la the only tfwtor devoting It I time to woman'* dl»ea»«a hniwen* I » * >"tk XT'/ S Catarrh, llron<lillle, A»ll"ri». Tlir'>»l m l K , i.l 1 In < ■*•* f iirt'l I'V »,.•».» of M«l.< al Val« ». ' e w»M aiaWul tr»«t...<:Ut in tl.-» ff mm. w tl.«y ell MBff.lld H' 1 1 'f^r/lU t Ntrvoua Dlaordara i>n'»'l l/y tIM Ui".. 1 j , , mII a u f| a rlna B ilUi-hargnt atxi Urata are r«:iwonable ti J vtUiliß IhS lW»'lt to C'l »Hfl9F'lf§ ■ U'TlnTl'f yon cannot rail, a« hl« h0..,a trr ut U vary »ir««fu|. K«. lo« .Un.|. I for fl'ly. nil < «-ula In aUi»i|« for Ikxli I .1 Uiwiinaa of Woa»»n. g (iriuiuatn Nuimi In •H*-iml»»<*. ' ■ I'm awl ailvl«» ami jiacrei I 1-mll'lr'iU'l. Orrioa Hot a* ~U a. in. to !• . u., Sunday, lo JOa m. to 4..K) p. ». I DR. A. R. KIDi -J'SMrmcAUNsmLTn 1 Rooms7o2-21)3 Werner Hun Jmg, o.JI Penn fiyyiuc, I PITTSBURG, Wrs. J. E. ZIMMERMANj : Cloak and Suit Department! | r Greatest Suit values in * !! ® 4®* Butler for Ladies, Misses A ? Wa an( * Children, induing 5 eparate ac^ets oa^s ? ( FT We are ready with a great showing X Y If / 111 f of Ladies' Tailor-made Suita—separate w \ X LUM I Coats and Skirts—in dress and walking < > A. K I V I lengths, and they represent the very , . ' MJ I / f jl / best in their elans that have been pro- ' ' < f FIJI |W duced this season. Like all oar ready-I | Jjj ( 1] V to wear garments tMr are all well , . * ' J§ MI / i IUV *4] made, perfect fitting. Prices extremely ( I MVm* low. AJI that is newest in materials I I I and design i . ' ' (jh/ I MCJE? — Ladies' Tailor-made Suits in fancy ' < weaves, also plain clothe slo.oo—valuel > i > Ladies' Plain Bine, also Black Cheviot Suits of best quality, at 4 | |!6.50. Others ask $25 for same value*. Prises range from (10 to SSO < *iu Suits. Prices in Skirts $2.98 up to S4O. Ladies' Separate Jackets $5. ' 1 1 real value $7.50. Our Ladies'ana Misses' Jacket at $lO is a special A I leader in quality and price. Same values sold elsewhere at sls. Y ■ \ w f ■ %* ' > We call special attention to our elegant X I i I J stock of Furs All that is newest in de- jr sign and colors, such as grey squirrel. < > Isabella and Sable fox. nutria and marten, at ( - Prices from 98c up to $75.00 ( . We guarantee to save you 25c on every dollar you invest in Furs here, as our Furs were all bousrht six months ago, before advance in ' t Furs. The first shipments in Furs art always more perfect than later | shipments and the prices much leas. Dress Goods Largest and choicest collection of Drees Goods, Suitings and Novel- JK ties this store has ever shown now ready for your inspection and up- W provul. The prices as in every department in this slore LESS than Q others will ask yon for same values Price range in novelties, plain and X fancy weaves. 25c to $3 per yard. Y 7V\ 111 ine ry - Hats Trimmed Free? In the new Millinery Department, which U now located in our new j/t annex.and where we have double the space formerly occupied-splendid- W ly lighted— large mirrors and experienced attendants -we are showing A hundreds of artistic designs and models copied from the finest imported if models as well as the creations of our own work rnoin - all ut reasonable w prices Trimmed Hats from $l9B «P to any pric«* you in:*y wish to A pay. Be sure and visit onr Millinery Parlors before pnrch wing your . K winter Hat. We can please you—we can save you mon»-y. f * I AL—We call attention to our splendid showing of Men's, Wo- F < > men's and Children's Underwear and Hosiery in ootton fleeced and O , woolens; also to our immense stock of Blankets, Bed Haps, Outing ( W Flarnels. Waistings ana Fancy Vestings. Yarns, Art Goods—iu fact ( > everything contained in an up-to-date, reliable dry goods store. Onr < I , motto—the same or better merchandise for less money than elsewtw re. | : Mrs. J. G. Zimmerman.i i . Hell Phone X*. Hlltlpr l~*ft I I < > I'oople'u Phone 128. uu 1 ' rl » ' " ' We turn jronr Old Carpets Into elegant, durable, bundaotne Rugs and Druggets. Only Oriental Weaver! employed. Satiafactioa Gaaranuad, SILK KAOf woven Into beautiful and Oriental-like Portiers. Our terms are 00 moderate—ao matter the Ilatance-it will pay you to tend to at. DAVID LOVE & CO., B<B Third Avenne, 008 am (L. D. Phone.) New Brighton. Pa. Curry College 44TU YEAR. Catalogue Mailed Free on Application J. H. WALLACK, Ph. M.. Pres. Peun Avenue, PITTBBURCIH, PA. M-::7.05-Sm ______________ TEACHERS WANTED. We need at once h few more Teacher* for Fall achoola. Oood poaltions are be ing filled dully by na. We are receiving mora call* thin year than ever before. Bchoola and collegia supplied with Teachers free of coat. Encloae atamp as?' h If am feu la. Tepp Mt. Gallitzin Academy. Baden, Beaver Ce, Pa- Tlil» Institution. under the care of tl»e HUtwr* of HL Jaaepli, la forJboya between the aicea of 4 and 14 year*. Tuition, boarding wunhlnc ami mendlnf lllfl a year. For futher % r »SI'S* PP " tH TH R I»IKKUTttKBH. HEYMAN HARRIS, LADIES'TAILOR-MADE SUITS and RIDINB HABITS, 4597 l'orb*i SUMt, Coin* Cfilf Strw», PITTSBURG, PA. I ELECTRO-MECHANICAL INSTITUTE, I ioaa nrta Ave.. niw»~r», Fa. ■ oivaa INDIVIDUAL utarmoonow ■ ALL MRCHANIOAL BRANOHia I Ml fu. ia '.mt *■ t. IHW|», J 1-W-ljr (nit— a imd «I<MH Rduaatloa-CdaaeNaa r«u ng IMB aad wuawa la mM IM 4—na« of lata pimyfmvs outnawratal as* Bar atfaelaaa aidiaa p. ourr a sons, »h> a iiaa*> «w., pmafcwyPa. PIITIROHU HHPbOVMMRT BURRiB. Oi'b. M. A O. ItowH. 411 Ml WtM Rt, (Cut Ira 1.»«a4 Klwor. A madlam for •■Malnlng work taal eaanot Be t Mateo. WB)f» llaaattaawo are Ml aaaataal IwA aapwiipara •»llrll«ri wlMi ara im<ihUm.ll» on Hi* fo. woklßf Mf «t*uiu« <4 ail Had*. rlmUurr.Tf w-flay, U* i>Mt iTaoa In lU wuno for an MlfwWoß IBM «J wont), fall of WHK AH mm aaiaalad, 7-SB4W .I.ii WAXTKO Blrnmi.fi, Rrakaeion, MarklaleML Rutin makata, ltia> kiiulilia and !••!(*'• for rail, rued., .Ja,ilrl»w,aii4 all kind* off h*l|». Vlarai waiting. o.n.ral kni|>i<<ya>aiit Uureeit, MM Bad*. r«l.ii"«i, All»ttli»tiy. I'a. H 4HTRII *t <m«a. |I'U In a»a,jr MMWlIyi l» t" 4io |>or »««li: |iiac"l >.r iimmi «jf infui"latf Oanaral Kwi'U'Vinriit UHMae. iMiipaavMlßf^AlMiitwyrra. CHICHCSTCIt'B ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PltLt aar. friwd. lJw««i *** fyw*"* fl i NtiNMirNi aa«Li«N u a M tain. tmi«a, aaalad with l»lua igjf Tali. a« »lk«r. *»0» 4»""Q*' •MMwwauA ImIUIMm f" "Qg!lfr nr Ml, id Ir. In wamp. f»» JPArtlraOere. T*tfr ISgMag. M 1 |fiMBATR* O*a«H«4|. O©. alee HadMoa >Naan, raill, PA awth. au i ti NO SPAVINSS6C.SSS.KS ||* i!tired In 4/5 minuter Loup Jaw, apllnta and rlniftioaea Juat aa quick. Not painful and never baa failed. Detailed information about thla new method rent free to Ue oWner* by ». M Vi»OOt, y jaOanoß (Jo,, Pa. REMOVAL. We have removed our and Granite shopß from corner of 1 Main and Clay Rtrcet* to No. 208 N. Main »treet, (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customer* with figures that are right on Monuments & Headstones of all klpfjf and aff qlsp to give be»t figijrpj pn Iron Fencer Flower Vases etc., as we have secured the sole agency from the Stcvart Iron Woiks of Cincinnati, 0., for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler HOW WE CAN SEiX your property no matter what It consist of. A buyer can be found for anyr thing with In reason. Ous method of doing business Ir such that when you list you property with U3 we place It be fore the public In all our papers which comes wlty in reapn pj {he eptirc coupty. y/e creaff p market, and we advertise }( continually until |t Is sold. You get our personal attention and work. We have dally calls from all over for farms, resi dence and business property and we can sell no matter where located If such Is placed with us at a reasonable price. We offer the tollowln# at presept: übouaM trtth Btorpi in H- if. uu*. rente for fc1.600, price |7U.00(). nth Ava. Houae, In N. V. City, rant* for IA.OOO, price SW.(KM). AA acrea, Oiford Uo.. Maine. 40 arrrfl tluilier, good houae, $1,700. 8 acrea, Marion Co., Oregon, timber, good houae, SOOO.OO. Hotel and Ltverjr Stable, Milton, N. H„ i caab. |B.OOO. ai,%ltST' * Hand ua a Uat of wiiat you want |e aell but don't hava any fancy prlp#s which would keep ua from aelliog, NEW YORK REAL ESTATE CO., t» >7 8m M Baat 14 Ht, N. Y. |C. F. T. Papei j 4RMaeawMMMai»i < Si JEWELER | ( / 121 E. JeDerfop S|c#ff. 1 <« , »-? ' why Not Become an Artist? Crayon, Paatal, HepUand Water Color taught at home, and employment gives at once. For fall particular*, addrcaa, CORREHPONDENCE SCIHKH- Of ART. : MruN«UW
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