THE BUTLER CITIZEN. ■ ®>ji" j - ■ 1 - - Thursday, October 22, 1903. ill .•.Mi11....- - NSW ADVERTISEMENTS HOTE-AU advertisers Intending to make ckaage* In their ads. ghoaitl notlfj us of UMlrlntention to do kO not later than Mon day Mornlac. Election Proclamation. Ctark's Notice in Bankruptcy. Butler Coanty National Bank opening Steens Creamery. Cnopbells form tore. Modern Store's smart things. Ktakpatrick s glasses. Pill. Organ & Piano Co. Notice to hunters Dr. Kidd. Admini*tiand Eiecuturs of esUte Cio ncart tbeir receipt book* at the CITI ZBN •fllce. auii mowing tb their note book*. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —The Jeweler says that people are al ready buying Christmas gilts. —Once again the Rockefeller interest is reported as buying B & O. stock. —Tne Clark Coal and Brick Co. are 1 building a large plant in Buffalo twp . near Lane. —Don't forget the Arthur Love con cert at White Oak Springs U. P. church next Wedne.-*k.v evening. —The Eclectic Assembly will hold a t- eta) in the Kelber building next Wed iitrday evening.all incited. -The young people of the U. P. • b..lib Lave itnled a Lall at sls, |«r iiit'iitb for their mission in Lj ndora. —Ai-ont tiiue U. be figuring on your Ctirintii ah lay-out. and how much yon can affoid to spend on those )uo pro jg,:- poa-i to se^eiuber. —After listoiiiug t > some very, very fine tiiniic. lik- whHttJey are making at the Etp > th 3 tVc-.k, one wishes they would ph>y -a tune. —Our lor. law.era used to cure the headache by kissing a pretty girL Sju»« of tne old time remedies would bs di&icult t<> improve. —At GtiMeport, Pa., last Friday, a quarrel over a dog, lad t) a battle, dar ing which the constable of the town, and a negro were shot dead. —.Marriage is getting popular among Batter bankers. There are a few bald headed, withered-up l&wyers and doc tori who ought to follow suit. —Kan Claire is becoming qnite a town; The second sand field-in that neighborhood is doing it. Several stone walks are being laid in the town. —J,, H. Steea is adding some new and improved machinery to his creamery, tor pastuerizing and cooling his milk. See card of creamery in another place. —A car load of wives has been order •l from Virginia by a bunch of Monta na bachelors. Just why the Virginia aryfe of wife is preferred is not stated. —Some wicked man locked three young lady operators in the Postal Tele graph office, Monday night, and they bad to climb out through the back win dow. —The "Mam 8how" in Pittsbarg will open next Sunday, with a new green mom on exhibition; and by the way two green monkeys fron Africa have lately been added to the Zoo. —The Supreme Council of the C. M. B. A. at its meeting in Pittsburg, last Wednesday, adopted a new schedule for insurance rates—increasing premi ums and reducing the age limit. —According to a recent court deci sion a man who goes to see his girl twice a week and takes her to enter tainments occasionally is legally raga ed to her. Better look oat, boys. —The house of Mary E. Martin in West Liberty baa been fixed upon as the place for holding the election in that toroogh. For other changes see the ■lection Proclamation in another ool mam. —At Pittsburg, la*-t week, the conven tion of Retail liquor dealers planned to expend $350,000 of the surplus capital of their national organization in bond ing national headquarters at Washing ton, D. C. —At a corn-busking at John Boston's in Pann twp., last Thnnday, eighteen man turned oat and basked 840 bushels Of oorn, tied the fodder and put it up Mr. Barton is sick, and his neighbors did him a good turn. —The solid mahogany table for the Directors Room of the new Batler County National Bank building cost $l5O, and the two dozen chairs cofet slb and £2O each. The set is on exhibition ia the show window of Campbell's fur niture store. —lron and cement have not altogeth er superseded wood for girders for large buildings. Two fir sticks, each 84 feet long, and 2 feet square, arrived in Pittsburg, the other day, for roof timbers of the new Presbyterian church on Sixth Ave. —The Franklin News says a valuable horse owned in that city was injured one day last week in a peculiar manner. The horse was being driven through an allay, when itjstepped on a cartridge, which exploded, shooting? the animal in the stomach. —Some few weeks ago Lou Dillon trotted a mile in two minutes flat, thus becoming Queen of the turf; but her reign was of short duration, aa the old King, Creceus (2:025), trotted a mile at Wichita, Kan. Monday, in 1:58|, with oat the aid of a wind shield. —The other day one of our teachers in the public schools received an excuse for a pupil who had been absent for several days which read: "Pleaseexcuse Jane; she was sick and her sister got married and now she is better." The teacher was at loss to know whether it is Jtne or her sister who is better. —Ex —The pfß.jern and directors of the Batler Connty National Bank are a hippy set of men at present. After gpnths of watting their beautiful new banking room fa about completed, and ♦hey contemplate moving Into it next week. In honor of the occasion they invite the pablio to call upon them next Thursday from 10 to 10, at their rooma in the new building and inspect the new safe deposit vaults, etc. —Detective McQnade of Pittsburg has fixed npon two Crotians, Kokovlck and Pattrovick. who were members of the railroad gang, and who are now supposed to be in Gnrope, as the mnr derers o* Contractor Ferguson, and has advertised for theiT arrest. The two men were arrested at Booth hampton, England, yesterday, npon the arrival of the liner, "Philadelphia" at that point. Overcoats-Overcoats—all kinds of overcoats at Rttter & Rockenstein'c. Yon will find just what yon want in a fall salt or overcoat at Hitter & Bockenstein's. Their price is always tiflt PERSONAL. C. C. Donaldson has been appointed P. M. for W. Win field Richard Fisher of Penn twp. intends taking a trip to Germany. Chas. Thompson of Buffalo twp. visit ed friends in Butler, yesterday. A. J. Riggle of Great belt has moved to Folsom, Wetzel county. W Va Philip Bnrtner has moved from Saxon onburg to the station, or Carbon Black. W. B. McGearv is building a large feed stable on his property in the West End. Father Glynn of Coal Centre has been granted a patent on a new ca boose. Marcus Reichert is moving to Butler, and will his new house on Chest nut St. Clarence Haseltine of Beaver Falls is visiting his brothers. Walter and James. J. H. Heiner and wife celebrated the 2»th anniversary cf tbeir wedding day. last Friday. Geo. Humphreys of Parker township attended to some legal matters in But ler, Monday. C. A. Truver and wife and daughter of Middlesex did some shopping in But ler. Thursday. Henry Lefevre of Middlf-sex township attended to some business matters in Bntler, Friday. J. Christie Moore, Esq.. of West Liberty, attended to some legal matters in Butler, Friday. Joo Kiskaddon was at Winchester, Vs., Tuesday, attending tb* reunion of the 22d Pa. Cavalry. Mrs. Nancy Redic has moved from Allegheny township to Butler and is living with her brother, Col. Redic. Mri John J. Reiber of Bntler and daughter, Mrs. W. J. Helm of Evuns City, are visiting friends in Allegheny. Prof. Clyde Green and wife, nee Nesbit, are proud and happy over scor ing two touchdowns at once, twin girls. W. W. Stokes of Walton Station, Florfee, P. 0., Pa., attended the funeral of hia mother in Butler, last Saturday. Rudolph Kennedy of Butler has been granted «n increase of pension of $2 per mouth through Attorney Findley. Johu Floyd of Homebtead visitt-d his folks in Butler, this week. The Home stead works are pnt'ally shut down at present. Barges* Kennedy attended the funer al of a niece in Franklin, last week, whose death was canned 9y eating chestnuts. W. W. Christy and wife of Hilliarda retained, this week, from a few weeks yisit witli his brother, Thomas, at Cen tral City, Neb. Pro. Clark is down with typhoid; ex- Pro. McCollongh went heme la*t week, and Elmer Stewart is yet tunning the Prothonotary'a office. | Peter Fry of Knox, Clarion Co., was the youngest soldier at the reunion, Tuesday. He is sixty years of age but looks like a boy of 45. He enlisted at 18. Senator Piatt of New York married Mrs. Janewav, after all. He is in his 71st year and the widow he married is forty years his junior. Piatt is very "warm number. j Henry Ber<, of John Berg & Co., and Miss Sarah McFadden of Donegal twp. were married of the Sugar Creek Cath olic chnrch, Taestlay. and are now on tbeir wedding trip. Mace Pringle and wife, nee Rnnyon, attended the funeral of Mrs. Pringle's mother, Mre Crawford, last week. Mace is now living in Lexington, Ky., and is operating in Tennessee. Benj. Hockenbeny of Cherry twp. visited his folks in Butler, last Satur day, and was taken sick at tbe home of his daughter, Emma (Mrs. W. P. Dickey), but was out again, Tuesday. Col. Redic, ex Sheriff Thorn peon, J. M. Schwab of Penn twp. and Oliver Graham are the only Butler connty members of the 105 th yet living. There was no company form this connty in that reidment. Jacob Schwartz of Pittsburg former ly of Summit township, vicited friends in this connty, last week His'brother, Christian, is here from North Dakota Jacob went to Pittsburg sixteen years ago. and has been on the police force for a number of years. Elisha, the prophet, was bald headed, and it was he who was mocked by the forty children, who in turn, were eaten up by the she bears—as see Kings t-l». This man Dowie calls himself Elijah 111, after tbe prophet who was taken up in the chariot, and some people are mis takenly mixing him up with tbe bear story. John Alexander Dowie. the Scotch man from Australia, who located in Chicago a few years ago, and has built np an indnstrial and faith-cure com munity in the suburbs, that he calls Zion, made a spectacular descent upon New York City a few days ago, with several train loads of hi* followers. John travelled In his own palace car with his family and servants while bis followers went in coaches He and his family stop at the Plaza, one of the ?;ranaest hotels in the city, while bis ollowers board aronnd any old place, and are tuaking a house to house can vass of the town for the purpose of re generating tbe unrighteous. Great crowds go to Madison Square evenings to see and hear Dowie, but when they begin leaving he loses his temper and calls them names, and it appears as though his raid willbbaae a a fizzle. PARK THKATKK. "A LIFE'S MISTAKE" OCTOBER—23. All of our local advertising spaces are taken np with the pictured an nouncements of the coining of "A Life's mistake," which will be seen at Park Theatre next Friday. This is a clever dramatization of the book of the same name bX that master hand at Action writing, Charles Oar vice. BENNET & MOULTON CO.—AM. NEXT WEEK. The Bennet & Moulton Co. will begin a week's engagement at the Park next Monday evening. It can safely be said that these enterprising managers have the largest, best equipped and most complete repertoire com- Sany travelling. Besides an entire new ress for their productions, Bennet & Moulton have engaged, at a large ex panse many high class specialty people with a metroplitan reputation, which enables them to give the latest and most popular songs, dances, and novel ties of the season. During the week and at each performance all special scenery, properties and accessories will be used. The opening bill will be the daughter of the people. Grand Opera House, Pittsburg. THE MOTH AND THE FLAME— next week Although " the Moth and the Flame'* Sas played in Pittsburg originally by erbert Kelcey, Eftie Shannon, and Mrs. LeMovne. it is practically new to must theatre-goers. In it Mr. Fitch takes a club, or rather a razor, to that society in which social duties are given precedence to anythig else. Dollar Savings Fund & Trust Company -537 Federal Street opposite Market Honae. Allgheny. Pays 4 per cent interest on Time de posits ana 2 per cent on daily balances of accounts subject to check. Loans money on Mortgages and other approved Collateral Security. Acta as Etecator, Administrator, Trustee or other Trust capacities. Capital and Surplus. Two MILLION DOLLARS. Every accomodation afforded consist ent with careful management. Ritter & Rockenstein's seem to be leaders in men's and boys' clothing. Everything in fall suits and overcoats St Ritter & Rockenstein's. Whatever lightens the mother's bur den is a blessing. Baby steeps well is cbeeifnl and strong. No wonder, he has Victor Infants Relief. i tli.A L M S. •VEV.- SI ITS. John H. Ntgley vs H. Ac O. and P. & W. Ry Cos., bill In • unity a-iking for restoration of a ro-■! closed and ; crossing torn up 1 y tLe defendants. Jamts L. and Sarah Kissinger vs B. R. 6c P. Railroad Co. trespass for IIO.OUO damages for injuries sustained by Mrs. Kissinger in the wreck in But le'i yards, Sept. 5. w.>n the 9 pm. passenger train from Punxsutawney sideswiped a box car Mrs Kissinger is said to have had a splinter driven through her mouth. Dr. W. R. Cowden vs J. A. Liedecker, ejectment for 70 acres aeir McCalmont Station. Ella Mountz. Hontzdate. Pa., vs W H. Stamey. fc>. R. Crawford, J. C. King, trustee for the Bessemer Coal Mining Co , W. B. Alexander. S. Reynolds. L. P. Seeley, A. H. Swartz. Solomon Shaf fer. Thomas McCreiuht. et al, issue to test tit.e. The plff states she pur chased from Jamos ai.d Eli Vatidfrlin 6h acres in Venaugo twi). Ti e coal already been sold to {r e defts. by V«n derlins. but it is claimed Vanderlif s L>a-i not signed the cont ct <»f sale, tor authorized anyone to >Jo it for that the s-ile ii void. Matthew Bowers vs L H. brown and J P. Sutton, ejectiaeur for an oil le*se of 'H acres in Concord. VOT'. In Common Pleas >• J. ot Allegheny Co., last Wednesday. <!it Soffei .i.v case was continued o; nccoui-t oi t . sickness of her attorni ■. John, <ccri-ed He murder of his wif?. d: rt • f s»'f indict-.'! wounds in tbe Kit' ri >-s jnl Wednes^tiy. All the candidates or ihe v.< Supreme Judgeship v '--i H«rii»!»ttv Philadelphia and \ v-auufVtn, !=««' week, but no appointu -ut h is vet made. The appointee :!i 1 ild 1c- ' fice until tbe fir.-t Moui :v oi J.:uu»ry, 1905. James 11. wa nppoii.t>-'2 Judge of Elections a d Cbnrle« M>- Cnrdy, Constable for t'.t p. The election place f<> Wm' Liberty was changed to the h( se of Mary K Martin. Judge Galbreath 1j- ri<V-<l dow: et opinion in the case of ? i-fc'as s Go» h ring, ttriking off the aj jj».<il; siso i<. 'h case of Lonsdale vs Dnucnn. dismissing the bill in equity and r» insing its prayer. Sale of the shares of F r/ink B. Mc- Bride and Helen Mcßride in the Mc- Bride property to the U. S government for $6G38.83 was approved. At motion court Saturday tnornirg subpoenas in divorce were granted to Phoebe Brandon vs George J. Brand' n, cruelty is tbe cause all< .eJ: also Dittmer vs Steve Dittni'-r. Mr. aDd Mrs. James Ljon legally adopted Ruth Andere in, whom tbe.v have been keeping, as their child. A charter was granted to the Bntler Driving Park & Fair Association. The report of Geo. R White, master in equity in the Wm. Caldwall estate of public sale of lUH acres in Br.tier twp to Anthony A. Beattj for $46<M) w«t approved. The petition of James M. Riddle of Clinton twp. to adopt Hazel Irene Riddle as his child was granted. Charges of cruelty to animals and de stroying livery have been entered against Frank Lnpey and Harry, Leroy and Harry Foley of Chioora. Supervisors Brown and Campbell of Concord twp. havo been held for conit by Squire McElvain on the charges of maintaining a nuisance for alleged neglect of township bridges. The October term of the local United States district court began at Pittsburg, Monday, with Judge Joseph Bnffiniftoi. on the bench. The term will probably be a short one. although there are on» or two cases, which if tried, may tik> some time to get through with Then are some 37 cases on th< old list, bnt >t is hardly prbable that nnv of them wib be tried. The latter eases are against persons who have ali»-;:dy l*>r-n tr and convicted, and ar» ludei st.urence or against persons who nave never apprehended, in which .» nolle pro* wi probably be entered. The list includes fir bankruptcy craws till involuntary. Toe char</«n made by petitioning cieditors in eecu case are denied by the alleged ban 1 ; rnj)ts,and the court will ieve to pnss oi ou the questions involv- d. These esse may fr»ke np considerable time inch jury trials are demanded. The Soffcl divorce cane began in C P No. 8 of Allegheny < dauty Tuts-laj afternoon, Mrs. Soflel not beintr pres ent. Mrs. Stevenson of Mt. Che-tnu testified to Mrs. Soffel and Ed Biridle passing as man and wif* at her honpe. and occupying a room t igether A Miss Vogal. a former domestic and con fident of Mrs. Soffel toid of some pre viou* doings of Mrs. Soffel with other men. The divorce was granted, yesterday. State Dairy and Food commissioner Warren has directed his attorneys to bring 865 suits for selling adulterate! liquors. Eighty five per cent of th*- samples in which these suits were brought were doctored with salycilic acid, which the commi«sioner claims i» deleterious to health. He declines to make pnbltc the name* of tbe offender* until after arrests have been made Allen McCall was appointed Judge of Elections in Prospect. Joe Calabane has been held for court on a charge of a&b. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. G M Graham, Clerk, to Mary A Bau- I man 73 acres in Jefferson for $325. H P Gallagher to Chi * E Knouse 106 acres in Clearfield for S4OOO. W J Rankin to W S Wick lot on Car bon St. for S4OO. Lewis E Ruby to W S Wick lot on McCool ave for $650. Butler Land &Impt OotoCC Donble lot for $Bl3. Butler Ice Co. to C C Reeder lot ou Negley ave for $4450. Oath Bach to M L Painter & Fogg 71 acres coal in Oakland for S2IOO. Bridget Williams to same 65 acres coal In Oakland for $1965. R W Parkin to J and R T Parkin lot at Lookout and Lincoln aves for SBOO. Jos Randig to Lawrence Ltebler lot on Plank Road for $2900. A E Myers to A G Ditttner lot on W Penn St for S2BOO. W M Purdnin to Mary A Seheel lo' In Harmony for $2400. Alfred F Gross to ( 'oh* P Gross 50 acres in Jackson for 11400. Frank Snyder to Stella M Wise lot on E Clay st for S7OO. Esly U. Cnuitxrland to Alvin Turner lot in Middletown for SIOO. E F Schweiger to John C Wiles lot in Millerstown for SIOO. Wm McCaelin to Emma E Turner lot in Middletown for $125 Anna L) Raderto ('has W Eicholtz lot in Zelienople for S2OO. Mrs. Anna Scott to Pearl and Wm Vogle 50 acres in Falrview for S3OO. Philip Burtner to Lewis A Sachs lot in Saxonburg for slso<t. Robt McClting to W ux G Raab lot on Freeport road for SSOO Geo. M. Snyder to I«aac Snyder "So acres in Middlesex for sl6<<s, J. C. Wiles to! C. E. Porringer lot in Millerstown for sl. ; C. E. Porringer to Minuio Wile*, same for $lO. Austin and Mary Greer to ' A Mct'andless, 46 acres in Eau Claire for $2200. K I Orecrto Auntin Oreer, qnit claim to same for sl. Butler Land and Imp Co, to L E M< Elhaney, Q C Lowry, .1 vV Brandon and C E Broaden lot in E .st Bntler for Hheridan Hoffman to Edith Farren lot at Boyers for SJJOO. Chas I>nffy to Mrs Laura Wine lot in West End for S2OO. David A black to J Broaden Black eighth interest in projiertUjs in Bntler Co. for $250. W C Thompson to A L Litzenberg, 1M acres in Concord for SIOOO. John M Thompson to A L Thompson *4 acTes in Center for sl. John it Cavanangh to W J Powell, lot on W Wayne street for SIOOO. also lots for SIBOO. John K Cavauaugh to Pittsburg Land otiil luip > •>. 2o«> lot-i in M'liiiz ir • t, ; and lot oij Negley Ave for $1 L C vVick to Michael Scohier, Ijt on Ziegler Ave for <3IOO. Delorah Thompson to Win E Weiuh, 56 acres in Franklin for SI6OO. Nicholas HaseLilne to Chas F Butler, j lot on Brown Ave for $2300. Marriage Licenses. ' Giorameo Marilla Argentine Maiietta Dainto Butler Charles a. Kirker Harmony Adda F. Wallace Zelieoople Edward Sperringer Billiards Lizzie Hartz Evans City Fredinard Ziegler Zelienople Susie M. Cooper Evans City I Albert Brenner Lancaster twp Elizabeth A. Musselman. Frank L LeVier Wilmerdiug Helen Endlich .. Allegheny Alex Walker Connopuenessing Lauretta J. Raseley... William Cypher Bntler M ;ggie Zahradnick '* Cfcarles s?z!bulskie Caibon Black Cora A. Rudiger Saxonburg H« ntv A. Btrtr ' Butler Si-ah E. McFadden Chicora C tries B Fair Cutler Ai:ua Zann~ll St. J«e At P:tt< »arg —D. H Alb rt of P.tts burg and Myrtle Kuiess ot Harmoiy. \t Clearfield—Win. Wbitail of Dn } s and Julia Craig of But'er. t Kiitaiming—Ralph Hitdman and > mie Smith of Worthington .t Cumberland. Md.—R. R. Brown )hio and Alice Price of Chicora. At Philadelphia—E H. Hairisof But ■ 1 and Jean o F Phila <;*. i>hiH. is ve r y nuf ;rtu-.»te in his < - Kffair> Yes," said the girl wi:b veil >w hair: •u see Mr. Bliggins make* the gr> it -r».L of tryinx Vi "onv-ra :nt ;sii • 11 i \\ h jii Ueoaght t > I.;in ; 'y l»o:J --limds an.': looking m if be .leticd « ith joy Pubilc Sales. .•t'jber23—Admi Datnbaugh, Butler ct jl<er M— M. J. fi i twp. ctiVr 27 R. D. McCurry. Samuiit t . >otober 28-John M. Miller, Siuimit tw,>., near Sunset station. October 29—Jos. M. Heinzer Summit tvp. October 30— Harry Thompson. Center t-p. Oct 31, 1 P. M.— at the farm of Mich a- : Kelley in Buffalo twp. Stock, farm i impleuif'ntij, grain; tt". N. Reed, Auctioneer. October 81 —Jerome McGinley, Con cord twp. Novembt r 2—Cnaa' McQaiston, Sum in it twp. November 3 —John Sctieuck, Butler twp. November 4—lo A. M. and' 1 P. M, a' W. J. Hemphill's, near Saxonbnr«r. Several mows of hay, chickens, ducks, fanning implements, horses, fresh cows, grain, potatoes, etc. Same day dr. Hemphill will offer the Wiskmau firm for sale. See jills posted, Fran cis Anderson, Auct. Market*. Wheat, wholesale price 70-75 Bye, " 50 Oats, " 39 orn, " '(0 '.uck wheat 55 r?ay, " 13 00 J*gs, " 23 •inttcr, ' 22 Potatoes, ' 50 Jinons, pei bu ....... 75 ;«l'bage, pr lb .... 1 'tin-kens, dressed. 15-18 iii--kens, Hiring, per pair 60 »lery, doz bunches 30 ney, per pound 15 itnce, lb 15 • is, per bu 75 j es, i>er loz 20 ri'es, pei bu ........ 40-50 .. nuts 75 kory 1 75 . *tnuts 2 50 IIIII.UTN Take Notice. ll persons nre hereby notified not to 1 tor trespass upon the farms of the >wirig j eraon? IDDLE? :x iwv John Rifley, Al ' • 'i Nelson, William Hjiys' heirs, Jacob H -.-enstinc, W. J. Parks' heirs, Mc ins' heir*. T. A. Pnrks B. E. Lee, ipbell, known as Cowan's, John v> iters, J lines Moore, John Fulton, .) mea H. Parks' heirs. H. M. Parks. ■ i «ert Forsythe. Samuel Hays, Reuben « > ks, John Parks, James Harbison, all trespassers will be prosecuted. iVunsylvaiila . Itailroari Train Porters. A popular feature of the through ti>iius of the P. R. which leave New York daily for the West at 7.55 A. M. •md 1.55 P. M., and leave Pittsburg daily for the East at H 00 A. M. and 7.'!0 A vl., are the train porters stationed in rle day coaches. I heir duty consists of keeping the •ais clean and rendering whatever ser vice passengers may require. The Pullman porter has long since demon strated his usefulness; the P. R. R iiHin porter serves the ordinary coach t>a»senger in the same capacity as the t'ullman porter serves those who ride in parior and sleeping cars. The day coaches on the above-men tioued trains, as well as those on trains leaving New York at 5.55 P. M. daily lor the West and leaving Pittsburg 7.10 P. M. daily for the East, are equipped with lavatories, in connection with which the services of train porters are e«|»ecially convenient. NIGHT SCHOOL Six Months night school at the Butler Business College for $25. Term begins Monday eveniug, November 2d. Call at the office for particulars. WANTED An enterprising farmer in this section to canvass during the late fall and winter among the farmers in bis vicini ty. Must be active, canable and honest. Work will prove profitable to a good man and can be made a source of regular and easily earned income each year. To it may i»e devoted as much or as little time as desired. If interested write at once to T, M. G., Box 74, Albany, N. Y. Insurance and Real Estate. If you wish to sell or bny property yon will find it to your advantage to see Wm. H. Miller, Insurance and Real »-'ate next P. 0., Butler, Pa. One-way Colonist ItatoH to the Tickets on sale daily until Nov. 02 IWBJ, inclusive, at all ticket offices of the B. & O. R. li. to potato in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Mexico, Montanu, Nebraska, Nevada. New M»>x no, Oregon. South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming and British Columbia at greatly reduced rates. For full information call on or addrcs • ticket agents B. & C. R. R. , Hitter & Rockenstein's price is alwsys ri tit. If it is tip-to-date clothing you want try Ritter « Rockenstein's. —The Citizen and the National Stock ii n and Farmer, the World's Greatest. I in Paper from now until Jan. 1 1905 L 'li for f2.00. I ou will find just what you want in a j I suit or overcoat at Ritter & I ckenstein's. The largest assortment of overcoats in town at Ritter & Rockenstein's. —The Citizen, the National Stockman mid Farmer and Success from now until .ltt.ii. I 1005 all three for $2.50. You can hxve The Woman s Home Companion, Cosmopolitan, Leslie's Popular Monthly, oi Household Ledger, instead of Success if preferred. Your fall overcoat at Ritter & Roc k eastern's. OIL SOIKs The Market—Jumped 3 ,ts liiuie last Saturday, aid the price was ft.7l. Penn twp. —K'ingensmith & Co. are building a derrick on the Thomas Bart ley. W. Sunbury—Steel & Co. of Grove City struck a small well on the Hilliard farm, yesterday Callerv—The Forest has located No. 3, on the Chas. Wagner. The C. W. Hall farm well has 23 feet of pay. Venango twp—John Womer has a nice seeond-sander on the Michael Boice. It started off at 15 bbls. natural. O. H. Tebay has alO bbl. well on the James Miller. J. H. Tebay & Co. are drilling on the Thomas Jolly, and S Ewart; Lorry McCandless is drilling on the S. S Jolly. CHURCH NOTKS. The synod of Pennsylvania almost unanimously decided at Dnßois, last Saturday, to overture the general as sembly to establish the synod of West Virginia, to consist of the presbyteries of Wheeling. Parkersburg and Grafton. The Reverent T. A Anderson made an Hble address in favor of this overture. Rev. Mauier of Nova Scotia preached in the English Lutheran church la-t Sunday. No minister was selected by the Congregation last Snnday, and the election was postponed till next Suu da>. Your fall suit at Fitter & Rockm stein's. Dyspepsia is most distressing in its effects. The worst cases on record have been cured by Victor Liver Syrop. Yonr diuggist has it. Music scholars wanU-d at lid W *> ne St ?A:.KSMF..n' W \NTF.I) A gc-d luaf.-t Lady <>r gentb-niaii v anted in lintler | (.omitv t i sell uur s.o"ds Our sales men draw good iuciTUfS. Pleasant, profitable work Write for samples and particulars. SHEPHERD & Co., Ml Liberty St. Pittsburg Pa. L)on't Know That? That Stan's Creamery and Milk dep|>t at the rear of 41? South Main street is in operation? WELL, IT IS! And if you want good Milk, Cream, Creamery Butter or Butter milk, call and see us or watch for our wagon. People's Phone 435 Bell Phone 263, ASK YOUR GROCER for Steen's Boiled Cider in quart jars. We guarantee jur products pure and free from any adulteration. J. H. STEEN'S CREAMERY. Y r" V . , > J TAKE YOUR PICK Of a thousand pairs of eyeglasses as sold by irresponsible de ilers. and tbe chances are yon do not get what euits yon. Eyesight is too precious to be trifled with. We thoroughly under stand eye requirements, ascertain yonr needs free of charge and supply glasses that will snit you at a reasonable cost. We also sell - Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Paco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. ♦ tptleal K«X>MB. Field and Spy Glass**?. R= L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler arid Graduate Optician to Court TToi".» ' l * '* ' "' Hintermeister Stands for "Harmony." The superiority of the Ilintermeister is go marked, that when one speaks of pianoa, it is simply, the Hintermeister. This piano is a delight to the skilled musician with its rich, mellow tone. A full line of latest sheet music. Ask to hear "Anona" by Mabel Mc- Kinley. Columbia Graphophones. 25c Records A SSOO Stuy vesant piano 1250. A 9880 Hentley piano fg&V Consignment of organs from large Chicago house at great reduction. Pittsburg Organ & Piano Co., Butler Branch, Old P. 0. B'd'g., J NO. C. DICKSON, Mgr. FOR Drugs Grohman, 109 N. /Vluin Street, fIUTkeR, PA. sest Service. Prompt and Careful Attention. Four Registered Pharmacists. Prescription Worl< a Specialty. + + +: w. ♦ + o The best place YD to stop at 2 o when In town Is the Yli § WAVERLY HOTEL, H $ (V J. H. HARVEY, Prop. o Rates, $1.50 per day^|^ R-R- ! IME-TABI US IUOBB Time ÜbU ( eir«\live May 17,19 C. EMM* m Stamlard Time. SOCTHBOIXD 'Allegheny Accommodation a-rn j ami (Srrekod Expr«**» £:ts> a-n» AHefhfnr SxpTM *>lo a-m Ell wood City Accommodation *1:40 |*-m Chicago, NVw Castle and Allegheny Ex ... ••'i-40 p-m Allegheny Expretn. *5-24 !-m A!l<*hfny A< o»nimod»ti n *5:50 p.m : RUwimml aud Nr* turtle Accommodation.. . **s:so J»-ni ! SOUTHBOUND Kane and Bm)f<vd Mail *9:42 a-m Clarion A<vommodatiun +4:56 p-m F«'Xl>urg Accomm•*iation t^rOO * I hiily. t Suuday. X Sunday only. Trains leave the Allegheny station for Butler at 7:30, 8:15, 10:45 a.m., and 1:15. 3:00. 6:15 and 11:30 p.m. and Pittsburg statiot at 7:50 a.m. On Snnday at 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 and 11:30 p.m. For thrungh tickets, Pullman reservation* and in formation apply to W. R. TURNER, Apt. Butler. IV E. V. SMITH, A. G. P. A., rittsbnrg, Pa it it & v it ft Timetable in effect Feb. 15. 1903. Pa.-aenger trains leave and arrive at Butler as follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH 7:30 a. in., mixed for Punxsutvwney and all intermediate stations. 10:12 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford. week days, for Rochester. 5:21 local for Punx'y and Du Bois and all stations. 10:22 p. ui. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:08 a, m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. i»:4."> a.rn week days, accomodation fruoi Dußois. 5:31 p.u. daily, vestibuled day express ! fiom Buffal >. Ifas connection at A-is- \ f- id week days from R-K-hester. 7:40 p.m. week days, niix-'d trail: | froui PunxsuU n 'r:«iiis leave the B. & O Station. | Allegheny, for Buffalo aid Roches r at 'J 00 a.m. and 0:80 p m.. and for local points as far as Dußois at 4:10 p.m. pKSSEMRR & LAKE ERIE R.R. CO D Time table in effect Sept. 13. 1903 EASTERN STANDARD TIME n trtliwartl. Daily e*c«-n» Sunday. Sonthward U.a.l ip) (fUuil down) g lii ~U STATmxs 1 a 11 PM I' M KM a.m. A.M lpm • 7 *5 8 Sti EH* 7 Of) 12 IS I 7 01 1 53 Kair»i«w I 7 2bil2 4« ! 6 61 1 42 Girard 7 31 U S7 7 Oil I 16 ar. .Coniu'aut .. ar 9 11 S 16 5 32 11 45 IT.. Ooaneaut. ..IT j 7 15 11 45 4 M 1 S5 CnntMTllit' 7 55 1 15 (1 28 1 20 Albion » 00 1 fill 1 0a Shiwltjlauil , 8 l:i 1 34 i tj ("S 1 03 Spriugbuio A K 1 37 d 02 12 57 Conneantvillo H z:l 1 41 5 40 12 3"> Juuct.. ! 8 »5 2 «5 B JO 1 OS ar, M wlville. ar » 23 * 43 ! 4 4S It 53 lT..JleadTllle...lT 7 45 1 27 ' 8 06 12 43 ar. .Cuuu.Lake. .ar 8 55 2 15 j 5 15 12 23 lv •• Iv 8 33 1 52 ' 5 40 ar.. Llne«vllle .ar 10 25 12 02 IT - IT « 25 12 02 5 2.1 12 10 HarUtuwn i 5H 2 22 5 17 12 10 Ad»in.Tille « ft") 2 28 5 07 13 (10 O»good 9 15 2 40 7 10 500 11 52 OrMDTIIIB . 9 >1 »83 250 7 or. 4 53 II 43 Slioqungo 6 38 V 2!i 3 0" #45 1 35 11 22 Fradunte 8 58 « 47 3 17 6 27! 1 >J 11 (» Meroar 7 1« 10 0:t 3 35 t. 22 1 15 11 01 Iluuntuu Junction 7 22:10 07 3 40 6 <ll[ 3 58 10 41 Ormre City 7 4 4 10 25 4 01 5 47 110 28iH»rri»TUle . .7 581 4 14 5 40 3 38 10 20 Brancliton 8 07 10 43 4 23 6 4ft 108.11 liar. Ullliar,l... ar 11 14 ft 45 4 3(>i 3OJ 700 It. Hilliard. . .IT 700 700 300 5 361 3 33110 17 Kelater 8 12 10 4H 4 27 5 18 3 19 10 03'Kuclid 8 30 11 00 4 43 i <5 2 50 « »6 Butler U 00 11 25 5 10 3 Ooj 1 15 8 15 Allegheny lo 25 1 00 # 35 pm ' pin am I pm p.m Tialo 12, leuvliiK Orovo Olty •.«> a. fi> Meri'or 8:85. 3>iiuaug<i 7:03, Oreetivllle 7:10' M"a>lvllle J :t. 7,5.">, Omueuulvlllu .8,18, arrives in Erie at U:to a. m Train 13, leaving Erie 5:10 p. m. Gon nuautvllle 8;3«, Mr*lvilln Jet, 7,00, Oreeovlllo 7,10, Slii iiangu 7,52, Mercer 8,31, arrives at O*OTO City at B,V> p ra. E D. COMSTOCK. E. H. UTLEY, Gen. Pass Agt, (ien. Mgr. Pittabura, Pa W. R. TURNKK. Tkt Agt, Butler, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA % L SS . WRSTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION Fen run* in Kwrurt Oct, 8.1903. H'lt'TH. V/EK* DATS , I A. M AM.AM.P. M. P. M BLTLKB Loaro 1 C 05 7 ;h,lO OR 2 3.i 4 ;» Si.xi.ul.nrg ArrlT.. « M 8 08 10 .'HI 3 (». 5 03 Butler Junction.. " 707 8 3f, 11 0.1 326 629 Butler Junction. ..Leave! 7 32 8 3C.1147 H 85 6 29 Arrive] 7 41 844 11 67 3 851 63« Tanmtoni. . I 7 17 8 51 12 0& 1 3 421 5 40 Splingdnle !7 67 902 12 17' 3 63:15 ,V. Oiareluoat | 9 18,18 3B 4 08! C 10 <h_«T|Wt,"ry ~819 988 12 47 4 <! l»: AO' I * a U«. w JU. l uu. I u A.M.IA.M. P.M r.m.!l- M. wnui num. Wi buu*i iu> AU,. ■- Jlty aud pHiuipal 11; t< r!;M«ll 't'- itatiuuv at 7:20 " » ii,d 4:66 p. m N-JRTU - WIKK PATS - A M. A M. A.M. r 11 P. M *llcgh»uj-Olty ,I*»TC 8 20 K 50 10 15 3 o:i « 10 Hhariail.urg. . < «A tt 00 10 25 a3 13 al V> Oiaramont. 1 . j ....|lO 88 ... | .... Spriugdala j V 23 10 40j (>4l Tarontiuu 7 08 ) 9 32111 00 3 40 « 411 7 13 - 9 3H |ll 07 3 45 (i 63 Bntler Junction...anrlvo; 7 2f»j 9 47111 17, 3517 02 Butler Janction... .leaTe 7 36 ! 9 V, VI 36 4 Of, 7 02 Haxr.nbnrg | 8 OsllO IB| 1 OS 4 #ll 7 27 BUTLKU. arrlva 8 :16 1 0 45 1 33 , 6 111 l 7 53 Ia.M.IA.M.Ip. M.|P. m. P. M SI'NUAY Tit A INS. —lx<aTe Allegheny City lor But if r and principal InUirmMllatn •UtUonf at 7:od a ni. and 9-38 p. m. fttß TUB It AST. Waaka Hay*. Sun,lav" A.M A M P. M. A.M. P M Blrrua Iv « (V. 10 06 2 36 1 7 2o| Butler J'ct a 70711 03 326 810 ... Bntler J'ct IT 7 25 11 17 3 fll i 8 14l .... Fee port kr 7 28 11 20 , 364 , 8 17 .... Kaklininntaa J t " 736 11 27 3 59i, 823 ... Umchburg " 748 11 39 4 13! i 838 ... Went Apollo " 811 II 67 435 867 .... SHIUI nrir " 8 44) 12 27 ft 0b • ... niaJr*Tlll« » l(i 1 tin 540 962 ItlftirarflU lut. . .. M j 8 M 1 647 10 (*) Altoou* «« 11 3ft ft 45; H fto i4O . Hnrrliiburg " AlOlO 00 100 I fl 3ft ... PblUd«lphU M i « X\ 4 iA 4 '4ft; 10 17 IP. M. A. M.| A. M.liP. M. P.M Through TRAINS for the «<MT loart Plt^TQrg (UDIOD HUtlon), MI follows: Sotuihorv <UUy (Nu coach#*) Atlantic Kxi>r«a, dally 3:l*> k.u PoouaylvauU Limit**] " (No C4«tln»*) 7:lft" New Vork - " « ....7:15" Iny Kxprwm, •« .... 7:30" Main LIUA KxpreM, " 8:00 " iUrrlaburg Mall, •• 12:46 r.« llarrlaburg Kxpr<«M daily 4 ly « Philadelphia KxpreM, • 4;60 " Kaatnru RxprMM, •• ' <• Kant Line, • / .....*oloo« PitUhurg I*l«tlt«d, ilatly for N»»w York, only. 10:00 " PMUhnrg Umitod, dally Hlwiidng < ar« t4» Phlla<l4'iphia, Haltiuviro and W»wih- Ingtoti. No (UNU-IK* 10:00 " i'hiiad'a Mail, Huuda>« ouly ... H^IOA.M For Atluntic City (▼!« Delaware River Bridge. -II rail route) 8:00 a.m.and 9:00 p. ra. daily, ,4 p.«nt»- nylvanla Ul>iilt«M|,*' and S*-w York limili«<l, 7:15 a. in . week dayi. 10:00 p.m. dally, with tlirough ■looping rare. Buffalo anl Allecebeny Valley Dlvlalon. Train* leave K inkirninotaji Junrtloo a I MIOWK — For liuffalo, 9.ftD a. m and U p. ni. dally, with through parlor and uleepJug ear*. for Oil City, 7 a. m., 2.i«, «.lft and 11.50 p. rn. week-days. Hundays, H.ftO a m., 6.lft and U.sop-n>- For He<l Hank, 7.42, tf.ftfl, 11 17 a. m., 2 38, 6.16,9.34, aud 11.60 p. m. Hundays, 9.A6,10.49 a. Bi., tt.lft and ll.ftO p. Di. For Klttaiinlng 7 42,9.31, U. 17 a. tu , 2.38,5.36, I.lft, 7.30, 9.34, and U.ftO p. ai. weekdays. Hundays, 9.ftO, 10.49 a. m., o.lft, 10.46, and 11.50 p. m. "a" Mt<'p* ouly on signal or notice to agent to ro cc-ire |»ae»M UK«r». •♦T* Hloj* only 011 xigiuil or notice t<» «»r cuU* dticf »r to r«« «dvo «ir dls* harg4« |»»Bii<ngci<i. Foi detalie«l Information, apply to ticket agent or addrnas Thos. K. Watt, Pasn Agt. Weatern Plstrlrt, C*»rner Klftii AVOOQC and Bn.ltbfleld Htreet, PittahurK, Pa. W. W. ATTKKIICItY, J R WOOII o<»u'l Manager. I'a-i'r TraHlr Manager, UK«», W. BMYIi, (General Paigenger Agent. Wiiiflehl K U Co Time Table In cfTmit May 25th, 1903. WKHTWAD. STATIONS. AMI P M lam Weat Winfti'ld 7 3"! 2 45 " ll 'KUirilla 745 300 " Iron llri.lK.' 7 .V. 3 10 " Wlnfleld Jurir tlon 8 Id 3 :J6 " H 30 3 ,15 M llu t lor JII m tiou H ar# 3 40 lo 4r> 0l i Arrive All«.gh..ny 9 3H ft 09, Hlaltarille EASTWARD^ STATION* A M 1' M Leave lllalMTllle ! 8 11 j 8 86 " A ii*'Kiii ny 850 atrt " It.Kler 7 38' 835 " ilO 001 440 •' I.ane 10 031 443 11 Will field Junction 10 K»; 45u " Iron ltrid|(e 10 35' b Oft " ll<>KK"viii** 10 & 1"» \rnu Wiiili*dd 110 50 ft I rains it ; Lane «'"l Iron Brtdgoosy <>ii Klag to lako (in or l«'»ve off paiMongors. Trains C'onnert at Bntlor Junction with. Tralmi Ka-lwm'l for Kreeport, Vandergrlft aud ttlaiisvlllo Intersei tlon. Traiini Westward for Natrona, Tarentum and Alle gheny. Trains N'trthward lor Sas< nhiirg, flelano and Itutler. B. O. BKAIjOH, fieneral Manager. L. S. McJUNKIN Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117 K. JKI'FHRSON. BUTLER PA / BEEF, $ < IRON I | hAND < , $ WINE, > ( (Peptonized) < i y When you bny n beef, iron ' C aad wine, why not get a good j f one? Much that is sold tinder I f that name has but little to \ ) commend it as such except the S f name. We prepare a Beef, S ) Iron and Wine that is com- j I I posed of the purest extract of S i beef, the most digestible form S { of iron, pure sherry wine and i j a high grade of pure pepsin. V C This is a splendid tonic and / ? blood ipaktr. Will agree with ) the most delicat" stomach. \ v Prcmpt results will follow its C } use in impaired nutrition, im- J »* poverished condition of the / } blood and in general debility. J i We have customers who f \ speak of it in the highest f f term*. Be 3nrc and ask for ! S S Boyd's Beef, Iruu and Wine f peptonized Full pint bottles / A 75c. i S \C. N. BOYD, j / DRUGGrTST, / i Near the Court House. € A 1 Butler, Pa. \ <1 ' I? IITHASL— ■ Leaked Out! 9 that the new jewelery H I Ralston & Smith, I m (successors of W. E. H & Ralston) are showing a ■ 9 new and up-to-date stock B ■ of everything pertaining H ■to the trade and their E I motto shall always be S Pj "No Fancy Prices." || I 110 W. Jefferson Street. K "v IT IS A WONDER the delicate human eye will stand so much hard work and so much abuse as it does, It standß more than it ought to be expected to. But it doesn't al ways stand the pressure it is subjected to. Most eyes are not properly cared for. Perhaps the coat fits you. Better drop In and have a free examination anv way. Honest principals my motto I also sell Edison and Victor phono graphs and records, mandoliu, violin and gnitar strings and mouthorgans. CARL H. LEIGHNER, Graduate Optician and Jeweler 209 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. I /WAKE LIARS OF /V\y CO/VIP6TITORS If they told the truth con cerning my pianos, myself, and my way of doing business 1 would sell all of the pianos that are sold in Butler. When a party comes to you with a story concerning my business, ask them to call at my store with you and repeat St in my presence. I am here for business, and I am hap py to say I have lots of it. My patrons are my friends, I always refer to them. Ask them. I can give yon a list of over 300 patrons to whom I have sold pianos since I came here four yenra ago. And if you will find any of them who will say that 1 have not honorable in all my dealings with them. 1 will present yon with a piano. Trusting to have iny just share of your patronage, 1 am yours for business. Your credit is good at W. R. Newton's THE PIANO MAN, 317 S. Main St.. Butler. Pa. Binding of Books Is our occupation. Wc put our entire time to studying the best and latest methods of doing our work. If you are thinking of having some work done in this line I am sure you will be well pleased if you have it done at The Butler Book Binder), W. W. AMO.N, Prop. Opp t 'ourt House. 1 Fall-1903-Winterj 9 Our woolens are in and ready for E I yourinspection. You cannot put off I m buying much longer so better come ■ m in, and look thins® over. m w H H Buffalo VVoolen Blankets. ■ 3 Shaker Flannel Comforts. ■ | Woolen Dress Goods. I 1 Our Fur and Wrap Department is I I more complete than ever. fl ■ Everything in Furs from the cheap-1 I est to the best. V I All the latest and newest cuts in E | Coats, Jackets and Capes. I 1 DUFFY'S STORE. | Jailor* | The Butler County National Bank, I | BUTLER, PA- | i OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEFOSITERS THAN ANY f | OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY. * I Capital Paid in $200,000.00 f | Shareholders' Liability. 200,000.00 | Surplus and Profits 180,000.00 $580,000.00 • j *| Assets over $2,500,000.00 | Combined wealth of Stockholders $10,000,000. £ INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject to withdrawal at any time J * without notice. J * We most cordially solicit your business either in person or by mail. * F JOSEPH HARTMAN, President. JNO. G. MOMARLIN, Cashier. ? I JOHN V. RITTS, Vice President. ALBERT C KRUG, Asst. Cashier. ~ IT. P. MIFFLIN. Vice President. W. S. BLAKSLEE, Asst. Cashier. £ +&3i&xxxx3iexxxxii63p%xxxae+ S Best Furs S ■ Don't bny Fnrs nntil yon have seen onr stock. Greatest as- a J sort men tof fine Fnrs we have ever shown. Fox, Siberian i 0 Squirrel, Beaver and other furs at special low prices. V S Ouster Scarfs. SI.OO, #1.50. $3.00 and SB.OO. g? (Br Long Scarfs, $4.00. $(1.00. SIO.OO and np. 0P Flat Neck Furs, $.">.00, SB.OO, $12.00 ana up. $ NEW WAIST MATERIALS. 3 No trpnble to get suited in Waistinjjs if yon see oar assort- Uk JR went of stylish Veetings, Mercerized Waistings, Velvets and JR jp ' Wool Waist Materials. ■ Great values at 25c, 40c, 50c, 75c and 85c. S * PLAID RIBBONS. 5 y| We are in good shape to snpply the demand for uioe Plaid Ribbons for neck and hnir bows. See the two Special Lota JR Iwe have on Sale under price. M All Silk, 84 inches wide at 10c. All Silk, 5 inches wide at 25c. Jfl) GLOVES FOR FALL. £ ta Ihn Pnot FM OIoVO PVPr Sold St SI.OO. A ■ —ttTmpMf new stnrtt of tM* trrwtt fffa Mnvn "w » ceived, all sixes in Black, Slates Modes, Tan. Caster MHIOT Brown. New Shades in a splendid quality Mocha Gloves at U SI.OO. New Fabric Gloves. Wool. Silk and Lisle, in black, r white and slate, at 50c. It. L. Stein & Son, | 2 108 N MAIN STREET. BUTLER, PA. £ iGggs and Poultr\)£ WANT6D fjy S Clvjmonts & Taylor > Wholesale Dealers in # FRUITS AND PRODUCE S FOR COUNTRy STORES, J 131 and 333 E Jefferson St., Sutler. £ Peoples Phone 628. - Bell Phone 258 R. C A Magnificent October Showing at BROWN & CO S. I Every Furniture Fancy Is favored In our grand showing. There's a marked absence of the uncouth and trashy. Everything for the Home---Stock Large, Qualities Right, You Buy for Less. Make your Home Beautiful. You can do It right here at little cost. We anticipate by far the largest October trade we i. have ever experienced. As our store is full to overflowing, with a LARGE STOCK still to arrive, we are offer ing SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS on LOW PRICES DURING OCTOBER to make room, i—_ COME IN AND COMPARE! BROWN &■ CO. No. 13« N Main St. (Bell Phone 105) BUTLER. PA.
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