THE BUTLER CITIZEN. WILUAV a NEG LEY - Publisher. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1903. per year Is A4raace, Otherwise sli» ig. - ■ REPUBLICAN NOMINEES. Judges of the Superior Court. JOHN J. HENDERSON*, THOMAS A. MORRISON. State Treasurer, W. L. MATHCES. Auditor General, W. P. BNYDER J For Jury Commissioner. A O. EBERHAST. The Alaska Award. The Alaskan boundary commission has decided in favor of the United States on every point except as regirda Port land canal or inlet which is awarded to Canada. Portland canal is the south ern boundary and is but one of many inlets in that region. Its cession to Canada is of no particular importance to either country. The real controversy was over Lynn canal, far to the north. It extends into the minland nearly one hundred miles, and for a great part of the way is not more than a mile and a • half wide. At its head are the towns Dyea and Skagway, the ports of the Klondike region. The most important aspect of the verdict is the settlement of an inter national question by honest argument and investigation. Too much credit cannot be given to Lord Alverstone for rising above the party view of his own Government and giving his decisive vote for what he was convinced to be the -ruth. That is what the tribunal was formed for; but the impartiality necessary to do it is so rare that Lord Alverstone's course is an eminent ad vance in the settlement of international disputes. The decision is considered a victory for this country the chief credit for which is giveu to D. T. Wfftson of Pittsburg. POLITICAL. THAT Senator Stone, of Missouri, "is a professional lobbyist and has served as the legislative agent of powerful mo nopolies dictating legislation by unlaw ful and corrupt means'' is the charge formally filed against him in a United States court. IT seems that the question at issue between the Republicans of Washing ton. Beaver and Lawrence counties over the method of making,'copgression al nominations for the district, is not to be decided until after election. Senator Penrose! as chairman of the state com mittee, has said that he will not take the matter up at present, as no nomina tions will be made until next year. As already explained the controversy between the counties will be decided by Chairman Penrose, and enongh is known of his views to jastify the pre diction that he will sustain the conten tion of Washington county. We are in favor of the popular vote plan as being fair, honest, open, both to the candi dates and party; free from suspicion of corruption and bribery: satisfactory to Republican voters and making no factional splits in the party. There is little doubt that Senator Penrose wil] eettle the question in favor of the popular vote plan, which will be very agreeable to Washington and Law rence counties.—California, Pa., Senti nel. President Roosevelt has issued a call for an extra session of Congress to be emwi i>'. nr<i e \>vc try tag the reciprocity treaty as the sole subject for consideration. This call is made to fulfill a promise made to the Cuban representatives some months ago. ON Wednesday of last week Japan asked Russia for an official statement of her intentions as regards Korea: the Russian governor at Port Arthur reviewed a Russian army of 76,000 men there, and the Russian government ordered two more cruisers to that port. During the week England sent a couple more battleships to the scene, and she is trying to bring aborft an un derstanding between Russia and Japan. The Acquittal of Tillman. ▲t Lexington' South Carolina the trial of Lieutenant Governor James H. Tillman, who was charged with the murder of N. G. Gonzales, editor of the ' State" in Columbia, on January 15 last, ended in an acquittal. The jmy before which Tillman has been on trial since September 28th, brought in a verdict of not guilty, thus ending a judicial hear ing which has engrossed the attention of the public of South Carolina as none other has in the last quarter of a cen tury. The jury was out for 24 hours before ariving at a verdict. Never was 1 a case in South Carolina courts more vigorously contested than this. The solicitor was assisted in the prosecntion by four lawyers while the accused was defended by seven lawyers, an excep tional array of counsel. More than a hundred witnesses gave testimony* about as many an one side as the other, and nine lawyers argued before the jury. There was a general exodus last week from Lexington, the population of which has been materially increased during the trial. Practically every one attending bad come from other parts of the State. Mr. Tillman left on an afternoon train for his home in Edge field, accompanied by his wife and friends from nis home county. After the verdict had oeen recorded the motion by counsel of defense for the discharge of the defendant was imme diately signed by Judge Gary, the solicitor for the statu assenting, and Tillman was at liberty. When the legal formalities had been gone through with Tillman walked np to the bench and shook bands with the judge, after which he shook the hand of each of the jurors, and later was sur rounded by bis friends, who extended their congratulations. This man, Tillman, is a brother of the cotorious Senator. He shot down an unarmed man, in the street, for pub licly criticizing his official acts. It look ed like a cold blooded, deliberate mur der, and to us, bis acquittal seems a travesty ou justice. Concord Township. The new railroad now delivers freight to local patrons along the route. Mrs. R. R. Stewart, of Magic, accom- » auied by her daughter Maude and son rank, areviniting friends and relatives lo central Ohio. James E. Campbell, of the valley, has jnst finished remodeling his dwe'ling house and adjacent surroundings, which adds greatly to the utility/md beauty of the premises. John H. Campbell and daughters, Dai<<y and Delpli, are visiting relatives near Niles. Ohio. Daring the past summer W. F. Murt laod mid J. H. Morrow remodeled and enlarged their dwelliu* ami barns in line modern style. Mis. A M. Nichols, of Trontman, is iiotue from a two weeks stay witls r< 1- at.ves at New Kensington. J. R. Kitbn and J. 11. Thompson cf Hooker shipped h Imd of live to ' Herrs island yards on Saturday. The recent advance in the nri< e of j crude petroienm has stimulated oil op erations in this field Accident at Wortliiugtou. While Frank It. Patterson. Curtis Mc- Call and John B. Mcllwain of Bmler Clarence Baker and two others named Deemer and Donahne of Armstrong connty were at work. Friday afternoon, connecting a big Speechly gasser on the Robt Claypole farm, near Wortbington, into a main line of the Philadelphia Gas Co., the immense presnre, nearly 1000 pounds,in the well blew tbeheadgate or thottle out of the end of the pipe with which the men were working and hurl ed them through the air as though shot from a cannon. Patterson and McCall, who were directly in front of the pipe, were picked up unconscious 75 feet away. Their clothing had been partly stripped from their bodies, and their faces, necks and hands diiven full of splinters, sand and small particles of debris till, as Harry Patterson, a broth er of Frank, put it. they could not be recognized and looked worse than email I pes victims. | McCall's arm had been broken above and below the elbow, and he had a long I gash in his bead and neck Patterson's worst injury was a hole, j abont three inches deep, in his right side just above the hip. Whatever hud made the bole had shattered the hip bone very badly. MeElwain, who was stooping in front of the *>ipe, was t-trnck on the head by the escaping volume of gas and rolled over at-d over like a ball for a distance of forty fe<-t and rendered senseless. His forejiead and cheeks were driven full of small particles Tjf del iris and at first it was foarojJ his tyes had been put out, which fortunately was incorrect. The other three men were thrown about and cnt and brused, bat not seri ously. Luckily the gas did not ignite. The injured rntu were taken to their boarding place nearby and doctors were summoned from Woithington aud Kit tanning. who dre.-'sed their injuries. McCall soon recovered consciousness but Patterson remained senseless until Satnrday morning. On Saturday afternoon, Drs. Bricker of Butler and W eid man of Mercer went to Worthington to remove pieces of broken Patterson's hip. but found him improving so well that the operation was deemed unnecessary. The force of the blow received by Patterson is shown by the fact that a gold watch,carried in his wafceh pocket, was torn to pieces. Its hands had stop ped at 3:15 Patterson is a son of Cal Patterson, McCall a son of McKee McCall and Mc llwain a son of Wm. B. Mcllwain of Penn twp. , The latter two have families in But ler. ACCIOKNTS. Walter Cashdollar.a son of Joseph C., of near Callery, was found dead in the orchard, last Monday He was hang ing to an apple tree, and the Coroners verdict was suicide. John Stagley, an old employee of the Pennsylvania railroad company, and for many years general utility man at the butler junction was ran down and killed a few nights ago. He was 69 years of age, had a grown up family, and the company intended putting him in the pension list in the near future. The searchers for the bodies of Joseph Ho=ack and Carl McCaughan. of Car negie, and Walter Mehard, of Mercer, who were lost on Mnkoka Jake, Canada on Sunday, July 26, in dragging the lake on Monday, October 5. fished from the bottom of the lake a tuft of hair which resembles that of Walter Mehard so closely that searchers and relatives are confident that the bodies will be found the near future A sad sequel to the death of young Chas Moore, by lightning, near Eakinh Corners, occurred a few days ago. Wil- j liam Langford, of New Castle, was visiting at the home of his nncle, Al. Moore, in company with Otis Davis, a neighbor of his uncle, was hunting chestnuts, when he fell from a tree a distance of 40 feet, sustaining in juries from which he died Tuesday morning. The remains were taken to New Castle for interment. He was aged about 19 years. Mr. Moore's win, Lester, and Otis Davis, who was with Lnn^-ford at the time of the ac cident. are the young men who were injured by being struck by lightning a few days before, when their companion, Charles Moore, was killed. Both Moore and Davis have abont recovered. The Water street pier of the new Wabash bridge, Pittsbnrg, was the scene of a terrible accident, last Mon day morning. The travelling crane, | which surmounts the structure, at a height of 150 feet above the water, col lapsed, while ten tons of steel beams were being hoisted by it from barges in the river, and the hfteen men on the crane fell with the > teams and pieces to the river or struck tbe barges below. Ten were instantly killed, and the other five badly injured. Among tbe killed was a young man who helped to build the car works here, and also the Frick building in Pittsburg, where he fell eighty feet without being killed, though he lay in the hospital for nine months after. The entire crane did not full The "nose" buckled and bent l'ke pater.precipitating the workmen into a; barge directly under tbe bridge, where* they were crashed and maimed by falling on steel and timbers. The barge sank with the weight, greatly hinder ing the work of rescue. WILDCAT KHUN ION. Ih 1861 the 105 th Pa. Volunteer In fantry was organized in Clarion, Jeffer son and Clearfield counties, whence their name, that being the wildcat con gressional district. One company came from Greensbnrg. Afler re-enlfoting in 1803 and after having tbe 63d Pa. consolidated with it, and after fighting in 35 battles and having 245 men killed and 538 wounded, a total of 783. the regiment was mustered out in Pittsburg in 18G5. Of the officers. Col. Amor Mc- Knigbt. who organized the regiment, Col. Calvin Craig, who rose from a pri vate, Lirut.-Col, Greenawalt, Lieut- Col Consor, a major and four captains were killed in battle, Col. Levi Bird Duff of Pittsburg lost a leg in front of Pe tersburg. The regiment was brought home by Col. James Miller, afterwards accidentally killed, and Lieut-Col. O. C. Redic, the only Butler comity man in the original regiment On Tuesday about sixty survivors held their six teenth annual reunion in Bntler. At 3 p. m. they met in the U. V. L. presided over by Col. Duff, with ex Congressman Samuel A. Craig, a cap tain in the regiment, as secretary. Among those present were: Capt. Kelso, Capt. Henry Oalbreath of New I Kensington, Rev. D. M. Steadiuan of Chicora. Chaplain of tbe regiment, Lieut. Vanvleit, who lost a hand at Gettysburg, Milton Craven of Kane, who lost an arm: Kate M. Scott, a | nurse, with the regiment for over a yi'Sr, and who afterwaids wrote its his toiy, and two danghters of Col. Miller. The meeting attended to regimental matters until supper time when they were bar quetted by the Woman's Re lief Corps in the <». A. It hall. i In the evening, attended by the French band, which showed its patri otism by giving its services gratis, the ; veterans marched to the court house where addresses were made by Senator A. G. Williams, W. M. Fairman of Punxsut iwney. Capt. J. M. Scboaf of West Newton, D. W- Goheen, and oth ' ers The only Butler county men in the regiment were Col. Italic, Oliver Orah nnj, Sheriff Harvey Thcinpgon and J. M. S< hwab of the Three Degree road. The next reunion will be held at liey noldsville. Jf In tbo Now and Bettor Breakfast Food, BO different from all others tbiit it pleaoes everybody. Get a package to-day at your grocers. TBI UMMKUM tima fouD Co., LM HOT, N. V. ' Coal Valley. Mr. William Jenkins and son Joseph, 1 of New Castle, visited the former's brother, Alban Jenkins, a few davs last week. • Joseph Campbell and Lewis Jones, of Butller. colled on friends in this vicin ity on Friday and Saturday last Perry Nellis and family expect to move into their new house near Pinch along mines this week. Bruce Stanton and wife of Bruin vis ited the latter's sister. Mrs. William Graham on Sunday last. The first ball of the season was given at the home of Mr. Shimmel on Satur day night and was largely attended. Alvie Bell of Hooker visited at the home of his cousin, John Shane, over Sunday. Services were held in the North Washington Lutheran church last Sun day morning. William Nellis and wife visited the latter's parents. Jas. Ekas and wife, of Hilliard, over Sunday. DOMIC. DEATHS. KEPLER—October 17, 1903, infant sou of A. C. Kepler of Butler. NIGH—At bis home in Summit town ship, October 17, 1903, Henry Nigh aged 53 years. DF.ROSS— At Renfrew, October 14 1903, Mrs. Harry Deßoss. nee Ray aged about 24 years. HARNlSH—October 15. 1903, Emma B . infant daughter of Rev. Harnieb. of' Butler, 8 god 2 years. McGINLEY—At his home in Donegal township, October 20, 1903, Jerome McGinley, aged 47 years. HARBISON -At her home in Baker* to *n, October 18. 1903, Mrs. Catha rine Scott Harbison, aged years. KELLY—At her home in Slippervrock township. October 14. 19<>3, Joseph Kelley, nee McKelvey, aged about 20 yeats. DAM BACH ln Zelienopl* Oe». 20. 1 1903. Henry Dam bach, aged 62 years. Mr. Dambach died suddenly. lie leaves a wife, but no children STOKES—At her home in Butler. Oct 15, 1903. Mrs. Mary A . widow of Frederick Stokes, nee Lowuian, aged 75 years. She leaves four sons, James. Thomas. Elmer and William and one daughter, Mrs. Heckert. Obituary. "Reddy" Shaffer or John Wise, died at the small-pox hospital in Allegheny, last Sunday. Hugh Dnffy of West Sunbury. who has been at the County home for the past six weeks, died at the Home, last .Saturday morning He was 84 years of age. End is survived by two daughters and one son. Mrs. Eva Langbein, wife of Joseph Langbein of Allegheny, died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Critchlow of Penn twp. on Monday, Oct. 12, aged 24 years and 3 days. Through a'l her pain at times shed smile A smile of heavenly birth. And when the angels called her home, She smiled farewell to earth. Heaven retainelh now onr treasure. Earth the lonely casket keep; And the sunbeams long to linger, Where our sainted sister sleeps. In honor of our departed sister J. M. C - -- —■£ Ayers Do you like your thin, roufh, short hair? Of course you don't. Do you like thick, heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why Hair Vigor not be pleased? Ayer'sHair Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair, that's the whole story. Sold for 60 years. " I have axed A»«r'i Hair Vl/or for a lon* tlmo. It la, Indeed, a wonderful hair tonic, reitorinr' health to the hair and sculp, and. at tho taiue time, proving a ipleiidld dreMliiK. Dn.J. W. TATUM. Madtll, Ind. T. ft.oo a hnttle J. C. ATM CO.. for JiiSSjlßßit IWeak Hairj FREE! FREE!! FREE!!!| iTO L: BE FC GIVEN T AWAY % .■( FREE E -5 FINE | UPRIGHT I PIANO ; TO I THE ■■ PERSON GETTING 4 THE LARGEST 6 NUMBER M OF K :J COUPONS, | I GET I ] COUPON P % WITH * EVERY S PAIR OF SHOES ? AT I Ketterer Brosj FOR YOU. We have just received a lot of sets of fine CHINA. These we offer at exception ally low prices considering their value. Think of it —100 piece dinner sets of English Porcelain at $7.25, $9.25, $12.25 per set. Nicely decorated too. Don't always get this chance. Call soon at DOUGLASS' 241 K Main St. CONCERTS? H PIANOS |§§ Everything fuA Musical. | tSM Addirss jfl Arthur Love. KLEBER'S | gM MUSIC HOUSE I |H .21-228 Fifth Ave., j Pittsburg, Pa. God Save the Commonwealth. General Election Proclamation WIIERKAS, AS by Section 10 of the Act of the General Assembly to regulate the nomi nation and election of public officers, reijuir- t ing certain expenses incident thereto to be paid by the several counties and punishing certain offenses in regard to such elections: It is made the duty of "the sheriff of every county, at 'em ten diys be fore any" general election to be held therein , j to give notice of same by advertisements in j at least three newspapers, if there be so many j published in the county, two of said news- i papers r< presenting so far as practicable, t!ie political party which at the preceeding Nov .election cast the largest number of votes and the other one of said newspapers repre senting so lar as practicable the politic* 1 party which at the proceeding November election cast the next largest number of votes, and in addition thereto the sheriff ot every county shall, at least ten before j anygeneral election to be held in cit.ei ot I the first, second and third clashes,give notice j by proclama*ion posted up in the most con- | spieuous plac-s in every election district in said cities Of the first,second aui third class j and in every such proclamation or adver- ; tisement shall. , i I. Bnumere'e the officers to be eiecte<. ( and give a list of all the nominations made I as provided in this act, and to be voted tor > in such county. and tne lull text of all oou- ; ameudiueaU submitted to j a vole of the people but the pro- . ciamations posted iu each ■ election district need not oulain the names , of any candidates but those to be voted for < in such distiict ~ . , , 11. Designate the places at which the ele-: j tion is to I* held. 111. He shall tfive "nice that every per son. excepting justices ot lus peace, who khail hold an) office or appointment of profit <ir trust ut der the government of tbl I ailed Slates or of this ftate or of any city or inor poreted district,wr.sther a commissioned olii cer or otherwise, j subordinveofficer or ageot, | who ii or shall be employed under the Lt g islanve. Executive or Judiciary departaieut ] ot the State or of the United Slates or ot auy city or incor|w>rated district, aud a : so that every member of Congress aud of the Mae Lecl-lalure and of Ihe se ect or c •tnmi.u .•( Unci! oi any city, or commissioners ot uny lueoroi.rnteii dimrict is, by law, iuofpable o: holding or ri- rct'ing at the time the office cr apioiiit-neut of judge, io»|»ect..r or clerk ol nnj elec;:ou of Uiis Commonwealth, and thai no inspector, jnlge ..r other officer ol an* <uch election shall l>e eligible to au.v office t> be theu voted tor, exeept that of an election officer. flow, thciefor-, I, Martin 1.. GtUou, Uigh Sheriti of the Co'inty ■> Uu.ler, Si le of Pcntisv lvai.i i, do htieby uiafee kuowu aud give this f.ublie noin e to the electors of liutler couuty, that on the first Tueaday after the first Monday of November, being the 3rd day of November, 19U3, from 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. A general election will be held ia the pcveral election districts of said count*, established bv law, at which time they will Tote by ballot for the several officers hereinaf ter named as follows: s One person for State Treasurer. One person for Auditor General. Two persons for of the Superior Court. One pereon for Jmy Commissioner Republican. Stat*» Treasurer, WILLIAM L. MATHUES Auditor General, WILLIAM P. SNYDER Judge of the Superior Court, THOMAS A. MORRISON. JOHN J. HENDERSON. Jury Commissioner, ANDREW O. EUERHART Democratic. State Treasurer. JOEL G. HILL. Auditor General, ARTHUR G. DEW ALT. Judge of the Superior Court, JOHN A. WARD. CALVIN E. RAYBURN. Jury Commissioner, A MOS L. COOPER. Prohibition. State Treasurer, HENRY D. PATTON. Auditor General. ELISIIA KENT KANE. Judge of the Superior Omit. MATTHEW H. STEVENSON. EMMETT D. NICHOLS. Socialist- State Treasurer, JOHN A. SMITH. Auditor General, Vv M. W. ATKINSON, Judge of the Superior Court. ALFRED LEACH LOUIS GOAZIOU. Citizens. State Treasurer, WILLIAM L. MATHUES. Auditor General, WILLIAM P. SNYDER. Judge of the Superior Court, THOMAS A. MORRISON. JOHN J. HENDERSON. Independence State Treasurer, JOEL G. HILL. Auditor General, ARTHUR G, IJKWALT. Judge of the Sujierior Couit, JOHN A. WARD. CALVIN E RAYUURN. Labor- State Treasurer, DAVID E. GILCHRIST. Auditor General, WM. J. EHERLE. Judge of Superior Court, WM H. THOMAS. JOHN BURSCHELL. pi.AcaaoK HOLDING RNR. SXKOHON.} The Haul elections will bo held throughout thu county *n follow#: 1 h<° elector* ol Ailuius township. North precinct, at Ihe earpcuter shop of J J Hinllli nt Myoma in said |>r«-einct. The elector* ol Adams town.hlp, sont I reciiK t. lit I.nundiy Building owiird by John Bslfouriu said precinct. The electors of Allegheny township at the lowiifhipelection hou»e at Jiii PoinU In said township. Tho electors or Buffalo township at the house ofTboe. W.Elliott in MI|II township. The elector* of Butler township at tho l.ou»e formerly of William Bortmain, no* .1. S. Saoder»»n In ealJ township. Tho elector* of I'rvly township at the Townnhip huildinir, looatcd st tho <'r.ns Hindu on Jmue* (irmsmun farm. The elector* of Cleartteld township at the office ol Fr uik P Mrßride hi gild t .wns'ilp The elector* of Clinton townnhip at the Hull »t Kiddle* X Kond« In Mid township. The eiictol* of Concord township, ai M. Cochran's now house iu MldUlelown Tho elector* of Clay townnhip at the shop of I). N. Mi C.uiille-*, in said township The o lectors of Centre town* 1 '!,! at {|)o election hou*e, In Mud township. The elector* of Cherry township, North precinct, ut the Eye-bread B<hool Home, in said precinct. » Tlio elector* of Cherry township. South precinct, at the Pipestem School lloti-e in *anl prcctaul. The elector* of Connoqmi.easing township Northern precinct at School houso No. 7. in Whitestown. The «leot< IH of Connoquenesaiog township , Southern precinct at tlio Graham Sehool House No. 6. The elector* of Cranberry township at tlio house of Andrew Kir*hler In edd tow i hip The elector* of Donegal township at the th cllon boll*.' in mil I township. The elector* of Fairview township at tie e|»clou hiuse in raid township on Ismi ol W II II Kiddie. The''lector* of Forward township a' the house of Kober*. 11. Brown. The ele :ton. of Franklin io»li«liip ai Mt. Chestnut Orange ll.ill in mid township. The ele'tor* ol Jackson township. Eastern i ncinct, nt tin- house ol llnrtuisl< Marburger in mid precinct. '1 be (.lector* of Jacksou township, Vet era pieclnct, 'it the store room of Win Din (linver, in said precinct". Hie electors of Jefferson township, at Mojitag* shop st Jefferfon Centre. The elector* of Lancaster township at the house ol' C. Uli I. The electors of Middlesex township at the liouse of (icorKO Osjper. Tho elector* of Aim ion township at the houne of R. W. Atwell in raid township. Tie electors of Muddycreek township at the In use of Win H Moore,formerly occupied by Henry Hay in s«id township. The electors of Mercer township at the house of Thomas Hun!mini in snid township. The elector* of Oakland township at the house of William J. ilutchinon iu *aid town ship. Tho elector* of Parker town,.hip at the uirriuge home of A K. Butler iu mid twp. Tho electois of Petio township, North pre cliid, at the Maecabee Temple, in Kenlrew, The e.evtoia in I'enu townsi,,p. ou: h pre- j cilitl, nt Ihe house of H. Kutton, In said precinct The eloetuis of Kuiumit townidiip at the j I i use of Ailsin Fioderick. 'i !.#• ofeetoia of N ]|'|.< r)r(K'k township at til" 1.111-■ J ll rry AlliafU-r 111 wild tow.mhi|> The felectois of VvnMigo township at the »lmp 01 E K. Taylor. The •lectors of Wmllilil township, lirct pra emit »t CJrsi>gp Hall in said township Tbe electnr< of Winfield township, second l>'ecinct. at the house of Henry Post at West Winfield. The electors of Washington township. North . precinct, at the house ol Jane Ueudcr & on. atHilltards- The electors of Washington township, Soul'i precinct, al the Insurance Co. office, iu North Washington. The electors of Worth township at the ' Public Hall in Mochauicaburg in said town ship. The electors of the borough of Batler. Ist wtid, Ist precinct, at the stoie ol" Victor Bayonet, corner of Short and aveoues, iu said waid- First ward, 2nd precinct, at old store room . of Harper Bros, on Lookout aveaue, now used as hose house. Second ward, Ist precinct, at the Lumber office of J. C. Say.on East Jefferson street. Second ward, 2nd precinct, at the Kohler ; House in aaid ward. Third ward, Ist precinct, at the house i formerly owned by Mrs. Mary 1.. Covert, on Xegley avenue. Thiid ward, 2nd precinct, at the Court I House Third ward, 3rd precinct, at the hou»e ot i George Staraui, corner of Willow street aid | Fair Ground avenue 4in wild al Nixon's Hume, N. McKcau St, i in a.iid w» - d | 5,a ward ut ll'j vVica Hou-o, on N Mum 8t , iu saiu watd. The ele tors of the lorouth of Bruin, at] tbe house of Tnouns Walley's widow, iu ; said borough. The electors of the borough of Ctntreville al Odd Te 1 »<*«.' Hall. TLe cle tor* of K*u Cliira a'. McCandless hall, in said ir.ruUgh Ihe e:ocl< rs of tLe horo» ;h ol Uai risvllle at toe shop ot J. H M.r-isu. Jr. in ssid borough. The of th --borongh o( Pr.-wpoct at the h..a»e ol Samuel K;ddl« in eald borough. The electors of tne boruagU of Saiouhurg at the new Town Mali in na.d borough 'l ho etwtoru of too borough of West Sun bury at the public nchool bonne. The elec is of ihe boreugii »f West Liberty at tt.e house ' f M J* ry 1-.. Martin in Mii'i l* it. ligh 'ihe ehctors of the'>oroagli oi uliilt-reto* at the hotel i f w K Lsvaey in cud borouirh. The electors of the boroOgli of 1 etrolia at iti Co'.licit Kooin In saii! borough. The electors of ihe borough of Fairview at the Union tl ill iu .-aiu b irouili The electors of the Kann< City at tbetiwu hall m s iid t. u_ U Tne eieclorn of the bofougo o Evaus Ctj al Ibe th' poi Mi' Klev .C Wtfi i i 'aid n>r R.i« o .-cior« of the ooroitjli ..I liar „ :.t the . lite* !•' it t'nv-ii l'i ii »o."i Iho electors of the borotigh of Zeiiei.ipie at Ihe wagon shop ol J IUH-S Wil .. it. said borough. The el ctors of the Imrou. h of M ir» at Hie Council Ho-m i-i sani li-'f""*'' ihe r ieel >rs of the h >-' Ugh I' irt-rsvil l« the I O O F Hall, iu said boro. Ihe electors ot the borough of Va'cucin at the store room ol Barr Jt dtoup iu taid borcugh. The eiec'ors of the Ixtrough of touuoque nessing at the house of P W Ihouaaa iu said borough. Given under my hand at my othes at Batljr this 30th day of Oct., in the year of our Lord. in the 128 th year of tbe Inde pendence of the United States of North America. „ ._ MARTIN L. GIBSON, Sherifl. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United states for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Patrick Golden. of iiutler, Butler county. Pa., :i ftankmpt under the Art of Congress of July 1. tSOS. having appl ed for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act notice Is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons In Interest, to appear l>efore the said Court at Pittsburg, In said District, on the7th day of November. 1803, at 10 o clock In the forenoon, to show cause. If any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should ""t jjSDSEY. Clerk. ORPHANS' COURT SALE Bv virtue of an order of tho Orphan'* Court of Hutler county, at. O. C. No. X>. Dec. Term. 100: i. the undersigned as administrator of Elizabeth J. Mc<landless, late of Butler township, dee'd., will offer at public sale up on the premises, on Saturday, October 31st f 1903, at one o'clock I'. >l. of said day the following described real estate, vis: The undivided l-10th Interest, of. In and to 100 acres of land, more or less, situate In Butler twp. Hotter county. Penn'a.. bound ed on the north by lands of K. ti. Campbell's heirs, on the east tiy lands of Geo. Bauer, on tho south of Butler and Harmony public road, on the west by public road and lands of H. M. Robinson; under fence and in good state of cultivation and having erected thereon a brick house, nam and other .out buildings. Subject however to the estate of Elizabeth MeCandless as the mother of de cedent and as the widow of Abrm. MeCand less. dee'ri . nnrl t-n OIP tnrm« nn ft«rr-O ment as lM;tween the widow and heirs of Alirm. MeCandless. dee'd.. und A. 11. Me- Candless. , . ALSO At two o'clock P. M. of said day the undivided l-10tb Interest, of, In and to some 20 acres of land, mor i or less, situate in the Township of Butler. County of Butler, and Htato of Penn'a., bounded on the north by lands of Waldron, on the east by lands formerly of McElroy,on the south bv lands Sebastian Beck and others, and on the west by lands of John and A. lirubbs. Subject to tne estate of Kllzalieth MeCandless, as mother of said decedent and as tho widow of A brni. Met'und less, dee'd. TERMS—Cash upon confirmation of sale by the Court. ALBERT 11. McCANDLESS, Adiu'r. JAM:* B. MCJUNKIN. Att'v. NOTICE OF INQUISITION In the matter of the In the Orphan'* Partition of the estate of ! Court of Butler John Kelgel. late of Hut- county I'enn'a.. at ler Horoufth. Hutler Co., I (>. <\ No. IU". May I'enn'a., deceased. J Term, 190 X Notice Is hereby Riven to the heir's and legatee* of the above named decedent, that hy virtue of the above mentioned writ of partition, an Inquest will be held and taken on the premise* therein described on Friday, the lath (lay of Nov., lluM, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. at which time and place you and each of you may attend If you think proper. MARTIN I- GIBSON. Sheriff AUDITOR'S NOTICE In the matter of the distribution of the estate of Eliza Martincourt, dec'd., late of Prospect borough, Butler Co., Pa., in the Orphan's Court of Butler Co., O. C. No. 2H, Dec Term, 1908. Notice is hereby given that having been appointed anditor to distribute the money in above estate now in the hands of the executor, I) B. Douthett, that I will attend to the duties of the appointment in my oflire in liutler. No. i!OH. Butler County National Bank Liuildiug, on Monday, Octolier 26, IWKI, at 1 P. M , of which all persons inter ested will please take notice. W. B. PtTRVIS. Attv . Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Rachel Knyder. dec'd., late of llrady tp, Untler Co.,having lieen grant'd to the undersigned. all pernons knowing them selves indebted to the said estate will make immediate payment, and all hav ing claims against slid estate will pre sent them duly authenticated for pay ment to J. C. Snyder, Adui'r., li. F. D. Ml, Slipperyrock. Pa. J. D. Mc.Titnkin, Allf. 10-15 03 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE EBTATK or HEV. N. K. IIHOWN, DKC'D. Notice is hereby given thnt letters testamentary on the estate of Rev. N. E Brown, deceased, late of Worth township, Butler oouuty, Pa., have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will mnke known the same without delay. A T. Black. Executor, Armoiy Building, fl 17-0: i Butler, Pa EXECUTOR'S NQTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of James Forsythe, dec'd . late of Adams township, HntlerCo,, I*a., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowning themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay meet, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to John It Forsyth k. ) „ W. A. SLOAN, f XrH Mars, Pa. W H Lt'HK. Att'y. » 10 08 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of William Koenig. lalo of Butler borough, Butler Co., Pa., dee d. Letters of administration having la-en granted to the undersigned on the above estate, notice is hereby given to all' persons knowing themselves to be in- ' debted to said estate to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement to Mrs. Annie R Koknkj. Adrnr'x., No 1H Isaliella St.. 11 H. OOtJCHER, Allegheny City, Pa. Attorney, Batler, Pa. 9 10-oit EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of John Wiley. Sr.. deed., Ute of Clinton twt>. Bntler Co.. Pa .having lieen irrant ed the undersigned, all persons known inir themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, . and any having claims said estate will present them dnly authenti cated for settlement to THOS. WILEY, I F _. JOHN WILEY, F" N " W. D BRANDON, Saxoutrarj?. PIT. j Attorney. D-3-08 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary in the estate of James W. Park, dee'd., late of Middle sex township, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to, and all having bills against same will pre sent them duly authenticated for pay ment to REUBEN W. PARK, Hx r., R. F. D. 24, Valencia. Fa. W. D. BRANDON, Atfy. 7-9-03 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Elizabeth B. Wiley, dee'd , late of Clinton twp.. Bntler Co., Pa., all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make im mediate payment, and any having claims against the c ».me to present them ■ duly authenticated for settlement to | JOHN WILEY, Adm'r., W. D BRANDON, Saxonbarg, Pa. Attorney. 0-3-03 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Whereas letters testamentary on the estate of Dr. J W. F. Moore, late of Butler. Pa., deceased, have been grant ed to the underpinned, all persons know ing themselves to be indebted to said i -tate are hereby requested to make prompt settlement and those having claims against the estate will present the same dajy authenticated for settle ment to FRANK H. MURPHY, Exacntcr, Younktu's Bldg. Batler, Pa. June 30th. 1903 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ESTATE OF PAJL TROUTMAN, DEC'D. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Paul Trontinan. deceased, late of the borongh of Bntler. Bntler county, Pa., have been granted to Henry N. Trontman of Bnt ler, Pa., to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or demands against said estate are reqnest to make the same known withont delay. HENRY N. TROUTMAN, Administrator, A. T. BLACK, Attorney. Bntler. Pa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS." ATTORNEYS. RP. SCOTT, • ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Office on second floor of Armor) Building. Butlei, I s a. " T. scon, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But ler, P«. noULTER & uAKhR, I; ATTOSNKVS AT \FR. P.ooin 8., Armory bnildta fc . IOJIN . COULTER, TL ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. (Jffice with R. C. McAboy, J. P., south side Diamond. Special utteution <iven to collections and business matters. Reference: Bntler Savings Hank, or Bu'ler Count Nati'.inel Bank | I), McJUNKIN, ti • ATTORNEY—AT-I.,AW. Othce in Keiber building, cornet Main and E. Cunningham sts, Entrauce on Main street. 1 U. i'.REIHN, t' • ATTORNEY AT LAW. <>tfic» on Main St. n.=ar Court House. EVERETT L. RALSTON, ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW, No. 257 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. Fisher Building. First door on South Main street, next my former office in Boyd Building. all. GOUWHKK, • ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Wise bnildin^ I P. WALKER, 1J» NOTARY PUBLIC, BUTLKR, PA. Office with Berktner, next door to P. t). EH. NEGLEY, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offie* In the Negley Building, West Diamond PHYSICIANS, DR H. J. NEELY, Rooms (I and 7, Hughes Build'ng, Sonth Main St. Chr</tiic diseases of genito urinary organs and rectum treated by t.he most approved methods. Hemorrhoids aud Chronic Diseases a Specialty. WH. BROWN, M. D., « Office in Riddle building, Diamond, next door to Dr. Bell's old office. Office Hours: —9 to 11 a m., 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p. m. Ci EO. K. McADOO. M D. I EYE, EAR, NOSE AND TIIKOAT, Exclusively. Hours—9-12, 1-5. Both Phones. Troutraan building, S. Main St. I C. BOYLE. M. D. rJ • EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT, After April ibt, office ill former Dr. Peters'residence, No. 121 E. Cunning ham St., Butler. Pa., next door to Times printing office. /"ILARA E. MORROW, D. 0., 'J GRADUATE BOSTON COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY. Women's diseases a specialty. Con sultatiau and examination free. Office Hours, 9to 12 111., 2 to 3 p. m People's Phone 573. i; 6 S. Main street, Butler, Pa p M. ZIMMERMAN *'• PHYSICIAN AND St'EC.EON At -m N. Main St. I R. IIAZLBTT, M. D„ 1j» 106 West Diamond, Dr. Graham's former office. Special attention given to Eve, Nose and Throat. People's Phone 564 MUBLM. BIPPUS, IO PHYSICIAN AND SUROKON atxi West Cunningham St. DR. JULIA !•;. FOSTER. DR. CLARENCE M. LOWE. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Rooms 9 und 10 Stein Building, Butler. Consultation and examination free, I daily; and evenings by appointment. DENTISTS. TV ,T. HIN D.MAN. T» . DENTIST. 127* South Main Htret-t, (ov»*r Metzer'a show store.) IvR. H. A MCCANDU'SS, 1/ DKNTIHT. Office in Bntler (Jonfity National Dank Building, 2nd floor. HW. WICK, T DENTIST. Has located in the new Stein building, with all the lateat device* (or Dental work. DK. M. D. KOTTRAHA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. DM NT: ST Office at No 114 K. Jefteraon St., over O. W. Miller's grocery ] J. DONALDSON, »" • DBNTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Cold Fillings a spec ial'v Office next to hR J. WILBKRT McKKK, SIIBCHON DKKTIST. Office over C. K. Miller's bhoc Store, a 15 S. Main street, Butler, I'a. Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, t(old crown and bridge work. |ffANK OPENING| R The Officers and Directors of the j| 1 Butler County National Bank I H Of Butler, Pennsylvania, g S Cordially invite the public to be present at the opening of I g their new Banking Room and Building and solicit the inspect R I tion of their SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS on g I THURSDAy, OCTOBER 29, 1903, I | 10 A. M. TO 10 P. M. I P LADIES ARE ESPECIALLY INVITED. R MISCELLANEOUS. \\' M. 11. WALKER, V V SURVEYOR, Residence 214 W. Pearl St., Butler, Pa T JAMES DODOS ! . LICKNSFD AUCTIONEER Inquire nt ShcrifF'sofTce or 426 Mifißin m R tier Pa F. L. McQUISTION. " . CIVII. ENCINKKR ANDSURVHVOR. Ofiice nepr Court Hr>n«e. Something 1 TO WAIT FOR ' "All things couie to him who j waits" says the proverb; but then yon must have something to wait for, and yon do not want to wait too long. In the stock market there are (inick results. Investments often double in a day or an hour. I will carry large lines on a comparatively small investment. EBTAHLISIIED 189 H. 8. M. Weaver ! Stocks and Bonds Third Ave. and Wood St., PITTSBURG, j Local office, 213 S. Main St. | Butler, j A. REYNOLDS, Manager. UB See the sign direct I* -i»» K « 1M "'inij'T'gi ***"» opponlle the fid Poslolflce. Theodore Vegeley, fgfj Keal Estate and lonuraoce Ajjency, }-£3 23S S. Mala St. Btiller, Pa. . ■d If you have property (■4 to soli, trade, or rent nyj or. want to buy or ame rent call, write or " gf uhone me. . st Mailed Upon Application '•TICK My wife, Clara M. Tlmblln, hav i - left my bed and Isiard without cause, , one harborlnp or furnishing her *<KHIS, I rd or maintenance will do so at their own ; Has I will not 1«; responsible therefor .i :iyauy bills countracteo bv h.*r. L. >l. TIMIII.IN. , t. Bth. lwxi.. I'etrolla.l'a, V'M. WALKER. CIIAB. A. MCELVAIN. WALKER & McELVAIN, . ' l'.utler County National Bank iildK ,L ESTATE. IN*I ItANCK. (ill. I'ttul'EKTlGt*. LOANS. lioTll I'IIONEH. Iliir SUIHIUJ l{iit«' to Alli'K'lieiij' .uimepciuv the lirst Sunday in May continuing each Sunday thereafter 1 October 25th, the Baltimore and i Railroad will sell sjiecial extrnr ~ tickets from Butler to Allegheny return for morniiiK trains on Nun ; at rate of ♦ 1.00 for the ronn«l trip. <-ts goods on Baltimore and Ohio H only. Return limited to dale of v Itates to Points in tltc Month and SoiitliciiHt. ' i first and third Tuesdays of April, . June, .Inly, Augnst. September, >lier and Novemlier, 1908, the Baltl <Xc Ohio Railroad will sell one Settlers' tickets at greatly reduced ' .to jioints in the Sonth and H(juth , I r further Information call on or < .•ss nearest Baltimore & Ohio et Agent, or B. N. Austin, (ien I'aswnxer Agent. Chicago. 111. Vi. A BERK? W' ER jneral Director. *> M?in | "Shoe the Horse, Shoe the Mare," but don't ■ "Let the Little Colt run bare " H 1 WE'LL TRUST YOU. ■ B If you are precise about the school shoes B H your boy or girl may wear to decide that ,B S OUR SCHOOL SHOES represent a fourth B fg more in value than elsewhere. B B 7K Shoes that have appearance in B B et nn Box-calf, Vici-kid and Satin Calf. B u SI 25 Shoes that will stand the hard B 9 ?i knocks of school wear. B g * ,ou Shoes that are built on hygenic B B to principles for growing feet to wear B B f or comfort and health. B B All the new styles now in stock. B I Daubenspeck & Turner I B Fine Footwear, B B 108 South Main St., g Next to Savings and Trust Co. CAMPBELL'S GOOD FURNITURE f Largest Line of I 1 Couches We've 1 I Shown this Year. £ *§! A COMPLETE LINE OF POPULAR PRICED J§J i 2§f COUCHES TO SHOW YOU. NEVER HAD A BETTER S Si ASSORTMENT. PLAIN OR TUFTED TOPS, COVER- €§« 5H ED IN FIGURED VELOUR, PLAIN COLORED Rk gj VELOURS, VERONA, PLUSH AND PANTABOTE. g PI New Couches $22 Couches Covered iu red and green Covered in pattern velonr, g* velours, full size. tnfted plain ton, roll edge Yonr top*, veil made. wood bane choice of red or green cover- Ez * with carved feet. lug; only 2of this pattern. »gj Price 12.50 Your choice 15.00 g j|§Pantasote Couches Verona Couches S Or rather eouches covered Covered In a rich (?reen Nn in Pantaaote. First clasa verona: plain top with roll |g| ZSH conatraution, wood lwae. edge; guaranteed oonatrnc- n •ejJ deep tufting, right in every tinn. golden oak base. A jtiK jSJ way. beantv for the iBLf £|s Price 20.00 Price 25.00 *|?| COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. lAlfred A. Campbell! 3§j( Formerly Campbell A Templeton. BgJ Istcirkey i M o Leading Photographer, tD T" Old Postoffice Building, O w- Butler, Pa. £ ) H. Q. Allison, Funeral Director, Bell Phone No. 3. Bakerstown, Pa. L. C. WICK, nr AI.KH :J» LUfIBER. H. MILLRR, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OHHICK — Byer»' Rulliling—next to P. O. Butler Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers