j'H t: ci n/.KN. T THCHfertfcVj' Hay f. TR*. . „ —t a 4--f f 4-4% NEW Al>VEATffeElfiE^Td. >fc>TF All advertisers Intending to make changes io tlielr ads. should notify u-. of their Intention to do so not later than Mon- mornlog. sotice in Bankruptcy, uardian's notice Jury List for Jnm Term. Carl Schlnchter, Tailor. Blown & Co s furniture. D & G s clothing. Newton's pianos Campbell's furnitnre. Bickel's footwear Ketterer's shoes. Wick's hats. Modern Store'j dress goods Wool Wanted Driving horse for sale. Leighner "s jewelry. A4inli>l.sii4i.>rs and Execnrors ot estate c»n secure their receipt books at the CITI ZEN office, and persons making public sale* note books. LOC\L AND GENERAL, —Butler is to have White Wings. —The 4th of July Committees are at work. —April lefl the do« r open and May came in with cold feet. —lt froze hard last Friday night, and yet we may have some fruit. —The firemen are arranging for a great and glorious Fourth in Butler. —The dast storm on Main St. last Thursday, equalled one of those on the desert of Sahara. —A iittle fire at Wade Wynn's on W. Fulton St caused a big run for the fire men Friday afternoon. —The Woodmen have fixed upon Ang. 6th, as the date tor their Ox roast and picnic at the Park. An Indiana Court has decided that it is illegal to cook onions when the aroma annoys somebody else. —Redick & Grohman report that the Sherwin-Wiliianis paint trade this year will exceed any two previous year. Attempts were made to enter the residences of J. M Armstrong and John Snyder of W Clay, last Thursday night. —Cornelius Bros & KMly have their new Intolier 5 ard at the crossing of Kittanniug St. and B <fe O. railroad in operation. —Over in Wampum they passed around the hat. tor the man who killed the robber, arid raised him several hun dred dollars —Au unknown man held up Albert Hays, in bis store in Clinton twp. a few dajs ago and roblxd him: also Joseph McCall. near by. —We need some new roads in thig county, and cur people should study the new road law. a synopsis of which ap jteais in another co<nmn The Sunday School which meets in the Phillips City school house will give a festival there next Wednesday even ing. the 13th All are invited. A woman living in Forward twp has lately taken the notion of killing her three year-old airl, whose father, she says, is a Pittsburg lawyer. A six ton side of the tremendous safe of the Trust Company arrived in town, jetterday, and they had a great time getting it into the building. J. M Osborne of Pittsburg will give b mnsioal entertainment on Thursday of next week, the 14th, at the Grange Hall, near Saxon Station, in Winfield twp. The building contractors have got- ( ten together for self protection. Quite a number of men who intended build ing, this year, have postponed opera tions - You know the Russians by their 1 whiskers, and in print by their names -- 1 one of which appeared in a Pittsburg piper, yesterday, credited to Butler for a marriage license. —The new time table of the B. & O. between Allegheny and Foxburg does 1 not go into effect till Bunday, the 17th, after which time the noon or 11:40 1 train will not leave Butler till 1:00 p. m 1 —While Harvey Wise of Penn twp, was fixing the abutment of the Thorn creek bridge, nesr the M. E. church, last week, he found nine large black snakes in ast me pile, and killed tbem all. / —One of our town dalies got off a pretty good "fable" the other day on ( the young lady (T) of Bntler twp. who is said to have caught several of our young sports by what is called the badger gaipe. —Ttyese highway robberies are becom )t)g intolerable—#nd the qnly remedy for it is for every man living in the suburbs to put a gun In his pocket, and be ready to use it, which an order to "hold up your hands" justifies. —The fact that St. Louis was laid out 40 years before Butler was, may sur prise some people, but it shonld be re membered that the French explorations century reached from the |ak<*sto the of the —"Hold up your hands ' was the or 4er Mr- Potter of the B B. <sp P. receiv fctj at his on institute jjni, niqrht, and as a pistol was pointing at liitn ho did so, and was re lieved of a gold watch and #lO in cash. Liquor selling licenses in England appeur to go mostly by favor. It is stated that nearly 400 pnblic houses in Great Britiau are owned by members of the House of Lords, Lord Derby be ing by fur the largest own> r, with 72 licensed "The Duke of Bedford fias half a hundred houses. Qne mem ber of the Cabinet—the Dnke of Devon shire—has 4?. _-£>arl the tailpr, ha„ rp iooved his shop to the Reiber building, 115 E Jefferson St.—opposite the Low ry House—second floor, wherelie has a large, well lighted work room, and also a storage room for his goods. His spring stock, all new and first class is now ready for inspection, and he guar antees lit and workmanship: ll'.. fl 1 • <.< Hp ' Tbey had a lively time in Acpinwail ia,* br»tard„y night and 4au,ea Shanor, lormetly of this piai j, and now Presi dent of the Council there, was hit on the head with a brick and seriously in jured. The P. R. R. Co. built a bridge across the river from Aspinwall to Brilliant station, with the intention of > tinning all passenger train-; froin t}ie Penn aijrosj and into Hfi- WitUbnrg, Put the Council had not allowed the R, R, Co, tlie n«e pf a l*:r< tb- ;:<Meat trackg and the bridge, and when the company began nnloading material the citizens of the town gathered and stepped it. af jt>r u row with Who were doing it. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. PERSONAL. Jacob Albert of Franklin township , visited rri'-nila is Butler, last week. j Augart Stiff ac<l Ciratit Flick of I Clinfaja irere h: tow® ofl bostne* Monday. Theixlore Keck and George Hower attended a partv in Harmony. Tuesday • evening Miss Ilntta Scott, wlio married John A. Martin, last week, was a daughter of T B Scott. Frank D. Pierce is erecting a dwelling house for Win. A Hauck on Water street. Abner F. O'Brien of New Cumber land, W. Va.. visited liis father. W. H. O Brien. Wednesday. Miss Gertrude Thomas of Bradford is visitine her aunts. Misses Emerick, of Washington street John Miller, of the B. R. k P.. dis appeared last Saturday, and his friends are worried about him. W. H. Cubbage of Carnegie and in. Heginbotbain of Jefferson township were in Butler on business, Tuesday. Jo?. E Smith of coal street was held up and beaten, and robbed of $26.00 on the Pittsburg bridge, last Saturday night. Roosevelt was in Denver. Monday. Santa F*. New Mexico. Tuesday: and at the grand canyon of the Colorado, yes terdav. Tom Alexander came all the way from Cameron. \\ . \ a., to attend .he meeting of the School Board, Friday evening. Mrs. Newton and children are visit ing her parents in Grove City, and if the piano man wasn't kept so busy he d be lonesome. Dr. V H. McAlpin, the dentist, has removed to Warren, where he will practice with his brother, who has been there for some years. John Morall. who has been sick for sometime, is again able to be back to work as watchmaker and repairer for Carl H. Leighner. the jeweler. Oren Christy of Halo, Ohio, who had been visiting his aunt. Mrs. Ruinbaugh, went back, Monday He drills wells for the Colonial Salt Company. Jos. M. Mattern of Mars, now work ing in Knox. Co. Ky., if home on a visit. Ho is with a Pittsburg oil com pany there that has not had verv good luck. Harvey Gibson of Bruin is now in his 85th year, and he was around visiting friends in Butler, Tuesday. His wife, nee Crawford, and eight children are yet living. Misses Catherine and Eliz ibeth Reilly of Chicora left Saturday for their home in Ireland, called there by the illness of their mother. They were accompanied to New York by their nephew, John Dolan, and Attorney Frank Kohler. Edward the Seventh.of England.arriv ed in Paris, last Friday,and received an ovation as he passed through the streets which shows a better feeling than has heretofore obtained between the two nations Captain Ford, who died last Friday, in his 92nd j ear, did not begin to ex periment in the making of plate glass, until he was in his sixties, and after the fortune he had made on the river was swept away by the panic of 1573. He was the pioneer of the plate glass in dustry in, and was one of the most re markable men this country has ever produced George Rapp, the founder of the Har inony Societv. died in the fall of 1847, when over ninety years of age. His power over the members of the society was absolute' and it has often been the subject of remark and wonder that one mm could control the passions of eight hundred people—keeping the sexes apart, and even separating those who bad been married. —A few days ago two drunken men sat on the base of the Soldiers' monu ment asleep and alwve their heads arched the words, "Our Silent Defend ers." —The body of ex Recorder J. O. Brown of Pittsburg was exhumed, Mon day, and a post-mortem held up in the Bull Creek church. The stomach will be analyzed by an expert. A brother whose home is in Nebraska is having it all done. Coroner McGeary of Alle gheny county was In Butler, Tuesday, and while here said he believed Brown had been poisoned, and that every effort would be made to discover the responsi ble party. —At the joint conference between the coal miners and operators of Mercer and Bntler counties held at Grove City, a scale of wages wa- arranged for the en suing year and adopted without a dis senting voice. The scale follows: Pick Alining, per ton of 2,000 pounds. 56 cents: punching machine, cutting, per ton, 14 cecta; punching machine, lead ing, per ton 34 cents: roadmen and drivers, $2.30 per dav; blacksmiths, $2.40 per day. An increase of 5 per cent, on present prices for all lead work and 12j per cent, on outside labor, excepting blacksmitbing, was also granted. Twenty-six mines, employing about 2,000 men, are affected by the in crease. letter to (ieo. I^etterer, Butlpr, Ba. Dear Sir: There are two sorts of fur niture. Yon know both, for you sell 'em both. One sort looks better than it is. and the other is better than it looks. There isn't any other sort. The same, two sorts of paint, no more; and we make 'em both—we make tons of stuff that isn't worth its freight. Belongs to the business—have to. Be longs to your business —you have to. But this is aside We put into cans, with our name on, the very be. t paint there is in the world; Devoe Lead and Zinc. It takes fewer gallons than mixed paints, and it wears twice as long as lead and oil. C. O. Brown & Bro., Columbia. S. C., write. Mr. O. O. Brown employed an experienced painter to paint Ids house with lJevoti Lead and Zinc. The painter, on seeing Hie paint that was sent to tlio house, said that tr.ere was not enough; 110 was so sure of this that he opened up all except one five-gallon kit. \Y hen the Job was done he returned the H ve gallun kit »nd abont as much more In open vessels. Other painters who have been using mixed paints have had the same ex perience with Devoe Lead and /.inc. Yonrs truly, F. W. DEVOE Co., 10 New York. P. S. Patterson Bros, sell our paint. BUYING WOOL. Mopths of May, tune. -inly apd August, forenoons only, location same as last season, formerly Graham Bros Grocery, now Cohen's bargain store. WM. F. RCMHEROER. Driving Horse For Sale! Is three years old, weighs abont ten hundred, is perfectly sound, and is well bred Inquire at bouse of H L. Kelly in Wortb.twp . or address sumo at' 42* Went JfefTerson street, Butler. ' '.'Hellp Central.'- Ilellq. "Please give me No. |jl—Victor Hemedie* Line. Baby has colic. Victor Infant* Relief cures it." School teachers, We will be ready for yon any time afte* Aj ril Ist. By secur ing a thorough training in Itookkeepini' shorthand and typewrit : ng, y. 1; .u,, double or treble vowr »a4a|7/ Call rtn<T »ee ns or v/Hfp for information ftuq.LEi; Buiji\H.ss ftoLLEijt; Spring showjiit; pf pp it, .mio ! for iilrtll rtfid buv «♦ .-^0 ...iter & Rocken- Don't miss it seeing the new cata logue of the Brjtler Hvjwimv 4 College 'it;e fjpnng Knowing r>f Men's and Boys' clothing at Ititter & Rockenstein'a is worth investigating. If it comes from Ritter & Rocken stein's it is bound to be up to date. i.KU.VL NEWS. •f. — IIKW ft" ITS. Angelo Braghette vs Standard I.ntutMT Ox appeal by deft from judg ment rendered by R. McElvain. J P Maud Dunning vs Albert M. Dunning, petition for divorce for de-ertion. National Supply Co. vs J. L. I'ekuiau. deft. and W. A Lindsejr, garnishee, i t tachment execution on goods of deft, j in garnishee's hands. VOTES Miss Elizabeth McConneil. guardian of Oliver and Mary E Adele (iilpin. minor childreu of the late Hon John Gilpin of Kittanning. Friday, {»etition<-d court for leave to intervene in the equity proceedings of Parser twp. vs Bruin borough to adjust the indebted ness between the two school districts and also for an order of Court making the SSOOO worth of bonds irsned by tue Township School Board in I*9J? to r.ii*e fnnds for building the brick -chool house in Bruin and bought by Miss Mc- Conneil as guardian, a lien on either one or both of the districts. Philippo Mirtoni has petitioned for naturalization. John Rape has been charged with de stroying borough property for smashing the windows of the Chicora lockup while confined there. John Taylor, one of the Bennett rioters, who refused to pay his costs and tine was arrested Saturday and then paid up. Paul Kearns was arrested Sunday for drawing a check on J. Berg A: Co. for s(>') and signing the name of his father, James R Kearns. Grocer George Btllis cashed the check for him. A short time ago the yocug man was arrested by Constable Brown on a similar charge. Brown went on Paul s bail and tue youug man then disappear ed Littr he was rearrested but :he case was settled by his father paying. The Bankrupt sale of the John Schaff ner place was" adjourned to the Court House next Tuesday. A venire facias has been granted against the Butler Passenger Ry. Co. to baing them into eouit for trial at the coming term for obstructing Pierce ave. Etq. Thomas McMillan has entered a charge of assault and battery against Dr. L. H Stepp, growing out of a per sonal encounter in Justice Kerk s office. PKOPERTV TRANSFERS. Jos B Sherman to Daniel \ounkins lot in Fourth Ward for *l. Daniel Younkins of Jos B Sherman lot in Fourth ward for sl. Viola Amy *o Mary E Thompson lot on Amy ave for S7OO. D Younkins and J A F Jaekson, guar dians, to Josiah Brown one-sixth int. in 93 acres in (.'lay for £575. Mary A Brown to Josiah Browu 96 acres in Clay for *3250, Thomas B Gravatt to Louis i Scott 3 lots at Saxon Station for $ 1400. Samuel M Bellis to Bert Barnhart 1 acre in Franklin for i-t'iO. M J Goddard to J G Strable lot in Adams twp for SIBOO. E L Wasson to bame property in Adams for SIOOO. Amos Seaton to Smith M McCreight acres in Venango for *4131 "if! Guaranty S D. & T. Co. to J W Mardorf lot on Elm st for 3900. E A Wert and M;trgt Lenz to T M Peat oil leases in Jackson for S7OOO. C C Reeder to P E Daubenspeck lot in Fourth ward for $2400. Jus W Cunningham to C G Boozle lot in Portersville for $6.50. Orra A Withneck to S M •26 acres in Venago for s6ll 7") Wm Carson heir# to J and H Drebert BO acres ir. Marion for SIOOO. Martha J Irwin to Lillie Dean lot on Morton ave for SIOOO. Lysanderßlack to .J C Black properties for $750. J L McElhaney to Htnry Mason prop erty in Slipperyrock for sllsO. Mary L Coovert to Margaret Mitchell lot on S Washington St for $1525. Clarence Walktr to Jesse Joseph & Sods 101# acres in Allegheny for SIOOO. Margart Brown to Albert Sutton, quit claim to 109 acres in Clay for SI4OO. Ex rs of Catharine Schonpp to C E Cronenwett lot on Mifflin St for $2500. Elizabeth and Dr. Schnltis to Annie WHitman 44 acres in Donegal fpr fc{so. Pgh. Security Sgs Ac Loan Assn to Guarantee L & I Co. lot on Park St for $lO. Anna M Benner to Jos P lleed lot in Zelienople for SBS. Marriage License*. Mike P/evoxink Lyndora Barbala Elko • Steve Vargo Ferris Rosalia Salai Jan Onoski Lyndora Josephbing Skripec Lukas Derenyoyowszkiz Butler Akniska Zeignian Albert R. Cooper Bntler Mand M. Murphy " N. R. Greyly Bfewston Millg. WVa Lida Wolford Chicora Charles E. Flack Butler Stella A. Cruiksbank " L. C. Fisher : Herman Mary Magdalena Reatt D. D. Ilawk Butler Daisy Shakily At Kittanning— Bnrton M Orr of Bruin and Nannie Whippo of Parker; also J. O. Snow of Butler Co. and Cora Evans of Armstrong Co. Paint Icour For to SI.UO with Uevoe's Gloss Carriage Paint. It weighs 3 to 8 ozs. more to the pint than others, wears longer, and gives a gloss ennal to new work. Sold by Patterson Bros BUTL.ER ICE COMPANY (Irderti delivered promptly to all parts of the town. Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call up Bell Phone No. 4; or People's No. 54. E. E. Lantz, Manager, People's Phone No. 533. Father* ami Blotters teach your child to save by opening a bank account for him with the Real Estate Trust Company, 311 Fourth ayenne, Pittsburg, Pa. Four per cent, interest on sayings accouptg. Capital and Surplus $3.700,000.00. Insurance and Rea Estate. If you wiwli to sell or buy property yon will find it to your advantage to see Win. H. Miller, Insurance and Real Estate, next P. 0.. Bntler. Pa. Hollar Sunday Itatc to H" eg lienor I Commencing the f.rst bunday in May and continuing each Sunday thereafter (intil Oct. 25th, the B. & O. R. R. will sell special excursion tickets from But ler to Allegheny and return for morning trains on Sunday at rate of $1 for the round trip. Tickets gopd op Baltimore and (ihio trains only. Return limited to date of sale. BUTLER ICE COMPANY Orders delivered promptly to all parts of the town. Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call up Bell Phone No. 4; or People's No. 54. E. E. Lantz, Manager, People's Phone No 533. Many- never ;rn}y li/e,—fcait eat and half aleap miserable from Uispep.jiA and Indigestion have beep yured by Victor Livvr Syrup It's about twice us large and twice as good looking as the last one —the new catalogue of the Bntler Business Col j lege. It's free to those interested. Those nobby top coats comes from Ritter & Rockenstein ®. H we you «et,o our finely illustrated I catalogue ior 1003 4? If pot, jpojf | copy, or when in tvAVtl i-Uli * ! fiw ami get >i - " I " —oiI.EIC Br SIN ESS COLLBfiK. It's the finest you ever saw the new j catalogue of the Bntler Business College. ' Free for the askinc. Wunt u n..bby Spring suit* Let Hitter & Rockenstein s fit you out. ! Fewer Gallons: Wears Longer. Save time by l'Ktking at Ritter & Rockenstein's first for that Spring suit or overcoat Doinirs of Council. ' i :3 \ 7 At IhS meefing of Council. Tuesday evening. th>- tax rate for borough purposes tor this year was fixed at 14 mills, 10 for general and 4 for debt j nrposes. The assessed valuation of the town is something over three mil i; 'lis The estimated items of expeuse tor this vear are lighting. $6,500: street i repairs. $5,500; police, $3,600: Water, S3.800: fire department, $2,000: Board of Health, *1,500: salaries, $3,000: Garbage $•">00. Thi- Cottage Hill Street Railwav Co. p jed for a franchise and the matter v is referred to the street committee The company asks the use of S. Main I> imond. and Quarry Sta and Negley Allev. Tlie Bluff, Franklin, and Ziegler St. p .ving ordinances were held up for two weeks: the bond of H C. Crick for the paying of W. Penn St was approved: an Ordinance opening Walker Ave. was ordered to be prepared: the city Solicitor was instructed"to aid in the defense of Mr. Phrosen. indicted for selling goods on the streets under a borough license; some bills were paid and Council ad journed for two weeks. Chicora Commencement. Dr. J. Leonard Levy. Rabbi of the Rudelph Sholoiu congregation. Pitts burg. will deliver the commencement address at Chicora Monday evening of next week. The class night exercises will be held Friday evening of this we» k, music will be furnished bv 'he Chicago Ladies Quartette. Rev. C. B. King of Allegheny preach ed the commencement sermon Sunday evening in the English Lutheran church. Ohl Fiddlers* Contest Mr Arthur Lov\ the well known m-isii-al caterer, at the earnest solicita tl. ns of his friends has consented to hold an Old Fiddlers' Contest, at the Butler Opera House. June 1. 1903. The contest will be open to all pla>ers fp mSO \ears up. Only the old tunes v. ill be used such as "Fisher's Horn pipe," "Devil's Dream." "Leather Br-eches.' "Irish Washwoman." etc. Leading prizes of $"25, sls. $lO. $5. Furniture. Musical Instruments. Jewel ry. etc. will be given. The old violin players of Cutler and arij ining counties should write im mediately to Arthur Love. Manager Kieber's Piano Parlors, Butler Pa. PAKIv THEATIti:. HUM A N H E.\ KTS. —TO NH; HT. S-tne dramas die in infancy for lack of the elements of success. No matter how elaborately i resented they may h». they fail to appeal to the public and soon soon the shelf. But a melodrama like "Hainan Hearts" holds its original charm It has been snen ilirouuhout the country for the past eight yeais, yet there is no decrease in public inter est in this delightful play. THE SIGN OF THE CROSS —MAY 12 Tlie Sign pf the Crogs, Wilson Bar rets remarkable hietoripal drama which has been the success of two continents during the last fire years, comes to the Park Theatre the 13 inst. Since its first appearance in America when it was presented by Wui, Greets London company at the Knickerbocker Theatre in New York, the play has been seen in only about thirty of our largest cities. So great has l>een its success that year after year the entire season was filled ! with return visits to these same cities. Interchangeable lOoOMile Ite fund Tickets. Commencing June 1, 1903. inter changeable lOOQ-Mile Refund Tickets will be placed pn aalp, limited to one year frotu date of isaue. good only for transportation of the owner, with usual free allowance of 15Q pounds over any of the following lines: Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. (Be tween all points east of Ohio River and between Pittsburg and Kane Also to and from points on Philadelphia and Readin;' Railway of Nevy Teroey be tween Ph'ladelphia and New York.) Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. (East of and including Huntingdon.) Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. Erie Railroad itsiast ofc and includ ing "lamestown and Suspension Bridge.) Lehigh Valley Railroad. Pennsylvania Railroad These tickets will oo sold at rate of $90,00 each, »übject to refund of SIO.OO on surrender of cover to Trunk Lines Mileage Ticket Burean, No. 143 Liberty Street, New York, at any time within eighteen months from date of purchase. This form of ticket will be ia deference to reonesta of numerous patron 1 ; of tiie linAs in interest desiring one ticket good over several lines in stead of having to provide themselves as jit present »\ith a separate ticket for each line they desire to pg®, Agents at stations of the railroads named iilir.ve will have these tickets on sale apd give all further in formation regarding them that may be required Decoration Day Excursions. <>n May 20 and :>O, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company will pell U,w rat>- excursion tickets \o ail i*>ints west of Pittsburg witnlh a radius of 150 miles from'jelling station. Ticket* will be good for return nntil June 1. 190 M. For further information call on or address nearest Baltimore & <>,hio Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, (general Passenger Agrnt, (Jhipago, 111 Markets. Wheat, wholesale price 75- HO Rye. " 55 Oats, " 40 Corn, " 58 Buckwheat 70 Hay, " 15 00 Eggs, " 15 Bntter, " . Potalofc.-j, • j Cifi«oM,"per i>u ..... Meets, per bU gQ | Cabbage, per lb,- ...... . ... t Chii-Jcen3. qvMiif«t 1 is Parsnips, per bn 50 Tnrnlps 40 Apples 00 75 Celery, doz bunches 25 Honey, per pound .1^ ii>- Qer jailoua. we<ua longer, DfYOfc. '(tven* ai»-» ' . _ (i. t ;u 4 - (iood Bakers, Vl .. uitehill's Ritter & Rockenstein seem to be lead ers in up to date clothing Normal Term sit Prospect. Prof. H. D. Pvott will conduct a Normal Term at Prospect. Books free. ! Tuition *O. In addition to the common ! branches opportunity will »be giver tn take up the higher branches. Special attention to Algebra. Penmanship and Civil Government. Term opens May 7th to continue H weeks. .Tnnior de partment for beginners. Write for particulars. Books free. PIKES. The houses of H. Hamilton and Ellis Redick in Venango twp. were destroyed by Are last Thursday afternoon. Loss fi.OX) and no insurance. The fire originated from an open tire nnder a wash-boiler iu the yard and was caused by the high wind that prevailed that day. The former residence of Judge Daniei Feidler. near Harmony, was destroyed by fire early Saturday morning. The property is now owned by C. Lockhart of Pittsburg, but was occupied by Mrs. Feidler and her daughter. The fire originated fnm a spark from the chimney. lusnrance £i.ooo. Saturday morning a stable belonging to Olive Matthews on Grand avenue. Dntfytown, was burned, the fire being started by a spark from a rubbish fire in the yard being blown through the stable window into soma, hav The loss was £ISOO. The house of D. L. Hutchison in Washington twp. was destroyed by fire Sunday. About noon Mr. Hutchison, who was on the first floor of the house thought he snielled something burning and ran up stairs but had scarcely reached the top when the roof began to fall in. Very little wns saved. Sparks from the chimney are supposed to have been the cause. The loss is $4 000 with iflsoo insurance in tfce Farmers' Mutual of North Washington Forest tires in McKean Co. destroyed a million dollars worth of property, iast Thuisday and in Clearfield county there were also some doings. The summer hotel on the crest of the Alleghenies was burned. Lovc-ly Concerts. Arthur Love and family had a larite umiiencv in Y. M. C. A. Hill. l«8t Thursday evening, and sent them hom-* well pleased with their evening's euter taiuuient. Miss Mina Love ia one of thel>->-t mu sicians iu this country. She pla>s oyer three hundred pieces from memory,and does it perfectly. Mr. and Mrs Love rendered a number of old time favorites and in such manner at, to call for enthu siastic applause. Mr. Love is now located in Butler, and we may expect more of these Love ly entertainments. Low Kates t.> Washington and Baltimore. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged" for low-rate ten-day ex cursions from Pittsburg and points iu Western Pennsylvania to Washington May 21. Round-trip tickets will be sold at rates (juoted below, good going jn special train ipr dicated. or on train No 4, leaving P'ttsburg at 9:00 p. ill., a-id orrvinu sleeping cars to Washingt on Special train of through psrlor cars aud c taches will be run froui Pittsburg on the following schedule; Train leaves. Rate. Butler 6:05 a.m. #»•'><> Frteport l-'M " f.OO Washington. .Ar7:ls p. m. Tickets will be good returning on any regular train except the New York and Chicago Limited, unfit May 30, in elusive, and to stop off at Baltimore within limit. Should the numlier of passengers not be sufficient to warrant the runuing of a special train, the company reserves the right to carry participints on regu lar train. Tickets on sale in Pittsburg at Union Ticket Office, 360 Fifth ave., and Union Station, and at all stations mentioned above. For full information apply to ageDts or Thomas B. Watt, Passenger Western District, Fifth Avenqe ftn d Si"ithfiel4 Street, Pittabui-g. Reduced Rates to San Francisco and Lo.s Angeles. On account of the meeting of the Master Plnmbers' Association, at San Francisco, Cal., May 19, to 22. the Pennsylvania Railroad poinpariy will sell excursion tickets to Wan Francisco or Los Angeleg, May U to 17, inclusive, good t u return until July 15, from all stations on its lines, at reduced rates. These tickets must lie validated for re turn passage, for which the usual fee of fifty cents will be PpvfnT'b er particulars ratus, routes, and conditions of tickets, consult ticket agents. Sljow Coining. The announcement that Ringllng Worlds Urea test Shows will exhibit in Pittsburg will be received with more than usual interest by the people of this neighborhood. The Ringling Brothers have a name that stands for all that is new, and en tertaining in the e;r„a« line, and the announces that this season the show has been enlarged to such nn extent that a whole extra train ia used in addition to the f M ur trains of last season. Jba «"now is now transported from place to place in eighty seventy foot cars, y-onstrqeted especially for the Ringling Brothers- in connection with the circus proper, in which the arenic performance Is unexcelled, the Ringling Brothers are this season presenting the beautiful and snblitne spectacular pro duction of Jerusalem and the Crusades. This pantomimic pl:\y the use of 1,200 %t;*ss esbd actresses and of a]moat tnree hundred horses. It is pre sented on the largest stage ever used for exhibitional purposes. Special e*cur sion rates have been vianged for on a'.l lines of traypl V«y Ringling Brotheis, and those wiiq deaire to go to Pittsburg where this great circus exhibits Monday and Tuesday May 1* and 19 can do so at a t\»mparalively mail cost. This will be the only point in this vicinity where the circus will exhibit this season an<l DO one should miss the opportunity to see it Watch this paper for addi tional announcements. Butler Company 0"&e»8 delivered promptly to all parts of the town. Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call up Bell Peone No. 4; or People's No. 54- E. E. l-AN™, Manager, people's Phone No. 533. YOUNG MEN WANTED! I want few, bright, young men to represent an incorporated company, in their home territory in Butler and Arm strong counties. Two and a half dollars a day guaranteed. Experience not necessary. Apply to J. C. COCUKAN, 128 We*t . Butler, Pa Dollar Sunday Kate to Allegheny Commencing the first Sand&v in May and continuing each Sunday thereafter until October 25th, Baltimore and ()hio Rai l rand will .selj special excur tiou tickets from Butler tq Allegheny and return for morning trains on Man day at rate of $ 1.00 for the round trip. Tickets good* on Baltimore and Ohio trains only. Heturn limited to date of sale Low Kates to Points In the South and Southeast, West and Northwest. On first and third Tuesday q? Ami, May, June, July A^mst.' yeptember, O'toiier and' If&veijiber, HWtt, the Baltimore Ohio Bailroad will *«ll Homeaeekera Excursion ticket* at greatly redflpefl t<> points in the tiltitfh Utitt Mouthenst, West and North west. For further information call on or address nearest Baltimore <V '-VVW Ticker Agent, or B. N. An Passenger A ires. t. yhiuyip', I ,0 " Company- I -- delivered promptly to all parts I vi the town. Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call up Bell Phone No. 4; or Peonies No. 54. E. E. LA NT/., Manager, People's Phone No. 583. Low Kates to Points In the South and Southeast. On first and third Tuesdays of April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November. 1903, the Balti more & Ohio Railroad will sell one way Settlers' tickets at greatly reduced rates to points in the South and South east For further information call on or address nearest Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin. Uen eral Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. CHUItCII NOTES. Rev. Dr MoLanahan of the Allegheny Seminary preached in the Uuited Pre-, byterian church Sunday and announc ed a call for a congregational meeting for Thursday May 14, 2 p. in., with Rev. J. Hal Bredin of W Sunbury presiding as Moderator, at which the calliug of a new pastor to succeed Dr. McKee will be considered. Next Sun day Hey. Frank Suiith of (tlade Mills will prea: h morning and evening. Seven members were received iu \ <xrace Lutheran church, last Sunday. The Ladies of the Aid Society of the lirace Lutheran church will" give a supper in the Y. M C. A. hall this evening. All are invited and those at tending are assnred a good supper. The new Zion Lutheran church at Byer's Corners was dedicated Sunday. Rev. Long preaching the dedicatory sermon. The Nathan Missionary Society will meet Tuesday May 18 at 8 o'clock in the V. M. C. A. hall. Business of iinpor tance to l>e attended to and members are urged to be present. ACCIDENTS Lewis Thompson had an arm broken at the B. B. S. Co's plant, Tuesdav morning. A man named Wright accidently shot his married sister, Mrs. Burke, iu the race, while fooliDg with a pistol, last Sunday, at her home near Hilliards. Acid ate through the rope that held them up, and three men engaged iu ; utting in glass oo the train-shed of the Union Station, in Pittsburg, last Fri day, fell seventy five feet, to the track 1-elow, and w>re killed.almost instantly. British Columbia w.-s the scene of a rtu: trkable disaster last Thursday. Oa> erploding in the coal lU'ne loosened th • overhanging top of the mountain aud it s;id down, during the night, upon th.- mining village, burying houses, and causing the death of about sixtv people destroying the railroad, aud damming the creek- OIL >'OTES. The Market—There has been no c'nange in the oil market: bo'h agencies are paying $1.58. Eau Claire—Excitement prevails on account of a strike in the Shira sand made by Dougherty Bowser cn the Dougherty farm. It is rated at from 2o to 30 barrels a day. The South has paid Housick SIOOO for a lease and yesterday McKee & Womer paid Mc Mthon heirs $2600 for a 50 acre lwu. Buffalo—John \\. Hilliard and John Waters finished a gas well on the J. vy A. Sullivan, this week, for the Bntk*' Plate Glass Co. and got a paying well. Tney drilled the well in eighteen and a half days. Uns Fixtures, We have them: 50 different styles, They are in the latest finishes, miade to match the hardware of your hotjpe. Whitehill, Plumber, If }t is up tp date it comes from RITTEK & KOCKENSTEJN'S. (iness I had letter drop aronnd and look at Ritter & Rockenstein's clotlpbg they to turn out tbp beat jp fowp. Raip of shine poats—the uobby kind at Ritter & Rockenstein's. The # # vjf toda\? Z J ia the hat vve j 5 want to sell jjou, J ? Maybe it is a SOFT HAT. # 5 Maybe it is a STIFF HAT. 5 # Or maybe a SILK HAT. 5 \ In any case we have the 5 1 HAT \ f and it costs nothing to £ X try it on and owning # doesn't cost much. # Come and see our new £ J Shirts and Neckwear, t | Jno. S. Wick j S HATTER and S 2 MEN'S FURNISHER. £ f Opposite P. Q, } J People's Phone. 81.1 J S BUTLER, PA. S Certain grades of Spring Footwear under-priced. Justfor business purposes only we've marked down the prices for this week. . Ladies' spring oxfords and fine light shoes, 98c. Ladies' Patent Leather orfords, very stylish for summer wear, i $1 69. Men's Patent Leather shoes and o&fords Bal or bjuch«r cut, $1 98. Ketterer Bros | 8W S. Main St. BUTLER, PA. Shoe repairing a specialty. First class work guaranteed. , Certificates for Sewing Machine given with each purchase. Western University of Pennsylvania Entrance ciamlnaUoM for »dmlJ»lon to the fieihmcn class In the collegiate and engineering departments will be held on Friday aud Saturday, June 19 and 20. 1903, at 9 ». ».. on Septem ber 11 and 12, at the Unlveraltr lulkUng, on Per ryfrille avenue, Allegheny, Pa- are °'" fered (or the beat entrance examinations In classics nod mathematics. % 51111111 , ■ ii■ ■ ■■■ am mTW&* %u i ■ Over 3000 Boys V^W in various parts of the country are T RyWi making money in h their spare time jLjZCy selling The Saturday Evening * Post. Some make A as much as SIO.OO and $15.00 a week. Any boy who V reads this can do W a the same. O > A we will send to any boy free, the most successful of our boy agents tell in their own way just how they have Ij made a success of selling The Saturday Evening Post There are many stories of real busi ness tact. Pictures of the boys are given. Send for this booklet and we will forward with it full information how you can begin this work No money required to start. We will send Ten Copies of the magazine the first week free. Write to-day. Tlx Curti* Publishing Company 485 Arch Street. Philadelphia. Pa. [Trusses if / The Right Kind \ J To Buy. v \ You can buy Trusses for al / J most nothing or yon can pay a S 1 high price for them, but the / / price of a Truss does not prove x p tbat it is going to be the one J J you need- Every ease has to \ \ be fitted individually. That S / is where we have had onr great C j success in Trusses. No one / / goes ont of onr store with a \ p Truss that does not fit perfect- ' I ly. Therefore a great many / \ people are wearing our Trusses / / and sending their friends to ns } 1 1 to be fitted. If you are wear- C \ ' ing a Truss and it does not V r fetl right, or stay in the right 1 / \ place copte in and see ns about i \ % \ it, no matter if you did not ! % % 1 bqy it from us. We will tell v * j yon whether it is the right / / Truss to wear. W T e will give j j you the benefit of our twenty- C I five years experience. Private | 7 \ apportmeqts for ladies, \ \ C. N. BOYD, { \ Pharmacist, | > C Diamond Block. / / Butler, Pa, ? J People's Phone 83. J \ Bell Phone 146 D. j y With the approach of Spring you need a blood cleanser and tonic. Don't forget that R. & G.'s Sarsaparilla Comp. is just what you need. Many of our customers testify of its merits. Large bottle —small dose. REDICK & GROHMAN. Prescription Druggists. ioq N. Main St., Butler, Pa. Both Phones. am z. a aa^aanwa—w L. C. WICK, OXAI.BB 1H LUfIBER. ~NEVi STOCK I have purchased the C. J. Harvey Pharmacy, In the Stein building, at 345 S. Main St., am remodeling and restocking the store. 1 have twenty-two years experience as a pharmacist, and compounding of prescriptions will be under my personal at tention. Pure drugs.and honest treat ment guaranteed. When in town shopping, stop and leave your packages. J. L. McKee, Pharmacist, Stein Block, S. Main St., Butler, Pa. Lincoln College, Rogers, Ohio. Spring Term opens April 14th. Normal Term, six weeks, be gins June 23rd. Commmercial, Ncrmal,Classic al, Musical and Art De partments Write for particulars Address, LINCOLN COLLEGE, IP. O Box 143, Rogers, Ohio. W. S & E. WICK, DEALERS IN KouKh and Worked Lumber of »'l Kin '» Doors, Ha»ih and Mouldings Oil Well Kins a Specialty. Office and Yard K Cunningham and « B's • near West H-.no Hepot, KUTLBit PA New Spring Clothing Now on Sale. We »rf» |.rc(i»ml to show yon [ A y new spring itood*. We have do tit / J I* I cverythinK [»->-oible to inak* our / J I 1L J spring Hhowmj far alwve ever?" / [, 4S 1 we have ever shown in the si /j J) J i put. tod we believe we have snc 4 I .7 ( eded. We are now ready to ~ r -how yon the latest things in M J \ \ Men's. Boys an<l Children's Cloth r A inp Also a fnll line of Furnish J Take a look at onr Hat De Jl I'.irtnient before von bay yonr f I X I * w *" ,m / f i Yours for C,o,bi og . V'T 1 |1 J Douthett & ) H Graham. JK j I Car] Schlucter, | THE TAILOR, 9jr * |H | Has removed from -125 W. Jefferson street to 115 E. Jef- I | ferson street. Room 6. Reiber Building, Butler, Pa., I | where he will keep a stock of seasonable goods—all of I * the best quality. Spring stock now ready for inspection. I Cleaning and Repairing. Good Workmanship Guaranteed. Union Prices Paid. UYINQ A PI A N O-^ Is like buying a gold mine to the average All the more necessity for you to get a good instrument with a name known for ) honesty, progressiveness and durability BUY A CAHSE, HACKLEY OR CARLISLE. Y° u cannot be too critical about buying >ATi\ a piano. It is not an event that occurs - When yon buy. you want a 'ik. fn "' P nre Piano, elastic and lasting, Lgfe/v whose tones will slur after using it : " Examine my pianos carefollv, and yon . w '" *pe«k uothing but favorably of them. Don't buy bapazard any where. Start \K here first I know I have a good stock, and Mi 1 ' iT* ' I want you to know it also. I know that my prices are reasonable and honest, and I want you to know it also. I know I can give yon satisfaction, and I want you to know that Right pianos, right prices, right treatment, is onr motto. Your credit is good. W. R. NEWTON, 317 South Nain Bt. "THE PIANO MAN" Butler. Pa. | Prices do the Talking BROWN S CO S Furniture and Carpet STORE. Full from Basement to Roof. ■ Reliable Goods from Best Manufacturers. CHINA CLOSETS GO-CARTS SIDE BOARDS and and BUFFETS. REFRIGERATORS. BED ROOM SUITS, CHIFFONIERS . IRON BEDS and and BEDDING. TOILET TABLES. SEWING MACHINES PARLOR TABLES and and HALL RACKS. EXTENSION TABLES. I A full line of CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, OIL CLOTHS and HOUSE FURNISHINGS. COME IN AND COMPARE! BROWN &• CO. No. 136 N.-Main St. (Bell Phone 106) * BUTLER. PA. CAMPBELL'S COOD FURNITU.RE. M~% GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD® jg \BUY YOUR HOUSE FURNISHINGS C Hi AT THIS STORE. ® ■;H? Ist. We have the largest stock in this jPj part of the country, which enables you Jgg 9@f to find just what you want, H* jctf 2nd. The convenience of buying every- fegt jUI thing you need to furnish a horse at one store and having to make only one ac 3rd. Our prices are low, quality con- sill sidered, which enables you to SAVE £56 MONEY. H IFURNITURE Such as we can guarantee to you. You will jgg find there is no economy in buying cheap lgx Sei furniture, as it will not last. gj I CARPETS | Wiltons Axminsters Velvets Brussels S Ingrains Rugs Oil Cloths COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. fig iAlfred A. Campbell! Formerly Campbell & Templeton. Will Buy Oil Productions From 100 Barrels up. Addreps, with particulars, J. J. S. LANSING. 43-li Time- HulklltiK. New York City. 4-m-oa-U I Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L KiRKPATRICK. Jeweler end Greduete Optlclee 1 T Vv»- to Horn* Ratlrr. Pa. % I Mimic acholarx wanted ftt 196 W. Wayne St.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers