THE: CITIZEN. WILLIAM C. NEOLEY - - Publisher THURSDAV, FEBRUARY ax. 1901. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Subject to the Republican Primary, Saturday. June 1, 1901, 1 to 7 p. m. DELEGATE TO STATE CONVENTION. (3 to elect.) W. W. HILL, of Adams twp. W R HOCKENBERRY, of Slipperyrt>ek. W. B. MCGEARY, of Butler. FOR CLERK OF COURTS, QEO. M. GRAHAM, of Connoq. twp. J. H. PiSOH, of Worth twp. DISTRICT ATTORNEY, JOHN W. COULTER, of Butler. WM. C. FINDLEY, of Butler. ELMER E. YOUNG, of Butler IIAKKISBUKG. During the latter part of last week the ripper charter-bill passed the Sen ate bp a vote of 28 to 18. In the House the Cooper amendment to the Grady repeal bill passed by a vote of *9 to 84, which frustrates Grady 's scheme and may give the state a new law McClain of Lancaster, also in troduced a libel bill and all the libel bills will be considered by the House on Wednesday next, the 27th. WASHINGTON. Russia has lost no time in retaliating against the order of Secretary Gage in creasing the tariff upon Russian sugar. Count Cassini, Russia's Ambassador at Washington, is in receipt of informa tion by cable that his government made an order abolishing all concessions to American iron, steel, hardware and machinery. The effect of the order is to advance the Russian tariff 50 per cent upon all these products. American exports of iron aDd steel manufactures to Russia last year amounted to about $10,000,000, and it is believed the advance of 50 per cent in the tariff will com pletely kill that trade. Russia has become one of America's best customers, and the development following the completion of the Trans- Siberan railroad promised to give our mills and factories additional millions worth of trade. Politically Russia was friendly and had made concessions of 30 and 2.'j per cent in tarriffs to favor American imports. At one stroke these are alxilished in favor of Germany and Great Britian, our only rivals in these lines. All this for a tariff penalty upon a paltry 1650,000 worth, or less, of Rus sian sugar. y The bill to authorize the holding of "the international exposition in celebra tion of the centennial anniversary of of the Louisiana purchase at St. Louis in IW)3 and appropriating $5,000,000 therefor, passed the House Monday under suspension of the rules by a vote of 101 to 41. The opposition was hope lessly in the minority and the straggle over the bill was brief. The Ship Subsidy bill met with de feat in the Senate. Libel Law Tinkering. The first of Senator Grady's serial at tempts to muzzle free discussion of public affairs by the press was very materially improved by the adoption of the Cooper amendment in the House yesterday. That amendment, however, does not make the new bill as good as the existing law. It is a clever and pertinent commen tary to propose in this amendment to make a statutory declaration of the constitutional liberty of the press, and the unwelcomed character of that amendment is sufficiently illustrated by the opposition of the supporters of the Grady brand of legislation to tae adoption of the language of the Con stitutiyj* But an example in the way in w Web the Cooper amendment falls of it&own standard is afforded in ittfexcTusion o? the plea of justifica tion "where the words used are plainly directed against private character." Private character in the case of a can didate for office may sometimes have the most cogent public interest. If an emliezzler in private life should become a candidate for an office of public trust would Mr. Cooper have the press de barred from informing the people of his private character? As to Mr. Grady's second installment of press censorship, it is the sort of bill which the gentlemen in tempory retire ment at Riverside and Moyamensirig would pass if they had the opportunity of the gentlemen at Harrisburg. There is no need for any snch absurd legislation. The present libel iB ade quate for the civil and criminal punish ment of abuses by the press. No case has been cited of any honest man who has been injured invoking it in vain. There are some reckless and malignant journals , but their nnmber is happily few.- -The improvement in public taste is a better corrective for papers with a vicious animus than any ridiculous and extreme measures like the second Grady bilL—Dispatch. N EIOII BOftHOC »I» NOT Eh. Allegheny City had a sensation, Tues day. A "ran" was made on the German National Bank, caused by a misappre hension regarding an issue of bonds by the Pressed Steel Car (Jo. At the Zoo in Indianapolis.a few days ago, a young man engaged in cleaning the cages of the animals unintentionally stepped into that of a ferocious tiger, and was chewed to death before the force could rescue him. A dozen bul lets were tired iDto the animal, but he would not release his hold on the young man till a red-bot poker was thrust into his month. Knox, Clarion Co. had a ijss,ooo fire Monday night. The losers were Alt man, Anstin, Haust. Rankin and others H. C. Frick lately paid SOIO,OOO for property on Grant St. and Sixth Ave. near the Court House, and it was rumored in Pittsburg, the other day that he had offered a million for the old Cathedral lot at corner of Fifth Ave. and Grant street. Untonville Literary Society. A literary society was organized at the Uniouville school house at McCand less. on Friday evening Feb. 15, I HOI. After the reading of the constitution by Jas. T. McCandless, the society was duly organized and the following offi cers were elected; President, James T. McCandlei s; Vice President, George W. Varnmh; Secretary Miss iva Miller; Marshall, Frank Varnnm; Critics. Sam uel Allen and Presley Heck. After these officers were installed and had taken charge of their respective offices, an interesting program consisting of recitations and a dialogue followed. Some of these speeches were quite laughable as well as instructive and en tertaining and were heartially applaud ed. A short recess followed, after which the society was again called to order by the president. The regular debate was next. The question, Resolved that there is more pleasure in the possession than in the pursuit, was discussed by E N. Snyder, A. McCandless and John Stamm, affirmative, James T. McCand less and C. Snyder, negative. Decision two to one in favor of the affirmative. After the reading of the program for March Ist fOOI, the society adjourned. The meeting on March Ist will l>e un usually interesting as a stirring debate and one or two big dialogues are schedul ed. We axe well pleased to see so many of the parents and citizens of the twp. in attendance and hope all will continue to come and encourage the young people in literaiy work. BOItOUGH ELECTIONS. Tuesday's election turned ont a great deal mure exciting and interesting than it was expected to. It was full of sur prises, but there was no disorder in any part of the town as it had been feared there would be. The number of votes polled was 1>52, about two-thirds of the full vote. The results are as follows: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. 1 2 3 4 5 Total Keck, D 204 282 lift) 181 1».>—1011 Anderson. R. 192 150 141 180 199 868 McElvain. R. 307 143 123 126 148- M 7 White. D.... 171 182 195 142 145- 885 Brush, R 138 170 141 158 176 789 Graham. D...113 lffi 111 97 81— 588 AUDITOR. Schenck, D...10* 200 19"s 140 1> .-04 Christley, R..173 158 109 157 168— 765 The following ward officers were elected: First Ward —Council, J. E. Camp bell. R.: school director, 1 year, Blair Hooks, C., 3 years, Thos. Alexander, C.: assessor, Jos. Schnitzer. D.; judge of election. C. A. Skillman, R.; inspectors. T. D. Stewart, R. and Harry Crouse, D. Second—Council, F H. (Joettier, D.; director. W. Z. Murrin. D.: assessor, Geo. Millinger, R.; judge, Theo. D. Pape. D.: inspectors, John Kolder, D. and M. H. Smith, R. Third —Council. J. A. Walter, D ; di rector. Lev McQnistion, D.; assessor, W. H. Craig, R : judge. C A. Collins, D.: inspectors, Geo. McCandless, R. and D. J. Knittle, D. Fourth—Council, Isaac Meals, R.: di rector, J. L. Garroway, R.; assessor, Geo. Mc.Tnnkin, R.; judge, R. M. Mc- Farland. R.: inspectors,T. H. Greer and Claude Garrard, D. Fifth—Council, J. H. Grohman, D.: director. C. E. Cronenwett, D.: assessor, Peter Kamerer, R.; judge, S. M. Mc- Lure, R : inspectors, W. L Cress, R. and C. W. Reiber, D The next town council will have 11 Democrats and 4 Republicans; while 011 the school board the Republicans have a majority of two. NEW JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Oakland twp.. J. F. P. McGinley. Clinton twp., John B. Cunningham Mars, P Duncan, W. A. Sloan and T. H Miles. Brady—J. M. McNees. Venango twp—Robert C. Wilson. Eau Claire—John H. Tebay. Forward twp—J. W. Cappeau and J. G. Brown. Middlesex twp- W. B. Bedillion. Jefferson twp—W. B. Smith. Petrolia—R J. Bottner and A. L. Campbell. Karns City—Geo. E. McGill. Harrisville—W F Magee. Portersville —A S. Marshall Mercer twp—J. A. Brown. Lancaster twp—J. P. Goetman. Concord Twp. We are having a royal flush of sleigh ing parties, socials and entertainments at present. If the f?ood sleighing con tinues the end is not yet in sight. Harvey Campbell and wife, accom panied by A. J Campbell and family were the guests of Rob't Adams last week. R. A. Kinzer, who was taken sick while on a visit to his father-in-law G. W. Craig, of Armstrong Co , is at home and has nearly recovered from his ill ness. A traveling salesman was attacked with la grippe while on his journey and was obliged to take his b**d at the Clark House last week, where after it few days medical treatment he was able to resume his trip. W. H. Kuhn returned home on last Monday from a trip through the north ern part of the county. Will says that a drive of 30 miles after night in the face of a blizzard is something never to be forgotten, particularly when one has to throw the lines around his neck and has to depend upon the good sense of his horse for guidance and safe delivery. The social and entertainment given by the Middletown school on Thursday night was witnessed and participated in by a large audience. The performance consisted of essays, recitations, songs and select reading. A cake walk en livened the exercises of the evening. The bidding for plates was spirited, one young man buying no less than three plates. The net proceeds amounted to The next school social will be held at Oreece City on Wednesday eve ning the 20th in st. On Wednesday evening a sled load of young people headed by S. G. Coulter, together with a goodly nu in Iter in sleighs took possession of the home of Wm. Jackson and his estimable better half. The young folks nay they were royally entertained and spent a most enjoyable evening. Mrs. Robert Adams is suffering severely from au attack of articular rheumatism in one of her hands. Claude Murtland's latest venture on the Reed heir's promises to lie a ten barrel pumper. The well being drilled on the J. 8. Campbell seems to be plug ged by a string of tools. Campbell Bros., Paul Troutman and James Byers are having rig timlier hauled on their respective leases, upon which they ex pect to drill in the near future. J. L. Cumberland recently purchased as fine a flock of Golden Wyandotte as can be seen anywhere. John Brown is kept busy delivering farm products in Mirldleton and at the county seat. His goods are all right and meet with a ready sale. G. It. Catlin, of Magic, is suffering severely from an attack of acute rheum atism. Mrs. Hughes Christy, of Greece City, is prostrated with grippe and an attack of asthma. Linn Christie, who was appointed tax collector vice VV. H. Campbell, resigned, will not qualify on account of failing health, and Piatt It. Sutton lias been recommended in his place. A little child belonging to Adam Beil stein at Troutman is dangerously ill with the prevailing epidemic. Some of our young folks attended the dance at Charley McAnallens in Centre twp. last week and report having had a splendid time. R. R. Stewart misted his footing in descending a pair of fteps and fell in such a manner as to light upon bis back on the sharp edge of a stone step His injuries wliile painful are not serious. * John Larimer is packing bis tools preparatory to his contemplated reniov al from Magic. The K. B. S. No. 24. Hooker lodge gave its first literary performance Friday night. A fine program has been prepared for its next session, the first Friday in March. Brethern Mm sur rounding lodges are respectfully invit ed'to attend. Services will be held in Concord church next Sabbath at 2 o'clock pm. Also at the R. I*, church at Middleton at 1 la m. Mr. Leegmn, a converted Jewish rab bi preached a very instructive sermon 'at Concord last Sabbath On account i of being taken suddenly ill lie was un able to deliver the lecture that night as Jannounced. | Silez. VViufield Grunge Institute. ! The farmer's institute at Winfield j (jrange hall held Feb. 11th and lath j was quite a success. The address of welcome was given by ! George Milliroii of West Winfield, and the response bv G. F. Easley of Silver I vllle. Farm and educational topics wer«- discussed by prominent ntat«- among them being (Jol Jim. A \VCHMI ward, J. B. Johnson, S. H Elder, J'rof. Hayward. of the State College. Albert M Cornell State Secturer of the Penn sylvania State Grunge, represented the interests of tbe grange. lie put forth a strong plea for the grange and for farmers to organize and co-operate with each other. The local talent wan also well represented at the institute. Five sessions were held and they were quite well attended by the farmers The evening sessions were well attended by the young folks of the community, who took advantage of the opportunity to get, a sleigh ride. All were well pleased and will welcome another institute. A Blank Valentine. The office was crowded with eager faces awaiting the changing of the mail. It was St. Valentine's day and of coarse everyone was expecting their tokens of love, at the same time think ing of others who on this day would re ceive the tokens of love their hearts prompted them to send. Loud was the laughter and many the jests when the display of cotuic pictures was shown. But there was one who did not tacry to open his large envelope at the office, but in the seclusion of his own room and with a fast beating pulse and nervous fingers he hastily broke the seal and drew forth a large plain sheet of paper. It was of a purple tint and by appear ance without a single blot or marking of any kind, but a faint odor of violets prevailed the air and although disap pointment plainly showed on his face he smiled as he tossed the envelope into a drawer and turned the key in the lock. He then sat thinking of a dark pair of eyes and a pretty face that he knew would be bending over an elaborate val entine which he had posted with his own hand, although another had writ ten that name which was so dear to him. This disappointed young man thought he was a very ill used person. Two weeks before he had asked a certain young lady to be his "valentine" but his answer was the same old cry, "Oh: this is so sudden, I will have to have time to think it over.'' And when wanting to know when he should call for his answer he was informed that he need not call as it could be sent through the mail, and so he had to bide nts time and wait, but now that Valentine day was passed, and the hopes that be had had on that day of receiving his looked for answer, were icone, the blackest of disappointment filled his heart. A year spun around. A year contain ing 365 days, each day bringing a new disappointment, for the long looked for answer never came. Again it was \ al entine day and again an eatrer throng filled the post office, but one who had a year ago left that office with an expect ant smile on his face now left it with a look of diappointuitnt and hopeless des pair in its place. Again saeking the seclusion of his own room and sitting at his desk he ab sent mindedly places the key in the lock and draws forth the drawer which holds that fatal blank sheet of paper which has not been disturbed for a year As he once more draws it from the envelope the scent of violets smites his senses and for the first time he notices that it is an extra fine piece of paper, and taking it to the window, the better to examine it. he holds it be tween his eyes and the light and 10, there appears thereon the face of the one so dear to him and that has haunt ed his dreams for a year. His delight and surprise were so genuine that lor the space of ten seconds he failed to notice the verse which the light also brought to view and which read; "Oh! Dearest one I send to thee My one last Valentine, I am yours, dear, when you want me, Coiiie and claim mo anytime." When his eyes follow the above lines his lips fall on a blank sheet of paper, (for he had lowered it from the light) and it was then thrust in his pocket, and for the nest two hours the train on which he traveled seemed to travel back ward, such was his haste to reach a certain station, but at last the train ar rived and be was once more before the door that hid all that was dear to him With eager hand be grasj>e<l the knocker and sent a peal through the house which awakened the echoes to the kitchen from whence there emerged a damsel with r< sy cheeks and wealth of ] t black hair, and her plump arms were bared to the elbows, and nonr WHS tli powder with which they were covered, and on opening the door she spraug for ward with the cry, ' I knew you'd come, I told them so, but why bare you waited so long, dear ;"' This last with a tone of reproach in her voice, and re gardless of the foiled coat, made so by tlonr and dough. 1 took her in my arms .and told her all. How it had taken me a whole year to see my Valentine. J. O. E The Dark Set-ret. 1 visited at the Dark Secret, one fine winter day The sun glistened on the oil derricks in bright array. Th* wat Ephcan cook, it beats the band , 1 a!:- *o much 1 could hardly stand. WiUron, Thompson and Eph will fce! I their wives some day witii pride, How once in the Dark Secret, they did abide. They always gave their visitors a fair deal For they made it a point to give them a square meal. A pumper's life is a jolly one. From the rising until the settiug of the sun. Away from the city with all its snares. Out in trie country where they sow the wheat; arid not the tares. '1 hey took iu< around to sue the engines that pump up the oil: When the engine.-, started with lightning like speed it made me recoil. But those hardy boys seem to have no far For they see tliein go every dty in the year. There is a fascination i.i the lift* a pumper leads, With plenty of money to meet his needs. When on night turn he can commune with the stars; Study Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. 1 shall not soon forget my visit there. When around their sumptuous board I fully done my share. They vied with each other to make me feel at ease, And done their very best to please There is an old saying that pierces like a dart. That is "the best of friends must part;" So I resolutely tore myself away Thinking 1 had never passed a happier day. There is one thing I cannot pass by, Eph gave us grape nuts for dessert, in stead of pie. It was fine, good and sweet. 1 tell yon as a cook, Eph can't be beat 1 hope the boys will visit me and that right away, I will give them the best in the house without delay; 1 will do my best to make them ft el at ease, And try as they did my best to please. I must not forget Sammy, the lieagle hound; He sprang from a race, of great renoun. That day he took a notion to roam. He followed me nearly half way home. Boys may your shadows never grow less. May you always have plenty and ready to help any one in distress. And in the evening of life when your work is done. May you have a happy entrance into the Kingdom Come. 1 must now end toy yarn; I know you will say it is not worth a darn. But I enjoyed my visit, it was a treat. So ends my tale of the Dark Seer ete. Slippery ICoek. The Trax farm is situated in Slipj>ery flock twp. instead of Brady twp , where this oil well was struck and is the same farm that Charles Coventry owned, and sold to William Trax, a nail cutter from New Castle Pa.. in the early seventies. As it is the firat oil well in our twp. we want onr own claim. The Paul Kiester farm was sold at i Orphan's court sale on the premises, Feb. 2, by J. (' Kerr, of Slippery Hock, and Oscar |> Kiester was the lucky one. (Had of it Oscar, we all know a good neighbor when we see him. Work has IK gun on the Maria Shep herd farm which lit s north of the Ttav I farm in Slippery Hock twp., on a lease I owned by a company from Slipjiery j Hock. i Joe Daughertv, of Etna Mills, who is j teaching school in Middlesex twp., i came home on a visit to his mother, ! Friday Feb 8. lie is looking well and i getting along firtt class. Joe is a model . young man. Me -ers Watson and I'ond, of Mt. Civ 'tnnt, and Oieseinati. of Porters ville. this county, have purchased the old Hickory Mill from John B Kiester, at Kiester, Pa. Fairview Facts. There will he a for yonnu' people on ntrrr p. m. in the IT. P. chureb. Rev. TT>>— R. Tfcoinpson, of AJlegheny county, wiil" conduct the services. All.are cordially invited. There will be- protracted meetings in the Presbyterian church, commencing Monday evening, the isth and continu ing two weeks,conducted by the Pastor, Rev. Miller and assistant. Sarah B. Daffy of Karns City, died very suddenly last Saturday morning, age 39 years. Her remains were buried at West Snnbury 011 Tuesday. A. L. Timblin moved his kit of tools, and is running a shoe shop in Butler. He was home for the election and re ports that he is kept busy since he locat ed in Bntler. Clias. McClung is on the sick list; on account of old age. John Gnndeman, a resident of Sbarpsburg, was up on a social call with Robt. Scott from last Saturday until Monday. James Jamison, who has been em ployed in a store in Allegheny city, came home last Saturday, Pearl Adams was on a business trip to Butler last Saturday. Mrs. Fred Lingermau, of Butler, si>ent a week here with her friends at J. Adams. She returned last Wednes day. The Reformed church will have preaching every Wednesday night until Easter week at which time there will be church every night. J. B. Storey came home from Grove City school last Saturday aud remained until after the electiou. Harry Fithean has been on the sick list for the last week. Miss Emma Hawn has bean visiting he r brother, W. C. Hawn, for the last ten days. Mrs. Nancy McGarey, of Buena Vis ta, has been visiting friends in this place for the last week or so. Plum Jack and Kirg Hindman start ed to drill an oil well at Woodbine on Monday of this week. Mrs Annie Conway, of North Wash ington, is visiting at J. J. Maxwell's. Hngb Young is looking for a black smith, either to rent his shop or to hire out, as he is unable to work, himself. Dent. THE "Powers" in China seem to be gradually getting into each other's wool. The German General, Von Walflersee, has proposed a military expedition to Central China, to which Japan, Austria, Spain and Portugal have consented; while Russia, United and France object, with England, as yet, non-committal. Our Minister in Pekin has been instruct ed to enter an emphatic protest. THE Republican Primary election of this connty for the year 1895, was held Saturday, June Ist: and now after the lapse of six years "history repeats it itself." Sarvers Station. Miss Negley and Prof. Russell, of Great Belt, attended the Institute, aud visited friends in the neighborhood Sat urday. There are yet six weeks of the winter term at the Academy. The debates at the Literary are in teresting. The question is; Can the young uien debate as well as the young women V Tiien, as to skating, it is the most popular part of the school program. Thuy glide along, and even fall grace fully. Students at the Academy can have rooms and board or rooms for se-lf boarding at low rates. There is a talk of club boarding at the spring term. Sarversville was represented at the Farmer's Institute last week in the Winfield Grange Hull. Mr .las Crnikshank visited tho Sta tioa Monday. Owing to tho illues Mr William:', of the Seminary, vvlio was to preach, no servict s will 1M: held iu Buffalo or West .ninster churches next Sunday. MADRID was under martial law last week, the result of a royal wedding,and a feeling against a, certain religions or der. T«!aelierH Institute. The Teacher's Institute at Sarvers ville, Feb. 10, 1901 was held in the Sarversville hall. It was called to order at 1.80 by the Chairman John Pollock. Miss Mary Harvey was appointed as secretary. After the singing of "AmericV by the uudience Rev. E. P. Harper, of Carbon Black, conducted the devotion al exercises The address of welcome was given by Rev. W. .1. ilazlett and the response' by Miss Mary Haryey. Mr. Johnston gave a very interesting talk on Hobbys and their riders. J. M Greer, of Bntli-r «ave an ad dress. ,J. M. (ialbreath, Esq., of Butler, spoke on our country schools. lie v. W. .1. Hazlett spoke in behalf of the twp. high school. Miss Winnie Phillips recited The gal lant brakeman. A'tdresse.) were made by J. C. Smith, (i. W. Cramer and C. F. Smith. The evening session was opened with a song by several young ladles, subject Twilight is falling. The various subjects was disposed of as follows: Nobility of motive, It. E. Allen; Recitation by Emma Ruaz, Arch ie's mother; Orthography, Miss Zetta Hartley; Recitation, Sadie Krumpe, A message for mamma iri Heavon; The use of new words, Miss Lida Bverly; Examinations, L. J. Hollman; Teach ing and i- s purpose, O. H. Grab*; Reci tation, Lila Milliard: Address by Wm. Findley, of Butler; Beading and Liter ature. Prof. W. G. Bussel, of W. Snu bur.y. The large number present showed that the people are interested in edu cation and this is great encouragement to the teacher. Notice To Taxablcs. A Court of Appeals for the different townships and boroughs will be held at office of the County Commissioners, Butler, Pa., on the following dates; Allegheny, Venango and Parker townships, March 18tb; Washington, Cherry and Marion townships, March 20th; Slippery Rock, Mercer and Worth townships and Harrisville and .Slippery Rock borough, March 23nd; Brady, Clay and Concord townships and Sun bury borough, March 25th. Fairview and Donegal townships. Millerstown, Karris City, Petrolia and Fairview boroughs, March 27th. Oakland, Center, Franklin townships and Prospect borough, March 20th. Mnddycreek, Lancaster, Jackson townships and Portersville borough, April Ist. Zelienople, Harmony, Evansbtirg and Connoquenei'Biiig boroughs and Conno iiuenessing township, April !ird. Forward, i'enn and Middlesex town ships, April .'»th. ('ranberry, Adams townships Mars and Valencia boroughs, April Nth. Jefferson, Clinton townships, ami Saxonbnrg borough, April 10th. Buffalo, Winlield and Summit town ships, April 12th. Clearfield and Butler townships. April 15th. Butler borongh, Ist ward, April 17th. Butler borough, 2nd ward, April 18th. Butler liorough, <ird ward, April 19th. Butler borough Ith ward, April 22nd. Butler bori ugh. sth ward. April 2Urd Assessors are required to be present on the day of appeal for their district. "J J. McOARVEV, JOHN W GILLESPIE. JOHN A. EICHERT, County Commissioners. AT I liST: J (". KISKAUIION, Clerk. Commissioners' office, Butler, Pa., February 18th, 1901. M. C. WAGNEH, ABIIST BHOTOGBAPHEB 159 South* Main street. OEATHS. MA GEE—At his home in Mars. Feb. 7, 1901, John Magee, aged 83 years. LBLACK— At htr home in Marion twp . j tVbriS. T9Ol, Alda. only danghter of ' Joshua T. Black, aged 19 years. Miss Black's death occnred after a ten days illness with pneumonia. She was a member of West Unity U. P. j church and acted as organist. DUNCAN—At her home in Middlesex I twp., Feb. 17, 1901, Mrs. James Dun i can. aged 70 years. I Her death was caused by pneumonia Her husband died some years ago. She i was married twice and was the mother I of E. O. Thompson, and Sample Duncan of Middlesex twp .and also of Mrs. Wm. ' McKibben and Evaline Duncan, who lived with her at the time of her death. : DUFFY— At her home in Karns City, i February 10. 1901, Sarah B. Duffv, j aged 89 years. I RODGERSON —At her home on Ilickrry s street. Butler, Tuesday, February 19, | 1901, Emma, wife of John Rodgerson, i aged 2S years. Obituary Notes. E. W.a Nevin of Pittsburg, a noted composer of music, died suddenly at New Haven, Conn, last Sunday. Ex-Judge Chas. E. Taylor cf Venan go county, died at his home in Frank j l;n. Tuesday, in his Toth year. Ex-State Librarian Wm. H. Esjle.died at his home in Harrisburg, Tuesday night. B. & B. new spring goods —most refreshing, varied as soitment of choice, pretty styles. Mail order dep't ready to send samples in reply to your request saying what you want. New 1901 Wash Goods, Dress Goods and handsome Foulard Si Iks-extraordinary collection of newest and choicest. Ntw Imported Madras and Novelties 25c to 43c. Lots ot other pretty Madras IOC, 15c, 20c. New White Goods for shirt waists —entirely i-nd distinctively new effects, 15c to 30c. Five special qualities English Long Cloth, for spring sewing, 90c, $1.15, $1.25, $1,50, $1.73 per 12 yard piece. Samples will prove excellence and excellent worth. Lot of splendid 36 inch Cov. rt Suitings, 25c yard. Odd lines fine 50 and 75c Winter Dre :•> Goods, 35c yard. Odd !in< s 25c Uress Goods, 15c. New Picture Book—styles and prices— of 1901 Lace Cur tains ready Feb. 10th. New Special Muslin Under wear Catalogue ready about same time. Send your name, address and request for them now so you'll get them among the first. (/••pa. tm-ltl X. ALLEGHENY. PA. ADM IN?STRATOR'S NOTICE. I.stal< of Jobn Critchlow, dee'd.,late of Forward township, Hutler county, Pa , letters of administration having been yratiie-! to the undersigned on the ahove mentioned estate, notice is hereby given *.o fill persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate to make immediate payment arid those having claims against the same to present them duly authenti cated for settlement to A \V. Ck itchi.ow, Adm'r., Kiebold, Pa. Vrwk 11. Mohphv, Attorney. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Lettirs testamentary on the estate of John J. Reiber, dee'd., late of Butler, Hutler connty, Pa , having been granted to the undersigned. all person knowing tliemself ind> lited to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims again-1 said estate will present them duly authenticated with vouch-, rs ."ttnehed for settlement to John H. Rkjuhr, Ex'r., Hutler, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of admiiiis'ration 011 the estate of Mrs M J. Kllause, dee'd., late of Summit twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all person* knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said t state wiil present them duly '-»u --iln nticated for settlement to MRS. KM MA O'DONNELL, Kx'x. Carbon Centre. J'a. Gku, R. Wmpik. Attorney. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Ivstute <if I'eriy J. Brown, late cf Sutn mit township, Butler county, Pa., dee'd. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned nu the above, mentioned elate, notice is hereby given \ii all person* knowing themselves in debted to sail! estate to make immediate payment and those having claims against the name to present them duly authen ticated for settlement to t LARA B. BROWN, Administratrix, F'-ank 11. Mukmiv, Butler, Pa. Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. I.etters of administration on the estate of Simon f'aricktnan, dec'«t., late of But ler township, Butler county. Pa., having been granted to the uudersigntd, all persons knowing themselves indebted to sai'l < .t ite will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against saiil estate will present llieni duly au- Ui"tilicaicd for settlement to Mas. UKt.t.K C. Baricman, Adtn'x , Butler, Pa. MATI's St yotJNO, Attorneys ADM I N ISTR ATO R'S NOT I ~ I,enters of administration on the estate of William J. Clelaiid, dee'd., late of ... i.ddyereek township, Butler County, Pa., having been granted to the under signed, all ]«-i ,011s knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having el-m m against saifl estate will prevent tin m duly authenticated for settlement to Ika L. Ci.hi.ani), Adm'r., Wimerton, I'a. Coknki.iuS FK Son. Alt' vs. L. C. WICK, lIKAUaw IN I LUriBER. SHERIFFS SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Von. Ex.. Kt. Ka.. Lev. Fa.. Ac.. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co.. Pa., and to me directed, there wilt t>c exposed to public sale at the Court House In the borough of Butler. Pa., on Friday, the Ist day of March, A. D. 1901, at l o'clock P. M„ the following described property, to-wit: E. D. No. 39. March Term. 1901. MeJunkin &. Galbreath, Attorneys. Aii the right, title, interest and claim of Mary E. smith of. iu and to all that certain piece ur.parcel of land, situated in Jefferson township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Begiuulug at a post, the southwtstcoruoron lineof ilenry Bauldauff; tliencc north by same ten and 2i-100 perches to a black oak; thence north eighty-seven and \i degrees east by Charles Wagner seven and 1-lOth perches to a post; thence north by Charles Wagner one degree cast forty-two perches to a post ou roaci; thence along said public road north fifty-one and degrees east twenty-one perches to a post; thence along same road north sixty and degrees east seven perches; thence along said road north seventy-eight degrees east thirty-one perches to a post on line of Michael liyerly: thence south by said Michael Bverly one and >. degrees west ninety and one-half perches to a post on line of said Bverly; thence west eighty-nine degrees south fifty-nine and £>-100 perches to the place of beginning; con taining twenty-two acres and forty-nine perches. A LSO—Of, In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Jefferson town ship. Butler count v. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Lot number four beginning at a post in middle of Coylesville road, on corner of lot number two; tnence north 89 and 'i de grees west along line of said lot numbered two, nine and 1 10 perches to a post, on R. K. street; thence north forty-four and de grees east along said H. K. street four and i-10 perches to a post on corner of lot No. 6; thence north 6:1 and degrees west along lineof said lot numbered i'-.|l:"and 4-10 perches to a post, in middle of Coylesville road; thence north 14 and H degrees east along said Coylesville road 4 and 5-10 perches to a post the place of beginning: containing 4:.' and 6-10 perches, strict measure, having thereon a two story frame house erected. ALSO—Lot numbered 6 lieginnlng at a post In middle of Coylesville road on corner of lot numbered 4; thence N. 09 and H degs west along line of said lots 12 and 4-12 perches to a post on R. R. street; thence north 4t and Yi degrees east along said R. R. street three and seventy five one hundredths perches to a post on corner of lot number S: thence north 09 and 14 degrees west along said lot numbers. 15 and 1-10 perches to a post lu middle of said Coylesville road; thence north 44 and '1 degrees east along said Coylesville road four perches to plae-e of beglnulug; con taining 49 aud 3-10 perches, strict measure. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Mary E. Smith, at the suit of Mrs. Magdalene Keller. E. I). No. 31. March Term, 1901. Thompson & Son, Attorneys. All the right, title, interest and claim of John Kennedy of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Adams township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a white oak at the southeast corner; thence by lands of G. Wallace and Lawheads heirs west two-hun dred and thirty-eight perches to a post; thence by lands or Gllleland heirs and Samuel Marshall north 3 degrees east one hundred and forty perches to a post; thence by lands of James A. McMarlin et al east two hundred and thirty perches to a jiost; thence by lands of T. W. Kennedy south one hundred aud fifteen perches to a white oak the place of beginning; containing one hun dred and ninety-one acres and having there on erected a frame dwelling house and bank barn, and mostly cleared, being the same tract of one hundred and ninety-one acres of land conveyed to said John Kennedy, by Thomas Deed dated 10th March. IS7B. recorded in the ofllce for recording Deeds, Ac.. in Butler county. Pa.. In Deed Book No. M, Page 571. Seized and taken tn execution as the prop perty of John Kennedy at the suit of Andrew Blakely. E. I). No. 4.">, March Term, 1901, Frank Kohler, Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of I). O. l'isor and Mary A. Pisor of. In and to all that certain house and lot, situated in the Borough of Butler, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post at the southeast corner of an alley and Cecelia street, forty (40) feet to a post, on a corner of Cecelia street,and lot No. 25;t hence east one hundred and sixty (ItiO) feet to a post on an alley: thence northward along said alley forty (10) feet to a |x>st; thence west along an alley one hundred and sixty (Mo) feet to a post the place of beginning. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of l». <). Plsor and Mary A. Plsor at the suit of Francis Kost and Martin Helm, exo's of Benedict Kost. E. 1). No. 27, March Term, 1901. McFarland, Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Alexander Dickey and David E. Dickey of, in and to all that certain piece or tract of land, situated in Butler township. Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: be ginning at a post it the northwest corner; thence by lands formerly owned by Silas Pierce, being a part of the tract out of which this land Is taken, north eighty-nine (»!i) degrees east two hundred perches (200) to a post, the north east corner; thence south by lands formerly owned by said Silas Pierce, thirty-two (38) perches to a post, the south east corner; thence by said latids formerly belonging, to Silas Pierce, south eighty-nine degrees west, two hundred perches (20U), to a post the south west corner; thence by lands now or formerly, Robert and A. Lemon, north thirty-two perches to the northwest corner, the place of beginning; containing forty (40) acres strict measure, as per draft and survey by ('apt. Pillow, of Nov. 20tu, A. I>, ls7l, with all rights, privileges and appur tenances IM-longliig thereto on which Is erect ed a good two story frame dwelling house, good barn and other outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Alexander Dickey and David E. Dickey at the suit of Samuel Wallace. E. I). No. 85, March Term. 1901. MeJunkin & (,'allireath. Attorneys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Joseph D. Ilenry of. In and to all that cer tain piece or tract of land, situated In Cou noquenesslng township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of heirs of Samuel Dufford, dee'd., on the east and south by lands'if Daniel Ralsley and On the west by Powder Mill road leading to Mount Chestnut, and containing sixty-five («.'•) acres, more or less and having thereon erected a frame house, barn and other out buildings. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Joseph D. Henry at the suit of Q. O. Shannon. E. I). No. 35, March Term, 11*11. S. F. A A. L Bowser, Attorneys. All the right, title, interest and claim of T. A. MeCollough of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Muddy creek township, Butler county, Pa.. lioundud as folic ws, to-wlt: On the north by lands of W. I'. MeCollough, on the east by lands of K. L. MeCollough. on the south by lands of Wm. MeCollough heirs, and on the west by lands of W. It. McKee; containing thirty-four acres, more or less, mostly cleared and In u good state of cultivation. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of T. A. MeCollough at the suit of Eleanor A. lialhigher. E. D. No. 81, March Term, 1901. Lev Mc yulstion, Attorney. All the right, title. Interest aud claim of Patrick Mcßrlde aud J. A. Mcltrlde of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Clearfield township, Butlercoun ty, Pa., liourided as follows, to-wlt: on the north by public road, on the east by lands of Daniel McMahon and Michael Cramer,on the south by lands of John McCogln and on the west by lands of McClafTerty heirs; contain ing 65 acres. DON Of less, and having there 011 erected a t wo story frame dwelling house, frame barn and other outbuildings. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Patrick Mcltrlde and J. A. Mcßrlde al the suit of Jareckl Manufacturing Com pany. E. I). No. li'J, March Term. 1901. W. A &. F. J Fonjuer, Attorneys. All tlio right. title, Interest und claim of A. It. (illison ami .1. W. Norrls of. In HIKI to all t hat certain tot or parcel of land, situated In IVtin township, llutlor county, I'a., bounded as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at the south west corner; thence by lands or .tame* Mar slialls heirs, north I anil Vt decrees west 2s and 1-10 perches to a post; thence by lands of J. (). A. Kennedy south 40decrees cast 23 and |>-I0 perches to a post, on the Hutler anil Allegheny plank road; thence along said road south •> and 'A degrees west 21 and 2-10 perches to a post, at the place of lieglnnlnff; containing 255 square perches,strict measure, and having thereon erected a Imard dwell -1 nix. stable, hall and other outbuildings. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of A. It. Utbson and .1. W. Norris at the suit of John Berg A Co. K. I>. No. <l*. March Term, lUOI. J. C, Vander lln. Attorney. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Haiti)* A. Livingston. which was of Joseph 11. Livingston, dee'd., of. In and to the coal and other minerals In upon or under two hun dred and thirty (230) acres of land, more or less, situated In Washington two..Butler Co.. I'a., iKiundeil mi the North by disputed land and Samuel Milliard, on the east by Samuel Milliard, and lion. K. Me.lunkln. on the south by lauds of and on the west by A. Snyder, diaries MulTy and (■ardner known as lot. No. 15, 2nd district of donation land. A;lzed and taken In execution as the prop erty "if Sallle A. Livingston at the suit of Sarah E. (iahrlng. E. I>. No lis, March Term. 1W»I. i.e. Vander lln. Attorney. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Sallle A. Livingston,ex'x of J. II Livingston, dee'd.. of. 11l arid to all that certain piece or parcel of laud, sit uati'd In Washington town ship. Hut ler county. I'a.. Imunded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of Sarah Jenkins, on the east by lands of Sarah Jenkins, on the soul-li by A. I>. (illlespln and on the west by lion. E. Me.lunkln laud, and containing fourteen (U) acres, more or less. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Millie A. Livingston, executrix nf J. 11. Livingston, dee'd., at the suit of Sarah E. (iahrlng. El». No, March Term. ll«H. W. l>. Ilrandon. Attorney. All the right, title. Interest ami claim of Nelso.i Smith, oec'd., and L. It. Smith, ad ministrator, of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In I'arker township, Hull :r county, l*a., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of Thomas 11. Smith, ou the east by lands of John Henry llauhetispeck, on the south by lands of ('hrlstonher Hoover and on the west liy lands of Win. A.Smith and Adam MofTner; containing one hundred acrew. more or less, and having thereon erected a Iwo story frame house, frame barn and other out buildings. Seized and taken In execution as the prou dly of Nelson Hmlt h, dee'd..and L. It. Smith, ad m! tils t rat or, at the suit of John 11. Hhelyer. El». Nos. 22 and 23. March Term, l!»Jl A. M. ( hrlst ley, and Coulter <t Maker, Attorneys. All the right, title, Interest and claim of James A. Thompson of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Cherry township. Ilutler county, Ha., Imund ed as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of Alex Porter ami Samuel l'\ Mil ford, on the east by lands of heirs of Allison Thompson, mi the south by lands of Christy and Samuel Nelson and on the west by Jno Crawford and William (irosstnan; containing one hundred and twenty live (1:2..) aires, more or less, ,5 acres of which Is cleared and cultivated, and having thereon erected a frame house and barn. , Seized and taken In execution as the prop iTly of J IIIIH.H A. Thompson ut (1)6 suit of K. I H. flays anil John Lutz. I ' E. D. No. 71. March Term. 1901. John C. I Graham, Attorney. AH the right, title. Interest and claim of | David Miller and David Miller. Jr.. or David (j. -Miller, of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Center town ship. Butler oounty. Pa . bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of Andrew Albert, on the east by lands of Brewster lieirs.on the south by lands formerly of John Cress, and on the west by lands of Thomas Stewart .et al;contatnlng one hundred and ten (ilu) acres, more or less, and having thereon erected a frame house, frame barn and other ! outbuildings. Seized and taked In execution as the prop erty of David Milier and David Miller. Jr.. !or David y. Miller at the suit of Catherine : Carson for us > of Mary C. Thaw, et al. j Also at IO a.m., of salil clay, ou th«' premises in Butler: E. D. No. 70, March Term. 1901. Ira Me- Junkin. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of T. C. Llmberg and Kev. C. A. Limberg. dee'd.. Susana Llmberg aud Theodore C. Limberg. admr's. of the estate of said Kev. C. A. Lim berg. dec.d.. of. In and to all that certain Siece or parcel of land, situated partly in utler Borough and partly in Butler town ship. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-twlt: On the north by lands of St. Pauls Orphan Home, Sarah E. McOlure aud Wil liam Cochran, on the east by public road known as the Hutler and MUlerstown road, on the south by said Butler and MUlerstown road, and on the west by lands of Susana Limberg ana St Pauls Orphan Home; con taining about 28 acres.mostly cleared aud in a goexl state of cultivation, with good orchard theraon. ?elzed and taken in execution as the prop erty of T. C. Llmberg and Kev. C. A. Llm berg. now dee'd.. at the suit of Otto Limberg. now for use of Maggie C. Turner. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of writs of Ven Ex..Lev Fl.lssued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and to me directed, there will be ex posed to public sale, at the court house. In the borough of Butler, Pa., on Friday, the Bth day of March, A. D. 1901, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described property, to-wit: E. I). Nos. 2 and 6. March Term, 1901, W. A. & F. J. Forquer, Attorneys. All the right, title, interest and claim of John Urossman, of. tn and to all that certalu piece or parcel of land, situated In Clay twp. Butler Co.. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: 011 the north by lauds of Mitchell McCaslln and Japhlel Mcsllchael, on the east by lands of Samuel and John Sutton, on the south by lands of Win. J. Stouer and O'Neal and ou the west by lands of C. F. Brown and lauds formerly of Geo. Baker, 'now Johnston; containing 95 acres, more or less, und having thereon erected a good two story frame house, two story board house,and frame barn and having a good orchard thereon. Seized and taken tn execution as the prop erty of John Orossman at the suit of John Berg & Co. TERMS OF SALE-The following must be strictly compiled with when property is stricken down. 1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchase*, the costs on the writ ruust be paid, and a list of the liens, includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, mus be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until one o'clock, P. M., of the next day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at tire expense and risk of the person to whom first sold. *See l'urdon's Digest., oth edition, page MO. and Smith's Forms, page 354. THOMAS It. HOON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Butler. Pa.. Feb. 6th. 1901. Jury Lists for March Term. List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this 21st day of January, 1901. to serve as grand jurors at the regular term of court, commencing on the first Monday of March, 1901, the same being the 4th day of said month: Covert W C. 3rd wd Butler, restaurant, Davidson A W,2nd wdßutler.mcrchant, Emrick D B, Bntler tp, carpenter, Eberhart A O, Butler tp, fanner, Eastley G H, Donegal tp, farmer, Emrick George, Parker tp, farmer, Feme Henry, Butler tp, farmer, Fulton E M, Middlesex tp, fanner, Glenn John W, Mercer tp, farmer, Hines Louis, Brady tp, farmer, Hartnng George, Forward tp, fanner. Harper Cyrus, Cranberry tp, farmer, McClymo'nds Calven, Muddy creek tp, farmer, Maxwell J, 2nd wd Butler,tax collector, Morris Wm, Washington tp, farmer, Marten Wm T, Penn tp, farmer, McNeese J C, ilrd wd, Butler, farmer, Patterson W G. Jefferson tp, farmer, Swartzlander Harvey, Fairview tp. fanner, Simmers G W, Buffalo tp. farmer, Worthington G W, Mercer tp, farmer, Wade John, Buffalo tp, fanner, Welsh W J, Jefferson tp, farmer, Weigand Ferdinand, 4th wd Butler, carpeuter. List of names drawn as pettit jnrors from the proper jury wheel this 21st day of January, 1901, to serve as petit jurors at the regular term of court commencing on the second Monday of March, 1901, the same being the 11th day of said month: Andre W J, Fairview tp, farmer, Albert J W, Franklin tp, farmer, Barnes W H, Lancaster tp, farmer, Becker James, Franklin tp, farmer. Barnhart David, Oakland tp, farmer, Barnhart Joseph, Millerstown borough, laborer, Blackly W J, Adams tp, farmer, Clark Frank,Connoquenesring tp,farmer Colbert W R, sth wd Butler, engineer, Clntton Jonathan, Worth tp, farmer, Daubeuspeck John, Parker tp, farmer, Eakin M.Eau Clare boro, carpenter, Fehl Andrew, Connoijuenessing tp, farmer, Graham Thomas, Penn tp, farmer, Gallangher John, Butler tp, farmer, Hepler Joseph. Buffalo tp. farmer, Infield G E, sth wd Bntler. .laborer, Knjch Herman, Saxonburg boro, gent, Kerrey E E, Worth tp, furtner, Kamerer Peter, !>th wd Butler, assessor, Kelly T Z, Venango tp, farmer, Keister .1 B, Slipperyro< k tp, farmer, La very J W. Penn tp, farmer, Ltitz John, lstwd Butler, carpenter, Litzinger Henry, Millerstown borough, merchant. Liebold Herman, ilrd wd Butler, gent, Miller J F, Venango tp, farmer, McGeary J W, Muddycreek tp, farmer, McKee James F, Prospect boro, printer, Martsoff Henry, Center tp, farmer, McAntosh Kenneth,Fairview tp,farmer, MoCollough A M, Fairview tp. farmer. McGill George, Harrisville boro, wagon maker, Monks Martin, Middlesex tp, farmer. Mangold J G, 2nd wd Butler.merchant, Miller Daniel C, Center tp. merchant, Metz Andrew, Lancaster tp, farmer, Painter James M,2nd wd Bntler,grocer, Rivers John. Winfield tp. farmer, Roth L M. Prospect boro, dentist. Shane J C Washington twp. fanner, Smith Milton, Winfield tp, farmer, Steward II E, Washington tp, teacher, Schenck Alt S. Ilrd wd Butler, book keeper, Scott Aldo, Fairview boro, clerk, | Snow Robert M, Butler tp. carpet weaver, Wachtnuth Wm, .lr, Butler tp, farmer, Zigler O W, Harmony boro, merchant. WIDOWS APPRAISEMENTS. The following widow's appraisements of personal properly and real estate set apart for the lit of the widows of decedents have been tiled lu the ofllco of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Hutler County, viz: Widow of John C. Kraft, per property £HO 00 " Jacob l-'etter, per property.. ;too 00 •' William Kavanaugh, person al property 2U"> <K> " •' Patrick Corcoran, personal aud real property Is 7 50 '• '• A. J. McCoy, personal and real property .'IOO 00 " " John liaubenspeck, real estate :«« '»» All persons Interested In the above ali praisumentH will take notice that they will lie presented for confirmation to the Orphans court of Butler county. Pa., on Saturday, the Ulli day of March, A. !>.. Iltul, and If no ex ceptions be tiled they will be confirmed ab solutely. WILLIAM 11. CAMPBELL. Clerk O. O. Clerk's ofllce. February 4th, IWII. iklAAdh 50 YEARS* B n L J ij i L J ™ /1 I I j i ■ 1 I iLlft m M ' Copy rights Ac. Anyone sending iy)ketrh and description may quickly ascertain nir. opinion free whether en Invention la probably patentable. Communica tion* strictly confidential. Handbook on I atente Ben! free. Oldest agency for securing oatenu. I'ateiiiN taken trirouah Munn k Co. receive 9pre la I notice , without Charge, In Ibo Scientific American. A tiandiomnlr lllnitmtxd wiwltly. Ifrwt «*r ciil«tl«»u of any sclentlOe Journal. Terms. F.i a year ; foar months, sl. Hold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 18 '"""—• New York Uruuch omoe. <B£> r HU Wuhlnirton. I). C. Hotel Nixoq, 215 N McKean St, Butler, Having rented this hotel for another yeiir, I again invite the patroHugo of of my old friends and the public gener ally. R. O. RUMBAUGH jjlj February Offerings High=Class ffi 1 FURNITURE, 1 1 CARPETS, 1 I DINNER SETS. 1 This Stock is Fight in Quality; in Styles in Variety. Never any of the mean kinds here if we know it. All goods fairly priced. The prices }«; J©? marked in Plain Figures. | FOLDING BEDS. s>l6 S Mantel folding beds in Golden Oak finish Simple in construe tion and well made. Hits woven wire spring with sparrel supports. A convenient piece of furniture to have if yon are short of bed rooms. all SIDE BOARDS $22 Us Golden Oak, polish finish 4S-in. long. Has beveled mirror* jSj one lonjr linen drawer, two small top drawers and double doors be- M low. Well made and nice enough for most dining-rooms. «C^ g| PARLOR SUITS $32 |g Five-piece Suit covered with Corded Tapestry in assorted feag yH colors Frame finished in Mahogany. A very desirable suit at a reasonable price. I Campbell ft Templetonl llilililllllllill Important - Announcement! We Have Sold Our Store Property. In consequence thereof will offer our entire stock of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., at Auction. Com mencing, Saturday, February 23rd, at 2:30 p. m Sales every day at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. until stock is sold out. Papes, 112 South Main St., Auction Sale of Fine Horses. &c. There will be sold to the highest bidder at BUHL'S LIVBftY STABLES, in EVANS CITY, Butler county, Pennsylvania, on SATURDAY, At 9:30 a. m.. the following articles: 25 HEAD OF CARRIAGE AND DRIVING HORSES Mated Teams and Single Drivers. In the lot are quit© >\ number ot wtlHied horses with lots of speed and knee action. This is admitted by horsemen to be the finest lot of horses over offered for sale in one stable in Butler county. BUGGIES, CARRIAGES AN-D ROAD WAGONS Ten Top Buggies, two Surreys, one Phaeton, one Tool Wagon, one 2-seated Spring Wagon, one 3-seated Platform Wagon, new; one steel tire Rnna'.ouf, rue rnbber tire, both new: one 2-seated Bob-Sleigli, new: lot of Portland Cutters, lot of Buggy and Sleigh Poles, double and single Driving Harness. Everything first-class and up-to-date. CATTLE AND HOGS. Ten head of Cattle, three Milch Cows, all fresh s<t,m: seven In ad of Young Cattle, among them one Bull Calf, 1-year-old: one 8011, 2 > eai> ■>;<!: oi e Berltliire Boar, 18-inonths-old: one Sow, same age, will have pitrs about the fir : ot April. Farm Implements, Heavy Harness and Hay. One Pony Deorint? Binder, two Deerini; Mowers, three set of Heavy Harness, forty.tons of Hay. TERMS—A credit of Nine Months on all sums ovt r or,. F. C. BUHL, Manager, JOHN A. EICHERT. Auctioneer. EVANS t ITY, Pa. Livery Barn for rent. Possession gheu at once. PROFESSIONAL CAKUS. GEO. K MCADOO, M. D , PRACTICB LIMITFD. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. HOURS:— 9 a„m. to 12 in; 1:30 up. in to 4 p. m. Office tecond floor of the Al. Ruff building on S. M«in St., and resilience corner North ami Washington streets. Bell 'Phone No. 45 and People's Phone. Butler, Pa. p M.ZIMMERMAN vl • PHYSICIAN AND SUUGKON Office No. 45, S. Main street, ovi-r OHY Pharmacy. L BLACK, • PHYSICIAN AND SURGHON New Troutman Building, Butler PN. R. C. ATWKI.L, Office if>6 W. Diamond St., [D r Graham's old office.] Hours 7 to 9 a. m. and 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. tn DR. N. M. HOOVER. 137 E. Wayne St., office nours. 10 to 12 a. m. 1 and to 3 p. m. 1 H. BROWN, . HOMOKOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUKGKON Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O. Night calls at office. OAMUELM. BIPPUS, 0 PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON 300 West Cunningham St. UW. WICK, • DKNTIST. Has located in the new Stein building, with all the latest devices for Dental work. 1 J. DONALDSON, TJ. DKNTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Gobi Fillings a spec ialty. Office next to postoffice. DR. W. P. MCILROY, DKNTIST. Formerly known as the "Peerless Painless Extractor of Teeth." Located permanently at 111 East Jefferson St. Opposite Hotel Lowry, Butler. Will do dential operations of all kinds by the latest devices and up-to-date methods DR. M. I). KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. DKNTIST^ Office at No 114 K. Jeflersou St., * oxer G. W. Miller's grocery, A. T. HI.ACK. (Jko. SIMVAIT BLACK & STEWART, Attorneys-lit-la«-, Armory Building, Butler, Pa. 1} H. NEGI.RY, J• ATTORNKY AT LAW. Office in the "CITIZKN" building. I D. McJUNKIN, T). ATTOKNHY-AT-LAW. Office in Reiber building, corner M.un and E. Cunningham Sta. Entrance on E. Cunningham. TOIIN W. COULTER, *J ATTORKKY AT-LAW. Wise building, N. Diamond St.. Butlei Special attention given to collections and business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Bauk. or Butler County National Bank 111 H. t.t.TVHEK. 11. ATTORNKY a r 1 i.v . Office :n Wise ' -MI 1 'inn • POULTER & BAK, V ATTORNKVSI . ' M . Room li., Armory bml«au., 4 T. SCOTT. A.. ATTORNKY AT LAW. Office at No. S. West Diam iml St.. rtut ler. Pa. | It. ItREDIN, F/ . ATTORNKY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court House. , n P. L. iIC^UISTION, V» Civil, ENGINKVR AND SI'RVRYRCO Office near Court House. Karl Schluchter, Practical Tailor and Cutter I 125 W. Jcfferstn, BuUer, Pa. Bushnling, Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty J. V. Stewart, (Successor to H. Bickel> LIVIiRY. Salo and Boarding Stable W. Jeflcrson St., Butler, Pa. Kirat clas.s equipment—eighteen, good drivers—rigs of all kind cool, roomy and clean s.ablcs. People's Phone 125. J. V. ST K WART. THE WRONG GLASS^ If your present glasses fail to give v<>u ease and comfort there is somi-thiug wrong. Is it your glasses or your eye*-? That is die \itnl question with y- u Eith< r is bad enough and dangerous let alone. I liki to discover unusual <\ <• defects, tlie kind that puzxle th nverage optician. Satisfaction guaranteed. CAl<k H. bfclGHNetf, JEWKI.rU AM' OPTICIAN, 09 S. M ain St. BUTLER PA W. S. & E. WICK, DEALERS IN Rough antl'Worked Lumberjof *!IJKIuds lliHirs, Sash aiul Moulding*. 1)11 Well ltltfs a SjM i tulty. Office and Yard, E. Cunningham and Monro* St*. PA
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