' Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. : _ I Latest Swell Styles in Ladies' Tailor-made Suits. NEW, NATTY FALL CREATIONS Fit Like a Glove. All Wool Chariot and Venetian Cloth Suits Jackets silk lini-d. \ ory 11: in• 1 « ni o r-kill-- In prevailing modes—Perc»llne lined, tones and welkins exactly rlfrht. 1 rice JO. . r . flve-dollar Tailor-Mad- Suit is :i marvel for quality style l an<i perfect tit. ,\>k t.i s.-,- them. A full assortment ->f >.-p;»r:ite -kirt- In U ' .rVo tlOi*! Black and Blue Cheviots. Fine Black Crepon skirts. Prices ranfrom $1.»0 up to »i Be sure and s»ee thorn. THE NEW BLACK CREPONS. c- The stvles forecast predict a wide wearing of Crepons this fall and winter—< . which are more beautiful than ever. A s.-..r.- or more of j.retty pattert.s crisp and » ar. on display in our Black G<*xls section to-day I lii.s hint of the pric . Mohair Figured Crepons a ar 'l Pebble Gronnd Crepons ■.•?]!!. a } , Mohair Crepons fI.W and a yam Silk Figtired Crepons $1.50, S'3.(HI and F2.;>o a yard A complete line of Black and Colored Venetian Cloth. Broad < loths. '"vert and ; Suiting at less price than any other house will ask. Not less quality: pri.-e and quality meet at our store. THE BEST BLANKET VALUES WE EVER GAVE. Every «ood housekeeper wants tolH> ready in rcvkl time, hence tl'ls <jarl' y mratlon of Blanket/. Not all Blankets are all wool: some -houldn tlh . \\el ay studi. U at out i 1 now. Prices are To> - . 75c. Bl.nn. All wool, S2.£'. SWO and up to >s.no per pair. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. Mrs. Zimmerman and trimmer are now in the Eastern markets attending the Kali and Winter openliißs of fine imported French Hats \\ hen you vis t the bl(? It"tier 1 air the> will li'ive ready for your inspection all tin* newest ideas m frail and lnt« r Hat-.. ' Velvets. KihlJons. 4*. Lewprices than can be found elsewhere rules in our Millinery Department. new , deas , n JH £ ART DEPARTMENT. You know we always do have the latest in Fine Art. sucli stamped I.iiiens. Sof.i 111 - lows. Table and Piano Covers. Mantle Uraperies. Henaissan.-e and I tne• I.ac es > ss law man, who is in charge, lias Jnst returned from New \nrk where she li.is s. i n all th.lt newest and best in her line. Art lessons2sc. Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN WORTH ITS WEIGHT IS GOLD PAYMENT OF ONLY ONE DOLLAR POSSESSION OF The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES So complete that it covers the entire range of human knowledge. / The entire set with Guide and case delivered (hi AA { LI upon payment of only $ ' Balance payaDle in small monthly payments. Workmanship and material the best known to the book-making art. The product of the largest and best equipped book factory in America. The BRITANNICA is the acknowl- j If you cannot send your children to edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and the University, bring the University to ine NEW WERNER is the best edition them. of the Britannica. This edition has never been sold for Do not put your money in old editions less than $64.50. For a short time only or poorly made books because they are s4°- 5° cash, or $45 00 on monthly pay cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST, ments. Consider the advantage of a family ORDER NOW, and take advantage who has this work over one which has of this rare opportunity to secure this ur aot. rivalled fund of universal knowledge. FOR SALE BY J. H. DOUGLASS, BUTLER PA. SEND NO MONEY QtADE DROP CAIINET IUKDICK SEWING MACHINE '■< frriitM <\'o. u."«!. fcjV it °,o R , > i* f ■fttioo. ou ran t xatnine.it at your nearest freight depot and if . r=A Q C 3 found prrftretly »aii«r»etory, exactly aa reprexented, 1 I iaftP) JL MORI in machine* •then sell as high as *60.00, and ■ m { UKKATI.ST IUKUAI.I YOU KVKK IIKAItU OK, psj Tour■' i' /■■ifr \ ! freight »pe«t Our Special Offer Price ciq *lO and freight charge*. The machine weiprtas wfflfcT-Jll fl il'TlTll' I h*Tl 190 pou nil* and the freight will average 75 cents fop each 500 miles MB WWw V'ltf s 'tiMß-kkJ > -V> I CIVE IT THREE MONTHS' TRIAL in your own home, and ~ I we will return jrour 016.50 any day you are not natisrted. We «HI dif- iMlu , - - j^!J fereat Bakes aad grades of Sewing Isehlaea at fH.SO, fIO.OO, fll.OO, %IKS m mmm §l9.Ooandap, all fully described la Oor Free Hewinr Hithlar C'atnlocnr, \ 9 arJ __ j bat $15.50 for this DROP DESK CABINET BURDICK |f vj) E ? 5 1 is tho greatest value ever offered by any house. , fill Eel>l 1 c _ - BEWARE OF IMITATIONS !?^H E A ? if TUE DIIDniPV CTPrr lODKRN 131 PROVFSKIT, 1 = * NE KTTKIR R»I>T OR KVKKT UI«H BL"£ * . - UKIDK IACIIINK «*I)K, WITH TIIK ■ . N iL.* * "' kwl ; J OKI Errs OF NONE. MADE BY TIIK BKHTMAKKII IN AMKIIKA. -.=J "^ ai U SOLID QUftRTER SAWED OAK gROP DFSK S I'OMSIIKO, one Illustration shows machine closed. < heminrojv ~ PgWf f'r ping from HiKht) to be used as a rmter tj»ble, stand or desk, t!u- • iier |W&[ op** o with full length talde and head in place for sewing, 4 uney _o Mfltdrawer*, latent lh9tt «keleloa frame, carved, pancle-I. embossed and 2 decorated cabinet finish, finest nickel drawer pulls, rests on 4 cas r (T I tere, ball bearing adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth iron star.)!. B m X I | 50 If Blf Isrga High Arm bead, positive four motion feed, salf threading vt<>rat* Jg ■ . • VII \±J u ■All ing shuttle, automatic bobbin winder. adju«-table bearings, patent t» r .-i.-n -"-i • fit • ■ V JffTl 1 liberator, improved loose wheei. adjustable presser f«-ot. improved sh-sttlc f\|' I — ■ jRffJpA carrier, patent needle bar, patent dresaguard. head is handsomely decorated MS'O KSI 111 (Kffi andoroamrnud and boaailfnlly NICKEL TRIIVI IVIED. " t- K\4 | BMP CUARANTEEO Ibe liahlrtil running, moat durable ami nean-kt marhine |a a £ j~¥l KT * ry known IsfurnUhed and our Frcr» Instruction Book tells *" 2 - A2O-YEAKfi' BIitDINO 'OUARANTEk'W wl't'h i'J 1 IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to »s«*nd enmlne thia macliine, comrnri' it EH | .. r~i 0 with those your storekeeper sellsnr $40.00 . . . to $60.00, and tl»»*n if convinced yon Breasting f95.00 to #lO. on, |.ay »our freight axrnt the $15.50. WK TO KKTl'ltN TOI It <li.SO ir at an* tim«- within thr.-e months «ou say jru irs aot satisfied. OKDKR TO DAY. DOXT DRI.AT. (Hears, Roebuck Jt Co. are thoroughly reliatd** Kditor > V Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, HI. | PHILIP TACK, j CONTRACTOR IN j Cleveland Berea Grit j 1 STONE jD Suitable for Building, * Ornamental and jp Paving purposes. | This Stone Will Not "Shell Off." | M Prices reasonable. * Work done well £ and promptly, H Stone yanls on East Etna street. Residence on ? Morton avenue. People's Telephone 320. '[TLQAMPBELir^ ' 1 TIN ROOFER, . and Specialties in Tin. X " ' N. Main St., Butler, Pa. \ ' New Drug Store. MacCartney's Pharmacy New Room. Fresh Drugs. Everything new and fresh. Prescriptions carefully com pounded by a Registered Pharmacist. Try Our Soda R A. MacCartney L. S. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Eslate Agent. ti7 E. JEFFERSON. i BUTLER, - PA. | Farmer thinks he owns the stock he is so prouJ of. But as a matter of fact the stock owns him. He is the humble serv ant of horte, Cow and pie. He look? after them better than he looks after him self, and feeds them before he feeds him ll> BBMHtMWMI elf. That is why jJKSSSS; '^ at about the time that l .irm< r H;; t —! '• BKH reached the place Ke I • aGH ""bere he can take H|:, p : • n breaks down. B : H pie have been mori 88- /vK quickly apprecia- Vtj %-• i■ tive of the tonic yfi P" x I awl properties of Dr. B v ; /' Pierce's Golden SB>VJ Medical Discovery ..j : J cures disea-e. It 9 keeps the stomach organs of digestion and nutrition and in- , creases the secretions of the blood-making ! glands. The use of " Golden Medical Dis covery " at seasons when the strain of work i is greatest, keeps the system in perfect working order and prevents the break down which comes from over drafts on ; the strength. "I used ten bottles of Dr. I'ierce's Golden . Medical Discovery and several vials of his | 'Pleasant Pellets' a year ago this spring, and have had no trouble with indigestion since.'' writes Mr. W T Thompson of Townscnd. Broadwater Co.. Montana. " Words fail to tell how thankful I am for the relief, as I hail suf fered ><> much and it seemed that the doctors could do me no good. I got down in weight to i2.s pounds, and was not able to work at all. . Now I weigh nearly 160 and can do a day's work | on the farm. I have recommended your medi cines to several, and shall alwns have a good word to s3y for Dr. Pierce and his medicines." "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol, whisky or other intoxicant A single item 'of medical knowledge when life is at stake has a value past computation. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser has rooS pages of price less paragraphs. Thi< great work is sent absolutely free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. | cent stamps for paper-bound edition, or 31 stamps for edition in cloth Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. SPECIFICS A. A. (pEVERS, Lung Fever. Milk Fever. CURES i H. B. i (ipn \I\S. Lameness. Hbeuiaatiam. CURES J r. C\ | EPIZOOTIC, Distemper, CUBES > , D. D. } won MS. Hots. <; rubs. CUBITS J CURES! rOVG,IS ' Cold!i - ,: ' fh,pnzn - CURESI rOL,C ' Bellyache. Rlnrrhea. G.G. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. li lf .» KID.VEV & BLADDER DISORDERS. '• '• ?■>! V\GE, Skin Diseases. CURES S J. X BAD CO\'D!TtO\. Staring Coat. SJC. each: Stable Case. Ten Rneolfles, Book. &r *7. At drUßKists or sent prepaid on reeelpt of price. g,^ U "yw r Vork^' e VCTnRINABY^M l SENT^FRE£ NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, ill use over4o years, the only successful remedy. $1 per vial,or 5 vials and largo vial powder.for $5 Sold bv Druk-k-uU, or KOl post paid on rco-i|.t ol price. UtarllUlAb' lltl). CO., Cor.*UU«n A Joliu Sla., Sen Vork A Cure for Constipation. I have been troubled with constipation for years. It was ruining my health, my com fort and my complexion, and 1 u:n glad to say that Celery King has restored all three, and this after trying many other medicines that were supposed to bo good, but whi-U were of 110 value whatever. 1 would like to tell every suffering woman what Celery K in has done for me.—N'ellio Gould, Medina,< >hio Celery King cures Constipation and all d; - eases of the Nerves, Stomach, l.ivcr and K id nevs. Sold by druggists, lie and 00c.. 3 I [ THE ? 5 COUQH. C A pleasant, never-failing < e remedy for throat and lung f S diseases. f s Sellers' Imperial | 5 Cough Syrup < / is absolutely frcefromspiiitacr:) % j or other liarinful ixigredionte. £ < A prompt, jjjsitive cam ~ J v coughs, colds, iioarsenes", - '• J < enza, whooping cough. ? I Over amiilion bottles told [n tr.a S j last few vearsattcstitspopularity. C, ( W. X GiLMORE CO. < f PITTSBURG, S S At all Druggists. C < 25c and 50c. . { ii H « -v- I j ''lies, T ICkIWOTCBI ''t l "~ n <s. | ... ■ ' ' ' • • •»>'. • ;9 && . H . • .ihfui'v r :t t ,^3 h> : V - : 1 as ® V " I or ßcflflB: a J,' i-. :-jh '. lIOM. It il clean, Pg| ... Imd olories#—•ir, waUT M?, t•. 1 ; Get :i pound enlieot \fj J , a li.<t . ( it.l I. any rocs Z-i I * ir your cr prr-or. tf\ J'. J S>-' ! cverr-'herp. Mh i-.'liy feTAMJAKB Ol?. CO. MARKLETON~ SANATORIUM Has all the elements Necessary for an Ideal Health Resort. Skillful Medical Service, Invigorating Mountain Air. Pure Waters, Scenery Unsurpassed in America. Only three hours' ride east from Pittsburg, in the Allegheny moun tains. Opni all Ihe year, under the me<lieal eon tr<>l of Dr. O. Crossmaii. graduate <»f I * 111- vrrsity of Vermont, :issist4'fl l»y skillful phy sicians. Anpointrni'iitsof the r appro%-cd kinds, and first-class in every respeet. Treatinent. by medicines and baths or all kinds, massage and electricity. Hot, and cold, salt Turkish, Roman, --it/, electro thermal. electro-chemical and needle baths. Building heated with hoi water, lighted by electricity, supplied with pure mountain water, surrounded by quiet, restful moun tain scenery. Located on Pittsburg division of K. &O. K. K . which connects it with the principal cities and their railroad systems; also with the Pennsylvania railroad at llyndman. Johnstown. C'onnelsville. Brad dock. Terms reasonable. Special rates for ministers, missionaries, teachers, physicians and t heir families For further information and circulars THK MARKLETON SANATORIUM CO., Markleton, Somerset Co.. Pa. COMMENCEMENT AND WEDDING PRESENTS.-^—- Everything tliat is new and attractive in Watches, Rings, Diamonds, Clocks. Silverware, Cut Glass, etc.; also Cameras, j Bicycles and Graphaphones. R. L. KIRKPATRICK. JEWELER. Next to Court House. M. C. WAGNER. ; ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER r 39jSouth Main .street &.Na»t's Clothing store T1 I E|CITIZEN. ■ f GRAND NEW FEATURE* Attractions Addtd to the Pltuburj B>- position-».i ;fie> » Eo ([aHemclit—U*mro«ch Arrl*ed. With the coming of Walter Damrctcb an 1 his New Y.rk Symphony orche«ir» the Hirt?fcuri; eottrs upoo the fourth wetlt t its elevtuth annual season l'liu* far the tig industrial id ftitution ha* been au ouqualitif-d suc cess .tuti the indications are tliat the ei-a son will prove to re the molt remarka ble in iDrtiiy resr < ' «tnee the big aututn ml nbow isinljli.'hed Tin u»and» cf pt-.ple ti iii the ■ (.'Ui try districts 1n Pen® grlvitM i .Ohio and West Virginia and tr ii. till l.irpe towns iml cities within » d iv s trnvi-1 ~f Pitlcl utg have already vis Ited thr tilo show and join with tin- people of Pittsburgh md Allegheny In i raise of the rxcellein e of the I, tlur • presented I this v\! Ihe musle ha* ' r partleu 1 allv pleasltm >ts th* attr..' t ■ ithis ' tar ere very l>e*l tint could I■* fout.d en either tocunt i I l'he> «>»• itally Inter j h ill■ rill in i h tra' tct when <-ne con*itl''r« I th- f-i t that l.ieutennnl Pan i.'dlrit , and lil- ur-it hand lr< in t i>f lirit'sh army MUM to America eipressiy it' pl*j it Um ] Plttshurg i > j i - I ' ll tiodlrcy t, .* nisi >-> d«n ergaaeitent I that lias teen remarkable In many re »pe tu He w-t-»l tho Kipo«ltir..n for ten days and they wi te li t) days of trluraph for never was a lonian • r«a: uallcn s" royally r eived bast .-,;,iriiay nic! t at the I-I • «t l.i- , ngai;, n.en« «i. dfrev I was li. in teil with > ir eptlon at the liands of t h>> leading nien.l*" <f the Older of the Son* of -t George an En« lish urj; t:il/ali"i> 11 ,t hay a trre.il t .ll '.v Petji.svix aoia and Ohio Srveral tfcoasand nmiulien of Ihe ordet with their fainili, s s| ' > otlre "lay at t hi- Exposition. and in tl < • the lect-p tSon.oonunitiee on behalf of the ~riur presented C> ntlticfor <J> dfr, y with a iv,*i!i ■UteMtfeltl tuedal a- a lokeo of th» great esteem in which he ;> held by their, Walter Dmtircsi h and hi- irtists cc>o •• to the Kxpcsitloti for a second till e to fi peat the triumphs of I t-t y, 11. when thei drew ihe largest crowds that had visited the Kx| osltion in one day fit duclor D.tinroscli Is one -t 11 e fi-remcst orchestral conductors In America and i nally tiiH«ckn >wledg< d exp< nent of lit* man op ia on this • DOtlnent having p ' sou.illy c.indnetcd -, .> ral seasons f Her man opt rs with some of the Duett totS lsts in the world, as all wh, heard lit - performances in Pittsburg will concede Thcie will be numerous excursions dor lng the Damrosch engagement and no r.r>' who loves the ulnssics and likes to fc*-i them played by acknowledged artist* <ar atloid to miss hearing Uamrosth and his orchcstia I'lie F.xposition management lias taken • special care that, there Im- n dtstiirbaii 'es of any kind during the rr chestra concerts To that end seats have been provided on the main Hoot Ir. frcr.' of the orchestra platform so that no or.• can walk back and h>rth through (hat portion of the building A passage w-tv is afforded in the rear, under the l ak' r.\ where the noise would not disturb eilhet the players oi their auditors The famous earriitfie, or phaeton in which the martyred president Abrahan Lincoln, took his last drive tn the of Wasliir.glon. is now on eshil itli.r. ir. mechanical hall The machlnen lor n.m:i: facturing liquid air are now abuot n ailv to be placed in operation anil these »*hll I tlons of the new and wonderlul pow promise to create quite a sensation Tl.tr will be practical demonstration* of it. various us-s to which the liquid air tr.'n lie applied, showiitK its marvelous powei and trie simplicitv of its operation? Int k..* am use merit line there are. i artou featurcsof the Imposition worthy of note l,oeatcd in the art gallery Is the clriemat. graph wli h Its wonderful moving pi Many of these pictures are of a huino'O'.s nature, made so by freaks of the camera It is rather astonishing to see a tnao t>>r» to |iiei cs lilt ay bit and then l ave thO«. pieces thn.v.n together again as If I i magic, and I lion t<> have tin man get *i|. and walk about as easily and urocefully as though no such calamity hail tsn I - fallen I l in yet such feats are plishedbythrf cinematograph and tin arc creating : decided sensation No or e should miss seeing the laiuous pi,toi#-; "The Man In the. .Moon 1 In I he. ait lery annex is 1 lie isilcbrati d fJft.lHiii i.aioi Ing. "Custer s La t Ually Among the outside features are t he met ry go round, tho gravity railway. Pierre the magician, anil the marvelous show known as I lie "Cabaret de la Mort which has aroused much wonderment The. term mentis "Cavern of the Dead and it is literally so, for spirits app ar and disappear and a human form is as qulokly transformed into a skeleton Many tr.>s tlfying ill ii ions tire practiced uid th' show is alt i llier nnn of the heal of lbs kind ever SICI. in Pittsburg A White I.lfe Saver. ill It was a poor outlook for Tony, the bootblack, in I'byjiland— —Until ho tried this.—Now York Journal. Went Prepared. "Ilave I got to wear a full ilress s-uit," asked the guest, "in order to eat dinner at this hotel?" "That is our invariable rule," said the flunky who had stopped him at the door of the dining room. "Ah? Then excuse uie one moment, please." Whereupon the lightning change art ist of the Sure Thing Vaudeville com pany stepped behind the door and in six seconds therefrom to nil appearances a gentleman and clearly entitled to admission. Chicago Tiib- A Pec •-liar taietlon. "No, Whikkl>::t <■ r.i't ride a wheel.' "Why not V" "High action At every revolution of the pedals his km. -s fly up and knock his hands from tii 'lutndlebrr "—Cleve land Plain Dealer HOOD'S PILLS v.uro Liver Ills, Bll io'usness, Inrtio- stion, Headache. £asy take. ■ sy to operate. 25c. l ' —————— ■ Practial Horse Shoer W .L ROBINSON, Formerly Horse Shoer at the I Wick liou?e has opened busi j uess in a shop in the rear of the Arlington Hotel, where lie will do Horse-Shoe:ng in 1 the most approved style. TRACK AND ROAD HOSRES A SPECIALTY. i pU|M!OJM « 1 MMI ■•'."a",..! '. !"• I M 8 ?l --' 3(1.119, pay t ( .r fn-' -,I ' n II o ,11- -pt ■,l rtV'oX,- i ■ -Wtu ,-r. '«c . "-ft*. • •••par thr fr»?ai:l to .. * : U.I j- .7 * fE-Jr I '.ny point cant of the * * I !l«i» Mnnntatn*. | THIS HANOSOVE CHAVESTOME made,cut, tracr«l.!i-: i lere«! ithl polished in very !atf t style, from Hurst Koja Blnr Ct« «• <;• aln Mr.rf.' •, l« non-«i«-»tructli»ir, att<l hrs a Hrh hl rhlt |ioii>li"il. unfndliMt m!or. (iratrntrinr i« SO itirhei hiifli 1G inrhisniiie nt !»a%r. Write f.irprlr»>«i nn «•( hi-rsl jlr*and \!tr- Address, SEARS, ROEB'JCK & CO., CHICAGO M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 337 S. Main St.. Butler i Subscribe for The Citizen. \ NEIGHBORLY CALL. BUT IT WAS PAID AT AN UNSEASON ABLE HOUR. Anil tin- Trouble Wan Knthrr lu eren»o(l by the Caller* Npitlpcliiii: to Make -II re I'll at TIIPJ Were nt the Place. Wise is the man who, if fate decrees that he shall dwell in a flat, takes pains to master all details by which h'.s own domicile may be distinguished from that of his next door neighbor. For if he fails to do so strange things may transpire, as this story will dem onstrate. It happened only a few nights ago and in Woodlawn. which is a veritable wilderness of iiat buildings of all sizes and designs, one of the old fashioned structures is particularly confusing. It has an infinity of length, in which there are six entrances, all much alike, each giving Ingr- -- and egress to the tenants of eight liats. Two or three weeks ajro a family took tip its abode in the building, oe copylng the gronnd floor fiat off the cut side of t!u 1' :;:i!i entrance from the east end <!' th" building. That sounds easy eliir.Mll. Sn far all v ! and oil. But on the night in t|Ucst'o:i the family, consist!!':; of a rather y- c.ug father, a good look ing young mother and a little girl went 'to the t!ie:n leavitui the flat in charge of the brother of the pater familias. a yoi'! , ti .iii of some l'l yi ars and gifted Willi an appetite for slum ber. It was late when tie family return ed—nearly 1 o'«. .i fact. How it happened tut one knows, but \ .-.i; missed the tor. i :.a I ti;n:< l in ::t tl.e fifth < nrrance i.oiii liie «■;; i < «1 , ; the building i' it i i of the f. : A riii;: at the ■: . .. t t no reply. Ti. j wire v-.-xetl. I r t. had no latvhiey with ' \ fe<v more ring;, l. iv. ex er. i.iiir. ;.,i au A.i swer. The tloor was op; ned au hich and a sleepy male voice f*aitl.*"\Vho is it':" "Why, it's us. of course." was the an swer. "Whai lid you think it was. burglars';" And with this ivma !; the man push ed on through the <loor. followed at once by his wife and little girl, into the dimly light-si parlor. In the middle of the room stood a dazed looking iudi vldual, with sleep heavy lids and frowzled hair, attired only in a rather brief nisriit gartat lit. faying no more attention to her sup posed brother-lii-law, the woman took off her hat and began making herself otherwise quite at liome. At last the iigure in the middle of th»* room spoke. This is what he remarked: "If you folks want anything here, or if I can do anything for you, please tell me and I'll try and accommodate you." As sure as fate, that voice was a strange voice. "Why, isn't this No. TillV" the man asked. "No; it's No. r.15, if you please." They stood not on the order of their going, but went at once. Not, however, before the woman had picked up her hat and sundry other articles of wear ing apparel and had grabbed a fright ened little girl by the arm. The next eveniug an extremely em barrassed young man made a brief call to apologize for si blunder he attributed to a lack of acquaintance with the ap pearance of the building at night. The apology was accepted in good part. It is said that people in the same Hat building never got acquainted with each other. The young man who was mistaken for a brother and a brother-in law now is wondering whether that call was the end or only the beginning of social relations between the two families. As he is the older teuant, he says the problem is one his wife must decide. —Chicago Tribune. Can Amy One Guesis? "Are you good at riddles, Dick?" "Yes, fairly." "Well, then, if it takes au hour and a half for a cockroach with a wooden leg to hop up a bar of soft soap, how many yards of tripe would it take to make nn elephant a waistcoat?"— Ally Sloper. Knew IHM Standi llK:. He was backing a theatrical enter prise, and he had just met the little •laughter of his star. "ltut I don't see his wings," the tit tle one protested, turning to her moth er. Then he knew just how he was re garded by the profession.—Chicago l'ost. Court of I.nßt Itexort. Professor—lf yon have a piece of metal and it has the color and luster of gold and you want to determine posi tively whether it is genuine, what would you do? Student I'd take it to a pawnshop.— lleitere Welt. RHHOMATISM CURED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism anil Neuralgia radically cures in I to j days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. Tlie first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. F. ililph Druggists Rutler \pr 96. U'LL-NEE-DIT m 1 ra\ t'liiiL' or for im tlirinul purposes notliing better t nan our Pure Itye Whiskey ours is guaranteed absolutely pure. TIIEKE AUK OTHERS but we guarantee ours to lie as above repre sented. Your elioiee of any of tlie. helow brands of Whiskey, guaranteed over <*» year* «'ld SI.OO per full quart, i» quarts. s•*>. oo. H\< 11. MT. VKKSON, <;t ( Kh NoMMH* PIMJXiKK, MIJVON. OVK'LILLOL/R, I. \ !(<« I . TJIOMTKOtf. ItUUHiKPORr. ti HAS I* FAT If Klt'S CHOICE, a \v liiskey guaranted years < »lci. p«*r gal. All l'. o. *1 >. or mail orcfers of or over we box ami ship promptly; express charges pre paid. , »\ e have no agents to represent us. send orders direet and s.ivo mt.ney. ROBERT LEWIN & CO., 411 Water Street- Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite It A O. Depot UNDERTAKING. Notice is hereby given that the under \ taking business carried on by Mrs. Minnie j Hunt, at West Sunbury, Pa., tinder the | superxiiono -r father, John Mechling, latelyd ee'd. u-ijll be continued by me. I All work 1 be done in first-class ! style, at reasonable prices. Mrs. Minnie Hunt. ( 1 F. L. McQUISTION, I. CIVII. I-NGINKKR AND SURVEYOR, ' Office near Court House. W/e- Cut it Short! -a Wi„M - sunshine int-your li«-art> Tl»er« »•»!;•• NEW DRESS GOODS. fv*. )J) 81-i.-li I>• I>. •!!> jl |H r y.i Itiaek I .1. - —r"• ft I All wool <-rt clotk. MUltel value. •'■,rre.l miMvir. ». tl In » I illllu! » 1,1, quality al tA- \.l li, \ \ All wool srey and brown mixtam. - I'll!;' , \ 1 \ Jr 1 •" 1 • 1 u.i. 11 yll \V \eiieti.tii •'■••tl newest »li i-l. ».m . f/\ \\\ Black Silks, v. \\ \ \ BUk-k I'eau IV S>le. 11. Ny, rieli 11.•! . .-• r■ 21 ... .1 Si \ -/ lieavy llla, k Satin I hii liess. "1 inelie> wiile. I »l Swell Oress Plaids. T! V r Very handsome I'lahls at 2V\ All wool eamels hair I'lalds. rleh ancietfective. > inehes at '<**•' [ f . j >»♦»:•}>> woo) Plaids. \• TV cfcolo. IBCVI vvi • 1 • it " • \ 1 j Silk and Wool Plaids, dollar quality at xV. /! . j Very In avy Plaids, very swell for skirt-.. 46 Indies wide at ?1 »•» - 'lf *. J - THE BEST Underwear, Hosiery, Corsets, -'W Gloves and Ribbons. ' — 1-j In Low Prices We FinJ Strength, and Make Business Hum. L STEIIN Sc SO IN, 128 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER. PA r.LEVEXTH A XXUAZ. \Pitkhtim vi if fUdMfai&*Ayu<h r oPFv.s s/.i'rrv;:/ •, • < r. osrs ncmrri; ~ r . ' 1 GREATEST BANDS \ ) SOIJSA m BAND Godfrey's i SJARO Band fi.aiand. \ J 50 PIECES-SEPT. 6th TO lS»th. SO PIECES—SEPT. 20tb TO 36th. V \ Damrosch's New York Symphony Orchestra ) / 50 PIECES-WALTER DA.nROSCH COM>I,'CTOR-OCT. 2<S TO 14th. S j INNES' FAMOUS BAND I MYSTERIOUS PICTURES ON THE CINEMAT»KRAPiI. ( ) LIQUID AIR DEMONSTRATIONS. I / CRA\n ELECTRICAL DISPLAY. € SEKD us QME DOLLAR ( 111 Ihl, .r!. •IIItIH.id t» Uo Hitli #l. tMI, UN*! *"r *» ill fn-od j««IkUNM> y * I ide : . ■■■ i'l iMi;ir! T Miwtl - W&:\< mM&i o U i ;i:i1 1-. ,<isoiinlydii-ornteilaii(|[tinlamented, r i§ tc; ■. . T ■!I .v p.. n-f ili.»W> I'rinrli al, | I». i•-ii r» r >i>ii<i, Ur'.i-w. I rcainnb, t uuplrr, Tr. hip * 'Jli '* (•.uji rr. (. "-ii I'M'lr .'.iij Vox lluotaiiastOrlair i ouplern, ( 1 ; II- - I liruii O '.aa • Srt% <*r."h*«tral Tuntnl ~ IBH ' ? V"',K-^ '""sara-: j "i HHS 'v O'S 1 *" * pi .'c Kreii.-li mirror. iiick< I | pedal Ir.tmfs, JJ3 ]%. Jf| : * and every m-ilern improvenit nt. W- furnUh frre a hand «om.- onrxn sbwl *:i<l tin- l.r»l ii.itrurtiou liook |iub]iabrd. :jlt - ith i. htx>rat>out us.wiitf - th' |Uh!i>i.. . f*lii -| 1 .' «rir>s <t r< >{H>ll tan National It;, t .r> .. L:« .■ 11i;; Nit. ila:ik. C-lueago. <»r Ui rmun I'.xchaiarc Tta.nk. N« w York . <»r mny i-allrwMl crt xnre*. U h rn;.ii lif .n r #TOC.(MKKtW. I• • t f • 1 • -Tr -. ■,-« i 1 k» •(. asvit-u. !• •. - <>u I in our .vn builillnv. »K S» LL outas- 4T «i«.O0 «r lIIMK ..t -t v%liotoeale price xv r it. for (ivt*|m • • pi*uc A "m •-». r*. Jk t •». nr. tkaeMffl• : I • HMftl SEAfIG, n C t Lit C!'. it CO. (Inc.). fulton. Oespluints ini" Wayrnsn Sis.. CHICAGO. . L*. J. VV. MYKRS, DEALER IN Pianos and Organs, j McFANN P. 0., Ilntler Co., Pa If yon want a piano j or organ drop me a i line anil I will call j upon >ou. When Starting On a bicycle tour hope for the best pre pare for the worst anil lake what crtnes. But if you have the foresight to choose as your mount on 2of our wheels, what comes can only lie the best. If you cannot do this M us thoroughly over haul and repair your old wheel :inil the chances of a breakdown will be material ly lessened. Thompson & Cumberland Successors to E. tvans & Son.. Cor. Wayne and McKer.n. MOri'S PENNYROYAL PUIS Mi"" -iivUt'c FdCiUh nirvroul Bn»«l gtiKYROYAL PILLS p Orlflail u<l «»lf (JfnnlßA A r-ttrc. *!»»»• talUMe. iaoics m t J\\ f t( l»ruf*;J«l for Chicketrr a *h /'. i IV|\ * I lcM?§>n J H'in.iin IJcJ '• W j « uiad with Woo rt ' 'luLc^Jr >) '>l4 ■,•>{"•» olhrr. Krfitst dang-*■•*.» tul*:uu- V (, ~/■ /.' n*an.<i«n.'ji.."u At . or iTd yla ft*rupa ?.r particular* t«'i mortal* an! /J "Itcllrf for I.n«U««," «" '**«**. bt rfttra /X MalL Itt.OOO T «l«i®Uto. —4l rr:i(niu 4 hl«-h«Hilrr ( h^nttml *<J 200 ifadUvM N<juur«*, i'lili.At)A. ( f*A« IwaKleX'a Reliable Kml f of good address to solicit businc a from j ;• p- Z erty-ownrrs. Any ii kiw>vrapeison will ?•«? X in \ :1- X a mission or salary, paid weekly. Addrec? for X -v this paper. 1 H \ Kl.i:s hMter.N.V. Z KEELEYCURE. J LIQUOR AND OPIUM HABITS. J Removes all desire an* appetite, builds up Ihe W ' I & system, renews health and vigor, brightens the m \ intellect and Tits one lor business. \ \0 THE <)SLV KFKI KY ISSTITI TE F . * Booklet tr " IN WK-TKRN fISHSTLTAWU. j T The Keeley Institute.4246Flfth Ave Pittsburg. Pa I ADMIRAL OLD RYE WHISKEY. t One of th<-tint'.st Ky«» Whiskl«-> in this Slate, j at tltt* following low prlees: Full quarts. one J t>ottle. 85c; four littles. SI.00; m\ liottlcs. ( S4 50; t\v.lv< »M.it I« $8.75: Jillon. SI.OO thr«M- Not less than 1 gallon or 1 4 bottles >l»lppe«l. No f»»r parking. J ] Express pid in tin* following Stat«*-» !'• nn svlvania. Ohio. West Virginia. Maryland, Indiana. New York. Send your address and money order to A. AN DRI ESSEN ; Sole Owner. <J|6 Federal St., , \ TEL. 54«. ALLEGHENY, PA. ' ] Price list ofot her ir<*"l>. Wine*. etc., nuiil j t*<l. Heftorew-e- First an«i Swvmd National I I Hanks ami Dollar Saving* Fund anil Trust j 1 Company, Allegheny, Pa. , (No marks on shipping cases) i | West Winfield Hotel, M G. W. LUSK. Frop'r. !® I-irst Class Table and Lodgings. (ias and Sprint; Water all through house, \KJ (Sood Stabling. r\ n f \ postal card to I IKI IK orcall up No. 41 IwJII \M I of the People's | PHonC ailll W. B. McGEAKY'S new wagon, running to and from his Steam Carpet-Cleaning establishment, will call at your house take away your dirty carpe's and return them in a day or two as clean as new. All on a summer morning—Carpet*, run and unrtains thoroughly cleaned on short notice. pippi / rms Jtsr \ \ / I l«Aii <»W »\ yjrf: AS ANY OTHt "> JgTn Have You Any Part of SIOO I to invest, if yon can make from sorh | investment from 25 to 50 per cent Monthly? If so. yon can invest from 910 to s|oo in Stocks. Grain. Arc., through a broker of -0 years experience v.'ho will give his services to you free if he fails to pay you dividend of 35 per cent monthly ou any nmoiint you nwy invest through him. Write at once for Circular Letter giving full information to .» WEAVER, Investment and Commission Broker, 4*21 Wood St., PitUbnrg, I'a r D. L. CLEELAND, > I Jeweler and Optician. I ( 125 S. Main St., / \ Butler, Pa. v^-\ Now is The Time to Have Your GLEANED or DYED If >ou want goou and reliable cl- 'ning or dyeing done, there is just one place In town where you can get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works Uenter avenue. We do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have .a picture ot your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jan.eetowa Siidinr hlind L%.—New York. K. FISHER & SON. , « V V w V V v V v V V <! ►Fall and pv X Fall and X oAutumn *—* * * • ■ f Autumn A V The Leading Millinery House of Butler County. ]! [Special Sale of FELT and VELVET HATS.g T O ,I k Y ' I' M >r immediate mt always to Mock. T 11 [122 S. Main St D. T. Pape. BUTLER. PA.V , DOLLS X < k n .cash Noveny store. IUCTI If"\SCEENSWARe A- CROCKERV STORE. ■**-" /GOODS IN ALL LINES. 'management. I laving purchased the Affina Bee I live \ovclty and «>u.-etw I ware Store, I have (tooted considerable care ami time in cnopktiw t hc most varied stock of g>><kls in Hutler. Below will jjive an idea of s omc of the goods carried in stock. Axle grease, / Butter spade*. |L«DD(M » S aieS. Imfltmla rstc;.. ✓ \ V - ileliv-ery. / >- ,r W playing, xest-nsaoa. /*>»! «ad >•« J v tluv! Miaf _ Imibj, C ''. i.. Ichimmrti, / .bar tare*. lunch, \ chalk, }h««mer*, i aa»«» RMUrlft, Q V tomttK V■'•»•'»» Jlead i«n«U. I ahtrfncttt [ 'ii.< ■ l impcrt, Iknna J nitim, i bhdthf, horses, {looking (ban, % So«n bladdgg eanea. V clothe* lines. Vsunhkt. J :.»u- ir*. f J hlaritg, f ineas'ire*, / IOM ><oarda, \ codee mill*. (imaMtni| faV «tarche* brea.l ltoartls, Q com fx. Xnaooey di»«rr* P ttm pulaab. '•room*. {mop handles. \ T«bi.bs Bmmmm \ ■'< *crc*s, Immfir traps. I «*<■(, deih, r to [wypm, znacttijte. . -he*: ram cotnl«*. lull CUM ami tanks. VtnMe eatierv. floor. /.l.tninoea. JP«r*n /tack hammer*. Mr, y tlßlera Iwtoy, iwriuag, C tinware alt %-oifrr. km, \ <>'K ! waters, 4 trapping. # towel mllrr-v t>aint, V envelopes. 9pam hook-. J imcks. f Jpwlrv hntr.lt. \ tata, Aarim, /: •-- ■■ f• * shoe, J fi*h h<»ks A* hnes, v j-ens, V . . :«r >w»s •. 1 J -. \ \ * us «inti-wash, / fniit angers. {potato masher*. V wash hoards, win. low; \ tunnel*. Market ?»•><• r w»hm( m«Ww% Bmill / gum Ipocket knives f pine, V granite ware, {puncs. V whips, cedar, J gun caps. Vra/or*. Qwt tska. horse, \ hammocks, * razor straps. I w««>d yw. paper; X harmonica*. {-oiling put. V»tliu<a ware. l>utter ladles. fink. tr-iiis, f •* ire g«.«la, bolter mriis. ) j-w-harpa, trope, 3■« ».t •. *» . butter prints, V keelers, {satchels. V w«*»l dt he*. wringers. I also handle watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware. &c . pianos, organs ami small musical goods, strings an 1 fittings tor all invro nunts. Come anil look over our 5 and 10 cent counter* When you want a bargain be sure and come to. *J. R. Criebs, Cash Novelty Store. No. 136 South Main Street. Butler. Pa. DO YOU KNOW THAT WE WILL SHIP YOU • All Charges Paid A Gallou of Pure Penna. Rye Whiskey for $.3 We don't Manic you if yon arc dou'itful ahout it. hat the !>est way to convmce T«unwlf's to send us a tna! order Send the am-Hint either in currency hjr lexistere-l letter, P. <). order or express, .m l wc will box <hip an.! preuav exprcwageon a gallon of Cahinef j year .>l.l »re (or s\<n Von will tie -iurpn*e<l at the quality of thi« whiskey. It >* altsolutely pure, mm i" )a*t whst y«»w aroi n» the house at this season ni the yrnr. What do you think of a West Virginia Ri.ick ltr.-i.tv at #j.c»i per gallon* We ha :c *>mr of the ierv ira-!e from selected ami carefully ili«till«>| - pot up tn gallons, half gallons ami nnart* —lh»n"t forget that we pr- P*y expressage on all onlers of f1 m in-1 over, e*. ,* wheie a transfer is necessary from ooe K\pre*» Co., «•» another, when we p.»y fxpresnage to point .>f transfer You can make you own selection Jn»m the fo!l>>wiiig Anchor Rye, a good whiskey for the money . $2.00 a gai Cabinet Rye can't be beat $3 00 a gal Bear Creek Rye. a very fine whiskey $4.00 a ga Gin. Rum. Kummel. Brandy $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 p«r gal MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors. 82 FEDERAL ST., ALI EGHENY- PA Send for catalogue and price list, mailed tree. NEARLY Fifty-eight Years Old !! - It's a'ong life, hut ilevotion to the true rat ri* <n»t nrooperity of '.he American Pi- pie has w.n fnr rt urm friends a - the yea.* rollcl an«l the •«"> I fii»»J neaVni TlltC r"sL"^ > \ , ' '*• to thaw \\ #s^* '"onies ami firesiiles. ' \ X' * vitality and vigor of its yowth Hwagthaiil aaa* rtprne-l ' f - - l»v the rtperieara W over half a rratarr. \ It kat Hm4 aa itt ■trio aa4 MI lit (ta4U MffHt 4 » prioress!\e AnK-ricsus It is •"Tlie New-York Trihune." acitm.w !e.ige.l the rnunlrr mn wAw lea«!;ng National Fa-aiiy Newspaper. Rcog.ii/ing it* value toth«»*<- wlio <le*ire all the news of the Mate »e« Nattnai. the publisher «>f "The ClTiikn" jmtr own faaante horse paper Km* rwte'r.l into an alliance with "The New York Weeklv TriSune" which ewah'ea turn to fifniA bull jiiipcrs at the trifling c<-t of li.jn per vear. K\ery farmer ami every villager owes to him*e>f. to his f.tmiU art to ~he community in which he lives a cordial support n( his !.n-al new.;>at>er aa ?r *«rha Constantly an 1 nntirinKlv far hi* interest* in everv way. Hi-nK-i to hi* me alt 'he new* ami happening*. Ins artKbhorhooH. tiie -toing* of hi* friemN the < ami prosjiecta for lifft-n nt crops the prices in home markets *.-» I i ;.«t, ta a wetklv visitor which should W fount I in every w»t<- iwilr pe -i<- •nritlv Just think t>f it' P- ih >f theae paper* U« .>niv #i » rear Send all subscriptions to THE CITIZEN Butler Pa . WANTS Want a Koilak' Want a Camera' Want a lUr>> nn' Watt .» Hook 1 Want -i Hicycle' Want a Piece ot' China ' Want a Fine Picture' Want the latest in Stationery* Want anything in Faacy <">r Art i.ine' j The only place i« at Doug lam' lUir>k Store. There are t>arg»i» every week There are low price* all the time Visit every tiav at DOUGLASS IX H >K ST( >HK. Near P O Peoples Phone I6J. baiter Pa TIRES Repaired and made as good as new at White.Waller 4 C»'s . saflßHi -t* *•»—-ana..: m .Lwiwp'f—." Bicycle and Suoply Deoot. Corner Ma-n.St. and o<amoMd. Butler. Pm- Wit* -»®r wrw ttlwurf W in aaa* *~m» ■» ann. i»r»* taa » ttf» •!»» |«r» iia. an :« tltw. - * •*•- W» at mih «f •nwljr iww yani «t manMt •V «• ir» tfc» i'lw«w itlarw M» k*an. uml mikrwl. W# 8 Ki> »smwl» Me »ai« at *»r*ala grlrM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers