THE: CITIZEX. WILLIAM C. NEGLEY - - Publisher THURSDAY. MAY 19, IS9S REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR CONGRESS. DK. J. B. SHOW ALTER, of MHlerstown boro FOR ASSEMBLY JAMES N MOORE, »f Butler JOHN DINIMNOER. »f Ze'lenopU. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. JACOB M. PAINTER, of Butlor. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. PRANK F.. McyriSTION. of Butler The Congressional Delegates elected are Ist District. John \\ omer .nd. L M. Brown 3rd. Geo Maxwell 4th. H D Hockenl>. rry: .®>th. John Clark 6th. A L Timblin; 7th Matt Bippus; Mth, H M Johnston; iitli, T. H. Greer; 10th, \\. S. Dixon. 11th. C. F L. McQmstion, 12th, A C. Zeigler. 13th Sid Weihl: 14th. .Tosoph Graham: 15th. Rennen Shanor WAR RECORD On Thursday Admiral Sampson bom barded the forts at the harbor of San Juan in Porto Rico At Cardenas the torpedo boat Wins low. ventured too neai a masked battery and was shot to pieces, and Ensign Bagley and three men killed At Manila. Dewey was raising the guns from the sunken Spanish ships, and fortifying the harbor. On Friday news of the appearance of the Spanish fleet off Martinque, about 500 miles south-east of Porto Rico caused the government to send the "Flying Squadron to sea, and that af ternoon it was out of sight of land. A large coal transport went with it. All plans for the immediate invasion of Cuba were abandoned, and all interest centered on the prospective sea battle. One seaman was killed during the bom bardment of San Juan, and a gunners mate died of the extreme heat. On Sunday the Flying Squadron, dropped its anchors off Charleston har bor, discharged its pilots, and put to sea again, to join Sampson's fleet. The Spanish fleet was reported to be at Cur acoa. On Monday Secy Long stated that 12,000 men would go to Manilla, and it was reported that three Pennsylvania regiments including the 15th would go there also that the lathe would go to Governor's Island in N. Y. harbor. The 10th Pa. regiment is on its way to Manila and it is expected that the 15th, 14th and 18th will follow shortly in their footsteps. The indications are that the Spanish Cape Verde fleet has escaped from Rear Adiinral Sampson and may turn up in a few days off the North Atlantic cost to bombard seacost towns. The Spanish fleet, making about 15 knots an hour, could reach the United States coast in six days. It left Curacao Sunday, destination unknown, but believed to be the south coast of Cuba. Admiral Sampson's fleet was supposed to have left San Juan, Puerto Rico, Saturday, sailing for the Wind ward passage to intercept the Spanish fleet in the Carribean Sea on its passage to Cuba The fleet may turn jup anywhere, most any time now, a battle is likely to take place at any time now. On Sunday the following dispatch was received at Washington from Ad miral Dewey. "CAVITK, May 13, Hong Kong, May fe ming in the city by land, but have made no demonstration Scarcity of provis ions in Manila. Probable that the Spanish governor will be obliged to sur render soon. Can take Manila at any moment. Climate hot and moist. On May 12 captuaed Callao attempting to run blockade. Have plenty of coal. One British, one French, two German and one Japanese vessel here observing. DEWEY. The United States dispatch lioat Hugh McCulloch arrived at Hong Kong from Manila with dispatches for the United States government. She report ed that the Spanish gunboat Callao, from the Caroline islands, recently en tered the jiort of Manila, being ignorant of the outbreak of hostilities between Spain and the United States An American warship fired acroßs her bows and signalled her a demand for her sur render. The demand being disregarded the American ships tired direct at the Spanish gunboat and the latter surrend ered. After the Callao's crew landed they were released on parole, and the Callao was paraded in full view of Manila city, accompanied by the United States cruis er Concord. When Mr 'Williams, the American consul, landed at Cavite last week he was received with great enthusiasm, and followed in the streets by a crowd of 2000 people shouting, "Viva Los Americanos!'' The populace of Manila is reduced to eating horseflesh and the prospect of re lief seems far distant. The Hugh McCulloch also reported that the Philippine insurgents applied to Rear Admiral Dewey for his approv al of an attack by them upon the city. The Admiral, it appears, approved of the plan, provided no excesses were committed. The insurgents then plead ed that they had no arms with the ex ception of machetes, to which the ad miral replied: "Help yourself at tbe Cavite arsenal." It is estimated that the insurgents have 37,000 troops, but only 0,000 rifles. They hold all the railroad lines and the River Pasig, thus cutting off the supplies either to or from Manila. The city of Manila however, has not yet been attacked. About 5,000 Span ish troops guarding the road leading from Cavite to Manila. There was no truth in the reported massacre of a number of Americans. There has tieen only a trifling incident durum police "duty and nobody was hurt. Aguinaldo. tho former insurgent lead er was in Hong Kong and wis said to be negotiating with President McKinley seeking to arrange for the futnre gov ernment of the Philippines bv a native administration under the protectorate of the United States. The English in Hong Kong advocated a joint Anglo- American administration. At Washington the officials were '' making all possible haste to rash troops to supplement Admiral Dewey's forces, so that if the Spanish governor surrenil ered the former would not IK* depend ent upon the small number of marines which he can illy spare from his ships It was hoped that the City of Peking, chartered as a transport vessel, would be able to clear from San Francisco in a short time, to be followed in rapid suc cession by the three other ships engaced for a similar pnrjiose. The Peking can carrv 1,000 men. which with the ma rines aboard the Charleston, just about t< v*ii won Id l>*> of considerable assis tance to tbe admiral The total number men to !*• «»n: will aggregate probably 12."0O as Major General V. esley Mer ritt. who is to command the expedition and subsequently to l>e made milivr?- governor, regards that as the lwi-i --winch can maintain order in a city like Manila. Over 10 regiment* of infantry and fonr batteries of artillery from the volunteers had been ordered to c> ucen trate at San Franciso. and from th.— o and th- regulars now in thi extreme West will be taken th. men for the Philippine expedition. It was expected that nil tbe volunteers will OUP BOYS IN CAMP. ( .». E, loth ICegriment, Camp Hasting"- CHAUTAUQUA P. 0., LEBANON CO I * FRIDAY, MAY 18, 18'.)8. Mail was distributed a short turn ago. A bnneh of CITIZENS arrive.! among it and are eagerly being read now. We are still eating cake and pre serves that came from Butler early in the week also smoking cigars presented bv Will Morris-. the tobacconist Many thanks for same. Wednesday afternoon seventy-fiv ■ men and three officers of Co. E were mustered into the U. S. service as Pennsylvania volunteers. The muster ing in of the Division began Tuesday and was finished to-day, conducted b> Major Thompson of the U. S. Army, who was formerly in charge of >he Grove City college battalion. *>ur bri gade and division officers have cot as yet been taken into U. S. service, and Colonel Kreppe of the Fifteenth being ranking Colonel, was appointed active commander of the division This makes us think ours will be the last regiment to leave Mi. Gretna. We wio hardly go before our Colonel, and he will hardly go until everything else is gone. Wednesday evening Wallace Kimer, J. S. Dunlap, W. A. Starr and M S. Davis of the recruits brought out by Lieutenant Scott and privates Bow ser, Rnndy and A. Graham and corpo ral Alden Kamerer started for Butler. Captain Campbell of Co. F. Grove City, also returned. He is a veteran of tie Rebellion We were very sorry to part with our comrades especially with Corp. Kamerer who was knocked out by poor eyesight. Harry MeCollough arrived Wednesday aft. and has been with us since. Thursday afternoon Joe Heineman passed around a large box of fine marslnnallow-caramels. He said they came from his girl. Now all Co. E has a sweet remembiance of that young lady whoever and wherever she may be. We have here a collection of rare curios called the Irish Me»s. composed of Ira Murphy. Howard Hazlett, Roy Mclntyre and Robert Adams. They live in "Boar 's Nest No 1 and have their heads shaved. Nearly every one in the company has had his hair clipped and is raising whiskers. Butler will see a wonderlul collection of mous taches, sideburns, goatees and full beards when we get home again. "Red" Eckelberger has washed his feet and we are no longer troubled by bad odors. Thursday we were thrown into a great commotion by the rumor that the Ist, 2nd. 3rd,4th,sth. 15th and 16th regi ments had received marching orders and were to be taken to Tampa Fla. by water via New Y'ork. The 4th and 16th struck their tents that afternoon and marched to the station. It was reported that they would leave at nine in the evening No train came for them and they lay at tbe station all night, all day Friday and are there yet, mad enough to mob or lynch any one on the least provocation. There was some mistake in those marching orders but we don't know how nor where. We thought our time to leave old Penn sylvania had come and all went to writing "goodby" letters. The canvas and shipped away, an indication that our time for leaving Mt. Gretna is not far distant. Yesterday Y'ance Stroup was ordorly This morning Eiuest Faber was select ed as regimental orderly and Del llindman as Gen. Wiley's orderly. The officers get Dell up at headquarter.* and then make him shave them all. We signed the pay roll for fifteen days pay, our last as guardsmen of Pennsy! vania. We don't know when we will receive our money. This evening Gov. Hastings reviewed the entire division. Hereafter there will be no brigade or division guards, as Gen's Wiley and Suowden have do further control over us. SUNDAY, MAY 15. Raiu fell ail morning and the sky has been clouded all day Despite the bad weather there have been many visitors, among theiu George Burckhalter and Loyal McJun kin of Butler and Harry Cunnnings and Marsh Douthett. formerly of Butier We are beholden to John S. Jack fi i a supply of tobies. This evening regi mental review was held in tbe mud. At 11 this morning the 15th was collected in the Y. M C. A. tent and Chaplain Hays conducted services. Before the sermon Capt. McJnnkin read the U. S. army regulations to us. as is required within six days after enlisting as volun teers Under the new organization Ser geant Vanderlin is quartermaster ser geant and J. F. Moore is now sixth ser geaut. There six sergeants anil six cor porals. Dom Imseu, who was regimen tal commissary, is now drum major and the quartermaster, Lieut. Perkins has charge of the grub department. Today the 4th and 16th regiments, which have been laying at the station in pavilions, etc. since Thursday were hauled away to Chickamauga via Pittsburg. Part of the 15ths guns were given to the 16th and we will be supplied with new ones before leaving. Saturday came near being a bloody day in camp Hastings, and will be a memorable one to some people. A Pitts burg l>oy named Sields of Co. G. 18th. decided not to enlist and went home be fore mustering day The sneers and ridicule of his former friends drove him back to Mt. Gretna. He arrived Sat urday morning, his old company would not receive him and in the evening, put him on a rail to carry him out of camp in disgrace. Had they gone no farther than this all would have been wejl. but they beat him with clubs, pelted him with atones and tin cans, and kicked him about till nearly dead. At last he was rescued from the mob and taken to a hospital. The other regiments were greatly incensed at the hoodlum con duct of the "gallant 18th. The Bth and !»th. regiments collected, armed themselves and started for the 18th's quarters to punish Pittsburg's gallant pets. The IHth. heard of it and iinme diatly armed for battle. One isth ofli cer was seen giving a revolver to a pri vate. A desperate fight seemed iinnii ment, but the officers stopped the ad vancing regiments and ordered them back to their quarters, which they did. We are glad to say that no part of the 15th. took part in these unruly proceed ings. WH were ordered to stay in our company streets and the excitement gradually died out. MONDAY.— Last evening th. "d left for Chickamauga. Col. Mechling tell* us that seven of our Pennsylvania regi ments will be taken to Chickamauga, four will be sent to various department commandcries along the coast a* coast guards, and four will be sent to Wash ington, D. C, There are a great mini iter of cars here to haul us away in. Rain fell all night long and when guardmount was held this morning ii was still drizzling down. Geo. Burk halter stayed over with us until today he remarked this morning that sleeping in a tent in wet weather was a very cold job. Sergeant Andrews visited his brothel in A lien town, Pa., over Sunday, and Sergt Collins tilled his place while absent. Services are held in the Y. M C A tent every evening, they are well at tended Tuesday May 17. The sun came up in the uucloudy sky over the eastern ridge this morning, a northeast wind is drying up the mud. and camp lit 1 ; is once more pleasant La-*, evening the second batailion Mai Bak. rs. was elected for patrol duty and everyone in C<> E was anticipating a trip to Lebanon and a good time in that town daring interval while off dn ty i'lie patrol marched oil at halt past seven this morning in heavy inarching order and very good humor. Only ti> >1 I 0 B w.-r- taken nr.der I'ttnininnd of ( apt McJunkin an*. Lie it Me. lding The rest of us wet left in camp in disgust mourning our h;.rd luck But an hour after leaving part of the patrol straggled into the coinpar.v street again. dissapointed ami crestfallen Dof Clarion had been tr.fe ,-n to Lebanon and E was divided up in si ,all detachment*. some were posted to guard ■' pump station. some to guard railroad c->rs a nil.' range, etc. and a deti'.cbuient under Lieut. Mechling was n arched r hree miles over the hilN to Bismar k a small village to arrest any sold iers who stole over that way with out leave Those who were not pur on the patrol now think themselves lucky. Thi- morning the -"'th regiment broke amp and marched to the station. 'I hev will l>e taken to t 'hicamango. \Yt are told tilt 14th. 18th and 15th havt :>e I a--'.'tied to Gen. Merritt. who 1. is charge of the Eastern depart ment which includes the Phillipine islands So we are contemplating a nip :o Manilla, nearly ten ti)> u-.ind miles away from Butler. We all look serious and think of home while dis cussing our chances for a trip across the Pacific. We would not likely i>e brought back very soon. 1 ijs ridge was" blue with violets and wild forgetiuenots when we came here three weeks age. They have been tiai.ii'eu out and one sees only red mud and grey tents in their stead Tbe* and wild life of a long campaign in the East cannot thus crush out the forgetiuenots of home that blossom in our hearts, but will onlv cause them to strike the loots deep:-: and increase our longing to re turn to the hills of Pennsylvania and our friends who inhabit them , will likely be here the remander of this week yet. A few nights ago Lieut, (ol Meeh linuV h -:.- ; Dom Pedro was kicked on the hock of its right leg and so badly hurt that it cannot be used now. The following notice was tacked up on the cook house: "No card playing allowed in th' .lining tent bv ( apt McJunkin. It i- too bad that the captain had to be publically reprimanded. .Tack Thomp son and Tom McKee bad a family row yesterday and .lack dyed Tbm s socks with a bottle of ink. Tbe 1 ~>th will be taken to Governors Island, New York harbor. The 2nd «th a' I !oth 1 five Wednesday The s)th 1- ft this afternoon. J hu Alexander's foot is steadily heal- WAITIXG. I know not what trials await me Whtt battles and marches 111 set;: But I know that my loved ones are waiting at home, And that is a comfort to me. < >h' oft in the rough soldier bivouac. Most oft while on guard in the night. I think ot the home so far. far away That will hail my return with delight. When gone to the front in the south. Whatever my lot may be. The best spur to duty, the dearest thought Will be of those who are waiting for me. God hasten the <lav when war's hard ships Shall exist bnt in memory, When I shall return to the home that I love, And those who are waiting for me. E. H. NEGLEY. .lefterson Township. Frank McCliesney is a Pittsburg visitor George M. Welsh has purchased i new wheel. E;hel and Dorcy Burtner are visiting at Karns City Frank Byers and wife visited friends in Butler Saturday. Paul Smith has left ns to join the boys a* Mt Gretna. .Tohn Gregg attended the funeral of Dave McKissick. at West Sunbury. Mi:- Jell. Billfold and daughters [ Campbell and family .T. IT Huey. of Tarentum. is visiting J. N. Burtner Mrs Levi Logan has returned after a | pleasant visit with friends in Allegheny [ City. | Mrs. Hannah Sachs and daughter, Alvina, of Saxonburg, visited friends near Jefferson Centre Monday. G. K. Graham called ou friends last week S. M Wnght visited Saxonburg Mon day evening. George Maurhoff and family of Saxonburg and C.'has. Bachman and wife visited Geo. Bacbman's family this week- Andrew Eitler and wife were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Schroth. M Finegan. an oil producer, of Pitt - burg. visited Cal Logan's recently. Johnston Bros exhibited their magic lantern show at Jefferson Centre. .Mon day evening. Communion services will be held at Summit Pres. church, commencing June 3rd, conducted by Rev Wm. Haz lett assisted by Rev Woirell of Butler. Wm. Bunting and wife anil .James Negley and wife were the guests of Henry Bunting. Mrs. J H. Coe and Mrs W J Hovi of Butler selected last Saturday to take a dri v. • to .Tefferson Centre. Th-y visited the home of Mre Cal Logan, and the pleasant visit was en joyed by all. Some person borrowed the whee' be longing to a new bngy owned by M. Bierly of Great Belt. The church at Herman was entered by some one. The priest's robe and some other articles of apparel were strewed along tbe rail road. Bachman Bros, finished a duster on the Wallet farm. Great Belt was the scene of a tremen dous tin works on Saturday eve in honor of Admiral Dewey. A large crowd assembled. Excellent music was fur nished by the Herman band. The home of John McGarrah was entered Saturday afternoon by some one who thought they had a lietter right to John's clothes than the owner. A suit of clothes, a gold watch and other valuables were taken. He was tracked almost to Butler The detee tives have charge of the matter at present The HptuHsh Fleets. The combined Spanish fleets now known to be on this'side of the Atlan tic, consist of the cruisers: the "Cristobal Colon," "Oquendo, ■ Maria Teresa' and 'Vizcaya;" the battleship Pelayo, 9,090 tons: the armored cruisers 'Carlos V.,' tons, the "Cisneros," "Cataluna" and Astnrias,' 7.000 ton-, thrte sister ships to the Vizcaya, the protected crnis ers "Alphonso XI II and ' Lepanto." "•,000 tons and the two reconstructed iron battleships "Nutnancia' and "Yi toria, of .*BOO tons, which have been re-engiued and armed with modern rapid fir. batteries. The ("hristobal Colon" is perhaps the most formidable, though by no means the largest, in the Spanish navy. Sho is an Italian buiP hip of (1.5.J0 tons and •JO knots speed, and carries a complete beli from stem to stern of 6-inch Har ! veyized *tecl. while above this is a con i tinuous armored redoubt of 6-inch Har veyi/eil steel which protects a battery jol ten 0-inch rapid-fire guns Above ; ihia again is another battery of six 4.7- ! inch rapid tire guns protected with 2- ! Inch plates and revolving shields. The I heaviest armament consists of two i 10 inch armor-piercing guns in 6-inch barbette- 1 There is a secondary bat | tery of ten pounders and ten 1-pound ers. Tne ' 'Oquendo "Maria Teresa" ' and \ iitaya arc E.ster ships. MONEYTAKENFROM STATE BANKB .Mr. tVnftAtrinUer Tells the Story ol How !!«' Came to Be Made Po«tmas ter (ii'ni-nil-l)rnle> Inaratllude to the Machine—The Old Story of th» Indemnity Hond uud What It Means to the People. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Harrliburg. May 17. — In speaking of Hon. John Wanamaker's wonderful campaign in Pennsylvania a North ampton county paper last riaturilay (said regarding his tour through that county: ' II Hon. John Wanamaker had been a king his reception in Northampton county could not have been more en thusiastic and sincere. His progress amounted to a triumph." Tin fa.t id that Mr. Wanamaker is making the most wonderful canvass HYC! known In the history of Pennsyl vania politics. He is talking at no i)th«Ji ever talked. He Is tell ing truths to which the people mu-t per roe listen, because they are truths and I>.. auKe his facts are matters of r« • id. Ijiit week Mr. Wanamaker . ampr.ignod though Tioga and North ampton counties. All told he made 17 gpec.hes during the week. Without gi ing Into detail as to when and where h poke, the following extracts from his re-. -hes will serve to Indicate? their startling character. At Enston, the home of Genera! , Flans Ueeiler. Mr. Wanamaker gald: DAN'iEROI'P POLITICAL TRUST. I submit first, that the Republican party as at present constituted is a most dangerous political trust, com posed 'ft". national senators and 20 congressmen and the large majority of ."I state legislators at Harrisburg. w 1.0, bj dictation, dispose of public rr.' ney- laws and choose admtn lßtrstois of them to the detriment of th public welfare, said appointees not reiognltlng the people, but yielding first allegiance to their masters and bosses. I submit second, that this political trust, known as the Quay-Andrews- Reeder-E!kin machine, uses Its usurp ed power and 111 gotten gains In per petuating Itself to the damage of th« taxpayers and people generally. I submit third, that the audacity of this Pennsylvania machine enters Into conspiracies to cripple the president of the United States in his purposes In conducting public business, as Import ant as our relations with Spain: seeks to cripple the postal business of 75,- OOO.F'OO. specially attacking the conve nience of business people and the wel fare of rural communities; conducts election campaigns by the flagrant use of large ?yms of money contributed by corporations, capitalists, contractors and payers for legislation. I submit fourth, that the service of self respecting men is lost to the Re pulican party by the vile misrepresent ations of reputable people, employment of bogus detectives, venomous falsifiers, a subsidized press and conspirators, who dart any plot or defilement, able to exert political control and by pro tecting legislation and domination of legal appointees of district attorneys and others not in elective but appoint ive offices. STATE MONEY SQUANDERED. I submit fifth, that the state funds have been and are squandered through the processes controlled by the machine. I submit sixth, that the state treas urer. being named by the bosses, who control his election and who direct the custody of the funds, endangers the safety of the state's money as proven by the recent developments of the three failed banks in Philadelphia and West Chester. I submit seventh, that the use of these banks by the bosses, known to be large borrowers for personal uses and campaign purposes, as well as private and pool speculators, should be a warn ing to the taxpayers, who are Interest ed in the schools and charities of the state. I submit eighth, that there Is evidence to form belief upon that the appropria tions to the educational institutions, charities and hospitals of the state could be largely reduced without one dollar of actual loss to said insti tutions. if the eosts of lobbying and at torneys did not have to be paid out of the appropriations. of th. unlawful taking of money out of the state treasury by the consent of the Quay treasurer, now employed in the state treasury as assistant to the present treasurer, and the justification nf it by Frank Ueeder, the secretary cf the commonwealth, and John P. Elkin, chairman of the state committee, who with his master, M. S. Quay, who first elected himself chairman of the state committee, which was done upon his own statement after spending between 1200.000 and JLT.O.OOO subsequently caused Mr. F.lkin to be elected chairman in order that lie might hold control of eon vent!".-.». contested seats and ruling* affecting committees, that this flagrant abuse of "ffieial place Is reprehensible In the highest degree, resulting In the dismissal of these two officials from the administration. MONEY COVERTLY EXTRACTED. It Is either true or It Is not true, and I submit It as easily capable of proof one way or the other bv your own townsmen that Reeder, Elkln and oth ers covertly extracted from the treas ury on a loaded payroll the sum of $27,000. I submit tenth, that an effort was made of the most desperate character to favor beer brewers as a reward for large subscriptions to the last sena torial campaign, whereby the schools of the entire state would have suffered impairment or the million of dollars at tempted to be taken from then? would have had to be raised by additional tax ation, now heavily crushing the people, because needlessly high, owing to ex travagance and evil legislation. BLACKENING FLAG OF FALSE HOOD. I am not done, as I expected to be. I intended to have relieved your patience with the words already spoken, but since I have left home, and an the ev« of entering this meeting. I have had put Into my hands a pamphlet, issued un der the title of a phrase in my speech in Lancaster. "Commercialism In Pol itics." I am not willing to postpone for even a single hour the engagement with the enemy, who has again raised the black and blackening flag of falsehood. Pol iticians in Pennsylvania are too busy to go to Cuba. The pamphlet reprints with comments the arrest and hearing, before the justice of the peace, and set tlement of the E. A. Van Valkenburg case. It is all paraded in detail, though the prosecutor settled it. Tbe pamph let declares that the governor, in the interest of the machine, entered Into a plot, employing detectives, one of whom became a convict and was imprisoned In New York state while the Van Val kenburg case was going on. and that Mr. Weiss, of vour county, and Mr. Mackey, of Lackawanna, of repute cer tainly superior to these hired detectives, were bribed by Mr. Van Valkenburg In my Interest. Tloth Mr. Weiss and Mr. Mackey pub licly avowed that no such bribing toolc place. As agaln*t their statements you are asked to take the statements of these paid detectives of a political ma chine. all powerful In Pennsylvania, and well known not to be above the defamation of character. The charges made were all llatly denied under oath by E A Van Valkenburg. the accused, who was dragged in the dead of night into a ourt friendly to his persecution i by the political machine, so far as the j district attorney his clerks were concerned. Circumstantial evidence Is reported of a farcical hearing, where a prompter stood behind the witness and read certain written statements, now published, made by a hired assassin of character whose employe, also testify ing soon after, was put behind the prison bars in New York state. Stripped of the dramatic, this Is all tha case, ex cept what is absolutely mere distortion of truth. THE TTLLARD SCHEME. A half truth Is often worse than an out-and-out lie. An unknown man call ed on me with a letter from a reputable person from Altoona introducing him as Tillard. That letter, the writer claims, was gotten from him by tion. The man who now confesses that he came to assassinate me and my friends by direction of the Quay-An drews-Reeder machine asked for In formation about the campaign, and I referr d hin. to the < >m:nltteo at the Bourse and mentioned names of several Individuals. 1 hel:»ve Mr Van Valken burg out nf town at the time he called. Tillard now claims that I th-»n employed him. an unknown i<er*on. to go out and buy votes for me. He knows, and so d>.es everybody else know, that he logins his Infamous business with a lie In his mouth Whatever services be entered upon professedly in my behalf were of his own nroffer. and whoever trusted him with money for his ex penses simply fell Into a dastardly trap set by Reeder and others whose names are In my possession. I never gave the man a dollar t 'uy a vote for me. and never auth riz 1. directly or Indirectly, or winked at th purchase of a vote for | me. not even by 'he bribing of a man with api ir.tment of a place In my ! store, which I could easily have done, and was frequently appealed to. Mr i Weiss was known to my committee to be against me. and Mr. Tillard. who wanted to see him in my behalf, was i distinctly directed not to do so, as 1 | was informed,and if Ti'.lard took money | and marked it as bribe money he did j so of his own volition to carry out his j nefarious bargaining with his employer. J There is not now and never has been | any concealment of the fact that the < committee representing me did assist unelected men who had declared their j Intention to- support me by aiding them in strictly legitimate expenses. That I man does not live who can truthfully say that I hired a man or permitted a living being to pay any money in the senatorial election campaign as Wribes, and if any man was so paid, which I do not was and Is and always will be without my consent and against my instructions. THAT INDEMNITY BOND. Do you all understand what the In demnity bond was? It was a bond to personally protect the state treasurer in unlawfully paying between $20,000 and $30,000 of the money from the state treasury on a bogus payroll that had been established to make good the promises made by the machine in the senatorial fight. The money to reim burse the state treasurer was intended to be taken from the state treasury un der the cover of the general appropria tion bill. The fraudulent Item of $85,- 000 did paes. but was vetoed by the governor. Your townsman is now* an alleged candidate for governor. It is a well known fact that Senator Quay has said that he would like to sea Reeder vindicated for conspiring to un lawfully take the taxpayers" money. It is also well known that Senator Quay says Reeder's record will remove all possibility of his being a candidate this year. Do you wonder that Senator Quay feels kindly toward Ex-Secretary Frank Reeder? None has been more subservient. None has thought less for himself. None has done more question able things. None has helped to wrong the people under the orders of Senator Quay more than has Reeder. But there is a particular reason why he might wish to make Reeder governor now which I make most emphatic. He may disgrace the Republican party with this man, but he dare not wreck the party by nominating him. But why should Quay want Reeder this time? It is because Quay wants another vindi cation. and through the election of Reeder he believes he might get it. But vindication for what? For being him self a party to the infamous indemnity bond. For I want you to know that it is generally stated that on that event ful night in Speaker Boyer's room, on Front street, in Harrisburg, Senator Quay was present and personally di rected the indemnity scheme. United States Senator Penrose, Speaker of the House Boyer, Secretary of the Com monwealth Reeder, Deputy Attorney General and Chairman of the Republi can State Committee Elkln, State Treasurer Haywood and several other politicians of lesser prominence were there, and under orders of the. bosses the majority, if not all of them, are alleged to have signed the indemnity bond. I do not go behind the bush to hide in the ambuscade in giving out these facts —they are not assaults upon private citizens, but they are the un folding of the records of state and na tional officials done bv virtue of their leadership in running the Repullcan machine. At Wellsboro. Tioga county, on Wed nesday Mr. Wanamaker replied to the was ungrateful in turning upon him. In the following words: I never sought Mr. Quay in 1888; he Bought me. If anything I was inimical to him then, and had never been as sociated with him until he sent for me and said, on the eve of the Harrison campaign, that he had been elected chairman by the national committee, was without funds, and begged my as sistance in organizing financial aid. I took three weeks to consider It. agreed to organize an unpolitical com mittee of business men, and stipulated that my committee have some supervision of the use of the money, all of which was agreed to and com plied with. I entered upon the work then exactly as I would do now, if cir cumstances were the same, with a threatening panic ahead, as there was since, when Grover Cleveland was re elected. I stood over the committee work faithfully. When It was over al most all of the national committee, some altogether unknown to mo. urged my appointment in the cabinet. That unownable, never bluffed or bul lied General Harrison, then president elect, knew something of me and want ed a business man in his cabinet and in his department, and the friends, urg ing my appointment, all unknown to Mr. Quay, were such that If Mr. Quay had opposed me I believe the president would have selected me. The last man In the United States to claim that he dictated an appointment of President Harrison is M. S. Quay. COULD NOT DICTATE TO HARRI SON. He tried It on. and knows how he failed. He has owned Stone and the Andrews outfit.-the Pennsylvania ma chine, but he has never yet quite owned a president or claimed to own the Uni ted States. I filled my place at the postofflce desk as best I could, did not attend to politics then, though I served Mr. Quay as I could as my senator and the head of the party by virtue of his chairman ship of the national committee, and went hack to Pennsylvania and to my business, and Mr. Quay will tell you that we have not been associated since. Please then remember that all my as sociation practically with Mr. Quay is from JSBS to I*l*2'. and the last half of 1592 I parted company with him to stand by President Harrison, who Mr. Quay then opposed as he now opposes all men in any sense like him. Koyal makes the food pure, w bulckooic unO delicious. mi &AKIHO POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKIND PO*C>£R CO. N! H YORK WM. WALKEK. ( HAS. A. McELVAIN Walker & McElvain, —(SENKRAE* PKAI.r.BS IS— REAL ESTATE, OIL PROPERTIES RENTS ETC. KKTTEltr'.tl Itl lI.OIKO. OL'P. I'OSTOrriCE M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, 139 South Main street Over Sbaul & Nast's Clothing Stor* POLITICAL. Saturday. June 4th is the date fixed for the Democratic primaries in Butler Co. At the Armstrong Co. primaries last Saturday Tnrner and McXees were re nominated for Assembly. The vote for State delegates was .1 close one and tbe j delegates eleeted are said to be W. A Stone men. Qnaj Penrose. Andrews, et al were reported to be in conference at a point 1 alonjr the New Jersey con-t. oyer politi-, cal affairs On Saturday the Anti Qnay people carried York Co , the people trot Northumberland and l>oth sides were claiming Lehigh W m E It UIK. England's | "Grand old Man," died yesterday morning, aged S7 years. 1> CAT lis! FULTt >X May 4th ls'.is.m Washington lowa, Mr. Bennington Fulton in the 80th year of his age. Wing lmrn Aug ust 30th IS 18 and raised in Middlesex township. He moved to lowa in the spring of 1*52, taught school many years, was loved and respected by all. He was j never married I FISHER At her home in Worth twp. May 18, IS9B Miss Fisher aged 15 years. SPRINGER —At her home in Butler, May 18. Wts. Mrs Thomas Springer, aged 32 years. WATERS At St Augustine, Florida, May 6 1898. l»y drowning, Asa H. Waters, Jr . son of Rev. Asa H. Waters, formerly of this place, aged 23 years. All of our citizens who remember Mr. and Mrs. Waters and their family deep iy sympathize with them in their loss. The untimely death of Mr. Waters was peculiarly distressing as he was just about- finishing an educating for the Ministry. His future was promising. His parents now reside in Florida to whom he was on a visit, when he ven tured into unknown waters to bathe. We offer our sympathy to them and to all relatives and friends. Scrofula In its thousands of forms is the most ter rible affliction of the human race. Salt rheum, sores, eruptions, boils, all humors, swellings, etc., originats ia Its foul taint, and are cured by the great and only True Blood Purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla. The advanced theory of today that tuber culosis, or consumption, is curable by proper nutrition, care and purifying the blood, fluds confirmation in the experi ence of many who have been cured by Hood 5 Sarsaparilla Hood's Pil'c rare sick headache. 25c. Buy Direct from Manufacturers The KING GUARANTEED Single Tube Tire. Light and Fast yet Strong and Durable. $5-00 Per Pair. The King Mfg. Co , Oflice S3O Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next Door to Court House, Butler, Pa. Your Stationary. It is getting to be the proper thing for farmers as well as merchants and other business men to have printed sta tionary. And we can see no reason why they should not take their proper F1T..... OMONIR htljU™- 11 WlwpWuß business methods in as many ways as possible. There is a combination of business and sentiment in giving yonr farm a name like "Valley View Place." "Maple Spring Farm" "Hillside." or something of the kind, as it lends a cer tain dignity and individuality to the place, an increased sense of pride in the proprietorship thereof, as well as addi tonal importance in the eyes of produce dealers or commission merchants with whom you are dealing. A small invest ment in printed stationary giving yonr residence and business, such as breed ing of throughbred stock, the manfac ture of dairy produce, etc., might prove of 110 slight advantage to you. as well as giving a certain degree of satisfac tion. And when you conclude to have some note heads and envelopes printed remember that the same can be had at the CITIZEN office as cheap and good as anywhere. yntil IS THE TIME TO HAVE nUn Your ClotHirtg CLEANED or DYED If you want goou and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you j can get it, and that is at IHI Bllilfß UK WORKS k 2ll> Center avenue. ]}f3k„We do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ol your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jamestown Slidiasr Blind L'o.—New York. R. FISHER & SON, Sheriff's Sales. Hy virtui <>( sundry writs of Ven. Ex.. IT. Ka.. Lev.. I'll. &<•. issued out of tbe Coiirt of I < >llllllOll I'leusof Butler county. Pa., and to me directed, theru will lie exposed to public sale at the Court House, In the boroupli of Butler, on Friday, June 3rd, A li. ISOS. at 1 o'cl<M-k I*. M.. tli«' following described prop< , ty. to-wit : K. I>. No. I!"'-. June Term. IMI-. A T Scott and A I! <• .Mcl"arl:uid, Alt'ys \ll the riirlit. title, interest and claim of William 11 Gardener anil Maria .! Hardener in ami to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in l'alrview twp.. Butler Co. |»a, lioundcd as follows, to-wit: Beginning at tbe southwest corner of said tract adjoin ing lands of Mary Keep and Mayville farm at .1 post Ibence ii'irtb *!i deg- west by the Mays | vi Ilc farm and the Hock farm liifl perches to a white oak: thciicu portli I't deg. cast In lands of James Collins perches to a stone; thence south «» des east liv IUIHIS <if Eli Keep i.v.l perches to a post: t hence south H ileg west i'V lands •»f Mary Keep llf telle* to the place of beginning :Containing 2> acres, more or less, anc. liavluu thereon a frame two-story house. ■ table, and outbuildings. \LSO Of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Parker twp.. Butier Co.. Pa. lioundcd as follows, to-wit: Beginning al the northeast corner of the whole plot, thence liy laniisof ltobert Storey. ,0111 h 1 leg. east '>! ."• percln to a post: 1 hence l.y lot of marked on plot "A" south .s!) deg. wests:.' perches to a |K»st: thence by lot markeii < north 1 dei;. eiist ;Vi perches to a [iosi: 1 hence by lands of ffcHMwm Ml north -'. i 'h i.', ea -l st perches, to the place of beirin niiig; containing twenty-eight (">,) acres and 1 went v-ti ve I—') p«)rches, anil marked II" 011 the plan of the partition of the estate of ,laci il 1 Keep, dee'd: having thereon erected a frame dwelling house, stable and other out buildings. Sei/i d and taken In execution as tin property of William B Gardner and Maria J Gardner at tln? suit of Pennsylvania Savings i'und and Loan Asv•. I". li No. 11. 12. 11. June Term A ill McKar j land Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of George W 1 'ooper of. in and to all that certain niece or lot of ground situated in Cctiterville lloro Butler Co Pa . Iniunded as follows t<(- w!t: licgimiing at .1 imsi on tl(e si,nth and i iinulnß i'ortli on the Turnpike i".nl «• feet 10 a post: t hence by lot of John than Maybei - 1 v Hie feet to a post thence east thirty feet by an alley to a post: thence west by lot of Samuel Coulter |i*i feet to the place of be : "inning: having thereon erected atwo story frame dwelling bouse and outbuildings. Sci/I d and taken in execution as the proper ly of I ieorge W. Cooper at the suit of t \V Bard for use of l> L Wilson et al. ' 1 11. N let J irie T. rir t*' K A T -coir ind A 111 Mci ai land Atl'ys All the right, title Interest, and claim of I n/a Bryson Adm'.x of I N ltiyson deed, of in ind to all that certain pelce or lot of land, situated In Slippery Kock twp.. Butler Co, t I'd.. .i* follow-. tu-wli Fronting on ! i. Franklin r««ail from the w<-»t -l'l<- • "'Kiniilne * tt lilah ir.:irU iK'ar 'ln lll"W.>ry liridri V .11, i! ilo- : 1 -inV'tn T til. r.iht ..f wa» - i.f tin- t*ltt.-»tuirc -"hi i .• iritl !»k« Erl-- It K bridge to hlih water n.:trk: thc«i<~»- iloni i tlMcoww otf nippfliy rock '*r»-eli liy Mffß . t w.tlor mark T » th«- pl:i<'e of l>e*liinliig form- i IhlT i trlnticlf. I'imtalntnK alxiut acre m< nj | or U*--. :tno l» ivlng thereon 1 t«ul<ll)n£. i I t\*<» storl* 1 - hlu*> Jpiwr ]inrt uv4 for ndwell- t Inc. -tal'U 1 an«l »ut l>«ll«Hnir- Svtir«l anil j I UUI blewcMiMM Dm ;jn»i>vrt* <>f Kit*u | < Bryana itih.-nlt of IV»tn»y Iranla Saving I ! ; Fund and butii Asso. | v !K. l». No. 2TT arid S7I Mir.-h T-rni. IM* W!» I - Hrandou and \V I!*. Att'ys. i All tin* right. titl.v inl«-n--t ami claim of II r ' f Acit'-r- if. in ami t<> all that rertatn piece ! j ior pan-el of land, situated In forward twp. j ( Itutler To. I'a. Niuniltil a- follows, to-wit : - <► . t Itt- nort It and EAM O> .andsofAJ EVJIM ,' | «-t ai. uii tin" aootk by land* of l>ambach et , I al. and on tin* *«■> l lijr lands of I>uml»a«*h: i .-■.niaiiiE twenty ai'n -. QM>ro or l«'-s. beltic ~ ; tin same property timv. yt U by -aid John .» Brandon to II «' Airif'-r* liy (lied June 6th. \ 1--.-. havlns thereon a out—-lory brick dtrrl- « | llusr house. ham and outbuildings. also one or mon i rodui'itiz oil wells. -<i7fd and 1 i taken In eieeutl' a- t|. property of 11 . A.-.-, I- .! t!.. tult fJ< ha \ Bruttn et al. , E. It No. 193, June Tern). Mau« & ■ Vounn. Att'ys. ' All the right. title. Interest and claim of ] t hn-tian.i Humbanvrh mil Adam J l>uin- ; hauiili of, in and to all that certain pi«t> or ; lot of ground. -11 uated In ftutl«*r Iroro. Hutli-r I o. I'a. Urn titled a- follows, to-wit: Com mencing at a |v»int on West tr<-» v t tlfty feet, ; thence -oiitli along lino of lot of t tiarl< - j Duffy 1 ■#» feet to spring street: thence along ' Sprint: -t nn rtftv feet: thence north along lino of lot ofi harli - IH»n v oue-liundred and forty fool to West street in.- pia-v of Ugln- J1 iuit. I'oiiu lot Not; In li'ilTy -plan of \,osi F.nd lots.-aid lot liavinK Iweii conveyed by 1. \V /.uver et u\Ui christian Dunibauirh by (Wed dated .lan l!Hh. ISIC. see deoil IHHIK 13H. pau'i- til. Seized ami taken in execution a- II • property of Christiana Iluinhauch ami Adam •i Huinhaimh at the suit of (jeorse Heck. Ueorire Sliance et al. F. U. No. lHft, June Term. l-f*-. S F & A I. Bowser. Att'ys. All the rieht. title, interest and claiui of Robert McKllianey. dee'd. and Kll/.abeth Mc- F.lliam y and .lohii M. ICllianey ex'rs of Kobt McElhaney. dee'd. of in and to all that cer tain piece or lot of land, situated in Cherry twp. limit r < o. Pa. lioiiuded as follows, to wit: On the north by Slippery Bock creek. OBtIM6MI by propertj of us Bryu, MO John F.rwin. ou tin soiitii by lands of Mr- K V Klhaney, and on the >Cest by Slippery Hoi-k i-reek: containing fifteen acres, more or less, having erected a one-story frame house, frame stable and outbuildings, being mostly cleared and under fence. Sei-ini and taken In execution as the property of Roliert McElhaney, dee'd. and Elizabeth >lcElhanev and John McElhaiicy ex'rs. of Bolit. Mc- Ellianey, dee'd, at the suit of John C Welsen stein fo't" use of C Hash t. deo'tl. I, C Northine exr. for use of L C Northine. E. r>. No. 196 June Term, istw. J. W Hutchi son Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of 1 N Bobbor Isaac N Bobb of in and to all that certain or par "el of land, situated in Oakland township. Hn 11«-r Co. I'a.. liound ed as follows to-wit: Being all the undivid ed interest of 1 N or Isaac N Bobb being Ihe 1-lt iutere-t of In and to that certain tract of land through which I Kit h the tipper and low er public roads leading f.nm Hu tier tot; recce Cltv run Ixiunded and de-crilied as follow on the north by lands of i'hilllps heirs, on the east by lauds of Nevnian heirs, on the south bv lauds of Henry heirs, and on the west by lands of Joseph Jack, containing one hundred and fifty acres, more or less, having thereon erected a twO story frame house, frame barm and out buildings, a good orch ard and lielng mostly cleared ant. in a fair State of cultivation. Being tin- same prop erty of which William J Bobb late of Oakland twp.. deed, died .seized In hi- demesne a- of fee the interest above descrilied lieing the in terest of I N or Isaac N Bobb a- heir at law of said decedent. Seized and taken In execu tion as the property of I N or Isaac N Bobb at the suit of OM. Phillips. E. r>. No. 41. 4a. 4il. 4T, +s, 49, f>o. M, 70 and 20s. June Term, lsys. B P Scott. \V A Fornuer, Coulter & Baker, Att'ys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of J M lkity of. In and to all that certain piece or lot of ground, situated in Miilcrstown lioro. But ler county. Pa. bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by an alley, on the east by public school lot. on the south by Central A ve. on the west by lot of Mrs. Amy; being tiftv feet on Central Ave extending back by parallel lines one hundred and thirty feet to an alley and belug the same lot conveyed to J M Hot v by Charles J Westemian by deed dated April 12th, IscT. Book s:t. Page 42>1. re corded In Ileed Book Becorders oflice.Bntler. Pa. having thereon erected a frame dwelling house, stable and outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the property of J M l>otv at the sulf of Charles J Wcsterman et al. E. D, No. 201. June Term. Hi's. Vanderlin & Wilson, Att'y. ' All the right, title, interest and claim of Wilhelmlna Heckel and George W Meckel of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Jackson twp, Butler Co. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post on the northern side of Connoquenesii ing creek tlien crossing said creek and run ning in a southerly direction alon-r lands of now or formerly owned by vnox 204.5 perches to a |K>si; thence running in a north erly direction along lauds of now or former ly owned bv William Kossman 10 a post 011 the north bank of Conuoqueuesslng creek; thence along said creek to place of beginning and containing at* acres and 55 perches, more or less. Sei'.ed and taken In execution as the property of Wilhelmlna llechel and George \V llcckel at the suit of Henry W'alil et al. E. D. No. 302 June Term, tsiis. s. F. A- A. L. Bowser Att'y. , All the right, title, interest and claim of I Noah S Waterman of. In and to all that cer l tain piece or lot of grounibsiiuated In Evails burg Itoro.. But ler Co. Pa lxmudcd as fol lows to-wit: On the nortli by lot No 21 ll"> and 'i ft. oil the east by a 15 ft alley. Hftv two and one half ft. on the south by a „11 <-y. Til nC t y-11l III' aild tliree ! fourth feet, and west by'Ballroad St. Hfty feet being lot No 22. 11l (Jeorge IfTt's plan of t lots In said Boro. of Evansburg and lieing the r same lot conveyed by Jacob Dambacli et ux ■ to-aid Noah Waterman by deed dated May 141 h istfi recorded In Becorder's office in But ler Pa. in Deed Imok 152 page .'tT2 & 37H having thereon two story frame house board stable and out building's. Seized and taken in exe cution a-the property of Nouli Waterman 1 at the suit of George 1{ Uchm. E. I>. No. 272, March Term and 172. June Term. IS'.IN. Cornelius Son, and Lusk, Att'ys. I All the right, title, interest and claim of F.. .1 Nelson of. in and lo all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Middlesex township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Oil the north by lands of MoCaslln heirs, on the east by lands of T A and li M Parks, on the south by lands of Mrs. Minnie Lee, and on the west by lands of Alford k Nelson. John Rltttcy and Parks' heirs:coiitalnlng K2 acres, more or less, as per draft of survey of F F. Mctjulstion.dated Feb., ' lsns. about IX I acres cleared balance wood [ laud, having thereon three producing oil wells, and small board house. Seized and taken In execution as the property of EJ 1 Nelson at the suit of A 1! Wahl pi al. E. D No. Is-, June Term. ts'K A. T. Black, Att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of George W Jamison and David James Jamison of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Venango township. But ler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Roliert Vanderlin, and heirs of Michael Conway, east by lands i.f A T Jamison B K Wick. on the south by lands of J F and J A Murrin, and on the west by lands of George Vanderlin; contain ing H 4 acres, niore or less, having thereon erected a log house and other outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution a.. I he proper ly of (Jeorge W Jamison and David James Jamison at the suit of B K \\ ick. E. I>. No. 131. 133 anil 131. June Term. Lsi«. Brandon and Forquer, Att'ys. All the right, title. Jut crest and claim of James SJcOalTerty Jr. of, In iind to all that certain piece or parcel of land situated In Clinton low life hip. But ler county. I'll, bound ed as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of George Malzland, on the east by lands of Gibson heirs, on the south by landsofjohn Love, aud on the west by lands of Reiliert and Sefton; containing ill acres, more or less, being the same parcel of laud sold by Order of Orphan's Court of Butler county as the land of Roliert Love, de'd.. and purchased by the said defendant. Seized and taken In execution at the property of James Mct'af ferty Jr. at the suit of John S Love, Exr., of the will of Robert Lore, dee'd.. et al. E. D. No. I#o, June Term, ls'js. C. G. Christie. Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of W It Hard of. 1 n and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Slippery ltock twp., Butler < o„ Pa-, lxutnded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post at thp outlier ''' the Browill'lgton mill Harrl-ville Road thence south -5 dog. east by land of ( Bovard iti perches to a post: thence south 2 deg. east MLS r. to a black oak; thence north Wt (leg. east by lands formerly of Rev. A Dale and William McKlsson 05 perches to a post; thence r.ortli 2 deg. east 13 perches to a post; . thence south rt' (leg. east by lands of w llliam McKisson 31.2 perches to a post :tlieiice south : 2 deg. west, by lands of J II Adams Is I perches to a post ; in the center of Ihe Scrub gr:is- road; thence south 115.5 deg. west along center of said road 20.2 perches to a |M)st: thence south (ft (leg west along said road perches to a post: thence south 83 deg. west along said road and lands of E II Adatns 53.. i perches to a posl in t he cent re of the Brown lngtoii and lfarrlsvllle road;thence north H.a deg. west along center of said road «i-> perches to the place of Iteglnning; contain ing 4fi acres and •"<«> perches strict measure ' le— lit perches sold by W II Biinl ti| Daniel I* Ilavi - by deed dated Nov. Nth, Is*,, land nearly all cleared and having thereon erect- I'd a two— tory frame house and frame stable, limekiln and crusher thereon. \c. Selzea ; and taken In execution as tho property of W It Bard at the suit of L'avld Wilson. E I> No 154. June Term, l*!<*. Williams A | Mitchell. Att'ys. , All the right, title. Interest and claim of ' Lawson E Brackney of, in and to all that | fiTtiiin plecu or pari't'l «»f situatod 111 Clay twp.. Butler Co.. I'a.. Ixiunded as fol lows to-wlt: On tin north by lands of Nearnan F Bitrtlev and Alexander Ralston, east by lands of Milton Thompson. Tlujuias Thompson, and Miller, south by lands of Samuel McCall. John Sutton and MU'ldy creek and on tin-west by lands of John I, Mc.ltiiikin; containing 'll7 acres more or less, bavins lb ■icon Ci e. l-d a gilotl dwell ing house, barn iiuil other outbuildings Seized and taken In e\t ulloii as the prom r tv of Lawson E llrackney at the suit of Mr llelen E Dickenson for use of W I furrier now for use of J W Hutchison and T P Brack ney. E. T ). No. 14H, June Term Ist*. H E. tnulter- t Att'y - All the right, title. Interest and claim of : the heirs al law of lir James tiraliam. fltrc d.. i and Hon. .1 aims Hrcdtii <»f, lit to all thai <*ert:iin piece i»r lot «»f iirouml. >ltu}.ted in s Butler born. Butler i%>.. Pii . bounded iwn (»»!- lows, to-wit: On t lie north by alley, on tin-e:i*t by Cilfl Street, on the >outli by lot \ «,f.r II Mlfler. and on the west by S«»uth Mr- r K« an >t . antl front luff on said M«l\eun >t j feet mid exteiKllntf back the Mime width , feet, more or le>>. t<> sal'l < 'ltf and f liftvliijr th«T<H»u prtH'ted a two-story lou H dwelllnir house Seized and tiiken in e\«x-u- », tlon as the property of tin In-irs at law ai I»r lames (.rahain, dee d., and Hon. James liredln at tin- suit of Butler »K)ro. », V h No IU"» l«7. ins. 1«». 170. and ITI. June <1 Term Williams A: Mitchell, W. A. f & I* ! Fonjuer. Att'y \U vhc il*hi. u*n . claim of Wnilam McAnallen «»f. in ind to all that certain parcel «>f land, situated In ( entretwp . Butler Co . Pa.. IKMl uded as fol lows. to-wit: BegluuluK at a post at the • ' - ITIIUMMMM '"V" i .rthu» sL<"«»rne* #f said tract of land.thenct :th mln. eaut 65.41 perches alone i 'a"ds of Anthony Thompson to a post :th®f»cc- I itith 1 dec ♦."» mln lands «>f :%ry Jan»- <»allagher t«> a |x>sr ; | thence south d«-f. mln. went 05.11 ' alongt the lands of Thomas W Brown t«» u —-t tlu-ii'-i lu-rt!. 1 <i .• * . ", •, | |H*rch«*s alonff Hue of lands of l«or«-n/'. Kid»*r t«» a |x>st 11 • pi.". * . f U itlnnitiff and contain- j in/ i 1 ®4*res. r- <»r It s«» It*-!itsr purpart N- , 3• f til.- isitutf ~f %! inraret Gallaner, lat«- of » f <en tre twp., Butler OK, l*a.. d«-c \I.. Williams , I. McAnallen Uie deft, being one of tin- d« - I a - • stftmeot "f 1 " said \UrtaM (».ii. t»fli. r, d« •• d.. San;»- helnc , ..f r.-.-i r i • Register'* -v But • <*o. I'a.. ai J . Iti»- W' K p.ik'r ily. and th« real eatate of which the said alarjcaivt Gal- I die.- - '/. •* *. \ r.c '«een duty par; i- ! tinned by part it -n pr■»«*• • -d;m:s at t». No. | " ■ I• : i ~ ,f '. • t.. k - >\. mentioned a •• des TJ!H <1 j »r; . • V 1 was ».t:iy alloUtti and awarded unto John v **heakley as euar- J dlan «.f >aiu W i.iiarz. McAnalUra and wh»» baa j since antred at and lavftl a*»-. Maad ♦ • I TAIVT-IJ . • U<MS as UM PIOPMTT of I Willtan L M AN en it UM SWIIT «»F .LOIN. I l irdrt H . I E l> Ni. 1M 111 nd I.Vt, t,i, ; . Turn . I«K W I l>. Brandon and I«rl M Mi'ys. A .. iin- ri.'iit. \■ . latwcrt and (data ofi garah Bn r Sarah \ H T BKntgacof Margaret li» .d tern* t«-n iut of. in :.n«t t» al ) thai certain ; leoe »r parcel «■? land* ilitaated . in i*«-rw.iisl ivrp.. itntler i 0.. Pa.. U>und«Hi as | 'ollff, to-wlt: tie rth by lands t»f } , \N : iiarn I. Burr, and J.itii *s Brandon, east r>y i üblic road leading from Brownsdale to iN t« rsville, on the south by lands of William I . Kehl. and V h das Mill* i. and on the w»->t I lands of llei i\ Buhl Br;eontaliiliir MTea ] t ly-elff acres or- MM 1 tract land which W.IN conveyed to the I i abore naiaod Sarah Bn !i b>* deod of Wiliian. ! Whl and wife. and by deed of John KnaufT I and vlfe* both of vrhldi lucufdad In Bi c order's ofti'**', Butler, I'a.. having thereon I erect4*ti a frame lunise and i»;:rn and other outbuildings. > antl taken in execution as the property -»f >arah Brell now Sarah Ai»er. Mortffairor. and Marcan t Held terrv tenant at tie suit of Marjcan't Held for us»« of K A C Brandon et a!. E. 1». No June Term, lst»s Ralston A. Greer. Att'ys. All the right, title, inti-rvst and claim c»f James Simmers of. in and to all that certain ni» k or parcel of land, situated In Wintield tv.-p . Butler Co., I'a . U>unded as follows, to- On the in>rth by lands of James H Sim mers.on the east by lands of Henry Keonlgh. -<ii the S4>uth by lands of dinners heirs, and \ Yunb. and on the west by lands of Lewis Weidhos. and James K Simmers; con taining fifty acres, more or less, and being tin same "land purchased from George , li .uthett by James Simmers the defendant, having thereon log house, frame stable and or hard. Solaed and taken In execution its tl.i nropertv of James Simmers at the suit .»f li & A Krause for use of Hot tort Krause. F I). No. yn. June Term, lssis. j. O. Mc- Juukins, Att'y. All the right, title. Interest and elalm of S W Macurdy Admr, of Elisha (' Maenrdy, d« c'd., of. in and to all that certain piece or piece of land, situated In Buffalo twp.,Butler Co.. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: Begin ning at a corner post thence by lot No. V> north 57.5 deg. east 90 perches to a post on the bank of the Big Buffalo creek; thence by the meandering* of the said creek north 37.5 deg. east 25 perches; thence north 17 deg. east thirteen and two-tenths pen-lies: thence north 70 deg. west 11.8 perches to a sanlliyr on the bank of said creek: thence by lauds of David Baker north 45 deg. west 45 perches to a White Oak; thence by the same north ."i0 deg:. west 25 perches to a White Oak; thence by the same north 6ft deg. west 74 perches to a post; thence by lot No. south 24 deg. east 128 perches to the place of beginning: lieing lam tided on the north by lands of J r Watt, on the east by lands of Phillips, on the south by Buffalo creek, and on the west by lands of Andrew Shearer; containing ti"» acres, more or less, being the same which Charles McCandless and C atherlne his wife, by deed dated May And, is7s. and recorded in Deed book •">-*. Piute 2M, conveyed to Elisha C Macurdy, said lands having thereon erect ed a frame two-story house, log barn and and other outbuildings. ALSO-All the right, title, interest and claim of S W Macurdy Admr. of Elisha C .viacurdy. dee'd.. of, in and to all that certain pii*ce or parcel of land, situated in Buffalo twp., Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to wlt: Beginning at the middle of the t'nlon ville road on the line of Andrew Shearer thence east 114.4 perches to a stone by lands tif the said Andrew Shearer; thence south clef, east 71.5 perches to a post and stone pile by other lands E C Macurdy; thence north 89.75 deg. west 141.5 perches to the middle of CnionviUe road by lands of William C Tuck er and Michael Blerly: thence north liy 11.5 d«*4. east 5.2 perches aloni; middle of I nlon ville road; thence north deg. t:i perche.s along the center of said road; thence north 19.75 deg. east 38 perches along the center of said Cnlonvllle road; thence north 27 deg. east 2ft perches along the middle of said road to the place of lieglnnlng; contain ing 57 acres and 11 perches, more tir less, lie ing a large tract called '.funior" and num bered rtft In Elders district of depreciation land; being the same which Peter Graff and Susan his wife by deed dated July 19th, Ws. recorded in deed book No. 52. Page 3Bs. ron ve>ed to C C Macurdy. Seined and taken In execution as the property of S W Macurdy Admr. of Elisha Macurdy. dee'd., at the suit of 1 saac Sl PenntK'k for use of John L Macurdy. E. I>. No. IStt, June Term. l»J*v J. W. Hutchi son Att'y. All the right title. Interest and claim of J M McCullough of. in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated In Butler Boro.. Butler Cow Pa., bounded as follows to-wit : Being lot No. in the Frank Morrison plan of lots recorded in the Recorder's office of said county in deed 1 n.*ok 121] page said lot hav ing a width of fortv-seven feet In fronton the north side of Cleveland St.. and extending back therefrom preserving the same width a distance of two hundred feet, more or less, to an alley, and being liounded on the north by w twenty foot alley, on the t :tst by lot No. four in the same plan of lots now owned by Amanda Morrison, on the south by Cleve land St.. and on the wesi by lot No. 2 »>f said nlan of lots now owne»l liy the Keystone .'tate B. Si L. Association of Pittsburg Pa. being the same uroperty which John F. Low ry vt ux by deeo dated Veb. 1-t. IS97J granted and conveyed to James Martin McCuUough, Having thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house and out-buibllngs. Seised and taKi'ti Ju executlou as the proper ty oC Jatnes Martin McCullough at the suit of Keystone State li. & L. Asso. of Pittsburg Pa. K. I>. No. 125. June Term. 1808. Newton Black, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of W J Beatty of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of laud, situated In Parker twn., Bui ler tk>.. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner at a stone theuee by lands of lieluer Bros, et al south 1 deg. west 92.3 perches, to the public road; thence along said mad north 49 deg. west 2s perches; thence along the same northJJ dei r . west 2ft perches;thence by same north 77 deg. west 3 perches to lands of Fletchcrj the nee by lands of same north 1 dev. east •*» perches, to a post; l llteuce l»y_ lands of J C Odcnweller south n deg. east 5tL3 perches to lands of Heluer Bros, the place of l>egiunlng; containing *1 acres, more or less, mostly cleared, seined and taken In execution as the property «>f W J Beatty at tho suit of Thomas S Beatty. / E. I>. No. 52, 54. 81, 96, 97,9s and 148, June Term, ls«s. Painter A Murrlu, Att'ys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of P A Mcßlwee and Catherine McElwce of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Oakland twp., Butler Co., Pa . liounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Jennie Craig, on the east by lands of J F P McGitiley. on the south by lands of F A A John Stein, and on the west . by lands of McElwee heirs; containing 54 acres, more or less, having thereon a frame house, log stable, and outbuildings, good orchard and timber. Seised and taken in execution as the property of P A McElwee and Catherine Mcjjlwee ttt the sujt of John Berg & Co. et al. < E. I> No. 159, June Term, lv>Ds. J. I) Marshell Att'y. All the right, title interest and claim of . Sal He Karnes of, in and to all that certain piece or lot of "round situated in Butler. Boro. Butler Co. Pa., liounded as sol lows to wit: On the north by lot of Henry Stein, on { the east by lot of Kittle Forsythe on the south bv West Jefferson St.. and on the west by lot of I. J. Mcßrlde. fronting on Jefferson . twenty feet. more or less. and extending back sixty foot to Stein lot being No. 112 on said West Jefferson St., and having thereon erected a frame two story dwelling house. Seized and taken In execution as the proper ty of Sal lie Karnes at the flf T4oi»W> M. Marshall. F. a No. IK, 14* June Term Italston & (ireer, ami Painter A Murrln. Att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of M. F. SlcElweeof, in and too all that certain pi or parcel of land, situated in Oaklai.d township. Butler Co., I'a.. Ix)un(led as fol lows to-wlt: On the north by lands of Sam uel (.ordon. on the ca-.t by lands of l\ A. McAlwee, on the -.011111 by lands of Meln and Walker, and on the west by lands of Hutchison: containing -">4 acres, more or less, and having thereon erected a frame ham. small orchard. Seized and taken In execu tion as the property of M. K. McElwec at the suit of R. J. Wll It ml re et al, F.. I>. No. 1111. June Term.lsDs. W. I>. Brandon. Att'y. Ml the rights title. inU'rest and claim of William N Purvis of. 111 and to all that cer tain piece or parcel of land, situated in Adams twp.. Butler Co.. I'a.. bounded as fol lows. to-wlt: Beginning at a ]>ost near a white oak; thence bv lands of John Barr south .1 dec. cast «».:« perches, to a (Mist; thence liy luuds of William I'urvls Sr. north Til dec. west i:W,7H perches, to a |iost; t hence north IS mln. east KM perches: tlience lands of Crlswell north H9 dcg. east I*l perches to the place of beginning. Being I lie same tract .if laml described In deed dated March ;ul 11-'.*;I 1 -'.*; from < 'live Matthews guardian to the said VVilllat.i N I'urvls, see Mortgage liook 50, I'ilge '."17 Having thereon frame house, barn and outbuildings, orchard, and being mostly cleared Seized and taken In execution as the property of William N I'urvls at the suit of Olive Matthews. F. I> No. "in. June Term. lslr>. I.i vi M Wise. Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of II A /.. icier of. 11l and to all that certain ploc. or lot of ground, situated In l'..itersvllle Butler Co. I'a. l>oiiiide.d follows, to wlt: Beglnnlne Main street thence by lot of Mutsutill eastward one hundred eighty feet I hence by lands of Henry Bloom south ward tifty-xcveii feet; thence by same west ward one liundred eighty feet to Main M: thence by Mainstrei 1 nortliwartl sixty -sevi'ii feet and ten Inches to the place of liegln- IIIIIL' : containing forty-one and six-tenths .41 111 perches, more or b ss. and being the property twihvc.veil by II ltlootn to 11 A /.elg- Icr > v deed dated Nov 4tli. Wi. Having thereon erected a frame dwelling house and stor< room combined and out bulldlngs,Seized and taken In execution as the property ftf II A Zelgler at the suit of llenry Uli«un. TIKMS <IF The following must lie staidly compiled with when property Is stricken down. 1. When the plalnllfT or other Ucn creditor liecomcs the purchaser, the COMs o.»| tho writ must l>e paid, and a list of the liens, includ ing mortgage searches on t lie property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or sucli portion thereof as lie may claim, must lie furnished the sheriff 2. All bids must In' paid In full. 3. All sales not settled Immediately will lie continued until I o'clock p. 111. of tfyc. iiiwt day at which time nil pot settled for will lil'Jttu l>v put lip and sold at the ex p. auafiiVof the I erv.m to whom llrst •See l'urdon's Digest. #tll edition, page 4M and Smith's Forms pag. ;IM. WI LI.IA M R IU»IJIIS Sheriff. Sheriff's UtU'.x. liutler. I'a.. May 19. I*K YW\/VV/V I ~ A^V^VA- F jGarpet | Store f | Features) / W hen y.n (•■"•me baying carpets f f w'n:it do you like to Snd? Some- J C thins th-»t jnv". ■ u;:s t'ue ro<jui. the f J the wall paper the purse; isn't i J Now ' link Low many J t -tyli niu.t here to enable us\ t in -iv that we can snit you. what- \ X t-ver thos« requirements may )k>. C f As a matter of fact, there are more r <tha:; lo i carptt styles alone on \ this rioor. t \ In Straw Mattings there areV \ some 50 pitterng in anilJ C .Tajmn— Our qnalitiesN i ure es<vptionally good this year:! \it was a good crop of <*taw from * f which these were made. Here's S J a hint or t*-o of price on floor cov- / Serines in general: \ >JAPANESE ) \ MATTINGS# ( Effects in color and design that / y you wouldn't believe possible in a \ C fabric made from straw: almost/ Vail the simple effects of woven i r woolens. Yon can bny a O fl f j i;ood matting for . . } BRUSSELS ) S CARPET) j One that will look well and J \ wear a IOHR time; light jjronnd. \ f floral design; only a small qnanti- V left, but all von will care for r S Price was «oc, but now f A/" 1 I S yon can buy it for . . OU, C > BODY BRUSSELS ) J The best carpet yon can bny; \ r have only the best makes. Price / yof the best i«tteins same as last ) % season -ll.ii j>er yard, but we C v have selected a few nutters out of / % the lot. and marked (?l A A / C them oI.UU.S (AXMIMSTER S < CARPETS) / Some prefer them to any other \ 1 kind for parlor carpets: have the t ( different grades in light or dark C j colors. Yon know the prices will / C be higher 011 all carpets next sen- / J son. Tcxlay we offer a J A A S / good Axminister at Ol / I)RING us the exact size of your/ C 11 room or hall. We have a lot 1 € of short pieces yo~ can bny at \ I a 25 per reduction from C ) regular prices COME IN f \ AND LOOK AROUND. / S CAMPBELL ?, \ TEMPLETON, SBUTLER. FA. PROFESSIONAL CABUS. C H. PIERSOL, VS . ATTORNEY AT LA.W. Oflice at No. 104 East Diamond St. HII. GOUCHER, < ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Mi chell buililing. ALEX RUSSELL, ATTORNKY AT LAW. Olficv with Newton Black, Esq. South Diamond Street. A T. BLACK, A. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room J.—Armory building. T M. PAINTER, •I • ATCORNEY AT LAW. Office between and Diamond VEWTON BLACK, II ATTORKEY AT LAW. Office on South Diamond Street. pOULTER & BAKER, \J ATTORNEYS AX '.AW. Room 8., Armory buildtn 0 . TOHN W. COULTER. rf ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Special attention given to collections and business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or Butler County National Bank. JB. BKEDIN, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court House. AT. SCOTT, • ATTORNEY A'l LAW. Office at No, S South Diamond St. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST. Gold Fillings Painless Extraction of Teeth and Artificial Teeth without plates a specialty, Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local nx>sthetics used. Oflice over Millers grocery, east of Low ty house. IvR. W. P. McILROY, I.' DENTIST. Formerly known as the "Peerless rainless Extractor of Teeth." Located permanently at ill East Jefferson St., Oppo3ite Hotel Lowry, Rutler. Will do dential operations of all kinds by the latest devices ami up-to-date methods DU. J. E. FAULK, DENTIST, I'uinlcss extraction —No Gas —Crown and bridge work a specialty. Office —Room No. 1. new Biclcel build iug. DR. N. M. HOOVER, lyj E. Wayne St., office hours. 10 to 12 a. ni. 1 and to 3 p. m. I J. DONALDSON, F 1. DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty. Office over Miler's Shoe Store. I KR. CHAS. R. 15. Til NT, I' PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON, Eye, ear, nose and throat a specialty. 132 and 134 S. Main Street, Ralston building. U* H. BROWN, M . HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN ANP SURGEON. Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O. Residence 315 N. McKean St. QAMUELM. BIPPUS. U PHYSICIAN AND SVRGRON 200 West Cunningham St. I BLACK, LI PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. New Troutman Buililiiig, Butler Pa. p F. L. McQUISTION, V . CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Office near Court House. M. ZIMMERM \N V.I , PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON Office No. 45, S. Main stneet, over City Pharmacy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers