THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, MAY 19, 189 s - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advertisers Intending t.> make rhaufr*** In fht-ir a<ls. *ln»uid notify us of their intention todosn, not later than Mon day morning- Sheriff'« Sales for .June 3d. New Cambridge Hotel C. & T's Carpets Administrator* and Fxecuioft «>f ♦ ran secure th« ir re- .'lpt booWt it the « IT! ZKN office, and person> uiaking public sales tlislr note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL, —' There once was a man «»f Manila. 111 the morning he ha<l a flotilla. Bat before the day's close it lay in re pose With the soft, oozy mud for a pil low. —FOR SALE -A tine Jersey cow Inquire at this office. —The new military' company meets in Armory Hall tonight to enroll recruits —Last Saturday was a pood "corn day" and hence bat few people were in town. —Two million bushels of coal were started down the river for Pittsburg Monday. —The barn on the Dean Campbell place in Oakland township, now oe cupied by Mr. Davis, was burned a few days ago. —Will Robinson, the expert track and road horse shoer, in the rear of Hotel Arlington, has purchased Jim Maddon's Mohecian King colt. —The Ringling Bros, had bad lack in j Butler so far as the weather was con j cerned, bat their show is the best, grandest and most immense ever seen here. —The sweet girl graduate is anxious for the war to last until commencement day, so that the Government may have the benefit of her essay on "War, and How to Conduct It." —A large crowd assembled at the Plate Works, Saturday afternoon, to witness the unfurling of the new flag Mr. Bryiner was master of certnonies and the Germania band furnished the music. The flag is a very fine one, cost ing abont $75, and it floats from a high pole at the eastern end of the grounds. —The residence of J J. McGarrah. near Jefferson Centre was robbed dur ing the absence of himself and family, last Saturday, of a watch, some jewelry clothing, shoes etc. The thief entered the house by a window, and was lai-t seen, with hi* bnndle under his arm, on the hill just south of Bntler. - Since Sunday last a new schedule has been in eft'eet on the P. & W. R. R , bat the only change made in the de parture of the trains is in the Chicago Expreex form 8:45 to 3:38; and the only change in arrivals is in the afternoon Allegheny Express 5:07 to 450 p. m. The trains on the narrow gnage remain as heretofore —"The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" will be repeated in Park Tlieater, tomorrow (Friday) evening. It is being rendered here by local talent, and the boys and girls do splendidly. You should see it. The prices for tomorrow evening are but 15 and 25 cents, and the house should be packed, and some money made for the Sprlngdale Hose C j. which is in debt. ACCII>KNTS. The old friends of R :v. A. II Waters in this county heard with regret of the misfortune that iiefell him in the death by drowning of his youngest son. A. H. on the beach at St. Augustine, Fla. a few days ago. W. M. Cowan a son of Chas Cowan at Glade Mills was killed by a fall in a coal shatt near Galena, Kansas on the 12th inst He had been down in the shaft, and had made the signal 4o pull up bnt when the rage was ahout 40 seet up the signal came to lower it. The signal wos obeyed and as nothing was heard for some time, men went down and found Mr. Cowan dead in seven feet of water with his skull crushed in. Just how the injuries were caused is not known, but it is thought that when overcome by the foul air, he fell from the cage. Mr. Cowan was about 80 years of age and single The remains were brought to his former home for n torment. J. W. Irwin of Slipperyrock twp. was found dead in his room in a hotel in Franklin. Pa last Friday. His death was caused by heart disease. CHURCH NOTES At a meeting of the Allegheny Clasis of the Reformed church in Pittsburg, Friday, Rev. D. N. Harnish of Butler was elected Stated Clerk, and J A. Lensinger of Butler Corrosponding Sec retary. Public worship in the Summit Presbyterian church next Sabbath evening 7:30. Everybody welcome. Sacrement of The Lord's Sapper on Ist Sabbath in June The 21st annual convention of the Butler Co., Sabbath School Association will be held at West Sunbury on Thurs day and Friday of next week, begin ning on Thursday at 2 P. M. in the Presbyterian church. The sessions of Friday will be held iu the M E and U I P. churches The P. <fc W. and P. B. & L. E. railroads will sell roand trip tickets to delegates at half price. All delegates should send their names to Rev. ,J. H. Braden at W Sunbury. A program has been printed and the con vention will undoubtedly be an interest ing one. A letter For 1 011. Unclaimed letters at the Postofflce at Bntler Pa., week ending May l»>. J W Bolvin, C A Bntler, 1) E Byers, G A Forester. Williaat Gorton. E. W. Hawke, Geo. Keniso, Arthur Leobaugh, Mrs R. Maginiss. Don McKay, Mat thew Robertson T E Springer, Miss Mary Stewart. In calling for these letters please say advertised JOHN' W. BKOWN, P. M. Decoration I>ay. The P. B. &■ L. E. li. It. Co will sell excursion tickets between all stations at one fare for the round trip. 011 account of Decoration Day, good going May 28th and 30th, returning to and in cluding May Host. Sunday Excursions to Allegheny. Commencing Sunday May 22nd tud until further notice the Pittsburg and Western It. R will sell excursion tick ets to Allegheny every Sunday for train leaving Bntler 8:15 A. M city time, good to return on afternoon trains date of sale. Fair for ronnd trip 75 cents. Deposit Your Savings by Mail. Write 011 a postal card to The Pitts burg Rank for Savings, No. 210 Fourth Ave. Pittsburg, for instructions how to deposit your savings by mail with that Bank. These instructions will explain that you can safely send money by mail. I>3 not keep your money where you get no interest, or less than 4 per cent,, which this bank always pays on time depfwits. It is one of the oldest and safest Sav ings banks in Pittsburg. You can de posit one dollar at a time. —Are you overworked and in need of rest and quiet? Hotel Rider, Cambridge Springs, is the place for you. All the comforts of horn t with the be*t medicinal waters known. A week's sojourn will make you ten years young er. Write for circular#. I-EOAJL NEWS, NOTES. Several Butler county ca.-e- werf», ' argued before the Superior Court si? ' ting in Pittsburg last week. Louioa Cypher ha s appealed from a judgment rendered by Esq. Sarver v> Jesse A. Snyder et al" J W McElroy, R X. Grant and H.McElrov have riled mechanic lien- v< Wn. Cunningham and others Clare Ston r has been returned to oonrt tor destroying a bird s nest. Mr?, i Sue Clark is the prosecutor. j Addison Fr.'lerton ha- been returned J ' to court on a charg" of false pretense, | ! preferred 1 y Sheriff Dodds M. Salci has oeeii returned for pi" ac | ticing medicine without a license. j On petition of H. D. Hoekenberrv a : rule to show cans.? wa- granted on j , Frank Grossman, administrator of Nan- I cy Bennett, why he should not file his ■ I' account as administrator The will of Eliza J. Blakslee of Dot- j ler was probated and letters granted to ■ W. S. Blakslee: also will of Lewis Owe | of Adams twp. and letter* to Alva C. ' i Cox and H. W. B Cox: also will of t Mary Ritzert of Bntler awl letters to ; Jos. H. Ritzert Almost three hundred lea-"s and as ■ signments from various parties to the j Forest Oil Co of properties in Jac.tson, ■ Penn, Middlesex and other townships j 1 were recorded this week. - , Archie Thompson has oeen returned to Court on a charge of a<Scb and surety ;of the peace. Barbara E. Thompson is complainant. The charter of the American Nation al Gas Co. was recorded this week. Robert L. Barnes has apj>ealed from a judgment rendered by Esq Anderson in favor of R. B. Gilghrist. A. A. Kohlmeyer of Allegheny twp. has assigned for the benefit of creditors, and J. R Grant and Jamts McElroy were appointed appraisers. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Thos C Wallace to Frank M Wallace 79 acres in Forward for sltMs6. Elizabetn Blj»ck to Ida E McElroy 1 acre in Allegheny for S2OO. H B Otto to W S Otto lot in Butler for S2OO. H M Spence to F B French lot in liat ler for S2BOO. L D Perrine to J A Leidecker lot in Bntler for $1 Cath E Rankin to John Connelly lot in Butler for $450. Adam Ekas to Jos Fleming 1 acre in Buffalo for $l2O. John G Doerr to Wni D Doerr 22 acres in Buffalo for SSOO. Marriage Licenses. John G. Jrawford Fairview twp Lilian M Pipher . Parkers Lauding Edward Kristophel Harmony Retta Hodei Jackson twp F. W. Lingerman Jamisonville M. M Beatty Karns City Andrew Criley . . .Clearfield twp Emma C. Measley Summit twp N. C. Geibel Butler A M. Meitzger Butler twp Aaron E. Reiber Butler Frances F. Smith C. P. Balsiger Magic Winona Winteer Petersville Stephen A. Koch Butler Josephene Riesenman ' Fart tew Facts. The famous piano tuner Prof. Carl Linn, of Allegheny is doing some work here, his proficiency in the art of piano tuning and writing music lias led him into a large amount of work 011 this trip. •lohn Maxwell of Kansas is visiting his consin J. J. Maxwell, whom he has not seen for 14 years. He was raised handy Butler. John Reep and P. B Kelchner have gone to Pittsburg J. Painter-and family have gone to visits his wife's people. The Epworth League of *h" M E. 'church organized last winter hnve membership of 28 and have elected two delegates to attend (he convention at Chicora next week Mrs. S. M McLure is very frequently receiving a new supply of millinery goods BO that a great variety of stock can be chosen from by customers. At the communion services in the U P. church lust Sabbath there were 15 new accessions to the church, Rev. Aik ins Mt. Chesnut assisted the pastor Rev. R M Sherard. Rev. Aikins is a very able preacher. Sarveis Station. The pastor of the Buffalo Presbyter ian church is much pleased with his new horse the gift of his pai isltioners and other frie nde. A District Sabbath School Convention will be held in the Buffalo Church May 20th 1:30 P. M. Several ministers and not*:d laymen are tosp< a l -:. L* tall • -om . Miss Nannie MeCafferty visiteil h«-r sister and family, Mrs John Martin. William Ehrinan is busily engaged in making the foundation of his new barn. Mr. Hill the meat merchant is paint ing his house. Miss Lizzie Watson is visiting her j friends in this city. Master Charles Watson was bitten by a dog last week bnt is recovering now. Notice. Monday May lioth (memorial dayi be ing a legal holiday the Butler post cilice will be open on that day as follows: From 7:30 to 10 A M. and from 5 to 7 P. M. money order and register depart-1 ment open lrom 8 to 10 A. M. and from sto « P M. Regular morning collec tion and delivery usual 4:20 P. M col lection in business portion of towu. Lobby open as usual. John W. Brown P. M Notice to Wool-Growers. Messrs. Troutman's Sons requiting all the room they have for iheir own busi ness, I have changed my location to Graham Bros.' grocery store, just across the street from my old location with Troutman's, where 1 will be glad to see all my former wool friends, assuring them of fair treatment, and the market price in cash for their wool. Troutinans wish to state ♦bat they have gone out of the wool-buying business altogether WM. F. RUMUEKGKR. Notice to Teachers. The Butler Borough School Board will meet June to, 1898, at 7:30 p. 111., for the purpose of electing Principals and Teach crs for the ensuing Scliool-ycar. Appli cations will be received by the Secretary up to 7 p. m. of Tuesday evening, June 7 th, 1898. By order of the Board. A. C. KRUG, Sec'y. —Ask your physician if he does not think a sojourn al Cambridge Springs would do you good, if you need rest and nature's tonic, good mineral water, he will answer, "Yes." Hotel Rider of fers accomodations equal to the best. Send for circulars. —Job work of all kinds done at the Ctt/.KN OFFICE. German Itnptists* 11 ><inkai*ris') Animal Meeting, Naperville, 111. For the benefit ot persons desiring to attend the Annual Meeting of the tier man Baptists (Dnnkardsi at Naperville, 111., May 20 to June 7, ln!»s, the Penn sylvania Railroad Company will sell ex cursion tickets from points on its line west of Baltimore, Lancaster. Reading, and south of Sunbury. all inclusive, at rate of single fare for the round trip to Chicago plus $1.85 to Naperville; these tickets to lie sold May 2-' l. 24, 27, and 28 and good to return until June 21, ex cept that 011 deposit of tickets with . agent at Naperville on or before June | 24, return limit may lie extended to 1 | nne 30. j —For bargains in valuable and desir j j able residences inquire of Walker & Mc | Elvain. t'LiiSOKAL. Ex Sheriff Campbell is seriously ill j ! »U mach trouble 'j Conway Kuhti of Middletown, was , ' town, yesterday Mrs. Henry Clark has been appointed i | P. M for Hooker .(übn Macardy, ot Buffalo township j j was iu town, yesterday j Wise and John Gallaher of Penn . i twp were in town yesterday. E. C. Parks has moved back to Six j • Points from Renfrew j A Lemrnon was in Bntler last Satur j day tor the tirst time i'.i four we k ! He has been seriously ill I Jesse Heydrick ha- green tomatoes a j ua.f inch iu diameter on his vines under I cover of his big canvass tern • Capt. Jas. L. Lnsk of the regular j army, a brother of W A Lusk 4 ! has been promoted to Lieut. Colonel. j Aaron E. Reiber and Miss Frai: -s 1 Florence Smith were married, Tuesday. | and started on their wedding trip 'h'st j afternoon | John Bnrrv ar.d wif'e of Prospect vi' - r ited their brother and sister in-law E jW. Graham and v.ife of Plain tirove : last week. j Postmaster Brown returne<l from j Cambridge l: -t week, and three of his ; force Eastman, Kelley and Cronenwett I are v:-.tiug La.-lman s folks in \ irginia. I J. N. Patterson ha« given Fred I R&uscbet the contract for his new house on N. Main St It is to Is- a veneer.-d house, similar to that of .T D Mar shall. M. L, Lockwood, Ferd Rei!>er T. J. ShufflinandA. C. Anderson are candi dates for delcgat - to t!ie Demo -ratic State Convention, which meets in Al tooua. June 20. Geo. M. Sutton of Ctah who has been connected with the P. O Depart ment for the past ten year- visited his brothers D. H. and Will last Sunday A T. Black of the Connoquenessiug lodge and Commissioner button ot the Ziegler lodge of Odd Fellows represented their lodge- at the -fate convention in Wilkes Barre this week. A R. Bell and ' O Smith have re turned from New Orleans. where they represented th»- Bntler Lodge of Elks in the Grand Lodge. Both men enjoyed their trip, and speak highly of the city of New Orleans. Admiral Dewey, of whom the world is now talking is a cousin of Mr< Snowden and Mrs. Rob t Lamberton, of this city, it is needless to say th: t both ladies lake great interest in his brilliant victory.—Franklin, Pa. Citi zen Mi*s Josephene Riesenman,daughter of Martin Riesenman of W. Diamond St and Stephen A. Koch, who for a num ber of years has clerked in Duffy s store, were married in the German Catholic church yesterday morning, and are now on their wedding trir>. Both bride and groom are highly es teemed in Bntler. and start on life's journey with the good wishes of all Euii Ciairc. Ed Sloan of North Hope spent Sun day with his uncle D. J. Sloan. Arch Reynolds attended a wedding in Pittsburg fast week. Communion service was held in the Associate Presbyterian church on Sun day Rev. Mnlcoim was assisted by Rev. McNeal. Miss M. Lew is of Annisville visited Miss Blanche Reynolds la»t week Miss Blanche Shook again able to attend school. J. Womer of Allegheny Twp was in tnvn Friday evening. a number of our young people attended the Epworth League Conven tion in Chicora this week. Will McMillen and family of Harris ville visifed friends here over Sunday. West Liberty. Mr Sh."en-aker of war Chicago was the gnest of Dr. Thompson last v»"eek. Thos. Badger was visiting his son near New Castle Rev. McCleaster announced commun ion services in this place on next Sun day week, preparatory services on Fri day and Saturday preceding at two o'clock p. m. A. G. Badger raised his barn on Tuesday. Onr new miliner. Miss Sida Badger, has been very busy for the last two weeks. A Birthday I'arty. There was a birthday party at Mr -. Daniel McDeavitt s home in West Lib erty on Saturday last Mrs. M-Oeavitt was tS6 years of age, Sunday, and her children and grandchildren surprised her on SatnH'iy by calling upon her in a body and presenting her with a rock ing chair, and having dinnr-r with her. and making a social day of it Thirty eight per.->oiis were present. The names of the children are John Henry Mc Deavitt, Warren McDeavitt.Mrn. I C Mc- Clymonds, Mrs Hanipson Hoekenberrv. Mrs. Robert Dixon, and Washington. Albert, James, Ross, and Lizzie Mc- Deavitt Mrs McDeavitt greatly enjoyed the occasion. PARK THEATRE. "THE DRUMMER BOY OF SHILOJI." This popular play will lie repeated on Friday evening May 2oth for the last time in Butler at reduced prices the price of admission will be 15 and 25 cts. no higher. These prices should see a house packed to the doors. The play will be given in its entirety with the addition of another comedy, character including the seven beautiful tableux. Remember the prices, 15 and 25 cents, pack the house and get the Springdale Hose Company out of debt. Seats on sale at Reed News Stand and by mem bers of the Hose Company BARN BUILDING If you intend building a house, barn or anything else, this summer, send to C. O. Campbell, Butler, Pa., contractor and builder, for estimates on material and labor. Any of our readers needing gas stoves or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav ing appliance will find it a financial sav ing to call at the '■tore of W. H. O'Brien <Sc Son on Hast Jefferson St. I and get prices 011 the extensive line they have on exhibition. They are also agents for the celebrated Welsbach Light, of which more than 1200 were old in Butler, last year. —Music scholars wanted, at 128 W. Wayne St. 11 you want a Bicycle or your old one repaired go to White Walter & Co. largest slock in County. Bicycles for hire. It costs over $7,400 a day to op< rate Ringling Bros,' enormous exhibition. This is, in itself, a proof of the immens ity of the institution —New Spring and Summer goods ar riving every day prices much BELOW LAST YEARS PRICES,) at The Peo ples Store. Biccles. —See I-'indley the Photographer be fore buying a wheel. He will save you some money on it. Post Office Building. Laughing Babies Are those who take Iloxsie's C. C. C. for coughs, colds and croup. No opium Ito stupefy, no ipecac to uauseate. 5 cents. Of Interest to You. Parties wishing to engage in the livery j business, call on Walkei i Mchivaiu ior- I location and outfit, ;»*»<! \ iciuitx. Be ~ad or glad to hear that The ft ait will likely if plenty next ' summer Mi>- Bertha Shaffer iaakt a weekly | visit to West Libertv where she is teach j iug a music class. .Sammy StoUK'uton like.-a little tumor now and then and say* he has been looking for the hpauish tle.-t to turn up on their fish {>ontl for several days. i Mrs. Wolfoid is improving her reai : deuce on Bnt'er street by having ;iti a«l ditii.n built thereto. are doing the carpenter work. Miss Bell Haj s led the Lutheran ehoir If -1 Sunday i iil- in tht absen eof the regular leader Mrs. Lepley Belle did very well. Harry McFaun and Oscar Shafler are now in Co. E. 13th Keg P. V.. while John Roth is in Co. F of the same reg We all hop* the boys will come home < <fe and w» 11 Four of our sweet little mis-es recent- J lv went ii t ~ the country to visit a com- I panion The girls got lost in a swamp, i and were rescued fiom the snakes nr.d I bears by neighbors who heard the little I lames. Who were they? Mrs L". M. Henshaw i.u.- returned from a visit to her »i-ter in-law. Mr- Marion Henshaw of Bntle r Sherman Gallagher is building a hous - this summer and we believe that Shaffer & Langharst will do the carpen ter work, while Milleman & Co. will do the slating Alex Stewart md Siu'.th Kennedy | have cut down the large locust trees in | front of the U. P. church and everyone ; says How much l>etter it l«ok- John McCall. ana Walter Albert have purchase. 1 a new Hnber Trac tion Engine and Separator. which is said to be one of the best made Misses Frankie Doddfl ind i kttM Mc Lure have received their spring millin ery sjoods and can now please the most fastidious Mrs Jacob Heck and son Mark of But ler passed through town a recent Sun day on their way to J. C. Beighley's, southwest of town Miss Klinglerof lie was pleasantly entertained by her little cousin. Miss Bennie Lepley one day last week. When you go past the school building just notice how proudly Old Glory is waving there If any man attempts to tear it down, shoot him on the spot - Gen. Due. Four-leaf clover is a rare thing, but Willie Langharst recently found a patch of it in their yard and it took all the folks a good while to pluck them all. Camp Shanor is recovering from a se vere fall, and we hope he will soon be oble to come to town to swap stories with the boy?. Now, Fritz, don't yon. Joe Albert of the Hickory Corner dis trict is very much interested in the war news, and makes regular visits to town for the mail. Right, Joe. but some peo ple don't seem to know there is a war. ft!'ner Frazier was busy last week painting a for Rev. Eakin, and we mnst say it look" as well as new. Mat. Blair, Clara Lepley and Hattie Bowers left town on their wheels Satui day to visit rela'ivei and friends at Evans City and C'allery Junction. Mrs. L). W. Forrester and son Bain visited releatives near Mt. Chestnut, Saturday. John Weigle and Ph. Sechier were delegates to the recent session of Pres bytery at Butler. Miss Verna S'-ott has gone to Pitts burg where she secured a position as nurse in one of the hospitals. Sheriff Dodds and Matthew Greer drove over from Butler a recent after noon to see their old friends, and in CMiipany with R. Shanor they dined at the Boehm House. A. Bowers met with an accident last week, and came near having his cheek bone fractured. Don't do it again, Gus. Curtis Jones and lady of Butler drove over to our town a recent Sunday after noon Curt come bark oft«»n Mont Dunn is a lucky little fellow He found a nickel on the street and kept i :. hnnting and finding nickels and diim - till he found enough to go to all the shows and fairs this snmmer. C. B. Weii'le, accompanied by his daughter and niece Eftie Shanor, spent a day with his son John at Cooperstown 11 si week W. W Henshaw has sold his oil in terest- at Edenau. and was in town last week chatting with friends. Win. is enjoying good health ami may go info the oil business again Frank Forrester and wife '>f C'entre ville vi-ited their parent- James For-* rester arid wife and Adam Webber and wife, not long since. Subs"ribe for the ('itizen and get all the news up to date. Job Cosity. Mailing. Mrs. Mary McCullum, aged H'2 year. , died May !), at the home of her son, at Maharg, Penn township. She was an old resident of Butler Co.', and had spent many useful days among her many friends Charley Graham, of Penn twp 10.-t his oldest child, I years old, May Oth. No one but a father or mother knows how hard it is to part with one so dear ly loved. Ed. Yearing raised a new barn on Thursday. If vou want to see a nice straw berry patch stop at the second door south of Maharg store. B * A R BARGAINS A N 71 S Arc Not All Gone We have a fot of Monarch shirts made of Garners percales former price f 1.50 now going at 75c. 33 l-3per cent Off on all winter underwear and lots | of broken s /.es going at one half price. Wc Still Have a few of those $5, j-i and $3 hats in the Dollar sale. We Have About five 10/.en line wool top shirts in lilack and *jrown shades, worth $2, ;m<l $2 50, we are offering thrni at f 1.25. Come in and tell us what you need and see if we cannot supply you. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S. Main St. Butler, r^. -j i VZisfrk. rAFT S PHIUDCiLPHI* it --DENTAL ROOMS-- [(' ? ' ?f£BB •! - £>th Ave., r.t'lburg, t',, II j i> yQWtfl tv practica-j.-/ ! ( A CROWN «'■'! BF.ID5£v."rlW '■fffl >< 1 1U i.urjf—WHY NOT DO M ! '• 1,1 crownsl', V*l rlf H"" 1 BRIDGE work r. .In.. I |..>« 1 PER TOOTM Air. tl » . L? £ 7 j bubacribe lor tbe C'KZEN. si ICIDK OK All ki»l:k. j Adam Kamerer. the old Court Hou-e jaintor, was found dead on the Camp ! bell lot ju-jt back of the frame war house at the West Penn depot. jester day noon A boy crossing the lot discovered the body, behind some boilers, that prevent led it being seen from Monr- - v»t. ind r ported it. Several men promptly went to the -■ >*ne -ttnl \w. 1 the body and then jei v iec it. A pair oM suspenders j w-re a'ound tht ••• .; ,-everalcuts and 1 bruises were on the h«ad, the jugular veins were severed, the ground around wa- trumped ail the in'Ai- of the clothes were t .rnt 1 insid ' out and a shnri* c.i.-e knife, dest-ribed as a i . ... 1 triitr.p s nizor «vas rouna nearby. i Tbe» b-dy wa- t:ikeii Berkhiuiei j room, where an inquest was held. I -Mr. Kaa«i.rtr was last seen alive by I his son in-law. Harry T irner at the I Electric Light plaj;t ar about » P. M [of tbe u.gnt before, when he toft for kit J home. His. vviie and one daughter were away visiting, and he remarked t'uat his other daughter was at home alone. Mr Turner went to the house next uiorulkg .tiu wh-.n lie found Mr. K.ll. - erer had been out all night he gave the alarm and a search was kept up all ' morning M: Kan;, rer was known to I be aiietacially eiiibiorased aud it was I taken for granted that he ha-1 commit ted • ui'- ie until the snsfenders. brr.ises s-trai... .mite and rifled \ ';keis created a sasp oion of foul play. He wps -V> years of age, anu < arried life insurance in the Maccabees and P H. C The veroict of the Cororner s Jury :» that he came b> hi* death at the bands 01 a p-Tr->ii or i>ersons unknown to the .Jury- -which means that it is a of murder and not suicide. Jury List for June Term. List of names drawn from the jury wheel the 25th day of April. 181 W. to serve as grand iurors at the regular term of court commencing on the tirst Monday of June. IX9B, the same being the '>th day of said month. Borland Alexander, Butler boro Ist w. shoemaker. Carpenter.! L, Farview twp, producer. Christie .Tohi . Cherry twp, laboror Douthftt Alexander. Penn twp, farm er. Dodds John A. Penn twp. farmer. Ellenburger Wesley, Farview twp, farmer. El>erhart J A. Fs»irview twp, farmer Eichenour John Lancaster twp, farmer. Falkner Louis, Winfield twp. black smith. Fredrick G H. Donegal twp. farmer Gribben James, Middlesex twp, gent. Hockenbery IT;'iiii>er, Worth twp, farmer. Kr.ox Joshua, Allegheny twp. farmer. Myers John 15. ButTalu twp, black smith. Meenan Daniel, * learfield twp, farmer. Pry or Howard, S anbury boro. farmer. Pfabe Emanuel, Clinton twp. farmer. Park Robert, Adams twp. merchant. Payne Horatis. Worth twp, farmer Raisley Samnei L, Butler twp, farmer. Shields R C, Mercer twp, farmer. Shrader Albert, Hurler Ist w. farmei. Shafer Anthony. Butler Ith w, barber. Smith Craig. Winfield twp, farmer List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this 2.lth day of April, IS!)-, to serve as petit jurors at the regular tern: of court commencing on the sec ond Monday oi Trine. the same be ing tbe ISth day of said month. Albert Jacob, Franklin twp farmer. A yen; John, Butler boro -Ith w, printer. Boyer Sidney, Jefferson twp, farmer. Bailey C A, Butler l>oro sth w, banker. Bracken Edward, Butler boro 3rd w, laborer. Borland A M Ma"- boro, farmer. Craig William 11, Butler l>oro Brd w, carpenter. Collin John P. Clearfield twp, farmer. Double Joseph, Donegal twp. Earmer. Douthett Joseph IV r n twp farmer. Davidson J A I '««terviilt' boro,' famor. Dougherty Loynl, SKpperyrock twp, farmer. Eka.i John W. Butler boro sth w. car penter Eberhart L D, Donegal twp, farmer. Fleming J W, Buffalo twp, farmer. Gibson Eli. Parker twp, farmer. Gaering Jopepli, Cranberry twp.farmer. HeiT Charles E, Butler boro 4th w, editor. Higenbothain TC, Penn twp, farmer, fleckaid fieorge, Butler boro sth w, carpenter. Hill Frank, Mars boro. farmer. Henninger Frederick, Penn twp!farmer. Hivb Cphruin, Lancaster twp, farmer. 1 Ivel Robert, Marion twp, farmer. Koch Charles, Butler twp, sawyer. MartJi Brysou, Cot.n >q 1 nessing *wp, farmer. Murry Peter, Butler boro 2nd w. glass worker. Morrison W L. Harrisville l>oro, merchant. McCandless Coon, Franklin twp.farmer. McDerxnott R R, Fairview twp. farmer. McKee Josiah, Allegheny twp, farmer. McFadden James, Marion twp, fanner. Mcßride John, Venango twp, farmer. Pringell J M, Butler boro i!rd w. pro il ucer. Peffer William H, < Lancaster twp, farmer. Roberts Win Sr, Mercer twp, farmer. Ritter William 11, But'.er boro 3rd w, merchant. Ramsey Baxter, Cranbeny twp.farmer. Rice James W. Lancaster twp, farmer. Stoner W .1. Clay twp, farmer. Snodgrass John, Connwiuenessing twp. fanner. Thrower John E, Clinton twp, farmer Thompson William S, Middlesex twp, fanner. Thilman Harm, Adams twp, farmer. Young John Sr, Butler twp, farmer. Wheeler Thomas A, Harmony boro, producer. Wimer Horace, Worth twp. farmer. Willson Thomas, Batler boro 4th w, laborer. Two Weeks Sale. For two weeks wc are going to sacrafice our wall paper, so that, whettei you need it or not, you will buy for future use. if you will only come and see the designs and price. We have many of the best grades on the market which we will sell you at such a price that you will buy. We have all grades and our prices are selling out prices. We want to sell out within two weeks so measure every rorimin the house for you will need the knowledge when you hear the prices and see our fine patterns, principly "special" grades, at DOUGLASS' 241 South Main St., Near 1\ O. LOOK AT THE LABEL Pasted on your paper, (or 011 the wrapper in which it comes,) for a brief but exact statement of your subscription account. The date to which you have paid is clearly given. If it is a past date a remittance is in order, and is re speetfully solicited. Remember the subscription price. SI.OO a year Don't send money in an ordinary letter it will be at your own risk. Use money order or registered letter, Remit to W C. NEGLEY, Butler, Penna. jy If the date is not changed within three weeks write and ask why Gfit'SSE BEST >N TIIU WORLD. j Itsweartntrqiuititi.-Hart. un-mrprjwrl .cfimnv • r«i . . at. -■ I.••<:!( : ,1 ink. tYitfc SiW.E Hi" PEALfcJii' Subscribe for The Citizen. OIL NOTES. .» The Standard - paying s'-j for • 11 thi morning and the Pr«>ducers -•! Ri \KKKW Hnmphiey. K -hler ind ; Coe struck r. good well n the John .Humphrey i i-t w<-« k It i» a th:rd sander ind flowed wl.en fir>t struck. , TeGAI" ADvERTISMtNTS. EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters testamentary cn the will of Richard G Nelson, late of Middlesex 1 \ township, Rutler county, Pennsylvania, r dee'd., having beets granted by the Keg j , ister of sai 1 county to tbe undersigafd Executors thereof 'hen-f r -ill ;»rrs' knowing themselves irdebted to the estate of said deceased are requeste i to i : make sj.ttdy payrneut, and 1 ho.-e having i claims agaiiut said estate can present them proper!* authentivjated For >e:tlc H, M. ,- I T. A PARKS, Executors. _ j K Mcjunktn Att'y. Gla.le Mills, Pu EXECUTOR'S NOTiCE. Letters testamentary or: the estate of e , Sarah Jane Cianuier, dee'd., widow of s 1 Israel Cranmer, de? d., late of Centre ; twp., Butier Co., I'a.. having been grant r etl to the undersigned, all persons know - ing themselves indebted to said estatt will please make imrnediale payment, e . and any having claims against said 1 ] estate will present them duly au thcnticat d for settlement to J. D. McJUNKIN, Ex 1.. 5 I Sutler, Pa. EXECUTORS' NO T !CE. I Ivetters cn the estate of R >b?rt Trimble, Esq., d>. c'd., late of 1 1 Middlesex twp , r.utlerCo., Pa., having , ' !>een grated to the undtrsigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate » payment and any having claims against g said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to S. C. TRIMBLE, f Flick P. 0., W A. DENNY, Butler Co-.Ta Executors, Mcjunliin X Galbreath, Att'ys. ADMINISTRATORS NOTiCE. ' Letters of administration C. T. A., hav r iug been granted to the undersigned on 1 the estate of John P. Roll dee'd., late of ' Cranberry twp., Butler Co., Pa; all per sons knowing themselves indebted to t said tstatc will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated ior settlement to ROBERT M. ROLL. Adm'r. Thorn Hill, Pa. Wn.r.iAMS & MITCHUI.L, Atty's. ORPHANS COURT SALE. By virtue of order and doewe of the - Orphans' Court In and for the County of itut !"r and stale of Pennsylvania to ut» tbe undersigned Executors of the last will and testament <>f Kirhard G Nelson, d»M-eased.di rected.we will offer for >a'o at public auction oir tin s at one O'clock P. M . of TMrKSDAV. .TI NE 2nd. 1W All that certain farm und tract of land sitn ■ • Middlt*>« \ township, ' ounty and Si.tte aforesaid .'?id »oun'U*d on th«- eorth t»y lands of >!.•< aslin's he!? ■». •>;, tlie * asi mnued by lands of T. A. and 11. M. I'urks.on the .south N)un<l< i by lands of Mrs. Mirmi • Lei* and on the w• ■*t i»«>unded by lands of Alford K. Ne - son, John lfitHey and Parks' heirs, contain :: l « i«lit v-tv.. - .•••res of i 11 r:i« re « i ! :i«, n«*r .ind survey of 1. K. M.-Qulstion Ksq.. dated about sixty a«*res ther«*of cleared, fenced Hiifl cultivated, bal ance w'HXlland time <mall producing oil v.< lis. small »»oard 'Htm houst and x-vt-r --al jrood snrin>rs of water tiiereou. This farm locAted in .1 •_"» xi 11* tgi borbo "i and la la r all respect** a valuable and desirable prop- | I» ritU food r TKivMs Cash on confirmation of salt and delivery <»f deed !•» purchaser. 11. M. Pints, and T. A. I'auk-. Executors. Glade Mills, Butler Co , Pa. E. McJunkin. Att'v. ORPHANS" COURT SALE. I 1 pursuance of -in . rde» fie< ree of the . Orphans * «»urt in and for the County of But ler, and State of Pennsylvania, to me th • undei -d-'net lit ■•"ti <l, I wl.l offer (or sale at public vendue, on the promises at one o'clock p. m., on HATCH DAY, MA Y >t h. 1 sys. All that certain lot of ground situate in the borough of Valencia, in the- town-hip of Vd • s. Co 1:11! y ■ - • • • : f•«» ; 1 in ; nr* ft- rlir n rtnw-sf ')V Alm!ra street 142 and 2-I' l feet, on the northeast bounded by land «»f I»r. S. O. Sterrett 1"«0 feet, on tin- s«>utheast H.unded by lot of Miss >i*« w ll'i and *>-10 fee, and on the soutliwest by a street 1M feet, being Uuw lota lying together In said ' • 1 ated and marked by mid I >r. >. < K Sterrett .out of his laruar tract «f ' ind. ha' a frame dwelling house, out -1 'tilldifi.*and water well tberetm. TKUMS or SALE Cash on confirmation thereof and dellv« rific deed t«» pur-'haset Tit p I. El m . A U COW A N. Adm'r of Mi Mr ra< rai dee'd, Valencia* Pa. E Mc.ll NKIN. Att'y. Notice in Divorce. In the <'ourt of Margaret Ellen Garlach Common Pleas * f vs. > Butier C 50., Pa. A. . oi tleury Gai ach i > So itac. term IfVJ To.fa<*ob Henry Garlach: Two subpoenas having i>een returned N. I. Vou. the said Jacob Henry tiarlach. al>ove nan»<-d defenda?it are h«*ieby required to ap p'-'ir In said Court of i 'ornuior Pleas of But l« r Co., Pa., to be held at Butler. Pa., on Monday the day of June isiH, l»einK the Ui >t day of next term of Court i" answei tin said i'omplaint .and show cause, if any you have, why a IMvorce Absolute from the lM>nds of .Matrimony should not be granted to the said ! el 1 len (2ariach. Vou ar« also hereby notiHeri that testi mony in above case will lie taken before the .-aid Court on Tuesday, the 7th flay of June, at which time and place you ar« notified to :.: tend. WILLIAM B. DOHDH, Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary, C. T. A., on the estate of Newton Lurling, dee'd., late of Adams twp., Butltr Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned all ]>er sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and any having claims against the same will present them luly authen ticated for settlement to Eliza K. Luktinc Adm x., Mars, Butler Co,, Pa. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of John M. Mcßride, dee'd, late of Middle r«* twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons , knowing themselves indebted to saiil estate will please make immediate pay : ment, and any having claims against i said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to : JOHN FERGUSON, iix'r., Bakerstown, Pa , 1 li. Mcjimkin &J. M. Calbreath, Att'ys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administtation on the estate j of IlarjK'r Campbell, dee'd., late of r Washington twp., Butler coi'nty, Pa. 1 having been granted to the undersigned, • all [arsons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment, and my having claims against said estate will present tlieui duly authenticated for settlement to Ur.i.A Camp uk 1.1.. C. A. Morris. Administrators. North Hope Pa. VV. A. and I'. Forquer, attorneys. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. I Letters testamentary on the estate of Mo vs Thompson l !s<j. dee'd,lateof Centre twp Butler Co. Pa , having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will pie;: .c i.lake immediate payment and any r having claims against saul estate will [ present them duly authenticated for set tlement to Wii.MAM A 1,1.1 son, P.x'r. Butler, Pa. r Painter & Murriu att'ys. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. I The I'ord farm in Donegal twp., near 1 Millerstown is for sale. It contains about 150 acres, is well watered and in good condition For, terms inquire a ' his office ' A ! Give a tpccfalUect Preail- whining Edv ttJ »- mm CtmCULARB ARPt y TC 11- iJL 1i- & StMS, 24-1 i'llth Avenue, • FITTSUURG. I'A. Our Method of—- Doinq Business We hope w- 11 uierit your ;e. < )urs is b< ' the only st we in Batler, Vt we tlo try to make it such . place to buy vonr ,iru?s | a* - , i tni Heine as to win iyoui coniiutriict?-»fiww secure your patrot.age. l»o not eomc our ;i re for cheap drug.-.. We doa't keep ■ ihcm. Nothing but tilt best :iu i a place in our store in . . \ r v ..riiele ticaring our name is guar tnteed to l>e just as xepre :,eiite<l >r you car: your mo iey l>,.ek. W ' buy the best sell the best, keep lue best and reeonmienu tlie bet It is this meth o<l that has brought to our store a large and de sitable pairouage. If you ha\e nt-»er dealt at our store we would be pleaseil to have you call. We trv to k.-ep everything that is akely to be called for in our line, but if we should ■ j not have what you want we will frankly 1 tell you so and will be pleased to get it 1 :ou you a. the eai iies r ossible moment. We give yoa what you want. No substi ' tot ions pcrmittefl. Let us till your 1 prcscriptious Respectfully, C. N. Boyd, DRUGGIST. , j Diamond Clock, Butler, Pa. OKPHANS' CUU«T SALt. tty virtue of an ordor and tiecree of tlrphans'Court of Butler Co., Pa., made at f.». March term. 1 «>f said Court, tie ur t d«»rsl!rried administrator of the estate of James CrisweH. late Adams twp., county and state aforesaid, dee'd., will offer for Sile at public vendue on the premise* on SV Tl Iwl)A V MAY 2s. • IT I o'chick p. m. t of sriid (lay. all that certain iract of land situaml in Atfamstwn.. But lei ( •».. state oi IVr.nsy\ vania, iNtnndiJ north l»y , hi mis of • w)\ ert iu irs ami Sitnim ? r.ark. • a>t by land of Samuel Park :md l>r. >. o. : rre't. s nth by !an«l <»f John Barr and v - • < I' rvis I -a« t ind»«»( T. W l\en n» «iy s heirs: N«-wton and heirs, containing l">i acres, more or with 2 frmme dwelling In one m-arlv new; bank barn and outbuildings. 2 orchards. I and situated mile from Mars and 4 mile from Downey ville <»n I*. & W. Hy. Conveni ent to rhnrelies and schools. Land in >rood condition and well watered, well adapted to either stock-raising or general farmiuir pur poses. supposed to he oil aud territory if d« v eloix d. TERMS Ob' >AL£ (hie half of the pur >» moriey ro ;> i J on «un firm at lon of sale by thct ourt and the other half in one v« ir t»i -rentier, with int<'rest. to 1h» secured by bund and on the premises, with n ,;ai wj;i. *rs aud atli rie v's commission. KOHEKT KIHI), \dn,'r.. Myoma, Pa. M ' Junkin .v tb. Atty's.. Butler i'a. X>OCOOOOOOOOQC HO! I NEIGHBOR!! { What's the matter with that y A old butfgy of yours? It looks 3t all broken, it will t;o down jjt one of these days, and then V your hors run away, and ft jL your friend- will be blaming Jk V providence Don't do that. V <i<> to Martiri onrt «.V Co' Met A it a new set of wheels and shafts Jt V for it, or trade it for a new V « I'i' /lO Bnjrtpe • .-ire tr>o'-h.-ap 3f now to risk yonr neek riding A V in an old rickety thing like V Sthat one of yonrs. And there's A your harness, we hadn't no Jt ticed Several places V A in them need repairing. Take A It them along too and them Jt jf repaired or bnv a new set. We jf X**- can accommodate yon in eith er We make and repair all Jt kinds of harness no differ V A enee what yon want l>elong- {j X ing to a driving or team ont JL V fit. come here. Yours re- V A speetfully, A X 3. B. Martinconrt & Co. X Jt .s. b. Martinconrt, jf .T. M. Leighner. jf \>oo<x>co<XXXXx n. $ b. we're doing the greatest wash goods business In the store's history—Jesuits brought and to be still greatly in creased by a way that counts— with choice goods for less prices— with actual evidence that it pays to buy here. Rc-asortments and late new things added—stocks now extend ed to a point surpassing any yet shown. Choice American Dimities 6 J to 12 Ac. Finest Imported Dimities 20 an I 25 c. Handsome American and I'm nt h Organdies beautiful print ings, 15, 20, 25c. Finest French Organdies— Raye and Carrcaux, 30, 35c — handsomest styles produced in these sheer dainty fabrics. Fine Madras and Novel ties, 121 15,20,25,30, 35c including lat est importations of Anderson's choicest effects. Imported Linen lawns, 20 & 25c. Nobby Golf Cheviottes I2>c — splendid for shirt waists. Large assortments of Piques, Swisses and exquisite Novelties. 1 rice range of new wash goods 4< to $1.25. Good, useful and pretty wash goods 6 j and Bc. Send for samples- of as many as you want—as many colorings -you can't exhaust the assort ments, let your preference be what it may—and let the styles and qualities foi the prices show where the most interesting wash goods business in the country is being done — .1 business of concern to your pocketbook. & Buhl ALLEGHENY, PA. HOOD'S PILLS euro Llvor Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headacho. , Ea&y to tako, oasy to operate. 20c. I \ We Declare War \ I Against every Clothier in Butler County and vicinity, ano ' J offer to Clothing Buyers of Butler County i !?S0 Wen s ?.nd Boys' Suits'! i :!! in 14 D;«er?nt Patterns JJ ? at $5 A Suit. | < j There's nothing in the maikct we safely say that can equa' X these -nits Suppose you look into the matter. / j When in totm drop In and ask to be y shown these . suits—no X / „ trouble whateve;. J Shaul & Nast, s \ LEADING CLOTHIERS. < r 137 South Wain St., t Butler. Pa. I . S -TT -> it A. i(t\ liitih 4 f' SAY, ( ; KNOW » Douthett & Graham? j; !<< YOU DON'T! YOUR OWN FAULT, We've been in the clothing L j k 1 business, in Butler, for five vears and it is to VA ' i Y£ your interest to kno-v us as we are selling the best clothing for the least money of any firm in Butler. You don't 1 Q 1 believe ir? Step in and see A Fa our store when in town, k] and we'll prove it to you. £ 1 [j Douthett & Graham, j ftSKSKSKSKKSXSZSij RETURN OF : PROSPERITY, | WA Or is it because we are able and willing to name lower L® prices on better goods than others that has our W p, J business to increase in spite of low priced oil and of war? y $ Whatever the cause business is "picking up." Profits are W i[ -'<! much smaller than formerly it is true, but we do uot mind V L ; that so long as we are doing lots of business. . • 14 BE WISE ► u IN ttmf kj t Wl And secure bargains while bargains are to be had. Shoes L v r ■ never were cheaper, this in face of a rising leather market. k.* They must advance it the leather market is any indication. WM W A A dollar save<l is a dollar earned. Buy your shoes now. LV | r J Come to us and get the best goods at the lowest prices. . A jA. RUFF & SON, [ p LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. [ li nfc i ffoh i 'ITIi dtk i I'ltk iiJffHi *4l dfci A tM +&9SXXX9MGXXX3BX&K&3ie9S9S9Si+ «A SERMON * jpfcOmld readily be preached on the subject of cheap clothing with whicbdp| market has been flooded. During the periods of depression in the <BP"e have maintained our well known standard of (ft SHIGH CLASS CLOTHING. ft seasons product surpassess anything we have ever shown. _ K We desire ta call special attention to our unusally large variety andJR Ukunequallcd better grades of Boys and Childrens Garments ft which we have earned the commendation of the most crititical buyers.^ *T. H. BURTON, T. H. BURTON,S r, 118 South Main St., Butler, Pa. In +XXXXXXX&XXXXXXXXXX& * The New Cambridge, (Formerly New Cambridge House.) CAMBRIDGK SPRINGS, I J A., Which, after the disastrous fire of a year ago, is now opened in larger and better shape for the accommodation of guests in search of health and pleasure, presents itself tu its former Butler patrons as the most desirable- hotel in which to locate wheu at Cambridge Springs. Free bus to and from all trains and springs. Public rooms arc of large size and well lighted, including office, dining room, bath rooms, billiard room and bowling alley Chamber* with private baths and toilets and everything that tends to make a home-like and comfortable lesort. Tor rates apply to HAGGERTY & WHITE. Proprietors. Cambridge Springs, Pa. M< LANDLESS' IJEAVECURE I have a Heave Cure that will cure any case of heaves in horsc.s in forty (lays, if use! to directions, and if it I does suit do what I claim for it, I will j refun . the amount paid and no charges | will lie made for the treatment. The | folluv testimonials are the strongests proof of the medicines powtr to cure: A.J. McCandi.ess, utler, Pa. , 1893. Mr. A. J McCamlless: (>: tin'2nd da/of April, f com menced to use your new cure for one of my horses that had the heaves very bad, and continued to use the medicine for aliout forty days and the torse did not show any signs of a return of them. It is now about a year since I quit giving the medicine and the horse has never showed any sign of heaves, and I feel satisfied that he is properly cured, W. C. Crwwell. utler, Pa., Apriljo, 1593 A, J. MtCnndless* I hut. used your Ileave Cure and find ii v ,11 do the work if used accord ing to directions. Youry truly, J. 11. McMillin. For Sale. One of the best farms in the county locate'! on the I'reepnrt Pike, one-half j mile from Hannahstown, iti Winfirld I twp. —acre*. house, good barn, ; young orchard, well watered, 6 acres of I timber; level rolling land. 1 Inquire at this office. THE Butler County National Bank, iititler I J e nn, I Capital paid in - - fi.x>,ooo.oo 1 Surplus and Profits - $1 14,647.87 1 Jos. Ilartnian, 'President; J. V. Ritt-J, Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. A general banking buslno I ransactcd. Interest paid mi time deposits. .Money loaned on approved security Wo Invite you to open au account with this OIRICCTORH ITon. Joseph ITartman. lion. W. ti. Wiildron. Hr N. M. Hoover. 11. M. - Hw< «'iiey. 1 K Aljr.iins. I'. Collins, I. <• Smith, LesllO IV Hazlett, M. Kill OR All, W, W 11. I.arkln, .TOIIII Humphrey, Hr. w. C. McCundless, lien Musselli. Levi M. Wise J. V. lillt* Butler Savings Bank Outler, Pa. Capital - '|fco,ooo.oo Surplus and Profits - - ijiiSO.WO JOS. L PURVIS President J. 11KNRY TROIJTMAN Vice-President WM. OAMPBRLL, Jr .Caibier LOUIS H. STEIN Teller IHKK<TOKH— Joseph L. l'urvls. J. Henry Tro':tloan, W. I).Brandon. W, A. Stein. J.JH. Campbell. The Ftutler Savings Hank Is the Oldest drinking Institution! 11 Hut ler County. <;eneial hanking business transacted. We solicit accounts of ~11 producers, nier cluir.tH, farmers and others All bjslues- entrusted to us will receive j prompt attention. lateral paid <ju tu&e acpvstu.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers