VOL- xxxv Sheriff's Sales. By virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Ex.. Fl. Fa-. Lev., Fa. Ac. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county. I'a.. and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, In the borough of Butler, on Friday, March 4th A. D. WOK, at I oVlock P. M., the following described property, to-wit: E. D. No. 83 March Term. I**. Williams Si Mitchell, Atty's. All the right, title, interest and claim of John J C'amplHfll of. In and to all that cer tain lot or piece of land situated in Alle gheny twp.. Butler Co., Pa., dounded as fol lows. to-wit: On the north hy lands of J G Gibson, on the east hy lauds of Hurllngs et al. on the south by laud* of Polm, and on the west by lauds of Cobbett. Im*lii£ ourpart No 1 in the partition proceedings in the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co.. between John J Campbel I the defendant, and Isaln'lla El lis. as they appear al A I) No 21 March term. 18N9, Book 8, page 210, Partition Docket No 1, page 77, and being allotted to the said John Camptiell in said partition proceedings, con taining 158 acres, more or less, and having thereon erected a dwelling house, frame oank barn, and other out buildings. ALHO- Of, in and two all that certain piece or parrel of land situated in Allegheny twp. Butler Co.. Pa., hounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of J P Crawford, east by lands of Bebecea Van<*e, on the south by lands of J P Crawford, on the west by lands of James McMahon, containing ">0 acres, more or le>s, being the same piece of land conveyed by Jo»iah M Thompson to John J Campbell by deed dated Sept. 2. IM7H, record ed In l>eed Book No 50, page 17. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John J Campbell at the suit of William Walker. E. I). No. 137. i:*,lA>. March Term. IBW. H. H. Goucher and McJunkin & Galbreath, Atty's. All the right, title. Interest and claim of John EByersof, in and to all that certain messuage or lot of land situated in Butler boro.. Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the south by lot and what Is known as the PostoWce building, being a portion of the assigned estate of John E Byers sold and conveyed by Levi Wise, assignee, by dee<l dated June 16th, l*i ri, to James Thompson et. al.; on the north by lot and building formerly of Robin son 1 Carson now Koblnson & on the east by lot formerly of James Sellers uow W A Clark; on the west by Main street, said lot having a front of about 3tt feet 2 in. on Main street and extending back about 00 feet to the said lot of James Sellers now Clark and having a two story brick dwelllug thereon known as Dr. liver's* Office building, and being all of that fot of ground situated on Main street in #ald borough remaining undisposed of and described in a deed of reassignment from Levi M Wise. Esq.. assignee to John E Byers, Deed Book 133, page tf7. ALSO—Of. in and to the undivided in terest in a certain piece or parcel of land, more or less, situated in Summit twp., Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, t4>-wit: On the north by the right of way of Pittsburg & Western K. It. on which the track of said railroad is located and lands of McClure heirs; on the southwest by the Klttaiinlng road and lands of S P Young: on the east by lands of George Barclay, and on the west by lands of James and Samuel Mitchell, con taining H5 acres, more or less, having there on erected small board house and stable. Seized and taken iu execution as the prop erty of JohnE Byers at the suit of Mrs. Kate M. Byers et. al. E- D. No. 173, March Term. I*9*. J. B. Bredlu, Att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Amelia Klein, Exr. of the estate of F G Klein, dee'd., of, in and to all that certain lot or piece of land situated In Zellenople boro., Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by property of William Bas tlan, on the east by Main strest, on the south by lot of Casper Bloom, and on the west by Clay street, containing one-half acre, more or less, lia-'lng thereon erected a brick dwelling house, frame tin shop and hall two stories high. ALSO -Of, In and to all that certain lot or piece of land situated lu Harmony boro., Butler Co.. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by Commons, on the east by an alley, on the south by New Castle Avenue, and on the west by Koad street, containing a acres, more or less. Seized and taken in ex ecution as the property of Amelia Klein, Exr. of the estate of C G Klein, dee'd at the suit of Caroline Kearney nee Caroline Hei fer. E. D. No. 303, March Term, 1898. W. 11. Lusk, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of J Iteiilien Ko.se. of. In and to all that certain lot or piece of land situated In Jackson twp., Butlur Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-»lt: On the north by Kldge avenue, east by Shady Lam-, south by lands of Orphan s Farm School, west by other lands of Wallace heirs, containing 1 and 1-10 acres, more or less, and iieing lot No BSS In the plan of lots laid out by KA McKlm surveyor, on the lands formerly of Joseph Zeigler, Sr.. and being partof a larger tract of land which the iiaid Joseph Zeigler. Sr. conveyed to K Protz man, W M C Jones and said Heuben Kose as tenants in common by deed dated May 20, 1808, and recorded In tlie Kecorders office of said county of Butler. In l>eed Book No ltM, page 15. plan of lot above refered to being also of record in the Kecorders office of said county, and having thereon erected a frame bouse. Seized and taken in execution as the property of J Keuben Kose. at the suit of Pittsburg Security Savings and Loan Asso. for use etc. E. I>. No. CO and 230. March Term, lsu*. W. H. Llsk, Att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of S N Mace of. In and to all that certain lot of around, more or less, situated lu Evans City, Butler Co., Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by an alley, on the east by an alley, on the south by \ all Bureu street, and on tlie west by lot of A 1 Lotz, being VI feet front on said Van Buren street and extend ing back therefrom lflfi feet having thereon erected a frame house (one story) and other outbuildings. Selzt*l and taken as the prop erty of S N Mace, at the suit of J E Brown et, al. E. D. No. 224, March Term, 1888. McQulstlon Si Moore, Atty's. All the right, title. Interest and claim of John Gallagher, James Gallagher and John W Gallagher of. in and to all that certain piece, parcel, tract and messuage of land situated In Cleartleld twp.. Butler Co., l'a., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by part of same tract now owned by John Gallagher, east by lands of James K Reams, on the south by lands of Fred White, and on the west by ladds of Wandell Osclic; con taining 47 acres, and having thereon erected a two story mud frame house, double jog barn and other outbuildings. See Mortgage Book No 44, page 4, for reference. Seized and taken lu execution as the property of John Gallagher, James Gallagher and John W Gallagher at the suit of Francis Laube. E I). No. IS4 and 190, March Term. IHOK. Mc / Junklu Sc Calhreiith and Williams Si Mitchell Atty's. , All the right, title. Interest and claim of ' Wilson Kennedy of. In and to all that cer tain piece or parcel of land, more or less, situated In Kenfrew boro., Butler Co., Pa., bounded us follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of I>. Kenfrew and James Patrick, east by Connoquenessiug creek, on the south by lands of William Kennedy, on the west by the right of way of the P & W K It; contain ing 3X acres, having thereon erected a one story frame house, frame barn und other outbuildings. Seized und taken In execution tut the property of Wilson Kennedy at the suit of Mrs Nancy J Hamel now for use of Anetta J Nlblock et. al. E. U. No. 335, March Term, IM*. W. 11. Lusk. Att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Charles F Glenn of. in and to all that cer tain lot or piece of land situated In W Sun bury boro., Butler Co., Pa.. liounded as fol lows, to-wlt: On the north by lots of Wright heirs and Andrew Porter, east by public road, south by public road, west by an alley; having thereon erected a frame house, sta ble ana other outbuildings. Solzed and tak en In execution as the property of Charles F Gienn at the suit of William Allison. E. D. No. 7 and 231, March Term, 1838. W. A. Forquer and Cumulngs, Atty's. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Robert A Edwards, Alice E Fuubel and J H Faubel of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situated in Butler twp., But ler Co., PH., liounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by 3 deg. public road, lands of Mrs. < Vosbrlnk, Charles Duffy, John Muntz and Plank Koad; on the east by old Pittsburg Pike, on the south by lands of John Muntz, James Rredin and MP Mitchell heirs, on the west by lands of James Bredln, and lands of H P Mitchell heirs: containing 15 acres, more or less. F<T reference see mortgage book 48, page 130. having thereon frame house and barn, chicken house, water well, tank, and house water well, outfit for pumping in cluding tank, gas-engine, etc., ana other out bulldtnifs. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Robert A Edwards, Mrs. Alice E. Faubel and J. H. Faubcl at the suit of J. J. Leldecker et al. E. D. No. 181, March Term, IxtK Ralston Si Greer, Atty's. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Lewis McMarliu and Sarah Alice McMarlln of. in and to all that certain lot or piece of iund situated In Mars boro.. Butler Co., Pa bounded us follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a point on the east side of Pearl street 125 feet from tne corner of Pearl and Arch street; tnence along said Pearl street a distance of 37 feet north 2 deg and 30 niln. west; thence by a line north 37 derf 30 niln. east U distance of o'ne hundred twenty-six feet to d point On the west side of long alley: thence Ijy 10ng alley 2 deg south 30 rafn. east a dis tance of 37 feet to a point; thtsnCe by line 37 Oej) 30 mlp. west a dlstum oof I3li feet to the place of beginning; having thereon erected a two story frame house, etc. Seized and tak en In execution as the property of Lewis Mc- Marlln and Sarah Alice McKlarlln at the suit of John Nlckias. E. D. No. I*B, March Term. IsBS. W D, Bran don, Att'y, All the right, title. Interest and claim of J M Doddg of, In and to ail that certain lot of ground situated In Ist ward Butler boro., Butler Co., l'a.. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by and fronting on Maple avc. 40 feet, east by lot of F 11 Hodds, on the south by an alley, and on the west by lot of Emll Bruuy: being 40xlflfl, more or less, hav ing thereon erected a frame house and other outbuildings. Seized and taken In execution as the property of J M Hodds at the suit of F B I>odds. E. R. No. 228 and 230, March Term, ISDH. W. J). Brandon and W. A. Forquer, Atty's. Al; the right, title, interest and claim of L E Brai kney of. In siml to al) that, certain lot of ground si United in Butler boro., But ler Co.. l'a., bounded as follows, to-wU: On the north by Union street, oil the cant by an alley, on the south by an alley, and on the West by an alley; tiefng lots No 17. 18 and lu. the Robert Graham plan of lots tn said THE BUTLER CITIZEN. gut* Library J 1 borough Nos. 17 and Is each fronting "ii said Union street tC! feet :i inches. and iMrndlni' back 170 (w I loan alley, and No 19 fronting *1 [irt. more or less. on" saiil street and ex tending tiack 150 feet to an alley and is 71 feet 7 Inches on the alley. Seized and taken in executloi. as the property of I. E II rack ney at the suit of J Emery Brandon et. al. E. D. No. 2.*.'. March Term. Irt*-. W. I>. Bran non. Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of li B Mahaffey and Francis M Mahaffey of. in and to all that certain tract of land situated in Middlesex twp.. Butler Co.. I'a.. Iwiunded as follows. to-wlt: On the north hy lands of James Brown and William Miller, east by lands of Mrs. Florence Starr, on the south by public road and John Parks heirs, west by lands of Mrs. Elizabeth Iteltrick: containing 2"> acres, more or less. being lot No. 4 in par tition of real estate of James S Parks heirs, having thereon a frame house and oubbulld ings and mostly cleared. Seized ami taken in execution as the property of K B Mahaffey and Francis M Muhaffcy at tin suit of Butler Savings Bank. F.. I). No. Iff), March Term. W-. T. Camp- Im'll, Att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of James M'-Lalferty of. in and to t>"> acre* of land, more or les>. >ituated in Clearfield twp., Butler Co.. Pa., bounded a> follows, to wit: On the north by P Mcßride et. al.. on the east by lands of P Mcßride and P Lotnie. on the south by lands of 1* Logue and c Bteighner. and on tin- west by St. John's church property, having thereon erected a log house, stable and other outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of James McLafTerty at the suit of Liz zie McClafferty. E. D. Nos. 44. 4,», and 232, March Term. IsOH. W A Forquer and Mates A Young, Att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of William Christie of, In and to all that cer tain piece or parcel of land situated in Cherry two.. Butler Co., Pa.. txmnded as fol lows, to-wlt: Beginning at a stone at the north west corner; thence by lands of Chris Kinker et. al. south 8H deg. east 132 6-10 per ches, to a post; thence south bv lands of Chris Kinker, south 1 deg. we*t til ft-10 per ches to a post; thence bv lands of John Lou den et al. north ss dejr. 1"> min.. west 11."» *»-10 perches to a post; thence by lands of John M Conway, nortjj 3 deg 30 min. west 10BU-10 per ches to a stone, tin* place of beginning; con taining sixth-two (rC) aeres strict measure as surveyed bv B l'" Billiard. Esq. See deed dated April Ist. IK<2. of record in the lie - order's office at Butler. Pa. Having thereon erected a frame house, frame barn and other outbuildings. Siezed and taken in ex ecution as the property of William Christie at the suit of John Berg it Co. et. al. E. D. No. 244. March Term. ltftl*. W. 11. Lu*W. Att'y. All the ritflit, title, interest anil claim of Matthew B Bnow of. in and to all that cer tain lot or parcel of land situated in Butler boro.. Butler Co.. I'a.. houuded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the northwest corner at a post the corner of lot No s(i and South street: thence in an easterly direction .VI feet along said lot South street to a post, the corner of said South street with a3O foot al ley : thence In a southerly direction 17"i feet along the line of said alley to a post the corner of said with another 3) foot alley; thence In a westerly direction .10 feet along the line of said last mentioned alley, to a post the corner of said alley with lot No thence In a northerly direction I£*> feet along the line of said lot No ">u to the place of :>e ginning, celng lot No ">3 In the plan of lot laid out for I'hlllp Dauhenspeck liy G (' Pil low. See deed dated June 2, Is!*!. Having thereon a farm house and other outbuild ings. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Matthew B Snow at the suit of Pittsburg Security Savings and Loan Asso. for use. E. I>. No. 54 March Term. McQulhtion ' & Moore. Atty's. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Joseph Warren Ix-lug a life interest under and by virtue of the last will of Mrs. Shamir, dee'd., of. In and to .'*> acres of laud, more or less, situated in Franklin twp.. Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by landsof Daniel Shanor, on the east by lands of Gallagher, on the south by lands of Peter Klinger and Hipper and on the west by lands of English heirs and of Snyder; having thereon erected a frame house, sta ble and other outbuildings. Seized and tak en in execration as the property of Joseph Warren at the suit of Samuel Hemphill for use of (J 1' Keister. E. I>. No. 71 and i:ti. March Term, Is'.K Bow ser Bros, and W. A. and K. J. Korquer, Attv's. All the right, title. Interest anfl claim of John Mc. Milliard of. in and to all that cer tain piece or parcel of land situated In Ve nango twp., Butler Co., Pa., bounded as fol lows. to-wlt: On the north by Daniel Mil lard, on the east by lands of William llcil, on the south by lands of W 11 Coe. and on the west by lauds of Hamilton Redlck; con taining 00 acres, more or less. having there on erected a frame house and barn and other outbuildings. Seized and taken In execution as the property of John Mc. Millard at the suit of John D IMII et. al. K. I). No. 24*. March Term IN*.. Williams & Mitchell, Att'y. All the right, tit le, Interest and claim of Thomas McGlnnls, dee'd..- .lan.es W McGln nls. Admr.. of Thomas Met; in u Is, dee'd. of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, more or less, situated In Buffalo twp.. Butler Co., Pa.. Ixmnded as follows, to- wit. On the north by lands of Martin Sauter and Conrad I'ifer. east by lands of Jiine Klchey, on the south by lands of Peter IMedrlck, and on the west by lands of Robert Johnston heirs et. al: containing .VI acres, more or less, about one-half cleared and having thereon erected a frame house, weatherboarded, frame stable and other outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Thomas McGlnnis, deed.. James Mc( Jin ills. Admr. of Thomas McGlnnls, dee'd. at the suit of John T Martin l.i trust for Sarah Mc- Glnnls now for use of Sarah McGinnis. E. I). No. 44, March Term, lssi*. W. A. &F. J Forquer, Atty's. All the right, title. Interest and claim of John M Louden of. in and toall that certain Rlece or parcel of land, more or less, situated l Clay two.. Butler Co,, Pa.. liounded as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at a post on the northeast corner; then*'*; south by lauds of James Glenu and It II Young liEJ.'. 10 perches, to sassafras; thence by lands of K-v James Coulter heirs, and Rev W P Breadln, now J C Breadin, to a post; thence north by other lauds of formerly owned by Capt Samuel Louden, now owned by John M Louden. Mrs. Christie et. al. 1(125-10 perches to a post; thence east by lands of Henry I'lsor now William ('bristle and Christopher Kinker heirs. Sis 75-100 perches t«m post, the place of beginning; containing 100 acres, more or less, and lielng the same piece of laud deeded to John M Louden by samuel Louden by deed dated Sept. 10. 18,3. recorded in Heed Book US, page 433. Having thereon erected a frame house, frame barn and other outbuildings' Seized und taken lu execution as the proper ty of John M Louden at the suit of John Berg Si Co. ALSO—Of, In and to all that certain piece or parcel of laud, situated in Clay tivp., But ler Co., Pa., liounded and described as fol lows, to-wit:—On the north bv iands of Re becca ltusscl heirs, on the east by lands of John Louden, on the south by lands of Tlllle Louden and Marlu Christie, and on the west by lands of John Bark ley; containing thirty four lie res, more or less, Ixing the same land purchased by John v. Louden from Mrs. Catherine Klnzer by article of agreement. The above described realty Is mostly cleared and cultivated. Seized and taked In execu tion as tlie property of John M. Louden at the suit of John Berg <!t Co. E. H. No. SIU, March Term, lsUs. S. F. &A. L. Bow.ser, Atty's. All the right, title. Interest and claim of llenry Martsolf of, in and to all that certaiu piece or parcel of land, more or less, situated in Centre twp., . Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Moore McCandless, ' formerly, now heirs of Moore McCandless and lands of Frank Kohler; on the east by lands formerly of James McCandless, now \ Henry Huffman and Bert McCandless; on I the south by lauds of formerly William Me- i Candless, now Humes A. McC andless or a | public road; ou the west by lands formerly ; of John Hose, now Mrs. Jennie Johnston; containing 65 acres, more or less, having thereon erected a log dwelling house, with shtid kitchen attached, log bank barn and other outbuildings, orchard of apple and cherry trees, mostly cleared and under : fence. Being same con veyed by James MC- ! Candless to llenry Martsolf by deed dated January 31, IHTKJ. See Deed Book No "T" 1 page &3. Seized and taken in ex- ! ecution as the property of George II Mart solf at thp suit of John Berg &Co for use of Wm It Otto. E. I). No. 347, March Term, I*o7 A. T, Scott, i Atty. ; All the right, title, Interest and claim of George W Winslow of, in and to all that cer tain Tot of land situated in Butler boro., Butler Co., Pa., txiuuded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the south.side of West Clay street on lino of hits of Mrs K G Bester; them e eastward along said street 50 feet to lot of \Y illiam Light hold; thence southward i by said lot Ist) feet to an alley; thence west ward along said alley 50 feet to lot of Mrs E G Bester before mentioned; thence north ward by said lot I*o feet to West Clay street the place of beginning: l>elng the seme prop erty which was conveyed to the said George W Winslow, by Elizabeth Iteed and husband, by deed dated July 7, I*W. See Deed Hook ltM, page lUrt. Having erected thereon a frame house, stable and other outbuildings. Seised and taken in execution as the prop erty of George W Winslow at the suit of the Pennsylvania Savings Fund and Loan Asso. E. D. No. 245, March Term, 18UK. S. F. Bowser & Bro., A try's. All the right, title, interest and claim of Peter hlhn and Catharine Klhn of. in and to all that certain tract of land situated In Butler twp.. Butler Co. Pa., bounded as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at the northwest corner at a post; thence by lands of llenry Miller heirs and Gottleib Welsensteln south *OS-10 deg. east J75 porches to the centre of Mercep road: thence alone the centre of said road south 1« deg. east 17 perches; thenCe SOUth 30 deg. east 40 5-10 perches; thence sjoyth h7 5-10 deg. west along lands of Mrs Sarah McCandless ills perches to a post; thence by lauds of M Mulligan north 'i deg east 732-10 perches to the place of !>egitining: containing 71) acres and 50 perches strict measure and being the same tract of land conveyed by Jacob Keck to Peter Klhn the grantor hereof by deed bearing even date' herewith and Ix'litg taken to secure the bal ance of purchase money for the within de scribed tract of land, having thbreon erected a frame one story house, frame barn and other outbuildings- Seized and taken in ex ecution as the property of Peter Klhn and Catherine Klhn at the suit of J;icob Keck. E. D. No. 197, March Term. I*o*. Painter A. Murtin. Atty's. All the right, title, interest and claim of James Kaufman. Sr., of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situated In Clay twp., Butler Co., Pa., Itounded as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at a stone post; thence north 1 deg. west, along the line of 1 lands of George TimMin heirs 1"0 VlO per elies to a stone jkist: thence we*t alistf the line of lauds ot Timbli i heirs !7 par ches to a stone : thence north I deg. west along the line of lands of m TimMin. now McCall. 33 perches to i s«. ue post: t bene*'ea«*t along the line of lands of Wil liam Smith heirs. j.» rclt« -, i•• i •»!'• . j.«»-s< t hence m wit h - & deg. eas! a i • % the lands of the heirs of Susana and N;m 'v I'.rn blln 83perches to a stone post; thence south 10deg. east along the line «»f said land> 1-zi per«'he-» to a stone post: then«*e west al ?n;£ the line of lands of Jacob Brown heirs. *»7 perches to tin* plac«* •if nr: niir: «•« »nti»i -ißg .9 acres, ha Ting tliereon erected a two story frame* hou«e. frame barn and other outbuildings: also agood orchard, -aid fjju :a mostly cl«*ated and in :i >ta*e of j|:i vation. Seized and taken in ev'-iiti»*u the property of James Kaufman, >r at the suit of James Kaufman, Jr. E. D. No. 233. March Term. 1-&*. Mates & Young, Atty.s. All the right, title, interest and claim of Harvey Cruikshanks and Mary Ella Cruik shanks of, in and to ail that''crtain piece «>r parcel «»f land situated iu WinUeld two..But ler Co.. I'a.. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by road leading from >axoii sta tion to Denny's mill, and land • of II f Becker and Kiver heirs: on the east hy lamls of II 11 Becker et. al.. on the soutn by lands of George Watson and C N Noble. anM on the west by landsof Claude Mangel a-ontainini: 11" acres, more or less, and l«eing th** same farm owned by Adam Crulkshanks in his lifeiime and by his will devised to tils widow and heirs who have conveyed to lirst parti* See records for refereiu •*. Mortgag*- Bo*»k i"). Ilaviiiu' tln-reoa • r«*cted :i frame house, frame barn and oih«*r outbuildings, .-elzed and taken iu execution :ts the proper ty of Harvey Crulkshanks and Mary Ella Crulkshanks at the stiii of M C Ekas. E. D. No. 201. 2tM. av», March Term. K.' v . A. M. Cornelius. Painter A Miirrin. Atty's All the right, title, interest and claim of John J DutTord of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situated in ConiUMjue nessing twp.. Butler Co., Pa., bounded as fol lows. to-wlt: On the north by landsof P. W. Thomas, on the east by lands of Stevenson brothers, formerly Kice heirs, on the south by lands of G. Briggle, and P. Giese. and on the west bv lands of James Nihlock : contain ing fifty -Tour a«*n's. mors* or less, mostly cleared and having thereon erected a frame dwelling house; als4i a good orchard. Seized and taken in execution as tlie property of John J. Dufford at the suit of W. D. Brandon et. al. for use of E. J. Dodds. E. D. No. 251, March Tenn. I><oS. John H. Wilson and Levi M. Wise, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Margaret Streyle, and heirs of Fred erick Streyle, owners or reputed own ers of, in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, sitnated in Harmony boro, Butler Co., Pa., bounded as fol lows, to-wit: On the n.-rth l>v Cully Hill street, running along said street 144 feet on tbo east, and on the south by Main street and fronting on said street 287 feet and on the west by Lib erty street running along said street 11W feet; having thereon erected a frame house. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Margaret Streyle and heirs of Frederick Streyle, owners or reputed owners, at the suit of the borough of Harmony. E. D. No. 114, 133, l;;C, l'J4. March T , 1808. Brandon 6c Black, Attys. All the right title, inierest and claim of W. J. (irubbs. of, in and to all that certain piece or lot of ground situated in Butler boro, BuilerCo., Pa., bound ed and described as follows, to-wit: On the north by lot of Mrs. Bell, on the east by Lookout Avenue, on the south by lot of Reuben McElvain. and on the west by alley, being and front ing forty-five feet on Lookout Ave, and extending back westward 125 feet to said alley, having thereon erected a frame house, frame stable and other outbuildings. Seized and taken in exe cution as the property of W J. Grnbbs at the suit of Dr. W. C. McCandless, et. al. E. D. No. 2254, March Term, 1898. Mates & Young, Attorneys All the right title, interest and claim of Eliza J. Milliard and Samantha Hil Haiti, of, in and to ail that certain piece or lot of ground situated in But ler boro.. Butler Co., Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wit: On the north bv an alley, on the east by lot of Henry Wagner, on the south by North street, and on the west by lot of Mrs. Tirza Lowrnan, being the east half of lot Xo. 162 and fronting on said North street 29:25 feet, more or less, and hay ing thereon erected a frame two story house and out buildings. Seized and taken in execution as Ihe property of Eliza J. Hilliard and Samantha Hilliard at the suit of Chris Gelbach for use of James Hamel. E. D. No. 106, 107, 108, 111, 112, 11% 249, March T., 1808. Brandon, For quer, Williams & Mitchell, Attys. All the right, title, interest and claim of P S Hovis of, in and to all that cer tain piece or parcel or lot of ground situated in Butler boro., Butler Co., Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wit: On the north by land of of Thomas Donaghy, on the east by lot of George Purviance, south by and fronting on Penn stieet and on the west by lot of Mrs. N B Jacobs, being 40 feet, more or less, front on Perm street and extending back by parallel lines 210 feet, being all of lot No 0, and part of lot No s, in the partition of property of J N Purviance dee d., hav ing thereon erected a frame bouse of modern architecture with bath-room in connection. Seized and taken in ex ecution as the property of P S Hovis at the suit of liutler County National Bank et. al. TKIIMS OK SALE— The following must be staictly compiled with when property is .stricken down. 1. When t lie plaintiff or other Ucri creditor becomes the purchaser, the COM sou the writ must IK* paid, and a list, of the liens, includ ing mortgage searches on tlie property sold, together with such Hen creditor's receipt* for t he amount of I he proceeds of t he sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must lie furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid In full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will l>e continued until 1 o'clock p. m. of the next day at which time all property not settled for will again IK* put up and sold at the ex pense and risk of the person to whom first sold. •See Purdon's Digest, Ot h edition, page 444 and Smith's Forms page 3*4. WILLIAM H. DODDS sheriff. Sheriff's Office. But ler, l'a.. Feb. 15. lsli*. Road and Bridge Reports. Notice is hereby given that the following road and bridges have been confirmed nisi by the Court and will be presented on the first Saturday of March Court, !*«.»*, being the 12dayofsaiu month, and if no exceptions ar» filed they will be confirmed absolutely. it. D. No. s, June Session, 1*1)7. In re peti tion of citizens of Butler twp Butler Co. Pa. for re-view of a pflblic road leading from East Jefferson street extension to Butler and Mlllerstown road at Mill road at a point near the Butler chemical Works: and that the road as now htld out would be a great expense to the township in making said road. Nov. 1. I*o7, re-viewers were appointed by the Court and Dec. 4. I*o7. report of re viewers filed, stating that a public toad is necessary between the above mentioned points, and have surveyed a road between the said points; probable cost, two hundred seventy-five dollars; damages in the sum of sixty dollars assessed to the estate of Kev. Wm. White, to be paid by Butler county. Now Dec. ii, ISNT. approved and fix width of road at feet. Not ice to be given according to rules of Court. By THE Comer. it. D. No. 1, December Session, I*o7. In re petition of citizens of Marlon twp . Butler, Co., Pa., for a county bridge over the north branch of Sllnneryroek creek, at the point where the nurule highway leading from New Hope to Anaiidale Station crosscss said •>«» i<J creek. Nov. •'». 1897, viewers were ap |>ointed by the Court, and Dec. 1. 1*1)7, r«*- port of viewers tiled, stating that the pro posed bridge is necessary, and will require more exnense than it Is reasonable the town ship of Marion should bear, and locate the same where the township bridge now stands. Now Dec. 11. 1*1)7, approved. Notice to be given according to rules of Court ami t<> be laid before the Grand Jury at next term. By THE ( 'OUHT. R. I). No. & December Session. I*o7. In re pctltlou of citizens of Fairview twp.. Itutlei Co., Pa. foracnunty bridge over a branch of Bear Creek in said township where the pub lic road leading from Fairview to Middle town crosses said creek. Nov. I*o7. view er* were appointed by th » Court, and Dec. IM)7, report of viewers filed, stating that the proposed bridge is necessary and that the erect jon of the same will require more ex pense t ban It is reasonable tin' township of Fairview should bear, and locate tin same where the township bridge now stands. Now Dec. 11. 1*97. approved. Notice to be given according to rules of t 'ourt and to be laid be fore the Grand Jury at next term. BY TIII: COURT. Certified from the records this *th day of Feb, I*o*. ISAAC MEALS, Clerk Q. S.Court. For Sale* House and lot on Lincoln ave., near Plate Works, at a sacrifice as owner in tends moving away. Lot 40x125 three loomed house, title good Inquire at this office I —Blankets and Robes at wholesale I prices at Martincourt & Co's. MUNICIPAL LIEN. Brv* EH Cor XT v. Tl:»* rommonwi'rilth «»f IV»»i»-yi v-iiua t«» (be Shertll Co intY Greeting: Wlut a-. liuth r »M>ro. li t- tiled :i <lalm in our < rjiu: IM»':r. or -; 1 nullity tilt? h«>ir at 1 i\v of I *r. J sinus Graham, tit*,-' I. and !i i J ami - i;: Ifim fui thj i m of« hundred seventy and vf-IW -j.»l!ar> c?l.i>.s*< 1-elnj! f< r work done and material :urnisht d in j :i\ ln* and 01 Ing South M ?Ki ■ i PI from Jefferson -t. t<» Centre Ave.. >itaate<i in the Borough of Untier. Butler <"«>.. I'a.. Umnded a> follows. t<»-wit: On the nr:t!i l»y an alh*v. Oil the «-a-»t I»v •'IiIT* >treet. on *he by s atii McK« siii si . «•«•! and froutln upon >a;d >-»ulli M;*Kean >tiv- : -i\ty .on! tive-tefith ** 5-!0)ft and extending the same width one hnndre«l and eighty <ISP) feet more or l« •->. t'» -ai«s <" 11 IT street, and having ere.;«d thereon a two story log dwelling hou>e weather !>oarded. And whereas, it is alleged that the said sum siiil remains due and unpaid t » tin- saiil Bntler bon N• in m conn i uid | on, I hat you make known to the lion. Jarr.es Bredin and the heirs at law of Vr. James (iraham. de-eased, and to all >urh person*. :i mav bold ".i )% the said «lain an I prop « r:V t 'nc:e«.n. th: t t hey be a: 1 appear In*? :v the Judges of our s.ifd Court, at a court or Common Pleas, to be held at But) r, l.st .Monday of Mareh next, to s!»ow eanse. if anything they know or have t«« say. why the -aid sum of should not I** levie<l «»f tie said des4-ril»ed property, to the use of the said Butler boro. a-vordinz tr» the form anc« effe-T of the Aet of ASM-mhly In sue:. < ase made and provided if to them it shall deem expedient. Anil hare yon then and there this writ. \Vitne». the Hon. John M.Greer. President Judge of the said Court at Butler, this lOtu day of January. A. I>. l Hi > KOBKRTJ. THOMPSON. Protlionol irv. MUNICIPAL LIEN. B(*T!«KR < '<lt" NTV. SS: The C<»m!i»onwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff «»f said < ounty. Greet Ins: Whereas. Butler liorti. has tiled a <*laim in our Court of Common l*leas. f«>r said county against But!er Cemetery lot. heirs at law «»f Norhert Fi>ltz, deeea-en.and heirs at law and devi-. es of Samuel Cuniiiugham. deeeased. owners, for tin* sum of tive hundred thirteen and 42-K«0 dollars (sT>i;i42> l>eing for work done and material furnished In paving and curbing North MeKeavi stnret from Jeffer son street to I'u I ton street, for the improve ment anc development, of a eertain lease hold. situate in the 2nd ward. Butler. Butler Co. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On t» • north by North street, on the east by art alley, on the south by an alley, on the west by said Nortn Mc- K'e;in street and fronting on said North Mc- Keanstreet 2oo feet, more less, and ex tending bark the sane- width feet, more or less, to an alley, said lot of ground being i the Butlei Public Burial Ground, or Grave Yard lot of ground. And wheresi*. it is alleged that the said sum stll! remains due and unpaid to the said Butler lioro. Now we eommand you. that you make known to the said defendant's. .tn«l to all such persons as may hold or oe cupy the aid leasehold and property there on, "that they and appear l>efore the Judgi-s of our'said Court, at a Court of Com mon Pleas. to be held at Butler, on the Ist Monday of Mareh next, to show eause. if anything they know or have to say. why the said sum of should not In- levied of the said real estate together with the prop erty thereon to the use of the said Butler boro. aeeording to the form and effect of the Aet of Assembly In sin'h ease made and pro vided i f to them It shall deem expedient. And have you then and there this writ. Witness."the Hon. John M. (ireer, Presi dent Judge of the said Court at I'utler. this day 14th day of Janu.v y. A. I>. IHiJH. IIOJJKHT J THOMPSON. Prothonotary. Register's Notices, The Kegister hereby gives notice that the following .accounts of executors, adminis trator-. and guardians have been filed in this ofHce according to law, and will be pre sented to Court for confirmation and allow ance t>n sitturday. t! » 12th day of MaHi IK»S of sah^day: 1. Final account, of Flora M. Hiles. ad ministratrix of Benjamin Folk man, deceas ed. late of Connoqueiiessing twp. 2. Final account of Samuel L\ McCall, guardian of Sadie Webb, minor child of John Webb. 3. Final account of William Kelly, admin istrator of Cornelius Kelly, deceased, late of Oakland twp. 4. First partial account of 11. c. Milleman and Philip Milleman. executors of George Milleman. deceased, late of Lancaster twp. f». Final account of Joseph McElhaney, admin ist rat or of John MeKI haney. decease* I. late of Slipperyrock i wn. <>. Final account of Jcanie M. Sharpies* and J. Barton Townsend, e\« « utors of Annie C. Williams, deceased. late of Butler iMiro. 7. Final account of Barbara Christ ley, ad ministratrix of W. E. Christley, deceased, late of < entreville lwro. Final su'ci»unt of Anna 11. Uietfer. ad ministratrix of Henry Kleiner, deceased, lat< of < MearKeld t wp. 0. Final aceonn of Jaeol> Miller, adminis l rat or "f Anna .Miller, deceased, late of Sum niit twj). 10. !• inal account «>f Louisa Crcs*. former ly Louisa Kaehrnan. executrix of Carl Bach mail.*de eased. late of JefTerson twp. II Final aw< urit of Mary Orrll!, adminis t rntrix of James <>rrill, deee.ised, late of Jef ferson twp. 1-. Kinal ai-counl of s. i\ Thompson, guar dian of Violet Hard, minor child of All si in T. Hard, late of Slipperynv-k twp. IX Final account of Henry <llciiieman. guardian of ( ora Ellen Allien, minor child of Prlah Albert, deeeased, late of Centre t wp. 11. Final account of Henry Ilelnenian. guardian of Maggie Albert, minor child of I'riah Albert, deceased, late of Centre twp. l.">. Final account of Henry ('. lle-lm-man. guardian of Maria Albert, minor child of I'riah A Hie rt. deceased, late of Cent re twp. ill. Final iu mil e»f Hugh Itraham. guar dian of Homer Mldln-rry. minor child of < >r son Mldlierry. <ieci a.seii. late of Marlon twp. IT. Final account of Nancy Kiclijrelson, administratrix of John ltlcliardson. deceas ed. late of ConniM|uenesslng twp.. as tiled by \V. .1. Urlrnes. executor of Nancy Klchar'isoii. deceased. IS. First partial account of William Tay lor. administrator of Elizabeth I'ugh, de ceased, late of Parker t wn. P.i, I'iiiul account of William It. Thomp son, executor of Sarah J. IMper, deceasi d, late of < In-rry t wp. lilt. First partial account of John Kauf man and U lll. 1.. Marburger. executors of (ieorge Marburger. deceased, late of Adams twp. 21. First partial account of A. (j. Fred erick and Eliralieth Frederick, administra tors of Adam M. Frederick, deceased, late of Summit twp. 22. Final account of A. C. liobb and .1 II Kobb, administrators of Win. J. Kobb, de ceased. late of Dak land twp. 23 final account of Levi lioyer. adminis trator of Isaac L. Boyer. deceased, late of Lancaster twp. 21. final account of It. A. Hartley, admin Istrator of Will. A. Seaton, deceased, late of Marion twp. 25. Final account of Agnes It. ('ratty, ad ministratrix of Catharine Carson, deceased, late of Itntler boro. 20- I inal account of Christina M. Frutli, administratrix of l-'rank Frutli, deceased, late of Jefferson tup. \i~. final account of William Browuficld, (|||«W deceased) guardian of James Brown licld, minor child of James Brownlicld. de ceased, late of Donegal twp.. as stated liv the administrators of William Browntleid. " 2H. I ir-t partial account of I. M. Mcßur ney. executor of tJcoruc A. Wciizel, deccas ed, late of Zclicuople Ixiro. SBl. FJi-st partial account of .T. M. Mcßur ney. trustee under the will of <;eori;c A Wenzcl. deceased, late of /.cllcnopln I :>>. !• Inal account of Nicholas Fisher ad ministrator of Elizabeth Fisher, deceased, late of But ler boro. 3!. Final[ account of li. U. Mc('and less and Mary K. Wick, administrators <»f John \. \\ Ick. decea .e(l, late of t 'lay t wp. :r_'. Final account, of If c'. Ileliiemau L'ltardlan of Kosclla II White. grandchild of Silas I'eari'c. deceased, late of But ler t wp. :8. I-Inal account of .I M. (ialiireath. ex ecutor of James Kerr, deceased, late of llar rlsville Uiro. :tt. First part ial account of Kzra Stewart administrator < 'IV A. of David Stewart, de ceased, late of Clay twp. W I ADAMS Register. Widows' Appraisements. The following widow's appraisements of personal property and real estate set apart fur the IM-lieflt of the widows »f decedents have U.en tiled in the 11„. < i,. r j v of Orphans Court of Hut ler Co.. viz: Widow of Jesse fi. Miller- JWO on (ieo. W. Irwin IM> " W. (». Williams ft"* (Stephen V. Hutchison.. .mil ml John K. Gllfthrist :HH> <MI I'eter Llncbach.. ;iim twt William Brownlicld :(ni> tin J. I/. Anderson. :mo no Harper Campbell (realty) .. . :MNI no Andrew J. Harper (realty) .100 00 " John Montgomery .... :UN> IM> Christopher ltlnker, (really). :ilio no Ml persons interested In the above ap iirasien.-nts will take notice that they will lw presented for continuation to the < >rphans Court «.f But ler county. I "a., on Sat urday. t lie 12th day of March. A. I».. ls'is. and if no ex ceptions be tiled they will be confirmed ab solutely. ISA \C \JKALS. Clerk O. C. Notice of Application for Amend ment of Charter. Notice is hereby given that an appli cation lias been ttipile to tl|e Common I'leas Court of Butler County, Pa., by the United Presbyterian Congregation of i Butler, Pa., for an amendment to its charter, increasing the number of trus tees of said congregation from three in number to six, anil that said Court has fixed Monday, March 7th, IS9S, a'. 10 o'clock a. 111., as the time for hearing the raid application. A. M. CORNEMUS, J. M. GAI.PREAYH, Solicitors. For SALE. Farm for sale, near Butler, 120 acres, new bank barn, |6,000. » Inquire at this office. BUTLER PA., THURSDAY, MARCH IHIKS ISSo Cripe fflier. you tak" Hood's Pills. Tht-tig, oIJ fash lonetl, sugur-'".ited i>ills. »h;ch u-ar you all to are .;l it will: HooU's. Ka.sytotokc Hood's and easy to operato. is tnas SPa ° IB 111 |B ■ 111 drugji ts. joe. C. I. Hofvl & Co.. I.ovell. Mjms. Xlic ..i.Ss r;;u to W..4 -Ul» Hood's &itsai>»r.l]A Thousand* ar<" Tryinpr It. In order to prove the great merit of Ely's Cream Balm, tha most effective cure for (*..iarrh an<l Cold in Head, we have pre parcd a goiiorous trial size for 10 ceuts. Get it of your ih-uggi.-t or send 10 ( ents to ELV BliOS., 50 Warren St., N". Y. City. I su:Tered from catarrh of ilio -nor t kind ever since a boy. and X never h"; •! for cure, but Ely's Cream Halm iec:us to do even that. Many acquaint -.nc<hato n (1 it with excellent results. —Oscar Ostruai, 45 Wanen Ave., Chicago, 111. Elv's Cream Bairn in the acknowledged cur--"for catarrh and contains no cocaine, mercury nor any injurious drug. I'ri •«!, to cents. At druggists or by mail. SHERIFF'S SAi E. By virtue of a writs of fi. fa. issued out of the Court of common Pleas of Butler Coun ty. P.T . and I » me dire t« d. ; In re will IK* ex posed to public sale, ::t the Court House, in the borons:!* <»f Buter l*n .« u Fri<lay 111• ■ llth of March A. IK, DM at i P. M.. the followingdescrilied property, to-wit: K. I). No. LOS, i in, 156, 10S, 157, 15S, 216, March Term, Brandon, Koliler, et. al., Aitys AM the right, title, interest and claim of J. P. M.-Muriy of, in and to all that certai.i piece or parcel of land, situated in Mation twp., llutier C>) , Fa., liou-.a!- ed as follows, to-v. t: On the north Ir.rtds of Carlisle JlcFadilea, on the east by lands of Mrs. Bailey, on the south by lands ot R 1). McMurry, and on the west by lands of I'Lilip Surena and Clintouville road; containing sixty-five acrts, more or Itss, bcirg lnuds of John A. McMurry and J. F. McMurry, on which they both reside. Having there on erecte-l a frame house and out build ings. Seized and takm it: execution as the property of J. I". McMurry at the suit of liutler Savirgs Bank, et al. K. O. No. 2vg. March Tettn, 189 S. R. P. Scott, Attorney. All the right, litle, interest and claim of Kdward Guthrie of, in and to all that certain piece or lot of Find, situated in Butler boro., Butler Co., Fa., b<.undid as follows, to-wit: On the east side of Walker Ave , comment ing at the north west corner f the lot being the south east coiner of Walker Ave. and Mackey Ave., thence south along the east side ot Walker Ave. fifty feet to the lot of G. D. Kauierer; thence along said lot 125 feet to Cherry Way; thence north along s;dd way fifty feet to Miicke/ Ave., thence west along said avenue 125 feet to Walk er Ave. to the place of beginning and be ing the same lot which Wilson Dougher ty, et. ux., conveyed by deed dated Apr. 15th, 1891, to Edward Guthrie. See deed hook 123, page 37. Having thereon frame house,frame liable and other out buildings. Seiz-d and taken in exe cution as the property r.f Edward Guthrie at the suit of Edward G. Frederick. Wii.i.i.VM 13. JJODDS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Butler, I'a., February 21 st, IS9S. NOTICE OF CITATION. The petition of Rebecca Sarr, daughter of Willi mi J. Robb, dee'd, was pre., sit ed setting forth that said «te,'«le:il died on or about (Stb day of March, 11.96, in testate, leaving to survive him a widow who has since deceased and 14 chibliCn, sons and daughters, all of whom aro of age ar.d living except J.imcs G. Robb, who has since c'icd leaving a widow an 1 five children surviving him, and all of whose names and residences so far as known to he petitioner, are as follows: Abner C. Robb, residence unknown; Mrs. Leah Cell intermarried with Jesse Btll, who tesides at Fawnee City, Ne braska; Coulter Robb, who resides at Greece City, Fa., Mrs, Mary Hovis inter m.uried with Covert I lovis, and who is confined iu the Slate Hospital f or the Insane at Warren, Pa., residence of her husband and committee unknown; Isaac X. Robb, who resides at Marietta, Ohio; Mrs. Bell Campbell intermarrie I with Jefferson Campbell, who resides at Baldwin, Fa.; John 11. Robb, who re sides at P.enfrew, Fa.; Mrs. Jennie Hoijue intermarried with John Hogue, and re sides at Lower Oil City, I'a.; Lincoln Kobb, who resides at Liownsdale, Fa., Elmer]*;. Robb, who resides at Renfrew, Fa., Mrs. Klla Fainter intermarried with Howard Fainter, who resides at Chicora, I'a.; Frank M Robb. who resides at Sonora, Fa ; Rebecca M. Barr, the pe titioner, who resides at Cayuga, Sargcut Co., N. Dakota, intermarried with John H. Ban;and the widow and children of James G. Robb, dee'd., namely Mrs. Hattie Robb, widow, and Ami, Maggie, Mary, Lora, and Walker Robb, whose ages are unknown, children of James G. Robb, dee'd., who reside at Fawnee City, Nebraska. That the said decedent died seized of certain real-estate situated in O. kland twp., Butler Co., Fa., contain ing one-hundred and fifty acres more or less and which has never been partition ed and that the wish of the petitioner is til it the same be partitioned. ORDER OF COURT, And now to-wit: February xoth, 189S, the within petition presented and on due consideration a rule is granted on all parties in interest to show cause why parti'ion of said lands should not be made as prayed for, service of said rule to be made on all parties within tne County and 011 all others by publication according to the rule of Court. Return able to March Term of Court. BY THK COURT. These are therefore to command you the heirs not resident within the county, to-wit: Mrs. Leah Bell intermarried with Jesse Bell; Abner C. Robb, resi dence unknown; Mrs. Mary Hovis, con fined at State asylum at Wairen, Pa., intermarried with Covert Hovis, whose residence is unknown; Mrs. Jennie Hogue intermarried with John Hogue; Mrs. Hattie Robb, widow of James Robb, dee'd., and the children of said decedent to-wit:—Ami, Maggie, Mary, Lora, and Walker Robb, and each of you to be and appear before the said |tidge at an Orphan's Court to be held at Butler, for the said County of Butler, I'a., on the Ist Monday of March next, to show cause why said lands should not be partitioned and to submit to surh other orders and decrees as the said CoU't shall make touching the premises WII.N'AM B. DOMDS, sheriff. Notice in Divorce. Klla M. Thompson by In tin- <"ourt of Com ber next friend NY. mon Fleas of Itntler W. Kope. Co Pa. A. D. No. : vs. SepttitnlM r Term I>V7. ! Taylor Thompson To Tay l«>r Thompson. Two Subpoenas in above c ise hi.vlnir been returned (N• K. I.) you the s;tid I'uyloi Thompson alnive named respou<ieut arc hereby i ilretl to appi :ir in said Court of Common Fleas to be held at Itntler, I'a . on Monday th* 71 h day «»f March, being \he iirsi day of next term of said Court, to answer the said complaint and show < au.se if any you have, why a l>lvo;.-e Misolute from ttie bonds of matrimony should not t• grunted to 1 i»» said Klla M Thompson. Von are also hereby noli tied that testimony will In- taken in above case be fort the futld Court on Tues day tiieHth day of .Mar« h IHU>. at whh'h time and place you are hereby not itii-«| to attend WILLIAM It. boons. Sheriff. Rllht MATISM Crßfiii IN A DAY. "njyslic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in Ito days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mystL-rious. It removes at once tr eatises and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose great!v benefits -75 cents Sold by J. C. Redic, ar.d J. F. Cnlph UruggisLs Butler \pr96 TOMS® '-Mli® fGS fPTk? ; $ 'V '. ROBERT LOUIS STCVCTSOtI I s "*— | 1 GVNersTS. CITATTF.U t.—Billy r.cnes, an oM ■ a • doc. much udclletod to ram, lodges at Ad miral lJenbow Inn. CHAPTER 11.—StranptT, calk-il •T-'aelc DOR." m -rtts Ilonf m ii.ti rxl- w 1 r.ds us • fljfht an«i dtaappearmn ■ of stranger. Bones suffers t..- sir ko. I CHAPTER III.—V-dnd c n.a to Inn. presses I3m"i:.lng tn BonM* UIM and i»aves. "Tea o'clock I" Bones cries. "Six hours. We'!! do t!:< :.i >-• ; ul which moment lie Is struck a. ! by apo plexy. CHAPTER IV.—Near lines' body is found a little rur ! i •- r. I . .■ n one side, on tie other the word : ' > ' U have till ten t&-nlffht." Gold 1- fcuiid i:i Bones' sea chfit. and an oiisl. a pa t. Flight taken fr :a !r.n. CHAPTER V.— Blind n .ui (l'ew) with companions altack tl." Inn. Chaftrined at not finding "Pint's I i." tl- s ; scatter. Blind Pew is run down and Iclikd by a horse. CHAPTER 1 u:ijr Hawkins tP.nes packet to Ur. 1. 1 y, »!io with 're Trelawney opens it and linds minute di rections for finding ot VASt MHIW CHAPTER VII.—Tr-!:iwney fits op ex pedition to seek treasure. 1 CHAPTER \ 111.—lira llnwklns •ts , Black Dog: at Johr. Silver's inn. 1 slack DOB runs away, and Silver avows ignorance of his Identity. CHAPTER IX.—Ship's captain thinks come things on board somewhat singular and asks to have certain precautions taken, amor.K which ar tin .toriii. of the powder and arms astern and elvlnß the doctor ar.d his friends tcrtlis beside the cabin. CHAPTER X.—"II r-nlvla"Jiegins hor voyage. Hawkins climbs lnlj aPDI® bar rel and overhears i>!ans of tr. .tchury on foot among the crew. CHAPTER Xl.—Plot (laid by Silver, Fhip's cook) provides for t.ie -trlke fo-r possession of the tivas re Imu. natelj it is gotten aboard. Cry of "Land ho heard. CHAPTER Xll.— Hawkins trlls of Pil ver's treachery to I.Ui-s.-y, Trelawn- y ai:d Car>t. Smollett, who liol 1 a council of war. CHAPTER Xlll.— Mutiny begins to how in restlessness of nun, and captain de ddes to give the men an afternoon ashore. Jim Hawkins Blips - R with them, but en the island giv* -- them : . 1 ;• CSAPIEIt XXV.—F.om cover Jim Ma* Silver kill one r.f the honest hands, and also learns of the murder of another in another part of the Island and runs from 1 the s«ne. CHAPTER XV. .Ji:a m. ets P -1 Otmn, a marooned sailor who ha 1 lived on ' •'* nd three years. Itepi rt of u cannon is heard. Both run for boat when they see in the wood the union Jack. CHAPTER XVl.— Hunter ar.d th* lec tor go ashore In a jolly-boat, di*. r a block-house within a ■•tnckado ani de cide to provision It. Faithful party Is Joined by Gray, a mutlnc. r. and the ship 1 left with the five remaining mutineers on ! board. CHAPTER XVII. -Jolly-boat starts on last trip to shore overloaded with pro visions. Mutineers on ship man the gun. Trelawney picks off ..no of tin gunners. Cannon ball passe* over boat, which sinks and leaves party to wade ashore. Bucca neers heard ne ar by In the wood. CHAPTER XVlll.— Fight with buc caneers results In one killed on each side. Faithful party gain the stoefcado and run up the British colors. CHAPTER XIX — Jim se< in/r the colors knows he Is near friends and. leaving Ben Qunn, climbs Into the stockade. CHAPTER XX.— Silver, under flag of truce, makes overtures for chart to get tlia treasure by. but falls. CHAPTER XXI —Ru enne- rs atta. k stockade, nr.! worsted, leaving live d al behind. The faithful ) »rty loses two, and Capt. Smollett wound, d. CHAPTER XXII P.-ctor sets o: t to find Ben Gunn. Jim slips off to seek boat Ben Gunn hud built, and decides to cut "Hispanlola," now flying the Jolly rogrr, adrift. CHAPTER XXIII. Schconr-r now manned by only two of the pirates, ar.d th"»y In n. drunken brawl, cut from an chor. Jim then, from she*r exhaustion, falls asle. p In bottom cora'-h CHAPTER XXlV.—Awaking Jim i-'-t f the* "Illspanlola" helpb s«ly 'rlftlr.ir and by a great effort 1 aches her and leaps, ! catching the Jibboom. CHAPTER XXV Jim finds on!; of tilt) mutineers (O'Brien) dead, killed by Hand . and Hands, the only survivor on bonri severely wounded; decides to reach tli". ship in North Inlet. CIIA ITER XXV I. ISRAEL HANDS. The wind, serving us to a elesirc, nov\ hanleel into the west. We could run s much the easier from the northwest corner of the island to the mouth of the North inlet. Only, as we had 110 power to anchor, and dared not beach her till the tide had flowed a good deal furth< r time hung- on our hands. The ceick swain told me how to lay the ship to; after a good many trials I succeeded, and we both sat in silence, over another meal. "Cap'n," saiel he, at length, with that same uncomfortable smile, "here's my t|| H© picked out a lonfr knife. old shipmate, O'Brien; s'peise you was to heave him overboard. I ain't par ti'elar as u rule, and I eloiv't take 11c blame for settling his hash; but I don't reckon him ornamental, now, do you?' "I'm not strong enough, and I don't like the job; and there he lies, for me," said I. "This here's an unlucky shij)—the Mlispaniola,' Jim," he wen ton,blinking. "There's a power of men been killeel in this 'llispaniola'—a sight o' poor sea men dead, and gone since you and me took ship to Bristol. I never seen such dirty luck, not T. There was this here O'Brien, now—he's dead, ain't he? Well, now, I'm no scholar, and you're a lad as can read and figure; and, to put it straight, do you take it as a dead man is dead for good, or do he come alive again?" "You can kill the body, -Mr. Hands, but not the spirit; you must know that already," I replied. "O'Brien, there, is In another world, and may bewitching us." "Ah!" 6ays he. "Well, that's unfort'- nate—appears as if killing parties was a. waste of time. Howsomever, sperrits don't reckon for much, by what I've seen. I'll chance it with the sperrits, Jim. And now, you've spoke up free, and I'll take it kind if you'd step down into that there cabin and get me a— well, a—shiver my timbers! I can't hit the name on't; well, you get me a bottle of wine, Jim—this here brandy's too strong for my head." Now the cockswain's hesitation seemed to be unnatural; and as for the notion of his preferring wine to brandy, I entirely disbelieved it. The whole story was a pretext. He wanted me to luuvc the deck—so much was plain; but with what purpose I could in no way imagine. His eyes never met mine; they kept wandering to and fro, tip and down, now with a look to the sky, now with a Hitting glance upon the dead O'Brien. All the time he kept smiling, and putting his tongue out in the most guilty, embarrassed manner, so that a child could have told that he was bent , on some deception. I was prompt with my answer, however, for I saw where ' mv P. 1 vantage lay; and thrit with a fel low so densely stupid I could easily conceal my suspicions to the end. "Some wine?" I said. "Far better. Will you have white or red?" "Well, I reckon it's aiiout the b>sseel same to me, shipmate," he replied; "so it's strong, and plenty of what's the odds?" "All right," I answered. "I'll bring you port, Mr. Hands. But I'll have to dig for it." With that I scuttled down the com panion with ail the noise I could, slipped eff my shoes, ran quietly along the sparred gallery, mounted the fore castle ladder, and popped my head out of the fore companie>n. I knew he would not expect to see me there; yet I took every precaution possible; and certainly the worst of my suspicions proved too true. lie had risen from his position to his hands anil knees; and, though his leg obviously hurt him pretty sharply when he moved—for I could hear him stifle a groan —yet it was at a good, rat tling rate that he trailed himself across the deck. In half a minute he had reached the port scuppers, anet picked out of a coil of rope a long knife, or rather a short dirk, discolored to the hilt with blood. lie looked upon it for a moment, thrusting forth his under jaw, tried the point upon his hand, and then, i.astily concealing it in the bosom of his jacket, trundled back again into his old place against the bulwark. This was all that I required to know. Israel could move about; he was now armed; and if he had been at so much trouble to get rid of me, it was plain i that I was meant to be the victim. What he would do afterward—whether he would try to crawl right across the island from North inlet to the camp among the swamps, or whether he would lire l.ong Tom. trusting that his own comrades might come first to help ! him, was, of course, more than I could Ea 3'* Yet I felt sure that I co.uld trust him in one point, since in that our interests jumped together, and that was in the disposition of theschooner. We both de sired to have 'her strajieled safe enough, in a sheltered place, and so that, when the time came, she could be got off again with as little iabor and danger as might be; and until that was done I considered that my life would certainly be spareel. While I was thus turning the business over in my mind I had not been idle with my body. I had sTolen back to the cabin, slipped once more into my shoes, and laid ny hand at random on a bottle of wine, a :d now, with this for an ex cuse, I made my reappearance on the deck. Ilanels lay as I had left him, all fallen together in a huddle, r.nel with his eyc litis lo\ as though he were too weak to bear the light. lie looked up, • he v ever, at my coming. K!iwk«fU lit* neck off the bottle, like a man who had don 'he same thing < ften, and took a good S-.V. . v - favorite toast of "hi re's I- ' i • n he lay quiet for a little, a:.-: : n, pulling out a stick of tobacco, begged me to cut him a quid. "Cut me a junk o' that," says he, "for I haven't no knife, and hardly strength enough, so be as I had. Ah, Jim, Jim, I reckon I've missed stays! Cut me a quid as'll likely be the last, lad; for I'm for my long home, and no mistake." "Well," said I, "I'll cut you some to bacco; but if 1 was you and thought my: If so badly, I would go to my prayers, like a Christian man." "Why?" said he. ".Now, you tell me why." "Why?" 1 cried. "You were asking me just now about the elead. You've broken your trust; you've lived in sin and lies and blood; there's a man you killed lying at your £#et this moment; ruiel you me why! For God's mercy, Mr. Hands, that's why." lapokl v . ■ a. little heat, thinkiagof the bloody dirk he had hidden in his pocket,and designed, in his iil thoughts, to end me with. He, for his part, took a greit draught of the wine, and spoke with the most unusual solemnity. "For 30 year," he said, "I've sailed the s-. is, and seen good and bad, better anil worse, fair weather anil foul, pro vision ; running out, knives going, and what not. Well, now, I tell you, I never ;1 en good come e>' goodness yet. Him as strikes lirst is my fancy; dead men don't bite; them's my views—amen, so lie it. And now, you look here," lie adel • suddenly changing his tone, "we've had about enough of this foolery. The tide'.-; made good enough by now. You ju take my orders, Cap'ullawkins,and we'll iil slap in and be done with it." All told, we had scarce two miles to ru .; but the navigation was delicate, tiit) entrance to this northern anchor age was not only narrow and shoal, but lay . ast anel west, so that the schooner must be nicely liacdlee l . to be got in. I think I was a good, prompt subaltern, anel 1 am very sure that Hands was an excellent pilot; for we went about, and dodged iu, shaving the banks, with 11 certainty and a neatness that were a pleasure to behold. Scarcely had we passed the head be fore the land closed around us. The shores of North inlet were as thickly wooded us those of the southern an chorage; but the space was longer and narrower, and more like, what in truth it wa ,t he estuary of a river. Bight be fore lis, at the southern end, we saw the wi :ck of a ship in the last stages of apidation. It had been a great vessel of three masts, but had lain so lonir exposed to the injuries of the we athcr, that it was hung about with webs of dripping sea-weed, and on the deck of it shore bushes hael taiv. ii .oot, and now flourished thick \s i lii lU iver:-. It was a sad sight, but it showed us that the anchorage wns cairn. ".Vi'v," said Hnnds, "look there; t!.■.-!■ a pet bit T !• to beach a ship in. 1 :.,t sand, never a !s;ia w. t recs all around of it, and flowers a-blowing 1 a 1 ardingon that old ship." • \1 > I ie- be idied," I inquired, "how shall we get her off again?" 'v\ :iy, he replied; "you take a 1 i:. i,u\- tl'.er-' -:i ll ' other side at low water; take a turn about one o* them bi-f pines; brin;: it back, take a turn round the capstan, and lie to for the ;idc Come high water, all hands tal .- a pull upon the line, and off sho eoiii.-s aa sweet as natur'. And now, bov, you stand by. We're near the bit now. ar il she's too much way on her. Shu >oard .1 little *■.— steady—star- J boar I larboard a little steady— j steady!" Su he i-sueii his (Obanands. which I I breathlessly obeyed; till, all of a hud den. he cried: "Now, my hearty, luff!" And 1 put the helm hard tip, and the "llispaniola" swung round rapidly, and run a-tem on for the low-wooded shore. The excitement of these last man euvers had somewhat interfered with the watch I had kept hitherto, sharply enough, upon the cockswain. Even then I was still so much interested, waiting for the ship to touch, that 1 hail quite forgot the peril that hung over my head, and stood craning over the starboard bulwarks and watching the ripples spreading wide before the bows. I might have fallen without u struggle for my life, had not a sudden disquietude seized upon me. and made me t urn my head, l'erhaps I had heard a creak, or seen his shadow moving with the tail of my eye; perhaps it was an instinct like a cat's, hut, sure enough, when I looked round, there was Hands, already half-way toward me, with the dirk in his right hand. We must both have cried out aloud when our eyes met; but while mine was the shrill cry of terror, his was a roar of fury like a charging bull's. At the same instant he threw himself for ward, and I leaped sideways toward the bows. As I did so I left hold of the tiller, which sprung sharp to leeward; and I think this saved my life, for it struck Hands across the chest, and stopped him, for the moment, dead. Before he could recover I was safe out of the corner where he had trapped me, with all the deck to dodge about. Just forward of the mainmast I i topped, drew a pistol from my pocket, drew a cool aim, though he had already I turned and was once more coming di rectly after me, and drew the trigger. The hammer fell, but there followed ; neither flash nor sound; the priming was useless with seawater. I cursed myself for my neglect. Why had not I, long before, reprimed and reloaded my only weapon? Then I should not have been, as now, a mere fleeing sheep before this butcher. Wounded as he was, it was wonderful how fast he could move, his grizzled hair tumbling over his face, and his face itself as red as a red ensign with his haste and fury. I had no time to try my other pistol, nor, in deed, much inclination, for I was sure it was useless. One thing I saw plain ly; I must not simply retreat before him, or he would speedily hold me boxed in the bows, as a moment since he had so nearly boxed me in the stern. Once so caught, and nine or ten inches of the blood-stained dirk would be my last experience on this side of eter nity. I placed my palms against the mainmast, which was of a goodish big ness, and waited, every nerve upon the stretch. Seeing that I meant to dodge, he also paused, and a moment or two passed in feints on his part, and corresponding moveihents upon mine. It was such a game as I had often played at home about the rocks of Black Hill cove; but never before, you/ may be sure, with such a wildly beating heart ss now. Still, as I say, it rwas a boy's game, and I thought I could hold my own at it against an elderly seaman with a wounded thigh. Indeed, my courage had begun to rise so high that I allowed myself a few darting thoughts on what would be the end of the affair; and while I saw certainly that I could spin it out for long, I saw no hope <xf any ultimate escape. Well, while things stood thus, sud denly the "Hispauiola" struck, stag gered, ground for nn instant in the sand, and then, swift as a blow, can tered over to the port side, till the deck stood at nn angle of 48 degrees, and about a puncheon of water splashed into the scupper-holes, and lay in a pool between the deck and bulwark. Wo were both of us capsized in a sec ond, and both of us Tolled, almost to gether, into the scuppers, the dead red cap, with his arms still spread out, tumbling stiflly after us. So nearwere we, indeed, that my head came against the cockswain's foot wifh a crack that made my teeth rattle. Blow and all, I was the lirst afoot again, for Hands had got involved with the dead body. The sudden canting of the ship had made the deck no place for running on; I had to find some new way of es cape, and that upon the instant, for my foe was almost touching me. Quick as thought I sprang into the mizzen shrouds, rattled up hand ovei hand, and did not draw a breath till I was seated on the cross-trees. I had been, saved by being prompt; the dirk had struck not a half foot be low me, as I pursued my upward flight; and there stood Israel Hands with his mouth open and face upturned to mine, a perfect statue of surprise and disap pointment. Now that I had a moment to my self, I lost no time in changing the priming of my pistol, and then, having one ready for service, and to make as surance doubly sure, I proceeded to draw the load of the other and re charge it afresh from the beginning. My new employment struck Hands all of a heap; he began to see the dice going against him; ,and after an ob vious hesitation, he again hauled him self heavily into the shrouds, and, with dirk in his teeth, began slowly and pain fully to mount. It cost him no end of time and groans to haul his wounded leg behind him, and I had quietly fin ished my arrangements before he was much more than a third of the way up. Then, with a pistol in either hand, I addressed him. "One more step, Mr. nands," said I, "and I'll blow your brains outl Dead men don't bite, you know," I added, with a chuckle. lie stopped instantly. I could see by the workings of his face that he was trying to think, and tho process was so slow and laborious that, in my new found security, I laughed aloud. At l:ist, with a swallow or two, he spoke, his face still wearing the same expres sion of extreme perplexity. In order to speak he had to take the dagger from his mouth, but in all else he re mained unmoved. "Jim," says he, "I reckon we're fouled, you and me, and we'll have to With a chokMt err. the cockawalaa plun»»d Into the water. sign art icles. I'd have had you but for that there lurch; but I don't have no luck, not I; and I reckon I'll have to strike, which comes hard, j'ou see, for A master mariner to a ship's younker like you, Jim." No. O I was drinking in his words and smil ing ;. a ay. us co' • cited as a cock upon a wall., w hen, al! hi a breath, back went his right li:t >1 o\ er his shoulder. Some thing sung like an arrow through the air, 1 felt a blow and then a sharp 1 pang, and tl en- 1 was pinned by the should* r to the mast. In the horrid p;iln and surprise of the moment —] scarce can say it was by my own voli ; tion, ami 1 am sure it was without a j conscious aim—both my pistols went ! off. and both escaped out of my hands ' They did not fall alone; with a choked ! cry the cockswain loosed his grasp upon I the shrouds and plunged head first into | the water. pro et cr sTTsr»D.| WIT AND WISDOM. —"I asked our doctor his motto the other night." "What did he say?" "Pa tience and long suffering."—Plck-Me- Up. —Parson Johnson—"Sodis little chile am a gal. Do de udder one belong to 'de contrary sex?" Mrs. Jackson— "Yais, pahson; dat's a gal, too."— Judge. —"That man singing "Only One Girl in the World for Me' lias been married three times." "Well, that's all right; he means only one girl at a time."— Chicago Record. —"I see," said the shoe clerk boarder, | "that there is a king In Africa who has bten drunk for 15 years." "That," said the Cheerful Idiot, "is what, might be called a soaking reign."—lndianapolis Journal. * —"Michael, what kind of a tree is that?" "The one beyant the blnch, mum?" "Yes. that large tree." "Wid the little green one to the lift?" "Yes; what is it?" "They do be calling that a shnde tree, mum."—Brooklyn Life. —She Heard It First. —Bob Borrower —"What! You say you can't lend me ten dollars to-day because you haven't got it—why, I heard you made SSOO yesterday, on wheat!" Tom Tooler (de spairingly)—" Well, so did my wife!"— Puck. —"How old would you guess her to be?" "Oh, about 25 would be a safe guess." "She's surely older than that?" "I said 25 would be a safe guess. It is always safer to underguess a woman's age. She may hear of it." —Indianapolis Journal. —"And in spite of all the light that has been brought into your lives, you still burn missionaries?" The savage was palpably confused. "Yes," he an swered. sadly; "I must confess that civ ilization doesn't seem to have madeonr cooks appreciably better." —Puck. THE LADY FREEMASON. ntatorlcal Authority (or the Lr(«nil About >ll mn St. I. Offer. The legend of the Lady Freemason is examined, as in the dry light- of his tory, by a correspondent who com municates ihis learned inquiries to us this morning. The popular version— which everybody had heard and no body quite believed —was that Miss St. Leger, daughter of a former Lord Doueraile, had concealed herself in the case of a "grandfather's clock," which was stjnding in a room where the oc cult rites of the fraternity were about to be celebrated; that she sneezed (or did she yawn?), andi was dragged from her hiding place, but, in lieu of In stant execution, was mercifully al lowed, in regard for the feelings of her father and brothers, to be initiated into all the mysteries of the craft. Being a woman, she was considered to be suffi ciently- punished bv belnc -told 1 n e<v>ret and forced'to keep it. Thefactthatsfce never diivulged what she learned has been used by perverse misogynists as a proof that there was nothing to reveal. Faithful masons have been fixed on ttoe horns of a rather disconcerting dilem ma; either there was nothing to tell or a woman never found itout. They have been invited to repudiate eitiher the mystery or the woman. But our cor respondent comes to their rescue. From his researches in situ, andi his investigation of the family archives, it appears that Miss St. Leger did nothlde herself in a clock, for the simple reason that no timepiece of sufficient capacity was kept at Doneralle Court. What really happened, or may have happened, is that she was sitting In a library ad joining the room in whidh the ceremony was being enacted. But the partition wall chanced to be undergoing repair; and while she was dozing—perhaps over a novel of the period—she was awak ened by the sound of voices. Naturally she wished to know what was being said. Some girls in their father's house would l have walked into the next room and taken their proper share In the conversation. But this was too tame for Miss St. LegeT. She pulled away some of the bricks and established a position of vantage where she could see and hear without being observed. Allmighthave gone weJl, but either the lodge pro gramme was less entertaining than she had expected or, as our corre spondent suggests, she suddenly real ized the "terrible consequences of her action." Whether she was conscience Btrickcn or merely bored, she deter mined to make her escape. She got safely into the hall, and saw nobody there but the family butler. But he wns no longer the obsequious retainer; he was a man and a mason. Indeed, he was acting as doorkeeper to the lodge whose sacred rites she had profaned. It was no longer a ease of servant and mlstressi; she was the culprit, he the avenging priest. Obviously, he hod to tell her papa. It was equally matter of course that phe should fall into a swoon—it gave her time to review the situation. The sequel cannot be more touchlngly described, than in our corre spondent's own language: "The fair culprit, endowed with a high sense of honor, at once consented to pass through the impressive ceremonies she had already in part witnessed and be come a freemason." The precision of the narrative leaves nothing to be de sired until we nsk fcr the date. All we are told Is that "the year was probably 1710." Probably! We had imagined that this full, true and particular ac count was transcribed from authentio and contemporary records. But if the year is only a matter of conjecture, what of the rest of the narrative? Is It one more essay ill that branch of his tory which the Germans call "subjec tive reconstruction" —inventing a pri vate fancy and stating it as an ascer tained fact?— London Standard. \odilnt; to Ci-aJ> Him Ily. Mrs. Oabhleton- I'm told that Mrs Honnyjaeck lias I< ■ 1 nil hold on her hus band. Old Aunt Broadhcad—Yes; I've no ticed that he has shaved off his chip whisker*.— T'lirJc. Wllnmaea. Mrs. Brown-Jones—Your neighbors say your husband abuses you dread fully. Mrs. Jones-Brown (eagerly)—Do tlieyt Then I'm going to get a divorce. -•-Yellow Book. Ilf Warn In Knrnrat. Penelope—Why did you accept penni less Jack when you had such a host of more eligible admirers? Etliel —The others were mere trifles. Jack was the only one who really want •w me for mv money.—N. Y. Journal.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers