BICICEL'S ; Fall and Winter Stock Arriving Daily. Oar large Fall and Winter stock ha* all arrived, and open and ready for your inspection. Owing to the Large orders which we placed early trith the we axe q able to lower prices a nd a better assortment of boots and shoes than e%er Deiore, will sell you good reliable footwear away down. In Men's Shoes lined—see our warranted waterproof shoes—a beaw buckskin snoe, extended heary hand sewetl sole. Complete Stock of jsttsssasa^JSJSSsrAsrs? and youth's sizes. In Ladies shoes wc have many new and pretty styles in hand-turned McKay ß »» d sewed shoes-fine dongola-box calfs-winter tans-enamels and patent leatner shoes-large assortment of Ladle's and Misses' every day shoes of all kinds. Balance of our summer stock to ->e closed out regardless of cost as we need the r °Alarge stock of slippers and oxford ties included in this great reduction sale. Three Large Sample Counters filled with interesting bargains. Sole leather en » any amount you may wish to purchase. JOHN BICKEL. 128 S. MAIN St BUTLER, PA. Huselton's Slimmer Comforts in Footwear Scarcely a home in Butler county that hasn't some need of a pair of shoes for The Store, The Street, The Laboring Man The Farmer, The Mechanic, The Parson, Summer Vacation, The New Woman We have cut prices on all summer shoes and oxfords in order to clean up ready for fall goods. We want the room and must have it. The prices we will name you on these goods will induce you to help us ac complish our object. One lot L«ries' Tan Shoes .. •»95c value* 50 and f2 00 One lot Ladies' Black and Russet Oxfords at 50c value 75 and 1 One lot Ladies' Button Boots, pat tip at 75c value 1 00 and 1 25 One lot Ladies' Button Boots, fine at $1 50. I 2 value 3°° an 4 One lot Ladies' Lace Shoes at 75c value . 00 and 1 25 Men's and Boys' Bicycle Shoes Reduced, One lot Men's Russet Shoes at 9i 15 value $1 75 One lot Boys' Russet Shoes at 90 value 125 One lot Youths' Russet Shoes at 75 value 115 One lot Misses' Russet Shoes at 75 value 5 One lot Children's Russet Shoes at 50 value 5 One lot Children's Fine Shoes, sizes Bto at 50 value 23 One lot Children's Fine Shoes, sizes 6to 8 at 50 va lue 75 Bicycle at half P nce This is a bonafide mark-down —no "FAKE" sale —fair dealing with every man, woman or child. Come in and look these bargains over. HI., uw D P mICEITQN -THE GREAT- Sutler Fair Is only a few weeks distant, and of course everybody is going. What About That Old Buggy a;.d harness of yours, are you going in it or don't you want a new one and go in style? Now Is The Time To Get Ready. We have a large stock and prices are less than you can imagine. Probably Your Buggy Needs a New Top, we have them, 01 maybe a new set of wheels, don't get your old ones re paired, a new set wont cost you any more. They arc already tired. Then You Know Your Harness Are Old And Unsafe, bring them in and have them overhauled or get a new set, we have all kinds and makes, and repair all kinds, and make all parts of harness and have them ready to sell, so you need not wait—or probably your family is too large for a buggy and some must stay at home Then Get a Surry Or Spring Wagon and all go comfortably together. We have all these things call and see them. YOURS TRULY, iiSSTS. B. Martincourt & Co -128 East Jefferson street, Butler, Pa. IPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC :: "THE COMMERCIAL." | < >w. K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, Pa #< | i ► This popular house has just been entirely remodeled ( > ( > and refurnished. Everything convenient, and guests 4 > < > will always receive close attention. . t , Located near Postoffice and P.& W. Depot. When { I in Evans Cuy t->p at the Commercial. Bell Tele phone No. 16. * > feOOOOO0OOOOOOOO<>C*&OOOOOO<X SEANOR & NACES Livery, Feed and Sale Stable REAR OF WICK HOUSE, BUTLER ,*P A. The best of horse* anil lirnt clans rigs always ou timid and for hire. Bent accomodation* in town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Spec - lcare guaranteed. Stable room lor sixty-five h"ises. A good class of home*, both driver* and dtaft horses always on band and (or hale under a foil guarantee; and horses bought apon proper notification by SEANOR A N'ACE, Telephone, No 219. AGENTS - I{ 'K nion ey-Rc<l hot sel ler. fhe Arctic Refrigerating Machine —Wanti dan - agent for Butler County also all counties in Pennsylvania—Write •t once to O. W. PROPER, Mara Pa. WRIGHTS® For all BILIOUS and NSKVOUS MM ■ ■ ■ MB DISEASES. Tbey purify the ■ ■ K DLOOD and give HEALTH* B B action to the entire system. I I hllH Cure DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, CONSTIPATIOK and PIMPLES. LlHl'bMl# *a FitftWmh DUMMI Rranl. PENNYROYAL PIUS p and Only tinnlne. A /rf nvA fAr*. aJwava r-!iabl«. laoh •uk JK\ to l 'hichmst#r a Afnatimk fiia jjV\ Brand m Krd and Goid «*alod with bioo ribbon I cLe VV pi W no • tier. Rrfy t »« tuktitw V ■ / ~ ffr tion * *** At Oraccttti. or Mad ««. I W In ituopf for particulars. c-Mmonlala And D "JUIUf for lea "'» -«..#r, by rotam V, Mall. 10.000 T si- /-ur-or. Ail bocol I'rusftMs. rhUada., Pt> Advertise 1a tho OITIZKN. ' ill i! 11 fT/rU The way people eat and kh v. drink has perilous nTrlTn' quences. Very few people i know how to treat their < /stomachs. Eating too much: WS ™ or not enough; or the wrong ■flujjlj/ kind of food; or at the wrong iTm ! time—gets the digestive organs into such a thoroughly disor r 1 i! il dered condition that at last uoth j 11 •|jj ij I in«r whatever can be digested. 11 j j!, When the appetite fails and the (lip liver becomes sluggish, the whole ' system is dragged down and deadened \ :by imperfect nutrition There is noth : n ing ia the world which restores or ganic tone and vigor so quickly and i scientifically as Dr. Pierce's Golden Med a ' ical Discovery. 1 It acts directly upon the nutritive organ ism; it gives the stomach power to extract a high j.-rcentage of nourishment from the food, and enables the liver to filter all bili ous poisons out of the circulation; it puts the red. vitalizing life giving elements into the blood, and builds up solid flesh, naus f cular force and healthy nerve-power, s In all debilitated conditions and wasting diseases it is vastly superior to malt extracts or any mere temporary stimulants. It gives permanent strength. It is better than nau seous emulsions, because it is agreeable to the weakest stomachs. Whenever constipation is one of the e complicating causes of disease, the most r perfect remedy is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, which are always effective, yet ab solutely mild and harmless. There never s any remedy invented which can take their place. "In August, 1595. I was taken down .with what ray physician pronounced consumption, writes Ira D. Herring of Needmore. Levy Co. Florida "My trouble continued for severs months Four bottles of Dr. Pierce' 9 Golden Uedical Discoverv cured me." 5 fs HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS 600 PAGE BOOK MAILED FREE. CONTENTS : Part I.—Diseases of Horses. Part ll.—Diseases of Cattle. Part lll.—Diseases of Sheep. Part IV.—Diseases of Hogs. Part V. —Diseases of Dogs. Part Vl.—Diseases of Poultry. Samit book in better binding SO eta. iirariißfcis'aED. CO.,c«r.irmu- * Jo»» su-,N«» vork NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in us© over 40 years, the only successful remedy. $1 per rial,or 5 rials and large rial powder,for $5 I Bold by Dracf !»t», or Mnt pott paid on r*c«lpt of orlct. BTMPIIKKIb' MKD. CO., Cor. ffillUa * lokaSi.., Sew Ywi Baby Mine! scribable dread ■ mother should be H a source of joy suffering and danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. MOTHER'S FRIEND drarfcteafPftfik amhm£ • fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com- | mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. It is a blessing to n<oman. »1.00 PER BOTTLE at all Drugstores, or sent by express on receipt of price. BOOKS Containing invaluable information of mrr interest to all women, will he sent rnfct to any address, upon application, by Tke BBADFIELD liEGCLATOR CO., Atlanta. Ga. PRUNELINE TRADE.MASK REGISTERED. THE IDEAL LAXATIVE AND CURB FOR CONSTIPATION. AS PLEASANT AS HONEV AND SURE CURE FOR Indigestion, Dyspepsia, BiliotwneM, Stomach Troubles, Bowel Disorders, Liver Diseases, Irregularity, Kidney Troubles, Headache, Fevers, Sick Stomach, Skis and Blood Disorders, Thick ud Sallow Complexion, AND VERY MANY OTHER DISEASES •NO COMPLICATIONS DUE TO AN INACTIVC •TATE or THE BOWELS. PRUNELINE is the safest and surest cathartic and aperient one can use. It thoroughly cleanses without griping, purifies the blood and removes ail waste from the system. It does away with Castor Oil, Salts, Blue Mass and all other nauseous purgatives. It tones and energizes all the great or gins of the system. It is free from all harshly acting drugs, and is always safe, always ready, always reliable. KEEP THE HEAD COO'., THE FEET V r PM NO THE BOWELS USING Fri.. ."uIME TOR THE LATTR PVAFOSC. PRUNELINE T::c FEHFSCT FAMILY MEDICINE. SOLD er ALL 0 £ ALCR3, o: on rcceij-t of 00 cents lo . *y address BY \Vi„ ..i._ :r. LJ--'- n Drug Co. »'RO^3IETOaR, J-V. MD., U. S. A. /A iKjCTOKS LAKE mgQ 9 rm ATK i>ISPF.NS.\RV. PCNI. AVE. ANCJ FOURTH BT.. CMKSWK PITTSBURGH., PA. X ATirormsof Dfln-aleand Com- JDlk) plirateU UispaaesrwiiiirlnK'lON. ti DENTI AL and SCIENTIFIC 31 i d. iratlon mo treated at this I>is j-ib iry tvth n 'oneess .urely attulncd. Dr. 8. K. I..ike 1-. u .lieiiiliorof tlio Itovai ( olle^o it I'hy i< uin» and Siirnwrtnr, lln' 1 is tlie o! lest and most •\|« ricT'ed srv.niAi.iM.' in liiei ity. Special nt ,ciiH'>n given to lability from erccßsivc •iicnt.ile.vei Uon.tTfli lerotion of youth,etc.,c*u»- uif plir«ical unc, jiental decay,lack of encricy, ;e.«|joii '.ency. cm ; uijoOncerfi Old Sores, Fits, I'ile". Jflienmatism, and all diaeaaeßOf the Skin, I.loud. I.unirs, I*rlnary < )ruanA,ttc. C«m>iiltatlon "reo ai: 1 stiicti* confldcniial <iflf'e hoiin-, Ut" I mid 7 to S r. M.; Sundnym 2 to 4 r. M. only, .ill at ofllr.o or aiMrcwi DRH. LAKK, CO/', i ■•II'.NX X\ l>. AXDATUS.T.. I'l'lTfiß'l mm & BEST IX TIIK WORI.D. Its w««r i n tr itten ar» unsiirpamavl, actunllT outiasiinif i#u buE'-s-f any other brand. Not •nfcl.-<I by h«at tsr«JRT Til |{ iJFM'I.Ng, FOB BALK fIY DEALLBti | THii ci/riZKN VPb»t Docoratiou Dav is to the G. A. R., Washington'* Birthday to tho Jr. 0. U. A. M. and the Fourth of July to every man. woman and child big enough to know ho Is an American and patriotic enough to rejoice thereat, i« the annual opening to the public of the Western Penniylvania Exposition So ciety. Oace a year thia event is Her alded by Pittsburgers aa the opening of the fail season of prosperity, for it toeani that to the busiaess man and it means more to the general public— the season ot pleasure, music, art and in struction. Pittsburffers don't go to the great Exposition onoe, but there are thousands who go two and tnree times a week. One can't begin to see all the attractions of the show in one day, be cause there are the great musical con certs by the most famous bands in the country, and the special attractions that are eacti of them after e»ough to occupy the attention of a single visit. It is the place of resort of all classes and conditions of people, and if the Ex position, perchance, should miss a sea son, Pittsburgers would lind a void hard to fill and out-of-town visitors one of their great annual attractions. The record of the Exposition the eight seasons it has been opened bear out these assertions. It is a fact that the average attendance in round num bers has approximated 400,000 people each season of forty days, and of this number the out-of-town visitors have averaged 45,000 annually. In other wods, that number of railroad ticket I coupons have been taken in at the gate, j though the total out-of-town attsnd ance has been much larger. The ninth annual Exposition this year opens on .~«pt 1, but a few weeks henc«, and closes on Oct. 16. It is superfluous to say the big show will be greater than ever. Every year has been greater ; but tho truth is, this year there will be a greater variety of enter tainment than has ever before been attempted. To be sure, tue main build,- ing will be stocked with magnificent exhibits —many of them entirely new— to please the ladies and their consorts. The coacut*. seating capacity for 5,0 >O, will be nela in this structure as of yore. The big machinery hall will have many new me hanical ideas, es pecially in the agricultural line, whil# the merry go-round, the roller- oaster, the steami oat excursions and other out sida attractions will receive geneious support. The great foyer of the main building, beautifully painted, illumina ted with electricity and sheltered aHd bow-red with rustic decorations, will prove one of the most attractive spots. It will be copl as a cucumber here, and plenty of cozy seats will suggest the seaside ie*ort, tho mountain sum mer homes nr the bowers of pleasure along the great lakes. Have you ever seen the wild west? Those features of American life in which the Indian, the oowboy, the buf falo. the daring rider and the Mexican vaquero each strives for the mastery ? Pawnee Bill s Wild West and Mexican Hippodrome, haviag in it? ensemble 50 bead of live stock, will certainly give an extra charm to the great Exposition that people will come hundreds of miles to see. Two thrilling and grand performances will be given daily. Then there is the cinematographe, the most wonderful and realistic pho tographic leproductlon of moving scenes. Thousands will have their first opportunity to seo this great invention at the Exposition. Its marvelous and attractive actual living scenes are the wonder of tho civilized world today. As to the music, there is Sousa and bis great band to be?in with. Yon pay a quarter to hear Sousa, the march king, at the Exposition, whereas you would pay a dollar to hear him else where. Then there is Brooke and his famous Chicago Marine Band of which the Window City is as proud of as it was the World's Columbian Exposition. Then there is the Bellstedt-Ballenberg Band of Cincinnati, one of the great musical organizations of the west, said to comprise within its membership the best soloists in America. Four band concerts are given daily, two in the aft ernoon and two in the evoniu£. Wifh the intention of aiding all in their power the success of this ninth annual Exposition, the various rail roads have combined to aive the lowest rates ever known to and from Pitts burg. The citizens of the greatest manufacturing city in the world want attend this Exposition, and they will welcome and entertain them in a way that will please all and send them hon.e happier and wiser than before they came. Unleriiieiitcd Communion Wine. Alfred Speer, of New Jersey, the cele brated grower of foreign grapes pre serves the nnferniented juice of the grape for sacramental use. It lias been Adopted and its use sanctioned by the promiment divines of this country. It is also used for invalids with remarkable effect for blood-uiaking. For sale by druggists. Boys, did you ever stop to think that yon are "spotted" in the community where you live? The older men have their eyes on yon, and your character and habits are being more accurately ob served than you imagine. When va cancies occur in business establish ments, or other places of responsibility are to be filled, those who control them do not go after young men who loaf around public places, nor to those who put in their time smoking cigarette or in any form of dissipation; bnt the lad who has a clean record for sobri ety, industry and integrity—the straight clean, manly boy is the one always wanted. The stock in trade of a dealer are the goods on his shelves; the capital of a young' man consists of his good moral character and correct habits. Hood's Sars iparilla is a peculiar med icine peculiar because it permanently cures. A detective in a well-known Phila" delphia retail store is engaged in a mental process of kicking himself when ever he thinks of a certain transaction which took place recently. At a time of day when the store was crowded the detective, who was keeping a sharp lookout for evildoers, was approach ed by a well dressed, intelligent looking man, who informed him that he was employed as detective in another store and had followed a shop-lifter from his film's store to the present place, where they would find her at the glove counter stealing gloves. "Let her alone," said the strange detective, "and when she loads up I will follow her home and we can then make a big haul." Consent was given to this plan and the shop lifter stole 8200 or S3OO worth of goods unmolested. Then she went out follow ed by the strange detective. That was the last ever seen of tae pair, and the store detective wonders how on earth he was duped so easily. THE remedies put up by the I Cure U Co., L't'd., No., 106 Centre Ave., are first class, and give excellent satisfaction. Sold by every Druggist iu Butler Coun ty. At a certain R. R. station in this state t here wt re mysterious losses of eggs from crates, and the railway men were quite puzzled about the matter. After careful watching, the thief was discov ered a few days ago when a large rat was seen making off with an egg. the peculiar method which the animal em ployed in carrying away the lx>oty was interesting. It held the egg between its fore paws, pressing it against its un der jaw, and jumping along on its hind legs like a kangaroo The exhibition ; was enough to make a horse laugh. The workmen about the depot recover ed the egg, but the rat got away. HOOO'S r-tLLii cure Liver t!ls, tfl!- lousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. Wrap your fruit jars in newspapers and set in a cool, dark place. The wrapping will prevent the fruit from i j bk-ecbiug. j How Klondike was Discovered. There was an old Hudson Bay hunter named George McCormick. who was married to an Indian woman and had a family of half breed children, (jauie got scarce and McCormick conceived th« idea of starting a fishery up on the Yukon and catching salmon to sell to the miners at Circle City. The Indians told him that where the Klondike Creek fell into the Y nkon he could catch salmon ninety pounds in weight, and he started his fishery there. Tho fish didn't run as usual that year. Mc- Cormick got but few and was disgusted accordingly. One day an old indian came along and asked McCormick why he was so much troubled al>ont not get ting any salmon. McCormick said he wanted to make some money. The old Indian then said, if he was so anxious to make money he wouldn't bother about any salmon, he would dig some gold. McCormick asked where was the gold. The Indian replied, "Oh, in the creek bank, anywhere.'" McCormick had nothing to wash gold in but a fry ing pan, but he started in with that, and washed about S2OO worth of gold out of the creek bank the fiirst day. When he went down to Circle City for some whiskey and tobacco, and other necessaries, he dropped a hint to some of his old friends who went back with him and staked out claims. After a while somebody in Circle City wonder ed what had become of those old chaps who used to hang around town, and had gone up to Klondyke with McCor mick. After a while somebody went up the river to enquire, and came back with the news that the old chaps had found the gold diggings of all the world, and were washing out the gold at the rate of about a thousand dollars a day. Then there was a rush. A Kansas farmer who could not get harvest hands put this sign upon the ience: "Harvest hands wanted. Hir. Ed girl blond and genial. Cabinet organ music in the evening. Pie three times a day. Three spoons of sugar with every cup of coffee. Hammocks, featherbeds or leather divans at your option for sleeping. Rising hours 0 o'clock in morning. Three hours' rest at noon. Come one. come all."' By a recent law of the Legislature, makers of cheese must brand all cheese on the top and bottom of each box. The name and postoftice address of the maker must go on. and the words "full cream' "one-fourth. •' or "skimmed cheese," Full cream cheese is not to con tain less than 32 per cent, of butter fat. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies tne blood and strengthens the whole system. Get Hood's. A Chicago police inspector says that draw poker is not gambling. It "is simply a scientific method of determin ing by the application of the laws of chance who is the possessor of certain sums contributed by individuals for the purpose of carrying on the experiment. Many people are content to be abso lute failures because they cannot be a great and overwhelming success. It betier to do a little good than to simply hang around waiting for a merciful prov' idence to biot you out of existence. KEEP I Cure Uin the home. It is an nstaut relief in case of sudden pain holera-Morbus, Croup, Sprains, I'.ruiscs, ctootbache &c—Ask >our Druggist. A small boy teased his father for a watch till he was forbidden to mention the matter again. At family prayer next morning, when asked for his scrii;- iuie verse, the youngster repeated. "What I say unto yon, I say unto all. Wat h." Hay fever sufferers will find almost immediate relief by using the following prescription: 6 ounces olive oil,) ounce gum camphor, 1 ounce white wax. 1 ounce spermaceti. Heat slowly and let cool. Use in and out side of nose. The above remedy is said to be excellent and has cured cases where all other medi cines have failed. HEADACHE Powders—lf you use any use a good one. Ask your Druggist for Armstrong's (I Cure U) Headache Pow ders. Among the good features of the Ding I ley bill is the destruction of the cigarette picture, it also does away with the lottery and prize schemes in connection with the sale of tobacco and cigarettes. No prizes or pictures are allowed to be packed in or given away with tobacco in any form as prize or premium, nor is the payment of a money prize permit ted. <»rapes Willi llnrrlioiiiiil Cures Coughs. Old Aunt Rachel, an old and success ful nurse, 'JO years old, 70 years experi ence as a nurse and much sought after by hundreds of families, has for years made a cordial most effective for coughs and colds by the use of Grapes with Elecampane Root and herb Horehound. Pnblic speakers and singers use it. It is peforming wonders. Sold by all druggists. Three women who attended the Methodist, picnic at Huguenot recently spread a table cloth on a flat rock and arranged their lunch on it. While they and their friends were eating they noticed a pecular whirring sound, but supposing it to l>e a locust paid no attention to it When lunch was over and the cloth removed, the party was horrified to fir.d that it had covered a large rattlesnake which was coiled up ready to spring, the snake was killed by one of the men. It measured four feet in length and had nine rattles. ARMSTRONG'S Little System Pills are fine, A true Liver fill.— 25c. As the law now stands, any person wearing a badge or button of any soci- ! ety of which he is not a member, shall be subject to a fine of SIOO. The Shakers have made a great hit. Their Digestive Cordial is said to be the most successful remedy for stomach troubles ever introduced. It immedi- | ately relieves all pain and distress after eating, builds up the feeble system and ' makes the weak strong. The fact is, foods properly digested ' are better than so-called tonics The Cordial not only contains food already ] digested, but is a digester of other foods. Food that is not digested does more harm than good. People who use ' the Cordial insure the digestion of what 1 food they eat and in this way get the 1 benefit of it and grow strong. The little pamphlets which the Shak- j ers have sent druggists for free distribu tion. contain much interesting informa > tion an the subject of dyspepsia. Laxol is not a mixture of drugs. It is ' nothing bnt castor oil made palatable. ' 1 Cash advances—Courting a rich woj 1 man. ' RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. < Its action upon the system is remarkable :l and mysterious. It removes at once the I causes and the disease immediately dis- | c appears. The first dose greatly benefits; ■ 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, aud J. E. 1 Balph Druggists Butler Apr 96 Subscribe tor the UITiZEN. j 'j #w HAT has been your ex ! kinds arc the most expensive? That the best, or standard, in all in paints is Pure White Lead and genuine brands.) PDPP «! : raul KCI v* 7 ,! v irr ; , -' c ' I; 35 Zz Li v vamabie mforiMt-.on and can. * . a ' :mr< k ih wi r.g pictures t>f twelve h« **«• i va " «yl«» CT combination* •-•f *hado* J rwj ui&Zr NATIONAL LEAD & Oil. 0> OF P! German Nat. l!au'«. Building, Pit'— "A tiAIvD SAW iS A GOOD THH<2G. Bui rJGT TG SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. | C. F. T. Rape & Bro.. 1 g 122 S. MAIN ST.. BUTLER. PA. & I 30 DAYS SALE FOR CASH. | J This means the Lowest Prices for WATCHES, CLOCKS, $ JEWELRY and SILVERWARE Ever g Offered to the Public. ' * ' r r " V. "' " ill $3.00 buys a Good--* $4.00 buys Ilamden XWatch, nio\ement ma le:|Elgin movement, wit hjyear, 14 k, diamond case §bv Elgin Watch Co.,witliibest Silverine juwith movement made b\-£- Silverine case ||case. HI gin Watch Co. 514.50 52.35 1 uvs a.i 8 best Alarm -A- 14 k, 20 year case, withlpclock, with alarm — made ' or Elgin move-jgor oak finish. for I |;ment |?price f4.c x W 65 Cts.-:-:- %■ % %*:■. - r All Goods are Warranted to be just as we say they are, , j or MONEY REFUNDED. £ t When You I II Out Money ;! be sure that you are getting the real j 1 I; No. j K UI J Bu E( ;y value of the "price you pay. | F redonia Buggl ——————— eve enny they ( [ Your dealer sells them. cost you. ' ! THE FRDDOiNIA MPG. GO.. Voungetown. Ohio. | t CATARRH LOCAL 1 DISEASE and it tho result of cc:i3 and Jaff fjf&J cjJrVriM sudden climatic chant.cs. I For your Protection (flij we positively state that ■£". remedy does not contain mercury or any uihcr injur- * JaMB Ely's Cream RafaPfeffil is acknowlcdued to be Hie most thoroogh cure for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Ilcnd and Hay fever of ail remedies. It opens and e'eanses the nasal passage*, allays pain and Inflammation, lic-uls the soren, pro tects the membrane fr .m cold*, restores the senses of taste and smell. I'ricc :. ic.a! Drucgistsnr by mall. lILV BUOl'liKltN, 63 Warren Street, New York. :■ .^CMINfe Do nnt ho dwtlwl by allurlrur advertisement# p; .J think y<m can ret the bout made, finest «uml W.OST POPULAR SEWING MACHINE f<t -• merv pofiar. fciiffrtini ral labia manufacturers ti nt ■ arc gainad arapulatiaa by b'>nr«t m J ■« tar* o«altrv Thar* ta >on« la fcLa world thai rati tw^l I r i a<>tt*t ruction, durability of warViar : liuencsa of fluiwh. b»*auty lu appearand*. or bus many Improvement* an tho NEW HOME WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. s New Homo Sewing Machine Co. .vik.MaM. BoaTO*. Ma mi. U rHiOHßqrA**. K.Y .i! *no. 111. Hr. Loris, MO. TEXAS. FBAXCISOO, CAL. ATI. AWIA, GA. FOR SALE QV J. B. McDEVITT Dealer ill Sowing Machines, Pianos and Organs—nest <inor to Y. il. C'. A. build ing—Holier Pa. Buy the light-running, Now llmue, sewing machine, perfect guar a&teed, never col' out of order. . < TAfl'S I'Hk*OtL?HIA kl > vWKB --3ENTAL ROOMij.-- |j ) 39-6 th Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. ljj V !•¥?!#*« Wt -• PRACTICA* V<l..liigUir ft] tiffil 2a CROWN = :■•! BFiOie win I. II 'ft-SL sex ■' !1!L WHY ,iOT DO V pjjf#- fStYOUFG? CROWNS i. . PJIIBBrf M' ! ' : BRIDGE wrk reduced t<. M Jl \S fj LJSS pr.n TOOTH *'«> tliel" Is a W ■■■!•"■' I ••••'!" I' CNLYfP Y WE ARE WITH THE PEOPLE. You never hear us complain of busi ness being bad—we aim and succeed in making it good, by fair and square treat ment of all our customers. moVTO FAIR DEALINGS TO EVERY ONE yIf we say to you our liquors arc six ears old, we won't ask you to take our word for it—but put them to the test, you and your friends to l>e the judge. Pure liquors are healthful. Guaranteed purest >car old Whiskey either Guckenheimcr, Finch, Gibson, Overholt, Large. Ml. Vernon, f i j>er full <juart or 6 quarts for fs. Grandfather's Choice Whiskey, guar anteed 3 years old, $2 per gallon. On C. O. I), or mail orders of jJio or over, we prepay all charges. ROBERT LEWIN & CO,, Importers and Wholesalers, 411 Wa<cr St. Opposite B. & 0. Depot. Telephone, 2179 Pittsburg, Pa. Wheeler Wilson No. : • t- rmily Sewing i chine. Rotary Motion & Sail Bearings MAKE IT Easy Running, Quiet, Rapid and Durable. Sewing Machines for Family and Factory use, for all grades of Cloth and Leather. Speed and Durahlity. Factory and Head Office, Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1. S. \. FOR SALE BY HENRY BIEHL, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Needles for all kinds of sewing machines, Boss Washing Machines, etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER tPA. X. I?.—Second-hand Sewing Machines from $5.00 up. Sewing machines repaired TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. KEVIVO Ri sTOi KS Vitality ist ~u W& ** 1•' I'.u ■* f ()f Mc TllK GBKAT 30th I»VY FRENCH REMEDY produces flit- above •••>■ * :t«* 1 b powerfully and <i ill OtlHTs fall. Young In* u ~! :«• :in tli» i r lost manlM N id. aud old D vout iifiii viif»>r by using > I • • 11 I> and surely rt*ston-» < nr .. I,( s| vitality, Lost Power, Fh . V% it iii£ l>i»**ase, and all ctfei f< • uml ln liseret lon. vvliirli unfits • » y. »u. ■ ness or DArFlft|B. h cures starting at il»v of <; m| i> a trrt • ' h»tm' tofil<* and blood bi ' 1 !';•< injr i«.«'■!% t lit? I>iiiK tflow lo paU* t l.« • > and nv,torh.- the fire or voutli. It wards • . I >tv a ! "oiiKU runt ion. Insist on !ii n: I;l.Yl\(>. no >ther. It ran be earri« I h •st •.. Uet. ll* mall, SI.OO per package. or . i r •VW, wltli i. positive written fniarr. it»*» «> <*ure ««r re rund tin* money. Circular fe« t*. ItOYAL Mi;m< INF, ID fill 4 \<<». ILL For Sale by BEDDft i« GROfiM nvn. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insuraice Company Office cor. Main and Cunninghan Sts. Al> »HK, frm. •JKO. K KTTKKKR, Vlce Pre*. I«. H. fIrJi;,>KIIH, w'j And Trr»p, DIRECTORS. Vlfred Wi U\ llendt"! son tMivtT, >r. W. 1 rvin. Jam«*s Stephenson. ,V. W. Hlaekmore, V WYitzH, Bowman, H.J. KUiigler, *eo. Ketterer, i'has. Kfbliun, Ji'o. Keimo. Jolm Kofiilfr. I.GYAL fccJUNKI* Agent. faitimti. mi n on womf.n ■V i'• travel for reaponglble established liotisr in |Vnn>.ylviinln !-iil»r* «7KO mil cxpi'thi'x Position p* r:nii in • 111. I.tftr ■ii'-f. Kii< ji»c sclf-addi I * ..iiipid i'ii < l«p<-. Tlic National, Pl«r Miily. Chicago Semi-Annual Clearance Sale ;■ a ill pay you to c m«- niik-s to attend this Clearance Salt*. Our United space will permit us to give very few of the wonderful bargains to be found on our counters durinj* July and August. (l> |>SE IS) " S ' z,fs 1,1 s ° c ' "S CI a! "' ♦ I - tt • quality al 39C -11V1 S| soc, 75c, and fl.oo hats at 9c lisite line cf cl ildren'S hats at 9c. Children's Leghorn Flats at 19c. lrcn*sFi;ie MiUn hats .it 19c Ladies' Hatr that were and $2 at 19c i i' I\f\l KTI II \ TS* Regardless ot former prie<* we will sell any ! 111 Jl -'1 1 ' "I I trimmed in the store fit 69c and 89c. I 'IILDRKVS MI'LL CAPS: ti and $1.25 caps at 49c. MARKS; »o8 S. Main St., one door South of E.itler Savings Faik. IPunc is tualityjjk Power. 11 Hitch your UK ■ But be sure:; business I I it's in a | works to a f SjjlFahys Oold-| I good watch. | filled Case, ;; H And that you buy It from | E. QRIEB, JEWELER, 139 N. Main Street, BUTLER, PA. GOOD OLD TINIEST When, years ago, a A GOOD FARMER would prepare for harvest, the best chicken on the place — the finest roll of butter — and many other good things to EAT and BRINK would be served at harvesting and threshing — The men would get the whiskey when in the field, and too on going and coming from the field — No harm in that then, and is there now? INO, Not when you can get good honest whiskey, and that you are sure of getting from MAX KLEIN, and at reasonable prices — A Few of the Following Will Convince You:— ANCHOR RYE~5>£& An old fashioned whiskey $2 00 per gallon possums A full bodied coin and rye whiskey $2 50 per gallon. GUCKENHEIMER^a A four year old pure Rye $3 00 per gallon. BEAR CREEK~®& The finest six year jold whiskey $4 00 per gallon. WINESfeU Of all grades. $1 50, $1 75, $2 00 and $2 50 per gallon. Send for our price list, and see some of the many other articles for sale by us — and the special selections which will save you money — Address MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 Federal St. Allegheny, Pa Expressagc paid on all orders of I 5 00 and over. No charge for box ing and shipping. The New-York Weekly Tribune FOR > EVERY member of .Vj" EVERY family on - EVERY farm, in ' EVERY village, in / EVERY State or Territory. * t \ FOR Education, i v? FOR Noble Manhood, \ * FOR True Womanhood, T r F 14TYJ?Q "II important news of the Nation ' all important news of the vVorld. Iril the most reliable market reports. J It .LiO brilliant and instructive editorials. yV fascinating short stories. an ucexcelled agricultural department T r F scientific and mechanical information. illustrated fashion articles. IT GIVES humorous illustrations. entertainment to young and old. IT GIVES satisfaction everywhere to everybody We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" FOR PF-R YEAR. CASn IN ADVANCE. Address all orders to THE CITIZEN \\ iiit your name and address 011 a j>ostal card, send it fo Ceo. W. Best, Tribune 1: ilding, New York City, anil a sample copv of The Nkw York \&kfkit iuunk will l>e mailed to yon /ALL PAPFR CLEARANCE SALE .0 | | HAS BEEN $ I | SUCCESS. ® ® ® Vou can yet take advantage of it. See tliese prices. All graded under 50c for 30c All grades under 30c for 20c AT DOUGLASS' ; |l S. Main St. Subcribe for tbo CITIZKN. jjf.lH 13 THE. TIME TO HAVE run Your C 1 <»f hi CLEANED or DYED If you want goou m.U reliable I cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you J j can get it, and thai is at j IDE mm BIL WIIIS ; '216 Center avenue. do fine work in out- 1 M Joor Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ot your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jamestown Sliding Blind L'o.—Now York. R. FIBHER & 80N, ;I • * HA,J.: 'i. • P
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