me&wx This is intended as a special invitation to you to call and look over our stock yoa have no idea of h >w much ami what we have unless you call and see for your self aud then compire prices with others and if we cannot ia ,- e you money we don't ask you to buy, Xo difference what you want about a buggy or harness come here . Yours, S. B MARTIN-COURT & Co. 128 E. Jefferson St. Butler, Penn'a. w&xxwx mexxtex Charming Spring Styles IN FINE FOOTWEAR. Many of which are to be seen here alone, a mammouth collection of captivating noveltfes in shoes. It's a giand spring stock that awaits your^inspection. WE START AN ELEGANT LINE Ladies' Gent's and Children's Russet shoes in the popular shades, chocolate, mahogany and ox blood, lace and button in ali the widths A A to E > pointed and the new coin toe, with the new vesting cloth lops and all leather. There will be more tan shoes worn this season than any previous one, they are cooler in hot weather than black, besides being fashionable. Prices in ladies, fi .25 to f.voo. Infants and childrens 25c to 75c, Misses sizes 11)4 ti.oo to f 1.50. ; - Our Line of Dongola and Vici r Kid Shoes. Hf" Is complete ;in all the newest lasts, } .lirect to us from the best manufacturers. Indies Dong pat tip button 75c and *1.00; t Txingola at #1.25, $1.50 and *2.00; In fS/t fants and Childrens at 10, 18, 25 and 50 cents; Misses sizes II l / 2, at 75c, &SC. s!•<*' sTrino SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS of I jest vici tan kid, and Russia tan calf skin 8 distinct r jyles. the of higher price shoes in fit. shape style and cc.or. I nces ... men .jo, »,„.**> !j(m RIISSET SHMS Beats anything to be found in Butler more styles and a quality for the U u.,<> ake the boys by storm 7 X UTILE GENTS LACE SPRING HFEL Shoes 0-13] i at 75c 90c fi.oo and *1.25 a e gems just like your fathers. MEN'S WORKING SHOES SERVICABLE At 75c, fi.oo, 25 and $1.50 in creedmore bellus tongue. Billet's Leading T) f lIITCCT TAW opp ' Shoo HOIISB avl 1 HotelLowiy. WHILE YOU ARE WAITING For your prescription don't fail to look I|j ' over our line of perfumes, we have re- // il I ceived some very fine ones lately, and Ci f will be pleased to have you examine 14 We also have a verv la. go asoortmtnt " . of tooth brushes made expressly for 11s ' wbi'.h bear our stamp, these brushes \yrJY we guarantee and request the return of Infill ■ any tt- *t prove unsatisfactory. " Yon may need something for your - chapped hands and face, and if so we recommend Cydoniun. Cream as a fine toilet preparation. REDICK & G ROHM A N NT DRUGGISTS. PEOPLES PHONE. 114 EOTI-ER Pa r52,000.00" L ""-« Prize3 l (I w 6ZVS2T FRXB # TO CONSUMERS Or . € I WALKER'S FAMILY SOAP, SHOW TO GET AS FOLLOWS: # I THESE PRIZES: , Klr „ Frl «rnn «, -5 m i t ' . ~ . nr ■, «ges; otherwise tb«y may be A 1 he*c wriy,iier» to be mailc«l . |» r i.« fILII sent to th« dsiid letter office. 5 M or e*i>r««t<l 'f ulljr [Jet al<l to 1 "wooa rri««. '/kll 4 V P*.. with'■ s "> SktiTs»cM, LUU prlxei will hm»« n the rjjhl to S j iasssraife ncn 0?t W i«r» .cot in. and nwo.Kr cl °c,\ /HI I Jro**» o /Ui. wr f t JP«sX£l£ 40F..rUF,. nnn c.nt po-u*. .U.-p £ <> urnl tin .«tn'«of WentVlrrfnU. k »'• Kl l The public wl pleuv take f d Ohio an<l Maryland D&trlet . Co *' " r I I noli '.' "if 1 a " ' m , l ? !oT ,?- 0 X No a. J»«ket # . . . vUU •ffenUor«»th«r p«rwiiihcurectlT il *lw * *4. w .. . or Indirectly In tJie emj.lpy of, m r To the t.jmpetltor who reiul. 40 H«k Prliw, inn or coni.teteil with 11./drmoi i f lnU.eUr*Mtnumt*r ol«r.ip «rh of a»I 0 A!Ill w. AU. Walker, art debarred w I ► Ptll from the dl«ftctll> which I lofh Coat or ul||| from entering In to com I <'tltlnn • V an order on any dut er. for „ \ anv Tn H../| r .d mil. _ Competl'nr* who oi.taln m \ 11210 OO) Dolltr SealHkla tflft AAA wrkpperi iioffl unsold Hjaptu J 0 jickhT- V/ «ock will be di«i|uall * <• To lb* Coxnpetltor who send* UlL.lluU T II Id t/ie Dczt munU rof ' The coiit«it will pf»altively 4 ]k wr*ppen». from tht <ti*U\i\ In „ J clo«« 12 nonn. r which h« tx hilt renide*. wt eastern time. NoveinNr Ist W 11 wrlll %ir« an order on any order o&i any <lealer for IBV7. and wrapper* raccire<l ai A dtmler tow any (>«• llutidred any Fifteen (sls-00) hom« ofßce. ntUlmr*. \ r Twenty Five l>ol Dollar Cloth Coat or after that hour will no be f 6 lar Seal Skin »nck ne or Jacket they may select, counted. Awards will be d > «»•<■ ,«f «!<■<* To the twenty Comp. V To the fft OoaipeUnm who tltor* who In the f . WTm< , u wi |j J 0 *end In the next hlgheM nuo- next largest number of - WrtT f J '»pro A wrappew trrmx the di»- fron; ihedtitrlct PJL 1 ifh f 7, i n «trurtionr J trletln which they reside, we tu which they reside, we ® f where and how they cac a 1 > will iflve eaeii an ord*r on any will K tve each an order on 0 U<fy € 0 dealer for any Twenty Pivo any d.;aler f<ir any Ten -®cwrt their pn«M» \if 28.00) Dollar Cloth Coat l»io.OO) Cluth Coat or w. AH« nl kTr will endoav \ (' it Jacket thpy may nelcct. Jackat they may nelect or to award the prliea fairly T 11 To the twenty CompeUtow, to the beat of their abilitj and m \ who aend In the next larfrem 1 •nnsrea in I Judgment, butlt undcr«tooa > V number of wrai.pen from the •ODatM ALL I that all who coini*to «rfe»p T ll iistrlct in which ihey I COMMUNiCAtiONt TO I accept tlie award of .& He .) *ide we will give each an I *4«erlt(li»| OfparleMnl I Walker a> final J # W. & H. WALKER, Pittsburg, Pm. \ HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Wormi No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. lO " Dyspepsia. No. 11 t: Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. 13 Cures Rheumatism. I No. 16 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough | No. 27 " Kidney Diseases, j No. 30 " Urinary Diseases j No. 77 " Colds and Grip, i Sold I>V Druggists. ..r seut prcpui lon ' receipt of price, 20c., or 5 for sl. j Dn. Ht-KPHBEYH' Hosieopathic Miyrii, f OF Diseases Mailed FUEE. Humphreys' Mod. Co„ 111 William St.. S. Y. CATARRH LOCAL 1 DISEASE ' and is the result ol colds snd CCLDb sudden climatic changes. llEjnl : For your Protection r WftVtß"lS2 J we positively state that this x/ Si remedy does not conrnin BT , mercury or any other injur- ■L.X fla Ely's Cream Balm W is acknowledged to be the mo.*t thoroncrh care for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay fever of all remedies. It open* and cleanses the naeal passages, ailays pain ana Inflammation, heals the j»ro tects the membrane from cr>ld«, restores the senses of taste and smell. I'rice 50*\ nr Drmrgisla or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 64 Warren Street, New* York. WE ARE WITH THE PEOPLE. You never hear us complain of busi ness being bad—we aim and succeed in making it good, by fair and square treat ment of all our customers. „&?o FAIR DEALINGS TO EVERY ONE- If we say to you our liquors are six years old, we won't ask you to take our word for it—but put tlieni to the test, you and your friends to be the judge. Pure liquors are healthful. Guaranteed pure 6 year old Whiskey—either Guckenheimer, Finch, Gibson, Overholt, Large, Mt. Vernon, $l per full or 6 quarts for $5, Grandfather's Choice Whiskey, gua:- anteed 3 years old, $2 per gallon. On C. O. D. or mail orders of $lO or over, we prepay all charges. ROBERT LEWIN & CO,, Importers and Wholesalers, 411 W'a'er St. Opposite B. &0. Depot. Telephone. 2179 Pittsburg, Pa. « DOCTORS LAKH Vltl .ATK niSPBTNSAKY. CEX. Pemi. AVE. AND FOURTH OT.. PITTSBURGH, PA. All forinsof Dcli'-atc nml Com plicated Diseases re<inii i»?Cov. riBKNTi al and Scientific Med. icntioD are treated at thin Pis ,'ti -it y wuh o "liceCEfc "irely attained. Dr. 1 1.:ii.0 Is ,l incmbcr of tlie Itoval <ol Ic^eln 1 liv ns .tnd Buru' v.i:', »m! li tlie o! lest anil most • ricnccl SrlciALtfli' in the city. Spo: tat at . ,ii fjiventoNirrous Debility iromerce-sstv m t.ilexertion.lidiacrction ofyonth.ctc.,caus 'i,- i.hy leal ami jientul 'I" ay.laek of enervy. ■ pom" ;. ncy. etc ; auoC»..if. -?. (lia&orcajhltf, I ' . i<.u'ltinatlnm, an'lf.l) .!i**iuw»Of the Skin. ..!.•• na ■. l'rlnar\ Organs,ttr. CotiHiiltHllon i.- : strictly couil'lcntiu! Oi3cc houjr.u t<- ' iIS to « I*. M.; Silil'tay ~ 2to•«P. M. JnH. 1 111 cW-e or ad'!reus "DR S . LAKE, C-'P. \» i'.. x>.rj *<' it !-<i c ' :\ ML."' I'Htol'urj— HY ,iOT DOT.. L'Jaay. imiYOURS? (; ~(! cno-wws/, \i] «|ai.d pniOGE rmlirr.l mSJ L*;® W CwS5 PER TOOTH Als.. r* «73 RF l*»t Mtt ofT.'vtl. 11.»•!••. ON L V t.P " MLE rnfluH grease BEST IN f«IR WORLD. Its wearinj-rjiialities art* unsurpassed, aeti.'nlly CutlastiriK two boxes of tuiy i.i her brand. Not •ffecte<ll.7 lieut. UTOKTTIIK CKXI INK. FOB SALE HY PEALERS: C." EN EI; ALLY PL'h "ficMUy '» p.nfllah Krontf. EPSNYRQYAL FSLuS Orlglnnl and Only Genuine. A •arc. klwar* lAO'l* ul a\ &li fVjkM I»ru*ulnl for ChichtMlera Ktufllmh Din n.I Hrtin.l In K<-d M<l '.' U melallic\\jW' >v *>* led wl-h blue rlhhoti. Take VJF HMRii •ther. flr/Har I*l - Aftmrunud Umit,itioui At l>rariri*ia. or »end 4e. 1 w /Jf In dtampa tm Mrtlcui.->rt. •■•'•imr-nlaU and 1 C« U " Kdlcf for l.a«ll<« "** - -ir, hv re tarn 'X J? MkIL 10,000 T ?a>n«r>ryr. —/ rn.lrlir«t»r 1: «Md M *.» Lcra. !>rrnlMA. i'Mlitd*., Pfc For all BILIOUS and NERVOUS ■■■ ■ B Mj DISEASES. They purify the CLOOD and give HEALTHV I action to the entire system. ■ ■ ■■■ Cure DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, CONSTIPATIOK and PIMPLES. NEW HOTEL IN BUTLER. Having rentei' the Cunningham House. We arc prepared to g've boarding by tlie week, day or met... Our tables are laden with plenty of good victuals; our rooms and beds are neat and comfort able, ,->nd our charges reasonable. Give us a call and be convinced. P. A. McELWEE. Prop r. 120 K. Cunningham St. Want Any Wall Paper We Have the Latest and Best. New Styles Cheap and Bar. gains in Old Stock NO TRASH OF ANY KIND. An Immense Stock in The Basement. ASK TO SEE WALL PAPER AT DOUGLASS' 241 S. Main St Carpet Cleaning l ime Is here. Telephone or write to W. 11. McGca.y, West Kr.d, who has the best of machinery and does the best work. Cartels called for and delivered. Carpets shipped from a dis tance will be promptly cleaned and returned. W. B. McGEARY. People's Telephone 41. j I)i\vi 111 i AITI': 1 1, 1 \ ul; \v<>v 1 ! w s:.w.^ 1111U I'-.M-n..! -.. I'll U11..1 I'.erinaiK'iil. Ut-ti-r --|, nn Kii. loh.- . If- i.i.ii*, .. .1 tt.'ini|;i <1 . i.- •vi iii|h Tin' .Villi.iiul. Star liiKuraiK'i' Hl'ltr. Clilcauo THh Cl r riZKlS T Tile South and Culm Libre. (Plttsburß T>:itly News.) "Isn't it enrions that thesonth. which has employed every means fair and fonl to keep down her own negroes, should be so zealous for the liberty and indc pendance of the Cnban negroes?' •'So: it is not curioust" "Yon say it is not curious v" "That is exa< Uy what I sjiid; what did you think I >.iid?" • Well, it is cuiious to me." "Why is it':"' "Because it i* so inconsistent What is inconsistent?" "Oh. thunder and lightning, you know what I mean' Why do you ask all those fool questions": " I have only one more, foolish or otherwise. Do yon go almnt telling folks that a tiling is curious with out trying to learn why it is enrions? "I have tried to learn. Why did yon not say so at once'.' The explanation of this fact, which is curious to many perhaps, may l>e found by going no further back than the first years of this half of the century. 111 IKV2 Franklin Pierce, of New Hamp shire. was elected president, but in spite of him and all who thought as he did. the Free Soil movement moved right alonjr. and it disturbed the southerners, notwithstanding their supremacy in the land and their confident assertions that they would maintain their supremacy. There had long been discontent in Cuba with the rule of Spain, and in lets, the year ol revolution. President Polk, hoping to benefit by the fears of Spain that the revolutions would extend to the island, instucted the American minister at the court of Madrid to offer her SIOO, (XJO,OOO for i . He did so, ami received a curt no for an answer The next year Lopez, the Venezuelan adven turer, organized a filibustering expedi tion in ihe United States, but the au thorities prevented it from sailing. The next year it got off. but accomplished nothing, and the next year it was tiled again, but with disastrous results. Lopez was captured and garroted in Havana, and Co). Crittenden and many otheis were shot. Crittenden was a southerner, and veteran of the Mexican war. though only 28 years of age; the expedition was applauded in the south, where no attempt was made to conceal the object of it. Crittenden refused to kneel with his back to his executioners, but faced them]on his feet, saying that he knelt only to God. His fate awak ened intense feeling in the south, and j especially the spirit in which he met it. After typhoid fever, pneumonia and other prostrating diseases take Hood's Sarsaparillp. A writer says that a few of the things we outfht to know are; That fresh paint may be removed by rubbing with gasoline. That salt dissolved in alcohol will remove grass spots from cloth. That the butter should be kept in the refrigerator until the last minute. That the table nhould always be so kept as to be ready for a guest with bnt a moment's notice. That a canton flannel silence cloth makes your table cloth look infinitely handsomer. That a meal should never be announced until everything is in readiness. That a pinch of borax in warm water will re move grease from the hair. That the hair may be prevented from falling o nt by using six grains of quinine and two ounces of glycerine in half a pint of whisky for two weeks; then omit for the same time and repeat. That even one should go out doors at least once a day. That the sunshine and bright flowers are a good tonic. That more exercise and less medicine would be beneficial to invalids. That invalids should never be left alone, as many a death has occurred from imprudence when the nurse has left the room for a moment. That good food is often bet ter than doctor or nurse, and that prop er nourishment will often prevent con sumption. Here is a diamond, here is a piece of charcoal. Both carbon; yet between them stands the mightiest of magic ians Nature. The food on your table, and your own body; elementally the same; yet between the two stands the digestion, thearbiterof growth or decline life or death. We cannot make a diamond; we can not make flesh, blood or bone. No. But by means of the Shaker Digestive Cor dial we can enable the stomach to di gest food which would otherwise fer merit and poison the system. In all forms of dyspepsia and incipient con sumption, with weakness, loss of flesh, thin blood, nervous prostration the Cor dial is the successful remedy. Taken with food it relieves at once. It nour ishes, and assists nature to nourish. A trial bottle—enongh to show its merit—lo cents. LAXOI. is the hest lued'C'ne for child ren. Doctors recouiend it in place of Castor Oil A half a cent a gallon tax 011 beei ought not to cans ■ any noticeable re< f ing 011 the schooner. RHEtTMATISM—Vany cases treated with other remedies, have been cured with Armstrongs "I cure U." It reaches pain, cures pains, bruises, crampcolic, cholera-morbus, etc, There are eight hundred and ninety three more men than women in centre county and this fact possibly accounts for the number of white topsit.-s that appear at every term of court. DIPIITIIKRf A— Nine times in ten a physician will not be needed if Arui strong's Diphtheria and Quinsy Drop are used as soon us soreness is felt 111 the throat. As the dnck takes to water does the great daly paper turn to the cnban war, now wince Greece and '1 urki-v are quiet ed down again. .* lint llaeliac'.'s liorehouud nml Klccatupunc lor Sinyers. There are thousands of cases ori re cord where persons suffering from con , umption have lieeii completely cured l>y tfie u-e (if Aunt Kachael's II"re hound Herb. Elecampane Root, and Speer's Grape Juice, and persons are willing to-day to testify to the miraen ions cures wrought for them by this I pleat-ant and most effective remedy. | Used by public speakers. For sale by 1 druggists. ! By drinking embalming fluid under I the impression that it was whiskey | those two lowa men were unwittingly ; laying themselves out. IvIU.LIMi.TISM O'RKD IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 5 days. I its action upon the system is remarkable j and mysterious. It removes at once the ! causes and tin: disease immediately dis | apf ears. The first dyse greatly benefits; ;75 cents. Sold by J. C. Kedic, and J. 1 ; . j Ualph Butler Apr 96 | When a man ownes a bicycle it is a j good thing, but w hen the bicycle gets to owning the man it usually makes a crank of him. NATURIi'S Compound is jjnining in iavor every day. C. P. Stewart, Salis bury Pa., s;i\«.: "It lies helped tue more than anything else." It builds up the system gives a good natural appetite. I CHINESE OBSTACLES Itll Spirit* MIIIOU Moit He Drtrcn Out. ; If a bouse la to be repaired wonder ful forethought is necessary. The evil spirits which are supposed to occupy I each dwelling that mortals have inhab * Ited cause the carpenter no end of trouble and no trilling expense, ways I Lippincott's. First, un astrologer must ! be consulted with regard to the most • 1-ueky day for beginning the work; t a square suspended from the rldge tieam is a notification to the spirits of darkness that their dwelling-place Is to be disturbed, wherefore the square thing for them to do la to move out ! quietly and peacefully. Next the cor | penters make offerings to these vn , | neen residents. The»« gifts seem to say: "If you please, spirits of dark j ness, accept this bribe and speedily ! take your flight." 1 Next the neighbors must be warned • | that these evil influences are about to - | be turned loose, perhaps to seek shelter 1 tinder a neighboring roof. Every house j on that street receives a-notice that 1 upon a certain day and hour repairs are j to begin on the dwelling of Ah Sin. | Each household can then pay the imps not to enter their doorway, but to go 1 to the next neighbor 1 Even the farmer eannot begin his work in the spring until after the na tional festivals are celebrated In honor of the special gods who are supposed to make it their particular business to look after the welfare of those who till the soil. In a land where more than 100,000,000 people are supported by agri culture, where many farms have been In cultivation for three or even four 1 milleniums, we naturally expect to find i skill in that line of work. In this we are not disappointed, for Chinese farm ing* Is scientific handwork. MATRIMONY AND MENNONITES. The Minister Doe* the Propoilng (or the Ulrl'a Hand. When a Mennonite young nuuidesires to marry a Meanonlte young woman, instead of telling her about it h» con fides in the minister. If the latter thinks well of the proposed match ho informs the young woman and gener ally devotes considerable time to plead ing the case of the lovesick swain, since it Ls considered somewhat indelicato for the woman, to yield too easily. Even e.fter their engagement, the mlni«te* conducts moot of the negotiations lead leg up to the marriage ceremony. This always takes place in a church, to which everybody is entitled to admis sion on the wedding day without invita tion. Two weeks before the wedding the "banns" are called from the pulpit end during that fortnight the bride ajid groom are allowed to meet without tho presence of a third party. The first portion of the ceremony consists of a •ermon, generally on some suoh subject as the duties of husband and wife. One such eormon preaohe*d at a wedding last summer lasted about two hours, al though the minister announced in the beginning that because of the hot weather he would "be brief." At the dose of the sermon the contracting par ties, who had been seated on opposite sides of the ohurch, walked to the Altar, where they answered affirmative ly a series of questions and were pro rvounced man and wife. Th*m they re turned to their seats on opposite sides of the auditorium and the regular serv ices of the day were resumed. 6UBSTITUTE FOR SWING BRIDGE Carluaa KnulJieerlnit Structure nt the M«nlh of the Hirer Servlon. At the mouth of the river Nervlou, which flows Into the Bay of Biscay be tween Portugalete and Las Arenas, a curious engineering structure has been erected within the last few years to transport passengers, cattle and ve hicles without interfering with the river traffic. It consists, says the Man chester Guardian, ot a couple of towers 200 feet high, one on each bunk; from these a bridge is suspended by chains at a height sufficient to cleur the masts of vessels—that is, nearly 150 feet above the water level of the spring tides. This bridge carries a line of rails on which a trolley is pulled to and Xro by an engine on the Bus Arenas or northern sicle. With it goes a ear, hung by steel cables, in which the passengers take their seats. This Is not wound up to the top, but stays at the level of the quays. Thus the transit is effected quickly and regularly, without the de lay inseparable from a swing bridge. A similar "pont transbordeur" is to be set up over the Seine near Rouen by a French company. In general ap pearance It will resemble the Span ish one, und if equally successful will probably lead to the application of the principle elsewhere. It seems odd that for such a simple and useful device engineers should have to go to Spain. One \Va» to Cure Green Iteportera. The Albany Journal tells a Htory of two green reporters, Englishmen, who were sent by the city editor of a cer tain newspaper to a suburban town to write up the burning of an orphan asylum. Late that night when the news editor was wondering why no "copy" about the fire was coming by wire, a telegraph messenger rindied in and handed him a dispatch. He opened It and readi "Dear air—We are hero. What shall wa do?" It wwi signed with the names of the two men sent to "write up" the fire. The news editor made a few remarks, which, while they were appropriate to tho occasion, would not look woll In print; then he wrote on a telegraph blank this brief message! "Find out where the fire Is hottest, and jump In." A Rtmnlnn Joke. One reads in a Russian periodical which has a corner devoted to the "comic," this pleasantry! "What, Van vousha, drunk again? I thought you only prot drunk on the great holidays?" 'To-day is u great holiday; my mother in-law lias gone away." > OOT*T. r-ILH cure Llvor |!la, flil- J- n:s3, lncii:<c3ticn. ta&y to taiio, ossy to operate. 2Sjc. An epidemic of measles has struck Youngstown, and the board of health lias placed 000 measle cards 011 the n-si deiicos. KNOCKKI) OUT A merchant says Morrison Bros Co igh Syrup has knock ed out my sales 011 all other cough cures. Out in Kansas they are advertising for Hchoolmarms who will agree not to marry. Here's hoping they won't find what tliey are looking ror. A young woman who would enter into a contract to remain single isn't fit to guide and in struct the rising generation. ARMSTRONG'^—LittIe System Pii's, the finest and best ever used, A true liver pill that is sure to please. Seven eighths of our own export and import trade is carried 011 under foreign flags. Tlir Cliiuuv itr.iiidy oi 187G V iatage. Has proven to be a superior distilla ! tion, and with years of ripening is now [ put upon the market by the Speer X. .1. Wine Co. it is a superior mellow brandy, possessing all the medicinal properties for which brandies from grape are so eminently useful Sold by druggists. An Ohio girl has been sleeping for twenty days. No Ohio man has slept 1 I that many days since Mr. McKinicy's election, un lev he has already got his appointment Subscribe lor tho (JITUEN RACTICAL painters every-! X where use and recommend Pure White Lead (sec list of brands which arc genuine) and j Pure Linseed Oil because they; jk make not only the cheapest but Wby far the best paint. In tact r you cannot afford to use any thing; else. I~*w-v j-* pßv ming Kitints! Lead Co.'» Purf White L«»d Tim nj Col [/*** Ov\ ■* 1% r* ors - an Y desired »had« is readily obtained. Pampbl-t giving \ ■ *V valuable information and card show ID g samples of colors free ; cards showing pictures ot twelve houses of different design* painteti in various styles or combination;, of shades forwarded ujK-n -pphcauon to thai* Us tjff intending to paint. NATIONAL LEAD & OIL CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA, xSijijtSy German Nat. liank Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD YHilvC, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOUO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. YOU CANT STOP IT. J GIRLS WILL JUMP ROPE, Let them jump they will not jump long, the lime will come when they will not care to jump. Buy them good shoes and let them go, children are hard on shoes at all times and when rope jump ing begins that's when they wear out the fastest. IRON CLAD SHOES. Will stand the test. We have given this matter of children's shoes careful attention and we feel safe in saying that there are no better made, and if yott buy your children's shoes of us you will not j be disappointed. ALL OtJR LINES Are complete, you will need shoes or j li ppers this Spring, try ur, men's and ladies' fine shoes 75c to $3.00; boys and girls shoes 75c to >-2.00; children's shoes 25c, 50c and 75c. SEE OLfl 98c LINE Men's high cut 2 bucule plow shoes J 9.SC, Ladies' fine tan :.nd butt shoes 9S, Men's fine shoes 98c. The Greatest Sale on Record, DON'T MISS IT 215 S. Main St., Butler, l'a. J AT J R. GRIRBSi ■j and 'J. Do Not Make Five. It's quite a problem to please everyone's taste 111 any line you may select and particularly of jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. ciaity of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. 118 SOUTH MAIN ST Buffer Savings Bank i >u.tier, Pa. Capital Surplus and Profits $*19,2G3.67 •IOS. LiM RYis President .1. IIKNRY \ KOl 7 TM \N . ..Vice-Present VVM. CAMPBELL, Jr... Cashier LOt IS R STF/N Teller DIKWTOI.* . .Joseph L. : urvls, .1. Henry Tro»:iroaJj W. It. lirmdon. \V. A. Stein. .J.'S. Cftmubell. Tin* Mutter Hivhiirs M:mU S toldest M.niklny lr 1 ! :*.i u in Itut ler (VHlMty. (ii iH ia! t*ai(Ulntr liuslness 1 raiisuM «•(!. We solicit s of oil jji'< (Ili*"i• rs, iuer • hanls. farmers and otlu*rs. All buuinc-88 entrusted to as will roceito prompt at tent ion. Interest ualcJ on time deposits. TM K Butler County National Bank, Btiller Penn, Capital p.-tiil in Ji00.000.00 Surplus and Profits i4,ft,)7..57 Jos. Hart man, President; J. V. Kitts, Vice President; C. A. Ilailey. Cashier; John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. \ general business transacted. Interest paid on lime de|>osltß. Money loaned on approved security. Wo Invite you toop< n an aceounl wllli lids bank. Plltl.l I'd!'' Hon. Jo->epli Haitnmii, lion. W. s. Waldron. Mr N M. Hoover. 11. Mi >tfeene\ . I I \l>nim*. <I 1 . Collins, I. <•. s til It li. I.eslle r 11 :i / let 1. M Klmuali. \V \V. II l.arkin. John Hnmpbrev. Mr. \\ <\ MeCandle .. Hen Massetb. la--U M. Wise .1. V. Ultts. Hotel Willard. Reopened and ready ; for the accotntnoda -1 tion of the traveling | public. Fver> thing l ; irst=class. i KKS. MMTIt HEIHIhG, Owner SEANOR « NACE'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stable REAR OF WICK HOUSE, BUTLER, PA. The best of horse* snii first eh..-s rips aloray? on band and lor hire. Best h.jftimoitßtions in town frr [xsrnja petit hoarding and traiitfieur trade. Spcci al ears guaranteed. Stable room lor sixty-five hntsss. A (ro«jd class of hor«ei», both drivers and. dr<-.l! horses always on hand and for sale under a full gi.nrantei; and horses bought | j] 11 pr< per r.< tilication by SKAXOK 4 NACE, Telephone, No 219. EGGS FOR SALE. From pure bred stock at hard times prices, Raned Huff and White Plymouth Rocks, Buff and White Leghorns, Mammoth Im perial l'ekin Ducks, $1.50 per setting, $6.00 per 100. Stock for sale, also Belgian Hares. F. HERRINGTON & CO. Warsaw, N. V. 1 i J Do not h* b▼ allniine odTi rtimnneotitari. tixlnk y«>u can tfetthe iitaoo, fin.«t flrVh 1/lOST POPULAR BCWING fi'T r i.ioro sonif. lSnyfrom tvlt&blo mAn«ftuturt.*r< that iiavt- yarned a reputntum by honcnt and fW|uar ronatrurtion, durability of wririirj^ ■ <rt* iln<-n<>£» «if fining, i»« uuty »n aj>p»<#rnnot . or :uu •ny iMiprovtmenUw the NEW HOMt "/RITE FOR CIRCULARS. . •• 'm Home Sewing Machine Co. nr.JtAJW. BO?»TOII, MAB#«. 88 t'mowßQrAts,N.V i . Ar.o, ILL. BT, LOLLS. MO. L>ALLAB. T*XA». S-.s rILANCISOO, C'AL. ISA. FOR SALS OV J. B, A\cDEVITT Dealer in Sowing Machines, Pianos and Organs—next door to V. M. 0. A. build ing— Butler Pa. Buy the light-running, Now Home, sawingmaohine, perfect .satislaotiov. guar an teed, n ver gets «•: s I of order, W!iec Ic v $■ Wii so n Xc family Sewing machine. i<oi-.{•)!{ Bearings >: a rr Easy Rtiani .<♦ R«t>)id and Sew? 4 ? ; Machines for Family . use, for all grades 0! Livtii i. Leather. Speed and Durablity. i nctory and Head Office, Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1). S. A. FOR SALE BY HENRY BIEHL, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Needles for all kimls of sewing machines, Boss Washing Machines, etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER PA. N. B. Second-hand Sewing Machines from $5.00 tip. Sewing machines repaired. TIN WARfI AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. L. C. WICK, I)KAI,KR IN Rough Worked Lumber Ok am. KINDS. Doors, Sash, IMinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME, H\IR AND PLASTER Office opi>ositc I*. K: W. Depot. BUTLER, PA, x>ooooooooooooooooooooooo<y i D- T. PAPE k^! Q f 5 The Leading Millinery House in Butler Count}. 4 ft The first shipment of Spring Bonnets, llats, I-'i.owkrs, P.uibons, A etc. has arrived. THEV \RE BEAUTIES. and at prices way lx'low JK If the usual prices for early Spring goods. If you want a stylish V A Bonnet or Hat now is the time as we have all the new A JL shapes for Spring in slack. X Reniemt>er we alwavs keep in st><ck a full linejo MOUNRING BONNETS, A H \T>, VtILS AND VEILING; also a inc of C>mtnun:on V WREATHS AND VEILS. * | D. T l t . pape:, I I £GOOGOOOOOCOGC Z ~ < - .-OCJCC-" ooooooooooooooq I Punc-" <#' is | | J Gi»| I Hitch your jtlf § But be surel | business iff k it's in a I works to a f| #| Fahys Gold-1 I good watch. | |> filled Case, | § And that you buy it from g E. QRIEB, JEWELER, 139 N. Main Strket, BUTLER, PA. ' " - ■ I "THE COMMERCIAL/' | JfW, K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, Pa X A popular house has just been entirely remodeled A A and refurnished. Ever/thing convenient, and guests X A will always receive clos: attention. A X Located near Posloffice and P.& W. Depot. When A X in Evans City t->p at the Commercial. Bell Tele- Si jf phone No. 16. V x>ooooooooooo<>oc<iooeoooooo^ 1 A Pleasure Drive | 2 is not 3 P leasure drive unless the buggy © T is luxurious and easy running. W No. 2 KoaJ buggy. (£ j Fredonia Buggies f • are the kind for your pleasure drives. They have the strength • ■ to last. Your dealer sells them. Insist that he sell them to you. ■ | Made by THE FREDONIA MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio | Natures Best Stimulant is a Little Good WHISKEY, 0- It is wonderful how much good a little whiskey dots the system. Ifow often are we woin out, listlcj-. and dispirited finding fault with every j tting and everybody, and not knowing the rea son why—Try some Silver Age Rye Whisky Jfe as a tonic, and you will wonder at its immediate effect. It belps to rebuild wasted tissues, re store circulation and stimulate nature. What is Silver Age Rye? It is a whiskey made famous for its purity and medicinal qualities —Doctors use and prescril>e. Hospitals are never without it and every house hold in the land should keep a tKittle— It is Sold by Druggists afe, And first class dealers at $1.50 per full quart, or will l>e shipped to your address ou receipt of this amount. If there is anything wanted ill good liquors of any description, we have it at lowest prices. MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 Federal St. Allegheny, Pa SEND FOR CATALOGUE A A/) PRICE LIST; MAILED FREE ON APPLICATION. The New-York Weekly Tribune FOR • EVERY member of EVERY family on EVERY tarni, v EYER\ State or Territory. T[ \ * . EOR Education, * V r FOR Noble M:m)v,od, * * FOR True Womanhood, IT l*| \ r l-T S> illi important news of ihe Nation all important new s of the iVorld. IT GIVFS l ' U '' most rc '' '"arket reports. J J brilliant and insuuetive editorials. IT GIVES S . i an ucexcelled agiictilturai department ITGL VES sc ' clit '^ c anu n " uiical information. illustrated fashion articles. GIVES ' ,u,rinrous illustrations. entertainment to youny and old, IT GIVES , satisfaction every wn ere t.j everybody We furnish "The Citizen" and kt N. V. Weekly Tribune" FOR PER YEAR. CASH IN" 'ADVANCE. Adilreu .11 orders, to Write your name and address on a j>ostal card, send 11 ro Geo. W. Best, Tribune liuildiug, New York City, and a sample copv of Tuk Nkw Yokk Wukkm Tkibunu will bc.mailcd to you
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