THE OIITZ EN THO&SDAY. JANTTARY 21, ISS7. New Advertisements. Trustee's Sale, estate of Margeret Mar tin. Absolute Denial. Mrs. Zimmerman's, Winter Clearance Sale. Pape's Big clearance sale C T's Inventory sale. Aland's $24 suits. A piano for tra de Unions Wanted. Excursion Notices. The Philadelphia Times. ;»OTE —AII advertisers intending to make chinos in their ads. should notify us of ihiir intention to do so, not later Monday morning. , Administrators and Executors of eatat c*a secure their receipt bookß at tfae CiT 4 ict o'Jice, LOCAL AND GENERAL, SPRING ANNOUNCEMENTS. [Subject to Republican Primaries.] Saturday, Jan. 23, 1897, from 1 to 7 P. M. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. JOHN S. JACK, of the Ist Ward. THOMAS E. SMITH, of the fifth Ward. THOMAS ALEXANDER of the Ist ward —House hunting time is at band. —How do your resolutions hold out. —Attend your primary election. —The groundhog is preparing for his an nual appearance. —A r '-sieian may be a teetotaler and yet never mUs a bar. —The value of public school property in the Stale is $48,143,088. —The fellow who can't doesn't cat mach ice with the girls. —The woman who lives dosrn criticism ha> a hard battle of it. —ln class legislation there is likely to be quite a ba:l spell this winter. —The fact that a man is busy is no Mgn that he is doing anything. —lt rt-qaires only the necaesary circum stances to make any man a liar. —Co. E's regimental inspection ocours on Tuesday Feb. 16th, at 8 p. m. —lt is nearly time for the fellow who started a diary to get tired of his job. —Now ye candidates for Burgess, Coun oil and School Director, come to tho front. —Erie county paid $1,950 for sf ep killed by dogs last year, aLd the tax re ceived on dogs was $2,700. —A solution of salt and water sprinkled over coal is said to make it last much longer in the burning. —Apples, potatoos and*other vegetables are reported to be rotting much more rapidly than usual this winter. —Joe Jeffereon says of high hats that tkey ' 'are good backgrounds for women's faces, but poor foregrounds for comedy." —The woman who is holding on to the money her husband her at. Christmas oan utilize it to rare advantage iu the jhops now. —The little girl, who was told that snow came from heaven, naively ctatod that it must be so—it was too cold to como anoth er place. —Don't forget the entertainment to be givon by the Treble Clef Club at the Park, tomorrow evening, for the benefit of the Hospital Fund. —When you hear a man declare that he oannot remember ever having told a lie in his life, you oan bet your last dollar that his memory is failing, —Taeaday evening the members of the U. P. Church with their friends mado np a very pleasant informal sacial gathering ■ The young ladies of the choir and little Miss Jenston pleased the company with their vocal mnsic —At a meeting of stockholders of the Pittsburg, Shenango & Lake Erie Railroad company held in Meadville last Thursday 82,650 votes out of a total ol 96,000 repre sented were cast in favor of merging with the Butler <fc Pittsburg. —Boys are not »luw in picking up tho the current slang. F.,r instance, "There aro ether shirts in the laundry," "There is no steam comiug out of your shoes," "Ton never had y»ur picture on » button," "Toa'r not the only pebble on the beach," "You aro uoi an electric light; you oan ho blown out," "There are no steamboats named after him." —At the Park Theatre on Monday cyen ening, Klibu Spencer supported by a com pany of artists, played Shakespeare's tra gedy, Othello. Mr. Spencer acted tho part of the villian, lago, very well, and was ably supported iu all the other charac ters, especially by Mr. Henning, as Othel lo. Tho audience waa small, but very ap preciative. —The Grand Army of Prospect and vi cinity, withjtheir families met at James P. MjKec's in Prospect, lagt >Wedni*day night, the 13th, and enjoyed an oyster sup per and had a good time. A boat a hund red people were present, and all enjoyed themselves. Comrade John Weigle made the funny speech of the occasion, —Tomorrow evening the, Trebld Clef Clab will give a concert in the Park Thea tre, following the concert some of Butler's theatrical talent will show itsell in the ono act comedy, "Tho Sleeping Car." The pro oaeds go the fund of the Butler County General Hospital. Pat up yoar money,en joy the entertainment and help the good oaase along. —A joint agreement of merger and con solidation between the Butler & Pittsburg railroad company and the Pitlsbur/, blioii ango A Lake Erie railroad company, form ing a new concern under the name of the Pittsburg, Bessemer .1 Lake Brie railroad company, wa* filed Monday in the State Department at Harrisburg. The new com pany is capitalized at $10,000,000, aud wi'l be controlled by Andrew Carnegie for tho purpose of hauling oro from tho lakes to the manufacturing interests with which h3 is connected. —SotU'tlay is primary day and we should nominate good men for all the offices, particularly fo< Council and Directors. The town will probably vots for tho pro posed inorease in its indebtedness, v. liioh will throw the responsibility for the pro posed improvement;, electric light plant, etc, up >n tho next council; aud our Scho jl B >ard nrtv handles about $60,W0 s year Iu tie l*t ward, ]. 11. Harper, jo», Parkins, I.taac Andrews, \\ m. Johnston and L. D. Perrine are spoken of for coun cil, and John Kiudley, Klmer Young and Elmer Bell for directors. Iu the 2nd ward. Prof. Davis and C. D. Aldinger are spoken of for directors, and J. D. North rop for conncil. In the 3rd ward, jos. f{. Sherman is meutioued for School Direc tor. In tho 4th ward, Joseph Woods is ment'oned ior council, and D. E. Date fur Director. In the sth ward, J. F. Lowry is mentioned as his owu successor iu ooun cil, aud Dr. Forrester, and Tom Baker for director. For the goneral offline, justice Gil ghrist 1-4 a candidate ior Burgess and Jadge Story and J. 8. Young arc spoKen of, Reubeu McElvaiu for Over»«tr, and J. M Painter for Auditor For Tax Collector three name* are jmn»unced, as that office it worth a couple oi thousand a year. LF.GAL NEWS. C'At'SKS Trirh. Ear hard Lanz vs Charles Wridhas. nieat. Jan. 12, verdict ftrthe plaintifffor tha land described in the writ, with sis cents Uanih£ - and six cents costs. Commonwealth of Poansylvauia vs John M. Roth et al, act. fa. ar recognizance. Jau. 12, jury sworn, s>an-.e day amendment to declaration made and ease continued. Mayberry A Son vs James Hinee, as sump it. Jan. 14, verdict for plaiatiff ior $145.2*. J. N. Johnston et a! vs D. C. Johnston, assumpsit. Jan. 14. verdict for plaintiff for S2SI7 35. George K. Mar-hail va H. 0. Boggs et a', assumpsit. Jan. 14, jury «wcrn, sime day cause withdrawn by the parties and set tled. Catharine Dacnbach vs Annie Bt9hop et al, ejectment. Jan. 15. verdict for plain tiff tor land described in the writ, with six cents damages. David K. Frazier vs John M. Roth et al, ejectment. Jan. 15, verdict for plaintiff lor lftnd described in writ, with six cento damages. Scanlon <fc Traby vs John Bergbicgler. assumpsit. Jan. 18, verdict for plaintiffs for $1153 65. Henr" Wire et al vs Calvin Wise et al, assnmp'-it. Jan. 13, verdict for defen dants. J V Walters Vi- Margaret Jersey et al, assumpsit. Jan. 19, verdict for plaintiff for $70.60. Boyd Bros. & MeC-iila vs John Ballonr, assumpsit. Jan. 19, verdict for defendant. M. A. Thompson vs J. A. McFadden et al, assumpsit. Jan. 19, verdict lor plaintiff tor $215.66. Harvey Byerly v j James M. Barr ot al, ojsctment. " Jan. 19, verdict for plaintiff for the laud described in the writ, with six > cv&ts damage and costc. Mary Ho zvs James i*. Campbell, tres I paa* Jail. 29, verdict for plaintiff for $5 ; damages, and that the plaintifl -was the ! n*vner of the western side of the 1 :t, tha, the plaiutiil wad tue owner of the whole lot. John S. McEkain v the Pennsylvania K. R Co. trespass—On trial. The oasp of John Kenio-dy vs Maggie S. Morrison, assumpsit, was settled, The following cases were continued. A. F. Hollister £ Bru. vs Wesley A. Scott; J. B. Sherman #t al vs James M. Thomp son, replevin; Bicfcmau Fruit Co. vs Jos. Connella, assumpsit; James McGill ot al vs Stephen Markham, trespass, aad E, C. Dc witt <Sc Co. vs A. tj. Marshall, assumpsit, were coutinued. The cases ol Jame j flazlatt vs Charles Mangle, trespass; W. K. Hamilton vs F. A. Mizener. assumpsit were.continued. Tho cases of George K. Marshal: vs A. J. Long et al, assumpsit; J. J. Witner vs Chas Book, summons in replevin, and O. G. Mechliog vs J. C. Hollnian, trespass, were settled. SOTKS. John C. Scott made an assignment for tbn benefit of oreditora, and Amos Seat,on and James E. Miller were appointed ap praisers. Tnomas Croft has petitioned for a guar dian for iiU M r. Marloti. of Cranberry twp. Saturday, Jan. 30th will be the last day for filling accounts with tno Register for presentation at next term. Milton McDonell was appointed -fudge of Einction of Valencia vies J. L. Miller,, removed from the borough, A plot of lots iu Zeiienoplo was recorded this wef-.k. J. W. Stewart of Chioora plead guilty to assaulting his wife and on Wednesday was sentenced "to enter into his own recogni zance of SIOO to appear when wanted by tho Court, and process to be given consta ble of Miilemown boro. lor his arrest should he return." Loretta J McDonald has petitioned for divorce from Dnncau McDonald; and Chas If. Nicholson from Frankio 11. Nicholson. Edward Korstetter, who plead guilty to the larceny of a suit of clothes was taken to the work house, Monday. The charter for the Butler hospital was granted Saturday. Thomas Robinson not presenting his objections. The inquinitit.n taken at Callery Junction on the body of Wm. E Davis, by Coroner Jones, wa»bis first since being sworn into office. The jurymen wern J. F. Shannon, James Little, Thomas Kane. J. L. (Jod dard, F. F. Aitenbury and D. 11, McCoy, and their verdict was "that he came to bis death about 5:15 P. M. ou Jan. 9, near Edineau Station, by being ruu over by engine and train of cars, second section No. 96, while lying on the trick of the P. A W. U. R. The decision recently rendered by Judge McPherson, iu.the Dauphin county court, anent the constitutionality of the vaccina tion law finds indorsment in a decision just rendered by Judeo Morrison of McKean county. The objectors to the law have de clared that the act of June IS, 1805, did not app' l to township school dir-trio's; bnt J adge Morrison holds that it does, and that it is in accord with the constitution, and b« furthermore adds that tho law U plainly iu the interest of public health. j". i'. ijy.m, a traveling man of iiast Handy. Venango county canned tho arrest oi" Levi e) Lickci, of Bntlor on a charge of bigau.,, last Saturday. Lynn says he has been hunting Bickel for c even years. 110 allege!" that something over seven years ago Bickel married his sister and shortly afterward disappeared. No trace of his whereabouts couid bo discovored in all theso yearn, but Lynn in his travels was always on the lookout for his sister's rnn away husband who shortly after his de parture became fhe father of a boy baby which is now a bright and lively child. When Lynn located Bickel hero he dis covered that he was married again, and after verifying the marriage by an exami nation of tho of the listnso dockets in the clerk of courts office, swore out a warrant for the alleged bigamist. Bickel in iu the employ of the Indepen dent Gas company and has boeu for sev eral yours, lie is well let own, is a steady , man and has always borue a good reputa ! tion in Butler, lie gave bail in S3OO for a hearing before Justice It. B. Gilghrist, Edward Koiber, one of the officials of the Independent Gas company becoming his bondsman. Bickel came to Butler about seven years ago or about the time ho is alleged to have deserted his wife in Ven ango county. About three years later h'j married Mrs. M. J. Maxwell a widow with whom he is still living. He denies that he was niarned to Miss Lynn, but says he knew her and kept company with her lor a time. That .;i.o was a mother was news to him, hu claimed and he speaks very highly of her character when he knew her. Bickel admits being martied before, but his former wite who was Mattie 0 Neil, of Kookland town«hip Venango county died iu ISB<.> five years after their iiiairiag<: ar.d i' wa, r.flur uir. wifo'o JeaiU teat he became acquainted with Miss Lynu lie appears very unconcerned about his arrest, and says no evidence oan lie pro duced to hold h;m en the charge. Bickel is about 38 year.: of age. The hearing was fixed for Tuesday the 20th inst. PROPBBTV Tearsfbrr Geo J Smith to 1) 11 Cald well lot in But ler for $3lO. E J Howard to Mary BhaiHin lot in But lor for S3OO. W W Thompson to Jos Barron 10 acres in Worth for SUS. Caroline Cluse to W A Btoverlot in But ler for $350. F Householder to Cli Gallagher lot in Zelieaopit. for $450, Jos Mcßlroy to Ida 0 Ervin lot in Pe trolia for $7.92. Zelienople Kx Co to D G Bastiau lot in Jackson lor 25. Samuel Staples to John L Godard lot iu Cfcl'erv for SIOO. '•Tin B Bailey to B L llockenberry 2 acres in Cherry for SISOO. 1! i' Davison to A F Werner lot in Mara for sllsO. 8 I) Purvis to Jas L Gnrroway lot in Butler for SOOO. i W Stewart to Eliza Stewart lot in Millerstown for $1 Eleanor B Eaton to AnuetLi McCaudless lat in Butler lor $2950. -VWha. the mow to tha sun—just tell thorn that you ('• -.w mo. —A week of the biuus longer than a year vi suusniue. —lf l«ve ih blind, what's tho use of a lig 1 * in tit front parlor 1 — l ''P.oli Roy," by uie Whitney Opera 1 Co. was 'he grandeit thing that hw ever l apptared on the Btasre in B utier. —Music acho'ars wunted, at 128 i W. Si. PERSONAL. Jas. J. Campbell, of Con., ra twp., wa in Bntler. Friday. Joseph Lehman, ot Portersvilie has bees grafted a pension n Bickfil is on a visit to the Ea-tern Shoe markets. Mrs. Ellen Hay-, of Adam* twp was in town. Tuesday. John Patterson and Will Stsia are ng to California next week. Dr. lfi'K»e and jair.ii M^K n « leave torr for Florida today J. J. Sutton Esq. of i'airview twp. w.-. in town yesterday. E*q. MeElhaney of Cherry twp is -er ian 'y ill of heart trouble. i'ri*i. i. A. Gijson _A; .< ;> u in York City this week oa business. W. A. Sloan of Adams \ri- here Monday a- a witness in the Walters vs Dorsey case A. A. Gold of Duffalo leron Business, yesterday. Ben. Foster > f Freeport wa - the guest of his orathor, Will, last Sunday. T. C. Campbell has removed his office to the second story of the new Campbell bui Iding. Robert McCallough hi* had his eyo 6traightenod by Dr. Hunt of Bntier. Tf.e operation was a ar.cce.sful one. Miss Martha Fulkjiau and Johr. MeGee Muddyereok twp. married at New castle on Tuesday of last week. Juryman Honrr Radert of Jefferson twp. was excused ir. rn further service on ao count of sickness, Tuesd 17. Smylie Mechling has li >en employed to laKe charge of the Oil Well Supply .-'.ore at Cooperstown 11. Q. Walker, Esq., of Pittsburg at tending to legal business in town, this week. JACOB Net!t'i ai:J Henry H<»Tl<', I I Fran Klin twp.. were to town »n bn«tt>®«s, last week. Mr . Jerome Stelr.e, of fittslarg ' = visiting h<»r fi-iters. th • Mi-s»» ••TcC»ndic-a 01 Butler twp. Jacob Byeri, oi Portage county, Ohio, is 107 j ears old -aid to be a na tive of Pennsylvania! poss.i.'y ot «ai lcr county. Mr. Ott M. Covert aud Miss May L. Neg ley were united in marriage by FT. Mil ler at the ot the Grace Lutheran Church. Tnesday ereniDg Dr. J C. Caldwell, of Baker-to*u at tended tho banquet at the Wiilar.'. Hote' given by tho Batler Cotirty Medical So ciety last night. John L. nerr, of Jackson two, and hi* wife visited J. A, Bathgate and wife 01 Wayne St, yesterday, mo. i- il:« satu.; jolly old soal he always was a„ 1 always will be. Mr. Frank Gates and Mi Mary A Man ny, daughter of Josapti Manny, wore mar ried at Youugstowa, O. recently. Mr. and Mrs. Gates are now- residing on the South Sido. Jaa. Jackson an 1 wife anl Mr; Rhoadas. of Bflrsj county. Pa., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jackson, of Cliff .itrcet Mr. Jacksou is a brother o! M.-.. Rhoades ar.d ol Jos. Jacknon. W. W. Mechlin?, "f the Carr.pgie Stee. Works %i Uomestnad Secured tho position of Journal Cleric of the llouso over M. B Doutheti, of Wit.-. Insliurg. Both men are natives of Butler Co. C. C. Bracken of PitUi.urg, member ot the Taylor BurE»r Co. is stopping at the Butlw. He has lateiv placed several very liand-omo mantel burners in thi town. The one in the otHce of ti"» untle is a beauty. It cost but sl3 and will save the price of itself iu a year. Marriage Licenses Samnel H. Bovard ..Forestville Blanch Ge!baeh Harris, ille Walter McCurdy Brady twp Mary tlogne.. .Cherry twp James M. Arthurs W. Sunbury Elia M. Campbell " Ott Cover* ........Bnt'er May L. Negley " Richard C. Duffy ..Boyer Minnie B. MeMurray.. .Butler K, E. Scheidemantle Jackson twp Lena 8. Burr " J. W. Lavery Butler twp Catharine Lavery Penn twp George Riofle Allegheny Co Mary C'. Rennick Jefferson twp CHURCH NOres'. Rdv. John N. Xaly, of Apollo Pa. wiil hold preparatory service, next Saturday at 2P. M. Communion service next Sunday at 11 A. M , also servica next Snnday at 7P. M. at Bethany Reformed Church W- North St. A call is extended to Rev. H. E. Snyder of tnis place from the Crestview aud Plains, of Cranberry twp. Presbyter iii Cnorcli. The elect >; was held at the Crestview Church of Callery, this we«k where he va > uuauuiouslj eiected while "t tne Plains the election wa> heia some time ago. In St. Marks Latlienui Church ou Sim day, Ja*!, 245*, there wi!i n rvices in English at l'J:3u a. m. and 7 p. 111. Sketches in Ciuiis Oil. T!iO Citizen has received Iro.n 'he au thor a copy of "Sketcheo n Ciudo Oil," a handsomely bound and well-priuteu aud illustrated volume of 40li pages, bi John J. MoLaurin, of Harnsburg The work is a history of the petroleum industry in Penn sylvania states. It is not a work of dry facts and figures, bat in lull of in teresting narratives. Absorbed in its page.. one cau airaost hear the pouudii.g of the drill or the gushing of tho greasy fluid. The volume couta::., po.UaiU of nearly 200 persons prominently identified with the oil mdustiy, beside many other illustrations. Price $2. Any person in terested in the oil industry should secure a copy. Address the author at Harris burg, Pa. Consignment Clothing Sale. M.Sampter, Sons & Co., Manu facturing Clolhiers or 13, 15, 17 and 19, East'. Fourth street, Now York' The above firm haa consigned to os their stock of Man's, Boy's and Children's Suits aud OvorcoatH and odd pacta left over from their last Fall manufacturing. They hnv«i made the price on these ;f>3dß 50 per cent less than tho regular price on the goods in the season. Wo are therefore confident that tho peor>!o of Butler county will see that it is to their interest to come to us ior ciotu ing this month. We herewith quote you a few of the prices ou this mam moth stock : Fifty Men's C&sslnett Suits at $2.75, former price was $5. 75 Men's all-wool Cheviot Suits at $5, ormer price $lO, 100 Men's Fine [Scotch plaids] Cassimores and Worsted .Suits at SB, worth sl3. 25 Boys' Long Pants Suits -it $2, former price $4. 38 Boys' Suits, lonif pants, ali-wool, at $4, former jprice SB. 50 Boys' pants Suits at $5, former price $lO. 85 Boys' knee pants suits at $2, former price $3 and $4. 30 Men's Blue and Black Beaver Overcoats at $5, former price $lO. 40 Men's Blue and Black Beaver Overcoats at, $lO, former price $lO, sl3 and S2O. 3 > Hoys' Overcoats and Ulsters u, $3 and $3,50, farmer price s<», $7 and SB, 45 Children's Cape Overcoats ut $1.50, former prico fcii.oo, $3.00 and $3.50. 100 pairs of Mou's Scotch all-wool pants at $1.75, for mer price $2 50, aud ,'jo. 800 pairs of Boys' Kiioe Pauls, sizes 4 to 14, at 25c a pair, former price 50e. 2«iow don't let this opportunity slip bv but como at oace to U3 for clothing at half price. SCHAWL & JJiAS'r. I<eadini? Clothier' —Now is the time to get Baro«u n» The I'Kui'LKs Sxoiik **re closiug out all huuvy cottou, aud wool goods to make room for apriug i stock. OIL. NOTES. Trte agencie.- are paying Ml U j to.iay. ! liOCiiii Rts —TS'.e Smith naymaker. j Ficuegsn A- Co, «-ell on the H-.-irr D. crr I came in last wecK. and started off at ,">0 j bbls. aa hour, bat won increased to Go an I hour. so -1: .gly a- to lift large peblde.- into the tank; and the same com pany s well on the Ma; .-heirn came in Sun day arc" started off at 65 bL's an hour. I The Winfield Oil Wi trt oa the j Geisler adjoining the Doerr. will be in thts week. Uavmaker A Co'.s wel! on Uaysheim was drilied into the rand. Monday, ai.d started off r.t 40 bbls an hour, bat declined A punip station i.i ! ting built on the Kec>:, and iarger pipes laid. ilAiiios*—ln the Voegtly Young blood A Arrr'trone's ~el!, o;. the Zink born, was drilled to the third &and and shot.; it may make a fair wel!. Welsh Morr.< A Co. ->a the Welsh f<- ti is completed and good for 10 bbls The Bryan Oil company's So 2 on the C. McDonald is linished and good for 30 bblf. The Fry Oil company's Tell on the J. Sitler farm ha j a good well in the boulder reported at 30 bbls per day; the same company oa the Lewis eyhrirg hi* drilled it'- N*o" 1 wel! to t'.ie third sand and it shows for 50 bbls per day. Stage A Leidecker have sold four wells on tin Henry Folti and Uerinan Schilling farm to Rot, Bro-. & Hea'-r. Proau. ion about 12 bbls.; consideration so,ooo. RBSPREW —The White A Co. X<> 4 !la:n -mell found the pay at 28 feet in the sand an 1 flowing by heads at the r-»:i* of ten barrels an hour. The location of this well i* 000 'oet souih of the Ke;ifr«-w ensh •:r. wrtich i j still making 15 barrels nn hour. The Creenlee A Taylor wall, on the Dixon farm, at 38 ieet in the sand begsu flowing at tho rate of 50 i.r 60 barrels a day, but declined rapidly. Byer- i on the Hon.'«r<"n farm. i-< tiirongh the'and an;' dry; they I .d ftet of.aud; this venture was of tho Eetter. i (sr. d n CO btrnnrd ' -J the latter o| |o get any sand. The shideuiaatle continues to make it bols an hour. PARK KR —Wes. ot Parker, and A half mile P .*r , f * v .a Rosanbary po-1. Gruber »v Co. ha e drills : ;<> tue l«p ol I tie -and ou the Gallagher hoirs farm and shut down to adj the ownership ol a dispnted one eightii iatenat the weil and !«ase. If the .veil ii i.riJled in and proves a duster th<* claimants of the ono-eighth interest wil; ::av< no desire to pu-h their claim arid to avoid any such complications that would arise it it proved a producer, the present holders and developers of the lease are 'tying t avoid it by an amicable set tlamert :i tli • dispati-. HOSPITAL BENEFIT. To-morrow FrMv, evening, at the Park i..eater, the Treble"CU! tluo will produce its !• r.g-proaiis«'d and carefully prepare.! attraction tor ti.e benetit ol the hospitsl fut:J. The ability here-tofore manifested i>_ the alub is a guaranty that, the enter taiumr r:t will t 8 of a superior character. ,Son:e 500 tickets have already been sold, and those who wish to attend and are no' ye; provided with ticket-, will do weli to bestir themselves. on sale at Heine mau'ij. PART 1. ■ .iters' ilprcb £:tgel*l>tnj Gi y Okonu (Pracloaa) Writer "»vb ti L:t ij Brightest" / iiiKHtt Tti tj GLLi B 1! T...vat.»re I'exh ixtß. LBIUiI.VKR. | ■ < rt Waltz Buck TUB GLUB. o'iarlet ME«!>AMES, SCOTT, MO?>RL IMLT AID GRAV' Laurie finch THE CLUB. Pilgrim Cu->rn« Watjnerr-Lt zt MR. BOYD. "All through the night," "•lark, hark, tho lark," Cooke "Rest, thee, on this mossy pillow,'' THE CLUB. PART 2. "The Sleeping Car" If. D. Hotcrll» DRAMATIS P2RSONAE: Mrs. Roberts Mrs C. G. Christie Aunt Alary Miss Mary Lusk Mr Roberts Mr. E. D. Colbert Califbrnian Mr. A. E. Reiber Willis Campbell Mr. JIB. Heineman Porter Mr. F. H. Murphy Conductor.... ilr. Geo. Howard Ttco II ei.k.l la Florida To see Florida is a pleasure; to visit it is a privilege; but to spend a fortnieht within its borders is au ep jeh. Tuere is a great satisfaction in witnessing the ri;.o'iiup ot tropical fruits in their own native land, and a peculiar joy in wrest li g witli old oeoan's waves when' likes and rivers are a!' icebound at home. One appreciates the wonders of modern inven ti >ii and railroad development upon leav ing the neighborhood of good skating one , day and finding himself in the vicinity of good bathing the next. Yet this can be done, and tho man who pr -fers hunting or i tn..i:.g will lake his accoutrements along with hini : for Florida extend-, a cordial invitation to .;il sportsmen. Whoever would exohauge for two weess j the nnc -rtMU t'.itnatfc -.f the XoiU for the delightful 'Nil Springlike sunshine of Florida should lake the personally-con duoted Jari; onville lour of the Penfyl var.ia Rfi.'road vhicit ! ■ ives N'ew Tork by special train January 26. Excursion ior t' is lour. i.Jading railway ,ran« sportanon, Pmlrnan accommodation (one berth), .. . uiea. on • ..i direct- ;■ is whtle traveling on the special liain, will be sold at Pittsburg f-.r $53 00, and at proportionate hU-J fro other p.i.ats For tickets, itineraries, and other infor mation ip;ii., to ticket apoat", touri;t agents at 119G Broadway, New York, or to Geo. W. Boy.!, Assistant General Paasan ger \gont, Broad Stroet Station, Philadel phia. Onions Wanted. The highe-t cash market priee will be paid for onions at the Butler Pro duce Stori, 130 W. Jefferson St. lia'ler Pa. —A piaao dealer iu this town will trade a good piano for lot of ground in Butler or vicinity. Inquire at this office. Pants that Fit. Made of goods that wear, and keep their shr.pc. We nre turning them out by the hundreds aud the values arc so far ahead of anything you pvor saw, the goodß themselves* so perfect, BO stylish, so thoroughly np to dat<?, that much ns we n:ay promise you will find more when you get there. BUTT.ER PANTS CO. 125 W. Jefferson St.— £ block west of Berg's Bank. Trunks, yalises, bags and tele scopes—at HECKS. Free. Free. Free. Your name on a postal card will bring a copy of The Butler Business College Exponent,a bright eight page monthly paper, issued by Tho Butler Business College and School of Short hand. Butler, Pa Do you want a hat or cap? II ECK has them and can save you money —2"» per cent saved by buying Horse Blaukets and Robes at MAB TINCOURT & Co'd —The Butler Lubricating Oil 00. has moved back to their old stand 119, W. Jefferson St Steelsmith «v Patterson's new building, w here al kinds of engine, machinery, and il luminating oils of the finest quality nr.- kept in stock in the basement, aud wiil be delivered to any part of the city v. hen ordered from C. E. Melntire, at<eut. Pants—Over 2000 pairs to s-.eloct I:< ja, at orices, oh well, don't men tion tb" i, its awful, where at | HICK'S. : —For the key to Prosperity try ! buying y ir groceries at the BLTLKH. ' PRODUCE STORE, where the stock i | always lresh, pure aud complete,— I price* are always 'he lowest, No. 1015 ; VV. Jefferson Street. | Sox and ohirts, all wool and a yard wtd-, cheaper iban the oheapeat—at I HECK'S, iti X. Main St. ACCIDENTS. J. L. MeCleary. formerly of this town, r wa- mailed and k'lled by an explosion • : J niuo-glycoiiae *t Corning, south of • Zacesviiie, Onio. lie was employed a.- a . .oUr ior t:.. MariettaTorpedocompany, whic! was tngaged aliootmg a wel! at C. r.McCleary was riding in a wagon containing 16 qnirts ol n'tro glycerine when a su 'den jsr, Caused b\ the wagon runuing over an obstruction, was followed Iby the exT>!< -ion. Mc4'lear>'s body was ■ toru into nrreus ar.o tne horse* were also ! killed. Another see > int says that he was thaw in* <»ut a can o! frozen nitroglycerine, preparatory to si;noting a well on tne Line lease wben : stuff exploded. He- Clear? was 45 years old. Dr. Shryoek was thrown from her buggy on Wayne St , Tuesday, but not seriously injured. Arthur, son of W H., Es<j.. had his lace painfully burned while playing with a toy cannon, Monday evening. It was feareJ he would lose his eyeiiight, but happily such is not the case. Walter, son of Mrs. Li/Jie Young, aeci dently shot himself in tne hand. Tuesday. The name of the colored man who was kt.led below Saxonbirg last w e ek was j French Thompson. AN ABSOLUTE DENIAL. •Further Affidavit With Regard to Those Coal Reports. The atfidavi's which appeared in Tues day's Times fn.ui Mefsers. Muntz, Sanders and Bnckhalter have brought turther affi davit-- in the matter from Messers. J.F. Anderson and J. H. Troutman. who deny most positively that they were m any way parties to any movement for an advance in the price of coal. Ihe affidavi' and statement follow and .-zpiain themselves: In oriier to vindicate ourselves in the ejo of the pnbiie in the alleged effurt to have tn» price of coal advanced we make the following statement: That wo have ever auil.'.nzed aiivoue to approach any if I c >al dealers of r(ii< community with lefnrenco to au i»dvar,oc in iho price of coal, nor have we spoken to any one in regard to the matter, ha« the th «i dt-.iag 3u_U a thing ever occur red to as. J. F. AXfibRSOM. J. H. TROCTMAS. <TAT£ i'F HK.SSSVLVASIA, ( BCTLKR COCNTV. S Sv'..rn iU'l £.ub-cribed to before mu this 20th day of January, 1897. L P. TVALKEF, NOTAKT Public. We hope mm tiiis absolute deaial wiil set at ro«i ail repoits t > the contrary that have C J freeiy circulated in our town and furthermore »t propose to deal by irg.ii pn i-..-s with anyone who etill pnr si.-t- in circulating thia absolute falsehood. J. F. ANDBRSOS. J. H TROCTMAS. PARK THEATRE. 'diss KHTIK RHOAPES. Kiltie Riioades the inimitable actress is as popular as ever. Thi* fact » - as demon titrated last evening whoa she opened a week's engagement at the Opera llouso and wa< pivn a re-sing wrle..t>i«> ffpr initial oiii was (jueena, a play requirieir a strong i-aujyaii,;. acd elaborate costumes. ' ■ " Vv--- > There was nothing lacking at last night's performancer. The charming actress had an excellent chance to show her fine abili ty, and did in a masterly manner. Her dresses are the finest ever seen in Brook lyn. Her snnport wa3 the best, the cast being exceptionally strong. Park Theatre—All next week. Prices, 10, 20 and 30 cents. Reduced Hate* to for the Inauguration For the benefit of those who desire to attend the ceremonies incident to the in auguration of President-elect McKinley. the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Washington March 1, 2 3, and 4, valid to return from March 4 to 8, at the following rate.'-: From Pit -b'irg, 110.00; Butler, $10.00; .Allegheny Valley Junction, SIO.OO. and from all other stations on the Pennsylva nia M- t'. jo at reduced rates. This inauguration will be a most inter esting event, ar.d will attract a iarge num ber of people trom every section of the conn try. The mafrnifioeat facilities of tho Penn sylvania Railroad make thi' ttio favorite ronte to the national capital at all time-- and its enormous equipment and splendid terminal advantages »t Washington mako it o.'peeially popular on each occasions —lf you j?ot it ut the Botler Pro duce Store fresh. The Mew Lile Option Policy and Endowni ent Bond, Isaued by the NATIONAL LIPS OF VEEMONT —is— The best Inauruuco in tho World. BECAUSE IT grants ctolid protection upon mu tual plans at the lowest guaran teed cost. IT is immediately payable on proof of death, or, also, if a Bond, at the ead of the specified term. ID IN incontestable sft'ir two year.: from date of issue. IT id automatically non-fcrfeitablo, aftr-r three years, for face amount. IT guarantees in»st liberal, endorsed cash, paid-up and extended insur ance values. IT is collateral for loans with the Company np to the limit secured by the guaranteed cash value. IT participates in snrplu3 distribu tions, aa elected by the holder, and allows him ali th* usual methods of surplus adjustment known to ineuranco. IT places no restrictions ou residence or travel. IT is economical, incontestable, non forfeitable und adjustable -a poli cy of guarantees. For further information addresH, litw 1 N & ARMSTRONG, Box IM4, butler, Pa. —Boardingllouse Carus, with Ac, of Assembly, 25 cents for half-n-doxen .or sale at OITIZKN office Vox Populi—Buy your clothing, underwear, hosiery, hats, caps, sox and neebwear of D. A. 'IKCK. and a?e money. —All winter goods at a big rcdue tion Good wool sox at 10c and I oca THE PeofLKs STORE t Oh Mamma—rou ought to see the big piles ol ohildrona suits at HECK'S only $1.25, you can't get the same in town for less than $2.50, —"Wliat you s-ce with your eyos you believe in your heart." Come and pee the freeh lino of groceries at 'he BUTLKH PRODUCE STORE and learn tho low pri'S we quote, then you wul believe it, No. 130 West I .Jefferson St. i —Closing out heavy underwear I aud blan!."to below cost to matte i room lor spring goods at THE I'EO- I I'LtS Si'oiit. Robber es. tarly Tuesday morning -tint* part., pried open a window in lh« roar of J. ll". bong!**-' Mat: .nmry store atui -t.-lo TY gvc>'\* vaHed at about •>> .fudging from the trucks < aiy oua P««.:.,a WA® cot -1 eernei in the r bbery, and uo u. . !«;/* ly greei; at tne business. S. ire follow who wanted to keep warm -tole a raln»b!e horse blanket from the b»rn of A l f reJ Wiric r-cently. Last I ridav a -ox ot i] r_. ir>oda worth #"'>o was delivered at the shipping door of Alf M. Kpil er~ store. A short tiir.A alter when a clerli went out to unpack U.e cox. it was missing. On Tuesday night Courtney's tobacco >toro, near the Freeport bridge wa- ribbed of about $5 worth of pipes. This wholesale thieving from which our citiztrii~ have been .-uttering iaiei. should be loofced att»r promptly hv the town authorities. The guilty parties »eeni tu l.e staying near and making a regular business of it. A horse and bogey were stolen from Jack Cypher i< n'.able at Delano la,-; Sunday night; and hides from Krause's store, —Findiey wili open the studio at Mars on February Ist and will remain tbero for the entire week special inducements for that week on fine work, the children as it is the la*t week of the winter; old pic cares coppied and enlarged, satisfac tion guaranteed. FINDLEY F>ntl»r, Pa , Telephone 23tf. —"As a man soweth so shall he reap," The Butler housekeeper reaps a great harvest if he buys his produce aad groceries at the BUTLER PRODUCE STORE, No. IT W Jeffer son St. —Thousands of dollars worth of Horse Blankets and Robes at MAR TINCOCRT & Co'S Latest styles in tine Holiday Goods at CLSELAND'S Jewelry stor o 12.3 S. Main St. Butler l*a -Findiey, of Butler will still be at Mara on Saturday. See him about Crayons and Paintings and fine FR*ME9. FI.VDI.EV. Low Trices in Musical Goods. Some special pricsa at Orieb «fe Lamb's dissolution sale now going on. New Pianos S2OO and up New Organs SSO and up Guitars $4 and up Mandolins $3.50 and ap Violins $1 50 and ap Autoharps $2 and ap Tnere are also some second hand instruments—pianos at $35 tc SIOO. Ogaus at S2O to S9O. Harmonicas and other musical in struments at proportionately low ra'es Strings of nil kind 1 ! constant ly in stock. No 1 1 8 SOUTH MAIN ST. Say Papa—did you see HECK'S neckwear, it bests anything von ever S!iW. All wool Dross Goods 40 inches wide only 25c at THE PEOPLES STORE. Underwear—a specialty at IlfCK's his stock is large it and finest ever offered in Hu''e» —lt is the kind ot investment that is productive of good results." when you buy your groceries at the BUT LER PRODUCE STORE No. 130 West Jvfferson Si. —Job work of all kinds done at the CRRIZEN OFFICE LEGAL \DVERTISEMENTS TRUSTEES SALE By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Butler County, Pa. at O. C. No. 102 June Term, 1896, ami to me directed, I will on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23d, 1*97, at one o'clock P. M. expose to public sale on the premises in Oakland twp., Butler County Pa., the following real es tate late the property of said .Margaret Martin, deceased, to-wit: All that cer tain tract of land situated in the Towu sbip of Oakland, County of Butler, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows to-wit: On the north by lands of Joseph Benson, 011 the east by lands of Peter Zimel and Conrad Ritzart, on the south by lands of Mary Vosbrink, and on the west by lands of Conrad Ritzart and Joseph Lane, con taining ninety-six acres more or less, with the appurtenances, with bank barn aud outbuildings thereon erected, late tlie residence of said decedent. Said real estate to be offered first, 011 the premises with power to adjourn from time to time, and to Butler, Pa., at the Court house if necessary for want of sufficient bids: siij sale to be on the usual terms, to-wit: one-third'cash on approval of sale by the Court, incl the balance in two equal an imal payments, secured by judgment bond and mortgage on the premises, IK&I iug interest, and with an attorney's commission of five per cent for collection. S. P. BOWSER, L. F. GANTFS, A. L. BowSFB, Trustee. Attorneys. TRUSTEE'S SALE. " Ily virtue of an order issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler County l*a., and to me directed at A. D. No 20, Sept. Term, 1896, therefore in pursuance of said order, I will expose to sale at public outcry on the premises oa TUESDAY, FKBUARY 2, 1897, at 11 o'clock A. M., the following de scribed real estate, known, as the "Pine Tract" said real estate being situated in Centre and Oakland twp's., Butler coun ty Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Purpart No 1, containing 70 acres, bounded on the north by purpart No 2; on the east by purpart No 4; 011 the south by land of C. Hewings, et al, and 011 the west by land of Blaiu heirs. Ai„so, Purpart No 2, contaiuiug 170 acres, bounded 011 the north by land of Thos. Brown; 011 the east by purpart No 3; 011 the south by purpart No 1; aud on the west by Blam heirs and Jas. Mc- Grath. Ai,so, Purpart No 3, containing 170 acres, bounded on the north by land of Tbos. Brown; on the east by lands of I. Robb; on the south by purpart No 4; and 011 the west by purpart No 2. ALSO, purpart No 4, containing 70 acres, bounded 011 the north by purpart No 3; ou the east by land of I. Robb; on the south by laud of D. Caldwell ft al, and ou the west by purpart No 1. Said described property being pur parts No's 1, 2, 3, and 4, of the real cs- State known as the "Pine Tract" (not accepted) as partitioned by a writ of partition filed in said Court at above stated number and term, a reference to which the proceedings will more fully and at large appear. TERMS OF SALE, One-third cash ou confirmation of sale by the Court, and the balance to be in two eipial annual installments, secured by bond prnl mortgage 011 the premises, including five per ccut attorneys com mission if the same has to be collected by process of law. Wlr, I,IAM B. I)ODDS, Trustee Administratrix Notice. Iu re estate of Joseph Hays, dae'd, lute of Adams twp. Butler county, Pa. Wlereao letter* of administration have been i.s.-ued on above c 'ate to Lllen Qayo by the Regitflui i.t Wilis, therefore all per- M>ns indebted to said estate will pie*"" settle the same and u..y ituying claims against said estate will present them prop erly proved lor payment to LLLKN HAYS, adm'rx ol Jos. Hays, dee'il, Valencia P. 0., Pa. \V. C. PINbLBV, Att'y. P erhap> you don t know how R v <-;uly we are o;i relation t< prescrip tions it will not be amiss to C all your attention to the P Reliable intelligence P * rompt scr/ice T <> everything of the kind placed our hands ever was so comete S ave j ou money too. C. N. BOYD. Pliarmacist. Diamond Block, - Butler, a Administrator's Notice. Xotice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration on the estate of Lavina Mc- CleUand, dee'd, late <>f Conr.oqunnessing ;wp . Butler county, l'a , have been grant ed to the undersigned, therefore all per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requited to m-<ke prompt »«t --tleineni, and those having claims against the san*e to present them duly anthenti cnt"d for payment to JOHN WBIGEL. Admr'., S. F. BOWSER, Att'y. Prospect, Pa. Executor's Notice. T.»tters testamentary on tho estate of l)«ii"1 ('rcsp, dee'd. lato of Connoquent-ns ine twp.. Butlor county. Pa . having been granted to the undersiened. all persons Screwing th«m«elves indebted to said es tate wili please make immediate payment and ar.y having claims against said estate will prci ft uuiy authenticated for settlement to ALEX. STEWART. Ex'r. W. D. BRAKUOK, Att'y. Prospect, Pa. Executor s Notice. Betters testamentary oa the estate of Henry Heck, dee'd, late of Winfield twp.. Butler county. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned; all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please nake immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will pre sent them duly authenticate! for settle ment to JOHN* HECK, Ex'r, Denny, Butler Co , Ps. MCJLSKIX A GALBRBATU. Atty's. notice of Application for Incor poration. In the Court of Common Pleas for the Countv ol Butler. Notice is hereby giveu that an applica tion will ba made to the said court on the 2.M day of January A D. 1697 at 2 o'clock P. M ULder f hs "Corporation Act of one th;iii.>and eight hundred and seventy fonr," and supplements thereto, by J. H Trout man, Joseph Hartrnan, Wm. Campbell, I. J. Ifc-Candlesß, A. C. Andoraon, and J. S. Jack, for the Charter ol an intended incor poration to be called Tho Butler Board of Trade, the character and object of which is for tho encouragement and protection c f trade and commerce, and for the purpose to have, possess, and enjoy all the rights, benefits, and privileges conferred by said act and i's supplements. IRA IfcJuKKiN LEVI M. WISB, Solicitors. JOS. HORNE&Co! HOUSEWIVES and NEEDLEWORKERS We have inaugurated a sale especially in the interests of the housekeeper or the workers with needle and thread. We have spent much time in its preparation Goods have beer, brought from every where—every department offers some thing at an unusually low price. Housekeeping Linens Fifty-cent bleached table Damask, 60 inches wide, very highly finished for thirty-five cents a yard. Bleached Damask Napkins, the kind that sells for #1.25 a dozen, for ninety cents H dozen. Fringed Tea Napkins, 16 inches square at five fonts each. Blanket Sale — Our are made iu our own mills. There is nothing in them but the finest and softest of wool, and the weaving is al! that it should be. At two dollars we sell a most excellent pair of blankets, which weighs 4% jiounds—all wool every ounce of it. It is GfixM inches. At three dollars we sell a pair of blankets 66x84 inches, sold elsewhere for * 1.50. China Sale — Cups and Saucers, that were *1.50 to $2.25 a dozen, will go in this sale, no matter what the former price, at ten cents each. Vegetable Dishes and Steak Dishes, that used to be 50 cents apiece; your choice, twenty-five cents. 112 piece Dinner Sets, English por celain, very handsomely decorated in undergla/.e, at six dollars and half a set. On all the finer and finest Dinner Sets we offer a reduction of One Quarter from our regular prices. This is an offer which ought to result in some lively China selling. Penn Avenue and Fifth St.. PITTSBURG. Butler Savings Bank Huller, JPa. Capital - - soo,ooo*oo Surplus aud Profits, $119,263-67 JOS. L PURVIS Presiden J. UKXT.Y IRol i MAN Vice-Preaideu \VM ('A I• I:t■ I.) ,Jr Cusiiie 1.01 !M H. STK.'N Telle Dll:K< I'OI'S loiepli 1.. Purvis. .1. Hem' TIP- iiuan, W. O. Li.i.idon, W. A. Htela, •) S. CiimiiUeii. 'I : •• lintler Savin • < ts lan o ! 'leit ; Cauk it; InnttCuUoa lu Bntler ( <>nn v. 1 eue l al Oaoklu* uiuniiens uausacted. «i k(»... 11 a co Hi'- of v'l'ju'odu :ers, rner clis 11 », far wis ami 01 uei«. A" iiin nf-s eairut us' wl'lj receive pi ouipl al 'en' ion. lull rest DiiU ou lime 'leooslu The Sillier Coooly National Sank BUTLF.R, FA. Capita! oaid In $100,000,00 Surplus and Pioflis $57,962 35 JOB liar!man. Pre .lea': J. V. Kilt#,Vice Pre- (let.!; C. A Bailay, Ca-hier; John G UeMa.>!n, >►■>': t'rwuier. A _>•r '• ilt' ■. (• ii'; ii'ismess transacted. ' merest 1 .iM ou . «e ctepusii 1. *'oii''j loaoed On approve ! seeurlty. We tavlle yau to upfii aa accouut nltli tbls tlflllk I>J KKCTOIts lion, .losepli Hartniaa. lion. W. s. Waldron. IJr. N. M. Hoover. 11. M<Sweeney. E. K. AOrnnis. I". ColDus, I. t>. Suniti Leslie I'. I l.i, et'. M. I tin ...11' \\. Henry Wilson. JoUn Hutupi. rev. Dr. \v. 1 Mi I'aDOlesi. Ben MRMelh U iny XJ' i»l-y..l. V. Km. RRSTAURANT. One door below C. H. Johnson's he. J store in MILLERSTOWN. J. W. S'i'liWAßT, I'ropr. —Aj;cut for the celebrated Singer Sew ing iiachmes Consignment Clothing Sale. M. Sampter. Sons & Co., Manufacturing Clothiers of 13, 15, 17 and 19, East Fourth Street New York. SALE IS NOW GOING ON AT Schaul & Nast's. Leadind Clothiers. 137 S- Main St., Butler, Pa. DO Not Put up an ARGUMENT As to where you will buy your suit or overcoat, but come to us. OUR GARMENTS, when seen, present their own merits so strongly that they need no persuasive lan guage to induce you to buy, they are the best for the money that can be obtained. Yours for Clothing, DOUTHETT &GRAHAM. CUT THIS OUT I BRING IT WITH YOU TO BUTLER'S PROGRESSIVE SHOE HOUSE. A GREAT SALE NOW GOING ON. Surprise after surprise awaits you. Never before in the his tory of Butler Co. has such an opportunity been offered to you. Think of it SI.OO, £1.25 and $1.50 Winter Boots and Shoes all reduced to 98 cents. Prices That Tell The Story. v. Ladies Rubber Boots 98c m Misses Rubber Boots 98c S Youths Rubber Koots 98c f Mens Overs for Felts 98c y Mens Buckle Arctics 98c S Mens Buffßals Needle 98c > Mens Buff bals, Yale 98c X Mens Buff" Cong Globe 98c / Mens Working Shoes 98c f Boys fine Bals, needle 98c j We Will Not be Undersold. Ladiss Calf Shoes 98c x Ladies fine butt Shoes 98c S Ladies spring heel shoes 98c p Boys and Girls shoes 98c \ Youths stoga boots 98c 1,000 Pair School Shoes 98c AND The Half Has Not Been Told DON'T MISS THIS SALE. TRY WHAT 98c WILL DO AT Butler's Progressive Shoe House. 2i5 South Main St., BUTLER PA C. E. MILLER, What is Your Need? If you need any thing in the furnish- O ing line we can sup ply you. It you want a hat or cap we can show you the best Up -To - Date stock in the county, at very low prices. Colbert & Dale. 42 S. Main St., Butler, I'enu'a A* * * Genuine Scotch Tweed Suit, made as you want it, FOR $24 is an example of how our 20 per cent discount sale reduced the price of our 130 suit. SO WE MUST empty the stock tables before our Spring Patterns arrive. The discount goea during JANUARY AND FEBRUARY. THIS IS A BENEFIT FOR YOU: Come in and see about it. ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES. B. £ B. ir Stock Taking Ends With —JANUARY— account to be taken of everything in the store—money is easier to count than goods—plus stocks— convert them into cash quick— we're willing to take a loss on choice goods to do this—we won't carry over any surplus stocks — they've got to go —write now, soon as you read this, for samples and see if the way they're going doesn't interest you and your pocketbook more than anything has for a long time. 60 inch Mixed Suitings—all wool—that were half a dollar, 25c. 40 inch all wool Diamond Checks, 25c. 40 inch all wool Bourette Suit ings, 25c, 32 inch all wool neat mixtures, 20c. Lot of all Wool Suiting Mix tures. 42 to 52 inches wide, that were 75c, SI.OO, $1.25 —all at 50c. All Wool Black Goods at 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, —all greatly re duced. Nice Bright Plaids, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c —for waists or chil dren's dresses there never has been such a chance to get like values for the money. All the surplus stocks in the store at mark-down prices— write and tell us what you're in terested in and we'll send samples that will show you we mean busi ness. Get samples of the new 1897 wash goods. Boggs & Buhl, ALLEGHENY. PA. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual IFire Insurance Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham ALP. WICK. Pr»«. M to. K KTTKKKK. Tire Pre*. » L. H. arJUMtIH, ttoe'j aid Tnw. DIRECTORS: Alrr»"i \\ Ick. Henderson Ollrer, ' r. W.lrvlu. James StepbensoD, W. W. BSackmoff, N. Weltzel. F. liowinan. H. J. KHosier eo. Ketlcrur, chaa. Hebnun,; tec. IWtino. .Jolin Kocqluk LOYAL McJUNIKN Agent. Advertise in the OmziH.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers