GRAND CLEARANCE and SAMPLE SALE of BOOTS and SHOES We have becjun a grand Clearance and Sample sale, and in tend to make the month of January which is usually a quiet month, on<: o l the busiest in the year and in order to complish our purpose we have marked ail goods away down and have placed three large sample counters in our store crowded with bargains. Grand cut in all lines none will be spared—We need the money and you need the goods. Kach iine represented in this grand daughter sale. All can be suited, shoes for every person, and a bargain for every person. Attend this sale and get a pair of sample shoes at reduced prices and you will be well pleased Felt boots and overs reduced to 11.50 per pair Mens gum boots reduced to 2.00 per pair Bojs gum boots reduced to 1 -75 P<*r pair Youths gum boots reduced to per pa.. Cbilds gum boots reduced to -9° P cr P a * Mens box toe shoes double sole and tap regular prices $2.25 go at f 1.60 Metis satin calf shoes regular price 1-75 reduced to Boys satin calf sho°s 'ar price '-35 reduced to l.< ■ Youths satin calf shoes ? ;i : e 1.00 reduced to Ladies fine dongola shoes regular price S-50 reduced to 2.50 Ladies fine dougola shoes regi: ar <>rice 2.00 reduced to 1.50 Misses fine dongo'.a shoe* rcg. ar price 2.00 reduced to 1 ■*' Children* fiue <ons{ola shoes regular price 1.50 reduced to i.eo Childrens fine rfongola ■; regular pnee 1 00 re.luced to .50 Balance ot ou- Hoiidav v. ii :i iat, ?i.25 and your cnov. for 65c , pa:r and many other bargains which will interest you. (A box of le. : r i • ' ivl.l-, ask for it.) Call and see us, JOHN BICKEL, 128 South Main St, Butler Pa. "Oh, I Guess That'll Have To Do." Customers never say that in our shop. We don't keep the "have-to-do" kind of stock. You can get exactly what you want here. The only t: b!e you can possibly experience is to know jubt what to choose, from so much that is Stylish, Elegant and Suitable. Our table arc piled high with the choicest weaves from the best looms of America, England and the Continent. If we are not already making your clothe-, come in, and e.vperince the realjuxury of buy ing from a stock complete, varied and beautiful. If you come once you'll come again. J. S. YOUNG, Tailor, Hitter aid Men's furnisher, " r * 1 Positively the Greatest Bargain Ever OfLred ! ' J J For Daily Use in Your Honr.e or Office | 2" work in the world equals that matchless Reference Library, the New 1 STANDARD AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA | IM #ll I ARfiF X* Nearly 4,000 Over 3( 0 Pre i ,iirt<l ur - dcr cditorial Bu P e^inion of 1 O VOLUMES John Clark Ridf .th, LL.D. & — author of "R: Inath's Htsto- > ." etc., % AS ; . . • ORK £ Y)\\V.\\ mrejS..A tp -ting over topics (10,000 more N>.*' jjf** ij| " '* Chemistry, Pbysiology^M^eralo^^H^ 1 FRESH FROM THE PRESS & i •' COST $890,000 10 PRODUCE |, m if ATO* Mif ' embrace •. rlO ,subdi\ including g*'^ ♦4 mam j?© i ait Jfc VOL3 fIK OI - 4 j I p_ T yi '*V> •'•/• R, State and territorial Elections Rcflfclous o^4 TB || tjo-H j If ~~ Summaries Statistics of the l'orubition of ©>"• | ~. ir : :: ' ' :! "' l! ' '"' '~ K Gi^' For a Umitsd Time Only— «K Just to Inlrcduca tha t/ork wA £ v You ihus secure this Splendid Reference Library at once for continued use and enjoyment. <&j. THE NEW STANDARD AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA i the LATK.-T OF ALL g.- 'i; .l reference JgS SEE HOW I works. AH others are from sto 10 vcara old, and are silent; ■k- ng I'- '<■' l--Tt •.j > i<_:. <>i u •.?. LATE IT IS ! THE "STANDARD AMERICAN" conlaim. Hu i. -1. -■' <■( '.<'. u ARTICLES on V ■ ot tr. -I in 6»V J&£ any other encyclopedia, such, for instance, as "THi X-H AV'," "ARC'"HOR . ; ,SS CAR % ; RIAGES," "THE ATLANTA EXPOSITION," "COLOR PIIt/TO" • RAPIIY." «•;<. It also gives biographies of hundred .of people who have LATELY becotr,' ;am«rti.;. such. (or in ' tree a-. PROF. R01... It,; , >i; • ier pL •SK of the "X-RAY," lA:; ACLAREN, DR. NANSEM, the CXJJIO,-'-: Rt'DYARD Kl I'Ll '• ■, th< c Icbu;" d writi i. ]'■■ . :hi; A it is the only Encycloji; ;'ia winch presents all the LATEST S'l ATI IK'S State, Territorial and N >tional, and of t!; •• a 1. OKr It is the One Great. :-rnctic.-:l Reference Library for the Professional and Hu.siness Man, ttie Teacher, ti* ■ SlutlftTt, the Farmer, Artisan ai:U Mechanic. With over i engravings, of superb quality and til variety, inc! :<1 .- n: . ved portiaits tVv MAGNIFICENTLY of distinguish'-d I'oets, Authors, Physicians, Chemists. Philosophers and Scientists, and with over 300 6ftr* Jlte I, I itcTpATpn new maps, diagrams and charts from the VERY LATEST EXPLORATIONS and SI i<\'EYS, deline- &lLr TJ3 ' J * ating Continent ~ Empires,Countries,States,Cit ies.Town .Ci'a'i Is.S'ilar,Lunar,and I'lanetarv Systeri: ,md niROUQHOUT ! every of the known world, and formingaC«>mplet«-a dI- 1 i-d Atl.' .of the Globe. I lIESTAND ~ ARD AHERICAN is the best Illustrated and the best mapped Encyclop. Jia in the Language p j Our Great Introductory Offer To secure widespread and favorable publicity for THE NEW STANDARD AMERICAN ENCYCI OPEDIA, • have dec: d |&£ to place a few intro-hic-oiy sets in each community throughout the country for comparison with all other re feu nee v. ' as to plan, V scope, lateness of treatment and general practical and educational value. We fee! that every S' t. will create ad- n i for nth r-. W bB While the distribution will be general in extent, it will la..' for a limited time onh , after which onr regular sul crip' ' • •;in, t f at prices ranging from S4S to $72 a set, according to style of binding. Now, however, to (p-.ickly ami thoroughly : ::m the work, G \ Jj*3 un abf>vc stated, we make the price merely nominal (about the cost of papci and printing', the distribution I, limited to a very rtj few weeks, ' C• kV sets, at the special, has been distributed. r ~: '■ Ws ■ Sent! $1 to THE ENCYCLOPEDIA PI'MLISHING CO., is,(, Fifth Avenue. v Yor' City, and a full i' -f $T ItiOW TO SECI'Ui: Ctof eight volumes of THE NEW STANDARD AA'.i RICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA,. 1 cloth binding, will zij ■K kO*'P ftp THI-SP be forwarded to you at once. The - ' • J* Jp 1 1 . , * 5 cents a day. If you prefer the half-Morocco bindi:. '.li -monthly payment will t>e $2 and for full sheep, j SPLENDID 5E rs %2. 50 per month for the year. We recommend the Half-Morocco Style, which is particularly eh gant and C' 1 ■ rviceable, and will last a lifetime. If not ,-u, represented any set may be returned within ten da;, and ii-X; Jp money will bo promptly refunded. Our conlidence tliat the volumes will be cheerful! paid for i; shown by sending a. 1 setoflHjoks (•& on payment of sr. We also feci that you will thoroughly ; ;);ireciate the sup'-rb new work and peak favorably of it to others. gsx %sjr pi'bhsher «>? this newspaper. Always mention name of j>aper you see this offer in. Address " I The ENCYCLOPEDIA PUBLISHING CO., 156 I YOU WANT A NEW DRESS for the winter gaieties. Why pay sixty or seventy-five dollars, when wc can make you up perfect gar ments with the best linings and workmanship throughout for from $35 to $45? Make your selec tion now, so that we can have time to give you a careful job be fore you need ttfe clothes. Perfect Styles and Fit are pre eminently the necessities in a sat isfactory full dress suit. Our guarantee goes with every dress suit we make. If the fit and style are not exactly as they should be, we cannot afiord to have you wear the garments. A Good Diesser must have a full dress suit for special evening wear. We have the finest goods and make absolutely correct gar ments. Do not make the mis take of having your evening dress suit made by an incompetent or careless tailor. A mistake of this kind is expensive. COOIftCO WEDDING SUiTS A SPECIALT?. Cor. Diamond. Butler. Pa rClilrhMUr V F»«ll»h Diamond Tlran4. ENNYROYAL PILLS Original ao<l Only Genuine. A • a re, ftlw®ya reliable. L*o«cft & M I'ru*rs«t for 'Chi'kfter $ Engli»h Itin <MrV\ "■ * r ~ ' **«•<! an<l <io * 4l untied with blo« ribbon. Tftkc \jy %< jkx E/.jno otbrr. R'fu*r §ubtTUu~ ▼ I / /tftionsmnd imitation*. M I)ru**:«t«, or wmd 4*. I . Win *tuiip# tor particular!. 'ertimonixla and \ m A •• Keller for Ladlca " '* by rftori \ nr Mall. lA.AOOT « u..J. Same ' rriH*ln*t*rCk®jr* f Hquarti Slid tr til Local Druggists. l*blladju« rfc «^HUMPHREYS' VVETERINARY SPECIFICS Fsr Eirses, Cattle, Sieer, Isgs, Begs, AND POUXTKT. SOO Page Book an Treatment of Animal* aud Chart f»eni Free, cmtsj FpTpr«,C'onee»tion«.lnfliimi»ißtion A.A. (Spinal iMeningiti.. .Milk Fever. 11. K.—strain*. Urnroo.. Khrnniail.m. ..lll.temper, Uncharges. l>.Lt.—Hot. or (irub*. Worm*. K.K.—I ongh«, Heave., PnruitlODla. F.F.—« ollc or Bi llnchr. fMi.rarrixp, Hemorrhage*. 11.11.—1 rinary and Kidney Itisea.r*. I.l.••Eruptive Di.ea.e., .Manga* J.K.—Disease, ot Migration, I'aralysia. Single Bottle (over 50 doseslk - .00 stable Cn.e, with Spwlfl.-a. Manual, Veterinary Cure Oil an I Medicator, 87.00 Jar Veterinary Core Oil, - - 1.00 S»M bJDmtiui: or w»t prt-pii-l unbrnud la mmj quatiif oo refill © t prttt. Hrwrnß, m a us W X^IHUHPSESYS' 1 HOMEOPATHIC f% ft IlliKJ SPECIFIC No.uu ID use 30 jtars Tho only mceessfol remedy for Nervous Debilitv, Vital Weakness, and Pronration, from * overwork or other c&ia*s. 9- P«r viai, o e 6 vials and larpe vnal powd«r, for »£*- fW/! i ty Dratrfiti, or •cut poatpa.l • a r- - !pt ol prlc*. UriPHiU !:>'JLLi*. CU, 11l Alls WiilUM Su. S«w lork. CATARRH LOCAL ,S DISEASE and is the result of colds and * *isfA sudden climatic changes. For your Protection $2 A we positively stare thAt this iwj mere zry or any otheriinju- y ious drug. E?*3| ;< CVS Ely's Cream BaImBESS3 is acknowledged to he the most thnrongh core for Nasal C aurrh, Co:d in Head ar.d Hay I-ever of ail remediea. It opens ami rleanw- the i.asal paisages, allays pain ana inflammation, hf .i -> the E"re«, pr - teeta tne mcmhraire fr .m colda. rextorea the sen.-i -I of taate and rmelL I'rir*- .Vr. at I'm_-ei*taor by ma . ELY UKUTiIEKS, 00 Warrtu Street, New York. This whiskey ' ' l ' B - wa ' s " is a tonic in ferjKVll e y '® no^* sense of Ue fc|Sßj| "P mixttne builds upthe absolutely ailing ones. -rIV, : ''Or-f| 'iEßßKskSir & Ci'fl L/| Price Liol 5c.-.. fu? Or Application « iJjGS.i t • SON. S ! iv2^r«|WMOLCSALC ' - A»IC- . t- Jim MAU HI.T hi. |g[;- M, i Funeral Director 337 S. Mdio.St. But!er,ra. THE CITIZEN• The Big Hiijh Hat Rep. Pitcairn of Pittsburg intends in troducing a high hat bill in the present legislature and a committee of Pittsburg ladies will be present to urge its passage Let the good work go on. Out in Chi cago the Board of Alderman passed on sight an ordinance against the high hat and bonnet, which so moved a local poet that he burst forth in ful rhyme over an almost impossible incident in the thea tre. Hear him: Yes the hero was perfection, with a.i honest, manly face. And the heroine was gifted with a more than winning grace, And I fell extremest pleasure when the thwarted villain cursed, j In the last scene, and requested that they do their very worst. But the acme of enjoyment was attain ed the moment that The policeman "pinched" the lady with the b i g high !!!!!! H A T. j When the calcium made rainbows of a isoft and mellow kind, When the schemers found how worth less were the papers they had siened When the slavey slapped the soldier merrily across the jaw, I leaned back and laughed my heart out in one boisterous guffaw— But no burst of glee was equal to that one that was begat When the copper. softly stepped down to the lady of the hat. Many, many years I'd suffered—years of rubber-necking kind; I had dodged and writhed and wriggl ed, had made me almost blind In my efforts to peak over, underneath around or through Those great monumeutal structures which shut the stage from view- Now the copper came in justice and she arose from where she sat hat. high . . blg with her And she followed to the foyer Shows in other days have pleased me in a fragmentary wny When I've had the luck to see. say, forty seconds of the play, But this time came fierce enjoyment; echoed far and wide my laugh And I deemed I had good value for my dollar and a half. Ay, my heart was light and merry, I scarce knew where I was at For tlie stage was plain before me, Since the copper cinched the hat. For a broken down system there is nothing like Hood's Sarsaparilla. Try it now. Hello dear! Did you enjoy the ball?' ' said Charles Pelz, when his wife returned from a gay dance. "I was tired aud went to lied. Come here. I want to talk to you." He then kissed her lips that were once unstained, and told of his inability to secure work and dress her as he wished. He was a silk weaver and the business had been very slack. He was weary and had given up the fight. He then turned down the bed clothes and disclosed a gory wound below his heart. The gaudy creature fainted and Charles died. KHEUIiATIStI —M&ny canes treated with other remedies, have been cured witu Armstrongs "1 cure U." It reaches pain, cuies ,-p.aius, bruises, erampcolie, cholera morbus, etc. An extraordinary story of the credulity of Kussianpeasants comes from Slavyansk in southern Russia, where a woman whose io year old girl had sore eyes con sulted a witch doctor aud was told to ap ply gunpowder to the child's eyes aud touch it off with a match. She did so blinding the child and injuring herself. ARMSTRONG'S Little riyhtein Pills, Ibe finest and best ever used. A true liver pill that is sure to please. Many persons in Maine make a few spare hundreds of dollars each year in picking spruce gum at a dollar a pound. Most ot the Maine gum iroes to the West and the South, and a man who comes in from the deep woods with lots of gum in his pack may look on his load as so much cash, for the market is never glut ed with spruce gum, KNOCKED OUT—A merchant says Morrison Bros Cough fc'yrup has knocked ut my sales on all other congb euros. In disposing of her estate valued at 5150,000, the late Annie Wain, of Ger mantown. gave $.25,000 to the Pennsyl vania Society for the Prevention of cruel ty to animals, and {3,000 for the pur chasing and putting to death of old and worn out horses. JiltcuinatiAiit Citreil m ft Day. "Mystic Cure" k>r Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures m 1 to 3 days. ll» aei.ou upon tho system is remarkable aud mysterious. It 1 emoves ai. ouue liie cause uud liie disease immediately iiisap I'eAiS. The fits; do>« greatly beiielits; to eeuis hold by J. C Redic, and F. Balph Druggista, Butier AprlMi An enormous crowd of people assem bled in the streets of Rotterdam on the Bth inst. to witness a wedding party <lll the way to and from church. The bride and groom rode to the church on a tan dem and tlie other members of the party were mounted 011 wheels. A large force of police had to be requisitioned to clear a passage for them as they left the church. Chieora, I'a., Ucrald: Richard Veusel re ports Ouo Minute Cough (Jute the greatest rueces- <>l medical science. lie told us that it cured hia whole family of terrible coughs and colds, alter all other so called cures had tailed entirely. Mr. Yensel said it his children through a very had siege ol measles. One Minute Cough Cure makes expectoration very easy and rapid. KKOIGK A, UHOHMAN.N The most perfect of violins are those made by Antonio Stradivarius, of Cre mona, italy. In his entire career he made from 6,000 to 7,000 violins. Few of these were sold for more than #25 dur ing his life. Now some of them com mand SIO,OOO each. As Antonio died in 1728, it follows that any genuine violin of his is over 168 years old. Constipation in its worst forms, dyspep sia, sick headache, billiousness and de rangement ol tho liver are readily cured by DeWitt's Litile Karly Risers. These little pills neyer gripe. Small pill, sale pill, best pill. RKLICK & ÜBOHMANK. We have issued some very handsome subscription receipts, and all old or new subscribers will get one by paying up for their paper. The supply is unlimited, so call early and you will receive prompt and careful attention. Before cutting a man's head off in China, the authorities make him drunk. The beauty of this system is that a man can get drunk without having a head oo the next morning. Minutes seem like hours when a iil'e is at stake. Croup gives no time to ser.d for a doctor, delay may mean death. One Min ute Cough Cure gives instant relief and in sures recovery. The only harmless reme dy that gives immediate results. RKOICK IK GKOHMAKW. An editor of a western paper recently printed this rather ambiguous announce ment: ',On account of lack of room a number of deaths have been propponed. The present year 1597 began on Fri day, will end 011 F'ridey and has fifty three Fridays in it. Superstitions peo ple believe that this is ominous and are I looking for all sorts os terrible things to occur. All tho different skin troubles, from chapped hands to eczoma-and indolent ul cers cau ho readily cured by l)eWitt's Witch iituul Halve. KBUIGK IT IIKOUMASII The talk of scarcity of turkeys in the holiday season 111 some measure was ac counted for by the large shipments .to the east. One lirui 111 Jamestown, I'a. shipped 5,500 turkeys and two tons of chick ens to New York. Prescriptions and Family Recipes are natters of importance and should l>e tilled carefully and with pure drags only, wl give them our sj-ecial attention. The Baby + * requires a little special c '-c . tig the warm weather, espec ial' v if fed from a bottle, we have a oi frest infant food, ai ail times, also bottles, nippies, tubes, . . jnd tube cleaner* etc. It you desire a sterilizer we can supply you wl.h one. or w :il be p>ascd to furnish any desired information cone rning thc:n. Disinfectants sliou'd be used exu- lively at this s?asj:i of the year, the i; si being copperas, ch!o: .de-'iate, arid cru le carbolic acid, the la r being better than the pure, as iu pu ifyiug an iurxmaat dis:n fec !• ' a ,r eut isremoved, we have a lar™e supply of these at all times. We a oca y a full ice of toilet articles and sick-room requisites. 11EU10K & G HOHMANN PEOPLES PHONE. 114- BUTLER PA o Q •• - Xr > -IJ V i illlC* W'" IS | tuality /P-. Power, j § ftjj 8 1 Hitch your if|j j£ But be sure! I business f| in ' t s | 1 works to a ™|l Fahvs O.old=| !j good watch.j jlj >U fiHed Case, | I .. i And that yc.< in.> it ironi g E. QRIEB, JEWELER, 139 N. MAIN STKKKI, RUTLER, PA. "A HAND SAW IS A GOUtJ THING, BUT N SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING Ft? HOUSE-CLEANING. To Rejected Lovers. Cheer up and try another bout— Don't think this freeze will last; Pull many a marble heart turns out To be a plaster cast. HOOD S P?LLS cure elver Ills, Bil iousncss, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. There are 3,376 Americans living in Australia. Kite flyirg is one of the chief sports of the adult Malays. Lost—A deer littlo child who nia<io home happy by it* smiles. And to think it miftht nave 'oeen saved hail the parent* only kept iti the iions One Minnte Cure, tiie inlallible letneiiy fur croup. RKDICK. I G ROHM ASH. A local merchant was heard to remark last Saturday that his holiday trade was better this season than it had been in several previous years. An affection something like the whoop ing cough has been going the rounds and many persons seem to have been taken with it who are no longer very young. NATI'UE'S Coir pound is jailing in favor ever/ nay. C. P. Stewart, fSaifsburif Pa. sa} s; 'II Ml< beipetl tne mo.e thi.n anythiri: else." ll builiis up the system, giyea a pood natural appetite. "This lets me down easy," said the mercury as the cold wave struck it. The man who was buried in Kentusky in a barrel of whiskey rightfully owns the title—"an old soak." There is no fault that docs not brinn its brother and sister and cousin to live with it. 01PHTHER1 A—Nine t:me* ir ten a phjhcian will not lie needed it Arm- Htroc«'s Dipthena ard Qtiitisy H,o;.s uto used as soou as sorene.-s is fell, iu the throat. A furry tongue will not keep your mouth warm. No Maude, dear, you can't open dead locks with skeleton keys. A local pugilist calls himself Compass, because he is frequently boxed. A torpid liver means a Im. 1 complexion, bad breath, indigestion and frequent head aches. To avoid such companions take DeWitt's bittle Early Risers, the famous little pills. RKDICK & ÜBOHMANN. Glycerine applied to the soles of the hoofs it is said will keep horses from "balling" in the snow. As to bow it will act on a mule, we leave you to make the experiment. llow fast the years are rolling round! They seem to gain momentum as the wheels of time move on. As one in mid dle life looks back upon the months which have flown it seems to him— As a dream when night is done, As the shadow flees the sun, As a ship whose white sails skim Over the hori/.on dim, As a life complete of days Vanishcth from mortal ways As a hope that pales to fear— Is the dying of the year. Soothing for burns, scalds, chapped bauds and lips. Healing lor cots aaii sores. Instant rebel lor piles, stops pain at once, These are the virtues of Ue Will's Witch Hazel Salvo. RKI>»OK IFC GROHMANS. An Oil City boy hung bis stockings so near a gas stove that the heat, after Santa Claus had filled it, converted the candy into molasses. The lad wasn't overjoyed with the form of Christmas goodies, though he was somewhat stuck on it. "When » man has money to burn, says the Pliolosopher, "he generally uses it to have a b—l of a time." A paper in reporting the case of a somnambulist who walked off a roof headed the article; "lie Fell Asleep." A weed in the garden can be easily de stroyed when it iir.-:t starts. Consumption can be nipped io the bud by One Minute Cough Cure. KKUUK it UROIIMANM. The movement that has been on foot in this htete to change the method of capi tal punishment has reached the point at which action is to be taken. At this ses sion of the Legislature a bill is to be in troduced to abolish hanging and provid ing that the death penalty slixill be inflict ed by asphyxiation. A baker calls bis establishment " Yrt ka bakery." This would not be so funny if it didn't read the same way backward' Illinois leads all the States in the iti- C rea: «' of votes since 1592. Its gain was 216,179, Pennsylvania's 191,726, New York's 179,163, and Ohio's 164,726. AFTER OTHERS FAIL a Corrur: the O'" :: -inti' DR.LOBB :n» N. 1 i«"' i:i.vm *T., I'lin.A., "A. Thirty vrnrn nttnumii pra--tl''e 111 |l»e < tin. of «t' JI o' men f.nil uein II N I mutter from wba. t u.i**' or l*o»v lonic «ti*ntiln»r. I ** .U a rur® iVZ-i'm "* l-.cUi-iioum' JL> 'U J UA* kU&kr /•Pfc RE VIVO ,*■*% KtTOHES I Vitality j& y, h I £a MAUK a Jltj- Man Ist l>»y. * K l;,tll Day.- Of Me. THE i litis AT :«tU3l)ay. ..,iJ FRENCH REMEDY pt Jdiioea the above results In 30 days. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others (all. Young men will regain their loit man hood, and ol<l men will recover 1 heir youthful vigor bv usluir RKVIVO. It. quickly and surely restores Nervousness. Lost vitality. Lost I'ower. Failing Memory. Wasting Diseases, and all effects of excess and Indiscretion, which un fits one tor study, business or marriage. It not only cure* «v otirtlng at tile scat of disease, but Ls a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bringing back the pink plow to pale cheeks and restoring the fire of youth. It wards oil Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having It BY IVO. no other. If can be carried In vest pocket. By mail, tl.oojier package, or six for $6.(10. with a positive written guarantee to cure or refund the ironey. Circular free. Address KOYAL MEIMCINK < 0.. CHICAGO. ILL For Sale by RHDDICK & GROMANN, THAT TIRED SYSTEM can be made strong by cautious use of pure liquors. We offer Pure 6-year-ol<l unadulterated Whisky, either Pinch's, Over holt, Gibson, Guckenheimer, barge, or Mt. Vernon at ft. 00 per full quart, or 6 qts. for #5.00. Wc do not say you cannot get purity and age elsewhere. We do say, in 9 cases out of io, you pay for adulterated substitutes. On C. 0. D. or Mail Orders of SIO.OO or over we prepa> all charges Our Motto : "FAIR DEALINGS TO EVERYBODY." Grandfather's Choice Whisky, guaran teed 3 years eld, f 2.00 per gallon. ROBERT LI£WIN & CO,, Importers and Wholesalers, 411 Water St. Opposite B. &O. Depot Telephone, 2179 Pittsburg, Pa. TAFT'S P I aT| VSGSBPL --DENTAL ROOMS.-- | 1 tlr 39-sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. |jj I HJWBh Wi , rcpHACTlCA , .'_Y'J o »»gU.p| HiST CROWN *"'l DF.|lj£ wtirk* l )<>§ MM "I I'itt.Mmrg—WH V .SOT DO PJ Alftl fH™ l -' RS? CROWNS A BRIDGE work rc»lu. •« <l WIMW fits PER TOOTH Also the® " Pi of*l>eth miwli* ONLYSB U l>U TORS LAKH * £6 » ct'.: J rt: omrEXftAitr. 'Sj Or A-! A /E. *»t> f- OUtiTM 07., PiTTbbUROh.. PA. 'V, A Aiir.,rmsof f.'lti atcanil Com- WQtkk ptieatedDl * 1 requiring Co*- --'-i ' •55#' PI III; Jul AI. aiI'ISCIK.NTIFI'- Mc<!- i-' itullofi aro «re:.»i«l «t tills ->i<- ■ . v. : 1 n .iKf" -iirely ultajiie.|. I»r. S> imbcrof tbc t->»ilfcge">t 1 - Su.y. ...1 "till I" the Ol Icit aiel lin.-Il .. ,-1 .•i •• «'in ihcciiv. *pi<'tnlat . :i ironWM'*mMDrUUl; [roaereti n .1 .I,' m.l MI;M.-rcti«nof 11. ~ln I .1! and cental .1 •• !•*,»:• ' "f ciier^r. . etc.; a.JOC' ICCI M 'Mil .Sol'c.-i, Flt t, . i lieumattan, and all <b- •••of the ft. in. .1 ,»> <»r>fiii: ,If. . <'<•!, 'illation t ,s"■ li ftv coiiji'H i-i ml Oi'.co Imuran to i ;,to *p. M.; liun-liiyH. JU> ! r.. M. jnlv. 1 at of ire or xul«.rc. i IM»N ' Y . w am, A.NO'Ti:,r :i:»'iwill.Va THE KEELEY OURf: Is a i'l \1 iTion to ho inc. in I v'I.J, hnvlr:; drift. '1 inter.ll in i-!y into the >!. .:>i N. I Uiitl a n akeo 'o fln<l the IJseaxonf olcol o . m flu trued •a th i. renilen -r them no to . M-.arf i r ii :• -a ir brain. A r w—k* -t ■ , A tri...' fjntotihe • » Ktci.i.y ir L.miutt . ' I tit"*V T'OWI t . r.l. t WI<I j, tiers He ibnoriral a " •• aa4 IM:, ' . 'italpc'Mn* ttn-iUntt % >}% iteM rt,, i -i . it.. . rt, and n y* V .1 . I . ■ :t! • •'! lito „ . .• -i ' ".ra 1;; ' t 'it '!• -T'll't "I* • I Mr '*o.'... I •• naar tioi' - L(). WICK ntt.'lSß !!• Bcujit) ar.d hM Lumber OP AL- KISDS D jorn Sash, Blln<ls. MculdlnK-* said Lalb Atways In Stock. I.IME, !!AIR ANn PLASTIiK Ofllco oppoalt« P. A W. Depot,; rnTOXK. Pa. FRA2ER& iJKST 1.1 TIIK H'OltLl). |»* actnallv cutlantitu: twu lK>zes of a IT other brand. Not alT'-ctwl l<y lion' Ift.Kl TIIK JJKNI'IMK. 1 i'vi; nt UiiALKBQ OO'UtAiXY. THE LARGEST STOCK OF Dolls, Tovs and Fancv goods at THE LEADING MIL LINERY HOUSE of Butler. COME an examine our stock, best uoods, lowest prices. 122 T) T Djipp 122 S. Main St. Al lj g Main gt CLOSING OUT SALE OF CLOTHING i» Oi;r closing oi;t sale of men's, boys and childrens overcoats, suits u i oil'..- is ui> as we desire to close out every garment in j J -• l.« .e b ."oic Apiii i. 1897. Our stock is yet lull and complete i ,'c: ;• 11 ;> ; 1. i:t.m 75c up, chi'drens overcoats from 75c up. We •.• v;st >;.y «h„t c\ : sales so far have exceeded our most sanguine ex ' : ■ccla'ions being much in excess of last year. \\ c w: "1 still continue to carry the largest and best selected line o. ' -i i>\;. prr c.rods in Butler, such as underwear, gloves, mittens, shirts :: ..i!tic!: "jo and 1 .'.u.ndricd, percales, madras, domestic and jerseys, o !: a: cut's, ties in necks, bows and four-in-hands. Hats, caps, \ j.. '.ess, sweaters, cardigan jackets, umbrellas, trunks, valises, « .e!e.- ope>, satchels, cloth, hair and tooth brushes, purses, pocket j nd hi'! books, papetries, watches, chains, charms, rings, pins, clocks, s lveruiue. spectacles and eye glasses, toilet soaps, mackintoshes, rubber coa's canvass coats, etc. We Guarantee Quality and Prices. When looking for Holiday goods give us a call, wejknow that we can suit you. D. A. HECK ft SON, 121 N. Main St. Butler, Pa. I ° "THE COMMERCIAL," j1 > YW. K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, Pa.J > * Ti;is popular house has just been entirely remodeled i ► and n aim hcd. Everything convenient, and guests 4 > J, will always receive close atteiition. ( > ! J. Loca'ed near Poslofificc and I'. & W. Depot. When 1 in Evans City slop at the Commercial. Bell Tele- { 3 . * —— S FOR \ FIVE DOLLARS 1 CASH r u L We will ship you Free of Express, your choice of the following se • lections of absolutely pure liquors. No charge for boxing nor shipping. No. 1, 2 q's Imported Port, f f 2 qts Imported Sherry, -j 2 qts Grape Brandy, ( : No. 2, r 2 qts Fine Blackberry, j 2 cjts Imported Port, f 2 (its 6-year-old Bear Creek, ( No. 3, 3 qls Sweet Malaga, | 2 qts G-year-old Bear Creek, \ 1 qt Silver Age Rye, ( No. 4. , 2 qts Jamaca Rum, ( 2 qts Holland Gin, -j 2 qts 0-year-old Bear Creek, ( Our liquors are the most reliable in the State, and our prices the lowest in the country. California Wines of all brands, 50 cents i| per full quart. I Send for catalogue and pi ice list. J Mailed free on application. 1 MAX KLEIN, WHOLESALE LIQUORS. ; 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. I ■ The New-York Weekly Tribune , - FOR ■ FARMERS and VILLAGERS, ! FATHERS and MOTHERS, ■ j' k SONS and DAUGHTERS, FOR ALL THE FAMILY. With the close of the Presidential campaign THE TRIBUNE ' recognizes the tact that the American people are now anxious to give'their attention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, politics v ill have less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the fight tor the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its [ inception to the present day. and won its greatest victories. Every possible <-ftort will be r .ut forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE preeminently a NATIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER, interesting. instructive, entertaining and indisp: ii: able to each member < the tamily. We furnish "Tb,e Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" POR PER YEAR. CASH J\ ADVANCK. Address all urd cn to TK Ml Wiitc your name and address on a iKwtnl can!, semlJJt fo Geo. I lhulding, New York City, UU' J a of fUS k tißW I Tkiuvnis wilJ be mailed to j> ju, /
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers