THE CITIZEJST THURSDAY. JI'NE 11. 1*96. New Advertisements. Executor'* Sale, estate of John G. Bip pua, Jr. School statmenu of Clinton and VTinfieid twps Cooper's suits. C. 4 T» June Furniture and Carpet Sale. Zimmerman * (pecial tale. Baselwm t foot faahiona. Excursions Vori —All advertisers intending to matrt c>nges m their ads. should notify us cf th itr intention to do so, not later thin M.-nday morning. Administrators and Executors of estate? cau secure their receipt books at tbe C»T sks lice LOCAL AiND GENEjRAL. "Tbe fky at the bonr of twilight With a sombre hue is deyed. F'-r the sunset glow Now has no show With the blash of the new Jane bride." —How do yo« like stump water? —ln fi-bicg for oompliments bated breath is not necessary. —lt's easy to convince ac extravagant woman that man is made ot dost. —College men are wondering whether tbe class after Vj will be called 'OO. —Teachers examinations at Wejt Sun bar j next Friday and prospect Satarday. -iilintendent Gibson and the ward print- p-1* have redistricted the town. —L-iw.i fete on tbe Presbyteriar: eiiuich lawn, evening. Music by German ia bantj. —Teacher's examinations by Superin tendent Giieon today and tomorrow. Elec tion of tewters for Butler schools next Tuesday. —Winfield Grange Hail will be dedica ted next Tuesday at 2 P. M.,and State Lec turer Hill will speak in the hall at 7;30 P. *■ —Tbe Bell Telephone company is put ting up some immense poles in Batler. The poles are high enough to keep the wires above the shade trees. —T'»e Rescqe Rook yid Ladder Com pany w>li hold a lawn fete on June 11, 12, and 13, at Vogeley lot on West Jefferson street. Refreshments of all kinds served. A good band of mastic will he in atten —The Northwestern Yeast Co's agent is around again with samples of tbe won derful yeast foam, which is better tban ever this year, o»4ng to the new machin ery being ased for pressing oat tbe cakes, no exense for having poor bread when you ean get Yeast Foam, good floor and a hot oven. Adr, —A large erowd of people witnessed the game of last Saturday between the Batler and Mars teams. The Batler boy* fait themselves tbe itrongest from tbe begin ning, and started in to shot the liars boy* oot. They did *0 lor the firit five inning* bat daring tbe game their oatcbei was badly spiked. Jet la two runs on passed balls during tbe 6lb, and had to qait play injf altogether. Mars got in two more rans after that, and toe Butler's made (8 in ft inning*. The Mars team, also, had *oo)e bad luck, and it is said, did not play their asual game. —Two thousand German musician" and ■inger*. from all over the country, arrived in Pitt«burg, Mondayj were eacorted to Exposition Hall witb band* playing and banner* flying, and then shown to their quarters. Exposition Hall <«> enlarged for the 2bth National Kaengerfest of the Saecgerbund of N'orth America. The fefct wan opened Monday evening with speecho* ami congratulation*, and then the musical program for the evening was begun, if our thousand musicians, in all, took part in the program, and doing the week Pitts burg and Allegheny hive lodged and fed fifty thouaand *tranger*. The feat clouts today with a great parade. People who have been advocating go ing to the Clarion river for water will find the following from the Clarion Jack/toman of internet. About one week ago the peo pie of Clarington became ill, and K,me of them barely recovered. The river van floating full of dead fab, which the people of Clarington thought had been killed by dynamite. TLey were gathered in and eaten In liberal quantities, Those who ale o| them *oon were taken tick at the nt'jfoaeh, and with moch difficulty vere rescued. It tamed oat that the ex tract work* had dumped into the river *ome poisonous quid which killed the iisb »nd came within one of killing the people. Tho«e apper county enterprise* will have a freat deal to answer for when the day of f#ckonin| pomes along. —The department of Agricalture is meet ing with more or lea* trouble with vinegars colored mi w to resemble "par* older vinegar," and offered and nold aa such. Distilled and wine vinegar* are colored with oheap material* until they closely resemble the pare product of the orohard and many ihekle* thus raked into coffer* of unaorupulous merchants. The Department in aeif-defense, is seriously considering the propriety of dHolding that vinegar shall not be colored eioept by the legitimate prodaot of distillation or fermen tatlon. The manufacturers usualy sell the oolored distilled and wine vinegar* for what they really are bat the unscrupulous retail grooer and dealer too often sells them to the ansaspicioas citsen as the legitimate prodnot of the orchard. One dealer ia the interior of the State has been detected In makiqg "pure older vinegar" from molasses and water, and i* compelled to face the oourt and tell why this was done. The washings of the steamers whioh transport sugar aud molasiea in hulk are made into vinegar at a cost of iesi than two oents per gallon and sold to the un inspecting housewife as a first rule article made from apple*. Ex. —Here ia the late*t nwfndl#: Female agent for aomo houaebold article, book or aoinethiog of the kind, happen* along anil loilie th« good romu of the boaite into taking the thing for a while lo nee how nhe liken it, bat not obligating her to hay it. At the end of a week or no a man happen* along, repreneut* that he ha* been »ent by the woman to *eo if the article ia latiifaotorjr and will be purchaned, and learning that the good woman nt th« bonne doe* not wiah it, he take* it away with him. That U one part of the atory and it *eema all fair enough, bat there ia another portion 1* !. ,ot *" nioe. A lew day* after the man ban called tbe woman again pat* in an appearance to ascertain whether the good woman of the houae doe ire* ti keep Jhe article (india apparently horrified to hear that a man ha* called and taken it, breaking forth into tear* and prote*ting that »he had no acquantaincu whatever with tho man and that *he had not Mentbim to the bonne. And there i* only one thin* for tbe women of the bonne to do, and tha t ia to pay (or thearticle that the man necur pd. p. I* *caroely neconn+ry to nay that the man and woman were accomplice* und were working together, Mbo kept a lt*t of all tbe houae* at which aha bad left thing* and bo by bit-plaanlble mnnner *uuueeded In obtaining poaaeanlon of them, while the woman of the wa* bou*e *windled. Tbia i* the very latent swindle, and one that Butler people *bould look ont for. When the (tranter calli to oolleot, put a Ilea in )iia our—iro him. —Tliis ia great grass weather. —The city vat«-r is again unfi' for nf« by man or beast. —Do yon own that stray cow at W W Brandon Vf —Ltasureville has a new Postmaster— E M. Fergn«oa. —"Howif your cond actT is the latest form of galution. —Some books are (old, and so are the people who read them. l>ance at the Renfrew Opera Hous»}, tomorrow evening. —lt U yet beer Creek or Bull Creek — that route has not been decided upon. —Tobacco users will And, ia another ' column, an item ol decided interest to them, headed ' Don t Stop Tobacco. —One of oar young attorneys has aw ful hard lack"— he's away from home every time his client comes to Batler. —The ban on the Peter Grail (arm ia Clearfield Twp was de.~t." yed by lire, Tue.v day. It was struck by lighting. —Tl.ere can be no eicuae offered for dangerous places on the public roads, or for the absence ol distinct index boards at crocs roads —Townships are liable for ill damages resulting from the failure of their Super visors to keep the public roads in safe con dition. —The fellow who tugs and sweats over a lawn mower these d«ys wonders now why it wan he thought shoveling siiO*> was »Uvh hard work last winter. —Pennsylvania State Normal examina tions will he held as follows Edinboro and Slipperyrock, June 15; California, June 17 Indiana, Jane 22: Clarion, June 23. —Eggs are scarce in Bailer this week and are bringing 10 cents at our stores; batter 10 to 12, peas sl, spinich 40, radishes 35, onions 20 cents a do*en, strawberries 6 to 7 cents. —A Tramp called at a Batler residence the other day and asked for a pair of aid pants. The lady who went to the door didn't know if they had any aad said she would see When she came back she told the tramp she didn t have any, that her mother had given all hers away She meant her husband's, but she made the tramp smile. —The plana already formulated for Farmers Institutes in Pennsylvania during the coming year include a series of lec tcres on cooking by some lady who u an authority upon the subtest, aid it is pro posed farir.era wives and other ladies in attendance shall hold at least one ses sion which shall be exclusively devoted U> topics of interest to them. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. J. H. Breaden, J. O. McConnell, Rev. A. B. Dickey, J. C. fcummervill*, and Thomas A, Hays represented Butler Presbytery at the Assembly of the U. P. church which met at Xenia, Ohio, May 27, and continued till June 3d. The total number of delegates present was 230. At the meeting of the Butler U. P. Presbytery at Prospect Tuesday, a resolu tion endorsing Rev, Sherrard of Farview for State Senate was voied down. Rev, M J Kakin was ordained for the ministry ar.d assigned to Mt. Chestnut and Prospect charges, W. J. Ueed, of Pittsburg, was received as a licentiate and will be in-talled at Kittanning,where he has accepted a call. The Hi. Varnum church matter was touched on very lightly. Rev. Mr. Breadin tendered his resignation as pastor of that charge and Commisioner Samuel Sbiia and Mr.Barues presented the action of the con gregation, acquiescing in his request and presbytery accepted the resignation. Com missioner* Sbira and Barnes requested that supplies tie luruistied, which wv grariled, and Rev. Mr. Sherrard, ol Fairyiew, was appointed to act as provisional session until a regular minister was secured. West Sunbury presented a call for Rev. Mr. BreadiD and he will hereafter devote bi* while time to that charge. The ques tion of moving the Mt Varnum church was not meotioned, aud it will probably remain where it is. At the evening sessi m Messr.% Shanor, Gibson and Sankey passed the us ual students' trials. The Democratic Primary. On Saturday the Democrat* held their primary, bud a very light vote wa* cast, Ifcitn than 2,000. The content for Commis sioner was the only one that displayed any signs of life. On Monday the rotnrn Judges met in Seneca Hail at Ip. tq. and ilonry Neiee, t!s4j., of liarmony was elected Temporary Chairman. On taking the chair he made a short address, and praised the W'lson tarifi bill. John Bheiring and John ftichort were elected Secretaries, C. Anderson, Mr. Ran), (ieo, W. Graham, J no. Uelley and Ks';. Kasley were appoint ed a committee on resolutions. W. A. Mickloy, Joseph Rail and Thbo. Rape were appointed tellers to compnte the VOW, The (sonyenttoq then took a recess to give the committee on Resolutions time to make their report. Tiie report pledges the party hi re to the platform adopted at Chioago, and the local ticket, and that is all. There was a content lor County ('hair man lietweeu W. T. Mech ling and p. A. lialtigan. The vote was by ballot and re sulted in Mecblings election by to 14. The nominees are as follows: Congress, J. 0. Marshall' Sena'-e, P. li. Burke, Assembly, Greer McCandless and W. E. Kedd, Sheriff. A. J. White, Pro thonota-y, Walter Kvans; Reg. and Rec., T. A. Frsjier; Clerk, W. J. Gilleland, Treasurer, Isaac befeverj Commissioner, J. J. Keiber and D. H. Sutton; Auditors, J. A. MoCowan and P. P. Mcliride; Coroner, l>r. Schultz. 73 oenta to Allegheny and return. Sundav, June 14th, Special train leaves Butler via Pittiburg .t Western Ity., 7:15 A M., Central time. Arrives Allegheny 'J o'clock. Returning leaves Allegheny 1.23 P. M. Pare for round trip, V-> cents —The bent nnmirior *(ihool in the State ot pennaylvania, and the peer of any in tbe union, in now e*tabli*hed at hipoai lion i'ark, on Connoaul hake, A aummer iichool for projfren*ire teacher*, which will bo a teacher'* cummer home, combining rent, recreation. social pleasure, mental development and profo**ional timulu*. Term open* ./ulf I'Jib and clone* Auirunt Int. Kate* extremely low. .Low Rate Kxcuraion to Allegheny. Via the Pitlnburg A Wen tern Ity., riun ilay, June 14th, by train leaving Sutler at 7:15 A. M., Central time, arriv lng All«-(rh»*ny Ai U o'clock. Returning, leave Allegheny at 4:25 I*. M , Central time, arrive (Sutler 6:30 P. M. Round trip laro, "•"< cent*. Bradford Kacea, June aa, 24, »5, and 26. To accomodate thoHO dealring to attend the June Meeting of tbe flradford Driving Park, ticket agent* P, 4W. Ky , Uutler to Mt. Jewell inclusive,will nell I] tickets for regular train Juno aJad, good to return until June 2JHb, inolualvo, at, *pecial low rate* Kate* from Ilutlei J.'i.c.'i. For Sale. One No. 'J. Baltimore iob printing prenr and acveral font- of tytie, will be sold cheap. Inquire at 104 Locuat Bt. Itutler Pa. —Bummer chool of Pedagogy, pon .unotioii with i«i»g « ftchool or Oratory at ftipoaition Park, Coiineaut Lake, July |j to Auguet 1. After a year'* hard work tcaoher* need a change of air, ncene and nociety—"Where can thene aummer ad var.tagea bo found at 'eanonable rate*?" i tbe i| ie*tion often anked. fcxpo*ition I'trk comoinea all tbe ideal condition* *<>ogh; by teacher* in tho aijove ~ueatlon. livery department of .tudy ia in charge of an e.t part teacher. For further information write 11. V. Meadville, t'a. LKGAL NEWS. 1 Tai.vL LIST FOE THIS WEEK. Mont Martin plead nolle oontendro to a charge of larceny and was sent to the house of refuge at Morganza John aal .Jargare'. ilanay were found not guilty of keeping a bawdy house and the co?ts were divided between J"1 -i Manny and Catharina Davis. Richard Grant plead guilty to furnishing intoxicating drinks to minor ' on Sunday, and wa- sentenced to pay a fine ofsoo ac l imprisonment in county jail for 20 days. Tr.os G Smith plead guilty to penary and was sentenced to pay a fine o: t'jO-J, costs, and to penitentiary lor 'J months — also plead guilty to bigamy and was sen tented to pay a fine of SSOO, c< s's, and to penitentiary lor C months. Maggie and M»ry Barne were found j gui* I j ol a.-.-ajii aud Lattery. W J Critchlow wa- found guilty of dis turbing a religious meeting, and was -.-n --tenoed tojpay a fine of *,V>, costs, and give I bond in 3500 to keep the peace for one I year. Martin Cilligan wa- acquitted on the! | cfcarjr-j of aggravated as-auit »nd battery and toe co<ts weie Jivid«d between him and R J Butler. In the surety of peace ca-e of Fleming j v? Burkhart, the charge of assault was withdrawn and defendant entered recog in S2OO to keep the peace. * Dei Barnbart piead guilty to selling li quor without license and wa- sentenced to pay c ;sts a line of SI,OOO, and imprisoa nient in county jail for .'J months. Kay .Stocgfcton. Mont. Stoaghton ami John Watkins. iarceny. June 9. Mont Stoughton plead- nolle cor.tendre, and is sentenced to pay the costs, restore proper ty and sent to Morganza. Nol Pros wa entered a-, to Ray Stoughton and John Watkins. Lew Raphael—selling liquor without license, and offering liquor for .-ale with out a licence -Jaae 10 —Found guilty on second count in offering to sell beer and whisky in Mars. Butler Co. Not guilty as to I™'. count. Not sentenced. Mr Raphael is one of tiie firm of Raphael A- Zagsmith of Pittsburg and took'orders for the firm. The case will be appealed. The case vs the West Penu K. E., for obstructing a public road, way continued. SOTEB. Tne will of Geo. Kreps of Cranberry twp wis probated ane letter* granted to Mrs Kreps. Letters of adm'n were granted to Wm. P. PefFer on estate of Jos Ratter. Wm. Pinch aa.l wife adopted Amanda Barger; aud Adaline Wolford adopted Evaline Ross. L. I). Keister w« appointed High Co n stable of Centreville, and W. 11 Pisor '.ax collector of Worth. George lienno of Butler has regi stered as a law student. Mary E Webber has applied for divorce from Wendell Webber,add Caroline eid has from Cbas. Weidhas The duplio ates for tax collectors are ready, or will be so that notices can be posted by the Ist. Collectors for IH'M who nave not yet filed their bonds are request ed to do HO at once. The Grand Jarj approved of the propos ed bridge OVIST the Little Connorjuenessing in Connoq. twp; alao of the one over Me Donald run in Hlipperyrock twp, and also ol the proposed increase in the limits of Centreville. They acted on 1H bills, ig nored 1, found the county buildings in good condition, recommended the employ ment of an architect to ascertain if the jail can be remodeled, and thinks Batler Co. should be proud at its county officials. At \Jarcer, the Grand Jury found a true bill against W. J. Graham, county treas urer, who is charged with the embezzle ment of SH,GOO. Mr. Graham is said to be in a 'juardary as to where the money ha» gone, and he and his friends think there must be some serious error in the auditing PROPKarv TttA.NsKna.l T K Richard* to August Dangler I'M acre-, in Centre for $.'1,500. >selienople Extension company to L Uartman lot for i'-W), also to Charlotte Uartmaii lot for G A Kaulfman et al to Effie Scott lot. in Adams for iliOO. Geo Wallace et al to Frank Balhorst. 3 acres in Adams for »JSO. Casper Oarth et al to 15 A McClure 80 acres in Winfield. Jas Coyie to John Dolan lot in Millers town lor $4,000. Aaron Blair to G M Hughes Ki7 acres in Venango for $2,500. Wm Cowan to Ed Barnes lot in Harris vile for 1,2C2 75. L W Miller to Jennie J-'liok lot in Butler twp for SBSO. Elixal.eth Black to Geo Coxsoil IS.} acre- Mercer for sl. I* Daubennpeck to Seward Hartley lot in Butler for f2BO. ft P. McCandles* to Alice McCaudlors lot is OUj for | it M Downie et al to Martha Hays lot in Downieville lor SIOO, and one to Elizabeth Downie for same. Zelienople Ex Co to ii E Meedcr lot iu Mtwwfto for 9190. R Black to Jas B Uovis lot in Harrisviile for S2OO. Marriage L,;c«naea Samuel K Cornelius Gro\o City Elizabeth Kauffman Juckhviile John C Ileilnian ..1 Venango co Maggie Emery Bruin Win Mclaughlin Warren Pa t Gertrude liirkpatrick Renfrew J Frank W Burke Butier j Catharine Harkless " I Whittaker B iioulker Phiia j Oilie Hunter...,.,...... Eau Claire I i Wm. T. Crummy Bakerstown I Rachel E. Mowery " At Mercer—WiJUaw iiell, ol llarrisville and Eaitra MoOoiumous ol Forestvllle; J. F. McPherson and Laura Covert, of Butler, Bert Allen of Kew Castle and Eva Spencer ol Farmington, Sherman Foalk ol Butler and Lydia J audgrab of Sharpsville, 7jccnt(to Allegheny and return. Sunday, June Hth, Special train leaves Bntler yia Pittsburg & VVe«tern Uy., 7:15 A. M , Central time. Arrives Allegheny it o'clock Returning leaves Allegheny 4:25 P. M. Pare for round trip, 75 cents. Low Rate Excuraion to Allegheny. Via the Pittsburg & Western Ky., Sun day. Juno Hth. by Special train leaving Butler at 7:15 A. M., Central time, arriv ing Allegheny at !) o'clock. Returning leave Allegheny at 1 :5 P. M. Central time, arrive Butler ti;UO P. M Bound trip fare, 75 cents. —King's School of Oratory, Elocution and Dramatic culture in conjunction with School it Pedagogy, Exposition Park, ,/uly 13th to August Ist 150 lessons and even ing entertainment,!. For information write 11. V. Ilotchkiss, Meadville Pa. Permanent Certificate examination. 'flic tx-rmancnt certificate committee will hold an examination ill tin- Jefferson ht. echool building beginning on l'riday, June, to at 9 o'clock A. M. Applicant : will plc;r>c have required pajters of endoraemetit properly made out to present to the committee before beginning the exaniinatioii. ROVAI, I'KKKMAM llAi,r„ Cliairman of Com. Pound. A ladies purse on the thruO degree road, owner can receive same by describing, call at. 110 West I>. St. Butler Pa. Krratblican National Convention. For the Kepublican National Convention to beheld at St IjOtijs, June 10, the Penn sylvania Railroad company will Hell on Jnne 12, 13, 11 and 15 excursion tickets, to St I,'iuiH and return at a single tare for the round tr,p. These tickets will be good lor return pas -1 sage until June 21 inclusive. For pecific rate", sleeping car accommo dation*, and time tahltj'i (\ppiy t'l nearent ticket a^ent, Democratic National Convention. For the Democratic National Convention I to be held at Chicago, July 7, the I'onnsyl vania Railread company will sell on July , 3, I. 5 and 0 excursion tickets t" Chicago ! and return al a single f(uo lor the round ; trip, 'i'bene ticket# will be good for return f psxsagu until July 12 iuclusive. For specifi 3 rales, sleeping car accent , modal ions, and time tables apply lo uc» r i) it ticket a^ut.l... PERSONAL. * S. H McXaughton has moved from .'4« ■ lienople to Parker. > i Robert I veil and Robert Ser jeant < j Marion twp, were in town, last week. j J. F. Srown cf Franklin twp. celebrates his 59th birthday in Butler, last Monday MI-s Amy Bar to of Evan-City is \i-iti.i| friends in Butler. Mis- Laura Steiu and Mary Weisner ar< visiting in Beaver Palls. Benton Stoughton ha.- moved back t< the oiil place near Buttercup, froai W. Va J. U. Douglass an i wire, and Geo Wal ter are at Cambridgoboro. John Willian:>ou, an old Batler boy, ii with the Belford circus. Jar. N. Moure and Miss Alice Wick have sent out imitations to their wedding, which is to take place next Thursday. John Burr of Connoqutnecasng wants to e npl >y 2or 3 coal mn .-rs. Hepais cts and haj a 3 foot vein. Mr. and Mrs HeJfrick and Eina Ziegler "t tarriiiton, 0.. are vi.-mug at Rev. Cion | IT cett's ar.d Henry Tioutnian's. A man who looks like Haryej M;her, but who lias no Lair on his face, ha- been een oa our streets lately. R. 11. Blair, ol Venango twp. is now with ice Forest C'o. on the Beatty farm near Boydstown. Mrs. Louisa Stalker has been appointed P. M.. for tbe office at Farmington, celled E»u (Jluire. Marian Book is representing the Holiday L'nion at th-j Gran-t L'nion ol the Equitable A-s-K-ihtioD at Corry. this week Dr J E Montgomeiy and I'aunly of fc'iiit bnrg. are visi'ing his relative.' in the south m part of Ibis county. He is a on oljoi.ii B. Montgomery, tlec'd. "'ilbur Ko mce, the U opeiator, ar.d Mi Bird Xich .las, daugnter ot llenrv > icnoias, dee'd, werti married in Erie, a few days ago. Geo. K Marshtl! and 'Jarnor 'Jritchbi*' inu". the nieaim school-bouse in iwp , last week, and drew lots of school director's and Geo. was the lucky man. At lht> election each hvl 56 vtites. Rev. G. .! Deiner and wif« are visiting the parents of Mrs. Deiner,-Mr. and Mrs, J. C. lieigtilej' :q C'unnoquenesrinjt twp, n«»r Whitestown. Mrs Beighley suffered a paralytic stroke on Saturday, May 30tn, and ba.) been wholly unconsciojs since. OH. NOTES. The Standard is paying $1.14 today, and the Producers $1.14. WHITISTOWK —The Kirker Co S 4 on the kirker will he completed this week. BUTJLK*—The "wildcat" drilled on the Jos. Lindsey iu Summit twp, about two miles south-east of Butler, has surprised everybody. It is a good producer from tie 100 foot Some months ago Deitrick drilled a well on his own place, adjoining Lindsey tc. the South, and had a good ga-iser and good sand, and a well drilied on the Waiker or old Bredin North of Lindsey some years produced salt water. This led Dietrick to think that there was oil between the two, and ho formed a company and drilled this well, whbh is pumping abont 50 bbls a day The salt-water will drain into the Bonnie Brook. For Season of tkg6. The P., S. <1 L. E. Ry. Co will sell spe ci«l low rate tickets to Conneaut Lake and Cambridge good for thirty days Also ex cursion tickets lor parties of five or more, ar.d family tickets good until Nov. Ist, for les-* than you >■ in afford to stay at home. For further information call oa or ad dress A. B Crouch, ticket agent, Butler, Pa. Bradford Races, June 23, 34, 25, and 1(1. To accomodate des ring to attend the June Met of the Bradford Driving Park, ticket agents P. A W. Fty., Butler to Mt. Jewett inclusive, will sell Excursion tickets for regular train June 22>nd, good to rcttiru uutil June 29th inclusive, et special low rates. Kate from Boiler X\ 65 (Jo to Finrll oy'a Art titudio 011 Decoration day and exourHion rate# on I'hotoa Fin« fini H h and correct likenoEM guaranteed. Kimolby SuccenHor to Zuver. —• V. McAlpitie, Dentiat wisbeß to armcunce to the suffering public that he will leave the country about June loth for a rent of four or more weeks. ()h Main 1111—» ou to HCO tho pileH of ehildreQg Hiiitß at HECK'S only >1.25, you can't (<et the Haruo in town lor icBH than $2.50, aA £" The only genuine Spring |l;tW»U' r Ice in Butler iB now beinfj delivered to bis customers daily by J. A. HICIIKY. Leave your order at Iliehey's Baksry. Sox and shirts, all wool and a yard wid», cheaper than the oheapeHt—at HltCK'B, 121 N. Main St. -—Refrigerator for sale. A first class refrigerator, with plate glass top Inquire at this ollice. —'l he Butler Lubricating Oil Co. ban moved back to their old stand 119, W. Jefferson Ht. Steelnmith I'attorßon'ti uew building, where all kinds of engine, machinery, and il lumlnating ofla of the finest quality are kept in stock in the basement,* and will be delivered to any part of the city when ordered from C. E, Mclntire, agent. \ox Popuit linr yoar clothing, underwear, hosiety, hats, caps, BOX aud neckwear of 1). A. aud Httvo money. —Closing out Trimmed Hats re gurdlotiM of cost. Call in while the htocksi complete an they will not Inst long at the prices we „ have markea them at the millinery depart ment of The Peoples Store. Pants—Over 2000 pair« to nelect from, at prices, oh well, don't men tion them, its] awful, where, >»t llroK'a. Trunks, yulises, hagrt and tele copes—a*. IIEOKH. Do you Wi*ut u hat or cap? HECK has them aud can r.ave you money, Hay Pupa—did you see HECK'S neckwear, it beat* anything you ever saw. MUHlC—Soholars wanted at 12H W Wayne St. Also nicely furnished room to rent. Underwear— A specialty AT HKOK'S his stock is lar(;e j t and finest ever offered in HiP'o 1 —BoardingHouse C'arus, with Ac', of A BBombly, 25 cents for half-a-.lo*«n .or sa'e at CITIZJS oJliee —«oL> work of all kinds done at tl.e (JtTiy.JCN Orrioi LO* VV ICJH rnIALIH in and Worked Lumber oi u. Kmn* IJ -mts. .SHsr*,, Uiinos, Shingles und Lath AI ways In Slock. LIMIi. UAIK ANp PLASTLH Ufilct, opposite I*. AjW. Depot, i.' y > L £IH Suicide of Daniel Shehan. J Daniel Shehan. of Kairview Ave., Ist | ward, was fount! lying dead in the woods near the Kittanning bridge, yesterday afternoon. He had shot himself in the mouth and left breast—after haring his breast for the purpose. A coffin was sent out, and the body was brought to town and prepare-', for burial, and then taken to his home. I'p to January last, Shehan was an em ployee of the polishing department of the Plate Works, but showing signs of mental aberration was taken to Dixmont. where he remained for about two months and when discharged was supposed to l>e I sane. His ailment however, returned and he was taken to a hospital in Pitts i burg from which lie returned last Satur day. He has beer, loafing around town since and has been talking of taking his life. While at the glycerine factory a day or so ago he is said to have sat down u]K>n a can of the stuff and asked the boys to shoot into it. He was about 38 year? of age and leaves a wife and five small childreu An Exciting Dog Chase. On Sunday morning. May 31st, the at tention of W. S. Moore of Muddy creek twp., was attracted by the barking of two dogs, on the adjoining farm owned by Robt. Moore. On investigating he found two dogs chasing Robt. Moore's sheep. Mr. Moore gave notice to some of the neighbors as soon as possible and they gave chase to the dogs,and although the dogs were not more than tliree miles from home they took a circuitous route and the men had to travel over six miles before they got there The dogs were killed next day. The township has lost between S2OO and S3OO worth of sheep in the last five weeks. JOS. HORNE&CO. JUNE CLEARANCE. Every surplus piece of Dress Goods from lowest to highest grade, will posi tively be .sold during this month of June, neither ioss nor cost to be con sidered. Come, • or send for samples, giv ing an idea of materia desired, and get handsome, gowns at a fractional part of teal value. This ap plies to SUMMER WOOLENS, SILKS, COTTONS. SILK AND WOOL, M Oil AIRS,— every fabric on the fash ionable list. Let us hear from you in your own interest. I'erin Avenue and Fifth St., PITTSBURG. . Seanor & Nace's Livery, Feed dDd Saie Stable, Wear of Wick House. Butter, Pa The 1«) it of horneH and rirat clanß riup always on hand and for Lire. , Bent accommodationa in town for permanent hoarding au<i transient ' trade. Hpe» ial caro tfutirui teed. Stable room for sixty-five horseM. A good C!BBB of horwes, both driv ern and draft hordes always on band and for Kale under a fall guarantee; and horHew bought upon proper noti fication by St; A NOR & NACE. All kmd* of lire stock bought and Mold Telephone at Wick HC.HHU. i'THEY ARE MODELS; fr IN E T/ULori i Ci G- . 1 . .f Arc the suits that come from our establishment—models of style, workmanship and good taste. The clothes are always right and the price is always right, too, when you want a suit. When None But Well Dressed Customers come out of a tailoring establishment it proves that it is the one store in the city that men of taste-patronize. Our store is that place in Butler. Have you ordered that new suit yet? Isn't it time.' Then come in and see our fine selection of spring styles. The Store from out of which come pleased and satisfied custom ers wherever it is in the country, is a safe store to patronize. It is pleasant to us to know that our store is pre-eminently the store of Butler, of which this is so. When you want a fine suit call and see us before purchasing. COOPERk CO Cor. Diamond, Rutler, Fa BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Hra I.isurancel.'Oompanj/, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham I AM. Willi. I*r*«. UM). KKTTtillKlft. Vlr* Prw. I#. H. H«.II;nKI V Hrr'y mi«l* I DiKKcroiia. Aliri-'i Wick. l(< iid*r«ni Ollvttr, ' 'r. W. Irvlu. liuin'H Hti'iitiMinor. *■-. w. N. wniW. K. tio-itiKh. 11. J. Klltivler liio. h«lLnri r. »hiut. li<-t>Tmn, ( «w>. Itaiiiio, |.Jolin K'ltmiuj. LOYAL McJUNIKN Agent. «* t. , j • IH .! MII * UX . I % • jj t tu « iWi adVMU«iug »i »v * Accidents. W. D. Ifaff, of tha lit Wd. »"*•< struck , by a stone, while out driving, last Friday ' evening. and made uncoti*eiocs. The I' stone wa3 thrown by a boy l*ee Frantz, of N. Chestnut St. put a bi 1- j let in his leg while out hunting. last week John Ururer, lormerly of Evans City, was kiJ'ed at Montpelier. Ind. a few days ago, by being kicked by a bor»e. He WAS 74 years of age Th- Louses ol 0. C. Cochrane and J. H. Harper of toe Ist Ward were struck by lightning, last Saturday evening. For Sale A farm ot "JO acres. with a seven room house, good frnit. orchards, well water, ir.>od spring at the house, spring hon-e and convenient out-buildings. Will sell cheap ur exchange for town property, about 7 miles from Butler. For particulars inquire at this office. Butler Savings Bank Butler, Pa. Capital - _ 560,000-00 Surplus and Profit*, 5i04,000.00 JOS. L. PURVIS President J. IJEXRY TROITMAN Vice-P'euident WM. CAMPBELL, Jr asbier LOt'IS P. STEIN Teller DIUKCTOItS -Joseph 1.. Purvis, J. Henry Troutmaa, W. D.Braudou, W. A. Stein, J. s. Camnbell. The Kutler savina* ft ink b the Oldest Bank lug Institution In Butler County, iit-nera! banking business transacted. Wt solicit accounts of oil pioducer,, iner chants, farmers and others. All llujlness entrusted :o us; wIU receive prompt attention. Interest paid on t.tme lepostts. The Sutler County National Bank BUTLK.R, FA. Capital paid In $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $87,962.35 Jos. Hartman. President; J V. Ritts,Vice President; C. A. Fiailey, Cashier; John G McMarlin. .A ss't Cashier. A ireneral banking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. We invite you to open an account with this bank, HIKE' TOltS Hon. .Joseph Hartman. Hon. W. s. Waldron, Dr. N. M. Hoover. H. MeSweeney, E. K. Abrama. C. P. Collins, I. <;. Smith, Leslie I'. Ha/.lett, M. Klnegan, W. I'enry Wilson, John Humphrey.Dr. W. McCaaaless, Ben Manfelh Harry Heasley. J. V. Hitts. Annual district report of the School Directors of Winfield dis trict for the school year ending on the first Monday of June, 1896. Whole number of schools 0 Average number of months tanght 6 Number of male teachers employed.... 2 Number of female teachers employed.. 4 Average salaries of males per months3s 00 Average salarios of females per months 00 Number of male scholars attending all the schools in the district 140 Number of female scholars attending all the schools in the district 142 Whole number in attendance. 282 Average daily attendance of scholars in the district.... 224 ' Average percentage of attendance 80 Cost of each pupil per month $1 18 No. of mills lev'd for school purposes .3J Am i levied for school purposes.. $1219 4.0 Total amount levied $1240 43 ' State appropriation for the year ending Jim*, JB9O $1340 30 From Col. includirg taxes of all <iuds 1210 45 From County Treasurer lor un sealed lands since last report 57 01 From all o'.her sources, as f.ales of house* or lands, liquor lines, etc 7 42 Total receipts. $2033 78 J CR. , Hal. due Treax from last report..slo22 44 Inlnrowt ]iaij on S7OO lor 3 months 8 75 In.i SB.IO, delivering books S2O 28 10 Teachers' wapes sl2Ol 75,institnte $5'J SO, h day lor feauher $2.... 1.110 25 I'uol aud stoves 30 75. coal 03 05 •)!> 80 Fees ol Collector $17,911, and Treasurer 311.74 57 00 Salary ofhec'y MOO, making out duplionU il 00 00 Cle<iui«K sctioo 1 houses..... 13 50 Other expenses, oxoneratious 18.01 rebate 38.52 ........ 50 53 Text I looks 184 95 freight on same 10.9.1 502 20 tins' at.«d land lux 30 40, for ca»h mji upp/i>|> cheek 72* 37 12 Total expenditure:,. $310!) 41 Or, aui't due Treasu ei...... 535 03 Am't due Treasurer.. 535 03 Total liabilities...... ...... .... 535 03 l>'.al>,lilte.i in excess of resource*.. 535 03 Estimate value of school property 0000 Oo Wh herohy certify that we have ex aininod the above and hud it correct. 0. A. SMITH, W. 11. Hickkk, Auditors. Witness our hands this Ist day of J.ine, 1890. J. A. Shvdkr, President. A. KiiAUhK, Secretary. Annual DISTKICT rkpoht or Clinton Iwp. School District for the year ending Juno 1, 1890. Whole 2To. of schools ....... 0 No. of vionths taught 7 No. of male teachers 4 No. of female teachers 2 Salaries S4O per month. No. of male scholars 117 No. of female scholars.... 124 Whole No 241 Average daily attendance 100 per tentage • f a»t mt'aioe.... 80 Cost ol each pupil per month $1.28 No. of mills levied lor achool purposes 4. No. levied for building purposes 2. A m't levied for school purposes..sl4B4 03 Levied for building purposes 743 43 Am't ol poll tax. 2 !>8 Total $2480 00 KxTnorati.ins..... ...$ 31 97 ifebaie 49 30 Total 81 27 $2404 79 5 per cent added to S."KS 85 29 29 (irand total $2434 OK ] Keceivei from collectors $2335 19 Ilal due twp $ 198 89 KKCKII'TH. State appropriation $ 994 22 lial from last year...... ......... 1 42 From Col. including taxes of all kind 5..................... 2235 19 From loans since last report 100 00 I'rom W 'Ht Deer twp 7 04 From sale of (looks 1 90 Total $3340 32 KX f'KN |J I TURKS. School text b00k5..... $ 243 85 School supplies 53 54 Renting and repairing 30 29 Teacher wages 1740 (10 Fuel aid contingencies 120 03 I- '. I Col hit I<l Fees ol Treas M 01) Salaiy ol Sec'y..... 30 00 Dei. l and interest paid 014 50 A oilitorn <1 00 Total $2993 11 ('a><b on Minds $ 347 22 $3340 33 Witness our hands t. 'lis 23d day ol May, 1806. Jso. Montoomkbv, Pres., Tilos. A. llav, Sec'y. We, the auditors cortify that we lia v e examined the above and find it correct. I. N. IIARVKV, Wm MONKS, Auditors I Notice to Teachers. | The Sohool ftonrtl of JefTcrsoii Iwp. will elect s teachers for the enduing year on Saturday, June 20, 1896, at j i\ M nt flic llannalistown School District No Wane* f.|N.or. and #15.00. Term 7 months . Applicant'! will please file their applications with the iift,lcrsigne<( Secretary 011 or Iwf.irc Thursday, Julie fB, 1K96. J.VMKS WAI.KKK, Pres. A P. Pa it, Secy. ('.rent licit I*. 0., llullcr Co, Pa. EYbS KXAWiNtD FHEE OP CHAKGP Y. L, KirKratrlck, Optician and Jeweler Next to CO lliniso Ilutlnr.l'a. itrndua *. eal luaiUule. P *- erhaps vou don t know how p f i we aiL- on j "L l everything relation to prescrip tions I *-*o it will not be amiss to l( 1 . I all your attention to the I Reliable ! I ntelligence V , romp! service given T o everything of the kind placed 1 11 out In^ds ur prescription u» t a:tinent ever was so complete s ave you money too. C. Rf. JSOYD, Diamond Block. -- Butler, a +SUMMER MEETING* The Summer Meeting Of The Butler Driving Club, Will be held at the Pair Grounds BUTLER, PA., JULY 2d, 3d', and 4th, 18g6 $2,7 CX).( X ) In Purses. Winnings Paid in Cash at the Wire. . Thursbay, July 2d. 3-MINUTE TROT PURSE, |y>o 2:20 pace \oo 2:24 TROT 300 Friday, July 3d. 2:35 pace pvrse, #3OO 2:30 TROT 300 2:27 PACE 300 Saturday, July 4th. 2:45 TROT pvrse, f^uo 2:45 PACK 300 FREE-FOR-AI.I, TROT OR PACE 300 A record made June 23 no bar. ADMISSION 25 cents. W. P. Roesstng, Secretary, Butler, Pa. B. <y B. We're going to do the greatest June business ever done in this store, and here are some of the values that will bring it: Zephyr Ginghams 20c ones, ioe 25c ones, 1 —neat styles of strvpes and checks in choice colorings. Imported Grass Linens, 15c. Natural linen grounds, with cluster of three fine stripes in yellow, red, black, brown— 30 in ches wide—unusual styles and worth. All Wool Imported Challis. IS C 1 3' iches wide—all 20c i the same l-25c | ity Difference in 30c price is on account of 35c J difference in styles. Pine Imported Swisses. 43c ones at 25c —white grounds flecked with white pin dots small pink, red, blue or black stripes— -30 inches wide—new and desir able. Novelty Dress Goods and Suitings, f Cheviots, 50c | Checks, 75c -{ Homespuns, $1 00 | Silk and Wool Mixtures —Choice new productions of the best textile manufacturers. Samples if you ask for them. Homo's & Buhl, ALLEGHENY. PA. The Place to Buy GAS COOK !NG AND H HATI NGSTOVMS, GAS BUKNKKS AND FIX TURES, HOSE, BATH TUBS, ENAMEL AND IMPROVFD WELSHBACH GAS BURNER. W. H. O'BRIEN ON 107 East Jefferson St. fr.ifn IKr.vnw STORES Vitality. iau» D»v. Mr. Til K OHKAT :wtlj Kay. FRENCH HEMEUY proditcea I lie above riwullH In ;ui ilayu. It acta iMiwcrfully Hint ciuii kly. l,Hri'« win i 41l uiln-rit full. Vuiinu uh'li «111 ri'Uali* U»»l» Uni. nmn Ihmm). iui<l 'il<l nn-:i will rcrnvn iln-lr youthful vigor lijf (Mliik KliVi V't nud nuivly r. Mlnn-s NiTvml*!!' . Iji t >ll illly, l.ict I'ownr, I allliitc SlMimrj Wh.Uiik I>ln«u • uu kli clTfNii of bxi >■ 1 tiid lndlKi:t'i>lloii. wlilrli mi lit* urn for tiiwiiu'ii ur in*rr|n;;c. it not ouly rurcft liy .mrtlinf «l "I iltw-.m. I.ill Id a vintl ixTV' Umlc Hlul Mun i 1,i,1M.-i brlDKlnif l"»'f 'lie pint, plow Ui iml.. rbonki llll'l r. ilurllili till tlri' nf youtli ll ivurt- oft In-iiuliy ikii'l • uiitiifii|itl'm . llmM on imvlni,' ItKVl\o. nootnpi it r»n 1,, i.*tnr,i ;u v<- i 110. K' l By mail. II on |>»«r iim kiji'. or <l* for f". !«•. Willi n ponlih. writlrii kfUHianUK'to 1 urn c.r ri'luml tIM mom' \ t'lttoU/Ifr Ai|<lr<'Hn 1 cmcAt.o. 11.1.. "KEEP POSTED." We have never been charged with being "Behind the Times" yet. We propose to keep up with the van. Remember this when you need anything in men's or boys' clothing for up-to-date wear. Keep Posted! By dropping into our store occasionally. We'll show you all the latest novelties. We'll not feel offended it you don't buy —glad to furnish you with information as well as anything else we possess. Come and see us for your next suit of clothes. jDOUTHETT & GRAHAM, Corner Main and Cunningham streets, Butler, l'a. . • N B.—Watch this space next month for something of interest to every clothing buyer in Butler county. .... t -S*ALL WOOLf Some A Yard Wide. We mean our suits for fat men. Light in color, weight and price. Your money back if they are not as we state. The Largest Stock of Clothing in Bntler. XWXWXAHS Men's Suits $4, £6, SS, $lO, sl2 Boy's Suits, long pants $-•s°, $4. $5- Boy's Suits, short pants si, $1.50, $2, $3, $4 Men's Shirts 25c, 50c, 75c, Men's Straw Hats 25c, 50c, 75c, £1 Boy's Shirts 25c and 50c Boy's and Children's Hats 25c, 50c, 75c Schaul & Nast Leadinil Clotliiers, 137 S Main St., Butler< Pa. LEADER OF dimlsi Foot Fashions 'iff Ladies', fas, Boys ;iml Ms SHOES * MEN'S f2.00 CALF SHOES. Price any f.von shoe solil elsewere and then come here and you'll find our s7.ooshoe alwavsequals (oftiines excels) others' s3 grades ASK T.O SKE OUR I. "lies' Shoes, Men's Shoes, Misses' Shoes, Ladies' Slippers. Hoys' Shoes, AH exclusive styles. LADIES' #1.50. Look all over other $2 shoes then visit this store and you will l>e convinced that our $1.50 grade erfuals and nearly always excels others' f2 goods. txwly forlllltt.H with tU«in licjt ami dust 01 th" hummer months. No woinler :ill i;o<vl ilp sMerM '9/ y Ju prefer iliem to anything cL-ie, No womlci we're hnvlm; Off-1 9 -on liarun on Una. We've mad* our prices s<> eaav. f- {.KM f*W w•* . The neatest r«p| In liutler county arc (hose that are I B.C. HUSELTON, Butler's Leading and Progressive Shoe House, Opposite Hotel Lowry WALL MOULDINGS The nicest line of Wall Mouldings in town are at mxm Heineman's <gXgXM> New Room. 201 S. Main St. New line of Blank Hook Writing Paper just received. 201 S. Main St. Ii olel Butler J. 11. KAUHKL,, l'rop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovatrd, remodeled, and re fitted with- new furniture and carpets has electric bells and al other modern conveniences for guest*, and is as Convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as CJII be found in Hutler, I'a. Elegant sample room for use of romrnercial men KubH«-rlb« for the OITIzKN. THE NEW WALL-PAPER HAS ARRIVED New Patterns, New Colors and Low Prices. The latest effects in shaded border. Get your room papered at a small expense if you buy At DOUGLAS'S Near I'. O. 241 S. Main St BUTLER, PA. MrMNDLESS' HEAVE (WRE 1 havo a Hoavo Cure that will euro any oaee of heave* in horto* in forty days, I u«<ed according to directions. &jnl if it doo« not il<> wnat I claim for it, I will ro r und he ainnunt paid and uo charge* will be uiado for the treatment. The following oHtimonialx are the strongest proof of the medio, no* power to euro: A. J. MCCANM.X*S, Butler, I'a.. 1N93. LIT a. A.J. IIUCAHKLKHH: On the 2nd day ol April, 1802, 1 com inenoed to ut<e your now euro for one of By hor*o* lhat had the heaves very had, and continued to n*o the medicino for about forty days and the borne did not •how any sign* of a return of them. It in no tr about a year slnco I quit givln t.O ni.tdiciiin and tho florae li»f never showed any signn of heavo*, and I fool Hlixfiril that ho i* properly cured W. C. CKIHWKLL. Itutler, I'a., Aoril 3, IM'I3. I.J. MCCAHI>I.KI^ I have u«cJ your Hoave Onro and found it will do tho work il used aicordng to di rection* Yours truly, J. It. M» MILLIM. L. S. McJUNKIN I nsurance and Real Estate Agent, 17 fcAHT JhKKKKSON MT. I liIJTLEH - 1*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers