GREAT CLOSING ODT SALE OF +CLOTHIN Gr+ To close out that branch of our business. We are positively going to close out our entire stock of Men s, Boys and Children's clothing regard less of cost. Men', Corner. SmU f Children* kne. pan w $25 only sl3 »old for *8 on 'y 94 00 (( ~ „ r )0 << 25 Men's Caaaimere Suits « r )U sold for 10 00 only 500 ;• J; ;; 85 « ® Mens Casaiwere Suits lon " 75 sold for 13 50 only 670 ;; \\ u MeD wld TnT 8 ! 60 ....?.. U 16 50 only 10 00 Men and boys gondola hat-, $1 00 only SSO Mens worsted suits „ ~ 2 50 •• 100 sold f0r.... 18 00 on.y 12 00 w ~ 275 << 125 Mens fine day worsted _ 4> << nOO " 150 gold for 18 00 only 13 oO (( „ -q « 3QO Mens finer clay worsted „ .. . sold for .... 20 00 only 15 00 Soft hats ar>l caps in proportion. Ail _ the lateft styles in Straw. Braids, Maeki- Over 3000 Pairs Of Mens Pants , Children. Mens working pants only "s silverine watches $ 5 00 only $ 2 50 Mens working pants, „ „ .. 700 " 4 50 better, w0rth........ 91 -o only $ .0 watahw l> CO " 630 Mens working pant* DAS Ladies goldfilled watches 15 00 " 000 worth 200 only 100 B „ •• 20 00 " 12 00 Sweet A Orr's Kerseys •« •• 25 00 " 18 00 worth 200 only r> GenU .. 20 00 " 15 00 Mecs black ebeTiotU 225 " 1-to <. << 25 00 " 18 00 Mens worsted cheviotts 450*' 170 and gen»s electroplated watchew fii. 11 11 11 W ~ z? A Jarge stock of chains from 100 to $4 " " " ° " - 4 ? Ladies waist sets from 10c to 50 cents. Mona tine cassimere 4 j0 " &£> pins worth from 25 to 50c only 10 cts. " " " ®OO " A-a Gent( , cnfl bftions 25c only 15c •• «« •• 7 50 5 00 ~ 50« 25c OVER 2000 CHILDRENS SUITS «L-- I 14 7* Our Jaeger diamond, in Studs, Pins, Good strong suits luo only * /o Kjngß anf) Kar Drops are simply immence. Union cassimere 2 TO ' 1 -o The finest outslCe ol the real steel-blue , , 250 « diamond . Pine oaaeimero worsted o TO 4 uo c> We will still continue to carry a full and complete line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Under-i wear, Umbrellas, Alpaca, Serge and Madras Coats and Coats ami Vests, White Duck and Fancy Pants and Vests, Children Wash Suits, Cloth, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Pocket and Bill Books, Purses, Spec tacles, Harmonicons, Combs, Gloves, Sweaters, &c. It would be impossible to enumerate and give prices of all w® have in stock. Suffice it to say that we carry by odds the largest and most varied stock and our prices are guaranteed lower than the lowest. Evidence of which can be seen by the hundreds of satisfied customers that throng our store from Monday morning till la» Sat . urday nights. Please call and examine our stock, compare prices, and when you make a purchase ask for one of our CARDS and when your pur chases amount to $ I 5. 00 or $20.00 we will present you a piece of handsome silverware, an alarm or porcelain clock, or the Acme flour bin. Ask to see the presents. D. A. Heck Son, 121 North Main St., Butler, Pa. JUST A WORD OR TWO. We want to talk with you a few minutes—You know us but do you know there are hundreds of people in Butler, Co. who do not know we are in Butler, if they did we would have to enlarge our store to let the crowd in. Why what do you think. Nearly one half the people who come into our store didn't know we made harness, hile we have been running that part of our business for two years with a capacity of 10 sets per day, but we are glad to know they art pleased to find it out as it saves them money and will save you money if you mind it. However we did not intend talking about harness more than to say that we make all kinds of harness and parts of harness at less than factory price. It was surries and buggies wanted to tell you about. We have a larger stock than we have had at any time for fifteen years. We hav'nt a last year surrey in the house. Don't buy old stock, they are old style, and every year grow more so. Buy the latest design and be in fashion especially when you can buy them for less money than others charge £br old style work, as for the price, whoever heard of anyone paying too much for anything bought here.We hav'nt in our employe asalesman with whom we would be afraid to send SIO,OOO to Europe, when you deal here you know you are dealing with a reliant fnm and you know just what you arc getting, and also know the price is lower than you could get any where. Come and see us and have the satisfaction of knowing you have been in the largest store of the kind in th« state. j:«4ffiffi. RT ' S.B. Martincourt&Co. 128 EAST JEFFERSON Street. S. KRAMER WAGONS AND TRUNKS. PREPARATIONS FOR The Crfecit Battle OF NOVEMBER 3 ARE ALREADY WHU, UNDER WAV. A NKW President of the United States 15 TO HE ELECTED, AND TH» NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will, as always, lie fouml in the thickest of the ight, battling vigor ously for SOUND BUSINESS PRINCIPLES, which will bring PROSPERITY TO TIIE NATION. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is not the leading Republican p« |K_-r of the country, but is PRE EMINENTLY A NAT ION A L rAM IL Y NEWSPA PER. Its campaign news and discussions will interest every American citizen. All the news of the day, Foreign Correspondence, Agricultural Department, Market reports, Short Stories complete in each number, i'.omic Pictures, Fashion Plates with elalnjratc descriptions, and a variety of items of household interest, make up AN IDEAL FAMILY PAPER. We furnish "THE CITIZEN" and -NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE" both oapers). One Year For Only #1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders to J||[ [|}|[[| Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to (>o. W. Best, Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy ot THE NEW YORK WBBJTLV TRIBUNE will lie mailed to you. ttuua t*3u Li - R mu«k iraaded ew- Cffi ic • - -J* Xm\rtea are caus- C consurn * > " blood. It seems to j lungs, buT tie terrible drain and waste I go on all over tfee body. only way , to get rid of coMUXßptlon Is to work on , I the blood, make It pure, rich and whole- ! ! some, build up fee yasting tissues, put j the body into condition lor a fight with the dread Aisoase. The cure of consunip- i tion is a fight—a figbt sound j tissues and the encroaching germs of j ! disease. • Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery j I fights on the right side. It drives the ?erms back, forces them out of the body, t will cure 98 per cent, of all case* of con j sumption if it is taken during the early stages of the disease. Its first action ! is to put the stomach, bowela, liver and 1 | kidneys into good working order. That | makes digestion good and assimilation I I quick and thorough. It makes sound 1 healthy flesh. That is half the battle. I ! That makes the " Discovery " good fa* , I those who have not consumption, but ' j who are lighter and less robust than j I they ought to be. A large book of 160 pa«ee, telling all j about this wonderful meaicine, will be mailed free on receipt of this notice and 6 cents to cover postage by Wori.D'3 DISPENSARY MEDICAI ASSOCIATION, NO. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. CAUTION.—Buy of reliaMe deal ers. With any others, sometkiar else that pays them better will probably be urged as " just as good." HUMPHREYS Nothing has ever been produced to equal or com pare- with Hwaphltys' Witch. Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PII.KS or HEMORRHOIDS External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—Jtchijigaad Burning; Cracks or Fissures aod Faftulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and guises. k Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy of Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore JTipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEI'M, Tflters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Lips or Nostrils, Corns and bunions, Sore£Tia Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Siaes, 25c., Soe. and SI.OO. Sold fey Druggista, or »«1H poat-pdW on recaiptof prioe. HI AI'IIKRYS* BID. CU., 11l h IIS Bi., Sew Tor*. WITCH HAZEL OIL FULL QUARTS, • *I.OO SIX QUARTS, . $6.00 % Fleming's if % Old Export % | Whiskey £ Is a pure, helpful, home tonic—gives strength and »£> vigor to the ailing ones— F has stood the test of years Freight paid on all sro Tp orders or over. 'i* CATAIOOtt Of 0BU&8, IKSUOH*', 'x »- FXTfMT MCtHUNCS, CTC., ETC., BENT F»EE fO» TMT A«KI«0. T* 4* JOSEPH FLEMING & SON, WHOLESALE AKO RETAIL DRUOGWT#, GUARANTEED 8 YEARS OLD THE KEELEY SURE 1.1 a fpeol&l boon to business men who, havii e drifted unconsciously into the drink habit a; * awaken to il.i 1 iho<iiktn-ocif alcoholism fastens' u;«in them, rendering them unfit to manage af faire requiring a clear brain. A four v*et'-. J course of treatment at the /> PITTSBURO KEELEY INSTITUTE, No. 4216 Fifth Avenue, restores to them all their power*, mental and Bhysleal, destroys the abnormal appetite, and restored them to the condition they were 111 1 ■>- fore they indnlged In stimulants, til is has b<. 11 tjonelninore than 1030 rases treated here, nji.l among thera Hoine ef your own neighbors. r.> whom wo tan rofer with confldenee as to the a. olnte safety and efficiency of the Keeley < "ure. The fullest and most searching Investigation Is u vltcd. Send for gwimhlet giving full Lilurm*- Bou. . —i: «• j WE HANDLE ni pp NOTHING D*- 1 1 PURE RELIABLE GOODS from 3 to 10 years old, and you get tliem direct from the barrel. GUARANTEED PURE WIIISKIHS Finch's, Sam Thompson, Large, Gibson, Bridgeport. Guckenhei iner, I)il lingcr, Overholt, etc. #I.OO Per Full Qtart. • - 6 Quarts *5.00. Grandfather's Choice, 3 years old ji.oo per gal, WE ARE ALSO IMPORTERS of all kind of Wines, Conyacks, Brandies, Ruins, etc. All goods, including C. O. I), orders, securely packed and shipped promptly. We prepay express charges on $ 10.00 orders or over. FAIR DEALING TO EVERYONE. KOBT. LfcWIN, 8t CO. 136 Water St., ----- -Nevv Number 411, PITTSBURG, PA. The Saddle Question. '* an '" us,rilt ' <m ' VST r y ou w '" observe it yrni will note " that it tits like a R'" , e Wf Miflne W ing, and lias madec^t'- • ing to a certain exttmt showi prUii a* injurious, beeanse few te%t% on tno or- ' , . . , dinary «ddk. coulfl enjoy a konc ride without fear of injury. All ilii.s 1* now changed. Here is repre sented the perfect saddle the Christy Anatomical Saddle, rests on the pads. The ju3S&i?j|W ( hristy A rtatoinlcal jf ol light weight, tannot rest the entire body, does not presj the sen- sh«w» prlvi* »it rr%t» silivo parts, .yrevents ou the Chrltty stiffness, an.l makes baUdlc. tytling a pleasure. Price, $5.00 * FKEB liOOKLST ON SaDIM PV A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. 4 New York. ClikugO. Philadelphia. GAS MKTKkS. | We keep constantly 011 hand three different kinds of Gas Meters, vi/.. —The | "Tobey"-ilry meter The "Eguitable" . dry meter and The fluid meter. Anyone desiring to buy a meter can secure 011 * from us at a reasonable price and upon easy term*. Home Nataral lias Co., 1 ftdoer Building. R RHE CITIZKIST FARMERS' BOYS' PLEASURES. v*>;i » Trea«or«l Cortier ki RU «em ; or/ In A#t«r l»ji. It k> prjp&r.lj" true .that ft- large pro portion of the most .ardent apJ enthu siastic sportsmen are those whoee boy hood days were spent upon the farm; whose early associations were with tha woods and fields, and whose recreations were largely found in hunting and fish- In#. Led by inclination or the foree of circumstances to the large town*, con fined to sedentary occupations and de prived for the greater part of the year of open air and freedom and exercise, men find that although the cords which bound the boy io his iountrv home were vcry elastic when he pulled away, later In life they become tense and tug at the hear£. Echoes and whisperings of the old days come back to the city man at his desk or counter, in the crowded streets or amid the whir of machinery. The odor of a flower, the note of a bird may bring the past all back to him; the subtle influence will be potent, and, a barefooted boy, he will again drive the cows to pasture through the dew of the piorping. Again, the bubbling song of the bobolink or the clarion call of the bluejay will be borne t» his ears; again the odor the fresh-turned soil or the smell of the ripening corn will greet his nostrils; and yet, again, visions of sum mer rippling in the heat, or still autumn wows, whose leaves are falling "at the Jajring of the earth's axis," will appeal to him and draw him —aye, drive him—to the meadow and forest once more. In sparsely-eettled farming dis tricts of the north one Is apt to find his sympathy And commiseration goingout to the children whose, homeq are in lonely and unattractive Hen*>te from, towns and vil and compelled through scant coiil rade£hip to rely tipoa their ©wn re source® for enjoym&nt, it would Indeed appekr.that in their isolation and home ly surroundings were th be re gretted. But. If we knejv all that theao little peojfle know, perhaps, we would find that they'hqife tess need of pity than onrselvefc; they are'very close to nature, and nature takes care of her own. TBa first messages of spring are given to the former's boy. The mill south Wind which softens, the ice and sets tbe meadow brooks to'overflowinsf slso causes his spirits to thavv and over flaw, It is to him tbpt the first blue bird calls out her And. cheery wel come, andfit Is. his-shasp ears'and eye* that discover the pioneer robin In the top of the tall maple. In his brown fist be brings home the earliest spring* flowers, blue violets, anemones and ad der's tongneH. Th 3 puesy willow blooms for him before othPrp see It, and all the creeping, crawling and flying, things report tbefr advent to him before the rest of the world 5s aware of their ar rival, It is not always he who travels furthest that learns the most. The in telligent boj has spent a dozen, yeurs or more'on a 30-acre farm, almost every square foot of which he has worked over with hoe or ax or scythe, gets to have a very thorough knowledge ot a large part of the earth's surface, even though he may nc*rer have crossed th'e limits of ttie county in which he was born. Behig for the most part mechan ically employed, his faculties are alert to what is going on around him. Ife sees the wild creatures in all their jpoods, surprtjies them 011 thalr most furtive errands, and sooner or later draws their secrets from them. —Forest and Stream. " BR--R*- UTE I" SHE SAID. The Little 41 au Uave Hp » Seat to » "Wiwh tMdyi* Who Crushed Her Sleeves. Verily, will turn, even the downtrodden, patient maloSyorm found in street cars. lie turned the other day pn the Madison avenue line. He 'was ft sickly looking man, of middle age, who entered and gazed abotot anx iously for a seat. About the middle of the car lie detected signs of hope where a bird of gaudy plumage bad preempted a IS-oent reserv.-rtion with her balloon sleeves. Even a half vvay civil shrinkage on her part would have made him happjr, but her royal thoijghtii were full of Easter, and she budged as he stood before her in the aisle. Her neighbor's heart surrendered a few inohea of space, and he used that opening wet Ige till thflgaudy grabber, with the usual street car look of with ering contempt, yielded enough more to make him easy—On a pinch. Three or four blocks further on a stupendous recruit was added to the company. She carried a market basket nnd had the breadth of the Liberty statue. At once the sick-looking pas senger became ardused to the demands «f thivalry, offered liis scant accommo dations to the bitxoin dame and retired t > tjie platform to Wuteih results. The spuce resigned was ai*awful mis fit, but that didn't bother the fortunate winner. It was tjie furious heart of the gundy creature that brtjke under the mw oi determined plebeian flesh at_ her side. She turned white and blue, bit her lips at the spectacle of crushed wings, and darted javelins of wrath toward the platform. The audi ence gasped and smiled. She signaled a stop. As she angrily flounced past her merciless foe that dear old word "brute" came hfusing hot from her ia/*itk—N. Y. Herald- Great I'oWrr for High Hv*»4. Ttig'large amount of fuel rjgiuired for SryTQgh racing boats has been e subject of thorough investigation by experts, in order, if possible, to re duce the quantity of ooaX-necessary for this purpose. Some Of the British tor pedo boat chuacrs are thought to be the Inoat perfect vessels of their class in ex istence, but iu order to attain a 30-knol ppeed, they must carry CO tons of coal. This is fully one-quarter of their entire Bea-golng displacement. Cutler high Speed they consume between three and a kifc! f and four tone of coal an hour. To propel a vessel with a speed of 20 knots an hous, tbe consumption-of fuel ib tre mendous. Twenty-seven knots en hour is th£ bestMtpeed of the ordinary torpedo boat. In order to rt?aeh the 30-knot lino fully 60 per cent, more fuel la required. —N. Y. Ledger. Dr. Agnew'.i d ■ o-r .'fi• lleartgi; r rs perfect relief in all ases <»f Organic of sympathetic Heat Di»ea><e in 30 minnte.i and speedily effects a cure. It is u peer "ess remedy fur Palpitation, Shortness o; breath, Smothering lis, Pain in Lef side and all \ it.;< faDiseased, lloart •'ne dose conviit.M-• -uhl by City Phar, user. —Some girls are so careless that tlity will even l>re:ik their word. —h* *• *>| :n :i l.iiilnient removes ait t.arJ, si it'c lumps and Idem shes fr< ■ t■in ►. b!«n«l spavins, curbs plints, ••in;, iingbi.i:e, st,raiu» 11 awoli 1 :t ■« eengt s, etc. Savo 50 by use >1 ■ • > • ttle. WHI ranted the Tiont wondtil . Miitiish I'uie 1 ver known Sold bv J. C. K ». s —Some men are so tot'gh that you can't cut them on the street. 1870 Clt 111 ndy Frotr t wibe, has, by its extreme ags Bt <' consiiint ,me while in uniform teirj 1 nitur, ktid pure, sweet atmosphere oi pti ra>:«* h/uses for fourteen yeari , be ci 11 e a rial ot iht, Hennessey and other him (Is el Ognnc I'.randy, and much lower in price, anil preterm] by the physicians of Philadelphia, Now York and other cities Bit; it *,l druggists. It t«l 11. j i' o, it u.ust be so. One Miiur, !'• (iti Currf aetM| uiokly,-aml that's wbai tiiiikes it go ./ C. UKIXCK. —When a woman takes off her hat in the thcatr-, it doesn't always indicate a regard for the comfort of others. The httt way be an old one. —' Why did you break off your en gagement with Miss Bertha?" ''Because her parrot was always saying . 'stop that, George,' " "But what difference did that make Your engagement was not a secret." "But my nanw is not George." The boundry line between Canada and the United States is marked with posts t mile interval# for a great part of its length. Cairns, earth mounds, and tim- \ ber posts are also used, and through the forests and swamps a line a rod wide, clear of trees and underwood, has been cut. Across the lake artificial islands support the cairns, which rise about eight feet above the high-water mark. An Easy Cure for Drunkenness. lirankennesi. Morphine and Tobacco nabits easily cured by the use of Hill's Double chloride of Gold Tablets. No effort is r««|uired «t the patient and stimu lants may he taken as usual nntil given up. Tablets may given io tea or erffre without the patient's knowledge. A cure guaranteed in every case. For sale by all first-class druggists, or will be sent oil receipt of SI,OO. For full particulars address The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima. Ohio. —"l'm hungry all the time," is a com mon expression with those who take Hood's Sarsaparilla. —Every cloud has a silver lining, and that's just where it has an advantage over some pockets. The Trials of Ltfr. What shall I do? lam so debilitated with this malarial fever that 1 cannot at tend to my ordinary duties. Well, do as others have—try Annt Rachael's Malar ial Bitters; they* are unexcelled and will act favorably on tile functions of your system, and restore them to vigorous action. They are simply Speer's Wine with such I*l is and roots as Physicians use daily in their practice for the cure fi malaria. —The new woman is gWing the great American male hoga good run for his money. This evening two members of the up-to-date class occupied separate cross seats in an "L" car and each plai - ed iier tootsy-wootsies on the seat op posite, just like a man. Aunt Buchael't Htfrehound and Elton pane. Made of Grape Jvtice, Rock Candy- Crystal and the Horehound herb, is a simple and effective remedy for coughs, colas, hoarseness and sore throat—highly recommended for consumptives, i his is no patent medicine mixture, but it is pup HgflWound, Elecampane Root, Rock Car.dv and Grape Juice, combined with other medicines much used by con sumptives, public speakers and singers. Sold by druggists. Pri#, 25 cents and 75 cents. —The report of the Superintendent of the San Francisco Mint shows that the output of gold in California increased $14,863,281 in tS94 to $ 15.834,317 in iS9S -of the 57 counties ot the State are regular producers of gold. HOOIVS PILLS cure Uver Ills, Biliousness, Indigestion, llewlwhe. A pleasant laxative. All Druggists. —June roses are in full bloom. "Give me a liver regulator and 1 oan regulate the world." said a genieus. The druggist handed him a bottle of I)e Wtt s Little 'iarly Risers, tbe famous little pills, j J. C'.KKiHck. —The small boy is getting in the swim, j Evluf 111 fit# l/uur.i. —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidnoy Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in re lieving pain in the bladder, Kidney, back and every part of the urinary passages in .naie or lemule. Jt relieves retention ol water and pain in passing it ainio?t im mediatly, If yon want 'juick reliet and cure Sulci* your ramedi. Sold by •/. C. iteilick uruggict Unilor Pa —Herbert Spencer never accepts a col lege degree ljor any other honorary trade mark from any society. He wants to stand wholly on his own merits or be for ctten. Ulteumatium Cured m a Day. •'Mystic Cure" tor Kueuniaiisni and Neuralgia radically eures in 1 to U days, its action upou the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at ouee llie cause and the disease immediately diaap_ pears. The lirst dose greatly benefits; Vo cents. Sold by J. G Kedie, and J. K. lialph Druggists, Duller Apr I>C yuick iu ellccl, beals and leaves no sear. Durning, scaly skin eruptions quickly cur ed by l»e Will's VV itch danol naive. Ap plied to bums, scalds, uid seres, it is magi cal in effect. Always cures pites J. C. tXKUICK —Charles Dickens said of Robinson Crusoe that it was"tbe most popular story fn the world, and yet one which never drew » smile or tear." J. W. Pierce, Kepublic, la,, says; "1 havo used One Minute Cough (Jure in my family anil lor myself, with results So eu tirely sauslactory mat i can tiarilly liud words to express myself as to its merit. 1 will never fail to recommend it to others, on every occasion that presents itseU. J. C. ItKDIUK. Soothing, healing, cleansing. Do Witt's Witch Hazel balve is the enemy to sores, wounds and piles, which it never tails to cure. Stops ichiug and burning. Cures chapped lips and cold-sores in iwu or three hours. —Apparently llie ladies won all that could be secured from the M. K. General Conference at Cleveland, and have lieen referred back to the congrega tions for whatever else they want. A high liver with a torpid liver will not be a long liver. Correct the liver with lie Witt's Little Karly iiisers, little pills that cure dyspepsia and constipation. C KKDIOK Don't invito disappointment by experi menting. Depend upon One Minute Cough Cure and you have immediate tehel. It cures croup. The ony harmless remedy thst produces immediate results. ' ■ RKDICK. —An Ohio man and wife have agreed to separate and live apart and that each shall have the custody of the children two weeks at a time, fhis may be satis factory to the man and wife, but pity the children. T. P. Anfcimiy, Ex-Postmaster of Pro mise City. lowa, stiyp: "I bought one bottle 01 'Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, and two doaes ot it did me more good than any medicine I ever look Sold >l4' J. C. Kedick, and J. F. Balph <ruggt»ts, Butler. One Minute Cough Cure touehen the right spot. It also touches it at the right time it you t«ke it when you have a cnugji or cold. See tho pointf Then don't cough. C. RKOICK. - A pitcher of ice water laid in a news paper with the ends of the paper twisted together to exclude the air, will remain all night in any summer room with scarcely any perceptible melting of the ice. SCROFULA CURED E. C. Caswell of Hrockport, N. Y., says: "I was terribly afflicted with scrofula, and hail lost all hope of living cured. A friend advised me to take DR. DIVIO (EDDEDI'S FAVORITE REMEDY which 1 did with great benefit, and I recommend it to others." It restores the liver to a healthy condition, and cures constipation, scrofula, rheumatism, dys pepsia, nnd all kidney, bladder and urinary diseases. W A Bfcyck Rjflt for Two," " ||j Five cents' worth of | -BATTLE AX" wiii serve two jjl; chewers just about as long as 5 cents ,|jj jjg worth of other brands will serve one m man. This is because a 5 cent piece i lof BATTLE AX" is almost as I # large as the 10 cent piece of other <| ffij high grade brands, U ««A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL. OF CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOL. IP r * ' SOLU SEO PU KE J'' /^r/^rirT^ 2/C QOCviCLCIs Quiets P;.in, Checks Bleeding, Reduces Inflammation, Is the Bicyclers Necessity. Piles, Sores, TT \} C Rheumatism, Burns, Colds, LUKE-O Sore Ihroat, Hoarseness, Catarrh, Chilblains Inflamed Eyes, Wounds Bruises, Sprains, Headache, ioothachc. Usc PONDS EXTRACT all,r Use PONDS EXTRACTajter Lxercttmg-No Umemu POMP'S EXTRACT OINTMENT it pap* • mnri. H«r • !V? ,-. MJ PI In What relief froift exdrpciatlttfr pam Jo cts. instantly it cure.. ri'« s ftrimtmhememm. B.,GEXn,xi:, a^: ■..... SOM w^rwiT RTTKTISII vtAX'i i.s <a M*VOU* DJSWUJT. , ■/ SKXINfc PIM sntouc.raecittlrainsand . ~ T >\ l-v 6 boxes for f 5. BHoS-i* 1 p-omptly revitalize the whole . <5 r SSSttt iu 4 VTMka. With every I - " • . AU,o; I'V M. MKWCINh CO . • k«.UM. < •. . J"; TROTTING STALLIONS. STORM BIRD, Record 2:35 and BUFEALO BOY 3882. Will be found at my farm tlur ing the suri?*ier.of 1K96. These horses are so wc'.' lavorabl) known in this county t. l>a t tion is unnecessary here. . hey are two of the best stallions to be ound anywhere for the money. Terms $2 5 and slo to insure. For description and pedigrees, address Alonzo McCandless, Isle, Pa. j)'MT(M\S LAKH mjm jS I* I 1 ATK ■>l.-iI*KNSAKT. r..v IX..*. . Avr A::L> FOURTH BT. PITTJSB'jaOH. PA. iVaUBrl Aitforiinol Oflieate nn<l f'ni -3 pliealeil l»i -e 1. .mil SwA" •> "W nutMiii. a.. 1 -e': '.T: ! .M l ir.itton are tr«ate"! at lltia l ;i > .i.-.t, Kitka 'iocmS *frtj attained. l>i.s iv* I ■ .:«|..l«| or the i!« fiv «m m«i fuir m.l!, and la the leaf and weal •xi* ciivert sfioitus. in Uta cltr SpeeHOyl . ntl'i.i ■■■ 11 to N » l>' i»lii> 1 . Hue* »• .' ■in 1 .11 *r \ 1 I loa, lif nit Inn ei yw th,el - ,111 .ill% -teat ami mental !' nv,lm;'- 'i en-r/e. '• iev, eti.; »u»i« (. i- ■ • On t'i!•»?-. i»if ti • x**uaoi lii«' l iiKi't. I.un«». I'rlnarv l»i jj.'in v,ele. >n •leu nr. ; snictly e.iah'ti n».;,1. O'*ieo houi-" t< ; nnd 7 to s I*. M.; Sundays * to 4 f. *. -nly ,•11 at offlee or a'l-lrem I'! '. 1. M' • { 't. Vi- ss A» b \NOf. , taT..|MTTP.IIt-Ulill. t'-V FRAZER GREASE BEST IN THE WORLD. It* wear I iipi|iial!t4es are unsurpassed actually ouUaiitlnK t«'o hoses of any other brand. Not ofTeetoil by heat. Ifl CJKT TIl K'JKNIIINK. FOIt SALE liY DEALERS GE.NLHALLY. SPTEfI M-L OTHERS FAIL *"■ Consult the O'-' IMtHbie * DR.LOBB n. tim:KNTii sr., "A. Thirty ytmm' « oilimoua pmrtlce Ityili.- run* of »ll of 11 -n 1..1.1 No mailer from what or L»«* lonic I 111 "u ir.:nt*f it l'lo»l»-UoUlid liooif 4<ukHl) uul UiUliW # Ug&. what yon hoald look iur itheu Jing whiskeys or liquors; our; aro guar-i Jan teed pure; if you liny i'rom us yon getj direct lrotn the l'. S. (Jovernmentj #stauiped barrel; there ih no better guar # #autee. w A <* Speak for I hcinsclvcs:^ J a year olit, Pure Uye. per k'-iHon. ? i ■» ' 0 # 10 t.w •• •• # C it •• •• fc> d 17 " 4 Specia'price list on Wiucs, etc., on# No e.xtra charge for jug.-# •or packing, tlive us a trial order. # J A. ANDRIESSEN, # # 188 Fedei • # Everj Woman jpfcZy Sometimes n«- da a r' li i rcjjulutmg ~%J' I mtdicins. Or. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Am pn»mi»t, «mfi! and flrnltln li r««ult. tn«(l>r. ('earn) n6T<*r iluM|»point. Bont ftaf*nWß> «i.UOa vwki MwOxcUIL Cm-, tiov cloud, u. Tor ijslt at City Pharmasy. VHmt Ne.-ve iierries have done for others m tojk^hcywHldo A. '£? (J^aJ - £i < 4 ■*■*"• •3'fa D»' a*x Formarie.tiljfta«(v-ad. 3° ru A positive cure for afl WcaKnesses, snd <til their mfti< -f eviisJpsulting fron: early errors anfl later excesses; the result of over work. *lckness, worry, etc. - » 1 t x' • A- ; or excessive use of and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having :he geiuine NERVE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, s£.oo per box, six boxes, one full treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed to cure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail ordsrsto AMERICAN MECTCJL CO. CINCINNATI. 0. WHAT will DO. I" IS NATURE'S OWN TONIC. Stimulate! tho appotUc and pro duces refreshing sleep. QIVES VITAL WTIJENGTH TO NUBSINO M "MOTHERS. Checks wasting diseases, «top:i B niffht iwukti cures incipient -®>- * consumption. Increases Btror.i.'h and flesh. O MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD. Promotes Uop'thy lung tissue. Will Rive tho pal© and tuny the Wrosy chock a of youth. CURES Alt FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Makes Htroai? u:" . .i!jd women oi weaklings HLMORE'S IRON TOHIG PILLS Cure all lasting Diseases »«o Itibif sequencss, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, Ac. They aro neither*! vpticnoroftuiitic 1 v' have no coagulating uii'-ct on the oontmita cf the stomach or its liairvg; consequently t\ > not hurt tho toeth ox conattpati I v iiiarrbcca. r.a do tho usual form- oi iron O < IVB treatment 50c. pamphlet frco LI not : by your urugffist* ad dross GiL-tVIORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O- WiTYUS y#W^; u ;K T ;,2lt^ D a well n*o°f . 7-. - ■%«* ~t iay. AjS VITALISE , THE GREAT aoth FRENCH REM£DY &Ot.l Da?. PBOODCXB NI ABOVE IHULTR J - .. . . If ouil win I) ii iwitu K»rv<>tl»ntw«, ■*" Wutlni ilUe I'M*. lU**t -I "•» l*'»t V ilnllty. r >w«r •oil Falllujf M.-iii'WT. Wnrd* .IT lii-ao.l} ami ConnnnniKni. lii.i.t <m hnvinif VXTAI.IH, r.o«r Oun 11.' rurrl<-.l in vwt i»P.jr noii ,1 ... ,>.-i i.ii. ; . v •>• -it f >r *».«■> with • rwr tulw to L'l ItK Oil HF.Ft'ND IHS MONEY. Clrculur ArftlrK"* CALCMKr MEDTf IMF. CO Chicago, UL For i djg ;B Butler, IV by City i Pharmacy. I Easter pv HP DqnP Spring Hats L'* * • * d|JC Hats The Leading Milliney House In Butler County Stylish and Beautiful arc the Hats and Bonnets we have selected for our spring trade. Never has our stock of Millinery been sc grand and at prices that will astonish you. Come in and see Tor yourself. Our Stock of Mourning Goods Always Complete. D. T. Pape 122 S. Mam St. Butler l'a. Whiskies, Wines and * iquors. There art' ninny peop'e imposed npoD w ben they buy liquor for the sick-room, for the table, or for socia' pleasures, b'osiuse they do not know how or where tc boy. A first- cities article can culy be found in a first class boa.»o. There are many dealers who pose as Wholesale Liquor Dealers, hut there is DO other firm which bears the repu tation f* r fair atd honest dealing which MAX K.' LIN enjoys, aiid the reasons are b< cause he can its the largest and most complete stock of liquore of all kinds in the State; - because erery article is guaranteed to be absolutely pure, be cause his prices are the lowest, and because he deals fquarely with the public. You may judge from the following. Silver Age Bye—the pttr of all whiskies— i •. r q', sls 00 per ease i Piiqutsne Rye, 02 per cent pure rye and 8 per cent barley mult, $1 25 per qnart. sl2 50 ptr esse Bear Cnek Bye, e\\ yets old, finest quality, $1 00 per qt. $lO 00 per case. Gibson. Flinch Oackenheimer and Overbo!t— all well known brandy $1 00 per qt, or $lO 00 per case Guckenheimer 4 y»-ar old, 75 cts per qt, or $S 00 per case, an exeellfu uhif-key at the price, superior to most whiskies at $1 All cares contain 12 full quart bottles. If you send your order here for any of the above j<u will receive oetter goods than anywhere • Ise Dou't forget that we pay all express and el h» r charges on ordeis amour ting to $5 or over Send for latest Catalogue aod Price MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. Wholesale Liquor Dealer. J3l, Buy a Buggy j that's reliable when you j 0 buy one. Fredonia Buggies >«jve e.'erjdiing in :.ieii favor— beauty, stability, ease. You can tin.' this out by .it 'em. Yo;;r dealer sells them Wjde bv \ - • .iiysfown. O. 1,000,000 People Wear iWL.PouglasSiioesl £&& $ PROCESS. J^WV/ORLD. $5.00 x H; 3.00 $4.00| ALmA «2.50 $3.50, & sJJ $2.00 $2.5(1 $1.75 $2.25' s&fe* For Buys For Men ' i : W - anIYCStiS Wenr W. I- ■' nr.! »»\c from Mi.WO to S:t.O(> ;» All hi J WMtka. i ' nr'tc t>i ■ 1 i ' ' t • I" 'n • '■( W. 1.. IX -uln . t • I • - 55?*-.? FOR SALE BY Q. E. MILLER, lsii tier, Pa. All shoes sold by us arc fully warranted no matter what you pay for them, if you buy our shoes at $ i .oo or $4.00 we see that you get full value for your money, 110 other house in Butler takes as good care of their cummers as we do, that is why our store is becoming so popular and we are making new friends every day. OP ONLY Kill! Our only fault, if yon can cali it a fault, is trying to show a bet ter line of shoes at lower prices than our neighbors, and if we arc to judge from our increasing sales our cftorts are meeting with suc cess. These Prices Tell Tim Mm V Ladies' fine serge slippers.. .. 25c " gaiters. 45c " opera toe slippers .... 50c " kid shoes, button or lace $ 1.00 Ladies fine tan oxfords 75c " fine tan shoes. .$1.25 to $3 Mens working shoes 90c Mens bull congress or bals . .SI.OO lioy.s fine bull bals SI.OO New Bicycle Shoes, New Tennis •Shoes, New Tan Shoos, New Canvas? Shoes, AT Butler's Progressiva Shoe House. Zis Sooth Main St., BUTLER PA 0. E. MILLER, kep>;kino promptly done. I ABRAMS & BROWN. INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Strong Companies. I'ronivt Settlements. Hooie insurance 00. of New York, iumr au< e <'o. of North America, oi Philadelphia, Pa. Phenix Insurance of Brooklyn, N. anil Hertford Insurance Co. of llartlonl Conn OFFICE. Corner of Main St. ;»n.l the 0 Hiuood, north of Court ilou-e, Hutler. pa Job work of all kinds done at tl.e CmixN Omojs The COAST LINE to MACKINAC TAKE THE~< < - f rW-X MACKINAC I £• 3 DETROIT | I f PETOSKEY JL CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers The Circate*' Perfection yet attained in Boat Construction t.ujrunous Equipment. Artistic l-urnisliinv decoration and Efficient Servica, inaaring toe Uigbctt degree of COnFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. Foufl per Week Det«eem Toledo, Detroit £ Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE SOO," MARQUETTE, AND DULUTH. 1 RATES to Picturesque Mackinac and Sjetuni. including Heals and Bertha. From > level una, JiH; Iron: Toledo, Jl3; from Detroit. *<3-SO. EVERY EVENING Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting At Cleveland with Harliest Train# i . ull fCast, South and Southwrcat huU at Detroit lor ail points North and Northwest. Sunday Trip* June, July, August and September Onlf EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland, Put-in-Bay jfi Toledo 0 I!!u-rtrated P.imphlf*. Addresa • ■» . - "IHANT*. c 1 p, DKTHOIT, MIOHt ,! Siovefanu Steam Nay. 60. AT J R. GRIEfi '<> and £Do Not Make Five. It's quite a probiem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly of jew elry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such pricos that defy Com petition. 1 am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. j, a. cam 118 SOUTH MAIN ST. Hotel Hard. Roopened ntjd now ready for the accommodation of tbc traveling pub lie. Everything in »pf» fityle MRS. MATTIR RGIHIMG, Owner M H BROOKS, Clerk. PYES EXAWOT t'KEF. OF GHAKGF R. L. Kirkpatrick, Optician and Jeweler Next to Co ' 'llousv liatlcr, l'u., gradua Lu l'wi llur " >\ui iuuuuie.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers