the citizen THURSDAY. APRIL ». t • • New Advertisements. Executor's Notioo, estate of Jainca Kerr. Jury list for April 27. Douglass' new wall paper. Martmconrt <fc Co. s surries, etc. Barton's low prices. Zimmorman's bargain?. Young's suits. Bickels shoes. 0. <fc T.'a carpets, etc. Corn-Gazette. KOTK —All advertisers intending to make cinges in their a<ls. should notify us cl th jir intention to do so, not later than Monday morning. Administrators and Executors of estatee caii secure their receipt books at the ClT zns «!EC9 NOTlCE—Hereafter the price of the CITIZEN will be SI.OO if paid in advance, ind $1.23 if not so paid. CITIZE.Y and Veekly Tribune $1.50 in advance. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —Trilby will be hero on Saturday of nest week. —Purvis' anil was shut down for repairs yesterday —Easter bonnets and winter wraps are strange company. —The groundhog seems to bo running a double heador this soason. —The oid saying, "A green Christinas makus a white Piaster," was made good this tim" .. . minor (hildrer of Barnhart Brelj of \V! .t astown havo been granted a pen sion. —A i unaway horse, Sunday afternoon cleared the sidewalk lrom the Court House to the Wick House. —Tne convention of school directors to el*ct a Connty Superintendent will meet three weeks from next Tuesday. —John B okel is do:ng a good busiress at his new place on S. Main St. llis old cc vomers are following him. —\V. I). Brandon, and A. M. Cornelius e.ud son have removed their law office to the room over Colbert and Dale s store. —A young man is tickled with his new moustache, but not half so much as his best girl is. —Don't forget "Comrades," at the Park tonight, by local talent, assisted by Mr. and and ii rs Henry Beck. —Disinfectants should be freely used now. Lime is very powerful disinfectant, »nd is about tho cheapest that can be had. —Oil city has a horseless carriage which is nsed for delivering groceries. The Blizzard says it works all right. It is drawn by mules. Where are yon living now? -Any of our subscribers who have moved will please toward their new address to us so that we can make the change. An Erie paper tells of a bill received by directors of the poor from a medical man, containing the item: "To keeping a stranger sick all night, 75 cents ' —The latest thing that Edison has in vented is a nickle-in the-slot X ray ma chine. You stick your hand in the ma chine, drop a nickel in tho slot and see the bones in your hand. —The members of the Baptist Church of this town won SSO from the Pittsburg Times for sending it a list of new subscrib ers, and besides this the church will get a commission which will amount to about $25 more. «. —lt is not generally known that when a person talis into the water a common felt hat may be made use of a* a life pre server, and by placing the upon the water, rim down, with the arm around it, pressing it slightly to the breast, it will bear a man up for hours. —Said a sensible mother to one of our exchanges: "1 always let my daughters have their own say about the color of the lamp shades and the arrangement of the doylies. I find, as a result, that they are not in such a hurry to get marriod. The foundation of most girl's desire to marry is to live in a house where they can have their own way about the lamp shades and doylies. —The Washington Post hits the mark when it says, "The ideal editor is the one who knows jast what to keop out of his newspaper." But that kind ol an. editor has never been born. Mankind finds fault with tho Almighty, and a newspaper that has an opinion and its editor has any man liness or backbone, is obliged to express opinions at times that are not in accord with more or less of his readers. —By act of Assembly supervisors are empowered to proceed upon the request ol any landholder whose property fronts upon a public road, to establish a proper width and location for a sidewalk along each Bide of tho highway. The widtfi must not be less than six feet for 50-foot roads, and for roads of greater width the sidewalk shall be 10 feet wide. When established the law requires the landowner to pay for and keep the sidewalk in repair. Mrs. N. C. Core, of the Core Musio Co., Butler. Pa., will personally conduct her annual rirer excursion by steamer Hudson, Wednosday, May 6th, at 4P. M. Cost of trip from Pittsburg sl2, Butler $13.70, This trip occupies one week with one full day for sight seeing in Cincinnati. Tickets extended for all who may wish to remain for May Musical Festival, or for a longer period. A string band accompanies these recursions, and we hope to make it a re pei tion of our former enjoyable outings. Cut this out, it will not appear in this form again. —The following is the program for the U. Y. L. meeting this evening—the last of the season—Address of Welcome, Col. Criswell; Singing by Legion; Address, Col. JAS. Henry; recitation, Miss Lara Jennimrs; Instrumental music, Miss Fannie McElwain; Address, Com. Jno. T. Kelly; recitation, Miss Mary Ayres; Solo, entitled The 801 l Call, Mrs. C. E. Herr; lecitation, Miss Amanda Smith; instrumental duel, Misses Maud Connor and Carrie Gahagan; recitation, Miss Nellie Nixon; address Com. A. G. Williams. All are invited. —The growing of cabbage by farmers in Waterford, Erie county, and vicinity, has been a profitable business for several years past. The Leader, of that place, states that shipping figures show that the past season more than 1,200 tons of marketable cabbage was raised, the price realized ranging lrom $8 to $23 a ton on tho cars. The large bulk of the crop was handled in car lots, there having been 56 full cars, containing 822 tons, shipped from Water ford station and about 20 car loads, or 300 tons, fri.m Sampsonville ami Jackson stations. —The Legislature of Ohio has passed a bill to prohibit the wearing of hats in ! theatre a. The Bradford Era say* that in that place all ladies wearing offensively high hats remove them daring »;hea f rical performances. The high hat nuisance is not particularly felt in the Butler Opera House, as the seats slope toward the stage, giving those in tho rear an occasional glimpse of wtnt is going on back of the footlights, 3ut in the chnrches it often happens that a towering head goar shuts off preacher, pulpit and all, and makes heaven itsoli' soem too far off to bother about. —W. A. Fisher has purchased the Grove & McVullin grocery. —One of the large culvert pipes in Blu fi St, between Clay and Pean is busted,, end there is a dangerous hole in tho streot there. —A charter was grantod it Harrisburg yesterday, to the Cutler and Pittsburg R R. Co., with an authorized capital of $o 000,000. —The scholars who attended the schoo taught by Thomas Herri* in Butler 1839 to 1852 will hold a reunion in the old brick school building on Jefferson St on the 30th if May next. —At a weddiuit to occur in Meadville four ministers, with a Bishop at the head, have been engaged on the .splicing job. It is said that a three fold cord is not easiiy broken, but a four-ply tio ought to hold for quite a spell. —Says a Rhode Island paper: "The fact is well known that the Pie Lelt lios wholly north of Masoa and Dixon s line, Some ono elso has defined the pie belt as rnnniDg the length of New England, then westward through New York and Pennsyl vania, and so on to the great grain region west of the Mississip )i. —The cold weather of last week mado the blue birds seek shelter. A farmer lately told us that after warm weather el in last Spring ho sawed a hollow limb off a largo apple tree in his orchard, and that fourtoen dead blue birds dropped out of it. They crawled in a knot hole to escape a blizzard and had cither been frozen or smothered. " —The roads throughout the county are reported as being in a horrible condition this spring. Surely the farmers should get stirred up and tako some action that will lead to batter roads for their own use. When the roads dry uu, would it not be a good idea for the Supervisors to put their scrapers on and follow this by running a heavy roller over the roai. This would make the roads good at least one month before they wonld be otherwise —Ex —The word "cigar" is of Spanish origin, and is from cigarra, meaning, grasshopper. Tobacco was first raised in gardens. Cigarra! is Spanish for garden, meaning, literally, the place where the grasshopper sings. So in the early days, when a Span iard would take some dried tobacco leaves from his garden and roll them up for smoking purposes, he would offer one to a friend with the remark, "Es de mi cigar ral," meaning thereby that "this is from my garden," Subsequently the expression became "Este earro es do mi cigarral"— this grasshopper is from my grasshoppery, or this roll of tobacco is from my garden. —The wide wagon tire law provides that persons who shall own and 'ise draught wagons on the public highways with tires not less than four inches in width' for hauling 2,000 pounds weight shall for each year receive a rebate of one-fourth thoir assessed highway tax. A farmer who has wide tires on all his wagons except one asked the Attorney General at Harrisburg if ho were entitled to a reduction of road tax. The Attorney General concluded, in substanee, that if a farmer has six wide tire wagons and one narrow tired, the lat ter readers the others null and void so for as a rebate is concerned. —Tho vegetarians point with pride to the fact that many of tne world's great and famous people never eat any meat. For example, Count Tolstoi, who amid the wilds of Kussia, produces books that are read the world over; "Ouida," the novel ist, who finds a fruit 3iet an essential to successful fiction writing; Mrs. Mona Caird, who flourishes on the same susten ance; and Prof. Mayor, the profound Cam bridge scholar, who lunches on a piece of broad and an apple, and declares that high tninking has no greater enemy than flesh feeding. Thoro are plenty of people, how ever, who would rather cling to the flesh pots than become like Tolstoi,, Ouida or Mrs. Caird, —The Kids were delighted with their "Rabbit's nests" last Sunday morning. The significance of tiie Easter egg is ex plained as follows:—"In Germany and among the Pennsylvania Germans toy rabbits or hares, made of caDton flannel stuffed with cotton, are given to tho chil ren on Easter morning, they being told that this Oshter has laid tho Easter eggs. This custom is derived from the legend that the hare was originally a bird, and was changed into a ijuadruped by the god dess OsLara or Estre. and, in gratitude to I her, the haro exercises its original bird function to lay eggs lor the goddess on her festal day." New Buildings. W. G. Zeigler has broken ground for a ( fine new blick dwelling house on Mifflin ] St. W. A. Stein is building au addition to j his handsomo home on Mtllin St. Dr. Pillow's fiue residence or. W. Jefl'er- ' son St is almost ready for occupancy. Harry Hinchberger's now house on Franklin St. is almost completed. Mr. O'Donnel has the cellar excavated for a new house on Pcnn St. Dr. Kisller's Veterinary hospital on W. Jeffeison St. is nearing completion. J. G. <t W. Compbell have removed their stock of hardware to the Heinemin building and work on tearing down their old building will be commenced this weok. The Markets. Our grocers are paying 12 cts for eggs, 20 for butter, 20 for potatoes, ii cts for cab bago, 40 for onions, 60 for parsnips. Apples from down along the river sell ing for $1.40. LIVE STOCK. At Herr's Island Monday, beeves sold at $2.35 to $4.33; bulls, dry cows, oxen etc at $1 00 to $3 10. Hogs at $2 75 to $4.15; sheep at 50 to $4.25; lambs at 75 to SB.OO, and calves at $2 90 io $5.25. Kntertainments. Y. M. C. A. HALL. Tho Brocket Sextelle Concert Co.'will give a concert in the Y. M. C. A. Hall for tho benefit of the Baptist church, tomorrow evening, April 10th. This promises to be one of the best entertainment, ever given in Butler, and 200 tickets have already beon sold. Having secured for our head trimmer, Miss Grace Divley, who has been engaged for the last 8 years with some of the largest wholesale and re tail millinery houses in Pittsburg, and Cleveland, we are confident we can please you iu stylo and prices at The People's Store. 1 Underwear—a specialty at HECK'S his stock is largest and finest ever offered in Bu*'e» I L I)o you want a hat or cap? HECK has them and can save you money, , If you want to save money walk , around to Martincourt & Co's. and j I buy your robes and blankets. Vox Populi—liny your clothing, ' underwear, hosiery, hats, caps, sox ! and neckwear of D. A. HECK, and 1 save money. Having made great improvmenta in our Millinery Department we cnn show you goods to a much better ad vantage than last spring, having obtained the newest'novclties in each and every department at The Peo ple's Store. LEGAL NEWS. XOTES. The Superior Court met in Pittsburg, Monday, in the supreme court room, and will hear cases from Allegheny county this week and next. Cases from Butler county will be heard May 11th. The cises going going up from this connty are those of Mc- Clymonds vs Stewart. Murtlar.d vs Cal.a han (2 cases), and the appeals of Dr. J:>hn son and T. S. Peters. Letters of administration were granted to D W DoatLett on estate of James M Shonp of Mars. The will of George Kt-iber of Butler was probated no letter?; will of Margaret Keiber and letters to All M and George Reiber; a!so will of James Kerr of Harris ville and loiters to J M Galbreath. Daniel H Wuller has replevined one surrey vs Delmer F Reed. Minnie Stewart has brought suit for di vorce vs W. F. Stewart. The Commissioners would like tax-col lectors to settle up as soon a possible. PROPESTV TBAHSFBBS A J Burr to Philip Burr 31 acres in For ward for $l3O. Jacob Whitmire to Matilda Coyle lot in Butler for SI,OOO. Philip Kradol to A M Eyman lot in Har mony for S4OO. A S Marshall to W S Harman 23 acres in Muddycreek for SBSO. Geo W Huselton to Levi M Wise lot in Butler for $1,750. J G Griffen to Michael Higgens 32 acres in Yenango for $lO3. Jfattio Ballard to Henry Foltz lot in Mars for $450. S Walker Stewart to Jos F Low lot in B itler for £3OO. John McGonegal to W W Morrison 09 acres in Slippeiyrock for $l,lOO. Jas Bredin to Henry Lefever 106 acres in Middlesex lor $4,000. Kezzie II Miller to Thos F Niggle lot in Butler for $l,lOO. E P Shatter to J L Rvnsey lot in Leu frew for $250. . Abo Mover to W M Purdin lot in Har mony for $1,900. Geo W Wnght, ex'r, to John H Sutton lot in Butler for $2,200. Wm Walker to A W Akins lot in Butler lor $4,000. John Keister to Geo F McQuistion lot in Coaltown lor S6O. Geo F McQuistioa to I N Bryson lot in Coaltown for SSOO. J S McNally et al assigned leases in Middlesex ?o j" S Patterson et al for $40,- 000, and W A Geohring et al to Forest Oil Co. leases in Adams lor $19,000. M Cypher to Catharine Cypher 23 acres in J ell'er son lor S3OO. Marriage Licenses G L Oliver Kittanning Dellie M Clingeusmith Butler Harvey II Iman - Magic Elmma B Bryan Wm S Harmer Muddycreek twp Tirzah Cleeland... Portersville Harry Hilliard ? ut J er Annie Harper St Joe Josiah M Timblin Butler Lizzie V01ar'........----.---- Butler twp John Connelly.... Butler Mary Dibbson. ......Butler twp Wm H Goehring Botler Emma A Croneswett " George G Knock ......Pleeger Ada Brown ...Clay twp Wilbert Bowser Batjer Ada Bnyder " AlbertO Kelly Bovard Clara Cannan Glenora Elmer W Davis Butler Josepbino Fields Youngstown, O Robert A Leibert.... Butler Florence M Covert Geo E Sherman Butler Bertha Dickey.... Elmer L F0re5t........... -..-Glade Mills Renie Snyder " At Pittsburg—W. F. Barnhart of Butler Co., and Beile Hunter of Allegheny. OIL NOTES. The following is a schedule of the pay ing prices of the Producers and Ritiners Co.,jand the Standard tor the past week. Producers. Standard April 1 *1 29 $1 29 •« J 127 127 « 4 127 125 •< 6 127 125 <• 7 127 122 •< 8 1 27* 122 " 9 1 27i 122 Bio CKEEK —Alexander Bros & Co. sold thier leases on the Voeghtly farm Am berson field *o tho Forest Oil Co. for S2O, 000. They had about 80 bbls. production. L. M. Wise, Alexander & Go's Xo 1, Jno. Peffer Eidenau field is spudding, Lenz Schlagle, <fc Co's well in same field is pumping, and said to be good for GO bbls. E. H; Staufl'er, Guckert & Co. have a well in the sand on the Stamm, looking good. VENANGO TWP. —Judge McJunkin struck an 8 bb'. well on his farm in Venango twp. last week. MIDDLESEX —Patterson Jfc Co's Xo 5 Whiteside is showing for from 150 to 200 barrels. EVANS CITV —The Bolard & Dale well on tho Waldron is showing for a fair pro ducer. Lentz <i Ruvsell's Xo 1 Ganz near Eidenau is standing full of water. The Xational Transit is putting in a pump station near the mill in the Stamin. McNally & Starr's well on the Winter is dry in the 100 foot and is boiDg drillel to the lower sands. Youngblood it Co's well on the Winter is duo this week. Greenlee £ Hays on the Young havo drilled their well to the boulder and have a fair gasserr Younkins Bros have a fair gasscr across the creek, Protection Against Fires. The J. S. Campbell hose company an nounces that the Treble Clef Club, will give a benefit concert in the Park Theatre on Tuesday ovening, April 21. The Treble Clef Club is composed of twelve of Butler's best lady singers, and the remembrance of the delightful concert they gave in Febru ary is still with us. Tho ladies are con fident of exceeding their former efforts, and have prepared an entirely new pro gram for this concert. It is hinted that one or two of the number in view are original, and contain several local and per sonal allusions. Tho program is composed ;of a wide variety of music, including the old favorite gong ''Last Night" a splendid arrangement of "Annie Laurie" and sev eral very amusing ditties. Solos will be contributed by members of the Club and Mr. Carl Leighner who has beon studying music in the East for tho past year, in view of the popularity of tho Treble Clef Club, and Ihe worthy object of the concert tho Opera House will doubtless be packed. Lace Curtains. The latest Style and largest stock at The People's Store. Girls wanted at The People's Store to learn the millinery trade. Miss anything but FiniHey's Cry stal Photos. Crystal types are tak ing tho lead, ma le only at Findley's P. O Building, Branch studio Mars, at Mars every Tuesday. Wait for our second Easter open ing of the Millinery Department of The People's Store, April 2, 3 and 4. Oh Mamma—you ought to see the big pile 3 of childrena suits at HECK'S ouly $1.25, you can't get the same in town for less than $2.50, Wanted—Natures Compound, the true health assistant, in every home. Purifies the blood, gives a good na ural appetite, tones the entire system Having purchased a large line of muslin, calico, shirting print, indigo , bine and Simpson's print, below last j years prices, we will be able to offer I you the best goods at lowest prices, j at the People's Store. Robes and blankets cheaper than I any whero elso at Martincourt & Co's. PERSONAL. Jim Heydrick is in E. Kentucky. Geo. ll&ben has built a tailor shop on his lot on Locust St. W. W. Bell of Washington was in town. Mondav. Jno. P. Thompson has raoied to a farm noar North Washington Harry Moorhead has moved back to Butler from Tarcntum. Esq. Gilghrist is occupying his office on S. Main St. Clarence Iteiber came home from Thiel college Greenville, for the Easter holidays. E. L English of Warren, O. is visiting his folks in Franklin twp. Everybody is for McKinlcy in Ohio. Elmer Kelly has moved to Washington St., and Thos. W. Fhillips will occupy tho 2d floor of the Aland building for offices. W. H. Goehring, the messenger, and Miss Emma Cronenwett were married, Tuesday. Levi M. Wise, Esq. purchased the llus elton lot on Main St., 40 feet front, lor $1,750. On Saturday, April 4, J. M. Timlin and and Miss Lizzie Voland both of Butler were married by Rev. H. E. Snyder, A.M. Rev. Mosheim Rhodes lectures on "Ban yan and his Timos"' in the Grace Lntheran church, next Monday evening. J. P. McMiiUin, late -J of Grove & McMul lin, Grocers, iatouds I ocating in Sisters ville. Mrs. Kellerman has returned from Chi cago where she was visiting her sister Mrs. Eaton who was seriously ill. W. R. Patterson enjoyed his ".rip to Scran ton where hs attended L. S. Court as a juror, very much. Chas EshenbiJgh of W. Sunbury went to bed about the middle of February last, and has refused to either get up or eat since. So says the Pittsburg papers. Mrs. Samuel Weigle, of Prospect is at the home of her son Ford on West Jeffer son St. who is seriously ill of grippe. Pres. wrts in town, in business, Tuesday. Major Anderson, our astute Burgess, has been walking a trifle more erect than usual since last Wednesday, when the Ptiilabelptiia Press, containing pictures of himself and Bismark appeared in Butler. J. A. McElvane, who was seriously in jured by the railroad wreck, last week is yet at the West Penn hospital, and his family is at Huston Russell's in Cherry twp." Mr. Walker of W. Pearl St., who had several ribs broken by the same ac cident is doing well, but is ia constant pain day and night. Ed. J. Ross removed his goods to Zelie nopla this week, he having secured steady employment in a harness lactory located tiiero. The people of that place will fiud Mr. Ross a good citizen, as his employer has already found bim a competent and skilllul workman at his irade. Wo regret the departure of Mr, Ross and family from our town. —Grove City Telephone. Accidents. Walter McDonald, of Centreville was slightly burned by an explosion of gas, while blowing out the gas line, a few days ago, and the valve house was burned. S. F. Latham, a tool dresser on tho Shoup well near Evans City, was thrown upwards some twonty feet by the sudden j dropping of stuck tools a few days ago, j fell upon tho break beam, and was serious ly injured. Oliver Thompson was somewhat injured by the fall of a partition wall in the old Stewart building, now being demolished, yesterday. Petor Jyamerer tpraiiied his back severely a few days ago. CHURCH NOTES. A large audience assembled in the U. P. church, Sunday evening to bear Will MeConneil in the Temperanoe question. MoConaell is very radical in his opiulonu. The large audience that assembled in the Baptist church Sunday evening were delighted with the liaster music. Thero were nine pieces in the choir. Don't for get the concert, Friday evening by thu Crocket Sextette. The new Grace Lutheran church will be dedicated next Sunday morning, lie". Mosheim Rhodes, ot St. Louis will deliver the sermon. Services that evening by Rev. Swart* of Worthington. They Say!!'! 77 breaks up a Cold. 77 knocks out the Grip. 77 stops Ihe Saullies. 77 cures the Cough. 77 soothes the Throat. 77 works wonders in Catarrh. 77 is peerless lor Influenza. 77 prevents Pneumonia. 77 clears Clergyman's Throat. 77 restores Lost Voioe. 77 annihilates Hoarseness. 77 is a sheet anchor for Singers. 77 aids Respiration. 77 is Dr. Humphreys' Latest and Great est Discovery. 77 tho' priceless, sells for a quarter. 77 is sold by druggists Everywhere, or sent upon reoeipt of price. Humphreys' Mediciue Co , 111 £• 113 William St , New York. Change in Street Number of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company's City Office, Pittsburgh. On account of the rearrangement of street numbers in Pittsburg by tho city authorities, the office oi Mr. Thomas E. Watt, Passenger Ageut Western District, Pennsylvania Railroad, as well as the city ticket office, corner of Fifth Avenue and Suiithfield Street, Pittsburgh, will be changed on April 15 from No. 110, present number, to No. 360 Fifth Avenue. Say Papa—did you see HECK'S neckwear, it beats anything you ever saw. Trunks, yalises, bags and tele copes—at HECKS. Pants—Oyer 2000 pairs to select from, at prices, oh well, don't men tioc them, its awful, where it HFCK'S. Sox aDd shirts, all wool and a yard wids, cheaper than the oheapest—at Heck's, 121 N. Main St. —BoardingHouse Cards, with Act of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-doaen, .or sale at CITIZEN office. MUSlC'—Scholars wanted at 128 W Wayne St. Also nicely furnished room to rent. Save a day's wages oy baying robes and blankets at Martincourt & Co's. We invite yon to examine our spring stock of dry goods and milli nery at The People's store, 323 S. Main St. i More robes and blankets than you ever saw in one store in your life, at Martincourt & Co's. Having received our spring goods, 1 i we can show you a splendid line of , wash goods of all kinds, dress ging hams, plaids, etc, at The People's . Store. ' Job work done hore. Subscribe or the CITIZEN. i ■ c. wicK i tiALKR 15 ! Rough and Med Lumber OF AL- KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, f Shingles and Lath 3 Always In Stock. t LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER r Oflicu opposite P. AjW. Depot, '• PTJTLER FOR SALE. n House In Donnievllle on P. & W. 11. K. 6 room new Irame house, lot looxiso. Terms easy. !• Address R, F. Crawfobd. .Valencia, Pa. Doings of the Town Council. At the meeting of Council, Tuesday even ing. the Report of thi Borough Auditors was road and referred to the Finance Com mittee, now composed of Dan Younkins, J. S. Jack and 11. A. Tiltcn. During the year Treasurer Lawall received $48,036.59, and on ilarch 9tn had $2,762.58 in his hands, though tho outstanding warrants amount to $7,330.58. The report will be published in full. J. D. Marshall presented a petition for tho paving of Washington St., from Jefler son street to Pearl street, and it was re ferred to the Paving Committee. Harry Rinimer was granted a plumber s license, and gave bond in SSOO. The official bond of J. B. Mathers in S2OO was approved. A petition of Emma Taggert et al was referred to the Water Committee with powpr to act. The solicitor was requested to prepare an ordiance for the opening of Franklin St. and ask for viewers on tho Baldauf proper ty. Tho Committees for tho following year are as follows. Streets—Sypher, Lawall, Irvine, Miles and Aiken. Sidewalks—Grohman, Irvine, Manny, Younkins and Aiken. Finance —Younkins, Tilton aud Jack. Paving—Sypher, Shufilin and Lowry. Sewers —Grieb, Lowry and Lawall. Police —Lowry, Jack and Many. Light—Shufilin, Grohman and Kemper Water—Lawall, Tilton and S'nufflin. Fire —Grieb, Tilton and Kemper. Garbage—Kemper, Miles and Aiken. Several matters were referred to the proper committees, and Council adjourned to meet at call of chairman. PARK THEATRE. POTTKR'S "TRILBY," PARK. TUKATRK, SAT URDAY, THE 18th. Mr. Potter has made "Trilby" a play that fairly teems with the action and dra matic effect. The story is told in a com prehensive, straight-forward manner. Every situation is reasonable and uatural thero are no anti-climaxes, no repetitions, no extraneous theatrical all times. Mr. Potter has followed the book rather more faithfully that is tha custom with the average dramatist. Most of the charac ters have been reproduced with woader ful fidelity. Little Billee, Taffy and the Laird are" Du Maurier's portraits brought to life. is depicted with horrible realism, Gecko is the same weird, pitiable specimen of a musical enthusiast that the book portrays. Jolly Zou Zoa, reckless Dodor and tho half Uoien other minor characters which have become so well known and admired by the public are all graphically represented. Regarding Triloy there will bo a differ ence of opinion, that is as to her relation to Du Maurier's "Trilby," as to herself Ml will agree that the stage "Trilby," is thoroughly charming. For the sake of dramatic effect, Mr. Potter has changed "Trilby's" character to tho extent of mak ing her weaker in her love for Little Billee than was the original. She does not mqko a -willing sacrifice for her lover's sake, she is taken away from him by tho hypnotic art of Svengali. This may not be so noble, but it is certainly more in ac cord with human nature- In other re spects the stage character does not differ materially from that of the book, though of course, it is not possible to present all the varying shqdes of "Trilby's" charming nature so graphically described b7 Du Maurier. A company of admirable players have been brought together by Manager Palmer for the interpretation of "Trilby." Every role is taken by a competent person, and thero is an attention to minor details that is most commendable. "Trilby" will be presented at the Park Opera House on Saturday the 19th Decollete Dresses Down South. A popular and well-known lady of cen tral Mississippi visited New Orleans at the MardiGras for the first time. She was delighted with the city, but was consid erably shocked at the,"decolletones3" of some of the costumes at the balls. | [One day while there she was entertained at a fashonable dinner, and upon her ro turn to the house of the friend whom she was visiting, she was askod to doscribe some of the oostumes worn. "What did Mrs. C wear?" said her friend. "I didn't look under the table; but she didn't have on anything above it." Hotel Ktitier J. H. FAUBEL,, Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and al other modern conveniences fot guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use of commercial men. Hotel Willard. Reopened and now ready for the accommodation of the traveling pub- , lie. Everything in first-c ass style. MRS. MATTIE REIHING, Owner M H BROOKS, Clerk. Butler Savings Bank Butler, Pa. Capital - - $60,000-00 Surplus and Profits, $104,000.00 JOS. Is. PUR\ IS ...President J. HENTROUTMAN Vice-President WM. CAMPBELL, Jr Cashier LOUIS B. STEIN ".'.'.'.'...Teller DIRECTORS -Joseph 1.. Purvis, j. Henry I Troutraau, W. D.Brandon, W. A. stein. J. S. Campbell. The llutler Saving Bauk Is the Oldest Ban k ing Institution In Butler County, general banking business transacted Wo solicit accounts of oil prodncers, mer chants, farmers and others. AH Business entrusted to us wIU receive prompt attention. Interest paid on time deposits, The Butler County National Bank BUTLKR, FA. Capital paid in $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $87,962.35 Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts.Vice President; C. A. Bailey, Cashier; John G McMarlin, A ss't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. We invite vou to open an account with this bank. DIRECTORS— Hon. Joseph Hartman. Hon. W. S. Waldron, Dr. N. M. Hoover, H. McSweeney. E. K. Abrams, C. P. Collins, 1. G.Smith, Leslie P. Bazlett, M. Flueean. W. tlenry Wilson, John Humphrey, Dr. W. C. McCanaless, Ben Masseth, Harry Heasley, J. V. Rttts. JPURITY i ils what yon should look for when buy-i Jing whiskeys or liquors; ours aro guar-J Janteed pure; if you buy from us you get J £them direct from the U. S. Governments barrel; there is no better guar iantee. 0 Speak for Themselves:* J 2 year old. Pure Rye. 12.00 per gallon. J « 14 " " " " |*so •• •• E 5 Special price list oil Wines, etc., •application. No extra charge (or jug.-# •,>r packing. Give us a trial order. # , 5 A. ANDRIESSEN, J # 188 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. # The New R. R. to Pittsburg. It is generally suppi-sed that the Pitts burg aud Shenango K. K. will be extended from Butler to Fitt-burg this summer. A Greenville dispatch says that the linancia! part of the program was arranged in Xew York, the sum ot £4,000,000 lieing guar anteed by a syndicate. The immense freight carrying contracts recently made with the Carnegie interests will require nearly double the present number of train men "and shop employes, nearly all of whom will live in Greenville. One of ; three routes from Butler to Pittsburg is under consideration, and the final surveys will be made at once. The route from Butler will probably be down the west side of the creelf to Thorn Creek or Glado Hun and up it and then down one of the branches of Bullcroek to the Allegheny river The route as surveyed through the south end of Butler annihilates both the I, J. Mc- Candless and John X. Patterson houses, crosses tne creek on a high bridge, and tunnels through the hill on the south side. Regarding tho new road Mr Caruegie is quoted as follows: As to his reported deal with President Dick of the Pittsburg, Shenango A Lake Erie railroad, hn said: <- It isnot a new road. It is only an extension of the lino that now exists, which gives its traffic to the Baltimore & Ohio railroad at Butler. Last year it took eighteen days upon an average for tho cars to make the trip be tween Butler and Pittsburg, a distance of about 80 miles, and we had great difficulty in getting 1 the neccessary supply of ore. Pre-ident Dick obtained $5,000,000 to ex tend his lino to our work- at Braddock. It was the key to the back door of Pitts burgh. "Our new furnace at Duquesne will re quire more than 1,000,000 tons of orejevery year, and with the additional facilities obtained by the new direct line, we shall be able to get it promptly. '•lt is no new competing line. We have \ always received a large part of our oro | over it. Even with the improved line, I think '.hat we shall be hard pushed with oxisting facilities to get all the ore we require. We new use about 9,000 tons a day, an amount that wiil give all the rail roads plenty to do. "We could not get along without the extension of the Dick road. When busi ness is active, as it was a portion of last year, we could hardly get enough ore to run the old furnaces. "Pittsburg needs additional railroad fa cilities. It is always in trouble when a boom comes " THE HABIT OF wearing good clothes is a good habit and our clothes are good habits We want to help you lorm this good habit. Begin now! in a short time you will be convinced we have saved you money and that you are always dressed in good taste. Good taste in dress secures a cordial recognition for those who show it. No man can tell how much injury a shabby appearance may do him. Our handsome new Spring stock is now ready for your selection. MODERN METHODS. MODERATE PRICES. ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES. -:-LIKE THE STYLE* Our customers are always satisfied with ' the clothes we make for them. The fit is perfect and the workmanship the best. You owe it to yourself and your friends to be well dressed. It will give you a better standing among your fellow men. Call and let us show you our Spring Goods. No Reflection can be made against clothing which comes from Cooper & Co. It has always been our pride that our patrons are the best dreseed men in town. We make your clothes to fit we're paid for it and we doit. misfits at Cooper & Co's\ A Swell Man. A man may have every requisite for an elegant appearance, but if he lacks neatly fitting clothes his ap pearance is unsatisfactory. We charge no more for making your clothes fit than other tailors do for a misfit. We sell the fit and not the customer. Call and give us a Trial Order. AN HO Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa AT J. R. GRIEB'S '2, and Do Not Make Five. It's quite a problem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly of jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. J. I KB 118 SOUTH MAIN ST. 1 j —Job work of all kinds done at tfca 1 Citizin Omo* P erhaps you don t know how D eady u e are on "E 1 everything relation to prescrip tions - it will not be amiss to ( i all your attention to the -Reliable intelligence P A rompt service given T 0 everything of the kind placed 1 """ir hands prescripts . - l -nent was so complete s ave you money too. C. Itf. BOYD. fharmacist, Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA P i. Western Pernsylvama Division, Schodule in Effect May 20, 1895. South, —Week Days utu* Leave*'j»" oo' li si 2**s 'a *6 '•'axonburc.. .Arrive 654 828 11 M 311 52* liutler Jet.. " 727 848 12 12 340 553 Butler Jet.. ..Leave 7 30 tw 1217 340 55 Natrona Arrive 738 853 12 2>; 350 602 Tarentum 743 903 1231 357 cor Sprlugdale 752 912 12 44 407 Ciaremont 807 925 1259 421 02' Sharpsbarg Sls 93t loT 4 18 G3- Allegheny city 8 -jg 344 124 440 G45 A. 31. A. M. P. M. I*. M. P. M. SCXDAY TRAIN'S Leavo Butler tor Alle k'l" njr CUy aud principal Intermediate stations 7:40 A. M„ 2:30 anil 00 P. M. North. Week Days —'— A. M. A. M, A. Jl. P. >!. P. .M, Allegheny City..Lv. 655 900 1125 315 ulO SUarpsburg 7oi ul3 11 3a .... Claremont..., .... 9lu 11-16 spring-dale 930 11 »9 .... c3B Tarentum 732 93& 120s 351 64s Natrona 737 943 1213 355 tis ButlerJc't Ar 745 950 1223 404 7oi Butler Jc't Lv 745 950 12 3» 415 702 Saxonburg 810 lo 15 12 59 440 725 rfcruu: Ar. 835 10 38 :25 506 1 50 SUNDAY f KAlNn—Leave Allegheny CUy lor Butler and principal tutermedittte stations 7:jo A. M.. 1233 and 7;JO F. M-; Weok Day* For tho Eaft Week Days, p. m. a. m. a. m. p. in. 245 625 Lv BCTLKR. .. Ar 10 38 125 340 727 Ar Butler Jc't Lv 950 12 3'. 404 745 Lv Butler Jc't Ar 940 12 31 410 749 Ar Freeport.. Lv 835 12 30 413 753 " Alleg'y Jc't " 931 12 21 42d 804 " Leechburg.. " 920 12 It 446 821 "Paulton(Apollo" 905 11 514 851 " Saltsburg "8 37 1132 550 922 '• Biairsville "8 05 11 00 600 930 "Biairsville las'n' - 7 45 10 15 850 11 35* Altoona..,,j 40 BGO 100 310 " H*rrisburg..."ll 90 5 \r. 430 (i 23 " Philadelphia. '® 50 11 20 a - 3'- P- , p.m. p.m. ihrongh trains for the east leave Pitts burg (Union Station) as follows: Atlantic Express, daily 310 A.M. Pennsylvania Limited " 715 " Day Express, •' 730 " Main Line Epress •' .....8 00 " Philadelphia Express " 430 P. M. Eastern Express " 700 " Fast Line " .....8 10 " For detailed information, addrecs Thos. E. Watt, Paes. A gt. Westorn Distriot, 110 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. S. M. TREVOST, J. R. WOOD, Ge-ioral Manager. Gen'l Fassr. Agent. P. & W. R. R. Schedule In effoct May 12, 1595. (Butler time) Tho Short Line to Pittsburg. DKPAitT SOUTH. PROM SOUTH 6.25 a m Allegheny Ex r>.2sam, Allegheny A' 8.15 a m Airy & Akron 10.00 a m.AI H. N Castl. lo.its a m Allegheny Ac 12.20 p m. AlleghenyE. 2.55 p m Allegheny £x 5.05 pm. Allegheny Ex 3.50 p m Chicago Ex. 7.30 pm, All y & Akron 6.05 p m All'y & Ell. Ex s.OO p m, Allegheny Ex DEPART NOKTH. FROM NORTH. 10.05 a m Kane & Brad. 8.05 am, Foxburg Ac 5.15 p m Clarion Ac 9.60 a lu, Clarion Ac 7.35 p m Foxburg |s.2o p 111, Kane Mall SUNDAY TRAINS. DRPAIIT SOUTH. £FTIOM,; SOUTH. 8.15 am. DeForest Ac >O.OO a m,Allegheny Ac 11.40 a m, Allegheny EX 1.05 p ra, Alieglieny K> ?.50 pm, Chicago Ex ~.05 pm, Allegheny Ex C.05 pm, Allegheny A' 7.30 pm, DeForest Ac . Train arriving at at 5.05 p m leaves B & O de pot, Pittsburg, at 3 :15 o'clock. Butler and Greenville Coach will leave Alle gheny at 320 p. m, daliy except Sunday. Con necting at Wulowgrove, arriving at Butler at 5:05. Pullman Buffet Sleeping Caw and arst-class nay Coaches run through between Butler and Chicago daily. For through tickets to points lu the West Northwest or Southwest apply to A. B. CROUCH, Agent Trains leave the B. A' O. depot In Pittburg lot the East as follows.! For Washington D' C., Baltimore, Philadel phia, and New York, 7:30 aud :r:2O p. m Cumberland, 6:40, 7 :30, a.m. 1 :10, 9:20 p. m. COll - ff:10, 7:30. a. 111. 1.10, 4.30, 4.45, 5.30, 9.20 O- m. Unioutown, 7.20 a. m.. 1 .10. 4.30, 5.30 p. m. Unlontown, MorgaPtowß and Fairmont, 7,30, a, m. auds,3op.m. Mt.Pleasant 6.40. 7.30 a. m. 10 and 4.30 pm. Washington, Pa., 7 40 and .30 a. m., 4.00,4.45 and 9.00, 11.55 p. m. Wheel ing, 7.40. and 9.30 a. in., and 1.00, 9.00. 11.55 p, u. Cincinnati, St. Louis, Columbus and New ark. 7.40 a. m.. 9.10, 11.55 p, m. For Chicago, 2.40 and 9.30 p. m. Parlor and sleeping cars to baltlmoi"- Wasli ngtou, Cincinnati and cuicaeo, ' P. S. & L. E. R. R. Takes "effect Monday. N0v.;23 189". Trains are run by Standard Central Time (90th Meridian.) One hour slower thar City Time.; Goixg North- • Going South 10 ; U I 12 STATIONS 9 j 11 13 p.m'pm.'p.m. Arr Lv 'ea.m. a.m. p.m. .... 4 55 2 30 Buffalo 5 35 12 20 ... 3 *AI[ lOT Dunkirk 65C 149 a. m. I 00 1 42 9 48 Krle C 10 8 35 3 35 6 25 i oy 9 is . Wallace Junct. 6 47 a 15; 4 12 C 20 04 9 11 Glrard 6 50 C 18 4 15 609 12 54 859 Loekport. ... 700 929 4 26 60212 *8 851 . Cranestllle. ■ 7 OS, 9 4 34 t 4;! . .:7T110~22 ar.Couneaut lv.-—| 740 3 10 3 10' I 7 40; iv ar ....110 22j 6 4:« 5 57 IS 44i 8 45 ar....Albion lv V 11! 9 41 4 37 54512 33 831 .. Shadeland... 7 23j 9 S3l 451 54012 30 S2B ... Sprlßgboro... 7 27J 966 455 5 33 12 24 1 8 20 ..Conueautvllle.. 7 34j 10 03 1 5 03 sn«|l2 0e 8 00i... Mea'v'le Jet... 8 00110 2S[ 5 '25 152 7 30 lv .Conu't Lake 10 09 4 52 . . 12 18 810 ar ar 8 10 10 50 539 4 25 ! 6 55 V..Meadvll!e..lT 1 9 42; 4 25 .... ]l2 45 8 37!ar a.l 837 11 25 610 NO2ll 81 74:1 . . Ilartstown..* No 1 >lO 39 6 39 .... 11 46 7 38 .. .Adamsvllle 10 44 5 44 ... 11 38 7 28 Osgood 10 54 5 53 62.5 11 30 7 16 ...Greenville... 6 30 11 0; 6 05 6 18 11 20 7 06 Slienango 6 40 11 20 6 20 600 xO s?i 643 .... Fredonla.-. 70311 44 638 5 44 10 43 6 25 Mercer 722 18 04 7 00 5 30 10 29 6 10 Pardoe 7 36 12 22 7 14 5 19 10 20 6 00 ... Grove city. .. 7 47 12 33 7 25 5 06; 10 08 548 .. Harrlsvllle.... 7 .58 12 45 736 4 sS;io 00 a <0 . .BranchtOD 8 OCi'2 54 7 4a 5 00 ... .1 8 lc liv 7 10 12 10 5 45i S 55 6 2S:U 15| .... 4 531 9 5a 5 35 lv.. .Keisiers .... 8 10112 58! 7 49 4 39 9 42 5 21 Euclid 8 22 1 12 8 03 4 lOj 915 450 .... Butler 8 50! 1 42! 832 0}22 7 20~..... Alieglieny, P&Wll ot | 3 501 .... 5 15, a, 111 .... Pltti.burg.BAO, p. 111 p. m' .. T. BLAIR,GCMM Manager, Greenville, i'a \V. G. SARGKANT, G. P. A.. MeadvlUe. Pa Seanor & Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Rear of Wick House, Butler, Pa The be.3t of horses and rirst class rigs always on hand and for hire. Best accommodations in town for permanent boarding and transient trade. Special care guaraiteed. Stable room for sixty-five horses. A good class of horses, both driv ers and draft horses always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bought upon proper noti fication by SEANOR & NACE- All kinds ot live stock bought and sold. Telephone t»i Wick House Sabecribe for the CITIZEN. Always Something New% To sec in our store, whether it is in a man's suit, a boy' suit or a child's suit, it is always something new tha - - " keeps things moving AT DOUTHETT & GRAHAM'S And a careful investigation will convince you that our prices anil the general get /|*V up of our garments are the /,'t S-j/L » convincing arguments that vjcyr Hif® build us a lasting foundation Spring goods all here— Cheaper in price: Better y «■" \" in quality than ever before. jBUKJ DOUTHETT & GRAHAM, Corner Main and Cunningham streets, Butler, Pa. Here is Clothing at Less Than Half Pricl Our grand deal is made. We bought of M. Sampter Sons & Co., New York's greatest clothing; manufacturers entire 0 o stock of sample suits, #5,000 worth of suits for spot cash $2,000. These suits are sample suits, one or two of a size of a pattern. Amongst this lot of o'oods are men's fine all wool dress © coats and vests which are worth $lO, we have marked them down to $4.50. Now come early so you can get your size and a good selection as the price will make them move rapidly. Schaul & Nast, Leac?iinis Clothiers, 137 S. Main St., Butler, Pa: T. I I, BI T RTON My aim the past year was to give you the best quality of goods for the low est cash price. And to say least, my trade has been beyond all expectation. So if you wish to know what has caused it COME IN and you will soon be convinced that lam headquarters for good goods at lowest prices. T. H. BURTON 120 South Main Street Butler, Pa. STILE * BfST GOODS* *GOOO WORK * FAIR PRICES* These are the things that have enabled me to build up a first-class tailoring trade during the last vear. We have the most skillful, painstaking cutter; employ none but the very best workmen; handle nothing but the very t>est goods, both foreign and domestic, and guarantee you perfect satisfaction in each and every particular, and for all tins charge you simply a fair living profit. J. S. YOUNG, Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher, 101 op " MRS XE. ZIMMERMAN Sever Before Have We Been in a Position to Place on Sale Such Extraordinary Values at the Commencement of a Season as at Present. Special Bargains in Spring Goods. SPECIAL VALUES IN NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. All-Wool Novelty Dress Goods at 25c, 33 c . and 50c per yd. Black Mohair Novelty Dress Goods at... 25c, 40c, and 50c per yd. ■\ll-Wool Black and Colored Serges 46 inches wide at 45c, 50c, anil 75c per yd. Special Value in 36 in. Black and Colored Wool Serges at 15c worth 20c. P - •• " Wash Silks for Ladies' Waists • 2 5 c P"" y^ • Persian " " " " 75c, 9°c, and $1 per yd. <■ " " Black Satin Duchess at 60c, SSC, and (1 per yd. " " " Ladies' New Spring Suits at. f 7 s°. s°. t'2 5° an d J's - .. •• " •' " Skirts at #2 50, $350, *5, "P to $lB. .> .« 11 •« •• •« Waists, Silk aifd Laundried. <• " " " Spring Capes, Velvet, at ss< s7> ss• SIO .. <• » " " Silk at *3 50 to sls. «' " Cloth at |i 50 to sl2. " •• •' Ladies' and Children's New Spring Millinery. >• «i «« •• •< " " " Hosiery. 1 « <■ 11 «< «• «• «• " Underwear. " Lace Curtains from 50c per pair up to $lO. " Domestics, Muslins, Sheetings, Ginghams and Calicoes. All the new things in Dimities, Organdies, Irish Lawns, White Goods, Lace and Embroideries. . Mail orders promptly attended to. Samples sent on application. MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN, Telephone, No. 126. Successor to Ritter & Ralston. THE NEW WALL-PAPER HAS ARRIVED New Patterns, New Colors and Low Prices. The latest effects in shaded border. Get your room papered at a small expense if you buy At DOUGLASS' Near P. O. 241 S. Main St. BUTLER, rA. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fira Insurance Company, Office Gor.Main & Cunningham ALK. WICK. Pren. UKO. KfcTTKKLB. Tire Prn. L. 8. MeJUSKIH, hfc'j •nd.Treaf.l DIRECTORS: J Alfred W lck. Henderson Oliver, ' r. W. Irvln, James Stephenson, >v. W. Hlackmore, N. Weltzel. I F. Bow man. H. J. Klingler Geo. Kettercr, Chas. Rebnun,; Geo. Bcnno, Jobu Koenlmd LOYAL McJUNIKN Agent. jY ; j \FIN L) »«Maj |.. , , 3ROS. ' I «• Till VJ I'tat .uc adisrU-Hijt et 'ovctt i '•*«
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers