BURTON'S Great Sacrifice Sale Commencing January 13 and Continu ing for 30 days only: Owing to the crowded condition of our Store we are compelled to reduce our Stock to make room for Spring Goods. To order to do so we will give a SPECIAL REDUCTION OF 20 pe~ cent on Men's, Boy's and Children s Overcoats. 10 per cent on Men's, Boy's and Children s Suits. 10 per cent on Men's, Boy's and Children s Pants. 10 per cent on all Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps &c. Recolect these are all strictly new goods. It will pay you to come 50 miles to attend this sale. Don't forget the place T. H. BURTON 120 South Main St., ;Butler Pa. Grand Clearance Sale Of Boots and Shoes *AT BICKELS^ ■■jeeooceni" OUR STOCK of BOOTS and SHOES Is large and as we will commence to build early in the spring we must move and the room which we will move into is much to small for our large will therefore commense to reduce our stock —all win ter goods must go—none will be carried over—great reductions in all lines, none will be spared no matter what you may want in Boots or Shoes, you can get from our stock and at remarkably low prices. *ou 11 be Su prised ar.d Financially Benefitted by attending this Grand Clearacne Sale. We want to reduce our stock and we are going to do it, no difference if we must aell some lines at a loss. We're going to extri cate this overloaded stock and here are examples 01 how its going to be done. 1 lot ladies everyday shoes, regular price $..50, reduced to SI.OO , « « dress " " " 2.00 ;; « ; J5 I " " warm-lined " " " I -4° ( . 5 I r« «« <« slippers " " i-0° " 5° l « « rubber boots " " i- 3 5 5 1 " misses " ". " " i-°° 1 " ladies grain shoes, pat tip " " 1-35 I « men's box toe boots(heavy) " " 3-25 " 2 - 2 J 1 " " dress shoes " "1.7 5 ' I 41 " foot-holds " " 3° 10 1 " boys dress shoes " " 1.60 1.00 I " youths " " " " u 75 1 " childrens dongola shoes " " 6° I " " grain spring heel " " 75 " 40 Lame stock of Felt Boots either leather or first quality rubber overs to be closed out cheap. Many interest ing bargains will be offered in rubber goods Iron stands with four lasts each at 50 cents. Sole leather cut to any amount you may wish to purchase. Repairing neatly done at reasonable prices. For the latest styles in Fine Footwear call and see us. JOHNBICKEL 128 South Main St. Branch Store, Butler Pa. 125 N. Main St., The Pilot Mnst See^ ■ Let us pilot you arouud to our store y \ iHKand show you the many nice goods V 0 fl />, 'OBKsuitable and very appropriate for Christmas presents. Fine Cut-glass ware, Silverware, Sterling Silver Nov /{ V«HEelties, Rings, Stick Pins, Watches in Gold and Silver, Tribly and Lorg nette Chains, Braceletts, etc. We ; / jUijut have a large stock and want your D(\ custom - Ifyourp urse is not well filled, come anyway, we can meet >J. R. GRIEB, 118 South Main Street, - Butler, :Pa WMI 1 a 11 ou Delayed ,lmtn Ufira I«nu» letxtiy. BF.XINK KI I.LS *1 one. cnccK drum and promptly revitalize the whole iyilein. SI.OO per box by mail. 6 boxes for $5. AWUt l& 4 VHII. With every $5 crder we fin a legal guarantee to cure or refund Addretj PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Oerelaiid. Ohio. ym g- q: ; "T1 Nis often asked, AAfhat Paint shall we use? THE ANSWER 1 you are looking lor covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and * your money's worth, you roust buy ffnf~!Sherwin-I/VIUMMS ' ftri" Halt, luokt Butt. Wtart longttt. Host Economical, Fall Mttuurt. Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all the time We are in the business to stay a*4 S. W. / stays with us. r. S. Cotons in 01-. HOOS>" A COAI/H ihts, J. C. REDICK, 109 N. Hain St February Clearance Sale! Ladies' and Misses' Fine Cashimer Hose—3sc quality for 19c or 3 pairs for 50c. Ladies' and Misses' 50c hose for 35c or' 3 pairs forsi. Our February prices on Woolen Underwear are so low it will pay you to buy for future use. M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 to 117 S. Main St. Butler Pa. TES EXAWIED FREE OF CHSKGF U. I. Klrlpatrick, Optician and Jewel fonrt House, ltutler. Pa.. i.T»dnat LB Port tUrolotflrnl Inntltute. Job work done here. Subscribe or th« CITIZEN. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual IFire Insurance .Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham A LP. WICK. PrM. UKO. KKTTUBEB. Tlce Pre*. B 1 L. 8. MrJL'.NKIX, 6er'j aad.Trea*. DIRECTORS :* A.ltre'l Wlclt. I Henderson Oliver, • r. W. Irvln. J amen Stephenson, W.Blaclopore. IN. Weltzei. K. Bowman, H. J. KUngler Geo. Ketteror, Chas. Rebnun,? C eo. Kenrio. i John Koenlnn. LOYAL McJUNIKN Agent. Old Rip Van Winkle went up into the Catskill mountains to take a little nap of twenty years or so, and when he wakened, he found that the "cruel war was over," the monthly magazines had "fought it over" the second time and " blown up " aH the officers that had participated in it. This much is history, and it is also an historical fact that, dur ing the same length of time, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery had become the most celebrated, as it is the most ef fective, Liver, Blood and Lung Remedy of the age. In purifying the blood and in all manner-nf pimples, blotches, erup tions, and other skin and scalp diseases, scrofulous 9ores and swellings, and kindred ailments, the "Golden Medical Discovery" manifests the most positive curative properties. Every disorder that can be reached through the blood, yields to its purifying qualities. Besi les, it builds up whole some flesh and strength ; not merely fat like filthy Cod liver oil and its nasty •'emulsions' but solid flesh. A scrofulous condition of the blood in vites catarrh, bronchitis, and consump tion. We're all exposed to the germs of consumption, grip and malaria—yet only the weak ones super. When you're weak, tired out, and debilitated, or when pim ples and blotches appear —heed the warn ing in time. The "Golden Medical Dis covery " sets all the organs into healthy action —especially the liver, and that's the point of entrance for these germs. Then if the blood be pure, they'll be thrown off. There's no risk. CAITTIOV.—Accept no substitute for the " Golden Medical Discovery " that may be recommended to b« "just as prood ' It m«y be better for the dealer, because of paying him a better profit, but he is not tiu one who needs help. SPECIFICS For Eorses, Cattle, Sheep, Togs, Ecgs, AND POULTRY. 500 Page Book on Tronrmrnt of Animal* and Chart gent Free. pcrm $ FevrrHtCoiiffPrttioiiM,lnflammation A.A. ( Spinal jlleaTntfitia, Milk Fever. H.K.—>trniiiM. i.nmi uisN, K hcaiimtiini* C.C.—Dimemppri Nay.nl DiM-harges. D.D.— Hot* or 4«rul>*, Worm*. E.E.—( oiil'li-. Heave**, Pneumonia. F. or Bellyache. {>•(*.—.>li»rnrrin«**, llcmcrrbaitcH. 11.11. lrinary and Kidney Di-cunch. 1.1. —Fruptive I)i<ti*nNPfi. Mnngp. J.k.-DiitcaNCH of Faralrtdii* Single Bottle (over 50 doses), - .00 Stable Cnno, with Specifics, Manual, Veterinary Cure Oil and Medicator* 87*00 Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, - • 1.00 Sold by DrnmrfcU: or »eat prepaid wynhfre mJ la any qvantlir 0a receipt of price. HLIPHREYS'fIKD. CO.. 1 '* k 11# WlUiaai M., KewTork. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC f|f» WAIL SPECIFIC NO.EB In use 30 years. Tho only successful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over work or other causes, fl per vial, or 5 vials and largo vial powder, for $5. Sold by Drucrl«t*,or sent postpaid on receipt ol prica. HWIiUKIs'JKD. CO., 11l Alia Wiliiam bU, .New Vark. J | | A Sure Remedy \ | in every case and every ) < kind of Hemorrhoids or > | Piles is | Salva-cea 2 (ntADE-MARIC). ( This statement can't be \ ( made too strong or too / s emphatic. ? I It is a simple, certain, ? S speedy cure for j Rheumatism, Eoxema, Convulsions, Chiibiains, , | Sore Muscles, Bums, j Toothache, Cuts, Faceaohs, Sprains. Neuralgia, L ! o!l3, j | Scrs Throat, Ulcers. j # Two .'-izes, 25 and 50 cent*. | s At druf lists, or by mail. | Thb lis*- <c • , 374 Ca.v*lSi\, N.V. What Strikes % Others Will strike you.—We are al streaked her. and there with the Ham. likes end dislikes. Thousands of all sorts of people pronounce Old Export Whiskey Up-top In every particular, and for all uses. Mightbe just what yon'd like, no hirm In meutior.- H lug It, anyway. It is 8 years t old, that's certain. It is post- Uvely pnro and free from fusel L Oil—that is a fact which the most expert chemist cau't dls & provs. Full Quarts, $ 1.00 ; P, Six Quarts, 95.00. Mall and Express orders Shipped promptly, and we pay transportation charges on orders of SIO.OO and over. Jos. Fleming & Sor, MARKET Sr., PITTSBURG. PA \ iu 1 ,*!•• Llfti tf WiiKj * nd Liquors msiled Iroa Special Notice. V'nre Rye Whiskies from the best known distillers, according to ago, from $2.00 to $6.00 per gallon. My own importation of fine oft Ports. Sherry. Rhino and Mosel Wines from $2.00 to $5.(0 per gallon. St. Helena pnro old California Winss, dry and sweet, 75 cents to $1.50 per gallon. Also agent for the celebrated Lake Chautauqua Wines. $1.50 per gallon. Seneca Like pure Wine Vinegar. 50c per gallon. The flncst imported Gins. Cognacs, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Stout, Bass Ale, Ac., at lowest prices. Call or write to A. An driessen lf-8 Federal St., Allegheny. Special Price Lift on application. No extra charg* (or jugs or packing. Mail orders promptly attended to. THE KEELEY CURE Is a special boon to business men who, having drifted unconsciously into the drink biHI MM awaken to find the disease of alcoholism fastened u|»m them, rendering them unfit to manage af fuirs requiring a clear brain. A four weeks course or treatment at the PITTSBURG KEELEY INSTITUTE, No. 421 C. Fifth Avenue, restores to them all their powers, mental and physical, destroys the abnormal appetite, and restores them to the condition thev w.rein be fore they indulged in stimulants. This has been done in more than lfiflO cases treated here, and Hinong them some of your own neighbors, to whom we can refer with confidence us to the a olute safety and efficiency of the Kciloy cure. Tlie fullest and most searching investi ration is tivlted. Send for pnuxhlct givL',: full inform*. tlon. I Fh < ht.hr.t-r'« I'.iicll.h UIOII.OIIII flr«i.». 'enhyroyp.;. pills Original BTid «>.,:> A I ■£• J£4 Itr:.. . . r. luri- I T M«ll- 10.C.M1 . ' i>T« Paprr. / chli'hralrrf BtlilU'uli'v.|MH<lUun i BaU ki aU bit—L PrutfUl#, l'Mlatla. t 1 a THE CITIZEN Goodness is Catching. Rev. Mr. George 11. Hep worth is to be | congratulated in the fact of his discovery that virtue as well as vice is contagious. I He dwells strongly on this point in one i of his sermons in the New \ork Herald. The father and mother of the world : guard their children with the greatest care from the infectiousness of evil. The v- keep them off the streets and out of places where they will see evil. But this is only one side and the weaker side of a truely noble training. While they en decvor to keep out of sight the bad, these parents take little pains to keep in sight the good, forgetting that good is more powerfully catching than bad. If it j were not so, then there would be more ' thieves, murderers and debauchees in the ' world than honest people. The story of a brave boy who risks perhaps loses, his ! life to save others will send a noble ans wering thrill through the soul of the the worst boy alive. The story of the j boy or girl who is too brave and true to tell a lie under the most powerful temp tation will speak to the impressionable child as no amount of whispering for actual falsehood told ever will do. All of us, grown people and children, admire above all else noble, heroic deed, truthfulness, politeness, generosity, good temper. If we put more of these quali ties into our own ever}- day lives, all the world would catch them by and by, and it would not take so long a time either. Xoah After the Flood. The first fruit planted by Xoah when he left the ark was the grape, the most healthy of all the products of the earth. All through the Bible we read of grapes and wines from grapes being recommend ed as the first remedy for the ills of life; but it is pure juice wine, not watered and sugared juice that the Bible refers to. Sugared wines are highly acholic and starch} ; the sugar making excess of al cliolic and other products not belonging to a healthful wine. Speer of New Jersey, the oldest wine grower ill the United States, has studious ly avoided water and sugar or any foreign substance whatever, but lias his wine fully matured by great age and careful handling. JOB WORK. If you want Poster*, If you want Circulars, If you want Sale Bills. If you want Envelopes, If ynu want Bill Heads, It you want Price Lists, If you want Statements, If yon want Note Heads, If yon want Letter Heads, If you want Address Caids, If yon want Business Cards, II vou want Invitation Cards, If you want any kind of Printing done call at the CITIZEN office. Success in business depends npon steady nerves. Hood's Sarsaparilla strengthens the nerves, —So many Britishers are rushing for Guiana' and the disputed Venezuelan territory and its supposed hidden gold., including some of the played-outers from South Africa, that it is curious to recall that 300 years ago Sir Walter Raleigh went to Demerara sn search of the very same gold that is now causing the trouble, 189G Climax Brandy From grape wine, has, by its extreme age and constant care while in uniform temperature and pure, sweet atmosphere ol storage houses for fourteen yearr, be come a rival of the Hennessey and other brands of Cognac Brandy, and much lower in price, and preferred by the physicians of Philadelphia, Now York and other cities Buy it of druggists. —Dwight L. Moody said the other day in Philadelphia that when he was a boy he " used to sleep with his brother, and if either one of us happened to jump in bed without at first getting on his knees the other would swear at him vigorously and kick him out 011 the floor." —The Western Union Telegraph Com pany during the year ending June, 1895, added over 10,000 miles of copper wire to its extensive plant. The company will use that metal alone on all principal lines hereafter.. Felte/ in Six Hours —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in re lieving pain in the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the urinary passsges in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost itn mediatly, If yon want quick relief and cure t ids is your remedy. Sold by J. C. rfedick druggist, Butler Pa. —To-day the " meteor flag of England" floats over .more than one-fiftli of the land area of the globe, and over more than one-fourth of the entire human race. —One of the most famous ot the old time packet line of ships is at present re presented by a single ship, the Great Admiral, which, under command of Cap tain Rowell, recently arrived at Boston in 132 days from Manilla, with a big cargo of hemp. She is the last of the old "Black Horse" Line. —English Spavin Liniment removes a • I.ard. soft or calloused lumps and Idem ahee frcu !•« rses. blood spavins, curbs plicts. sv •< 1 ey, ringbone, stifles, soruhw 11 vi lb 1 tl naif, coughs, etc. Save 50 hj lift 1I en bottle. Wsrrarted iki •nost wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold 1 \ J C. Beditk. druggist Butler Pi —There iv> only one colored man in till of Deer Isle, Me., which has a population of 5,0C0, including the sailors who sailed the Defender last fall. In many Maine villages and towns colored people are so scarce that the children regard them as curiosities and follow whenever they appear. —"He stood at the top of the steps," she said, in telling about it afterwards, "and I mustered up courage to say: 'Vou know this is leap year.' " "Yes. What then?" "Then he leaped and I haven't seen him since.' " Dr. Agnew's Cure tor the Heart gt7j Cerfoit relief in all cases of Organic o •sympathetic Heat Diseaso in 30 minnteJ ,md speedily effects a cure. It is a peer 'ess remedy for Palpitation, Shortness o breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lei * ide and all symptoms ofa Diseased Heart •'no dose convinces. Sold by City Phar uacr. Macomber, a leading Indian of the Caughanwaf reservation, near Saranac I ake, N. Y., is dead. He was 103 years ol»l, and left considerable wealth, The old man had been married three times. His first wife bore him six children; by the second he had 15, and by the third, the same number. He had over 1,000 grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren. If suffering with piles, it will intorest you to know that De Witt's Witch Haze! Salve will cure them. This medicine in a specific for all complaints of this character and it instructions (which are simple) are carried out. a cure w ill result. We have tested this in numerous cases, and always with like iei-uits. ft never fails. J. C. liKDick. —A mail who sits around and boasts of hi s ancestors makes a mighty poor an cestor himself. A man may lie as honest as the day is long, and still do a lot of mischief dur ing the night. Romance and Tragedy. The announcement that Judge Hollis ter, of Batavia. Ohio, has granted a di vorce to Florence Cabell, only child of Judge Swing, of the Circuit court, from Hart well Cabell, a member of an old Vir ginia family of the bluest blood, brings out a romantic story. The war destroyed the Cabell wealth, and the boys came to Ohio, securing posi tions on the Chesapeake anil Ohio rail road, but Hartwell gave it up to become an attorney, the younger brother, Harry, remaining with the Chesapeak and Ohio. Miss S ing had been one of the most brilliant belles in Southern Ohio. Her father s wealth Jgave her every refine ment, and hundreds sought her hand, but Cabell won it. Her father had previously forbade their meeting. In the summer of '93 they eloped to Huntington, W. Ya., and married; but kept their marriage a secret until fall. They went to Cincinnati, rented one of the swellest houses on Forth street, fur nished it elegantly and entertained in su perb style. One day. after three months, without warning, the wife came back to Batavia, and never left again until the divorce trial was called. The neighbors have not seen her in three years. Two weeks after the couple separated Harry Cabell, the youngest brother of the husband, broke into the house where she couple had lived, turned 011 the water in the bath, and with a razor cut the areteies of both wrists, then cut his throat and jumped into the bath and died. The body of the suicide was sent to his mother in Virginia. What really caused the separa tion is unknown. Cabell never speaks a word about his wife, and whether it is a sacrifice or a penance no one knows. itoc.i Yutti Husband or Son ltrink. If your busbana or son i* addicted to the use of Liquor, Morphine or Tobacco, pnrclia. oolv< ur druggi-t a bintle of Hill s Chloride of" Gold Tablet;-. They are guaranteed to cure, or money will be re funded. Tablets m;-y bo given secretly iu tea or coflee sad the frco use of stimu lants allowed until voluntarily given up. Pi ice SI.OO pei package If your drug gist does net keep them, send direct to The Ohio Chemical Works, Lima, Ohio Book of particulars and testimonials free. —Weather prophets and groundhogs are not cutting any ice these days. —A Chicago lawyer; who has probably taken a flyer in the wrong stock, cynic ally defines a promoter as "one who sells nothing for something to a man who thinks he is getting something for nothing." No excuse for sleepless nights when you can procure One Minute Cough Cure. This will relieve all annoyances, cure the ihe most severe cough and give you rest and health. Can you afford to do without it? J. C. KEDIck." 5 J —No gentleman will swear before a lady—let her swear first. —The sweets of married life should never be kept in family jars. Wife —Here's an account of a man who shot himself rather than suflier the pangs of indigestion. Husband —The fool! Why did'nc he take Be Witt's Little Early KisersT I used to suffer as bad as he did before I commenced taking these little pills. J C. KEDICK. —lt is an easy matter to get your fel lowmen to speak well of you; all you have to do is to lie down and die. —There are not many men who will steal openly, but nearly every man will take advantage of another man's care lessness. Coughing irritates the delicate organs and aggravates the diseased, Instead ol waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure. Ii helps at once, expectoration easy, reduces the soreness and inflamation. Every one likes it. C. REDICK. —The person who declares they can tell a man's character by the color of his hair get 'stumped' when they run against a baldheaded man. —With a woman it is a struggle to provide something for the inner man, and with a man it is an effort to provide something for the outer woman. One Minute Cough Cure is rightly nam ed. It aflords instant relief from suffering whem aillic'.ed with a severe sough orcold. It acts on the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs and neverfails to give immediate relief. J. C. REDICK ff! —Just think! The Princess Li. wife of the Viceroy Li Hung Chang, owns 1,000 pairs of shoes, 1,000 silk gowns, and 500 sets of furs. But the poor little wretch cannot walk 011 her tiny, tortured feet, so of what use is all this magnificence? MOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache. A pleasant laxative. All I>ragglsts. —A question more important than all the Schomburgk lines or Transvaal troubles ever heard of is to be settled by the New York courts, says the Bradford Fra. It involves the right of a lawfully wedded woman to extract money from the trouser pockets of her husband, while the latter is slumbering. The complainant, a lawyer named Smith, charges his wife with going through his pockets and taking sy> therefrom. \\ hen he awoke he ordered her to return it to him. She refused. Their relations then became stained, and the wife finally left Smith. He now sues to recover the s3o. Some men will take the case as a wattl ing not to come home with so much moneyjin their clothes. Piles of people have piles, but Be Wilt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure theiu. When promptly applied it cures scalds and burns without the slightest pain. J. C KKDICK —This latter-day world is far more in terested in what an evangelical church docs than what it thinks. Aggressive work for Christ and progressive plans for world redemption are nowadays worth more than creeds and dogma, Ouo Minute Cough Cure is a j.ipular remedy for croup. Sale for children and adults. J. C. KKKICK —The consumption of distilled liquors per capita in this country is considerably less than it was fifty years ago, but the -consumption of brewed liquors is much greater, as is also the consumption of coffee. I)e Witt's Little Early Kisers for bilious ness, indigestion; constipation A small pill, a prompt cure. •!. C. HEKICK. —The tolli of March will be the tooth anniversary of the settlement of lit tit, - ville by Jonathan Titus and Samue 1 Kerr's families from Holidaysburg, I'a. Be Careful! lie Careful. in the use of Brandy during season of bowel complaint' Nothing is so useful to assist in checking cholera morbus or cholera infautum when ordered by your physician as Pure Brandy made only lrom Grape. But how and where to get Pure is tli.i question. If it is not from grape it is j>oison and will help kill the patient. The Old Climax Brandy distil led from Grapes by Mr. Speer is absolu tely pure, Be sure and see that the Bottle has the cap stamped v. itli Speer N. 1 J. Wine Co. Get it of your Druggist; take no other, Price fi-S u a bottle qt; I fi pint. —When a man measures his neighbor J he uses the best man he knows for the standard; when he measures himself lie ! uses the worst. " LARGEST PIECE OF 600 D TOBACCO EVER SOLD FOR THE MONEY | i Please P ■5-1 V particular attention to Jb 1 these few lines—-they may interest you. Pond's Extract is so universal a remedy that you know of it anc its uses well, but so many crude imitations are on the market, that a warning against the use of anything- but the genuine Pond's j Extract s necessary. Pond's Extract is absolute ; v ;>ure, antiseptic and anodyne, and may l>t "sed with safety and efficacy, externally or internally. Accept nothing but the genuine with buff wrapper and yellow label. POND'S EXTRACT CO.. 75 Fifth Ave.. No / York. " * ~ s: ;ay .v..'.:.' OA r v ULIU TS THE THI/.'O. PPHOL'S^-CLHANINQ. Gravel Cured (Philadelphia, Penn , Item) A healthier, heartier, happier man than John J. Neill, of 2437 North Eighth street, Philadelphia, could not be found in a day's search. The fact that he is still alive is a constant wonder to his friends. j In the fall of IXS9 he began to suffer indescribable miseries from stone in the bladder. Consulting an eminent physi- ! cian in Philadelphia, he was told that a surgical operation was necessary. So much did he dreail the result, for if un- j successful it meant death, that lie put off 1 the evil day as long as possible. While ; in this frame of mind, he heard of DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY | Although dishearted, 011 July 1, 1X93, be 1 bought a bottle of it, and within a month j had experienced beneficial results, and i I before he had finished the third bottle, ! the gravel was completely dissolved an I j his sufferings at an end. Mr. Neill feels that lie owes a lasting debt of gratitude to I)r. Kennedy?* Fay- j orite Remedy, and for disorders of the bladder and urinary organs says, "it will j effect a cure if one be possible.' Favorite Remedy is prescribed with un- j failing success for rheumatism, dyspepsia and nerve troubles in which it has cured many that were considered beyond the i aid of medicine. All druggests, ft. (,r 1: k !•; YST«>N !•; I'KIDK. For Medical .('• Family Is, . $1 2.") }>cr ,/l 1 or (> i/t.i. for SO. Finch's Golden Wedding. Guekunlit inier, ' Large, Gibson, Bridgeport, Overbold Full quarts sl, 0 quart* for f."> Our goo,is war ranted pure. Grand Father's Choice, guarranteed it years old, $2 per gal. ( . 0. I) and mail orders receive prompt at tention. KOBT. I.f-WIN, importer and Wholesaler, 136 Water St. Pittsburg, I'a.. opposite U. & O. R. R. Depot Your Wife Can Run The nursery department of the household to great advantage, j if she has some of our midi- J cine on hand to use when needed. JUST NOW Morrison Rro's. Cough Syrup j and Armstrong's Diphtherial and Quinsy Drops are in de mand, two valuable remedies, j don't be without tliem. For ; the Blood, Liver and Digestive | (irgan, you want Natim s Com- | pound, the true health assis tant. We make these medicines, , know they are pure and have superior merit. Ask for the medicine put up by the "I cure U" Co., No. 106 j Centre ave, Butler I'a USE LITTLE SYSTEM PILLS. Zray Woman yptQL/ 'S.s ! -metim I ci.. reii- i ntbly regulating I - c?.iicine. Dr. FEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Are prompt, Rafo and certain In The aw ln*» 'Or. I•**»!> r - ~ ti 00. I'eoi . Cleveland. *>• Foi S< at City Pharmasy. ii?TEFT AI OTHERS FAIL v-fifl a * the Oki lUsliabj© DR.LOBB S, FUTJKESTII *T., I'll 11.A.. VA. 1 tiirty yean ell . as<*s itien and wonfrn No from what nine or tiu*v Son< standing. I * ill pu(ir,tnle « a cure. : : re "» t.iuUi-Bouud iiook ««cul»*o mailed v usx IWK ) K DKALKR 15 Roupb Worked Lumber OF AL- SINDK Doors, Sash, Blinds, Moulalngs, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTIiR Ofßon opposite P. St W. Dopot, ' PTJTLKF 15. <V B. February is a month for Fine Wash Goods , selling, and this year it's to lie even greater than ever at this store. Everything jwiints to a dressy wash goods season, and our importations of fine foreign gotxls—Organdies, Dimities. Zephyrs, Ginchams, etc.—and the col lection of fine dainty stuffs of American manufacture is greater than ever—more kinds, more styles, more pieces, more vards and more beautiful than ever—it's a collection we point to with great satis faction and confidence in the merit of the goods, which, when seen, with the price*, will sustain and extend this store's 1 reputation tor selling fine and pretty Wash ('.oods at moderate prices—Bc to ; 75c. Samples are ready to mail. Silks— -1 Choice, handsome oncs.tl -it can't lie told i about in a limited space, have arrived from abroad -Silks that have style and | beauty heretofore unapproached, and if 1 you're interested in rich Silks we'll be glad to send you samples—a general line or for a special purpose, as your need J may require, and they'll be such as to style, quality and price as will assure this store making the sale—new Silks, 50c. tola- Still some lots of good goods to be dis posed of before we're satisfied with this store clearing, of which the following is a specimen: . , All-wool navy blue, medium and wide wale Diagonal Cheviottes- soil finish — , 50 inches wide, 35c or 3 yards for a dol- ■ lar, and whoever gets or sees any of this ! will understand that what remains to be , 1 dt.ne here will be done thoroughly as to price, and those who come or send will ' get the benefit in dollars saved. 1 !><)oo s Sz 811111, ALL.EOHENY. PA. C. A. AISKAMS uIJIIN W. UUOWN ABRA7IS & BROWN. INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE' St ion o" ('ornjxt n ies. Prompt Settlements. Home ioitiintncc Co. ol New York, Itmnr Co. of North An:> rica, ol l-iiilaUel|.liia I'hemx Iu uri in ol Brooklyn, N. \ H rtfocd am ■ Co. ol Bimni Coo 1 "Ol 1IVK: Corner of Main St. and th I Diamond, north of Court House, Butler, I'a j D. T. PAPE'S Holiday Goods and Christmas Presents. e are pleased to announce the arrival of our Holiday Stock, and that we are ready for 13 Li Hi i\e*sis with a rare assortment of Christmas Gifts, suitable for Old and Young; Toys, Fancy Goods, Novelties, No tions, etc., etc. You are invited to call and inspect our Grand Display. D. T. PAPE'S 122 S. Mam St Butler Pa General Clearance Sale!- "3 * liusines always seems good when there is plenty to do, whether there is any , money in it or not. This is always our dullest season of the year, but we propose making it different ii prices will do it. We have the largest stock we ever had and that is saying a great deal. We really have to many kinds of everything, and for thirty days we are going to give you 6 boxes good axle grease for 25 cents; har ness oil 50c per gallon, or if you want sweat pads for collars we have a great lot of good ones for 30c each, worth 50c. We have a lot of buggy shafts ready to put to gether for 50c per pair. Has your horse a sore neck? Buy a new collar, only one dollar for work 1 collar, or one dollar each for team or buggy bridles; or do you want a blanket or ! robe? We don't want to pack them away: have about one thousand left and will j close them out at less than wholesale price. It will pay you to buy now even if ' yon don't need them this winter. Harness, did you say? Well that fits us. We have been making harness all winter and have hundreds of sets. We got the work done cheap and bought the hardware before the advance, therefore, we can sell you harness worth fl2 for $&, worth fls for «xo and so on, all our own make. Leather halters for 50c and check lines for less than leather is worth. And buggies! we would like to sell a lot of them for less than cost, buts its too early yet to get you interested in buggies, but we offer you the chance to save money if you want one. We have gathered all these, and many other bargains up, and placed them on our first and if you want to see them please come early as they will be done when they are gone, and it will lie a long time before another opportunity like this presents itself, Martincourt &Co. you know never advertise a lie. S. B. Martincourt &• Co. J. S. YOUNG, Tailor, Hatter and Men's Fnrnisher. Great Reduction Sale. 111 order to make room for spring goods we will sell our entire stock of gent's furnishing goods and make you a suit of clothes or an overcoat or a pair of t:ouser» at greatly reduced prices. Now is the time to get a genuine bargain in everything we sell and we guarantee euerytliing we make to please and fit you. xj. S. YOUNG, 101 South Main St., Opposite Hotel Loiry. TALK IS CHEAP But it takes money to buy Whisky. And to get value for your money in Whisky, Brandy, Wines or Cordials, is to send your orders direct to Max Klein, and you will be sure of two thing ONE That you buy for less money a bet ter quality than anywhere else in the State, and ANOTHER That all goods shipped are just as represented. Send for New Price List and Catalogue of all kinds of liquors, mailed free on application, and don't forget that All Express Charges On orders of $5.00 and over arc paid by us with 110 charge for box ing and shipping. MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St. Allegheny Pa. Distiller and Wholesale Liquor Dealer. the name of the next President Of The United States WILL BB ANNOUNCED Iff The New York Weekly Tribune OK NOVEMBER 4th, 189 C. Public interest w'll steadily increase, and the Question how the men whose votes turned the scale at the last election are satisfied with the results under the ad minisL/ation they elected, will make the campaign the most intensely exciting in the history of the country. The ew York Weekly Tribune, the leading Republican family newspaper of the United States, will publish all the political news of the day, interesting to every American citizen regardless of party affiliations. . , , ~ \lso general news in attractive form, foreign correspondence covering the news of the world, an argicultural department second to none in the country, market re ports which are recognized authority, fascinating short stories, complete in each number, the cream of the humorous papers, foreign :.nd domestic, with their best comic pictures, fashion plates and elatwrate descriptions of woman's attire, with a varied and attractive department of household interest. The "New York Weekly Tribune" i- an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that of any other weekly publication in the country issued from the office of a daily. l.arge changes are being made in its details, tending to give it greater life and variety, and especi ally more interest to the women and young jieople of the household. A SPECIU. CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and "TKE CITIZEN One Year For Only $1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE. SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME Address all orders to , . „ THE CITIZEN. Write your name and address 011 a postal card, send it to Geo. \V . Rest, room i, Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York W eeekly Tribune will l>o mailed to you. A Summer Drive , > !r*s a measure of its r ! ..re if the carriage is less lux 's uricus, easy running and handsome than it might be- Fredonia Buggies have nothing hut gr*xl point l- ". They're the handsomest vehicles you can get are as strong and ncurt as they're sightly. Ask and insist iliat you see them at your dealer's. Mad,' by FREEONIA MFG. CO.. Youngstown, Ohio,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers