THE CITIZEN THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1 Now Advertisements. Report of the finances ot Butler county for the year 1895. Butler Savings Bank. Sheriff's Sales for Feb. 2S. Administrator'* alf.o-'tate of Belle But lef. /uuiiKTman Cloak Offer. Public ril*?, L. M. Cocbrat,, AStiguM. Buyd's PieacriptiofiS. , on:— HI ad7«rti ers intendingto waki cvkre.i iu their ad.;, -i.ould notify u? of th cr to do so, not later than M -. lay morning. .i iiiii-u-uators auJ Eiecjtvrs ot estatee « . •sejure th»ir receipt booko at the CfT i\i» o'Lco XOTICE Hereafter the price of the CITiZKK will be SI.OO i: paid in advance, lud f1.25 if not so piid. CITIZES and '.'eekly Tribune $1.50 in advance. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —Lookout for Burton's new adv, next w uek. —Tomorrow is St. Valentine's or mat ing day. —The snow has blocked the P. <t W. north of Clarion. —Wnat a fcandy thing the lioetgen ray will be tor a Lexow committee. —Tnere will be a local institute at Jack-ville, Saturday, February 13tb. —Hereafter Walters Station on the P. £ W. will b<ive a ticket and express office Tl.' E. Shea and his c<"npany made an ext *. showing in Rtchlieu, last night. a ray dog va» shut by the police MOIJ'J . The dug wa-lost and frighten ed, hi• lot likely 'fund." —'l :ie slugging match between Maher and Fitlhimmons is to take place in Texas or Mexico tomorrow —Only two trains each way to Miller - town, tuis week; one train blocked by the Know of Clarion. rid "J>.u nironi" ligbti in front ol ti < XV iatm iu hi 1 Ci'npoell st'<rds cost ;-i iunatu. Taoy are 12J0 caudle-power, w liu the s'.reet lamps are 2<JiX). -The Prohibition County conventian wi.i be held in Butler or. Tuesday Feb. 25, at 1:30 P. M. at the W C T. U hall on West Jefferson street. — 1,48#) applications for license to sell lifjuor wefi filed with the Clerk of Courts ol Allegheny couuty, last week, an in crease of 13 ov«jr last y e tr. —Sinbad played here t« an S3OO bouse, and gave general satisfaction. Quite a number of out of t'>wn people attended the performance The P. <£ W. ran a tr*in from Milleratown. —The Butler Savings Bank the oldest banking institution in the connty, pays in terest on time deposits, and is d oing an immense business. See card in ar.other column. Pnmpwct i* to be lighted by gdß, the C)Uui:;l »l 'ha' i-iwu having grouted Alenr« Hoeh and Giiiaford of Millerntown the right to j>it.c the t.iwu. they to furnUh nix Mtruet lightn free. See Ordinanre No. 20. ill another column. —The report ot the Count/ Auditors in published this week. Some of the ac count* are condensed hut the report ia more complete and nati.lactory than uitual. The of the county Jor last year were a little larger than u.-ual, hut that was due to the improvement* made in the Court House, and to the bridge at Har mony, which had not keen paid for. —Owing to the fact that a mad dog had been running on the street* here this week and '-did hite" othei dogs, Burgos Andor «on has ordered, directed and requested all owners of dog» to muzzle and snut up n > urelv th ;ir dogs for 30 days after Feb. 23, IS9G, and all dogs running at large during that time will bo killed by the Countable. —Apnl 15 is the date aet lor the inspec tion ot Co. E It will be inspected by Major John P. I'enny. Gov. Hastings and tha officers of the national guard, at u conference in ilarrishurg, dec-idea to hjld a division encampment this year, from July 18 t-. 25. The place has not yet been decided upou, but the Governor is said to favor Mount Gretna. —The bids for John Hick el's proposed new building at PJtt South Main St., were opened Saturday night, and that of Geo. Bchenck was the lowest, SIB,IOO. There were live bidn and the highest was $21,- 200. The heating and shelving of the building will absorb about $4,000 more and make the 'J»tal cost about $22,000. John has 43 feet front, aud the building ia to be a three--lory one, with finished basement. —Some of the cures reported to have lately been made by Dr. KdsonV. new rem edy for consumption are characterized as little ihort of miraculous; and this new ligbt that Kdiaon, the electrician, has dis covered, which penetrates steel plates aad by which 1 doctor can l-jok through hi* patient as though he were made of glass also borders on the miraculous —Tbo I'itUbarg Dispatci celebrated la*t .Saturday, Feb. H, tbo fiftieth year of its li!e by the publication of un extensive and illustrated edition of gr«it interest. What pluck and push may accomplish in the newspaper line is exemplified in the Dispatch mcr* than any paper we know of in V/eitern Pennsylvania Its growth, froui LtiO tuiiuli size beginning ot Feb. 8, I H4C, to its present proportion*, great circu lation arid influence, bait been oituply wonderful. We well remember its founder J. iierron Foster, and his energy and en terprise in establishing the Dispatch. About the tirno of its founding ho came to Uul'er and organized the Connoquenessing Lodge of Independent Order of Odd FeI IOWH, the fir«l of that order wo bolievo in this County. Although weak in body, ho a man of strong and progressive spirit and determination. Had lie lived to see the success of hin enterprise ax illustrated in the Dispatch of the present day, bo woQld have ciusu to feel proud. The is sue of Feb. 8, I8!)*i, not only shows the change that lifty years has made in news paper publication, hut also review* the gre it chango in and around PitUburg within that time; It wan a paper worth reading ami preserving. The Coronor'a Verdict. The Coroner finished hi* work on the Mcßri lo inquest last Thursday afternoon. The testimony of tne other two 'nen was in substance Iho same as the proceeding • three. The 0 »unty Detective gave a description of the shanty, and its location, but nothing wus developed. The Jury after being out a short time re turned a verdict ol "death from unknown causes." Messrs fainter and Murrin appeared for the five men in Jail, a::d District Attorney Christley assi tod the Coroner. Butler County Pomona Grange. Butler County Pomona, N'o 17 P. of 11. will meet at Mt Chestnut Orange Hall No IXI, Mar. h lJth 1 at 10 o'clock A. M. •11 forth degree member* are invited to attend, By crder of Committee, W. BOOK, Master. W. 11. CAUCUKLL, Hec'y. IJ- M Cochran, AHuignce, will Bell at public Bale, tbo entire Htock of barnes*, buggies and farm machinery of HirtZfll Kemper, commencing Jfarch it, lsi)(s. See adv. ia thiw paper on Feb. 27. LI'I-IRDUITF HOUHO C'arun, witi) Ac'. of A wtotnbl y, 25 cents for half-a-doxen, .or H»I« AT (J ITIZKM office. Underwear—a HpeciaJty at HECK'* his ntock is largort and fineat ever offered in I)> you want a hat or cap? HECK ban tbern and can Have yoa money, Punt*—Over 2000 piir* to eelect from, at priced, oh well, don't men tior them, its awful, where «»t IIICKV —A t din to nee meant* help. Vou help nature ti> e«tore bcultb by us ing Natnrea Compound. Vou alno perfo'tn a duty. Ank your Drug. —Job work of uli kinds done at the CITIZEN Oi-.'IOE Truaku, yuUrtu, aod tolo copoti —at iiiicjCd. LEGAL NEWS. XoTKS. Geo. .Staff wn taken before Bareess Anderson, Tuesday, and committed to jail oa a charge of di rd-r'.y condnot and u ing bad language on ths ->reet. lie is (lightly demented. John W. Powell, Dr. Bavi?, John W. Falkner, Micha«l Kelly and Joba of Buffalo twp, were :n towi:, Tae-Jay. on the case of tli® COM. W lieo. Wicklino. who waived a hearing and v. as rf turued t'J j jail. | Lett*;* of adm'a we<e granted to H L Sanderson on of Alex S Patterson ol Slipperyrock t*vp; also to Mrs Lena Clirk on estate <>t J S Clark f For ward twp; also to A J Bard on estate of Robert M Bard of Centreyi'ile. Eli James, John A Stewart and Bern hart Kurd petitioned lor naturalization : and their hearing was fixed for the first ■ T leslay of M irch Court. Ada S Kellerinan had summons in eject ment issued vs J H Miller and Harriet Miller for low ia Batlsr. In the ca.-e of U J and Mary E Francis v> Franklin twp (Jno O Albert and Robert McGinniij Feb 7, IS9O the jury found a a verdict in the sum of £*2,300 for the plain tiffs. PROPER "TTAA.VSFEA J Jacob Householder to Fred Householder lot in Zelienople for $2,900. Fii Latchaw. quit claim, to Andrew Harder lot in Harm >ny for S9OO. J no D Albert to Harlaa BOOK 12 acres a Fra-jklin for $l5O. C E Johnston to Brace Rush lot in Mil lerstown for SSOO T P Short* to Cnas Morris 2 acres ia Washington, forfl. Chas A Morris to D K Biiisi lot in Xorth Washington for S7OO Ii L C'iin to Geo T Graham lot in But!' r lor $l5O. Marriage Licenses Elmer Bortmas Concord tw x > Sadie Richards Fairyiew twp Chas Rothwoller Saxonburg Jennie Gibson Fred Cheers Evans City Nellie Brown Harrisville J. X. McCasJin Cooperstown L. B. Weigle Prospect A. C. Stewart West Freedom, Pa Melia Young Butler twp James fl Thomas Be Haven, Pa Jennie E Steuart Harrisville Edward Wolf Armstrong Co Mar; Wolf " At Clarion—Peter L. Kerr of Mars and Miss Shtffer of Clarion Co. At Mayville, X. Y.—Chas. Elliott and Adda Kelly, both of I'arket twp, this county. At Pittsburg—Harry McXeeley and Margaret M Baubsnspeck both of Har mony. OIL NOTES. The Standard is paying $1.43 today. AKX— Phillips' well on the J. I). Ander son in Penn twp. was completed last week and is doing Co bbls. _H ASHOVV —Wise it Co's Xo. 2. Voeght ley is showing for a 100 bbl. well AUAMS—Barn-dell <fc Co's Xi>. 9 Biak ley, which was supposed to be small, was shot Friday, and began flowing at the rate of 300 a day. FBANKLls—Ueydrick <fc Co'a well ou the li. Book is down about 500 feet. C'ESTTTK—The Dr. McOandlesi well on the Harmon McCaudless reacned the 100 foot, last Friday. A new tank has been built at the Bhak«leywell». The Brown well on the Henry Bright near Mt. Chestnut is doing about 19 hols. MUPPYCBKKK —McFarIand'A wall on the Wila .St Clair is doing 30 bbls. GHKIXK CITY —Vance <T Frantz aro starting a well ou the E. 8. Kergar place. MARS— The Iliddle Oil company ha* drilled in a tect well on the Wilheim farm, located a inile west of Mars, and has a good show of oil in the 100-foof. V ALK.VOIA —J. M. Gaffey and Gnfl'ey & yneen have drilled through the )00-!oot on tne Smith larm norlh of Valencia and tound nothing in that formation; they will drill thrrugn the lowor sandß before aban doning the well. Acciderita. K. A White the baker, fell in getting oat of hi* delivery wagon, last Wednesday evening and fractured two of his ribs. Philip Snyder, of Clinton twp. fell and hurt h ia breast, a few days ago. Fourth Annual Sale. Fourth annual Hale of horses, buggies, sleighs, robes, harness, doub'e and single wagons, carriages and all our rigs will be offered for nale al our livery barn and sale stable on *Vest Jefferson street, Butter, Pa., tm Friday and Saturday, March 13th : and 14th, at 10 o'clock a. m. One year credit. MAV, BIUKKL &. KKNSEDV. Duplicate Photos. KKAI> TUIH: During the month of February, we will make duplicate photos from any negative which has been made at the /Cuver's Art Studio since 18*8, as the negatives are all here and in good condition, anil we guar antee to tuiish you first class work, same as you got when you first placed the order and paid #4.00 per dozen, we agree to make them at the extreme low price ol $1 50 per dozen during the month of February, only; after this time the negative* will be dis posed of to leave room for new ones as the gallery has changed handa, and is being remodeled and put in shape to do higfc grade work only. We make the Mat. surface platinotype cabinet size $4.00 and $5.00 per dozen. Call and see them. We guarantee the regular $-1.00 finish on the duplicates we offer this mouth Duplicates ol large work can be obtained al*o at same redaction prices in proportion to size of pictures. Orders by mail promply filled. PianutY, Successor to /.uver, Over post office, Butler, Pa. I'OIHJH and blankets cheaper than anywhere clue at Martincourt At CO'H. Say Papa—did you «eo lleci'h \ neckwear, it beats anything you ever saw. If you want to save money walk around to Martincourt <T CO'H. and buy your robes and blauketn. MUSlC—Scholars wanted at 128 W Wayne St. AIBO nicely furnißbod room to rent. Curo Sickness By Preventing t Healthy, nourishing food like Mar vin'H craekerts prevent'! many diFeaiien by keeping psople's bodies in bealtb. Save a day'a wages oy buying robes and blankets at Martincourt CO'H. More robes and blankets tliau you ever saw in ono store in your life, at Martincourt At CO'H. Sox and shirts, all wool and a yard wids, cheaper than the cheapest—at HICK'S, 121 N. Main St. Wanted—Natures Compound, the true health assistant, iu every home. I'urifies the blood, gives a good na ural appetite, tones the entire Hystenr Oh Mamma—rou ought to Beo the big piles of cbildrens suits at HECK'S oniy $1.25, you can't get the samo in town for less than $2.50, Vox Popult—Buy your clothing, underwear, hosiery, hats, caps, BOX and ncckwcar of I). A. HECK, and Bave money. The Groat Middle Class the hack bone of our civilization, is the largest consumer of Marvin's Crackers. Job work don<} hero. Saoacribo or the CITIZEN. PERSONAL 6. H. Cooper, ol Pens twp., ws* ia town Monday. E. K JTeiujngton. ofSaxoabarg is visit | ins hi - folks in Philadelphia. i Daniel Heck of Oakland twp.. Wis in ] town, Tue-day. I Postmaster Kelly is ajrain at hi j offi • j after u long iege of grippe. i T. A. Hartley, ol Clinton twp., wa? in [•. vn on b i me--, Tae-dav. It F. Glenn, of Brady twp . ia town, yesterday. Reese Davies of Clay twp., was a cilier in Batler Saturday. Andrew Lemon ot Batler twp., visited friend- 1 in Parker. last week. John 11. Montgomery of Clinton twp. is | -.erioasly ill ol Kidney trouble. Miss Nellie Koch spent last Friday ■evening with her mother Ht Elora. Peter Shideonatitle, of Muddycreok twj. was in town, yesterday. Dr Bippa.s of Allegheny is soon to wed Miss Kattiarine Stewart of that City. M. C. Sarver, Esq., of Sarvers T ii!o was laid np with a bad oold list week. T. E. Campbell of Concord twp., his returned from his vi-it to his brother-in law at Erie. Pensions were granted to Fred Miller of Petrolia and Otto Bernigh, ol Saxon bnrg. H. W. Fanker of Harmony attended the banquet of the Frie-landers, at the Monon gahela Ho-j-e Pittnbarg, la-t Thar- lay. Hal Heberling and his accomplished br de ' parsed through Batler last week on tueir way home from Leect'barg. W. L English, of Maddy Creek and Mr. Huberling of PortersTille made bubines trips to Pittsburg last week. Mr-=. Jos. Logan, of Jeflerson twp, w.> the guest of tier .laughter, Mrs Amos Graff, of 210 Elm St. over Sunday. Jos. Aland is attending the Merchant Tailors National Convention at Baltimore, this week. John Shirley, of Froeport wa« around seeing bis old friends in Bntler, yesterday , Year., sit lightly on John, he is as fat and handsome as ever. Mr* J. C. (Jiay of Jefferson twp., who had been in the hospital at Pittsburg for some weeks, was brought homo last hatar •day. J. Park Hpys of Franklin twp., was in town lately. Park has beer, painfully iti flicted with neuralgia this winter and his health is badly broken. Frank Murnhy and Harry Graham havj rented the ofhee iu the Younkins building now occupied by James 'X. Moore, wli will be a partner of Lev. McCJuistion afte" April Ist. Homer Dixon, a son of W. S. Dixon of I'enn twp., and who lately underwent an operation on his left at his uncle'-. It A. White, in Batler, and is doing well. John M. Shira, ofShira, Win Patterson, Kennedy Marshall and X. C. McCullougb of Butler were drawn on the United Stale- District Court Jury, which convenes in Screanton, March 23. Miss Ee.-sie Kennedy, ot New Ca-tle Si. entertained some sixteen of her little friends, aud also some of her olaer one-, — uncles and aunts. —last Saturday eveni.ig They had supper and a good sociable time. Cyrus Alnen. of Worth twp , wat in town lately. He own - one ol the best farm: in that twp.,and had 245 buhels of wheat from 15 acres last yar, also over 100 bushels vf corn to the acre, and about 2j bushels of buck wheat to the acre. Prof /. L. .-jnyder, formerly superinten dent of this county, and for gome years pant Principal ot the j-choola of the Fill : ward, Allegheny, has accepted the 'Pf.m idency of the Michigan Agricultural C>i lege at Lacing, Mich., and will remove to that Htate in A pril. VV. 8. Gold and John O .torling of Sam mit, I. E. Elakeley of Adams, W. it Harbison of Jefferson twp., F. i'i. Bracken of Donegal: James Kankiii and A. 8. Gib gon of Peon; Juo. Bulford of llutler twp, J. C. Fisher of Penx, Theo. Enoch of Fairview. were iu town Saturday. Fleming lieckerl, of Rochester, Beaver Co. Pa., and Miss Sarah Boona Seiple, of Cleveland, were married on the sth inM. Our friend Kev. Ileckert is a t-oi of Mr- Michael lleckert of Buffalo twp. and raised in Butler County. He now ha charge ot the English Lutheran Church at Rochester, Pa, With his many frimds here we congratulate.him on his rucce-s in lilie ani' wish him many years of pros perity. ORDINANCE NO. 20. Granting Augustus Hoph and J 0 Gais ford, their heir*; executors, admini.-itri.tnrs and assigns, a right to construct, operate, and maintain pipe lines in and through the borough of Prospect, I'a. See. 1. Bo it ordaineil and enactO'j by the Town Council of Prospect borough, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority ol iht; tame, that a privilege ho aud is hereby granted to Augustus I loch and J. C. Gaixford, thoir heirs and tsaigns to lay pipe lines iu and upon the several streets and r lleys of said borough, lor the purpose ot furnishing light and heat to the citizens of said borough. Sec. 2. All gas is to pass through a gas regulator, except such ga-i as is used un der boilers at oil wells and pump stations tor geneiating steam, said gas regulator to bo located under the direction of '.ho Coun cil and approved by the fintne. Sec. 3 Said Uoch and Gaisford are to famish free ol cost to said borough suffi cient gas to supply an maintain six Todd burners to be located at the pleasure of the council. Sec. 4. Any ordinanoe or part of ordin ance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be, and tho.Kimie is hereby re pealed, so tar as the same conflict-' with thir; ordinance. Adopted and ordained by the Town council, of the borough ol Pros pact, and directed to bo recorded and pub lished according to law this fourth day of February, 18.'. 0. Attest: G. P. WKKJI.K, clerk, P. II SKOIILKE, President. Approved this fourth day of Feb. IHtMJ. C. M. EIIM I'NSON", Burgess. Butler Savings Bank I Butler, Pa. Capital - _ $60,000.00 Surplun and Profit*, $104,000.00 JOS. L. PURVIS President' J. , WM. CAMPHELI, Jr < ashi.-r 1 LOt'IS 15. KTKIN Teller DIUKcTOItH .Joseph t. i urvls, .1. Itenrv Troutraan, W. I), Uraiidon, W. A. Stein , I. S. am ii bell. the tlotlerßavioui Hank Is tint Oldest Bin K injf Institution In Butler County. General banking btislne t Ir insactoil Wo Hoiicii aocouate of on prwtucen, nee ciiantf, lariiiern and others. All ttustiicsi entrust wt to uu wilt receive prompt. attention. Interest paid on time deposits. MONEY TO LOAN. On First Mortgage on Improved Property, 5.00 per Month Pays for >Jft,- SIOOO in About Eight Years. Money Heady. A. T. SCOTT, Attorney, Butler I'a. CM AS. E, MILLER, Treasurer, Butler Pa. R. W. MYLRS, District Agent, Butler I'a. Investors should send lor our "Dozen Reasons" aud "F" Circu lar. We make your money earn 6 per cent free of taxes. , ' f* 1 tor PENNSYLVANIA t 7 . -"J < | -JAVINCS fONO ANt) ' U 'A I LGAfi AS9OCIAIII)H ,r -~ •:^t7 "» of rirtutiuncH. PA EYES EXAMINED FREE OF CHAHGF R L. Kirkpatrick, Optician and Jeweler Next to Court House.lllutler, I'a., graduate La i'oi'tiiarotuglCAl luaUtute. NKIGHBOKK.OOU NOTES. Horace Tetlow of Philadelphia ha< be<»n * restored by a oytntioß to reason. . He uttered the other 'ar hi- - lir-t intelli gent words since the fir-1 d.»i ol 'he Can ; eniaugh flood, Friday, May 31, 1539 . whe hi- kbll w.ucrashed by a pi'* :e of falling ! timber. Sinee that tiuic ha ba< been an imbecile. Last week a tt>oron*h examina tion was made ou ihn wound iu his -knli Tre,>.inniag w:i* di e ide-J apor. The oper.t --j tioa was peril rm'.J on Tuesday, a l)os« button, the .-12 a a halfdoll .r, being re moval. in < patien r . up -n opening hi< eve.-- said: It conit s from the daui. liw min I is a blank a< t> tba oc-urretioes ut the iMt year.-), but Ho rec*t!s the events of hi< life pr«eefiinjM the 1 <cilent that rendered hitu -peechlo-; , K.'tv.i;ii 1/ hal a ..ijt fire ;.«-te--.Uv ' in ir :■ several buildiug-. in ! eluding thecitr ball and postoffice Lo-s j aSou . SIOOOO. Ja !ze Miiler of Merc-r Co granted li censt-s in Sliaron t«> nine applicants and r*- I I or.e. In (ire°uvi!!»; lie granted to the Arlington, McFarlaii aad Nati mal hotels. Tao .Stonebor > licenses w-ra re fused, and M«rcer, goes dry until taa jug train can bo got into working orde*. Sharpsrille is held up until ilarch —Something of a curi nitv was discov ered By a county auditor in going over the aacoiiuts of Crawford connty for tie year !»:»") in the t'jrai of a coaaty order over ' thirty yt t<rs old. which Did but recently ! hi-: :i presented for payment. It was v.i .. 'cr 'lra va J.iauir, -9, 1563, in favor <>f J • Smith, f»r $5, and was .sent here fr.. ;j tJeruiaoy last rummer ior collection. T;.e ' rder came through au Hurt peau banking house to the Merchant's National h -.-iking hoasv, Meidville, and n- c;».s'..ed by ity Tr -or M VV Cridor. trie c" .i n as goo<l a. j on the day toe or <!. r * as issued. (> 1 erhaps you don t know how If j *-*Vady we ate on relation to prescrip ■*-^tions 1 'A> it will not Ijc amiss to ( ■ all your attention to the |> Intelligence P * rornpt service given T o everything ol tiie kind placed our hands prescription department ever was so complete * ave you money too. C. iV. BOYD. Ir*l larmacist, Diamond Block, - Butler, I'a SHERIFF'S SALbIS. lly vln .ie of sundry writs or Vea. Kx„ Klv i -i.. Lev. K i., IsaduJ ot|& of \!ie (' »uri o! ' oiiniu.i Pie 11 ot itutl'-r coiucy. «'a., an 1 to me directed. tlnro #|ii tu exposed to puoiie I■ it the Court ill is i. lu the D'jru'J><h i>i ISI - ler, 011 Friday, La j 28'.u da y or feb., A. B. I i.Lj, at; I oVioCiC )*. M., tau foll3>viu; (le , tloed property, t'j-wlt: t Ij, No. ui, '.! irji r. mi. .) it is,-.; tin, Att'y All tli" rl,'ul, title. loUri -il nud claim of (i W Kruier ana Mary K FrazUr or, iu ud to all ih a certain piece or parec-1 ot laud, hltiiiteu in M; i JyereeK liutler county. l'i., ouuiiileii at follows;, to Wit: On tlio 1101111 by 'he liutliTami Now Caatlo road, ori the (.-ast lij 111.■ 1- of Itotiert C italston,.lames Wallace ami K s l'ri/.ler, on tlio aouth by lands of Marlati K ir ../.ler, and on tie «v-jt by lauds or John V. liner, .lain ■. Krazler and Cyrus iaiuln|{ »evi-nty-Heveri (77>, ai res more or leas, .vi n a i.wo atory fram-) dwelling House, barn, two goo.l fruit orchards thereon: S l/.ul .oid taken in mlin .u ttie property 01 1; \V i-'r.izier and .Mary K I'r i/.ler at the suit o; 1: Uart Ka|b. E I). Notij, Alarc.i T, low. rt 1' Uowaor, Att'y. All the right, tltlo, Interest and claim of 11- -i.J tiniii UleharOHon 01, lis and to '£.> acres ■if land, 111 ii - or less, nllutted in Adams .<■• tisnip, liutP r eounty, I'a., liounded an lol to-vvit: On the north by lands or John r. on the i.-ast liy lands of liolhorxt n.-ir-i -n l .laeou Klines heirs, ou the south by lands ol .la. i'i Klines lielr.s and I.mils (lilllland. ah'l 011 the .stby a pubiie road, with four miall i;.j isim, small orchard of apple tr 1 -> and ouUMtlkUnci thareon. Helaed and taicen in i-M-emi.jii as 1110 property of lionjaittin KicliarUson at the suit ol John O II ill. KO, No 57, March T, ikot. W U I.usk, Att'y. All the rUlit, title, and elaltn of Wil liam I and Thorn a Uobson or. in and 1 . all that e :rl.llu pie :e. parcel or lyt ol land. hitUated In A to Unship, Hull-r eounly I'.i, Oo'linle I a-i follows, to wit (>:i the north' by lands id Hubert Oavis.ou the cast by land-. ' jjoli'i Dobsou or public road, on llm sout h by lui ls of John l> Hill,on rho west by land< of Robert l>avl ; coutafalQjg I mntm ot loss, h-'lng all cl--vri- 1. Uu lir leuce an I In a slate of eulUtatiou. ALIO—Ot. In Md to all tuitefrtam pec , pit- ■1 or l.e »l laud, Hltu.ue Ilu Adams 1 atilp. liutler iiuunty. I'a . bounded as folloWn, t.o wit ; On the norlhean by lands ol rtamuei Parks, 011 the northwest by a public ro:ul, and on the KOUIh by lands.>l Samuel I'urk.s; bi-ln,, 1 trl.itignl 1 r pleen ol land, c tii< 1 luliig nil mt one uinl one-h tlf aeres, tnori'or less, and ha . in.; a eoli-i';.' dwelling Uouse of throe rooms an I otlii-r outbutldlnns er-.: .1 there in, s i/ . 1 t ., 1 taken In execution as the property ol William 1' *ll "ii and l'noinas Union at. tli • s lit of MP hurl Hull man. & l». No 71, March T, ls:i.. Mitjs & Young, Att'ys. All the ri«hl. title. Interest and claim of Ilaiinali .1 Uowutt an 1 William Itowoa, I'.xeen tri -. utid Kxecutor or John lioiven. Si. d'.e'd, '.I lu and to all that certain m» ige, traet, parol or ,»><-ei- of land, situ it.isl In I'.'UU townshlo, llutl-r i-ouuty. I'a., Onuuded a followJ, to wit.: at the sou tliwest corii'T 1 In-nee by lands now or f -rmerly of Uursey heirs, north I ttrst 214 11 IU perehrs to a post; thence by l.unls now or formerly 1) Nlehol, south .1 ea%t ~ pore ii-- t 1 a po.t; theuee by the old lurnpi to road, s mill .-ait rj perehrs to a post; tlicbcc souths-, 1 , east, ij alO p«ri;hen t/j a pint; tlp-uei i-jr lauds now or formerly John N"gloy. south , east << perelies to •£ white oakes ; tlieie e south :y, .-aM to corner of land sold by John Mcl'h' i son to Uolit m 1 andless ; Iheuce by bin I of John llerg formerly Itob! M 1 an lie is to a post., tin place of beginning; containing i; 7 a> i s. more or haw. having a two story rrame dwelling house, trim - barn and other out buildlnKs llifi-eon. Hel/.i-d and l iken 111 exo cutlou u . the pn-iicrt.y 01 llautiah J l: »u>u nml William llowen, Kxi-cut-rlx utid Kxeeutor 01 John liowen Sr., <J. oil, at. tin- suit of ,M (. M t'lelland, Adin'rol i'ennllla Mc('elland. n d, i; I). No so, March T, Is'Jil. Clarence Walk r. Att'y. All 1 lie right, title, luten'st aad claim if Ad dl m W riern" I.r, In an 1 to all In it cerialn pie.: pare-I or traetol laud, Him it- I 111 li lt - ler township. Hotter county, I'a., Ii lUhd'i 1 as lolln.. s, to wit, : <iu the north by lauds of l-J 11 Mia'.i'ly .ml Kurd Uelbi-r, f i»l by the Meridian putilli: load, o Hit by lands of John lluselton I: . I , and on the wes' by I tinlsor Ki-r I Itelli.-j; I'oii 1 alnlng .is acr. s. inure or less, being Hie Into rant In mild land dovlant t.i Aaillson W t'leiee, by his father liarr-it fierce, by his I,lst, win uid test tinent, n -1 oi-.l ;d in tlio Itcglmors olllei's of llutliir r itiniy , I'a.. laving a frame dwelling house, 1 r lam barn, oriiliard and ouLbulldmgi there. 1:1. ■ ■!/. ■ 1 tnd taken lu exeeiitlon as this propsrty 01 .\d dls'ia W I'ler.-e at 1 lie sin 1 of Jflfloph llrovvn. U I>, No lot, .March T, 1 sou. Jowp 1 ii Urodlu, Att'y. All the right, title, lutereil au t claim of James Keniieuan of. la an 1 to all tnat eurtal 1 piece parcel or traet ut land, situate I lu I'berry township, liutler county. Pa., tjoundeJ as rol loe.s. to wit: on the north by lauds of Wru Llftdsey'l heirs, OMt by lands ot Win l.liel. , . lii-lr .. Miiuth by lauds «»r .In, Kennehau , and '»u Hie west, ny lands or Ktlwar.l l/j,;ne; root Lining ao.«:res, more or less, with a log dwelling house, frume barn, orchard aul outbtilldliigs i lifi eon. Sel/.i-d and I aken lu e <■■■ rut lon ai iji-i property ol Jim-i Keuuelian at the xull o ■I If pli Iveiiiii-h.ui a'ld Wlnlfre I Keutieh 111. Kx • or John Keuiibali, dec'.l. K I). No 'jwj, M T, I <:>•;. a M Chrlstley, Att'y, All tin* right, title, interest and claim of John I liiat of. In and to nil that, certain piece, parcel liii I lot ut land, situated in Jacl sOl township. II oner 1: juiiiy, J'a . bounded as follov. s, to wit: Hi-ginning ut. a white oak tree on south side ol creeK, thence south .1, west 'a and .u 1 lo perches along laud of Jlanlel Kldler to a stone In tint ler r-.ail; thence nort li 1 , west 1:1 perches aeuig lands of li M Zelgler to ». point tn I'ros p•' 1 road, thence north 7® east, ui and :l I l ' iicrches along said Prospect road; Ihcncn null, . east I> 11 l-lo perches along lands of .1 hn h'-into plie eof beginning; coiit i til ing ...1;. 1 and l-H perches with Hie apptirt" II lie-. 1 thereon. ."->|/.ed and taken lu ex' cuttuo as tin-property of John Float at the suit of J Pearl man. E I', Nos 91 and Marc 11 T. I-JC. S F How r. Ait y. All the right, title, IntOieM and • lalm ol J.I eph Park'T of> 111 and to all that certaltin parrel ur piece of land, situated 111 llulTaP I.,wiiship. Imtlcr county. I'a . boundeii >» fui- I ,-.v.. to nn the north by lands <.r <; V i , 1,. on the east by lands ot J.icoti llllllard I and NlohotosOojrlo,ob the soutn by lottda 01 a 11 Wici now A l» Wler's heirs, and on the west 1 j lan 1 . ot Thomas Pnrker, formerly by Aiirain l'arker; containing #tl acres, more or i.. .. willi a 'S story Irame dwelling ho se, franu barn and oulbullUlngs thereon erected. Most ly rh aM il and until r fence. Al<> Of, In and to ull that certain puree or pie. » or Innd situated In HutTalo township r. 1 : r eounly. I'a tiouiided a* follows, to '.lt in. the north by 11 nds of John Wler el nl, 01 ll,a e 1.1 b) lands of l( J Law, on Hie : OKI h 1., i n. 10l John Murphy, ami uu the west by laud Itoiiei! Fleming, formerly Sainu. 1 Itlchard (■ at 111II1; I'll a'-'ri-I more or lets, with loj ho i.. ..1 uu.- stable and outbuilding ■ tie rem ere. teil. partly cl are I and unil'*r fence. Mcl/e. and lai.en In tsxecutloii as the property ol Joseph Parker at tin- suit of J C j/Jrlstchlow ami Joacph Wright. E D No S3. March.T, li:"*:. S F Bowser, Atty All tlie right, till Interest and claim of John L n.i. * or. Lii and : 1 all that certain lot an.l raest-uage <>t Unit. situated In Kutler borou- : ' Huller county. Pa. bounded as follows. to wit l>.'!nni:i'.; at 11»•» northwest corner of the lot herein i<— r.asd ut a pihi-u Ziegler avenue ■ n on, . 1 . 1 No. il.- nc.-along said Zlegl. 1 I avenue to feet to a pi" on corner of lot So. Soft ! thence along line of lot No. Sos two hundred fee' to H pin on Hickory street formerl. Sprtlig way; them> aiougsaiil 11:. korv «tre«-t fjrn. rl> 1 Sprlngwav ">o feet to r. pin on corner of lot No. 306; llience alot*? ldi** of lot No. 300 100 feet to a pin on Ziegler avenu", the place of beginning; twin,' lot No in Win .*> Bojd's plan 01 lota 11. ia said borough or Kutler, and having 1 reeled thereon a two story frame dwelling hou- . frame stable an! outbuildings. ALSO—Ot. .11 an.l to all that certain lot anil messuage of ground, situated In liutler boro, i <-onut> . l'a-. bounded as follows.-to vvit: I Bun.' s.t late la spring-dale In said borough 01 li., t:• i'a .I- gluuing at thenortliweat corner ot th . t herein d* icribed at a pin u: Ziegler j av nue, bring i .-.o corner of liji No. -• >■. taeuce j along line vf'/.i avenue jo it i t t a pin at j coi!.*_-r 01 lot No. tti~n"e .ilong line <>r i.»" >.' •. • ,j .■ j t»u auadred t •-.• . 10 a pm o:. lllcliory stree- I formerly Spring*ay; thence BfcKOi3 St. formerly Spring. ay )10 a ptu at corner or lot N . ;.-7• 1.1 ■a. Ua<- of lot NO, :;o7 t-vo hundred feet to a pin on Ziegler av-'nue, tlie place ot begi!ium„" . icing lot No. :io- in IVm S Boyd's plan of lots I Sprlngdale In said boro .ji Bailer, mil taken in execution as the property of .nun 1. Flak at the suit or 1.-wia Norttterin Executorof Christina llaster, ilt'J. E D, Noloa, March T. isih;. J M Painter. AH';. All the right title, interest and claim of .Manvll Wintersteen of. In »nd to ;o a. r-'s ol land, more or less, situated in Oakland tivp., Huller county. Pa., bo.inded as follows, to wit: !!• ginning at north* :t corner, thence by lahd-i of JaeoD and William Fowler, south SJU ea.-t <>, ; io perches 10a stone; thence to lands ot Jacob Larimers heirs south ji we*i ii perches 10 a-tone ; thence 111 a westerly direction by |u la h jMOt Larimers heirs Moot -il perches, in re or less, to a stone; thence In a northerl) dir-etlon by lands or Charles Duffy to th" j fi: of beginning; havlug a frame dwelling i i>..-;v. trume stabi- . ai.d otln-r outbuildings. | wi 11 v.atered and Improved. Seized and la:«-a I til execution as fte property of Manvll Wluter steen at the suit of Peter Whltinlre. 1 £ I>, No. so, March T. l«n;; Stephen CumulhtS, Atl.y. A 1 the rigo - , title, and -lain, of Janus > Fleeger and Malialah l'leeger of, in and to acre* ind 63 perches of land. more or less, situated In OaKlaud tirp . liutler Co , Pa., ound-.d :>» i'.' l'jws to wit; P. •ginning at the 1 -ouuicav corie-r ai a -ton' 1 ; t lie nee «ouch 2* v. •■at 10l perches to a post; tnence north ,s« ± . asi - 1 |>. relies to a post: thence north east 10l pereues to a post, th-jnee south M'JI ... ea.~i | 101 perches to a post. 1 hence south k> S east perches to a post, the place ol beginning; suit laDd belli,' mostly r?ood land. ALso—Of, la and to so acres of land, more or less, bit : ited In Oakland twp., Iluili'r Co., Pa, bounded as follows, to wti: Beginning a* •• pit at the southeast cornerwest sHJi lj« 10 p iche.s 1 y lands of Thomas W'hlimlre to a post; thence north i' 2 west 10l perches to a post oy J. 1 . Andre north degrees east. *.-10 perches to a chestnut by lands ot heirs ol James Hamilton; south west 10l perches bj land-sol Jacob Whltmlre to the place or r>< - inning ; h in,' I her. ,11 a frame dwelling nous-, loj: biro, an 1 other outbuildings, good npple orcn :rd at.d In a W.r statu of cultlvai loa. Sscl/ed at d takcii 111 execution as the property of Jam.sS H.1..T anil Malialah Kleeg-r at til.; suit m Barbara (leihel and JosopU Ujlolel. Ex'r ol t'harles lielbel, due'd. E IJ. No 87, March T, li'>;. J N Moore, Att'y. All the right, title, Interef/ and claim of Eln • r M Moiro.v of, In and 10 all th..l cerl-lu let 01 ground, situated In llarrissville bor. ltutler county, Pa.. Uiundad as fqlloa s, w:t: c:. Hi'.- north oy an alley, on lh - eaat by Frank- Uii :-te.-t on the south by lands of John Formers i'.eirs, arid on the west bj a:i alley; 1 lot fronting -.; i :li- said trii klln street «•» left, and extending along fie adey liio feet; having ihei'.-.-n greeted Iraino dwelling house and frame store house. Al>o Of, in and to all that certain piece o. | an • 1 • 1 ground or lot of land, more or less, situated iu llarrisyllle boro aud Mercer twp,, lluilcrl 11., p;... bounded as tollows,tJ wit: 01 tne n'-rih by lands of 1. P. ('umiiiings, K. v h.-rr, K I. Brown and .1 1! II Morrow, on 111' east n> uii alley, on the .south by Mercer and IXsehurg turnpike, and on the west, by (' ,M lirown 11-ij, I. U Cumin lugs and W K mown eoiitalning lit a<reH. inoie or less, with a srnal fialue hou. > thereon, .'-el/eu and taken li t.xtc'iUon as jhe proiierty 01 Meier SJ Morrow at the suit ol Mrs. .Samite Ulbson now for us< ol A E Graham- El» No 103, March Term, WW. Mcjunkln « Ualbr b aUi. Att'y*. All 1110 right, title. Interest and claim of 1 V. I.owry aud El:/t M. I'a ido. Committee of li II McltrUle of. In and to all th»t certain lot o gmund, situated In Butler boro, HutlerCo.. l'a hounded as follows, to wit: On the north bj loi of (j D llarvey. on tl|B east, by an alley, 01 the outh by lot of Henry Miller, imd on tin v, ■st I.v Main Si ; being 13 feet, mole or less Hunt on sal.) Main St., anil extending bark lit. arne vldth iso feet, morn or less, l<! said alb ■ on the oast, and havlnit tlieftpu erected a ivri -toi v ,sized and takei In execution an thu property of P w Lowry anc ElUa Mellride, Comniltleo of I. U Medi tde a the suitot llenry ltelber Hi trust E I>, No 112, March Term, 1k;IS. M Junklii I (lalbreath. Att'ys. All thu right, title, liitcrc t and claim of W f <;rl 11.■ of, in and to all that c rtain nl. ee, parce or 10l of lan 1, moie or less, sltoaieu In Centre villi hero UutlerCo.. Pa.. Ijt.audud follOv.s to vyit: until nortU by public square isu feet on the east by an alley, on the south by lot o Montgomery, and on tlie west by Main Si with a two ":-.tory frama dwelling house of 11 roonn. one frame stable, wagon shed, war. house, corn crib, aLd others outbuildings ; nisi a variety of fruit trees thereon. ALSO—Of. In and to all that certain piece parcel or lot of land, more or less, situated 11 1 entrcville boro, Butler county, l'a., boundec as follows, to wltt Oa the north by an alley east by an alloy. :.outh by lots or John Ken and J Wlelf, west by an Hlley. with a go v: peach orchard thereon. A 1 10 '•>!. in and (0 '.O MM of land, more 01 le-1, nituat. dln Sllpperyroek twp.. liutler <lo Pa .. bounded as follows, to wit : On the l.ortf b;. a public road, ou the east by lands of Wir chriHtley heirs and Win S lslngham. on the south by lands of 11 P KlSlcaddon, ainl on tip: west by lands of Frank Eyth ; With a fiairc dwelling house, ffatiio barn, orchard and out building" 1 hereon. Kel/. d and taken In exe as the property of Wil Urine at the xult of Mrs M M Hogg for use Of A -I tiritu*. K I). NOBU, March T. 18: i;. WI) I'at ton and s F Hows, f, Att'j ~ All the right, title, Iriterost and claim of Fi ank or. In an t t > h '" ri alii measu ige and tract of I ind situated Iri Marnm iwp,, liutler( o„ Pi,.. bounded as follows, t. wn: Ueglnnlug at the northe iatern corner at a pie. t and adjoining lands of Hugh Kellcrinni. theie'e bj land of James Mortland, Sleven Murtland. Joseph Mortland et. al., south, :: w.-st, Ils., r . perches to a poi.l; tlie'n e by I mils ol same part 1.1 arid along a public road north, : I • e-i. |9 iierches, aud north, (3 I J east, IJ.Z peieh's ; thence by lands of tlie Him parties south, 'i west, 113 perch 's to a post; thence by lands of John Murrln 11 irth. sh we :, 111 perches to a post, thence by lands of Catharine MeCullough and Now'on Mortland north, east, IV) pel elii'.s to a post.; thence by lands o( Cornelius Uormly and 11 F Kellermau south. . east. H8 rieru les to the place of be . limit.,'; couiafnlng I.M acres, more or less; about 70 acres cleared and In good repair an 1 the balance woodland; all under unno. with ; o , ; on haril.l wo Irani" d . idling tMIIIMI.fraUIO b.,rii and outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and taken in eseoutloq tin; property of I'rank Ambrose, .survivor, at thu suit or Hugh Mc< larron for usi- ol J :u».« 11 Donjthnrty, exec utor of Jatues Dougherty, TKIIMS 01' SAI.K l'hu fullowiu,, must b" •iri tly compiled with wlier. property I istrlcl; on down, 1. When the plalulilf or other iien creditor b. conies the purchaser, thu cosi.> on the wrll iu us 1 le-paid, ami a list ot UM liens, including mortgage searches on the property sold, to gelii -r with such Hen creditor s roeelpt* for tlie aliioilnt Of the pro-ds ot tho sale or sucli portion thereof as lie in .y claim, must be fum lulled the sheriff. i. All bids must be paid Iu full. All salu A not settled immediately will be coiitlliueduntll 1 o'clock p. 111. of the next day at. which lime all property not. settled for will again be put up aud sold at the expense and iisk ol Hie person to whom llrst sold. •See ('union's Digest, :nli edition, page 4l'l and smith s Forms pagi- ;isl. AXDIIKW il. CAMPKKI.L,Sheriff. Sheriff's <iflli:e, liutler. Pa. Feb. 13, lsaii. Administrator's Sale. lly virtuo ol an order of tho Orphan's flourt nl Ilutlor county, l'a., al O, 0. No. S(i Maich Term, ISiltJ, anil t> mo directed, 1 will, Oil MONDAY, MAi:0ll 2, IWW, al 10 o'clock a. 111 , ex peso to public sale on tiiH premi-oi- iu liutler, liutler county, l'a . tin- 10l lowing dciicnbed real o««lat«. late the properly of helle Huller, dee'il, to v, it; All ihiit certain 10l ot ground situate id tin- I'oreugh ol liutler, liutler county, Pa , bounded anil described as lolliiu -. On the north by lot of Springer, on tire wit by an alley, 011 the south by lot ol Henry Foroht, formerly Hewitt, and 011 the west by Second street being fifty feet front on Second street and extending back ill an eusterly direction the am'] width one tiuudrod uml sixty feet mi re or less, to the aforesaid alloy, with two story frame dwelling house, frame tabli and outbuildings thereon erected, who h said lot of ground is i-übjuct to the relate and righis ol F. K. liutler, the sur vivibg husband of said decedent, as tenant by courtesy, and will be'-old subject to said estate TKUMS oK SALIC —One-third cash on approval ol snlt> by tlie Court, and the bal ance in two eijual annual payments, secur ed by judgement bond and mortgage on the premises, beartn,' interest, and with an attorney's commission of S per cent for col lection, with option on part of purchaser lo pay cash. F. B. lib'Ti,Kß, Adin'r , liutler, l'a. S. F. Howser, Atty. Hotel Butler J. 11. FAUHKu, I'iop'r. This house has been thorough 1/ renovated, remodeleU, and re fitted with new furniture and c.trpcls; has electric hells and a! other modern conveniences foi j guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as Icon be found it liutler, l'a. 1 Klegant sample room for usr o ommercial me Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman, Grand Cloak Offer We sti'l have some very cltoice wraps in our CLOAK ROOM, which wc propose offering at the following great reductions. We wish to make some slight changes in our MILLINERY rnd CLOAK. DEPARTMENTS. We need the room to work in that these goods now occupy, therefore, will offer these Rothchild W raps at prices that will clear gur Clork Room: Ladies' fine Rothchild j for $10.75. " " " 1-.., ' 9.00. " " " 16.50 " V " " " 15.00 " 7-50. " " " 12.00 " 6.00. " " " 10.00 " 5.00. " " 6.00 " 3.00. All Misses' and Children's Wraps it same reduction. Also Mil linery, Dress Goods, Blankets, Flannels and Domestics at prices that will interest you. We want room for Spring Goods. Call and take advantage of these extraordinary prices. Mrs. Jennie E. ZimmermaN Successor to Ritter & Ralston. LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN T . Executor's Sale. By virtue of a decree ol the Orphan's Court of Butler county the executor of the will of Robert Lovo dee'd, will . If -r at public sale on the premises in Clinton twp, Butler county, Penn'a.. on FRIDAY, FEBKUARV 3lst, 180 d at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described real estate ot KHid decedent, situated in Clinton twp, Butler county, Pa., bounded on the north by lands of George Jlaizeland, on the east by lands of Gibson heirs on the south by lands of John Love and on the west by lands of N'pibert and Sefton containing sixty four acres, ninie or les~, ino-t!y cleared ami in good state of cnlti \ ation TIiUMS One third or purchase mvaej iti hand on Gontlrmati m of sale by the Court, balance in two e<jual annual install ments with interest, deferred payments to bo secured by bond or mortgage. JOHN S. LOVB Ex'r. Riddles Roads, pa. W. Er„!! lop, Atty. ORPHANS' COURT SALE! By virtue of an order and dooroe of t!ie Orphan® Court, of Butler county, Ponn'*, to the nnder.Mgr.ed, John N. Young,Adm'r. cniu annexo of John Young, late of \Vintib|.l tovfcsbip. Butler oouuty PA dco'd, directed, 1 will offor for sale at public venduo on the premises, on S ATU KI) AY, FEBRUARY 29, A I). 189 d, at one o'clock p. m. >v said day, eighty e.ere«, more or 'ess, of land, situato in said township, county ami state, bouadod by uiid adjoining lauds of MangePa heirs on tl i- north, bounded by and adjoining lauds ol Doerr on the east, bounded by and adjoining land of P lieck on the •■•nth, aud bounded by and adjoining land/t of Henry and others on the west; about liliy acres thereof cleared, feuced and under good state of cultivation, balance .imber land, well watered, good Irame hou-e and bam and out buildings, and good orc'.iurd thoron, and located within le>s than a mile from Ssxoa Station, on Butler l»raneh of West Penn R. 14.; title good. TURMS OK SALE:— One third of the par chase money to be paid when the sulo is confirmed by the Court, and the tosidue iu two equal annual payments thereafter with interest froiu confirmation of sale, aud to be secured by bond and mortgage with usual clauses of waiver and commis sions, JOHN N. YOUNO, Adm'r Cum testain- nto annexo, OIJOJIN YOUNO, dee'd, Carbon Black P. O. McJunkiu it Oalbreath, Att'y-i. Administrator's Molice. Letters ol administration on the estate of John F. T. Stehle, dee'd, late ot Butler, Butler Co,, Pa , having been granted to the undersigned, therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted to said e»tato will please make speedy payment aud those having claims against the same imn p.esout them duly authenticated for settlement to Lkna M. STKIILK, Adm'x, Frank Fohler, Att'y. Butler, Pa. Executor's Notice. Ijetters of administration on the estate of Robert Harbison, doe'd, late of Middlesex twp , Butler Co., P#., havingbeen granted t > the undersigned, all persons knowing tbemsolveg indebted to said estate will plensn n)ftke immediate payment and any iiaviug claims against -aid estate will pre sent them duly authenticated for nettle meat to ROUKKTS. UAUUIHON, ami MAKV 11. HAKHIKON, Exr's, Bakerstown, P. O . Allegheny Co., Pa. iU'sfoti 4, (Jreer, Att'ys. ORPHANS' COURT SALE! By virtue ol an order and decree of the Or phans' Court in and for Butler county, Pa., 1, the undersigned, administrator ol the ■ state of Anna Mary Kelly,late of the tow i ship of Middlesex, county and State afore said, deceased, will offer for sale at public vendue on the premises, on SVriJROA 7, FEBRUARY 29, A.O. 1890. A 1 1 o'clock P. M. of said day, eighteen acrrr of laud, more or less, situated iu the township county and State aforesaid, bounded and described as follows: On the tii.rth by lands of David Parks, 011 the east by lands of V'm. A. Mahan, on the south by lands of same and 011 the west by lands Mahan and Marshall; mostly cleared, with small frame dwelling house and sta ble water well and fruit trees thereon,sub j •. t however to an oil aud ga:' lea<e tlierc of .ui. ler which a small producing oil well has been drilled. Too royulty ol oil aud Ki»s accriielng under said lease after the ale will go to the purchaser of the laud. Tkkmh <>r SALS —Cash on dolivery of deed. J. N. FULTON. Adm'r of Anna Mary Kelly, dee'd. Flick I*. O. Butler Co., Pa. E. MOJUNKI*. Att'v for Adm'r id Estate. Executor's Notico. Letters testamentary on the estate of Frank C, McGrew, dee'd, late of Prospect borough, Butler Co. Ph., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment and any person having claims against said e late will present them duly authenticat ed for settlement to Nannie J. McUrow, Mx'r. Prospect Pa Administrator's NoUce. Letters of adininistrat : on on the estate ol Mrs. Annie Mary Kelly, late of Middle st x twp., Butler Co., Pa., dee'd, having been gianted to the undersigned, therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted to , aid estate will please make speedy pay metit and those having claims against the same can present them duly authenticated for settlement to J. N. FULTON, Adm'r. E. McJUNKIN, FJick, I*. O. Att'y. Butler Co., Pa. Executor's Notice. (letter* testamentary on iut> Crtato ol Jacob Slump, dee d, late of Evans City, Heller Co. f'a , having been granted to the undorsighed, all persons knowing tli mselves indebted to said estate will .'as 1 make immediate payment, and any liavng claims against said estate will pre ent them properly authenticated to. 1. N. CBAIIAU, Ex'r. Evans City, Pa. Mates A Young Att'ys. I RAILROAD TIME TAbLEb PENNSYLVANIA RA s ' O I AD West wn "ernsylvauia i&icn, Soliivlulo in Elfect May 20 1695. South. • —"—Week Days, A. M. A. M. A. M. IV M. R. M. i ITI.KR Leave C 25 *oo 11 25 245 506 '.ixonburc... Arrive 651 523 11 is 311 52* duller Jc't... " 7 2*" 84H 1212 310 553 lintler Jet..., Leave 730 *is 1217 340 55 Natrona Arrive" :w s 5-> 12-21; 350 002 Tarentum.. 743 it 03 12 31 357 uof Sprlngdale 7 .12 9IS 124; 407 Claremont sO7 uviS ij 50 421 G-j' sharpsbory , s» 931 in" 42s 6 5 Allegheny City 82s 041 lui 440 G45 *. a. A. v. v. u. r. M. r. M. S'JNDAY TKAINS Leave Ilutler lor Alle kl>< uy City and principal Intermediate stations 7:lo V. and 00 I'. >l. Norm. Week Day* ~ . , k - A - M. A. il. p. m. P. M. Allegheny City.. Lv. « u uuo aas 315 u1 j S larpjiburg ..... To* yl3 1139 Claren.ont 91« u46 Spnrifedate 930 1159 ... G3* Tureutum 732 939 120s 351 G4s Natrona 737 943 12 13 355 G5 Butler Jc't Ar 7 4.-. 990 1323 404 7 Oil Butler Jc't Lv 745 950 1234 415 709 saxonburg 810 lo 13 12 5# 440 7JS rft'RUIT Ar, SUA lo <M 125 SOG 750 A. M. A. *. P. M, P. M. p ti KI'MUY l UAlNS—Leave Allegheny Cltv ' L itler anil principal Intermediate st»'* A. M.. 12a.-. anil 7;:o J», M.j -°" s T ->° Week Bays r- : i ho fiaf . c . Week D ayg . ru. ». u. a _ m p ln> -45 625 Lv BUTLKR. .. Ar 10 38 125 ;{ 40 727 Ar Butler J c't Lv 950 12 3 404 745 Lv Butler Jo't Ar 940 12 3 ? 410 749 Ar Freeport.. Lv 835 12 30 *4 15 753 " Alleg'yJc't " 931 12 21 ••4 2o 804 " Leecnburg.. " 920 12 1 440 821 "Fault(.n( Apollo" UOS 115' 514 851 " Haltsburg...." 837 11 32 550 [,9 22 " Blairsvillo..B 05 11 00 600 :,9 30 "Blairsville I is'n"7 45 10 15 850 11 35 ' Altooua "3 40 8 t>o 100 310 " L'arridbu:-jj..."1l oa 310 430 G23 " Philadelphia. '8 50 11 20 a. n\ p.m. p.m. p.m. Through trains for the cant leave PitU bnrg (Union Station) a.-; I'o'lows:— Atlantic Express, daily 3 10 A. M. Pennsylvania Limited " .....7 15 " Day Express, •' .....7 30 Maui Liae Epress •' 800 '• Philadelphia Express " 430 P. v. ft auto ru Express " 700 " Fast Lino " .....8 10 " For detailed inlormatiou, aJJreod 7bos. jfl. U'att, Pass. Agt. Western District, 110 l'"i(th Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. S. AT. rKEVOST, J. K. iVOOD, i'/le.iora! Manager. Oen'l Psssr, Agent. P. & W. K, R. '.oliedulo In ofTact May 12. isas. (Butler um,-i Tho sliori Lino to I'lltsljurtj. DKPAKT Hoirru. KRDM SOCTU ii.23am Allegheny Kx ••.25.1111, Alli-Kheny A r 5.15 nin All'y Akron 10.110 a m.AI n N Castl. lU.Oiarn VI! >;iieny Ac 12.20 p in, AlleKhenj'K 2.55 1> m Allegheny Kx ',.05 pm. Allegheny Kx :i.50 p m Chicago Kx. 7.30 p m,All'y ft Akron (iOS p 111 All'y & fill. Kx s.oo p m. Allegheny K\ ILKR.VHT NOILL H. FKOM NOH'L'LI. 10.05 a m Kane K llrad. 5.0.% am, f'oxburK Ae 5.15 pin Clarion Ac :I..VJ ;i in, Clarion Ac 7.35 pin foxburg [ ».2o pm, Kane Mall HCNI> \\ TRAINS. DEPART SOUTH. PIIOM. SOUTH. B.IS a in, Deforest Ac '.0.00 a m,Allegheny Ae 11.45 a in. Allegheny KXil.Oftp m, Allegheny p 111, Chleaffo Kx ' p in. Allegheny Kit 0.05 pm, Allegheny A" 7JO Pm. DeKorest A» Train arriving at at 5.05 p in leaves It n O de pot. IHttshurg. at a :is o'clock. Ilutler and UreenvllleC MCll will leavo Allc ghi-u} i' .1.-20 p. in, (Sail) except bunday. Cou uectlng at Willowgrove, arriving at Ilutler at 5:05. I'ulluian llufTet Sleeping Cars and :lrst-cla s ''ay Coaches inn through lietweou Kutler ai 0 UUfcago dally. For through Ucketa to points 111 the West Northwest or Houthwest apply to A. H. CROUCH. Ageni «.Trains leave the B. A: O. depot In Putburg .'or the Kant as follows. For Washington !>• v.. lialtlmore, I'hlladol- I'hi.i. an 1 Now Vork, 7 ;:to and :irio p. in •'iiinberlaml, C:lo, 7 :Ji). a.m. 1 :10, uao p. m.Con n-'Svllle. 9:10, 7:.l". a. 111, 4.30. 4.45, 5.10, 0.20 ,i m. Unlontown. 7.20 a. in . I 10. i.:io, 6. «) p. m. i nlontown, Morgai town aud Kairinont. 7,30, in. and 5,3" p. in, Mt.Pleasant U. 40. 7. .10 a. in. .10andi..'io p iu. Washington, Pa., 7.40 and 30 a. in., 4.00,4.45 and 0.00,11.5% p. HI. Wheel eg, 7.40. and a. in., and 1.00. u.oo. 11.55 p. u. <'lie luuatt, Kt. l,outs. ColiMiibus aud New ark. 7.40 a. m., ii.IO, 11 55 p, in. I'or Chicago, j. io and 9.30 p. in. I'arlor and sleeping ears to lialtlmore, Wash 'ngton. Cincinnati and Chicago. P. S. & L. E. R. R. Takes.elloct Monday. N0v.;25 1095. Trains are run by standard Central Time (ooili Meridian.) One hour slower thar city Time." NORTH. COINU SOUTU 10 , :4 I 12 STATIONS 3 i II 111 p.-n pin . p.m. Arr l,v'e i.m. .... I 5", 2 S') .... ItufTalrt 5 :r. 17 vo ■ l I i«, ... Dunkirk n.I It) '■>.* ', 7no i4j it t< .Krle i: in s .15 :i 35 i: ill l n't •» 15 . Walfaen Juliet. 047 » in i 12 • 1 I i>i !i II (ilrard 1: no 1» Is 1 I;, «ml 2 5i H r.» fxx'kport. 7no ti wt 1 21; 0I : I.' is s|| .ClallrtvlUo Jo4tl 3S 434 '14.1 III) lv. ...1 , Tii TT" 3ml | 7 40|lv ar | .' • 1 1; 4. is 44 sls ar, . Alhion. Wv II 11 411 4 :i~, '• I'llilil sal! . Mhadelaild. .. 723 053 4 51 1" 12 30 s2s ... MprlnglHiro . 7 27 :) ao i 5., 5 33 12 vi s 2" ..Conneautvllle.. 7 31 in 01; 5 03 .11- nr ..on . siea'v'li* Jet. s i»> in r, * 521— 1 7 ;io;lv .Couu'l Lake fo 091 4 52 12 li s 10 ar ar s 10 10 50 5 3d 125 ... 1: 55 v.. Meadvllle. .lv .1 4.: 425 ....|H 45 S .'l7!ar ai S 37 II 25i 0 lo No2|ll All 7 4Si . . Ilartatown.. »No 1110 3111 >Ti II 46 7 3Si,. . Adamsvllle in 44 544 . . 11 :is 7 2» Osgood in 51 r. si . 25 11 30 7 11; ... iireenvilie ... « 3" u 0. « or. ii is 11 20 7 on Mhmiango 0 4'MI 20 « :si 1: 00 ,0 M' 1: 45 fredoiita.. 7 03 II 11 1: :n . II 111 4a 1; 25 Mercer... . 7 22 12 04 7 on . :n in 2D II 10 pardon 7 .IS 12 22 7 l« 5 19 10 20 0 on ... Urove City. .. 7 4. 12 aa 7 25 5 is. io os 54s .. Harrlsvllle.... 7 12 4.'. 7 3s I ■ i" ' • In . . liranc h 1.011. . .. s IN; 'J 51 , 1, son . .1 k liv 7 111 12 I" .... .1. ... ! S «|!ar...Milliard .lv 1: H* 111 15J .... 1: a r»f»j 5 351.v... Kels.rrs fl 10112 5s 749 I.<>. :i i.' r. 21 Kiiclid . ... 522 1 I.' s 0.1 1 I '•> 151 4 ll'Jllnr S 50, 142 h :I2 2 .'2 7 99 I Alli glii.ny, «. I I So| .... ■i I - , aui Pittsburg. 11, vi). p. in p. m' . .1. T. III.AI 11, Oeneral Manager, (.reenvllle, i-a w. SAItUKANT. <i. P. A.. Meadvlllr. Pa Up-To-Date In the Hook and Stationary line. The newest tilings and the best. Seldom out of what you want and never without it lotijj. iJeal always and often AT DOUGLASS' 341 S. Main St. ilutler I'a. 1 WE HAVE A LOT OF Odds and Ends IX WINTER SUITS Heavy Overcoats and Pants which we marked to make them <ro. Prices talk these days, look around, compare goods and prices, then come to us, if we don't sell you good reliable © " s money than you can buy it for elsewhere, then we'll throw up the sponge, e can't afford to furnish your home, give you a corner lot, a horse or watch with everv ten dollar sale we % irake, but we 11 give vou a bargain in anything you buy. Call and be convinced. DOUTHETT & GRAHAM One Trice Clothiers and Furnishers, BUTLER PA. Schneideman's Old Stand. SHLOSS BROS. Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters, Butlev Pa SLASHING RIGHT AND LEFT Has been the order of things in this store for the past io days. We are having a "legitimate sa'e at cost, we want no profit, and ask none, what we want is money, and will continue to sell Men's, Boy's, Children's Suits and Overcoats, at ACTUAL COST ACTUAL COST A GREAT MANY PEOPLE Have already taken advantage of this sale, but we want those who are inclined to question the practiasbility of a sale At Cost, to call on us, if we don't prove conclusively that we do just exactly as this advertisement reads, don't buy from us. SHLOSB BRO'S, 104 8. Main St.. - - - Butler, Pu A Clothing Sale Which none can compete with is now going; on at r* o the LEADING CLOTHIERS, HATTERS and FURNISHERS, Schatil S Nast, Leadind Clothier**, 137 S- Main St-, Butler, Pa; | CAMPBELL | BUTLER, PA.J jßed Room Suit J | PRICE S2B. < (3 Pieces--Bed, Dresser and Washr ? Stand. \ ) %%%»%% S r Solid Oak, > /Ploish Finish, * /Beveled Mirror, / Scast Brass Trimmings. > |Homes Furnished Complete)
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