The Seventh Annual-- Opens P TTT C. Wednesday September 4, 1805 BURG Closes. Saturday EXPOSI- October 19, 1895- TION- Unsurpassed Attractions OILMORB S WOBLD RENOWNED BAND Victor Herbert, Director, Will appear until Sep't. 14 in popular Concerts Datl>, To be followed by CONTERNO 8 NINTH REGIMENT Bi'ND. "f Brooklyn, and INNES FAMOUS NEW YORK BAND SIO,OOO Pleasure Railway, The Finest in the State—just completed. MAGNIFICENT ART GALLERY. By formost American Artists. Display of MECHAKICAL Expositioll , Agricultural and Dairy Machinery In Full Op l ration. SPECIAL DATSEACH EAIL roADS Admirsion, 25c. ..... Chlldren ' ,5C ' •'The Place for the People, The Restaurant will be of W. S. Porter, thoroughly first-class in every particular and popular prices charged. IN order to make room for rhc immense stock of fall and win ter goods that we have bought, we will make up our summer and medium weight goods at prices much below their real J alu f- N ° ' :,the time for you to get a suit, or pair of trousers for less .han > . an buy them elsewhere. We guarantee a perfect fn and satis act in each and every particular. 'lhis offer holds good until is. #eptember. .(. c iii I; I ! Illtt I VrkiinA' Ik IlliOß Mil hill!, ii. J. • Voting, Gents' Purnisher. DIAMONDS | KINGS. KAK KISGS. WATCHES f OKMTS NOLD. JE WELftY } °° , d M " V E:tf KiDg8 ' Bracelet*. Etc. SILVERWARE; 2R AS EkPryt """ BODGF"? BROS. 1874 } KNIVEB ' FOKK3 - spo& t^-t.K E. GRIEB, JE W"ler. Ho. 139, Rorth Main St., BJTLEB, FA., Jb FAIR. \ | Hands and arms are counted high 'mong \ ""1 Vjß#\ / nature's charms. When decked with rings I \ and bracelets bright, these chanus possess V \ @.<l!a greater might to fascinate the beholder. \1 X f' nest jewelry in this and other lines \ to be found at prices that defy competition. S/H \i \ IfJPy" I make a specialty of new and fine novtl rj \ /SftF/ ties in silver and cut glass. fSjfK Prompt Attention Given to Watch Repairing, Etc. J. R. GRIEB, 18 South Main Street, - - Butler, Pa rH H/Cf- oj \J COLDhHEAD P^fl Miff* Cream Balm it not a liqnW, or jKtndrr. A]>jdifd into the nsjttriLi it i* _ fufcklg ahurbtd. It < !■ tn*i ths luttd, aWq/t injUimnuition, heiti* _ f|[ A thf rrrtM, Bold >•/ drwuritU >rr kr.nt hy truul <m rfrivt of yrirt. L||m DUC ELY BROTHER*. oG Street NEW YORK, JUtr Rob't. Lewin, WIIOLIUALI WHISKEY MERCHANT ABU I MI'ORTItP • * Fine Wiuki and uiQUoxt , 130 Witter St.. (OppimMe 11. A 0 Iwjml.) i PitUbnr*. PH. FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING FOB MEDICAL AND FAMILY VHK $1 .00 per Qt., or ♦! lor So.OU , Finch'* Golden Wedding ).ni#h«rty Ouckenheiiuer, Ifttfo Gibaoti, /tri«l Mr. Vernon, Overboil, etc. Thi>< in »h» only bonne not rectifying in the city.there, fwe our gc idH are warranted purr. G«x>d* secure't packed ami boxed without exrm • O. I) and mail ordern receive r»mpt attention. Grandfather '» cdioio* < pear old, $12.00 per Ru'lon. Try us. W. L. Douclas # O QUMr I3THEPMIT. nPiJ *9nvb rir fck AKIHS. CORDuVAK JEFy m[«th*L~:.a>a.iii>cALr *4. , 3.%M : ;Nc!^L'B l lC»w;;ro& »3.*?POUCE,3SOLE». wcrk!:.^ E v.-_ Wj. Km* I -OXTRA riHK- """A SOV3'SCKttI2HS£I " * D»W>C»:TO*l.y^.V3.n Over On: MHIlo?, People w.-nr (hi W. L. Douglas $3 8c $4 iiioes All our alioc.i arc equally -.Msfactory Thoy flflvo the l:«at value for fh'i rroiMV. TL«*v oquitl luitwm In »t) It- >nd /it. Th"ir wearing qualltleai arc u»» ><u u#*e«. Th« prlccn irj unll irro.—-#tar.«; •«{ «n roll. Prn-n $i (*» % \ iivoi over othrr n»vS"'m U yo*r dealer c;u»n(»l supply you v.y t< !i ALEXANDER A DOUTT. WIIITKSTOvVM. McCANULBSS' ÜBAVEITBE 1 have a H«av« Cur« that will ciro mv •Ann of n«»vii< in h«<r«H* m tor'y '!»»>>, a«od .tucorriing t<> ilirtiotl<.n Aud if it it"* ot dn what I cbiini for it. I *ill rWui.i' bs ivmniinl paid arirl no th i'ifn- vi lli |>« a<ln for tb« truatinvnt. I'Uu f>>lhiving •*lirin>nUU \ r e Htroriitenf uf t'. •die.ikib power to ooru: A. J. Mc'A*f>l.KS», Hiuicr, i'a., ISiKI. Ml A. J. VlCOahiilkhm: OD tbH 2nd dav ot A|»ril, lH<rj, f uom msncud to ii»« y«mr u*tw corn lor one -i| jiy i'iTm'« tbat bad th« h«aven vury imd, and O»ntiiia»d to uhu Mid inwdioitin lo ab< it forty dayx aud the .lid not sh w any ngn* of a roturn of tn«m. It if no ir ahoul a year «ino« I quit nivin thr ■i <xl\C\n« and th« bor>-a h»* miw«<* MHi{illi)fh««r<ii, and I Tmhl H'ufin' ihi t he in properly cured. W C. CftIMYVKLI dutler, Pa., April 3, t8 A. J. UOCanolkmh: I have ned your Ilnace Oure and fun 1 t will do the work if u*«d acoirdug to di •V'ia*. Vourn truly. Couth Short! Wine Co. *«i.Nortb East. Erie Co.,* Manufactures o! Dinner, Family, Mediinal and Altar Wines. We would like to have you give °tir wines a trial and will hl>mi to you on re ceipt of order one < as.- <>( assorted wine-i containing One Dozen <_>nart Bottles fur si>, as we are ready to open an account, with you. After you have been satisfied as to th«" mwlitv. you will have the ad vantage of orderitjx such wines as you may need. We Kuarantee our wines to tie Abso lutely pure, and free from adulteration; 3to 5 years of ajje. Hope you will favor us with a trial order, as we are certain you will Ik? pleased with our wines. We have 75 acre* <>f choice wine «rar>es and raise .tir own fur wine. 'I he South Shore was fouiided in 1H64 and is the largest wine cellar in the state. We ship no wines under thice years of ajje, as it requires that time to mature ait'l make a j>erfcct wine. Respectfully yours, 6OUTH SHORK WINK CO., M. A. CALDWBI.T,, Proprietor. (J. ROSS RAYMOND, Gen'l North Mast. Krie Co., I'a. THE FISH TailoririCj Co. Butler, Pa. Original Low Priced Tailois and Perfect l itters. Pants to order. .$ 3 00 to SIO.OO Suits to older. .$1 5.00 to $50.00 I Overcoats to order j $1 2.00 to $45.00 I'rornp. work and fit guaranteed. I Give us a call. The Fish Tailoring Co., 104 DIAMOND, Opp. North side Court House Butler I'a. i bg l ,tji . lit' - 7*7 w?;:,".!: » jj -in. »•«» If* J3 "ICrllcr fur l.u'llia ■ « 1 r. turn I [f \« M , 1 | .<#*»<• !»••.... Snn*r I'lp'f - . «!»».•«. l» rl Li'iul< uHII t»4Um» um•* ftf.l t bt mil l-«®« »»• gjii rc wmi piu. i 1 ITMPTU" " Vi • I »irh!fi| am! ■ tlI .«f . y-t •- »'• ' • ' <''■ ' - —■if j "| C » kl■> '(((, m•• I.- it ~ •" t> Mr r ' AFTERjaiOTH|!«IFWL DR.LOBB aill N. FirrKl NTH Hi, I'll 11.A., «»A. I Thirty yarn'v fttlftuoti* prartlcoln th«rurv» of nil j aof iii«-n *n«l worn* n No maid r from wliut ( *uw or L .*■ >oni< fttaiidUi«, ( will uuti.unlrr. a rnrp L ulii «ft«:aW ) auU UiMUwU iffy,' I The fear of f pain and the nflMsjm - '•■' ggjSyJ nianv a woman 3 AJ JsS breast with dis * ■«* v jnK % ' may. There is (f l|) / !■; no ' reason why T/lU]j'. y childbirth should be fraught with danger ind distress. It is a perfectly natural Function, and should be performed in a natural way without undue suffering. Mature never intended that women ihould be tortured when doing the one :hing which makes them wholly wo manly. The j>erversion of nature's laws lias brought this suffering about, and a return to right living will stop it. Nine out of ten women are troubled jiorc or less by weakness and dise.ises peculiar to their sex. It is so because :hev do not take proper care of them selves —because they neglect little ills md little precautions. A woman in per fectly hearty htalth goes through her time of trial with comparative ease. The thing to do then, is to make all expec tant mothers healthy—to strengthen them generally and locally. The medi cine and tonic to do it with is Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a powerful invigorant and nervine. It soothes and strengthens the nerves an l arts directly on the feminine organism in a way which fits it for the proper and regular performance of all its functions it all times. Taken during gestation it robs child birth of its dangers to both mother and child, by preparing the system for de liverv thereby shortening labor, lessen ing pain and abbreviating the period erf Confinement. A Book of 1000 pages, telling how to cure diseases of Women, with home treat ment 21 (sumps to cover postage ind wranping nly. WORLD'S DISPENSARY Hm.ii AL ASSOCIATION. Buffalo, N. Y. HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Huuphxsys' Witch Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction It Cures PII.ES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Interna!, Blind or Bleeding—ltching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas Relief immediate—eyre certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration ar.d Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKFD BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Biisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns ami Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO. Sold by Drnf(iaM,or Mat poat-paid on receiptof prioa. HI IPHKktH'IKO. CO., 11l A ll> MVIluSt., *aw Tort. WITCH HAZEL OIL 1 Rub your poor, tired feet j j *\ with / . ISalva-ceai ) (TUUIU MASK). S | It takes all the aching ( \ out of sore or tcnd<?r feet, < 5 instantly. Strained or | > over-worked muscles, S > chafings, or any soreness > f or stiffness—they're alls ') relieved in the same quick > ? way. | ) It's the best romc-dy for \ ' Sprains, Piles, > fihtuiriailsfli, Catarrh, / Soro Throat, ' t | Burns, Soils, / | Biuiscs* St.: \ t Two si: cs, 95 i. Aso cent*. ? At d.'.:j:gi»ti, or by mail. |t««J:*ANI>K:-.« CO., C».I»I Tr., N. Y^| r^9^iW :: o3 3mD3dS J.JIMS / n«i»jppv 01 %%ii S pO|J«NI W V.TM«W[ 11NS 11 1 mm f piiu 140 rfteUUiuj, |®a •Jl C juo J 11 M Uwi.l V Mill J 01 *|l«/ JOA4tf / -»d 'ojaui NIMBI Jtt 030 ' j C»l »' U.RT«-U>T J A JJAJU pui'v»sp<» \ ip ui>i* i"i fpMfJJ IO Mq«M >Ol S S s JUM 1 ■ '■ "■ [>.>pu9UUUOD3J . OOOHOIIHO-sry ? jo iimi-u Auir piu| J.IAJU SACq | pup, y '(V.i mi» aq |CJ9tiaß Aui Upi jo ( utfis u j 'ii 'JUOSJ si .w juiujjj , 1 3 M± Apijiua SL'.w sqjUOUl jnoj, f 111 pui.- ••§ 'S "S "1 P»«IUIJ3J»p Knll/ad r->nj=>u3q 1 ;ou sr.i\ jnq 'usui |mip.)ui jsaq ji|i Aq ) ; • pur 's'.diiidt; pj|is;A ( \| *W«3S)P JO Mil WlDoilU|U)f / suiujo) r; juads I < ( A||un.j Xui Ulimfn ( 5,. WIVES WE OFFER A REMEDY WHICH INSURES SAFETY TO LIFE OF MOTHER AND CHILD "Mothers' Friend' 1 ROBB CONFINEMENT OF ITS PAIN, HORROR AND RISK. " My wife UHt-d only two bottles. Rh< was i-iihily ami <|iiickfy relieved; is now doiiitf splendidly.— J. H. MOKTON, Ilurlow, N. C. Sent by expr<'M or innll, 011 receipt <>f priM SI.OO per hotlln. llook "TO MOTHI'-lta* mallet] free. BUAIimiJ) KKfil'LiTOß CO., ATLANTA, «A. ■OLD BY AU DBUOOMTS. Like a Good Maxim, A txittlf) of our Old Kipan Whiskey 1M n«Teroutof WUHO-I You may not need It now, you may not wed it next w«-ok, you may nof. need It thUyeur; un«l then bl«*(utlriK before nlglitfal). Tb* rc are HO many dlHordcrM wliew pure wliiHkey In mjulrfd thut It r<»lly Inn't wifr to Iw without It. Hut thru you rriUMt haveatrukty article, Mich an our Old Kiport —the alwayH reliable kind. foil Quarts, SI.OO ; Six Quarts, 55.00. Mall ami Kxpr«H« urderk *lilp|Mitl promptly, nml wo JHIV trunnportu tlon chnrgtK on ordcra of 810 OOuod over. Jos. FLEMINO & SON, *l2 MARKET ST.. PITTSBUHO. F*A. C**pl(!« Prlc* Ll»>*of Win«« and Lkwxrt mall*d)r*« THK CITIZEN- A 17x19 Foot Squash. (The following was written by a sub scriber living in Irwin twp., Venango Co.) Last spring onr worthy townsman Mr. U. planted a hill of California mammoth squashes, close to a pile of manure on his stable lot,and the squashes 6ame up in due time and were hoed once by Mr. H. On his next visit to the vines he found that the bugs bad eaten ail the vines except one ctalk, this one he dressed tip in the hope that he might, at leant, get one ripe squash for seed as the variety was a rare one. To protect the vine from the further ravages of the bugs he raked some loose manure over it, leaving the vine covered. Bring called away from home tor some time ho forgot all aboat the squash vine, and as he kept a horse aud a cow, he con tinued to throw the manure on the pile. Several times during the summer he re in irk id to his wifo that the manure pile was increasing very rapidly, but he thought nothing of the matter until it be gan to attract the attention of the neigh bors. By this time he began to thiDk be was throwing out too much bedding straw and he would use a little more economy, but to no avail, the pile kept getting big ger and bigger, ilr. H. called to his aid Prof. M. with the view of having the mat ter scientifically investigated aud after Mr. H. had told the Prof, what he knew of the situation, he t the Prof) became somewhat mysterious, and said I have come to tt e conclusion that the increase in the size of the manure pile is due solely to a fnngi-mufh-rooin growth. Prof.M.gave a tint description of the fnngi and its growth tecbincally and scientifically explain ing and showing that by reason of the hot dry summer, the great heat caused epou tanii>U6 warmth, theieby producing the fungi, and advising ilr. H. however, to not disturb the pile until Fall, letting the fungi increase, as it was of the kind that mude good feitilixer, and this Mr. H. agreed to do. The Prof, was mistaken as the sequel will show. List week Mr. H. began to haul out the mannre and had taken only a fork full or two of it off the pile when his fork came in coutact with a hard smooth surface, that seeiued quite solid. Remembering what the Prof, had told him in regard to the fungi and not knowing exactly what this thing meant he came to the conclusion that it allnded to some kind of an amphibious animal .»t monster ready to spring upon him with out a moments notice. This thought caused him to give a>el I that would put a nhamu on an alchobol drinking Indian Squaw-man. This brought his neighbors flocking around to see what tho trouble wa-J. A few words of explanation told the story, end feeling their number suf ficient to stand against any odds, ever old Nick himself, they proceeded to hc«l|; Mr. H. to olear up the mystery, and in 11 short time there was brought to view a squash of prodigious dimensions and of the California Mammoth variety. A mort astonished lot of people could not b« found, and after the excitement had pass ed off,some one got a tape lino aud tin squash WHS measured and found to be 19 feet in diameter and 27 feot lontr. Large numbers are flocking to Mr. H's. to see this phenomenal squash aud he has been oUar eil a largo sum for it by parties who wanl to take it to Pittsburg and place it on ex hibition in tfie Exposition. This abnor mal growth can only be accounted for by tho fact that the vine erew under the manure. This iniy cause a now era ia squash culture, and now wonders may b< discovered when the squash in opened What may be brought to light at tha time what tho price of the squash seed wil be will begiven in th's paper. W. Easily Cured. Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobaco' habit are easily cured by tho Ute af llill'i Chloride of Gold Tablets No eflort re quired of the patent who is all >wed Ihi use of stimulants ariti' he voluntarilj quifi their use. May be given secretly it - .ea or coffee and a cure ifuaranteed ii every case. For ortle by all first clas druggists at SI.OO per package. For fill particulars and book ol testimonials ad dress Tne Ohio Chemical Works, Lima Ohio. —lt may surprise some people to lean tha'. Hie buildings 011 the grounds of tb Atlanta Exposition exceed ill oapaoit those of the Philadelphia oentonuiat an< are three times us large as the M•) v Or leans Exposition. There are eighteei large exhibition buildings, "vitn 300 other of various size*. Dr. Agnew's Cure tor th limit giv •' I iierfee' rein I in all cases ol Organic • ilea iliiM-a i.. 30 minute, and ,'f.O'ii villWi.» .1 tiUre ;i ia u peel es« rmni 'ij I .r I'.tlpilallou, riborlueM « ,'roa I•, .iiiio'iietiiig .-tpelis, t\»in in ■ life 4Ud ali \ Itiptoiis i>| it HueaMMt Ileal ue dorl Cliuviltues. r>old b) « liy I'llHl nucy. —The tobacc ■ using you ig mau hii 11 point wuli the scientists. Ther. are no microbes or bacteria in bis kisse II be usislle light kind of tobacco hi breath is a germicide, killing everylhln r.fbt on the premise*. lUijfli«!i Spavin Liniment removes a t ard, soli or calloused lumps and ble.c Mhes from h.irsos. blood spavins, c lrb plint", .atc.iiey, iiiiglione, stifles, sorai-. ill saotien thioals, coughs, eto hav ♦OO t»y use <>l one l>ottie. Wm ranted th ■nost wonderful Blemish Cure ever know- Sold bv J. C. Hedick. druggist Butler P Every lariur should place some in miration 011 his barn or harvested crops tor statistics show more well filled bam to be destroyed by lightning than euipt ones, that is, the ri-*k after ban est i ifieater than before The Department u Washington invrs'igated and gives rea I sons as follows: Before harvest th stalks of growing grasses, with thei 111 «ii) nomts ami heads, act as conductor 111 electricity and serve as dischargi points, to no ne degree niutraliziug th» electric slr'i s i;i the a>r. After harvest the fit-Ids are moe or lens bare, arid th electric leiodoi. must be relieved llirougl buildings mill proiuirieut features in th> landscape /.V/ii J ui .Si X limn s —IH i|i"-i' |i Kidney ai d Bl idder di* ensi s relieved in >ix hours by the "N « Ureal South Amiri au Kidney Care This tie » remedi i « * great surprise 1 n uc count of He en ••dint; promptness in re llevli n pain in 'l.e bladder, kidney, bad and iVI rj |>ai: of 1 l.e urinarj pass (jes ii mhw lemale Ii r»i n-t e» ri-»>-T!'lon • water and p«in in pu-ring It. almost iui medially, If) on waul quick relief utii cure Ibis Is your r< ineilt . Sold by J. C itedick druggist Butler Pa. Pall medicine is a" important and I enef cial as spring mediuine. Taki Hood's Samanarllla now. Mftlan/tl liillrm, Decatur, 111., Aug. 2<l, 18011. We consider Unit we have not only sav ••d our In 1 but also our house and horns ny the use of Aunt. Bac'ivTs Peruvian Malarial Bitters. We hav« been sick with malarial fever 11 e pa»r two years r.nd not able t< Milk si.Hi lent to pay the mterosl ai d IIIXI-h on homo aud keep om family Webaro 11-ed Aunt Itichael's I'eruvmrj Malariil Bitters two months and we ure rij deed to that our health has lieeri rumored and wo are tree from malar ial fevers and ehille. W. .1. Campbell and Mary Campbell wife. H'lint Krfijfboily Say* About Brandt/. Sp. er's unfermen'ed grape juice r.reserv ed aluolutely pure as it runs fro .11 tlio pres» without cooking or the addition of apiriti or any substance in any form whatever. II is preserved by precipitating and ex trading the fermen* or yeast principal by fumigation and tlectricity. —A merciful man is merciful even to j livery horses. —The county fairs had their last in- j ning- this week. —Th« millers of Western Pennsylvania i held a meeting in Pittsburg '.nd formed an organization for the purpose of mutual improvement. H- J Klinger of this place wft.< elected president, and D G. Shrjock, of Meadville, secretary and trea-surer. —The frost is on the pumpkin this year j considerably in advance of the schedule. | —"This is a change for the better, re- i marked Wigwag as the cashser gave him eleven tens for a $lO Obill. —"The new woman," says the Philoso pher, "is a good imitation of a poor spe cies of man. —The cynic is at it again. Here is what he says, ladies. "She used to meet ne at the gate with a kiss and a smile like the morning light, but now she comts to the door in a dingy old calico wrapper and shoes down at the heel, shades her eyes with her hand, and in a voice that seeuis to need oiliug Inquires, 'did you bring that butter.' " All womendonotpaintbeoiuse they love art. —No woman ought to find it difficult to laugh up her sleeves now a diys. —Many a man whese prayers are too long will sell goodsjby a measure that is too short. —The colored people of Mercer have taken steps to organize and build a church. —lf some people worked in an insane asylum every visitor would take them tor patients. —The only thing a man has to uo to carry on a conversation with some people is to listen. Wheu a man gets religion right, tl.e tha first to find it out will b« those who live nearest to hi>n. —lt is not until i man reaches tnirty that he hygius to wrip the small bills on the outside of his roll. —lf you keep your husband constantly J in hot water, madam, you atoue are to blame if ho gets soaked. —Oue who knows says that a woman in bloomers is au awkward thing to pull through a barbed fence. —lf some men would keep their char acters as bright as their shoes, they would be shining examples. 'A Ly Not Try tl.e Nesr and Better VVa Of doing your shoppingf Instead c coming to the stoie, make t'ae store come to you. /es, and the best aud biggjs' store iu the country at that: namely,KaUi manii Brothers, Pittsburg. Drop tbem ' •ostal and you will get their spring and auminer Catalogue gr»tis, enabling you to order by mail anything you may wish, atia .aving as much money as city peoplo do What Nerve Berries h/ive done for others anc Permanently Restored^^™^^r A positive curt for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and ail their train of evils resulting t rom early errors and later excesses; the result of over work. sickness, worry, etc. .•;/ - «rro.« ./--._ ; , ;1 , v lonrans. •*"" - v - *.».• iw . •» oK- U -M- .-5 or * orexcesslve uscof tobacco,opium and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine NERVE BERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, £i .00 per box, six boxes, one full treatment, £5.00. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send tliern by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail orders to AMERICAN MEOICfLCO. CINCINNATI, 0. DON'T EAT TOO MUCH. This warning is intended for persons using Nature's Com pound. It liassucbappetizing properties that yt>u will want to eat between meals, and too much at meal time. EAT PLENTY But stop In-fore you are tpiiie satisfied. Nature's Compound is the true health —istint. Purifies the blood, regulates the liver and digestive organs. Sold by Druggists, price si. Six for #5. Every Woman Sometimes nociis a r'-li- T aUo monthly regulating jra' t medicine. AVV Dr - PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, f.rr prompt, n.tfo mid curtain In rwiult. Tb»i *«nu» I'onl'r > n«*v<>r (li<MippO(nt. Sunt 11.00. McdiciuoCo • Otm-UUid. O# WHAT IR O N wiix do. IIS NA'l UKE'S OWN TONIC Htimi'hite 1 the nppotito und pro du ;o# rcfrenhiiiK sloop. GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TJ NURSINS MOTHERS. Buap Checks wasting diseases. stop;. m night nviiU, cure* lnclpiuul consumption. OJncroascH i.ti on(.-h and flesh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes hen'thy lung tUsuo Will give tho lmlo iirut puny tho Nrony chook it of youth. CUTIE3 ALL FF..VIALE COMPLAINTS. AT akos stront; 111"u aud wuuicii of weaklings. BILMOBE'S IRON TOUiC PILLS Cure all lasting Diseases and their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, die. They are neither st vptlc nor caustic and hnve 110 coagulating cifect on tho content 1 I tho stomach or its Iluinir cot»so<juontly • n riot hurt tlio tooth or c<tu..o constipation r iliurrhrna. 11s .Jo tho usual formi 01 Iron O <lu7U trcataue'it 600. pamphlet froo. If not kept by your 'lrugglst. aadreaa GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. STEEL ROOFING and SSDINC. (Knieadorpb's fuml.) Lightning, Fire and <Storm Proof. f'.r I Tbr I'l-nn Iron Hoi. Sna and l'nrr«- rsUlnuiK' aullua lu. 1 1 I'l I'hlla., Vu.p 1' |>rkcs. 1 oulv Mfrs. , PLUG TF?e 1-a rgest p i ece of Good tobacco ever sold for 10 cents - WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO - /• W, F. Hartzell. Frank Kemper The Adriance Rinder / V <%/%/%.%/%.% V %**%%% Is the lightest draft, the simple si con »t rue ted, the easiest operated, and the most durable of any binder on the market. It will not ujiset on the steepest lulls, It will cut wliere all others fail. It will handle as long or as short grain as any other binder. It will do better work in tangled grain than any binder in use. This binder is sold on its merits. If it fails to do as übove mentioned, we do not ask you to buy it. All machines and vehicles told by us are guaranteed to lie as represented. Machinery for all farm use, from the plow to the • ] irator, can be got from us. " Vehicles in various styles ;".il prices. HarjlCM Sir IB kiMS of use. Fly nets and Cover., Dust' s, Robes, Hlankets, A hips, &c In short, anything belonging to .. l> •tn outlft i-> ki pt by us. Ihe best wagon on the market is sold bv in. We guarantee it superior to thing sold in this ouuty. Call and see us HARTZELL & KEMPER,3^s.j«,^ticr 1% Pa ■yi_i F QU ESTION ' s often asked, What Paint shall we "se? THE ANSWER I you are looking for covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must buy I THE SHERWIN-WIUJAMS PAINT] I Cwin Molt. Looks Best. Wears Longest, Most economical. Full Measure, j Our prices are for "best first, last and all * the time, We are in the business ty stay and S. W. f. stays with us. COLORS O.U-* HOUSE 4 COACH VA«NIBHEB I V. J. C. REDICK, 109 N. Main St. Are You Using I NATURES COMPOUND? Bv all mean* do 80. It is nn doubtt'dlv on« of tho bos- remedies on the market to refrulntn the Liver, 8tom"("li and Kidneys. I'urificH tho Mood, nn excellent tonic Tonentho h\ ftem and i« purely Sold by Drug«iHtH I'rice sl. six for $5. .- ■ I Persons to Travel.-:--:- WANTKD. — Several faithfiii : jjcMitlfmrn and ladits to travel foi established house. Position permanent if suited; j .ilso increase. State referencr .itid eiiciose self-addressed stainp ed envelope. I Hl'- NA I ION A 1., :iI<V:U7-:ilft Omat a Hl<l»r . Ciihmio. Chautauqua Nursery Company. - OFFEIt - Liberal Terms To Agents, I.itf JnrltH'uri'onl* (!ilnt«>W*ro. High Grade Stock at Low Prices. New Sperislties. Potatoes, Ac Men Wanted. .'ll Kvnry Town, Htesdy Work I'.iy Wsokty Address, //. />'. II ! U.I A MS, Stcy, Portland, N. Y. / M, In i I " • I" ' •/'■ or (i tjts Jor si» J Finch's (*olden %Vnjf, Dnnjthorty, (iuekenheimer. Oihcon, ] Mi. Vernon, Ovurhold Oar jtond* wur* ! ranted puro. Omnd Fathwr'n Choice, • jtuftrrfttiteed .'I year* «»M, |2 pur tf*l. ( i O. I) and in Mi 1 order* receive prompt »t* i tetifi-n KOBT. I.EWIN, Importer and Wholesaler. 1.16 Water St. Pittnburx, Pa., opposite H & 0. k. k. Depot. THE KEEIEY CURE Na • jkcliil l»Onn to I ii-Sm .. :i wli". having •I:fr <«1 tine »:i • l> • I » t! ♦•••! I. I• k It 11..» llitl i uk« ri I » lni'l lh •«i . ••••f in tllMened I up u them, rendering thern unfit to manage nf liiii rt'fjuirlntc ft Hear bmltl. A Week* ! course <»l treat in- lit ill lite I>!TTSBUH<I KI 1.1.1-V INSTITIiTII, No. 421 ft I II th Avenue, r« '<tr.ri*H to them all their pow« r*, tn<*ntal ami physical, destroy•* tli«* abnormal ai|*tlle. and if tor«"< them to the condition thev wi re In N»- | fore they Itidulirr* ! In Ntimuliinti. Tliln him Ihm ii • lone iii more than |WIO rnwn tri'ulcd here, and «i mo rig thein nonw of your nw n tiHtfhhor*. to whom we «nn r»-fer with ennfl'leri'«• an to the «il> olute retfi ty ami efficiency of tin* Ke»*ley < »ir<*. The fulli'ht and tllo*t »• ur« !ilui-r iti%rMloli«.ll li ii \ Ited. bead Tor jnou'Oikt giving full iuiotuiar Cloii. S*Cl .30IW • PATtMT SHCTIONAL Steel Ceilings and Side Wad Finish. I For Cliur- • un<i it iU ■ • < 1 »ui prion m 4 I ..I I,;.I "II I >1 ... nil* .V.. mi I.u til P.M. i lilt, in'i iuiiv 1 .■ . • •». I'J I'NIUiU.. fa. A l. ~i i -i lui !•••■■ •<in I'nwf Hirrl Uuullua uu i -i Jin*. Oil clrcului*. „2 Main S| D_ J PAPE'S.-I' 2 ' Mai " S ' Street. ( ( Street. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OP BUTLER COUNTY. Come see our spring Millinery. EVEN IF YOU DON'T WANT .0 BUY. Our display is far ahead of all previous years in Style and bea.;ty, and the prices are much lower. The largest stock, the ihoicest pa'.terns, and the Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler. My ~k'; Mourning Goods a Specialty, SPECIAL DISPLAY OF U * pATTERN |-| ATS * U Thursday, Friday and Saturday, SEPTEMBER 26, 27 & 28- M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 to 117 S. Main St. : A GREAT MANY PEOPLE will visit the PITTSBURG EXPOSITION this month, and to each one of them we I extend a hearty invitation to call and inspect our EXPOSITION OF FINE Whiskeys, Wines and Liquors in their original packages—Champagnes from France; Whis kies from Scotland and Ireland; Wines, Brandies, Gins, Rums and Cordials from foreign climes—all in their nati/e purity. We carry the finest assortment of any house in the State at exceedingly low prices. THE SILVER AGE RYE WHISKEY is ttill gaining in I popularity—solely on its merits—and is endorsed by physicians as the BEST STIMULANT IN THE WORLD, $i 50 per (all qt. FOR $5.00 we will send yon—all cbargeh paid—one qaart of jl Silver Age and 5 quarts of the famed Bear Creek Rye, or we will on application mail you our complete catalogue and you can select sti 00 worth of liquors, and we will ship them to you, neady boxed FOR >Sf>.oo. Call or address MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquor Dealer; 82 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny Pa. ~W" Buy a Buggy ; j that's reliable when you \s jo buy one. Fredonia Buggies Uve t /erj .hin- in th. t r favor—beauty, si ibiiity, ease. You can fin-" ,his out by !<;> 1.1 .;t 'em. Y;v.r iU-;fcr sells ihem v\aj.' 1- FPLP " N»PCi- ('• * nest own, O. _____ ... I . --v..v , ~... v.: • • TV,. ■ " <iWi' *'■" " " V , - * * / v.. - The place to buy i.AS COOK INC. STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAM I i.xri KIS, 11 >s■s, wytkr FILTERS, BATH TUB ENAMEL etc, is at >v. IT .O'fti-ien & Son's 1()7 East JollovMon Wtreet. New York Weekly Tribune, + AND + Butler Citizen • ONE YEAR * $1.50. Addrss All Orders t THE CITIZEN. Do wiu DCSIKI: l<i make M< >N KW 01 K I'LANS OK OI'BHATIOW A SSI i KK AItSOM TK HAFKTY. Make your money euro yu n monthly • iiary. SIO.OO hi .I in ire made daily ujf <>tr oew Bynl mill ir I'Uii Of Operation <>n nnall in vfilmpntH in irrnin anil nt"rk ipwnlttion, All we »fk in I" investigate oar new ntnl origin*! method*. I'aat working" of plan ami |iijflif»t reference" furniabed. Our Ilonklat " Point* it Hlnla" how to make money anil other Information *ent KKKK. (il I.MOWI. A CO.. Hanker* and Hrokera. Open UoarJ of Trade bldg., Chicago, 111. Hotel Butler I II FAUBEL, Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and al other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, l'a. Elegant sample room for use o ommcrcial men
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