THE CITIZEN THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1»5. New Advertisements. G. Wileon Miller's removal sale. Scbaul 4 Nast's Clothing. Pipe's Millinery. Mark*' Millinery. Dr. Faulk, dentist. Bogus and Hacke'a drv goods. Martincorts, robes and blanket*. tfOTrf—All advertisers intending to mak& inges in their ads. should notify ns of lirlatsntioa to do so, not later than 1 »y naming. Administrators and Executors of estate? a > ca eir receipt books at the CIT- I 5» U'.Bo 1 NOTICE —Hereafter the price of the CiTizua will be SI.OO u paid in advance, vnd $1.25 if sot so paid. CITIZBK and Weekly Tribune $1.50 in advance. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —The oyster's flavor is improving. —The congh drop man is accumulating fabulous wealth. —The new woman tips her hat to a fe male in skirU. —The pure food laT went into effect last Wednesday. —AI Heck's new lights metamorphose hi? afore-room. —Oar first snow for the season fell yes terday morning, Oct. 9th. —The a -' andard continues to pay $125 for oil, tut water is off 5 cents a bbl. - -Th e Y. M. C. A. builaicg * ill be finish ed in about six weeks. —"lf men did less longing," says the Puilosopher, "they wouldn't be so short.', —Give me health and a dty, and I will make ridiculous the pomp of emperors.— Emerson. —lt costs $8.20 to ride a wheel on the sidewalks ot Meadville, provided the po lice catch you. —Mrs. Pape's millinery show-window i one of the beauties of the VJWD It always blooms about this time of the year. —The boys are shooting pheasants and squirrels, bnt must not shoot quail till Nov Ist. —The deaf mute who accumulates a for tune is one demonstration that silence is golden. , —"Every man has distant relatives,' says the Philosopher, "bat dome only be oome distant when they grow rich." —A ten year-old mare was sold in Bat ler county the other day for $lO. That was a dollar a year. —J. W. Parkin is again attending to the business of the Armour Meat Co. in this ooanty; and brings op a car of meat from Allegheny every Friday. —A car-101l of; Davis' sewing machines arrived in Butler, Tuesday, consigned to W.JB. McCacdlea* of Cnionville, McCand less P. O. —The Reformed Sjuod met in the Sooth Side church, Monday night. The Prts'iyterian fiynod of Pennsylvania meets in llu'ler on Thursday of next week. A sinner is sometimes taken for a saint and a saiut for a sinner. Isn't it carious how some people are liable to get mixed npf When Ed. OMI opens for business in the Fursythe buildiug you can, if yoa wish, eat your lancb on a thousand dollar, marble counter. —Dr. J. R. Faulk, a bright young den tist from Titusville, has located in Batler, and opened an offioe in tbe Oilkey build ing opposite tbe P. 0. Bee card, —"ln the economy of nature," aayi a philosopher, ''nothing U lost. The iuaide of an orange may refresh one man, while the outside of tbe rame fruit may serve as the medium for breaking another man's leg." —Francis Anderson of Sazonburg will be tbe auctioneer at tbe sale of Albert Hickej in Middlesex twp, next Wednes day, at 10 a. m., and Isaiah McCall at tbe sale of Mrs. Mary Jane Flick in tbe same twp, next Friday, 10 a. rn. —Hunters should remsmber that it is onlawlal to sboot robins, woodpeckers, catbirds, bluebirds, flickers or yellow ham mer, kildeers or night hawks, under a pen alty of not less than 410, nor more than 950. These are insectivorous birds and are useful friends of man. —Some months ago a generous citizen of X. Main St. bought himself a new wheel barrow; and tha neighbors borrowed it, and borrowed it, until there .was nothing left of it bat tbe wheel and skeleton--the sides, legs and bandies were all gone. Jim found tbe remains on tbe rubbish heap, tbe other day, and —That squash story on our foarth page was written by a citizen of Venango Co., a generous, coble-hearted gentleman, who travel* over this county, telling tbe truth and selling a preparation guaranteed to cure heart diseaie and rheumatism, and save everything bat one's soul. —Work on the ne* school-house on Mifilin St. has progressed rapidly since the iron beams arrived, and the brick-work of the second story is nearing completion. Contractor Schenok expects to hava the bailding under rool by the end ol the month. Each floor will contain five school rooms and two recitation rooms, and the basement will make a great play house in winter time. Some of the out stone orna ments for the bailding have been finished and they are very pretty. The paving of Mifflin St. and the building of a substan tial bridge over the run make the site se lected for this bailding a much more avail able one than it appeared at first. —ln order to prove bow the public loves to bite at a swindle, a Frenchman made a wager and pot the following in a French newspaper: "I promise nothing! I engage to perform nothing; bat send me one franc fift7 centimes in poitage stamps. Perhaps there is a little surprise in store for yon. Who knowsT Address, F. D., PostofUce —The impudence and apparent can" dor of this cool appeal to the public met with every auccnss. Stamps rained in for several days, so that the winner of the wager was able to hand over a oonsi ler able sum to a local oharitjr, after which he to'.d the story in the newppaper, so that tin dupes might know what had baoome of their money. —"J-.-. Peak of Bust" it used to be Oklstuma or bnst it was a year or so ago, and It was "bust" of the worst kind for a York State family that passed tbrongh B'lller last Thursday. Tbey were traveling in an old covrrsd wagon, drawn by two ball s'arved horses; the family consisted of an old man, his daughter and ber husband and four children, and they were on their way from Oklahoma to their former home in Cattaraogns Co., N. Y. The husband and two of tbe children were lying sick in the wagon. Tbo old man and his wife went to tbe territory in IHHft, the wife died in 18X8, the young conple followed them in 1802; the conntry "dried up" this year, and they started for their old home on the 20th of, June last. They stopped in front ol the Wick liouse, snd told their story, and were given something to eat and helped long. LK.GAI NEWS. TBIAL LtsT. Farmer's Oil Co. vs Thomas Phillips, on trial. Robt Hogg Jr. vs Wm. Bailey and Tay lor Hoffman, trespass, verdict for defend ants, by direction ot court. Overseers of Centre vs J. S. Shakely, Pfff. enters voluntary non-suit. J. S. I:Tt vs Martin Wahl, trespass, ver dict for plff far SSO. W. H. Gtove vs Steehmith and Produ cers Oil Co. et ai. settled J. C. Peifer vs Martin Sauder, verdict for delendant. Com. for use vs 0. Brady •* al, verdict for piff for S6OO. XOTBS. A Justice of the Peace who fails to re turn his transcript in a felony case within five days from the holding of the defend ant for Court, is liable to he indicted for a misdemeanor. An enchange says that the State Printer has made inexcusable blunders in printing the pamphlet laws. They wil! have to be reprinted. The October term of the Supreme Court opened in Pittsburg, Monday, and chief Justice Sterrett handed down decisions on 130 cases at March term in Phila. Some cases were contiuued and 47 cases i were reversed. Among tne decision is one i by Justice Williams declaring unconstitu tional the act of 1881, which provides that all taxes, whether county, township, poor, school or municipal, shall be the first lien on real estate. Letters of admn were granted to Cathar ine Dambacber on the estate of John l)am bacher ot Connoquenessing. Another hearing before the auditor in the W. J Gilliland assigned estate to J. M. Marshall Will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 15 inst. Nine Westmoreland Co. cases were quashed in the Supreme Court, Tuesday, by reason of imperieet records. The Superior Court made its first deci sion, one in a criminal < ase, Tuesday. Samuel Wright of Conn'»quenes.siog pe titioned for an inquisition in lunacy as to bis brother William, and the case will be Court tomorrow. An Argument Court was fixed for Nov. 6, at which time the rule granted on Mrs. Lon Cunningham to show cause why her license should not be revoked will be heard. Several assessment petitions appeal on the Miscellaneous D jcket. The will of Amos Timblin of W. Sunbury was probated, no letters; alsa will of Chris tina W. C. Buhl of JSelienople and letters to Henry and F. C. Buhl. PBOPBRT* TRASSKBHS L A Pierce to Martin Wahl lot in Evans burg for S6OO. Valeria Sullivan to J K Kearns 12 acres in Butler twp tor S6OO. Austin H Camp'jell to K S Henry 40 acres in Concoquenessing for S2OOO. Etta McCoy et al to trustees of M. E. Cburch lot in Centreville for $1075. Florence Brown to Mary Rosebaugh lot in Mars, for SISOO. Jeff. Allen to H. C. Hindman lot in West Sunbury, for S6OO. Jos. Randig to Mary Renn lot in Butler twp.. Ior$50(). J. V. Ruts, assignee, to.Tno. Humphry 164 acres in Forward, for $1033. Marua&e L.cenat*. Fred 8. Hatch Pittsburg Winifred Mclntyre Allegheny Coaemino Delmanro.. .....Saxon Statior. Palmino Baldessar Henry Sarver Ekastown Mary Mosthaf Saxonburg George W. Wright ..Butler Mary L. Brown Brownsdale Robert Shomo Butler Minnio Johnston - " George Skilmaa Beaver Co Minnie Orr Connoq. twp Albert L.; Harbison Camden Ind. Jessie Giles I'enn twp Wm. H. Sutton.... Clay Minnie Byers Centre Henry. A, Gaiser Puller Jennie Adams " C. H. Mayburry Slipperyrock Mary Morrison " F. W. Catlin Magic Arene Zillafro Greece City M. E. Kifer Zejenople Magdelena Kaufman X.elienople Ord Balsiger Magic Clara Stewart Troetman. At Greensburg, Oct. 2, 95—Dr. William Irvine of Evans City and Mrs. Leonora Nesbit of Greensburg, formerly of Cran berry twp. At Mercer —Theodore Hogue of Sharon and Nettie Kerr of Slipperyrock. At Kittanning—William B. Elder of Valencia and Martha V. Neal of Barnard*. At Pittsburg—Wm. H Tilton and Flora G Bancroft of Butler. —These new brick buildings ought to be under roof. —"Every man with a pull doesn't get along," says the Philosopnor, "It also takes push." * —A boy dropped a lighted match on tin; hay in Barkey's shed in Evans City yester day morning, and bad not the hay been well packed there would have been a fire right there. —That was a bad wreck on the P. R. K. at Manor station, yesterday evening. One ol the coaches of the Mail train coming Went left the rails, and the last two car* were wrecked. One man wan killed, several seriously injured and gome thirty hurt. Father Shannahan of this county was in the train, and had his head cat, and an ankle sprained. —"A thing of beauty is aj ty forever.'' That new hose-cart of the Campbell Co. is a "jluidandy," and besides beintr pretty it in the moot useful article in town, when theie is a fire raging. This cart is mount ed on Sarvcn wheels with tieel axles; its reel will hold 750 feet of inch hose, and is arranged to allow the air to circulate tbrongh the hose, a metal arch supports the reflector and two metal torches; its automatic gong strikes three times to the turn; a balance in the rear supports the hose-roller, and the other accoutrements, —axe, crow-bar, tool-box, etc. —aro of the best. It is painted red, with gold-leaf striping, cost $555.98; is thoroughly guar anteed, and is by odds the best cart in town. The company has a good thing, and is proud of it. We Are Going to Move. In order to do the work of remod eling our store, we hare concluded to move to another location while the alteration in in progress, and rather than move goods that are opened and on our shelves will dis pose of everything in our saleHroom, 11(5 Kant Jeffornon Btroet, at greatly reduced prices. OLABHWAKE AND QUEENBWAHE. We are cleaning out this line entir ly. Everything in marked; you can see our price on any article we have. FLOUR. We are Helling the "Cold Leaf" brand, the beNt Hard Spring Wheat Patent floor made, at one dollar per sack. BUUAK. We have lots of sugar; Helling 20 ! pounds Standard Pine (Jrauulated for $1; 21 pounds Standard "A" $1; 22 pounda Soft White $1; 24 poundH Good Brown for $ I. EMPTY PACKAGES. We have about one thoHand empty barrels for sale, suitable for pickles, kraut, meats, potatoes or appleH. Ol U NEW LOCATION. Our new location will be corner of North and Main streets, opening Wednesday, October 16. Please call. U. WILSON MILLER. If you want to save money walk around to Martincourt & CoV. and bay yoar robes and blankets. FIXSON Vi„ Mrs. Benton Stoughtoa, formerly of Buttercup is lying seriously ill in West Virginia. Mrs. R. J. Tark of Buttercup who has been sick for some time H able to be about again. Rev. Melhorn of Freeport visited friends in Butler. Thursday. Absolom Monks and daughter of Middle sex twp., were in town Friday, Jacob Sanderson and Zenas MfMichael of Clay, and S. C. Tebay of MaddycreeK. ■cere in town Saturday. Kev. George Troutm&c and wife were . given a pleasant rec-eptioD at the home Oj , his parents in Summit twp., last Friday. Andrew Weisner and wife ol Helena. Muniana are visiting friends in Butler. W. H. Tilton and Miss Fio Bancroft will be married in the Episcopal church, next Wednesday afternoon Mis* Carrie O'Brien is visiting her pa rents in Silverville. CaasTiik-rof McKtan St, a son of Caas Tinker of Cherry twp, is lying ser iously ill of typhoid fever. Col. W. G. Rumberger of Craigsville was the guest of his son Will, this week. J. L. Eeatty of Hillard returned Monday from a visit to his brother at Underdid. Mr. Bea'ty has not been in good health for some lime. Jim Wilson of Centrevil'e was in town, Monday. Jim »ays they are pretty well along with the second story of the new school building, and are paying the team sters about S6O a day for hauling brick ana stone. Rev. A. C. Johnston of the M. E. cburch preached his fir.-t sermon in Butler last Sunday. Frank Murphy and Dr. Gibson of Mil lerst«wn are on their way to Atlanta, via the Cbesipeake bay route. Thomas Jamison of Fairview twj* A L Camp >ell and wile of Petrolia; Levi Camp bell ot Parker twp . Amos Campbell of Armstrong Co. and Tart Dout' and wife ot A'legheny attended the funeral ol James G. Campbell, last Monday. Sheriff Brown was in town, Tuesday, securing a marriage license for his dangl er, Mary, who was married that day to George W. Wright, a young machinist of Butler. Cyrus Campbell of W. Virginia is visit ing his friends in this county, lie and his brother-in law P. R. Sutton of Concord twp., were in town, Tuesday. Ex judges Heydrick and Brediu were here yesterday oa the Grove vs Steelsmith <t Co. case. Mrs. Margaret Dunbar of Forward twp, visited friends in Clearfield twp, last week. She is 74 years of age, bat is yet spry and enjoys life. Dr. Wm. Irvine and wife of Evans City, visited friends in Butler, Tuesday. E. L. White of Evans City, was the guest of his cousin Misses Lo'tta and Anna White of S. Main St. on Monday. Herb Harper and his wife returned, day, from a pleaßant ten days sight-seeing trip to New York, Philadelphia and Wash ington. Hon. W. S. Waldron of Evans City, was in town, Tuesday. Geo W. Cooper of Slipporyro.-k twp. was in town, yesterday. Mrs. Hall and Mrs Sidler made a busi ness trip to Pittsburg, yesterday. N. T. Weser returned Tuesday, from a trip to Reading, Pbila. and Washington. Mrs Rose aad daughter who have been visiting friends here have returned to their homo in Lincoln Neb. Hon. I) B Doutheit intends going into the real estate business in Pittsburg. He will reside in Wilkinsbnrg. John Wanamaker of Philalelphia, ex- Gov. Beaver, and several other prominent men will be in Butler, nexi week, attend ing the Presbyterian Synod. Two ladies who live near Batler and who were about starting for a trip Vest, had an interesting experience the other day at the home of a friend here. They placed their pocket books in a Iruit difh, before dinner, and when they opened the books after dinner to secure money f>r their tickets, they discovered that S4O had been taken from tbein. Suspicion imme diately fell upon a mapping big Irlnh girl who had been engaged to do the housework that morning, and the man of the honse sent out (or policeman Skillman who bluff ed it oat of her. She denied :t, oi course, at first, but the threat ot immediate im prison men t and promise of immunity if she gave up the money, induced her to go up stairs to an old waste basket, and get it, and hand it over. Acci lcnts. Frank Liebler had his thumb caught and crushed in the cogs of a ttire.-hing n achine near Herman station, lately. The thumb was amputated by Or. Moore. The bottom of the boiler in the Klingler mill at the W. P. depot expanded la«t Monday afternoon, necessitating the tem porary shutting down of the mill. While Mrs. Kobt. McCiang and her daughter and John were returning from church, Sunday, their horse frightened, near the Diamond, ran down 8. Main St., collided with t telegraph post near J. N. Patterson's residence, and upset the bugiry. All the occupants were hurt, bat not ser iously. JizpctiUon Kxcurttiou via /'. .f " />'.'/• Ou Wednesday ol each week, Sept. IS to Uctober 10 inclusive, tne P. W. Ky. will sell Round Trip tickets to Allegheny, from all ticket stations, Glade Ki n to Clarion inclusive, at special rales, includ ing adrnimion to the exposition. All tick ets good to return :i days including date ot sale. Kate from Duller, 1,50. Hearty Appetites Come with cooler weather. Kat hot griddle oaken made from Marviu'ij Pancaks Flour. KEEP WA KM By wearing our underwear All gradew for men, women and cnildren. Ported in fit and finish. Small prioea rule. L. STEIN SON. Their merit proven their worth. Morrison &. Broa. cough ayrup. Armatrong'a little HjHtem pilln. Nkturea Compoond for the blood. 1000 UDtrimmed hata.speudid ahap , B at i'Al'BH. More roboH and blankets than yon over Haw in one Htore in jour life, at Martincourt <fc Co'n. —lf you waut the healthiest, mont digentable and Bweetent bread, then at Quaker bread; made ,by T. A, MORRISON. ipr I For pure Hprinfl water ice- - Leave your orderH A' Ilicney'H Uakery Daily Delivery. Tho finest lino of Mourning hats and bonnete in Butler at I'APE'H. —Job work of all kind done at the CITIZEN OFFICE MITTKNS. We Bell the lamb knit mittena. Best fitting gooda made and bent to wear, 25c up. L BTEIN & SON. IFe display over 100 new and pretty pattern hats and bonneta at PAI'E'B. The Maccabees excursion to Toronto and Niagara Falls k**" s via an entirely New Route -the P, t S. He L. K. K. K, to Conneaut Harbor, across the Lake Krie on the United States & Ontario Steam Navigation Co's new steamer "Shemftiuo No. I" to Port Dow, them e via the (irand Trunk Rv. to Toronto, returning via Niagara Falls and Buffalo. For par ticulars call on nearest P., S. & J<. K. agent. CHURCH NOTES. Last Sunday, Oct. 6th, 1895 another corner stone for another new church build ing in Butler was la: 1. Tnis tiun it wa by the Gra;e Lutheran church people of thispla I '. iatjres: ia the occa-ion | was manifested by our people generally as I wa< evidenced by the large numbers pres , eut. Tais aroaa in part probably from the fa.-t that thi* is the first church erected here br the G aeral Syaad branch of the Eaglish Lu'.heru oburc i. TliaGraee church pjople he~e have f>r SOUJ lian» past b-»ea w.i .Uipiag ... a renle f building i and they decorm ael to hive a h >aso of their own. Th * oao ieiug e.-cjted o-i Miltlia street wil: J i a tiae oae w.iea c un pleled, and tas irn fl firs ol the GraJj ohurch are to De co.i,tr»tulite I oa tie success of thei-enferp/isj. Rev. Ei Mil ler, p i.lor of lha caaroh, ooadiotal th? proceadiags in connection with the laying of the c >raarstone, assisted by iie«" Winton of Allegheny City aad H >v. J. >V. of Worthington, Armstrong county, who preached ai earaesc aaJ able sermon to the people. The day was fine and the proceedings all held in the open air aad all pissed off very pleasantly. Copies of the B-i ler p tpers aa l of t ie S/a >d Cnurch pip -r> wiin lists of contributors to the newf building, aul oiher articles were de posited in the corner etone when laid. The Free Methodist conference meets at Bradford, this week. Miss Whitehead lectures in the Baptist church tomorrow evening; and next Sun day evening, alter services, the rite of bap tism will be conferred. The Reformed Presbytorian Presbytery inet at Mars, Tuesday in >rniag, with Rev. J. S Martin of .Vow Castle as M >d - ra'or Markets. Oar grocers are paying 16 for eggs 22 for j butter, lc poind for cabbage; 30 lor pota i toes, 30 to 40 :'or appte>: 1.60 for b-~aar: 3'J j for turnips 50 for onions; Onio peacne- j are selling al 2.15 a bushel; aaU lake countay grapes at 20 cents a b-iiet. PITTSBCfUi. Timothy hay from couutry wagons is selling a'"sl7 to $17.50; mixed hay sl3 to sl4 straw $5 to $6.50. Couutry butler 15 to 10; eggs in cases 15 to 16, spring size; potatoes n bulk 30 to 32;ts; onions 35 to 40; tomatoes 2> to 75 per busael. At Ilerr's Island steers sold at 4.25 5.75 dry cows ets at 1.00 to 3.72 hogs at 2 4i to 4.50; aheeD at 1 22 to 2 85; lambs at 1 25 to 4. 20; calves at 1,50 to 6,72. Apprehensive The apprehension or dread of taking colli in the fall often mars tbe pleasure of the summer outing. Sickness in tbe spring or summer is looked opon more lightly, and tho patients think they will get "through ' somehow," the vacation change, the warm weather, etc.. will sure ly help them, but when it comes t;>autumn and the long cold winter stares them in the face, and then ajid then only, they become apprehensive All the auxietj of mind can be relieved by carrying .in the pocket a bottle of Dr. Humphreys' Specific 77. It prevents Colds and in doing this wards off all the terrors of Grip, Pneumonia, Diptheria and Consumption. ••77" taken in lime is a perfect protec tor and preventive, and is a positive cure for Colds, Grip, Influenza. Catarrh, Pains f»'id Soreness in the llead and Chest, Cough.SorejThroat,General Prostration and Fever. "77" will "break up" a stubborn cold that "hangs oa." It is for sale by every druggist from Canada to Cape Horn. Lucky Youngsters. The Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph, which has given a great many valuable prizes to the children ot this and other towus in the past, has again decided to make a most extraordinary offer to the boys and girls this fall. They will give any boy or girl who secnr'** ten new sub scribers to The Chronicle Telegraph, for four weeks, at 25.: each, a pair of bnautiful club skates. They are of the very best quality, being standard, up to-date stakes, bought from the most reliable manufactur ers. Winter is approaching, and this is an elegant opportunity for all of our boys and nirls in this town to have their winter's fun for an hour's work as any person can secure ten new subscribers lor The Chroni cle Telegraph, in a.i hour's time, among their friends and neighbors. It is hardly nece-sary to say that The Chronicle Tele graph is one of the most enterprising and reliable newspapers published the in couu try. All of our readers are probably aware of this fact and of ihe merits of the paper. Being sold at the least possible price, one cent a copy, it is within the reach of every one. The boys and girls who desire one of these prizes uliouli' call ut once and see Chas. Pollock or K 11. I'.alilrige, agent for The Chronicle Telegraph in Ibis town, and be will give them full particulars and sub scription blanks to canvass with. Excursion to Niagara. One inoro Niagara Kails excursion, Oo',. 16th, by the P. 8. & L. K. It R. and the N. V <fc St. Ij. Ky. Tickets gocd for tivo (5) ilayi. The Lodge of Veteran Ign ition will be in session in iSullalo at this time. Special train will arrive at Buffalo at 12 in. returning lea"<> at 7 p. rn. Tick ets good for return on any of the r< gular trains during the five (5) days following. For full particulars see bills or call on neureit P. 8. it Ij. E. agent. latl h* trial JCsiionltion 'it I'lttMbury. Ex rcrmon i ia I'cHiisi/lraniu /(ililrotul. I'or the Industrial exposition it Pitts burg the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will sell, on September 27, October in and 16, excursion tickets to Pittsburg and return, at half fare, with price of ad mission to the Exposition adde<l. These tickets will !»■ goo<l going on anv regular train leaving stations at or before noon on the day of issue, and will be good for return passage until the fol lowing day inclusive. The 'ate from Butler including admis sion to the exposition, will be $1.50 for the round trip. SATIS FACTOR Y BLANKETS- Wo give better goods for the money, or the same goods lor lens money. L. Stein Son. Come and nek the Czurinu ringe ut I'APE littO'B. Zuver's Pictures leave nothin a anting in finish, tone or a correc likenosH Job work done here Subscribe for the CITIZKN. ABOUT COTTONS Sheetings, prints and ging hurns. Make your purchases now. This advice If heeded is like giving you money. L. Stein Ac Son. Come and see Hty linli hats and bon nets at Pai-b'k. iMLW IN DESIGN. Novtlty dress goodn at 25 cents up to Gnest. We Have y>u money on these. L STEIN & Son. School hats at PACE's. Always use J. A Richey's Coug'.i Drops They »ie tlie best. WANTED: Lady and (Jentle men solicitorH for standard goods at home and in surrouuding townn. Commission or Balary guaranteed. Call on or addrt-SH W. IJ Ilerriott M' g' r, 334 y State St , Sharon, Pa. Latest to trimmed and untrimmed hats flowers, feathers, ribbons an I 1 novelties at, Papk'a VERY STYLISH. ().jr new capes and jackets. S' e out $5 0') vulues in fur^aitd 1 cloth capes. L, STUN & SON. OIL NOTES. r ADAMS TWP —BamsJiill <fc Co. 'a 2 on 1- the BUkeley is making 60 barrels; and LS Russell & Co's.l 2) barrels; tbe 11a/-I wood f ! i Co'« lon the Honifer is good for 15 barrels, and the well on the W". H. Huff -1 | man is doing 3 barrels ,s ' The well on the J. P. Conley was 3hot and cleaned out and h 3howiug for a 5 bbl. .. i well. Colard & Dales well on the Gil ' j breath is doing 00 barrels, and No. 2 is ■' , down 500 leet. liarusdall i Co. have six i rigs np, two wells completed ai:d pumping B [ and f .u." wells drilling Burk, ilarsnall & C ar • fishing at X • I, K-nisou. Da ican Glli dJk Co. are spadding a', their X >. 3 ' ~. A. Serine Jj. fj J. A MulLulin il th ;:gii the 109 foot L i and dry on WM t> *uui tarru, and is going on to ide 3 I sand. 81. & Mars .all are di wu 5)0 fevjt at ' t i it X . 2 Crowe. S. M. Boyd «fc Thorn (>i! Co. are drilling I oa m-t B. J. Mree er hm at Marsfl til i Station, now ronte l by Leonard M Cand- . . They are 4J leet in the sand. -u.d | j the well is flowing. Puss Twp—The Lavery brothers are drilling oa the William Xola farm. Jbffkeso.n Twp—Shatferd; Co. have a a well oa tbe Stewart farm tiiat is showing 1 good in tie 100 foot. Kay lor— Redd Jt Co's well on the Shearer reached the pay last Friday and begin spouting ar til- rate of 50 barrels an hour, and was doing 3D barr-is the u«.xt day with one bit in the saod. It is locat ed 000 teet soutn of the Mortimer, and in dicates a narrow north and south belt. HERMAN —Phillips we 1 on tbe Clj tner heirs began fl twing Friday and is showing lor the best well iu that held. Philli| s' 5 Beck did 15 barrels an hour after being shot. His well on the Clymer heirs is rated at 10 to 20 barrels. The Forest Co's. well on the Leech was d iug a hundred barrels a day. Oaklasd —Bippas AO. hare a fourth sand r on the Frank Olouse that u looking good for 20 or 25 barrels. Coxc ird Ueydrick & Pape's well oa the L. UarnDart near Greece City tilled up with oil and salt water. Tl.e South I'enn is lea'iug in the yicin i'y of the Gold well, south east of W. Ban bury. PfeTKRsYILLK —Root i HJls well on the Weir, struck two weeks ago, Monday, has been doing a hundred barr.-Is a ilay ever since, steady, it is about ualf a mile X I west of Marshall and McQai3tion'n well on the Barr. Tneir Xo. 2 is nearly com- I pleted. FORWARD TWP—Marshlll <T MctjuisUon git another good well ou the J. L. Dam bach Monday. When tho hit struck the sand it began to fl >w oil aud salt water, and is showing for a 100 barrel well. MUIIDYCRKKK— A good gasser was struck last week on the King Lawrence farm, across the creek from the W ui. Shields' gasser. BUFFALO —Phillips has leased consider able territory near riilrerville and, it is said, w ill drill three wells. CALLEBY —Barden ifc Co's. 2 ont he Sam uel Staples got the pay when 65 feet in the sand, and tilled up with oil. ALLBUHEKV TWP —Cb umian <!c Lindsey have a rig up on thO old W. P. Grant farm. PARK THEATRE. THE PAT TRAIN WILL BS AT THE PARK THEATRK ON FRIDAY BVKNINO The Press thro, ghtthe country .are unan imous in their terms of complimentary praise to Miss Florence Bindley, aud pro nounce her the seco 'd Lotta. Head, what the Press of Chicago 3ay. of the attraction that. is to be at Park I'beatre Friday uiglit O 'tober 11th The praise he.-towed upon M Bindley and her excellent company, m the comedy drama, "Tho Pay Train", was fully indorsed by the two very large houses that crowded Ilalviu's Theati6 yesterday. It was a lilting compliment t'i Ali-s ISinJley to see the very large alter noou audience liespitd the counter attrac tion of base ball The play is all that has been claimed l >r it one of such interns, that the uttention of the aodience is held from lirst to la-t It is one that does not depend on the scenic < fTects tor its suc cess, and yet, they are the mmt realistic seen here for years Notably among which may bo mentioned the railroad scene in which a full triin of c irs d nh'js across the stage at fall speed. The pay car is uncoupled tnlull view of the audi ence, aud lit up by electricity showing dramatic action inside ot the car. Then the wreck of the Inclined Piaue truck, in which a coil car wuti a man on it dashes from the highest point of the Iheatie to the stage aud the boiler ex plosion, which is just as realistic a* the real thing itself. All of these effects are the perlection of stage mechanism. The company is without a si&glo exception, one of the best seen at this theatre this season. Incidental to the piece Miss Bindley introduced her songs, dance- 1 and solo* on the autoharp and and xylophone, and in the first act sang a duet with the T'amp (\V. H. Pendejent) entitled "I'll Never Do It Agai i." It proved a decided novelty, being a desxriptive dramatic duet, that must be seen to be appreciated and understood. Mi.s Bindley always afavm ite here, has become more (irmly so since her production yesterday of her groat sue (ess "The Pay Train, which is announced for all the week, and will iirove a prosper ous one.— Vhicaqo Inter Ocean. BLACK FABRICS. CrepoiiH, Mohairs, Serges Hnd Henriettas l'erfect in weave, popular iu price. You should inspect thejn. L. STEIN it SON The Piincipal Thinj; Is good health. Kat hot griddle cakes mnde from Marvin's Pan Cake Flour Robes and blankets cheaper thun anj where else ut Murtincourt<fc Co's. MUSlC—Scholars wanted at 12H W Wuyue St. Km 1 M Foa HUNT—An unl'urnished loom suitubln lor an 1 lliwi or men's lodging. Apply at ofllce of Butler O'lizen. liourdini,'House Cards, with Ac, o! Assembly, 26 ceutsfor half-a-doaen, 01 H»lw at CITIZEN office. —Take your children to Zuver' 'ullerv lor Pictures that will sni'. y mi . Postollice building. You pay for school books; btH the beat school-bock for your children is your daily ptpef. VV el 1 printed, carefully and intelligently edited, oi instructive contents, lirst and fullest with the news and hest in presenting it, the Pittsburg Dispatch, fills th bill. Ctarlua just new at PAP BHO'S. Perfection in bread making at a t—Quaker Bread—lf you are care ul of your health, you will eat tjuuker Bread. Made by T. A. MOHK'BON. Stylish sailor bats, many colors at PA.'B'H —CALL on your Pruggist for Na tures Compound. l£at Quaker Bread. No sotir bread about Quaker Bread. It is the sweetest and most delicious bread made. Made and for sale at tho City bakery. T. A Moiuwmin Save a day's wages by buying robes and blankets at Murtincourt (i Co'ii. Beautiful pit'.em hits at PAPEV. Cementing. If you need good water, build a cistern Cistern water when well ] li ered is the best h»r all purpose', 1 especially cooking and drinking. If 1 you have a house it is not fialsbi d ! unless the icllsr is cemented. | JIH, A. McDowell, Butler's Only j Practical Cement Worker, East Jefferson St. Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman, ■ w/HY AREWE 9 II 111 THRONG' WHAT ISIHE ? " Ilnl ATTRACTION■ It is only the unusual bargains that don', go a begging. Values and big ones a that alone possess the power to interest. We have the values, and a visit to our big store and inspection of our immense stock of Dress Goods, Millinery, Wrap;. &<•., comparing our prices with prices asked elsewhere, will convince you that this -t re is full of big bargains. HERE'S THE BARGAIN'S: 25c all-wool black and colored Serges, 36 inches wide, real value, 35c. 39c all-wool colored Serges, 38 inches wide, real value, 50. 50c all-wool black and colored Serges, 50 inches wide, real value. 75c. 50c all-wool black Mohair Novelty, 40 inches wide, real value, 75. 85c all-wool black Mohair Novelty, 46 inches wide, real value, #I.OO. 50c all-wool black and navy Storm Serges 46 inches wide, real value, 75c. 75c all-wool black and navy Boucle Cloth latest novelty, real value, *I.OO. 53.98 latest style. Ladies' Jacket, Beaver Cloth, real value, #5.00. 55.50 latest style genuine Rothschild Jacket, real value, j.5.50. <I.OO infant's Eider Down Cloaks, real value, J 1.50. 51.25 infant's Angora Trimmed Eider Down Cloaks, real value, $2.00. 51.00 ladies' dark calico wrappers, lined, real value, ft.25. $1.25 ladies dark Flannelette wrappers, lined, real value, it .50. 50c ladies' all-wool skirt patterns, real value, 75c. This is but few of the many good values we have at old prices. The dry goods market is steadily advancing. We fortunately bought our stock before the advance in prices anil gladly share the profits with you. Don't forget that we are sole agents for the Rothschild Wraps. Don't forget that we are sole agents for Standard Patterns. Don't forget that we have the largest, most fashionable, lowest priced stock of Millinery in the city of Butler. Don't forget that we have opened a fine Art Department. Mrs, Jennie E. ZimmermaN Opposite Hotel Lowry. Successor to Ritter & Ralato Bring your friends along. A Suggestion. , : - fife nr*^ ' «—■ ~ ■ huUFSWW Dnl it ever occur in you that tliero are drags and drugs—that drug* are like every thing else—there are good, bad and indif ferent. There is nothing else which is positively bad if it is'ut just of the bent. Oar policy ha« always been to have noth ing hat the best. When you want drugs onme tons and be assured of fresh pure goods, and always what you ask for or your prescription calls or. It may not always be drugs you wan irher. We always have on hand a ful line of sink room requisites. C. XV. BOYD. Diamond Block. - Hutler, P.i Cool Autumn Mornings Warn the good housewife that it's time to lav in a supply of Mar vin's Pancake Flour. DID YOU HEAR Your neighbors talk about the great values in our hosiery department. Come aud see for yourself. L. STEIN k SON. Good Digestion Attends hot griddle cakes when made from Marvin's Pancake flonr. L?(iAL ADVERTISEMENTS Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration having been granted to me in the estate of John M. Martin, deceased, late of Forwaid twp, I Sutler Co. IV, all person indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment and any having claims against said estate will present tbeta duly authenticat ed for settlement to: GKOHOK E. HAY, AIIM'K Brownsdale, Butler 00. Pa. J. D. MCJUNKIN Att'v. Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration on the estate of Jotin It. Hlaok, dee'd, late of Cherry i»p., ItuJer Co., P»., hiving lieen grant ed to the undersigned, a'l persons know mg themselves indebted to sa.d estate will please m-ike immediate pay mint, and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for set tlement to ALFKBD BLACK, A dm 't. Moniteau, P. 0 , Butler Co., I'a. G. W. FLKKOKK, Att'y. Administrators Notice- Letters of adminiHtration on the estate of liiohard Kelly dee'd. late of Venango '.wp., having been granted to the under signrd, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to TBKODOKK P. KKLLV. Kau Clait P. 0 Butler Co., Pa. J. M. pAINThK Atty. Executor's Notice- Letters testamentary in the estate o Mrs. Catharine Truver, dee'd, late of Mid dlesex twp, having been granted to the undersigned, ail persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make payment, and any having ulaiius aginnst. the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN FKHIJITSIIN, 'Sx'LL, Itakerstown, I'a. Administrator's Notice. In re, estate of Jacob 11. Flick, late of Miiiillete* twp, Butler, Co, Pa dee'd. Whereas letters C. T. A. have been issutd to me, the undersigned, by the <i( eg inter of said Co., notion is hereb given to all parties indebted to the es tate of said decedent to call and settle, and all pi-rums having claims against the tame will piesent them duly authenti uated for payment to MAHY .1 FLICK, Flick I'o.itoMJce, Butler Co, i'a. K. F. Bowser, i A . A. L Bowser, t " Executor's Xotlce. Notice is hereby given that letters tes tamentary on the estate of W. I). Alle late of I'arker towilfdiip, Butler county, I'a , deceased, have been granted toThom as II Allen, and all personr indebted t ; a' I Estate are requested to make protnp ' payment, aril th'ise having claims aguius the same, to present them duly anthenti ' uated lor settl' inent to Thomas 11. ALLKN, Executor o! \V I) Allen deed., Ulenora. Butler county, I'a : F. F. Bowser, A tty. 75c ladies' all-wool skirt patterns, extra size, real value, SI.OO. 22c per yard all-wool Country Flannel sold everywhere at 25c per yard. 50c per pair heavy cotton blankets, real value, 75c. $3.00 per pair heavy all-wool country blankets, all colors, worth $4,00. 15c per pair Misses' and Children's black wool hose, real value, 25c. 15c per pair ladies' black wool hose, real value, 25c. 22c per pair ladies' fleeced cotton ribbed vests, real value, 25c. 69c ladies natural all-wool vests —pants, real value, SI.OO. 25c men's heavy underwear, grey mixed, real value, 40c. 50c men's heavy natural wool underwear, real value, 75c. 5c per yard good dark calico, real value (>U C ■ 5c heavy sheeting—with advance price, real value, 7c. $2.25 Chenille Portiers, real value *3-50. 50c, 26-inch fast colored Sateen umbrellas real value, 75c. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA Western °ernsylvaiiia Diusion. Schedule in Effect May 20, 1805. South, —•—Week Days A.M. A. M. A. M. P. M. r M IUTLKK Leaveezi seo N a _• 4.-> JO« -axouburs. Arrive 051 s II 4S ail »2S iluiler Jc't... " 727 S -is lj l j 340 ft 5.1 butler Jet... ,I,eave 7 w *4s 12 17 :t 40 5 a Natrona Arrive 73* s5-> 1226 350 i.u2 Tan-111 mil T 1:1 HO3 1231 357 601 Sprhitfdale 752 ill? 121J 407 i/iar.-uiont SO7 1125 12 50 421 02 Sharpst'UrK 815 831 107 42« 0 3 Allegheny city 82S a 44 124 440 U4f A. M A M. P. M. I'. M. r. M SIJSDAY TRAINS Leuvi. llullrr lor Alle (,lk 11) City ami principal liiii-ruieUlate stailons 7:40 A. M.. 'i:3o and 5:oo I". M. Norm. _ Week L)oys • A. M. A. M. A. M. F. M. P. M, . llngheny City.. Lv. 6 5". aOO 11 25 315 «10 Sliurpsburg 700 913 11 aa I'larcmont 819 lilt. springdale a3O 11 5» .... c3S l areutuiu 732 a3a 120s 351 «4» Natrona 737 U43 12 13 355 lift IS U tier Jc't AT 745 9 fto 12 23 404 'ui HutlerJc't I.T 748 950 12 34 415 7 o'i Maxoiihurj; 810 10 13 12 5a t4o 725 iScri.Eit Ar. 535 loss 125 9oe 750 HUN WAY TRAINS - I.e.ive Allegheny City for llullerioiil principal Interoiedlate stations 7:30 a. M., l2UWand7:!o P. M. Week Days For the East Week Days, f. m. a. m. a 111 p. m. 2 45 (! 25 Lv BUTLER. .. Ar 10 38 1 2C. 340 727 Ar Butter Jc't Lv 050 12 3' 404 745 Lv Butler Jc't Ar !) 40 12 31 410 740 Ar Freeport.. Lv 835 12 30 415 753 " Alleg'7 Jc't " 031 12 21 42d 804 " Leech burg.. " 020 12 1J i4O 821 "I'aull«.h( Apollo" 005 11 5 514 851 " fialtsburg...." 837 11 32 550 022 " Blairsville..." 805 11 00 ti 00 030 "Blai.-sville'n"7 45 10 15 850 11 35 " Altoona .." 340 800 100 310 " l{arrishurg..."ll 55 310 430 (i 23 " Philadelphia. '8 50 11 20 a. ir. p. 111. p. 111. p. ni. Through trains for the east leave Pitts burg (Union Station) as follows: Atlantic Express, daily 3 10 A. M. Pennsylvania Limited " 715 " Way Express, " 730 " Maiu Line Epresa •' 800 " Philadelphia Express " 430 P. M. Eastern Express " .....7 00 " Fast Liue " 8 10 " For detailed information, a.ldre. s Thos. PI. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District, 110 Avenue, Pittsburg, i'a. S. SC. PREVOST, J. H. WOOD, Ge.iora! Manager. Get'l Passr, Agent. P. & W. R. R. SoliLdule In eir.ict May 12. is#s. (ltutler time) TUu Short l.lne tu i'lttsburg. OKPAKT HOt'TII. FROM HOl'Tlt .25 a UI Allegheny Fx 9.2 A a in, Allegheny A 4.15 a 111 All'y A- Akron o.nea m.AI a' N t'astl. 0 IPS Nin Allegheny Ai J2.20 pm. Allegh»nyK . >.55 pin Allegbeny -,115 pm, Allegheny Kx 350 p IU ('lik-ago Kx. :io P 111. All'y « Akron «03 p 111 AU'y A: Ell. Kx H.IXI p ui. Allegheny Kx UKPAHT NORTH. ! KKOM MOKTH. 10.05 a 111 Ki'.ne * Brad. : .05 a in. Koxtiurn Ac 5.15 p 111 Clarion Ac I".Mi a ni, Clarion Ac 7.35 ptu Koxburg \ pm. Kane Mall SOMD VV 1 RAINS. Dr"UtT SOUTH. PROM SOUTH. 5.15 a 111. WeKerestAc .0 00a in.Allegheny Ac 11.4.1 a iu. Allegheny KX I oft p in, Allegheny Kx ?.Vipill, Chlcaito Kx ..If) p 111. Alli'ithr iiy K* .05 p iu, Allegheny A' 7.30 p in. Deforest Ac Train irrlvlnt at at s.nft p in leaves B li O de pot, I'lttshuig. at 3 :I5 o'clock. Duller and ilreenvllle I'oach will leave Alle gbeny at 3:20 p. in. daily exi eplHuo lay. Con iiectbiK at Wlllowgrove. arriving at Iluiler a' 5:05. I*u 11 tut ii ilutTet .Sleeping Cars and first-Ola** "lay coacties lun through between Iluiler and Ohlcago dally. For ihrough tickets Ui points In tho West Northwest or Southwest apply to A. It CROUCH. Agent .Trains leave the H. & O. depot In I'lltburg .or Ihe Kasl. aslullows. Kor Washliifton U Baltimore, I'hllsdvl phl.t, MB 1 New York, 7 :.«i and 'c'io p. m« CuinherlJl'd. «:4U. 7 |BO, ll.tll I : 10. 9"2(l p. In. Coil lielSVllltl. 6:40, 7-1", a. m. 1.10, 4..Hi. 4.11. .I.m, a.'.'li 1). in. Ulilontown, 7. oain , I 10. 4.lui 5.30 p. in. I nlmilowii. Morg.i 11 town and Kulrniont. 11. iu. and 5.311 p. m. Mt.l'leaaant 11.40. 7. 311 a. PI. .10 and 4.3(1 p tn. Washlii|(ioii. i'a. 74u and :«» a. rn.. 4 iiu.4.4fi and u.isi, 11 55 p. in. Wheel rg. 7.40 aud 9.30 a. m.. and 1.00. ».00. 11 v« p. clnriiinatl, Ht, ISJIIIS. roliuiihus and New »rk. 7 111 a. in., a.m. II 55 p. 111. Kor Chicago. 2.40 and a. Mi p 111 Parlor aud sleeping cars to llalllniore, Wash riglou, 'Tllclnl. itl and Cillcairo. P, s. &. L. E. R. R. Takes effect Monday. June 10 lson. Trains are run by Htsndard Central I'lme (audi A ertdlan.) One hour slower than city Time. (LOINO NOBTH. (IOINO HOOTH 5 J 14 j 15" |~ST A 'III >NH I B j 11 jll r.tnipni . p.m. Arr u.ui pin .... I .v., 2 «)| Huff 11 la 5 !•. IV .'tl ... ! 3 2t| I oc| liunklrk ... | « s<l 1 »a i I 1 <OO I 42! 11 is Krle r. 1 1 s 3 33s II 1 ci; als Wallai'i' Juliet 11 1. uis 11^ u 20 1 »i all lilrard 11 ftu 11 i" 1 ij, « MI 12 51 s MI l»ckport . 7 mi 11 2V t 2,, II 0 112 4h Ssl Ciaiit-Hvllle 7 lis a3B 4 •!i . .110 22 ar Conne»ut lv. .1 710 1 i« 10 ...I 74n lv arl ~..|10 221 6 11 / . tllsr. ir ilUoa, Ul'Y ill»4 1 5 111731 s3l . siiodoland. 721 aM; 451 r 411 12 :w S JH nprinubor" 7 2. » M I 55 f> 1.1 i.- 'I sto I'..llll.'..uivilli' 7 11 oin •, 0:1 a-,1/11 s 1111 Mfa'v'lo .|, |. s no| 111 2,| 5 111 1 7 U v .Cnuiii Isik' - .. 11 11.' i« ... 12 25 s is ar nr S l» ill 50 ft su 405 722 lv Kip I'ark .ar . .... 10 1 4 '..1 i"i 15 s 111 ar ai* si» 1 Ji I 45 v.. Meailillle li 11 c, I JU I • VI s 45 .11 UI *llll J1 II |l| No 211 .11 4i llarislown. Sni ui. . 1 ' II IS 7 T< Aduiimllle Hi 41 5 4 4 1 1 :is 7 2H ... 1 2FT 11 .111 7L" ... lintinrllli- 11 11 u; n & 1 11 20 7on Nhi'iotiigo |r. 4'' 11 20 s/' I*l 10 51 II IT> Kredonla. 7 1..1 II II (i s* 41 Ml li u25 Mi reer . 7221*0« 70" * .*> 10211 nin ... Pardon .... 7:m12 2 7if 1 1 111 Jll II IHI ... move City. . ' 7 4 12 33 7 2 .s. 11l r, 4s Hiti rlsvllle.... 7 As 4.'. 7 l &>• 111 U slu Hrain hoon. . S (S; '2 54 7 4., »in h n ;iv .Ilram uliin ar 7 111 12 In ... j 4-.I sV. ar. 1111 11 I r<l lv « .'i li I3| « a r.. ir. v.. Kids.en ... . m •,!< '7 t I 2*i :»l 5 21! ... . KII' lid s /.• 1 I.- Hn, tl'l » I 1 "o|.lPiih-r s 'Jil I 4: s :i, . v ; Allegheny. I'tw n mi % uni. ... , I lin I'ltUbltrg, IIAO. p ill p. m J. T. BUAIK. (ierieral Manager, llreenvllle, ra , W O. SAHOKANT, (J. I'. A,, MeadvUle. I'a How to Obtain a Watch Free Trade $lO in Clothing at SCHAUL & NAST S and get a nickels plated watch lree of any charge ONE OF THESE EXFRESS WAGONS G >es free of any charge with ever) - Boys Suit or Overcoat. No \ come boys and pull for us and get a v., gon free. Schaul & Nast, L.eac' im\ Cloth ierw, 137 S. Mkm Ft sutler. P.! The less we tell you The More You'll Remember. SO WE'LL SIMPLY SAY: Don't buy any clothing unt 1 you h;> seen ours, as we (~i \ VJ" and 111 >" >n< -T on anyth ing * in the Ci~ !:•«;; Line. Ask to see our (DO and (D>|A all wool vOjUl/wors iplu. ted suits. Douthett&G raham Corner Main and Cunningham, Butler, Pa. Schneideman's Old Stand. SHLOSB TBI 'OS. Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters, Butler Fa. WHAT MAN! Goes to the tailor for an overcoat? The man who has never seen the good kind we have NOW in stock and ready for sale. THAT NEW OVERCOAT. We show here is a creation that merchant tailors v >t.l:l like to equal. These overcoats are in Black or Blue Kerseys and we have the; from sio up. JOHNNY FROST COATS. Big well made stout ulster, for big an t little boys, i.i frieze, fancy cheviots or fur beaver. Prices always the lowest. REMEMBER We have the exclusive sale in Butler county of Me ,'s, Boys' & Children's ab solutely water-proof clothing, if you examine this line y> u will surely be interested as the prices are the same as for the non-water proof goods. SHLOSS Bl iOH 104: S. Main St.» - l iutler, l'a Schneideir an's Old Stand. |STILL ON DF,CK.§ We are doing a larger busines than ever, as this is or. busy -iMSin and people are pushing us a little, but still we are able to do iwi.t. Bring in those faded clothes and have them made like new at the reliable BUTLER DYE WORKS, 21 (') Centre Ave , R. FISHER, Prop'r flnn GIVEN AWAY - - - J)J[] - - ABSOLUTELY FREE. To the lucky holder of the key which will open the cabinet now in our window. A key will be given with every ] urchase of goods to the amount of one dollar Or more. ETTETTET, SHOES m'my Even at the low prices we here quote, the gooJs must be seen to be appreciated. Ladies' fine patent tip shoes at 85 cts Men's fine satin calf shoes at $1.25 Boys' "Iron Clad" school shoes at go cts Misses' Dongola Pat. tip shoes at 75 cts Children's " " " " " 50 cts Infants' fine kid shoes at 25 cts Ladies' fine cloth gaiters at 50 cts Ladies' slippers at 30 cts Men's slippers at 40 cts Sec our "SERVICE" line of shot . f«»r men, women and children They an WATER PROOF. Just the thing for the country. A. RUFF & SON, 1 I Main Street, BUTLER, - i'KNN'A. Farms for Sale.j Valuable Farm ror Sale. A valuable farm, located in Donegal twp. ami comprising about 175 acre*, 1 of which are c I enrol and the rest covered with while-oak ami chestnut timber; well watered and having two orchards with plenty of peaches and gra]>cs; good build ings, consisting of a two-story, frame dwelling house, barn, graucry, spring-house, and all other necessary outbuildings: two utiles from railroad station an<i six miles from county sent; convenient to schools and churches, will !><■ sold cheap, one half the purchase money to l>c paid down and the balance in t*vo payments within two years. The farm is leased until April of 1H97, but liiui no other encumbrances. For further particular* inouire at this oOicc. Farm For Salo. Containing acre* of good land, Willi rrcbards of apple, peach, pear, and cherrj lees.jtrapn arbors etc. A ifoodti room hous < v iih la-n» porches, summer house and 'prion «'«t«r d«»r, an excellent nurin|( house an<l several oilier outside building This property is located In Kranklln ownsbip, 1! miles from Ml. Chestnut and retween it and Prospect, and will be sold >r traded for town property. For lurtber pellicular* inquire at tbi office. Seanur & Nace's Livery, \ ied and Sale Stable, 1 ir .. „ T Hear of V. i - k II > iso, ButlJr. Pa The I>ih' )t hii'-ma and firet cliMl rigs alwa> on Imhl and for hire. Bent ac< ■ inii'oristioua in town f«,r . permanent hoarding and iranae'ik trade. 8| « i%J Kuarauteid. :j Stable 1 oen for Nixtytiee hor-e . •I A go, d rl>*a» of torse*, both driv |era mnl or >1 hornet alwaya 011 baud I nfltl »nr en • under a lull guurantee; nad lio ne b ogui upon proper noti fication hi >i;\NOH 4 NACtf. All Liu e 01 live stock bought and eo'.d J TeU ph. •• >t Wick House lAQINDt »W't PATINT • ICTIONAL Stcc. Ceilings and 1 Side Wall Tot Ctaur. h*> * IU- Idrnnrs. ('alaloßUc. prior* sod sstlmslrs. 011 |ili'-aUon to I lie fX)l" SsMirnrtuiers, TIIK rn» I*ll* ' 1 rtNS * ft*. (•.. (114.) rklU4a.. ft. AIM mski I a air Ins. Firs mid Hmrin frvol < «wtl>Wli'«ul'U>'(. U ®l elreulsrs.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers