The CLEVELAND NEW NOVEL. The GREAT, SWELL SPECIAL CLEVELAND. An eye opener—A heart tickler. The longer you look at it the sweller it grows. Popular light weights. See the Cleveland before you purchase your mount for 1895. Never mind what others say, we are ready to supply the trade. Remember every Cleveland is fully guaranteed to be first class in every particular. We have a full line for Ladies, and Gentlemen; Boys and Girls, and All Strictly High grade. H. A. Lozier Co. CLEVELAND, Ohio. J, E. Forsyte, Ag't. 116 W. Jefferson St. BUTLER, PA. Bickel's Great Sample and Grand Clearance Sale of a Large Stock of Boots and Shoes. Having purchased two complete sets of Sample Boots and Shoes at a greatly reduced price from leading manufactures together with a big stock of high grade footwear which I have picked wJt of Stock and placed on our Bargain Counters, to be sold during the next two weeks, at less than half their real value, will place on record one 01 the greatest slaughters in Boots and Shoes ever known of in Butler County, and EVERY Man, Woman or Child who attends this great great reduction sale will not only be a regular customer of ours in the future, but will show the shoes to their neighbor—So well pleas ed with the bargain they received at BICKEL'S that the neighbor will be a customer also. NOTE THE PRICES. I lot Mens fine Sample Shoes regular price $4 go at $2 I lot Mens Working Shoes " " 250 " 125 I lot Boy's Fine Shoes " " 2 75 " 1 5° j <• « «« <« " " 200 " 100 1 lot Ladies Hand Turns—Sizes 2gto 4, all widths regular price $3 5° I lot Ladies heavy sole dress shoes regular price 300 " 175 I lot ladies fine shoes at $1 00. Inlants shoes 1 scents. 1 lot Misses and Childrens school shoes, 75 cts. Misses fine dress shoes $ 1 00. I lot mens box-toe boots, sizes broken at $2 50 1 lot Boys Kid Boots Double-sole and tap at-$i 25, sizes 1 to 5 50 pair mens storm king boots (hip boots) all No. 10 and 11 regular price $4 00 go at $2 00. 75 pair mens short Boots (rubber) regular price $2 s°S° at $' sizes 10 and 11. 100 pairs ladies gum boots go at $1 25. 500 pairs ladies fine specialties, rubbers in heel and spring, worth 50c go at 35c. Full stock of mens and boys felt boots —ladies and mens arctics and alaskas—also ladies felt and warm lined shoes—Boots and shoes made to order—Repairing neatly done —Shoemakers supplies of all kinds. Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. Large and complete stock of rubber goods, at reduced prices. When in need of anything in my line give me a call. JOHN BICKEL, 128 H- MAIN St. Butler- Jewelry-Silverware--Clocks. Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 pe oent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block. ign of Electric Bell and Clock. OUR MID-WINTER SALE HAS MANY ADMIRERS. Men's Good, Solid Boots, tap sole, at $1.40; Men's Working Shoes goat 75c, 90c and $1.00; Men's Fine Shoes at 90c, SI.OO and $1.25. For 85c will sell you a good, solid grain Button Shoe, sizes 3 to 8; Ladies' Fine Button Boot, pat. tip, at 75c; Men's Rubbers 45c; Ladies' Storm Rubbers at 25c. See our Ladies' Solid Oil Grain Button Shoes at 90c. All Slippers now at about halt their value. One lot of Ladies' Fine Dongola Welt Button Shoes reduced from $3 to $2. One lot Ladies' Fine Dongola, New York make, from $3.50 to $2.10. One lot Fine Hand-Turns from $3 to $2 and $1.75 and many other lines in same proportion. Boys' Shoes 75c snd SI.OO Boys' Boots 90c, SI.OO and $1.25. Try us and see how your DOLLARS will grow. B.C.HUSF Y LTO\ T . Optpato Hotel UMty. OF Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Indicates tlu- possession of ex ceptionally attractive qualities. Our stock is praised by all be cause it is the best and is sold at prices that you pay elsewhere for shoddy stuff. In looking over this stock find many lines in which the sizes jare broken. These we are going jto close out at Greatly reduced (prices. YELLCM Are a symptom of Jaundice, Dvspepsia,Constipation,Bil iousness, Liver Complaint. DR. BAXTER'S MANDRAKE BITTERS will cure the disease and re move yellowness from skin and eyes. Warrantee to cure. Sold everywhere at 2.1 ct ; . per bottle, ■apaMmawanaaaHi for sale by J. C. Redicb f^HUMPHREYS' V VETERINARY SPECIFICS Tat Sorses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Ecgs, AND FOULTRT. 300 Pace Book on Treat mrnt of Animal# • and Chart Sent Free. cmr.« (Wevern,Conientiou*.lnflamm«tion A,A. i Spinal Mpninnilis.Milk t.-ver. B.H.—Strain*. l,n nienr*». Ithrumiiiislß. Distemper, Nasal I»i*rharse*. I>.D.~Bol* or Grubs, Worm*. E.E..-t'oueii», Heaves, I'uenmama. (-.{.'.--Colic or Ciripe*. Bellyache. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. H.H.— I'rinary and Kidney Diseases. 1.1. --Eruptive Diseases. Mange. .K.--Di«ea»es o! Diklhliou, Paraly.l*. Single Bottle Cover SO doses), - - .60 Stable Case, with Specifics. Mannul. _ Veterinary Cure Oil anil Hedlcator, .H'l Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, - - 1.00 B.U k? DmreM V or •»»! pr*p»id "<1 !« "1 qaulltj Mi ®» pric. ■CBFHREIS'aEP CO., 11l * HHTOIIMi g*.. I homeopathic ftf* {■R! SPECIFIC No. ul# In u« 3U rc.iu. Tao only racceajful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, ioidi-j »<■' • " ""'!•* r*™- ■cmfhrkks'am. cat, in 4111 wuiumsi., s»wi««k. y <iJ* <• <stEr ' - \>Jj KIOTO JOT 171 . MILD FINC I J Tft£ AMEMCM T :BACC: COMMAr Si::C£SSO« | / ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Has stood the Test of Time MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED (f > A7rilfl From early child-S /k I #!■ M R hood until I was N b kUkklllfl grown my family J } ■BMHK 1 spent a ' fortune ? trying to cure me of this disease. I v y visited Hot Springs, and was treated I \ by the best medical men, but was not / /benefited. When all > j things had failed 1 > I determined to trv S. S. S., and in r ? four months was entirely cured. The / ? terrible Eczema was gone, not a sign \ / of it left; my general health built up, / I have never had any return of) CHILDHOOD / recommended —— / vS.S.S. to number of friends for skin dis- V / eases, and have never yet known a failure to / C cure. GEO. W. IRWIN. Irwin, Pa. ? / Magji iai T H |g Nr-er falls to cure. \ ervn after nil other r / remedies have. Our } \ Tr«»ntiseon Blood and 1 r giiiu Diseuses mulled C # free to any address. ? < SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. S ritisi II Friend " - 1 1 Makes CHILD BIRTH Easu.jij 5 I COLVIN, LA., Dec. 2, 1886. §|My wife used "MOTHERS'ir§ 5g i FRIEND" before her third con- jg finement, and says she would not 1 S|be without it for hundreds of dol-1-5 Sjlars.—DOCK MILLS. SI | Sent by express or mall, 011 receipt | S3 of price. Ii per bottle, boolc "'lo, S Mothers" mallcil true. Sold by S Druggists. jjS §j< BRADFIELD RnaiILATOR CO.. g Atlanta, Oa. mmMmmfMrnmrm FOR PURE RYh Whiskeys Wines. Brandies, Gins, &c., try Robt. Lewin, 13C Water St., (Oppoo'te 15. <t 0. Depot.) Pittsburg, Pa. All goods, including C. 0. D. ordpr.s, securely packed and shipped promptly. Express charges prepaid on all orders <>l SIO.OO or over. Grandfather's Choice, Guaranteed 3 years old. [#2.00 per gal. Try it at once. You will always keep it < n hand. A Ton of ~ Tail Talk Isn't neces : iry to < >" ln c pru dent pi <>i•!• !' ;.t ijm • whiakiy ' ■ worse t!. • Ki > on tho 1: "C : 1 article ! ■ ■ 1 . - proval for ' 1 _ <.rt has (In!- ■ 1 ' rt 'i any • n: r ket. It !. 1 8 y r-i old, is : . jialiit i ble. Full Quarts, .00 ; Sir Quarts, 55.00. Mail and orj. -s ord«r= hipped promptly,. vv pny express charges c.;i ; 11 orders of SiO.(X) and over Jos. Fleming cS Son. 412 MARKET STREBI . PITTSBURG, PA. Complete l'rlco LI Is : f Wines and I.i'iuor* mailed free. • •o©»*»©9isooe* • QOSSER'S • .CREAM GLYCERINE. has no equal for chapjx-d hands, llpsur . face, or • f:. la notezoellcu a>aaresslng ,*.»■ the e attor -levin.- SoiJ t»>- J; .. . ~t " Atyity.iivc Ctnts a Uottlc. • •••••••••«■• ! THEC ITIZEN- The Tower of The New City Kail, Philadelphia j The tower of the new City Hall in Phila delphia has reached a height of 502 feet. : and work ha# been for some time going on 1 j in placing the crowning statue of William ( Peun iu position on the top of the dome ' Tne iignre standi upon the loitiest pedes- j ; tal in the world. The statue of Peun is I feet high and weighs 60.000 pounds . Ttie work of constructing it and of placing it in the loftiest position has been one nf considerable difficulty: aud several intersl lng problems in mechanics have b> en in volved. The tower is itself an object of consider" able interest. It is the third bigqest struct i are iu tee world, with a total beigm of 547 > leet incQes. The base to the heignt ot 18 leet is built of granite; above this, to a i height of 337 feet, the tower is built of j brick, with a thin faceing of white tnarble. j The part above the marble is constructed wholly of metal, painted white to match j the coior ot the marble below. The skele- ! ton or traine work of this part is made ol wrougnt iron, faced with plates of alum inum bronze. Tne whole forms a very graceful .structure, norvrithstandiag its gn at height. Penn's statue, surmounting this elabor ate pedestal, was designed by Alexander calder, of Philadelphia. -Mr. Oalder b.«- tias done his work well. The statue eui bodies the popular conception of PenuV cnaracter. In face and pose the figure is ■ Strong, though there is about it all a Q i ik erly air of gentleness and simplicity. Ue j wear.- the ynaker garb of the seventeenth j century with long straight coat and loose knee breeches. A full sized figure wns first modeled iu plaster by Mr. Calder at the City Hall. ! This was then separated into fourteen hori zontal sections and removed to the Taconj i Iron Works, at Tacor.y, Pa., where the ! tiiure was to be cast Tbo castin/s were made direct from the fourteen sections, thos preventing any variation from the original design. The statue was cast in aluminum bronze, the walls of the statue iveraging five-eights of an inch in thick ness. This work was accomplished with out mishap, and no parts needed to be re cast. Tne sections are provided with in side fl tnges three iuches wide and these are pierced with one bolt holes. The bolts are also made of aluminum bronze to truard against the galvanic action which would occur between bronze aad a more electro-positive metal. After the castings had received the fin ishing touches at the foundry the sections were assembled in the court yard of the Oity Hall and set up temporarily. The statne stood in this position for more than a y ear and has been examined by tnanv thousands of curious spectators. The prin eipal dimensions are as follows: Height, 37 l'et-i; hit rim, U3 fet in cir eatuf'-rence; nose 13 iuchi.s long; hair 4 feet long; shoulders 28 feet in oirc'Mi'er -nce; wai-t 9 teet in diameter; li-irs from mkle to knee, 10 fent; feet 5 teet 4 inches. P S. Since the above was written th -tatue has been put in place A Complete Pompeiian House. \ valunble discovery has been made at I'ianella-Setthiiniiii. near Pompeii, on th property of a certain Mr Vincent de Pro di. A house has been uuearthed which was covered at the time the city wus bu ried, and it is said to be in a more perfect condition than any building yet discover ••d. It contains several large apartnonls *ud three bathrooms, with the basins iu sculptured marble, aud with leaden pipes ornaments with bronze faucets. The three rooms correspond, says a describ ing the discovery, to the "cnltoariuui. t.-pidariuin, iind frigictarium, which w M always to be found iu ancient houses ot ue first class. In consequence of Hu tu, tom < I Vesuvius iu A. 1> 79. ihe pom peiian houses brought to light heretofore nave been roofless, almost without eiot-p 1 - ion Fortunately, however, that on the property of M. De Prosco iu perfect, aim irchacologists are happy over the foci. Che root measures almost lorty-four Wi in leugth." Relief in Six llonrs —Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved ill six houio by the '>ev» (.ireal Bouth American Kidney Cure." l'bis new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the blander, Mtlney, nark aud every part ot the urinary passages in i,ale or temale. It relieves reteuuou ol waier aud pain in passing it almost 1111 mediately. It you want quick rellel ana oure this is your remedy. Sola by J. u. Kedick druggist butler Pa. A wild otter weighing 24 pounds was captured at Otter Lake,near Pontiai ,Uicb one day last week. It is a rare animul iu Michigan, though once plentiful The skin was sold to a Pontine clothier and tur dealer for -$9. —ltch on human, mange on horses, dogs aud ull stock, cured iu 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never tails Sold by J. C. Kedick, drug gist, Duller Pa. The moment that decomposition sets in in the flesh ot a fish,exceedingly poisonous products, possibly compounds of phospho rus begiu to be formed. Hood's Sarsaparilla drives out the lactic acid from the blood and cures rheumatism Try it. There should be a Keeley cure for such cases as that of the Eastport old lady ol 82 years who has made nine quilts in the past eighteen mouths. If Mrs. (irannis wants to wipe out the decollete costume we think she is neglect mg a fiue field of work by overlooking Africa. —English Spavin Liuiuiont removes all bard, soft or calloused lumps and Idem ( ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, snfb-s, sprm. s all swollen throats, coughs, etc aaVe SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Crtre ever known. Sold by J. V. Kedick, druggist Duller l'a. In a paper read before the Scientific Con gress at Paris, M. DeLspparent says 4,500. 000 years will slip around before the moun tains of the earth, which are decreasing in size, eutin-ly disappear. Iu this country 3no 000 women aieV.i.n- | Ibg independent Incomes In ih« prof> i Shins lit I 2 500 doctors, 275 preai i.ets ant' | au increasing number ol lawyers tv-un ' six thousand women have charge «>l p< -t ; . ffices. —The name ol X U Downs' still lives j although he has been dead nja;,y yeir -111- Elixir tor the cuie ot C< Ughs ahd colds ' has aiieady outlived him a quai tei ol a i century, and is still growing iu tavor with the public. A hundred years ago Mr.-. Hannah North of Augusta, Me., began sending mince pies 1 io the prisoners in the county jail uu Thanksgiving Day. The custom was tot-! lowed by her through lite, then by hei j daughter, and now her grand daughter is ' obser> ing it. Mr. Kiggs—What occasioned that vio lent quarrel between Mrs. ilarp ami Mrs. shriek in the parlor a tew unuutes ago? Mrs. Itiggs—They were not quarreling my dear, they are the very best of friends. They « ere merely discussing the new min ister's wife. —All those who have used Bsxter's | Mandrake Hitters speak very strongly in , their praioe. Twenty-live cents per bol j tie How to Buy a Horse An old horseman says: If yon want to buy a horse, dou't believe your own brother. Take no man's word for it. Your eye is yonr market. Don't buy a horse in har ness. Unhitch him and take off everything | but his baiter, and lead him around. If ; he has a corn or is stiff, or has any failing, | you can see it. Let him go himself a way a d if he walks right inio anything, you i know that he is blind. No mailer how clear and bright his eyes are. he can't see any more than a bat Back him, too. Some horses show their weakness or tricks in that way when they don't in auy other, but, be as smart as you can, yon'll get caught sometimes. Even the expert gets 9 uck. A horse may look ever so nice and go a creat pace, an l yet have fits. There I isn't a man who could tell it unt 1 some | thing happens Or n» may have a weak I back. Give him the whip and oil'he goes ' for a mile cr two. theu all of a sudden be stops tin the road. After a rest he starts ; a r r am, but he soon stops for good, and | nothing bnt a derrick can start him. The j weak points aboat a bore* can better be i discovered while stHiding than while mov j log. It be is sound, be will stand firmly aud i-qutrely on his limbs without moving ti em, with plumb a id na ural y pis e"; or if the foot is ( ikeii fioui tin ground, ami the weight laKeu fr .ra it, disease can ; b suspected, or. as lent, teililerue--. whicn is prt c i,sof ot dis,- is--. It u bom stands with his leet sprt-a l apart or strad dle- with bis ti -id leg-, there is a weak ness in bis loins anil (he kidneys are <us- I ordered. He .vy puTia* beads his knees. I B lush, milky cas -n-s in horses indicate j moou bauduess ir something else A bad tempered one keeps his ears throAn back; a horse has blemished knees. When vhe skin is rough and harsh aud d ies hot move easily to the touch, the I horse is a heavy eater and d'.uestion bad j Never i,uy a horse wriu.-.i br- iL-uag is at j all impaired Place your e«r ar the he.u t. ' and it a wheezing sound is heard, it is an indication ot tr< üble. ln case of bard cold nothing will re lieve Ihe breathing s > quickly as to ru- ArnieaA Oil Liniment ou the client No watch keeys perfectly correct tiuie, aud even the best chronometers used ill observatories and on board ships must be regulated according to tables which art kept io fix the variations to which aii watches are liable. The reason why briush patent specifica ions are the most, illiterate productions foi whic any primer's reader is responsibl> lies in the tact that the law requires tua no , word ol ihe olauuscript snail be misprluted. D uaseancss, t.e L,i uor Habit, ivssiy outca oy aJu.iusicnag nr. l.iil.tb "(jOiOeri optcii.-, it is manutaciurtju as a powiter, wuii uai> be given In a glass ol Oeer, a cup «•! u a,oi lu iuild, lln* •»t I lie pailful. 11 1b tiUfoiuir. .Ai iuJeUfe. ciiiu ill rtlircl a yvCiiu%Lix:iii •** cuie, a Ueinci tut* i*-at it* a iu«» . laU: liiiuM'l «*| an VS'ItJCK. ll IM'CU >ll oi Uliu i | UV»- 1 \ LUALAUCC A PERLCCT CARE IMN ITUHIM*- I • i uevei inns. 1 be ojoieui iiuce iiujirtjjdutt -0 %viin .iit Apt'dUu, ll beuuuift* tiLi aii* i.i.jiuMlUlillj toi luc U) Iftt (tiAlaulUOU. 4b iiOUh yat licuial> ilcc. r5pU«'U. «.«• i«5.» UAC't « IlictinittkU t>. I'iic i%Ta u«»w u.stjd i» gmefs AI lUb in riiiiwd}' i?»i Wilid' WfH hiAU tu b\: MUeurttil Wlltl >lieiAK 01 viiiuupuiul tu ket*p h»»iu i»ukiug tiifii heaths it. I'titi iI«T3 <i Dowu Etirit, vvnli itn -leru auO bow, l<igti »10»-S vsith coutsiaei .ible sbear, aircl flat, well ruck**rid Uoitnui in haid ti> ii< at n» a litaTier be* better tUaij auj open lu»at ol il« MZe. llr. Ajs..e*'« (Jure t»r to dtart giv«f p* rlei * itin 1 Hi .•»! i;.if»e« «»1 5} l*lie *i« «t Ui». in UilnUief. aim et« » CUTe. il is peei -1« i* I» Hat \ t i falpli tlli»ii, Dlior llier>M «• lite.i li, iir nit i i'aiu lii L t M M* TILI*I all RTJI Ulpl*'llib «»1 <* Ulm*AM)il IL«*rt< • OH «h'.-L » . -IJV lUv■«•«. .sold B) cil-j I'.-RTI iIIOLM . I A llurbttfhMe U e .lilAi a >vi u.iUi halt ' hub been luVe.ilua. Ttit Cr.u rd «iid W bile b'.nr Ct' 8 L ive dtciiied tu e.-tabJibli new Hue* betueeii G- Loaaiid New Y<»rktoc I pelt v. ilb tbe Oeruiaa illittb. ih ihe MX tee hlii eeniury wan a «.Uili>Ub euaetuieut iu hi.giaua Wber»-b} 1 btreei hawkeXb were K«rbhldeli tu pell ap- I pirn auO pibUiN. lor the teaMili tbat 1 ValilbaiiU ai-piehlUtb Were hh.tlile tu re ttlbl tlie Mghi ui llleili.aud were count queii!- Ij leujpied tu bieal llleir t er'b lliuh ej m order tt» ehj »_y itie C«>hll,) Uelicauieb. —Kbeuuiaiibiii cured m a day—"Alxsii cure" lur rueuuiatiMu aud ucuralgia, radu i all} cureb iu Ito '6 daj f. Itis aeiluii upu> uie b>r«leiu l» reuiarkatile aud bteriuu<* It reiuv>ves at uuce the cause aud tbe dl> ea.*ie dibappearb. TUe Urr» ■ iomj UeueUlb. to ut«. ftuid J. < Kedick, tiutler. A £ 31 A* "*?" f V\ MKX. local or trave [fj p A 8 L | 1 tng. to sell my guar an fill U if I f IJteed NUKSKKV Srock " Salary or Couinitasio paid weekly. (Infill free. Special at ten' 1 o given to neirltitiers. Workers never tall to niaki good weekly wages. Write me at ouee for pai tlculars. E 0. 6 RAH A.VI. Nurseryman R<H*heAtor N Y. MeCANDLESS' HEAVE CURE 1 have a Heave Cure that will enrn any case of heaves in horses in forty days, used according to directions, and if it does not do what, I claim for it, I will refund the amount paid and no charges will tie made for the treatment. The following testimonials are the strongest proof of the medicines power to cure: A. J MCCANDLKSS, Butler, Pa., 1893. Mr A. J. MCCANDLKSS: On the 2nd day of April, 1892, I com menced to use your new cure for one ot nj V>r*»*s 'hat had the heaves very bad. anil continued to use »he medicine tor about forty day sand the horse did not show any signs of a return of inem. It is now about a year since I quit giviu the med\c\ne and the horse has never sowed any signs of heaves, aud I feel stistied that he is properly cured. W C. CKIKWKLL. Butler. Ph., April 3, 1893. A J M«:i ANULKSS. 1 have used your Heave Cure and found it will do Mie work it used accordng to di rections. Yours truly, J. K MCMILLSN. HOUSEHOLD ENAMEL, SUPKIISKUKs I'livr AN II riK*lHl|. I 'an be applied to any Muo.'th sutface.oi ' fill till tire, wood, glass 'any kind of metal . iuclmliliK kiteheii ntensi s. j M.iKes out article.- look new and is muc us-.1 o hie e es, ea tinges, stovis. etc. i Requires only one coal, i- applied colli I with brush and dries ah-oluiely tiaril atid glossy in 2 hours—will not crack chip, ! blister or rub off Sample bottles sell I on receipt of price. 2 ounces 13c, 4 ounces 25c, 8 ounces 40c. Wcit Dter fark Printing Ink Co., 4 NKW RKAOB, ST. NBW Yob AGENTS W ANTh-D. i . w jgr I - 4- . . * met <. I MtL 4 . •* H, • ■ > .J, vmilKl lUi HU/VIU..Ug ul HIWM; , No Wonder fWjfi It looks pretty. >Jfr7 >\ Men say that I have pretty feet, ,f\ V: -R And that indeed is ancient news, a\ »■ \* 11 , AiV But what contributes to their charm, I S l^'S attract ' ve P a ' s hoes. Every pair of shoes bought at the i I O store of Al Ruff mokes an equally effective contribution to the wearer's charms. Razor or needle toe with patent leather are tlie verv latest and prettiest st\le in ladies shoes. We h i ve them in Turns, Welts and Mc- Kay sewed, cut in a number of differ ent styles They are beauties. Come in and see them. al ruff. ,««. OIAMOWO $ ; ■** KUT ,ANGS - NORPINS,MM. (® !%. rwig'Tk 2 ».■" ,£ I GENTS' GOLD, LADIK-c <JOM>. W£% .5. u XCj **• ,• GENTS* SUA*en. LAWKS- CBATL.UN J.' 1 ST* £ V » Gold lias Kir Kings. Kings. Se *r V ."jt \,M X ( ( h tins. Bracelets. Etc. . JaU w ' --A . fc af f tli i' he toutid in « first class acore. 40i)6Ert B.iOS. 1374 } sp ' , °T^p L B PLA T E . F C,RIRR TIIE Ko. 139, Rortta Msii St. B JTLEB, PA.. The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. CAS I AMPS FIXTURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS, BATH TUB ENAMEL. etc, is ar W.II Q'Brien & Son's 1 O? Kast .Jefferson Htreet. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO tL\\Js gjj PcatarSv^ ' HAY- FEVER ' COLD-HEAD MSM Kly'x Cream. Balm in not a liqniA, snvff or pmcaci. Applied into the nnttriU it it quickly absorbed. It- ci* the head, allay< inflammation, heals _ JZ IT J* tJie s >r«x. Sold by druggints or xent by nniil on receipt of price. L ||/« JUG tIY BROTHERS. 5G Wa"sn Street NEW YORK. DUC Saronv's Living Pictures, A High-class Monthly Magazine of Reproductive Art. Every mimb r :-.i | rtliH-.nol (.4 cieatr gly beautiful pictures; every picture rep resents the .. rk ot > 1 .- f-nn.m . pmiter, or is an original composition by the |rr. <«t Saroiiy: in all. the tit! 11 .•< are from livm* 111 1 lets al'inr photograpns l»y Saron.y, repro duced with wonderfn' fidelity Hiid effect 1 Veil ss. For sile In all newsdealer* at, 2"> ('ents a C >opy. 83.00 a Year A copy id Boiigtieremi's masterpiece, "Cupid ou tne *Vatcb," will f>r the pre-ent be sent as a premium tn every yearly subscriber. A E. A t & JO- Publishers. 31 Uuion Square N. Y SPECIAL NOTICE. That I will sell, nntil lurther notice, . he lo'lowing goods at the old prices, regard less of the advancH ot 20c per gallon tax hy the governireut: A \ pure rye. 2 y tars. f2 tK) per gallon; rippecaime. 3 years f'2 25; Old Cabiuet. 4 yeats. $2 50 per gal ton; Bridgeport and I'homiison's pure r\e. 5 \ ears. $3 50 per gallon; Finch Golden Wedding, Gibson's. Ko bins, n Oo Bour bon, $4 50 per gallon; UanDisVille, Dough erty, Monticello, 12 years, $5.50 per gallon Oalit'ornia wines, dry and sweet, from 75c per gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct brands; my own importation -sherry and Port wine, from $2.50 to $3 50 per gallon; also the finest Irish aud Scotch whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or send for special price lists at A ANDKIESSEN. 188 Federal street. Allegheny, Pa. All orders by mail promptly attended. No extra charge for packing. Telephone 549. W. L. DOUGLAS C" U C 19 THE BEST. p)|| Ub FIT TOR AKING. § CORDOVAN", tCNCH A EN AMELLtD CALF. »3.M FINE CALFSIKANCARFLA >3.S? POLICE,3 SOLE 3. ».^I. 7 ®BOYS'SCHOOLSHOEI •LADIES* SEND FOR CATALOGUE /V-L-DOUGLAS' BROCKTON.MAK. Over One Million People wear the W. L 0 Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom shoes In style and lit. Thcfr wearing qualities are unsurnn;ged. The prices are uniform,—stamped on sole. FroTi siti*i saved over other make*. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by A LEX A.NDKR x NOU r r, W HII'EbT"VVN nit re 11*5 PILES rll r^SWAVJIE'S ■ inkaV ftIfjTMFNT ABBOLUTBLY CURES. win I iwlfcll I M'MI'TOMrt-MuWurfj Intcn.f itching und Alngivu: most ».t nlslit: wi»r»r bywru'chlnf. Ir alluHid ( • contliiM** I Minora form »r\tl i mfrudf, which <>o« » !•?. u iui>l uhrrnli , Ucoitm\ng vrrjr <nro. HW \ » N;:>«!\T\li \T U0,.-tht «t<bl«# and bl»-r■'ln». IUMU U.V. rut H>... mil IM M<Mt rn»c* 'CDiotr* tLc .i. ti'jr.'i. .. »s .our ■it Ivr I*. LYE VZ'riZZZZ AXI TZZrTMD r ' ?rr7 fjr\ i ■ . r 1 .% U bclnc \ , i • r-•• i- r ;aii«i r,. .«ltn i» can •jl • d !. t!i«i « mtm in tlwftys i ;i! ; r no. i:i:»«vO t: li A »( ! -rfuuird I '.ird S« ip In . 'ti vitaoiil lM»tllu(T. FEEt VI im ti. t f«iri'N*.inhiug wsflMi mm -A II w i . : uiNiMb y- a . _ iAl'i' K'/'G CO UOA. RU*., I** WEAR HAMMERSLOUGH BRO'S Famoos New York, tailor-made CLOTHING For sale by prominent dealers all over the State. None genuine without Hammerslough Hro's label. The swellest and best wearing clothes in this Country. Ask your clothier for them. VITALIS t PHOTOGRAPH ED M_ J. \./ A l| niuM ur» r\aae & wen ao of ViTALIS 10th Day. THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY ITO'bices the Above Hesnlts In 30 Hill. It acts fiowcrfuilv and quickly. Cures when till others fuil. VoutiK lncti will repivin their 10-st manhooa •ind old men «til recover their youthful vigor V n ;n r VITALIS. It tird surely re tores Nervousness, Xoat Vitality, laipouaey, llgbtlj Kmiw on . Lost Power, Falling MM* ■rv Wasting Diseases, and all effects of sell i i r excess nn :i indiscretion. \v ards on lusanfty aud consumption. Insist on having ViTALIS. no other, ("an bo cerried in vest lockt t. Hy irttill. SI.OO per package, or six for 5.00, eith a pnnltlve written emirantee to curt r relun.t the mniiPT. ( 'rcnlar free. Address CAM'MET EKltllt COJIPAKV. Chicago, 11). For Sale ut City Pharmacy. / "V DOCTORS LAK.L t-3 rni tk DISPENSARY. •( : A> M 'JOB. A /E. ANU FOURTH ST.. Pi TTbttURGH, PA. „• .s'.'S^. A'lfomisof D< lic.'tteandCom , " MA.J pbe.itetl Uisertsea nquii ing Co s Fit'iSTlH. andbClK.NTtric Med* icatio'i me treated at this Dis. o, Miihti icc-ik -rely attained. Dr. b•• meiuber ol tlie KovalColli je if I'hy ,ii ' a id SurguMO--, nud U tliu ol lest and most .eneed Sritc.>i.iß. tn iba«ltT Sp.--'at at neon (tivcntoN cv-»us Debility fenme-ccsalve , il '\ertlon,'m'.»<-retion of youth,etc., caus n. ihvsical and mental dc«y,lsrW ot energy, li-,.0t. •■ncy. etc.: al«>C»ncee» Old Sore-s Fita, i lie.-, I heaiurtlsm, nnd all dis nscsof thoßkin. liksl. I.un t'linsry < 'rgnns.ttc. Consultation "J,- • AN.! s;ilctly cooiklt H'IUI OrtJce hoiirs.o to ; ; ; 7toß v. M.; Sundays, ItoIP. a. only. :i at odee or ad tu-ss I.AKK, COR -r.sN A» K ,V>DITUiiI'..PinTIJLKGHa-A j »>. wT)«n in »nC it t. J. LQRtJ I Clearance Sale AT D. T. PAPERS, GREAT BARGAINS TO BE HAD NOW. 122 S. Main St., BUTLER. Respected Readef:- In presenting for your careful consid eration our advertisement of Whiskies, Wines and Liquors, we have no desire to tresspass upon your indivtdual opinions and beliefs; but the .unanimous verdict of'physi cians of all schools "that pure whiskey is the best stimulant known to Materia Med ina impel Is us in telling you how and where you can purchase not only pure whiskey, but where you may obtain the BEST and PUREST liquors generally, either for medi cal or social purposes. As a necessary stimulant, pure whiskey is an absolute necessity, especially so at this season of the year. Its timely use counteracts the ill ef fect of climatic changes 011 the system, and it is invaluable "to sustain the flagging powers of life in disease" as stated over the signature of one of our most eminent physicians, (see page 13 of our catalogue). At this time of the year too, the good house-wile is bent on serving "good cheer" for the Holidays, and what indeed would the Christmas Dinner be without its Pudding flavored with rum? its Mince Pie without Brandy? while the hot, smoking Punch and the steaming Toddy must not be forgotten lor they are all a part of Christmas and # the glad new Year. Then too, friends must not be forgotten, and there is nothing more acceptable as a Christmas offering than a bottle of fine whiskey or wine. Read over our catalogue, W liieh Will be Mailed Free on Application, Carefully, and be "assured that our earnest oflort will be to please you and to give you the very best liquors, all guaranteed to be perfectly pure. Thanking you for past favors, and trusting to be favored with your Ho liday order, we are Yours very respectfully, MAX KLEIN. TVliolesale LIQUOR DEALER, Wo 82 Feiapal St.. illaghM/, Pa To avoid the rush of orders at the we would ask you to kindly send in your order at as early a date as possible to enable us to exercise due care in the selection and packing of liquors. M HOSfcNTHAL Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 03 Ferry St., - - - - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamon d Marke A WINTER'S ENTEBTAINIME NT! GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NFWS FOft OF THE WOrtiD LITTLE MO «EY. FOE A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, a tweritv-pngc j"nnj»l. in the leading Kennhlican fami'v paper ot the Uoited State*. It 1» * NATIONAL FAMILY PAtER ai.d give* all tn« ,„«•« ..f the United StstiM It given tbf event* nl foreign land* in » nutf.h«ll I'* AGRICUL TURAL itrparimeui ha* u<> naoerior in the country. It* MARKET REPORTS »r« rei ognised authority. Separate department* f< «r THE F AMI J.Y CIRCLE OUR YOUNG FOLKS au.i SCIENCE AND MECHANICS li* HOME AND SOCIETY coinmo* coninianu 'be admiration ol wives and dw'igli'er*. Its general political uewn, editorial* and diacunaiou* are comprebinKive, brilliant and exbaanttve. A SPECIAL CONTRACT eua'>l>-s n* to 1 tTer tbis tu'endid journi! THE CITIZEN" tor ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN AGVANCE. (The regular Babwription for the two papers is $2 50.) SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. Address all orders to - - - "THE CITIZEN- Writ« your came and addres* 00 * postal card, wend it to Goo. W. Beat, R<>om 2, Tnhaoe B ildioy New York City, aud namplu copy of TUB *>EW YORK WEEKLY TRlfcUtfE will tw mailed u> you.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers