THE CITIZEN THURSDAY. JANUARY 24, 1895. ADVERTISI.NO RATES. Legal notices are published in the CtTt len »t $1 per Inch for first, and 50 cents for each succeeding insertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions, etc. are inserted at Soents a line,money to accompany the ordt-r. Kea.nng notice* on local page 10 cents a line tor first and 5 cent* a line for ea.h subsequent insertion Notices among lo cal news iteuis 15 cents a lino for each in sertion Half-inch professional cards with paper $5 a year. Kales for commercial advertising qmotert upon application New York Weekly Tribune— Free. By special arrangement* made for our -o doing, we are enabled to offer to all our übscrihera wtio pay arrearages, (if any; »nd one year in advance, and to all ne* subscribers paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tribune free lor one year. For further parti <. lars of thia oiler nee ad vertisement. New Advertisements. Henry Miller's Fresh Groceries. Mates' new Res an rant. Heck's Bargain Days and special sale. Trustee'* Halts of eauts o! Juo. Mi'liuger 1 Schneidetnan's Cleaiance sale. Zimmerman's Prices. Kaufman's Coupon. Miller's shoes. Professional card —Dr. Brown. Cluing out sale —Peoples Store. N"Vi. -All advertisers intendingto make can/ e- a their ads. should notify U» of heir i .tending to do so, not later than Mom: morning A... illustrator* and Executors ot estate caii wi.ure tUeir /eceipi booio at the CiT ZS.N oiiice LUlilL AM) UENfcKAL. REPUBLICAN ANNOUNCEMENTS Primary, Saturday Jan. 26 i 395- For Bor« Auditor, JAMBS A. McDoWKLt,.«f THE 2nd ward For Overseer of the Poor. J HAKVKV MILI.KR GEOEOK VuOKiiiir. For High Constable, J. B. MATUU. —Borough politics to the fore. —Buy at home, as far as possible. —The election will come on Feb. 19. —Step forth now, all ye candidates. —Tiie girl who looks sweet enough to eat generally does. —Try an advertisement in the CrriZßJf. It will pay you. —Every voter should attend the prima ries Saturday. —"Turned down again !" exclaimed the lamp when tbe best young man called. —The railroad man has to endure much when the temperature io down to lero. A very good man has invented what tie calls an "anii-sweariug collar button." —At a recent public sale in Deer fie Id, Pa., horses eoiu at puces ranging from $1 to sll. —The Standard proposes to regulate the price «>f oil. without the intervention of the exchanges. Heucj these tears. —A Meadville man who has been nomi nated for two city offices declines to run for either. —There has been nothing monotonous about the weather lately; and people who like a'l kinds have been accommodated. —A hard-hearted old siuner confessed ai an Ohio revival meeting that he bad lor yearn «own his neighbor's lawn with seeds Of weeds for spito. —The ice men have been busily engaged in barveeling their crop. Neither Morri son nor Richey have yet a full amont stored. —The Millerstown Herald says that a young man aud a young woman of this place got -'as drunk a* lords''in that place last Thursday. ' —While the recent extreme weather ruined ibe orange and pineapple cropi in Florida, it didn't hurt the ice crop in this part or the country. This was damageJ, however, by the "January thaw." Ice is a sensitive plant. —Pat was climbing a ladder to the top of tbe house. When he stuck his head out of the skylight he disiurbed the qniet of a parrot, which screamed out. "Stop that, stop that!" "Excuse mo." says Pal "I thought you was a burd." —A man may gov, and a man may lie, and a man may pat] and blow, but be can't get trade by hitting in the shade, waiting for business to grow. Tde United States mint i* the only business that can make money witnout advertising. —The P. S. it L. E. railroad official* are fitting tbe company's locomotives with an apparatus that regulates tbe number ol inileu covered and tbe time per mile con sumed. It m a new invention aud bas given entire satisfaction. l —The pretensions and presumptions o men are usually in inverse ratio with their abilities. As Touchstone say*, "The fool doth tbink he is wise, but the wi*e uian knows himself to be a fool." Diffidence is therefore very frequently the companion of ability. But there are so uiuuy tool* in the world that presumption is often mis taken for talent. —A Baltimore physician recently pre formed a very delicate and nnu*iial operat ion I; consisted in opening the skull ol tbe paiieut and removing from the brain a piece of nerve in order to give relief from neuralgia Th>- affected nerve parsed from tbe brain through a su.all apetinre in the in the skull. Tbe griiduai closing of tbi* aperalure an>: the conseqnent pressuro on the nerve caused almost unbearable pain. Dr Tiffany ha* performed six similar oper ations, all ill wbicb were successful. —The attention of our readers is called to onr advertisements. Perhap* you may not think so, bnt such news as our adver tisers proclaim to you each ween is well Worth carefu l reading By comparing notes and dropping in and looking over their stocks many times more than the cost of Ibe CITIZKN for a wliolo year can be sav ed on one bill ol goods. We claim to have tbe verj best class ol business men of our County represented in our columns, and thej can all be depended upon. —Owing to ibe advent ot ihe grip a New York newspaper has secured the services of a prominent physician to prescribe dai lj - lor the suffering public. Here's hi* "care care" tor cold in tbe bead: The cold is the result of an exira pressure of bliaid in ibe load, which obstruct* tbe general circulation. The nostrils ate dis tended, tbe mucous membrane ts swollen and the back of the throat become* cuppy and dry. Nothing is better than a hot font bath aud a hot drink, followed by a dover's powder. All ot this is to stim ulate per.- piration. Tht-n one graiu ot qui nine, with one quarter of a grain of red pepper, should be taken every two hours lor twenty-four hour*. By that time your Cold will bave di-sappeared." AS tbe a bove prescription is wiitten by one of tbe bent known now, throat anil uar specialists of the city it should be about as good a* tbe other son, which sometimes comes high. —Both parties in this town will hold tbeir priajarief, Saturday afternoon. —The Alliance conviction Tuesday, was bot slimty attended. It was too cold. —V irphy, tie ieuiperance apostle, will | be htrc Feb. 12(b. —First Waid Hose C->'s bi*liefil; a con cert by the We.-tern University Club Frb ruary.22J. —Chicken-pie supper at the Prf'hjte i | in C'nrch, this evening, 5:30 to 7:30, 35 oents. —On and at'fer January 2Sth, the P. S. A L. E. R. R will r»qmie pas.eugers to p:ir cba-e tickets and show them "o the tra.n m.ia before entering the ar-i. —ln c >nseqn* nee of-evere illness. Rev Anua H Snatv wtil not be able to come to Butler this week, and the lecture announ ced to be given i n Friday evening Jan. 25 is therelore postponed. —Tt.e members of Co. E , Fifteenth Reg are shortly to apuear in a new uniform. Aland, the tailor, is now engaged in mak ing them and the Co wil! appear at the spring inspection in their new dress. —Some one who wants to -xplain wh at editorial "we" signafies.says it cas a varie ty of meaning*, varied <0 suit the eirenm viscces. For an example: When yon read that "vie expect our wife home to day," "we" refers to ihe editor in chief; when it is "we are a little late with our work," it includes the whole office lorce. even to tfce devil and the towel; in "we are hiving a boom," the town is meant; "»e received over $700,000 last year," it em braces the natton; but "we have hog chole ra in our midst," means that a man who takes a paper and ne.vt-r intends to pay for it is very ill. —A neatly attiri»d man, with all the ap pc-arances o( a gentleman, enteied tte Port Perry sccool Allegheny county lately He made some reinaiks abont Improvements that attracted the attention of the teachers Tnrnine to MUs Annie Strik, teacher of room No 2. he told her that John Morri pon, the Port Perry school director, had requested hiui to gel $2 from her for inprov ments She gave 11 to him and he walked out and has not been seen since A man answering bis description worked the school teachers of Wilmerdir.g and Spring Hill in a similar wa, ,atid the school teach ers throughout the country districts are warned to beware of him. —On the opening of the Legislature ai Harnsbarg, it tras discovered that many of the locks on the Members' desks would not work, and the contents of tbe desks were of course in danger of being stolen Hon. Noah Sear.or therefore submitted R resolution which reat*: "Resolved, tho employes of the House be held responsible for anything 'hst is missing from Member®' desks." Mr. Niles suggested au amendment uiak ing tbem "morally" responsible. The resolut-.on was voted down on the theory that tne employes had "troubles enough of their own. —Early one morning, not long ago_ one of our townsman, who live* in the northern part *:f town went down stairs in his-"robe de cbainbre," intruding to take a bath be fore breakfast Arriving at tho foot of the stairs, bo became somewhat solicitous about the welfare of '>is thermometer, ii bavirg hnng on the porch that fearfulh oedd night. As l.e stepped out on the porch, he forgot to lurn the dead latch; consequently »a the door closed, onr i..ves ligatiug friend began to think be bad dis covered '.he north pole. Then commenced such a ringiu* of trie door bells an was never heard before A lady of the family leard the bell but having heard the man ol the house going do*n, thought of course he would be prompt to answer it. ru« wile wan np stairs, hut knowing her husband had goue down, took it for grant ed that he would let the early caller in Tile bell kept on ringing and the uir began to get bine with the • j.iculations of praise that flowed from the lips of tho gentleman HI discovering his delightful situation. It ri-qaired considerable exercise to keep the nlood at a proper temperature. The ex hibition that wa< g'V«n of the light fali'as ic dancing, without music, only word ac companiment furuii-hing tbo motive power, would have been appreciated more than (be best ministrel show in the land. The unfortunate uian, being a devont cbnruQ inan, the only phrases heard were, "Oh, Losd; it is delightful to be able to enjoy the early morning uir; bn' why don't they answer the bell—! —! —!—! !" We will ven ' tire the prediction that our friend will see tbat the dead latch is properly anjusteif before he ventures out on an early morn with mercury at 10 dog roes below zero in a •■netnine that would be more befitting the Island of Cuba than this part of Pennsylv ania. The Markets. BtJTLKB MABKF.TS. Our grocers are paying 22 for bnttor and 22 for fresh eggs, 00 loi potatoes, GO for parsnips, 50 for anion* and I>< ets, lOcts for .iressed chicken, 12 for turkey and dni k. 3' to 5 a head for cabbage, 25 to 30 a dozen 'or celery, 60 to 75 for apples, $1.50 to 1.75 for beans. FOR REM. One or two fnrnished rooms lor lodgers. Centrally located and agreeable surroundings. Apply at thisofiice, Bargains in Liwns, Dimilys Pongees, Organdies and all the sum mer good* at L BTISIN A SON'S —Genuine Lancaster Gingham.* 5c at PAVENNYS —Try. T A. Morrison's home made Carmels. One Portfolio, containing 16 superb views fr>/m the Worlds Fair ifiven away with each $2 00 sale at IJ. STEIN & SON —Summer Underwear, Hosier- Mitts, Laces and Itibboua at roduc ed prices at L. STEIN <FE SON'S. lox4 blankets 60c at DAVEVNT' 8 —l2£ cent Pongees and Tissues reduced to cents at L. STETN A SON'S. —The highest crude of pateut donr mudo at the mill* of J. C. BRKAOKN & Co., West Sunbury, Pa. —A pood nmberella for 75c at DAVINNY'S. —Try our new roller fl-ur—latest improved machinery. Satisfaction gnaranteed, J. C. HREADEN & Co , West Sunbury, Pa. Mrs. Jones—Where did you get tbat hat? vi rs. Smith—At l>aveDny's of course, they have the best millinery in town, try them. The People's Choice. The cracker pr» f>-rred by m~>st p>*o is the famon* Ragle Butt.-r. He sure each cracker has an eagle and the name "Marvin" on it.. Guaranteed | pure and wholesome. Ask your I iiruccr for tiieur LEGAL NEWS. TRIAL LIST FOB LAST WEEK The balance 01 the Trial List was dispos | ed of, alter our last issue, as follow..: j Anni eM. Kaltenbach vs Lewis A. Pfeif- I ler Verdict for plaintiff for $65. | r L«ou rd Schenck ts W. H. Gardner et al. Settled. Lewis Pfp flVr T« Gsorge and Annie Kal teubach. For def-ndants Alfred T Cook Son vs P. £ W. Railroad. Continued to May court. KOTRS. Thfre are some curious wills 011 recor.l in the Register aud K oorderV office. 0;i --we i»aw the other day bequeathes divers prop* rty to several sons and gives to each I daughter one cow, or $6 on tne marriage lot the girls Tbe oldest win was to giv the c.w or sl6 as ho pieased. Another W:ll is of a gentleman most though Jul !• r ! hii widow lor he enjoins a friend to "nurs>- her the balance of her lile." Mary Kauss has sued John Rohner, a administrator of ihe estate of Jonn Kauss, deceased, for $3,000. Mary is th daughter"! Martin S« hsger, who, a* she deserted his wito and child when Mary was six years of age Then J no. G. Kanss took her and raised her, and verbal ly agreed to make her his beir but n«ver legally adopted her. though she bad lived wi*ti him as his child and housekeeper since 1876. Mr. Kanss was murdered Nov 30, 1894, other relatives are now claiming ■he property and hence Mary brings suit. The sale of the real estate of John Ma linger set a-ide, on p**tiLion of tne Trustees, and G D. Swain, guardian of the Goehring children, was .;ajuul leave to sell the rial estate ul JoUu tioehring at priva-e sale. A rule wa« granted in A. G. Meals to show cause why hn should 11 a tile triennial accounts, aud why he should not be dis charged <lB guardian of the Cbruty ch l dren. David Badger was appointed guardim of Susie Brown. The c>aity pail >l'. -f 191.>> fir th-) scalps of foxes and minks last year. J. C. Cooper was grinted n aedllers licence on pension certilh-ate 843 '286. Summons in ej-tctment for a tract of land in Concord twp *-m issued by Alvin Turn er against N. i\ Bell. The will of Couard Uollerman late of Lauca-ter twp was pronaled; al«o will of tjlaud Vicroe. late ol Hurler twp; al-o wili of Lydia Bi.hynia McGiil late of Centre twp. J. D. btephehrou, Exr. August Ulrick was committed to jail on Wednesday on a charge ot aggravated a.-- sault and battery preferred by S. H. Mc Bride. Newton Gold has taken steps to eject 'Jargaret and A.ibert -Scott from possession of 7 acres in Oakland twp. LATE PROPERTY TRANSFERS. John G Letisne'r to Philemon Lensner 52 acres in Jefferson twp lor $2,500 Esther Uuichts HI to Fergus E Thorti iierg 38 acres in Oakland twp lor $961. Heirs of Jas W KiVker to Ja> Welsh R9 acres in Oonoq for $5 000 Heirs id Jaui K-lly to U P Scott l«it in Martiusburg for s3slt DJ Washabaugo to Ljvi J Sisuey 124 acres in Cherry lor $657. Mary A Goehriog to Jac »i> Gelbtcb 4'.' acres IU Jackson for $1,500 Henry M *rburgor t > .Sarah M Ziuk lam lot in Evausourg for $1,700 Jos Nolan to Jos Cashdoliar 93 acres in -Adams for $l5O. W A Stein to W H Atwell 33 acres 111 Marion for sll6. J E tirown to Cora S Brown lot in But ler for S9HO. S D Paivis to Clarence Kelly lot in But ler for $825. Marriage Laceases. Edwiu Young Cherry twp Cl-mie Crolhers Forward ta-p fnotuas Curistv Clay tap Sunie Brown ..... .Cherry tap W. H. McCallerty............Freeport Pa Mary McKay...... LeasuPeVill- Uarry L Caiu ...Butler Pa Belle Thompson " J B Drake Armstrong Co Mary 80i1mau...... ...... " At Mercer—R L McD.ovell of Grove City and Nannie r>nuier ol Butler co.inty. Henry Fisner, President of the Fisher Oil Co. was marrieo at Washington I). C. last .Saturday, to a daughter ol Yinjor Evan Thomas, a'ho was Killed during tuu M:>doc » ar. Meeting of Oil Pioducers. A genera! meeting of the producers o* oil, and ol farmern and business men inter ested in production will t>a held 111 ButUr this afternoon. Cnurcb Notes. Nightly mooting ■> litre been held a 1 Stiilob chtiron thin week, and will be con tinued at Clinton church. Rev E M. Wood will preach 111 the M E. Church next Sunday iriorniuii ou "Three Crowes" and in the evening on, "liow many will get to Heaven. The will be no service* iu the tf irman Lutheran <;huruh next Sunday, on account of the illness of iiev. Croueawett. Phonograph Concert. Prof. L: min H. How* of Wilksbsrre, Pa will t»ive a I'donogcpb concert in rhe Presbyterian church on fruity eve 11 ig Feb Bih Itare mniiical geiri* both vocal and instrumental rendered by Ara«rwaN greatest singer* and musicians (including s«lectiou* from Uilinore'.i iiatnl, tue U. c. Marine baud, Baldwin'* cadet baud, .'ule* Levy anil Walter Bversou) lecitaiions by eminent elocutionists and sounds Irom nature made by animals, bird* eic. are ac curataly reproduced by tbi* wouilerful in strument and in a tone loud enough to entertain au audience of over throe thou* and. lnfants Wool Hone 5 cte per pair at Daveuuy's —White goodp, Lawns, Pongees Organdie* and all kinds of wash goods at l«s« ttjan wholesale price at I Prtin <k Holt's —Ziiver'e Picture* leave notfciog wautiug in finish, tone or a correct lißeneHH —Clearance sale of all summ-r goods at leas than wholesale prion at L STEIN At SON H. Home made candies. taffies, oar mni*, aud etc., DOW OU baud at ibe City Bakery. Fresh cut Flowers of all kinds, always ou baud at tbe City Bakery. —Highest cash price paid for (jrain of all kinds -it J. C Broaden A Co's new roller mills, West Snnbtfy, Pa —Take your children to Zuvere Gallery for Pictures that will suit roo. Postoffiee hnii.linjr —J oh work of all kind done at the CITIZEN Orrirs Our Hosiery values are u>,equal, ed aud well worth your inspection [,. Stkin <*» SON'S. Fine Donnett flannels, 5c at DAVENNV'U. Boardiotr House Cardfl. with Act of \ssenib)y, 25 ceute. for half-a-doaeu, •"or sale at CITIZEN office —Fittest novelties iu dress goods at DAVBN.NY'S MUSIC- Music scholars wauled. Lesson* will be giveu either at the botue of the teacher or at the home of tbe scholar.. Inquire at 124 -V Wajne St. But>er Pa. —No matter how hard the times ! the onetbiug you cannot att'ord to go I without is all the news if yon want ull tbe news you get it iu the PMB burtf Dispatch. Tue Dixpcitch pub hdtieo all—uot a part ouly. Cutting Affrays. Cuttitg affrays were quite numerous in , Bui ron Tuesday mghi. Steve Mcßride ' and a man name! Ulriok had a "scrap" ! I.'ar tlie Lowry House and Ulrick is said : 'o have drawn a knife and slabbed Mc | Bride. The latter soon got the best of Ulrick anu bad hiin lodged in jail on a ! charge of aggravated assault aud battery, j A'-oui hall past eight a q-iiie serious q larrel took place in front ot ibe Jarecki j store on K. Jefferson St., between Chas. ■M. Ilee'.erand Morgan Davis. It appear* 1 that the men were interested in a lease and Dad developed more or less bad blood ; in their settlement thai day of some bns:- j uess connected with the lease. Shortly beioro the fighting look place. Heeler caaie to toe Jarecki store aud asked Davis, wbo was there with some friends, to step into tao street as he wished to speak to him. One story is tnat he then V'd Davis he was going to ••do" bim and made a inn at Davis wbo struck hiiu iu the face and knocked liiai down They then grappled, and a number of men collected around the two. Harvey Byerty saw a knife flashed in 'he air and grubbed the hand holding it, wncreupou be was struck, it is said,by one of Da vises. Harvey pluckily held to tue knife. ihoagL, and the men were Sep dialed and Heeler got away. Davis was j found to be cat badly about the right baud | an 1 a deep gash was discovered ou his up- , per left arm. He was taken iuto the Jar- I eciti store. Dr Bncker summoned aud bis | wounds dressed l'lle friends of Daw is. claim tnat Heeler must nave had the kuilu a hi- fit nd wnen he entered ihe store and asked Davis to come out. Another story is as follows: Heeler ask ed Davis oui to talk lo him, wneu Davis attacked bim aud in seit delense he g»i uul nts pocket knife and stanbeu bim. Heeler's actions and appearatice are thought by some to bear oat this theory. Alter the figtit, Heeler went 10 the Lowry house where be washed the blood trom his tace aud hands. He was seen to be badly used up, nose bleeding and eyes and tace s*ol ten. He then disappeared and eluded tUe > ttioers all night but gave biuiself up the uexi morniug He was then badly used ip about the tace and snowed marks ot vi olent Usage. Accidtutf. John Horrei was uadly burned by an ex plosiou ol gas at a well near Jefferson oentre, lasi Friday. A sou ot Cyrus Knox <>f Evans City had ais neaiing destroyed by naumg a uau loin bis ear. Peun twp was the scene ot a fire and a fatal burning last Friday afternoon. A gas explosion in the bouse ol Chris Waguer st tire to the baby's clothing aud also to some other clothing hanging near the stove. Mrs. Waguer tried to save tne ba by by running out of the house with it aud roiling il in the snow; aud while so do ing ine flames trom the other clothing uoui ruauicaled to tbe house and It was com pletely destroyed. The baby was so badly uurned trial il died next day. Tne bouse »as a uew one, and tbo loss is partially covered by insurance. Mr. Wagner was away Irom nome at ibe lime. it was an unusually uislressiug affair. A co! Union at Keister,ilnnday evening. Uiriav ed the late paWeiiger train lor t'uUr U'»nr.t. It citlliued with a cattle car. A Card. 1 aiu di'Sirt'Qa ol aunouueiug to UJ> irn-Gilis ibrtiugi'mut iho tuwn aud ci-u.jij mat l>r 0. A. Wiiliaina will occnpy ui> uli: place ul bufinerit d* my Muccevsur in the practice 111 inediuine aud Bnrgery. Ue nas been in active practice several yearn And 1 uui gleaned to be able to procure a man cuiupeti'Di, tn fiiiluw my long tenu ol Hervice in thin community. 1 naot ut be-peah tor him a coruial rjception by my nunierouii triendi. K. N. LKAKK Glostnif Out bale Lfitlie'a woo I Uoderwuar at half price Muhlin auu other goodn tuai k ««1 dowu. THE PEOPLES &XOUE A Hungry Man la rit-arcb of soajetbintr to eat w iu d ivelcintf tbf eiirCt of a pound ua< knirH of Charut Soda Biwuit tuadH only by Marvin, tb« fani<iu« baknr Get a paekign at vour grocer'a Fine caoion flinnel- 5 cent* »' Datk^NY's -•A fall lint* of borne m>id« candifx at tb« City Bakery. New Clothing Store. T H Burton has purcbaned tbe mock of the Racket Store,aud wi«be« vi close it oat aa goon an poggible He intendn to -tart a uew clotbintr store, ami will open on or about tb«- I St of March 1 X L». f'iciures, Diplomas, Certifi"iU*B and Charters Framed to Order a' 309 S. Main St, Bu'ler. Pa FEUD FKIOEL, Prop'r. AMY BRO'S, COBNEU MAIN & MIFFI-'N ST«., BuTLiea, Pknn'A. Dealers in new and second band household of everv dest;ription Call 'ind see u.s. vVe can eave you money. —You pay for ftchool-bookn; hot the beat acbool bo.'k for vour children iw |our liaily pt-p»r Well printed, carefully aud intelligently edited, of instructive contents, first and fullest with tbe news and best in presenting it. tbe Pittsburg Oigpatch tills the bill SPECIAL SALE. Wi-ilnci'ilay and Tbnrnday Jan. 23. 24' t'hildrena 25n, 50c, and 750 SilK and I'lnidi at 14c. Friday aud Saturday Jan. 25 and 20. all of our 50 mid 75c white aprons at 33c. SI.OO. $1 25 mil $1 5(1 whito aprons at 61c. Bargain HHIH ol Haiti and Feather* con tinued th>n week. Watch this space for next weeks bargains. M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 m 117 S Main St., - Butler. IST BW Sovitlisido Restaurant No. 211 Centre Avenue, (Whu. m're huildinv ) cunvenient to P. k W d»-pot Ojien all boars AM k : nd of luNche* arid retrtilßr m»'al- Tohacivi Hiid Citrare, fi « coofectione and eyrytbioir to l»e foond in a flrwt cl»ss Restaurant. (jive OH a call and *ve will do our best to ac c.'mmndaie you. VV. J. MATES, Manager. AGF.NTS WANTED by ilamorlHl. MARK TWAIW. on#* of hi* previous unok-< have hart 1m n»» r»•<!» ill* n«*w fvMik nurp iHbes ao> rhlu^ !l«' h»w *rlD«n. T*<> >rorle* Iri OHM volurnr, A Trn»f**tl) »ntl m Tom dj A tfTMH »'i. 'or •K e t* i" fcilvi- MXCIUM.V** b rrliorv ror anrt tuJl |»Artl< ul«r« J( W. « 00., tUd AXU) rftv, ruila. Personals. Mr- A. N. McCftndless is s-)rionaly ill Dr. Moore has opened an otfica over Miller's shoe store. ! Hons. D. B Douthctt and J. N. Moore were home trom llarrisburg. over Sunday. Josiab Hawk of Cberry twp was in town on business, Saturday. —Charley Hosford now has a hotel at Sister?vilie. —Ke>-. Cupps is doing Evangelistic wurk at Caa >tbers in VashiniftJU Co. MrsJ. H.Graham of Pittsburg is the guest ot her sister Mrs. Herb Haiper. John Gamble of the first ward is serious ly ill. Eva Fulloch of Petersbnrg Clarion Co., grand daughter ot Capi. Fiauegw,is leak ing mm a visit. John Bildebrand was 65 years ot age. aud not a day onier than he w s tweuiy years ago. J. C. Kiskaddon and J. M Brenner have purchased the livery stable connected with the Butler House. Hi", drick <fc Sons have opened an office in the Armory building They turnish maps ot any ol the oil fields ou Suorl no tice. Michael Conlia ot Butler has been grant ed an increase of pension, also George Morrow of branchton, aud H-nry E Muter of Zelienople. —Kev. Ferris marfe a strong and elo qaent plea tor Chr'S.ian endeavor, to a large audience in the Pr. sbyterian cbuica Monday evening Hiram Graham of Petersville was t"wu on business, Monday. He sold his interest ii. the lamner yard at Grove City, a month ago, bat is iet interested iu a coal mine there. —Mr. and Mrs. Prof Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Li. G Vog-l«y aud tne Misses Bird Miller, Jeunw Mei'tlllng, Beltlla (J 'Jig lei, AlUee DilleV and Mr Forest Hufl ot ihe Episet'Ual choir of this plac- Were down t-. Pittsburg laot I'hursday to hear the Bos ton ians. The reception given by Mr Cbas R Wa'sou last Thursday to the brother hood o1 St Andrews was a most pleasant affair. There were present a number of ira'-sts outside the Brotherhood and all spent a most enjoyable evening. Elegant refreshments were served aud uiumo turn isbed by Messers Coulter, Tiitou, Guinper and others. Mrs. S. H. Pieraol ot Fairview Avenue Ifave a complimentary t' a last Tuesday evening in honor ol Miss llat'ie M. Wood ol Piitsburg; who is here vinting her broth er Rev. E. M. Wood Tills was served lu china decorated by herseif. Mrs. Pierso) .g more than au amateur in fiue art, as the numerous pieces of tier work show. Her paintings in oil and crayon' original aud o herwise, pleased the company Very much. Joseph A. Snyder returned to Butler from Florida last Friday. Last October. S:iyderaud two partuers trum Orowfom l)i> veui to Florid*, reuted a farm along the St. John's riv«r. about a hundred iuii«s soalh of Jacksonville, and started to rai<« nuiti-n stuff Tney did well, and by Christmas h»cj a crop of all kinds ot vegtU able* nearly reauy for the n-arket, Iroui nbicb thi*y eiperteil to realii" a handsome profit; but th«- buzzard that set in brtwwn Christmas and Ns* Years reached down io iheir larni and destrojed their entire crop. They l"8t tb>-ir njonay, and three months bard work Tba' frm-u-i destroy ed bait i he orange crop, aud hail 'be orange orchards of me Stale, and »"ts a sad blow to its property. Ice formed an iucb 'hick at- far south as Like Wortn. aud iu man* other sheltered places where orange groves bad heretofore been safe 'he Iruit was frozen solid on the treeß The loss to tbe Iruit growers, a.- well as the merchant*, transportation companies, tbe packers anil all those in an" way oonneoted with what promised to be a uiogt profitable MnP>nn has been almost as seriou» as ll the S ate bad been swept over by tire Owing to the rip'Uiibt of la»r Knuiiiier. the or* g trees bloomed late In tbe fttl. a'ld tb' re was jtr< in 1M? ot a large cr-p ol late frui . Of • ource, this is ail de-troved, and tbe fruit buds for nezt j ear's l>lootn are pre. bubly ruined Many young orchanis are killed, and main of the old trees will be cut tMOk seriously. The salable orange* now arriving iu northern cities are those wbicb bnd been picked and were in pack ing bounes before tbe cold w iVe. Souie oranges whiun *er« caugnt by the fro it in tran.-It bring little or nothing Grape Irui now sells s> $U a box at wnolesaie ami orauges at $4 to $5, aud the price is stea !- ily aOVtUClng. To meet the debcienc caused b> the rtisa-ter in Florida, l»rg»- ordets have been cabled for Me*»iua and Palermo oranges. an<* Sicilian Iruit now hero is commanding high prices. Look at This, Think of it, a Ladies fine Vici Kid Shoe, in lace or button, six different styles to select from, price $1.25 actual value $2.00. We are going to spring a sur prise on our customers and place on sale a Ladies Kid Button Shoe, I'at tips at 88cts., also a Ladies fine grain button shoe at 88cts.,if you want a pair of these don't delay, they are going fast. We claim to sell the best shoe for SI.OO ever made. It is a gents fine Buff Shoe in lace or congress and just as much style to it as any $3.00 shoe in the market. Our mens A Calf Congress and Lace shoe at 95cts, needs no mention. We are selling them about as fast as we can get them. All winter goods and Rubber to be sold regardless of cost, TRY. Tiie New Shoe Stare. C. E. MILLER, 215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. "WHO la a »crv inappro priate quotation if STEALS you I'Uv jour purses of us. MY Wo feeep no tra-h. hut we do keep 'he PURSE finest line of purses end pocket in STE VLS the Cfunty, We have the lit •*< TRASH ■' iqti be*t things i-t th * Hue. I'ur*e* and Lea'h r P...-k»*t H.xiku from 5c to 13. AH tti>j ,Vn,tf ere. J. H. DOUGLASS', Near Postoffice. * • a-a** 1 »*» • ofc-...- .• ift v-».»c•%•«. ~nu IJV LORD JtTK&M&fr Oil Notes. The Lent* «i- Co, well ou the Miller farm, north of Keiitrew, in believed U> be Uie deepest well in Butler county. It was drilled through nil the regular funds and iiome distance below th» lira iford sand, lu ail going to a depth ot 3,360 tee:. It Was shot several times. West of Mars, Batier connty, famished 1 e (food illustration lost week of the snc j cess of looking up some of these old aban doned weils. Duncan. Crawford A Co. bold a lease on the UoClellaud heir's farm, on which a well was drilled about uiue year. air<> and abandoned. At the time it was drilled a show ol oil was developed in the 100-t.iot and wi'b ii the n.aal »moun' ot sail nater At that time 11 was thought t<> be an imposnibiliry to handle the salt water and it war cas~.i .-If and the well | drilled to the lownr s.ttids, but on their be ing cothibft discovere in the lower f rma i tious it was palled out and abaudoned j The new owners a- an experiment pui ! in a shot, cleaned it out and pat it to pumping, and nave been rewarded with a : 20 barret producer. j There is no (*oubt many localities iu the | 100-foot districts of iiniler countj that »ill furnish a repetition .<f tbj experiments on the McClelland farm if prop. il>' tested. It wil* tie noticed tnat Duller county at this time is the only part of toe souihwei.t that has a new field that is attracting »>-y attention At the well on tie K:rker farm has proved a drawing car" and sent the demand lor leases sm wa>d The holders ol territory show no iii-po 1- tion to go slow and wait lor poiuters. bui are pushing ahead with new »ork iu aluiost every direction from the new siriKe B-- tore tne end of the week th>-re will bx le wells drilling or starting hia a rad lo ot one uiile encirciiug the Kirfcer well. Cooperstown—Wuiler's No. 3. Brown I doing 100 bills ; Patterson <£ N*■. 6, the same; Collins A ileaaley'» No 2 Pa s heir* ami No. 6. f-iarr are showing for goon Wells; W ulier'.s 4, no tbe Browu; tie Forest Oil Co's well on the Harbison, Black's well ..n the Hickey and the Forest Co's ou the Downing are all looking goo . Brownsdale—The completed wells or the E'tielman and Johnstown are making Iroin 6 to 8 bols. an hear; Kliugeusmu r. <t Co. got the tools oat ol No. 2, Monday; Kr.ox & .Say, have abatidoiiei their well on the Cooper aud are moving the rig: Griesbach 4 Co's well on th* Kuanff is not showing any oil in the Tnir.i; Bolard <t Co's well on thu Cashdollar Wa shot aud is shon iug some oil; Weir <fc Co'- well on the Nelson is showing uo oil in tb> 100 toot; Bolard <& Dale plugged their N . 3 in the gas sand, and are drilling a n»~ hole. Whitestonn— Half a dulea new well' are drilling. Einltir He il ,»rtiu is Pll<>* ii-g trnnie nil; Twitciieli A Co. on the Fri *l.- kuru has been cased. Eleven rigs uti building. Mar«—Uunuau, Crawford iVs SH 1. ou tbe McClelland is gmid fur 15 übu St. Jo«*—lieiber £ tin'* ir-11 nu ih-» X: k Sailnr is being drilled to deeper aands Heraian — Phillip4 well on the U k Cvuie in last week and was doiug 60 bbla. Thin ejUnuiU this field. thuQgh It id Veiy -potted territorr. > Are Your > ? Fresh? j x Everything we have isC f fresh. We guarantee every/ ) pound we sell to be the) \ best ot its kind there is. C / We want regular.all-the \ ? year-round, trade. Let us C V sell you all you can eat. f ) Henry niller,c ? Opposite P. O. 1 It is uiineccssarv to boi'e you with the advertisement of our largest stock, best facilities, bi^est 7 on business, etc. You know we have that. The important an nouncement is, We will Positively save you Money on your Fall Clothes. Our stock tables are resplendent with the new est patterns. See them. ALAND, TAILOR. Li. C- W ICK UKALKK (9 Rough and Worked Lunis* OF AL. KlttUs Oours, Sash, BMnds Moul<lirivr and Lain Always in StoeK 1.1 ME. HAIR AMD P .ASRF.K offlbt, OppotilM t 1 ,t n t>n>l» BTTIiB . Hotel Williard. Ro penel 'tnrl uo* nvidy for ibe c •omm odation of Ihe trnvi'ling pub lic. J«I• J1 1 I f I 1111-1111 l lltll. MRS. MATTIE REIHING, o*asr « H BROOKS. Clerk. .• . . .. ... * . I ».& iJt m *'c'«lu.Ai, A Suggestion. ir'i. Did it ever occur to jr»a tfcnt mere are drugs a :<! i^rnjrs—that drugs are like every thing else—tnete arc jrood, b<d and indif ferent. There is n-- ■' -'-e which is positively bad It it is'ul jjst <>l be-t. Our polict ha." alw«ys been to have no: in* nut ihe best. Wbeu yon want dm** come to n« and be as<ur-d of fresb pure (foods, ami alw-ivs what you a.tK for or your prescription i alls lor. It nuj not always be drugs i»ii want •*i he--. ffi.»|*»v« lw-.n hmd a full line o: siok.rooni requisites." C. R. BOYD, Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. RAILROAD TIMS TA. LSS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. riiE.STANDAUK RAU.KU.VI) OF AMERICA WKST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. "VHKDt'LK IN KFFKCr XoVKMBEa .'6l h, ISat, south . Weuk Days , A. M AM AM. P. >l. r M. illller LeaVefi 15 » »'> II .» 'J 45 Alto -txonburg.. .Arrive u4l »uo II *1 .ill s!> iiiler J net. • 730 a 11 v> jw 543 ■liter lui- i.. U-ave 7JU j u Uu; .140 ajj vairona Arrive T asi l* i.i 3 w u■ i lareutuiii 7 43 v •<; 12 lu 3y, $ -orlugoate 755 lo u5 1/ 33 4 lareinoui. s 11 13 55 ; is >j 27 -DHrpsuurx * i-> . ... i .1. t JJ u .>2 Clltf *Ji io ..3 124 441 6i5 A. H A X P. M l>. M. P. M. North We*< Utvs. A. M. A. M. A 11. P. a. p, 11-'ghenyt'lty Leave fi 0 »25 IU 40 3 la 6 10 harpsburg 7 U5 « :» 10 5s .are mo 1it.......... .... S 45 II Ui yriuifJil!! H•> tl 2t> .... <j 41 :»n uiiiia 7 'J 10 ll :ti 351 6 5.) ctlroll* 7 37 U 15 II 45 335 CM luili-r Jud vrrive* 45 » 11 55 4u» 7 Itt vutler iue't Leave 7 45 9 45 12 3 s 4 13 7 02 Sa*ollt>Uris Blb 111 II lIA 440 7*- duller Arrives 35 lu 35 I3u < ctf 7so A. M. A. it. F J(, ; j| RES D.\va. For U- ka<i>. W*.hk liavs " *• * , A *. p 11. -■ 45 615 t.v. butler Ar lu 3> I*j ~4u I3u \r KUIK-r 11111 :Mou L.V. :t 4.'> I• 3» 104 745 Lv. Hutler .luiioil i i vr. »4i !<» 4 iu 74U *r. Fr**eiHirt I,v. 'j ai 115 755 " Ailexueiiy Ju. '. "■ bi u I 2" » ' I*evlil»nx ... • i» ju la 13 I 4l> *JI •• P»ull.)ll 'J '5 II ~ I ■> i 4 851 * •• » .s7 1, .JJ •-0 S» ' W«»ir->vilie •• „ IC> ~ uUu v " BUirsvulo luier u " 7 -*j 1., » 'At 11 4'J *' Alluoua •• 34y s u*i iuo 3HO " »Ur. 4»i «00 •• t'ulU lei,'lil t '• x hi 11 .11 4. u r. St. j>, at p. m t limugii trains for tue east ie. ve Luloa iSlallou; an fol»o v Ys; .vuasjivama. l,liuiLel. dally 7|J ,V,M , miillc b..\Mre3». •• j •>. y K.\prcs». •• .ou •• UiuiUeli-liU Express, " 1 u, ell . aleru Exprers, " 7 00 f'.ißl UUiJ, " B|U •• tor deuiilel tutor a>l ioa. aid.-esi rnoi. K. 1 ;itt. r'aa.i Ag'l. >Ves ern >u . lot. 110 Kill b 1 venue, Put-uMfg, I'a. - w eitHvosr, .r. ; (ieueial >1 la-Hier, ileal. I'm'* Af'i P. &. W H. K ■* Uedne in eiT-• S>v is. 91 (it it:"' Matt j Tuc Sli#ri l.liu' to mtstiurit OEPABT SOCTU. KKO.(I S' 'tTTII • .5 11 in Alletrneii) !>2T>aut, iv » 16 u n> Alt'* c Akron 10.1H1 a tn Al s N (telle ■ I■ft.l iu Allegheny v ij 21, |> m. All'y x Mi'iro ."t-i pin Alltifiieav \J«I. r»iisii in, \n. i;iie iv t:\ P M ('BIIUIFO SX ; L» p ni.MI > .T A»> ron >SSpm Ally & Kll Ki -lupin AUertieuv Av oKi*AKT SOUTH PKOM s<>«tu »i aKI Ki'ne & ttr vt, ,«(»T, a 111 K"X -iirjt \c •up ui ('l.iil 11 Av- i- Sam.(Mai »u Ar ■la p 111 pin. hanv Mill BtrNt>\Y rsn*B. uxpAitTHotiru I ra >M BOOTH. • 15 4in iVlMinii V' ■ 1.15 iu \ll'*,"ue:iv te ISII prn ' tile I*l, Kk U'l p .11. \l|' Kx .45 p ill. AileKUoUj AC|7i'>o tl AC rrato arrivtiii tt at p a leavoa < ac • > do .*>!. i*>uii{ ir:i;is o'oiork Hl'ler -ill ir-« ivui • 1:11 t vl.» Vlb len.V it 33>' |). 111. la 1 ex 'i ,» -u 1 • ■ t'Oli .. eitiiK "I A'iilo*rgr.jv i, ardvliii; 11. Hiil r a' ■*& I'ulliauD HulTel. Sleepia? 1' in .1111 llr«' ol -» »•> t U.UMU-. IUU llir>ui(n o stweoii H i lot Hill nk-av'u't illv K«r t.uroutfti ttabxtato potnta in the Veil s oilhwest or Bouth>»«.st apply to A. « CKOUCH Aj en' Trains leave tiie «. £ O. Jeptjt 111 itu-ir; li.r <U< Hi«l aitollows. for Wa»hlugt»ii l> Italtiruore. Phllulel u'li., a. X-tf Vlirk. 7 :;in mel !>*> p. 111 niiiaerl •»•«! ».40. 7 :3» a in I ; 10. s»=i" »». m t'mi . IsVllle. «:«i, 7J>) a 111. I Id. 4.3" 4t <. 30, ;l I'll 1 in 1!HI(j IK«>VU 7 1 i in .1 10 i.m .5 :io 1 111. t'lituumwu. Morga litawn ami F uniin ii. 7..t». a. e. and ft 3" p m Mi.' u-aaiui t; 4o 7 3' a. in tlO aim 4.30 pin W tani>i){i4>ii i'u. t 41' anil •ft a iu., *On4 45 ami u.un. II .M p 111 W lieii inn. 740 /iiM9 3u • 111. and luu am. 11 v» p. 'l. 1 'liiiiuuatl. -t, bnli.i. 1 'iilU'U 1111 .uid Near *k. 740 t ill.. (» 10. II 5.1 p.m. if -r lincaKo. 2-#i an 1 a.ifci p in farlor an 1 ileepbm ear< 10 tl ilil imp*. iVatli is'Uni.' luctnu iu in ■ Ohio ktfn e rrHB<7SO. 4HBMA4 t > <Sc AK :tl - U, Ta<e» effect vl > ida/. t)*o 31 mil Train* are run by Hf ndar l i»utral I'l:u(9.J111 dertJlan.) Out> bj r slater I*ll.l' Ti a ■ JoijiU NOUTII. OOINO Sot' ru IU 14 IJ 1 STATIONS 9 11 13 I in I.v'e iin a.m ptn 4 .Vl - 3 ... ItillTalo .... . .% 3IU 10 ] _ij lin Liunkltk ~| 1 7 uuj 13» a. in. ; in 1 42 10 >0 Krie « l" s :» ;i 3"> 0 1. 1 I Ifi :i i. . »Valla.-i' lunot. 64V ;i 1.1 t 1^ ■, jn 1 14. 9 15 . .. tilrard ll Ml V 18 t 15 ,i IIM 12 5, | 'J It. lAJOklKjri. ...' 7 In. j !l »st 2<i ll 1r.|12 4CI 8 ftfl ...Olanesitlle ...| 7 0-jj t> 38 4 34 i; 43 II" 22 ar.Couoeaut Iv . 1 7 10 3 111 ill) | 7 at | . j '-|t; 13 5at1214 8 Vi ar.. iliiiou Iv 7il!i 41 447 • h3 12 Si 8 31 ... .. 1 7 SI 5a 4 51 5 4 12 30 <2» ... sprintiHipi.. I 727 » .V; 4 as ■ • 3 12 24 X 2 I .1: hiietii'vllle | 731 ID Ua 5 03 r, ie-ji2 He 8 ilo|.. Mea'v'le Jet... |-i '<l MM> 5 « • '1 .... 7 .lilv .1 ■••1111*'. I, iK". , .... m1 1 4~4 t ; ll> h 111 v ar s in 0 .VI a„ 1-5 .... 7 5-., v.. VllUdvllle .lv ... 11 45 4 2,, 7 40; .. ,| 8 » I ir ar 8 3 i'i 211 a i () Vll2 II II 7 H.. Il'irtslnwn.. . \» 1 111 .19 . ... II 4*> 7 3-t .. .AilmnsvUte in 11 5 44 ... 1. 38 7 28| Oik.HKI 10 51 353 •; 25 11 30 7 16 tip-envllle ... 11 .'ill l| 07 Hi« el IB|ll 20 7 00 —Blien»nifo.... u in 11 .<1 8 211 1, HO 10 V.l »I !'• ....Kr»'d<illi*. . 7n311 11 li J4 1 »4 .11 11 u Meruer 7 22 12 7 00 :m 10 23 (1 10 »*aril«e 7 l < 22 7 11 5 19 10 JO <1 a (4mve I'lty... 7 4. I ' 31 7 25 5 'Hi i 0 "8 5 4" ... Ila'rlsvlbe ... 758 12 45 7 3« • . ,11> -x» SHI . . Branch'on.. 8 IN; 12 54 •45 i«> ... | 8 n»' iv . 7 Ii) | i 2 10 5 451 Bv> nr.. 11111 l tnl.. Iv 8 -25 II i.'.j 4 •<!, I» 55j S 35|1v.. . kelM'em > lOIT2 58, 7~4S> 4 .«• tt 42 521 j KIU Ikl 8 -.'J I.' 8 o,'t 4 1 I V ls| 4 0| . ..Butler I 8 Vl| I «i'| 8 33 220 1 7 20 . vileiftienv P*.v 11 m, 3 M| 2 1 ■! ■ I' 1 I'ltKii'i'if. '.< SO. II m'p 111 . •I. 1. I'l.Alll (ieneral M.iUßKer, Ureeuvllle. pa W. li. -AlUifcAM' (i 1. A., Meudvlile l-» Hotel HulJer J. II FAUBEL. Prop>. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new turnituri and carpets; has electric beils and all oilier modern conveniences for guests, 4nd is as convenient, uid | desirable a hoiiu* loi as can be found in Butler, i'a. ■Klejjant sample roiim ?->r ii«r •» 1 CO'nnit'icial men BUTLLH GubriTY M.itJil F re Insiri'ice (jompiny, 1 ffice Cor.'Vlai.i & >unm.iyh.iin «L . WH K Pr««* uKo k l Vicw» l're« l< H lefll <li < vr'f 4««L I>l KO -J I It? ' «I«3V. »» »(•», 1 W' jrviu "•» itin'tii ••, • \V »i» v-mo * w •» f t l' wo Ms 11. .1. KHiitfifr K er, u eo Rti.ino, I'lonri Koeuuu, LOYAL S. MoJUNKIN, Agent j Where a Short PDRSE WILL GO 4 LONG SAY. OUR GREAT CLEARANCE SALE. I Men s Suits and Overcoats. Boys Suits and Furnishing Goods | must be sold, we need the room and the ; shelves must be cleared for Spring Goods. All \\ inter Goods sold at cost—this means a reduction of 25 percent. Come and see for yourself. This is | no humbug We mean what we say. H.Sclineideman CLOTHIER AND Gi \ V FURNISHER. 10+ S. Main St., Butler, Pa. NOTHING to Sdl but Clothing, Bats 8 Furnishings. NOTHING to give but ATTENTION. NOTHING to ask but PATRONAGE. NOTHING to Promise but BARGAINS! Schaul $ Nast, Leading Clothiers, 137 SMY a St., 3 itl«r, Pa. SPECIAL Oritur to A contemplated h <>ur Ap il Ist. it. becomes nece-Miry at. we clone <>ut ou«* entire *t -ek on or beior-- that date—We will 'beret'ore nlace ou -a-e thin w>e,t over 2 COU tairn ot t) ntß. 1.0"0 suits uriderw>nr I 200 enV 800 Bo*'* «i" HIMI Children's Milts; 500 Orer cms h; IGimi Hal-; 3'tO it'lid coid 5o Watche j 200 Chains, 1,000 Collar and CbC" buiii-n ; 2,0U0 Scurf pinr; 200 Shirt w n BIS etc. We bert- tfise mil nuiely ootire ot HJ »« ml flats ah 8, Hid B;>eciftl dis ci uiir, HO tn&i vnu onu p'«-p:-re tu take civan'iijrp of tiese si'ies atd secure mime ot tbe b.trgiin'*. Bargain Days Wednesday Jmi. 30 Pant- itav—2s per cent, off, Friday, hVn. 1-c -o»'*rc>*t nay—2s |««-r cent. off, Tuei-dat Fen 5 »i —Ut'iKrwe r dav—2s ner ceut. off, Thursday, F •»> ?ib—Jewelry day—2s *er cent, off, Monday, F«h. lit —H >i day—2s p>-r cent. off. Spee'al shlcp en rerint' li'ieri of goo 8 everv d»y a* l.wir a* those crood? 1h«I Tbe-e (foorin not mjci »o pp-cial P-ii>t.« farmer price 3 <> (5 d -liar* special prifc j" I 5(1 to #3 "ill Men's >-iiitß former pricw $4 50 to sl2 00. npei-inl price 250 «o 7 50.—Children* mils, f. nuer price 1 to 6 dollars special pric- 75c t" t3 50, fine frondol* Hats firmer price $2 00 to $4 50 i-p«ci»l priee from 75c >o $2 '-0 Bnv's sud Cbildrees Cups, former pne 15to 25c special piice It" 1 ()■' U derwar former price 25c, Bi>eciol priee 15c—VlntH -a former price from 50c to f2 50 special price 25c to $1 25. Don'' mn>B line great f-ale - by borrowiuir money at 6 par cent ycu can nave 27 per c-nt net, now thin n»*v Htranife yet it is true, and if you doubt ii Ju-t call around a«d we will convince you D. A. Heck, Chumpion Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher, '£{ N. \lair\ St., Duffy's Block, Hutler, Pa* It. 3 15. Emptying the Shelves. Items that will pay Investigation. 48 incb Two-Toned Di igonals —tw • choice hba'les, imported to i-tll .it $2 MO 75 cents a yard. 56 inch m*-diuui and li|fbt colored Australian Suitings $1 25 quality, 65 cents a yard. Htvlinb Mixed Suitings -all wool, 50 inches wide. 75c and $1 00 goodr at 50 c nts a ya'd. American Dress Goods at three [ price*, 15, 20 fnd 25 cents that, will be a jri'uuine surprise to tolkx looking for coyie« of high llrt-HH at low Cost. 2 000 vard* solid black cloth Dot all W«KJ| but cliwly resembles the old time Waterproof Makes (Kh'd school drebHcn tor children and tfeo teel looking everv day n lor wom>n and nucb dress g cds wonb a* man uever measured at. |ir:c«, 10 cenis a yard- Fur Cases and Fur Racks arn hfinir empiu d aii.l ai such los* tis only iticfc who 'h<>roUtfMy under »l*ud ihi- staadnrd fX(vl!enc« ol all *BrineotH io thi- d-i»a»tinen' can f-il Iv appreciate $75 00 i<> SIOO.OO i on'il etti c oil Aln-k# Seni jc-• Ladies' Jackeii*. <'!•>.♦- fitting .'l6 laces iooif ifood qua'uv leack c&tvi 't, a *e«r (jaw «ru f«ir lh> io $5 00 « a b L ' Fur rrnnmrtl J icke s )'li' v> <iH mid B iiver < <:nin 'i in A-Trtklltfl, K ectric Se.l, I'it. n uuii Marten sl2 «me», <ti f>o; #lii .M' iii:f», fill; $lB ones, fili; #25 o< e>- sls Wriie Our Mall Order Dop-irt liit-ni for K irni>l»»H, ..r better, o< idh and see ihe Bitvunr 'twill be io ion, in> in tier what department von pa tron'i Ail or>ler» pro np>.iy aod sail doctor d> lilied. liooo'S & BllllJ, ALLEGHENY. PA i Prescriptions HI A Spcciaty. At Kedick's Drug Store. 4- We do not baDd'e anything bat pure dru(f», next 'ime you are in need ol medicine pleurt Rive us a call Wc: are hen 'quarters lor pure SODA WATER as we iipp onlv pure fruit juicen, we tili-o handle I' iriH ilreen, hellebore, insect powder, Loudoa purple aod other insecticides Kenpectfully, J. 0. KEDIOK, ft niu M. nt'x. toHotel Lovrry HUTLEHi PA. BUTLE* LUMBER CONPANY Sbipp rs :tnd dealers in Huildin Materials [I utfb aod dress- d Lumber of all Kind-. Doorg and Wtndows, and VI <u!diuvs o! all kin-is. H. E WICK, Manager. Office ..mi Ytrd.i M *l i iit tih.wh maa • Moaroent reels. . ftiHUl m fJi \SCAVEATSJRAOE MARKS^w COPYRIGHTS.*- CAW 1 OBTAIN A PATKKT? »«• prompt »n?wcr irnl an bon eat opinion. wrll« to M I N N A: CO.. who hare hnd nearly fifty yeara' experience in the intent buainess. Communica tions ptrlctlf confidential. A linudbook Of In formation concerning Patents and bow to ob tain thtfio sent. free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and sclent lllc books tent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. WOtlTf apecial notloelnthe Scientific American* and ttiuu are brought widely before the public with out coat to the hnrentor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegant ly illustrated, has br far tha largest circulation of any scientific work In the world. S3 a rear. Sample conies aent fr#a. Building Edition, monthly. flfiOs year. Single conlen. % zH cent*. Every number contains beasfc tirul plate*. In color*, and pnotographa of naw houses, with plans, enabling builders to show U»a latent dewlarns and secure contracts. Address MUNN St CO., Viw You*, 301 BbuadwaT SIKEDY and UT "TING RESULTS. a>\1 atpeopi - e /^\ (•sfisrsaa «!sW from lay injure. j« »üb«tanc«. tlu* M U»»X ASSCVZUI BSSOCS9. W* QUARANtcE » CURE or rrlurnJ your mom. fnw M.aop.rbolil», Send 4c Jor trtitiif. faweim? mmto iuAi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers