THE CITIZEN THURSDAY. OCTOBER IS. tjtertxl .1 r«w-~ .V»Vtl«" »d fi— -«»« fflLMll C..H«li«- PmklUfc'r REPUBLICAN STATE TICSET. Governor— Daitibl H. L eutenmt Governor— Walter Lros. Acdito* Gbkkbal— Amos M\li v Secretary of Internal Affairs— Jam " • Congressmen- i Gau wa A. Glow. at-Large. ) Giorob F. Hcff. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Congress— Thomas W. Pmt.Lirs. ".. S David B. Docthktt, Assembly { JAJ , KB N. Moobh. Jnry Commissioner— Hrkbt W. Sicho AS. _ | Political Notes. In New York City it i» now a square fight between the Tammany ticket and a Union ticket supported by the Committee of Seventy, the Republicans, the State Democracy, and other local clubs. Hastings had a large and enthusiast ic audience at Carnegie Hall. Allegheny, last Friday night, and he made an elaborate and stirring speech. He spoke at Beaver Falls, Elwood, and New Castle on Satur day; spent Sunday in Pittsburg, spoke at Greenville. Monday night, wheie ne re ceived a most enthusiastic welcome; was at Franklin, Oil City and Titnsville, Tues day. and ileadville Wednesday. McKinley has been speaking in Michi gan and Ohio during the past few days. General Hastings' tour ot the State is one continuous ovation and at every meet ing he is given a most enthusiastic recep tion It looks now as though his majority will be larger than that given Grow last February. Indeed the Democrats might as well make a motion to make his election unanimous. Rkpubmcass shoald not forget that the coming election is one of great importance to our industries. Let every republican turn out and vote the straight ticket on Nov. 6th. At Wasui*otos C. H. Ohio, on Wed nesday a tuob attacked a jail and three men were killed by the militia. A negro had committed an assault on an old lady and was fully identified. The mob was composed of a large number of determined men. The militia was ordered out and found it necessary to fire with the result above noted. The greatest excitement exists. China Sue* for Peace. A dispatch from Shanghai, dated Oct. 12th. said: — China is suing for peace through the British Minister at Tokio. She offers to recognize the of Corea and to pay a large sum indemnity. This proposal emanates from Prince Kung und Li Hung Chang. The British Minister, Mr. O'Connor, is waiting for Japan's reply at Pekin. TIIKRK is no ohange in the Ballot Law, a cross in the circle at the head or the first column is a vote for the whole Republi can Ticket. - J room® from the tenor of the local which appeared in tbe IftraUl of last week, those "two young men of Republican per suasion" must be political ringsters, while from the standpoint of any unbiased person these two young men are not, and neither have they been, guilty of manipulating as the Herald would try to make it appear. Had our Democratic friend made even a shadow of an effort to ascertain whether or not there was any truth in the accusa tion, as appears in hia paper, he would never have put in print such insulting language, all of which is basely false. Brother Editor, don't be so willing or eager to get after your Republican friends unless after a full inquiry tbe circumstances justly and beyond question warrant such a course on your part. Reviving an old Scandal. Edward Shaffer and Thomas Downing, two residents of Beaver county, have each begun a suit against William Wallace, Re publican candidate for president judge of Lawrence county to recover $449.75. The plaintiffs claim that in 1890, they were delnga'es from Beaver county to a con gressional convention T'hich was held at New Castle. They stated that William Wallace, who was a warm supporter of Maj Alexander McDowell of Sharon for congress, offered them and others $1,200 for voting for McDowell. That fall Wm. Wallace was indicted by the grand jury on the charge of offering bribes to the dele gates. Shaffer and Downing allege that lie came to them and told them that if they would refuse to testify against liim (Wal lace), he would pay all their fines, costs and other expenses This, they allege, he has failed to do and they each demand $449.75. In speaking of the case, Mr. Wallace said to a reporter: "This is merely a sharp dodge of tbe enemy and I am only sorry that I cannot push the case before tho election.'' CONSULT with you' neighbor and ar range to have every Republican vote cast on Nov. 6th. NBAR Sacramento, Cal , last Thursday night, highwaymen flagged and robbed an express train of $51,000 iu gild; a:id uear Qaantico, Va., Friday evening, ».n express car was robbed of SIBO,OOO. A Horrible Condition ol Affairs at Day ton Home. "Within the past few years public atten tion has been called to the mortality among tbe old Union soldiers, inmates of tho National Soldiers' Home at Dayton, just after penaion day, or when they are flush with money. It has been openly charged that the old soldiers were mur dered in the dives that have been estab lished near the Home, but while tbe vic tims have been found dead, bearing every evidence of baviug been foully dealt with, nothing has been done to bunt down the murderers and punish thuui to the full extent of the law. It seems that the officials of the Home w. ra luke warm in endeavoring to bring tbe murderers to justice, evidently on the grouud that it was none of their business, and what was nono of their business was nobody's busi ness. And so the dive-keepers and own ers ol brothels surrounding the Home kept up their murdering and robbing until the world outside of Dayton and vicinity be gan to wonder at the strange stories they heard. It remained for the Pittsburg t'ommer rial-Oa:ctii to run down these tales of murder and lay bare tbe awful condition of affairs For that purpose the Commer cial-Gazette sent to Dayton a member of its staff, who made a thorough inve»tiga tfou and whose stories of murder and de bauchery are simply horrible. He tolls of thelnringof crippled veterans into dens of vice and their murder or terrible abuse from the fi-uds who robbed them. H* re lates instances of cruelty that seem almost incredible on the part of human beings, tbe victims in every instance being old soldiers One might suppose thai, tbe offi cials of the Home would be moved by the commonest im-tincts of humanity to ferret out tiiO perpetrators of these murders, but they sit with folded hauds while the word of robbery and death goes on. The Governer of the Home. Col. J. B. Thomas, is, according to the correspond ent free to admit that man; old soldiers leave tbe world in mysterious ways, but does not like to have it said that there are so many murders in the vicinity of the Home. As for robberies and assaults, he is fr-u to that they are of common oc currence. Thk meeting of the I,eag'i»-, Mondiv evening vra* »•• 11 attended, and addresses were made by Hon. D. B. Douthett and Natfrau Slater. A Monopoly in Wool. An Ohio wool producer who through Pittsburg a few days ago talked as follows: . . , "We hare been in the sheep raising busi ness in Highland, Adams, and Warren counties, 0., sinoe 1888," he said, ' having several thousand acres of leased land and at present 8,000 sheep of the finer wool producing breeds Two years ago we val ued our sheep at an average of $5.50 each. We s ild wool for from 26 to 32 cents per pound, and had a good profit. The fann ers all around us. on a large or small scale, made a good profit on their production also. , "It's different now We can buy sheep of the common breeds to $1.25 each in any number. Fine Southdowns are worth less than $2, and any number of them are to be bad. We sold our WHO this year for 14 cents, in anticipation ot the McKinley bill being annulled, and lost $0 000 in cold cash. Oar loss, however, was nothing to that ot hundreds of farmers all through Ohio, who had nothing out their wool yield to live OD. Th.-y had act ually expended in producing their woo! crop more than in brought them, and alter selling the crop were in debt on it. "While 14 cents seems a very low figure it is not as low as we musi get. Under the present law Australian wool is brought into this country and sold at 11 and 1- cents a pound. In order to meet that price we must adopt Australian methods That is what we propose to do It is simply a cold business proposition with ° B "We have figured it down fine and tav.i ascertained that with a sufficiently investment we can make 4 per cent per annum even under the present law Ot course, it means monopoly and the closest kind of expenditure in wages and supplies but that is the way it is done in Lugland and Australia and we must follow the same pl» n - .. "The plan is simply this: We propose to gei $50,000 or $60,000 ol Eastern capital invested. With our present lands, lenses and stock, this will make a big investment. We will then buv 30,000 to 50,000 more sheep, of the better breeds, and acquire ** much more land as necessary. We will pay bed rock prices, spot cash, tor sheep and land. In the present financial condi tion of the farmers, this will be even lower than the figures I havo givea. We expect to lease all the land we want for from .V) to 40 cents an acre. '•Next comes the question of labor, it requires a large force of men to cairy on the business on the scale we have been conducting it; but on the scale we propose to go it will be proportionately larger. We had been paying oar hands the same price that all the farmers were paying up until 18 months ago, when the drop in prices, caused by anticipated tariff reduc tions. came along. The rate was from $-0 to $22 per month and board. "We out the rata to $lO per month and board. e can get more men than we want at even that figure, and it will pro bably be necessary to reduce it even more to produce a profit. Not only that, but we have been compelled to reduce our working force and increase the working hours of men to keep level with current expenses. . "Now, that is the way wool is produced in the foreign wool producing countries. The ordinary farmer cannot do it and make a living. It is only where large capital is invested, the business conducted on a grand scale, the lowest wages paid, strict est economy practiced and all supplies pur ohased in large qnanities at bed rock prices that even a small profit can be made Four per cent is nowadays a fair interest on a large investment and we have figured that we can make that by following the plan of our foreign competitors. In Honor of Robert Morris. Robert Morris, the financier of the Revo lution, wait honored at Batavia, N. Y. last Saturday by the dedication as a me morial to him of the old Land Office of th« Holland Purchase, buili about the year 1804 and bought in 1894 by the Holland Purchase Historical Society, that it might be preserved uuU future generations. Very appropriately the chief dedicatory address was made by Johu G. Carlisle, Secretary of the Treasury, and lineal de scendants of the great Superintendent of Finance were present amonge the multi tude of listeners. All of President Cieve land's Cabinet were present except itie Attorney General and the Secretary of Agriculture. Secretary Carlisle spoke at length of the valuable services ol the financier ol the Revolution and called attention to the neg lect hitheito to erect a monument to his memory. He then proceeded to sketch in detail the incident of Morris' career, beginning with his birtti iu England in 17<M, his arrival in Philadelphia, hif early career as a merchant and bis entrance into the politics of the revolution. Then followed arebersal of the financial struggles of the Revolutionary period down to the complications, distresses and hard ships that befell the country under the "Continental money" which had been put in circulation? Morris at once directed bis attention to the establishment of a national bauk as an auxiliary or aid to the Government in the conduct of its financial affairs, and alter much opposition be succeeded iu securing a charter for the bank of North America, with a capital of $400,000, to be located at Philadelphia. It was the first bank in America that redeemed its notes iu specie on presentation, and it undoubtedly auord ed great assistance to the Government by granting loans from time to tune and by effecting exchanges on the pnblic account for a little while tbe of the bank were at a discount, but they >;oou rose to par, and never after ware depreciated. Mr. Carlisle then explained at length the plan of wbicb Morris submitted to Cou grees for a uniform coinage, but which was largely prepared by Gouvernour Morris, acd described other operations wbicti he introduced into the financial system of tbe Confederation, concluding with the retire ment from tbe office of Superintendent of Finance in 1748 In 1786, at the solicitalion of bis fellow citizens, he became a member of the Penn sylvania Legislature, and in 1787 hu was elected a delegate to the great convention which framed the present Constitution ol the United States. When that iustru luent had been ratified by the States be and William Maclay were chosen the first Senatois from Pennsylvania. Mortis died on the eighth day of May, 1800, in the seventy-third year of his age, and was buried iu a little church yard on Second street, in Philadelphia, where his remains now rest, with no monnmt-lit over them except an ordinary stone slab As Robert Morris in bis day owned innch of tte land now composing Butler county, including the gMuud upon which our town now stands, *e are pleased to see the above tribute to bis memory. Hut how few there are now among us that ap preciate his memory or services to his country, is it not surprising that his re mains lay in Philadelphia, the city ol bis residence and labors, in a little church yard with no monument over them, except an ordinary stone slab. It seems to us a tuan who rendered so great service to his couutry in the days of the Revolution is entitled to a greater moiiuuient than that. As Washington was said to be tbe "sword" so was Robert Morris termed the "purse" of tbe Revolution, from the leuble States that he then pledged all bis private for tune to save, wo have now a mighty He public of States bounded by the seas. Monuments should be more numerous to tell to tbe present generation, and all fu ture ones, the story of the great services, the unselfish patriotism, as >vell as the melancholy close of the life ol Robert Morris. The Commission's Convention. Commissioner MoCollougb, Clerk Meals and Attorney Painter returned from their trip to Pottsville, where they attended tae Commissioner's Convention, Saturday noon. This was the Bth annual convention ol the County Commissioners of the State, and nearly all the coun'.ies were represent ed. Tbo convention organic -d Tuesday morn ing. listened to the address of welcome and tbe responses, and appointed a com mittee on resolutions. That afternoon one of tbe delegates from Allegheny county told of the trouble they han in making assessments iu that county. They assess professional men, clerks and laborers at different figures, and in so do ing do not (it was said) follow the law. Another delegate spoke on "Tri eunial As sessments," and read extracts troin a pro posed law. That evening the delegates were bau quetted at a hall, and afterwards listened to some music and recitations. Wednesday morning a string of resolu tions were adopted, some of which con tained recommendations on legislation That afternoon Meadrille was selected as the place for the next meeting, somo more resolutions were pas.-ed and the con vention adjourned. NOTES. The biggest man in the contention was a Berks couDty Commissioner. He weighs 301 pounds. Pottsville is a town of about 15,000 peo ple. It has 72 saloons, and there are 122 pervoni in its jail. WIISOVS UIMHIN SPEECH. What the Leading BritUh l*a;«r Had to S*y About the Free Trade Professor. A cordial welcome was extended on Thursday evening by the meml>ers of the London chamlier of commerce to Mr W. L. Wilson, the author of the original measure for the revision of the 1 nlted States tariff, which was unhappily trans formed by the senate into a bill only a de gree less protectionist than that bearing the name of Mr. McKinley. Mr. Wilson deserves all honor for making a stout, though a not very successful fight on be half of a system which would have been at least an approach to the recognition of the principle that freedom of trade is more favorable to the development of a great commercial and industrial community than protection. It is not Mr. Wilson's fault that the measure which has actually become law is, to use the language of President Cleveland's lettejvnfter its pjuss age through the senate, 'nft in line with honest tariff reform." There is much that is instructive as well as interesting in Mr. Wilson's speech at the dinner given to him by the chamber of commerce, all the more because a good deal of it appears to have been intended for American readers as well as British auditors. Mr. Wilson was naturally anxious not to say anything which might tend to jeopard ize the prospects of his party. * *. * "We have," says Mr. Wilson, "just fought and just won "the first battle in that conflict." It is to be feared that Mr. Wilson's praise worthy zeal makes him somewhat forget ful of the warning that he that girdeth on his harness should n Jt boast himself as ha that putteth it off. The victory over the protectionists has been incomplete, and its results, inadequate as they are, can by no means be regarded as placed beyond doubt. It was certainly far from what earnest tariff reformers, not to speak of convinced free traders, confidently exported when Mr. Cleveland was raised to the presidency, and when the McKinley tariff was thought to be doomed. The victory which consisted in tho sub stitution for the Wilson bill of a measure denounced by President Cleveland as "an inconsistent absurdity" and a violation of all sound t'iriff principles, is expected to "go forward from this time forth by its own Impetus." We wish we could feel sure of this, for we are convinced that freedom of trade is good for all the world, and we are not at all alarmed by Mr. Wil son's highly colored picture of the future supremacy of the United States in indus trial production and in external com merce. But we confess that the cause of tariff reform in the United States seems to us far from being certain to go forward by its own impetus, as to stand in need of all the efforts of those who believe in it, and, perhaps even more, of clearer views on their part of what they mean. The greater part of Mr. Wilson's speech was a logical and telling argument in favor of free trado pure and simple, and an exposure of the mischiefs of protection in any shape or form. It is not easy to apply his reason ing to the principle of a "tariff for revenue only" so limited in practice as to secure the freedom from duty of raw materials and to protect favored industries against foreign competition. * «* * We do not expect to we any decisive overthrow of protection until it is confronted by a real free trade policy.—London Times. WEALTH FROM WASTE. One aspect of the value of protection in building up home manufactures, rather than buying them in foreign countries at a cheaper rate, is seldom sufficiently con sidered. A removal of the duties on coal, iron ore and wool is advocated in order to supply manufacturers with cheaper "raw material." But is it considered what enters into the production of this raw material? The consumption of air, water, grass and herbage, which enters into the production of a sheep and its wool, could not be exported or otherwise utilized, and converting this otherwise waste Into wealth is no small consideration. And so. a country which packs its meat before sntpment abroad, not only saves the loss of life which would take place on the way, and the cost of transportation to the bulky and more perishable material, but converts into use salt, sawdust, wood, Ice, etc., which would otherwise not be utilized; and also the hair, bones, blood, etc., which are converted into other forms of wealth. Paper making gives value to rags, straw, wood, cornstalks, water, etc. And so dif ferent manufncturesemploy bark, sumack, berries, clay, sand and scores of other things which were otherwise waste. So, also, barn'n land, rocky hills and other waste spaces are utilized. Besides the consumption of fuel, ores and forests which might lie exported at » loss, the use of what is otherwise Incapable of removal and utility, is the point here kept in view. It is safe to say that more waste is thus converted into wealth in the United States than the value of all our imported goods. Shall we utilize this waste or not is a serious question for tho free trader. OK INTEREST TO LANDOWNERS. A witness iu court at Dubuque, a few days ago. injected some politics into the answer of a cross questioner and expressed the feelings of a pood many Democrats throughout the country. The name of the witness was Ward, and this is the ac count of the Incident: ' "Mr. Ward, did I understand you to gay that land is not worth as much now as it was two years ago?" "Yes, sir; that's what I said." "Will you please tell the court why it is not worth as much now as two years ago t" "Well, since Cleveland was elected the price of land aud everything else has gone to the devil." This answer brought down the house, and Democrats and Republicans alike in the court grew red in the face trying to keep from laughing outright. "Are you a Republican, Air. Ward?" "No, sir; but if things keep on the way they are now, I don't think it will be long before I will "w one."—Sioux City, la., Journul. ANOTHER REPUDIATION. Professor Rasmus B. Anderson, of Wis consin. United States minister to Den mark during Cleveland's first term, has re pudiate the Democratic party. The an nouncement of his change of politics has caused a tremendous sensation in political circles. He is the author of the gerrymander of Wisconsin. His action was caused chiefly because of what he terms "the tortuous methods of Democratic leaders, who fla grantly violated party principles and party pledges. When I talk about wages I use the word in its broadest sense, as the price and valuo of service, whether of brain or muscl*.— Hon. Thomas H. Reed, Maine. iiALAN( E OF Tlt/VDK SI\MMARY. It is a notable fact that for ten years— from 1875 to 18K5 —the Republicans never had less than *72,000,000 of a surplus in any one year, reaching the enormous sum of ♦250,000.000 in 1SM1 ; while Grover Cleve land. at the close of his second year, in 1887. found the balance of trade to lw against us to the amount of $28,000,000; while President Harrison as soon as in augurated. with the balance of trade against us, brought this trade back to us, so that the third year of his administration gave us $2(r2,000.000 of an excess of exports over that of imports. A study of these tables will show what the Republicans and the Whigs have been able to accomplish, as against the Demo crats, in the holding of the balance of trade. The following resume is given for convenience: The Federalists lost annually for twelve years $10,826, 5: Xi, or in all f 129,018,432. The Whigs controlled the government for eight years, with imports amounting to $158,878,331, and a total of exports of 947,331),375, which gives an annual loss in the excess of Imports over exports of 113,- 942,744. The Democrat* had control for fifty-six years prior to Cleveland's present term, in which they show a i*nin of exports of 1171,- 949,891, against a loss in the imports of $1,005,994,181, making the annual loss by the Democrats for the whole fifty six years »14,893,«48. The Republicans had control for twenty eight years, in which they show a gain in the excess of exports of ♦ 1,875,850,715, against a loss in the imports of 11,124,741, 034. or an annual gain in the excess of ex ports of $2rt.825.5f10. Making a final showing in favor of the Republicans with ♦20,000,000 of a gain, against $14,000,000 of a loss with the Dem ocrats, or $13.000,000 of a loss with the Whigs annually. In other words, the Re publicans gained in twenty-eight yean enough to overcome very largely the loss iit iii pmlvqi KnWftTIQP.V' CHEAP GOODS AND CHEAP 3TEW. The president of the his V,l 7' glibly alw.tit the reduced price of good ll compensating for any reduction of *sps which might he brought al>out by his tar iff policy. And this b, to a great extent, the stock in trade of the free trade theor ists. Oh, yes! Cheap goods and cheap pro duct* of the workshop and the farm are the things to make men happy and con tents! with their lot in life. We deny it utterly. Adults, with no one depending upon them, may bo satisfied with a bare living. But the wage worker, the toiler in summer's lassitude and winter's frosts and snows, wants more than a living. Ha wants something for old age—something for his children. Besides being fed and clothed they want books to read, and pens, and ink, and paper, and pencil. They want an education with which to fight life's battle. Go talk to the toilers in the Iron hiUs and coal mountains in Pennsylvania and Virginia, or the bituminous coal deposits of the great west, about the advantages of cheap food, and cheap clothing, and cheap commodities of every description, and they will tell you very quickly that what they want is steady employment and good wages, and they will take care of the food and clothing part of this whole business. We are opposed to cheap goods and cheap agricultural products. Cheap goods and cheap products mean cheap labor—starva tion wages for toiling slaves, without hope and without ambition for the future. Huts and hovels, and nakedness, and pauperism, and crime follow sadly after the procession of cheap labor. The greatest advantage of protection, however, is to be seen in the condition of labor under its mantle. Wages are not only higher than in England, Italy, Hungary, Poland and other free trade or semi free trade countries, but the condi tion of the laborer is infinitely more bear able and hopeful. He may live comfortably and respected, and he may educate his children and expect them to become worthy, useful and leading citizens. Tliey are eli gible to all places under the government, capable of any business enterprise, and may hold any social position. This state of things exists only where protection is general, and it is that only in the United States. Goods are cheap In Italy, in Hun gary and in Poland, but labor is cheaper, and the laborer cannot buy. The laboring man emigrates from free trade countrioa to protective ones, not from protective countries to free trade ones. Cheap labor is a national curse. Xay, more, it is bar barism itself. 11l paid labor means a de graded standard of life. Therefore, well paid labor and its attendant consequences are to be desired and are not to be feared. The cost of living is reduced to a common factor. The price fixes the condition. Bar barism is the condition. FARMERS AND THK NEW TARIFF. Considering that we are told by the Democrats that 'of the staple agricultural products, including meats and provisions, we are such large exporters, and must con tinue to he such large exporters, that any duties upon them are useless for protec tion and fruitless for revenue, and gener ally can be imposed only for the purpose of deluding the less intelligent of our far mers," etc., it will be difficult to explain upon what principle the duty ou horses, which last year yielded a revenue of about $400,000 upon an importation amounting in value to one and a quarter milUons. i» reduced more than on*third. Is there less moral turpitude in 30 than in 32 per cent, of deceit? Or does it pro ceed from a fear that by saving to the northwestern farmer annually two oi three million dollars paid for Canadian horses, the fanner will become a robber baron? Why is the duty ou barley, which last year brought over half a million in reve nue. reduced from 04.68 to 20 per cent.? Upon what principle is one-half of the 1600,000 collected on cheese last year re mittcd by a reduction of one-half the pre» ent duty? Last year imported lieans paid into the national treasury nearly half a million; this hill reduces the duty more than half. The duty on hay, hops, honey and onioni last year swelled the government receipts by nearly a million and a quarter, every dollar of which was paid by foreign pro ducers. yet this is reduced by nearly one half. The "tax" on imported potatoes brought to the government treasury last year over a million, at the rate of 51.98; yet three fifths of tills is abandoned for the benefit of the foreign producer by a reduction tc 30.78. The government, however, is allowed t« recoup for these remissions by a duty ol 83.85) on rice and 72. per cent, on peanuts. This will, however, hardly compensate the treasury, or content the northwestern farmer, when it is considered that almoal $400,000 was last year collected for imported eggs, at 5 cents j>cr dozen, which this bill abandons, anil that the American hen must adjust herself to the system of cheap production and competition with foreign li»bor. _ Flick Items. Mi>ses Mary and Martha Trimble, who have been .spending a lew days in Pittii linrif, have returned home. Russell, the 11-year old son of Martin Monks, fell from a hay mow and broke his wrist, on Thursday. The many friends of Mrs. Sarah Jiine Trimble, a former resident of this place, now of Pittsburg will be sorry to hear of her serious illness with typhoid fever. Hoy A Curtis lost a derrick on the A. Monks larin, by the wind, Wednesday ol last week. Robert Jack's fine residence will be ready for occupaucy in a couple of weeks. Water wells have been drilled at the Cunningham aud Sandy Hill school, which supply a long felt want. Mrs. Stoppard, who with her husband and two c' lldrtn hive been visiting her sister, Mrs. La Point, will soon go to Cooperstown to live, and with Miss La Point will engage in ladies' furnishing and dress making. Ladies will do well to give theai a call before ordering or having their winter dresses made. The Forest Oil Company are testing one of their third shod wulls on the Hayes farm in the hundred foot. If this is a suc cess quite a few wells w ill he pumped from the hundrod foot instead of the third sand. Hoy ,£ Curtis have I ad their No. 4. on Will Jack's farm, cleaned out and it has been materially benefitted. Dan. Moore, of Herman Station, visited his parents, Mr. aud Mrs. M. V". Moore of this place, last week. H. J. Anderson is the proud father of a young son, who arrived at his home last Saturday. Miss Elizabeth yuinn, of McDonald, who has been visiting at Mr. Jack's has gone to Bakerstown. Gossip. Euclid Items. McCall, Cranmer & Co have started their mill on the Davis job. James Christley moved back to his farm. Jeff Stoner moved here lately. The Euclid school is large this season. An Oil Co., from Pittsburg, talks of put ting down a well near Muddy Creek Church. The Shaffer Bros are starting a storo at Elora. That is what we want, boys, keep the hall a rolling. Euclid isn't as large a city as one might think, but it is a wide awake place situat ed on the P., S. AL. E. 11. K. between West Sunbnrv and some other important places. T. X. Z. THK ollicial ballot will coptaiu at loast Bjven columns this year. BERKIMER TAYLOR Funeral Directors, 151 S. Main St., - Butler: Pa. f Items. John Sachs made a business trip to Bat- | ler on Friday. Chas. McCarthy tu arrested here for horse stealing la?t Thursday evening. He j was locked up in j»il at Butler. The Ba-e Ball Club give a dance ht-re on Thursday evening and it was a pleasant j atlair. Quite a number of the Free port j boys were up. Frank Graham and Louis Bishop, of j Evans City, were here on Thursday. Sav yon—you foot ball player I mean— the next time von kick such a tremendous blow at the ball please hit the ball and not the earth, for the solid earth sometimes knocks your toe nails louse. C J Kaabe lost bis bay mare by Jdrath on Sunday morning. The Tarentuui Band gave a free enter tainment here on Saturday evening The entertainment was a very pleasant one, as the music was of the be?t, and we give our thanks to the band aud hope that iu tbe future we may return the same to them. Wm F. Heckert, one of our prominent citizens, is about to leave us and move to Tarentum, to take a po.-ition at Pitcairn's. K. C. Sehroth. our little b'arber, is paint ing his shop and intends making a Very comfortable p.ace to entertain his custom- ; ers this winier. It is rumored that one of our young ladies is about to leave our town. Chas Lerner, formerly ot this place, was here ou a short visit fr >m Virginia lately. MullholUi.d's have moved into Schoen- ; tag's bouse on Pittsburg avenue. J. I). Wil.-on and Thomas Frazier were iu Butler on Monday. 0a last Friday Joireph Knoch fell while trying to mount a be rue aud dislocated his collar bone. Thomas King, Jr , son of Thomas King, Sr , of Rebecca street, bad his leg broken while playing foot ball at school, on Tuei-- day. Both bones below the knee were broken. J. K. Helm bold was in Pittsburg on tue luess, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson went to Pittsburg on Tuesday evening. The Saxonburg Oil Company struck a well ou the Dugan farm. It is said to make about 200 barrels. Tbey are building a new bridge across Thorn Creek which will be finished about the last of tbe week. Mrs. L. A. Heimbold went to Pittsburg Tuesday on a visit to her mother. Airs. F. Heller ha* it-turned from New • 'actle. She was attending ttie funeral ot her grandson. Dr. E B. Mer«U(iu and Miss Ida Grabaui were in Butler on I uesday. Dr. W. W. Lasher has arrived bome from a short visit to Kutanning H. E. SECRKT dispatches from Russia say lhat tb« Czar's sickness has been caused by scientific means; and that if he dies there will be a war between his first and second sons for the crown. JJiilA. j-'JE£cr- COYLK— At his home in Donegal twp , Oct. 14, "94. Thomas C'oyle, aged about 70 years. WILLIAMS—At Phiiadelphia, October 11, 1894, Mrs. Dr. Williams, ot Butler. SHDLL--At his home in Butler, Oct. 12, 1894. Thomas Shutl, aged 77 years. SHIKA —At his home iu Parker twp., Oct. 16, 1894, Peter Sbira, aged 94 years. He was the fattier of Wm., Fergus ..nd John M. Shira, and was one of the oldest men in the count), aua was a very patriot ic and public spirited uriu. His wife's name was Hutchison and they enjoyed u married life of over GO years. In Memory of James Mahood. On Thursday, October 4th, 1894, Mr. James Mahood, an old and honored citizen of Washington township, Butler county, WHS called from this world ol trials, sorrow and disappointments to his blight and bappier home. Tbe deceased was in the 76th year of his age, and leaves ten children (o mourn the loss of a kind and loving father. ihe high esteem in w bich he was held and the respect of the en'ir*) community for the bereaved was shown at the funeral, which was one of the largest that has been witnessed in thin section of the country for some time. Tbougu dark and mysterious may <-eem the providence that would guide him sale ly through all the trials and cares of this world, and crown him with the most lord ly and noble crown that mortal man can wear, a crown ol honorable gray hairs, and call him while }et so lull ot hope auu en, jet we should rest assured, that what we know not now we shall know hereaf'er, aud when we are raised to Heaven and look back on all God's provi dential dealings witn us here, and seeing how there was not a turn in the roaJ, nor a crook in our lot bat what was good; see ing how our trials turi.ed out blessings, and that while others losf by every gain, we gained by every loss, then, when all God's works of providence shall stand be fore us in all their completeness, we shall lake up our harps snd throwing our souls into the strain, sing with the saints Ihe throne, • Great and marvelous are iby works, L'rd God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints." WHEREAS, It has pleased God in his all wise providence to take from our midst Mr. James Mahood, our beloved and hon ored neighbor, therefore, Resulted, That while we, the neighbors and trienda of the deceased, bow in humble submission to t e w ill of our Heavenly Father, we deeply lament the loss we have sustained in the death ol our time honored neighbor. 2ud, That we express to the bereaved family our sincere sympathy aud condo lence in this their hour of affliction; and we hereby testify to the worth, integrity and manly honor of our deceased frieud COMMITTEE OF FRIENDS. ROYM W L?P.: AL '' Pill &AKIN 13 POWDER Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. High est ol all in leaveninif strength.— Latent l'uite<l States Government Food llepo»t. Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. 2 Prescriptions M A Specialty. STRe'dick's Drug Store. We do not handle anything but pure drug 1 *, next time you are iD need of medicine please give us a call. We are headquarters lor pure SODA WATER as we use only pure fruit juices, we also handle Paris Green, hellebore, insect powder, Loudon purple 4 and other insecticides. Respectfully, J. C.' REDICK, Main &t.,uext toHotel Lowry BUTLER* 1 J A. L. S. McJUNKIN Insurance and Keal Estate Agent, 17 tAiiT JEFFERSON ST UUTLKR. PA. ADVERTISEMENTS. ■ Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration on the estate ot Sarah M Ga lbraith. dec'J, l ite ■ ; Ad itns township. Butler Co , Pa. having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate p»>- inent. and any having claims »gain-t -aid estate will present them duly authentica ted lor settlement to R. T Gaibr.UTH. Adm'r , W. C. Findlev, Mars, Pa AU'y. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the es-tate John Khnger, late of Peun iwp.. dee'd. having been granted to tbe uudersigued. all persuus knowing them-elves indebted t<> .-aid ei-tate will please make immediate t>a\ ment, and any having claims against raid estate will present tbem duly authen ticated to I). B. DorTnF.TT. Ex'r.. Brownsdale, Pa Executrix Notice, Letters testamentary on the estate of JonnSbem, late of Butler, Pa . having been grat.ted the unden-igned, all persons indebted to t-aid e.-taie will pleaj-e ui«ke immediate payment and those having claims will present tbem duly aulhenticat I'd for •settlement to Ua.nnah L. Shkm. Ex'r. W D. Brandon, Butltr Pa. Au'y. TRUSTEES' SALS IN PARTITION. By virtue of an order of the Orphan-' Court of Butler county, made on the Stb d-»y of September. 1894 at O. C- No. .1, March Term, 1594, there will he exposed to sale at public outcry on the premi-es in Oakland townsbsip. Butler county, Pa., 011 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 1894. at 1 o'clock, p m.; of said day, al' the fol lowing described real estate, bounded on the north by lands of James Ration's heir.- and Wm. Jack, on the ea.-t by 1 i'.ds of John Henry'- heirs, ou the south by lands of Chas. Duffy and ou the ui-.-t by land- >1 John It Bovard and Chus. Duffy contain ing 105 acres, more or le.-s, log hous •, log barn, frame stable and orchard of appb trees thereon; being the lci;:d owned l»y John M> Dinger in his liietime aud at tbe time of bis death, and y virtne of the pro ce>-dings in partition at O. C. N . o4 September Term, ISSI an ! O. C. N ■ 71. March Term. IS'J4, tbe same was Oirecte. to be sold at public sale. TgßusorS&Lß—One-half cas i on con firmation of f»le by the Court, ani one half iu one year with interest, deferred payment to be secured by bond and mort gage ou tbe premises, mortgage to contain a scire facias claui-e and attorney's com mis-ion in ca.-e of collection by process of law. Georqr B. Mkllisgkr. W. J. Mkllisgbr. Raiston £ Greer, Trustees. Att'ys. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. In re assigned estato of Alex McCrum By virtue of an order of Court is>ued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bailer county, there will be exposed to public sale on the premises at Valencia, Adams Township, Butler county, Pa , ou SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20tb, 1894 at 1 o'clock, P. M., the fol lowing described real estate, assign ed to uie for the benefit 1' creditors; all that certain lot of ground .-ituate iu Va lencia, Adauis township, Butler Co. Pa., bounded on the north by lot of Maria Miller, on '.he east by lot of Dr. S. O Slirrett, on the south by P. <i W. R. R. and on the west by Stirrelt Ave , contain ing one acre, more or less, aud having a two story Irame dwelling house aud other buildings thereon. Terms cash on confirmation of tbe sale by tb • Court and delivery ot deed. W.J MARKS, Assignco Alex McCruin Nkwtoh Black, Any. BUTLEK LUMBER COMPANY Shipp-rs and dealers in Huildin Materials Rough and dressed Lumber of nil kinds. Doors and Windows, nud Mouldings of all kinds. H. E. WICK, Manager. Office and Yurds, Kant t'unnintfliam ami Monroes!reel*. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. in re petition of Geo. K. Green ad minis trator of Olive Isabel Green, deceased, to to sell real estate lor the pav mentot debts. 0. C No. Sti, Dec. Term, 1894. Whereas Geo. K. Green, administrator of the estate of Olive Isabel Green, late of Butler County, Pa , deceased, uid on the 24t0, day ot >ept. 1894, present his petit ion in the Orphans' Court of Butler County, Pa., praj iug the Court for leave to sell the following described piece or parcel of land situate in Allegheny twp., Butler County. Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the north-west corner Known as the Silas Hoover corner now Blymiller, thence east by lands of Adam Bntton and Williams heirs formerly, now Al O'-Neil aud Geo. K. Green to tile Luilen ton Kcad, thence south along said road a sutlicient distance to comprise live acres ol laud, the Km lento a Koad to bo the east ern boundary of said five acres of laud, tbence west by lands of Andrew D. Kelly formerly, being part id the same tract, Mrs. F. Steinbrook, until it strikes the Silas Hoover line, thence north along said line to the place of begiuuing, containing five acres, with frame dwelling house and outbuilding- thereon erected, which is sub ject to said Geo. 1L Green's estate and rights as tenant by tjte courtesy as surviv ing husband of the decedett, for the pay ment of the debts ol the said decedent, whereupon the said Court made the following order; Now September 24ih, 1894, the witbiu petition presented in open Court and on due con sideration citation on the brothers and sis ters if any, or heirs of said decedent to show cause why sale ol the wilhiu describ ed real estate shall not be made for the payment of debts, to be served personally, or by acceptance, or on non-residents of the County by publication if the same be necessary, returnable to Ist Monday of November, 1894, at 10 o'clock A. M , at which lime the same shall be heard on the citation. BY THE COtTKT. Pursuant to which a citation was duly issued by the said Orphans' Court on the said 2411 i day ol Sept. 1894, to me, Andrew G. Campbell, High Sheriff of Butler coun- i ty, pa.,commanding me to make known to the heirs and legal representatives oi the said Olive Isabel Green, deed , the con tents of said petition, order of Court and rule thereon aud cite them to be aud ap pear at an Orphans' Court to be held at Butler, in and lor the county of Butler, on the lirst Monday of November, 1894, being the fifth day of November, arid then and there to show cause w.,y the prayer of the above petition should not be granted. Now know j e Oliver Ke'ly, residence un kuown, G S. Kelly of Armstrong county, Pa., W. E. Kelly of Butler county, Pa., ,f. A. Kelly of Indiana county, Pa., and S. ti. Kelly of Nob Noster, Mo., being the brothers and sisters arid all the heirs in terested iu the estate of the above Olive Isabel Green, deed , that I Anurew G. Campbell, High Sheriff of Butler county, Pa., hereby notify, rule aud cite you to be and appear al au Orphans' Court to be held at Butler, in and for the County of Butler, Pa , on. MONDAY, NOVEMBER jth, 1804, at 10 o'clook a.m.. aud then and there show cause if any you may have why said real estate should not be sold lor the payment of debts as pr.iyed for, at which time and place yon shall be heard by witnesses uud otherwise, if desired, touching the matters and things pertaining to said sale, or any leasou you may have why the same should not be made. ANDREW 0. CAMPBELL, High Sheriff. JOHN- W. BROWN C. A. ABUAMS. ABRAMS & BROWN', Real Estate, Fire and Life Insurance, H CSRLTON BUILDING. XEJR COURT HOUSE. BUTLER, Pa. Insurance Company of North America, 102 d year. Assets .*9.278.000; Homo of New York, Assets 98 000.000; Hartford of Hart ford. Assets $7,378,000; Pnosuix of Brook lyn, Assets #5,000,000. ::jz: Campbell & Templeton. w ::z» Complete Morey FURNITURE & CARPETS. iln Mahogany, Birds-Eve maple \ *'/■ and Curly Birch bedroom suits . . . Japanese Porcelain __ i . China Dinner Sets. •$- \\ tll d\l 11H . . Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets. . . DFtiT . Ask to see our . 100 Piece Dinner set See our . . .At . . $lO. assortment of ?. v Parlor Lamps , T , <. i m i • - - /*« before buying. < x This COSTUMER is just wv sell the Cutter r..!i what you want for your top desk, the best made. (^7 hall or bedroom. SIO value. L J Parlor Suits, ft Wi Bedroom Suits, \ P \ M Rocking Cliairs, > Couches, Stands. WARDROBES, an See our new Ctrpet sweeper. extra value at >io. 1 TBE ATS THEM ALL. t t i t t * CaHPBELL & XEfIPLETON. Jury List for November Term. List of names drawn from the proper jnrv wheel tins Bth day of October, A 1). I§!H to serve as traverse jurors at a spec ial term of Court commencing NOT. 12th, A. 1) , 1594, the sauie beiug the second Monday ot said month. Armstrong W J, merchant, Butler Ist wd. Boyd C V\ , farmer. Worth twp. Barron Robert, farmer. Worth twp. Buchanan Robert, farmer, Mercer twp. Beighley Emmet, pumper, Prospect boro. Baruhart Rudolph, farmer, Conuoq twp.S. Bryson L A, farmer, Butler twp. Bolton Lewis, dealer, Cell ire vule boro. Book J G \V, larmer Worth twp Brown C M, farmer. Harrisville boro. Boyd W S, clerk, Butler Ist ward. Burr James, farmer, Jefferson twp. Baruhart Gabriel, farmer, Conuoq. twp. N Christy John, taruier, Cheriy twp.S. Cumberland Al, larmer, Concord twp. Christie John G, blacksmith, Concord twp. Cruikshauk John, larmer, W infield twp Cleelaiid Ueury, faimer, Muddycreek twp. Clark Frank, hotel keeper, Butler, 2ud wd. Donaldson Isaac, farmer, Clay twp. Fleming Win, larmer, Clearrield twp. Frederick George, larmer, Summit twp. Fleming W C, merchant, Butler Ist ward. Gilcbri.-t U B, carpeuter. Butler, 2nd wd. Garvin Newton, larmer, Cranberry twp. Graham Thomas, farmer Concord twp. Gro«s W m, farmer, Jackson twp. west. Hoffman Charles, clerk, Saxon burg boro. UullH'vein U A. agent, Harmony boro. Hutzler John, farmer, Wiutield twp. Harper K M, merchant. Butler, Ist ward. Kuliu McAllister, larmer, Concord twp Klingensmitb T P. oil producer, Butlersth ward. Lewis 110, farmer, Washington twp., 8. Miller John, farmer, Butler twp McCufferty W J. merchant, Butler, 2d wd. McMarlin J A. farmer, Adauis twp, S McCoy A C, farmer, Slipperyrock twp McCollougti J M, farmer, Fair view (wp, K Martin \\ I', larmer, Venango twp. McCrea J M, farmer, Butler twp. Murkham Stephen, oil producer, Butler let wd. Mainland -lames, taruier, Clinton twp. McGowan Alex, farmer, Worth twp. Nixon J livaus, farmer, I'enn twp, S. Nicholas Peter, tarnier, I'enu twp, S. Park Albert, farmer, Middlesex twp. Purvis J L, manufacturer. Butler nth wd. Koxbury J C, laborer. Prospect, liice Ueury, farmer, Cranberry twp. Kay M S, Justice of Peace, Fairview. lteed John, farmer, SlipperyrooK twp. Shira Samuel, farmer, Washington twp, S. Schenck John, fanner, Butler twp. Suitzell Phillip, farmer, Jackson twp, W. Shoup George, farmer, Centre twp. Stevenson 1) S, farmer, Penn twp, N. Stevenson Jas J, hotel keeper, Franklin tp vjckle Jos, farmer, Muddycreek twp. Wright Samuel, farmer, Connoq twp, S. It is unnecessary to bore you with the a (1 ver tisemen t of our largest stock, best facilities, biggest 7 Oo business, etc. \ou know we have that. The important an nouncement is, We will Positively save you Money on - your Fall Clothes. Our stock tables are resplendent with the newest patterns. See them. ALAND, TAILOR. r,. c- WICK OiULKB 19 Rough and Worked Lumber OK ALL KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings. Shingles and L-ath Always In Slock IJME. HAIR AND PLASTEK. Otlieo opposite P. <1 W Depot, rtT7TI-.BR A SEtiV. OSS KATJ MAM'S NEXT IIOOK TO BVTLKII SAYINGS BANK. SERYICE, + GUARANTEED PRICES. + FAIR DEALING.#- We extend to the Ladies of Butler and vicinity a cordial invitation to attend our GRAND MILLINERY OPENING THIS WEEK. i w e will have on exhibition a number of foreign Pattern H;ils and Bonnets anil Mourning Millinery as well as every Requisite for Stylish Headgear at ATTRA.OTIVE PRICES. SPECIAL VALVES IX BLANKET*—7V, sl. tt.r.u up to $V SPECIAL VALUES IN II It Ess tiOIHIS 10.?. i.v. jv vupto *1 Ml. SHMIAL VALIES IN ALL SILK KIBBONS ■. 7,-. :i •a ml 1J ; BHi B1 Kli II Nn IN MEN S KIBIiMI IMIEBIV. Alt ;i suit. BIU VALIES IN IIA NIIK EKCIII EES sc, 10?. 1.'.0 anil 25c. *1 Kill (iLOVKS— 7Sc this week. Ladies' and Childrens* Wraps, most excellent values. KAUFMANN'S, BUTLE pX Leaders in low prices and reliable goods. Always ask for goods advertised. HORSE BLANKETS AM) ROBES Retailed at wholesale prices. We have not only the largest stock in J O Butler county but the largest in Western Pennsylvania. Come and see for yourself. We pay 110 rent therefore don't need to add it on. S. B. MARTINCOURT & CO. What You Need Is a Dictionary! HERE IT IS! One Webster lot. Dictionary, sheep, with patent thumb index, together with one Noye's patent ud justable dictionary holder—all com plete for 2.5( ). We are the only firm in the county able to wholesale school sup plies in competition with large firms from Chicago and other cities We sell for hsa th;m other firms here pay for things. J. H. DOUGLASS, (WHOLESALE ANI> RETAIL) 241 S. Main Street, Near Postoffice. Butler Dye Works, 216 Centre A>enne. BUTLER, PA. The above establishment is now in run nine order, and is prepared to do lir-t --class Dyeing and Cleaning of Ladies' and Gentlemen'* Clothing and other goods fiat need a new lease on life in renovating and brightening up generally. Have had 35 years experience in the dyeing business, anil can guarantee good results on good goods. GIVE US A CALL. R. Fisher. Prop'r. 183j THE CULTIVATOR J895 Country Gentleman THE! EST OF HIE Agricultural Weeklies. DEVOTED TO Farm Crops and Processess, Horticulture& Fruit Growing Live-Stock and Dairying While it a!so includes ali minor depart inents of Rural interest, such at the Poul try Yard, Entomology, Bee-Keeping, Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary Ke plies. Farm Questions and Answers, Fire side Heading. Domestic Economy, and a summary of the News of the Week. Its Market Reports are unusually complete, and much attention is paid to the Pros pects of the Crops, as throwing light up on one of the mo>t important of nil questions—When to Buy and When to Sell. It is liberally Illustrated, and contains more reading matter than over before. The subscription price is <2.50 ,i year, but wo offer a SPEC I A L REDUCTION' iu our CLUB BATES I-Oil 1895. TWO St lisriPTlONS. In on ivinittan f 4 HIX MMM nil riOXH, 'I do .... I« Tl..\ St BSCIiIITIOJfS, do ilo . ..15 IV To all New Subscribers tor 1895, pa ying in advance now. we will send the pa per Weekly, from our receipt of the remit tance, to January Ist. 1895, without charge. I"9 Specimen Copies Free. Address Ll'Til EH T1 CKEK A SON. I'ublMurs, Albany, N. Y. Garfield Tea sis lUlta. Soxtii "ft • « ' •.■ ■ ■ M >.3IV • .K.Y. Caros wC;istii' "an
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers