THE CITIZEN THURSDAY, AUGUST 23,1894. ADVERTISING RATES. Legal notice* are published in the Citi xen at $1 per Inch for first, and 50 cents for •ach succeeding insertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions, etc. are inserted at 5 cents a line, money to accompany the order. Reading notices on local page 10 cents a line tor fir«t and 5 cents a line for each subsequent insertion. Notices among lo cal news items 15 cents a line for each in sertion. Half-inch professional cards with paper $5 a year. Rates for commercial advertising qaoted upon application. Bctleb oaa a population or about 10.000. It Is the County seat of Butler County, with 60,000. four railways, natural gits, aud unequalled (acuities for menulactures. (To* reus e»rywhere; new buildings, new manufacture*, a urowln* and prosperous towu. New York Weekly Tribune—Free. By special arrangements made for eur so doing, we are enabled to offer to all our subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any) and one year in advance, and to all new subscribers paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tribune free for one year. For further particulars of this offer see ad vertisement. New Advertisements. Young it Cooper's Fall and Winter goods. B. <t B. all Black Sale. Marvin's Crackers. Butler llasic Co'* Pianos. Excursions. NOTI—AII advertisers intending to make canges in their ads. should notify us of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. Administrators and Executors ot estate oan secure their receipt books at the Citi Sill office. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —A banana peel on the pavement is a sure sign of an early fall. —The business man's road to fortune is pared with printer's ink. —When a girl is sweet it seems funny tber6 should be no flies on her. —Tarentum Fair—Aug. 28, 29, 30 and 31. Thanks for comp. —Tne Grove City coal miners resumed work last week. . —A delicate way of calling a man a liar it to say he flirts with the truth. —The School Board will elect a High School teacher Saturday evening. —The Plate Glass Go. struck a 1000 bbl. water well on the hill east ot their works a fair days ago. —"I feel like a last years straw hat,' is a new way of expressing one's unfit ness. —The time of the Crat:y horse run away whioh we noted last week was Saturday evening instead of Sunday morning. —One hundred and fifty rods of Archie Stewart's lence in Connoquenessing twp. wm destroyed by fire a few days ago. —W. C. Barron of Pump has agreed to furnish the Carnegie Street Car Co., with 800,000 feet of street car lumber. —The Allegheny river is said to be filled with fish that have been forced, by low water, to leave the smaller streams. —A nap in the daytime is really helpful dnring the heated season, but it is not nec essary to be so formal as to go to church tor it. —Mrs. Spencer of Bourbon, Ind.. now sixty years old. has had eleven husbands and seven sets of children. She has done what she* could.—Ex. —We had splendid rains here 'last Sun day, but tbey did not extend all over the county. Up in Brady twp. they had hard ly any rain that day. —The volume of travel to the seashore and abroad has astonished the railroads and steamship companies thiß summer, when money has been supposed to be so aearce. —The CtTiZKJi would be pleased to have all its friends call at this office when at tending the Fair on Sept. 4-7. If you have bundles or baskets you wish to leave until you go home you may leave them here aafely. Come snd see us. I —At the meeting of the English Luth eran Congregation of Butler last Sunday, Rer. D. L. Roth was elected pastor. Ferdinand Reiber, Esq. was Rev. Roth's strongest friend and intends building him a 920,000 chnrch. —A young man in the country adver tised for a wife and his sister answered the advertisement, and the young man thinks there is no balm in advertisements; and the old people think it is pretty hard to hare two fools in one family. —The days are growing perceptibly shorter. That can't be denied, but there is some doubt about the troth of the old adage which says that. "When the winds blow over the oats stubble the summer's heat is spent." —Tbe notable Gallitzen sheool case was decided on Monday. This was a suit brought by tbe Junior order of American Mechanics to restrain Catholic nuns from teaching in public schools. The case was won by tbe Catholics, and will be repealed to the Supreme Court. —Read the opening chapters of the Trou blesome Lady in this numbei. It is a love story, as most good stories are, the scene is laid in California, and the reader seems to breath the mountain air. The title of the story arises from the fact that the opening scene is laid in tbe neighborhood of the Troublesome River, in Colorado —lt is said that dancing makes a girl's feet large It is said also that ice cream prodnoes freckles. Doctors are of the opinion that banging on the front gate produces rheumatism. The chewing of gum distorts tbe mouth. Playing on the Siano destroys the hand, and washing ishes causes chaps—to come and propose. —Farmington is ooe of the prettiest vil lages in Butler county,and its enterprising people are determined that it shall be a •eat of learning. They raised money for a oollege building, now in oourse of construc tion, and which will be completed by Oct. lat. and they bave engaged a faculty, and will hare an Academy. The postomce at Farmington is called Eau Claire, which is Prenoh*tor clear water. —Tbe members of A. G. Reed Post, No. 105, are directed to assemble At the Poet rooms on Monday, Sept. 10, at 7 A. M. sharp, prepared to march to the P. & W depot at 7.45, and take cars for Alleg heny City. Comrades will appear in regnlition uniform with badge, cane and white glores. Tickets will be on sale from September Otb. Get your tickets in time, and don't forget your blanket. —Chicora is making preparations to give tbe Odd Fellows a rousing welcome at their annual Reunion there to-day, Thurs day, and the town is extensively decorat ed. This is the third annual Reunion of the I. 0. 0. P. of Butler county the other two having been held here In addition to tbe regular trains the P. <fc W. will run apecial trains, one leaving at 8:10 and one at 9:45, return leaving Chicora at 6:00 and 8:00 When a man is through with his day's work and is sitting down resting in bis home, be cannot read the adver tisements on tbe fences, and the band bills and circulars that were left on bis door step dnring the day have been blown away or destroyed. He calls for the paper and there he finds the mer chant's announcement, and with nothing to bother him be reads it carefully, and then ealls his wife's attention to it, and they'decide to go to th« merchant's store and examine what is advertised. —Toe Pennsylvania railroad company is after the traip jumper— the fellow who •teal* riJes oo freight trains, or think* it tun to Jamp on a flying freight train, ride a mile or no and tben jump off and wait for another train on wbiob to ride bank Kvt ti • starting point. These local ride stealers are the biggest kind of a nuisance, tianv of ihey have been killed, many in jured, and many are walking about on crutches, yat .Uio ranks are always full. The mq»t hardened tramp, when be Meals a ride, is not half so bold these local ride stealers who jump train? for fun and the spice of danger there is in it, but the railroad company is going to put a 4top to It. LEGAL. NEWS. ■ OTKS. .Summons in ejectment were issued to J. N. Buliri and J. S. Miller v.-> Williams, Daffy aud Stewart for iof au aero ol land in Middlesex twp. The will of W. V*. Hard man, late of Butler, was probated and letters granted to Marj M. Hardman and 0. W. Hard man. Jno. A. Lackey was arrested on a charge of false pretense, last Saturday, had a hearing and was committed to jail. He is accused of collecting funds lor the distress ed coal minors of Coaltown. and retaining the same for his own use. The county commissioners of Allegheny county, are requiring register assessors to turn in three copies of their lists, in order that there may be no doubt about who is responsible for mistakes in the lists of voters, that cause trouble at the polU John Sanderson, a citizen and resident of Parker twp. was adjudged insane, and taken to Dixmont. The Commission re ported that he is the owner of an undivid ed one-filth interest in about one-hundred aeres of land in Parker twp. Patrick Shearon was adjudged insane by a commission that sat at Branchton, and was committed to the hospital at Warren. Judge Barker of the common pleas court of Cambria county, filed an opinion, Mon day in the celebrated "Gallitzin ease, ' in which the court was asked to permanently enjoin the school directors of Gallitzin borough from employing sisters of the order of St. Joseph, wearing their religi ous garb, as teachers in the public schools under their supervision. The injunction asked against the employment of such sitters as teachers was refused, but the de fendants are restrained from giving or per mitting auy religious sectarian instruction in the schools at any time and from using or permitting the use of the public school property for any other than free, common school purposes. LATB PROPERTY TRASSFBRB. .Eva M Rhodes to Priscilla Glenn lot in West Sunbury for SSO. Johu E Atwell to Nancy M Atwell 16 acres in Marion for sl. Mordecai Graham to Solo aon Stain 60 acres in Forward for $3281. H J Klingler to Mrs. A J Eshenbaugh lot in Butler for S3OO. Marriage licenses. E. A. Dafford Centre twp Cathering Hassiraflue " John G. McMarlin Butler Maade Mitchell " Edmond C. Bingham Washington twp Delia McCracken W. Joseph Morrow Glenora J. Blanche Turner " Geo. W. Davis Butler Pearl Ray son \ r enango Ce Thos. H. Cjllins Calamut, Mich. Amelia Engelder Denny, Pa. At Mercer, Peter Bartz, of Fairview and Jennie D. Bard, of Centreville. —H. B. Hunt's restaurant at Callery wa« robbed on Saturday night. —The ball club returned Monday from its trip. The club did not make a very good showing, but play with professional teams should be of benefit to them. —The Grace Lutheran church will havo a lunch stand at the Fair, located near the Grand Stand, and ask all the friends of the church to patronize it. Butler is to have another oil-well sup ply store; and it is said that every business room in the towu has been rented, which indicates another boom for us. —The Willard House of Butler will open sept. 3rd. the first day of court It has been thoroughly cleaned, and new ly paper and painted and will be run in first clais style. —The Soldiers monument at Evens City will be dedicated with appropriate cere mony next Wednesday. Addresses will be made bv Hon. Thomas Phillips, Col. Archibald B'akely, Hon. John M. Greer, A. G. Williams Esq. and others. —The county teachers' institutes in this part of the State will be held as follows: Butler, Clarion, Franklin and Warren, Dec. 17,Lawrence,at Ellwood, Oct. 22; MeKean at Sinethport, Oct. 8; Mercer, Dec. 24 and Crawford, Dec. 31. —When a man is through with his day's work and is sittine down resting in his home, he cannot read the advertisements on the fences, and the hand bills and cir culars that were left sn his door step dur ing the day have benn blown away or de stroyed. He calls for tbe baper and there he finds the merchant's announcement, and with nothing to bother him be reads it carefully, and then calls his wife's at tention to it. —Several hundred of the people of Buf falo, Winfield and adjoining townships gathered in Barver's Grove, near the sta tion, last Tuesday. A good lunch had been provided, which all enjoyed, and af ter dinner, the people occupied the seats fronting the platform that had bean erect ed for the occasion, and listened to the good music and humorous essays and reci tations provided by local ta'ent, and then to speeches by Hon. Josiah M. Thompson, Mr. Ailman, the Populist candidate for Governor and Judge Greer. It was a most enjoyable day and withall one well spent. —Among the features of encampment week will be the social events. These will include an "outing" on Wednesday, Sept. 12, at the mammoth Westinghouse buildings, East Pittsburg, for which 5,000 invitations will be issued. It will take 10 or 12 special trains to carry the guests and two or three cars to transport the refreshments. O i the evening of Sept. 13, there will be a reception by the wo men's organizations, at Old City Uall, for which 2,000 invitations are out. The same evening there will be a special dis play of fireworks trom floats on the Mon ongahela river, such as has never before been seen in Western Pennsylvania. On Friday afternoon, Sept. 14, 3,000 repre sentatives and invited guests will bo treated to a river excursion, for which three steamers have been chartered and as many bands. The great Carnegie ar mor plate plant w'll bo visited by the entire party. The Markets. NUTLBB MARKETS. Our grocers are paying 22 for butter, 12 for eggs, onions 50, new potatoes G5, corn 12 per dozen, cabbage 2 cts. per pound, apples 75, cucumbers 15 a doz., plums $2.50 a bn, elderberries 25 cts a pail. Now hay is selling at about sl3 per ton. PiTTSBURU PRODUCE. Timothy hay from country wauons sls to 16, mixed hay $10.50, td 11.00, straw $5.00 to 5 50. Country roll butter 10 to 18, lresh eggs 14 to 144, dresced chickens, drawn 12 to 14, spring chickens 15 to 10 per pound. New potatoes $2.00 to $2 15, onions 75 to 80. At Herr's Islaud, Monday, beeves sold at 2.75 to 5 OO.bullsand dry cows at 1 00 to 2 50, bogs at 4.00 to 5.75, sheep at .50 to 3.10, lambs at 1.00 to 3.85, and calves at 1.50 to 6.00. Wheat Wanted. We pay the Highest Price lor wheat—both old and new, at oar mill. We chop all kinds of grain at our mill for the Tenth Bushel and do il promptly and to your satisfaction. Remember we Only Charge the Tenth. George VFalter & Son's Butler Pa. Ice Cream delivered to all parts of the city any time and in any quan ity. Leave your orders at the City Bakery. —Clearance sale of all summer goods at less than wholesale price, at L. STEIN & SON S. —Zuver's Pictures leave nothing wanting in finish, tone or a correct likeness —Take your family and lnnch basket to the Conneaut Lake Expo sition August 27rh. to Sdpvembjr 2. —lt cost you nothing for admis sion to the Conneaut Lake Exposit ion August '27 th. to September 2 nd. Locome candy Try it at the City Bakery. —The Conneaut Like Expasitioa will be larger than ever before, August 27th. to September 2nd. Personal. Mrs. Antony ltockenstein is visiting her mother in Wellsburg W. Va. Rev. John Graham preached in the I Episcopal church of Butler last Sunday. | L. H. Patterson, who is now connected | with the printing department ot the Treasury at Washington and his family are now visiting his parents in Butler. Ed. Portman. who is now with Bender A Smith of Pittsburg is visiting his friends in Butler. ' John Grout, who is with the Sbuman Bros, of 414 Wood St. Pittsburg visited his friends in Butler last week. i Mrs. C. Hemer and daughter of East Brady are visiting in town. Mies Nettie Henry of East Brady is visiting Butler and Petrolia friends. Mrs. Wise and son of Harmony are the guests of Mrs Will Campbell. Ad Gibson of Bruin was in town on business, Saturday. Ad has not been in good health for the past two years, bjt is improving. Will Burton, late of Brookrille, is visit ing friends in Butler. Misses Nannie and Jean McEee of Worthington and Blanche Titley of Cbi cora lelt on Saturday for Lake Chautau gua. John Buehler, Sr ofZjlienoplo has re turned from a trip to Europe. Miss Minnie Hawk, of Petrolia is vi.-it iug at Grove City. Mrs. H. B. Latehaw, of Harmony is lh<- ! guest of her mother at Liberty twp Mer cer >' . Catherine Atwell, of Grove City, is visit ing her friends at North Washington. L. M. Caldwell has returned from C >i umbus. O , where he attended the Zane rian Art School during the summer term. Mr McMillan an 1 daughter of Clinton viiJ are the guests of Capt. Ayres. Wm and J. S. Campbell and .'heir fam iles, A. E Keiber aud Myrtle Byerley are at Ccnneaut. W. A Stein spent Suuday with his fam ily at Cambridge. John G. McMarlin and Maad Mitchell were married at the home of the bride in the Ist ward, last Saturday morning, and | are spending their "honeynoon at Chan tauqua. Miss Nettie Barto of Evans City is visit- j iag friends iu Butler. Wm. Daugherty attended the first re union of Co 8., of 7(Jth Penn'a vols, at Sharon, last week. J. H. Negley, Esq. attended the funeral of his son-in-law Rev. Geshwind at Ham burg, Berks county this week. H. W. Christie wiil move into the Hard man house, on Main street, shortly. Messrs Purvis, Riddle and Knessing of the Batler Fair Ass'n are "takiag in - ' the Kittanniug Fair to-day. J. E. Davenuy is home from Shakeley ville, Mercer county. Miss Emma Thomas of Conucaut, Ohio, is visiting Miss Jennie Brown. J. H. Harper of the South Side is home from a camping out trip. Mr*. J. S. Wick, Miss Florence Wick and Clifford Wick returned on Tuesday from Chautauqua, where they spent the summer. Miss Elora Brandon has returned from Franklin. Miss Alice Dilly is tbe guest of Major and Mrs. Phipps at Franklin. Irv. Kipp, an old time Butler boy, is in town, the guest of John B. Greer. He now lives in Nevada, Missouri. Agricultural Fairs. Following are the dates of agricultural fairs that may be of interest to our read ere: Butler County, Butler, Sept. 4—7. State Fair, Meadville, I'a., Sept 3—B. Conneaut Lake Exposition, ("onneant Lake, Aug. 27—31. Parker Fair, Parker, Pa., Sept. 11 —14. Beaver County, Beaver, Sept. 25—28. Clarion County, Clarion, Sept. 17—20. Crawford County, Conneautville, Oct. 2-5. Corry, Sept. 11—14. Lawrence County, New G'a.-.tle, Aug. 28-31. Mercer Fair, Mercer, Sept. 12 —14. Tarentum, Pa. Aug. 28—31. Boatman's Reunion. The 9th Annual Reunion of the Western Pa. Canal Boatmans, Association will be held at ltidpeview Park, on the P. R. R , on Wednesday, August 29, 1894 Eminent speakers will be present to talk over tne old Canal Boatmans happy days gone by. Bauds havo been engaged and a grand parade will be a feature. Every old boat man should attend as the committee have spared no time or expence to make thi> a reunion long to be remembered. Excur sion tickets may bo had by applying to the undersigned for orders. J. C. Campbell, Pres., Derry Sta. Pa., A. M. Lindsey, Corresponding Sec'j., Johnstown, Pa. NOTICE U. V. L Next Monday evening Encampment No. 45 will elect delegates to the National Encampment at Newark. N. J., to be held Oct. 10 and 11. 45 has a membership of 151, this will give them 4 representatives, 3 delegates and the Col. All comrades should attend the meeting on Monday night. Total Eclipse. Come and see the total eclipse of the sun in day time, and the moon at night, vis ible only at Maharg, Pa., on Monday, Aug. 27th. Come everybody. There will not be another total eclipse until 1914. Refreshments, music, dance, political de bate, Farmers' Club, rain aud fire works. —The Batler Music Co. are get ting in tbe finest line of Pianos and Organs ever brought to this county. Don't fail to see their display at the Fair. P. M. Woods, Manager, MRS. N. C. CORE, Sec'y. and Treas. Have you tried Locorae Candy? Well it is the ktest candy out. For sale at the City Bakery. AMY BRO'S, 120 E. Jefferson St., Bltlkk, Penn'a Dealers in new and second baud household goods of every description Call and see us. We can save you money. (Next door to (J. W. Mil ler's Grocery.) Need a Watch' 1 sell all kinds at all prices uud every watch fits the price but price is not everything in watch buying Guaranteed quality is the best I guarantee watches according to their quality and the quality makes the price. All kinds—all qualities— all prices. R. L. KIRKI'ATRICtt. Jeweler and Optican. Opp. Court House. —White goods, Lawns, Pongees Organdies and all kinds of wash goods at less than wholesale price at L. Stein <fe SON'S —Try our new roller flour—latust improved machinery. Satisfaction guaranteed, J. C. Breaden & Co., West Sunbury, Pa. Our State Normal School. Attend the State Normal School at Slippery Rock, Pa We claim that the school stands without a ri val in the matter of Progressive methods in teaching. Come out and learn to teach Reading, Geography, History and the other branches &s they should be taught in our com mon schools Expenses only 4. for 16 weeks. Fall term begins Sept 4, 1894. ALBERT E MALTBT, Principal. Annual Convention. The sth annual contention ol the l'oang i People's Presbyterial Society of the United Presbyterian Church will meet in Butler August 28th, 29th and oOtli. be pinning August 28th at 3 o'clock p.m. The following program has been prepar ed: Address of welcome, Raymond Cor nelius, Butler, response, Miss Ckra M. Glenn. Harrisville: paper- will be read by Miss Jennie Marshall on "Earnestues.-;" ' Miss Lnila Kerr. "Our Behavior;" John G McMarlin. "Oar Pledge on -'hristiau Citi . zenship:'' A. IL. Douthett. "Homo Train ; ing;" conferences will be held on "Tithe ] giving,"prayer in our young people's 1 mettings" and "The Social Work ••! Socie ! ties,'' led by Kev. T. V. Dungan, Will Stewart anil Miss Laura J iiazlett. re spectively; mission taik bj M:-s I;' te ' L White and Miss Li«a .lack, returned missionaries in the L" P. Church, Miss i White from India and Miss Jack from North Carolina. Kev. W. I Wishart of Allegheny, will lecture on "Twentieth ' Centura Christianity" on Tuesday evening j aud Kev. E C. Paxt«>n, Elizabeth, will i iecture on Wednesday evening on the .«üb | ject "Llarvest Hands.'' The evening exer ; cises will begin vt 7:30. Airs. C. G. Chris | tie. Mrs C If. Boyd, Miss Lyde Marshall j and others will furnish an interesting musical prelude to the lectures The at tention of all the young people's societies ! of the t.iwu is called to ihe conference on I junior work Wednesday inorning opened by liov. W. 1 Wishart, general secretary of junior work of the United Presbyterian Church, A special feuture will be "Bible Study" given l>y Dr. 1> A McClenahau, ol I Allegheny Theological Seminary, on Wed i need ay. All teachers and workers in Sab ! bath -chools will tud this highly instruc tive. Ali workers and friends are cordially invited to attend. Lectures tree. At :be U. P. Church, corner S. ilcKeau aud E Jefferson streets, Bn'ler, I'a., August 2Stb, 29"h aud 30tb. Boiler Explosion. A boiler explosion occurred near El wood on Monday iu which 2 men were killed and oue fatally injured. The ex plosion took place on the Smith farm and Levi Boiler and his sot. Harry, of Fuinbell, Mercer county, wore both instantly killed. ! Tue fathers head was trigbtlully mangl ed, while the son's head was blown oil and found sorau distance from where the explosion occurred. Logan McElvaine. of W irteinbiirg, is fatally injured and is dy ing. All three men worked lor Arthur Seaton, ol Mercer, who owns the plaining mill where the explosion took place. That morning lires were built under an unused boiler, which they were cautioned not to use. The steam gauge failed to woik alter 60 pounds had been registered. The boiler *as blown 400 l'eet away. John L >ngwell of Zolienople, was standing be side the boiler and escaped uuhdrt. The saw mill was completely wrecked. Over 200 pounds of steam was oil when the explosion took place, and the noise was heard lor miles around. Accidents. Edward Connell of Slipperyrock twp tell from an apple rree a lew days ago and broke his right leg near the thigh. The bone was so badly splintered that part ol it had to be removed. Mr. McConnell will be a cripple for life M iss Mattie Niece oi Harmony while rid ing a bicycle near Elw >od last week acci de..tly rode over a precipice 82 leet hijjii and landed iu a marsh. Onlookers expect ed her to be killed but fortunately sl.e was only slightly injured. Frank Campbell son of W. J. Campbell ofFairview twp. met with a painful acci dent last Sunday evening. His father had taken the horses out to water and let the little fellow ride one of them and the other knocked him off. The lower part of his fa'je was badly smashed. Fires. Tho barn of John Peoples of Venaugo twp. was destroyed by fire, last Thursday. Jleduceil llatrn to Grangers' I'icnir at It'i.Hums' Grore via I'entutylrania Rail- Railroad. For tho accomodation of persons desir ing to attend this interesting picnic and exhibition the Pennsylvania Kailroad Company will sell excursion tickets on August 25th, 27th, 28th, 29tb, 30th and 31st, good t.i return until September 3rd, inclusive, from stations in the following territory, at rate of one fair for the round trip: From all principal stations on the Peuu sh vania Kailroad Division west of Bryn Mawr and east of East Liberty, both in clusive. From all principal stations on the North ern Central liailway nor'h of Lutherville, Mil., and south of Canandaigua Prom nil principal stations of the Pdila ilelphia and Erie Krilroad Division. Ice cream soda in all flavors at the City Bukery —Oue Portfolio, containiug 16 superb \iewß from the Worlds Fair given away with each $2 00 «ale at L. STEIN & SON —Job work of all kind done at the CITIZEN OFFIOE —The highest arrade of patent flour made at the mills of J. C. BREADEN & Co., West Sunbury, Pa. —Excursion rates on all rail roads to the Conneaut LikeKxposit ionAug. 27th to September 2nd. —Dr Clark Oculist, Aurist, and Specialist iu the treatment of chronic diseases can be consulted at the Lowry House, Butler Pa., during the three days uf the Fair—Wednesday, Thursday aad Friday, Sopt. sth, (>th, and 7th, 1804. Summer Underwear, Hosier v, Mitts, Lacps and Ribbons at reduc ed prices at L. STEIN & SON'S. —You pay for school books; but the beat school-book for your children is your daily pi. per Well printed, carefully and intelligently edited, of instructive contents, first aud fullest with the news and best in presenting it, the Pittsburg Dispatch fills the bill. —Conneaut Lake Exposition August 27th , to September 2nd. ( PURE ICE SPRING WATER ( ICE, For sale by J. A Richey. Leave your orders at the Bakery. —Admission Free *"> the Conne aut Lake Exposition. August 27th. to September 2nd. —l2?,- cent Pongees and Tissues reduced to cents at L. STEIN & BON'B. Boarding House Cards, with Act o! Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-doaen, for sale at CITIZEN office. —No matter how hard the times the one thing you cannot afford to go without is all the news If you waut all the news you get it in the Pitts burg Dispatch, The Dispatch pub lishes all—not a part only. Don't fail to attend the Conne aut Lake Exposition August 27th. to September 2nd. Highest cash price paid for Krain of all kinds at J. C Breaden & Co.'s new roller mills, West Sunbury, Pa. —Take your children to Zuv«»r's Gallery for Pictures that will suit you. Poatoffice building Rye Wanted. The highest prices paid for rve ut the mil! of GEO. WALTER & SON. Butler, Pa. The Butler Fair. Arrangements are nearly complete fi I the Butler Pair of'l)4 and all signs poin : to a most successful exhibition. Not «rith landing the drouth, the stock entries ; to date are exceptionally good and the ! sheep show will be specally fine. There will be sheep shown here that were on ex hibition at the World's Fair, and other line imported sheep will be seen. The pretnium list aggregates about $7,000 ai;d shows no falling of because of hard times. As nsual. the management will pay all premiums during the fair, aud all premiums wili be paid iu lull, whether the weather is favorable or otherwise The well-known Independent Band, of Greenville, will famish the music for the fair. This organization is now considered the leading band in north-western Penn sylvania, and will Ci.'tiu: in full force The order on the ground will be looked after by a special fori® ol 'i ig!:t policemen, se lected froiti the lice force. The Grand Stand has' .Pen thoroughly inspected and a large addition built It now seats over 1.200, and will make a good vantage point from which to view the daily list of four complete races. The horse training department already has 43 speedy racers stabled and good contests are expected. Arrangement.* have been made to run two sprinklers when neces sary daring the lair, and two new wells will furnish all the water needed, no mat ter how dry the weather. A well has been p it down in the hitching grounds that will be a great accommodation. These grounds will now amply hold 1,000 teams. Fxeursions will be run over ail the rail roads during the fair Tne P. it W. and West Penu will run special trains on Thursday, leaving Butler at 7:00 pan . to accommodate those who wish to return to their homes Thursday night Tne P <i W. will ran its usual specials to the grounds at iuleryals of 15 minutes. Many of the priviliges t.ave been gold, mostly of *n amusement character, aud ttiis depart ment is expected to represent a smaller edition of the Mid way Piaisaince You may saleli put it dowu that the person who misses the Butler fair of 1894 is going to regret it. Oil Notes. Leidecker and Stage bought in a good well on the UcCasliu farm in Middlesex twp. uear Coop -rstowu, last week. It will probably be good for 75 bbls Dr. Byers well on the Bergbigler is broken down but ma, start drilling to-day. The Fisher Oil Co Xo. 10 on th .• Eieh eulatib i< about a 15 barrel producer. Patters in, Tate & Co. completed a goo I pumper on the Aber farm, a inile :ast of Glade Mills, Monday. T. W. Pbdlips has drilled his well on the Gibson farm,located in advance of thu ern extension of the Brownsdale field, into the third sand and has no *how 1( f oil or gas The showing a' this well is some thing of a surprise for liie reason that ft is located only a short distance ahead of the White it Co. on the Campbell heirs proper ty. D. H. Waller & Co.'s well on the Wal ters farm, near Cooperstown, is showing for 30 barrels a day. In the North Washington field Campbell it Co. have a4O barrel well on the W. P. I5e!l; lila.-k A Kelly arc drilling on the S Campbell; Kearns it Co. have a rig up on the Graham; a well is being drilled oil the Cumberland; Short Bros, are completing a J well on the 15. Campbell; the 0 & W. V Oil Co. will drill «n the A. G Weals; Fra zier it Meyers are drilling on tbe S. B. Campbell; (iib.oti d- Co are drilling on the H Campbell, and a rig is up'on tbe K A. M i 111 i LI Oil is selling at SOj. An oil well yielding 200 barrels a day has been struck in Dunkard twp . Green Co., Pa. Black & Co. finished a dry hole near Anaiidale iu Cherry twp. last week. A well is being drilled in the Matthew Mc- Gregor in same twp. Purviauce it Co. got a 50 bbl well on the A. L. Shira this week A Happy Home. A good natured fellow who signs him self "Jack Kobinson" lately rode from Pittsburg to Erie, probably on a bicycle, and of his experences along the road writes the following to the Quiet Observer. In Butler county oue night I met a happy looking young man, wearing a wide, flapping is taw hat. I asked him if he could find shelter for a stranger, and ho said 1 could stay at his house "for all that he knew." That home was the hap piest I have seen lor many years. We played checkers and various other games. The boj s played mouth organs and jews harps. The Uughiug mother showed me how tbe spinning had been done The contented father brought down an old Martin's Ferry flintlock gun and a 5-franc piece, a coin used very much iu this county at oue time. Nora's beau told funny stories until after 11 o'clock. Iu the morning 1 found Nora out milk ing iu her bare feet. Without being a bit embarrassed she bade me good inorning aud told me all about the ground-hog school, where she is teaching. The startling bill of fare at breakfast would surpri>e many a city lady. It con tained ham und eggs, potatoes, pickles, bread aud l;uttor, quince preserves, apple sauce, elderberry jelly, stewed blackber ries, apple pis, coco°nut cake, milk and tea. They made mo promise to come ag«iii soon and all stood in a merry group around the door as I walked on and before long Nora, original Nora, shouted innocently: "Send us your picture." —Teuoey's New York candies in sealed packages at the City Bakery. —Our Hosiery values are unequal ed and well worth your inspection. L STEIN & SON'P. lce cream delivered to all parts of the city in any quantity and at any time. Leave your order at the City Bakery Bargains iu Lawns. Ditnilys Pongees, Organdies aud all the sum mer goods at L STKIN <V SON'S Don't Believe It. When you need Crackers, Cakes or Bread buy only Marvin's Superior make Your Grocer may tell you he has some just as good of another make, and he may 'be sincere, but don't believe it, there are none as good at Marvin's. Nearly fifty years experience, and th-i finest machinery in the world, enables us to take the lead. Our Royal Fruit, Iced Lemon Cake.-. Jelly Turin)vers, Oran e and Chocolate Clices.Vanilla Wafer, Pine Apple Tarts or cuts. Iced Java Coffee Cakes, Extra Sodas, Imperial Wine, Oat Meal Wafers, are a few of the best selling mid summer goods Ask your grocer for them 3 "d insist on having. MARVINS, Pittsburg. *£ Prescriptions M A Specialty. At Redick's Drug Store. 4- We do not handle auything but pure drugs, next time you are in need of medicine please give us a call. Wo are headquarters for pure SODA WATER as we use only pure fruit juices, we also haudle Paris Greeu, hellebore, insect powder, London purple and other insecticides. Respectfully, J. 0. RfiDICK, Main fet.,next tollotel Lowry BUTLER. PA. Iti j «T" j«» <1 MKS. local or travel l/u f« dll I r 11 ln ij; W«" "">• K'larftii. H U II I LLllral NUKSKKT STOCK II Salary or Commission paid weekly. Outlit free. Special attention given to beginners Workers never rail to make good weekly wages. Write me at once for par titulars. E 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman. (This house is reliable,) ROCHKSIKH, M. V A Surest ion. J —l— {'" ihwsnMi .... , 1 V V '''■ ■ I- a '| I —k ' feJ-33r. Did it ever occur to yoa that there are drugs and drugs—that drugs are like every thing else—there are good, bsd and indif ferent. There is nothing else which is positively bad if it is'nt just of the best. Our policy has always been to have noth ing but the best. When you want drugs come to us and be assured of fresh pure goods, and always what you ask for or your prescription calls lor. It may not always be drugs jou want either. We always have on hand a full line of sick room requisites.l G, BOYD, Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. SHERIFF'S SALES. Hy virtue ol sundry writs of \ en. Kx., PL Fu. Lev. Fa., .te.. issued out of theCourtof Common Pleas ol Butler Co.. Pa., and to me directed j there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, iu the borough of Butler, on Friday, the 31st day of Aug., A. I>. ls.M. at 1 o'clock i*. m,. the followths de scribed property, to-wit: EI)No IT Sept T. IS9». P\V Lowry. att'y. All the rlitht, title, interest aa l claim of .1 II 11 -igblcy. oi. in and to »7 acres or laud. more or less, situiiedtii Lancastertwa.. is mat Co.. Pa. bounded ;is follo.vs to-wir: Oa t:i- north bv lands of John Filnaer and Miller, east by lauds of Neeley et a; south by lands of Fred Miller and west by lands of U I) Swalo and Miller, and also ,as allowed by the , commissioners appointed hy the Court as filed at \ 1) No i"' Sept. T. ISK3, now owned by Bentel A Wise. an.l having erected thereon a two story frame dwelling house, loz b irn, orchard; m >st ly cleared and In » fair state of cultivation. and taken in execution as the property of J II Beighley at tbe suit of Taompsiti & Sou. E D No!)), Sept T. lsji. Tiioinas Koblnso t y All the right, tttle. interest and claim or S (jraham. of. lu and to a cert, iln lot of lan t ru ire or 1 situate in r.h .var . Butl -r b.iro liutl'-r Co . Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit: t»a the north by Clay Sr. east b> lot of Ulrlc'.i vVe« south by Locust St, w. <t by lot ot George Ma bel), said lot having a frontage of id feet on Lo cust St. and the same width on Clay St. and having a two story Irani 1 dwelling home,frame st ibie tnd otliei outbuildings erectei thereon. Seized aud taken in execution as the property of S Graham at the suit of Thomas Robinson. KI) No so. Sept T I*3l. J C Vanderlin. att y. All the rlf{iit, title, lut -rest and claim ot M J Smith, of. in and to 5u acres of land, more or less situate In Silpperyrock twp. Butler Co.. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt. i»a the north bv lireen farm, eist by I oils of John Kleldlm;. south bj land of \ormau Patterson, west by Harmony church road, sai l land beinn lnofctiy cleared, under fence and in a good state ol cultivation, with a frame d« house, barn nn I other outbuildings erected thereon. Sel/.cd ami taken in execution as the property of M .1 S uilth at the suit ot E D t'omstock for uje of J E Adams. ED No 102 Sept T 18H. W A Forquer. att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of C Snod(trass, e A Snodgras3 and Kiu ibeth suoJ ijrass, of. lu aud to a certain lot ;of land, more or less, situate in Butler boro, Butler C 0.,, Pa. Bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north bv au ailey, south by North St., cast by lot of (i (formerly), west by lot of formerlv Geo Bauer, now Mrs. Pliillp Blctel, said lot having a frontage of 4.j feet and extending back same width 180 feet to an alley, with a tw >- story frame dwelliug house, stable and other outbulldiugs erected thereon, and being sold on a bond accompanying the mortgage on salu premises belonging to IC Schneldetn in. ALSO—AII the right, title. Interest ar.d claim ol i' Snodgrass, C A Snodgrass and Kliiub dh Siuvlgrass, of, in and to 100 acres ot land, more or less, situate in Penn twp, Butler Co. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Samuel Cooper, e ist by lands of A An drews, south by lands of Philip Sutton. Charles Duffy et al, west by lands of s Nixon, formerly Samuel Gamble, said land being mostly clear ed and under a fair slate of cultivation, with a good orchard, good two-story frame dwelling house, board stable and other outbuildings erected thereon, and being sold on a bond ac companying the mortgage on said premises be longing to II Sclmeldeman. Seized and taken In execution as the property of C Snodgrass. C A Snodgrass aud Klizibcth Snodgrass at the suit of 11 Scbneldemon. E D Nos 99 and 100 Sept T. 1894. James N Moore, att'y. All the right, title, Interest aud claim of W C McCandless. of. in and to 4.15 acres ot l,more or less, situate In Centre and Franklin twps.. Butler Co, I'a, bounded as follows, to-wlt. On the north by lands or Mary A Russell, heirs of John Meßrlde and Joslali SlcCall. by lands of W II McCandless. Mary A Russell, Dr. \ Ilollman and S VV illenu, south by lands of s w Glenn. J T .McCandless aud public road leading from Uulouvllle to Baptut church and DC Mil ler.anl west by lands of Lewis McCandless, Abram Weigle. Johes heirs, Jos Weiuel and Thompson SlcCaadless. said I m l uu der a Uir state of eulttcatio.i a m i a ,'ul o.' uri. about »> acres woo Hand, bal in e cle ire 1 an l having thereon erected two trim; ilwe!llu, r houses, two frame barns, one log barn m 1 oilier outbuildings. Seized aud taken In exe cutton as the property of vY c Mei'andless at the suit of John W Brown et al. KDNo 88 Sept TKIi. VV 1 ' Td l.apl >u, itt y . All the right, title, interest and claim of Lee Musick, of. m and to 51 by 160 feet of land,more or less, situate lu Cent.revllle boro, Butler Co., Pa, bounded as follows, to-wlt: on the north by Water St, east by land of Wm K Brown, south by an alley, west by an alley, with a two story frame dwelling house an I other outbuild ings erected thereon. Seized and taken in exe cution as tbe projKTty of Lee Mustek at tin suit of John M Tiiompsm. U1) No 12 Sept term, is:» 4. Kohler, att'y. AH the right, title, interest, and claim of .Jo hanna W uller, or, lu au l to a cert >tu lot of 1 tutl more or less, situated in Butler borough. Hur ler couuty, i'a, bounded as follows, to wit: On the norm by lot ot lUlston. east by Main street. south by lot of Christ Stock, west by lot ol K I' Scott, with a goo I two-story brick build lug used as a store room and dwelling house erected tboreoh. ALSO—Of. In and ton. certain lot of land, more or less, situated in Butler borough. Butler •county, I'a, bounded as follows, to wit: on the north by Jefferson str :et; east by lot of Pillow heirs, south by lot of F 1* Baldauf; west by lot ol John Letevur, said lot having a frontage of 20 leet on Jefferson street and with a good two story frame dwelling house ereete.t thereon. ALSO or, in and to a certain lot or land, more or less, situated in butler borough, Butler couuty. Pa, bounded as follows, to wit; On the north by St Peter's church property, east by Cunningham heirs, south by an alley, west by Kranklin street, said lot lronting on franklin street 200 feet, more or less, aud having a good brtck dwelling house, stable and other out buildings erected thereon. ALSO Ot, iu and to a certain lot or land. more or less, situate in Butler borough, Butler county, Pa. bounded a-- follows, to wit: On the north by lot or L irkln; east by lot of Kamerer; south by centre Avenue; west by lot of Larklus, said lot having a frontage ol fiu feet on Centre Avenue and extending back 58 feet to the northern boundary, with a large brick building used as a dwelling and store room and a frame dwelling house erected thereon. ALSO or, in and to a certain lot of land, more or less, situate In liutler borough. Butler county, Pa. bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lot of Charles Duffy, east by Elm street, south by an alley, west by an alley, said lot being 40x13.) feet, more or less, aud having a two-story frame dwelling house erected thereon. ALSO Of, in and to a certain lot of laud more or less, situate In Butler borough. Butler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wlt: Com mencing at a point on Locust street, thence north l?* deg east 155 1-10 teet along lot or \ West to College street uorth f:i east 40 leeltoa post, tlicuce south l'i deg west r>r #-lo feet along lot of Theodore lluselton to Locust street, thence west along Locust street to the place of beginning, being 4 J feet front, and being same property <iuit claimed by the heirs to the present grantor by deed dated 15th March, 1880, recorded In Oeed Book 105, page 182. with a frame dwelling aud other outbuild lugs erected thereon. Seized and taken In ex ecullou as tile propertv of Johanna Wuller at the suit ot Johu Lawall. El> No !>0 Sept T, 1801 Tlios Robinson, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of James M Shepard, deceasee, and Jes sie M Shepard. administratrix of J nines M Sl.epard. deceased, or. In and to X acre of land, more or less, situated In Slippery Rock twp. Butler Co. Pa, boumleu as follows, to-wlt: Said property being one-fourth interest or par of one-half acre ot ground, more or less, ad joining the north abutment of the bridge anil mill dam. ALSO——Of, lu and to two acres of land, sit uate In Slippery ltock twp. Butler Co. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wlt: on the north by head race of mill; east by mill dam to high water mark; south by lanus of Z It Shepards heirs aud within 20 feel ol the s.ore rooai or house, on the west by Mercer aud Butler turn pike. ALSO Of. lu aud to 5 acres of land, more or less, situate iu Slippery ltock twp, Butler Co. Pa, bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post or corner on the Butler and Mercer road, thence by lands of Z 1! Shepard's heirs nottfcm t ast :n :i-li> rods to a post, or corner, tlience by lands ot James Boyle south 2s. 1 ., east 20 7 10 perches to a post, thence by other lands by said James Boyle south in west ;u 4-10 rods to the Mercer aud Butler road, th.'ii.-e along aid road north west 2U', 4 rods to the place ot beginning. ALSO Of, lu aud to live acres of laud, more or less, situate in Slippery ltock twp Builer Co, Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit: on the north by center of Slippery ltock creek, east by lauds of James M Shepard's nelr.s; south by lauds ol ZII Shepard's heirs; West bj .-ruler of Slippery Kock creek, being the oue tourlh interest in the Una mill pro|)eity as above described and bounded, aud having thereon erected a large a large frame bull ling used as liouring mill, together with one-fourth ot all the water power and privilege appertain ing to aud conuected with said mlli property Including the uitll dam, appurtenances aud Qxtures to the high watermark. Slezed and taken In execution as the property ot James M Shepard. deceased, and Jessie M shepard, adm'rx of Jas M Shepard, dee'd. at th. suit of lillsah Robinson lor ,use ot Maria Shepard. EUSo 96 Sept T 18J1. E L Young, att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Beu j.iiulu Poster or, in and to s acres of laud, more or less, situate lu Butler twp, Butler Co., Pa.. I bounded as tollows, to-wit: <m the north bv I I :tm!s of Samuel A Pearre. eas' bv land-, of I Abraham McOandle.->s. south by lands ol Vlr -1 glnia M landless. west by a road referred to lu i i deed from Mlas Prarif and Elizabeth. his wile, to Horace I'l'ip f, said dee 1 bearing date •.•Ist day of Nov. I*7l. and recorded In deed i t<ook •«). page • ALSO—Of. In and to a eer: iln lot of land. | more or 1< -s situate la Butler boro Butler Co,. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wti: Cofumencia* .if a pomf in the wrst end of lluiler boro at a i > !. rrv tree running southeast along land of Win roster 8.5 feet to laud of Thomas Niggle. ' • I :i!.'!u -.aid laii'l uf Tl'iiOJS Miv''' '.vrst i ard ■ feet to laiid of Tnouias Niggle; t henee J loi g land of Thomas Niggle northward t> • feet | to ileveJand St; thence along said street feet to th.-plaee of beginning: with a two stor> frame bouse with slate roof and other outbulldiugs erected theieon seized HI I ali en In execution as ih* property of Benjamin Foster at the suit of W M Barber. KD No V.i Sept T 1«M. Walter I. All the right. title, Interest and claim of C A Gerner of. In and to a certain lut of land, more or Its-, situate in lluiler i«D„ Butler Co., l a . bounded as fallows, to-wit: Oa the north by New ('aslle road, east by A St. oouth by an al ley, west by lot of Noble, said lot being 5« by lt>o feel, more or less, atd having a one storv board dwelling house and other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the property of C A Gerner at the suit of I, C Wick. £1) No© . 5:1, CO. lis, 73 VI and IOC. Sept T lt«4. l'rank kohler,-J M Painter. \V 1) Ui Ml. don and Lev McQulstlon. att vs. Ail the right. title, Interest and claim of Win F McKinnis, of. In and to lo acres ol land, more or less,situate lu Franklin twp, Butler Co., Fa. bounded as follows, to-wit; On the north by Julia Ann Ralston and David Kngllsh.east by David West, south bj land of Daviu West, 'vest by land oi JohuShaler anil Thompson McCand less, said land belli;,' mostly cleareu,under fence ano In u fair state of cultivation, with a frame dwelling house, log stable and other outbuild ings and several fruit trees thereon. ALSO—Of, iu and to 11 acres of land, more or less, situated In Fraukltn twp. Butler Co.. Pa 1 bounded as follows to wit: On the north bv lands of Altred McKinnis. east bj lands ol Uus and Agues SUauuou. soul h by lands of David West, west t>y lauds Of David West, said land being timber land s-ized and takeu lu execu tion ust'.ie property of Win F McKinnis at the suit of Franklin Miller et al. EI) Nos .7. .-,8. 59.110. 7J, 74 ami 196 Sept T ISM. frank Kohler, W D Brandon and Lev Mc yuistiun. att'ys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Al fred AlcKlnuls of. In and to lu acres of laud nure or less, situate In Franklin twp. Butler Co., I'a. bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stone at the northeast corner, thence by lands ol Uobert lliudman east 7j 8s perches north to a stone; thence b.' lands of s VV Shan non south i", east s;i perches IO a stone;thcnce west ss south by lands ol Wm McKinnis 72 perches to a stone; thence north by lands of J W llson '.'H west s» perches to a stone or place ol beginning, with a frame dwelling house, log stable, smalt orchard thereon, sil l' l and being mostly cleared and lu a fair state of cultivation Seized and taken m execution as 'he property ol Alfred McKinnis at the suit of Franklin Mil ler et al. E D Nos 71 and Ti» Sept term 1891. W A tor quer, attorney. All the ri'ilit, title. Interest and claim of I. L Daubenspejk, or. in and to no acres of land, more or less, situate in Parker twp. lluiler Co I'a. bounded as follows, to-wit: on the north by land ot Win Daubcuspecii. cast by laud of Abrtui and David Daubeuspeck, so'i'u by iund 01 Mct'atlerty and Collins, west by lands of \Valley, Shryock and lleydrlck, said land being mostly cleared, under fence and In a fair state of cultivation, with a two-story frame dwelling bouse, frame barn, oichard, an 1 other out jutldiugs erected thereon. Seiz ed and taken In execution as the property of I. I. Daubcuspcjk at the suit of Lucmda A'alley for use of A F Daubenspeca et al. ED No 98, Sept T, 1831. SF Bowser. att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of John lizra \\ eller, of. in and to a certain lot of land, more or lea*, situate tu Butler b jro. Butler Co . fa. bounded follOA's. to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner at lot of ground of Meliu da Maxwell and Penn street; thence west along Saul Penn street 80 feet to lot of Andy Rollins; thmiee south along said lot 17u feet to &B,alley ; thence east along said alley «U f»et to lot of MeMnd* Maxwell: thence north along said 10l I7u feet to Penn street* the place of be ginning, vvltn a small frame dwelling house and other outbuildings erected thereon, Siezed and taken in execution as the property ot John Ezra Weller at the suit of Naomi Cress. ED No 105, Sept term, 18'Ji. Frank Kohler Att'y. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Angeline Elliott, J C Uratam, administrator of Angellne Elliott.and Riddle \V Elliott, of, in and to a certain lot of land, more or less, situ ated In Butler boro, Butler Co. l'a, bounded as follows, to-wit: On the-north by Clay street, ea-,t by lot ot Johu C Graham, south by lot of John C <;raham. west by lot of Wilson E Reed, said lot having a frontage at ;!>> feet on ('lav street aud running back si feet on the east side and Ki "2-100 feet on the west side to said southern boundary, and having a two-stoiy frame dwelling house add other outbuildings erected thereon. Sle/.ed anu taken In execution as ihe property of Angellne Elliott. John C crabaui, administrator at Angelina Elliott, de ceased, and Kid lie W Elliott, at the suit of Jacob Fetter. ED No 108, Sept, T, 18. H. Joseph B Bredln. att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of John A Wise, Charles A Wise and Win H Wise; of. lu and to a certain lot of land, more or less, situ ate in ISutler boro. Butler »'o. l'a, bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by an allev : east oy lot No 20. owned by the county of Butler ; south by West street; west by" Washington street, being the undivided three-sevenths In terest m said lot. known and numbered as lot No 19, in the general plan of lots of said boro, and being in) feet In width from east to west and M leet In length from north to south, and Slaving thereon erected a two story brick dwell ing house, two 2-story frame dwellings, frame stable aud other outbuildings. ALSO Of, In and to a certain lot of land, more or less, situate m Butler boro. Butler Co. l'a.bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by an alley, east by lot. No lln said plan of lots, south by West street, west by an alley, being tue undivided three-sevenths of lot No i in plan of lots as laid out by Mows Sullivan Esq. in said borough, and having thereou erected a two story frame dwelling house and other out buildings. Seized and taken m execution is the property of John A Wise, Charles A Wise and Wm 11 Wise at the suit ot William s Cish dollar. EI) No l.tfi June T, law. McQuistlon Atty. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Lew ls Miller, of, in anu to 100 acres of iaud. more or less, situated In Clay twp, Butler Co. Pa. bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lauds of Philip Sanderson, Etst by lands of llelgliley heirs. South by land of Joslah Miller, west by land of George Chrlstley, said laud being mostly cleared, under fence and lu a fair state of cultivation, with a good orchard, frame dwelling house, log barn aud other out buildings erected I hereon, seized and taken lu execution as the property of l,ewis Miller at the suit of Margaret J Kay. TERMS OK SALE:—The following must be strictly compiled with when property Is stricken down. 1. Waen the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser the cost on the writ must be paid and a list of the liens Including mortgage searches on the property sold to gether with such lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such por tion thereof as he may claim must be furnLshed the Sheriff. 2. Ail bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will b-) continued until l o'clock p. m. of next day, at which time all property not settled for will agalu be put up and sold at the expens® aud risk of the person to whom Urst sold. 'see Purdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 410. and Smith's Forms, page 381. ANDREW <i, CAMPBELL, Sherllf. Sheriff's office. Butler, l'a., Aug 15, 1801. £<HE BUTLER COUNT* NATIONAL BANK, BUTLKH, PA. CAPITAL Paid Pp. ... g100,000.00. SURPLUS AHI) PROFITS, - OFFICERS: Jos. Hart man, Pres't, J. V. Kltta, Vice Pres't, C. A. Bailey, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Jos. Hartman, C.P.Collins, N.M.Hoover ohn Humphrey, J. V. Kltts, E. E. Abrams, Leslie Hazlett. I. <i. Smith. W. S. Waldron. W. Ilenry Wilson, M. Flnegau. A general banking business transacted. In terost paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. Foreign exchange bought and s >td ~ Appeals to One's SympatHies, ' 111 Likewise arouses the in terest and curiosity —does our new story, The Troublesome Liady. One of the very best stories of the season. | DON T FAIL TO READ IJi BARGAINS! BARGAINS! MEN S CLOTHING BOYS CLOTHING, CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. There are too many goods in stock and must be sold and at prices that will suit the times. We have a lot of odd suits that will be sold regardless of cost. Everything must be sold to make room Tor new goods. Gome and see for yourself. H.Schneideman CLOTHIER AND GENTS FURNISHER. 104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. vTo other firm ever did or will sell as perfect goods at as low prices. [JNLOADING SALE! UNLOADING SALE f OUR OFFERINGS FOR AUGUST ARE IRRESISTABLE. THEY'RE NEW, THEY'RE STYLISH, THEY'LL FIT Our buyer is now east purchasing a large stock of Fall and Win» er goods and we must have the room to receive them. A few facts; Men's and boy's Sweaters at 50 cents. Boys 50 cent knee pants at 25 cents. Boys 75 cent knee pants at 50 cents. Mens and boys 50 cent shirts at 25 cents. Mens $1.50 Jean Pants at sl. SCHAUL & NAST, Leading Clothiers. 137 South Main street, Butler Are you a short, fat man? Are yon a tall, slim mam? Are you any kind of a man or boy in need of clothes? If vou are, come in and we'll fit you in a suit of clothes, for less money than you ever bought them for before. / O Yours for Clotning, DOUTHETT G Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. Butler Pa B. $ B. All Black and All-Wool DRESS GOODS SALE That every woman who reads this, —in her own interest—wants to investigate. Nothing gives the genuine satisfaction in the line of dress that a good black gown doeß. This is the experience of every woman. Now a chance for the unusual in Black Goods Buying. All-wool, soft-finish, Black Diagonal in medium wale, real value $1.25, 46 inches wide, 75 centr. B'ack all-wool wiry weave—sort of a .Armure Diagonal effect —a never-wear out quality, that recommends it for traveling and general service—think of the width—s2 inches wide, SI.OO a yard. All-wool Black Storm Serge Specially adapted for separate skirts to wear with wash waists, ror traveling or any purpose requiring hard or steady wear. These excellent wide goods have no equal at prices—44 inches, SO cents. One lot all-wool Black Storm Serge The wiry kind that sheds the dust per fectly. double width, fnll 36 inches. Will make one of the greatest serge antes of the year at isc a yard. oend to our Mail Order—care and promptness mark all the systematic workings of this Department—and you'll find as great satisfaction in shopping through this medium as ordinarily found over counters. Will you try it T Boggs &c Buhl, ALLEGHENY. PA. EUROPEAN * HOTEL. 315 S. Main St., - - Batler, Pa ALEX WILLIAMS, Prop'r. Everything new—Electric light, gas and water.. J* Lodging 35, 50 and SI.OO. *\ *+* Regular meals at 25 cts. Boarding at SI.OO a day. *+* Lunch Counter open all night TO OPERATE SUCCESSFUL LY Ifl WALL STREET. Be glMied by our Market Letter. Book on Speculation and Letter Mailed free on application. Highest reference. WEIXXAff A Co, Stork*. Urmia ma* Pr»»i*loa», 41 Broadwar. N. T Hotels and Depots, W. 8. Gregg is now running a lint of carriages between the hows and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel Ycgeley. Good Liveryiog CoaaeeUei BUTLER LUMBER COMPANY Shippers and dealers in Kuilding Materials Rough and dressed Lnmber of all kinds, Doors and Windows, and Mouldings of all kinds. H.E. WICK Manager Office and Yards, East Caaalajbam and Monroe a tract*. L. C- WIOK DIALHB* Ul Rough and Worked Lumber or ALL XIKDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. UME, HAIR AND PLASTER. Office A W.lDepot,;: BUTLBR ?A Hotel Butler, J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and all other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use oi commercial men,
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