Do not Wait Any Longer, But Come at Once TO BICKEL'S. Where will be found the largest stock and latest styles of summer footwear at low prices. Our stock is larger than ever before com prising many new and pretty styles. Our stock of ladies shoes is large. Ladies' fine Dong. Pat. turned, Congress gaiters at $2.25. «« " Russett, " " $2.25. " Russett Bluchers and Blucheretts at $2.25. " Dong. Southern Ties at $1.50. « Blucher Oxfords, black and russett at $1.25. One lot of ladies fine Oxfords at 75c. » •« opera toe and instep strap slippers at 50c. Misses Dongola Shoes, patent tip at 90c. Childs " " " 40 to 75c. Full stock of Misses and Childrens Russett shoes at a big bargain. Our stock of " " Oxford ties and slippers is very large. Infants shoes in all colors. .... c u ■ Now is the time of the year when farmers are thinking of buying a pair of shoes to plow in and do their summer work. In buying my spring and summer stock I took great pains to get a large selection and have got them at prices so as to sell lower than ever before. A good pair heavy shoes, Lace, Buckle or Con gress Gaiters at 90c. Box-toe shoes, whole stock kip, at $1.50. Full stock ot Boys plow shoes sizes, 1 to j, at 85c. Our stock of Mens fine shoes is large, and with our stock of low cut shoes we are sure to suit all, as we have all the latest styles at remarkably low prices. Full stock of our own make driller's shoes always on hand. Shoes made to order. Repairing neatly done. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. JOHN BICKEL, 28 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PENN'A Buyers of Footwear Will find an ample field for comparison with other shoe stores at Huselton's this week. There never were such magnificent and wonderful values ofilered for as little money as as Huselton offers now. SHOE: BUYERS I Will find more for their dollar, expressed in shoe value, than they had ever hoped to receive. Women's fine button tip, 75 c -» $' anc * $ 1 - 2 5• " tan lace Oxfords 75c. and sl. « « Blucherettes in Piccadilla or narrow square, only $2. " serge cong. only 45c. " opera slippers, at 45 and 90c. " lace, tip, oxfords, s oc > 75 C - " spring heel, tip shoes, sl, $1.25 and $1.50. Huselton's Special. I^t Women's Kid Blucherettes, pat. tip / 9 h I VI kid heel foxing, Opera or narrow C S 3 B f square toe, regular $3, at only $2. 1 X -m M I Men's fine shoes, with tip, at 90c., ILl| y \ $1 and $1.25. » Men's extra fine tan shoes at si-75> Jr mBK. $2.50 and $3. W Men's extra nobby styles, at Men's working shoes at 70c., 95c. and sl. Youths extra nice styles in button and lace at 75c and sl. * -Come in and see us it will be a saving of money to you. B. C. HUSELTON. Ho 102 North Main Street - Butler, Pa SPRING! SPRING! Are You Interested In Low Prices? We offer a magnihcent new stock for Spring and Summer at PRICES THE LOWEST YET NAMED FOR STRICTLY FIRST CLASS GOODS. High Grades in all Departments. True merit in every Article. Hon est Quality Everywhere. An Immense Assortment. Nothing Missing. Everything the Best. The Quality will tell it. The Price will sell it. And that is the reason you should come early to pet vour bargains from our splendid line of Shoes, Slippers and Oxfords We show all the latest novelties in great profusion. We keep the very finest selections in all standard styles. We make it a poinc to have every article in stock the best of its kind. AL RDFF., £ a THE HARDHAN ART COfIPANY. We are located now at i;o South Main Street, adjoining the Butler Savings Bank. Our rooms are larg<\ fine and commodious. Photographic enlargements and Life Size, Hand Made Finished Portraits by the finest French artists obtainable. In photographs we give you results and effects that cannot be produced outside of our Studio. We use only Standard Brand Collodion Paper and not Gelatine, a cheep and inferior paper used by many. Picture and Por trait frames; special prices to jobbers. Compare our work with any Standard Work made or sold in the state. Our victorious motto, "We harmonize the finest work with the promptest service and the lowest j rices for the quality of work." Beware of tramp artists and irresponsible parties and strangers. Have your work done by reliable and re sponsible parties that guarantee all work satisfactory. Call and examine our work and samples and read our many tes timonials. THE HARDMAN ART COMPANY. r * ■ —a ~ flkh. .Jo-, vv j The place to 4 buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS, GAS LAMPS, FIXTURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS, BATH TUB ENAMEL, etc, is at W # H. O'Brien & Soil's, 107 East Jefferson Street. THERE is but one way in the world to be sure of having the best paint, and that is to use only a well-established brand of strictly pure white lead, pure linseed oil, and pure colors.* The following brands are stand ard, ' Old Dutch" process, and are always absolutely Strictly Pure White Lead "Armstrong & McKelvy," *' Beymer-Bauman," " Davis-Chambers," " Fahnestock." * If you want colored paint, tint any of the above strictly pure leads with National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold in one-pound cans, each can being sufficient to tint 25 pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead the desired shade; they are in no sense ready-cnixcd paints, but a combination of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to tint Strictly Pure White Lead. Send us a postal card and get oar book on paints <nd color-card, free. : NATIONAL LEAD CO.. New York. Pittsbtir* Branch, German National Bank Building, Pittsburg. |(|lf S w« E J LINIMENT UtitAKE any U V STRICTLY For FAMILY Use. Dropped on sugar suffering children love to Ufce it- Every Mother should have it iu the house. It quickly relieve* and cures all aches and pains, asthma, bronchitis, colds, couchs. catarrh cuts, chaps, chilblains, colic, cholera morbus! earache, headache, hooping cough, inflammation, la grippe, lameness, mumps, muscular soreness, neuralgia, nervous bead ache, rheumatism, bites, burns, bruises, strains, sprains, stings, swellings, stiff joints, sore throat, *ore lungs, toothache, tonsilitis and wind co.ic. Originated in 1810 by the late Dr. A. Johnson, Family Physician. Its merit and excellence have satisfied everybody for nearly a century. All who use it are amazed at its wonderful power. It is safe, soothing, satisfying; so say sick, sensitive sufferers. Used Internal and ExternaL Th« Doctor", Bijruituf* and direction. o» every LottH, Ill'stM PMnphlrt free. Bold eTerywhere. Prl<-e, K rt* Six bottic*. JLutt. i- S. JuU>BOS & OU.. Boston. HaS ®sveterihary specifics For Horses, C*ttle, Sheep, Logs, SogE, AND POOLTHY. .. A»»n.«I. crow (Fewi*C«ife«ilMfcJ»?*"" M l OT A.A. i Spinal Meningitis, JUlk *"**"• B. B.~Hi ra In s, Lam e ness, Bbeo m a I ism. C.C.—Dlscemper. Nasal Discharges* D.D.—Bois or Ornhs, Warms. K.K.--( osshs, Heaves, Pneumonia. P.F.—Colic or Gripes. Bellyache. O.U.— Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. HtH>—l'rliarT and Kidney Diseases. I.l—.Eruptive Diseases, Mange. J.K.—Dlseasee of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (over 50 doses), - - .60 ft table Case, with Specifies. Manual, Veteriaary f ore Oil andl Medlcator, «*•«» Jar Veterinary Care Oil. - - l.©» R.M ST p»*s>4 "* Is ssy W~£~2 ■S ,^JItPSBB^S, FxJgAl HOMEOPATHIC Oft UHHSPECIFIC No.uO In us* 30 ysars. Ths only successful remedj for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, ftolj tij Drujjlttt.or »«nt on receipt ol price. ■rariiiuii'BiD. c 0.,111 *n* wuu«mSu, *•»!<»*. is an arbitrary wort! u-ed to designate the only bow ( which cannot be jm.ictl off the watch. Here's the idea f I f/\j \ I The bow has a groove I I SdL? i I Ct } e * ci| r * '• •* V V n vCHZ2\ / J runs down inside the "* • !r nrndant ;s cm) and <r lus into the grooves, - t «n!y locking the tow io the pent!ant, so t at it cann t be »** pulled or twi»UJ off. It |»o<itivcly prevents the of the wa'i h i-y theft, and avoids injury to it from d'<» IT CAN ONLY PE HAD v.• ;th J-.i. 3 » Filled or w • h Tfiy cases bearing this trad: mar k All watch dealers sell them without extra cost. Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or send to the manufacturers. KeysloneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. j OLD EXPORT WHISKEY. If i . >... JIH f mk [ '* y Ciiarantcfd 8 Year?; Old, In every family uK immediate. You m kc no n-.i t.Ac i:i having a bottle of o.<i Export < i h.i-.<! Uff mR qts. *«. si* <:*»• M t:x P- r * i S ".03, rLETii:;:o & r ;o:s3 ni1156 Mark* tM. I'i ■ t-i» •r; iliaßßaaßgasijSg ra Are a symptom of Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Bil iousness, Liver Complaint. DR. BAXTER'S MANDRAKE BITTERS will cure the disease and re move yellowness from skin and eyes. Warranteu to cure. Sold everywhere at 25 cts. per bottle, for sale by J. C. Itedick $75.00 Per Month Fot Teachers, Students, Ministcts, or Ladies, any one who is active, pushing, and a good talker We want a representative in every County. Would prefer one who could give his or her whole time to the woik ; but spare time can b<- profitably emplovc 1 If you have ■ team, so much the better. Sp.i v.i I not permit us to give details here: but it" you will drop ns a line we >wll write you fully. This is a rare opportunity, the work is pleasant and honorable, the remuneration I ;rge. the busi ness perutaiient No capital required. No risk. f.W.ZIEGL ER A CO. Philadelphia. THE CITIZEINT How Baltimore Banished Tramps. The tramp evil has grown to an ap - I palling magnitude. The tramp is an an noyance, a tax and a nuisance yet there is no concerted effort to get rid of him, though a sure cure is ready to hand. It is well known that the tramp hates work and shuns it. This is the Lint which the good people ot Baltimore took advantage of last Winter. In the current number of The Forum, Mr. E. K. L. Goule tells 'How Baltimore Banished Tramps." and incidentally helped the unemplnyed who really deserved work, but were unable to get it in the ordinary channels. It should be read and laid to heart in every city, as it shows how the tramp evil may be abat ed without harshness or injustice to any deserving creature. Baltimore is a hospitable city and a favorite Winter resort for tramps. In 1892, 23,132 people received lodgings in its police stations and in 1593 this num ber increased to 39,976. This last Win ter the indications weie that the police station lodging would be better patron ized than ever, but some benevolent peo ple opened np rival establishments known as the Friendly Inn and the Wayfarers Lodge, and the police author ities agreed to receive no more lodgers, but send all applicants to these new hotels, whose need was suggested by the hard times and the number out of em ployment. The now hotels were under the charge of a Centra! Kelief Committee and all were welcome without money and without price, except compliance with a few reasonable and wholesome conditions. It was these conditions that banished the professional tramp from lialliinore. He could lind no shelter except under the hospitable roofs of the Wayfarers' Lodge aud the Friendly Inn. Xo bill was rendered at these hostelries, but c -rtain regulations were insisted upon Mr. Dusty Roads on entering the hos pitable abode of the Central Kelief Com mittee saw a vision of warmth, cleanli ness, lood and comfort very different from the unfurnished room, bare floor and whitewashed wall of the station house. But the joy which the sight and prospect afforded died within him when he found that as a condition precedent to the enjoyment of this abundance and comfort he must take a hot bath nightly under the supervision of an atttndant with a liberal use ol carbolic soap and his wearing must be regularly disinfected. Perhaps Dusty Hi ails could have made up his mind to stand the simp aud water, but that was only an imitation. In return for his food and lodging there was woodsaw ing and splitting to be done by the board ers, and as this did nut supply work work enough there was a stone yard annex. Seven thousand tons of stone were broken by the gai-!-« of the Baltimore Kelief Com mittee, aud the tramp as a species emigra ted from the city of Baltimore. It is the instinct and ambition of tramps to escape the fate decreed (or Adams seed. "In the sweet of thv lace shall thou eat bread." A wood yard and a stone yard, carbolic soap and hot water are repugnant to his whole nature. The good people of Bulliiimre did not discover this fact, but they are entitled to the credit of having ullilized it most effectively. This provid ed work for the deserving unemployed, and by baling the station houses closed to the tramps and no oilier place left open to them except through the nianium of a stone yard ami carbolic soap, they banish Ihe tramp fraternity from their city. —lf you are troubled with a "hacking cough," Uowns' Elixir will give you relief at once. Warranted as recommended or money refunded. —An "inch ol rain" means a gallon of water spread over a surface of rearly two square feet, or a fall ot about 100 tons upon an acre. —A inissstep will often make a cripple lor life. A bottle of Henry <t Johnson's Arnica and Oil Liniment at hand, will not prevent the mistep. but used immediately it will save being a cripple. Mercer had a 4th of July fire, caused by fire-orackers, which destroyed the Moon House and the Graham Hotel. Drunkenness, the Liquor Habit, Pos ively Cured by adinrnstering Dr. H aii.ts "Golden Specfic." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup ol coilee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It it) absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent aud speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or au alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book oi particulars tree. Address, Golden Specific Co.. lH."i Race St.. Cincinnati O. —These perfect, breezy summer days and cool, relreshing nights are hard on the occupation oi the chronic grumbler. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters cured ini digestiou, Heart Burn, Costiveness and al malarial diseases. Twenty-fivo cents per bottle. —According to the Philadelphia Inquir »r recent surgical operations at the Ger man hospital in that city have upset some old theories as to the cause of appendicitis the mysterious disease which has battled ttie skill of phvsiciau aud sergeons. 'l'tie treatment discovered has reduced the mor tality, it is claimed, to practically nothing. During the last eight months the resident staff'of surgeons at the German hospital has performed twenty-one of these opera tions and not a single case resulted fatally. Appendicitis is chronic or acute inllam mation ol the bowels. Tne old tneory ol its tause, which the German hospital cases has disproved, was that appendicitis was the result of seeds or other similar indi gestible substances in the vermiform ap pendix. This thory has been proved fallacious, as in not one of these twenty oiis cases was the inflammation due to this cauee. In very few instances were seeds found, and in each of these it was indi gestion as a result of their presence, not their exi.-tence itself, that caused the in flammation. The true origin of appen dicitis has bet-n found to be the presence of microbes, as in tl e ctise of most other diseases. The only cure is the removal of the vermiform appendix The inflam, mation attacking this blind intestine causes appendicitis, which can be enred only by taking away the diseased organ with the disease. Unless the appendix is removed death is almost cerain. Those who have occasion through illness or thirst to rise before i> o'clock these mornings can see the planet Venus glow ing in the east like au electric lamp until in is swallowed up in the increasing light of the sun. —A story is going around this summer that sweet peas hnng np in a room will kill all the flies in it.. Last season it was common newspaper talk that a whisp of red clover in the h.iuse would iuvite the flies to kingdom come. Two or three years ago pninpkin blossoms wero herald ed to the four winds as a preventative of flies. Fly paper has been a standby as long as any of us can remember. But they all tail. The Bradford Era mau thinks the only reliable way to get rid of llies is to belt the offender over the head with a hammer and stay with it nntil it is dead. —The average height of clouds from the earth is two miles. The American Flag. It i* said that there are 5,000.000 dafS made in the United State* every year; and these are brought from the lactorits and sold to small hoys, political clubs public buildings and citiiens. until, at the end of the year, the entire supply is exhausted and the mills and factories are (nil of orders for more. Americans never tire of the flag. A (rreat many of this number are sent out of the country to other lands where there are American citizen who yearn for a sight of Old Glory and must have it waving over their colony, whereever that may be. And others go out on ships to float over the ocean, telling their story of American cit'zenship and American rights; while many others start out with explorers upon expeditions of strange dis covery, and are lost io the trials that beset the discoverers c-re there has been a chance to plant the flag and repose under it* folds. But by far the greatest number stay right here in America and are used up in the legitimate service expected ol a country's flag. It is gratifying to learn that so many are demanded each year by the loyal hearts to whom it is the glo rious symbol of Nationality and Liberty. "Long may it wave o'er the land of the free and the homo of the brave!" —Distress after eating, indigestion, sick headache and heartburn are cured by Hoods Sarsaparilla —A Philadelphia firm makes a spe cialty of fried ice creaai. which is pr<» nounced delicious by all who taste it A small, solid cake of the cream is en veloped iu a thin sheet of pie crust, and then dipped in boiling lard or bu ter long enough to cook the out.-ide to a crisp Served iuiinedatelv, the ice cream is found to be as solidly frozen as when it was lirst prepared. The process ir so quickly ac C 'mplished, and the pastry is so (food a protecter, that the heat has no ch«nce to reach the froien cream. —Rheumatism cured in ■?. day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism aud neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The tirst dose greatly benetits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —lrate Father —"'When I die I shall leave yon without a penny." Calm Son —"Certainly. You can't take money along, you know." —A little colored girl was called upon at rchool to write a sentence on the black board containing the word delight. This is what she wrote: "Where was Moses when delight went out?" Cont>y.Y!pi.-~. Cc T.u fW Itifoiut • ,i : . . thnt I nave % positive re:uedy fur the above-n 1:1 disease. B; a timely use thousands of hopelea* case* havo ) > rTi permanently cured. I shall be gltii to eead two .* J f Uea of my remedy FREE to any of your readers ~w , J have consumptlfin If they will •end lue then £iprsa« and B. O. addreM. Beapert ftUlj. T. A, aU/UUM. M. a. Ml Pearl St.. X. Y. —Mr.». Paddington (at bed.-ide of her dy ing husband) —"Bear, is there any one you wish me to marry after your death?' Mr. Paddington—"Oh, marry the der il!" Mrs. Paddington—No, thank you. One in the lamily is quite sufficient." —"Our little 4-yeai-old darling is so bright—she picks up everything she hetrs." •'Thats n >tbing- our 2-year-old picks op everything he sees." Heart Disease Jleliered in 30 Minutes. I)r. Agnew's Cure for th«- H<art gives perfect relief iu all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heat Disease in 30 minutes, aud speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy L>r Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart One dose convinces. Sold by City Phar macy. —Aocording to a decision of the Su preme Court a school director cannot be at the same time treasurer of the school funds. The two offices are incompatable. —Ex. —The roses that bloom on a woman's cheek should have their roots in good health, an 1 not iu the drug store. —"I wonder how it is that Gtodfellow keeps his friends so long?'' "He doesn't wear them out." —As ihe great Swiss patriot aimed his arrow at Gecsler he said to himself:— "Blood. Will Tell!" —Blakely—"That was a horrible custom they used to have in India of killing alt a man's wives when he died. Rakely—"l should say so. Just think how stupid Indian society must have been without any widows," —Sixteen couples lrom Pennsylvania were married at Jamestown, N. Y., on the 4th of July —A locol account of the 4th of July celebration in Olean says: "Hon. Eugene Mullin, of Bradford, delivered the oration, which was loudly praised. At the close of the fireworks Levi Barrett's barn caught on fire and was destroyed. The weather was grand." Invitations are out for the series of midsummer socials to take place at Kx p isition Park, Conneaut Lake. The dates are July 26, August 9 and 23 and Septem ber 0 and 20. The events will take place in the ball room of the spacious now Hall, to the music of the Northwestern Orches tra. The best-tempered man get hot about nothing these days. —The political pot should certainly boil in this kind of weather. —lce cream ruins digestion. Let every impecunious young man pasto this in his hat. TO KEEP TIER YOUTH, m. a woman must keep her health. All tho "beautl flers" in tho world won't do ns much for you as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pro- IV script ion. With that, you f can we the good that's ■ done, as well as feel it. regulates all the wo- MKH Mm 'manly functions,improves SjaU MM your digestion, enriches U u your hlood, brings re- I freshing sleep, and builds up, strengthens, and re pairs every i>art of your system. In every one of the "female complaints" and weaknesses that make women old and miser able, tho "Prescription" will certainly cure. It's the only r/Ktirantrrd remedy. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in the case of every weak or suffering woman, she'll have her money back. You pay only for tho good you get. There's tho very liest evidence that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will cure your Ca tarrh. It's t his promise, made by the makers of the medicine: "If your Catarrh can't be cured, no matter what your case is, we'll pay you #.100." OPEN to conviction? Try either Finche's Hidden Wedding, Gibson or old Dougherty Whiskies YOUR EYES will then be opened to conviction that these brands toll of better things in store lor those who deal with Robt. Lewin, 136 Water St. Opposite B. it O. Depot, Pittsburg, Pa Try Hrandfathers' Choice, warranted 3 P years old, $2.00 per gallon. 9 „ ■ARE NOTES! By comparing notes with TOUT friends, you will find that the best of them trade with US. Why? Because they t>are money. We hare never been in the habit of advertising prices,for *<» a general thing goods quoted low are inferior stock, but we have a few things this spring that we take pride in quoting the prices. We call your attention to our U S. PaDta, good strong ; Jeans, full lined, never rip, for only 65c Xo 2, better grade, usually sold at $1.25, onlv 96c. No 3, the best grade, sold everywhere for $1.50, only sl.lO Fine styles in C W. onlv $1 00 all warranted to never rip. Fine Union Co's Pants only $1.40. worth $2 25. Seamless Hose only sc. , l.adies Stockings only 3c per pair All the latest styles and novelties in Scarf Pins. Fine gold filled Kings, warranted for five years, 25 to 50c. A big bargain, a solid nickel Watch 'iL'k*! movement, stem-wind, pendent set, U. F , good timekeeper only $5 00 We carry regularly a large and varied stock of Men's, Boy's and Chil dren's Suits and Pants, Hats, Oipj, Shi rts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handker chiefs, Hosiery, Hammocks, Trunks, Valices, Satchels, Brushes, Combs, Purses, Pocket and Bill Books, Umbrellas. Overalls, Jackets, Watches, Chains aud Charms for Ladies or Gents, Collar and Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins in all the latest novelties, Electric Diamond Rings in endless variety at all prices to suit the times, When you read this over do not imagine that theee are old inferior stock, they are brand new and the best value ever offered in Butler, and will bear the most critical examination. We court comparison and defy competition. Give us a fair trial, and our word for it, you will never regret it. D. A. HECK Champion Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher. KHAN K KEMPEH, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, everything in horse and buggy tar nishing goods—Harness, Collars, AVhips. Ousters, Saddles, etc. .A_lso trunks and valises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assortment of «3-A. Horse blankets in town will be found at FRANK KEMPER'S, 124 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER PA. CLARK'S SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Every young man and woman should receive such an education as they can obtain at Clark's Sclio\>l ul Commerce, Butler, Pa. or at the New Castle Business University, New Castle, Pa. flic schools are under the same management. ACTUAL BUSINESS METHODS EMPLOYED You will save time an 1 money by attending one ol these schools ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN BUSINESS OFFICES, EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. Write to D. G. CLARK, President, New Castle, Pa., or F. G. JOHNSTON, Secretary, Hutler, Pa. DIAttIOXWTD 3 } EUWB K " BIN ° 8 - scarp raw, situs. YMT It BTStf"* iIT HT*SX. » <!KNTS' • ;()[,!>, LADIES' GOLD. Va ill If U Hl«?» t' URNTS SILVER, LADIES' CIIATLAIN. T ££7* VST IT* Til XT' • Pl"'. Ear itinars, Kings. «J JUs W M 3±M SV. X f Chains, Bracelets. Etc. -=STT "XT 4"? TUT n T* ST* l Tea Sets. Castors. Butter Dishes and Bverythtnt •3 XLa V Ju IV W CjL JIV Uthat can be found In a Urst class store.. RODGER BROS. 1874 } KNIV hS ' 1 (>RKS ' °°TI?IPLE PLATE. F ORIFR THE EV. JEWELER. No. 139, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., = J- S. YOUNG. YVM. COOPER YOUNG c\ COOPER, I MERCHANT TAILORS t For the month of July we have made a reduction on all AND LIGHT WEIGHT GOODS. "DIRT DEFIES THc KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. ERRORS«VOUTH and Obscure 1)1 vase* speedily and permanently cured by the celebrated specialist. Hn I AD D 329 N.lsth St. LJR. LUDDi Philada.. P*. NodcTrplloti, nolalse repiMMtaHoo. I will cure Tf»u jMisiiiV' ly and luako v.»u vigorous and strong. Treatment by mallaspectaltjr and strictly <-<uifliientfa| 4,3 HOME CURE TREATMENT * I EWIS 98 % LYE |v pc Tt is is and raimas ™ (FATISTXD) l < ,«lw i |l pnrntl.y# U 1 (liih powder ku'l packed In a can • with removable lid, the content* are always ready for use. \\ 111 make the heat perfumed Hard Soap lo ao mIDutCH without Imllln*. ||| S ||,a- brat for cleansing *»» mm Dlpea. disinfecting ulnks, closet* WW willing bottle*. lolnl\ trow, etc. SI- PENS A. »AIT MTO CO lieu. AgW., I'UUa., I'a. mi ro ITCHING PILES rILLOSWAYNE'B 1 OINTMENT nVUPTOMH-MoUmm Intenae Itchlnc ami • tlnzlnc: moat at night: •»! aeratehlag. If nllowcdt., eontlane lumiin form and protrude, m hi. h often bleed nn.l übrralo, breaming »erjr un km jvi NKti OINTMI'NT at«»pa the Itching and bleeding, heala ul.rutlon, .in.l In i«""t eaaea rcaotu the tumors. A.n l>ru« t U« tor 11. EUROPEAN * HOTEL. 315 S. Main St., - - Butlor, ?a ALEX WILLIAMS, Prop'r. Everything new—Electric light, gas and water. J* Lodging 35, 50 and SI.OO.J*J * + * Regular meals 'at 25 cte. Boarding at SI.OO a day. %» Lunch Counter open all night. WHY? Should every one, if in need ot a purn stimulant for medical purposes. go to 188 Federal St? Because he will find the largest stock to select from ut lowest prices. The Rye Whiskies are all from the largest and best known distilleries and sold at the following prioe: 2 year-old at $2.00 per gallon; 3-year old at $2.25; 4-year-old at $2.50; 6 year-old at; 8-year-old at ft 50; 10 and 12-year-old at $5.50; St. Hel ena, California, oldest and best, selected wines, 10 brands dry and sweet, at $1 50 per gallon; Rhine wine, imp. Sherry. Mad eira, Port and Cognacs, at lowest figures. No extra charge for packing. Call or send for price list at ASI)BIKssK , 188 FEDERAL ST. ALLEGHENY. ( ~v DOCTORS LAKE "Jtt S riu n; dispensaky. Ify £} COR. Peni Ave. ano Fourth Bt., PITTSBURGH, PA. • A'l form "Of Delicate and Com -4 A'r-KJ plicated Diseases rrqoirlnnCoN. <*S> Pjf fiiiENTIALandSciBSTIHf Med- ication nro treated at this I>is itonsnry with a bucccm arely attained, ljr. *>• K Lake is :• member of the Kov,»l t oIU I h>- una Surgeoair, ami ""'L'lat -\iHTienrc<l BPBCIALIW in Uumtr. «!>«'< at tention iriven to Nervous I>rbtlity frome % : in, ■ i:d exertion, lndiscret ion of youth,etc., caus ing physical and mental decay,lack of energy, 1,-i!.,i. '.'iic-v etc; also Cancers Old Sore*, Fila, files Rheumatism, and all discnsesof the Bkm, I I uiiL", Urinary Organs,itc. Consultation •rccami «rtetlyconlm.-ntial. Office hours, 0 to i anil 7 to 8 P. M ; Sunday*. 4 to A P. M. only. •ill fit office or address J»Us. LAKh. WK " a* ii. AJ«DiTiiaT..rrrrsiJCUGii.i a VITALIS /gaik fn sr" » wen iass VITALIS ja THE QItEAT aoth D»J FRENCH REMEDY JOth DayT Produce* the *!»»<• BrsttlU t" " powerfully and quickly t urcs »1..-ti all oi hiM fail. You tut men will rt-Rain th. ir m.inhc»dL and old men will recover their youthful jrlßor by using VITALIS. : : ■■ ' Pton s Nervousness. Lost \ llaiity. ""POieacjr, Niirhliv Kmissfotis. I-ost I'o*", ,^t" orv Wastinir Diseases, and all eltecta of sell abuse or excess and Indiscretion. : \ r 'avinc Insanity and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS. no other, t'au IK; e; rried In \rsl pocket. Ily mail. »!.•• P'T package, or six for S&.IM), with a positive written KU»r«nte* to cur« or refund tlte money. Circular free. Addrisa CAIXMKT BKJIKHV CUIII'ANV. tliicigo, IU. For Sale at City Tharmacy. L,. C- WICK nRA LKR 15 Rough and Worked Lumber or all xmns Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings. Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Offlc«, opposite* P. A W. Depot,* BUTLER Great Clearance Sale IN MILLINERY Trlinmc<l llatx mill lloiinctKalmoxl GIVEN AWAY. Having a large stock o! milliner)' still on hand, we will sell you anything in our line less than half price. Come early and secure bargains at the LEADING MILLINER! HOUSE 122 S. n r T' P \ PL 1 BUTLER. MAIN ST. LJ ' 1 • 1 1 -*-V« PA. UK YOUR OWN DOCTOR: ; At this season oi the year. Cramp, C< lit. Sunstroke, ; I and other ills produced by the excessive heat, snake ; ; bites and malaria, make their appearance. You want ; I a stimulant ready for immediate use. You want it ; I pure, you want it smooth and palatable, and you want ; I it from a reliable source. \\ e tan supply you cheaply I anil give you the best in the country. You can pur- ; I chase to suit your taste and pocket-book. Just see our prices for a few of our liquors. Don't compare the prices with other houses, but compare the Quality of the Liquors, * SIL\ ER AGE R\ E $l5O per quart. DUQL ESNE. Malt and Rye. $1 .25 per quart BEAR CREEK $1 00 per quar Finch, Guckenheimer, Gibson and Overholt at #1 per (jnart, each or six quarts for #5. Other ryes at 75c and 50c per quart. Blackberry brandy sl, 75c and 50c. Port, Sherry, Sweet Cal ifornia, Angelica jukl Miscatel 50c, 75c, #1 and #1.50 per quart. Rum, Brandies and all other imported and do mestic liquors ail at Rock Bottom Price*. Cases Clarets, sweet and dry w ires, all our own importation, at prices that will surprise you. TO CAMPERS A-ISTD EXCURSIONISTS: : It is dangerous to drink strange waters, unless you ; ; use a little whisky with it. If you send for our cata- : I logue and price list, furnished free of charge, you will : 1 see how cheaply we can serve you. Remember it is ; \ only a few days to the 4th of July. Send in time to ; MAX KLEIN. No 82 Federal t.. illleghtmy, Pa" Jewelry-Silverware--Clocks, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invite* —"Remember our Repairing Department —20 years Experience. - M HOSKNTHAL Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St, - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye \\ hiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Marke New York Weekly Tribune The Butler Citizen ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. .Address all order.* to TIXEI OXT££ EM
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