VOL XXXI THE PHOENIX. Do you know why the PHOENIX bicycle is the most popular wheel in Pittsburg? Do you know why it won the Butler-Pittsbugh race, and the Wheeling-Pittsburg? Simply because bearing, chain, tire, frame—all the parts—are made of the best material. Because we build the lightest,easiest running wheel that is safe and reliable for the roads. We also make a specialty of an easy running and light lady's wheel, which is equally popular. A guarantee is a good thing in its way. The PHOENIX guarantee cov ers every point, but the best point of all is the fact that repairs or claims for de fective parts constitute an exceedingly small per centage of our cost of manu facture. For catalogue and other information © address, THE STOVER BICYCLE M'f'g. Co. FREE PORT, ILL. or J. E. FORSYTHE, Agent. BUTLER, PA. ILL FOR FUN Some people go one place and some another for a month during the summer. They lose their time and expense and its none of our business, but we have decided to stay at home and spend the time talk ing to our customers and giving them bar gains just for fun, to see how it goes. We are willing to spend our time for nothing only for July—not a day longer. That's all the time we can afford to spend for nothing. Some things we will sell below cost: Rawhide Whips 30c. Whalebone Whips 30c. Leather Fly-nets sl. 4 boxes Axle Grease 25c. Bindei Whips, 10 feet, 50c. And Buggies, Wagons, Harness and everything belonging to a team or driving outfit in proportion. No difference what you want about a horse or team, come here. We pay no rent and expect to be here all our life. The guessing on the horse is still going on. Try your luck—it costs nothing to try. Everybody over 16 years old allowed a guess. Women and men both guess. Over 1100 guesses already. Counted July 20 at noon. S. B. Martincourt & Co. 128 East Jefferson Street, BUTLER, - PA. S. B. MARTINCOURT, J. M. LIEGHNER. W. F. HARTZELL. L. M. COCHRAN. BUTLER ROOFING COMPANY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in —Excelsior Fire-Proof Slate Paint— For Shingle Roofs,and Ebonite Varnish for all Metal Roofs. Also, Agents for the Climax Wool and Asbestos Felt, the King of Roofing Felts. All kinds of roofs repaired and painted on the shortest notice. Estimates given on old or new work and the same promptly attended to. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BUTLER ROOFING COMPANY, 320 SOUTH MCKEAN STREET, * * , * BUTLER, PA. C. R. ELLIOTT, 130 W. Jefferson Street, LEADING WALL PAPER HOUSE Will occupy this space next week. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. At this Season Something is needed to keep up tha appe tite, assist digestion and give good, health ful sleep. For the?e purposes H«od'» Sar saparilla is peculiarly adapted. As a blood Hood's JL .&%%%*%% parilla purifier it has no / * || equal, and it is chiuflv M HJL by its power to make -m -m/a, pure blood that it has won such fame as a cure for scrofula, salt rheum, boils and other similar diseases. Hood's Pills are efficient and gentle. 25c. A Scientist claims the Root of Diseases to be in the Clothes we Wear. The best Spring remedy for the*bines, etc., is to discard your uncomfortable old duds which irri tate the body:-lea ye your measure at ALAND'S for a new suit which will fit well, improve the appearance by re lieving you instant- J ly of that tired feel ing, and making you cheerful and active. The cost of this sure cure is very * moderate TRY IT. C. , I). A business that keeps grow ing through a season ol de pression, such as the country has experienced, is an evi dence that people realize they save money by trading with us. We know, and always have known, the days of large profits are past. Without question we are giving more for the money than last year. Our stock is larger to select from than last year. TALL AND SEE US. Colbert & Dale. ««£ Peremptions jR A Specialty. At Redick's Drag Store. #* We do not handle anything hut pure drugs, next time you are in need of medicine please give us a call. We are headquarters for pure SODA WATER as we use only pure fruit juices, we also handle Paris Green, hellebore insect powder, London purple and other insecticides Respectfully, J. C. REDICK, Main £>t.,next tollotel Lowry BUTLER* PA. JOHN KEMPER, Manufacturer of 1 lai *ness, Collars, and Strap Work, and Fly Nets, J ' and Dealer in Whips, Dusters, Trunks and Valises. My Goods are all new and strict first-c t t I work guaran teed Repairing a Specialty. :o: :o: Opposite Campbell & Templeton's Furniture Store. 342 S. Main St., - Butler, Pa. All light suits at reduced prices at THE RACKET STORE. $8 Suits Reduced to 85 10 Suits Reduced to 8 12 Suits Reduced to 10 THE RACKET STORE! HREE civil en gineers (their ' M civil ty belonged mostly to the r profession, and not to themselves individually) met in the smokeroom of the National Lib eral one evening after dinner, and pro ceeded to make themselves comforta ble. They had just returned from India; they were all going 1 to the thea ter when they could summon up suf ficient energy to leave the club; and they all thought they knew something about tigers. They told tiger stories in a meditative, lazy fashion—the old tiger stories which had been handed down from father to son and are hoary with antiquity. Arbuthnot, the man who had joined them a little later, was thin and slight of build. In the mid dle of a story to which he was listen ing, he would turn his head quickly and lift Ills left hand, or, rather, the remains of it, with a quick, involun tary action, and drop it again if re assured. When a waiter caine behind him unexpectedly, ho moved uneasily and restrained himself from rising by a strong effort of will. "It's Arbuthnot's turn now," said Anderton, the junior of the three. "He looks like a man who has been badly scared by a tiger. We'll give him ten minutes, and then be off." Arbuthnot gulped down his liquor. "I was badly seared once," he ad mitted. "And, what's more, I shall never get over it. I was living with three other men at Xigriting, which had a very bad reputation indeed in the way of tigers. Of course, that didn't bother mc very much until the Man Eater stole my chokidar (watch man) and eat him. The tiger liked my fellow so well that lie came back shortly afterwards, and walked off with a new chokidar. When chokidar number three disappeared the matter began to be serious—and expensive. There was a panic in the land. 1 couldn't get another chokidar for love or money, and the relations of the de funct chokidars would come and sit on the bungalow veranda in rows and solemnly heap upon my innocent head all the curses they could think of or invent; and, what was worse still, they did not confine themselves to cursing me, but cursed my ancestors and ancestresses for five generations back with a patient peraistenoy and copious ness which I had never before ex perienced, and have no wish to again undergo. Not content with cursing me, one of them resolved to die on the veranda, and made elaborate prepara tions for starving himself to death. Suddenly, one of his friends pointed out to him that the only drawback to such a policy would be the fact that the tiger came every evening, and that no mortal with any self-respect likes to die in less than twenty-four hours. If a native, who had made up his mind to die, did it in a hurry, he would lose all the gratification of knowing that the Sahib in side the bungalow was being worked up to a pitch of madness in the endeavor to think of something to keep him alive. You all know the mar velous manner in which a native can <* himself from this wor •' 'u>- simply making up his mind to go hence. I didn't want to have the gov ernment come down on me for causing the loss of an entire village of natives, which would assuredly have happened after they had once started dying off like files. It Is very like an Albanian blood feud. A kills IJ, whereupon B's relations slay A, and A s relations slaughter as many of B's friends as they can conveniently fret hold of. When chokidar number one disap peared all his friends demanded com pensation, and when chokidar number two was carried off the friends of choki dar number one thought it extremely indelicate that the friends of number two could not wait until their claims had been satisfied. Of course, when chokidar number three was wafted into the jungle you can imagine the further complications which ensued; they were something awful. The only way out of the situation was to com pensate the whole lot of natives and settle the tiger before he killed any more. I was anxious to do this for another reason; every native in the villago who had a decaying, semi-defunct relative of whom ho was anxious to be rid put him forward as a candidate for the vacant post. The more Infirm the proposed ■watchman was, the better chance would there be of his not escaping the tiger and thus bringing in a little com pensation to the rolatives and, at the Same time, freeing them from the bur den of supporting him in idleness. Of course, this was all very well from the native's point of view, but I did not see why I should be mulcted so heavily because a man-eating tiger did me the honor to eat my chokidars. I was quite content to pay extra wages if the natives would take the extra risk, but they didn't seem to see it in that light, and wanted higher money as a leort of insurance to go to their rela tives in case of accidents. "The matter at last grew to be so serious that something had to be done. I did not much care about tackling the tiger single-handed in the lone black ness of the night. The intense gloom, in which you can't see your fingers be fore you, Is apt to unnerve a man, es pecially if there is every probability of the beast sneaking in upon you when you are half asleep. The mere act of straining your attention on the effort to keep awake gradually senaa you into a semi-torpid state. Then comes the tiger, and after the tiger— oblivion. "At length, I determined to ask three other fellows to corao over and watch with me through the night uni til we could settle Master Stripes. Like all Englishmen who get together In India, we had a good dinner, plenty of liquor, and cards afterwards. About eleven, we all went into the' veranda of my bungalow to watch. There wasn't a star to be seen any where, and of course all the lights in the house had been carefully put out. One or two of us started telling stor ies, but, as we yarned, somehow our courage seemed to evaporate. It was an easy thing to talk of tiger killing when we were sitting round the din-1 ner table glasses in hand, each man rivaling his neighbor In the telling of tall stories. Every now and then the distnal howl of a jackal would set our nerves tingling and hearts going liko sledge-hammers. Then we would re member that there was safety in num bers, and at last, what with the din ner and the drink, each man began to feel drowsy, and fell asleep, his gun by his side. My little toy terrier, Sylph, coiled herself up at my feet and went to sleep also. "I don't know how long it was be fore I was wakened from dreamy elysiuin by the yap-yap-yap" of the dog, and felt a tender pressure on my hand. I tried to draw It away but in vain. In my half-wakened state, I thought that perhaps some native \voman was playing a trick on me, be- lUTTLER. PA..FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1894. could have surprised the white party had she been a tiger. The pressure on my hand was so soft and warm, so mesmeric in its intensity, that I lay in a kind of pleasurable trance for a min ute without moving. Then the pleas ure increased —grew rougher— not so pleasant. When I opened my eyes two great balls of fire were looking into mine. A tiger had got my hand in his mouth. Of course I was perfectly par alyzed with fright, and remained in a dazed, half-conscious condition, feel ing that all the others were awake, and in just the same state of fear as my self. "In a little while I tried to pull my hand away from the tiger, and felt the animal's teeth tighten on me. I knew that if I enraged him it would be all up with me at once. I was being gradually pulled away from the veranda, and had no choice but to comply with the beast's delicate in sistance. He drew me off some yards into the pitchy darkness, his object be ing, of course, to get me into the jun gle where he would settle me at once. 1 made a desperate effort and called out to the others: "Boys, you're not going to see me slaughtered like this!" Just then the tiger drew me along rather more quickly for about fifteen yards. The other fellows woke up and saw that I had gone; the only thing to guide them through the darkness was the ceaseless yapping of Sylph. They heard me speak again, and scattered in the darkness to find me. My younger brother, who was one of the party, had been much chaffed about his equipment for the fray, seeing that he had come over with a regulation Martini and bayonet. We had been very funny at his expense during din ner. A man can always jest about danger in a crowd. 'Tisn't so easy not to feel afraid when you're being dragged along by a hungry tiger, and know that directly he gets you into the jungle he means to eat you. My brother was the first to awake and follow the dog. Martini in hand. The others were still a good many yards away in the thick under "AST> WALKED OFF WITH A NEW CHOKI DAFT." growth when he overtook us. With one quick thrust he jabbed the bayonet Into the tiger's loins and fired, grabbed my right hand, pulled me clear, and we raced back to the bungalow for dear life. "We knew, however, in this In stance, that if the tiger had any fight In him he would be after us in a mo ment, so the whole lot of us tore back through the darkness and burst, gasp ing. on to the bungulow veranda to gether, only to find that some one had 6hut the door In order to keep the light in so that it shouldn't frighten the tiger and make him suspicious. "We fixing ourselves against the door, trying to burst It open with our United weight. Just as we did so, the tiger leapt over us with a tremendous bound, snisstjjng in the whole lath anu-plaster front of th<» nnrt fell, with the four of us, on the dining room floor. When wo were able to get up we found the tiger wasn't. Ho lay stretched out dead on the floor, with the bayonet still sticking in him, a mangy old man-eater, whose skin wasn't worth a rupee. "We dragged him out into the com pound and left him among the gar denias and pomegranates until morn ing. What they did with him then I don't know, for I was in a lirain fever, and yelling out for help every other minute. If anything touches this stump (he held up his maimed left hand) it just breaks me all up in an in stant. I can feel myself being dragged through the darkness —feel the tiger's foetid breath upon me once more—feel that my life is not worth five seconds' purchase; and though I've tried to argue myself out of it, my nerve's gone, and I daren't even go to the Zoo or pass Roland Ward's stuffing shop without a shiver." FORESTALLED. Mrs. Cobwigger—l bought a necktie here yesterday, and the ono you sent home wasn't anything like it. Haberdasher—The one we sent, mad am. was picked out by your hnsband a month ago, in ease you ever bought ono for him.—Puck. Not to Bring Flattered. Hostess —Of cour e the dinner is given for Miss I'urdy, but I can't let you take her in because you never will take the trouble to t> • agreeable ex cept for a pretty woman. Reggy Westend—Whom do I take In, then? Hostess—Mrs Karris. Reggy Westend —But she's uglier than Miss Purdy. Hostess—l know that, but she's mar ried and used to being neglected.— Life. It Tnrnwl Out /VII Klfcht. "What has become of your first love, Fannie Jones, about whom you used to rave so much?" asked a New York gen tleman of a friend whom he had not met for several years. "Oh, she Is married and happy." "And how is it with you?" "I am still happier—and unmarried." —Ale* Sweet, in Texas Siftings. Incredlbl*. Bob —Awfully embarrassing thing happened to-day. Jack. I went into a shop to buy some cigars, when I sud denly discovered that I had left my monev at home. Jack —Did the proprietor trust you? Bob—<), yes; he knew me. Jack (in surprise)— And lie trusted you?— Answers. Not llic Only Thing That Doe*. "Money talks, does it?" soliloquized Mr. Dreffleshort. absent-mindedly tap ping something he held in his hand. "Humph! So docs an empty pocket book. And what a hollow voice it has!" —Chicago Tribune. Had riinca. Traveling Salesman (despondently) —By Jingo! times are bad. Why, they don't even throw me out of the houses I visit as they ysed to do.-^Hallo. IN SUMMER DAYS. It Is the noon time of the year. When long midsummer days arc here The seed Is sown from which upsprlngs A multitude of growing things That shall make good, some later day. The seedtime promise of the May. We sowed In faith. in faith we wait The harvest, be It soon or late. What joy It Is. on days like this. To go where nature's workshop Is, And watch the way In which she weaves The blossoms, and the myriad leavesl Such glowing tints, such textures flno, Such miracles in branch and vine! How much there is for us to learn. No matter where our footsteps turn. Beside Ms nest the robin sings His little song of unfledged wings: We hear the pagpipe of the bee Among the garden beds, as he Searches for sweet 3 in every flow r His life will know no squandered hour. Were he like me. this summer day. He'd idle many an hour away I What rest Is round us. deep and sweet! Infancy earth and Heaven meet On this green hillside, where the sky Bends low. while winds that wander by Seem freighted with a lotus-spell That brings a peace unspeakable. So perfect that I quite forget. In summer dreams, life's work and fret. —Eben E. Hexford. In Good Housekeeping 7*l sun ,vas j ust rising as Iff tl, b" Rjl like steamer, or, to be more correct, steain -^- T " "' barge, the Bulldog, steamed past the sleeping town of Gravesend at a g-ood six knots per hour. There had been a little discussion on the way between her crew and the engineer, who, down in his grimy little engine room, did his own stoking and everything else necessary. The crew, consisting of eaptain, mate, and boy. who were doin<f their first trip on a steamer, had been transferred at the last moment from their sailing-barge, the Witch, and found to their discom fort that the engineer, who had not expected to sail so soon, was terribly and abusively drunk. Every moment he could spare from his engines he thrust the upper part of his body through the small hatchway and rowed with his commander. "Ahoy, bargee," he shouted, popping up like a jack-in-the-box, after a brief cessation of hostilities. "Don't take no notice of 'im," said the mate. "'E's got a bottle of brandy down there, an' he's 'alf mad." "If I knew anything o' them blessed engines," growled the skipper, "I'd go an' hit 'im over the head." "But you don't" said the mate, "and neither do I. so you'd better keep quiet." "You think you're a fine feller." continued the engineer, "standing up there an' playing with that littlo wheel. You think you're doing all the work. What's the boy doing? Send him down to stoke." "Go down," said the skipper, grin ning with fury, and the boy reluctant ly obeyed. "You think," said the engineer, pa thetically, after he had cuffed the boy's head and dropped him down be low by the scruff of his neck, "you think because I've g-ot a blnek face I'm not a man. There's many a lioily face 'iftlco a godc * 4 " "I don't think nothing about it," grunted the skipper; "you do your work, and I'll do mine." "Don't you give me none of your back answers," bellowed the engineer, •"cos 1 won't 'ave 'era." The skipper shrugged his shoulders, and exchanged glances with his sym pathetic mate. "Wait till I get 'im ashore," he murmured. "The biler is wore out," said the en gineer, reappearing after a hasty dive l>elow. "It may bust at any moment." As though to confirm his words, fear ful sounds were heard proceeding from below. "It's only the boy," said the mates "he's scared—natural." "I thought it was the biler," said the skipper, with a sigh of relief. "It was loud enough." As he spoke the boy got his head out of the hatchway, and, rendered des perate with fear, fairly fought his way past the engineer, and gained the deck. "Very good," said the engineer, as he followed him on deck and stag gered to the side. "I've had enough o' you lot." "Hadn't you better go down to them engines," shouted the skipper. "Am I your slave?" demanded the engineer, tearfully. "Tell me that. Am I your slave?" "Go down and do your work like a sensible man." was the reply At these wards the engineer took umbrage at once, and, scowling fierce ly, removed his greasy jacket and flung his cap on the deck. He then finished the brandy which he had brought up with him, and gazed owl ishly at the Kentish shore. "I'm going to have a wash," he said, loudly, and, sitting down, removed his boots. "Go down to the engines first," said the skipper, "and I'll send the boy to you with a bucket and some soap." "Bucket" replied the engineer, scornfully, as lie moved to the side. "I'm going to have a proper wash." "Hold him," roared the skipper, sud denly. "Hold him." The mate, realizing the situation, rushed to seize him, but the engineer, with a mad laugh, put his hands on the side and vaulted into the water. When he rose the steamer was twenty yards ahead. "Go astarnl" yelled the mate. "How can 1 go astarn when there's nobody at the engines?" shouted the skipper as he hung on to the wheel and brought the boat's head sharply around. "Get a line ready." The mate, with a coil of rope in liia liai.d, rushed to the side, but his bene volent efforts were frustrated by the engineer, who, seeing the boat's head making straight for him, saved his life by an opportune dive. The steamer rushed by. "Turn 'er agin," screamed the mate. The captain was already doing so, and in a remarkably short time the boat, which had described a complete circle, was making again for the engi neer. "Look out for the line," shouted the mate, warningly. "I don't want your line," yelled tha engineer. "I'm going ashore." "Come aboard," shouted the captain, imploringly, as they swept past again. "We can't mauugc the engines." "I'ut her round again," said tha mate. "I'll go for him with the boat. Haul her in, boy." The boat, which was dragging astern, was hauled close, aud the mate tumbled into her, followed by the boy, just as the captain was in the middle of another circle—to the iutense in dignation of a crowd of shipping, large and small, which was trying to get by. "Ahoy!" yelled the master of a tug which was toting a large ship. "Take that steam roundabout out of the way. What the thunder are you doing?" "Picking up my engineer," replied the captain, as he steamed right across by ws and nearly rjm <,Jq\va a sailing barge, the skipper of whicn, a Salvation Army man, was nobly fighting with his feelings. "Why don't you stop?" he yelled. '"Cos I can't." wailed the skipper of the Bulldog, as he threaded his way between a hug-e steamer and schooner, who, in avoiding him. were g-etting- up a little collision on their own account. "Ahoy, Bulldog, ahoy," called the mate, "stand by to pick us up We've got him." The skipper smiled in an agonized fashion as he shot past, hotly pursued by his boat The feeling on board of the other craft as they (jot out of the way of the Bulldog, and nearly ran down her boat, and then in avoiding that nearly ran down something else, cannot be put in plain English, but several captains ventured into the do mains of the ornamental with marked success. "Shut off steam!" yelled the engi neer, as the Bulldog 1 went by again. "Draw the fires then." "Who's going to steer while I do it?" bellowed the skipper, as he left the wheel for a few seconds to try and get a line to throw them. By this time the commotion in the river was frightful, and the captain's steering, as he went on his round again, something marvelous to behold. A strange lack of sympathy on the part of brother captains added to his "OK DO I STAND?" troubles. Every craft he passed had something to say to him. busy as they were, and the remarks were as monot onous as they were insulting. At last, just as he was resolving to run his boat straight down the river until he came to a halt for want of steam, the mate caught the rope he flung, and the Bulldog went down the river with her boat made fast to her stern. "Come aboard, you—you lunatic," he shouted. , "Not afore I knows 'ow I stand,' said the engineer, who was now beau tifully sober, and In full possession of a somewhat acute intellect. "What do you mean?" demanded the skipper. "I don't come aboard," shouted the engineer, "until you, and the mate, and the bye all swear as you won't say nothing about this little game." "I'll report you the moment I get ashore," roared the skipper. "I'll give you in charge for desertion. I'll—" With a supreme g-esture the engineer prepared to dive, but the watchful mate fell on his neck and tripped him over a seat. "Come aboard," cried the skipper, aghast at such determination. "Come aboard, and I'll give yon a licking when we get ashore instead." "Honor bright?" inquired the engi neer. "Honor bright," chorused the three. The engineer, with all the honors of war, eainc on board, and after remark ing that he felt chilly bathing on an empty stomach, went down below and began to stoke. I a the course of the voyage he said that it was worth while making such a fool of himself, if only to see the skipper's beautiful steering, warmly asseverating that there was not another man 011 the river that could have done it. Before this insidious flattery the skipper's wrath melted like snow before the sun, and by the time they reached port lie would as soon have thought of hitting- his own father as his smooth-tongued engineer.— Short Stories. Eauy for llubby. When a woman goes away for a sum mer vacation her husband finds the housework very easy; all he lias to do Is to empty the crock under the refrig erator and get his meals down town.— Atchison Globe. —Doubt is almost a natural phase of life, but as certainly as it is natural, it Is also temporary, unless it is unwisely wrought into conduct. —T. T. Munger. TAKING HIM DOWN A I'EO. ' TpdilL Wanted to Keep Hlin Honest. Employer (to clerk) —1 hear you've Just got married, liunkle, and I'm sure you can't support a wife on the salary you're receiving. Clerk (Joyfully, expecting a rise)— No, sir, 1 don't see how I can. Employer—Just what I thought; so you'd better leave. —Brooklyn Life. A Modest Rrqnnt. Young Woman (in post office) —Won't you please stamp this letter for me? Astonished Clerk—Why don't you do it yourself? Young Woman—l'm afraid to. I read of a dreadful case of poisoning from the gum on a stamp yesterday.—Judge. The Doctor's Art. Illy—l don't see why the doctor has to come here twice a day. He leaves medicine on his first visit, doesn't he? Mrs. Illy—Yes; but he has to come again in the afternoon to leave an an tidote for the medicine he left in the morning.—Puck. A Practical Koygestlon. Bobble—Mamma, doesn't it make your hands warm when you spank me? Mamma-r-Why, yes, Bobbie, it does. Robbie —Wouldn't It do Just as well, then, mamma, for you to go and hold them over the kitchen range?— Texas Sittings. AD Interesting Conversation. Mother—Did you try to make your self agreeable at Mrs. High tone's? Little Daughter—Yes'm; I told her all the funny things our callers said about her, and she seemed to be real interested.—Good News. A Safe Delay. Jess—You said you were going to speak to father when you met him at the club. Jack—l saw him only once, and then he was two hundred dollars behind the game.—Puck. Another Matter. Merchant—l can't excuse you to morrow for the sake of pleasure. Clerk—lt isn't pleasure—l'm going to get murried. —Hallo. IMPROVEMENT. SENATOR BRICE TALKS. What Ohio'* Democratic Leader Think* ol the Road yne»tlon— Economy Demaadi of the l'ubllr Improved Highway*. The present widespread interest in th« improvement of the public highway* indi cates the tendency of the people of differ ent communities to become more closely related both socially and commercially. The first step in the direction of civiliza tion was the creation of means by which products could be transported from one section to another, and the degree of civ ilization attained in each part of the world since that time is clearly indicated in the advancement made in methods for easy and quick communication. Soon after its organization as a State Ohio began to take rank with the fore most commonwealths then comprising the Federal Union, and I am happy to ob serve she has retained and strengthened her position among the first with cash succeeding year, ller rapid development and ensuing prosperity was due to the heroic and painstaking efforts of her pio neers, who in a few brief years turned a wilderness Into one of the most favored sections on the face of the earth. The first of their efforts was the con struction of roads. Through the forests pathways were formed, which later be st v A TOK CALVIN a BRICK, OHIO. came wagon roads, and subsequently the pike of modern days. Where there Were swamps the old-time "corduroy," with all its bone-shaking features, answered the purposes of the pioneers, who met obsta cles with plain and homely means, and without the aid of any consulting engi neers. The old settler will recall the condition of that part of Ohio reaching from the middle and western portions to the lakes. It was a rich and fertile stretch of land, commonly known as the Black Swamp, owing to the softness of the soil. It wa« In this section that the early road makers found some of their most trying difficul ties, but In the end they brought tho communities together by passable roads. It was tho fact that tho early settlors of Ohio BO speedily brought the several sec tions of the Stato into easy communica tion that caused It to rise so rapidly in national Importance. Since those pioneer days much has been done in the way of Improvements, but not all that could be asked. Tho lighter vehi cles now In use facilitate transportation, but they are only useful where there are Improved roads. With no other reason presented, economy alone demands of the public Improved highways. In any enterprise of this sort the ques tion of expenso is the leading feature. Tho repair and maintenance of roads falls largely upon the farmers. As a claea they have been willing contributors, be cause their own interests have been so deeply Involved. The agricultural claSMa of fate years have borno heavy bunions In tho way of taxes for local, stato and national purposes. There is, however, a future of promise. Tho recent political revolution has called a halt upon adminis trative extravagance. Without partisan allusions or a disposition to lay the blamo In any special quarter It has beeu plain that plethoric treasuries have stimulated unnecessary expenditures. State legisla tures followed the example of open-hand ed Congresses, and tho local officers of the municipalities, townships, and coun ties have kept up the pace set by the higher bodies. As undur most systems of 'taxation the farmer paid tho big end of the bills. Now wo have heard their de mand for a reform, and it will be en forced until relief from excessive taxation will be secured. With natioual and state taxes reduced there will be more for each community to spend around home, which is always a good place to put surplus money. With the opportunity thus pre sented to improve tho roadways without any increase in the present tax rate, I think the advautage will be seized upon. In good roads lies tho prosperity of any agricultural country, and the better thor are the more is saved in time, labor and money.— Senator Calvin S. Brlce, In Good Roads. A l'opalar Fallacy Explained. A curious objection urged against road reform la the assertion that It is* movement simply for the benefit of riders and makers of bloycles. A nar row path answers every purpose of tho riders of bicycles and It Is far more, reasonable to suppose that the bi.cv« clers, composed as thev are pf lntelll« gent, enterprising and public-spirited men, have been peculiarly 1 mpreasea with the horrible condition of %ho roads in their trips through the COUn try and that they have learned to aP* predate the benoflts that must cemo to the farmers, and through the fWin ers to the cities, from improved putylc thoroughfares. —Rochester Heffioflrat and Chronicle. The llordeau* Mixture. The Bordeaux mixture la France. It is the refuse dye mattoi ami was first used by a fruit grower near Bordeaux to render his fine trees untempting that his neighbors Blight loose all desire to steal Lis fruit. IJ was soon noticed that the quality and quantity of the latter improve** and Investigation followed. The mixturt lias stood the test of time and is large ly used by all fruit growers, hftvtnjj even made some headway in where a strong prejudice against *ll sprayed fruits exist*. A Personal Allanlon. "I believe I'll go out and stretch my legs a little," said a tall gentleman, aa the train stopped at a station on the New York Central. "O, don't," said a gentleman passen ger who had been sitting opposit« to him, and who had been much embar rassed by the legs of the tall gentle man. "Don't do that. Don't stretch those legs any more. They are too long already." The look the long man gave tho critlo who objected to such lengthy extremi ties will haunt the rash mau as long as memory holds her scat. —Alex Sweet, In Texas Sittings. Tbrurr »ml Practice. Wife—Do newspaper writers sit up all night? ilusband —I believe so. "That explains it. then." "Explains what?" "The household department of thi» paper recommends roast potatoes for breakfast. One would have to sit up all ulght to have the oven hot enough. '* —N. V. Weekly. Hrraklug It (Jentljr. Edgar—Miss Edith, I—ah —have something most important to ask you. May I—that is— ' Edith (softly)— What is it, Edgar? Edgar- May I—Edith, would you bo willing to have our names printed lii the papers, with a hyphen between? — Aiuwn No. 30. HANDY WITH A Gtfi. ▲ Montana Man Who Was a Ter ror to Bta?e Robbers. When Ue Went Ont OA BulneM H( Ohjected to Betas Delayed on the Bo*d-Ho* He Got Hl* Reputation. "The business of holding- up stages in the west and robbing the malls and the passengers would not be followed by so many desperadoes if a few more of the travelers were like old Robert Lane, who lives near £>illon, Mont.," said Gaorgo Craig, of Butte, to a reporter for the Washington Star. "Lane is as quiet and peaceable a citizen as ever went to ehurch on Sunday and put his four bits into the contribution bo*. He has lived in Montana for twenty years, and even in youth he never personally indulged in the old-time wild excesses of life out there, nor in any of the hur ly burly of frontier existence. He has always pursued the even tenor of his way on his little ranch near Dillon and ever been regarded as the safest and most peaceable citizen in the communi ty. He is called 'Old Man Lane' out in Montana and everybody knows him. Several years ago the old man went down to Red Rock, which is nearer to his ranch than DUlon is, to take the stage for Junction. The mules were pulling the outfit along pretty lively through a right nasty piece of road, when the passengers were startled by hearing a voice commanding the driver to throw down his reins. There were three or four passengers on the inside, and if it had been light enough to see them they would have looked mighty white. I tell you. But old man Lane was made of different kind of 6tuff. When he heard the agent tell the driver to drop the reins he just reached back and pulled out two guns that he used to carry, because it was the custom of the country to do it, and kept his eye fixed on the doors, looking first at one door and then the other quickly, 60 as to see the thieves when they made an appearance. "A shadow fell in each door window about the same time, and quick as a flash old man Lane's guns were stuck through either opening and off they went. He got meat both cracks. Then he leaned out the window and banged loose at the fellow who had ordered the driver to hold up. He got him, too, and then jumped out of the stage. There were four of the road agents, and the last one, alarmed at the fate of his companions, stuck spurs into his horse and rode away up the trail. The passengers, who had nearly recovered from their terror and surprise, were now amazed to see old man Lane cut the harness from the lead mule, jump on his back, and go sailing away afteir the fleeing fugitive. Shots were heard pretty soon, and in ten minutes or so back came old man Lane, leading the bandit's horse, while the man himself was sitting up in the saddle, shot through the back. On examination It was found that two of the attacking party were killed and the other two wounded, and the whole quartette was brought into Junotion. When old man Lane was asked what caused him to bloom out Into such a progressive citi zen of the territory, he drawled out: 'Well, I had a good deal of business to attend to up here at Junction, and t didn't like the idee of being stopped when I was on my way to attend to It. One of the men was not very badly wounded, and before leaving Junction to return home old man Lane went to see him in the temporary lockup, 'Look here, my friend,' he remarked, I just want to give you a little bit of ad vice. If you persist in a-followlng of the business that you have started out in when I sort of stopped you, I think it would be safer for yon if yon would look ovortho way bill of any stage yofl might intend to hold up, and find out in advance who It was a-carrying. 1 Ojd man Lane is living yet, and is as hale and hearty as you please, and if he starts on a stage ride now anywhere hi Montana the driver don't even think it neccssarv to lock the treasure box.' A Terror to Criminal*. M. Bertlllon's recent successes in the identification of anarchists have drawn much attention to the Anthropometric department of Paris, over which ho presides. Ho is the official of whom tho habitual criminal is most in dread, for he has brought his system to such a state of perfection that five minutes sometimes suffices for the discovery of the photograph taken perhaps years ago, and to whioh are appended vari ous telltale details, including the date# of the condemnations which the culprit has already undergone. The ease with which this is done is all tho more re markable owing to the fact that the department contains upwards of one hundred and fifty thousand similar documents. Everything is so well classified that photographs which may not have been looked at for years art 'promptly discovered. Nine measure ments of prisoners are taken, and the men employed in this work are so ex' pert that It Is done In a few minute*. After undergoing this process tho OtJ prit Is photographed. Occasionally rt* sistance Is offered, but this is rapidly overcome. There Is no deceiving M, Bertillon, who Is sr ld to be the special horror of pickpockets from the British side of the channel. The Chine** Emperor LOTCI Quiet. The emperor of China is not content with the respect shown him by his SUO< jects, and recently issuod the following peculiar order: "After bringing oil! sacrifice recently to tho highest being) we heard upon our return to tho pal" ace, near the gate leading to the lift" perlal quarters, a rather loud nolsi caused by talking. This shows tha the people have not the proper regar< for the majesty of the ruler, and aUj that tho officers of the body guarc have failed to do their duty properly The officers who were on post at tQj particular gate must be punished therefore, by thi minister oi war. IT the future, however, all officers, hlgt or low, must see that a noise 80 IHI proper shall not occur in our presenOS. IMPROVISED NINK-PIN ALLEY. Fliegendo Blaettcr. Snltor and Sued. When I pressed uijr iiult the smiled. All mj luviug heart beguiled; When ibe preened her suit—how ruhl Cost me Just three thousand— cash I —Atlanta Constitution. A Modern Fropoeal. Young De Style—Aw—congwatulaU me, my deth fellah. I'm the happiest man outside of Lunnon. Friend—Eh? Is it about the lovely Miss De Fashion? Young De Style—That's it I awaked her to bharc my twenty thousand a yeah, and she said she would.—N. W»«klv. Not to He Returned. llrlggs —(lander seems to be very happy in his newly-married life. Urig-Rs—lie ou;;ht to be. All Of blq wedding presents were given Mw t>y people . ... *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers