Do not Wait Any Longer, But Come at Once TO BICKEL'S. Where will be found the largest stock and latest styles of summer footwear at low prices. Our stock is larger than ever before, com prising many new and pretty styles. Our stock of ladies shoes is largt. Ladies' fine Dong. Pat. turned, Congress gaiters a t $2.25. <« •' Russett, " u $2.25. " Russett Bluchers and Bluchcretts at $2.25. " Dong. Southern Ties at $1.50. " Blucher Oxfords, black and russett at $1.25. One lot of ladies fine Oxfords at 75c. " " opera toe and instep strap slippers at 50c. Misses Dongola Shoes, patent tip at 90c. Childs " " " 40 to 75 C - Full stock of Misses and Childrens Russett shoes at a big bargain. Our stock of " " Oxford tics and slippers is very large. Infants shoes in all colors. Now is the time of the year when farmers are thinking ol buying a pair of shoes to plow in and do their summer work. In buying my spring and summer stock I took great pains to get a large selection and have got them at prices so as to sell lower than ever before. A good pair heavy shoes, Lace, Buckle or Con gress Gaiters at 90c. Box-toe shoes, whole stock kip, at $1.50. Full stock of Boys plow shoes sizes, 1 to s,, at 85c. Our stock of Mens fine shoes is large, and with our stock oi low cut shoes we are sure to suit all, as we have all the latest styles at remarkably low prices. Full stock of our own make driller's shoes always on hand. Shoes made to order. Repairing neatly done. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. JOHN BICKEL, 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER. PENN'A Buyers of Footwear Will find an ample field for comparison with other shoe stores at Huselton's this week. There never were such magnificent and wonderful values oftered for as little money as as Huselton offers now. SHOE; BUYERS Will find more for their dollar, expressed in shoe value, than they had ever hoped to receive. Women's fine button tip, 75c., $1 and $1.25. " tan lace Oxfords 75c. and sl. " " Blucherettes in Piccadilla or narrow square, only $2. " serge cong. only 45c. " opera slippers, at 45 and 90c. " lace, tip, oxfords, s oc < 75 C - aru ' s'• " spring heel, tip shoes, sl, $125 and $1.50. Huseltons Special. Women's Kid Blucherettes, pat. tip £ X ■ m JHK J kid heel foxing, Opera or narrow |X I f | Men's fine shoes, with tip, at 90c., I Men's extra fine tan shoes at $1.75, Jp MmT jj. 1 Men's extra nobby styles, at en's working shoes at 70c., 95c. and sl. Mouths extra nice styles in button and lacc at 75c and*si.' Come in and see us it will be a saving of money to you. B. C. HUSELTON. No. 102 North Main Street; - Butler, Pa SPRING! SPRINC! Are You interested 111 Low Prices? We offer a magnificent newj stock lor Spring and Summer at PRICES THE LOWEST VET NAMED FOR STRICTLY FIRST CLASS GOODS. High Grades in all Departments. True merit in every Article. Hon est Quality Everywhere. An Immense Assortment. V Nothing Missing. CJ O Everything the Best. The Quality will tell it. The Price will sell it. And that is tfte reason you should come early to 'pet vour bargains from our splendid line of Shoes, Slippers and Oxfords We show all the latest novelties in great profusion. We keep the very finest selections in all standard styles. We m ik-_ it a point to have every article in stock the best of its kind. AL RUFF., iff Sl . THE HARDfIAN ART COMPANY. We are located now at 1;o South Main Street, adjoining the Butler Savings Bank. rooms are large, fine and commodious. Photographic enlargements m l Life Size, Hand Made Finished Portraits by the finest French artists obtainable. In photographs we .jive v< >J results and effects that cannot be produced outside of our Studio. We use only Standard Brand Colin.lion Paper and not .Gelatine, a cheep and inferior paper use Iby .11 my. Picture and P >r trait frames; special prices to j >t»L» *rs. C'.enpare our work with any Standard Work made or sold in the st ite. Our victorious motto, "We harmonize the finest work with the promptest service and the lowest | rices lor the quality of work." Beware ol tramp artists and irresponsible parties and strangers. Have your work d >ne by rt liable and re sponsible parties'that guarantee satisfactory. Call and examine our j work and samples and read our many* tes timonials. THE HARDMAN ART COMPANY. j|jj|^ The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS, GAS LAMPS, FIXTURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS, BATH TUB ENAMEL, w. . . + 3 etc, is at li. <> Hrieii foil's-*, 107 East Jefferson Street. IN paint the best is the cheapest. Don't be misled by trying what is said to be "just as good," but when you paint insist upon having a genuine brand ol Strictly Pure White Lead It costs no more per gallon than cheap paints, and lasts many times as long. l.cok out for the brands of White Lead offered you ; any of the fol lowing are sure : Armstrong & McKelvy," " Beymer-Bauman," "Davis-Chambers," '• Fahnestock." FOR COLORS. —National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold in one-pound cans, each can I'Cinn sufficient to tint pounds of strictly Pur' White l.ead the desired shade; they are in no : ready-mixed paints, but a combination of; ■ rtcctlv pure colors in the handiest form to tint Stricth Pure White Lead. A good many thousand dollars have heen saved propertv-ouners by having our book on painting ami lor-card. Send us a postal card and get bu'.h tree. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. Pittsburg Branch. German National Batik Building, Pittsburg. d LINIMENT tftjUKE any OT* £ V STRICTLY V For FAMILY L se. Dropped on suear sufferinir children love to take it. Every Mother should have it in the house it <iuickly relieves Bnd cures all aches and pains, asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs, catarrh, cuts, chaps, chilblains, colic, cholera morbus, earache, headache, hooping cough, inflammation, la grippe, lameness, mumps, muscular soreness, neuralgia, nervous head ache, rheumatism, bites, burns, bruises, strains, sprains, stiusjsJ, swellings, stiff joints, sore throat, sore lunsjs, toothache, tonsilitis and wind colic. Originated in ISIO by the late I)r. A. Johnson, Family Physician. Its irerit and excellence have satisfied everybody for nearly a century. All who use it are amazed at its wonderful power. It is safe, soothing, satisfying; so say sick, sensitive sufferers. l'sc<l Interna land The IXx-tor's rijraaturo a;.d dlrectioitf on every bottlfe 111 -r I Pamnhk t frwe. SoM Price, X,« XA fcix L -.lies. L S. jOIi.VSON A; CO-Bo«U>a. A*m HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys Witch Hasel Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALIXG APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PII.ES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding —Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and Si 00. Sold sent post-paid on receiptor price, ill ariIUKW MED. CO., 11l S 1 K V.lSlUm St., Xrw York. WITCBJUZEL OIL The County Fair affords an :it opportunity for the pick-pocket to get your watch, if you would 1; pro-f .v.ninst his skill, be sure that the bow 01 :liigi is a 'pi Ijj! \ bow is ii . iitted to the Jii£. bo; s Fiitcd Watch Cases, which are made of two r' :;es of pold soldered to a plate of com- osition metal. Look equally as v II as - lid gold cus-'S, and c st aUn:t i i! ? r.cch. J ■. » *nr 20 vars. Always;- ydj? Ask iy jewekr : r pan>r iltd 11 send to the inanufav'-i r-rs. Keystone Watch Co., PHiL.AD'cLPHIA. matured", shipped buck and bottled on oi:rl own pr. nMMcs isthe ffuar.iiitoe wc jrivyoti I from fusel oi\ and all injurious ingredients. I or social purjM>« a. Mail and express orders ■ tilled promptly, and on orders of §lO orl Compkte Vrke Li its (f Brar.£les,\Viacs,*YhisLica mailed free ft Are a symptom cf Jaundice, [J Dyspepsia, Constipation. Bil iousness, Liver Complaint, jj M, fcAKTER'S MANDRAKE UTTERS ■ will cure the disease and re a nove yellowness from skin I and eyes. Warrantee, to cure. I Sold everywhere at f> ct =. per bottle, for sale by J. C. Itedick $75.00 Per Month ror Te.ichers. Students Ministeis. or Li lies, any one whu is active, pus and a good talker \Y want a representative in every C.iU'ily W uld prefer one who could give h s 1 tier whole time to the wo i, ; but spare tinv ii-K « nr ' If you have a team, so much the better. .-v.kv «i.i not |>ermit > t ■ here; lint if you will drop u* a lin.' v e will write you fully. This is a rnre .»(unity, the work is pleasant and hon r ' -MIM-I -it i ■ • th» busi m No capital required. No risk. P.W.ZIEUL £R & CO.ißo* ijwi),Philadelphia. THE CITIZEN —When a man bujs a bicycle he likes to think that he can go to San Francisco on it if he likes. He is proud ol calculating how much he will saTe in railroad fares and he easily figures that the machine will soon pay for itself. Snch a man would be astonished to know that the railroads are not in the least opposed to his whim; in fact, he will find that they proceed on the assumption that the more bicycles that are bought the more money the roads will make. It used to be the custom for a bicyclist to lug his wheel to the door of a baggage car and tip the bag tiigemaster a quarter to set it off at what ever place he wanted to get on it again, but to-day the tipping has become un necessary, for bicycles are carried free just as trunks are, and they may be check ed a u parsonal baggage. The reason for this is that the railroad managers have found that bicycling makes a great deal of new business among men and women who ride a distance out of town then roll comfortably back on the cars, or who tarv el to one part of the country or another on purpose to ride their wheels amid pretty or unfamiliar scenery. —Scorfala and all diseases caused by impure blood, yield to the great purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla. —Here is another parrot story. An exchange says: "A minister had a swear ing parrot. A friend suggested that the next tiuie he used profane words, for him to swing its cage around teu times and douse a pail ot water on the bird. In due time it became necessary to apply the remedy as directed, then alter setting the cage down, he elanced at the bird half dazed with its feathers wet and ruffled asked: "Well, how do you feelT" "Oh!" said the parrot, looking out of one eye in a quizzical way, "I'm all right, but *h#e iu were you when the cyclone struck ust" The parrot is now for sale very cheap Baxter's Mandrake Bitters cure indi digestion, Heart Burn, Oostiveness and al malarial diseases. Twenty-five cents per bottle. —Electricity is employed nowadays lor pulling teeth. To the battery are attach ed three wires. Two of them have han dles at the end, while the third is attached to the forceps. The patient gasps the handles, the electricty is turned on sud denly, and the dentist simultaneously ap plies his forceps to the tooth. The in stant the tooth is touched it, as well as tne surrounding parts, become insensible to pain. A jerk, and it is out. —Kheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upi/U the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes al once the cause and the dis ea.->e immediately disappears. The tirnt (lose greutlj benefits. 75 cts. ijold by J. 0 Kedick, druggist, Butler. —"I don't think I eve r realized just how tnauy different kinds of aches a human be ing could have," reinarkee a young father, "until I became acquainted with ray boy. He's about 7 now, and a good healthy boy, too, but a list of his aches and pains would fill a book. His latest ache is the heel ache; he told his mother the other day that he had the 'heel ache.' This was some what entirely new to both of us, aud t»e both thought it was rather funu\; though possibly it may not seem to older pi rents. " Caosnrrfj .oii I : Trt_ ioatuti-rieast! iu«« ru *r ir readat :h..t I n+ve x poHiti.o remedy for diabase. F>; Jf tiiaely use thousand* of hopftl»>- ciwch bavo t • ti p«rtaaaeuUy cured. I shall l»e gl. •. to sead twj . of my remedy FREE to any o: you.* readers tt . j have consumption if they will seud me theii Lvpr*«s and P. O. adtireaa. liespei t •dJJjt T. A. aitSJUU.. M. 0.. 181 Pear) Bt. N. I. —This is the time of year when the good little hoy comes home and explains to his mother that his very wet hair is dm to perspiration. —A mosquito is like a persistent dun: Both realize that they can't get blood out of a stone, but both present their bills pretty regularly. —"I would like to look at soaie side boards," said the lady it the faruiture store. "What's the matter with these?" said the fresh clerk, twisting his flowing Duudrearies. Heart I)is<an<' Relieved in 30 Minutes l>r. Agnew's Card for th. Htsrt gives perfect relief iu nil cases of Organic .>r Sympathetic Heat Disease iu 30 minutes, aud speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy fir Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lett Side and all sj mptnius of a Diseased Heart One doso convinces. Sold by City Puar rnacy. —lt is given out as an ascertained fact that if three or five or more men are asleep iu a room and one of them is druuk, the flies will gather on the tipsy man aud avoid the others. The reasou is that in sects revel iu the odor of alcohol. The ex periment is worth trying. —Whiskers grow faster iu hot weather. —lce cream should be eaten with a loik. Uemp suits are shown in the clo.hing store windows. Many people become vegetariaus dur" ing the snmmer mouths, —Do uot get the idea into your tender brninlet, 1113" son. that it is the sign of a ltrge heart and a kind disposition to spend your substance setting 'em up to the boys. It is simply a sigu that yon are vain and silly, aud want ti> make a show of your self. Economy, when uot carried to the point of meanness, is a virtue. Save that you may be able to sp.;nd worthily. Here is some good doctrine for you: Strive to be strong th it you may help the weak; rich, that you may help the needy; truthful, that people will believe you with out an affidavit; honest, that you can be trusted; virtuous, t hat you may sleep well o' nights; kind, tnat people will | you; aud, generous, that you may not have oc casion to despite yourself. —As a direct r -suit of the high water in the Missouri river, the once prosperous village of Winthrop, ol 1,500 inhabitants, thirty miles south ot sc. Joseph, will soon bo wiped off the face of the earth. The Missouri river this year began cutting the edge of of the town and half of the place has already melted into the river. The channel ■ f the river is chtnging complete ly —Tne cocoanut tree is the most valuable of plants. Htispital patients make an average stay of 4a da\ s. —New York State has twice as many families as houses. —ln 1870 the wealth of Europe was esti mated at $40,250,000,000. —Last winter was the mildest Pennsyl vania has known for years. —The annual value of Great Britain's manufactures is $5,000,000,000. —American railroads have an aggregate bonded debt of $5,4U5,049,96!). —Eight per cent of the population of St. Louis live in tenements. 1 —Chicken raising is one of the most profitable country industries. 1 —English asylums and charitable homes J annually cost $13,000,000. I —The first illustrated paper published in London appeared in 1842. | —The British Museum contains the most valuable library in the world. —A society of missionaries has been 01- ganized to teach the Souin Sea Islanders Vegetarianism. Eaca voter iu Hawaii must speak the language fluently and be worth #4.000 Money talks fluently in any language. —There are two things needed in these days—first, for rich men to find out how poor men live; and second, for poor men to know how rich men work. —Wealthy Lawyer William Cookson Carpenter, aged 91, has | racticed his pro fession tor more than 70 years in New York, and says he'd die if he retired. —Some United States Senators have grown so sensitive that they flush np when asked whether they will take sugar iu their tea. —A tomb has beeu opened at Egan, S. D . in which 22 skeletons, averaging eight leet in height, were found. A rude alter and many bronze utensils were exposed. The tomb was found in a mould resem bling those of prehistoric races so common in Ohio. —lf you are troubled with a "hacking cough," l)owns' Elixir will give you relief at once. Warranted as recommended or money refunded. —A good shampoo will make a man cooler than a bucket of beer. —Typewriter girls are all right, bat the telephone girl receives the most calls. —A man with hay fever is not to be sneezed at. He cau attend to all that himself. —You can't tell your fortune by cards, but you can lose it that way. —Some of the bauds on the chappie's straw hats are louder than the brass ar ticles. —"A philanthropist," says the philoso pher, "is a man who carefully removes a banana peel from the pavement." —The most satisfactory pay a man can receive for a good service is genuiue grati tude. But it is such a rare coin that few peonle ever get their eyes on it. Physicians who prescribe horn-blow ing as a remedy tor consumption are not a desirable acquisition to the population of any peaceable community. —A missstep will often make a cripple for life. A bottle of Heury A- Jobus>j's Arnica and Oil Liniment at hioJ, will not prevent the mistep, but used immediately it will save being a cripple. —Only 10. 28 per cent ot the voting strength ol the United States is co ored —Over two thirds of the population ol Utah are of foreign birth or extraction. —The migrating instiuct is uncoutrol lable in birds that have it at all —There are 375,000 miles of railroad in the world, valued at $32,112,000,000. —Franco exports wines, silks, walnuts, chestnuts, olives, plums and fashions. —Selden was onco committed to prison fur his attacks on the di\ i e right of kings. Drunkenness, the Li t uor Habit, Pos lvely Cured by adircnstering Dr. "Golden Specfic." It is manufactured as a powder, which can bo given in a glass of beer, a cup ol cotiee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge ot the patient ft is absolutel> harmless, and will allect a permanent *no speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck It has been giv- n in thousands of cases, aud in every instance a perfect care has followed. It never fails The system once iinpregnal ed with the specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist 'Jures guaranteed 48 page book ol particulars free. Acltlress, Goldeu Specific On . 180 Kaon St.. Uiuoiuualti O. —Vast lortuues are supposed to lie buri ed and forgotten iu the ilexiean Mouu taius. —ln Great Britain the railroads have killed 1,139 persons and maimed 4,773 more. —The first city built was, according to Hebrew tradition, iu B. C. 3769, by Oain. —-Many old fuedal castles are still in habited iu England aud parts ol Europe. Estrema cold can be endured by man with greater comfort that extreme heat. —Cireat Britaiu aud Germany have sup plied over two-thirds of our loreign im migration. —The locomotive mileage iu tue Uuited States far exceeds that of locomotives of all Europe. —The cost of maintaining the railroad service is much greater in this country than iu Europe. —The 124 largest cities iu the country show a steady aud tolerably uniform de crease in the average size of family —There is a greater proportion of men capable of bearing arms in the Northern and Western than in the Southern States. —lmmigration to Oeatral America countries has been seriously interfered with bj the frequency of revolutions. —A man who saves bis newspapers finds a great deal of comfort in reading descriptions of the blizzard of 'BB. —Apples aie recommended for dyspep sia. * Laid away for a rainy day—an um brella. —Crowds go out to the ball grounds to hunt game. —The summer girl's straw hat it nearly all crown this summer. —A gray sky has made people blue late ly, and now a blua sky will make them gar. —lf time i* money, why can't a man pay bis barber with the time he spends ws.iting for bis turn. tTO PUT OX needed flesh, no matter how you've lost it, take Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It works won ders. By restoring the normal action of the de ranged organs and func tions, it builds the llesh up to a safe and healthy stand ard —promptly, pleasantly, and naturally. The weak, emaciated, thin, pale and puny are made strong, plump, round, rosy, and robust. Nothing so effec tive as a strength-restorer ana flesh-maker is known to medical science. Filthy Cod Liver Oil and all its disguised compounds can't compare with it. They build up fat, not healthy flesh. Practically, you can get the ' Discovery" on trial. In everything that's claimed for it —in purifying the blood, and building up the flesh and strength—if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. On these terms, is any substitute that may pay a dealer better to urge and sell, likely to be " just as good " for you to buy t Nothing else, at any price, is really as cheap. You pay only for the good you get. OPEN to convictionf Try either Pincbe's Golden Wedding, Gibson or old Dougherty Whiskies YOUR EYES will then be opened to conviction that these brands toll of better things in store ior those who deal with Robt. Lewin, 136 Water St. Opposite B. <fc 0. Depot, Pittsburg, Pa Try Grandfathers' Choice, warranted 3 years old, $2.00 per gallon. COMF&BE NOTES! By compariDff notes with your friend!", you will find that the bent of them trade with US. VYh)? Because they nave money. We have never been in the habit of advertising prices, lor as a general thin* f?oo Is quoted low are inferior stock, but we have a few things this sprinir that we take pride in quoting the prices. We call vour attention to our U S. Pants, good strong Jeans, full lined, never rip, for only Gsc Xo 2, better grade, usually so d at $1 25, only 96c. No. 3. the best grade, sold everywhere lor $1.50, only $1 10 Fine styles in CW. only $1 00 all warranted to never np tine Union Co's Pants only $1.40. worth $2 25. Seamless Hose onlv 5c Ladies Stockings only 3e per pair All the late" styles and novelties m Scarf Pins. Fiue gold filled Kings, warranted for five years, 2o to 50c A big bargain, a solid nickel Watch, uiek ? l movement, stem wind, pendent set, O. F , good timekeeper only $5 00 We carry regularly a large and varied stock of Men s Boy * and C dren's Suits and Pants, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars. Cuffs Ties. Handker chiefs, Hosiery, Hammocks, Trunks, \ alices. Satchels, Brushes om , Purses, Pocket and Bill Books, Umbrellas. Overalls Jackets, Watches Chains and Charms for Ladies or Gents, Collar and Cuff Buttons, bear! Pins in all the latest novelties, Electric Diamond Kings in endless variety at all prices to suit the times, When you read this over do not imagine that these are old inferior stock, they are brand pew and the best va ue ever offered in Butler, and will bear the most critical examination. We court comparison and defj competition. Give us a fair iria , an oar word for it, you will never regret it. D. A. HECK Champion Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher. KKA> LC KKiVLPfciK, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, .A_nd everything in. horse and buggy fur nishing goods—Harness, Collars, Whips, Dusters, Saddles, etc. trunks and valises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assortment ol 5- .A. Horse blankets in town will be found at FRANK KEMPER', 124 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER PA. CLARK'S SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Every young man and woman should receive such an education as they can obtain at Clark's School of Commerce, Butler, I'a. or at the New Castle Business University, New Castle, Pa. The schools are under the same management. ACTUAL BUSINESS METHODS EMPLOYED You will save time and money by attending one of these schools ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN BUSINESS OFFICES, EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. Write to D. G. CLARK, President, New Castle, Pa., or F. G. JOHNSTON, Secretary, Butler, Pa. DI A.MO AID 3 I • RISI,S ' EAR Rl>,<is - BCABK piss. STUDS. OTATCHS<S M.KNTs (.OLD, V ER, LADIES'CHATI.AIN. T CT» rxr XT" T XT I old ft" 3 - Ear Kings. Rings. V t* W XUlji im. JL ( chains, Bracelets. Etc. -r w rr £in «*T A Tea Set*. Castors. Butter Dishes and Ev«rythlDt SV X La V MU i% W ii £%. M r that can be tound in » tlrst class store.. RODGER BROS. 1874 } KNU t " S ' "rrui'LK PLATE. t? POTTER THE £V. MrvlEyD, JEWELER. No. 139, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., J- S. YOJNG. . WM. COOPER YOUNG & COOPER, t MERCHANT TAILORS I For the month of July we have made a reduction on all AND LIGHT WEIGHT GOODS.#- "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THiWG, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. ERRORS"YOUTH and Obscure Diseases speedily and permanently cured by the celebrated specialist. Hn I r\DD 329 N. 15th St. L/R. LUbUf Phllada., Pa. No deception, no false representation. 1 will core you positively and make you vigorous and strong. Treatment by mail a specialty and strictly confidential HOME CURE TREATMENT * I EWIS' 98 % LYE I FOTStXES AOT mTOfIB (PATENTED) IHPT4 The •tronseai and parMt made. Unlike other Lye. It being |Aa line powder and parked In a can W with removable lid. the contents are always ready for use. a Vlll make the beat perfumed Hard S<>ap In 20 minutes wllhont boiling. It la tli* beat for changing W&MM mm pipes, disinfecting sinks, closet^ ■V washing bottles, lalnts, treee, etc, PENH A. BAIT HTO CO- Gen. A*u., riilia., Fa. mi re itching piles rlLt.oswA yNE '* I OINTMENT ABSOLUTELY CURES. Um 1 mfcfl 1 HV MFTOMS —MoUtoi*! latrnae Itchlnc and •tlazlnff: m«H»t at »tl*lns aorw by acratchlng. If allowed t«» r«ntlnu«- tumor* form and protrude, which often bleed mid ulcerate, bccnrala* very •WAYNE'S OINTMENT atop* the Hehlag and bleeding, hcnlo ul-crntlon. nnd In mwt ca«CS rtouic* the tuniora. A»k *our for iu EUROPEAN * HOTEL. 315 S .Maio St., - -„.Butlor, Pa ALEX WILLIAMS, Prop'r. Everjthiojj new—Electric, liftbt, gaa and water. X* Lodging 35, 50 and $1.00. 4 *t %* Regular meala at 25 cte. Boarding at SI.OO a day. *** Laocb Counter open all night. Pine Tree Farm, JAMES BURG, N. J The finest Pekin Ducks and White Tur keys in the World. Send for 32 page catalogue of high-claas ■ and and water i'owl. 15 prizes .at. the Madison Square Show, Feb. 1894. ( \ DOCTORS LAXfc iyjrr E PR I FE DISPENSARY. ( C,JY COR. AVE. AND FOURTH BT.. PITTSBURGH. PA. \ AII forms of Delicate and Com plirjileU Diseases reqniitiisCo*. gy fI!»KNTIALaiI«ISCIKNTim Me<l ication ai*c at this I>i^ on M V with a success nrrly attained. T>v. e lv. member of the IloyulCollt I n>" iici;iis aad Surgeox, an<l is 0»e o? lest and most :\p< i lenccdSrsciJiLis* »n the city Spe< *ai at leniion riven to Nervous Debillt> fromercesalve nu Ml exertion, indiftcretion of youth, etc., cans iiu ,ihv deal and mental dc av,la«*k of energy, oii '-.-ncy, etc.; also Cancers? Old Sores Fits, iilerf, i hen in atism, andail v'i> ;«sesof the Skin, In , 1 Luntrs Urinary ,ttc. Consultation •„.« ami slrictlv couftrtt n'i.,l Office hours,to I „ A ; to 8 p. M.; S > to < ij. ir. only. I Ht once or addi-esf» DR 3 u.L\ KB.C. »• f. sN E. AND4THST..rrrTR BURGH 1.. VITALIS Z"Tufi. tD We si Well THE GREAT aoth Day. FRENCH REMEDY Proiluren the Al»ote Hesults iu :10 Days. powerfully and quickly. Cures when all fail. Youu? men will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using VITA LIS. It quickly nr.d surely re stores Nervousness, Lost vitality, Impotency. Nightly Kmissions, Lost Power, t ailing Mem ory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects or sell abuse or excess and indiscretion. »V arils ou insanity and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS. no other. Can be carried in vest pocket, by mall. *I.OO per package, or six for Su.oo, with a po«ltite nrltlen pru«ra»tf» to r«r« or refund the ninner. Circular free. Address CALtMET UKMKDY COMPANY, Chirac, W. For Sale at City Pharmarj. Lt. c- WICK; DBALBB IK Rough and Worked Lumber OF ALL KIHDB Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite'P. A W. Depot,' BUTLER ' V Great Clearance Sale IN MILLINERY lluta nnil llonnetN ulm»Ht GIVEN AWAY. Having a large stock ol millinery still on hand, we will sell you anything in our line less than half price. Come early and secure bargains at the LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE M/MN It. D. T. PAP BUT p L A ER_ BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR: ! At this season ol the year, Cr.tmp, Colic, Sunstroke, ; . and other ills produced by the excessive heat, snake ; ; bites and malaria, make their appearance. You want : I a stimulant ready for immediate use. You want it ; '. pure, you want it smooth and palatable, and you want ; \ it from a reliable source. \\ e ?an supply you cheaply I and give you the best in the country. You can pur- ; ; chase to suit your taste and pocket-book. ; Just see our prices for a few of our liquors. Don't compare the prices with other houses, but compare the Quality of the Liquors, SILA LR AGE R\ h sl-50 per quart. DUQUESNE, Malt and Rye $i 25 per quart BEAR CREEK 00 per quar^. Finch, Guckenheimer, Gibson and Over holt at #1 per quart, each or six quarts for $5. Other ryes at 75c and 50c per quart. Blackberry brandy sl, 75c and 50c. Port, Sherrv, Sweet Cal ifornia, Angelica and Miscatel 50c, 75c, $1 and #1.50 per quart. Rum, Gins, Brandies and all other imported and do mestic liquors all at Rock Bottom Prices. Cases Clarets, sweet and dry wines, all our own importation, at prices that will surprise you. TO CAMPERS AN D EXCURSIONISTS: It is dangerous to drink strange waters, unless you ; I use a little whisky with it. If you send for our cata- : I logue and price list, furnished free of charge, you will ; I see how cheaply we can serve you. Remember it is ; ; only a few days to the 4th of July. Send in time to ; MAX KLEIN, No 82 Federal t.- Allegheny. Pa' Jewel ry-Sil ver wa re- -Clocks, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block Sign of Electric Bell and Clock, All are Respectfully Invite — "Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience. - M HOS KNTH A L* Wholesale Liquor Dealer, c- _ - - Pittsburg, Ph 103 rerry bt , - & Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Bel >v !> innl M i"k: New York Weekly Tribune AND The Butler Citizen ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. Address all orders to T HE CXTXZIiiM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers