-Paris Robes Belt'ord Cord- New Spring Dress Goods I S FOR EARLY BUYERS: > We received this p$ week our firat shipment of New a © Spring Dress Goods and through this advertisement we extend a 32 cordial invitation to you to come W and Jook through our stock | whether you wish to purchase or ci ** not S I - TROUTMAN'S- I !z . Leadino- Dry Goods and Carpet i House. - I Better Late Than Never. ONLY A PEW DAYS MORE AND Bickel's Great Odd and End Sale Will Close. The Attention of Shrewd Cash Buyers is Called to this ad. The Following Goods Must Be Sold At Once. 180 pairs Ladies' Fine Doogola Button Shoes $1 00 260 «• •« " Grains " " 90 cents ggO " " " Gaiters - - 50 " 210 •« « " Foxed Gaiters - 60 " 240 " " *' Grain Slippers - - f>o '• 190 " " Oil Grain Shoes 75 120 " Old Ladies' Fine Bhoes - - SIOO. 410 " Ladies' Brnisell Slippers - - 25 c«uts. 20 Cases of Ladles' Fine Kid Walking Shoas T pped 75 cents The above mentioned Goods are at Half Prices. Read on, Dear Readers, Read on. 320 pairs Men's Fine Buff Congress Shoes at $1 10. 290 " " " A Calf Lace Shoes Tipped 90 380 '• •' Workiu* Shoes (former price 1.25) 85. 810 " " French Calf and Kangaroo Shoes $2 00. 290 " Boys' flue Lace Shoes 3to 5 - $1 00 600 " " Worktop '• " - - 240 " Youths' Fine Button Shoes bij?b cut 15 Men's and Ladies' Cloth at Your own Price 410 pairs Sjirlnjf ►ho< * at 40. 390 " •' fun'l* tip »hoe» at 35 520 " " plain Sboert - 25. 120 " Mistex' fine Griiio Button Sho> H 85. These Goods are All Warranted to be perfect in every respect and they are only sold at prices nsmed or. tbem to make room lor new goods. If you want to get some footwear cheap, take ia this Sale. New Sprind Goods Arriving almost every day, and too much cannot be said in praise of them; ask to see oar line of Walking Bhoes and 81ippers, and also our line of children's fancy Walking Shoes in Red and Black. A beautiful Jine of Ladies' Whit* Kid Slippers very cheap, don't bay any Sboes until you bare 1 ooked over mj stock and learned prices. Shoes were never cheaper than they are now. Misses' Rubbers Free of Charge for 10 days I will give a pair of Misses' Rubbers any Si* 1 * from 11 to 2 free of charge with every purchase of $125; and with every pair of Ladies' Sboes from $2.50 np, I will give a pair of Ladles' Rubbers Free of Charge Remember this offer holds good for 10 dayß only and if you warn robbers for nothing, you must get here on or before the expiration of this time. Remember The Place, JOHN BICKEL. BUTLER, - -- -- -- -- PEN N'A FRANK KEMPER, DBALKK IN BLANKETS, ROBES, HARNESS, A.nd everything in' horse and buggy iiir- i nishing go ods— H ar - ness, Collars, Dusters, Saddles, etc. Also trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment of 5-A. Horse blankets in town will i be found at Kemoer's. I DR. JOHNSTON'S IMPROVEMENT IN DfcNTAL i-LAUS. Patented February 25, 1890. . . This Improvement a Jdoes away wli.li the larye unction plate In COIULIOII I ISC. Till' platen arc very small, only about. onc-elKhtii to one-fonrta th« usual atse, and btlnu con itructed on true mechanic*l principles, fit the rooutb with perfect accuracy. nv number of teeth cm He put In without extraction my irood teeth you mav have, and no piste In the root of the mouth. The patent plate In specially adapt ed to partial lower denture*, ntnoe it m we II known that the dentil profession have nothing •ucccsefu Ito offer In that line; and further more , partial lower plates have not nor cannot be successfully made by yysirr-—— any other known method. Thlsi* an Important mat ter when we take Into •"V r C.w,W' consideration that lower "" -ttfll teeth are ae necessary aa upper. Kor further Information, call at 114 lutJlbrMi tttreet, Hl'TLKlt, PA. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON, farm For Sale. A farm, improved, and lu a hlith mate of cultivation, situate In Adams twp .Butler conn ty. l'a., on the Three Decree roud. two miles from plauk road, and two miles from \|.ir* •tatlon onp aw. railroad. HufTlclent timber thaxaou to luuce aamo; iuxmi tiurlnit of water at door ; In oil locality, uoleased, and containing A3 acres. A two-Mo ry ft*,,,,. dwelling house with 8A room* and hall, uttd tunic barn Mx3o. both Is exoellf-nl order. AI-SO another farm convenient to above: name twp, containing tio acres. with Kmitll dwelling house and barn. Owrer. on account of age, deal re* to well and <|ult farming. T<rm« will be made convenient to purchaser. full on <m addteaa ■I AM KM 1-KItKY. PottoUlce. Valencia, Pa. Hotel Waverly. 8. McKEAN* ST , - HUTLBK, l'A Opposite School House. This elegan*, now hotel is now open to i the public; it i* a new house, with new faruitnre thronghimt and all modern con- I venicnees; is within casjr reach of tho tle- I pots and business hou-" •* of the town, and has u splendid view of the eastern part ol tho town. Rates Reasonable. | Oire mo u call wh"ii in liutler. CHESS STONEE, Prop'i. Willard Hotel. | W. 11. RKIIIING, Pmp'r Ibcjti.kr. - PA i sT*!if.iKc i. roxiiKi rifli, j HlHri.K BOO* fur tOXNKUI Ml. 7ft A VKt.KK W. 11. O'BRIEN Jt SON. [Successor* of Schutte & O'Brien. ] Sanitary Plumbers And Gax Fittern. DBiLKHftJH Sewor Pipe, (IrtH Fixtures, (iloben and Natural (ias Appliances. JeflferHon iSt.,«pp. I owry llouhc BUTLKR, FA. FOR SALE. LOTH. I will offer for aale a number of Ida situated on the high ground adjacent to 11. 11. Goucher, Ka<|.. and the Orphans' Home The land Is laid out In squares of aometlilng less than one acre, each square being surrounded by a jo-foot strivr. and containing five lots to feet front by 10 feet hack. Theee lota are offer ed at very reasonable prices end on terms 10 suit purchasers. I hose who wish an entire tijunrc can be ai "ommodafed. AUSf>--l will sell my farm In Summit town »hip.situated within one-half inllt of the llutler Un '" l ° f -'awes Kearns and others, on the Mllwsiown road, and con sisting of 112 acres, it will bin sold either as a whole ordlvlded to mil purchasers l or further Information In regsrd to either of Uie above properties, call on J. q. Htilllvan. 22s East North Hired, llutler, /'a. MUM. VALKKIA ttI'I.LIVAV IMr Milalniin A. storrji..SJ' u JOHNSON'S *NO DYHt LINIMENT \) v Tr ZSZZSSIL isi :::> /j> -GENERATION AFTIR GENERATION-. OV\ lUVI USED K£SSED IT. . T>rr>p/>+d on Sugar, Chtltirm I*nrr Jt. Every Travel*ououid h&vc a boctle ol it in la* wiUbeL C,,-. rw C 1 iff/% r/i »• from Rbcuaalum. &.1 fcvery ojnsrßr nemi***. s*r | rrmn Headac!*, Wphth«-ix Co«urh >. < aUrrh. lironchitK A.4hina,Cholf*r«k Morbus Inarrb***. lAmin«-s, Soirenew in fr-lr or Limb*, FtllT Joint* or Strain*. will find in this old Arm* iyne relief nn< l m* n»n». I'amphiet fre«- Sold ev«-'rv*h#"T». Pri<** 25 ct*.. by n*Ai». 6 b*"ttl'»«. fcrr.« paid. X. x«JOIi>SO.N Co.. MAM. H 'WSPHREYS' PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATTVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used over 40 years, and alwaj s affords relief and always gives satisfaction. I >r files-External or Internal. Blind or Ili .-rlin" ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief i* immediate: the cure certain. For Bums, Scalds and Ulceration and C J-I traction from Bum'. The relief i . instant —the healing wonderful and unequaled. Fi.r Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcer?. Fistulas, I res, Itching Eruption?, Chafing or • 1 li- .i. It is Infallible, r - Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore ,les. It is in' suable. . 50 Cent: Trial fizc, a=j Cents. r Jly Vr *. ? »*nt on »*ceif t r>f pile#. r 'catnsni , ll:D.ca, 1114113 wisnaasi., SEW TORE. WITCH HAZEL OIL. will be paid for a recipe enabling ' us to make WOLFF'S ACME BLACK ING at such a price that the retailer can profitably sell it at ioc. a bottle. At present the retail price is 20c. TV» <>T-r is op».n until January lit., 1893. Tor pa:: >.u; ..laddrcij ibe unoernignea. A< MS BLACKING is made of pure alcohol, c!'. r Si jai l drc-.iugj are made cf water. V. .rcosii nulling. Alcohol Who can vr. 1 u? ho v t-> nn!;t it without alcohol 11 th.it uecanmaVe ACME t LACKING r.sc!:eap rj \v..i r dre sing, cr j t it in fancy pa.ck a • like many of the water dressing , and tli.n charge f r the o'Jtsi'.c op|>ciirancc in . 1 of c'uarging for the contents of the bottle? \vOliF£' & RANDOLPH. Philadelphia. PiK-RON fa- 1; ca-ne of a paint of which a 25 c. bottle j ' (■> rr.al;e six scratched cn-l dulled (■ • . Vol: lil.c newly f-ni l;t 1 ir.a» j 'tv. ill do m.invoilit r r--i: l.iblc 1 i> other | aint <*«Il do. Ail retailers sell it. dFV akin eUar, whit* tad |tid ¥y m t»nt by mmil for 50 «t«. A4dr«MDm. •watn * Svn, rn. Ait /•«* 4ruffUt fcr t* ' ' CA ~ WAKT*"*-- . ' , '.'u ; V «iuc or ' v. . ' I Cvrnv A '/. i' -j ' ' i ''i *•{.•'•;; , FOR MEN ONLY? IT/' LOBTcrFAIUKU MAtfEOOt lb'Sl "TtU» : |i''ieneral mad MEKVOUB DJißllrfV : "14' 1n 1 of Body and lljnd, Efftct: ill Sliif Errornor Escuiet in Old or Your* It • .<!« aiIMMII) folly IX eat or »4. lltwlo»t|inrr Mfi Still:Vl* l.hVVll '»M» 4\h A I'AHTh OF IIONK i HKA'I Jr. * «1« ; , H*n U»tliy frvn £»0 MilP« «r.(J ! urrtga ( ooalrlx. Writ* 'lit; t. Itrr' ' Boo'd, riblanbllbn *aJ procf* mailed fs»al*Mt> fr**. A4»K» ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. 0 DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE COR. PE»*M A 'AiiLi FOURTH BT.. PITTbtiURCH. PA. AH fortivof !» lii ir fin'! (lorn . '/ 4" »i*• :i i A iwxr:«l i i-v-i II l' M «l- A ir.iiio i arc in I i>t UUH 1>• - u iih a KIIGCCSH r"iirrly uiltt\uv*\. I)r. H. • i-ithk'llllktof tlu; UovuM '<IU Tliy- Hurgeorm, nt»d I*H the chiirht ami mo>t .i< c«| Hrcn al.l at in tin; «M v Fj.*•« ial at "ivcntoNervuuA I>t.blJU> !■ rune*'mthMvo i.. .Jfrxcriion* liidiwri-tion of youili«Ptc.,cau»- - , !. W-al ana mental decay,lark "f energy. l'*ikcy« etc., ; al«oCauc<- OW Sores Fitn. . i 'k mifatlKiii, nod all di r -.MMOi the Bkio. 1.1..: r», I,'rlnary"rjr«n-» t ©tr., Con« 'ltat on 1 ■: i irtly riinhdfn'iaL Ofßc® ln»nr«, oto i 7 (j 8 P. SI.; Bii»'l i\% 2 t« < v. <*t. only. : at i>' »«'0 or ad.(rc«A tiff*. INKK, ('nft. «■ r\ h.AND4'X , libT..l'JlT«UtKtiH.l'A. f -Un I we«f J I U i- . «>i:tlr• Jv rtjr.'fl .» n or T'r M«v. r K".\ Arcb Sf . Phil I I i.« • k'li IllfiH, K'»iM Hffmrc Pa. ; T. A / inf»{»n. Pa.; I*. \1 H*n?»U. Mount Aim. .; ; s ir.hln'rmiyf. Huiibfirv. P:» : D 1 !»• r'i j ; Twelfth Mt.. ffr-a Muz Pa.: W: . I"x, t .« :.,n»fo .. nr., Pblf:*delphl 1; II \. Kmri I I Ht. # l:<- lr,/. Pu , - ' Y\\o Hill !; . 1,-1 St., for clren'-ir .k •> otto-, i-.ooi WfiZiAl A r»-« lit \ \ -ft oi.l BBS i. WW mi<;.iiily lu ilv u null of ■Bg t Y* In t Im* on . j»n'f»''il> Sir flc*lik* clUeov< re<l iin i drutrif!-! who o •■ r place of Hi - roi <*OTTOV Hoot i oMPorsi#, lak»- no HuOHilum- or IBClum> ii und •- « -.in po " we villi M*ni. MMlod. »»y r**turi< in ill. Kill *'(l p#tlcolar«i in plctln envi-lopi*. f«» 1 rh' - only. 2 BtalDpH. A(l<lr»»Hs Pond l.ily i Miip-tiiy, No Flnher Hloek. lH;troli. »llcli Hold In Hurler ny <\ p,o>o .1. I' .1 C. iledti-k and drutftfi?»t".rvi»rvwh« ie. D CT j i J. B. HUB EN SACK' 5 MKDir \L '»pp!c|.;H. i a; .Nurtk MM'OM) sr, PIIII.4HKIJ'IIIA. PA Ar«* the olden' In Amurtca for tin? ir**iitanent or MPKCIAL IHMfSAsKH an«i Y<M' fllf'VL lltlCOitH I Stood Pol ion. Nitvo'l < Dohlllt y. rhen. hnn nli i »hai ' i etui 111 idder. Kid n«*y. ana rti.tn Varieo lly dr'eeh*. Knjiiure. < ermaiientiv eureil »>v lmpio*."l io«*Miod • without 'Vfnntion (r Tlio Ihurlur'n HUec» H-. 1h iliii* to hN It • l fXprrleife -HI ' Mii'U; to i In* jim V«. :»'t i h|'« r. in ilt' . n l and to t i.c MioniUifh ex irnlna'ioa m l H tt.-iiral .it t«M>tlori alven oailentw duihiic tre.itoi *nt A /orly \ era* e*t H our u tar uitee of Mil 4 Olfli'i' tM 'l[M, '.t A. J|. to L' V. M. li |* M. All day HaiurdaV. Mil «laylu t » lif \ M. ••>»«! stump for hook. A. J. FKANK k CO. OKtl.rßf'lll - I>UUOS, M EDI CI N Kb, and CHKMICAI S KANCV A.M. TOII.KT AUTI. POVIiKS, Ul'.t'Slll',S, PICUFUMEKY Ac :«r,» i/hci in- |'r«"> riptlom curetully oo.i a-i t. 1 ' •S S. f.?alr. Street, Butler, f J a ; >?->7 ,' Atok»i- ■ ..... ...... THE CITIZEN MISCEL! ANEOI 8 MIGHTY ENGINES OF WAR. THE German navy is being strength- s ened. Twenty thousand seamen arc being added to" the regular navy, and seven huudred and fifty men to the _ torpedo fleet. A VELOCITY as high as 2,887 feet per second has been attained by a pro jectile from a rapid-tire gun. This is at the rate of I.OCB miles an hour. It is the highest velocity yet recorded* THE electric search lights of the Cnited States double-turreted monitor Miantonomoh are of 24,000 candle power. The Sew York Sun describes them as "boring holes into the night. RUSSIA fcas the largest armored war ship afloat. The vessel is the Rune (the name of the heroof the "Gunmaker of Moscow''), and is of 11,000 tonnage. England is building two war vessels of 9,000 tons. Spain has ordered three arpiored cruisers of 9,200 tons displace ment. PEOPLE OFTEN HEARD OF. EX-Gov. "BOB"' TAYLOR, of Tennes see, is noted as a man who is fond of a practical joke. Miss FRANCIS POWER COBBE has lately received from a philanthropic woman 5150,000 to be used in her various lines of humane work. Miss WEST, of Union ville. 0., is proud of her skill as a hunter. The other day I she shot fourteen quail, four rabbits, 1 and accidentally blew off the end of her dog's taiL JOHN I. KJ.AIB, one of the founders of j the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western railroad, although ninety years of age, attended the annual meeting of that corporation a few days ago. CONGRESSMAN JOHNSON, of Indiana, Is •aid to talU at the rate of 280 words a minute. The only other man in the house who can approach Johnson in rapidity of utterance is Catch ings, of Mississippi, whose usual rate is 230 words a minute. PEPPERY PLEASANTRIES. JAKE—"My breath was fairly taken away before I came in." Cora (curling her lip)—" Pretty fair; but you might have taken one more clove." —N. Y. Herald. A VAIN EFFORT. —Pipkin—"At your 1 new boarding place did they make you one of the family?" Potts—"They tried to; but the daughter's red hair settled it for me." —N*. Y. LlerakL DOCTOR A.—"And how did it happen, my dear friend, that you did not get a medal?" Doctor B.—"You see, we doctors have so many enemies lu this world." Doctor A. —"But still more in the other!"— Harper's Pazar. HICKS' MEAN INSINUATION.—Mrs. Hicks—"That girl I hired this morning is a secret to me." Hicks—"That's too bad." Mrs. Hicks—"Why is it too bad?" Ilicks—"You won't be able to keep her."—N. Y. Herald. ABOUT BIRDS AND ANIMALS. A GOOI> camel will travel one hundred miles a day for ten days. WHILE Billy Smith's hounds were run ning a mirilt recently a large hawk swooped down and caught the mink and carried it off, writes a Ilix (Ga.) correspondent A Bio owl tried to carry away a dog at a lumber camp on tlio Machias river, Maine, bnt w:;s captured by one ot the loggi";.' esirw aft- r a lively fight The owl v. a v.-;;trior, its head licing full of |x>r.-u,»iiie <juii!h. indicating a recent battle To I'isoTr.ci itself from the rain the orang-outang crooks its arras over its head 'i he hair on the orang's upper arm points downward, while ou the lower arm it points upward, the ap parent pui'iii-,<• being to shed the rain like a thatch —On not go traveling without a bottle o| Salvation Oil. It curun a bruine at once. 25 c ut*. Au eastern uiau advertises for a boy to "open 03 stir.. A itb a reference." Oyhters do not generally obtain reference, bu millions can truthfully testify to the mi raculou.-t power ol Dr. BUII'H Cough Syr up. It known of no rnich word« an "fail.' —By means of pneumatic tuben mail matter in whirled between Parin aud Ber lin, 7l)0 miles in X> minutes; —Try l>r. Gram's GranUiuotber IJO cure, no pay. Three months treatment. ♦I.OO, for all blood, liver,, kidney and stomach diseases, at J. C. Kedick's. —The i'resbyleriann of Grove City havu let lUe Contract for H chuictt to be uuiit thin season. —'i be succenn ol llood's .Sar.iuparilia tor scrofula in vouched lor by thounandn whom it baf cured. —The bent way to win tie respect ol other 1, in to respect yourself aud attend strictly to your knitting. A Remarkable Cure of Kheumatiam. Mi i.'agit ,1 d Sherman, of Alexander, lexan, write u« regarding a remarkable cure of rheuinatinin there an tolloWr: "Tue wife ol .Mr. Win. I'ruitt, the Postmaster 11' re, liuil been bed ridden with rheuma 11*111 l«ir several years. She could get nothing to do her any good. We sold her a bottle ol Chamberlain's Pain il.ilui anil she wait completely cured by itn une. We reler any one to ber U> verify thin utate -111" I." 50 cent hiittb 1 litr Kith; by I'. " Mailer, itiiiirr: A Bowers, Pro spo 1; lln ..uen it Alii" VV He.ubury. —lt I-I inintell till' It '.I en tint «ame t.ll '.U .l of i-nerk" Ilid • I hie; I'll' lilt, en inil<-« min vi 11:k ;.. 11-1* mil . Women Wiu IJ.j l;.ir!y. M.i.i\ nl'iiur nm.i ln-.fti I!ti 1 Hi),! iiccoin l»tii>li*-<i ladies die before tln*y biixe reach ••d tn ■ j>ri iei of life. Of li• • ■ v 1 • iivn t > middle age only one in two hundred i miiiiiil; Hi • otli«r hundred and ninety nine are .1 lU'crers. Why in itT Self-neglect The shattered health can be restored; the Itoine untile hn !>i>y. and ytur life lengthen ed if yon coinme'ice at once. ''Hone Bads" have been Used for 20 yearn in the private practice of one of the iimn! eminent phyniciaun of I'urin. and the following diseases aud their dislrenniug symptoms yield to them like magic: Ulcer ation, Coiigi-ntioti and falling of the Womb, Ovarian Tumors, Dropsy of the Womb, Bearing Pains, Kupture at Childbirth and Miienrrisgfin. One package of "Kose Mud." will make a new woman of you. (licueorritu or Whiten are gi'iier illy enred » one application.) Piie- pi-r piicksg (one months treatment) $1 (K) sent by mail |in-t paid, seeurelv packed Tills I.KVKK KTTK Si'Kciru: Co , 33f» Washington .St, Boston, Mann. —The female hotel clerk in said to be a fticcei". Ktieuniiitisui cured in a day—"Mystic < re" fur rheumatiniii and neuralgia, radii ally cures in I to ;i days. Its action upon the msti-in is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once Hie cause and the dis '■a-i' immediately ili-ii|i|iears. The first doie greatly heuefita. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Uedlck, druggist, Butler. —A man is known by the company he keeps, except when the company in a young lady whom bo desires to marry. Then he takes good care that he is not known by the company he keeps." Chamberlain's £79 and Skin Ointment. A certain euro for Chronic Soro Eyi**, Tetter, Salt ilheum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Soros, Eczema, Itch Prtdrlo Scratches, Horo Nipples and Piles. It I* cooling nnd f ooth'ng. Hundreds of caoe.s havo been enrod by it after all other treatment had failod. ( it la put up in a 0 and 00 cent boxes. GOSSIP ACROSS THE SEA, j OF the thirty-two ducal and princely families established by Napoleon L fourteen are extinct. SERVANTS arc growing scarcer and scarcer in England This country haa drained it considerably, and now the demand from Australia is getting to be very troublesome A NEW diamond is being cut in Ant werp, said to be the largest ever found in Africa. It weighs four hundred ' carats, arid when it is finished it will be reduced one-half LAST year nearly a thousand people killed themselves in Paris. The favor ite mode of suicide was by drowning, by which two hundred and thirty-one unfortunates put an end to their exist ence. THE London Spectator says that swag ger is no longer the fashion. The swag ger of nil admirari , or of the old, high born hero of fiction, or of the soldier, or of the plunger, is going out, and man ners are becoming more simple and un affected. I A LONDON journal says of the Due de la Rochefoucauld, who married the daughter of Senator Mitchell, that al though his father was a Rochefoucauld, i his mother was a tirandiere. The pres ent due has never been well received in Parisian society. THE SCULPTOR'S ART. PRINCESS LOL-ISK of Lorne is engaged upon a bust of her royal mother. Queen Victoria, which will IKS shown at the | world's fair. Mr. XOBI.k. a Cambridge sculptor. Is i making for exhibition at the Chicago 1 fair a bronze statue to represent a man perfectly proportioned according to the \ ideas of Dr. Sargent, the physical direc j tor at Harvard. TnE statue of Queeu Isabella, which i Harriet Ilosmer is to produce for the world's fair, will present the queen as j she steps down from her throne to be ! stow her jewels upon Columbus, and it will be one of the finest works that Miss Ilosmer has ever produced. FitAXKLiN SIMMONS, the sculptor, who is spending a few weeks in Washington, obtained sittings there i on after the late war from many of the union gen erals. He is now at work on a statue of Grant for the rotunda of the capitoL and expects to complete it in two years. It will be of marble and seven feet in , heiirht. Satirical. She—Did you see many pretty women at the opera last night? He—No; only their grandmothers were there.—Jury On Ills (iaard. Young Dinklebaum —Fadder, how much is two und two? Old Dinklebaum—Vat you vant to to, buy or sell? —Judge. Her Ba*jr Day. •*1 have no time," said the mermaid r»J To the whale, as she tossed her brad; •'l've got to stay at home to-day. And make an oyster bed." -Tmtfc The gay young bicyclist he'n in his bed, Not Inn him in the spring sail shining, He has heen flung and in nore in body and head. But Salvation Oil will make him smil ing. "I've gut it las'," said the fellow who found bin cough subdued by Dr. Buli'n Cough Syrup. —Considering that love making is sup p ised to be tabooed during Lent, it in a trifle odd that so many marriages bloom at Easier. New Washington Penn., People. Are 1.01 slow about taking hold of a new thing if Iho article has merit. A few mon'hs ago David Byern, of that place, bought Inn lirst stock of Chamberlain's Cough Ucmouy. He has mild it all and ordered more He sayn: "It has given the best satisfaction. I have warranted every bottle, and have nut had one come back." 5o cent aud SI.OO bottles for sale by. D. 11 Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pros pect; Breadeii & Allison, W. Suubury. —Daniel Webster wan accustomed to say: "I congratulate myself that my first speech on entering public life was in behalf of the common schools." —lt doesn't make a lie any whiter to put it on a tombstone. —No one can be a hero Jwhen his liver is out of order. —A movement in afoot in Emlontou to form a building aud loan association. La Grippe Successfully Treated. "I have just recovered from a second attack ol the grip this year," says Mr. Jan. 0. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Alexia, Texas, "lu the latter case I used Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bod a little over two days, against ten days for the first uttack. The second attack I am satisfied would htve been equally as bad as the lirst but for the une of this remedy un I had to go to bed six bourn after being struck with it, while in the first cane I was able to attend to business about two dayn before getting down. 50 cent bottles for sale by I) II Wuller, Butler; A. Bowsern, Pro tpecl; Broaden <fc Allison, W. Sunbury. —An Illinois woman offer* $lO for ber ininniug hunbaud. on the male life-mate must be ruling very low in the Illinois market. How 1 made Money. While visiting my cousin in Illinois last month, I learned she had been making money plating with gold, silver and nick le, using ilie Lightning Plater, which she told n.e worked to perfection. After I ant home I sent s.'> to 11. !•' Deluo ,1 Co Columbus, Ohio, ami obtained one of their plating machines and I have now all the work I can do. \ly brother gi-ts the or ders and I do the work,and it is surprising how much work can h» had. Kvery Imdy has spoil. ■, knives and forks to plate, and you can plate quick and nice, One week I made sl2 *>o and didn't do much wi rk. An this is my first lucky streak 1 give my experience, hoping others may be benefited aa much as I have been. CARRIK CRIME*. To Consumptives. Tin undersigned having been rektored to health tiy simple mean*, utter millering for sevuriii yesrs Willi u severe IIIIIK ulteeLion, snd that dread disease Consumption, is anxious lo make known to his fellow sutler ers lb- means of cure. To those who ilesiri- It, he will cheerfully send (tri-e of eharge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find n sure cure lor ('on«uin{>tion, Asthma, <'atarrh, lirouohitis and all throa' nod Inni! Malndies ll« Impi-s all sufferer v 111 try in. I; 11 ii-1 fy, in it is inraiuahh Chose denirliig the prescription, whieh will • -i.-l tbem nolhiug, Hid may prove a tiles■ inif, will pleas- address RKV. KDWAHD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. —Among the pitiable people of thu world are those who have to he disagreea ble in order to have their remarks noticed. Save Yourself Money. When von gn to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor lloiel, corner Liberty and fourth streets. It is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the Kuropeau plan. Lodgings, 125,—36,—0r 50 cents. —John Jasper, the famous octogenarian colored preacher, of Kiohinond, is to be married again thin week. Old Jasper "do move," even if the sun do not. —Green in a dangerous color for a bru nette. —The latent souvenir spoons aro of enamel. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tan SDirim - I'losao Inform your roadnra Hint I hivo a poatUve ramady for tbo abova named dlamuw. Ily Ita timely ua thousands of bopeleea bavn Isx'ti piirtuiiiiiiU/ cured. I shell be |(Ud to send two bottlci of my remedy TRKK to any of your m uter* who haro coueumpUon If they will eend rue their i-ijirsm an 4P. O. addreae. lice pact- SBJJjr, X. A.BUICUM. 11. <J.. Ml reart BL. N. I. This Is The Lowest Price Ever given on a Bed Room Suite Solid, Polished Oak, glass 26x30, beveled plate, FOR $23.00, We offer this suite for 30 days only. Our Bed Room Suite for sl9 You can't get elsewhere for less than $23 to $25. We don't only offer the above goods at low prices, but anything In our store away down In price. All we ask you to do is to examine our stock and you will say as we do —best goods for least money of any FURNITURE store In the country. "WQQQQQQtrWiw Campbell & Templeton, 130 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa. FOB TIE HOLIDAYS BEY JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, ■ Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks ' and spectacles of : J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., - Duffv Block. of Electric Hell and Clock. All arc Respectfully Invited I —"Remember our Repairing Department— 2o years Experience. I , RINGS, Diamonds SS, *■ STUDS, ) r (GENTS GOLD, \ LADIKS GOLD. , VV aiClieb I GKNTS SILVER. LADIES CHA.TLA.IN, T/jwolfxr J Gold Pin., Ear-rings, ti ( W(: 11 \ j Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, {Tea sets, castors, butter dishes BODGEI BIOS. IK! {Saw?** E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 139, North Main St, BUTLEBMPA., The Dairy Sweepstakes, The Creamery Svaepsttei TIIE GUAM) SWEEPSTAKES. ' COLD MEDAL,HH LfevRHHB Wan awurdrd la Battrr M«d» by the mm COOLEY CREAMER PROCESS.HK3I ' « " nEl4> Atttw *nnu*l niri-tln* of the Vermont Delrnuea-a r _t. Hf AnHfx-laU'm.Jaxi. t2tli to Htli lnci !• uiit thta * irreaa [I H3I Ylctnry.tbero U-itig over neveuty comprtltofe. U>e | l Uiree Judom etatlnv Uut It wee tbr flneei lot of win. I I r'v,. IHR tcr butter they ever uw. Tbt« mekee tbo 23d COLD MEDAL VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO JBellow» Fall*, Vt. Manufactarer* of t rcumrry anil 1)UI7 HlflM. We Are Still Offer in<: through the month of .Jail u;iry xpi'cial bargains in wall paper stock to make way foi cpring goods. These prices can't continue on new goods, but we must have room. Also if you want anything in fancy goods left ovt*r from the holiday season will Hell to you at cost or than eont We're stocking up on all lineH of staples and want you to he on the lookout for our new things. J. H. Douglass, Near I'ostotliee, Butler I'a. L. O* WIC'K | DKALKB 111 Rough and Worked Lumber OK'ALL KIUKK Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock.; LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opponite P. A TV. I)«ipnt, BCTLEK - - I'A. TURN ON THE LIGHT And let It (llaacr «nr; / "M. *>< l rhlM | VHV W'» Kaon. of th. I Jmtll'Wl •» Gosser's Cream Glycerine It i* the ideal C'mmetie. It wtimnlatea the nerve*, quicki'DH circulation and carriea away dead particle* of the *kin, leaving it tint* and clear. It hi** no equal for Chap pe<l Hand*. Lip*, Face, or rooghnea* of the xkin, and i« not excelled a* a drawing for the face after shaving. It i« a bland. cr»niny emnlaion, with ju*t enongh vege table oil to *often the *kin. So lady or genllemau --hould he without it. B* *nre to gel the genuine. Tako no *ub«titute. "For H»le by J. C. Redick, Prun tfi»t, Huller, Pa. LADIES Muslin Underwear. Muolin Gowns at 50 e.,75 c., 91.00, fl 25. 41 50 and 11.75 each. Mualin Skirt*, plain or trimmed with Lmdroidery or Lace at 50 c.. 75 c., 11.00, 91 25, and 91.50 each Muhlid Drawer*, plain or trimmed 35 c. to H5 c. each. Mn*lin Chemlaei, 25* c. to 50 Each. * Always best Values In Hosiery, lint* at half price. M. F. <fc M. Marks'. US aiid 117 Booth Main Utreat. - Leading Millinery House - • "X" ■ IP We in now read J to exhibit this mm'i «jLm ol M=l=L=L=l=]Nr=E-R-Y la erery deeirsble etye ud qua] ity. Ocr etock i* unarasJle large sad attract!**. Trinwd lan sad boa oeu of *ll (Wcripiioo*—r«lt b*u, wiwt hats tad mi lor uu H«ts mmi boDMti trimmed to order. Th* lu|in *ad mm coMptet* audi at r«i*«ta ribbons, tips, quill®, bird* sad wings «w bcoaght to Bttkr I'X»lt CHILDREN Hood*, caps, mi lor hsts is grml earist y. MOURNING Hsu and bonnet* receive oar baM nftfca. a uaapliii Mae alwaw* am hand. SJ D.T. PAPE,"~ HENRY BIEHL 122 STREET, axj i'ler - pi^n'a DEALER 131 Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. Washing Vf—hinta, 'he Stand vd Rotary Shuttle Sewhif Machine JiiOO »tieh*t par minute. the No. ~ -f winit machine. *l*o Singer and Empwa; agricultural t moment* farm wasEimr. New Sunahine & How rd nngM, SIN ■ Stowea, tahl.- and pmek-t K M cutlery. ban ring lamp*; M manulacturvr «»t" tinware. tia M ruofing and apnutimr a apae iaitj; the Johnston nnm»*ra, reaper and steel frame binder. Warren ready mixed pa«t, warranted; screen doom and windows, refrigerators and lawn mowers. No better place in the city to trsde. Come and see my large store mom fall of goods, 136# feat long. WHERE CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAH 1892~ STORM BIRD. No. 8468. KECORD vi:3s AT FOUR Y EARS. (Bought of McFerran k Clancy, Louisville. Ky.) Sired by Lord Russell, Full Brother to Maud S, 2.09 3-4. Hire of Kremlin, 2 22*; Aide de tier*. 2.S**. Km« Meamll- J*t aad «a*aa «4ha*e with record* <.f 2M at ten year« of age. Thia ♦* mmrm ,k "" "J other «Mllio* at mmm »**• Ist Dam, Storm, record 2.26 3 4 By Mtddfetown, 80. 152. DaiJ of Oale. 2-Tit, half 111 I.lo*. »wai Sira of Oraa*e IW 2.f1» Raew 2 2J» Bird, record 2 Xi. qu«ru»r In St laeoede; Pea. y. IM| aad ntao .Hbora ta 2JS Typb<»on, rrenrd 2d Dam, Green Mountain Maid By Harry Clay 43, record 2 29 D*m ol Elaine. 2», Prosper-. 2». *tf» nf 5 * CWM tJtfc Klmta. 2 20}. Damn Trot. 2 22. Rana Aaranae. 3JS ol tho dasw of St Jalwa. held, 2 2®; Storm, 2 3S|, Antoaio. X 2Sf: X 11|. B«S»aa. lt»|. elaa l*o groM Ells*. 2 29i. Marinda. 2 SI; ILEC CLEOriOffBER. TIO.VEKK. «Jr» of Haaol. 20S+; Palo Alto. 2 I*4; Arion. (2) 2 lOf.aml oiaaty •crco otbara in 2 30. _ HTORM BIRD ha» for fraud daaia Oraaa Moasiaia Mai£ aad KM. tts two irrealaot brood mara* known to Inuitl bwa biatory. We will aato •" * tbi* year mora liberal tbaa aay other baraa of aqaal a#fll. TERMS: SSO TO INSURE. Sand for tabnlated pediirrae. _ BUFFALO HOY, Hire, ,I'ocah<>nt«« Boy. ITW. raeord XSt. aire el (total- »>»* 2 12, Ba»-« »- 2.15*, I'rincaKM. 2 l»*. «»argla. 2 20; Sfallie B. 2 21. r.**b«etae Pr.aee. 2 3S| a»l Itt taan otbarii in 2 30 and bottor Ist dam Lady h. r«c«rd 2 30 at 3 yaar.. daai af Edaall Star, "-a af *< »er -*»ar. 2 JS ■be by American Star, Jr., 5o THI . . . - 2d dam XiM Cadmaa. dan of StepbM U. riea tba umn par cent. »f Poeabostsa blood aa Xalaon. IIS. hiaf "f ra«alaCia« traafee TERMS: S2S TO INSURE. Both horae. will b. foond at my bars. H a-rthaaa. PWpaart. »W.|.rtl be pleaeed to abow tbeni at all tinea. Habbatb eieeptad. Far pedigree «e eay farther in format ton call on or addreea. ALO9ZO McCA*DLBBB, ISLE. PA. rf ®*• | Grover LOUIS! «■ «< kwo Jn[ | I KKi'll KKO.V.) | Black llorae foaled 1#» j EsglifhShirs Sire Ben Sari. 1087 Bay FnM WS7 A «raa4 M Dare Dnmont io6fl I »nd roaipaetly ho ill b«r<a A larre raney hor«a and a perfrrt »paej SirH by o>mia<| Kioc «EJ»; daia »ar»i««S man of tba illoatrjon* family of Xormaa 22M Draaithta. THE E96U81 SHIRE :a an* n>n.ubr "rzr' •""" •' " ZsrZZ'Z.'TT.'JZZ,— TKRSIS—TO iJfSl'Kfc -. - •><* oo , TEKR.4—TO l!*i«(;KE - »I2«B Tb« alx>re Jracrilwd bonxw will »taud Ut wrv u« .lana* tba «•<«.a ml liWJ m follow*: —Monday and T««»»<lay «f «a«'b wwk at Prinpnt. Pa., aod i»»" r>awaS" .>f Iba weok at tba alsble of tba ■nraer »■ eeaMwaat e«raor of ItraSy t~wj . « Um north of Proepeet, Batkr coanty. Pa Proper cere will he taken bat n« areoaatability eeeataed J. P. DAVIS, Proprietor. Prmpmri, Pa. To Close Out Our Winter Goods we offer all Heavy I'nderwear. Scotab Cap*. Ul"Ve*. Heavy Suit* f«r men and hoy*. Heavy Shirt*, etc, at a SWKKPING REDUCTION, j We will *ell any overcoat in «ur .t»ck at ooat. Come and look at thein mean ju*t what we *ay V<m can bare any overcoat in oar *t««k for Jiki What He Put F* li in New York City. A* ihr* coat* were bought Below The Market tbie ia A Rare Chance. RACKET STORE ISO H. Main Ht. Butler. Ha- Btin AND REMEMBER r. «wr BSbJg """""" I. IV. FINCH, it aarrariiL* sr.. rimwin, '*• ►<> pp. * w>o(aMU H'«e Mateblee* for family aad HeMi'taat »ar nWHIKiOLMSTHHJW. » OtnTCNHKIMtM *»HMKT l aae* • SSSSSHZVSf. f Wi. sv <-mn> nrtter svfutaum -»pi i««eii c. o. I*. Saadtev rri.-e Urn. Christ iyihm Gifts For Kverybocly. Baaaufal Pr»*rnta th«: mmi ail densarxle and *at >aty all wan'* la frwat rtrirtT t> auit all m >w am MkiWthM at Redick's Drugstore Paaej *ooda aad .lotelttoe, T«iiet ArtieiM aad .VotKK* Wbit* mm ran not deacribw or eMemte »or grvat variety. mm ara awry fi—t to altoar j IhM to all rtftm. W» ciaia tor 'tar atorh aa«allea<e loqoaittr *» riaty ta. daaiya aad reaauaafcU prwwa Whatever yoar waata amy ha.w* ma ataat ilmi with baaettfa aad apro. priate eaiarttoaa We aoitnt a e.i®. pariaoa of war good a aad prw«« Snowing roe will iad oar Holiday goods tha baac aad ebaapaai- Raapartfeily, J. C. REDICK. FOR SALE. A rami at or* in a «o»d toahty aad dolaf a feed baaleaaa.. 90«4 fWMKMMI foe nilil^ Tartaa ' L.S. MeduM* ■. Mar/K
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers