THE CITIZEN FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1893. BOY'S LONG PA»T~SUfm BOY'S KNEE PANT SUITS. W« now have for yon inspection a larger line of Boy's and Children's suits than ever shown by us. We will just quote our prices on our fast selling ones. Boy's long pant suit (for school) $2.50 Boy's long pant sait (union cass.) 13 2» Boy's long pant suit (scotch goods) 94.00 Boy's long pant suit (all wool) $5.00 Boy's knee pant suit (Tor school) SI.OO Boy "s knee pant suit (union cass.) #1.50 Boy's knee pant suit (checkered cass.) 92.25 Boy's knee pant suit (all wool) 93.00 Boy's knee pant suit (double breasted) 98.25 Jersey and kilt suits a specialty. Boy's knee pants in light shades at 25 cents a pair. Men aud I toy's biaek satine shirts at 50 cents. Schaul Bros. & Co. One Price Clothiers. OPPOSITE HOTEL VOGELET. tl'Ti ft* has a population or atxmt to.noo. Uis the County seat of Dutler County, wit!: iiu.noc. Four railways, natural gas. and unequalled taetlltlr* for manufactures. Impress everywhere; new buildings, new manufactures, a growing and prosiierous towi< New Advertisements. Mercantile Appraiser's List for 1802 - Orphans' Court sale, estate of John Turner Schaul Bro's Clothing. Racket Store's Clothing. B it B's Spring Ooods. Robins Bros, atioe store. Barry Chaapel's Flowers. SXotb— All advertisers intending to make anges ic their ads. should notify us of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. LOCAL AND GENERAL. « Rye Wanted. The highest Market Price Paid for rye at our 11 ill in liutler Pa. Uso. WALTEB. —W. A. Osborne has removed bis art and wall paper store to No. 311 8. Main street. —The producers of the Lima oil field are threatening a riot ou account of the low prices paid for oil there. —Amos Viock bas started a tobacco and cigar store on the 3-degre« road Dear Thorn Creek. —The "old folks" Concert in the Opera Honse Tuesday night was a great success. Pro f. Brown ut to be congratulated, also all tboae who took part. —Some day* ago James Root of Petrolia fell and struck bis thumb upon a china spittoon—catting the thumb badly. Blood poisoning set in and he died Wednes day morning. —A mistake was made in the publication of tbe Auditor's notice in the Beaty estate 1 ist week, aud the proper notice is in tbis week's paper. The date has been changed from tbe loth to tbe lDtb of April. The Franklin .Yeica says that the verdict in tbe llills caso "is notice to any acute vidian that he is at liberty to fill bad whiskey, get on a jag of »cute mania, and turn loose with pistol, knife or blud geon." - A gang of burglars are doing the river towns. At Etnlentou last Saturday night, they enterud tbe offices of tbe Emleuton Milling Co., Sloan's planing mill aud tbe Grand Cenual Motel and took something at each place. —The Republicans, .of Winfield and Buffalo twps., will meet at Sarvej's station tomorrow (Saturday) April 2d, for tbe purpose of selecting or nominating dele gates to tbe New Castle Conventions- Congressional aud National. , —Think wbat tbis means. Tbe opening of a large tract of land by tbe Government an 1 askiog tbe American people to take it, improve it, build homes on it and rear their families. Tbe Sisseton Reservation will he opened by proclamation of tbe President to home seekers aud settlers on April 15, 1592. Forty-thru huudred home steads of 100 acre* each will be thrown open to tbe public at that. time. Will you g<j. Other sections of tb» west offer equity oa attractive inducements to tbe houi® seeker and capitalist. Tbe new mining territory now being opened in Utub claimed to be tbe richest yet dis covered. Are iuten»t«l T There arc fortunes in the west waiting the energetic man. Ifyou are contemplating such u journey, you will consult your owu inter est by calling upon the nearest P., 8. A L. E. R. R. ticket ageut for rates and further information, or write W. G. Ser geant, 0. P. & X. A., Meadrille, Pa. Personal. Mrs. H. M. Wise, of Barmcmy, is tbe gnest of her mother Mrs. Lnsk. Isaac Galloway, a former resident of this couuty, dieil recently at bis home in Butler count,, in bis 66th year. Be was born in connty Antrim, Ireland, and came to America when a youth. For sixteen years be resided uear Franklin, and twenty-seven years ago removed to Butler county. He bore the reputation of a good citizen and a consistent Christian.— Franklin Sews. People are scarce who are satisfied with their next-door neighbor's religion. Mr. A. J. Walker, of Nebraska, istbe guest of bis brother in law, Tbornley Jobnson, of Centre township. Mr Walker is locat ed about the ceutre ol tbe state along tbe Platte river and speaks highly of that country. Postmaster Eastman has purchased a farm in Middlesex county, Virginia, along tha Itappahannock. It is a market garden farm, with communication by water with the Washington and Baltimore markets, and he thinks of removing to it after bi» official term here ends. Mrs. J. C. Hepler, of Buffalo township, is seriously ill of typhoid fever. A very pleasant time was had at a sur priM) party at Maggie Renno's, 221 West ISO? * treet ' on evening, March 25, Key. Enoch Smith, the new pastor of the English Lutheran church of this plane, has removed here and will preach bis first sermon aa pastor next Sunday morning, April 3rd Tbe members of tbe obarcb will tender a reception to their uew pastor this (Friday) evening, April Ist, at 8 o clock. All the members are expected to be present. Oil Note*. A well is being drilled on tbe Martha Galloway farm in Connoqueuessing twp.— Northwest corner. A roaring gas well was struck in the John Sieg farm in Lancaster twp., last Friday. Leutx Si Scblage 1 rtruck a good well in tha Anderson field iu Ponn twp., Wednes day. —Spring goods now arriving at THJB PEOPLE'S TITOV. LEGAL NEWS. LICRSSE COCRT. License Court convened on Monday, and all the case* were heard by Tuesday even in * t'be program was the same as usual — the attorneys for the applicants presented the case-, called the witnes>es and ex amined them; and Judge liazen cross examined them. The only exciting incident of the session was the "setting down" an attorney re ceived from the Court for presenting an exception to the application of Mrs. Gamble, the exceptant not being present. Wednesday atternoon the Coutt read the decisions as follow-: liBASTED. George Stab 1, of Zelienople. distiller. A GOckenheiuier <f Bros., Freeport. distiller. G. A J. Reiber, Butler, wholesale. Fanny E. Gamble. Butler, wholesale. Thompson and Brown. Bntier, tavern. C Snodgrass Butler, tavern. Mrs M Keibing. Butler, tavern. Lucinda Bennett. Petrolia, tavern. M. A. Jellison, Petrolia, tavern. B. Forquer, Millerstown, tavern. Jno. Dolau, Millerstown, tavern. Hoch Bros., Millerstown, tavern. C. Raabe. Saxon burg, tavern. F. Pfabe, Saxon burg. tavern. Mrs. C. Blinn, Evans City, tavern. C. H Miller, Evans City, tavern. Samuel Beam, Harmony, tavern. L. Ziegler, Ilarirfmy, tavern. Chas. Stokey, Zelieuople, tavern. H. W. S'okey, Zelienople, tavern. These licenses to continue for one year, and if not lilted in fifteen days, to be marked revoked. BEKTSED. Geo. W. Campbell, Butler, wholesale. Jno. McQuistioii Smith, Butler, whole tale. B. Eitcnmiller. Butler, tavern. David Stewart. Penn twp , tavern. Patrick hhields. JefTerson twp,, tavern. Phil Kramer, Butler, re.-taurant. All were refused as not being necessary, excepting one applicant whose aire was given as one of the reasons for refusal. SKSTKXCK DAY. Wednesdav was sentence day in Court. James F "SHills, was brought in an i in answer to the Coart's question as to wheth er be bad anyU.itig to say why sentence should not be passed upon him on his eon riction for murder in the second degree, said that vif h« killed Petor 8 Dngan be knew nothing about it and bad told all be knew concerning the matter in the trial." And now March 30. lffi>2, the Court sen tence J men F. Mills, the defendant to pay the costs of prosecution, and to undergo an imprisonment by separate and solitary ci,nfir< nient at labor lor the term und pe riod of twelve yenrs, to lie computed from this date, in the penitentiary for the West ern district ol Penn.-ylvama. etc, and on bis piea of guiitv to th« charge of break ing jail be was sentenced to the p.-niten tiary for two years, to I* computed lrom the expiration of his first Sentence. Jessie Smith, convicted of larceny, was sentenced to the penitentiary for one year; and to his plea ol guilty oi breach of pris on, one year—making two years for both. ' James Britin. who plead guilty to two cba'ges ol larieliy was sentenced to the penitentiary for one yeai on each, and on his plea of guilty to breach ot prison, on" . year—making three j u ars iu all. KOTKB J N Iffc has brought suit against the P I <t W K It Co for one acre in Jackson and Forward townships. 1 Letters of administration were granted to Thiw Galloway on the estate of Isaac ■ fta'loway. The will of Jas Sutton, of Concord twp., ' was probated and letters to John F Sutton; also will of J C Shakely, of Parker twp., aud Setter C T A to A L Campbell. LATH PBOPKUTr TRAXSKKRS. Win Love, Jr., to Inea A Wiskeman 42 acres in Clinton twp.. for $2,200. D Stewart to Mary Stewart 50 acres i n Cherry twp , for SI,OOO. A King to G' a Abrains lot in Butler for (600 T L Donaldson to Mary Snyder lot in Middlesex twp. for $975. Eliz Armstrong to F S Forrester lot in Centreville for SBSO. Mattie Steel to Mary Kockenstein lot iu Butler for $2,800 C A A brains to I)ora Leibold lot in But ler for S6OO A C Patterson et al to B W HreJin 75 acres in Wa>-iiiiiglou twp for $550. < M E Bole to Mary Byers lot in Donegal i twp for S2OO. C M Harrington to Jos Smith lot in But ler for $2,000 B F Mechling to W W Mecbling 53 acres in Jefferson twp for $3,193. J W et nl to A A Campbell et al lot iu Butler for SSOOO. C R Smith to J Wuller lot in Butler for < SBSO. U E Hemphill to D Lefever 10 acres in Middlesex for $370. A Kliiigensmith to U Iseman lot in But ler tor SISOO G Murbergi-r et al, Exr'* to W J Blake- ] ley 194 ucres in Adams for $0793 31. M 11 Thompson to H C Turk 28 acres in Brady for 1000. R Sinz to P Golden lot in Butler for $3400. Marriage Licences. Emile Leroy Butler. Pa Marie Gaupin... •' " James W Black Parker Maggie Lauffer " Gilmore A Hilliard Franklin twp Clara Cratty " " WniSSefton Clinton twp Lula McCall *' " A F Fleeger Centre twp Jennie Wick Clay twp 0 H McCaW.... Mars Leila Crowe .Renlrew At Pittsbiug. James Kenmiek and Mary Ken) on of ifctfer At Mi-reer, 'SaiAnel J Thompson, of n«rrisville, and Ellen Wingird, of Grove City. At Pittsburgh, D M. Douthell, of Overtoil, Neb., aud Nanuie E. Wise, of Butler county, U. V. L. Reception. Tbe veterans will give their fiual re ception for this season in the Armory Opera House on Thursday evening, April 7. The "old hoys" always giv free enter tainments, hut this one will cost 50 cents. The object is to pay off a debt of honor banging overthe late Reunion Committee and the town of Butler. All our citizens are interested iu tbis matter. Evsry person should buy one or more tickets. An excellent program ofmusic,recitations, addresses, ete , has been prepared Quartermaster, James 8 Willson, has the tickets in tbe tre'nsiirer's office. Don't forget the date, Thursday evening, April 7th. The Markets. BUILEB MARKKTH Our grocers are paying 23 to 25 for but ter. 15ctor eggs. 40 lor potatoes, 25 to 30 for apples and turnips 60 lor parsnips, 3 to 5 h>r cabbage, 75 for onions, $4.00 a bu. , for onion setts. PITTSiIITRU PRODUCB. Timothy hay from country wagon sl2 to sls, mixed bay sl2. wheat straw sff 50. oat straw $7.50, clovers eed in job lots $7 65 to $7 85 a bu. Fri sh eggs in cases 13 to 14. goose eggs 50, countr\ roll butter 20 to 25, bcuns 1 75, . apples 175 to 2.50 a lib I, jabbage on track 5 and 6 a head, potatoes on tract* 25 to 40 a bu, onii ii >ctts 550 to 7.50 a bu. Choice spinach $2 50 to s:i u hbl. lettuce $5 , to $6 a obi. LIVK STOCK. At Ilerr's Island Monday, common and mixed stock sold at 2i to 4; bulls and dry ' cow sIA to 3i Shi-cp aud yearlings retailed at and ■ 6j. and lambs at C aud 7. Veal calves relallwl ut 4) tosf. Hogs retailed ut 5 to SJ. I THK Oil. MAKKET I Closed on Mondav at 54], Tuesday at 55, Wedues lay at 55^. —New Bhoe Store of Robina Bros., on S E Corner Diamond, ' Opens Saturday, April 2, 1892 Tho Best In America. , That is tLe kind of Blankets we t sell. Every one who has bought tbeni knows it and every one who does buy them will find it out. 1 at RITTKH A RALSTOM'B. Best place to buy Table Linens, Napkins and Towels at L. BXMN A SON'S. Second Degree. At half-past ten o'clock on Saturday : night the jury in the murder ca-e, after being out seven hours, returned a verdict |of "Guilty of murder in the second ! degree,'' the maximum sentence for which is twelve years in the penitentiary; | and while every one seemed satisfied, the I defense certainly has no reasou for com : plaint. 1 Our report of last week closed at the point where the defense hail submitted the testimony o! medical experts The Court had ruled favorably for ihe testimony and Dr. Hoover was called. He stated that alcohol sometimes caused acute mania, and any person suffering from it would be unaccountable lor deeds committed while the mania lasted. Cpon recovering the person would have n« recollection of auvthiug done during the mania. He was followed and bis testimony tully corroborated by Dr. Graham. Dr. Zimmer man and Dr. Bull. On Friday morning the argument-began with .\ E Reiber, Esq . for the prose cution, who spoke excellently, as indeed did all of the attorneys. Thompson, Me- Candless, ilc<Juistion and Forquer spoke for the defeudent. S F Bowser made oue ol the most able arguments of tie trial for the pro. edition —but each man seemed to outdo himself Judge Huzeli's charge on Saturday was spoken of as perfectly fair aud impartial by both sides, so it must have been so. When the jury went out, they first to k a vote whether or not Mills did the killing and all agreed that he had. The second ballot was on the degree of murder, and they fotiud that they were evenly divided, half tor a first degree verdict and half for a second. Tbe second drgroe men did not believe Mills wa«.entirely respon sible aud gradually won the others to their way of thinking. Wednesday morning the Court sent, need Mills to the penitentiary lor twelve yc.irs for the murder, aud two years for break ing jail, making 14 years in all, and he was takcu to Riverside that afternoon by Sheriff Brown and Depui) Douihi tt. The medical evidence in the caso ec-ui eil to ho somewhat of a surpii.>e to the probation, and Col. Thompson's lir-t que.-tion to Dr. Hoover after lie had been sworn and had stated that he u prac ticing physician, was one that young pby ■icians can study over. It wus a> follows: Doctor, Then, will 31 u tell ibe jorj wi ai the physical, physiological aud psychology ical effect of the excessive use of alcohol is ou the human body utid mi rid J A Sad Affair. Butler was the scene of a suicide last Saturday alternoon. That morning Mr. William Mann of Ma ple Ave. took a deaf and dumb child to the asylum at Pittsburg. He returned that afternoon and up-<n going to bis home found that his daughter, Katie, bad gone on a visit to Ford City; he imtnediately went upstairs, laid down upon a bed, put tbe muzzle of a pistol iu bis mouth, and shot himself through the head—the hull lodging under the scalp at tbe top. Mann was an Englishman by birth. He came to this town about two years ago and secured a position in the Plate Glass works. His wife died of inflammatory rheumatism shortly after their arrival here, and he was greatly afflicted with the same disease. He leaves two grown up children, and three small boys. He was buried in tho North Cemetery, beside bis wife, Wednes day. Book of Flowers. This office is in receipt of a very beau tiful Book on Flowcrr from Mr. Harry Chaapel.tbe popular Florist and Seedsman, of Williauisport, Peau. It tells all about tbe good things he has to offer jou in Flowers, Plants aud Seeos, and is indeed a beauty, being elegantly printed und illustrated and is full of suggestions of value to those who cultivate Flowers. Vegetables, etc. It is a work of which tbe well known Florist may well feed proud It will he mailed to those interested en closing a two-cent stamp for postage. Rye Wanted. The highest, market price puid for rye at our mill in Butler, P*. GEO WALTER. We Are Bound To clean oat our wraps, blankets and furs To do BO we are offering them at lower prices than ever known to the trade R A H. The Readers, of tbis paper have learned by fxperi euce that we never put iu wild ml vertisements but merely state facts in regard to our stuck and prices. HITTER A RALSTON 's. —Any farmer wauling a tiuo Jer sey bull call can leatu 01 one such at tbis office. —Justices and f'oustables Fee Bills, priuted on card board, suitable for posting—for sale at this office. Prospect Normal Academy. It will cost you but u penny to send for a catalogue of Prospect Academy. F. W MAOEE Principal. Prospect, Pa Don't forget as on Hosiery m d Ulores, we always have the best ut lowest prices L. BTEIN A SON'S. 15,000 Sheets -of Music of Kvery Descrip tion at Half Price. THE IJTJTLE Mu-ic Co., Ainiory Building. —ln Plush, in Cloth, iu Ladies, in Misses, in Cbildrcns. Wraps we have a large hue, and we are going to sell them at wbat they will bring. If you want a grand bargain come in soon. RITTER A RALSTON'S. —Pupils' Monthly Rep rts, one cent eacb. for sale at CITIZEN office Buffalo Blankets, b««st for wear at L. STEIN A SON'S. Boarding House Cards, with Act of Assembly 26 cents for half-a dozen, for Bale at CITIZEN office. —Take your children to Zuver's Gallery for Pictures thai will suit vou. Postoffice building. Very low prices ou Fine Umbrel las at L. STEIN A SON'S. —Hello. Wbat is it? Why I) E. Jackson is selling dress goods 25 per ceut less than they can be bought any where else. How so? Because be is selling tb&t much below value to close out. Ice For Sale. Those wanting ice will please leave their orders at the City Bakery, No. 212 South Main St, aud they will receive prompt attention S MORRISON, Prop'r. Largest assortment and best values in Dress Uoods and Cloaks ut L. tiTJJK A SON'S. One of "Many More." EDITOR CITIZEK:—We have been innch pleaded with the discussions through your columns on Literary and School work. Subjects of this character are, wethiuk.not given enough attention in our local pa ! pers. True, there are many periodicals that give entire attention to such topics: but 1 the contributors of these are usually per sons of little or no experience in teaching ! ungraded, country schools | Also a great number of our teachers do not avail them-elves of this opportunity. But the greatest reason, we think, that onr local papers should discuss these sub jects, is not for the teachers benefit alone but lor the benefit of directors und patrons of our schools. Directors uud patrons sel dom if ever see an educational journal and make no pretense of visiting the schools. The question then arises, how are we g ling to educate them in the ways and methods of the modern teacherf In this respect the town and city schools have ad vantages over the country schools. It is not, however, in any peculiar characteris tic future of the "'atmosphere," nor is it from any weakness 011 the part of the men talor digest i\ e appai atusjbut largely on ac count of the interference of directors and patrons, that the progress of our country .school* is retarded. If the teacher makes a study of his pre tension, as every energetic teacher will do. and attempts to put into practice the re sult of that ,-tudy and experience, ho is sure to be interfered with by directors who do mil know (hat there has been any ad vaueemeut made in the art of teaching, a 111 tni k the schools should be taught ] the .-.IUIU to liay that they were forty years ago. Eradicate this interference and our country schools will noon walk in advance ol I bit town reboots. It ban been said that "The studies now taught in our common schools are enough mid more thau enough fur the average student to comprehend." This is true it >ou intend to cram them all in bi.> mind in one term. Tins is where the great mis take is made, hut it is not always .lue to luck o|'knowledge ou the part ol the teach er hut to bis environment. Five studies are as much as any pupil nltouM be permitted to pursue at auy one time. Hut instead id this number every pupil in the country school above the third read i r grade must pursue the usual eight rtu dies. The rc-ult ol this is mental depres sloti, lack of interest, the term passes and tiuds biio In tie in advance ol where he Maried. Grade your pupils to what thiy are able to comprehend, including literary work, and you need bave no tears ol aliy thing outside ol their text books, of a mor al cuaracicr, retarding I heir progress. .Students 1U our academies mill colleges are usually graded to four studies. Are not u.e studies iu our public schools ' as bard lor i:s pupils as tho.-e? Then wby this cramming and hall done work iu our country schools? Wby till oar pupils with meaningless tacts and veil their luiagina lion instead of permitting theui the liber ty of exercisiug these-faculties by reading 1 unit composition and also public perlor tuaucesf Of wbat beuetit is book learning to a man that cannot think or express hiui sell intelligently 1 , It has been wild "Let us do the best wo can iu the eouutry." That is what we ' >■. oultl like to do and if the average teacher wus permitted to follow out the dictates ol his own conscience in this matter tfce "best we can" could be done Moss BACK. ( 1 Guitars, Violins, Mand dins, Banjos, Accordiens. i Strings, etc. at 1 THE BUTLER MUSIC CO.. Armory Building. * —lf you want to get the best se | lections come s.jou before the stock < is run down, as everything must go ' regardless of coat. 1). E. JACKSON. ' New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords, Henriettas and Fine' Dress Uoods at i L. STKIN & SON'S. German Knitting Varu, Spanish I and Saxony Yarns ut L. STEIN A SON'S. | lce for sale at the City Bakery. 5 You can now save from one to < three dollurs on a cashmere or henri- I ettu dress by buying from L). E. JACKSON. ' —New wash goods in Zepherett, Per«iau Mull. Mousseline, etc, now < ready for your inspection at THE PEOPLE'S STORK. I Best styles iti Drees Goods and Cloaks at > L. STEIN A SON'S. A stove and fine grate can be purchased cheap bv auy one needing those articles. Information given at ( ibis office. I i Full 35-inch muslin for 5 cts. a yard at THE PEOPLE'S -TORE. ( I The Reason I For the great gain in our business in < mat WIH U parties buy a bill of u- •- they are so we I pleased with the ~ value of their purchases compared with the amount of uiouey invested „ that they give vent to their satisfac lion iii con variation with others, and ( thereby becjmu agents i for R4 H j Wraj.s, t<i/rs, Blankets. Blankets, Vraps Furs, Furs, Blankets. Wraps, a largo stock and ( you can liny tneni about your own i Price. 1 HITTER A RALSTON'*. Kid gloves iu all the latest i shades ut 1 THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Pianos and Organs. i The finest selection of reliable makes ever displayed in Butler Co. j Call and examine our stock before i purchasing. THE BUTLKR MUSIC CO. ® Armory BuildiDg. '« Slippery Rock Normal. Attend the State Normal School at Slippery Rock, Butler Co.. Pu. Kx- < penses only S4B for 14 weeks. Kx ! celleat advantages in all branches Spring term begins March 29, 18'<2 ( A dress ALBERT E. MALTHY, Principal. "~ " I Lot« of *Vraps, Blankets and furs. But > " «h Mild come iu and sec the Price, l.i~y will astonish you. HITTER & BALSTON. Truthful Advertising. Is the only kind that piys, which ! explains the fa :t that Ritter A Hal- | ston do the trade. R. & R. Our Ttade. This month has been away ahead of any former January. The reason is that when people come , <in and examine our goods and bear J the prices they invariably buy. R. A R. —Zuver's Pictures leavo nothing wanting iu finish, tone or u correct Intellects. Ladies anr' Misses' Clonks in great | variety at lowest prices at L. STEIN A SON'S. 1 Tlie 13e«t Is b r ) naur to <jooil i t yon nrr ■ j *irl\ Th> j'hyxiritiH ex. pectg rtnttlU nml thin con j unit) be ohtaiiifl irhcn purr 5 ! flrui/M arf <h*lmisrrl. f'„. i | ritf rarr and accuracy in trtry department <rf our hutineix. Only rei/wtrreil pharmacists arc t mploynl and personal SHjtereiirion t ffiicu to errry detail. HV i ndcaror to keep erery thinij that is inquired for, but if «v- do not hare what I your prescription calls for tee icill tell yon so and do our best to yet it for yon at the earliest possible time. Xo matter tchat is needed for the sickroom come to our store, thir price* are as loir as eon sistcnt with pure tjoods. In ferior out s ire do not care to handle at any juice I'hysieiamt pre scriptions and family re ceipt* a specialty. I!i sped fully, C. N. 150 YD, Druggist. Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. INSURANCE COMPANY Of NORTH AMERICA,IOOIh Year Assets $9,278,220.00. Home of New York, Assets $9,370,640.00. Hartford of Hariford, Assets $6,743,046.84. Continental of New York, Aiibcis i 5.806,734.91, NKW YORK LIH E, Assets $125,947,290.81. Ollice of E E. ABKAMS & CO. Office in HI'SKLTON BUILDING, next to the Court (louse. PflS tit i LBK 'in M \ NATIONAL BANK, Bim.KM, PA CAPITAL Publ f|», - - $100.000.00. OKKK F.BB : .lot Ilitrtmiiii. I'res't, J. V. Kltta, Vice I'res't. t'. A. Italley, ( ashler, IIIRKOTOKS : ros llartinan, I'. Collins, o. M. Hussell, 11. M< >weeney. C. I>. (Jieelllfe, J. V. Kltt.s, K. K. A brums, D-sllc llozlctt, I. (i. Smith. W. s. WaldrtMi, I). Osborne. M. Klnen:iii. A general banking business transacted. In leresi p;< id 011 time deposits. Money loaned on approve*, security. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Mercantile Appraiser's List, For the Year 1892. liI'TLKK BOKOVCIf. (jamble, Fannie E., liquor merchant, Butler s2t>:i oo Keilier, Jacob aud Bro., liquor roerchant Butler 203 00 BUFFALO TWP. Pennsylvania Distillery Company, distillery, Freeport * ' 153 0U ZBLIEXOI'LE BOROL'OU. Stahl, Oeor<e, liquir Zslienoal* 203 00 ADAMS TWI'. Bowser, .1 M, 3 pool tables, Mars 51 00 Collin, John, 1 " table, 31 00 Murry, P 11, 3 •' tables, Caltery 51 00 I ONNOQI KNKSSINO TWP. EWIIIK, (iilbsrt, 2 p ,ol table-), Connoqua nessing 41 00 I'KNN TWP. Dutl'ord, W S,.') po il tablus, Renfrew 51 00 Watson, A, 2 " " " 41 00 lIt'TLKB Bo Unroll • liiehl Wise, 4 pool tables, Butler 61 00 Breslebam John 5,4 " " " 01 00 Cainnbell N I), 5 " " " 71 01 Double John, 2 " " " 41 00 Krepps \ W, 1 '* '* " »J1 o'i Mct rea U U, 2 " " " 41 00 EVANS C ITY BoltOt Cill. Croft L M, 2 p 101 tables, l>*n< City It 01 Cweulier II K, 2 " " " " 41 00 HARMONY BOROUOU. Ziegler Wesley, 3 pool tables, Harm my 51 00 KA RNS CITY BOROUGH. Gilbert A, 2po d tible-i, K tr.u City 41 00 MILLERSTOWN UOROUOII. Amy C P, 9 pod bible*, Cuioora 51 0) Kadder G P, 4 01 00 PBTROLIA BOROUGH. Kilroy J B, 4 pool tables, Petrolia 61 0o SAXONBURG BOROUGH Schroth Emit, 3 p ' >1 ta'ile, ADAMS TWP. Anderson J A Jt W F, store, Valencia 12 13 25 Hoggs <k Crawford, store, Mars 11 15 75 Boyd Bro's Sl MoCalla, " " 12 13 2, itarr J C dc M l>, " " 14 7 75 lioyd W 1), lumb-r, " 13 10 7J lieringer & Elder, st ,re, My »;ni II 7 75 Gillilaud WJ, stire, klars 12 It 25 Irvine C B, " Myoma 14 7 75 Little J M, '• Callery 14 7 75 viarshall .1 D, " Mars II 15 7-> Mct ombs AM, ' Myoiux II 7 75 siiaunoii JF, '■ Callery 12 13 25 .■Sterrett SO, " Valencia 14 775 l'noinas J 11, " t/'allery 12 13 25 ALLEGHENY TWP. SchellJ D .St Co,store,sui ly l'oiut 14 7 75 BRADY TWP. dulton K (J, store, West Liberty II 7 75 II lues 6c Co, " " " 11 775 Kobiuson W W,' " " 14 775 I hompsun .1 ,\l, 11 Elora II 7 7O Wigtou TW, " Pump II 775 BUTLER TWP. Dickson BC, sio'e, Butter 14 7 ~■> BUFFALO TWP. Cramer Mrs li 8, store, Freeport II 7 7 t Ekait David, Snipper,Sarver»ville 14 7 75 1 alkner L 11, store, " II 77 > McCaflerty James Jr," " II 7 75 Powell John W, " " 12 1"! 25 Server Mrs 8 B, " " I I 7 75 Sarver II K, " Ekastown 14 7 75 Wuteou W, lumber, Sarversville II 7 75 Wiikewltz Gotlieb, peddler " I I 7 75 ( LAY TWP. Arthurs .I II <SiCo, »t >re, Ku lid 13 10 75 Lagher GJ, " " 14 775 CHERRY TWP. Bailey JA, store, IJorar 114 775 Elliott II W, " Coaltown 13 10 75 Fogal Valentine, " " 14 7 75 McCoy 11 C & Sun, " Anandalell 775 Stewart llru'», " Coaiuiwu 13 10 7., Stoops JE& Bro, '• Moniteau 11 77Z Sproul it Uindiuau " Gomeraol 12 13 2o CENTBE TWP. Fieeger A W, store, Flceger II 775 Mct.andless M 11, " " I I 7 75 CLINTON T'VP. Audersou KJ. store, Flick 13 10 75 Snider Samuel, " Kiddie's X Uoads 14 7 75 CONCORD TWP. Kulin Al> & Co, store. Hooker 13 (10 7o Mark well S, " Greece City 13 10 7o Murtlaud Bros, 1 ' Magic 13 10 76 CLEARFIELD TWP. Fuelled Peter & Sous, store, Fen ellou II 7 75 Mcßride MJ, store, Coylesvilte 13 10 75 t RANBKKRY TWP. Frautz J, stire, Ogle II " "Jt (jarvin W, '" " 14 773 Heudricksou AG, store, Ogle 14 ' "io Johnkun M 11, " " 14 1?5 CONNOQUENBSSTNO TWP. Barubart It St. Son, stose, Conu'g 13 10 70 Christie JL,M D, " " 11 770 Nick las C, " " 13 Purviauce JTi W A, store " 11 15 75 Wright Bros i Co, store Whites town 12 13 2-i DONEGAL TWP. Cate II S, store, Greer 11 775 Graham J 11, " St Joe 13 10 7o PAIBVISW TWP. Hutchison MB, store, I'eaclivllle 14 775 FRANKLIN TWP. Kornrumph O, store, Mt. Chest nut 14 7J5 Watsou Wrn, store, Mt. Chestnut 13 10 <o Watson Win, " Isle 11 757 FORWARD TWP. Bowen Wm, coal, Zeoo 11 7 > ( ..oils li, " Ueibold 14 770 Dultiel 1M S, store Zoo" II 775 Sebilllug A, " KeiWold 14 770 j JEFFERSON TWP. Gerner C A, store, Jefferson Cent'e 14 7 7.' ! Hsrtenstein L. '* Great Belt 14 77 - Mcßtide M J 4Co " " " 13 10 7" LANCASTER rwp. Lander J. store. Middle Lancaster It 7 7, Metz A E A Son. store Middle Lancaster 13 10 7; MIDDLESEX TWP Gil'e-pie W J, store, Flick II 7 "> Uarks W J A Bro. store, Glade Mill II 15 7 MARION TWp. Bailey Joseph store, Hsrrisvilte II 7 7 > ti irmley J 11, " Murriosville 14 77. Ilamilum 11, " Borers II 7 7" Sisuey LJ, " • II 775 MERCER TXVP. Rryson WJ, store, Forrestville 11 7 7", Owens W J, " " 14 7 7f OAKLAND TWP. Blaney A Andre, store St Joe 11 Campbell A G, store, Sonora 11 7 7 .i PARKER TWP. Adams J D, store, Bruin 13 10 7-"> Caldwell HM A Co, " " 14 775 Caldwell HM A Co, " "II 7 75 < ampbell T G, " "II 7 75 Howard John C, " Glenora 14 7 75 Murgau James A, " Parkers Lauding , 14 7 75 Orr J W, store. Bruin 14 7 75 Orr JH, " , " 13 10 76 PENN TWP. Busier It M A Son, lumber, Kenfrew 14 7 75 Calvert J M, store, Kenfrew 14 7 7.'. Poulhrt AM, " Br.iwusdale 13 10 7 . Uollelreund 11, " Keulrew 11 77 > Kirkpatrick Itobert.ooai " 11 775 Markwell F A Co, spire " 13 10 75 Patrick James, " " 13 10 75 Price A Tillinghast, " " 14 7 75 Suttuu AD, " Maharg 13 10 75 SLIPPERY ROCK TWP. - Hook t 11, store, Keister 11 7 75 f Ciiich.ow ES Agt.lumber. Wick It I» 7 „ Hall A, store, Branchton II 7 75 SUMMIT TWP. Birckbichler X, store, Cartam ( eutre 14 7 7 > Dittmer M B, store, Herman 14 7 75 VENA.NGO TWP. Humphrey D W,store,Eau Claire 12 13 25 Kohlmeyer G F, " " 14 7 76 K, rr LT A Son, " " 14 7 75 Miller A O, " " 14 7 75 WORTH TWP. Gardner WF, store, Jacksrille I ! 10 75 WASHINGTON TWP. Altmiie Mrs T, (.tore, Hilliar l II 7 75 iiealy J L, " " 14 7 75 Day J E, " " 14 7 75 Harper A Gibson, " North Hope 11 7 75 McKee A Co, " llilllard 14 7 75 MitllinA MilUin Jr," North Hope 11 15 7 > Mi i arliu C It, " Argentiue 12 I> 2 > litcheltree JF, " Milliard II 775 Pa ter-oo O M, " " 117 7., Mrs I, J, " " 14 7 75 l liompsou IN, " North II >pe II 77' WINFIELD TWP. Fos er C A Sou, store, Leasure ville 14 7 75 Kraus I! & A " Denny 11 15 75 Sm:th A l.ogan " Carbon lilack 12 11 25 A eidhos Lea is A Co, store, Denuy 12 13 25 BL'TLEU BOROUGH. And. rs< n A C, Mgr, store Butler 14 7 75 Aikic A Campbell " " 11 15 75 llielil Henry, " " 14 7 75 IteliU A Gulden, " " 12 13 25 IticKie .lohn, " " 11 15 75 lioyd CN, " •" 12 13 25 Itati'h J F, " 11 14 7 75 Boos Jacob " " 13 1C 75 Bowser ML, " " 12 13 25 Campbell A Templeton, store, 10 20 75 Colbert Harvey, store, Butler 14 7 7-> Colbert A Dale, " " 13 10 75 ( Iceland A* Kalston, ' ' 13 10 75 Campbell JGA W, ' ' S 30 75 Cypher Geo A A Co, ' ' 11 15 75 Ouliy Charles, ' ' 10 20 75 Douglass J 11, ' ' 13 10 75 Forcbt H A Sm, ' ' 13 10 75 Krecmau Clothing 1 *' 13 10 75 I'rank JA A Co, ' ' 13 10 75 Flrmming W C, ' ' 14 7 75 Grieb E, ' ' 14 7 75 GriebJK, ' ' 14 775 Grieb Cbas R, ' ' 14 7 75 Graham A Hafle, ' ' 11 15 75 Grove WH, ' ' 13 10 75 Grieb A Vogeley ' ' 14 7 75 Glass M, • ' 14 7 75 lluselton BC, ' ' 10 20 75 llewitFM, ' ' 14 7 76 Hinchberger C, ' ' 14 7 75 Heiiietnan II C A Son' 1 13 10 75 HuffFJ. ' ' 14 7 75 llollefreuud OH,' ' 14 7 7") Harper Bro, ' ' 11 15 75 Hull 11, * ' 14 7 75 Hunt II B, ' 'll7 75 Heck DA, ' ' 10 20 76 Jackson I) E, * ' 13 10 75 Jackson A Mitchell, ' ' 12 13 25 Jerecki M'l'g,Co L'd ' ' 9 25 75 Kirk patrick A Keed ' ' 11 15 75 Ko«h C A Sons, ' ' 10 20 75 Kamerer W A, ' ' 13 10 75 Klingler li JA Co ' ' 7 40 75 Kemper Frank, ' ' 14 7 75 Keller Geo, ' ' 13 10 7o Koouce II vV, 1 ' 14 7 75 Kepple John, ' ' 14 7 75 Keunela Joe, ' ' 14 7 75 Kirk H D, ' ' 14 7 75 Limberg FW, ' ' 13 10 75 McKride A Elliott, ' ' 14 775 Miller GW, ' ' 9 25 75 Mangold PK, ' ' 13 10 75 Mitchell Chas M, * ' U 7 75 McCrea W S, ' ' 14 7 75 Morrison M L, ' ' 14 7 75 Metzger A Volkwetn • ' 13 10 75 Marliucuurt SB A Co,' ' 8 30 75 McClain M, ' * 14 7 75 Marshall A A, ' ' 14 7 75 Niggel J A Bro, ' ' 13 10 75 Nickje WM, ' ' 14 775 Oslairne W\, ' ' 13 10 75 Oil Well Supply Co, ' • 8 30 75 Pin vis SG A Co, lumber ' 8 30 75 Phillips W W, store ' 14 755 Patterson JN, ' ' 10 20 75 Phillips OM, ' ' 18 10 75 Pa k in J Sr, 1 4 14 7 75 I'ape D I', store, Butler II 775 liedu kJ C, ' 12 13 25 llmiwr Freil F, ' ' 13 10 75 Hull Al. ' ' 13 10 75 Kicti y I A, ' ' 14 7 75 Kiitcr A Ralston, ' ' S 30 75 Kockeustiue M C, ' ' II 7 75 Keioer All M. ' ' 9 25 75 Keiber A AH, ' ' 10 20 75 Kobiiison A McCounell, stire, Huller 14 7 75 L A Sim, store, Butler 10 20 75 Schutie A O'brien, ' ' 14 775 Sohnei'iemau 11, ' ' II 15 75 Smith J A II W, ' ' II 15 75 Stehle J FT, ' ' ll 7 75 Singer MT< Co. ' ' 14 7 75 Sehaul Bro's A Co, ' 1 13 lo 7-> Stock C, 1 ' 14 7 75 Sutton W O, ' ' 14 7 75 l'erwilligcr MrsCC, ' ' 14 7 75 Traxler Kouis, ' ' 13 10 75 Troultaan A A Son, ' ' 7 40 75 Traxler J A Sou, ' ' 10 20 76 Wuller JL L. ' ' 14 7 75 Wnller I) H, ' ' 13 10 75 Williams Alex, ' 14 7 70 >v alker J L, 1 ' 14 7 75 Wick 1. C. lumber. ' 10 20 75 Weltsel ttro's, store, 1 13 10 75 Weser N r, ' 14 7 75 Wuller Pharmacy, ' 'll7 7 > Watson Robert, ' ' 14 7 V > YouugA Crtiikshauk, 1 ' 14 775 CI NTREVILLE BOROUGH. Bard A Son, store, Slipperyrock 12 13 25 liiu/haio A Sou's, (tore, ' 13 10 75 Christie A Camped, 1 ' 11 15 75 Coulter I'S A Co, 1 ' 14 775 Cluttou Bros, ' ' 13 1Q 75 (irine W H, ' 14 7 75 Kerr JC A Co, ' ' 13 10 76 Kiskadou ll P, ' ' I I 7 75 Lawreuee WE, ' " 11 7 75 Hiin-ey WT, 1 1 14 775 I'ber A Bestler, 1 1 14 775 Wilson K L, ' 14 7 75 EVANS CITY BOItOUOfI. Bury LN, store, Evans City 14 775 Bario David, ' ' 14 7 75 Birchard II C, ' 14 7 75 Boggs A Kline 1 ' 12 13 25 Barkey John, coal, ' H 775 Doualdsou T A, utorc, ' 14 7 75 Dam bach JN E. lumber ' 12 13 25 Kiclihoiz A llelinboid,store' lo 20 75 Hudson ltobert, store, ' 14 775 lilt Geo A Son's, ' ' 11 15 7.) Li-tJ M. ' ' 14 7 76 Petler Fred, ' • 14 7 75 Kipper JA, ' " 14 776 Kauisey JA, ' ' 14 775 Sunup Bro's. ' ' 9 26 76 Sinaibers A J, ' ' 14 7 75 Si'oedul A. ' ' 14 7 75 While J M, ' ' 14 7 75 Wahl M. ' ' 12 13 21. Young Henry. ' ' 13 10 75 YUUIIK W 11, 1 ' 14 7 75 Zeman D. ' ' 14 7 75 FAIRVIEW BOROUGR. Scott C, store, Baldwin 13 10 75 llawu A Black, ' ' 10 20 75 HARMONY BOROUMI. Blackmon CB, store, Harmony 11 775 Bentle 11 M ACo.lumlier, ' 14 775 Fppinger A Sahli, coal, ' 14 775 Fuehriuger A, store, ' 14 775 Goehring WA A Co' ' 11 15 75 Horrobin Mrs Lu'ty,' ' 14 7 75 Jarekl M't't Co, * * 11 15 75 Kirker 8 D, ' • 14 7 76 LaUhaw F 11. ' ' 14 7 76 Miileman Bro's, ' ' 11 16 75 Oil Weil Supply Co.- ' 11 la 75 Swain G D, ' 1 10 20 76 Stiver FB. ' • 14 776 KARSBCITY BOIIOUOU. l arhart Joseph, store,Karns City 14 7 76 llilli ird A A G L,' ' 14 7 75 Sto e' F It. ' * 14 776 J Wersb Jobn. ' 14 776 II IRKIHVILI C aOtHCOI. B»*tr ES, H*rri»vi I* 14 titck Ros« rt, • • u r r Wwn RL • • U 7 7; lliocbin SR. is 1.7 tlacfc Hl'. • • s | i ;• Curry J E. • 14 7 7 Kirrrk J M. * • 14 7 7 Mnrrism W L, * * 4 xiLurarrowx B<>B<>l<.H Bo»f»W W. C( i. r» It Bell P A A C«, • • u towec J B, • * 14 7 De'# I>r W 1.. • • 14 Krunr J T T, ' 1 4 7 71 KriokV S, • 12 13 2.' Frederick I'flA ('\| u, • 11 |«. 7' ■ Gi*-» Geo, store. 1 it 7 7' Hooh Bro's ' • 13 10 7a iU) >E F. • • i j io Johns, n C H, * • (4 7 73 HC. 13 io 7| MrKt* JL, • ' 14 7 7j Murtland JC, ' • i t |i 75 Siebfrl. Hock A Co, lum'nr ' 14 7 7", C, sliir, 1 14 7 7 ■Vhiaeger F. 1« 7 7A Westerman Bro's, ■ * •> j,-, 7-, VV'ettermau HF 4 Co,* ' 13 in 7;, pomuviLLi toiocon. Humphrey Wm A Son, s|. ,re Porlersville |« 20 McDanald Geoß, n»n, Purlers viile M f M Marshall A 8, .tore, Portersville II 7 7> Okeson ST,' ' 14 7 77, Kaoistr Bros, ' ' !4 7 75 PROSPECT BOKOCUH. Bower* A, store, Prospect 14 7 77, Critchlow Rro., ■ • 1.1 | (( 75 Kdtuuodson A .Son, ' * 11 7 7-, Forester Bs. ' • II 7 7 Met lure J 11, • • 14 7 75 Kul.lie WK A Co, • * 12 13 :5 Ri<-hard«on II M, ' • 13 10 7-, PETROI.IA BOROUGH. Chesebro E I*. store, Pelrolia 13 |i) 77. ' * 14 7 73 Deiih • in T, ' • 14 7 75 I'oter W C, ' * 11 7 77, l > 1 bsoti William lumber, ' 1( 7 77, Hawk J M, store. • || 77., Kliugeusfni'h II J * * 14 <77, Kilchenstein Anna • • 11 7 75 starr ML, ' * 14 775 Stought->u W It. iunk, ' 14 7 75 l'oronski tiros store, • » 75 Yeag>-r 8, Juok, « 14 7 75 at'NIH RY BOROUGH. Breaien .V Cou*«jr, store, Wot Suiibury 11 15 75 Breadeu A Allison "tore, We.t Suiibury II 7 75 Mectiling John. »• ire, Mfr«l Suabury 14 7 75 l'r» or tames, store, MT«<t 4j-i<ijr/ l'l 10 75 HAXOXBURG 80R01..11, Helmbtild Mrs. fnm,. v s > 1, ..t iro Saxonburg |l) Jit 75 lleluiboii Mr. The*., A H*». 1. stur Sat .nbjrg II 1, ;j KraU-e r, store, Saxon burg I 7j Merxii >u 1. it, M I), • H 7 76' Muuili H. UW, • • It 775 1 Muder Henry, A, ' " II 775 Selpel Hwualtl A, ' ' II 7 75 Sachs, Itauaian A Co, lumber Sax ouburg 14 J .51 ZLUKNOFI.I: u<'ROUGH. Allen A Dumbauch, store, Zelieuople 12 13 2-"> Ba>taiu D O, store, Zelieuople 11 7 7o Dll,dinger, J, ' ' 11 15 7.) I iri bicli Bros, ' • II 15 75 Goehriug, W A A Son. store, II 15 75 Hamilton 1» L, storeZelieuople 14 77 , Hou-rhol«li-r 11, ' ' 14 7 75 lift W H, ' U 13 i 5 Pasufut C S, ' • 14 7 75 Ufcil C K, ' ' 14 7 75 Winter A, ' • 14 7 75 Zchuer E, ' ' 14 7 75 Mercantile Tax *-5,515 st» Wnolea-tle Liquor Licenae 750 00 Billiard ami I'ooi Tables Mi) 00 TAKE NOTICE: —All whi are c»uce>-ue<l in this a|>i>raisc>iieut, tl it an inp'tl .(fill be hel<l at the Commissi.mars' o(B<:t> in Butler on the 2tft!i day of April, A. D., 1S!IJ, l>et*een the hours of'J A M auil 3 P. M. o'clock, when ami where you miy attend if you lb ink proper. 11. 0. LEWIS, Appraiser. March 4th, 1892. B. B. NEW! Fifty Pieces FINE AUSTRALIAN Wool Suitings, 0n« of the most deairable fabrics for Sprinir Dre-tues Invisible atrip***, cbeoltH and plaid-* in ail tbo Soft IJHige, Taa and Grey mixture*, s)'. incbeH wide till cent* per yard for the elegaut wide good* Vigogne and Chevron All wo* 1 Suitings, 38 ifichfa wide, at 45u a vard. nuke you wonder where the profit in them is—you get a good (•bare of .it if toil tret the ifoodd—3B-iuch ail wool SuitiugH, 45c. INDIA SILKS. 22 to 2T incht'H wide. . r >oc, tiOc, f»sc, 75c, $ I 00 to |2 00. Wri.o our Mail Order Depart mentfor full line samples of Spriug and Summer Dress Goods, Silks, etc New Catalogue and Fashion Journal free to any address. lso<>-o;s & 811111, 115 to 121 Federal Street, ALLKQHKT. PA. Our Spring Goody Have Arrived, Cjme and see them. We have put our foot down ou high prices on Spring Clothing for men, boys and children. Our stock contains all tin latent HtylcH and patterns in all grades. \V« have men's Satinet Suits at (3 50, men'a Uuion Caaaimer Suita at 4600. men's Finn llusiness Suits at t~ to •lO.tNl. and a large liue.ol ilress sutta also at rock bottom spot cash prices. RACKET STORE 120 S. Main St.. : : : Butler. Pa. I ttT ilfinn l nl>s» you write u» <|Ul k _UO I CIUUU |y \\< i,anl niole HHlet men. and will Knaranie* iM runoienl poaltlpna with salary and expense* pal.l weeklr. Full or purl i line. Kifwrienee not reipiir. <1 m>s k complete, Includliut maujr X-at m-llii k ai»< tal lies. Kleiraut otitiu tree AiWreaa 1. II IIAIVKKAIX)., Nurwri man. Koeb' ater, N. V. r.«taMl*liedlST% A iveitiau 10 UtTIZBR N <>1)1) y aice (•<mk!s. Ji. 2/ terns. Our l\<r.» Suit Department was never I more complete than it is this season. • New Spring St vies j VOW READY FOK INSPECTION. Do not } »ut oil' I Hiving vour bor a new .spring suit, but come now while stock is complete and secure the best patterns. Also a large line of" Men's Suits, Sin ; gle Pantaloons, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc., at lowest possible prices. H. SCHNEIDEMAN 104 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. YY rHEN y °U buy APAIK OF SHOES yoa m»k». o« • \\ ecale, what i* jam aa mnch of an investment oa though Jtm bought a hundred shares of railroad i»took. From tb ain ve-t m»nt jam look lor a return If the *boe* have not been mUropr.- ent-d fotll («t it; if tkoy have been you won't. What wo Ha mf * on* Shoe* la that yon ma BO RT»k when you invest io them—that it wil pay tou U> hoy tbea W» nasot epcak too highly of oar MEN'S FIXE CALF SHOES in both Coogrea* and Lace at si, «»r of our Fioo Dnifolt KM Button Shoes, Fex ble Solea, unequal- d 'o- wear •n i uD»>ic*Hod for atylo at the low prire of $2 per pair. W- are *till bandit--g tioae mm >fcjaa for children which have rained for aa *ucb enviable re oia'i >n ibroagboat tW country. After your children hare ouc- worn tbem yoa will boro no otfcoro. AL RUFF, 114 S. Main Street. ■ ——» I f you are interested io Gardening you ah old send for oar BOOK OF FLO WEBS, PLANTS SEE rS It tell* how Safely, Easily and Cheaplv you ran procoro the "vary boot" and "moat reliable'* io Plantu, Seeil-*. etc.. »nd we mix cooaiilarabl* "art" with t ti- printing. using fine and arranging tbe mat tar io a piano ing cuminunMenie way very*attractive to <>ur ruat. outh Wo omul tbo Book and a Packet of Wild Flower Garden See<l» (valued a: 10 cvoto) for tfcrao two cent titamp*, or if you are iotere-ted but have DO U-M for tb» Son da. a postal card will do tbe buaineaa; your addreiM on one tide, our addraoa am the other Write now. Mention tbi* p*i«r HARRT CEAAPEL. Williamsport P» wruv.i'/ r < =" : ;-'V J * * Mi r ' - ... f 'J « ' !CK SI I ? >I»n«V; • Grand Pianos for Sale. Now la jour nine to wkict * aeod I'unn. . (Ic. not wain til buv but one dano In jro mr li'<- 11 in* - . So ulilk aelectina oa» It I* the beat «»*•♦ lileapeal in bay it *oo<l on*. PROF. MAIKHS, »( IWon lum «n>H a llano and Hrw .11 I'trior at No. Via. Kaat North St., where he >■. ou exibitlori a new Intohe of Plain* imm very u -.1 nf makrra ol Hoaloti. tbey hare a l i t rl< It andVi.-ll»w tune, the action la lUrhC <|u ami poMi-rlul; thrj will alay In tua<* loi >*• -r Hum any mlier Piano on ai-rount ol a Be« tuniu* piuv tb»t. I will bo clad t > allow and explain tleaa call and examtnr '»• fnre iiiijrny fWaberi- Vou '"an aa*e iwv by |iur< liailuK a I'l.uni ol Iw. and get .. ni.trumi-iil ibat >ou ran rely upon, and •>m> Hi.ll I will warrant or garatitea lo tflxe entire BatMlartlon. I ba*e made and tuned l'ianos and Organs o or over W veart. there lor know how to aotert 1 fleet I'lauo. PIANOS AND ORGANS TUNED. tilH E. North St.. BUTLER, PA. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Firs Insurance Cs. )ffice Cor. Main & Cunningham flu. 11. U. HKINKMAN, Mbtretary DIRECTORS: Vlfred Wick. BsMMasa (Hirer. • r W Irrln. Jiinm Stephenson W \\ r.larkmorr. N. WMtaaL I" how man. D. T. Noma, tiro K«-tt.-r«r. < ha*, ttebhun. .ohn Grohman. 7i»bn Koemn* LOYAL 8. M'JUNKIN, Agent. HUTL.BR, pa. Karm For Sal®. At Public Auction, oa WEDNESDAY, APIUL 11. 1803. 40 arr» mora or laaa, niuat- ia Hatier lap , duller Co., Pa . known aa tb* K«l-f>n uiill property, baring thcre.lll erected a Irauie b'.uw, frame barn and *n.t ai II la runutuK or<l«r Will bo aoW co«a|i For term* and further inl»riaati»n <-all i>w or aildrraa, I.LI 11. KaLfluii, Oa tba premiaaa. Ml. Cbaataat. P. O. L. S. McJUNKT.N, Insurance and Real Kstatr Aft 17 EAST JF.rrr.RMow HT. j HUTLEK, - PA. Planing Mill I Yard t. L. PU *Vll*. L v. rciv» !S. 6. Purvis&Co. «A*l ItTli B« ft* AMD DUUM IV Rctttrb aca Planed T n«hw . *■*«** <•*>•« «,rr «'B. SHINGLES, LATH SEWER PIPE. Batl«r, Pa FARM FOR SALE. TV- .oderalatied win *ll mm miminaMMH m ity trrv ».*» or lean. aaal ><l 1 alaa la MM( Ta«.. on the iv in»i in aa* Wan IWI aiai M.irvii.ii* ami \r ..m 1 .tacmaa an Ik* r. S W R It aaH war ta.- • M*wy oM OoM. It r*.ni.ii«. .. *"»»' b«wa». aaa* taaß hum V-* 14. tfiaal .nftoillitia**. ih4 aMlart. lo'»a4 ami Iftaal fn-iiKl. two «|.»ln»a a—rlnaai. a burn ai.d all in gmd >rt»»r. lo |i«lre of or «.ftreo« Jam«i Davidson, VI yom« P. O , Ruilor Co.. Pa Fivsli S«hhlh Grow. Fru t and MM fr» «b trum onraary, ara Iwat an 11 h*ap»«t mo jfutf trrr <• •:» BeauHul Flover Seed. rot flovrra arraagad in rict.aai 'l*n|n» Illa«tra<> ttl ratal /n* fraa at frail trer. TKI'B 10 NAME J. It. & A. Murdock, 50H Smlthnaid St., P.tsbareh FOH HKNT. Ktrm cwata r --.g 200 aaraa, ioaaMd la IbMirf .1 T* »I . well » aferw*. f«*4 ■ H>aJ Die. IJ . t <V»l* r-"l d«»lli»«. iMt». If franerf ami b»*4 farai ta tko lava ijj f. >.« *r» in* cwlti*alW« f»f m#r UiM'f 1 -pi* tan*. Aaalr ta ANUUEV r«>RS. billet Co., Pa O»W0«a P. 0.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers