THIS CITIZEN. W.C.XMLKT, - - **•» RitmJ st hrtito at »s«l«rss M rfsss ■sttw FRIDAY, JANUARY 29,1892 ~~Kcssc RirriOK—lnside the county »150 per ; outside the county. $2 per vnm k i s- iv— One tnch. one time, sl, each insertion so cents each. Auditors notices $8 each, executors and ad- TEmLstrators' notices S3 each, estray andl dis solution notices «a each. Reading notices 10 cents a lln • for ftret asl 6 cents lor each subse quent Insertion. Notices among local news items 16 cents a Urns tot each Insertion. Ohltu cards Of thswks. resolutions of re*lJ e ®Jj SStWs of festivals and fairs, etc.. Inserted " the rate of * cento a Une. money » accompany the order. Beren worts of prose make a line. B..ics for standing cards and job work on aP ftl advertising ii due after llrst insertion, and »il rarslent advertising tnusv be paid for in ad- Ta o«eart issue of the Omm soese extra copies are pi In ted which are sent to citizens of the oounty tuo are not subscriber! i and their sub scription is respectfully sorted. Subscribers win do us a faror by sendlng us the names of their neighbors, not now taking a Tl communications Intended for publication In this paper must be accompanied by the real same at the writer, not tor publication but as a guarantee of good faith . nnn _ Marriage and death notices must bo sooom panted by a isspo—iMo asms. Call for Meeting of the Republican County Committee. The members of the Republican County Committee are hereby requested to meet in Huselton Hall, Butler, Pa., on Satur day, Feb. 6th, 1892, at 2 o'clock P. M., to fix the time for holding the Republican Primary Election and for the transaction of such other business as may come before them. A fall attendance is earnestly requested. A. M. Christlby. J. A. Paihtkb, Chairman. Ross MsoKiiiro, See. Meeting of the County Committee. Tho Republican State Committee meets to-day in Philadelphia for the purpose of fixing the time for the State Convention, and Chairman Christley has called a meet ing of the County Committee for tomorrow a week,—Saturday, Febuary 6th—to fix the time for our primary, which will have to be held a few days before the State Con vention. The resolution! adopted by the late Con gressional Conferees will come before the Committee, for adoption or rejection in part or whole, and we wish to call the at tention of the Committee to the wording of the second resolution which is as follows: Resolved 2. That each candidate for Congress, at least two weeks previous to the Republican Primary election in the respective conn ties, shall send to the Chairman of each County Committee in the Uißtrict, a notice that he is a candidate for Congress, and upon payment of the necessary fees, said person shall be con sidered a candidate to be voted for in that county. Without a compliance with this rule or resolution, votes in the said county shall not be counted for the candidate thus failing to announce. Our only ob jection to it is in the words "At least two weeks. " It seems to us that in order to pro- Tide for the withdrawal of a candidate who has no opposition in his own county, that matter should be left open till the last possible moment. Another matter to be considered is the propriety of allowing the party in the county to name its choice for United States Senator. Oar present representation in the United States Senate is, we believe, a disgrace and humiliation, not only to the Republican party bnt also to the people of the whole State, and as we now have, in the candidacy of John Dalzell, an oppor tunity of bettering ourselves, for God's sake and our own, let ns do so, or at least do our share. NEARLY eighty years ago, in 1813— two British men-of-war attaoked the United States vessel Essex while she was lying at anobor in Valparaiso harbor and disabled and captured her. The people of the city applauded the affair, and there is no record of the Chilian goTernmtfnt entering any protest. IN Quay's case they(the libel suit ver dicts)count for leu than nothing. He is a man too deeply discredited to be white washed. He seeks verdicts only in courts where he can choose his own jurymen. He has not dared to faoe facta where trials are free. He prosecutes before juries of his own, the newspapers of Pennsylvania for publishing minor matters of a damag ing sort in connection with the Bardsley thefts, bnt he has never dared bring the World into court for its earlier, more ■pecifio and immeasurably more damaging aeousations involving Quay himself. He is a man utterly discredited and no verdict of a packed partisan jury can re habilitate him.—N. T. World. A Pair of Them. An attorney of this town was telling us the other day of bis disappointment the first time he'met Senator Don Cameron. He, of conrse,expected to meet a responsi ble looking man, but was introduced to one who in his opinion would have made a good waiter in a fancy resturant. The biggest thing abont Don is his mnstache, and there seems to be enough money be hind it to keep it in the United States Sen ate. But if onr friend was disappointed in Cameron's personal appearance, he ought to see Senator Matthew Stanley Quay— Cameron is a beauty compared to him. Quay is a small man, not overly stout, with a big red faoe, and a small round head, and there is no more expression in that face than there is in a section of brick wall. Many of our readers will remember little Joo Kohnfelder, who used to keep hotel at Saxonburg—well, take Joe, and make bis face a little bigger and redder, and make his left eye droop, and then set him alongside of Qaay, and you couldn't tell which from t'other. MB. RODSKY A. MKRCUH.of Towanda, is a candidate for State Senator in the Bradford-Wyoming district. That all the voters may thoroughly understand his position on one of the leading questions involved in the eleotlon this year he has sent to the newspapers this open letter: In reply to several inquiries relative to my position on the Senatorial question I will say, I am opposed to the re-election of Senator Quay, and if 1 am elected a member of the State Senate, I will tise all honorable means to defeat him. RODMBY A. MERCCR. Mr. Merour is evidently a model letter writer. His epistle is both emphatic and explioit, and it furnishes a sample that other candidates for the Legislature might well oopy. Joke an the Judge. Here's a little bit of inn at the expense of our highest county official that has the virtue or being strictly true. -No doubt the victim will enjoy seeing it in print as well as our readers. Hon. Aaron L. Hazen. one of the judges of our county coart, met a sturdy farmer friend from Mahoning township; after ex changing formal greetings, the Judge in timated that he desired to speak to the gentleman in private. "That's all right, Judge," said the citi zen from Mahoning township, "but I want to speak to yon, too, and aa my object is quite different from yours, suppose vou let me talk first." The Judge gracefully sub mitted to the request for an audience, and then was informed that something like three thousand dollars was being raiaed by the Baptists for a new church at Hills ville, and a handsome subscription from hn honor would be duly appreciated. Thus the Judge was cornered; to decline would have spoiled his own game, so he promptly handed over a V, and proceeded to pump the farmer is regard to the con dition of fences out bis way. MOKAL. —AII the shrewd men do not, live in >"ew Castle.—El wood £q#9. The President's Message on the Chilian Affair. President Harrison, on Monday. sent his j long expected message regarding our trouble with Chili to Congress. After quoting what he said in his annual message regarding the killing of the sailors of the Baltimore on the streets of Valpa raiso, and the legal investigation then be ing held, ho goes on to lully sustain Minister Kgan in his conduct during the revolution; his conduct of the correspond ence. and his action in sheltering political refugees. He thinks the Chilian government re opened the examination held at V alpa raiso, after it had been practically closed and continued it indefinitely, in order to gain time, and he awaited their report which has but recently been made. On the 21st of this month he caused to be communicated to the government of Chili, his conclusions in the matter as follows: First—That the assault is not relieved of the aspect which the early information of the event gave it vis.: That of an attack upon the uniform ol the United States navy, having its origin and motive in a feeling of hosility to this government and not in any act of the sailors or of any of them. Second—That the public authorities of Valparaiso flagrantly failed in their duty to protect our men, and that some of the police and some of the Chilian soldiers and sailors were themselves guilty of unpro voked assaults upon our sailors before and after arrest. He (the president)thinks the preponderance of the evidence and the inherent probabilities lead to the con clusion that Kiggin was killed by the police or soldiers. Third—That he (the president) is there fore compelled to bring the case back to the position taken by this government in the note of Mr. "Wharton, of October 23 last, and to ask for a suitable apology, and for some adequate reparation for the in jury done to this government. He also called their attention to the offensive character of the note they sent to other foreign governments, and States that he has notified the Chilian govern ment that unless it withd raws this note he will terminate diplomatic relations with it. He refuses to consider the request for the recall of Minister Eagan, until this matter is settled. He is of opinion that if the dignity, as well as the prestage and influence of the United States are not to be wholly sacri ficed we must protect our colors and those who wear them in foreign ports against in sult, brutality and death, inflicted in resont ment against our Government, and not for personal reasons. He has endeavored to cultivate friendly relations with all governments, but this Government, while exercising the utmost forbearance with weaker onos, must pro tect its people against wantonness and cruelty abroad. Besides the evidence in the Baltimore case he also transmits that in regard to the outrage committed upon one of the sailors of a United States merchant steamer. He has as yet received no reply to his note of the 21st inst. and brings these matters before Congress for such aotion as may be deemed appropriate. The correspondence, which dates back as far as August 15th 1890, is very volu minous, and would probably fill 100 pages of an ordinary newspaper. It is divided into three portions, the first comprising the correspondence between Bec'y Blaine and Minister Egan; that be tween the Chilian Minister under Balma ceda and our Government; and that be tween Presidont Montt and oar Govern ment. CHILI SENDS A REPLY. Since the message was sent to Congress, the Chilian government has answered President Harrison's note of the 21st as follows: Chili agrees to withdraw the offensive note sent by Senor Malta to all the Chilian Ministers abroad, and acknowleges that its issuance was due to an error of judgment. Chili also withdraws its request for the withdrawl of United States Ministe r Egan. In addition to this the Chilian govern ment in its answer proposes that the affair of the attack on the Baltimore 'a sailors in Valparaiso be submitted to the arbitration of some neutral nation. If this proposition is not acceptable to the United States government, the Chilian government suggests that the matter be submitted to the decision of the supreme oourt of the United States. The dispatches from 'Washington Thurs day morning indicated the complete back down of Chili. Black in New Castle. THE following was sent from New Castle to the Pittsburg Times of Wednesday— Newton Black, Esq., of Butler county, was in this city yesterday. He has not yet been announced as a candidate for Congress, and says it is doubtful whether Bntler county will name a candidate this year or leave the field open to Thomas W. Phillips. On presidential matters Mr. Black remarked that Blaine can have the whole Butler county pie. If Blaine is not a candidate, Harrison is Butler county's seoond ohoice. The New Castle Xeicn says Mr. Blaok talked on various subjects and incidentally on politics. He said there was not much interest manifested in his connty yet in local matters, but that there were very few offices .that had not some aspirants, aB for congress be bad tried to go to con gress himself once or twice, but had 'not succeeded. "Mr.Black" asked the'reporter. "It is not likely that Butler county will present a candidate this spring and that you will be that candidate t" "I cannot tell what will be done" was the reply," as for myself I have twice been before the nomination convention and have not been nominated. I experience no personal pleasure in that sort of thing and see little encouragement in it. lam glad to find that Mr. Phillips so highly regarded and that he is foremost in the minds of the people. As for my personal relation to the Congressional canvass I can say noth ing definite now, not having given the matter sufficient attention." Mr. Black left the impression that he may be a candidate, and that then again be may not. As for President, said he, "James G. Blaine can have'the whole But ler connty pie if he wants it. We have been for Blaine since 1878. Next to him Harrison takes second place." THE Democratic national convention will be held in Chicago, Tuesday, June 21. This decision was arrived at by the De mo cratio national committee sitting in Wash ington last Thursday night on the fifteenth ballot. The early ballots disclosed that there was quite a floating vote and this after the first few ballots was given in tarn to various competing cities as a com plimentary expression. As to the political significance of the selection the prevailing opinion is that it is a straddle of the Cleveland-Hill fight and favors, if anyono a western man. MB. BLAWB had another flurry of indi gestion and nauHea recently and had to leave a cabinet meeting. The unfortunate experience* of the Secretary with fai» in ternal works wouid probably lead him to subscribe to Josh Billings' jfise dictum: "Fame is tgood thing, wealth pjid wisdom is desirable, and fine cloths is nice—but a good, reliable set of stomach works is' wtfrtic it all-"—Franklin /iWa. The Quay Libel Suits. The case of the Commonwealth vs the Pittsburg Post (a corporation), A. J. Rarr and J. F. Mills, for criminal libel was i-on tinue<l in Criminal Conrt Room No. I, in Pittsburg, last Thursday. The defense set up by the defendants was thft they published the Bardsley-Quay certificate, and commented thereon, in good taith, having been assured by Attorney General Hcnsel that the proofs of Quay s connec tion with the Bardsley thefts was com plete. They denied malice or negligence and therefore claimed that under the cir cumstances, the publication was privileg ed by constitutional right. The evidence was all in and the attor ney's speeches were all made by Friday noon, and that afternoon Judge Porter de livered his charge, which consisted in great part of a lot of as contradictory and confuting sentences as wo have ever lis tened to. It was so unsatisfactory that the jury, after being out for an hour or two, came back for further instructions and after getting another dose of the same medicine returned with a verdict of guilty as indicted. We happened to be in the court room at the time and thought that several of the Judge's remarks were open to criticism; but the most extraordinary feature of both this trial and that at Beaver, was the pack ing of the jury; and this was done by Quay's attorneys in both cases, by reviv ing au old and obsolete statute giving the State the right to stand aside two-thirds of the jury-panel without reason. It is an old statute, copied from the old English law giving the King the right of challenging as many jurors as he pleased, and its un fairness and injustice haw* been so general ly acknowledged that for many years it has remained a "dead letter" on the books; but Quay's attorneys saw fit to revive it, and with its aid, they and they alone se lected the jurors in the two cases. The Post says it will appeal the case on this point and we hope it will, and we hope our next Legislature will repeal the law, as it puts the partisan pres9 at the mercy of the officials of the opposite party, according to circumstances. PRESIDENT HARBISON'S strong and con vincing message to Congress on the Chil ian affair, was sent to Congress Monday, and itjwas well received in both Houses. It was referred to the proper committees, and will, without doubt be acted upon promptly unless the Chilian government makes ample amends in the meantime. The butchery of the sailors of the Balti more, while ashore on "liberty" was an outrage that no civilized government can afford to overlook. In this case it wonld be an invitation to every petty govern ment on Earth to insult our flag and im pose upon those of our citizens who hap be within their jurisdiction. The Chilian government has acted the part of the vicious cur in this matter. It is a pity that such a government exists on the American continent. Election of Senators by Popular Vote. National Tribune, 'Washington. There is no mistaking the fact that the proposition to elect Senators by the direct vote of the people is rapidly gaining favor. At least a dozen bills have already been introduced into the House to recure that result. That introduced by Representative Bryen, of Nebraska, is attracting most at tention. It contains the following pro vision : "Provided. That whenever the people of any State shall through their Legisla ture or by the Constitution of the State, make provision for election of United States Senators by a direct vote of the people, then thereafter the United States Senators shall bo elected in such State by a direct vote of tho people, a plurality shall elect, and the electors shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature." This leaves it optional with each State as to how it shall elect. Tho main difficulty that ire see will be in getting adopted the necessary amend ment to tho Constitution. Constitutional amendments—State or National —are notoriously difficult to get through. People are exceedingly conservative in matters of organic law, and it usually requires a great convulsion, like that which brought about the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, or intoaso and long contin ued agitation, to secure any change, im portant or unimportant. The election of Senators by the Legis latures —like that of the election of a Pres ident by electors —is a relic of distrust of the judgment of the people by the fouivlers of our Government. We suggest that the surest and quickest way of bringing about the proposed ohange is a course like that which reduced tho Presidential electors to the position of mere political automatons. Let the question of the Senatersbip be made an issue in the State election im mediately preceding the election of the Senator, and all tho candidates for the position be passed upon by their respective parties, and nothing be left to the legis latures but to register the will of the people as expressed at the polls. It would not take long to make this the established custom all over the country, and it would be as much unheard of for legislatures to elect other than the popular candidate, as it is now for a Presidential elector to exer cise the liberty given him by tho Constitu tion and vote for somo other candidate than the one whose name headed the ticket upon which he was elected. FOR some years past foreign travel has been very large. The Secretary of the Treasary estimates that our people spend $60,000,000 in gold every year in foreign countries. Otter good authority estimates tho amount as high as $100,000,000. One hundred thousand people go to Europe annually, and spend SI,OOO each on an average.The great World's Fair approach ing will turn travel this way. A contem porary estimates that 100,000 Europeans will come here aad spend $1,500 each of foreign gold. Plain Words are Best. Towanda Reporter-Journal. The Reporter-Journal is opposed to the re-election ot Senator Quay, and for these reasons: He has on several occasions misrepre sented the State, and ho misrepresents it now by his hostility to tho Administration of President Harrison. He is comparative ly useless as an advocate of the interests of the State, and is incapable of debate. And, most important of all, ho has been accused of grave crimes and has not met the accusation in the way in which an hon est man should have met it. These reasons might be elaborated, but elaboration is not necessary. They cover the case. And those reasons are sufficient to determine the attitude of the Reporter- Journal, as they should be sufficient to de te-mine the attitude of its readers. The great State of Pennsylvania should be rep resented in the Senate by a man who is not silent when the interests of the Com monwealth are at stake, who fairly and honorably represents the Statu, aud whose character is abovo suspicion. ifono of these requirements is met Uy Senator Quay. UKDER u decision of the Supremo Court, Jan. 5, you can sell game of any kind at any season of the year, if it has been killed outside of Pennsylvania. This settles all queiiicn of the meaning of the law, Tho case was carnou by a resturant keeper from Allegheny County, wfaeib ttc Com mon Pleas Court him for exposing for sale, out of season, ruffed grouse that were killed in Uje "W'eH. All Within the Party. Doylestown Intelligencer. There are those who maintain that all efforts for party reform should be made in side the party and before conventions are held; while after the decision on nomina tions has been formally made all good par ty men should abide by the action had and support, in the party's name, the person nominated or the declaration announced. This is true so far as personal judgment and preference are concernad, where ac tion has been free and unbiased and the will of the party has been voiced. It falls utterly where any taint oflraud or coercion interpose, or where convictions of right are oppcsed. It is the favorite argument of machine politicians, after they have made a nomination, that everybody must stand by their party,for the sake of harmo ny and support the nomineejthat the thing may not be just^right, but the place to se cure a remedy in the future is inside the party, and there is where the good work for reform ought to and must be done. in thisyear of grace 1892 a contsst is on for the United States Senatorial nom ination of a successor to Mr. Quay. Mr Quay is a very poor Senator. X o man has ever yet, in the five years of his Senator ship, ventured to call the Junior Senator a statesman or a patriot. He is a failure as a Senator, and he opposed Republican pol icy in his tailure to work for legislation the Republican party was pledged toward. Will the politicians join hands to secure to the Republican party an able and cred itable Senator f Will they .turn into help re form the evils.under which Pennsylvania Republicans labor -x having'such Senators as we bavef Will they help the reform in side the party t Are any of them ready to turn in to aid in raising party character* The moveineat in favor ot John Dalzell for Senator was begun by Republicans, is urged by Republicans, is indorsed by Re publican newspapers, and is entirely with in party lines. As to Republicanism, ex perience, capacity, and devotion, Mr. Dal zell is the peer ot any Pennsylyanian, and is widely known to be so. Based strictly upon the linos of reform within the party, his candidacy cannot be assailed from any point. It should commend itself to all in telligent thinking Republicans and receive their hearty approval and support. If those who have talked most of reform within the party mean what they say here is the opportunity to back their words by their actions. There is no question as to Mr. Quay's inferiority as a Senator and a Republican, and the general dissatisfaction with his course.There is no doubt as to the promise which Mr. Dalzell's record and qualifications hold forth as to his eligibil ity for the place. There never was an easier or plainer chance for reform within the party if the Republicans who support this doctrine so ardently mean anything. There is but one side to the proposition. If those Republicans who are for reform inside the party do not embrace this op portunity it will be because their profess ions were words only. If the movement against Quay and for Dalzell shall fail to effect a reform it will be a proof that reform inside the party is an impos sibility in Pennsylvania. Will Keystone Republicans allow this T The answer cannot be made in words but must stand in future action. THE Philadelphia Times in commenting upon the action of the attorneys for the prosecution in the late libel suits says: The right of a prosecuting officer of the county to stand aside jurors indefinitely, even in the trial of a misdemeanor, is not questioned, as it has been deolared legal by the highest judicial authority of the State; but it is so violent a departure from the or dinary course of justice in our courts, that it is regarded as justifiable only under the most extreme necessity. In this city it is very uncommon for the District Attorny to exercise this prerogative, and it is a matter of the gravest doubt whether the old com mon law rule permitting it should not be supplanted by a statute, permitting the power to be exercised only upon specific cause shown and the approving judgment of the court. Thi3 old common law rule reverses the whole theory of our criminal jurisprudence. Instead defendants in criminal cases until they are clearly proven guilty, it places within the power of a prosecutor the absolute right to pack a jury whose re ligious, political, business or social preju dices or partialities may render a verdict in disregard of the evidence. It is certainly a most dangerous power, and should be either absolutely repealed, or its exercise narrowed to the discretion of the court upon tho presentation of specific cause. Pro3pect What-Nots. Look and know: That the "grippe" is still prevalent in this section. Mrs. Myers, Mrs. S. Weigle, Bessie 0. W. Stoughton and family, J. W. Shaffer, X. S. Grossman, Mr. Troutmau, Mr. Hanna, Mrs. P. Mille man, Dr. McConneli aud family, Robert Allen, Mrs. Ekin and Mrs. W. W. Dodds are recovering from severe attacks of the disease. That "Wm. Webber is home on a visit from Western Illinois. He and his brother Joseph spent last week among friends at Franklin. That Isaac McXees of Brady twp. was in town last week. That Miss Mary Kelly, who has been in Zelienople for six or eight months, is homo for the winter. That Edward Kerr and sister of Center ville, were in town last week. Glad to see yon, Ed. That a party of yonng folks had a sleigh ing party to Wm. Moore's, near Porters ville. one night last week. That is right, Ford, one should make good use of the snow. That Collins & Heasley's No. 3, ou the Frazier, is considered, by some, the best well in the field. That Ilenshaw <fc Daua's Xo. 2, on the Barkley. Ie in, and will make a good well. They wil soon begin Xo. 3 with good pros pects. That J. Manford Weigle and wife of W. Xorth street, Butler, made a flying visit to town last week. That M. Ilenshaw, who was lately called home to Dnke Centre, ou account of his son's illness, has returned ,here. While home he and la grippe had a free-for-all, but Marion downed the old monster. That Mrs.Chas Keed of Zelienople visited relatives here, last week. Mrs. Keed is a sister of J. H. McLnre, the durggist. That Mrs. B. M. Moon and daughter of Butler, were the guests of Mrs. Gus Bowers, last week. That our School Directors have agreed to build a new school house, but they can not agree as to the kind of a house that is needed. Jo COSITY. . * Then %'s* WHY NOT TRY IT? Subscribe for the UITZIMS. Middlesex. Miss Eva Fa'r while wa'king along the pipe line slipped on the ice and cut her eyelid. X. R. Baker while walking a steam_ box over a little ravine fell a distance of 25 feet and fractured a rib and was otherwise painfully bruised. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Davis and Miss Ester E Thompson were visiting triends in Tarentum the tirst of the week. Miss Etfie K. Thompson of East End, Pittsburg who has been visiting her uncle Ileury Flick for two weeks returned home last Saturday. The elocutionary entertainment given hy Miss Mary Nelson of Pittsburg in Deer Creek U. P. Church last Tuesday night was very well attended notwithstanding the very inclement weather. Miss Nelson is a fine elocutionist and we hope will re turn at an early date. J. X. Fulton has been suffering with a slight attack of grippe but is now conval escent A Leap Tear sleighing party came from Tareututn on Monday atternoon of last week and spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Davis. The ladies were in charge of all arrangements, and served an elegant oyster supper as part of the even ngs enjoyment. If the ladies have as good success in everything they undertake, the gentlemen will no doubt wish every year was leap year. Last Thursday a sleighing party from Saxonburg came to the home of Miss Jane Sefton. Andrew Allen of Clarion, Pa. is studying telegraphy with his brother John Allen. Quay's Soliloquy? "If I am traduced by tongues, which neither know My faculties or person.yet will be The chronicles of my doing,—let mo say. '•Tis but the the fate of place, and the rough brake The virtue must go through." THE Republican delegation from Missis sippi to the Minneapolis convention has been instructed for Harrison. AT tho meeting of the Republican Com mittee of Lawrence Co., in New Castle last Saturday, the report of the Congressional Committee was read and after some dis cussion, was adopted. It was decided al so to give the Republicans of the county an opportunity to express themselves on the question of United States Seuatorship. A STRANGE death is reported from New Orleans. It is said that while playing a hose upon a fire a telephone wire and an electric light wire crossed, the stream of water from the nozzle struck the wires, a heavy current followed down the water and killed tho fireman who was holding the nozzle. GILLESPIE—At his residence in Free port, Thursday morning, Jan. 21, 1892. of grippe, James Gillespie, Esq., aged 80 years. POXTIOUS—At his home in Donegal twp., Jan. 22. 1892, John Poutious. aged about 80 years. BARXHART—At his home in Fairview twp., near Millerstown., Jan. 17, 1892 David Barnhart, aged about 75 years, lie was the father of Cyrus Barnhart, who lives near Harmony. SEFTOX—In Pittsburg, Jan. 15. 1892, of typhoid lever, .Anna, daughter of Henry Sefton, Jr. of Clinton twp. aged3oyears. CROFT —At his home in Evans City, Jan 23, 1892 Win. Croft, Jr. aged about 25 years. PORTMAX— At her home in Summit twp Jan. 23, 1892, Mrs. Portman, aged about 80 years. DICKEY—At her home in Butler, Jan. 23, 1892, Mrs. Jonnie E. Dickey, wife ol P. A. Dickey, aged 29 years. She died of consumption,aud was buried at Harts town, Crawfofd county. O'DONNELL—At bis home in Clearlield twp., Jan. 24, 1892, John O'Donnell, aged about 75 years. FULLERTON —At his home in this place January 27, 1892, Mr. Hugh Fullerton, aged about 71 years. Mr. Fullerton had been feeble for some time past. He was proprietorof the woolen mill on the south side, carrying on that business here for several years past. He was an honest man and good citizen aud his death is regretted by all. His family have the sympathy of the oommunity. The remains will be taken to Freeport this Friday morning, for interment. CHAMBERS —In this place at the resi dence of her son-in-law, Mr. D. A. Heck, on Saturday night, January 23, 1892. Mrs. Martha Chambers, widow of Mr. John B. Chambers of Armstrong county, Pa., aged 81 years. The remains of Mre Chambers were taken on last Tuesday morning to Apollo, Armstrong county, for interment. (Armstrong Co. papers please copy.) EMRICK—In Summit twp., this county, at the residence of her son, Mr. John Emrick, on Monday evening, January 25, 1892, Mrs Catharine Emrick. widow of the late Andrew Emrick, aged 86 years, 3 months and 13 days. Mrs. Emrick van the mother of Mrs. Franklin Fisher of this place, Mrs. George W. Fair, Mr. Michael Emrick of Jefferson twp , Mr. Johu Emrick and several other children. She was a woman much re spected by all who knew her for her many good qualities. JOHXSTOX—In West Sunbury. at the residence of P. P. Brown, John Leonard son of Jacob and Elizabeth Johnston, aged 1 year, 7 months and 15 days. Angels call thee, our little darling, Xever to come back again, Xever more to love and cheer us, Ours the loss and his the gain. He has crossed death's chilling river, O'er deaths dark sea his bark did glide, Bnt not alone, our darling Johnny, His Savior was his guide. He led him to the port of heaven, Where pearly gates stand open wide, To his eternal home in glory, 'Tis just beyond deaths chilling tide. He will never come back to those who loved him, He has gone, he will know no pain, E're his heart had known a sorrow Before his soul with sin was stained. Dear little lips too cold for kisses. Dear little heart so free from pain, Laughing blue eyes from whence the love light Will never shine on us again. We would not ask thee back our darling, Calmly, sweetly, sleep thou on Till the voice of God awakes thee • On the resurrection morn. True Economy It U true economy to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla, for " 100 Doses One Dollar " Is original with and true only of this popular medicine. If you wish to prove this, buy a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and measure its contents. Tou will find it to hold 100 teaspoonfuls. Now read the directions, and you will find that the average dose for persons of different ages is less than a tcaspoonful. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best and cheapest medicine. •• 1 too* Hood's Sarsaparilla for loss of appetite, dyspepsia, and general languor. It did me a vast amount of good." J. W. WILLKFOBD, Quincy, HL Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. *1; elrforji. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas,. 100 Doses One Dollar Semi-Annual Clearance Sale. AS HAS BEEX OUR CUSTOM FOR MAXY TEARS WE WILL CLOSE OCT OUR WIN TER MILLIXERY AT COST. M. F. & M. Marks'. 113 and 117 South Main Street. VI7ASTEO— Agents u» wxlclt orders tor ou '" choice} audhardy Kuxsery 9U»clc. Steady Work For Eqerffetlr Temperate Ilea, salary and or commission If prefer ed. Write at once. State Age. Address. R, G. Chase & Co. I "®^ pom ■ IROYALIXW J 6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening strength.— Latest U. S. Government Food Keport. Administrators Sals of Real Estate. "In re lvtlilon r, f Barbara E. Ralston adm'x .of J. r. Ralston dee'd. lor order of Court to se't real estate for the payment of debts, etc. O. C. of Butler County. No 82. Dec. term 1891. Notice Is hereby given that I.Barbara K. Ral ston, administratrix of J. P. Ril>t >n late of Bui ler. I'a., dee'd. pursuant t» order of Court bearing date Oc< 9. 1891, and also order bearing date Jan. 15, 1892. made in the above entitled proceedings will expose to sale on the premises in Butler Co.. Pa., ai pumlc vendue aud outcry, FKBRrARY 25th. 1892, at one o'clock p m. the following described real estate of salu deceden (, to-wit : An un divided one-half inteiest in a certain messuage and tract of land siiua.e In Butler twp.. B .tier county, fa., bounded and descrl •ed as follows, to-wit: Ou the horlu by luuds ot .Mlcliael Stypes and Miles Gold on the east by lands ot Jacob Kice and Jonn Crainner. on the souih by lands of Win. Bryson and ou ttie we«t by lands of John Cramner and Andrew Baker, contain ing sixty acres, more or less; witn frame house, gristmill saw mill and ouiouildlnga thereon erected, with authority to adjourn from time IO time, lid to Eutlir it laossaiy tn order to secure sufficient bids. TERMS OK SALE: One-hall oasli on enn (lrmatiou of sale t>y Court and tbe balance in two equal annual payment* seemed by bond and mortgage ou ilie premises, »aid bond and mortgage to Dear Interest from dale, payable annually. aud to contain an attorneys com mission 01 five per cent. lor co lection etc. BABARA IS. HALSTO.V, Adm'.x , Butler, Pa. 8. F. BOWSER. Att'y. Notice of Application for Charter. In tlie Court of Common Pleas of the county of Butler, No.—March 1". lwrj Notice is lierebj given that an application will be made to the said Court, by Nlcol Allen. John Staples, C. W. Hall, Albert Rlenar.lson, K. 0. McNeal and others, ou Monday. Feb. 13. lsU2. at 2 O'clock P. M.. under tne act of as sembly ol the Common wealth ol Pennsylvania , entitled "An act to provide tor the incorpor ation and regulatlon ot certain corporations/" approved April 29. ltJ74. an l tne supplements thereto; for the charter of an iiHetiued corpo ration to be called "The Crest-View Presby terian Church of caliery Junction, Butler Co.. t'a ." the character and object where ol are the wor»h.p of Almighty dud according to the laith. doctrine , discipline and usages ot the PresbyterUn Church ol North American, and for these purposes io have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the ..till act of ■ sseinoly and it.s supplements, ihe proposed charter Is now on tile in the Pro thoiiotary s office. VV. 11. LUSK. Sollcltor. Notice. In the matter of ilie assign-1 In the Court or menl of John E. Byers | Common pleas ot to George W. Fleegerßutler Co.. Pa. Ksq for the beneflt ol [Msl) No 7 March creditors. I T 1892. B 4 P 211 And now to-wlt: January lsth, 1892: On peliiion nf Butler Savings Bank et «1. setting forth that George W. Fleeger Esq.. has declined and refused to qualify and execute the duties of said trust as assignee and that L M. Wise Esq.. of the borough of Butler, whom tliev believe to be a lit person, has signified hts willingness to qualify and to execute the duties of said trust, and praying the Court to appoint "aid L. M. Wise Esq. assignee Instead ot the said George W. Fleeger. Esq . a rule was grant ed by the court on the creditors ot said John E. Byers asslguor. to be served by pul cation, to show cause asalnsi the grant- or .he prayer of said petitioners. Return able I > February 15th. 1892. Certified fr >m ilio record this fstli day of January, A. )>., 1892. JOHN W. Biown, L'roth'y. Orphans' Court Sals. B> klitue it au order and decree of the orphans' Court In and for the County of Butler, dated January 13, lsir*. the undersigned ad ministrator ot the estate ot II trveyj H. Brown, Uec'd, of Mladlesex township, said county need, will offer for sale at public vendue on the premises, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1892, at 1 o'clock, P. M., of said day. fifteen acres of land be the same, nore or less, situate In sat township and county, and bounded on the nrrth by lands of John Mcßrtde. on th* east bv lands of Ja«. Whltesldes and on the sontn and west tty lands of John Ferguson. Said land Is fenced, cultivated and has a small dwelling house thereon. Terms of sale cash. Title good. SAMI-EL A. LESLIE, Glade Mill P. 0., January 15 1892. McJrsKis & GAI.HREATH att'ys. for Adm'r. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrators and Executors of estates can secure tlieir receipt books at the CITI ZEN offico. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE OF JOSEMT BATS, SB , DEC'D. Letters of adm n. 0. T. A. having been erant ed to the undersigned, on th<' estate of Joseph Hays. Sr.. dec'd, late or Middlesex twp., Butler Co.. I a., all persons Knowing themselves In dented to said estate will please make iiunifdl ate payment, and any having claims against sal estate will present tliem duly authenticat ed for settlement to W. A. SLOAN . Adm's.. Valencia. I'. O. Butler Co.. Pa. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE OF MIIR SAKAH SNOW, dec'd. Letters of administration having been grant (Kl to the undersigned, on the estate of Mrs. Sarah Snow, deed, late of I'enn twp.. But'.er Co, Pa..all persons Knowing themselves In debted to said estate will please make lm mediate paymeut.and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authentica ted for settlement to D. B. Dot 'TIL KIT. Adui'x, Brownsuale. Butler t*>.. Pa. Executors' Notice. ESTATE OK WILLIAM O ALLAGUKIt. DEC'D. Letters testamentary on the estate of Wm Gallagher, dec'u. late of Cleartleld twp.. Butler Co., Pa., having Oeen granted tc. the undersign ed. all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate pay ineut, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to ANDREW GALLAGHER. SIMON GALLAOHBK. Herman P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. W. D. BKANDON. att y. Commissioner's Notice in Divorce. Levlna Witner. by her] In the Court of Common brother and uext I Pleas Of Butler Co., Pa., iriend Levi M. (Jo wan ;at A. I> No 9 Sept. T. vs James Wimer. J lSyl. Book 11. Page l'.Ki. D.-c 9th. lsul. Motion of McJunklu X <ial bieath. att'ys for plalntlfT tor the al>polntuient of a Commissioner to take testimony In above case atd make report to Court, presented, and .1. T. l)only llsij. appointed Commissioner for the purposes mentioned lu this motion By the Court. Bu'lerCo.. S. S. Certified from the records. Dec. 9, 1891. JOHN W. BROWN. Pro. To the parties Interested in the above uiatter l lease lake notice that I will attend to the duties of said appointment at my office lu But ler, lu Diamond Block, on .vlmli.v. K'>. Ist, 1891', at 10 o'clock A.M. when and where you inav attend and be heard. If you so wish. J. T. DONI.Y. Commissioner. Estate of John Burkhart. LATE OF M ri.i.U TWP. DEC'D. Letters testamentary having been grant ed to the undersigned on the estate of John BurkLart, dse'd, late of Butler tp.,Butler Co., Pa., all persons knowing thepiselvea indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. MAKY BLRKHAKT, Executrix, BCTLEE, PA. Greer & Ralston, Attys. Estate of John Whitmire, dec'd LATE OF OAKLAND TWP., BUTLER CO., PA. Letters testamentary on the estata of John Whitmire. dec d.. late of Oakland twp., Butler Co., Penna.. having been grunted to trie under signed, all persons knowing themselves Indebt ed to said estate will please make Immediate payment and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to PETER 'iVilir.MlUE, Exit. Sonora P. 0.. Butler Co., I'a. G. W. Fleecer, Atty. Estate of Joshua McCandless, dec'd- LATE OF JICDDYCKEEK TWP., BUTLER CO ~ PA. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ha% lug taken out lettlers of aamlnl.-ilratl<,u ou the estateof Josnua McCaintless. late or Muddy creek twp., Butler County. Pa., deed. All peosons kuuwnlng themselves indebted to Said estate will please make immediate payment. liiil all person* having accounts or claims *g.<ln*l said estate will present the s*H}e pro lierly authenticated for payment to EVAN UK it M«'OAN»LBSS, ALOS/.O 11 . KENAEDY, Prospect. Pa.. Adm'rs. McJunkin & Gal breath atty. f«T Wm'iiH Estate of Robt. G. Crawford, dec'd. L \T« OK ADAMS TU P., I!l'TUt* CO. Letters <>r administration on the estate ot in lfrt <• (Yawfnrd. dec'd. Utr of Adans twp. Butler Co . Pa.. liming he«>n uranin! to the unclrrMifM J. all jrrinns knowing themselves Indebted to «ald ••state will pit** e make Im mediate ra\o.ent and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated tor settlement to ' JOHN I Mwrom. Adm.'r; Valencia. Butler C o.Pa- Sci. Fa. stir Mechanic's Lien. A. I). No. 2* March Term, 1« from M.L.I). :.o. 4 March Term. 1882. M. G. Oemi-sky rcrsus M. 1.. ZiUiszn. et al. owners etc. BtTLER COCSCTT. ss: The Commonwealth of /'< nnsylcania to the Sheriff of said County, Greeting. Whereas. MG. Dempsey has tiled a claim In our Court ol Common Picas, for said county against M 1.. Zahinzer, W. G. Crawford and W. B. Grace owners or reported owners and W. B. Grace, contractor, for the sum of one hundred and lort> dollars v tit») twins for actual labor done as a ortller tor the Improvement and development of a certain leasehold, situate ou the i.eurge Meals farm Washington township. Butler Co , Pa.. bounded as follows, viz: on the North bv lands of I. N. Meals, on the East by lands of Frank Ray and James Hall, on the South ny lands ot George Meals, ou the West by lanrt-i of George Meals, containing thirty acre-, more or less. and Wukbeas. it Is alleged that the said sum still retrains due and unpaid to the said M. G. Dempsey. NOW wi:COMMAND YOC. that you make known to the said M. L. Zahlnzer. et al. owners, etc. (as set out above) and to all such personb as may hold or occupy the said leasehold and propeity tliereon, tbatiheybe and appear be tore the J mines of our said Court, at a Court of 1 Comm.'ii Pleas, to be held at Butler, on the first Monday ot March next to show cause, if any thing the know or bate to say. why the said sum ot juo.oo should not be levied of the said leasehold together with the property thereon, consisting in part of l wood rig. 1 engine. 1 boiler. 1 sir. u„ .caslLg. 1 set dtllllng tools l stela. 1 set ot J.irs. two 1 bellows. 1 anvil. 2 sand lines, 2 drilling cables—l about lOm leet long—the other about 300 leet, a lot of Inch Iron pipe, a lot ot ilttiug and connections, one i 0 inch belt. and all and ever> thing th-ron and oeloiigiug to shUI well and lease, and three sledg. sto ilie use ot ih< sua M. G. Dempsey according to the lorui and etlect of the Act ot Assemhlj in such case made and provided if to him it si ail deem expedient. And have jou then and there tills writ. Wir.Nkss, the Hon. Aaron L. Ilazen, President Judge of the said Court at Butler, this 2lsl da> ol December. A. D.. l»9i. JOHN W. Bkowx. Prothonotary. it. £ Why do we pay for our adver tisement in this paper every week? And why do we change the message in it so often unless we have something special in the way of STYLES, tABRI^S, PKICES, to oiler you? Our efforts would be useless for this reasou, aud w« could not expect any part of your patronage. While we. are exceeding the scope of our MAIL ORDER BUSINESS every week we keep in view the thought of making it to YOUR PROFIT to trade with us. If you are not now benefited by the SPECIA*. VALUES •ilTcred by these stores, begin now to investigate the matter. Try us with one sample order and you'll be pleas ed with the result. JANUARY Is pre eminently a MONTH OF BARGAINS For many reasons. Write for samples of these: 100 pieces American Bourette suit ipps, in striped and plaid effects— -3G inches wide—neat dark styles and good coloriugs, 15c a yard. Large lot of 52 and 54-inch all-wool French Press suitings,stylish stripes pluids, checks and mixtures, 50c a vard: gouds that sold earlier in the season freely at 75c, $1 00 and $1 25 Special 46-iu all-wool Henriettas, all colore 65c. Au offering of large lot 46-inch all wool Colored Cashmeres, in good range of colors, 50c; quality that generally retail to day at 75c. We have an early season sale of An dtrson Ginghams, 1891 patterns, hut very choice and desirable at 20c, the regular 40c quality We will send sample of any line of Dry Goods upon request, with low est prices on everything for best qualities Boggs & Buhl, 115 to 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY.PA Jury List for Feb. 15, 1892. List of Traverse Jurors drawn this 4th day of January A. I).. 1892 to serve at a specla term of court commencing on Monday the 13th day oi February next, the same being the third Monday ol said mouth, li rgeley Klias. Muudycreelc twp., farmer. Hartley John, Clay twp., lsrmer, Badger Jeff. Brady twp., farmer. Bard J E OntrevlUe boro, merchant Krouu A P. Buffalo twp.. farmer. ' lark !■' E. C'onnoquenessing twp, farmer. Craig W 11. Hutler Ist wd. laborer. Cochrane James P, Mercer twp farmer. Campbell, vv K, I'alrview twp. farmer. Campbell Lmvl. Parker twp.. tarmer. Curry George, Worth twp., farmer. Chrls'le Linn. Concord twp.. farmer. hrlstte A W. Cenirevllle boro, merchant. Deliaven William. Butler. Ist wd. bricklayer. Ulxon W S. Penn twp . farmer. Kunlap John. Bunbury boro blacksmith. Kwlnir Joseph, Clinton twp., farmer. Kreeling II 11. Wlnfleld twp., farmer. Gilchrist lioberi. Marion twp . farmer. Hutchison K P. Ailams twp.. tarmer. linger John. Centreville boro. laborer. Milliard Phillip. Washington twp.. Kent. Harbison J 11. Buffalo twp.. farmer. Ilutcltlsou W M. Oakland twp, farmer, Jameson W E, Allegheny tw p. farmer. Johnston c C. Centre twp, farmer. Kramer Albe'f, Butler. 3d wd, liveryman. Kepler John. Butler 2d wd. clerk. Klchner II P. Brady twp.. clerk. Link William. Adains nvp.. clerk. McconnellJO Crtnberry twp., blacksmith. Morrison A G. Butler sth wd. laborer. Moore J N\ Brady twp. former. Marshall T Mercer. Adams twp, laborer. Murrln John. Butler 2d wd, gent. McCandiess Mathew. Butler. sth wd. carpenter. Mayberrv J < mat ban. Centreville Boro.carpenter. Mays s S. Ealrvlew twp tarmor. Noble C Y . W Infield twp. tarmer. Owens Marshall, Coiinoi[uenessing twp, farmer. Polrn Thomas. Allegheny twp. farmer. Po-t John center twp. farmer. Qulnu Frank . Petrol la Bor. boiler maker. Kuby c |i. i oonoqueneaslng twp. fanner. Hicliardson Alfred. Adams two, farmer, liussel l.lnn. < herry twp. tarmer. Kamsy VV M. Center twp. farmer. Iti hard Joiin, Worth twp, farmer, smith Park.Center twp, farmer, shidemantle George S. Lancaster twp. farmer. Snyder James. Clinton twp. tarmer. Saner Benjamin. Sllpperyrock twp. farmer. Shaffer J K. Zeleliople Bor, barber. Vosier William. Worth twp. farmer. William- Grant. Sllpperyrock twp, farmer. We Hzel ired, Brady twp, farmer. To Close Out Our Winter Goods wu ofl'i*r all Heavy Underwear, Scotch Caps, Gloves, Heavy Suit* for men and boys, Heavy Shirts, etc., at a SWEEPING REDUCTION. We will sell any overcoat in oar stock at cost. Come and look at them. We mean just what we say. You can have any overcoat in our stock •or Jiisl filial We Paid Fur It iu >"ew York City. As these coats were " bought Below The Market this is A Rare Chance. RACKET STORE 120 S. Main St. Butler. Pa. praromto AGENTS afigsyfcfjs N*w YORK, January 23, 1892. STATEMENT BY JEW YOKE LIFE DUNCE CO. In the Superintendent's report of the investigation of the Company the management is criticised for the way in which its agency department is conducted, and it is claimed that the Company is conducted virtually for the benefit of the agents of the Company. With regard to the report as a whole, without at present going into particulars, we remark that the severe language of the criticisms is not justified by the facts as found. Not one word of commendation for what is good in the very large and successful results obtained in a series of years to be found in the creation of one of the largest and soundest insti tutions in the world. It is a notable fact that between Ist January and 30tb June the assets have increased as per Com* pany's report from $115,947,809.97 to $120,710,690, as per Superintendent's report. Notwithstanding the severe, and in many cases very improper, deductions from real estate values and all other eliminations made by the Insurance De partment, the Company is allowed by the report a 'surplus of $14,708,675, which is within $190,000 of the amount claimed by the Company January Ist, and in this comparison no account is taken of the amount paid out as dividends be tw*en January Ist and June 30th, amounting to over $400,000. Practically the Company has earned more than enough in six months to wipe ont the deductions made from the assets by the Insurance Department. The New York Insurance Commissioner's Report proves that the n YORK LIFE IS. CO. Has a surplus over all liabilities of $14,708 675.83 Which is a larger surplus than is claimed by ANY OTHER PURELY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY in the WORLD. VANUXEM, PEIRCE & CO. GENERAL AGENTS. Abrams Co. Agents. Office in Huselton Building, next to Court House, Butler, Pa. Rally Round the Flag Boys! f TP® Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue. COME TO THE FRONT. If you want cheap footwear, I am going to nave a Great Red Letter Sale of BOOTS, SHOES & R U B B E R S. All fall and winter goods are to be closed out, regardless of sost. A backward winter leaves me with a great many heavy goods on hands, and they must be sold to make room for new goods. Solid Leather Boots, $1.50 These are good Solid Boota, sizes 6 to 11. worth from $2 75 to $3 00 I will close boys good Boots out at $1 00 and $1 25, size 3 to 5, the actual value of these Boots is $*2.00. You want to Visit my Store Now And reap some of the henifits of this great sale. which can only last for a short time, for all goods are marked at about half price, and they will not last long, they can't. Just think of it, lam offering Ladies Button Shoes, 90cts Childrens Shoes 50 and 75 cts., Infants Shoes 10, 25 and 50 cts., Boys fine Shoes 90 and SI.OO, embrace this grand opportunity, and get your shoes. All at 50cts. on a dollar. Remember nothing to be reserved, the goods must go no matter what they bring. Rubber Boots, sl, $1.25, $1.50 and $2 I have a yery large stock of rubbers, and must sell them in the next 30 days. Will close a lot of Ladies footholds at 10 cts. a pair, Children and Misses heel rubber 15 cts. Boots and Shoes Made to Order JOHN BICKEL. BUTLER, - -- -- -- -- PENN'A Hotel Waverly. 8. McEEAN ST., - • BUTLER, PA. Opposite School Honse. This elegant new hotel is now open to the public; it is a new house, with new furniture throughout and all modern con veniences; is within easy reach of the de pots and business houses of the town, and has a splendid viow of the eastern part of the town. Rates Reasonable. Give ma a call when in Butler. CHESS STONEK, Prop'r. Advertise ip ♦bo Citimk Planing Mill AND- Lumber Yard J L,. PU KVIS L. O. fUXVIB. S.G.Purvis&Co. MANUFACTURERS AND OEALKKB I* Rough and Planed Lumber or KV«KY UKDCHimO", SHINGLES, LAW & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pq. Advertise in the Citizen.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers