THE CITIZE3ST FRIDAY,"JANUARY 29, 1892. Greatest Cut Of the Season. In order to move the large atook of mens winter suits and overcoats still on hand (accounted for by the warmth of the winter) We have divided onr entire stock into three classes and until Feb. Ist will sell all: 98, $7 and $8 Suits and Overcoats at $5.00; (12, 914 and sls Suits and Overcoats at $10.00; $lB, S2O and $22 Suits and Overcoats at $15.00. Boys and childrens Suits and Overcoats marked away down. Consider this well, it means to yon dol lars in pocket. To us not a dollars worth of winter stock carried over. Schaul Bros. & Co. One Price Clothiers. OPPOSITE HOTEL VOGELEY. BUTLER Has a population of about IO.IJOO. It la the County seat or Butler County, with 60.000. Four railways, natural gas, and unequalled (acuities for manufactures. Progress everywhere; new buildings, new manufactures, a growing and prosperous town. New Advertisements. Financial Statement of Butler boro. O. C. Sale, estate of J. P. Kalston. Notice ol application for charter. Notice of meeting of Mechanics B. <fc L. N. Y. Lite Ins. Co's. surplus. Ruff's Shoes. Hnselton's Shoes. Boyd's Best Drugs. B. & B. Mail Order Department. Racket Store Closing out Sale. NOTB —All advertisers intending to make changes in their ads. should notify ns of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning.. — A new wrinkle among the young men of this place — and young ladies, too —is a "World's Fair Box." This concern is usual ly made oat of a small oigar box, with the lid tightly nailed down aud a slot in the top through which a silver dollar can be ■lipped. The idea is to place in this re ceptacle all the spare change you have, and when the Columbian Exposition opens there will be (perhaps) enough money in the box to take you there. —The old original log house built by Peter Duffy on his farm in Donegal twp., and lately oooupied by rnomas O'Donnell. WAS horned on Monday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. O'Donnell were away kt the time, the ohildren heard the cats making a noise up stairs and going up found that the house was afire and they ran down to John Cramer's in their bare feet. Some neighbors ran to the house and saved part of the household goods. Ice nice, Ho! Snow! Boy, Coast. Joy! Boast! Slide, Race. Glide, Chase! Tbin, Rump. In! Thump! Wetf Smash. Bet! Crash, Clothes Whack. Frose. Crack, Croup. Thud. Whoop! Blood. Wheeio! Sneeze! Groans! Moans! Squills! Pillsl Lint! Splint! Doctor's lee. One V.! —The Financial Statement of the Borough of Butler, published in another oolnmn, shows that the bonded indebted ness of the town is $35,500. which with the amonnt yet due the paving and sew ering contractors, outstanding warrants, and some other small sums, makes a total indedtedness of $122,919.71. To offset this, there is yet due the Oorough, by reason of unpaid assessments fir paving and sewer ing, nnoollected taxes, etc, the snm of $52,585.86, leaving a net indebtedness of $70,333.85. Of the bonded indebtedness $6,000 will fall due each year for the next four years, aud after that $4,000, a year for some years. The statement is of in teract to every tax-payer in the town. —lt is calculated that not more than 250 votes can be polled, under the new eleotion law, at any one polling place, daring the eleven hoars the polls are open; and in riew of this fact some of our exchanges •re urging the necessity of prompt action as to the division of election precincts con taining more than that number of voters. In order to divide an election precinct ap plication mnst be made to Court, and com missioners be appointed to make the division, and it requires considerable time to conform to all the requirements of the law governing the matter. In order to change the plaoe of holding the election in any district, under existing law, the ques tion must be submitted to the decision of the qualified voters at a special election to be held for that purpose These matters should receive the early attention of the local authorities in each election district and the necessary legal papers be prepared for presentation to the Court. Personal. Adams Bartly, formerly of Butler, Is lying dangerously ill at his home in Ta rentnm. Mrs. H. M. Wise ot Harmony is the guest of her mother Mrs. Dr Lusk Frank Myers of Butler county died at the Allegheny General hospital on Sunday night. He came here iu search of work, bnt was taken sick on the street in Alle gheny and removed to the lockup and afterwards to the hospital where he was found to be suffering with pneumonia. The department of charities took charge of the body and is endeavoring to And the friends of tho deseased.—Pittsburg Oa- MtU. Rev. Enoch Smith, of Bethlehem, Pa., has accepted the call extended by the English Lutheran Congregation of this place to beoome its pastor, and will re move here about the first of April next. He will preach in the churoh on Snnday a week. Feb., 7th Rev. H. J. H. Lemke, of Be»ver Falls, filled the pulpit of that ohnroh on laat Sunday; and next Sunday, Jan. 31, it will be tillied by , the Rev. Kitnnilier of Pituburg. —Wheeler A Wilson and Stan dard Sewing Machines at HINKY BUHL'S, No. 122 N. Main Bt., Butler, Pa Best place to boy Table Linens, Napkins and Towels at L. STIIN $ Bou'S. —Take your children to Zuver'e Gallery for Pictures that will suit yoa; Postoffice building. — l The Anti-Rustinz Tinware guaranteed agaiqst rust for three rears, at HENBY BUHL'S, No. 122 N. Mair St., Butler, Pa. —Home-made bread at the Oity Bakery. LOCAL AND GENERAL. "Only a lock of aubnrn hair Caught on the front of his Test He thoughtlessly touched the button His wife—she did the rest. —lt is said that the cats are taking the Rrip- —The less people know, the more they talk about it. —lt is astonishing how debts will expand after being contracted. —lf you want to pet a dream oat of • wedding cake'eat it. X kiss is a contraction of the mouth with enlargement of the heart. - Not one person in 20,0000 wear their heel down evenly .all around —1". ait cake ha* been rated wholesome by a medical society. Glycerine an-l tunni.i applied night and mTiiing re 11. vt-s tender teet. T, i ii.«> i» per annum is rt>e average amount of sickness In human life. —ln Norway, a girl must be able to make bread before she can have a beau. Mr. Morrison has already housed over 400 tons of ice frctn his pond up Martin Run. —Even if wo could see ourselves as others see us, it wouldu't be worth our while to stop and look. —Ladies of a certain age must bear in mind that 1892 aud 1896 are the only leap years until 1904. —A tombstone is about the only place where a conceited man doesn't caro to have his name in print. —You can flatter any man by telling him that you know him to be a man, who is not easily flattered. —A magazine writer announces that "Wo are are all born young, and most of us are born poor." ' —There will be service in the German language, in Bethany Reform Church, North St., next Sunday at 2:15 p. m. —lt is a wise man who said: "Leave nothing to what is called 'luck' and you will generally be what is called 'lucky.'" —Some boys were hurt on the Center Ave. hill the other night, by colliding with a team It's a wonder somebody has not been killed there. —The doctors and druggists, these pan icky days, may be truly called the pillars of society. Tho quinine pillars, as it were. —lf the leet becomo frost-bitteD, soak them for one-half h.»nr in a strong hot so lution of alum water; and if one applica tion is not enough, two will bo a cure. —Rest is a fine medicine. Let your stomachs rest, ye dyspeptics; let your brains rest, ye wearied, worried men of business; let your limbs rest, ye children ot toil. —The reported salo of the Williard House to Col Lowry is untrue; but it is said that a Mr. McCafferty of East Brady and Mr. Leibold of the Eitenmiller House are trying to buy it. —lf potatoes that have been froien are put to cook before they tnaw, their flavor will not be injured by the exposure. Ap ples may be treated in tho same way, or they may be restored by immersing them in cold water. —At the meeting of the direotors of the Plate Glass Co. iu Pittsburg, Friday, Mr. Wheeler was contiuued as manager, Mr Howard as Sec'y, and Mr. Hamilton as President, and J. H. Troutman was elect ed Treasurer. —Cards of thanks, so common and un necessary, have an appropriate climax in the case of a Kansas woman wh > publioal ly thanks her friends for the valuable assis tance rendered in aiding her to secure a divorce from her husband. —The New York Life Ins Co..has a sur plus over all liabilities ol $14,708,675.83, which, it assets, is a larger surplus t iaa is claimed,by any othir parely initual Life Ins. Co. in the world." Read its statement in another column. —Gen. Pass. Agt Bassett, ot the Pitts burg <fc Western, has issued a notice stat ing that that line's ticket agents are au thorised to sell the clergymen half-fare tiokets for travel over the Ba Itimore and the Valley, in addition to the Pittsburg & Western. —By a stupid blunder on the part of our "plate" meifc an old news column appears among the general reading matter of our first page. Our readers will be pleased to learn of the approaching wedding of a yonng fellow, who is dead and baried. —A market horse got into a tub of oyß ters at Cincinnatti, on Tuesday, and a polioe lieutenant, who endeavored to drive him away from the feast, was savagely repelled by the brute After swallowing five gallons of the bivalves the horse walk ed contentedly away. This the year when the wise young lady will look her sweetest and take the risk of having a young man offer to be a brother to her There is many a girl at tractive now who may be on the wrong siee of tweuty-five before she gets another leap-year opportunity. —A Toronto woman after burying her seventh busband, erected a monument to tho whole lot It consisted of a marble band with the index finger pointing to the sky, and on the base instead of names, ages, etc., were the words "Seven up." —Tho Chemical Bank of Now York, whose capital is only $300,000, has the enormous surplus of $6,070,600, with a loan account of $22,908,000. No wonder its shares whose par value is SIOO, are in demand at $4,500, the highest bank stock quotation in the world. Its dividends are 150 per cent, per annum. —Regular Services at Bethany Reform" ed Church, W.North Sunday morn ing and evening at the usual hours, Rev. H. E. Snyder pastor. German Service in the afternoon at 2:15, conducted by Rev- C. A. Limberg. Topic, morning servioe. "The Christains God." —lu rooms of poor hearing qualities l)r. Ephruim Cutter says: Every hall or church has its keynote, and the audience will bear better if the speaker's voice is pitched and held to the keynote of the room. To find tho keynote, siug the natural scale slowly, evenly, and smoothly, or p'ay this scale on a piano or organ. The note which is most prominent is the keynote. —Rev. H. E. Snyder was the victim of a surprise party, Wednesday evening. It was a well arranged affair, tho crowd meeting at Will Limberg's store and from there they marching in line to the residence. Thero were about sixty, they all carried baskets, and tbey passed a pleasant even ing and left tho Rev. a well stocked pantry. —The Pennsylvania R. R, Co. Is now running through trains between New York and San Francisco, leaving New York every Monday and arriving in San Francisco the. following Saturday or Sun day according to the route taken. The return servioe is similar and makes the trip in about the samo time. Dining and cars are attaohed to the train, and no change of cars is required between the two points. Space in the through cars can be securud in advance by applying to George D. Ogden, Agent P. R. R. Co at itatl&v. LEGAL NEWS. BOTKB. Saturday, Feb., 6, will be the last day for filing acounts for March Term The will of Jane McCandless of Clay twp. was probi ted, no letters; also will of C. Walter of Jackson twp. and letters to C. G. Walter; also will of David Barn hart of Fairview twp no letters; also will of Harriet Glenn of Centreville, and letters to Jobn Reed. Letters of adm'n were granted to D. J. Wa«habaugh, on estate of James Billings ley dee'd of Cherry twp M. G. Thompson has brot suit in eject ment vs. Chas Duffy and Williamson Chris ty for 100 acres in Venango twp., and Win. Thompson vs. Chas. Duffy for 100 acres in Brady twp. LATB PROPERTT TRANSFERS. J. Gutakunst to Chas Young lot in Zel ienople for $650. P Smith et al to Josiah Painter 26, acres in Buffalo for SI2OO. A Kratel to N" Angert, lot inßutler for S6OO. HH. Goucher to V MeAlpine, lot in Butler for SSOO J W Conger to Auld 4 Conger, lot in Butler for SIBOO. Marriage Licenses. L. W. Miller Kay lor Pa. Emma F. Hepler " At New Castle, Glenn C. Grove of Eil wood and Mary A. Wellerof Portersville A Holocaust at Callery. Callery Junction was the scene of a horror Monday night. A small lrame house lo cated near the crossing and occupied by Addison Hindman, burned while he was away, and his wife and child were burned to death in it. He is a pumper and left the house about 1 o'clock that night to go to his well, and the house was discovered to be on 'tire about an hour after. The alarm brought several people to the scene, who succeed ed in extinguishing the flames, but too late to save Mrs. Hiudman and the child; as the gases had penetrated to their room an! had suffocated them, and the flames had lollowed and burned them. Mrs. Hindman was a daughter of Mr. J N. Pollock of Butler, and was married to Mr. Hindman about a year ago. Mrs. Hindman and her baby were buried in the South Cemetry, Thursday. The fire originated from the kitchen stove. The night was a very cold one and Mr. Hindman left the gas burning in ii when he left the house. Fire in Springdale. Early Thursday morning the meat mar ket and resilience building on Centre ave., Springdale, owned by C. R. Smith was discovered to be on fire. Nobody knows how the fire originated, as when first seen the entire attic was burning. The Hose companies came out promptly and did all they could, but the tire bad such a start that the whole buildii'g was doomed; and nothing was saved excepting part of the furniture of the first story and somethings from the meat market. Mr. Beckert, late of Sharon, who occu pied the meat market and part of the resi dence estimates his loss at SI,OOO. with no insurance. Mr. Smith's loss will be double that amount. The building was worth $2,500 and there was a small insurance on it, but there was none on a lot of fine furniture stored in one of the up stairs rooms, all of which burned. The Wickersham Memorial. The following items have been sent me by the Secretary of the Wickersham Me morial Committee of the Pennsylvania Stste Teachers Association for insertion in each of our city papers, I think the plan proposed by the com mittee excellent, and I desire to call upon the teachers aud friends of education in this town to give it their hearty support. All teachers and friends of education we do well to hold such memorial excercises and contemplate the preeminent virtues of such educational leaders as Burrows, Hig bee, and Wickersham. In honoring tliem we honor the cause f >r which they labored. It seems to me that no ui >re appropriate memorial could be suggested than such a pedegogical library" What the modesty of Dr. Wiekersham would not permit him to tell on the historian of the publio School system ot this commonwealth, we who ioved and admired him may thus have op portunity to publish and perpetuate. E. MACKEY. The State Teachers' Association last summer appointed a committee to decide upon some suitable memorial to the late distinguished edncator, Dr. J. P. Wicker sham. At a meeting in Philadelphia on the 11th inst., they decided to establish a Wickersham Memorial Library of peda gogical works, as a section of the State Library at Harriaburg, provided that the Legislature will enact measures for its per manent preservation as a distinct collec tion. This, we believe, will be the first library of its kind established by any State in the Union. In order to bring this matter prominent ly before the schools of the State, and increase the general interest in the subject, the oommittee recommended the observ ance ol March 25tb, 1892. the fiirst anni versary of bis death, as Wickersham Day. They have in preparation leaf lets contain ing suitable matter for that purpose, which will be furnished at cost to any teacher wishing to use them; upon addressiug the Secretary of the committee. Miss Elizabeth Lloyd, Newtown Square, Delaware Co. ,Pa. The plan ban received the cordial en dowment* of Guv. Pattison, aud Sap'dt Waller. Our T.ade. This month bac been away ahead of any former January. The reason is that v, tin pt-ople come in and examine our goods aud bear the prices they invariably buy. R. & R. —ln Plush, in Cloth, in Ladies, in Misses, in Cbildrens, Wraps we have a large line, and we are goiug to sell them at what they will bring If you want a grand bargain come in soon. RITTER & RALSTON'S. —The People's Store at No. 323,5. Main S'. is closing out a stock of shoes and rubbers regardless of cost. —Pupils' Monthly Reports, one ?ent each, for sale at CITIZEN office Buffalo Blankets, best for wear at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Buy your s'eighs now and get bargains. MARTINCOCRT & Co.'s. —For bargains in shoes go to the closing out sale at the People's Store 323 S. Main St. burs, Blankets. Blankets, Wraps Furs, Furs, Blankets, Wraps, a large stock and you can buy them .about your own Price. RITTIR & RALSTON'S. Lots of Wraps, Blankets and furs. Bat you should come in aud see the Price. They will astonish you. RITTER & RALSTON. —Sleighs cheap before snow comes. MARTINCOURT & Co.'s. Best styles iu Dress Goods aud Cloaks at L> STIIH & SON'S. The Gamewell System. A special meeting of the Council was held, Tuesday evening, to hear the report of the Committee appointed to examine the Gamewell System of Fire Alarm. The Committee consisted of Messrs Perrine, Black and Schenck, but the latter two alone, went to Sharpsbnrg, and they re ported in favor of adopting the system. Mr. Meyers had a complete system, on a small scale, set up in the Council room, and explained its workings. The matter was talked over, and it was decided that the town would need six boxes—one at either end of both Main and Jefferson Sts., one at their crossing and one in Springdale —connected by about five miles ol wire i and that this would cost the town about SISOO, which will be the entire cost if the telegraph and telephone Cos. allow the use of their poles, and the Co. Commissioners allow the use or the Court House bell. A motion to accept the report, adopt the system, and continue the Committee till next meeting, carried. The Council think the system should bo put up, but are not sure of their ability to pay tor it at present, aud will defer the purchase until after the "Round np" of the past year's business. Oil Notes. McCormick it Co's well on the Barnhart farm near Buttercup was completed last week, and is reported good for 35 bbls. a day. The Dale <t Thompson well on the An derson farm in Penn twp. is reported to be doing 75 bbls a day. Mr. Phillips has a good well on the Eichenland. The Boiler hou»e on the Byerley farm in Jefferson twp. was burned last Saturday night; and a pumper named J. H. Kimble was badly burned. A well is being drilled on the Frank Fruth farm in Jefferson twp. near Gibson and Gregan's well on the Loyal Welsh. Mr. Chambers has sold bis leases on the Welsh and other farms to Mr. Steele. Mr. Breed has sold his leases on the Bumphrey, and other farms to the McCal rnont oil Co., for $50,000. Marcus Hillings, at one time the most prominent oil producer of this and other counties, died at his home in Oil City last Tuesday. Sick People. Tho family of Peter Albert of Franklin twp. are down with the grippe, and the neighbors are doing their feeding. Three children of A. J. Baker, of Penn twp., are down with typhoid fever. Mrs. Newton Snow and child of Browns dale are down With typhoid fever. Miss Lottie Morris of W. Pearl St. ia down with the grippe. Miss Belle Hutchison of Grove City is seriously of ill consumption. Three members ol Treas. Wilson's fami ly are down with the grippe at their home in Centerville, aud Jim has it himself, but is keeping on dnty. Mr. E. L Varnum. of Centre twp., is recovering from the grippe. Dr. De Motte—Tuesday, Feb. a. Br Do Motte, whose lecture during the Institute was so instructive and entertain ing, will deliver another in the interest of the High School, in the Opera House in Butler, on Tuesday evening of next week. His subject will be "Old Ocean, Our Slave and Master." This is said to be his best lecture, and he will illustrate it with the aid of an ap paratus that cost him S7OOO. The total receipts of the High School course up to date are $025 and their expen ses S7OO. They still need help. Tickets will be ijpld at 50 and 35 cents, and can be purchased at Heinenian's, Sat urday morning. The Markets. BUTLER MARKETS. Our grocers aie paying 25 for butter, 25 for eggs, 40 for potatoes. 25 to 30 for apples, 50 tor parsnips, 30 for turnips, 4to 7 for cabbage, 11 cts for dressed chicken, 13 for dressed turkey. PITTSBURG PRODUCE. Timothy hay from country wagons sl2 to sls, mixed hay sl2 to sl3, wheat straw $6 00, oat straw SB, mill feed sl6 to $22, wheat by car loads 98 to $1 00, rye 91 to 94, oats 34 to 39, corn 45 to 51, buckwheat flour 2i to 2^. Couutry roll butter 15 to 20. fresh eggs in cases 23 to 24, apples $1.25 to $2.25 a bbl., beans $1.75, cabbage on track 3 to 4 a head, from store 1.25 to 1 50 a bbl., honey 16 to 17, yellow onions 80 to 85 a bu., tallow 4c, potatoes from siore 45 to 50, on track 38 to 40. Dressed chicken 13 to 15, duck and turkey 14 to 16. LIVB STOCK. At Herr's Island, Monday, common, to mixed cattle sold at 2$ to 4, bulls and dry cows 1£ to 3J. Veals calves retailed at 6 to 6J. Sheep sol:l at to sj, and lambs at 51 to 6i. The market for hogs was active at an advance of from 10 to 15 c. on last week's prices. Chicago and Ohio hogs retailed at to 4.85. THE OIL MARKBT on Monday at 62f, Tuesday at Wednesday at 624. J Series of Three Special Excursions to Washington, 1) C via Penn sylvania Railroad. Gratifying was the success of the first tour in the Washington Pennsylvania Railroad series, which left the 21st inst. The tours afford a delightful opportunity of visiting the National Capital iD its most attractive season while both houses of Congress are in session and all the depart ments open to visitors; three tours remain, February 4th, 11th, aud 25th, 1892. Ex cursion tickets will be good for ten days from date of sale, admitting of a stop over in Baltimore in either direction within the proper limit, and tourists will travel in a special train of parlor and day coaches. Rate. Train Leaves. Pittsburg $9 00 900 A. M. Blairsville 755 922 " Washington...Arrive 8 45 P. M The tickets will be good for use on any regular train of the dates above named ex cept limited txpress trains The return coupons will be valid for passage en any regular train within the return limitexcept the Pennsylvania Limited. Meeting of the Stockholders of the Mechanics B. &. L. Asso. There will be held the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Mechanics Building & Loan Associa tion, at their office in Huselton build ing. on February Bth, 1892.t0 hear the auditors report for past year, to elect nine directors to serve durnig the ensuing year, and lor other busi ness that may come before the meet ing C. A ABRAMS. Sec'y. DK S. GRAHAM, Pres't. The Normal School, Edinboro, has H well deserve*! reputation for arous iug the energies of students, and darling them on the road of self im provement. The Best in America. That is the kind of Blankets we sell. Every one who has boaght them knows it aud eyery one who does buy them will find it out. at RITTIR & RALSTON'S. Truthful Advertising. Is the only kind that pays, which explains the fact that Ritter & Ral ston do the trade. R. & R —Confectionery and fruits at the City Bakery. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. There are forty-five applications for liqnor license in Venango conniy. | Twenty-tbree are from Oil City. Feeding mouldy hay to horses has re sulted in the death of several fine animals in the southern part of Chester county. The court of Venango county granted 22 licenses for Oil City. 13 for Franklin. 4 for Emlenton and one each for Rouseville, 1 Fleasantville, Scrubgrass and Sugarcreek. A new mode ol crippling husbands was innocently brought into use Saturday night by Mrs Thomas Edwards of Hazel ton, Luzerne coanty. She had removed tho mattress and springs from a certain bed, and when her husband retired with out a light, he jumped into bed, landed on the floor and broke an arm and leg. Aaron Good, ft prosperous farmer resid ing near Harrison City, Westmoreland Co. was strick-sn down a few days ago with the grip. Friday morning, in tho presence of his family, he arose from his bed. went to a bureau drawer, took out his revolver, and before the family were cognizant of what he was doing, placed it to his right temple and blew ont his brains. His suf ferings had made him temporarily insane. Mr. Good, who wa« about 50 years old, leaves a wife and grown up family. Thurs day afternoon he said to his that some thing awlul was going to happen before long, but she never thought he meant to take his life. A funny case was heard recently before a justice of the peace of Indiana county, Alexander Henderson, a farmer, sued a neighbor, Andrew Hyerly, for the larceny of four ducks. The ducks were stolen while young from Henderson's farm, and the latter brought seven witnesses to prove that they hed been seen in Byerly's barn yard. Two attornies argued the case, and much queer evidence was given. One old lady swore that she knew the ducks by their color, and the way they walked "which," she added, "was peculiar to their breed." The case was decided in Henderson's favor, and $2 damage awarded. "Col. J. Ross Thompson, of Eiie, was called to Warren last week to defend the case of Edward Mead vs the P. A E. Rail road Co. Mr. Mead bad lost a valuable cow by beiug run down on the road and had brought suit to recover. After the plaintiff had his evidence in Col. Thompson moved a non-suit. He alleged that tho company was not liable for the killing of cattle running at large. He also set up tbat it was the Taw that those who wish to pass over erossin/s must "stop, look, and listen," and that there was no evidence that the cow had complied with the law. The animal, therefore, was guilty of con tributory negligence and tbe plaintiff could not recover. This novel argument created considerable amusement in court, and the judge held it under advisement. At Dixmont Hospital, Friday night, a supposed harmless lunatic named Williams was put to sleep with eleven others in the same room, and during tbe night he chok ed a man named McFee to death, and was at work on another named Brownella when he was discovered. About 1 o'clock as the night watchman, was making his rounds, be heard a queer gurgling noise coming from tbe room in which the dozen demented persons were sleeping. He burst open tbe door to find the new patient bending over the old man Brownella, who is deaf and dumb, and twisting a piece of sheet around bis neck. Brownella was black in the face. Had the atteneant been a few minutes later he would have been dead. On another bed lay McFee cold in death. An improvised rope, such as Williams had been choking Brownella with was knotted tightly around his neck. A piece of the sheet lind been thrust into his mouth and far down his throat. Williams was proceeding about his work in the calmest manner imaginable, and of fered not the least resistance to the attend ant's interference with his murderous work. He explained, before being led a way to be put in a strait jacket, that his victims had persisted in talking while he wanted to sleep, and he had to adopt some method of silencing them. McFee had a mania for talking himself. The romantic marriage of Mr. Hollin bank, of Hickory, Mercer county, who got his wife through an advertisment, an nounced a few nunths ago, has terminated disastrously, as it is reported that the couple have separated, each ruing the bargain. A story is told of a choir in one of the Erie city churches, where at tho choir rehearsal the other day, when it was bitter cold, a ventilator or window near the organ loft was left open, allowing a piercing draft to strike tbe singers. As a natural consequence, all but two of the members of tbe choir caught cold, and failed to materialize at tbe next service. The minister, who had not observed the falling off in tbe number of the singers, gave out the hynm: "Let those refuse to sing Who do not love the Lord." Turning to his choir, he then was horror-stricken to find but two of the warblers there. Isaiah Clark, aged 112 years, ofMechan icsvnle, Indiana Co., is dying of gangrene, resulting from the fracture of a leg four years ago, and which he refused to have set. Robert Pollock, of Indiana Co., commit ted suicide a few days ago, on the eve of a church trial. The following note to his wife was found in his pocket. Dear Mary—l am guilty of a wilful lie in that church business, and am no more able to conceal it. 1 have run on until I cannot return. Tell Andrew and Uncle David's. Mt.ry, you are my beir. All I have is yours. H. 11. Winans, a prominent citizen of Venango county is on trial at Franklin, on a charge of burglary. —A stove and fine grate can be purchased cheap bj any one needing those articles. Information given at this office. Prospect Normal Academy It will cost you but a penny to send for a catalogue of Prospect Academy. F. W. MAOEE, Principal, Prospect, Pa. —Tbe best Indigo blue calicos at 5 cents a yard at tbe People's store No. 323 S Main St. —Boarding House Cards, with Act of Assembly, 25 ceutß for half-a-dozen, for sale at CITIZEN office. Largest assortment and best values in Dress Goods and Cloaks at L. STEIN & SON'S. New Importations. Spring embroideries now on sale. Tbe largest and finest assortment ever offered in Butler. Also white goods, sheeting, muslins and all kinds of spring domestics marked at extremely low prices for the benefit of those who desire to have their spring sewing done by the time spring comes. R. & R. —lce cream furnished in any quantity, for parties, by the City Bakery. Very low prices on Fine Umbrel las at L. Sxbn & WON'*. The Best Is none to good if you are rick The physician ex pects results and this can only be obtained ichen pure drugs are dispensed. Pu rity care and accuracy in every department of our business. Only registered pharmacists are employed and personal supervision given to every detail. ITir endeavor to keep every thing that is inquired for, but if ice do not have ichat your prescription calls for tee will tell you so and do our best to get it for you at the earliest possible time. Xo matter ichat is needed for the sickroom come to our store. Our prices are as low as con ■ sistent with pure goods. Inferior ones we do not care to handle at any price Physicians pre scriptions and family re ceipts a specialty. Respectfully, C. N. BOYD, Druggist. Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. I2NTS U"JR< A.JSTCB. IDS. CO. ol North America, lOGth v ear. ASSETS $5,951,518 83. Home Ine. Co. Assets $9,091,192 58 Hartford Ins. Co. " $6,576,616 13 Continental Ins. Co. " $5,000,000 London Assurance Co. Incor'd. 1720 N. Y. Life Ins. Co. As'ts 115,000,000 Office in HUSELTON BUILDING, nex to the Court House. E. £. ABRAMSI& CO. 'J'HE BUTLER COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, BUTLER, FA.; CAPITAL'Paid.Up, ... «100,000.00. OFFICERS : Jos. Hartman, Pres't. D. Osborne. Cashier, J. V. Rltts.Vice Pres't, C. A. Bailey,Ass't Cash' DIRECTORS : Jos. Hartman, C. P. Collins, O. M. Kussell, H. MCweeney, C. D. Greenlee, J. V. Rltta, E. E. Abrams, Leslie Hazlett. I. U. Smith, W. S. Waldron, L>. Osborne. A general banking bnsiness transacted. In terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned.on aporovec security. Foreign exchange bought and sold. The Reason For the great gain in our business is that when parties buy a bill of us they are so we.l pleased with the value of their purchases compared with the amouat of money invested that tbey give vent to their satisfac tion in conversation with others, and thereby become advertising agents for R & R. —Bargains in Dry Goods and Notions at the People's Store, fcio 323 S Main St. —Hello. What is it? Why D E. Jackson is Belling dress goods 25 per cent less than tbey can be bought anywhere else. How so? Because he is selling that inucb below value to close out. The Case School. The new catalogues of Case School of Applied Science,containing descrip tions of the courses in Civil, Mechan ical, Mining and Electrical En eginering, and in Physics, Chemis try, and Architecture; requirements for admission; expenses, etc., are just published and can be obtained tree of charge by addressing E. Case, Sec'y, 9 Rockwell St., Cleveland, O. We Are Bound To clean out our wraps, blankets and furs. To do so we are offering them at lower prices than ever known to the trade. R & R. —Before snow comes is the time to buy sleighs cheap. MARTINCOCRT & Co. 'B. New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords, Henriettas aud Fine Dress Goods at L. STKIN & SON'S. —Sleighs cheap before snow comes* MARTINCOURT & Co.'s. —Before snow comes is the time to buy sleighs cheap. MARTINCOURT & Co.'s. —Towels at 5 cents a pair, at tbe People's Store, No. 323 S. Main St. —lce for sale at the City Bakery. —Buy the Lansing Wagon—it is tbe best. For sale by HENRY BIEHL, 122 N. Main St., Butler, Pa. —Zuver's Pictures leave nothing wanting in finish, tone or a correct likeneßS. —You can now save from one to three dollars on a cashmere or henri etta dress by buying from D. E. JACKSON. —lf you want to get the best se lections come soon before the stock is run down, as everything must go regardless of cost. D. E. JACKSON. Any good square man or woman can earn money in spare time as local agent for the warranted fruita, flowers trees of J. E. W hitn»y, Rochester, N. Y. Yearly salary paid for steady work. A permanent honorable business is quickly built up. Awful Cold Weather. Ladies and Misses' Cloaks in great variety at lowest prices at L. STIIN & SON'S. —The cheapest place in Butler to buy stoves is HENRY BIEHL'S, No. 122 N. Main St., Butler, Pa. Don't forget uS on Hoßiery and Gloves, we always have tbe best at lowest prices L. STEIN & SON'S. The Readers, of this paper have learned by experU ence tbat we never put in wild ad vertisements. but merely state facts in regard to our stock and prices. RITTER & RALSTON'S. —lce cream at last summer's prices at Morrison's City Bakery. —Fine cakes at the City Bakery German Knitting Yarn, Spanish and Saxony.Yarns at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Buy your sleighs now and get bargains. MARTINCOCRT & Co.'s. CttTBQCPC or oincfi.wro with to Mil J bit I Ivblld this pap* .Of obtain •stirrat « jn IP wh«n in Chicago, will find it on ffc » I *5 *0 49 iwow. St., * AB||£TIIAIIIC LvttU ft IRUWwi Financial State ment OF THE BOROUGH OF BUTLER. ACTUAL INDEBTEDNESS. Ist. Bonded indebtedness....# 65 500 00 2nd. Outstanding warrants.. 9 362 21 3rd. Due John Osborne on Main St. paving 53 710 48 Credit 49 100 Bal 4 610 48 4th. Due John Osborne on Diamond St. paving 5 420 52 CreJit 2 500 00 Bal 2 926 52 sth. Due E F Hughes on sew er contracts: Ist Dist, Main St 3 680 10 " Jefferson St. Bin 1 605 04 " Jackson Alley 2 682 23 " W Pearl St 1 IS9 71 •* Alley South ot W Pearl 5.V4 00 " Chestnut St 1 372 10 " W North 1 064 80 " McKean Alley 2 734 40 " Alley between Bluff and Washington 1 007 45 " Jefferson St. 15 in 1 053 53 " Alley N and Eof North 1 138 40 " East Pearl St 1 034 15 " Fulton St 918 12 " McKean St 170 00 " Alley >V. of Chestnut St 1 591 15 " Clay St 4 246 26 26 041 44 Fairview and Walker Ave 1 371 84 " Brown Ave 1 149 88 Mifflin St 170 00 Howard St 701 06 S Main St 503 63 3 896 41 ! Total 29 937 85 Credit by cash 20 858 96 Bal due E F Hnghes 9 078 89 6th. Due McPoland A Graham on sewers: Brown Ave and alley East of Brown Ave 1 754 36 Franklin St 713 35 2 468 11 Credit 1 000 00 Bal 1 468 11 7th. Due Ott Bros on sewers: McKean St 1 684 00 Mifflin St 1 086 00 Walnut St 517 32 Centre Ave 5 781 67 9 068 99 Credit... 6 176 00 Bal 2 892 99 Bth. Dua John Osborne, extra on culverts on Main St out side of contract 453 33 9th. Due Vulcan Iron Co, Bal on iron culverts 254 14 10th. Due Long & Doyle pav ing contracts: E Jefferson St 13 801 84 W " 16 241 54 Centre Ave I 11 945 17 41 988 55 Credit 23 339 70 Bal 18 648 85 11th. Due T C Campbell, att'y on sewering and paving con 270 00 12th. Due Peter Schenck, treas com. on pav. and Sew. con 1 179 75 13th Dae Hy Wagner dama ges on Chestnut 91 50 14th. Due Chas Rebhun.jugd't 291 40 15tn. Due Hose House rent.. 100 00 16ih. Am't advanced on pav. and sew. accounts to be re placed by proceeds of bonds to be issoed 5 791 54 Total 122 919 7\ CREDITS. Unpaid on assessments: Main St paving 5 022 61 Diamond St " 1 271 50 E Jefferson " less school as't 1 625 97 Centre Ave " " " 1 627 68 W. Jefferson St. paving 11 179 36 First Dist. sewer 5 197 01 Springdale sewers less school assesment 3 802 62 Howard St. sewer 364 27 Franklin and Walnut St sewer 333 41 South Main St. sewer 404 00 Cash on hand less checks out standing 7 566 89 Uncollected taxes less collect ors commission and exon erations, estimated 8 399 00 Cash to be covend in the treas ury from sale of bonds 5 791 54 52 585 86 Net indebtedness 70 333 85 Statement of indebtedness incurred in pursuance of vote to increase indebtedness to seven per centum on valuation. Net indebtedness as stated above S7O 333 85 Bonds issued paid and retired 6 000 00 Total 76 333 85 Amount of funded debt 65 500 00 Amount of floating debt,actual 57 419 71 Amount of floating debt,net.. 4 833 85 Amount of tbe last proceeding assessed valuation of taxable property.... ..............2 260 900 00 Assets of corporation and charaotor and nature thereof. 1 St. sweeper estimatd, value.. 380 00 1 " scraper " " . 200 00 4 hose carriages " " . 1 600 00 2000 feet of fire hose " " - 800 00 1 ladder truck and ladders estimated, va1ue........... 75 00 100 lamp posts and lamps estimated, va1ue........... 2 000 00 1 sate estimated, value 65 00 2 fire bells " " .... 95 00 65 tire hydrants " " .... 2 500 00 10 axes " " .... 15 00 4 lanterns " " 12 00 4 trumpets " " .... 20 00 7 762 00 Dates of maturity and forms of bonded debt. Coupon bonds series "F".... 8 000 00 2 000 00 payable each year on the 13th of Nov., the first maturing in 1892, Conpon bonds series "G".19 000 00 2 000 00 payable each year on the 19th day of July, the first maturing in 1892, Conpon bonds series "H"... 25 000 00 1 000 00 payable each year on tbe first day of June, the first maturing in 1892, Coupon bonds series "1".... 13 000 00 SI,OOO payable each year on the first day of July—the first maturing in 1892. Each of the above bouds bears 4 per c int. per year, free of State tax For the Borough of Butler this 27th day of January, 1892. J. B BLACK. D. L. AIRES, Prest., Town Council. As't. Burgess. Levi M. WISB, Seo'y of Town Council. X <2 r LES^ A. T COST In order to close out all winter goods. I will offer my entire stock of CLOAKS, BLANKETS, COMFORTS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, FLANNELS. MILLINERY, In fact all winter goods AT COST. Before you buy any Dry Goods eome and look through my stock. I know I can save you money. LOUIS TRAXIIHR, Next door to Butler Savings Bank, Butler, P». WE ARE NOT giving goods away, but are selling them so low as to be within the reach of all. Overcoats at Cost; l Odd Pants at Cost; Underwear at way down prices; in fact everything in winter clothing is so low that you need not be without it; if you are, it is your own fault. DON'T FAIL TO SEE our #2.50 wool pants, it's the best value ever offer ed for the money, being a good, well made, heavy pant, suit able for dress or business wear. Now do not be talked into going anywhere else for clothing until you've seen what we have. Everything guaranteed to be as represented or your money will be refunded. H. SCHNEIDEMAN, Clothier and Furnisher, 104 S. Maih Street, - Butler, Pa. HUSELTON'S SHOES! Worth Looking Oar Boots and Shoes are making an impreneion "on the Bands of time." We help onr customers to make tbeir walk in life easy by fitting them with -y w '"'oes l ' )4t t ' l *' r feet comfortably. ,ff T P a 7 special attention to this, as no * ~ Hoot or Bboe will wear well that does not fit properly. There is enough trouble and pain in this life without increasing it by wearing 111 fitting shoes All onr footwear is selected carefully from the most improved lasts as well as quality of stock, etc. We keep the kind that will fit comfortably and wear, we keep the best at the lowest prices. We don't keep a Ladies Shoes at SI.OO and *ar it ia worth s2.oo,tbat is an old, old chestnut, but we do Bar we har« a Ladies fine Shoe at $1 00, that cannot be matched either for dtyl* or wear, wo s.iy the same of our Ladies entire line from $1.25, $1 60. $2.00. $2 50, and $3.00 and up to $4 00 and $4 50. Don't you g® 4 tired of reading some fellows advertisements when they 6ay goods a re being Slaughtered at any price to clean op. etc., that this or that BOVB Boot is selling at $1 00 worth $2.00 Now there is just one of two things, either they made a big profit before or not telling the truth , recollect these liberal fellow* don't low any money, goods are per haps dear at the low prices named after you see them and more especially after you wear them- It seems useless to qQote a long list of prices as you cannot judge unless you see the goods, but if you want the best Boys Boots at SI.OO, aises 1 to 5 you ever saw you can get it here, a Man's Boot at $1 50, Children's Shoes at 25, 50 and 75 cts , Boy's fine Shoes at 85 cts., these are straight prices no humbug to pull you in, neither are tbey sold at 50 GENTS ON THE DOXaIaAR. Have a lot Misses Rubbers at 10 cts. a pair and they are not worth 30 cts. either, recollect we have the lancet stock to select from, best goods and lowest prices, we don't handle any old jjbs. sold cheap on account of some imperfections, but solid, new and desirable lines at the lowest price. BC. HUBELTON, - - 102 N. MAIN BT., BOTLBE, PA C. & D. It will be to your own inter est to come in and see what a first-class Hat and Furnishing Store can do for you. The success of the past makes us confident ot the present and future, and notwithstanding the depression in business all over the country we have largely in creased our lines throughout and now show a full and comprehen sive stock as can be found in the cities. We have gone right along from the time we started owing to the fact that we adhere strictly to first quality goods at the very low est prices, and we would rather miss a sale than misrepresent any thing. COLBERT & DALE, Hatters and Furnishers, 242 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. LEAVE YOUR measure at Aland's if you desire a Fall Suit, Overcoat or Trousers, that are made to the newest mode and decree Jof fashion. Our stock is large, comprising a care fully selected assort ment of Brown Scotch Tweeds for busi ness suits: Black and Blue Diagonals for dress suits: Neat Stripes and Cheques for trousers: Wh i pcor d and Crepes spec i a 11y made for full dress suits, And an excellent line of overcoatings. AM PIitUTOT Advtrtbiu:; bu P""* successful. Before plulniiny a fIFTK Newspaper A 6 ■ tWOff ottPl LO.ID * THOMAtf jmWPEJ innruaa an% notfUMMMkOMMA , RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WEST PBNN B. B. Trains leave the Writ Peon depot at foot east Jefferson St. as follows: 0:20 a. m.—Market—arriyea at Allegheny at 8:40 and 9:13 p. m. e:4O a. m.— Express—arrives at Allegheny at 10:30 a. aa. 11:00 a. m.—Accomodation—arrives at Alle gheny at 1:21 p. m. J:45 p. m—Accomodation—arrives at Alle at 4:44 p. m. 5:00 p m. -Express—arrives at Alleghany at Allegheny at 6:48 p. m. The 6:20 a. m. train and 2:45 p. m. trains connect at RnUer J auction with trains East to Blairsville Intersection, where oonneetion is made with the Day Express and Phtlad'a Express going Ea«t. Trains arrive at Bat rat 9-35 and 10:35 a. m. and 1:30, 6.-00 and 7:50 p. m., leaving Al legheny at 6:55, 8:50 and 10:40 a. m. and 3: 15 and 6;10 p. m. P. A w. B. K. Trains leave the P. A W depot near Ce, tre Ave.,Southside, Butler time, as follwa going south: 6:00 a. m.—Allegheny Aooomodation. 8:00-Allegheny and Akron Express—runs on Sunday to Allegheny, and oonneoti for New Castle that day. 10:20 a. m.— Allegheny Accomodation. 2:50 p. m.—Allgheny Express. 3:20 p. m.—Chicago Express, runs on San day. 6:10 p m—Allegheny and Zelienople Mail, ft una on Sunday to Allegheny alone. On Sunday alone, at 9 a. m., New Castle Express. Going North—lo:o6 a. m. Bradford Mail. 5:20 p. in—Clarion Aooom. 7:40 p m.—Foxburg Accom. No Sunday trains on the narrow-gauge. The 3:30 p. m. train South connects at Cal lery with the Chicago express, whioh runs daily and is equipped with the Pnllman buf fet anil sleeping coaches. Trains lor Butler leave Alleghany at 6:30 and 10;30 a. in., city time, and 3:16, 6:26 Hud 7:40 p. m Ou Sunday at »:30 a. m. and 4:20 p in Trains trrive at Butler at 9:35 and 10:20 a. ra. »ml 12:30, 4:45. 7:35 and 9:40 p. m. San day at 10:20 and o:10. PITTSBCBO, BHBNANGO A LAKE BUB B. B Trains leave the PAW depot, Bntler time, aa followa: 5:30 a m, to Erie, arriving there at 10:45 a. m. 10:30 a. m. to Erie, arriving there at 3:20 p m. 5.-00 p. m. to Greenville, arriving there at 7:25 p m. A train arrives from Greenville at 10:05 a. m with ttirough car to Alleghenv over the P. A W; one at 2.30 p. m. frem Erie which connecu witb bom roa.ii to Allegheny, and one at 8:40 p. m from Erie. Trains leave Milliards at 6:25 and 11:15 a. m. slow time. The 8:30 a. m. and 3 p. in. trains on both roads in Allegheny connect with trains on the P. S A L E. at Bntler. © Take the time to wralk up East Jeffersonjßtreet to Bee the window-full of fine Remarque Proof and Artists' Proof Etch ings. Choice $1,50. Christ mas is coming. W. OSBORNEi ART DEALER, - BUTLER, PA FOR KENT. Farm containing 200 acres, located in Donegal Twp., well waterad, good orchard plenty of fruit, good dwelling, barn, apnng house, granery, and best farm in the nhip for stock raining or cultivation. For merly George Gilleag. to-- * Bottor Oo>, (ftKor* P. 0.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers