iitis ft,* CURE rSc'Bee&clwwir b.'..*11 th«irr»' K,^J»'« ricr* t- -4 -i. 1 «**»■ ..s, nuoh a* S."Tztnf*<-rt. Ka :«a. P-ouriiimx. %ttcr er.Vmr. I tun in fbe Shie. f- WUto moU r.'iik rtat:» w —lam t? a•' 3WO u crtn* SIC* /:e*d»~bJ. "t t -.t- »'• Um-t lAvrm Pnix fc,-.* r iuAllj ». -u.*ot* —* Ccufctlf-lioa. enrmg and Lf.-r'nrtln# C Jtrnonn- '.tnUaint. while Ihrr A" totwf iTrdi«3Hor*of l*.o atomaui. ktfmnlMU) oie " «r th: bcwfcli. Etqo tf u. v «wy <v~yi HEAD A-'* U»sf a« >l*"t to 4km wl.o stfflOr from thi« d:sirasan* comp.'atot: but fartr"»teJ- »h*lr Ktyj&ryt d—« sot rod bere «ci tJu»» who ooee trv them will find ':!) ir «o m»Tiy"way* thai tkc, --ill ;ut tw viuiiu; (o do without than. But -ft/ r an Mk. huul ACHE isthebkne of nonisnv Hrw Vr»»l«wh*»w . we "13k- .r erert bout. Oir jiils cure it wV « ,uier" do u >t. Cljms. Lnu hiLia t*rr-y «nuiu ur 1 verv t. ~y l«'. " Or»e «r i" o pfls a ilnri- i'Cty are strict.y and do not gripe or p'Tge. Wit *<y Ul. . *--r.tl» acif' fJnai ! ail wtlo II"» fV-ii. Tn '-wJa at SS oeutu; hn tor ?J floki jTt.. 'i* i oi Jaut bj Eiail. LAT.'ZU. «C::E3 CC-, St-r WL Icall FiO> kiHSn Mlfte, ripffiq HlfiLlfSii I /ki&.jOf fUYQ Cod j MM Liver CI!! and i j iff KVWIWOSWITES; V\n * of Ll/nc und ! \M&- i 5 u e>.dor»od at.- jkuoiiMl Vy i > tihyslclaii i bei-Auaa tcjUv the Vtn L<.txr Oil \ ) airl i.yp'tfii Mj-ntlrf n.rn 111* re< ».ilz" l j w> ;»aiateM-. IC!"I. \ Sedlfi EbhH* s M rwp! j \ i . a «v*-« f. 17 iJ l-rodi' -r. ft 1* t'm j 5 Bai for COmrWTIOM, J Scr'<raia- t.cDcbitis. Wpct-.r-.g Di«- ' J cii ef, A' tus BC-" »: I ' IA i"\ 1 • • f *' • • ' ■ ■ '/ • > " V" ; .A : | !, 0 'T' % ' '.l } L'w '4'J uIMM ■»*"*' ll r - , j. - i .. -1 . • •.. ;:*ir H-jy * 1 r.trt :r \StZtSL fjvs-: • I*•.-<» • .# Chzna .-. ' Pipbr » I -rr. . > iir'yjs 'Jak. A Car* Ki>cb*t tj ; rn/. t».j. -mokilmujo. ._1 -i.i _ »•,.•; -> i OiM VOut P ,T. Pi" ■ I>' W". /««»» '. ZT*mt Tm- .«fc. ra an alwolntn. uul jpennaPwm care for Kirk O»ai» -h*. BlUculiWIIK. l'«»H«s tlou, \rrjona Drlilllty, Brlfhln Mwum, Dtal>i:*m »u4 I'M. Kiimpilon. U t<K» to tb' rrry r> jt w all Uigtaist* by au impure state oi tn<* '.irxxj run \PLEXIO V l« » »n.l voirerful ittliiet of Oi m<wi raiaaul* anl i; .n-n»i»e h«rl.- tnunn tome lie»1 ncUnoa, i.r*j ..*< frrm »ht j.ro •rrliiii'in of a notail SngtiJli * mid CHraa wbi-o tn othi r nmedlaa '*ll. Ttia»**ml«of the I Wtheat *ml Milln«>nl»Jt from tnttilui r®«'-nuc*nb» •lioiro. Tk« Snt do»» f«» wtlti oi.ifl'luic*.—<lo tn Tour rtrucrl-t, pur«ljk«« a ooftlp. aa<l be cttr<.<f-Vaiu al>b> :»*>* arat fre* to a)L rRAXKLII HA BT, Warren fu.. Now York. a DOCTORS LAKE nm-.t'lffc UISi BTfAKY. Con. Psnm A. : c. ano FOURTH ST.. PlTßttUlivjrt, P*. , Allfnrinsr.f Tillc it* :ind Co.u --'« s-t _ piica u-d DUeasc* i wi u< rl l h Co.i • ,»•* ; ~\i~w njttW*iAl.»ii<li-"cik. firr: - - c n'uii'tn ar« treate<l at thii l>ii t»i •• w -ualuocaaprfctaiv -iiUip.-d. Dr.s. I. I .im«nl«rlt.-' Hovil Phy tic ia iii and h.-rpuß..., and la the .:i—t "li'l »i'«»i - »\[. .i«s«i '1 SrJ?i;i.itt»T irvth' city. Sjiwlal at- UiitiuE ii«-uto-'Oi • fromc:-.<**»»• mtiu. e vcrtlr-n. r<. with, etc., -aue iir- '■ -" nal i i<l in. ntai lee»;- S i r,{ e irrpy, I' «t. ' [.y. -to.; i<laoC ueera,Otttb- Fife. I'i.i--. t". i.iatj.-.n«ai..l all <Unumiil th.i Si in. I : ,I, ..u»s«.trrUi3nr<*rf C«n««h.' iw fn :1«tl- ouMroOoi. '»^-_t,in>uiM,l»to I .-■ ■ i>l . to «r. »c.; auiHM.tR, t y iv. » oniy. -H Or M4far I>R*. 1, ST. Oiif;. !■-r.-'-t Av-.uaumis'wm wut.ii.rA. »s- ~ .. ■=•.' . «r-3»sn«*t i - • - I . . ... urttl I y I' ln.AOfcVrnf* ,j £» £>.ll-j.t.otnxsriu i I I'liM 110. i »fc,| ■•KMI,-. pti ill t.nui-wby ,«a, j*r»-ied. -• • » *'l-aiar. v'uht Cm-oKv -"vt® •, ~ fiEhV' S'cK r / WX* ?' tn\ .. Jj- » ♦ '>»" •' -.'t A&*t+ £i-'i ' • 'P*J. tie. -LlW. f .f • / u#«t //# FHf c/ltr " 1 ; a tr«.:| Vitri# ■Si " • ...|«r~w®Mc! «rr«- b ' «« wh»n 5. .'•-v 'tlrtn. s/. 1 *irew Ift. M of -a n. - !f; KLtN k V.mj-ddrfiiaTi. : -t - .. fisWAMft oi rif/TA*. - WJJWS. mjm gys ; - -xr ist iWisrs »> • rTr-KSiur. itr^TJo 5 . > • UH19.1 Bfifiitf; Mill, BIITLKit, PI. H. FDLLERfOU, Prop'r, B| «al«iu, Flanaftl* aud Yarn wfPnre Bat* '«» (Jauijr Wml. sUlct!;- all wool ' " 1 f•> me V» TVlaJrigM. 9 PIE CITIZBIT. "MISCEL 7 ANIXM s it was a Boston Horse •'Cit apt" exclaimed Wis-- 1 Bnakor-Hill'd Mtnifl. But the horse diii not move. "The animal doua uot =ec.ui to comvre- LuDil." Mild Mias Hill. '"Let Die try, "All tight." "Frocoed, Barepbalr. !" And the uninn<' proceeded. Ttie Lady Next door* Mr«. W. envied the luJy neit door b alwajv ftcuisd to ! a: - bappy. "She tujoys lifo aud Idoii't," ■ the diwonteute.l womun. "il«* I wuwhl like to change placi-s with Uev!'' At jhe uiado tao acquai.iULi eof the object 1 i hor envy, ami this is what the lady t-a . her: '"Happy? Of course I an;, for I ei.jay ptrfect health. My dear Mr#. V> r , cttr f»et tella me why t/»u ate liftpi>y. V«m are wifftriiig I'rorn functional deras>.' e t u e'it < - I uti a martyr to feuiato weitkne.--* s f<> years, but Dr Pierce's Favorite Pr'-scrip tioii cured toe, as it w ill you if you will iry it. It i* ymirantefA |o pive liatislaetiou i:i every ease or price ($1.00) returned. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, ono a d"se. Car.- headache, constipation an.l indigestion. —Said the eondaetor: "Those people in this car who monopolize tiro BcaU apiece with their bundles are notified t! it ho., cholera is rspiug in the next town we stop at." .. ' ,-v \Vhf-n a fashion item s«ys that ••:i«>tfc ine but plain collara will be worn by ladies tho coriii»ip-atfti.mn." it doesn't mean i? be some comfort in -r<-h : cofc'ume in midouuinj'-r. but it is to" nnani '.iously decolettu for the chilly day of autumn. Th? whole cyiitem is built tip and rejuvenated by the peculiar medicine, Uood'a Sarsaparilla. "flig poods are of the latest, aud their quality the straightest. Aud his tr«do i (juite a« booming a* any merehaut iu Un bind. Very few can touch his prices on flour, teas or ?pieei«, ard his enpar it in gnlltlew el a single grain of sand, lie is spry enough and clever, at <1 he makes a strong-endeavor to autieipate hi 3 customers with agility aud dio-h. But his nature is too trusting, aud he's on the point of buetiug; fer he always > < • the credit and too seldom gels the cash " One Thousand Dollais. I wiil forfeit tbe above atuo. Nt l! I lu to r>io\ ll:at FloMplexi >ri the bi -I ii:« d i&e ui lence lor i>yapep«ia, Puligi..-- ti r -n or IJilii nsnes?. it is a certain eure. a •.1 1 , jfforoH immediate relief, in cas> <■ ol Kidney and Liver Con-.plaiut, Nerv i s T>< Mlitv >*n<l Connuuipti n. Foraplexwwi builSs . p the weak syAem and cures when other remedies fail. Asl. rour for ir and get well. Valuable book "Tilings Woits Knowing," also. p»inpl< btittli- sent free; all ehuixes prepaid Audi-ss Frauk liu Hart, «8 tVarren stiec-t, >'i-W Y<irk. —TV hy the Am a ton a light Imtter than the regular mn'n roldiery is explainert by out: wlm» i. as captur. ! by tne French iu i. h: Ifle '-sat "pring. Fuel. w -n:an is oroiiji eti ain i. Kquarc >ll lienten, three hii:- b&u's all the a»h ant honey the nc il -. and the aii-fact; u of h iling an enemy onee - week. ' —A Ksnsas girl »f's, who bad to mi" a kicit:ng cow, tied her hind feet .. The cow ga\e a kick, lell over on the mill maid and »nen they %<>* her out lr>>u; uuuer the beef she nad a broken leg aui. arm to prove her Inrontive geui; Consumption Sufoiy Cu^oi. To Tni Eoitob:— ITiaaao lnfora your raadt-rH that I ha« a poaiUra rom'-Jy for the iAcvD-nuuvd diaeafo. fly lla tlrafllyuae thou»a.niia of V jfcl Caaaa horn permanently cured. I sh-Ul he glaC to »»nd Swo botlloa of my ramody iHE!J u> si:y r yo>u: wadera who have eonaaaiptioii i! they »11 <ead me their and P. O. a<t>lir3a. lieapc-.t telly. T. A. BLOCCM, M. 0.. l« Toarl at, N. Y. —Faateur might have bi."n the rich t mad in the world if he. luid rUti'il for th>- commercial valne of bib diseoveri. •• and proti eted tbtui by patents, t-i ;i:'.il',rioi to bis discoveries In the preyer.tiou ol hydrophobia he discovered"the ennijo ol > mysterious dis'.-a-o among s-';.w«.u;- wbieh threaten ol to dest.uiy tli«j si!3v a <>. it industry ill France, ami applied i :< The wine growoni of i'/i-' complained of tbuix vii.ee Leiiijj h ,ialur« ii.'id the grapes to ttli'j -m,. r«etear's investi'.-i>l;rni> ol the ei-n-- f. rn. taughLlhegiowerhoiv Uitisc i.v.is touu be cuied. lie discovered the im< ro< - which propuj,att-s diseuse in k!hi|i. r.ud suggested it remedy, 'fin > di- <>v-lie represent again to tho community of njany millions of dollars, but the grea* - . ictii; : has made no effort to profit p.-reonaliy fr m any of them. I 11-i.—All 1118 mopj idin o by lir Kllae'a Orral Serie Bestorer. Tin Ills alter lir t i. y utc Marvelous cvreit. Traatlae und T-irs. trial Ijott!i- 'rec lo Kit ciisea. Kend to fir. Kline, ail Arch St .. Phll'a. l'a. —Slacked lime it sni.l to ha a aore cu for gapes in chicks. Put the chicks •. here the dust will betnbab d b} them, v. h i; cooks Urn worm. One i.u.u gays bo ■ bis chicks in a barrel or box, lie bme over them and cover., tight. At? trmi toan partially fills a -mall paper i.-ag w r JJtiie and into the (ipenillg In- thrust - tee bend of the fowl to be treated, closing tin mouth af ti sack hy pre muj? it al.> it ii:- cbiek.-u'a neck. He Jlhen shake.' Ihy b lin? k with dust. iVliieh it. i- fous-l to nrnsth -. This opefati'Ui is repea.ed tv>; e, the .>•-'!'» bead being removed betwe. .'a,ikes to enable it to get a breath ol uli, and froiii that on the honra of the pe.-'iler ousliUJo woruis which are guawing at t. ■ wlnd p'.pe of tho chicken are numbered and a 'pucuv cure i* effected, tin- chick apparently lully recoveiiag in a da/ or tWti. TO C '.Oltsun; pi. V u.-t. The ni deriianul i.ivi Urn t red he. lib by ' "i'.( le Ui- -I ,*r ■ (.*.. ii• .' (• . several >••■ »u'a -t uwre 't|. • and *b.'( dreed dikca* oi --u li'-i. anxious ft .nuke i».rt.-.'ii to ! ii < >:i.* .• ers •' » r-ejus o '.-are. i.■ 11.> ■.• v. •,■ ,•> !t, ft' »jil ('I t-efttrfl) 'ill '1 If. - . capy of tht |in-(t,-ri| tte'J a.*.' . . .!■ t; ■- will S.id a sore car*, tor t'..u i . , i . Aathrna, f -tiirrb, tir. jciii' i*. . .el iii. i r ■ i.'l tutu; Maisdit*. He t 1 'b till ur m» KemeJy, i.s it >.-va m fb<wr dreir ir.. the Jieefccriplioo, i-.iii,;.'. v. i,. ecat ibeni notliing, and may proi;- t bic. '.- io*. will i»le?. e adrire-j« RKV. lovvai;.') A. WIIBCJC, \Viliiumabtirir, ICiu.'ii .untv, N't v. York. Tho youth who iamo aa'l pelf would win Mi: ' love Let with linpanity. Nor 'ibouid etvhraca ho aaything . Kveep* 'in opportunity. The spoony Iu .cr is in. an.-: V.'itli phn'i[oio.» fair hi. mind'.; di fraught. And should be always thus ri-maia Tucro well at once to have him j.i,<>t. Dwellinu' for Sale. O A nice frame dwelling of six rooms and a large stable, 28x40 feet. Lot 36x180 feet, located on Wathingl' u street, poutbeaHt of the Miller Motel, Evans City. Terms to enit putchar er. The two hniidings bring sl4 rent peV month, latjuire ut the resi dence. FOR SALE. Farm for sale cheap. 113*1 acres, ,i mile from lireenviH". r.-il g. d. itne orchards, fine location. Or.od btiiMings, two aetts. >IOO jK;r acre. Address, AVM. Lo.N'li, Jloj 500, UroeuviUCj l'a, i ICOIUNC LEARN Oa the important subject of fine Slimmer Footwear, I; u-'.inc everything now, novel and in : i> : Cool. Uomfortablo And i'usiiicnabic Stylos Is now drawing hundreds to *,. i "T w ililM 5 The Leading Shoe House i» Sutler. Whtre the inas.-es deal aud bcrt . atisfuctiou is obtained. Who ; «a't inter'-'ed in boots and; s'rogß? Who isn't anxious to know : where the best footwear can bo sot- j en for the least money. Give tt« year attr ntion for a fow rni.mtes. Above all things bar tn j pii -fi wo don't sell any but solid • leather shoe? 1.- herttie, which Lear? the same relation to leather as does oleomar- j rte to butter or i-boddy to wool, i<* DC ©ore frt'tjUc-iitly palmed off on j I rr uipeeting customer.* as the gvnu '■ irie article. few w»jeks (often days) wear in j Variably f-?ltles a jrir of leatherette : m leuviog you to wondtr why < n uro f.o mnch "harder" ou tboes j chuo y• ur neighbor who buys his; she«-8 tt Ilaielton's. If \< u hire never bought yourl ebofP Ironi Ilm-elUin do to now. There arc rue: v lw ,-tyles in shoes this Mut-un. It i* impossible to enumerate them. Patent leather tips i'ra it is quite the thing to have; the t.etd (t-X'Lit i;l same material; the heel- are not worn off <<r frayed by t i-ku ii-, by wb'ch the shoe is giveii \ ,;<ciii! attractiveness. Button -h /.will, ol cr-uire, t ,i-r remain iu ntid public favor. Ladies' elegant Oxford Ties con stitute another lice even more popu j.;; !i. > summer than last They <irr i.sfbi, cheap ncd handsome, with ail i r i .tl- rent mbinatiooß We twites' line buttoi .hoes a: $1 am l $1.25; Cut at sl-50. J!,u'b, Boys', Yoatha, Mieses' and t in .reu'ti best S'.iPiner footwear; I?, vis that defy all competition. Our: uvn'o fine shoes at §l, $1 25, s>l 50, j SI .75 and *2,00 are an eyesore to j tc.rii t 'itors Oi hrogaos, [ low =>hi Ciedcniores, Bluehers,ii» plain .. d b>x i.e. take a prominent place iu our trade. Wo have everything yon may v.t iu t'.ij choe line and at o - •ht price and we don't sell . t o!u job lots fuher. j. vi - v pair ir- warranted a* solid aud to weu,r. Tho Leading Shoe House in u tier. E. C. HUSELTON.I j> o. -i, N. M;tin Butler. I'n j Dry Goods AT LOWEST PRICES A Ti J ! f NEW STOKE OF D. i£. JACK.SON. ffvi.ii- etif- <■-, but Uvs come 1,1 •-, U'e ir. . ' &;«-«-«i« nt lowest ci, .-, ii-. i>'.i. - ■i' ,-ei 'or C'inlt ' . .. eh -in m r I -/<>»"/- mt (fault, h '<• ' ' <■ ' j . ~. ■>. , ..tuioif ...• ...'• ?».. U. ..... \i . • G . U-.ii'ii-i -i.ii". jjtir liri: ! .->i '■ ' uri • i aiii! (Juriuin Poles, t.'orrii t. ~.iti Coi-et VVa!»is, L-i'i'i's", Chiidrt u'.- ami l»e;jia' Uuder we ; r, Hosiery, Gloves hi:'i Miis, Kid Glove*, ltibbi.u-. Silk ami Velvet, Black and Ooh.ru! Silks,Olotb CajK-s, i Beml Wraps, .ler.-ey" uud Jersey Jii'-kcts, Tub e Liiict.s. Napkins. Towels, .'i'- A*i- us >•<•'.» goods are ttn iv i*ii it. ui.e, * • would III)* 1 iK. - i "Vi- " li'l k'oolW UOW ([.il. »:.;t :-.~r i. liave them at . .. il'le. ; l.ti HCIISOQ ud v.. ■ , . ii • }i: t;d to sny that a t - • n ■ c -iut;- our en.*b [ il j : !.:»ve met witii approval f:,i,.; , '-'idati ''), hite.-ugb Mibji-ei | ' -.ii- rciulii-t .tiiit comparts »n j •.■.ui. Ib goi-ii.- eii.-i. ii <>y "to-rs. » • ien your pttirmi'i ./e, uud -.'ill !.... a in otaf power in mime our i usi m-. i. i' -acttoii. p-.'iifeuui. aud profit »l>it< i> ,lAt K ti.N", lJutlcr, Pr. Niac, door to He: r.emut.V. YOU w :;. lintl il e its t 1 1 Water n 'u! I r ;it v i i/ ' a ; ;: 1 ; S { \ .: i-A U i J 0« Try his ni[u- tonic—u n.ost dfli ■ i-s and n le.-L :iir driuk. • liis ; i.ii' -f-'i-ii e. n.tide of n; 1 \ o.'ii :reahneos. , •:.> «ii' hiss iiavo..- and \oii wi'i tiif.l the nt■ !>r'- t in tic LnWll. S A VV MILLS I'ntflit Vitrliblt l Frirtiuii anil »>lt Steam Engines, Hay Presses, Mills. &c Portable Grist Mills, «; l- r ItltH. Thrvnhluu Ac. • . il«, A. K. l- .iHqi IIAi; « O York, Pa ' J. I'llAiNK fc CO. DUUU IK— imuas, MK'IK I N !S, AM. t"Hl:MlCAl*j FANi V am TOlLi: I A UTK'IiS, tif.'N'.' s HKl'Mfi..- I'IiUFL'MKIIY, Ao • i I n il; iuaretuU7 co^i pounded. 5 b. Iviaii: Street, butler, Pa. FOR GRAIN RAISERS, j Can they make money at ! present prices? YES! HOW ? j y k cpinpr the soil rich, [sy cuiti-. iting it well, By limine the best seed. THEN J,i their irain and Seeds Thro-iied. S ivcd and Cleaned j LV TilE KICHCI .5 Ec SHEPARD "iUIiATOR It wil lititi'.i cGrain u.nc} Seeds FASTER, BETTER and CLEANER, than ; other liireslier. Ii will save enough extra i grain (<\v/i ch other uuidiiiu'S \ r .- .* v ;.o pay all thresh :ii ;p ;t . ;:nd often tiiree i ; to five time ; that amount, h will Clean the Grain and S-. , li l ater that you • atra price lor it. ir i ft your work so OKER, so much . and so free -TS.that you will ; ii ;:;hlng Machinery Chir rciHM-i. v.ill Ix; plensed to leurn I hut The Great Ameri can HOG has arrived in good shape. 1 1;h ho;r-hip is quite ;i hog and lie weighs 80,000 pounds a.d cost $ 11,5 00, Vise building that encloses J lis }ilaje.-t\ is I~>l feet long by 114 f-e. vide, and is lwat ed in l ut'cr ri. d* <>f -Till* Butler Salt 1 Ch' :ni< 1 Works." , • i.-, r;ot yet 011 exhibition .mi * ,v ; !« i 1 he is ready great •i.-.- . <• iM/cti'd efhim and : ;!i•: \\ ill u* notified ae ('l rt]ir:;riy. :,i> 1 ivr V>ar t»4 Expenses ' we :-.r> paying. wi want j •' 11. e ami will p»y rtalary and HU ' ?1 I 'J Kxpei "es or Uhml comuitwtoa Ii \ K»r Opportunity f«.r any niau V h' : _ ■ 1 Itiou s ixx al. Travelinsr or Uon ,, ,\ ... Mr r ibl!» Nursery that iruaran -1.1 ,it 1 n i.. Adit ess. at once. K. D. Luelchford & Co. Uorhonl«T, V V. M min i tills p»l>«*r. i £9ftr-FEVER ELY'S ''ft/CAM HALM ftt hnf <t liquid *nuf*'or jtoitfler. Apj>Ucd into ntxfti/x 1 fjittt/f}/ ihsorbfd. (frames th ft* / !• tnft't 1 mat ion. Utah the sore* Ff hu r.i th if.ise* t taste njtrl smrll. r»o f •' ft I>rw ;by fnall, roistered. CO cm Ely broihers-. WflL V. Miller. Manufacturer ol St ir .'.iils, Balustsrs. and Newel-posts. iAll kind* of wood turning dono to order, al*o l>.■■ orated (11 .i-il wood-work. sucli as C;i>iiiK. < iirin r bloel *, i'anel* and all kinds of fain'V wood-vrork for Inside decoration or houses. < Al.l. ANI» HKK BAMPI.Kri. Soractliliif; new unl attractive. Alho at lowi-Kt'eastt price*. st..r<' at No. »N. Main street. •I' .ntorv at No. " K. WnMiincton street. nr ri nt pknna VITAXTKII -As«'titi« 10 tol'.clt orl'lH lor OU '* . hone >1 ml li.irjy Nui*ry Sto-k. Study Work For Kuisrllo Temperate Men. salary aad e.xpeusea or eommlarton if preter. ed. Write at once. State Age. Address. B. l>. Cha»a <i Co." 3 ,i,5./C , BARGAINS. When sav Bargains we mean bar-| gains. You know you always get bargains when you buv goods of us. But the bar gains we now offer o are exceptional bar gains. If vou want to bene- O * fit by these wonderful bargains do not procrastinate but come quickly. Rittef & Ralston. TROUTMAN S Wonderful Sale of DRY GOODS & CARPETS, We will oiler at this sale about 100 Renonaoits of carpet at In m 10 to 40 yards at about half price. DIOESB GOODS. It will pay you to buy a dress now as we are making special ellortb to clot** out our entire t-toek ot Silk% Cashmeres as well as summer fabrics within the next * 00 days. Come early as the choice things will not last long. TROU TMAN'S Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House. No 200 North Main Street, Butler, Pa ~ lWs>< > Established 1850 E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No 19, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., DK A Li K R 1 N I'Jiamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jev/elrv, Silverwars, Spectacles, &c., &c. Society Emblems of nil Descriptions. Repaoring in all branches skillfully done and warranted. 1850 EST A B K X3HBD 1850 m GREAT REDUCTION AT aJ. Li. c XIV' ihJ R'S, No. K) Main St., - 13utler» JPa. In Watches, C locs, Jewelry, And Spectacles. Repairing 'Promptly Attended Fo. —SIGN OF ELECTRIC BELL. THE ( Satisfaction Guaranteedo EACH CAN OF THE COOKS BAKING POWDER IS GUARANTEED FULL STRENGTH, FULL WEIGHT, AND IS SOLD ON ITS MERITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT WITH QUALOTV. OOOKB QUARTERS.RETAIL AT g era. COOKS HALVES. RETAIL AT 10 CTB. COOKS POUNDS, RETAIL AT 20 CTB. Sold by Winnow! Ol WKTTH**, oup WOMA*. SO HIGMT WITH BLACK DIAMOND Roonac TO COVIR THS sr*. WHY GO SO FA* nov na LAND or vac* n«nrt BtCA: r. rr ALKKASY COVERS THI EASTH. Scad for illuslrshed circular to M. EHBET, JR., Co* 433 Walnut Hit reset# PHILADELPHIA. I CURE FITS! mim IMy Crma I not neaa utntj to Mop then for ft time; aad thsn hav* than rs* turn igarn. I MXAS A RADICAL CUKE- I Ure mart* the diTi— t! FITS, EPILEPSY or FAXXXNG SICKNESS, 4 ltfe-Vwf study. I WiMUT my remedy to Omul the worn cases. Beemw others h»?e f Ailed is BO reason lornpt new raoatTiag a cere, bead at once tor a tre*u»« ud ft Ml Boms of my IRAIUIIJ XDBvr. Oire Express end Post Office. It costs yoo nothing lor ft trial, sad It will core yon. Jdiuei H.O. HOOT, M.C.. IMPBHHT-HtwYm no^^^^THYST Rubber Shoes anlcss worn uncomfortably rtgM will ofteu aHp off the feet. To remedy this evil (ha " GOLBHESTER " RUBBER CO.. ofTVr a shoa with the Insldo of the heel llne<l wltl rubbt-r. This clinjs* to the shoe and prevents the Rubber from slipping off. Cal| for the "ColchMter" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS <nd vou can walk, run or jump ln them ft—A soilid- StEEL FENCE! EXPANDED METAL C * T RaSaST®® 1 ' something hew tv ResiocNoes, Church's, CEMETERIES. FARMS GARDENS. Gates, Arbor*, Window GoertSs, TrelllM* Fire-proof PLASTERIXG I,(TH, IM/OH HITS, Ac. Write for Illustrated Catalogue: mailed free CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO _ IIS Water NL, Ftttaburark, Ha. %rJw*rs Ilea keep 1U Ghre name of Siis »a;jcf h^X^FPFF srsstf* HES fl|i|l and to introtocseaf .iiyQr M ■gL. I —■■ rfcr goods wewillseodrßßß I \)>Ji KLMF'R ttuiil ID «wb iMtlity, *^Jr r B ttK > r> Only thosawho writs T V^^U^^BBtherhanc«'AUrouh«v a to4olß V* wtorn Is to show oar foodi U mm I and thoa® around yoo. Ths b«w AYEilll2fc^V^ ,Ma K»iaine of this advertlssmaM Shows ths small *o4 of thatslo .k„„ithA fim.lh Dart of ItlbolS- Il U • trr>n<l. doobl.MM t.l»- !%Z ""T w » «iil.i»U«wyoah«'»rje f'om iia "ft to .W •« i«ut. <»' »un,wfth. •at uvrlrtM B.tf.i wntcatnni*. Wf pmy oil «*|irM.ch.r««. K£3TITIIi AU.KTT * CO.. B.S »»oT ro«TLA>l>. *»«• TO WEAK MEM Suffering from tl»o effect: of youthful errors, early a>cay. wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc.. I will •end a Tslasfcls tr»aU«o tseaisd) eontalpjng full particular! for home curs, FREE" charge. * irlcndid medical work; aaouldb® read by ersry f.n wW> Is ncrrous and debilitated. Address, rrof. F. C. FOWLEB, Mooffna,' COMJ I SUPERFLUOUS HAIR • On the fecial* face, hair ua ttio fore oa« t men's cheeks a bow a the t>eard liae aiwi bo- /4Bm | tweeu the eyebrows / * destroyed forerer i filled le Oporation Electro Surgeon, \ yA. 908 l*«un *»en«« t rk • , ii e1 e Kow, fc) u 1 a rK e D | Vnlan nf the lloa« t l^MmPLr Pimplea, Black ! beads, Liter k»pota ' ' and all diaaaaes and bleioiahea of tb< ■kin, . complexloti, hair and »calp aacceaafollj , treated by Dr. Van Dyck. The Doctor ha« : had 20 yeara* experience in tbo practice of 1 hia apecialty, and number* among hla pa* I tientM our moat prominent fa rail ten. If yon j ! are afflicted with any of the aboTabiemlabea, , avoid patent medicines and conaolt Dr. Van Dyck at once. Special terms to all who make month. Bo*»k free. Engage menta ran be made by mail. Call on oraddreaa , Dr. J. Van Dyck, 40 If. 11th street, Fhiladel phlu, or 502 Penn avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. ! Honrs y to 1 and 'I to 7; Sundays, 10 to 5. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HANDSOME, INDESTRUCTIBLE. Cheaper than Wood. iji II a ji\ j1 1 ii ir ]t!' ii r The ftboTo rut shows lMckat fnes with gate. (This Is a«t a acttlag.) can be ee I r«n or Wood Posts. Wbea vrttlag tot ertsse five Qaaotlty. Kaahsr of Oatos, Denhla aad RlacV, winted. Wa also If auuf»<nur« Boovy Iron Ksa'-lnt. Crssilat Staf» > Fittlncs, Plro Shaltars aud PI KB Oallal Poors, au4 Kslllßfs, Ura«s aiid Irsh Brr:., WIRK !»**«j& ANO WINDOW HCBBKMB, aad ail kinds ef WIRE WOEK. t TAYLOR ic. DEAN, 801, 803 * 'tOi Market St.. Pittsburgh, Pa. , ,l ' fcu " ,,n f Blit .th ladles si»<l griil s stias, ws'fks casts of FILD Jr" » I'M can osritro onm %r»th uar :,V rvV'r! ATtlTwrtT*" n.«1.1. to t,> .how wbt ». ..n't 70. to Hiou who ml-riw ftirivl* s'iJ tgMsorssnd th »s«- ftb-.nt JIMS— Shslalwaysr^st;l«a la vsltulilo fr« tr f..t us »*h». S» hoM< f*>r yars w h»n ohm »Uris.l, •ti ! thua wt srsi repaid. \V. pay ftll fr**srhf. *«« Atirr yon know *ll, If )«u *"uld ltks> to z> to worh f'«r us, «rvu can siiii v?-r. §j Silk Nuns Veiling', j| % f Mourning Flowers, I u B Mourning Ornaments, '& & '|| Mourning Silks, |j ®? E Mourning Ruching, |j L ■Mourning Ribbons, Crapes, Etc.Sfi Id. t. pap e,l| m WANT. TO INFORM You that it is our time now! We w ere hampered long enough. WE ARE IN OUR NEW ROOM. 105 S. Main St., _ Opposite WiUard House We Have the Largest Stock OF SHOES AND SLIPPERS IN BUTLER. And we are going to make a noise, and no one can stop up, and to start off with we are going to make Rome bowl with our hard hits. To See It Is To Buy. A Ladies fine Button Shoe, Pst. Leather tip, worked button holes neat and stylish, 90 cts. Another Heart Breaker: —A ladieß fine Don. Oxford, tip or plain, warranted solid leather at 70 cents. Is 50 cents Enough? Yes, Indeed: —We have the finest Opera toe slipper for 50 oents in the land. We want you to see it. We want you to buy it and try it. 48 cts. Our Little Mischief. 48 cts. Is taking the trade by storm. Think of it. A child's spring heel shoe bright Don. Kid, sizes 5 to 8, price only 43 cents. Have You Seen Them?— Our men's but., cong. and ba'.s. at 90 cents a pair. We hare a better one for sl. and $1.25 gets you a beauty. Our Men's Fine Dongola Shoe:— ln Cong, and Lace at $2, has no equal and are the very beet styles in the market, in fact are all freah aud new goods and bought at the lowest market prices. WE WANT YOUR TRADE And know we can do you good. We can save you money on any footwear you may need and give you good, honest goods. SEE OUR FINE LINE OF COLORED SHOES SEE OUR LINE OF TENNIS SHOES. SEE OUR LINE OF WIGWAMS, ALL COLORS. Base ball shoes for men and bnrs. Repairing done promptly. Boots and shoes made to order. Box toe boots and shoes always on hand LEATHER AND FINDINGS. All Orders by Mall Promptly Filled. The Cash Shoe Store. BLACKMORE & GRIEB, S. MAIN BTRKET, - BUTLER, PA J. R. GRIEB. PROF. R. J. LAMJ3. GBIEB & LAMB'S MUSIC STOBE. NO. 16 SOUTH MAIN ST. HUTLEii. PA. Sole Agents fcr Ilutlcr, Mercer and Clar- KflflMl i° n CtiUll^eß ' or Pehr I>ros. & Cos Magnificent Piano*, Shoninger, and Newbv & Evans Fiano.s, Packard, Crown, Carpenter and England Organs. Dealers in Violins, Bruno Guitars, uud All Kinds of Musical Instruments. SHEET MUMC A SPECIALTY Pianos and Organs sold on installments. Old Instruments taken in exchange. Come and pee us, as we can save yon money. Tuning and Repairing of nil kinds of Musical Instruments Promptly attended to. Mifflin Street Livery. W. G. BIEIIL, Prop'r. One square west of Main St., on Mifflin St. All Rood, safe horsea; new bqggiea and carriage*. Landans for weddings und funeral*. Open day and night. Telephone No. 24. Hotels-and Depots, W. S. Gregg i* now running a line of carritigeH between the hotels aud depots oi the town * Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orderß at Hotel Vogeley. Good Livery in Connection. New Livery Stable. %/ New Stock, New Rig*. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r j 39, W. Jefferson St., Butler. Pa | J. E. Kastor, Practical Slate Hoofer. Ornamental and Plain Slating OI alt kinds done <>n i>bort notice. Office with VV. 11. No. 7, N. Main St„ Residence North Elm street. Butler, Pa. Spring Millinery In all the latest styles. New Hats, New Ribbons, New Trimmings. All the new things in flowers, laces, gloves, veils, caps, . AT M. F. k M. Marks'. No. 9 S. A! sin fit,, Butler, Pa. M. H. Gilkey, Artistic Dress Making. t So. «2 S. HAiy ST., i GIUEKY 111 ILDIKO - - 2d FLOOR. SCHI'TTE & O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And Fitters. |)KA LKRft IH Sewer Pipe? (iw Fixtures, Globes and Nnturaljtias Appliances. .Jeffei son St.,opp. Lowry House butler. p-a.-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers