T ££ E ZSN - - FRIDAY, AUGUST I, 1890. ' GOOD CLOTHING CHEAP. Who would pay 25 per cent more for good clothing than the same or an equally as good could be procured for. Yet this is continually being done by persons wanting cloth ing for lack of knowledge where to find the closest bar gains. As large disposers (we are running two stores) we are enabled to purchase our gootls at closer margins. This enables us to sell at closer figures. Get posted on our prices before purchasing. Come and see the largest assortment of styles for your selection. Don't pay this year's prices for last year's goods. The new styles cost no more and are decidedly better. Schaul Bros. & Co. Mens, Bovs and Childrens Clothiers. OPPOSITE THE HOTEL YO6ELEY. litm.lt a lias a population of al>oat 10.000. It is the« ounty - -at of Uutler County, with C 0 " 0 " , „ ~ Four railways, natural gus. and unequalled facilities for manufactures. Progress everywhere; new new manufactures, a ifrow Injj and prosperous town. TBAINSAND MAILS. Wr-rr Pknn K. It—Trains leave Hutler for Allegheny at «»o. sA". aud 11:20 a. in. an<l 235 and «05 p. m ; arrive at *:X' and lose a. m. and 1:30. r.tt> and T-jto p. m. Malls ''lose at s:oj a. m. and n. in. and arrive at 830. l' r -">o a. m. and 5:10 p. in. P. S. & L. K. li. K.—Trains leave for (ir. en vllle at s:io and lu:.io a. m. and -fcs3 p.m. Malls close at u:4O a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Closed pouches for Boycrs, BovarU and IliUiard at 430 p.m. Malls errlve at 235 and 6:10 p.m. P. & W. It. It—Trains leave Butler for Alle gheny at 0.1)0, fe"s and io-.-jo a m. and 3:V> and p. m. For the north at ltt-i) a. m and Vll p. m. Arrive from Allegheny at swi and 11:5.5 a. in. and 3:00 and 7:10 p. in. Malls close for the South and West at 830 a. in. For Plttsourc and the North at KM a. in. For Pittsburg and local points between Butler Mid Callery at £2O p.m. For Pittsburg and local points between callery and Allegheny at ii:00 p. m. Kor Oil Cttv. Bamhart's M ils. Poxburg and Clarion at 530 p m. Mails arrive on this road from local points between Butler and Callery at #:Ji a. m.; from the north at 10J*) a. 111.; from Pittsburg and local points between Allegheny and Caliery at 11:35 a. m-; from the north at 3:35 p. in.; from PltUburgat wjp. in.; from Pittsburg and the West at S:10 p. m. ''rains lriive from the north at 10:00 a. m. and 333 p. ni STAB Koctes— Dally mail from Mt. Chestnut arrives at a. ni. and leaves at loam a. m. North Hope, Hooker and other points. .Monday, Wednesday and Friday, leave at t:io p. m. SOCI HiTIES. LOGAIi ASSEMBLY 8698, Knights ol La bor, meets every Friday night ia the Cur penters and Jc.uiiri Hall, third lloor, Husel u,ii building, Wm. M. Glenn, Rec. See. New Advertisements. Comptroller's notice. Jury List* for September Term. UicKel's boots and shoes. Suubury Academy. Washington aud Jefferson college. Indiana Normal. North Washington Academy. Martinconrt <t Co's. Cut down. Xew Library. Merchant's, Picnic. Note —All advertisers intending to make changes in their ads. bhould notify us of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. Notice to Subscribers. At the end of this mouth we will have had the paper two years, and as we have some obligations to meet at that time, wo will be much obliged to those of you who owo lis for the current year, or for the two years, il you will send or bring the amount to us during this month. Personal. Mrs. Trailer is visiting; frionds in Cleve land. Hugh McClelland, the veteran collector of Evans City, was the first to make a pay ment on his duplicate for IBDO. Mr. A. 11. Crouch, agent of the P. A W. R. 11. in Hutler, is now occupying a house on Brown Ave., Spriugdale. Jos. Blakeley id Harrisvillo has been granted an increase of pension. Mr. Campbell, of Campbell and Tem pleton, East Brady, has rented the new Laube house on W. Peurl, and expects to start a furniture store in the Troutinan building. Mrs. 0. Osborne in sojouring at Saeger town Spring's for her health. Jas. W. ileCandless of Eau Chaire, has had his pension increased. Mrs. C. I). Greenlee mid Mrs. Hailey aro bettering their respective healths at Ocean Grove. Dr. Zimmerman and Rev. London are camping out on the East .Shore of Mary land, and an effort will be made ill Bntler to gtft up a club or as<'n to buy or lease one of the little islands in the Chesapeake Bay. for a permanent summer resort. Ducks,lish,oysters and fruit of all kinds are abundant thero, and there is always a cool breeze from over the bay. Mr. William I>. Smiley aud wife, uee Edith Mechling, aro visiting Mrs. Smileys parents. Mr. Adam Smith and his family were poisoned a few days ago, and a physician nad to ho called to save their lives. Some new cabbage, which is supposed to have been sprinked with Paris Green, contained the poison. Mrs. H. (J. Walker of W. Pearl St., is seriously ill. Miss Amelia li. Williams, Miss. Clara Rauscher aud Miss. Tillie Miller left on Tuesday morning for I'tiea and other points in York State. Miss Williams is on an extended vacation from her duties as missionary at Xewburg, N. C., aud has been visiting her sister. Mrs. Andrew Brymor, of Pearl St. Misses. Rauscher anil Miller will be absent several months and will visit their relatives in central and northern X. Y. A New Book. For the next two months Mr. J. M. Moore, of Worth Twp., will canvass the county for a new book entitled "Hot Shots Fired at Fashion's Follies and Society's Abominations," by some of the best authors and most noted people of the country. T aim age, Frances Willard, Gen. Fisk, and many other of the best thinkers and writers of the day are contributors. Examine the prospectus carefully when presented to you. LOCAL AND GENERAL —Very little oil speculation in Butler. —Petroliais to have a nc* Masonic Hall. —Not much iwe for l-«mt "tamps in Hutler any more. «yo ne«-< is good uew<" to everybody but the editor. i | - p in Mill«rstown they shoot roosters that crow too louil aud too early iu the morning. —lt is only uatiouai history that "repeats itself." Your private history is repeated by the neighbors. —Black & Baird, of Pittsburg, bid $2,900 per ac're for the Pittsburg city poor-farm and got it. —Persons eutitled to pensions under the new act can have their claims piescnted by local talent jn»t as well as foreign. —A man 108 years of age recently died in a neighboring .~tate, caused, it is said, by excessive dancing iu his youthful days. , —l'nited States officers are said t.) be looking up another case of counterfeiting in this county, and a sensation i.s promis ed. —'•Where did you get that neckf" is the query that presents itself when one sees some ladies wearing the fashionable dress of to-day. A farm journal advises its readers to '•be quiet among bee»." The observance of this depends largely upon the conduct of the bees. —A new railroad between Bulter and Punxsutawney to connect the B. «t" 0. with the B. K. & P., mid X. Y. I'. .1 0. is talked of. —Policeman Herdman stopped two teamsters with loads of empty glycerine cans on N. Main St. the other day. They said they were taking the cans to Oil City. —A horse named "Vespasian and own ed by Mr. Titley of Millerstowu was a prominent figure iu the races at Homewood l'ark near Pittsburg, last week. —The house of the widow MeGuirk in Murion twp was destroyed l>y five last Tuesday morning. Nearly everything in it is reported to have burned. —Reed, Leideekcr, Dale aud others are drilling a well for water ou the old Biehl property. They intend putting iu a wind mill aud supplying that neighborhood with water. —On the Boyd hill, east oi town, which is now being graded by the I*. & W. It. R. Co., there is a twelve foot vein ot tire clay that would make a good article of paving brick aud save this town some momey. —Tne Franklin Xeics soys "The Butler people may rely ou a good job. Mr. Os born has done perfect work iu the same lino here, aud i-- now engaged in laying about a mile of brick pavement on our principal streets. —The telegraph office at Saxon Station lias been made a uuion otlicc, that is the Western Union wires now run into it. and a telephone wire is to be put up between the office there and Theo. Ilclmbold's store in Saxonburg. —Artificial ice is now being used in But ler. The water is frozen iu square, iron moulds, which are immersed in Ammonia water. The manufacture of artificial ice has made Ammonia a very scarce article and greatly increased the price of it. —A horse belonging to C. Carver & Co. was badly injured a few days ago by sink ing into a pipe line ditch that had not been properly filled aud tamped, aud Mr. Car ver will bring suit against the borough for damages. —The freight traffic of the Penn'a R. R. has grown to such enormous proportions that the road cannot handle it with its present facilities, and it is rumored that the Penn'a Co. is arranging To complete part of the abandoned South Penn route. —During the greater part of last week ij was impossible to obtain a pound of good butter at any of our groceries. Either the area that supplies the Butler market must be increased,or else some good dairy, chicken and vegetable farms established near the town. At present too much of our money goes out ol the county. —The breaking of the rung of a lndder, Wednesday afternoon, caused a slate roofer named C. Murray to fall about twenty-live feet and sustain serious injuries. He was working at Lew Gauter's houso ou N. Washington St. aud was taking up a load of slate ut the time' He was takcu to the home of his employer, Jos. Kastor, and word was sent to his folks at Youngstown. —The A. G. Reed Post, G A R, of But ler; Counoquenessing I 0 0 F, Butler; But ler Council, Royal Arcanum; J. R. Ran dolf Post, GA R, Prospect; J. G. Camp - bell Post, I'etrolia; O. G. Biugham Post, Slippcryrock, and United Lodge, A O U W, Bruin, were mentioned iu the Pitts burg Times of last Saturday as having re ceived votes that week, iu its "Most De serving Secret Society" contest, the prizes for which are SSOO, S3OO, S2OO and a gold watch. —A marragu license taken out a year ago was returned to clerk McLlvain by the parties a few days ago, with an agreement releasing each other of all responsibility; sometime ago auother young couple quar relled on their way home after securing a license and tore it up; a young man who had taken out a license got on a spree and as tho liconso became soakod iu liquor he went back to tho clerk secured a duplicate, and several other incidents, amusing to all but the parties concerned, have occurred during tho past year. —Our Military* Co. returned home last Saturday. They lett Mt. Gretna at 1 a.m. Friday night and arrived here at 2 p.m. Saturday, having been ou the cars thir teen hours. The eucampmeut was a suc cess and the boys had a good time. Sev eral accidents occurred, but tho ouly fatal ity was that, of a soldier who was hit and killed by a base ball while playing catch er. Another soldier who was found in Lebanon without a pass and was put in the guard room, jumped from a third story window and broke his leg. #Mt. (iretna is an immense hill of iron ore, covered with a reddish colored soil. It has a fine park and it is owned by a man named Colemau who values it at twenty millions. Compa nies of L". S. Calvary,artillery and infantry were present at the encampment, thin year, and on Thursday last a crowd of visitors, including President Harrison, and estimated at twenty thousand were pres ent to see the drill. Lebanon is a liue town of ten «.r twelve thousand, a few miles distant, and is maintained by an im mense iron plant. Art. Cornelison of Ren frew, a member of the Military Co. joined the regular army, and will serve in the cavlary. —Ten graduates ol Edinboro Nor mal are occupying prominent po sitions in school work in California, and live in Oregon. Address tho Principal, J. A. Cooper, Edinboro, Pa Go to Indiana Normal School. If you want to make a teacher of yourself, go to Indiana Normal, In ! Diana, Pa. Full line of bins, both stiff and soft, for summer wear at J. K. T, Steiile's, LEGAL NEWS. KOTKS. The will of Nicholas Gardner of Jack ville was probated and letters to Marg 'Gardner. also will of Jacob Ekas of Bnffa lo twp, and letters to Tbo~ Eka- Brittana Haney was in jail on a euargi of fortune telling, but was discharged upon paying costs and agreeing to leave the countv .-be was olio of the band of gypsit* . lately in camp near Brown-dale. : The Butler Water Co. charges the couufy S6OO per year or 150 a month for water foi the Court House and jail. This the Co. Comm'rs consider an imposition but the Water Co. will do no better. So the Comm'rs are seriously considering the pro ject of drillirg a water well on the Diamond or jail lot. and putting up a wind mill and water tank. Six hundred dollar i the interest on leu-thousand. The Comm'rs can have the well drilled tor e few hundred, and if they strike a strong vein of water the enterprise will ave the county some money. LATE PROPERTY TRANSFERS. B. S. B. to Abigail Flanegan lot in But ler for SSOO. \V A Bart lev to .1 T Martin 41 acres :u Buffalo for S2OOO. C C Suiiivan to I Lehman & Bro, 40 acres in Prospect for 2000. G G Gihson to M S Cunningham 50 acre | in Centre for s.*oo. E J Boyd to Jos Curry lot in Butler for $325. M "Walil to John Uumbach lot in Evan.- burg for SI3OO. W Ma gill to W J it ox berry 100 acres iu Concord for SIOOO. Marriage Licenses. George Aken. - Eva i: <''t '• Annie Uomac Robt N Grant Alleghey twp Marg D McElroy Kichard M Surrtna Marion tw|i Mary Ann Blakeley Leon Dandoy Buth-r. I a Marie Dcvaruewaere John C Myers. Evans City Agues McClelland " Adrian W Shir a Washington twp Minnie Fithean Jacob Al Walter Butler. Pa Alice Brown John W Ycager ---Oil City, Pa Emma Riehenbrodc Washington twp At Pittsburg— Robt F. Bole and Jennie O'Donnell, of Butler, also Wm J Boulger of Mercer county ai d Emma Waddell of Butler Co. August 6—Firemen's F,ay. A "big" day is something Butler has not had for a long, long time. There was a time when the "glorious Fourth" was ob served with all due pomp, but it seems past. In a business sense, all our dars seem such"big days now that we have had little time or inclination for a celebration. This is to be regretted, for it is little doubt ed that more holidays fittingly observed would tend to rob the American of his reputation for dyspepsia and nervous pros tration. Your American, though, is too fearful of a state of affairs similar to that of Italy, where common report says they have upward of 400 holidays every year. Well, however it is. we are going to have a day here and a ' big" one, when everyone is going to let business and cares and troubles slide for 24 hours, while the firemen parade and race, aud make every qualified voter wish himself one of tbeiu. We're going to have our ears beseiged by all manner of more or less sweet-toned bands, from the little "Sharmen paudt, vot blav so schweet" to the mighty Great Western Band of Pittsburg, while our eyes arc confidently expected to be somewhat blinded by the companies of fire laddies, who will be here. The races, of course, will be the most in teresting feature. They will be held on North McKean St.. beginning at 2 p. m. The following are the conditions under which they will be run: The first will be Free for All at 2 p. m. for a pri/.e of £2OO. At three o'clock the home lace will be run. The prize is a handsome banner to be made and presented b\ the ladies of Butler. A special prize of a silver trumpet will be given to the company presenting the best appearance ou parade. The rules adopted for the contests are as follows: BULKS FOR FIREMEN'S HACK. Ist. Race to barun dry, single run on time. 2d. Distance 900 feet in all, 750 feet to hydrant, attach hose to hydrant, lay l'/O feet, uncouple and crow on pipe, and time taken when nozzle strikes the ground. The judges will at once examine the coupling and for every f turn that can bo given the pipo 4 second shall bo added to the running team. 3d. Centre of reel to be on starting line. 4th. Cart to carry 300 foet of hose, reel on iu oue continuous line and all couplings made can be made by hand. sth. Cart furnished by Butler Fire De partment. Gtb. Pipes to be service pipes; pipes or spanner may be ou curt or carried by pipe or hydrant men. "th. For every 12 feet of surplus hose at hydrant, one second shall be added to running team. Bth. Running teams limited to 15 men; no men allowed to start ahead of leading men on rope; no man to fall in or assist in dragging cart after starting. Dth. All contestants 111 race to be de cently cloathed, judges to decide. 10th. Kach department represented shall ho entitled to one judge, to act in connection with three residents; each com pany to select ist own judges; one judge at start, one judge at hydrant and two judges at pipe, one of whom shall be the visiting judge. . HOME BACKS. Home races shall be run on same con ditions as free-for-all, except that tenuis shall be members of their respective com panies for thirty days, and shall throw water. The Markets. BUTLER MARKETS Our grocers are paying 15 cents for but ter, 1C for eggs, $1 abu for potatoes and unions. 4(1 a pair for spring chickens, 25 a do* for cukes, 75 a bu for string beans, a doz for rhcubarb. PITTBBURU PRODUCE Timothy bay from country wagons sl2 to sls, mill feed sls to S2O a tor., oats 39 to 42, clover seed s3.so,timothy seed SI.OO. Large spring chickens 50 to 63, small spring chickens 40 to 45, dressed spring chicken 20 to 22 3ts. County roll butter 10 to 14, beans $2, fresh eggs in cases 17 and 18, candled eggs 10 cts. Raspberries ll' to 15, gooseberries $4 per bu., whortleberries 1.25 per pail, currants 3.50 per bu. "New apples $3 to $5 per bbl , hominy $3 per bbl., potatoes $3 per bbl., cabbage 2 to 2.50 per crate, tomatoes 1.25 per basket, or 50 to 75c per peck box. LIVE STOCK At licrr's Island, Monday, prime corn fed beeves sold at 5 to 5.10, medium and good at 3| to 4.80, grass cattle at 2} to 34, bulls and dry cows It to 3, bologna cows $lO to sls a head, veal calves 5J to 0. The supply of sheep was tho largest of the season and prices lower. MeNeese sold good ewes at 41, and spring lambs at 4? to 0J; Flinuer sold sheep at 4A, and spring lambs at 5i to 7i; Pisor sold fair lambs at SJ; McCreery <fc Co. sold yearlings and slieep at 5, and lambs at 5 to A few coin-fed hogs sold at 4to 4 1 . and common at 3| to 31. THE OIL MARKET Closed Monday at 804, Tuesday at 80 W cdncsday at B*j Model and Kindergarten Schools at Indiana. Go to Indiana and you will have 1 the opportunity to observe and teach !in this Model School iu tho | country. NEIGHBORHOGO NOTES. The Electric street cars of .Nov Castle, will soon be running. John Fink became jealous of Lizzio Cousins, at a picnic at Templeton, Arm* • -! rong Co. and shot her on the way home j O. J. Sarver and Henry Irwin were late | ly thrown over the bank of the river road ; near White Bock, and Sarver's leg was j broken. Miss Henry, a daughter of J. C. llenry i formerly of Parker was lately drowned by i a steamboat collision on Alexandria Bay. X. Y. The hotel and residence of Geo. W. | Nnlton in Armstrong Co. were consumed jby tire, lately. Loss $5,000 and no in- I surance. Earnest Woefel, the present leader of the Eeonomite Society, at Economy Pa. was stricken with paralysis la~t Friday, and died Monday. The sixteen-year-old daughter of M. L. ' A. McCracken, one of the leading lawyers of Washington Pa. committed suicide by shooting herself throngh the heart, last Saturday. John McClccry. the Democratic nominee of Lawrence Co. tor Co. Comm'r was found dead in his barn, last Thursday, and sn election to fill his place on the ticket will be held next Saturday the 9th inst. The local wool buyers of Greene Co. who ' had previously been paying 30 cents a ! pound for wool, got orders from head j quarters last week to drop to 2S cents, j which they did promptly. A Titusville man treated his potato 1 vin n s to a bath of petroleum to clear away I the bugs. It proved a howling success, so I much so that now he is not troubled with either bugs or potato vines. One afternoon last week a> Jennie Mead, aged 14. of Corydon. Warren county. Pa., was picking berries in sight of her father, uho was sitting on the porch of their I home, it began to rain. She took shelter for the moment under an uprooted tree and was struck by lightning and instantly killed. A Beaver Co. black snake six feet long, got tangled up in the and shaft of a mowing machine last week, and stopped the machine. When the driver saw the snake's head appear about the cutter-bar. he fled, leaving the horses stand. Fie returned shortly, however, and found his snakeship dead. Beaver Falls has been .<rutk dead by the strike at the Saw works and the calling out of the men at Carnegie. Pliipps A Co s mill by the A. A. of I. and S. W. The former firm refused to discharge George Getchcll, a non-union man, hence the strike; the latter refused to sign the Amalgamated Association scale, hence the the call out. Business looks blue in that place out present, aud the streets are crowded with idle men. During church services at Sbuton, a lew days ago, a fine bred dog, which had been nosing about the church-hall, dis covered a cat, Instantly has instinct assert ed itself, aud with a raised paw, stiffened muscles and glaring eyeballs, he "pointed' the cat, which in turn, true to its nature, bowed its back, stiffened its whiskers and bristles and spit and glared defiance at its mortal enemy. All the same it kept gradually edging towards the church-rooui door, and when opportunity offered whisk ed in. In au instant the dog was in full chase, and feline and c-aninc da hed down the aisle, the former making good its escape, but there was,' "fuss and feathers" for a few seconds and consternation in the congregation first, then laughter. Wheth er any of the worshipers thought that the devil had invaded the sanctuary is not known. Arthur Businger, a 20 year-old farmer's son. living six miles north ot Springfield, Ohio, met with a shocking death last week from a heavy electric bolt while trying with a number of others to get some hay in out of the rain, lie was standing besiefl a hay wagon, half-loaded, pitchlork in hand, when heaven's weapon descended. Every article of clothing on his body was reduced to shreds except his shirt, only a small piece of which was left around his neck. His chest wad made prefectly raw, and a large, livid, nicely formed cross was mark ed on his back. Both legs were blackened and made ghastly; but the most curious part of the fatality was what happened after he was struck. The bolt leaving his body entered the ground at his feet and excavated as cleanly as if done with a steam shovel a hole exactly like the grave. The six other men standing around were all seriously but none fatally shocked. The magnificent new shops of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company located at Juniata, in the eastern part of Altoona, are rapidly approaching completion and in a thort while will be opened for active operations, furnishing employment to over 3,000 additional men. The new plant cost something like $1,000,000, and together with the other vast works there will undoubtedly be the finest in the world. No expense has been spared in its con struction. The buildings are models of architecture and the workman's art, and the massive machinery is of the latest and most improved pattern. Ulie plant con sists of a machine, erecting, boiler, smith and paint shop. Tho machine shop is 254x75 feet in size, and its equipment com prises the latest inventions for power and convenience. Two tloors are occupied— the liner machines and tho \iso depart ment on the top floor. On the first floor is located an immense live-ton crane thai travels the entire length of the building and is to be used for transferring the heavy work from one portion of the shop to another. Electricity furnishes the motive power. A three year old daughter of Mr. Amos Sowers, of Armstrong Co., met with a strange and sad death. The child was playing in the barn and it is thought at tempted to climb into a buggy over the wheel. Its foot must have slipped and it fell with its head between the spokes of the wheel and stranged before the mishap i was discovered' When found the child was quite dead, and although every effort was made to bring it back to life by the ' nearly frantic parents it was without avail. A Williamsburg, l'a., youth, aged twelve years, hung himself until he was dead the other day because his mother scolded him for tearing a lace curtain. Tho boy who would commit self-murder in , order to wring his mother's breast with anguish and repentance, must have a gloomy and revengeful heart, although many bitter words are said by mothers without Pence or reason. —Do you know that the Fall Term of Sunbury Academy opens ' August l'J? If you do not, send for j a catalogue, and you will fiud infor . raation that may be useful to you if you desire to attend school. Address T. E. MOFFAT, Coultersviile, l*a. Merchants' Picnic. ) On account of the Firemen's Tour uament wo have decided not to hold I our annual picnic this vear. but to I join—and we heartily invito all the ! patrons of our picnics to join—in j making the Firemen's Tournament a l grand success. j W. 11. lliTTga, Pres. G. W Mll. LEI'., Sec'y. Osborne Given the Contract. At the meeting of Council. Saturday eve i rung'. Mr. OMkutic. of Franklin, w.i --[ awarded the paring of Main S .a- ?!.7l« ■- r I yard. Thlß is six cents more P' r I .square yard than his original lid, and will t make the street the borough and I property owners from a thousand to fifteen ; hunded dollars more, hut he intended put- I tiutr in Frankiiu brick, the endurance of : which ha* not yet been fully tested, and the Council specified another, which i:;ak. ' the difference in the price. He is to begin j immediately, and complete the whole ; street in four months, ii the weather per mits. I Great Seashore Vacation Trips. The great success which has crowned ! the efforts of the Pennsylvania Railroad ; Company to provide pleasant vacation c.- j cursions to the seashore for tho people of j Pittsburg and Western Pennsylvania, as : illustrated in the first two excursions of! this season, will do much toward making the two yet to come more brilliant and i attractive than ever. These trips include in the tickets the most desirable resorts on the Jersey coast, and the long return limit of ten days fills the exact period of the average midsummer holiday. The resorts, from which a choice may be made, are Atlantic City. Cape May, Sea Isle C ity, or Ocean City, and the next date is Thursday- I August 7th. A special train composed of parlor cars and day coaches will leave Pittsburg on | the date mentioned of 5.50 A M . and run ! through to Philadelphia, arriving at 7.10 | I'. M. The night will be [■. ->cd in Phi la j delphia and the party will take regular trains to the seashore next morning. Passengers from Pitt -burg. Cast Liberty, Irwin. Pniontown. Cc.nncllsville. Scott dale. Stonerville, Greer.sbnrg, or Johns town may take the evening train.- leaving Pittsburg for Philadelphia a! 4.30 and 8. in P. 11.. and proceed to the shore the nest morning. The excursion rate from Butler is #IO.OO aud the regular train connecting with the special will leave at G 00 A. M. Any special information in regard to these excursions may be obtained by addressing Thomas K. Watt, I'as nger Agent, Western District, 110 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg. New Library. A public circulating library of a superior uaitire i« now to lie estab lished iu liuti»r which, w'Len tb'.i»b lisbed, will L'ive everyone tu oppor tunity of ottniiiag access to a variety of the mort icstructive and interest ing class of restliDg by the very beat author*. This library U beiug or ganized on a | > raianeiit basis aud nil books u.-i d urr? nr.ugly aud haud-j someiy bound iu cloiii. ft is au iu-j stitutir-u that recommends itself ana ; we have no djubt that the project will be carried out euccesHl'uiiv A membership lee ol $1 50- entities a person to free access to tho library for two years it is probable that Mr. W. A Osborne wilt have charge ol the library. A certain number of members is required in order to have the library established. Let old aud young alike all do their share in get tiug tbe library established aud at the same time secure for themselves access to a larger variety go. d reading. Who is W. M. Nicicle? How many stores does he buy for? | Is there any advantugc in buying in j such I;ire quantities? Come and see? ( We have not space to give full price j iist ol the live-thousand items we have. We quote a few: clothes piue | 1 ceut a dozen; set plates, full size, j warrr-nted iron-stone china 25c;platcs j full 2.1 quality 3c; set cups and j saucers first quaiity 30c; 1 gall buck et 7 ctf; one-half gall bucket with cover fi cts; ladies bose black and de sirable colors 5 cts; 25 needles 1 ct;! pins I et a paper; tumblers 2 cts; toll I line of tinware 50 per cent less than usual price, full line no'.ions ail kinds Re member place. W. M. Nickle's 5 Cent Store, opp Berg aud Savings | Bauks, 103 S. .Main St. Butler, Pa —l>emember that we ere head | quarters f white goods, embroiderv lace'curtains, draperies, lace tidies' and bed sets. 11. STEIN & SON —We are showing great values in j silks, henriettas, mohairs, challies ! fine dress ginghams an.l all kinds ol i dress goods. L. STEIN & SON. —Largest assortment of fiuu dress j ginghams and challies iu Butler at i lowest prices at L. STEIN k SON'S. —Use Double All (J. K. Horse Liui [ ment, best in the world. For swell-. ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu matism, lameness, sore shoulders, ; ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has; no equal. For sale by J. C. IIEDICK, ; 2-18-3ru. No. 5, X. Main St. Butler, Pa. Buckwheat Seed! lie-cleaned seed at 75 cents for sale j at KLINULER'S. —lee cream furnished in any j quantity, for parties, by the City j Bakery. —Girls tricycles at J. F. T. STEIILE'S. —lce cream at last summer's l prices at Morrison's City Bakery. —Take your children to Zuver's Gallery for Pictures that will suit you. Anderson building. —Largest line of fine baby j carriages ever brought to Butler at J. F. T. STEIILE'S Velocipedes, rocking horses wagons and wheelbarrows at J. P. T. STEIILE'S. —Take watches and clocks tbut need repairing to F. Weigand in Wil liams' Jewelry and Music store, and have them repaired in good style by a skilled workman. —Full line of guitar strings, bauio strings and vioiin strings at J, F. T. STEIILE'S --Confectionery and fruits at the City Bakery. —Buy the Eighme patent shirt nt J. F. T. STEIILE'S. Fine cakes at tho City Bakery. —Zuver's Pictures leave nothing wanting in finish, tone or a correct lifceneas. —Use Double All O. K. Horse and Cattle Powders,best in the world. A sure and speedy cure for heaves, coughs, colds, inflamed lungs, rough ness of skin, and all kidney diseases. For sale by J. C. REDICK, 2-18-3 m No. 5, N. Main St. Butler, Pa. —Williams has as choice a line of Jewelry and Silverware as can be found auy where, and defies competi tion in price. —J. J. Reiber, the drover, wauts ; all farmers and stockraisers to know that he still deals in stock of all kinds. Any persons having any to sell should address him LOCK BOX 920, Butler, Pa., or leave with Jacob , Reiber, Jefferson St. 261597 U r L LKAI). others follow. The rapid incr \ise of business is the best evidence that«»lll* eflort t»> irive to this community a first c! t.— Orug Store is appreciated. We make a specialty of the drug but-ii:- s.s proper aud : i\- it ..ur entire time and personal . tentiou. We tin'<ii> > :i!v the fx >t til everything in our line; and guarantee the puritv of everything bearing the name; jof('. X. lioYi). \\ e have no ; old stock that has stood fori | years, hut all goods are pure and fresh. Phvsicion's Pre ! script ions receive special at [ tention. If we do not have j what you want we frankly tell I I \ou s«» and will he pleased to secure it lor you on short no tice \V e ask a share of your patronage and ieel sure you will be pleased with our meth ods of doing business, and we can save you money. Your interests are best served nt our store. Respectfully, C. N. 150V0. Druggist.! Diamond liloek, iiutler. Pa. Notice. Parties wishing to invest money, certain j t.' bring fair returns, are invited to c-are fully investigate the inducements offered I.- THE Bl TLKU SAI.T-MANI IWC TI'KIXG COMPANY AM> CHEMICAL WORKS." The stock consists of 8,000 shires. the par value ot which is soo. For the further developing of the works, some ol this stock is put on tho market. For prices aud particulars inquire of J.\s. F. BRITTAIN. IJutler. Pa. : Office on Diamond. Prospect Academy. Send (or catalogue of Prospect Academy. Andress Principal of Academy, Prospect, Pa. Waynesburg College Open* its fall term Sept 16. English und Classical courses. Art, Music Commercial departments. A spacious n. v building ju.-' completed. Ex p« ! sen very moderate. For catalogue address , A- B. IV: I I.i.EU, Waynesburg, Pa iiouee-cleauiug time shows the necessity f<;r new curtains, tidies, throws aud bed fets. We can sup ply you with everything needed iu thai iiue. L. STEIN & SON —Try us on silks and black dress goods. We have some special bur i gains. L. STEIN & SON —lce lor sole at the City Bukerv ' " | Hal is and bats at .J F. T. SLEHLE'S. New mohairs, siiks. Henriettas, challies, and fuil line ot dress goods at L. STEIN & SON's. Home-made bread at tbe City Bakery. —Guitars, violins and mouth organs at -I. F. T. STEIILE's Large assortment ol lace tidies, pillow shams, bed sets, fine silk throws, India silks, pongees. Madras j lrapery, A:c , at L. STKIN <FC SON's. ". —Lace curtaius, curtain poles, | .-.tsh curtain materials, scrim and | curtain laces and drapery of all kinds at J.. STEIN & SON's. ii. isj 1 ss. A SHORT ADVERTISEMENT On the Subject of WASH FABRICS, • We have in progress a special sale j of this class ot Pry (Joods,which if in most request aud particularly suited j to this hot weather, includiug: FEINTED CEALLIS At sc. Gc, Bc, 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c, in largest aud choicest assortments for selectiopp. Andersou's 40c Quality Scotch j Dress Ginghams 11 ow 50e and | <>oc qualities at 35c. SA.TINIS 37ic quality French Satioes at 25c. 35c " " " at 15c. 25c " '• " at 12^c Figured Dimitys, fast colors, for; Wash Dresses, 30c. WHITE GOODS 27 inch Hemstitched India Linens, 15c. For Children's Dresses. 40 inch 11. S. India Linens, with tucks above the hem, 50c, (iOc, 75c Plain Nainsooks, 12ic to 50c. UNSHRINKABLE FLANNELS For Ladies' Outing Garments, ! Blouse Waists, Boys' Waists aud Meb's Negligee Shirts. A very large and elegaut line of these Flannels at 35c—28 iuebes wide aud at fioc the very finest (juulity j Pushriu'sable Flannels, in very light weights for Summer Dresses, Shirts, etc., in handsome stripes and checks CREAM WOOLENS For Seaside and Mountain wear. Cream Albatross, all wool Cashmeres 50. fit),7s,§l " Outing Flannels, 00c, 75c, $1 " Serges, 85 cents. " Tasso Cloths, $1 00. " Lansdownes, $1.25. A most comprehensive assortment of Ladies'. Men's and Children's Furnishings ol every kind and at money-saving prices ou every item. Write our Mail Order Department ! for particulars, or for samples, or for ' a copy of our Illustrated Catalogue ! and Fashion Journal. I BOGGS & BUHL, 115 to 119 Federal St.. ALLEGHENY. PA. i I*l niliiay tills t.) our salesmen. OLTHI \1 II lIKUKK. Can start you at once. St.nd V I wl/[i>r terms tu ■I. AI'VI'IN SHAW. Xiir»sr)inan. Horliestfr. > V \, J. FRANK k CO. DEALERS IN ' DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND C HEMICALS FANCY and TOILET ARTICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, Ac rvi'liyslclans' ITescrlptlons carefully coin pounded. ! SS. Main Street, Butler, Pa. LEGAL ADVERTIStMEN ! S. f " I 7.1 S t .ill e. TBEASCKT DKI'.VUTU IS R, J ' OVMCK OP CoXrTBnLLKB t'K ('fMUt r. W.\s ii IN .. D. C. JoL 19, i-.* i. S WKEBKAX, Itv >ati>tact<iry evldrnc'' pre ' uta.li- to appear tliat Tlie' UaUcr Couu'v | .National Kauk of Butler." in the Ilonmgh i of Rntler, in the Comity of Butler ami i > it.- I'l-I: -yl\*. .a. La.- > 'i:!plie.l witli ; all :h. IWIWI of A| atatnM of the t it. ! Stutea, required t<> be complied j with before an a.-.-ot iation shall be author- ; izetl to ccintuence the business of bankinjr; 1 Now. therefore I, Edward S. Lacey, j Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby j eertity that "The Butler County National j Bank of Butler.'' in the Bor wtgh of Butler, | in tbe County of Butler and State of Penn sylvania, is authorised to commence the business of Bunking an provided in Section fifty-one hundred and sixty tine of the Revised Statutes of the United States. In testimony whereof witness uiy hand and seal of office this 19th day of Juiv, lS9ti. [SKAL] E. S. LACEY, Comptroller of the Curreacv. No. 4,374. Notice in Divorce. Mrs. Itartoara M. Kay, t, v in the Court ot h.-r next friend C:u-slmer .Common ileasof th.' We!si« *■ I>r. Tli. inus 'Co of Butler A. b.. >!• K a;. i No. li.. Ajareb T. Mi To Dr. TUoiuas .Mei\av and all whom It ia>\ concern: Two snbpcenas In the above ease liavliiK l«*en returned N. K. 1., you. the vaid i>r. Thomas Mc- Ka>. abtive defendant, are hereby required to ap'iear "JJ the said Court of Couimon Fleas, to IK- I.• id at Butler, l a., en Moutla", the Ist day nf-ep: in> , r. lsuO, Seltar the first day or next. ;.-nn of Court, t*. artsner the said eomptanic at. l slio\. cause, if any \oa have. a d.voiv ■ should not bt* L:rant«* i the said Atr-.. Barbara McKay. tu.tvr.KC. HF.DIC, sueritf. SherilPs Sale. E. I). >os, '.-.1 an ! JO. S. |>t Term, ls». \V. I). Brandon, atty. l.j vli tin- of a writ i f i i. b"a. t.vsu. d out of the Court of < oiun.oii j*ioos <>t Butler Co.. i'a.. .'Ud to me directed, there will be expos.-.! to l'ubllc Salf. .11 t!ie (Ourl llouse. In the Boro'i„'!i o! Butler. I'a.. on Kil'lav. the tbl d.u oi August A. i>. |s;o. at 1 o'elor: I*. *.!. the full wlni: de scrthe.l property , to-xilt : All the rlpht. titie. interest and < lalm i t ItolHTt \'aa<li-r'ln of. tu and U' aeres "t land, mure or 'ess, situated in Venango stud Marion townships. Butier Co.. J'a., boanu' 1 a [l'llo'vs, to-wit: On Ijtc North l.j A. F. MiiiilsU-r. loruieri} Osborn; East by Klemtiic l.etrs. Helser James Cowau and'Jamt ■ n ; south by Stephen Vanderlia u irs and tl.v heirs of Jos. Cummins; West b\ Neal <;.ir:n ley, Atv.ell heirs and Vincent Porter. About '.'e aern cleared, balat.ee In woodland with a ~t-. :r htei.io. iratne tiarn. outbuildings and one p:-odui-:nvr fII v. ell thereon. Seized and taken l:i i-MTiiUon as the pro|ierl.y of Hubert Vander llti. :\t the sml ol Levi I'orter and T. V. Porter, Lxrs. of the last «ill of Jatnes Porter, deed, lor u.s**. tic. 6t aI. July- 11. IS-.KI. O. C. KhDIC. Sherlfr. Notice. The Sunset Carbon Company, heretofore composed ol the undersigned, it. \V. Martiu aud William Falconer, is dissolved. All persons indebted to said partnership are notified to pay the same to \V. C. Thomp son. Esq.. Receiver, Butler, Pa., and those having claims against them will present the same to him. L. MAKTI.N. JR. Executors' Notice. WUKIIKAS, letters of administration have bei n vante'l to ihe undersigned on the • state oi s. W . Shannon, of Erautliu Twp., Bailer Co., l'a., ail per-ons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims acaiust said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. J A. W. SHANNON", Prospect, Pa. ( JOHN P. RAPSON, Executors. Estate of George Brown, aee'd, LATK OK CONCOKD TWP., BCTLEK CO., PA. Letters testamentary ou the above estate having been granted t* the un;lt rsigued, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, &nd any having claims against said estate will present them for settlement. MARIA J. BROWN, EX'X, Greece City, Butler Co., Pa. Gto. \V. I'I.KEiiEK, Att'y. Executor's Notice. ! H.'-T.M I. OF J. B. LONG, DEC'D, I.ATE OK KRANK LIN TWI'., Bl'TI-F.R CO., PA. Letters testamentary on the above named estate haviug lieen granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to it will | !<*se it'ske immediate payment, and any having claims against it will present tile,ll for settlement. ROB'T McBRIDE, Ex'r. McCandlt-s P. O W. I). BRANDON, Att'y. Notiee Schootol Teachers. The School Directors ol Clearfield Twp. will meet at Coylesville School-house, on Saturday, August 9th, IS9O, at 1 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of selecting and em ploying teachers for a term of six months. The Directors intend paying per mouth. T. K. GREEN, Secretary, Coylesville I'. 0., Pa. HA ILROAD TIME TABLES. WKST PKKN R. R. On and after May 12, 18!»0, trains will leave tbe West l'enu depot as follows: MARKET at 6:00 A.M. transltrs passengers at Tarentum to Apollo Accom. aud arrives in Allegheny at N:l(i,al.soconnects for Blairs vilie. arriving there at 'J:3O and with trains east and wtst on main liue. EXPRESS at connects at Junction with I'ay Expreus, arriving at Allegheny at 10:32 A. M. ACCOMOPAT'x at 11:20, arriving at Alle gheny at 2„'5,i, anil conaeets at Junction with Apollo Accom. going east. ACCOMOOAT'n' at 1:36 P.M. runs through to Allegheny and arrives there at -1:40 P. M. connects with Express east arriving at Blairs ville attiP. M, aud with trains east and west on main line. EXPRESS at 6:05, arriving at Allegheny at 7:."o P.M. No sto|(s between Tareutum ami Allegheny. Trams leave Allegheny lor Butler at 0:20 ti:.Vj, >:2O aud 11 ;00 A:M, and at 2:26, 3:15, aud 5:4"> A.M. Trains arrive at Butler at B:3a an l 10:30 A.M.. and 1:30, 5:00 aud 7:50 P.M. No Sunday traius iu Branch. p. & w. B. R. Corrected to fast time—One hour faster than schedule time. Trains going south leave Butler at .0:00, .s:s">, 10:20 A.m., and 3:50 and 0:30 P.M. The 8:55. 10:20 and 0:30 trains run on Sunday. The 8:55 train connects with the ' West only, the 3:50 runs through to Allegheny, but also connects at Callery with Chicago express, and the 6:30 connects lor Allegheny and alsp for a train running to Zelieuople. Trains going north leave Butler at 10:20 A.M. tas far north as Kane) aud at 5:45 P. M. (as far north as Clarion I. Traius arrive iu llutler Iroui Ailegheuy Ji the Wcfct at 9:20, and 11:55 A.M, and 5:(0, 8:10 and 8:50 P.M. Trains arrive at Butler from the North at 10 A.M. and 3:55 P.M. PITTSBUIKi, fell EXANGO tfc LAKE I.IUEK.It Corrected to fast time. Trains leave Butler for Greenville at 5:40 and 10:30 a. ui. aud 4:53 p. iu. Trains leaviug tbe P. W. depot in Al legheny at 7:50 ». m. aud the West l'enn depot at 8:20 a, m, and .":1"» p.m. connect at Butler with trains North on this road. Trains arrive at Butler lrom Greenville at 10:10 a.m. and 2:25 and 0:25 p.m.; all of which connect with the I*. 4c W. to A Ueghe cy and the 2:25 with the West Penu. Trains leave Billiards at 7:25 a.m 12:30 p. m. and 4:30 p.ui.-.conuect for Butler,and the 5 p.m. train Iroui Butler connects at Branch ton for Milliards. No Sunday trains. Passengers with tick ets will be carried on the local freight that leaves tbe P. & W. June, at 1:15 p. m. but not on the other freight trains. The 4:53 a. m. train from Butler connects at Osgood with trains on the L. S. ii M. S., arriving at Cleveland 10:40 a. in., Chicago «>: 10 p. m., Erie 11:28 a. m., Butfalo 2:35 p. m., and at Mercer with W. N. V. 4 P., arriving at New Castle at 9:05 a. m . The lo:3o a. iu. train from llutler connects at Mercer with trains ou the W. N. Y. & P., arriving at Frankiiu at 2:00 p. m. and Oil City at at 2:10 p. m., and at Sheuango with the N. Y. P. A O. for Meadville, Jamestown, Butlalo, Olean and New York; also at Osgood for Oil City. The 4:53 p. m. train connects at Mercer for New Castle, aud at Sheuango for Meadville and Sharon. FORCE FEED PHOSPHATE GRAIN DRILLS A SPECIALTY Threshing Machines- Engines. Hay Presses. Saw Mills. i Send lor Cut.ilogU". V R FAIIOI IIAR tO„ York, Pa. TUIA ntDCfi !;:• I'tilliirirli'Mai THIS PAPER* !'. I N. VW-AVER 4 SON. uux Mailiorlsod ma. HI CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL Spring and Summer Goods. If you have not bought vour summer suit you can do so N < UN' and at u Greatly Reduced Price. ilaving already bought mv fall stock, it becomes necessa ry for me to MAKE llO<">M ior new goods, and in order to do so J have reduced the PRICE so LOW that you cannot help buying, once you see thv» goods and hear the figures they ran be had for. Also a fine line of staple suitings lor Men, Youths, Boys and Children, We carry a large stock of hats, gents furnishing goods, trunks, valises, etc. (TRATI : A summer coat and vest given tree with every purchase of fiw dollars or more. H. Schneideman The Pioneer of Low Prices. 104 S. Main St. - - - Butler, .Pa. BRANCHTOH BFSTAURAUT AND LIVERY. AMOS HALL,pro. At Uranehton Station —Milliard Junction <if thel'., S. it 1,. E. H. B.—Only 8 miles in Mnrrinsville, 4 miles t« Centreville, 6 miles tci llarrisville, :> miles to Oaltovn Meals at all hours, lodgings and livery stable. TERMS REASONABLE DIAHOSS HOTEL, JAMES SELLERS, Prop'r. New furuiture, new fittings and first class accoin inflations. Livery. Xortb ttiile of Diamond, Butler, Va. EITEIIILLEIIS, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - IP .A. Near New Court House—formerly Donaldson fiouae—good accommodations for travelers, stabling connected. KITENMUI LKB & LEIBOLD. I'rop'rs NIXON'S HOME, 35 N. McKEAN ST.. HITLER. PA. Meals'at'all hours. Open all night. Breakfast 25 cents. Dlnnc 25 cents. Supper 25 cents. Lodging 25 cents. SIMEON NIXON - PROP'R. Willard Hotel ##b • I W. H. REIHINO, Prop'r BUTLER, - PA. STABLIXA IX COXKECTIOS. KAHI'LK HOUH for COMMERCIAL TBAVELERK SAMPLE liOUM. LIVERY IN CONNECTION Hotel Vogeley ( Strictly first Class.) HENRY L. BECK. PR'OP'B. J. 11. FAUBKL, Manager. Butler, Pa. Jordan's Restaurant All oar readers visiting Bailer : will do well to go to Sam Jordaa's | restaurant for their meals We serve j lunches, soft drinks, tobacco and I cigars. No. 4, S. Main St., under | Scbnnidcman's clothing store. DOLLARS Saved are as good as dollars etyned, and the wise will take advantage of our closing out j sale of SEASONABLE GOODS We dont want to carry over one piece, and if low prices will sell them, we sha'n't. Light Colored Stiff Hats, Summer Underwear, Straw Hats and Light Colored Neck wear are all to go. Look alive now and don't get left. COLBERT & DALE, 70 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. R. K. MCHOLLB, L. M. HEWITT NEW LUMBER YARD R. S. NICHOLLS & CO., Dealers in all kinds of Rough and Worked Lumber. "DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC., Hard and Soft Coal- Wo have a large stock of all kinds of Lum ber, Oil AVell Rigs, Etc. Call and get our prices and see our stock. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. Office aud yard on MOVROE ST., XEAR WEST PK*» DEPOT, BUTLER, PA. d» JUDICIOUS ANO PERSISTENT Adverti-ltw has always proven .SHK; successful. Before piaetnjr any y Newspaper Advertising consult )SSmR LORD & THOMAS, ADVUTUIXO MOTI, UUV laliW (wort. CHIUOO AUDITORS' REPORT Of Summit Township for the year 1890. Koad account of F. Scheerer. supervisor of .Summit Twp. Amount of road duplicate. 1 -.--v. Amount of cash tax 7? 43 Total. ...... ... | *^ji Amount of tax worked ... * 7is ot Amount of exoneration In duplicate 3 82 Amount of exoneration tn cash tax ' is Amount ot exi e.idlturca... . 23 (* 31 days service at SI.W tc. m Percentage lor f ullcoting ciuik tax 3 o* Hue to F Scheerer from 18S8 * si t'nworked tax 25 Total * y.« y l>Ue to K. Scheerer ..!!!...]! 33 58 Account of 11. Baldauf, supervisor for Summit Twp. Amount of road duplicate $ 732 7B • cash tax . "" 73 24 received from former supervisor 670 To,al $ 812 71 Tax worked 459 Exoneration In dup1icate..........1.'.'*"" 3 59 " cash tax 91 Expenses for planks, nails, etc 5 ui 23 days service at *I.OO 34 SO 5 percent for collecting cash tax 3 «B Tax returned to Co. Comm'rs . . ' " 937 Unworked tax 59 j; Auditing anif printing 7 50 Total | 7g4 07 Due to township .]] ....ii"" 28 C 5 Toor account of Jacob Keott and F. Scheerer, overseers of the poor of Summit Twp. Rec'd from Wm. Mc.Mellon, real estate (1150 00 Rec'd from K. MoVellon on note .... 50(!0 \\ Hole amount of Wm. McHel lon's acc't ,200 00 Due toTp. from Wm. McMeUon 614 28 Due to W. Haminel from Twp.. 208 00 EalduetoTwp 386 28 Attorney's fees tor Twp 1000 Auditing aud printing 13 13 22 days service at <1.50 for Jaoob Reott 33 00 It; days service at tl.so for K. Scheerer. 27 51 „ , . . _ 60 51 Hal. due to Twp 253 13 Bal. due to Wm. McMeiion 625*2*1 We the auditors of Summit Twp., certify that the above is correct to the best ot our knowl edge and belief. M. It. DITTMKB, 1 I'ETFR K.VIITIL, vAuditor*. DAVID I.RKCH. \ EDUCATIONAL. SUNBURY ACADEMY. The Fall Term of Sunbary ' Academy will open Tuesday, August 19. If you are looking for the best I place to obtain an education yoa can ! find it by studying the catalogue of this Academy. Classical, Normal and Musical Courses. Catalogue sent on application to T. E. MOFFAT, Coultersville, Pa. North Washington Academy, The North Washington Academy will open its Fall Term of School on Tuesday, August 26th. For terms, catalogues, rooms, board, etc., ad dress L P. MIFFLIN R B. STAKES, Sec. Board of Trus | tees. Washington & Jeffe rson College, WASHINGTON, PA. I The :Kith year begins Sept 17. Classical. Scientific and Preparatory Departments. Fur information concerning Preparatory Depart ment apply' to Prof. J. Adolph Schmltx. Prlu.; for Catalogue or other Information to President Moffat. ALLEGHENY COLLE6E MEADVILLE, PA. 7.*>th year begins sept. 16. lt)0; >l2 graduates; 42 In isuo. Situation healtliful and beautiful All uecMsary expenses need not exceed $165 a year. Faculty composed of men specially tra'int-d for their departments, students may complete preparatory s' udles. Address »>. 11. WIItfELEB. LL. D., PresMsst. BEAVER COLLEG AND MUSICAL INSTITUTE, AT BEAVER. PA., twenty-six miles below Pittsburg, on the Ohio, FOB YOUNG LADIBS. Superior location and buildings. Pupils In | family ot President. Physical. Intellectual, 1 Social and Moral powers developed. Best teachers in every department. Director of Music a graduate of Berlin. Kates reasonable. I Sena fur u new circular. R. T. TAYLOR. TWO CHOICE SCHOOLS. BROOKE HALL, For Sirls and Young Ladioo. Shortlidge Media Academy, For Boys and Young lien. SWITHIN C. SHORTLIDGE, A M (HARVARD GRADUATE.) MEDIA, PA., (Near Philadelphia.) UHIOH Kill* 1111, UUTI-iEnt, PA. H. FDLLERTON, Prop'r, HlHnkeUt, Flannels and Yarn Maunlnctured ofPare Bnl lei County Wool. We guarantee our goods to be strictly all wj®} and noarsenlc or any other polaonou* majjj™" used In dyeing. We sell Wholesale pr .retao; SamDles and prices furnished free to owere on application by malL FOR SALK Farm for said cheap. 120 acres, J mile 1 from (i'reenville, soil good, tine orchards, fine location, tfood buildings, two sotU. | SIOO per acre. Box 560, Greenville, Pt,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers