IH^i CURE Hok Hr»Sm o-' MSir -vuev- all the trmbles iacl lal to* htlloda ha.'" rl «!... o ,tclu »Vn U ssshleer N«u%-o. DWm« %fter HU». Fa.» tn Uw t.'ip. tcr W hiW th«r mo»t ium.-ktiut ban U»ea shewn in cunug SICK Beedscbe. y«T CARTA'S LITTL* LITIR PILL* •rv mqnmUy In < curing mjtd pr>*venti;iic thuaf.a 7 cumßltißt. whne thfy al«n ijorTb-'t iQm .• »*•rr of tr* KOTfii. ihe hwr »r.d Ciu bo vnd*. Xvea if they onlr ure<t HEAD Aeh* •!.«» rftf- . » -* rr> ♦». *e wb "for ' '• *»»••* 1,-j: f'vr.'.'ttv t -vi o<"-i cot "nd fcn*. an 1 tfr-« ' * in* <fc~ »i*i .M UlfS-' B"V i'")lsr- ' .?.M» in *> ni*:tr »»rs liist oiy'rrt!i not be "tHing i > **•> wilho';'. them. But after ail *«-k 1* .v.t ACHE iiw! "-r» V" nnr trr~*' Is*** <Sir piUs cure It vttiV Jo nr.t. Corn's Urn-if T.rntn Piujs ar» tptt small and "TT emy to takr One or two p!il» make a "10~- Thrr are strictly TegWable and do aot fripe or porpe. but by their gentle action dlmm all who ire them. In via Is at cents; In tor sl. BoM ewrywhere, or sent by mail. cam tasizzst sc., vrr Tat SduIPUL Soall Bose. Scallfe §| S| $ 1,000 r :wAP v n To mK" en jflMUpst t«Bt thi*. try th* 1 f ' ".t- PI rwath A a bfnp f lutbei in ft U4t.- f Aon HlkA'di. tn<i i«at« .- a day or » mn'*! it oot and !. as •' r -P # <* <!r T **-?- •"*- imse its eoo4i*4cu cif .' ail* W» rwarsenfl«-« * %o zmz*+ % •tiujtAr t«* **♦». t-i.d iof with U<iaii U»4 ... ■- <wmm uj jug*. Wolffs AO MEBlackmg ■kkuaiDio il r WATERt'PtOaF, 9CFT, ANC CUOABLC. Ila bmttfnl. rifh. rOI.7SH !j -xa "ii-'.-<l. &***s mAu r.-.r 'j/.ttt*. A Polish I an - i : >nt tn fur Women. »ud A fnr .'fe: v isßiraMikuber mr. Kour Jtosltitraoratlaa. WOLFF 4 RANDOLPH, PHIUDELPHII. U4 at kM atom. Gnorn. md dcml-as IfWii Have CONSU L • CU. oaosiCH' ; 6CRO7' , ccych? 7HROAY A» »• iiUTJON, WASTiIaC o< FLKS'rI, Or mny l*i»eu9* Immgm Jmji<un*d 9 LacJt of Strcrujth ot Jfar»i fov#r ( j/ou mn U- (Wt4 by SCOTT'S EwitiiSiON or PURE COD LIVER OIL With HynopJK ophites. PA LATA I. r AS MILK. AbJc for ttootf* #.#.§»«.% 'on, at d lot no tarplan* :«;»« #i m*iu- tuir.u inrutt r yon to accij.t a luhttCu' -. Sold Oy try. ' n gylit*. SCOTT # C-iieißlsts, h". Y, /\ DOCT jF.B LAKE i Mil PRIVATE D;yri:;,SAKY. OFKICRS AVb. PA.— AU fonu* ot J>ulicate ati'l C'om jilUatfl I>iMaan re<iuiriii(f «;o*- t'JDrXTIALIin J SCIEKTIFICMkm. aattaa art treat«d at !hla Dispensary with a HOC. MM rarely attalncxl. In. 8. K. Lake l« a uciaher •f tho Boyal Cullegß of Hhy«lcian» an<l Sin pty.ns, aad la tk« oldwt nnd rao'tQlpfrtenccdHrEt'lAL irrln 111* city. Special attention riven toNcrr 0u licbtlity m.m exccs»;r« incntM ticrUrm, in atoTetlor s of vontfc. < :ia«ln? phynlcil tind nri.tal d»c»;., I»ck ef ;rni. , ay, Ac.; alio Casran,'»ld F . Rhrura%li<ra aad all diaeana of the i , . ... i.ua •■.,«*Ha arv <tr- i-. •ot 4- !. ; ; frruati ;ictly CDdent .i.. Hir" '-* ••». 7 1' in.; d»y» S t<>;4 ;>.ni ' t y. a'. ..tlce or it 'io*> «.K. LnKE.iI.Li..M 't. i'..-. TtMTlfcal •% mtvo pU CUi».'j L> WfklSlSNWifcfflaSßßiSi I'll ILAUELPIIIA 1' V. Iw»tonce,noupnrat 1«d w l<a(o( time ftuia tnwliuas. CiM»i>ri>u<<ubci«l lu ruraU* 'jf i llii i wa.-.t»«l. ttvtul fur circilUr. CURE GUARANTEED. o^Sl ■ ■ I aret lfi« njM. ttrj.i« 9 PILESi^S^ ■ITCHING PILFS m ■ H 111. S r al«f* «lit* lu-totjtff *ud hiM-diiiif, it. tela ™ u If a lllfiaa lata—. Vti *«>\ 's f» .* 1" • l a. Ilrxrmrt. Hi >|iiti Torturri*. SWAYNE 5 : • i fN air.iw« af "ttwatis 1 ' • .»• » r ' •» - a tti Uwnta> .»r » t aa« Ttiia 'ait SWAYNE'S OINT.KIEWT SKIN DISEASES «WKtrr ?.«• wlteUbAlia XA *o«i . U *.' i trf lrua*»«-S N mMI %i aualt ft Ho. « U M A-11<<««. l<a -Ocmm 4 ru:«4*i*u. ra- AU . w drtMr*t»t tm a . r '"'ni CATARRH tan ctres : HAY - £' J FEVER |/ y ism Cold in HeadJp^KvEp A|mrttcl<9!a Prlroaooiu i . - laiutl IcgWerod, oo cents. * L\ hUol in-ic •. St V» .irit'n fin., \«w a «*rk. BUY YOUR HOMES l altc! Security lit 'I •; k • ....J TiCo., or Pa. Money t » "i y ii'ini" -. MoaUt' iuae u a *»lr: i ■M-iita »•*. >* >' . Ti prt'iti... •n*' . • : "(i caiiilrna <. oaM-ebd. .Money ' > ;ui. • i fdti »»i c ' »n. W AiiU il ««■<» r t» ..«> •*. u i. L.LI NX, No oS Suuih Main St., Butler, Pa. titer Ijld'h UrußtSUMt'. Teachers' for 1889. A»s««t a, Ceol - . AMkii-'- •'. VVmt S. Sept. 1 "VJ 1"-, Oct. Yi, Went Sub • Eiannt.ii* ,ji *..'' t> A. V. f Icyal .a>a i | >■' If. I a oer!... -u-u , ■ -S last y. »'• u* 11 of cio'-ai on aiv coriiiany «I. .e>» I'J Vi. 0. KIUKU, CO. Sup't. THE CITIZEN • LLANEOUS Agricultural. Tat the vuuug cocumber* in brine us fa.-t ... g«tL«?r»d v.-.til a .--iEcient number have ' e.are ! f. r pickli:.g with vinegar. Take af- ■ ds. parsnips and carrots, i cot I.w i" the Ol.'HTS, leaving a space around 1 eath, a:.il allow them to remain for seed. | If you can't plow your land to kill weeds I m. -.v ;hua down, which will prevent them '■ from 4' '':>g to seed. Under uo circuin- I >!-, a ingle weed to seed. ' Although is la' - for sowing seed to [irndTii iTops. -org:!"'ni, millet and buck wf eat oil,l be grown and plowed under J .is a Tt' i< Z for weeds, aud also to manure , is -■'• •• ..s : . summer do damage as .•r. It is important that ... ■ . ■ . .-til in the barn be kept j dry. A single leak will cause II ..c to pay for •• new roof. I In *.. •* c;>'er for vinegar it is a mis- It »ke to partially rotten or inferior a . - for t! .it pnrin - Good vinegar can only be i. idt from ripe and sound apples, ami where it is difficult to ship apples to market it will pay to convert them into vinegar. It has been demonstrated that the straw from a wheat crop can be made to take the place of hay if cut and fed in connection with gviiu. TV - should encourage farmers to z-'-t sti-•- attention to the storage of tL , a 1 to keep it in a clean, bright j >' - r. .Ir s good cultivation. > . i . -• t':-.:-t have been worked • ■ .luce better heads, t ill 11 .. • tli..: have received a larger . ■.!>', ..f i Hii-.ire and the cultivation neglected. Ti-e ground around cabbages should never bo hard wrd baked. Keep something growing on the land and you will then keep down the weeds. It does not pay to take off a crop and then allow the land to grow np in weeds. It is hrti r to p!ov. the land frequently if no crop i; on it. The aim should bo not to ' allow a single weed to grow. li - '. doe : not pay try something in ; r. Tl-.: •» of stock raising de : t'.: A steer of a beef pro-I I discing breed will weigh 1,000 pounds, i • 1..- - cue n/- will not > v. ig'at. The large dif f( wh"! 'the loss occurs from the n ii' of the eruli. Weed* make valuable fowl for hogs. It !i. ?ii, ! -i». • o f<c ' the young and ten i d'-.* weeds to ' than to allow them to waste. On some fields the weeds are thick enough to mow. The pigweed and rag j weed make excellent bog food. Purslaine it,.d < . ■ i. UT-- highly relished by cattle , . . " J aud swine. t r l' •.. • j,- v ; 1 nof potash v; * 11** to fruit tree . and vi;:e .' .m to give better results ili . Ti mo':-tion to be considered in iJ, , i'i i ■ whether the potash ' a tit with the acid ofi!.--: i! • ' in" utilized by plants. 'i ... Uy give immediate : -ult , vbieli is not always tho case with nshc<i. J.inp. AMI AKHBa FOB RE.VJVATIM M>l L. Xo fertilizer is more highly valned than lime, for the re ~ 'm that it. is cheap, easily appii. (i: 1 if. <'.'• <is tire lasting. Lime exit -in n'l soils, but more in some than in other-. As a carbonate it is insoluable, but is subject to chemical changes by the act ion of nitric acid and other substances brought down by rains. When lime is fiv-T.iy joule (by burning limestone or o ) it is iu a very caustic «tate, . ... ith water, the water cr.'.> nl l.irminga hydrate—when it bht; .'1 l>" ;.:,piiid to oils, as Its affinity for ca. '-or:ie n .: c::u-es many reactions to occur in tiie so:l, the result being the for unitioii < : ccs that can bo rendered soluble in wa'.er. /. ih .i ar-"> e<uiiT)(is,'d lirgely of lime a:;d tin.i.ai;i amnll (iroptirtitmH »f jihoMjihaU'H aiid ntber mineral /ratter, thefr wnnpusi ti«m depending <m the kind of wood from width ti y WCT" procured. Their chief value is due to the potanh they contain, the. poia.sh not only nerving an a valuable plant food but u! -o 'U!si.stinf? to reudi-r avaJlnb? • !..• ether bubntaiioae in the t /iit;.., 'uliie. It is the chemical ; ■. i ; . . ! 1... liiiic and asbea that i . ,;i '. ;■ . v : the "oil in many v. y . i to. oi' imply adding lime i : , t fond. Uoacil in fitted I i j.- ...i .. •, ; V r jii.i.its unless it oontaina all tiie i ;s: :ii.< of plant food necessary for the fui.iii.. at oftl.e o'njeetof the plant*, liuL Aii.-i ui»y a. ia. •! dy in plant food that cannot be appropriated by crops. It iii this inert, unavailable plant food that is attacked by lime nnd ashen, ita parts torn asunder by chemical action, and now com pounds formed that are entirely unlike the original ::b i: fs. The action of lime on pi ,:it' ii-id boil v*i>ies uecording to tho (i.M.i . r i. ft inal.eK heavy • r ■ "hUT .iN h.-avier, And i • ' I - Miic aud mineral i: . ; ... «!. . 'red fo the crops I plant fond fo a / . . .....ili; • ill em ar« morel m- A '.. i :. 1 in i: id no organic, matter ! i • ' .'.i i <>iily reduce the com ,n iy j». -si!ile pi int I'm. I, the • tier t .til r- ire better resulte from ; • , _ u oflimo and ufches by ' hiDH: crop to be plowed under. , Tbe effects of the mineral nml vegetable mimuri! are -ueh that tine improves the other by ha-tening chemical action, iiv iiy< ;• i r>. . n i!eri\, a certain propor tion of i • ;;e-i from (ho atmosphere, eit! r t'. . . e .'y of rains, nr. an !<• -. ...ii. i. 1' iy„ . ami wUle oceupy ii>:* . " . ••• • 1 >'e to reduce the ti.i' -r ill' ' I v ;!eh stored up iu the jje .•" i. , u'ljeeted to the itiflu- I et!« 1 .'liir.e. lit ! a-hew, V. h.tt in r thusi ruse* *; t i.:n i i the lieiiuty of J unit Or the icielyand fragrant lilic* IVhfte In-ll- rug a ouiiuner tunel Ah. Hvrceter the rot e* blowing On the ch-eks of thoKC we lovo. And tl<e ! ' of I i .iith that's glowing 'i mi the ;l;red rose above. Hut how mm the lily and the rose wither in tho faces of our American women. 'iVhy is it? Simply because so ni my o| IL em are victims of wi-akuc-scs, irr i .liiii .•; iii.d f inctioual ileraugements i■ f< iit i• to tt >.. v |f thfy would use ' I i o I'ren. riptiou all these . 11.1.1-U •>?roving ailuieiitH : i ... ■ . o olf, uud we would hcur i> '.i...: on.en '"growing old before tin ir time.'' —Tiie common cat-tail, touud growing in low la"d'. I.i not only oruumeutal but i. fill. In conversation with au idd lady I other day and talking about burns uud a.ils, she said no better remedy could be found than the cut tail. She said: "Take the down uud with just enough lard to hold it together make u plaster nml lny upon any burn, nnd it soothes and heals so soon that it seems 11 hi- a miracle. Put upon a fr' -h l>U:u : J i.i • ' than half all hour •Ti , . ititi i.nold bunt, the ! . ! uiudiem i-.t twenty four < o• • the Indian remedy M,ri* or ulcers. Ago does .run s. It eun bo ,i fc: y.-ari Without • ••» . '• -'' properties. o I- .'<• tl.e «tonuoh, liver ittid ! bowels, l»r. fierce s I'eUets excel. Oae u BEFORE THE TOMB. llore in God'' peace she lies. Death-misted hazel eyes Closed in fa-t sleep. See how the sunbeams fair Smile o'er her brow and hair, Crowed her cold hands in prayer, Well may we weep. She is no young to lay In the dark gruve away Oh, Death is king today! Hush. and be still' Close the lid over her. Let the gr;us cover her; This is God's will. A fool always finds .some one more foolish than he to admire him. —Salt rheum, with its agonizing itch and prin. is cared by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Give it a trial. The Supreme Court- has repeatedly said that .» uiau s right under his patent tor an invention is as absolute as tinder a patent for lands, and no one woald fay that one should lose the right to his house because some one else ?aw tit to take pos session of it againol his will. —A lady correspondent draws attention to the cleansing effect of petroleum on soil ed clothes. The best way to employ it is to fill au average boiler, say ot fourteen gallons, with water, adding half a pound of soft soap, and when all is boiling thor ouglilv, pour in one and one-half table spoonfuls of petroleum. Then put in the clothes and boil them for half an hour be fore lifting them out and rinsing them in several waters. A little more soap, water and parafine should be added to make up for loss as successive lots of the clothes are boiled. B. & B. An Institution of Real Merit IS OUR Mail Order Depart ment. The flatteiing favors bestowed up oa it by the people are iii testimony of its benefits to them. I'he way to compliment this department, and to . do yourself good, is to communicate with it at once. Your everv want will he satisfied promptly, aud you will save money OD every article or yard of goods you ! buy. What Is (ioing On Here Now.' Our Annual Summer Clearance i Sales, which means bargains by tLej hundreds. Thou-ands of yards of Dress Goods, fuil of tone, style and effectiveness, worth $1.15 and $1.50} going at 75 cents. j Cntpiol 50c - and 25c CpuLlal Dress Goods Departments These prices have been mode "catch all" prices f">r thousands and thousands of yards of goods thai < sold at twice and oven threo times the money early in tho season — j choice, wide and elective goods j Send for samples. 01 WASH-GOODS PRICES, Have lost all their starch oniv the; slmdowß of their former selves, and J just in the midst of the WASH-; GOODS BEASOX. Anderson's celebrated Glnghanrs j reduced to cents a jikA as a bar-j gain starter. j Tbc sarno glory in tho ChallTc de-j part meats. All our stock reduced to j half. Nice and new ones marked atj •'clearance prices." 50c Zephyr Gingham Side Bands , at 25c. 25c. and 40c. Zephyrs at 20c. 25c. and 35c. Zephyrs at 15e. « Finest FrencH Satines at 25c. 3l)c. Satines at 15c. and 18c. Write to our Mai! Order Depart ment. | Mention this paper. B0S&S £ BUHL, US to 121 [ FEDERAL ST ! ALLEGHENY. PENNA. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual fire insurance Co. Office Cor. Wain & Cunningham H\ ■J. V. EOKSKING, ruesiok.Ni Wf.i OAMFIiKIJL TKEASUKFJI U. C, HKINKMAN, Si-:c]mTAi:v DIRKCTt)I«; .1 I, I'urrtt, Samwl Andexwin. Willir.iu CiunpDeU |J. W. lliirkhurt, A. Tr. itmau, jllCniii-j-M.n Oik- r. r>.(:. l»r. \V. Irvtn. ,Hi-nrv Whltmlre. .1. I . Trj!"r. 'II. IJeiu«nxa>, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, <3en h?- .aXTTIiBR, TPJK PP i§oun »iu, II M I.l.htiiO.N, Prop'r. ItlmiketM. I mill Viirn ofPnre ICni - ler ((ninij Wool. We (fiianmief our go'wla ti> be trli:My :ill wool I .nvi mi urm-nlo or any at Iter potmifioun material MV'I iii < In,- W< sell VVI !■ or r< lull. !iiaui>lxr :ifttl pilci - -: flirnl llied fn-'t to Ural' ri on ul»|>tl :;<Mnu liy irtfilL Farm for Rale, Thfc undertint*") own« u nrimll I arm c»i 4 r > j acr« •, loeatcd if* Penn Tp., IIUM Mr. Ogd nV Church, which Kb**. witliea ton 11. IT i«« H! I tillable am! in a good of cul tivation; Kan water. Tins tieldn are well watered. Good orchard ot all kinds of fruit. A good frame Uotine of live room*, gmcl ham ami all ueeen«ary outbuilding*. hue will give a hargaiu on it for cash, or part caeh and abort payments. Inquire on •he premise* of Mils. KUZAISETII TODKN. (Uade Mills I'. ()., Hntler Co., I'a. AG EN T S WANT EI) To canvass for one of the largem.old'" edtabUxhed, ItK.vr KNOWN NTKSKUIK In tho count ry. Most Übernl Terms. Geneva Nursery. W. it T. KMITII. Uemtra, Sf* Vork. Jordan's Restaurant All our renders visiting Untie will do well to x<> to Sam Jordan's restaurant lor their meals. Wo servo lunch.-*, soft drluks, tobacco and cigars. No. t, S. Main St., under Bcbneidemon's clothing- atnre. j Adrertlse lc 'he CITIZEN, The Result ot Doing business on the square is always satisfactory. People prefer to deal where they can get good h( :iest goods with no fancy prices VVe have the finest line »J' Hats, the line.-t j line of Furnishing Goods and the lowe-t prices in Butler. We buv ii"ht from the fac | torics loi cash and cur custo tuers get tlie benefit. A com parison of our goods and prices sells then!. Light-colored stiffs, ; straws ami summer underwear away down now. COLBERT CV DALE, 70 S. Main street. Butler, Pa. Have You Heard the News! Almost everybody talks j about the (rreat Clearance Sale at the , Xew York Bazaar. Yes. we have marked all our goods d >»vn, they must go before the summer season is over, we are not in habit to carry over goods from one sea : son to another. Milliner y at Half Price. Sateens, ehallies.lawns,ging ' haras, ca:-lnneres, black goods, silks, etc.. all reduced, j Hosiery and underwear at a ' big sacriii re Come and see for yourself lor we hav<- no room to name j nil the bargains. We only advertise tl.e truth. We do , not misrepresent. We guaran ! tee to prow ice everything we j-adverti-e. Do not delay but ! come at once we'll make it in j teres ting lor you. I New York Bazaar, [ LEAMNT. BARGAIN STORE. No. GO, S. Main St, Butler, Pa- j LOOK! READ! I ii.v. -• enlarged .uv store-rot m, in fact, made It almo-rf twlc . • larjjp us It was before, anti have u'ho iricn Imy stork. 1 have, by rar, tlio 6»r«v9t and l*: >t selected stock or Fine Drims and Chemicals In Butler count v, an.l am now In position tx> hui 1 "!' rti" «•»:," < .it tlie people or tins county— bettor Uk::. It: Cli" past. You Mill do well to cull on me wlien Inlae DcoU <<t jinytWjiy ui the linn or Fine tirup anil Medicines. My stock I vt ■ nompletp and I'ltlfES VKBY I.' i"\V, In trw ll 1 • finality Is of the rtrsf Import t »nce. «o »e .virUeular attention to IllUiiH Prescriptions. onr iJlnpeiisiii',- ' pirtmctit !r cimptotth We dU<ueuse only I'm Uro(jK t it tin Finest Quality, and our patrons may Tiring us therr presort p. tions, reeling certain that Miey will bo carefully and accurately tilled. Thanking the nuoilc for tlie very generous patronage they nave accorded me In the pant. I nope to be able to serve them more acceptably In the fututv. 4t the <*d sttind. No. n, i?orth Main St., MXTLBK, PA. J. G. R2DICK, FOR SALE, The undetalffn-d oilers tor sale his general Ktnck of Kt'HM'FITtK. and his I'MIEKTA K IN<; Ouniness loc t"d in rrospeel, Butler coun ty. I'a. Thcstov): ui Furniture Is all new and will t>e sold at II n! awl. and I hlho have a full line or cat-kits—trom the smallest in tin- larvf est —. trimmings. a good hearse. Rlelglis, liim ber and everytli.n'- pcrtalnlnif to tie' tnrsinos. 1m mediate pov.. - »i will l»- tflven, and the business Is euou: . Ui keep one man constantly en Apply t» u* anJdnws M. KDMCNirSON. I'rospect. I'a. SCHUTTE & O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And lias Fitt<T-i, ... more than 20 yeare experi ence. liavi; o[*ti . tlrelr sttire In the Geo. Itelber Iflook, oti Jem 1 . ,1 St. opposite the Uiwry House, with 11 roll line at Plumber's Supplies. GAS FIXTURES. VNI> liLOUKS, HANGING AND TABLE LAMPS, NATURAL <iAS BI RNERH. AC Jobbing prompt .Mended to. and yoirr p«t onn'.T" r'spectfulti solid(4*l. Wm. F Miller. Manufacturer oJ' Stair Rail3 > Balusters and Nswel~po3ts. All kinds of a . l-lurnlnjf done to order, also l>«i-..ra"d and 1 Tved wood-work. such as Casing. Comer t>: ks, Panels and all kln.li of fancy wood-work for Inrflde decoration of Irouses. CALL A'' 1) SEE SAMPLES. Something new .11*1 attractive. Also FUR {VTITUR.B at iowest;eash prl.ts. Store at ' a. 10, X. Main street. Factory at No. N, Waslunigton stri'Ci. BUTLER. PENNA. POSITION OFFERED. If you are in pe J of a >r<>oil paying prmithm and think yon !i ve the qualities .J" a wooil sillesiiian, yon vill 110 well to write uh at onei". We will pay tfooij coiiiiijin'Krii or nalary anil expc e# to a m»ti. '<lie position we olle; is u pmniuwtit. one. Art drefs tit mice, Ski,«)Vkk <t- Arwoon, 1 N urserymtfn, (Jl-iit'va, 2>. Y. NOTHING LIKE FT! EC=§A=SEEEH=!= THE HARD CASH Wiil work wonders at The Cash Shoe Store, >so. 95 SoutU JVlairi Street. 1- Pcnn'ji We have just receiv \ed a large stock of Boots, s -*) 7 Shoes, Rubbers ;. d ;-») / 1 Slippers, and we intend j {rtu do a cash business, / jr / land can t-ell you any I I 4 jk footwear you may need / p A cheaper than any house '■M in Butler doiiur a credit / ' busilKvsrf BLACKMORE N GRIHB. IFAI{ 15 Y CFIAAI'FCFj, the Williams port Florist, is fast establishing a reputa tion in Butler. Send tor his "Book ot Flowers,' which is a work of art, and will be sent free to any address. HARRY CI IA APE L, Florist, Willianisport, Pa. BARGANS in WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry And silverware. Finest stock of Sterling Sih-erware in the count}' and at prices not to be equalled for cash. Watches and Clocks repaired and warranted, at J. K. GRIEB'S No. 10 South Main St., 'SIGN of ELECTRIC BELL), BUTLER, PA. IfEAPVILLE CONSERVATORY OF \\ilS\i\ A high rrrn'( !i:si;n:iif n w;ili fanlltit s in Music ant) Art second I" no sclwol in (he country. r.ni|ilo>* oI '\ ;<;.<lin- MI X| erh n< e iilsd I rrdwm reputation. Kight .separate courses In MUHIC Including :■ 11 i>t«i ches V« 'si4 m:d Instrumental. Is afUlluted with Allegheny College which uc eepu Mils ic ;is iin elective ;-»ctiy. Thorou gli < ciiffs 1 n 11.Int!i p, Drawing, \Vcod-o«ivlrg and Physical Culture. 1)!| 1 Jinax granted tho«e ,•« i. i h i i-.g any cm- 01 the 1 uuiv 10c<client boarding facilities at very moderate rales. siudtn Is sxmliud lo any ymtie. Kail iv 11a 1• ■ ins September 4th Send for catalogue to HUH. it VIA C. lit LL, Director, L«MLLC. I'a PALACE OIP MUSIC. ESTABLISHED 1831. MELLOR & HOENE. GENERAL AGENTS FOU THE Peerless Hardman Pianos AND NOTrO FOR THElrt GRAND POWER AND SWEETNESS OF TONE, UNRIVALED DURABILITY ELEGANCT OF JFSIGN. anil PERFECTION OF FINISH. <cMch exitllenCles caosd thoin to l>c selected and u l>y tli-• l*-;L must. nans, cnltlvaUH anrutvurs and lntollljfont ixsojilo throughout tho V. .S. tfhz JVEatciilcss Palace Organs, CHASE ORGANS, .CENTURY ORGANS, tlie most T>°i*foct Organs made, of surprising novelty, simplicity and dura bility of construction, with thn most beautiful volco-Uko tone ever i>roduct*d. Alsi>. e<rti 1 ant 1 y on hand a (frdßt variety of other mnk<K of Vlanos and Organs, r.t: th« vuvy lowest prices. SECOND-HAND INSTRUMENTS TAKEN IN PART PAYMENT FOR NEW ONES. Easy Terms of Payment, either Monthly or Quarterly. MELLOR & HOENE , PITTSBURGH?' PIANOS TO RENT. TUNING AND REPAIRING. Steel Wire Fence! The ciirnpuMl and neatest Fence lor around LauiiH. M< hool I .<it h. Poultry Yards, Gardens. Farms, etc. Also mannf.icturers ol l.lk'ht and Heavy Iron FcJictii|{. ( icsilmr. statili Klttlmrs. Fire shutters. Fir.' Fsi iiih'S of different ile anil all kinds or IU(» and WIUK WORK TAVIX>R & DEAN, 2(i:i-20.". Miirki't Kt , I'ltt-biirir, Pit. New Livery Stable. New Stock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— liorKOH fed nnd boanlotl. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r. No. .'!!♦, W. JelTermm St, Butlor, l'a. •* ' ' • , . . * ' • • , • ». WlTI" IMI . ■ . . • I \ 1 a • " r- ' LOk'u a THOMAS, AOVr.«IJH|XO AI.KTTJS 11 to iy 'k+viisykl CHICAGO* Pinning Mill —AND Yard J. L. FUKVIh L. O. PURVJB S.Gr.Purvis&Co. IfANt*FACTURKIiK AND lIRAI.KKS IN Rough and Planed Lumber OK KV«£KV UK-I Jtill TION, SHINGLES & LATH 1 PLANING AIILL AND YARD K:u>r4Jeriuaii Cbiirrli A. J. FRANK k CO. DBAt.KHH IH imuus, MRDMINES, AND CHKMICAia l'A.vry AM. TOILET AUTICES, SPO.VfjKS, BRUSHKS, PKKFI'MKKY, &.:• rifPli)-Mlclan»'.;Pi'ebCT|ptlonti; .caretully co.n pounded. SS. Main Street, butler, Pa. | m m no» aj^iag" RA RSB KS RJQ - TUMMMKK■ UBBIBP ; LEAdING MILLINERY HOUSE Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes aEd Nuns Veiling always ready foruse. JSTO- 18. South Main Street, - - - HUTI,KI«« I'A Telling Figures FKOM THK Forty-fouilh Annual Report (January 1-1. l--!> OK THK NEW-YORly LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, ttifi A .11' Bro#dw«j, York. WILLIAM H. BEERS, President. Total income,over twenty-fivemillion dollars- Benefits to Policy Hold- rs, nearly cleu-n mil Il>>ii dollars. Interest lneomu. over live pdcent. on aver age net .I-Sfiet - New Insiiruice Wrltt' n <> er one lUtulr. d and twenty-live million dollars. Assets, over ninetj-thro - mllll- n dollars. Surplus, liv New stut" Standard, thirteen anil a half million dollars. Insurance in Force i. arly four hundred aud twenty million dollars. PROGRESS IN 1888. Increase In Interest fH)T,7TiS C£ Increase In Benefits to Policy holders i.4sr,B» a; Increase In surplus for dividends l lUi.ani :•! Increase In lTemlums 2.540.737 c<y Increase In Total Income i:<j 71 Increase In Assets KHUN To Increase in Insurance Written. if -TO.i:i« to Increase In Insurance In force... CU.MO.'.IK) DO RESULTS OF 44 YEARS. Ilecelved from Policy-holders In Premiums. in forty-four years, lsl.vis.-s :si l'ald to Policy-holders and their represei. la thes J11T.222.93T 21 A.-.it- held as security tor Polle* holders. Jan. 1. lssn f:U.4-0,186 46 Total i mount pa:d Policy-holders and in v> held as security for their contracts.|2lii,Tii3.l2.! 76 Amount paid and held exceeds amount re ceived ft t.Ti;2.TCfI :i7 Keeeived from Interest, Kents, etc.. In lorty fotir yeors. ISIS-IHSS NS.2IK>,T2 J -0 UeatU-l' - es paid in krty-fot:r years. ISLV IK>.. f1,"..'K16,791 111 ltXensl and lleuts excec.'s Death It-S'-S paid t3.2K1.933 (14 Kivlde litis pa Id In forty-four years l-4.vis*s. Surplus over Liabilities, under new Slate Caw. Jan. 1. ls»:> J13,500,nn0 do Amount saved I'olicv-holdejs from table rates f4-.425.272 K> l-'or prospectus and tull details, address J. 11. I'ase, manager Vanuxem. IVlrce & Co., (ieneral Agents. 1 iftli Ave., I'iitsbur,-. Pa. E. K. AUUAMs K Co.. Butler, l'u. Agents for flutler Co. Alsx. Borland, BOOT & SHOIMtIfR. XO. 18 E. JEFFERSON ST. Special attention |given to repairing of al kinds. Do Not Ne«leet Voiir Eyesight" I). L. Cleeland, of the firm of Cleekmd & Ralston, jewelers, having attended a course ot lectures called the Opticians Course, is now prepared to test and correct the following defects of the eves —Presby- opia, llypermetropia, Myopia, and Astigmatism. Come one and all, old and young, that have imperfect vision and have your eyes tested and correct ed by I). L. CLEELAND, Practical Optician. Corner of Diamond, Butler, Pa DIAMOND LAUNDRY, East Diamond - - Butler, Pa. FIRST CLASS LATKIWY WOUK IS ALL BRANCHES. LACK CCBTAIKS A BPE('4ALTY, ALSO, CLKAS IKO, lITEtSO ASK C'AB- I'KT CLBANISO. Goods collected and delivered in all parts of t!»<» town. AIOREWS A SHUTTLEWORTH, IMtOI'RIKTORS. READY Our Largo Spring Stock of Wall Paper. We hnvo excelled in former seasons in ASS OI fTMK N T, VA R1 KT V and Lleauty of Designs. Aud have ulmosl doubled our slock. We are prepared to meet all comjieUlion n prices. J. H. Douglass. 63 S. MAIN STREET. 1389, Spring and Summer,lßß9 M. r. Ar M. Marks, DEALERS IN Fine Millinery and Ladies Furnishing Goods. We shall surpass all previous seasons aud fully maintain our reputation of liaviug the hest goods aud lowest prices. Roceiv ing goods every week during the busy sea sou we will have all the most fashionable shapes and trimmings as soon as out, Mourning (-foods our Specialty. FOR SALE. I will sell the real estate iu which the business Is now conducted. consisting of a cor iurlotriM.il feet frontlnir "U the principal street o| the ton u. and on which two two story store rooms, H hop. a l\fom frame house with uood cellar, a bar" and all lieces ary out buildings nroerected. The lot ha* a nevr fall ll.ij well of k.mxl W iter. f will also sell iny franklin twp properly, coiisl-tlntf ol 11 acres < I Hood. level, nl< e land in a lilKli -tale of cull I vail " and all sown lo j;rass. with good and new si*-room house, b irn. 01. bard two wells, sun' soil ;uid one hurl and nil necessary out hulldloKs < . M. JKI>MI Slisi.v, Prcep'.ct, l'u. J THE PRODIGY CHURN. , PATI:>TI:» FEB i» amijcxk «, IMW Why it is superior to all Others. l*t Because of its easy operating. 2nd Because everything necessary is provided in its general make up for makitg uniformly the very best granulated gilt-edsre butter. A good milk tht-rmoia" way. I burning by he eter and strainer ac- ° proee** «m ihe oompmy wel efcarn '• -jJht, junta! totk «t »ll »y Whnt oue ot our pat- -' .if * J I < um IIOM Utor, tat rolls saj s of tiie fro.li- _V-j VT*®*V'r§k k *ith the l'rmii«y I am gyCharn afterthiTOUirh *' V'■*. --3 l nt>r«<l while clminii.* )y testing it. "'i '' hm *h»-n At Home. Washing- iji^ijLSfck'-- TH&*. »i'«l tb* batter » /'f ■ :v; ftk i Mari'h I'.. . . r Jsjßl " 1 I*' l »nh my churn ; '■ * '' 1 fc 'c 11,1;,4. (icot .invi»: v " -- ** i • 1(1 LBulhiT of the your i '••• _* -m'SM ' ' ' •* '•*' '"• months aud I can cht er- ■ *•: grand success in every Howl of (Jranulated But tor. This Churn is manufactured and for sale by Shiru, Siiira k. liars, man ufacturers of the Celebrated Allen Patent Washing Machine, Bu'ler, Pa. Circulars with full description and directions s.-nt to any adlress Agents wanted to sell in every c >unty. Gi'and Opening OF New Spring Goods T norm A x\ Beautiful Linos and Attraotivo Prieos. We have an extraordinary large line of Dims Goods in Black and Colors, in all the now shade. 1 comprising Ilenri etta, Serge, Cashmere, English Worsteds, Spring Weight Broadcloth, &c., &c., in this connection see our superb line of Trimmings in Fancy Stripe and Plaid Silks, Braid and Bead Ornaments and Sets. A lull line of Domestic Muslin, Ginghatn, Calico. Tick ing, Table Linen, Napkins. Crash, d'c. New embroideries, new laces, new white goods, new buttons, new kid gloves, new lace curtains. Our Carpet Department is nlmost in despair for want of space to show the new patterns nnu eolors of all grades of car pets from the cheapest hemp to the best moquette and all at ROCK BOTTOM PRICKS. A. Troutman & Son. Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House. BUTLBR - P-maN'A. I^p§er\baum^® .10, 512, 514 Market St., and 27 Fifth Ave PITTBIJUBGH. THE L£ADIiyG MILLINERY AN'I? FURNISHING GOODS HOUSE. Oiler the following line of Spring andoSuminer Goods AT THE LOWEST PKICES IN THE CITY. Ladies' and Children's Straw lints, W hiu- Goods of all kinds, Ladies' aud Children's Trimmed FancyJDrapery Kiik®, with Fr OgM Hats, 10 match. Ladies' and Children's WrHjsai.d Ladies' und GentH' Underwe. r, Jackets, Press Shirts. Wto'en skirts, at all Ladies' and Children's Corsets of all prices,; kj n ,j H Hosiery, over 800 t-tvles, it.cluding Lace Curtains and Portieres, the guaranteed fjst b'ac'is, from I'arasols and Umbrellas, 000 styles, l."»c to 75c a pair, Silk Mitts and Gloves, 10c to sl. Siik I nderwcar, Silk Hosiery, Kid Gloves, 41c to $2 a pair, 1,500 doz. Ladies' ltiblei Vets, 13c Press Trimmings, Notions, .lew<-'- 15c, ISc, 22c, 25c, the greatest rf, I orgains ever efftred anywhere. OUR MOTTO-Best Gcods; Lowest Prices. Farm for Sale, 7 i Containing 102 «cr<'» in n hiuli »t«te of rulti- i ration, ku<ml <1 welling bou"e, now! 1 mrn, ! and other oiitl»uil<Jmjj* F orelinnl • of utl klmU nl fruit, well watered, good pro- | ilnrinij <>il well* on adjoining fatnm, I<k aU<l j ii Allegheny Twp., niul wilbin .'I miltm of Kmlenton nn<l Foilmrir. For purtienlarx, •ddreM, L.B. MRJI KKI.N, I M# i 1.. .11-Her sou tit., lluller, l'a. | Improved Chester I I (>L»'S. I Sj>ri ? Jt" « *jM'i iiilt V. !■» delivered I ill A i>: i! autl M;i». I»r-nl«* l>> j i, si: A TON, I.n. In!. Cutler Co.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers