THE CITIZEN. FRIDAY. AOGI'ST 16.18*9. ■vim haa a populat ion of over Tone. It is me CXHttly wat ot Butler County, with W p*!ur railways, gits. an June galled f»ctim<« fur manufactures. pnnjre** e\erywher-; Dew bulldlurf* new macuf ■>.-lure*. a erowtM and prnaperoua town TRAINBAND MAILS. HUT fisv 11. R. - TralLi leave Butler for BlaiiavUle. Plttabuni at .£3O aad A 111 Skint *36 1011 F.UC P ®- . tbeae potnti at r:(jT. a. to- and 2» pm. »«" »' rti«- at it. in and t» p n>. -K.N.s./i K « Traiaa•«•»«* £££*<32! at :»» and i*»» m. P ™ *i km *t.d a. no and aiTtie af CT »'"» , P |- tWR. It -Trill.- 1< •«■■■» BuUer tor Alle rtural 111.-H urtlM) *- m '< AUti , ' 4 "' u>. KfUu N.«tH Kestt a. in and pin Mails close tor iHe We-o at • '"< a. m :lor Plttehurs; and the north at a. in.;, tor Pai-our* *u«iri «t l:s<«3 p. m. .lor local l*' l " l '' wtm alCalfco at 130 p. u> ; tor Mlllerstowii . u „ m for loi-al polufs -south and eastern i tiT'iu "ti maili at •< p m., aiid for Oil City and l*jU»Uirif at "M p in; closed pouch to Pttls l.urs at *:IS a.ut. M-»Ms arrtM- oil this mad from Ptunbunr and (Ml City *1 «;1« am Pitts - >.nr.* a»dW«-ai at KttW; MtUeratown S:IH *.iu. ltttaburc at l-'iw and - p- in.. I'arter and North at ca p. m Pittsburg at 7:fW. ST*a Bocrat—Dally mail lor Mi. • heetnut unKatlllam wl leaves Kutler P. O. at 1 u in. lially mail to North Hope. Hooker and oia-r point,- arrives at ua. m. and departs at I3tp.m Money orders fan be secured at the post ofße* »t Bmler Prospect, Sunbury (Coufiers to rilie P. u . MUlerstown (HarnUart Mills). t'emreTllli Slipperyr<»k>, Petrolia, Earns City Hentrew. The fee is nve cent a t .r all xiiii-. under »*. - c*nls for Ho. or lm. < i«- p. dial notes which are no safer than en r|i*>ths money as ihey are made pa> able to au«iM»l>. cost J centa for »s. or leas. SOCIETIES, I» AL ASSEMBLY 6598, Knights of L*- IK.T . meeta every Friday night in the Car- I* nier". and J»iner« Mall, third floor, Husel- KHI building. WH. VI GLENN, Reo Sec. New Advertisements. Sheriff * Salet- for Sept. Term. Remarkable Bargains—J ohti Hiokel. GMHII of Merit—B. C. Iln seltou. New lxx-als—Edinlioro Normal, Pro thonoianr - Notice. F. K K. Eicursion, Pocket Book L«it, For Gettysburtr. NOTE— AII advertiiw-rs iutcndingto make chan(re> in their ad", should notify u?i »f their intending to do so, not later than Mniiilay illuming. LiN'Ali AND GENERAL —Job *. irk neat I v done at the C'lTI/.tiN offic. —The rank growth of weeils on some of our rtrw*t should be <-ut down. —f»qarrel> are said to be nnmerous, and the season opens S«>pt. 14. —Mr. C. Sunk has improved the front of hb business hou.-K* ou S. M iiu St. —The Presbytery o Butler meets ut C«atrerille, Sept. 3d, at II a. in. —Slippery rock Normal opens Sept. 3rd, tlpw i l»e<- 2D. See notices in this paper. I —The Annual races of the Greenrille Driving Park Association will take place Sept. 3. 4 and 5. —Several bams in neighlioriug counties have lately burned troin spontaneous com bustiou. —There is a rejiorted scarcity of flies and Knglish sparrows in Bntler, and of mosqui toes in New Jersey. We, last week, sent bills to all sub ftribers living outside the county, and we hope to hear from them promptly. —A merry-go-ronud lias located on the Klingler lot. Now is your time to take a cheap wedding trip. —The Orphans Dome here is being en larged. The State intends sending 170 Soldiers' Orphans here —The J. 0. of A If. of Butler and Law rence couuties picniced at the Park, Wed nesday. —The undertakers of Western Pennsyl vania held a meeting at Leechburg, lately, and will hold another at the same place, on Sept. 20th. —Seventy fairs will bo held in Pennsyl vania this year, and the Butler Fairwill lie the best of the lot. If you don't believe this, come and see. —Judge 11. 11. Cummin died at Cresmm last Sunday. He was a member of the Johnstown Flood Relief Commission, and overwork hastened his decease. —The Pitubnrgh police raided a Chi nese gambling den on Second Avenue last Sunday.and stopped three floors lull of yel low fan. —lt is said that the number <if lemons used at Slipperyrock Park this summer is no indication of the amount of M|ueeiing done there. —The pamphlet laws for the session of 138» have at last arrived. Treasurer Sea ton ha# those subscribed for, and Prothon otary Brown those for the justices, who should call or send for them at once. —"lsle," i« the name of the new P. 0. at Zion'h Church, on the Islitnd of North Franklin twp Mr. Watson, a son of Wm. Watson of Mt. Chestnut, has started a store there --Rev, London, Rertor of the Episcopal Church of Butler will address the Gospel Meeting at the Y.M.C.A. rooms next Sun day at 4 o'clock All young men will find the meeting an enjoyable one and should attend if possible. —New Tork, Washington, Chicago, Philadelphia and St. Lonis are all doing lialtle fur the local ion of the proposed Christopher Columbus show. We know of a good location on the banks of the Conno quenessing. —Xear Tarentam. there is a piece of railroad track, upon which a human being is killed <*rery few days. The last fatality upon it occurred last Saturday evening, when the engine of the train of which Jim. llailett is the conductor ran. over a man uauied Dougherty. —Over in New Castle, the other day, a prisoner disappeared from the jail as com pletely aa if the earth bad swallowed him, and while the Sheriff wan hunting for him next day. with a pirsoner who claimed to know his wberealniutV, prisoner No. 2 gavo him the slip. —The Pittsburg Plate Glass Co., have opened a good gas field in W infield twp. Ou Saturday last they struck a good g&ssur ou the John Crook.-hunk farm, and on Wednesday one on thu Boltz farm, and they are drilling six more wells in that vi cinity. —Of tlie lately reported elopement of W. K Irvin of Butler street, Pittsburg,and Carrie Aukers of Parkers Landing the Par ker Pk<*ms says: "With the exception that Carrii- Aukers should have been Anchors, from Butler county instead of Parkers l.nuiliug, that she left the city to get away from Irvin instead of eloping with him.and that »hc did not low any position, and he did not secure the Girl, Carrie Anchors, a room, nor did he purchase her a tick et to Foxborg, the article is about true." —fiver in Calla. Mahoning county, 0., which lies along the Pennsylvania line, they have an odd postoffice fight on hands. The town has only about two hundred population but the postofliee pays about ♦IOOO a year, owing to the large business done by Templin A Sons, florist*. The Templins want to dictate the new appoint unit, but as they have been given but lit enconragement they are advertising for bids for the carrying of their mail to ami from Canfield, twe and a half miles dis »»nt. With the Tcmplins' patronage the Canfield postoffice wonld be worth 11,300 yearly, while the Calla office ia scarcely wofih fjOfl per year. Some murmur when their -ki is clear And whollv bright to view. If one small »peck of dark appear In their great heaven of blue;- And some with thankful love are filled If but one .-treak or light. One rav of God's good mercy, gild The darkness of their night. —lf you are suuburnt, ami do not like the bronzed and hardy appearance which it imparts to voti, but would prefer rather to have a complexion like an apple blos som. add to twelve ounces of elder flower water six dram - of common soda and six drains of powdered borax, and apply it to the -kin several times ea.-h day. —The phmt of the Chartiers t.'reamerv Co. at Prospect is to be sold by the Sheriff, nevt Court, on the judgment of Mrs. Reed wife or mother of the former President of the company. Several farmers of the southwestern part of the countj, w ho were members of the Milk Producers Associa tion lost by the collapse of the Chartiers Co. —The Crawford Journal say that "hay ha, been offered at Conneautvillo for $5 a ton." This low price is the consequence of an unusually large yield I his year. But when hay is so cheap that it won't pay to load it and haul it to market, the farmer will feed it to hi- stock and thus enrich his land. So low priced hay may be a ben efit rather than an evil —A petition is in circulation asking the Legislature to pass a law prohibiting per sons fro in traveling over the public roads with a traction engine between the hours of 6 o'clock a.m. and 8 o'clock p.m. It is being industriously circulated in all parts of the State and largely signed by farmers and others and it is expected when the Legislature next meets, to present the names of man}" thousands of petitioners —During church services, last Sunday evening, the fire bells were rung, ami con gregations became frightened and began leaving the rooms anil the ministers promptly closed the services. The fire itself was a small affair though it was in a dangerous place —one of the little houses back of Linn's drug store. The J. S. Campbell Co.—the new organization were at the scene as soon a. any of the other companies. —An exchange says that every news paper in the State should publish the fa<;t that burnt com is a sure cure for hog cholera. It was first discovered by the burning of a pile of corn belonging to a dis tillery ut Peoria. It was thrown to the hogs ond readily eaten by them. Before that time a number had been dying each day with the cholera, but the disease im mediately disappeared. The remedy is so simple that, it can easily be tried. —The public school law now in force in !,'•» State provides that the use of profane or obscene language by a pupil -hall con stitute good cause for expulsion from school, also that any who shall cut, deface, or otherwise injure school houses, fences or other out buildings thereof are liable to suspension and punishment, and the par ents of such pupils shall be held liable for damages for the amount, to be determined by the directors uad collected through tin court. —All through the |pkc country the nuu gariuns anil Pollocks were rioting last week. During a riot at the Mover coke works at Dunbar. Fayette county, last Sat urday Esq. Alex Duncan, a brother of Co. Commissioner Duncan, who was helping to guard the works, was attacked and brutally beaten. The Esq. is a Justice of the Peace, and uiso Burges- of the town. Com'r Duncan heard from his brother ou Tuesday. liu is badly hurt, but not ilau geronsly. —The Methodist Episcopal Church and Sunday School will picnic at Slipperyrock Park on Friday, the 23d of August. A special train will leave the P. <fc W. depot at about 3:15 a.m. town time, fhe excur sion will be accotupauied by a hand. Tin park is in splendid condition, and any friends who may desire to spend a day plcasunlly will be made welcome. Tickets for the excursion will be for sale at Jack son ii Mitchell's, J. 11. Douglass' and W. A. Osborne's on the North Side and Harper Bros.' on the South Side, at 40 and 20 cents. —Several more remarkable euros all credited to the new Brown Sequnrd elixer; including one of an old man who had been suffering from rheumatism for years, and who, after being treated with an elixcr made from the glands of a rabbit went hop ping over the fields and nibbling at the grass. If this discovery is all that is claim ed for it, if it is going to make all the old people young again, it. will be a ail blow to the undertaker's business, and hereafter we will purchase immortality at the drug store at one dollar a bottle. No case of a dead man being brought to life again by the elixir has yet been reported. —"Go away from home for the news," etc. A Harrisburg paper lately contained the following item: —The associate judges of Butler county, citizens and tax payers of that county, have overruled the law judge, who is not a citizen and tax payer of that county, in the matter oi the as-cssuient of unseated lan Is, owned generally by non residents. The law judge held commissioners did wrong in increasing the assessment; while the associates bold they did not. As two are greater than one, the assessment of the commissioners will stand and the foreign property holder will have to "cash up." —A Pittsburg printer, whose home is in Beaver, tells the following story on Sena tor Quay: At the close of the la-t com paign, when yuuy had been away from home for a long time, lie returned and was warmly greeted by bis old neighbors. Among the latter was a young man, to whom the Senator sail: "How is your fathcrf" "lie is dead." said the young man, "he died a mouth ago." "1, that so?" said the Senator. "I'm very sorry to hear it." The next day, iu walking about tin town Quay met the same young man, and shook hands with liini ugaiu, forgetting that he had met tho day before, and again did he ask the question: "How is your I'atherf" The young man looked ut him sadly: "lie is still dead." Butler can boast of several young la dies who iue highly accomplished in the equestrian art. Their fearless manage ment of untamed steeds, in cases of ex tremity, would to shame many faint hearted dolts of the opposite sex, who would faint from sheer fright if placed iu the same perilous situations. It hardly seems possible that these same beings who would climb it greased telegraph pole to escape a diminutive mouse, will with the fearlessness and grace of a Minerva or a -loau of Aret, whip a wild, vicious horse into submission and then gallop away like the wind. Such is indeed the case, for we have witnessed it. and we have no doubt that they would piling with a light brigade "into the jaws of death" with us little lies itatiou. "Roundhead" Reunion. The twenty fourth annual reunion of the On«i Hundredth I'. V. \ will be held at Rock Point, Pa., on Wednesday, August 21st, 18S9. The fare from Butler, via the P. A H R. If. will be $1.20. Comrades of other organizations are invited; member of the regiment w ill bring well filled lias kets. —The next term of the Normal School, Kdinboro, opens Augimt 27. Graduate** ol High Schoola are able to complete the course in a year. Accident on the P. & W. R. H. The traiu on the P. A- W l; R. going North tlii*t left Bntler .it 10:30 a m Is-t I Friday nisruiiifi. was «recked within the j limit of Kitinbnrg. Clarion c, , ,u 1 :io p. m., and twn citizen - of thi • town. R. P. Scott, Esq., uiul Mrs. Fisher, \nfe of ,!.. Fisher of E. ISi.ininyli.ini St , ere injur. 1 Mr. Scott was on his way to Clarion on bu.sine .s and \va- cut about the head and bruised iu the side. Mrs. Fisher was on her way to see a sick grandchild in Kilin I burg, a child ot M it. 1 isher. Going down grade into Edinbnrg the airbrakes of the train refused to work. tLc engineer then whistled for the handbrakes, but before they e.otild be u>i-il the train passed upon a sharp curve and upset, excepting the en gine. Mr Scott arrived home Friday. Hi- in juries are painful but not serious. His head and knee were cut and he had three ribs broken. After the air brakes parted, the speed of the train so increased that the cars ran along on the left side wheels over the high trestle to the >harp curve where they upset. Everybody on the right side, including himself, were thrown across the eiis. llis head hit the top of the ear. and hi- side the hat rack on the opposite side, breaking liis ribs. Those who sat on the left side of the cars were not much injuied. The trestle is curved, and had the cars gone over while upon it they would all ha\e been kille 1 Adams Held for Court. The hearing in the case of the Com. vs W. J. Adams, for cutting Jacob Black lie, took place before Esq. Keck Monday after noon. Blacklie's ?tory was about as follows. He bad known "Fanny" in Golden City, and went to see her that Saturday even iug not knowing anything of Adams. He knocked at the door and it was opened by Adams who asked him what he wanted. He asked if Fanny was at home and Ad ams told him to get out, called him a son of a , and pushed him off the porch. Then Adam.- followed liini and grappled with hiin and he threw Adams down. Ad ams asked him to let him up anil he did so, when Adams attacked him with the knife and cut him. Then fearing for his life he called upon the young man who had accompanied him to the house to help him, and Habn came and helped pull or push Adams away. Then they separated anil ITahn helped him to get away. He was dangerously cut, and thought he was going to die, was in bed eight, days, and now when he works hard he get a pain in the aide, where he was cut. He is not a married man; he had a wife ill Germany but they were divorced. liahn corroborated Blackle in everything and the Esq. held Adains for Court in sl,- 000, and Nixon and Roche bailed him. The Firemen. The parade of the Ho ;e Companies last Thursday night was one of the prettiest sights ever seen in Bntler. and the turily appearance of the firemen themselves, < ombined with their record, give the citi zens of this town as full a sense of security against fire as i probably held by the citi zens of any tow nin the country. TVe all feel proud of our Fire Department—it can't be beat in the Cniteil States, either for appearances or work. Their festival was a great, ucee.-s, and with the money made in the bicycle contest, netted the ne*v organization the hand -ome sum of $087. 14. Mr. llailey's friend collected the most money and the bicycle was awarded to him. At a meeting ol the .1. S. Campbell Hose Co., Tuesday evening the following reso lution was passed. Hmolred, That we tender our thank to the people of Butler for the uniform kiml ues.i and patronage shown us, and e |» ci to the young ladies who so cheerfully and materially aided us at the festival; to the Springda'le ll»se Co.. the Good Will Hose Co., and No. 1 Hose Co., for their assist ance in the parade and their aid generally during the festival. Found Dead. While working in a grain field on the Slater place, near Carbon Centre, la t Mon day morning, a man discovered the body of a wonnin lying in the tramp. He went to the pump lat ion ol the Transit Co. and made known hi diseoverj and word of jt was sent to Sheriff liedie, who in turn in formed tin" Coroner, and he immediately went out and held an iuquc-t. The body was in too advanced a stage of dec imposition to allow of an examination, but the clothing was identified as that of Mrs. Biddy Whelan, a daughter of John MeGrady of the vicinity, and who for .umie time hod been living iu Pittsburg. When last seen alive she had jn-t left the cars at the stution and had started to walk aero-- the fields to her parent's residence on the Slater farm. Thi 'was on the evening of the 2."ilh of July, and nothing being known of the circumstances of her death the jun so state in their report. Esq. Keck took a coffin out and buried the body next, daj. —We are sorry that the bustle is going out of fashion, us a moderate sized oue adds much to the appearance of the aver age woman, The bustle should stay, but that worst of all abominations, the corset should go.—Hi n.i, H CITIZEN We are willing to defer to the judgment of brother Negley, yet to use a homely expression.we are inclined to think that some women with a big bustle and no corset would look like the "devil in a brush heap " The ladies can safely be depended on to look after these side is ues for themselves. — •Mercer f'n v The bustle is not a "side issue," it's a buck i- ue, being worn by the ladies of Butler some distance below thu backs of their necks. If the ladies of Mercer wear their bustles on their -ides, of ei.urse they look like the "devil in a brush heap." —Now that nearly all the men are wear ing flannel shirts, and as soon as the weather gets colder the women will be do ing thu .same, it might lie well to know how flannel should bo washed. <>l course some women will turn up their nose < and say "What do editors know about wa h ing?'' Hut tonus editor are niarter than they look. It is discouraging for a man to put on n flannel shjrt, after it, has been wa-bed the first time, and find the affair too short, by three or four inches; and e\ cry time it is improperly washed it get shorter till it i only fit to end to the hi .i then who wear nothing but a shirt and tlio shorter it is the better they like it If flannel is properly washed the first time it will not afterwards shrink. The proper wav is to sotiee the garment into hot soap iUils- never rubbing it put it repeatedly through a wringer. The garment should never be wrung with the hands and should never be put in cold water. Pocket-book Lost. Lo.-t on the 7th of August, at the Mei chants Picnic or on the train between Juuiisoiyillo and the Park, a . mall black pocket-book with some money in it, also, some papers that are of value to me, auii would not be to any one else. Any one finding aid pocket book and leaving ut the Ci rizi ,N office, or informing the subscriber where it can be got, will bo liberalli re warded. MONKS THOMPSON, l-'leeger P. o , Butler Co., I\t Notice. JUBUCOH of the Peace of Hutler County aro hereby uolilied that tin* Pamphlet Lawn ot 188'J aro now ready for distribution by the Pro honotary. J. W. BKOWN. —Would you make the niJHt of voureeli? Attend ihe Normal School. Edinboro LEfiAL NEWS. SOTES, Airs. Koth Wise, wife of Daniel Wise of Penn twp., asked for a comtui- -ion in lun acy as to her husband and Hr. W. I.'. Tit zel, Frank Kohler. K*q., and I, P. Walker, F <|.. were appointed. lieorge Welsh had summon.- in ejectment j -sued vs W ii Crawford for fifteen acre' in Jefferson twp. Jacob F Blacklie had a capia. in ire pass sr.r assault and battery i-sned vs Jno C Adams and claims damage- for the cut ting att'air. J 11 I.ivingston hail .1 l» Thomas. Theo Altmire. Jacob l.iston an.l Jno \V ert :el ar rested for conspiracy, and thej were held for court. I. ATE PtroPKRTV TK WSFEBS. ti II McCraw to ,sno Alaaee 2 lot in \d am- tor $650 l> A Kenfrew to At T I'bipp.s lot in Penn for sl. Frank Al orris to W I. lieed lot in Butler lor $ Ino. H W Hunter to Mary Kitzert lot in Hut ler for SJ7Oo. Alex Kamsev to W S Hauisev 1-1 acres in Jack.-on for $25»10. Marriage Licenses. Jno I£ Humphrey . Porter ville Laura LI Moore. Muddy creek twp Win. H. "Womer Armstrong Co Emma Adams \llegheny tp Sebastian Knhn Summit tp Katie Fan 1 stick Jr'eph Shitz Summit tp Alary Krebs " William Eakin Butler, Pa Catherine Barrickinan Personal. Kev. 11. h'. Shanor and family left town, Tuesday, for their new home in St. Peter, Minn. The best wishes of his friends go with him. Mr. Kcriu of the Com liaztth of Pitts burg wrote up the re uuion for that pa per. Mr. Peter Burtner and James Shanor, Jr. are on a fishing trip in Erie county. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Reiber spent last week with friends in the southern part of tlii 11 ounty and Heaver county. Air. I. Rosenberg and son are visiting friends in Chicago. Mr. F. 11. Hole and wife are visiting frnudsin Kansas, and Mi s Minnie Mark friends in lowa. Mr W. 11. Reihing is visiting friend ■in Pittsburg. 11. J. Kliugler and Col. Howry are at. Bedford Springs. Sec'y Forrester of the A". Al. C. A. is in Erie. Martin M. (Jreer has been elected to one of the Oakland twp. schools. Miss Finkelpearl of Pittsburg isthe guest of Al iss Annie Rosenberg. Ali-s Sadie Cunningham of Clinton twp i the guest of Me ; Edna Love of Pearl St. Mi Lizzie \ruistroiiL'of Pittsburg is the guest Oi .Mrs S. 1-'. Low er. Air .lame S. Hay. . returned, Saturday, from a trip to Washington, "I'a., iu the in terest id'the Allen Washer. The firm has several agents at work in that county and they are doing well. Rev. W. <• Campbell tilled the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church of Hutler, la. t Sabbath morning, and Rev. 11. K. Shanor thai evening. Hnth delivered exeellen t sermons. Aliss Myra Spang is visiting friends iu Sewickly and Heaver Falls. John Kcnno lights 10-J lamps every evening, and Hilly Polhemus oyer iu Spriugdalc. light Its Miss Mary Mo er. oi' I'e.jrl street, ha gone to Vork State ou a visit to friends and relatives.which will include Titusville. Well -ville and Bolivar. The Misses ihmscn of Allegheny, and Wa—on of Petrol in. have been the gue ts daring the past week, of Miss Alary AI« Shane of Pearl St. Mis- Kmma Negley celebrated her sixth birthday on Friday, the !lth, in company Willi nearly -evenly live ol her friend lion. A. L. 11 a/en and I' W Lawry, Esq., attended tin- Twelfth Annual Slag Party at Trout Island, near Sharon, given by gentlemen of that place. Airs, iiib Linn has returned from a M at to Washington, I'a.. and Buffalo, X. V Lou Russell and Harry Walker have re turned from a vi il to Atlantic City. Airs. ll,tlii of —is visiting al Mr. All' Wick's. Mi l.ina Walker,oflirove City, has been the guest of the family of W. 11. Will 1 er, Esq. the pa: t week. Mi e Maine and (trace Praghand Alice Wick have returned from Atlantic City. Ali-- Maud Miller of Oil City, is waiting her cousin, Mr. S. A. Miller,oi' the Oil Well Supply 1 .'ompany. Mrs. Smith and Miss Sehoenl'arnof Pitt burg are Ihe guests of Airs. C. Koch. Mi ses Sophie Sigworth andHcllaWi-..en berger, anil Me ssrs (ilager, Wiseulierger and Williams, who are the guests of *tlic Misses Pape and Reiseinaii, together with Stella and Mamie Pape, l.ina Mullcr, Alary Reiseman, Alaggie Baldauf. Airs. Mary Stehle, Tlieo., (Icrard ami Eugene Pape, John Stehle and N. ('riley, made a picnic party at Mnddycreek Fall . Tue day. They had a splendid time but were caught iu the heavy rain coming home that night. Mrs. l aae Phillips of New Castle is the guest of Mr . Judge lla/en. Airs. Hackett, of Pittsburg, is tin- guest of Airs. Martincourt. Airs. Ellic anil two children, and Aliss Josie Berg are (he guests of Air;. C. Kocb Air. II P. Kiiieli, agent lor the Harrison Nnr.-cry and (ireenhou e of Natrona, took some nice orders in Butler Wednesday Mr. (icorge Scheiring, one of the em ploy es of the bottle works at Anderson, Ind., started for that, place this (Friday) merning. All the other employes of that plant, who were spending their vacation in Hutler had already gone on. Mrs. L. 11. (ieshwind of Will, harre, Pa , is the guest of her parents, Air. ami Airs. J. 11. Negley. MrSniulley, of Chicago, is the guest of Mi .. Win. ('amphell, Sr. James Scott is back from Europe. Rev. Flemon came back to Pittsburg, Tuesday, and wa; given a reception at the 11. .t < >. depot. Mrs. A. M Cornelius i the guest of her sister, Air, Kiester, of Kcihohl. The Markets. Birr I, Kit MARK I TS. Our grocers are paring 15 for butter, 15 for eggs, 40 to 5o lor apples, 40 to 50 for potatoes. 50 for onions, 8 fur cabbage, 5n for string beans. (> for Idackberrn lo for huckleberries, 2.00 a bu. for toinatoe llay is selling iu Hutler at from $7 to s|o Pt'lTSUl-ltd fIIOUCC'I llay from countrv wagons, obi sls to SIH. new $lO to sl2; mixed hay sll. mill feed, sll to $lO per ton; rye Hour, 11. >o. Wheat Hour $4 lo jO; oats, 20 to ai; shell ed corn, 42; car corn, 42 to ill; wheat HI! to !MI; rye, 4K to 50; clover eeil. 5.2.V, ton othy seed, 1. 00; blue gra-. , Aiaidcn Blush apples $2 per bid. other apple- $1 to 1.50: fancy country roll hut ter. 12 to 11; choice, !» to 11; mixed, H; pea beans, 2.30 per bu; liui.i beans (He a qt. po tatoe,-, 1.25 to 1.50 per bid; pear $i per bu; spring chickens 35 lo 55 a pair; tires <ed 14 to 15 per It.; rags I t. main's ISLAND Livt; sroci; Sale ol beeves were made Monday at II to 5, dry cows HOM $lO to sls per bead ami 2 to 2} per lb, bulla the aauie; veal calve, sold at 5 ami ti, fresh cow s S2O lo sls. The upply of sheep and lambs wa small and market good. Tony A lien -old lamb ;at5J to (i, Kline sold sheep at 4! to ■ • and lambs at. 5J to <i, Flinncr sold year lings at 4. H0; .Mci'aiinon wholesaled |iriu; r lambs at 51, AlcNeese sold beep al 4 to 4J and lambs at 44 to 6. The yards were pretty well cleared at M a. in. Needy d Smith sold corn fed hogs at 4. (io to 4.00, gra and stubble hogs were qnotod at It to 1] \t the La t Liberty yards stock cattle were quoted at to 3], Till; OIL MAUKIir. Closed Monday at 904. tin Tuesday the market was fairly lead) all day till towards the elo <• when il drop \ pod 41 els ami closed at 95J On Wednes day the market closed at !»7. Approaching. As the lime approach®- for the Fair tie : management i very busy waking new : <l - It* the .tabling. gitud -laud and iTOUliil • havim'leased fire acres on tin vest -ide nc\t to the rn.'ul, to be UMHI a unexi gate, which will enable patr.m oi j the fair t-> h are the grouml - and avoid the ; cruv il - The new stabliug i built on the i high ground of ihe new addition, which will pive hor i inen t good view ol the whole ground ■, and good dry floors in case j of damp weather They nr.- also moving the two stables out of the center ot the ground t • the aim- place. The grand stand has been enlarged sixty four feet and additional stall- made under the same. The new bnildiug- are being whitewashed which makes everything look Ire h and ch an. All arrangement tr.r transport* tion of stock on the railroad - to In; return ed free have been made. The Maj. K. A. \foiitooth Hand of I'ittiburg will furnish nmsie for the fair nml all lovers of good music will enjoy their concerts. The op era House will have their opening night on the 11th of Sept. by the Al. <i. Fields Minstrels who will give a Concert on tie grounds in the afternoon by their Celebiut ed Band. In fact everything points to the best exhibition the Association ever hod and the management are sparing no pain< as to time or expense to make it so. Oil Field Notes. Showalter Bros . of il illerstown, ha', e purchased the Snow farm production. The Kifer and Simpson well in Jefferson Tp. is completed and is estimated at —0 barrels. A 10-acre lease near Saxonlnirff old for $4,600, Tuesday. Afehlren A Co. are drilling on the Joseph Orbison farm in Donegal Tp lloch Bros. A Co. completed a good well on the John Black farm la -t week. The Westerman <£ Co. well on the John I'ontioUß farm is small, but opens up some new territory . The l'liillips Bros, are drilling on the .VlcCrea, Stewart and Logan farms. The Last of Tlie Season. The last of the cries of delightful sea shore excursions over the Pennsylvania Railroad to Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea I >|e. or Ocean City is fixed lor Thursday, Amni -t "J-d These excursions are among the most pleasant event.- of the ouuinier, and those who have not enjoyed one,should by no means let this last opportunity pa «. The sea-oil, at the date fixed, is considered ! by many the most enjoyable portion of the summer, as the bathing of Augnst is super ior to that of am other period. As on previous o-ensious tickets will b - old for regular train- leaving Pittsburg al 4:30 and S:10 I*. Al., at the rates quoted be low. and in addition to the regular train ■ a special train of Pullman Parlor Cars and *l>ay Coaches will run schedule as below: Kate. Train leave IHttsburg .+'lo 00 «:">0 A. Al. ttuiler 10 00 C:ls '• Philadelphia • I'M The members of the party arriving by -peeial train will spend the night in Phila delphia and proceed to the shore by any regular train of the following day. Those arriving by regular train will proceed to shore by regular train of that day. The return train of that day. The return con poll of tickets is valid for use ou any regu lar train except the New York and Chicago Limited within the return limit —lf you want to earn $50.00 to S7OO per month, address Charles Cooper, Kdiuboro, I'a. For l ysburg. The survivors <>f the lili Pa. Cav alry are making arrangements for holding a reunion anil dedicating their monument at (iettjidiurg, Pa , Sept. 11 tli and 12th. All members are requested to send their names and f.dilreHH to W. II < "ollingwood, ('or. See'y, 7 lf> Liberty St., Pittsburg, Pa., no that arrangements for trans portation, etc., can be completed Many young persons have found a year at Kd inborn of the greii'est value in lilting them for life's work K very thing in t.he Buggy, Wagon, Cart, and Harness line cheap at MAftTiNrotutr A* Cn's, Cnnninp'tnm St., I'ntler. —Subscribe for the CITIZEN, the oldest Republican paper o| the count v Consult. your own interests and examine our .stuck of furniture, uphol stered suits, chairs, mattresses, etc., I>efore purchasing. MII.LKK lino's., No. l'J, Jell'erson St. —We are selling furniture lower than it has ever before been sold in Butler, and after using it you will say that it is what we said it was, otherwise no sab- at Miu.fiii BKO'N, No. 19 Jefferson St., August 27 the Fall Term of the Normal School at Kdiuhoro will open A year spent in the school is of great, value Use Double All <>. K. Horse Lini ment, best in the world. For swell ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu matism, lameness, sore shoulders, ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has no equal. For sale, by ,1, C. RKOIOK, 2-18-3 m. No. ft, N. Main St. I'ntler, I'A Wall papers, mouldings, oil (•loths, window shades at. OKIIIIRNE'S. —lf you think tie.* CITIZEN a wor thy county paper, help IH along bv subscribing for- it. Fancy Silks, Plushes, velvets and Ribbons at PAI-E'S. —s4. r i is all that it takes to buy a good top buggy at Martincourt A Co's, at their own warerooms on Cunningham St. We live in llnller. We pay no rent nor board hills. We do the work ourselves—and sell you the very same buggy for that others, who are at. expanse for travel inir, etc , must sell for ssf> to SOO. Do you care for $lO or sls If you don't then buy from others. !f you do then walk down Cunningham St. to our place S 15. MAUI INI'OI KT IT Co. —Take your children to ZnverV j (Jallery for Pictures that will suit you. Anderson building —Our line of corsets can't la? beat, we have them from the lowest priced goods up to the finest satin at, s."!,f>o per pair. A Ino n full line of ladies j and Misses Corset Waists. I/. STEIN A SON Grove f'ily College. The Fall Term of drove City Col j lege will begin on Tuesday, August ; 20th s.'so to $lO will meet all the expenses of a student for a term The College is thoroughly (quipped Both Normal and College classes maintained. fiMS students were in attendance last venr. ISAAC C. KETI.EU, President Marked advantages at low rates at the Normal School, Kdinboro Best makes of black nnd colored Henriettas from ?f> cents to pet yard. Silk Wraps Henriettas from ! ilt) cents to $2 Fine serges, de almas, tamise, sebastopols, and many other styles of line Dress Hoods at lowest prices at L. STEIN & SON'S. ' NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. tieorge h'ubright, a wealth v farmer, li> ii . in the l! rthf-rn en 1 of \\ e-t morels d 1 count) dl-« o%ered al. ! . hi . I.e I oil | tli.-com' of his big frame barn lie j>r>» • cur. d a torch ?in»l . t fire to the ne -t. The j Ham. - com run nil ated to ih.- bin., and in an ' instant th< barn tea islun*. It Tin en- I j tlii I, con umc.l and ttif entir. h.uu I embracing hundreds of bushel- of v, heat, oat and rye was de- troyed. The In s 1 v. ill rem h $3,000: no in -ur.niee ' li;- an explosion of compressed air on the I I S. S. Pitt burg last Friday, two men were I killed, and two I'ataih injured. ti S. \ eiutu, lather of U 11. Vemm of | Heaver l ull.-, Aho lost a I* •; »A the railroad ii irmlenloii. on tlie sth of July, has ' I brought suit vs Patrick Creightoli of tin? I St. Cloud Hotel tor foooO ! Four wholesale license* • ere granted at i Heaver, la.-t Saturday, to pel refu .<1 |al iile March term. They are Ale.-x • I Hamilton and Fisher, of Phillip-burg, and | Ifagßer and Tiaimata, oi Beaver Falls. At Bernville, Berks eouuty, the price < f potatoes lias fallen to a fume that places I them within the reach of the poorest. On Saturday the new potatoes were sold at i cents per bushel and the old ones at 15 | ccutd per lush el L Mowing machine- htre not yet reached i that stage where they can chop down ! -pikes with impunity. It is because of that fa. t. no doubt that 11. Al. Clements | advertise a as follows in the Parnassus ' J'reaa: "SIOO reward will be paid to any I responsible person for evidence that will j convict the party who stuck -i\ty penny ! spikes iu my meadow. Said information ; must he made under oath, as I do not wish | that any innocent person might he put to the trouble of defending himself.' That's a large suake story that come: i irom Lawrence county. I. a l Saturday, i a bile All. sic! ou and her daughter, oi I nion twp were picking berries, a long ■ snake swung from a small tree near Alr ' Stetson and immediately began coiling ii ; elf around her neck and shoulders. The j daughter rnshed to her mother's a -i-tance . and succeeded ill killing the reptile and | saving her niothei from a fatal squeeze. At Krie, a i ouple'of nights since, a hu baud and wife were quiet I' seated in their ii ti I i ! r l led parlor talking over family mat ters, when a slight noise wa heard outside the open window. The husband glided out to the woodshed, got a whalebone whip, stole around to the front of the hoiisi and brought the whip down in such a lively rain on the eavi dropper's should ers that he cried for mercy. Hut he got none until his ba k was raw and the wife had intetceded. ONCE MORE. The Truth ami Nothing but the Truth. Mam \ i ars ago when we. alone with our fellow citizens, were paying }I oO to $250 for a buggy, we conceived the idea that b -lloin i 100 ought to buy a buggy good enough for_almost any man We -et about investigating the matter- went to the laii'i l manufactories iu the I'. S. and made a contract for a full car load to he made to our order. We had the cash iu our pocket, and the i< nit was lloit tlie huggie- were made and . hipped to us. Oiu neighbors (we lived in Prospect, tin county, then) aid we made a luistaki— that we could not sell them —and we eon le when we did see them all .set up in fl row we felt a little iis though we had an f'lcphanl on our band in a dry summer. Hilt we had good buggies, bought low for i-ash* and of course we could sell low. Il wa the lir t time in the histor\ of Hutler count \ that a good bmrgy could be bought I'orh than sloo. lu thisiy day-w e were out oi buggii ; and another carload on the way Everybody wanted one of our bui'gie -- the rich man aw the\ were good enough for him to ride iu and the poor man for the I'll t time in his life rejoiced ill la iliir able to own a buggy. .In t •> it went; our bus iile s grew, neighbor told neighbor; il spread all over this State and into other State < uiit il we found il inipo -ihle to car r\ on our large Ini-ine i without good hip ping facilitie . We •elected Puttier a tin place la.-t Novemher. We purchased the old manufacturing e tabli Imn nt formerly conducted by •! t'. Ifoe ■ in.; Sou. on Cunningham street, where we have located permanently, anil Hutler can boa-t today of having probably'the huge, t whole ale and retail carriage dealers iu the State. We keep in stock ever l , thing in the Car riage. Wagon, Cart llarne.-s and h'ohe j line. We have top buggies from Itoup to the very line -t hand made work Cart . $11! up: harness, s<! to the very be t hand made hnrne.-; to be louml un.\ where, A e Our ucccss in bu.-ine we attribute to our rules lir.- 1 adopted, Xii rr o / r.iliorbitiiiit jiin t*. ,\Vr/ / tin-i?i>r< *eut. Thus we have won lite good will and confidence of every customer. We say with pride that we have old hundreds of huggie on time and never had a man refuse to pay In note ou a> count of the article not being a- represent ed This ii remarkable, on uh ring our nine years' husines We have plenty of money; never ell a note We discount every bill, pay no rent; we give our en toiners the benefit of all tin , and are close ca h purchu er. (nil large i perienee give us a knowledge of the bu iiie t that can be acquired in no other way. Come down and see us whether you want to buy or not; it is only a little walk down from Main street ami it will pay you well. The members of the company are S. li. .Martin court and J. M Lcighner. Respect rally, S. 11. M \HTIMCOI ii r A (ai. —The one hundred and sixty ! eight pupils ol tie/ Spring term 'B'J, | at, tlie Slippery Ilock Normal School I < loquently testily Ly their number to • I lie excellence ol tlie KChnol Sunhury Academy. The l''ail Turin of Suubtiry Acad ciuy will open August 20. Full corps of teachers; instruction thor ough. Information regarding the ' school cheerfully furnished, Write for catalogue. Address T R MOFFAT, Coultcrsville, I'u Good carts for sls at. Martin? court tz <'o's, ('unninpham St., But lor. ' —We have ten thousand dollars worth of furniture in our three ware room a at Mo. 1!) Jefferson St., Butler. Pa. The heat an well as the cheap est, luit all the best made for the price, All persons will find it to their ad vantage to examine our stock and as certain our prices before purchasing. MlM,Kit Bito's. Two Buck hoards For Sale. Impiiro at No 2f>, South Main St., Butler, I'a. —.I.J. Iteiber, the drover, wants all farmers and stoekraisers to know that he still deals in stock of all kinds. Any persons having any to sell should address hi in LOCK BOX TII» I;, Butler, I'u , or leave with Jacob Iteiber, Jt-O'ersou St. Use lioulilc All <). K. Horse and Cattle Powders.bcst in the world. A sure and speedy cure for heaves, cou fhs, colds, inflamed lungs, rough ness of skin, and all kidney diseases. For sale Ity J. (.!. RICUICK, 2-IM-Hm No. 5, N. Main St Butler, I'a. New black and colored silks, Satin llhadenies, Satin l>e l,u\ons, surahs, moires and gros grains, best makes and warranted to wear Price* lower than elsewhere at f< STEIN A SON'S. —Try to induce yi ur neighbor to j take Till CITIZEN. 1)1 KITS IN piorri]»tion- is absolutely essential or else phv. ician and patient v.ill l»oth lie disa;>p"intoif iVrtain »iniL if not proj»erl\ taken c are ol become inert an*) if dis|»«nsrd ar>> worthh «. We i,i:«ko :i speci.dU • >!' tilling physician* prescriptions and home recipe* ami none but pure drugs dis pensed, every arti«-I»* guat in t«*• -i 1 to In' just a-' represented. 1 1 we do not have in stock wlial is wanted we Iranlky tell you .so and will lie glad to get it tor you at tlie earliest pos sible moment. Wo are head quarters tor the Drug Trade ot Hurler county and it is seldom you will find us out of what is called for. We ask you to <*olllo and see us, make our store your stopping place when in town, have your packages and call tor them when you wish. Ilespectl'ully, (.' N T . MO YD, Druggist. Diamond Block, Butler, l'u. Bargains* Por tlu> next sixty days, in order to reduce our stock, we will quote special low prices on all our stock. We have on hands thirty l»eil room sets rautriufsr trom $lB to $l5O per set. Thirteen upholstered parlor suits ranging' from SBS to $l5O per suit. Parlor stands from $2,50 to $lO. Lounsres from $2,50 to $25. I hit racks from $8 to S3O. Tables from $1.25 to $lO. Wash-stands from $2 to slh. Bureaus from $0 to $25. Sets of chairs from $2.75 to slti |»er set Secretaries from s|ii to $-10. KIISJ chairs, handsome pictures, room ornaments, etc., any of which would make both unefnl and appropri ate presents. MILLEII MHO'S. No. 10, JelFeraou St,. 15utler, Pa A. No. 1. all husk mattress, guar anteed, not mixed with exceleer at a lower figure than can l>e had else where in Butler, at Miller Bros', furniture store, No. lit Jelier-jon St —Zuver's Pictures leave nothing wanting in finish, tone, or a correct likeness Beautiful pictures at very low prices at Miller Bros.' furniture store, No. M> .Jefferson St. —Just opened a big lot of Pine Per cales, best goods and choicest styles, at prices ranging from 8 to I2\ cents per yard at L. STEIN .t SON'S. —On White Ooods, Pm broideries, Laces and Ribbons we can t-ave you money L STEIN SON. —The only place in Butler where you can get those handsome .Jersey Blouses is ai IJ. STEIN & SON'S. —.Just, received—a large line ol Stockinet Jackets and K'ne Beaded Wraps at L. STEIN \ SON'S. Houses and lots for sale in But ler. Apply to W. C. PINIH.KV, At tornev, Anderson Building. —Osborne's, successor to Bow man's No, !), I-:. Jefferson St. PIOOI oil cloths (new line), wall papers, mouldings, wimlnw blinds. Fine Oh allies at 6| cents. Large lincof Pine Hrcss Ginghams, Zeph yrs and Seersuckers at 10 and 12J! cents at L. STEIN SON'S. —Enlarged store, new lines ol goods, low prices at OSIKUINK'H, NO. 0, !•'. Jell'ersoii St., Butler. —lt is well known that we do the Hosiery trade of the town. One trial will convince you that you can do better with us than any place else TI. STEIN AT SON'S. Teachers Wanted. The S« liool I ioiird of W intii-lil townstiiji w ill meet in the Central School hou e on S;ilunlay, \ni'ii t 17th, to elect teacher.-* for the en uinp li i iii ol is month '. Wastes, *;if> per month A 1 «.i >T Fin 1 iri.ixu, Pres. A. K K Ai>K, Sec'y. Denny P. O. KOK SALK. I liavi* titli ftcrc.i of g#io«l farming laml within out* mile of Itntlrr Huro, for sale, ou reasonable terniH. L. S. Mt.ll NKIS t No. 17, K. Jefferboo K E. ABKAMS & CO Kiro and IJfe I \ S II It A X C I] I fiMirarif <v io. of North Atiierira, incor l»iu:iii.| «-:i| Mia I Mi mul oilier strong iwtnp <ll it . r«*|»ret>en(eil. New York I .il'«* 1 n .iiraiu't* i 'o., «s' i*ts r( HKcp New 11 ii clh'ii I.milling near < onrt Holism. DIC. S. A. JOHNSTON. I)L;NTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pcrJitlnhiK to tlie profession e\eeut HI the neatest manner. S|»i - i'i;»iiit" v I illinps, ami rainless I'* x li.M'tion of Tfi'fii. \ if.ill/ed Air a«linlnlsl#*r©ii. onin on tli'lfi-rsoii Slri»et, o»m-Uoor of l«<>nrj lliumc, I |» Sfairs, onit'i' op«*ii daily, t'xeenl Wetlnes'lays and 'riinrs l:i>s < •»11111u1111< t11.»11s by mall reeeive proiupf attention. It. Tin* only llciilM in Itiith IMI TIN* ninn .i Kfff ~HI. ,p.„ \ff «. iM.ilh VI II 111 tills to our .Ilrsmri,. ol TKIT .A I 1111 , ,I |: *in I.irt >Oll af oium*. 'i- l VIW Ul..| I. Till i to j STONE PUMPS Manufacture*l l»y James Mcltfces, Pump |* O. Bui lor (*l.lllll v l'i alHl for sal«* at .1 »v liro It tiller. I*a. l'«.r par 11. uhn r ill »»r a'l'lM-i.^ SA MUKL M. BIPPUS. piiy ,i< inn and Surgeon. Wo. 10 \Vf I ( St., rj rr'v\ liMJMJI'/ItoiGENTS Wh*? F * C Z UWHnUu»K «. (KOII,.Se» I Mi WW TT7I7»<S rr HT oiiiinlFr o un.L**o. li, Urtn • <>t Miii-lt ■ m Ml* ill V#a. Ev H F». j 11 1 »tit .4 ih«- « »mrt i f « ummon | f J»" J J ' .. l*a and ?.. m din* i*-*t 1 Monday, the 2.1 «lay of Sept., 1 ft N•• •< I.i-- |v. Itnn. ,1 t» M .lull :ilf!li'l'i ii|" V" '. ( f, iii' mi, ' ','r. KI, »l i I mils. in.irf » itn.iini 1,1 Oui.i-ord tui. ; I;i;iJit < « i\. t.nui.i.M u lollowt t.. mic a,I Mniiii; lauds i.l K. II M«'i«K .luiinsi.Hi Mrnwii «»e»»oje I n>- n«t tl Hit* atii' 1 "l«l to Klu*l«elh Hurler I . John M rhoinp.o, b. it« «-<i I March -'•! and occupied sine* thai lime hj the morf£*tfur. wi.h a twi>-M<'rv tram* 4 house trune table ami j outbutidin<cs tmreon »et?e>l and uiki-u lb ex- | ••v itt»ii the prop* r' <»f MlMUtti Harj-tf at tilt ult of John M Miller Mr u cet al K. 1». .... Si ;I 1. r!u I\! I: ifcfel .if j \II fl»e itvl.i HU( liilr-iol auil claim of I I homa t». Kelly. of, in ami to U?h ■I" acres .M j I.lit rnore or lesv. Hosted 1n Parker Iv i» linii'Tt ii i.k.ii, i». j uiimttitr on the ea-i «inner Mnlfif; lands of llt«•!«;».' Kll«'! i' t 1 Ui«tice norm by UlKb of i An lubald to a whit#* oak. thence south In lands t»t Nai»« \ A. Adams 10 a p«d, them e ea-d l»y land* of 'I In.uia. Kit hen to a post on the | bank ot BL r i'• t r Oeek. together with .1 log lenise. i«»tr still -liou ;i i\;o-vf. r . Imard h »u-.~ ; one pr-«Mtucinj< oil well and outbuildings there j i»h. s. i/.'ii ami 1 tk.'b in «'\i . urioii ifie prop f nl\ of Thomas l». Kell at It»e m!i of |l | ! Coulter et al 1 Ia pt- Term Lev. McVutMion Vil me rlkhl. ilile. im- r 1 sad claim «»t Wm. j 1 Detrlrk. atlnnni--irator. or, in ami t«» in. 1 a* ro of laud, more or les» >ttuaied m ««»nm» quenes«tD)r Tw p,. But ler Co., I'u , boondml as follow 10-wlt; Oil the liottli toi Matthias i:ii>ete>. east oy >tev« uaou. south I s Kenl Hetlk't'. v e t t»y lit. e ht-irs, together wiih a uui-.-mi) itaiue log barn ami t>utlHili<l | ttis-'s thereon. Seized ainl taken la ext 1 . utlon as the j«r»»i?er«j 01 Wtillaru* adin r. et» at ltie s'lit mi >usau t»« "rick toi use et." i;. I>. No Tenu. Mft ajidless. Scott, i.onloii ami lul/ell. atVy%. All tiit' right, title. tuterv>t ami cialni of rtio « hartiera CTeainety f'ompaiiy. «»l. hi an*t to a lor ••I laud, more 01 situated in ProajK-ct Boro. Itutler « . I'a., iKmiide«i as follows, to wit: 1»u the nortli by William Morrow. *ast by William .Morrow, south te William Morrow*, west t»; public road, together with a two-story trame ' i bmioiug and one iraioe i« e hoii-e tUeieou h- lzwl .itid taken in execution as the l>roporfy or ilie ( liattieis * reamer) com|»any at tne suit of Sarah A Heed. !; !». No. •, Sept. Term, I - S. 11. Iluselton. utt; . A»l the light, title, interest and claim ot .1 M M« Keever. «»i. in uiid to 2t» acres ot land, more or less. Mtuated In Twp., Butler Co.. i'a. t bounded as follows, to Ait: on the north by John Frederick, taat by B. O. Brian, south Ul , went b n i.« ever lo • her Willi li one- toiy name hoti. e ami itiit mnUlitig;, thereon rv-i/ed and taken in e*e • tdioii as the i'roj»erly ot J. M McKeeverat the suit or John oi tt. E. K. No. 1 Sept. Term, lsv» liHdle a Son, att All the tine hit» r-*st ami claim of Thoa. M i ttiiev. o(, hi and to one hundred <n>o> acres ii land. in<'t»- 1 I v>. sititate l In Allegheny Tp , lunler <oof. f I'a. In»umle«l a follows, to-wit; on tin- north o\ \t.». rand I:*.--.•burv like east by Simuel and llnatia M«« aim> south t>v lands ot tin-heirs •>1 John jllet'aimy. w**st a* > ,lotm «»>. to /ether wit h one small house, frame barn, on hard and outbuildings thereon, seized .ind taken in « Keeut ion as the properly «»t I bos. All < allie Vat tbc slilt of MlttlieW Bank? Sr. t l». Sept. Term, 1 s«:». James Brltlla, atty. All the ii o ia, title, interest ami t latin of Ai rahaiii Ziegler, 01, in ami to 108 acres of land, m« re or !• \ vttuai<Ml iu J u kson twp., Butler «'o., t'a., bounded as follows, lo wit; Bc#i at apo 1,1. rm*r 01 lands ot Jacob Zii-yler .south ... . west l.*'_ | <i« lies to a p«»si, llienee by land» ot sa d «la««»b pen 'in •« to a i>ost on Ilie o.lllk ol t oiimMjuelics -11114 trt i'k. tiienee down said «reek oy in*' courses ot said cro k lss fieri lies lo corner «>f laml ot BarOara I insmaii, tle ia-e Ilands ot Barbara Tliisman . . west •.» perelii s to u jiosi. Lhfoce by lands of Kllas and Atiraham Zletfler « tiiii l«i ea-t '•:* t-10 perches to a post, thence by lands ot Abraham /.iegler N. o; east 40 0-10 fwix:he.-» to a post, thence south li» **asl .0 perches to a post, thence north :u «-ast 100 l»er« hes t«» the place ot together with two-storj house and baiu and outbuilding* thereon, sei/ed and taken tn execution as tne property ot Abraham /letter at the suit of Mar garet I roughen y. i;. l» No. 40. Sep!. lei 111. l*sa. 1 Walker, all*)- All the title, InU'iesl and claim of A. J. Critchiow, oi. hi and thirty five aires ot lam 1, more or 1» liuated in I'orwa d I w p.. Butler Co., I'a boumied ;i > tollovrs, to-wtt: on tne north b.\ Ua\i<l lMcky heirs, east by il.ili ina. south by John <'Critchiow, West by Slatt 1 lartn ami .Samuel 1 rliehlow heirs; ml cteareu, together Willi two traute houses, log bam, and oi> nard thereon. Selaa u aud takc-li in « Xe« utioU as the prop* rl.v of A. J, Crtuhiow at tu. suit ot l.evt Slater K. I> so s.'» Term. 1 Newt on Black, ail \. All the n 111. title, inteie 1 and claim ol .1. K. ii. Morrow ot, in ami to ix (» acres «»t land, mor or le s, situated In Iliirrisviiie itoio. But ter <0 I'u , IHiuhded a-i follows to-w it: on the not tii by road l» 'due hom \\ I'. Braham s to f i»\ < uiitmiujk -. east t»> Mime road, south by M. and B. Morrow, west by M and B. Morrow All cleared and under eiittlvali'm. sei/ed and taken Hi c.\et utton at the piop« rt\ ol .1. B 11. Morrow at the suit ot ,1. N . 1 unblsou et. al. i: l». No. .) Sept. Term 1 i*. t «*. « .unpbell. Atty. All the iivlt.ttile, hit' re 1 and claim ol licu rj Ke.iMy ol iu and toi'.i ai-res of lnn«i more or te situated Hi W Inlield twp.. Butli r coun ty. I'a . liotiiided a ■ toliows, to on the North bv ot In' 1 la mis 01 Henry Kim y and Wil liatn Stewart, Kast !•> \S m. Stewart, :outh by Win slewai I. and v « » tiy Wm. Stewart, alMiul I'Ju itcfes luori: or !e* s 1 icareit and hav ing thereon a two-slory 11 aim* tlw liotise. a iranie baru. out and tirh:ini,a giMNi well,open coal biuik.liiuestoiieipiarry and iiiue kijii thereon, sel/ed ami taken in exeeutlon as the property ol Henry IveaM at lln* sull ot Win, Vlmoe alid Mai 'ai« i< ■ \ tnroe. Ids wit ', n rlnhi ot«at « 1 « . Vlhroe. K. I» No. 4»», S*»pt' term, 1 Jo.* . I', Bit din, Ally. All I lie right, title. Infer* 1 and claim of Jos. Kelly, of 111 ami to It • .»< >• "I I UMt. novo i»r i. , Illuated in t la;, (wp. Iftltte! i " i*a boUtu] • ■•I as follows to.nil On tiie noflb i»y Joltn llall, el al, eaal b> John McJuukln ami Marlon Met unlj el .ii sm »iii hby M . \i. Alien ami I Im lagftrt bell mit lij 1 rank Hall, to eihet wn:i.l ivro story frame bouse, fnnt bttk baru, out building orciiard and stone <|uarry tin 1 ■ -11 seized anil taken in 1 xecntlon as lii c property of Joseph Kelly .»i Ilie ran "t Wjm Wallace, et al K. i». No. .a, Sept. term 1 !». U. P. Scott, at ty. All iici»» 1111«- interest andcla&n ot •• \\. Stephens ot. In and to a lot ot land, more or less, situated ill Buiralo twp . Butler «'o., I'a., iHiunded as follows, to-wit: t'routliiff oil Bail road si . lo te»'i and »*\l«'iultiiK back in a north we tern direction preserving the wtdtli <1 10 leet a distance of 1. .; it to an alley, and helng* sanu lot conveyed by John Kodjrers to J. w. Stepheu by deed dated Ocl w, 1 . recorded in Heed book 0, pagi • 111 in • ordei ottfe ol I'.tn I' r t 0., i'a. sel/etl and taken tn execution ,«s the prop' N v Of J. W Stephens at the suit of L, llarten itclti. K. I» No. s sept. Term, w H. Brandon, alt .v. All the rltfht, title. Interest and claim ol James *.lll* pie, 01 in an«l to eighty one \ acres of land, more or lev, - Ituateii In lkims,a) Twp., Bullet « 0., |*a., I Kin tided as follows, to wn 4)11 the norlll by Neal I.ill*-spb* s liy H. l. lay lor .*• 4«• ami Jauie » i>iilesple onth by I raiicls Blehard, west by ivtet Alt i.line et. al. aJI leijcetl and under a good .rule of cultivation, scl/ed and taken in e\c i in ion as ilie profM-rty oi James tilllesple at the suit ot ti. W . i.lllcsple for Use. I. I». No. s;, Sept. Term, 1H*:». Brandon, all y. \ll ilia right title, lnteieat and claim •>! Isalali Armstrong of, iu and i-o tw .<• n ol land more or h*s;>, ituated in Alai iou iv\p. Butler < 0., Pa., bounded as to w l»: «»ti the north b\ Wm U'added, ea Iby James Duffy, outh by 111 l»in>. atil.ey amt« jawior<l W« a l» Mi • W adU' il. All under f» 11 •« ami in a jmmml state of i nittvation. tn ether with a h v; house, frame barn, oichartl aim out 1 »utl«li 11 - thereon, seized and taken in eveeuiion .n Hie property ot 1 Arnistnuig at ilie suit of Butter sa\ings 1 ink K. I> No. us. Scpl. Term, i —•». N«*wt«»n Mack. ally. All tin* i l^ht. title. Inter.- t and claim oi Hurt' • t lark ami Mr .law- Kiihln-e, now Mrs. .lane < -iarK. of. in and lo 4-ighty-four <»l .1 res ot land. n.ore or less, :;i|uai.ti in IVnn Town hip. t'oiiuty, l'.i. bounded .is pillow t o:\vlt: i»u tin* north I»y I; ii.«n <iiii «in. »-.i i by .lo • pit Wilson, sonrii •». Hanoi. we t by hiljah i'hlllip.s and Hubert tdbson. is n< rr.\ moro or legs, cleared and umler good state 4d cultivailon; a two tor;. tranie hon.«•, lox ham. orchard and out* huihthi.i flier* "ii. jsd/ed and taken in e\e • niion .1 Hi. i v <4| iiari I C. Clark and Ml' .1 tllf I- I I ' al Itll l SUIt of < icill'KO l.ell hold. I I' 810. i.. . |.i I'nil i • «I• 4. . i;..: f.... .hi . . All the H lit 11 f I«*. interest and claim of It. \V. Ifouthitt of 111 anil lo |so ;ici« of land more or If . if ii.« t. .f hi Konwird lup liutlcr <o . r.i hounded i I«'ilows, lo v.if mi the north h> John and havld Crow, «-ad »».v .10., lioiithctf. All tin blow I • i. \ oiii,- .al . Miutib bj Will lain M. r.roun «<•i •»> William M Jtrotfii • hi.l s iiioiH honiii. ii in ••th» r with a irauie lion «• frame hani orchard and outbnlhllni therein. S«'l/« il and taken In eveeutlon as f property •-! B. W. ißmtheti at the sail of v ,i. UoMihetf for ii <• etc. K. I>. No. »• s« |,t W illt.tin.s a Mitch ell, nit yn. All I In* il-hi (41 It* interest ami claim of A. J. Kian of in anil to r«m< i .•« ri-s of I urn. »n..n or le '■••• siiu ifi'd in I .award I w|» Hurler ('<• I'n bounded aafoHon to:wit: tin tlie not l b I 11< lir\ I*ii hl ♦a* i Iletirv I'tlhl .miiilli by ll«*nr\ lllllti. w» I hy t oiiiio4|l|4'ih -.ln • r»*<>h Ml i |.s, |( d; |uo frame hoi, -. . one ham. i>n<- :rl t null and on. a w mill flier. on. AI n Ml tin- ii hr iii! Hilt r« i and . I.ilm of A. .1 laans. 4»l 111 ii lid IO thlrf.vt Wo t'.ari. |of I iicl niof or I' sltnale.l in Korw ltd I wii I 'tilt hai ii I'.i iM.iinded ms follows i.i w,i <»n (hi* north hy t.elbaeli, e« d liy ltnp<\ Dainbatieii and Ituhl. south hy we-,1 hy « <»nm» 4tueii«- siiik creek and minion I life iii'ifH • leari d; hal tiiri* in tliuh«*r. S.i/. d and taken In e >.< «-i|t |4»n a< I In-proper! \ of \ ,1 Kv a lis at the suit of /. no Mark. I. K. I> No 4i. Sept. Term i '» lull lain ami Ho* .1, aft Ml iii 4 i I'fbt. lillc. Inter.-•» and claim of Da i ' l I n I* d< •< .i int. 4tl in aud to live a< r« a oi land more or less, situated in C'entr«- Twp.. Itutlerlo., I*a l>oUtide.l as follows, to-W It 4 »|| the north by lieira, east hy l.eit».»id helrM, outh hy <«e4»rK** Niiau, went hy Moofee t'»lf»*llifi with .i i oil linne <>p.-ii und In oiteru tloii. o|i' mii.ill (Miiiid llOUse and nutbulldlnK** ther»-o|i, hel/.HI aud litken la e\«s iltloli as Ihe p|o|.. Il \ .if llitvld |ttrch. dec.Msed. al (he o| Misiiu I rotitmnn et. al. (or use • i.. I Winn tin- plalntlO or other hen Yivdltoi (H-cofii. h tin- purciia 4*r the is.dw on tin* writ I tnu: i he paid and a li l »»f the 11.-ns Including I inorl;:.i«f • « r« In on t n.- |»rop. rty -old er with nrh lien creditor's r»«e|pf r«»r tin amount of tin* pr.M ccd* o( the sal»- of hucli por I lion ther4 4*l In may claim iuu*t be furnish d the Wh« ritl. \ii hi.l- BMSI »I pMt in lull. Ml til,-- not vllM Imtnedlitelv will he ■ uiiouci until l o>ta k r.w. at next iuiy. at wtiur. urn.- nil |.f.p.'tiv not fiiv-j fr.r mil !-■ put up an/l Hold »i the e\p«» u* and risk at tli< |« r.•!. to v. bom first sold. • • Pttrdom Digest -.nil . jut.,a. t«t<* Me i»! Si.din Kuril: j.,, :st of.IVKKt . REDH'.Shmff. ■-ii**rlff « offlce. Batl-r, Pn , August n tms. To Advertise (roods OF NO MKRIT Novel- Won Trade. Th« ream in why w«« are haviug such a larpr and increasing trade in IJ.M.ifi ami is lw>cause there it merit in them: Ist Our ladies shoes are elegant and stylish in appearance. •2nd. All material used is the heat, selected with sjiecial reference to its w«aring qualities ;ird. The Utiles are Ueziltlo render ing the lnn.t erceedin* easy and com fortable to the wearer 4th. By special method of patterns and lasts any lady wearing a pair of oar fine hoots wiil tiud that her loo'. wMI have a much smaller appearance than with ordi nary boots. sth Wo hare twice the different styles to select from of any other house in Eutler Sell to each and every customer at the same price. Sell good goods— not shoddy—at lower prices than inferior goods are sold for in other houses. Buying in lara-e quantities direct from the man ufacturer, for cash,we don't buy from the middleman and don't pay inter est ou borrowed money invested ill the busiuess either The great majority of people of Butler county are lookiug lor boots and shoes that can be sold at a rea sonable price and vet give good ser vice There are plenty of soft sheep skiu shoes in Ihe market, looking nicely when new and fresh from tbeiactory, but absolutely worthies? for wear and hard service, such goods as these are what you can get from some houses that put out those win ly advertise ments always selling goods at cost anil shoes at $1.50 mirth $*2.50 and all such triclcry to catch trade, its getting to old--won't catch on any more Better try something new It has been our aim to give our customers a genuine article that has merit in it. A shoe made of kid not sheep. So thoroughly have we kept the ladies "first clang" kid button at $1.25, 1.50 and 2.00 np to this stand ard that their reputation is now firm ly established all over Butler county. We say fearlessly and proudly,know ing that it cannot be disputed, these are the most stylish aud best boots made at the price. We say the same for our men's, boys'and youths'tine shoes. Trade never was so large, the styles and prices do it. NEW GOODS Already beginning to comn.iu men's, boys' and youths' kip boots,women's, misses' and childrcna' kip and calf shoes, in button and lace, high cut, just the thing for cold weather and mud. Women's, misses' and childrena' spring heels in dongola and pebble goat We are prepared to Bhow you the largest stock, best styles and at the lowest prices in boots and shoes of any house in Butler. Come and see its B C HUSELTON. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WKHT I'KSM K. K. On an.l nfter Mouday, M:iy 13, INS, Irani will leave Butler as follows- M \RKKT at l«:lf> a.lftr, arriving al Alleghe ny at 9:10 a. in.; connects rust Tor Blairsville with I»ay Krpreas, arrivitig at Pbi'adetphia at 7 p.m. Expkksk at 8:35 a. m., arriving at Alleghe ny at 10:3<; a. in.; doe* not coo Dart for the east, hut connect!) with A. V. R. K. north an<l south. MAll. at 2:. Vi p. m., ami goes through to Allegheny, arriving there at 4 40 p. ui., < on nects east for Philadelphia. A«'< owmouation at 5:00 p, in., and con nects at ih•• Junction with Freeport Accom modation, arriving at Allegheny at 7:20 p. iu., ami connects east ax far as Apollo. TraiuHconuaeling lor llutler leave Alleghe iiy at 8:20 a.m., 3:15 p. ui. and 5:45 p. in. Trains arrive at llutler at 10:30 a, m. and 5:00 and 8:00 p. ui. I'ITTSRPKU, BIIKMANOO A I.AKR ERIK R. B On and alter Momlay, lice. 17, 1808, train will leave Butler as follows. Corrected to I'aat time, 1 hour Taster thai schedule time. Trains leave flutter lor Greenville front the l*itt>borgh aud Western de|u>t at 7:00 and lo.'to a. m. aud 5:05 p. ni. Trains leaving the P. A. W. depot In Allegheny city 8:20 a. m. and 2:60 p. m. fast lime connect at Butler with trains on the S. A A. Trains arrive al Butler from <ireeuville,fas time 10:10 a. in., 2:25 and B:2U p. m and connect with trains ou the P. A \\. arriving al Allegheny at 12:05 p. in. and 5:00 and 8:23 p. m., last time. Trains leave Milliards at 5:45, aud 11:00 a. nt., alow time, and arrive at 9:10 a.m. and 6:6:> p. m. lioth trains connect at Branchlou for llutler ami lireenrille. The train that leaves Bntler at 7 a. u. coa necta nt Chenango with train on N. Y. P. A 0., urriving at Cleveland at 12:50 i>. m., and t numnah at 7:55 p. tu,, and Chicago al Ifl.'SO |». m. It also connects at Osgood with 1.. H. A M. 8., arriving at Cleveland at 12.50 iu l-.rie 11:47 a. ui, Butlalo 2:50 p. m. tad New York 6:45 a. iu. all Ceutral time. The lulu train coiinecU al Men-er for Oil t 'ity, arriving at 12:50 p. in. and at Sbenango with N. V . I\ A 0., arriving at Oil City al 3:50 p. iu. Budalo 7 p. iu. and New York 6:30 a. in., elwi connects at Osgood with L. S. A 11. H. for Franklin aud Oil City. I I*. & W. K. K. Corrfi'tel t«» laid time—One hour faster than schedule time. 'l'raiiiM leave Cutler for Allegheny City at 4:20 «n<l 10:15 a. ui., ami 3:55 au<l ami |>. m. The New ('untie ami weateni mail leaves at t1:45 a. m., ami the Chicago A Western ei pres* at 1 A) p. m. Trains leaven liutler for the North at 10:15 a. in., ami s 111 p. id. Trains arrive at ltutler from Allegheny at I 0:1.» a. in. ami 3:20 ami 8:30 p. in., from Al legheny. New Castle ami the \Ve*t at 1?:J0 p. in. ami from lallery at 5:40 p. m. A Uaiu arrives from Koxhurg at K:4.'i a. m. am! from Kane at <5:20. Trains onunfrtinc for I'.utler leave Alle gheny at I«> ami 10:' HI a. m. aud 1.40 ami ii .:o p. in. Monday trains arrive from Allegheny at 11115 a. in. ami 3:20 p. m.; from New Castle, \ uungstnwn ami Chicago at 12.10 |». ui. 1-cave for Allegheuy ut 10:15 a. m. aud 6"-5 p. ui.; for New Castle, 8:45 a. ui.; for Chicago at 1:50 p. ui. ll'tMlli Areids to -i.llclt orders tfir our '* choice and hard) Nursery st.« k. Strait; Wiirk Far K»ir»llr l>M|M-ratr lea Salary ami expenses or coiomknslon II prefer red. write al "life. State Age. \ddre tri tf. G. Chase & Contractors Take Notice. Sealed hiils for the erection of au aunex to the lieuts' liorunioiy ol" the ti|ip|wryrnck Sial>' Normal School will lie received up to and iii< )ii<llii ' the "'ith day of July, l"laoa and *<pe.<i fixations for the name can be »e*u at the office of Dr. \V. Hard, Slipperyrock, liutler eounty, I'a. The trustees reserve the right In reject auy or all hid*. 11l N.IAMIN I'FIRfION, Chairman of Sanitary Cora. Aug. IK, l«*y. L 8. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Heal Estate Ail 17 KAST J EFFKRSON ST. IHJTLER, - PA. wam rcn un; •, to »i.t firm l> i t< i,. *<• -uin-J. IViMi^oMfotttloa ftu*J mUri i.. ii.Ui i* it.. U. ¥•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers