THE CITIZEN. JOH\ IL * W. C. NEtLEV. PROPRIETORS. ■(.-BACITIMOS BATH--ROHTAOR I-EKPATD: One year Six Three month* ' <o KsUr*4 at ro*t»«<* it BatUr « t4 cU— »aU«r FRIDAY. M VRCH -»3. 13*8. Republican Primary Election. The Republican voters of Butler Coooty are requested to meet at their ureal places of holding elections OD Saturday, April 14ih. 1888. between the hoora of one and seven o'clock, P 51. of said day to vote by ballot for one person for State Senate, two per sona for Assembly, one person for Ju ry Commissioner; two persons for Delegates to the Btate Convention and one person for Return Judge. Voters will also by ballot vote their choice for one person for Con gress and one person for Delegate to tbe National Convention. Voters will by ballot, in the ent snb Districts of the county, vote' for one person for Delegate to the congressional convention and One person for Delegate to tbe National Delegate convention. Tbe county committee left ft to the option of tbe voters of the sub-district* whether tbere shall be one person for delegate to tbe Congressional conven tion and one person to the National delegate convention or whether they will elec 1 one person to fill both pla ccs. the two conventions being held at different times Tbe Sub Districts of the county are as follows: No 1, Allegheny and Parker town ship* No 2 Mercer, Marion and \ enan go townships No 3, Slippery rock tnd Worth, twps, und Ceotreville boro. No. 4, Cherry and Clay twps and Sunbury borough. No. 5, Washington and Concord twps No. 6. Fairview twps, Fairview, Petrolia and Karns City boroughs. No 7. Oakland. Donegal, Clear field twps snd Millerstown borough No. 8, Summit, Jellerson and Clin ton twps, and Baxonburg boro. No. 8, Winfield and Buffalo twps, No. 10, Penn and Forward twps, nd Bald Ridge. No. 11, Butlertwp, and Butler bor ough. No. 12, Adams and Middlesex tps. No. 13, Cranberry and Jackson tps Connoquenetsing South, Zelienople and Evans City boroughs. No. 14, Connoquenessing North, Lancaster and Muddycreek twp3 No 15, Centre, Franklin and Bra dy twps, and Prospect borough. The Returns Judges aro to meet in convention at Bntler, Monday, April IC. at 1 o'clock, P. M, to count tbe votes and declare the results, and to aiumd to all other business that abali come before them Said Re turn Judges shall constitute the County Committee for the ensuing year The election will be held under tbe rules governing primary elections Republicans only are to participate in said election. By order of the County Committee. JAS. B. MATES, Chairman. W.C. THOMPSON* A. M. CHRISTLEY) PBIMART election, Saturday, April 14. REPHBUCAN Primary, Saturday, i April 11 REMEMBER date of Republican , Primary—Saturday, April 14. A SEW school house was receutly ' erected ia New Castle at a cost of ( $35,000 JAS It. GARFIELD, son of the late | President Garfield, baa teen admitted to the practice of the law in Cleve land. Ohio. MB E. W. SMILEY, editor of the Venango Citizen-Pre6* is a candidate for nomination for Congress in the district of which VenaDgo county is a P*»- Tn* new College building at Grove City, Pa., will soon been completed It is four stories high and almost one I hundred feet long. It is one of the fitiest io the State. Built of stone and brick. THE children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jomes Campbell of this place have prepared and had printed in ueot pamphlet form a of the lives of their said parents, We are obliged for a copy of same. WM M. BROWN, ESQ , one of the two candidates for the Congress nom ination in Lawrence county, has withdrawn from the contest. This leaves the field in Lawrence county to Col. Jackson alone, as the only candidate now in that county. IF Cleveland's demand for free for eign wool is to prevail every farmer in Butler county who shears his sheep this spring might just as well kill the animals at the time. If he doesn't the Free trade policy will do it for him. HON. W. B. MEBEDITH and Joseph R. Henderson, Esq, of Kittanning, are announced for the Republican StaUi Senate nomination in Arm strong county. Hon. A. J. Elliott is announced for the Aseembly nomina tion. Mr. Elliott wea a member last ycar, and is a Butler county man by blfib. D. B. Heir.or, E<-q., who has j rclatires in this place, is announced for the District Attorney nomination HENRY BEBUH, the founder of the American Society for the Prevention of Crcelty to Animals, died iu New Ycrk oa Monday week, aged 62 He WHS an energetic, practical philanthro pist and his life was devoted to good works. On his labors fur the dumb crea*i<>u rests bis fame. Alone, in the face cf indifference, opposition, and ridicnle, he began the reform which is now recoguized as one of the b.*n» 6cent movements of the age. Through his exertions as a speaker and a lecturer, but above all as a bold worker in tbo street, ia the court room, before tbe Legislature, the cause be adopted gained friends aud rapidly iocreased Io Influence. Tho American society .was iucorporated April 10. 1860, by tbe Legislature of New York, and today branch societies are to be found in nearly every State jiod Territory of tbo Union. The Law Means Something. Down io Lancaster county, week, five men who constituted the election board of one district at The Republican primaries of laet May, were convicted of fraud after a hotly contested trial extending over a whole week The indictments were found under the act of 1881 to regulate pri mary elections of all parties, and the result is a noteworthy and salutary proof of the efficacy of a law which has been looked upon by many poli ticians as a mere dead letter. There is no doubt that frauds of a similar character had frequently been committed with impunity, not only in Lancaster, but in other coun ties of the State, and it was high time that the tricksters were taught that the law means what it says when it denounces cheating at nora inating elections as an offense to be punished. The men who set on foot and carried through the prosecution cf the ballot thrieves of Lancaster are entitled to the thank* of good citizens all over the country fur the efficient service rendered the cause of honest government The two acts of 1881 relating to the conduct of primary elections aud nominating conventions place in the hands of honest men the meaus of se curing fair aud unpurchased local nominations, if those are only enforc ed They give to the party rules all the force and tffieacy of statute laws; they require every elec'ion r.fficer to take an oath to faithfully discharge his duties under the party rules aud public laws; they denounce as (.flen ses any attempts to buy or sell votes or influence, and they impose ade quate penalties the violation ol ib?se salutary provisions In short, they hedge about the necessary work of sel< cting party candidates with safe-gnards similar to those that sur round the ballot box at the general election To secure a fair vote aud an honest count at the primaries it is only necessary for any party to adopt just rules aud intrust their enforce ment to men who know the law and feel a wholesome respect for it.— Wellsboro Ayitator. California in 1849. The survivors of those who in the spring of the year 18-; 9 went from Pittsburg and hereabouts to Calilor iiia, in qutst of gold, have formed an organization, to perpetuate the event and their trials. They were known us the "Forty-niners," but now call themselves the "Argonauts," after those who in the old time weat with Jason iD the Argo from Colchis, in quest of the golden fleece. Last week the "Argonauts" held a re-union in Pittsburg and only 15, out of the 40U who left there now 39 years ago, were present to participate in their meeting and banquet. Muj. F. C. Negley of Pittsburg, who was among those who went from Butler, was chosen Chairman of the meeting, and Mr. Henry C. Heiueman represented this county. Speeches were made in reply to toasts and the Argonauts bad a pleasant reunion generally. They adjourned after resolvtng to hold their next meeting in California, to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of their going there. The Mills Tariff Bill. The Democratic "tariff reformers" protest vigorously that they are not "free traders," and yet the Mills bill, based upon the President's message, and to be made the test of party feal ty, is constructed on free trade priu ciples, and proposes absolute free trade as to many of tho leading pro ducts of the country. We have re ferred to some of these products here tofore and agaiu call attention to them. As for instance: Free trade in wool. Free trade in wood, lumber, and timber of all kinds. Free trade iu salt. Free trade in copper ores. Free trade in hemp, manilla, and all vegetable fibres Free trade in tin plates. Free trade in Ssh—to secure Ca nadian consent to tLe fisheries treaty. Free trade in iron nod steel cotton ties, or hoops—to please the South erners. Free trade in vegetables. Free trade iu over one hundred other articles of more or less import ance. Hardly less sweeping and destruc tive are the reductions proposed in regard to some other articles. Fifteen Thousand Victims. SAN FRANCISCO, Miirch 10.— The Ilong Kong J Jail gives a description ! of the earthquake iu the Proviuce of Yunnan, Dec 15. indicative of fright ful mortality, The Mail says: "In tho interior department of Ching Chan the disturbances were extreme ly violent, being continued at irregu lar intervals for four dajs, when they ceased entirely. The departmental j city is said to have been reduced to 1.1 mass of ruiiis, scarcely a house escap | iog damage and over five thousand j persons are reported to have been kill ed by falliug buildings. Many of' them were buried under the ruins, while the number of injured is too large for computation. Yamen was destroyed, the magistrate escaping with slight injury. •'At the City of Lamon, tbe effects of the earthquake were scarcely less disastrous. At this place, v\ hen the shock was being felt, an enormous chasm opened in the earth and water was thrown out from its depths. At Lo Cheu, ia Bhueu. a striking change has been caused iu the appearance of the country, large tracts of br ing swallowed up aad the surface changed into a lake. Iu Lo Cbau more than 10,000 person* arc saij to have perished." Likely lo Go Dry. HUNTINGDON, PA., Maich 20— This afternoon Judge Furst heard the li cense applications for this county. Tho court housw was well tilled with interested spectators, many ladies be ing present. The, Court reserved its decision. Owing to the well kuown temperance proclivities of tbe Court, oulj five persons made application !'-ir license, and it is generally believed that all will be refused. Last year President Juijje Furst was iu favor of giauting a few lioou- I ses, but the two Associates were too ' much tor him, and the county has not bad a licensed hotel during the year. —McKissick & Elliott are tbo names of ladies composing a now mil ! llnery firm in this place; South Main j St, near Court House, iu the office , occupied by tbe late GOD. Purviance. | They are both uatlves of tbe county, I born and raised near Butler. A Plunge to Death. JACKSONVILLE, FLA., March 18 —A? tbe fir.-t section ol the West India ex press from New York on th» Savan nab, Florida and Western railroad was passiug over the Hurricane cienk trestle, near Blackshear, Ga , at 10 o'clock yestenlay morning, tbe front axlo of the baggage car broke and ail the cars left the track The trestle was knocked over and the whole train with the exception of the c-ngiue. Ml a distance 20 feet into the creek, which is four feet deep. Tbe combin ation snicker aud baggage car fell first, the passenger coach on top of it, and then the sleepers and the special car of President Wilbur, of the Le high Valiev llailroad, pile J on it, ail Lbe lower car* being smashed t» pieces About 400 feet of the trestle was carried away. A wrecking train with physicians aud a large for.-e of men immediately went from Way cross and all the la dies of Biacksheare set to wi-rk to re lieve the sufferers. Twenty-four per sons were killed and many injured. Whiskey and Fighting. DUBLIN, March 18—At Druralish, County Longford, on Saturday night, two factious of drunken St Patrick's Day paraders, numbering aggressive ly about 200 persons, became involv ed in a fierce fight. After the con flict the former antagonists fraterniz ed and jointly made a:< attack upon an inn. Five policemen attempted to qnell the disturbance and disperse the mob, but thecrowd set upon tberu with stones and drove them toward the barracks. The police turned and fired six rounds of buckshot into tbe pursuing mob, wounding a score of tbem more or less severely. The po lice then retired to the barracks, upon which the uiob ;-howered stones until morning when, becoming sobered und exhausted, thej withdrew. Bloody stones were found this morning scat tered about the scene of the conflict in great profusion. A Hard Shot. The Philadelphia Times {rives its . Democratic friends in the House aj nhut square between the eyes ii the | following: '"The Fiftieth Congree<; has now been iu session for three j months, and the real work ol the pop ular bianch has not been reached. The length of a short cession has al ready expired. at;rl not a singly regu- Ifti appropriation bill has been pass ed in the House. The factional !«%!- erchip of the Demoera'ic majority of the House has frittered away its time in trying to 'down' Mr. Randall | More work vas done under liepubii-1 can control when all the appropriation | bills were prepared, reported aud j managed by one committee than by ! the present seven Comuiittese." Armstrong County Licenses. The license question in Armstrong county was settled on last Monday, by the refusal of Judge Neale to grai.t! any licenses in the county. This in j surea a ''dry season" in that county j during the term of the present Judge j We commend Judge Neale for the i stand he has taken ou this question, j Last year he took the advanced posi- j tion in refusion every contested ap- j plication, and had iie granted licenses; this year in the face of the large op- : positiou that bad developed, he would j have shown that he bad not the moral j courage to stand up for what he be-! lieved to be right —Clarion Republi can-Gazette Dealh of Himself, Wife and Chiidren. EVANSVILLE, f NT) , March 18.— : The hogs and chickens cf Samuel ! Wilson, a lumberman in the Green ( river bottoms, mar Olhoun, Kv.. , having become the prey of timber j wolves, Wilson last Thursday pois- j oned a quarter of a hog to destroy : th'-m. but forgot to tell his wife. She unkoowinely cooked the poisoned meat for dinner and the whole family, ■ including four children, ate of it j Tnree of the children died that nigbt ) and the father, mother and otiinr child the next day Tueir bodies are swollen to enormous proportions by the poison. Ohio Oil Men's Bonanza. TOLEDO, O , March 20. T. J. Van deifrilt and .Jus Gillespie, of Pitts- j burg; Merrnnan, ot Cleveland; | j Thurber Walker and Rothschild, j of Detroit; Jas. Clarke, of Chicago, j and many other prominent oil dealers j | hitd a secret meeting at the Boody I House late this afieruoou. Farmer I Dean submitted a process for reliniug Ohio oil and exhibited specimens, j proving that it can be made quite aa | valuable as any other crude-oil Pre- i limiuaries were then arranged for i forming a big stock company with a j capital of §lO 000,000 to lav large ] iines to this city, build large refin eries aud operate in opposition to the Standard Oil Company. Beaver's License Court. BEAVER, PA, March 20.—8y 3 | o'clock this afternoon the testimony j for and against ull applications for li ! cense was in, and it was agreed iu j every case save one to allow the J Court to decide the matter without I argument, .1 udge Wickham will an ! nounce his decision tomorrow. To day the ladies of the W.C T.U. dis tributed in large a circular containing the names of citizens wtio sigued the hotel keepers' petitions for • license, together with the nanu s of the bondsmen — Com-Gazette.^ —And internal taxation ought to be abolished. It to disxppiur altogether. TL- re is no necessity tor it It. is, in the present condition of the country, without a single justify ing reason. Beyond supplying places for a horde of < flice holders, it is useless. Internal taxation, except, in time of war or of a great national j necessity, ought to bo counned to the States This was the doctrine of the j fathers of the republic. It was the j doetrine of the pirty of the present I administration until it obtained tn ,wer and controlled the distribution iof tho offices. Of coarse, even it a bill i abolishiug it passed the House . which it will not, Cleveland would ] veto it, lie would veto it because it ■ would injure the cause of bis English i free trade friends, and because it j would oli' -nd the Democratic office , i holders, who it w mid leave with .u; |au occupation aud a fat salury. Bu: I it would be taking tb«t position which , j Republicans must take sooner or later, and which they ought to have taken wheu they were in power. luternal tazatioo for fifteen years past has beeu a great mistake.— Harrieburg Tele graph. —Communion services will be bold iu the United Presbyterian Church ou the Ist Sabbath of April. A X.H'OI .VC'E * EtTS. FOR (.OMi BESS. XEWTGN BLACK, of Butler, Pa. FOB STATE SENATE. Da. J. B.*SHO WALTER, Of Millerstown K. P. SCOTT, ESQ., Of Butler. DR. WILLIAM IRVINE, Of Evans City. SIMEON NIXON, Of (Nixou's Home) Butler, Pa I FOR ASSEMBLY, ! C. M BROWN, Of Harrisville. ; JOS. THOMAS, Jn , Of Kama Citv,, ' R. I, BOGGS, of Zelienople. ! JOS IAII M. THOMPSON, Ot Brady twp. JL'UY COMMISSIONER. I HEN 11V W. NICHOLAS. cf Butler twp ' J. M. WICK, Of Butler township, CLINTON B. CONWAY, Washington twp. JACOB NEELY, Of Franklin twp | SAMUEL M. LOVE. Ot Clinton twp. ! JOHN WATTEKS, Of Evaas City. I W F. CAMPBELL. Of Fair view twp. FOB DELKUATE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION [ J. 11. NEGLEY, ESQ., Of Butler. | W. C. THOMPSON, ESQ . Of Butler. I FOB DELEGATES TO STATE CONTENTION. ! TtlOJkiA& ROBINSON', Oi Bailer. | LO YA L S. McJ UN KIN, of Butler, Pa. ! REUBEN SUA NOR, Of Prospect. COMMUNICATIONS, "Birthday Anniversary." O/i March l'Ji.h, 18S8, the family and many of the relatives aud friend? of Mrs Isabella Sloan, met at her uorac in Aatms township,to celebrate her 7Tth birthday. All of the children of her lamily were present except one son and one daughter. To Mrs Sloan wero presented a very hand some, easy rocking chair, and a pair of very fiue gold spectacles, together with many other gifts both valuable end useful. A bountiful dinner was provided. The day was pleasantly spent in social intercourse. Many kind words were spoken The meet ing closed with devotional exercises, wheu all returned to their homes leaving behind them many good wishes for Mrs. Sloan and her family M. "Spelling Bee" at No. 6. Here we so again Where to? Spelling at No *'6," "Deuny," Mid dlesex Tp, March 15. 18S8. Owing to tue roads being somewhat muddy we did not arrive till the spelling bad commenced ana been in session about 29 minutes. After spelling for some 5 or 10 minutes more, the teacher, Mr Graham, called that part of the program to a close. There were atil! four boys who iooked as if they were good for an hour more. On inquiry we found tbeni to be Rob aud Frank Stiner, Louis Urboeh and John Fer guson. \Ye were then given a recess j of 10 minutes and owing to the ' crowded condition of the house this was very acceptable There was j hardly standing room to be bad then and still mora coming. Amonj; those present we noticed Messrs. Patrick and Wilson, two teachers from Rich hind tp. Allegheny c> Finally we were called to order and the Literary performances opened with an overture by the min strel troupe, which t<> say the least was grand and kept the audience ronr insr all the time After that Miss Sadie Fulton recited the "Bine aud the Grey," iu a manner which gave great credit to her. Then followed the side splitting dialogue,' Our Cous ins," acted by two boys whose uames we were unable to iearn. Then we were treated to some choice reci tations by Carrie Logan, Emma Fer guson, Mamie Ferguson, Laura Shep ard, Frank Stiner, Charlis Truver aud Mr Graham After this carne two very comic negro dialogues enti tled "Ex mining the Bumps," and "A Darkv in a National Museum," acted by Masters lleruiau Truver aud Frank Stiner, both of whom did well particularly Master Truver who k'.;pt the audience fairly wild by his comic j blunders as the negro comedian. Af : tor this a readiug entitled "Jennie ! M'Neal's ride," was rendered by ! ter Rob Ferguson in a very pleasiug ! manner. Then came the hit of the j evening made by Master Gilbert j Logan, who for his age can't be beat in I declaiming, after which came trfvo very comic declamations, entitled the ; "Yankee iu Love,'' and the "Dutch . man's Serenade," by Rob Stiner and ; L Urboch.and then a declamation by •John Ferguson Two very comic j tableans were acied, "The Ancient | (bridal) pair,"' and, "There's many a j slip." Then followed the closing di j aloguo "Kansas Emigrants," acted bv M iss Stiner and Messrs. Elmer Graham, Will Emrick, George Lo i gan, Lewis and Hob Stiner, iu which ! Will Emrick as the Darky Coach mm brought d .vu the house by his comic blui.ders, brave actions and hinging, 1h • others doing very well too, per forming their parts without a break Oh yes, w- pretty near forgot to men , lion the performance by the noted ! vcn-riloqai-t, George Logan wh ch ! w>:< -i splendid burlesque on ventrilo- I qui-in. T'IO entertainment closed ; with a tableau entitled' Sweet Six i U'( a," which was sullicieat to send ias all borne feeling very sweet, and I wo reruru to ,Yj (J on.- siacare thanks for the night's enjoyment, they gave ! us, and hope to see them again. TENDER HEARTED DUDE. • Attention 62nd Penn'a Vols -- Evidence Wanted. Sunday April fi h IS(12 while | you were on picket in front of or near ! Yorktowu. Frederick Kowol-ki (a ! northern man who wa* forced into j the rebel a?• uy) deserted aud cama I into your lines As became near,the j picket, fired the bail striking him in | the left breast and coming out at his : back, he was tbeu takeu to the regi i mental hospital of the 62nd,from there ;toN. Y. City to the Ladies Home, whole he made a fair ncovery, eu listed in the Union army ond heroic ally stood by the "old flag" nn'il it | aguin floated over au unbroken Union. I Lie was ho u or»bly discharged August 21 1865 And now be is old and poi.r while the gobernmeut be did so much to save is strong and rich. Refnemb'r comrades, he w»8 not wounded ij the service, but, eh ye heroes, while attempting to enter it, and it will require an act of Congress to reach his case. I want any evi dence that will throw light on the easa. The address of Co. officers at that time, regimental or hospital sur geou or nurses. Consult your old diaries and let me hear from you You may not know anything in par ticular about this case bnt what you do know may put me on tbe trail of something tuat will be valuable. Any thin? you can do-will be very grate fully received and may help a brave man to his just rights. Address me ot East Jordan, Char levoix Co., Michigan A. E IIAYB. Hallston Sittings. KALLSTON. Mar. 16, 1388. EES CITIZEN:—Mr. MeNeese' pot tery and tbe lumber business have made things quite lively this winter. Mr Isaac Hall and daughter iotend going to Nebraska this spring to visit friends Mr. John Dickey contemplates learning the carpenter's trade, he tLiuks it will be better lor his health than setting on Ralston's saw mill. Tbe literaries at Barron have been quite a success ibis winter. Mr George Kelly anticipates a pleasant time on tbe ridge, no won der George, you won't have so far to go. MOONSIXINE. Treasurer's Report, W. C. T. U. Mrs M M Mathews, Treasurer of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union ot Butler, tendered her resig nation March 20, 1888 Mrs. Math ews was one of the most ioviug, faithful and efficieut members of tbe W. C. T. U , always ready for every good word and work. Now that she goes to a new bome tbe language of our hearts is, may God's richest, choicest blessings rest upon her and her family. In connection with her resignation Mrs. Mathews bauded tbe following statement for publication in the couu ty papers. MRS. M. KATE BYERS. Recording Secretary. TREASURER'S STATEMENT. For the benefit of the members of the W. C« T. U, who were not pres ent at the last meeting we publish the following report. Total receipts of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of But ler from the date of its organization Feb. 13, 1882 to Feb. 13, 1886. SIOB2 61. Balance in Treasury S2B. 61 Total receipts of W. C. T. U, from Feb. 13, 1886 to Feb, 13. 1887, $327. 05. Total expenses from Feb 13, 1886 to Feb. 13, 1887. $327.05. Bal ance in Treasury, sl9 76 Total receipts of W. C. T. U, from Feb. 13. 1887 to Feb 13. 1888, $339 24 Total expenses ot W. C. T. U, from Feb. 13: 1887 to Feb 13, 1888. $312 23. Balance in Treasury S2B. 01 at present date. 65 Years Ago. The following letter from Mr. Ed ward W Hays, of Penn Tp., will be read wiih much interest. Mr. Hays is now about 85 years of age aud is yet one of the most active men in the County. MAIIARO, BUTLER Co., Mar. 17, 'BB. JOHN H NEGLKY. Dear Sir.- —I want to tell you what 1 know about Easter Sunday on the l*t day of April, 18*23. I landed iu Butler Co., Middlesex Tp oc the 31st any of March, 1823 It wus a clear, beautiful sun shiny day Ou Sunday morning, Easter, there were 2 feet of snow all over Butler county, which fell from 7 o'clock the preceding evening until 0 A M on Easter morning That was the last time 1 ever recollect of Easter being on the Ist of April uuiil now. In 1828, Sept. 28 all over But ler Co , there was 8 inches of snow that did great havoc with the buck wheat. I will give you a full detail of this the first time I see you. I have enclosed vou a sermon please to print it. Yours Truly, E. W. HAYS FIFTY YEARS AGO. They sit in the wiuter gloaming, Ami the lire bums bright between; Cue has pasted seventy summers, And the other just seventeen. They rest in a happy silence AS the shadows deepen iast; One lives in a coining future, And one in a lon,', ID: g past. Each dreams of a rush of music, And a question whispered low; One will hear it this evening, One heard it long ago. Each dreams of a loving husband, Whose brave heart is hers alone; Fur one the joy is coming, For one the joy has flown. Each dreams cf a life of gladness, Spent under the sunny skies; And both the hope and the mern'ry iShine iu the happy eyes. Who knows which dieam is the brightest? And who knows which is t!»e be«i ? The sorrow aud joy are mingled, liu coiil; the end is rest. One Result of the Storm. WASHINGTON, March 17 —A large ' nmnb:*r of railroad managers from tho ! aaot. have b>)en iu Washington sincj ! the great storm aud snow blockade, laud with unanimity they sny there l will b? a system of underground tele graph lines iaid uloug the principal railroads witbiu a few years. The Pennsylvania Railroad company iu tend to lay underground wires along ! its principal lines and it is said that | they will be followed the Now York j Central end other promineut roads ! The fa (lie of these c imp mies was a! | most entirely suspended for n week, i while the telegraph companies suffsr jed i i the extreme, An . .Ik'ia! of tho j Pennsylvania company says that i they suffered most in th«> blockade on account of the fiu*(rations ol the wiree; i ihat it they couid have had communi- J cation with their nation and division | agents that large forces of men couid hav« instantly been put to work to ! clear away the snow and debris. A - lit waS uo instructions could i>e issued | and t,he work of opening the telegr ipb lines and clearing ih J tracks was great ;ly delayed. Congress, it is will lorce the telegraph companies to put their wires underground within ! the District of Colombia and of course I if this is done the telephone company will have to do thu came. Here, how | ever, the wires will be lani under ! ground more as a convenience anil an } iuiprovetneut of gtiueral appearance j than anything elee. fIOYAI 6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. This fowd-T hever varies. A marvel ol purity, strength and wiiolesonienet-s. More economical that the ordinary kinds, and can not be -old in competition wit!i the muitituc ol low tests, short weight,aluuin or phosphate powder*. Sold only in cntts. liOYAL BAKING I'OWDEH CO,. 1 C'tJ Wall Street N. Y. The Kimberly Mills Stop. The rolliasr mills of P. L Kimher ly «fc C», at Sharon, employing 400 hands, has been closed down lor the present. The Greenvile mill of the company closed at the same time, throwing 400 men out of work The sudden cessation of work caus ed many rumors of a financial embar rassment; but the stories are denied. When operations will be resumed is not known; but it is thought that the mill v. ill start r.gain in a few weeks. No cause was given for the shut down. --The Westminister Quartette will give a concert in the United Piesby terian Church on Tbursiav evening, March 29. The pimple announce ment of this fact will be sufficient to secure the attendance of tho.-e who heard them at the Teachers' Institute in December. Wherever they have been they have won uustiuted praise from press and people They will be assisted by Miss Lula A. Boardman, a talented Elocutionist, aud Mr W W. Robertson, the popular Cornet Soloist The concert will be given under the auspiees of the Ladies Mis sionary Society, and the proceeds de voted to mission work SENATOR COOPER, Chairman of the Republican State Committee, in ppeakiug of the probable nomination for the Presidency, sayp; "I am still for Blaine, and I believe he will be nominated whether he wauts it or not If be is nominated be will un doubtedly accept If Blaine insists against the use of bis name in the convention, then I nm for Chauncey M. I);*pew. Either one of them could carry New York At the same time I think Blaine will be nominated.'' —To keep the street crossings of this place free of mud, to enable peo pie on foot to pass over in safety, has come to be regarded cs an act of the greatest humanity, and in this mat ter Mr. C N Boyd, the enterprising druggist ia the new Diamond Block building, is making such commend able efforts on the crossing fronting his stce rs to entitle him to tbe thanks cf the public. . JVT ft. SID M ayiitu/e r.v I'tddished tree. TITZEL—DAVIS—March 15,15W, at the bouse of the bride's parents, Walter R. Titzel, M n. auiJ Mollis E I>avis, both of Greenville, Pa.. '»? R. v. Prof. Joseph R. Titzel, father <>f the groom, wsisiad by Rev. J. S. M.-Kee, of Buller. I'a. We c-xtccd to ibe iibuVf voung conjde our heart; eougraiulations. They have the good wishes of all r mmy frieab. Dr. Titzel is a yung physician of mw'.i promise au<l we understand will locate in Butler, ill.Tt HMAN-DENNY-Mmh 188S, fit I!i*.*i IINCJ ile, Pa bv Rev. R I*. Mc- CJeMer, Mr. Win L. lltrchmun nrd Mis- Maty E. Denny, both oi Mar:-;, Butler county, Fa. HEMPHILL—ANDERSON—March 14, '>B, at Butler. Pa., l y litrv. W. E. Oiler, Mr. William I', Heropui!| and Mi--s Lutlla M. AWIUM-O, both of BntJer county, McKENZJE—WALKER-March 14, 1888, at Puller, Pa., by Rev W. E. Oiler, Mr. Joseph McKenzieand Miss Minnie E.Wal ker, both ot Butler county. ID IE ATHd A nnouncements of deaths published free, hut all communicated obituarns wit/ be charged for at the rate of one-half cent for e vch (cord, money to accompany the order. STONER —At his home iu Butler, Wednes day, March 14. 1888, Plnnituer Stoner, son of Samuel Stoner. aged 19 yeßrs. The deceased bail been working in the hit tie glass factory here, but was taken sick of typhoid-pneumonia some ten days ago, and went down rapidly. His remains were ta en toSunbury for interment. HOLLAND —In this place, suddenly, on Saturday mornintr, March 17, 1888, Will iam H illau'i, E<q. of Washington tp, this county, in the 73d year of his age. Esquire Holland was here attending Court and was in the office of Wra A. Forquer.Esq. transacting some busi ness when he fell from his chair and expired i:i about ten miuutcs. The cau^e"of his sudden death is generally spoken of as heart disease, but he is said to have been alllicted with rbeumaJi-tn, from which, with perhaps other causes added, a vital part was reached when he died. For many years past Mr. Holland has been a Justice of the Peace in Washington tp, elect ed to that responsible position without regard to party linen, and whatever else may be said as to his failings, all his fallow citizens recognized bun as art hones' and truthful man, and just and fair iu ail his official du ties. His remains were taken on Saturday evening to Hilliards for interment. WILLS—At her home in Cranberry twp. Venango county, March 12, 18X8, Mrs. Mary Ann Wills, daughter of Mr. Isaac 11. Steele, aged 54 years. LEWlS—March 13, 1888, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fuller iu Xew York City, Mrs. J. 11. Lewis of Petrolia, aj;ed »>3 years. REM MEL—At her home in Winfield twp, this county, on Mondiy. March. 1!», ixss, Mrs. Rutumel, widow of Mr Peter Ruui mel, Sr. tlec'd, aged about SO years. IT NEVER FAILS! f"or ai!■di^ea^s^& SklNi# CU "F £\% K* DRUGGIST} tSnIH Delightfully Perfumed. Easily Uuod. SOX-P ny EVKF.t i>in «r? IST IN Krxi KR FOR £MkJL.7E: A !:ir, e frame boarding hou-e. good logaiiou and doing large business. Terms easy. For further Particulars ii»<i»>ir«* of L. 8. 1. i. Jefferson St.. '•' II u tier, !'u. F'St/o to k.- -u T* • t!ioro"gh Education. ot idioms ;c Kipirt «tiortli»od and Type Writer, or prup*re to teach 9o«aeerl«n Kepgw-iblp. |i at thu TRUL LIST FOR NPECI lli COURT COMWKWCItfQ MOWO4Y, APiilfi 2. 18gg. Xo. Term. }>. Ptaintitfk' At torvy. Ptbimtifi. bf/rndmU-t. D-h ulant'* AUorntj. AL) 70 Juue, 18*7 S F Bowser 7. T Aniiniek Kate Hurk 'L Z Mitnhell * F I D 2 Pee, 18.1" K P Scott I.aura McGrew et H1 Hay* Bros VfcHride and Bowser A I> l>h Sept, 18>7 McQui.-tion ami I.usk Saaiu'i L UiuJ le, Sr Johu «1 Armstrong Greer A Kilvtoo " t»7 Sept, 18V> Mela ml leas Jol.n Sherman, tt hi John Wilson Graham, McQ 4 Lyon " 31 Mar, 18ft"> " Miller Hati-bUou Ahrain Martin ThooiDSoe A Sou " is Dec, Ftakton Frert'fc K Marterer Albert Aderhold, et al ;J M Thompson A Erittftia " SO Dec, 188ti Thoo!p>oD A.S aii<l I»wry D W lUrnhart Clarence Campbell MJ4G " 1!» June, 1 8. h 7 K MeJ. and Campbell George Ueiber Jacob Boos, et al Walker TA 8 " IS Sept, 18*7 J M Thompson and Brittain Sarah Brell, Anna Rape McJ A GsibreatJi " 1!) " Ixß7 ■' Same William Ripe " W " L Z Mitchell John Q A Kennedy J J Irriu, et al McQaistum " »>2 " 1887 McCandltss M urtba Marshall A $ Marshall Vauderliu A McQ. " »>1 Dec, 1887 Bowser FB Goldinger **a A J Campbell Siott " fiS Dec, 1887 " Mary J an* (View ay Cornelius Gormley Kohler " 2.1 Mar, 18h8 McOsnrMess and Kohler Nicholas Oiley .Caspar Rockenstein, et ux McQ A Vanderlin " -7 " 1888 Greer A Ralston \\ in McConnell, et al Inaiah Wilton, et al ;McCandic>« " 2S " 1888 Marshal! Bud Thompson B«tt A Story J C Sablinc, et al McCandl-»-A Fnrqusr " 31 " 1888 MeCaodless Butler wat er Co Mutual Gas Fuel Co ; \lc<i A W iiker " 33 " 1888 Scott P C Bell M J Brown i McCattHleM " 37 " 1888: Bo MM Cbarte« Baugliman G Un«n«. Ei'r M<Q Ai « n ProtboDotary'a Office, March 5, l v>B. JOHN W. BROttN, Pr«.tb<.notary. " JACOB JJOOS, DEALER IN* CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY AND ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. | i We are now in our new store-room on S Main St.. and have the room to accommodate ojr stook of groceries. Hour, etc., and have built a large ware-house to accommodate our stock of feed. j We pay the highest crsh price for p and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Tlfnh Rn/w 105 S. MAIN STREET, . d<KOJ> -POOS, Butter. Pa. | Special Bargain Wale of BOOTS, SHOES AND ROBBERS For 30 Days the Greatest Sale on Record AT BICKEL'S. Boots and Shoes at Half Price While visiting the Eastern Shoe Market I met a Arm that was closing out their entire bust . n.l having on han.l a line Moots and Slkks which they offert d at a great saertflee. aa they had to give possession of tne rourn they occupied by March Ist. I had already bought an immense :-Ui kol Spring Ooods and ordered tlvm shipped by April Ist. but the offer they made me uas so tempting that 1 could not resist it. 1 took the goods and had them shipped at once. They have an ived and are now open for your inspection. Sharp cash buyers, I want to urge you to visit my house as soon as possible ana take advantage of one ol the greatest «ales ever Inaugurated in Butler county. Remember. Five Thousand Dollars worth of Boots. Shoes and Rubbers at half ' price, and even lesson some goods. They must all be sold by April Ist to make room for my | Spring Goods, ivnlclt will arrive at that time. If you want any Boot-, Shoes or Rubbers at your i owu price don't miss this sale, Read these Remarkable Prices: Men.;' Fine Shoes. Bu'ton. Bats and Congress worth *, selling at *1.50. Mens' Fine Call Bouts worth |;i 00. s.'lllug lor il.yi. Mens' Every day li.tois worm to selling now from JI.7S to *2.00.' Ever;, day Shoes worth to $2 oo selling now for il.oo. Hoys' Fine Show. Button. Bal or Congress, worth Ju.uO. selllag now (or #llO. IJOVS' line Shoes worth $1.30 selling now for SI.OO. THIS Sill MSI SW nil BE 1 SUCCESS. Ladles' Flue Button shoes worth JI.T", selling now for fl.oo. Indies' Fine Button Kid Sho-js worth $*2.00 selling now for $1.25. Ladies' Fine Hand Turned slices worth fct.'io selling now for JJ.oo. I-ailles' Fine Serge. Congress and Lace, Shoes worth Jl.oo selling now for U5 cents. I.adW Warm Shoes and SHopers worth 11.'. i selling now for st»cents. Ladies' Fine opera Toe Slippers worth sl.i'. selling now or cents. Ladies' Every l»ay Shoes worth $1.23 to $2.00 selling now from 7.". cents to SI.OO. These Prices are Stunners to Competition, Misses' Fine Button &hoes worth $1 ol) selling lor $L j Mioses' Fine Kid But. Shoes " 175 at $1.25 ; ! Misses' Fine Calf " " " 1.65 at 1 Oft :• Misses' " Lace " *' 1.00 •' at 50t075c; i Chi I t's Fine Button hoes " 1 Oft '• sit 50 cents ! ; Chill's every day shoes v.orth 75c to $1 '• at 20t040e ; 100 DO2£N BA3V SHOES ALWOST G'VEN AWAY. This Is the largest purchase of B iby Shoes ever made »:v any retail dealer in Western Penn* i sylvanla. They are elegant goods. All Button in pebble Goat. Cur. Kid, Ulove Kid with Patent • Lea!her foxiug—worth nom :*) to GO cents a pair, But They Must Go for 25 cents a Pair. The on!j* way In which this sale can be appreciated is to attend 1? and reap some benefit of it. It. Is an immense lot of Ko.;tsau<! Shon* to force on tothp market !n hut remember you can buy Bhocs at yriv own price, and it you are riot iu need or any goods for immediate use you t had better buy some for the future. ft)r it is altogether lively that you will never live to witness • Hoots and Shoes sold as cheap as they are being sol i at my store during tie month of March. M rs' Rubber B ).>ts. B>ston make 02.00 a pair. Boys' Rubber Boots Boston $1.50 «i pair Ladies' Misses' and Children's Boston make 1 00. Ladies' Rubbers, ;il! kinds, 25 cents. Mens' Rubbers, all kinds, 50 cents. All goods are warranted to be peifeet In every particular. Money cheerfully refunded iu case goods do not suit. Mens' Fine Shoes Made to Order I Special attention Is given to this branch of business and satisfaction is guaranteed. 1 carry a large line of shop made shoes and in ease \ou cannot watt to have a pair made I can tit you out ol stock. I also have u large stock of Men's kip Hoots cut from the best leather In the market, made box toe and plain, extra long legs—Just the thing tor the oil trade. Prices very reasonable. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS IN RUBBER AND LEATHER. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. BLACKSMITHS APiiONS in CALF and SHEEPSKIN. ( _ • "1 I)o not let inclement weather or anything else keep von from "I £ll f~* ~| O I al tending this remarkable sale. I )Vy V„ 1 C 8 1 The l io'galns offered are beyond desexiptlon and can never be j JL duplicated. sm la cgmiiiuE ekm sir rsis month And everybody is invited, No trouble to show goods. Your.n Very Truly, JOHN BICKEL. j 22 South Main St., Butler, Pa, 1 BUTLER MARKETS. ! 1 lie following are the selling price* of mer chants of t ins place : Apples, per bushel, 90 Butter, per pouud, 30 to 28 cts. Beans, per qt. S to 1 iV>ts. Cabbage, new, 7 to 12 cts. Candles, mold, 14 to 15. cts. Carbon oil, 10 to 15 eta. Cheese, 12 to IS cts per lb. Crackers, 7 tolO cts. p?r lb. Chickens, per pair, 40 to 50. Coffee, Rio, 25 on. Coffee, Java, 35 etc. Cotf Roasted, 25 to 30 ots. Coffee, ground, 20 to 2t> cts. Eggs, l>s cts. Fish, mackerel, 5 to 45 cts. Flour, per barrel, $1.50 to fid. Flour, per sack, j1.25 to jl.tSo.. Feed, chop, per 100 pound-". $1 25. Feed, bran, per 100 lbs. $1.15. Grain, wheat per bushel, 90. Grain, oats par bushel 4u to 45cts (iriii!, corn per bu*hei 65 ft*. < love I seed Lurge, per liU«he). Clover seed ■ mull, $5.00 per bushel. Timothy seed. £3 00 ptr bushel. Laid, 10 cts. Hams, 1 1 cts. llonev .20 cts. Hay, 4-12 . Shoulders, 10 oM, Bacon, 13 cts. Dried best, 1? to 25. Core meal, per pouo 1. 2 cti. Potatoes, new, 00 to 75 cts bash. Kiev, to 10 cts. Sugar, hard, S ct«. Sugar cotl'ce, 7 cts. Sugar, raw, els. Soap, j to 10 cts. Salt, jxji banel, $1.'25, Tea, llyaon, Guupowdcr, etc., 50 cts. to DO Tea, Japan, etc., «0 to gO cts. Tea, breakfast, 40 to {lO cts. Tallow, S cis. iluckwticat Flour, 2.80 cts. per cwt. Turcipj, 50 cts. per bu. Sweet Potatoes, 50 eta. per pk. Cruubtgiiei, 15 cts. per <j'. SnyCDTfCyDC .>*>v.i;l> tinwhl Sll SE»fi I |w£3ld «! u ot-t.. en tdi-ertijir.g ipCC" when in Chsugo, will find il on Mc (I i I Jury List for April, 1888. r.lst ot Jurors drawn to serve In a special term ! ot < our! commencing tha first Monday ot April, isks. being (be 2ii tkjn Anderson (' K. Butler boro 2d ward, clerk. AUand Win, Bniler boro :nj ward, merchant. Black Joshua T. Marlon tup. farmer, lilekett Harvey, t lluton t-.vp. tanner. Beatty J I, Washington twp. farmer. Bovard J E. Parker twp. farmer. Bentty James A. Oakland twp, farmer. Ilasler Wm. Zellenople, clerk. Campbell Claren e. concord twp. farmer. Cochran I, M, Butler boro 2d war', clerk. Crawford DA. Donegal twp. farmer, cockane David J. Mercer twp, farm r. Cockane Tlios .1. Mercer twp. farmer, camptmll W II 11. Ven tngo iwp. carpenter. Caldwell David, Oakland twp. farmer, liunlap James Butler boro 2d ward, surveyor. | i Dugan James, Marlon twp. farmer. Davidson Jaines sr, Adams twp. larmer. t>jenwood Wm. Clearfield two.'farmer, tirlbben Jas, Middlesex twp farmer. (iros-m in s, Franklin twp, farmer. Uamble W K. Allegheny twp, farmer. Hockenberry Calvin, ciierrv twp s. farmer. i ] Henchberk- r Christ, Summit tv p. farm r. Knox K. -lackson twp, blacksmith. Klrker W .1, Lancaster twp, farmer. Kesselmaii v\ m. Butler boro Ist ward, machinist McClyniou.N Weller. Muddyceek tvr.i, farmer McDerlU J,im«, Cleariield t'v. ;.. Mrn».»r. McCUr ly John. I'uip r boro Ist ward, carpenter ' ' McGarvty Matlicw. Washington twp s. farmer. MeMlehai l Jainen. Mllleritown b >ro. agent. I Nicholas lii nr . liutler twp farmer. ►'lsor Wm. Worth twp. farmer. Price Jonathan. I.ancaster iwp. fnrov-r. ► Patterson T J. Worth twp. farmer Reiner lb ir.v. Butler boro L'd ward, Russell-aunie; concoid twp, farmer. ■ 1 usseil W Calrvlow t-.vp. teacher. Ratrlg.!U I' A Mill# rst.»wn It. IT:>. editor Kldrr (leorge, Center twp. farmer. Ityan Ja-.-ob. Aliins twji. former. Samuel, W shlngtou twp farmer Starr Herm in. Middlesex tvrp. tanner. Sullivan J >l, Duller Uoro 2 1 \*ard « r onf tvhenck Leonard. Butler bom .id"ward, shoe- s maker. stiieve J a.- 'j. Couno-iuenssslne twp N, farmer, s.'.alnw i>.p tv. firmer Turner W 11. co.icord t.-p. teacher Vastier V c. Worth twp, farmer. WHidron i n.-!I. Forward tv-p, firmer. Wei Vitrt. Prospect, cari»enter. V. l.son .1 lui, \ eiiiiiigo t*,vp, huckster. Hurt, D.ildili%e, ujerciiuat. W. E. TITZEL. PHYSICIAN A - ,D SURGEON. N. L. Cornet Mulu and Waj uc Bts. i BUTLSR LOOK! 7 READ! 1 have enlarged ay it almost twice as large as It was betcre. a»4 have also Increased m.\ .v >ek. I hara, by trx. the largest and best. *ele- ii*d stock of Fine Drugs aad Chemicals ! In Butler county, and ; rr. now in position tt j suppl. the wants of the (.lople of tnis ccuntv even better than In the past. Ton will do well to cai! >a me when lath* net) ol anything In tlie of Fine Drugs and Medicines. Mv stock ts very eomi «te and PRICKS VERT LOW In medicine quaiiiy is of the tlrst Impor tance. so we give partlc ti ir attention to milti* Prescrltitlons. Our Dispensing Deparrtaent is complete. We dispense only I'ure of the Finest Quality, and our patrons may brl'ig us their prescrip tions. feeling certain tlru liiey will be carefulir and accurately fllled. Thanking the public for the very generous patronage they have aew led me In the past. I hope to be able to serve ti em more acceptable in the future, at the old stand. No. 5, North Main St, BUTLER, PA. J. C. B3DIOK, THE CITIZEN IS THE BEST UHIIIM MIDIUI | IN BUTL2R COUNTY. | I JOB J OFFICE I I 1 ALL KINDS OF WORK DONE AT LOWEST PRICES. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers