VOL XXV GREAT BARGAINS Fiftsen Pair of Blankets, at s^. Five Fine Plti-h at $15.00. wvre #3O 00 Tore* Piush Oovs, at S2O 00. former prices, St.ooo Two Plush Coats, at §l7 50, former prices. $35.00 20 Good Newmarkets, at $5. 16 Chita' Wraps from One Dollar to Four Dollars, REMNANTS IN SILK. WOOLEN and COTTON GOODS OF ALL KINDS. A Fi.il Line of Spring Buttors and Tiimmirgs New Spring Goods Airiving. CAUL. IN AMD SEE THE BEAT BARGAINS. lings > MIS, JUST ARRIVED a large line of Spring and Summer Goods, coaaislii sr of Finn Woolens UDCI Suiting which I am re ,dy to m ike up it Garments at as reasonable price* !<;* vou vvUI lind cuyvhere and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Also e lull line of MENS'. BOYS'ami CHILDRESS'i.uty ne-d' Clothing at ROOK BOTTOM PBICEB. All the lattst noTfltieP for Spr!n<; r.r.d Summer in Gents'. FurnisbiDgs, Goods, Hats, Caps, Truuk*. Valites; ialest patterns in Sliirts and Neckwear. ffli MCHAST TAEOSIBS is BocmiDf? Call nr.d mnke your reieclion f'ir your Spriog Suit from those handsome patterns I have just got in. Prices reasonable and fit guaranteed. Thanking my patrons for past, favors, I solicit a continuance of the Hume. 1. ROSENBERG. f»4 South Main street, opposite the Posit ff.ee, Ilutlcr, Pa A. Troutman & . Leading Dry Goods Bouse. SIT JLiSIEL - I?~EiN! JSP A_- 1111111111^|>1111111111 A Troutman & Son. The k«dine Pry Goods aad Car- J-T-t Hoa*«, Butler, PA. Xew Fall Dress Goods at prices \ which will make them move Tvry ] fmft We have the largest stock ever shown in Butler c<unty, comprising all the new goods io Checks. Stripes • •jd Plain Weaves in Foreign aud Domestic Black and Colored Silks, Special Values IN TRIMMINGS, we have aever had such a nico as (•jriiutot at d so n. iuy of them. BARGAINS 1b Fh unf-ls Blankets, Tickings, Gincb !n«. White Quilt?, Shawls Tabli Linens. Lace Curtains-, id fact everything which can be found in a F'iist-Ckss Dry Goods Stora, A. TE OUT MAN L, Put! '' ■ JUST OPENED, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES, AT Wher ytu will fird a full line of Fine Drugs, (J h< iui< n't- 1 or fumes and Toilet Articles. Agents for I li Itton .roses Dsales?, HL&ziOy end Ssisooi s C£gatfi'j, Befct 5 and 10 cent Cigars iu town. Prescriptions carefully compounded by an experienced i'harm.cift A our patronage respectfully solicited. DK. D. E. WILES, Prop'r. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Gioaks and Wraps. ' for Children and L dies. We carry the greatest variety of styles, our stock never was ss large, i prices never so low, goods never so ' nice. If von want to see the nice goods, please call and examine our stock. Ladies', Gents', and Children's Underwear, every grade, all sizes, j best goods. < Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery, Velvets, Plushes, Yarns, etc. OCR j Carpets and Oil Cloths, never had so many—never were cur pets so cheap. Our stock is complete Don't buy a Carpet until vou seen our stock. Body Bru els. Velvets, Tap ef-ti y, 3 Ply ICitra Super, Hemp, Cot ton and Rug Rugs Wiud< vv Sf sdi S, largest assort ment, lowest prices. CURT AIN POLES You will find on examination our suck </l goods to be the Lowest Priced in Butler county. Wm.F. Miller.; Mnuufitc.urer of s[-}-aTvi yVsjln Balustsrs and Nswel-posts.; At! 1 niti ol v • eii-tiuiili:!,'dei'.e tourder,llW i D> . oiated aiiii ' a v.-.l w«eid-v«.i k. smh a-. ' t'asiii;: ('onier 1 -;<;-. P;;i:el% HIMI all kinds ol 1 faney wood-v e,rk tor inside decoration of houses. CALL AMI SEE SAMPLES. Something new and attractive. AI.- J FUMITUEB at iowest cash prices. Store at No. 40. \. Main -trett. Factory at No. r-U, W:\shmgton street. BL'TLEB, PEXXA. Pad Cronenwett h Co, BCTLER PA., ! i i , ; . ; p Ii - Poultry: I I ll i-1'::l:li. .IS, S. . . v. t i e j. I Plymouth . • . . Toulo ise « eeae, Pelfln and (.'rushed • ys.er shell-- r poultry tor sale at. W. H. k P. MORBUS, BITLF.It. PA. JAM***,. Br(,t ' <lers -°k 'liitlK|a!i!i Eggs $2 pr 13; $3 fcr 26. For Sale. The und; isigned A Tmi >l.s>rator of Ehenezer Christy, i . l ite of I'ark l>vp., i.fTersal priv.'.te v. a ' r u of 11 r aeivs. stt'Uit-' In V, asli- Inn I\»i- ii'iti'.nl s Stat! in. It N al! clear.-! an. i .' t ' caitlvntion, Well v •. I.i ' i • tv: i-s rv frinie house, and i. t ... • .-i. r: t :r>i'-.'l 'ii hnlldlnis ; i , , Ir.irloli tv/p.. n r ■ , ' . lope coal mine. wIU» rail ; .1 . . irv n . ae house, partly cleared and \ dance v"«xl Umber. ALSO, a fa-»a f acta in Parker twp, De t . i !ialf e! I red • t . : ■ , i r.p'i i a :nut tine 11\ y•• :11 ... t;'.i no b.ai ihiMs. All tl s and l td •; with coal, and will he s -id c:r:ii*r lor cash or on time, l orfurtii' r "arileulars •'iiquh? ol < I'tiKISTT, C2--.':m Xoi i llo','.e P. 0., Butler Co.. Pa tC 1 i ro'tp v li 7 \ n?7 i \ Oii LiliuJlij .1 l! Att LJi To tell Nnrterr Stock. Ptrmaait cm jihij-m- eta 1) i_ . is >r to i; ia.: -t, eusrgetic mcti. Yhe buM k s is easily learuet. We grow all the r-. ; ah:e in;" vai ieties ot' Fruit and Or: ,f i■-•.n:- I T •?»■*. U'rite «V»r terras. IfC'M'l s, li lit > A I Ii ■ > 1.-,S, Estahlijili .1 IST.:}. Wi-'.-i FIFERFL ER, I'A MAPLE A V KNCK Xrnsr.RiEs. 9£ £I: J' n U And all the other hit ■ ami beautiful styles of Fancy Writiiii; Paptrat J. E. Douglass' Largest in town. From IOC to Tic per box. Also full line of new Invitation and Regret Cards, Wedding Invitation-. Visiting C:ii«b, Mourning Stationery, Tablets, etc. 63 S. MAIN STREET. M 2' Ma is ! Invito yonr inspection t>t their i stock of FALL and WINTER Millinery Goods. •J Receiving scoods every week . their stock is always FREO! I AND COMPLETE. Hotel Brady T. W. TAIT, Prop'r. Xew Ilotel and llestaurant oa the Diamond. IPitler. Pa. >lr. T. W. Tait iiaw retltted and furnished the Brady House, cud i now prepared to accoinmo dute OH pubite, Ki» Pestaurant. in eonnection with the hotel mil ne open day and The tables will I) furnished with everything the market alfords, FRESH GAME AND OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY. Your patoinage respectfully solicited. !R == ir n 13 § %y(j 1J c SPECIAL |Lace Curtain SALE ! i We liave nov.*'.a ■- le our complete line of all , ! !iu!;t> KIKI all :ide- of I.aee Curtains. The most < :i.*uslvo impoM lions we nave yet i brought ''... Tlie goo 1 1- liave all been well and ear .follj 1.n.11 i.t. If.- ;1 :tn<l patterns are j :;11 in alio ine '.el., lat .-;t -ilOnll stJlOS —tllU ! prie wiilch were put on v. ,ir goods were ear : rled over, proved attractive enough to move . t.liein fast :...d they are gtiae Only ii made j. od reiiabl - ;,:". d's are h:n died by us. tlie ele ga&t patteiat m< derate price* at vrfeich we I are otterin, t iie goc.ds this ason. wtllcertainly I inuVe this s-tle verj Intevestiug to every house ' keeper. j in reairantringthe lurnishment of your home, I It limy be of interest Ii) you to know that we I have ..in, ate stock of eveothtng In the t'p hols'ery lliie. Large asvrftm-sit or .Nottingham curtains :w inches wide, fio In-lies long witli taped edges, at ! <!t> cent s per pair. i Nottingham Tap Edge Curtains, 15 inches ' .vide. 3 ya"ds lon;.r. sl.t«) jier i-alr. | Same goods 6U indies wide, t)t yards long. lI.U and (i.M pei pair, special values at : 12.30. to' OU, i' 1 eo, .«l.6>>, J."> Ot* per pair. ! Kvtcnslve assortment of scotch Out pure, • «»K< Applique. 11 i-ai Poiul and and re: 1 lace curi das up f siOO.iKLper.palr. I Orde. Ie uiallr eetfe special attention. We will s. ud :> or .; »lrs with privilege of j lion and reiu-tlou, and will pay expressage bscl: I en goods not itepi. I Btyond (oiesii in. you can get now from this I stock tlie very be.-., vale, o lound anywhere "'his will put money In your poekct. | All stoei tn our house are now putting On llioir si rIL.: ■.ft ill-. New importati as arriving daily of Sllksy Pongeofli FOBEIIiS AM) DOMESTIC | Dress ( joo(1S ? i t t.M il AND ti'MKSTIC Sali iii's, Aiider.soii's (ii!!«haii<s,^c Exfonslve Steele of j Beaded Wraps for Spring, Jacktils, etc. ' OCK ILLL'HTEATEP ( A r.VLJtfil E FOB SPltl\(i A O ST >i li KB SKASOS Will Irfi iea.'r s! out April ls> ml v.ill contain a review of •ue leading Btyl< s, etc.. and much val uable lino-. . tio:: to CM iv l.o;ae. It '..i1l sent free to eoy -ddiv -i. Bead your name and address on p > ;f:d. BOGS. & BOHL, iiSJi/JiSJii Mml Si,, •• ~ i I A FEW POINTS From a Thousand Facts. -* I It Is A Fret Tluxt I'! lits wi'hln j reach I:. w r.!K\vc*i liic.r icslimoiiy to I St. .la •..?.-s O: ; i:i it!m. »-t ev ry in j inceit Ii:;5 ■ ii\.i jnanuitVaiv. It fs A Fn.;t S.. 0:1 is not | oi/v a : ii.ir ::: viv :i if ; K ii: < . .. !. a • me. It ».<>:hes and .I. . and cures :.ti'l literally It Is A Fao TipiiSt. Jacob* Oil in Its i " ■ - j: . i. ■ curative lo the v.i. : .... !■;' li,;'. n I.ni:.-er!c.- and ii -' vuii- :: • it •«.«» and fctavs oiiml. It Is A F r.—. cit c- cry constituent of the r:: <>t J-'r. ; •>!.-' Oil exerts sj>c • avt: 11 in * : er.re ofj«un. Not an c •. . ' i.:' i: I ! ' disapproved by an !•£■> It Is A F c! 'i"t. . .l;uiA« Oil j>cne tnitcs ami limb the paln-ppo!, hold* on and c:n -. It sul*l!H)**as!iy; it jiyitlw it. ;!y. It is the l.: l- ehcaj e ; i. !t is A F r. . .. <■■>' the millions of ' v i 1 •<!•;!. t!ti« ev< iiity; every boti!.- bears t! linn'ssignature. It Is A Fcot T5 :.t St. Jacolis 0:1 is known th world < ,vr: cvejy tr«li inoir.il is U'.tc: every j-n.i:t i* amazed when wired; cv ry druggist iod ..hern ial know- its virtues. I! !3 l\ Fac 1 . Tli.it Sr. Jambs Oil can bo ; •• even by srhtkl.amlastlw best for man <>r bwst, it trill subdue dawiecracßte pain in any form. Sold by VrugfUti-,n.l PcaUr* Everyu.-hf.tt. The C'liarlts A. Vogeler Co., I'ulto., lid. THE BEST Blood PURIFIER IS THAT WHICH KEEPS THE LIVER AND STOMACH IN A HEALTHY CONDITION: AND NOTHING in THE WORLD CAN SO SUCCESSFULLY DO THIS A3 MANDRAKE, WHICH, A3 IN f> SebeneK's W| * * * I * * pills, IS A NEVER-FAILING REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE LIVER AND STOMACH. Fur Sale by all Druggists. Price 25 cts. per l»ox; B lx>xfs for f>s cfc-.; or aent I»y mail, postage free, on receipt of price. Dr. J. ii. Scboock & Sou, Philad'a* The K. liable _J* *J % \ Hop Plaster. 1 Quickest remedy knovrn for backache and fill fcudilon, sharp or lon« fiamting pains or weak nesses of e* - **y kind. Virtueaol'frcsn hops, hemlock ami pine balsam combined. It is wonderfully Southing, Puin-Killing and Strengthening. I No failure possible. 25c; 5 for $1 Sold every j where or n.a!k-d fur price by the proprietors, j HOP rrASTIJK CO., Boston^Masi^ PROFESSIONAL CARDS. M. ZIMMEKMAN, I"H VSIOIAN ASI) SURGEON, Offcc r.t No. 4... s. Main street, ever Frank & Co':-. DiUg Store. ISuttPr. l'A. J. F. BKITTAIN, Att'y at T.aw— at S. E. Cor. Main St, and l>l;:i:ioi U, Butler, Fa. NEWTON BLACK Att'y at Lav.*—Office on South side of Diamond, Butler, Pa. lit A McJUNKIN. Attorney al Law. Office at No. 17, East Jel'er -8911 St., Uuner, Pa. i)r. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession execut ed m the neatest manner. Specialties :—Gold 1' illtutrs. and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. OBU-c on .Jefferson Street, one iloor East of Lowry House, ITp Stairs. Office open dally, except Wednesdays and Thur- iays. Coniinuulcations by mail receive prompt attention. X. 8.-Tiie only Dentist In Butler using the liest ninkes of teeth. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN A> "° SURGEON Office No. 65 South Main Street, BUTLER, - I J A. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS, Physician and Surgeon. No. 10 West Cunningham St., BUTLER, , J^ r TTST IFi. Y . 0«/ W.U.DKON. ttraiinate of the I'liila . !i\. <tc]|)i|i; . seiit.d fidlege. Is prepared U»do aovtli'titr f.i the line ol his profession in a i :\tf• I:)< tor\ lllnMiei . (Mi lee oil jVaiii -Meet, P.utler, Union Block up stairs. J. S'XatJSK* m*B., Has reiuoved from Ilorinouy to Butler and has hi- office at No.Vtiiin St.. three doors In-low I.owiy House. apr-30-tt. L. 8. McJUNIKIN, Insuranee mid Real Estate Ag't. 17 LAST J EPPERSON ST. BUTLER, - I'A. A.I I^ANK&COT UEALEUS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS FANCY AND TOILET A RTICES, SPoNtiKS BRUSHES. PERFUMERY. Ac urniyßlcians' Mwrlptlim earetully e0..» pouiidt li 45 S Main Street, Butler, Pa. ff* r Sh - S'ltewarUed are those who read this M f i t-l i »ai>d then net: they wfll llnd hoi>- h; fp l'. r li tile ernployinent that will not 6 ; <w «t 1 1. >' ihell fi• ■ I tllllr l!oines aid i n;. .- -. VUe ; i d,is ;ne ;:.p, • and sare for i .u trio-'- ; »■!- n. n.;'ny "uavi; taade arm r. now making wrenl buodrod uoihirs a month. It;; tusy f,r any one to make $5 and upv dtis per do.', who Is willinjr to work. Either >e\, voi.n:; or old; i i.; ital :ot needed; we stun yo<:. l-:\cr . tliit-, nc.v. No special ability re •jnSrfd;you. reo.-< r, can do U uswelliis any one. Wrl" to u.; "i : . •• tcriull partleulai's.wUlcli we luail free. Act in.-,., -in.soii t Co., Port laud, Me. LAST OPPORTUNITY! if For CHKAP EJtCCHMIQFK To f ALIFORNIA. /171! from St. Lonli Iron WoinUiin Bontf S S6ofr"e*a ux City via MimoiiriVfcflPf tly Tickets aro tfood fcr»:!x months,limited to sixty day» for goiqg paasaffO wlUi otop cvor privileges at pleaa ure vltbix: limit ot* v. pansape. Spiwial ex ouraion trains leava et. Ix>uis via. Iron Mountain Route, February and Kansas City via. Miosouri Pacific Railway. February 17th. All 00upon OIL. ~.8 tn tbo United B*utoa and Canada will >cll tick ets to Lcs Anaclos. San Diego and Ban Jrranciago JOT Wil»BXoUSß:^N*&*«ii BUTLER PA FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 188S The Oatmeal Girl. Alfred Moore was young, rich and tolerably good looking, and was look ed upon as a desirable match by all his feminine acquaintances, who prievtd to see him wasting his years, i for, in the feminine mind, unmarried f years are wasted. But there was something serious the matter with Alfred—he had a hobby. Any one who has a male relative affected with a hobby, whether it is politics, drain age, orchids, or poultry raising, can realize how serious this matter was on learning that Alfred's hobby was health This unfortunate young man had a dyspeptic father and mother, and bad heard more about ill health ever since his childhood than if be had attended a course of medical lec tures for years. His mother had to have certain articles of diet continu ally prepared for her dyspepsia, and his father, having a slightly different styie of dyspepsia, had to have his meals prepared especially for his needs. The family atmosphere was always regulated by dyspepsia; if a depressed day happened to take both parents at once, deep gloom prevailed over the household. If depression seized upon one parent on a day when the other felt cheerful there were apt to be conflicting breezes, with a ten dency to storms. On days when both pureuts felt able to order a pudding for next day Alfred knew he might a ß k favors and obtain indulgences, and he always improved the occasion well knowing that the day after the pudding would be one of darkness and despair. On cheerful days Al fred's parents talked of nothing but of what they wanted to eat,on gloomy days they talked only of what they had eaten. Having studied ail these phases of the fruits of good living, Alfred realized that though his youth had borne him safely through years o! luxurious dining there might be a wrecked digestion in store for him, eo Le took advantage of his four years of college life to cultivate an abstemi ous appetite and a batjit of taking ac tive exercise daily. Thus hi 3 hobby thrived and grew till it demanded nothing less than that Alfred should find for himself a healthy wife or cone. For this eccentric frame of mind Alfred's parents were directly responsible, since it was impossible to contemplate their sufferings, their temper and appearance without see ing that life would not be worth liv ing undvr like conditions. But Al fred found it most difficult to satisfy the demand of his hobby,being fetter ed in bis efforts by that uncontrol lable old truism, "Things are not what they seem." He wanted a partuer for his fine and well cared for digestion, inclosed in the frame of a pretty and intelligent girl; but,though he knew dozons of delightful girls,and cuuld heve ascertained without diffi culty the exact state of their hearts (Le being, as aforesaid, young, rich and handsome), he was unable to feel positively assured of their digestive organs. Rosy cheeks, bright eyes, rounded forms and abundaut hair were all present to his sight, but how could he be sure that their owners did not have "blue spells, nervous at tacks aud tempery spells ?" Perhaps they also partook daily of medicines —by spoonfuls, by drops in tumblers of water, by powders at me il times. Had he not seen all these things from his youth up, at home, even be fore bis mother lost her good looks ? His mother had been a beauty and a belle, but years of dietetic misman agement had reduced her to the sem blance of a mummy. "If one could ca;cb a girl when quite small, shut her up, and feed her properly, happiness would be cer tain," reflected Alfred But as that could not be conveniently done,in the present age of barbarous civilization, Alfred resolved to find a girl as near ly up to his requirements aB possible, marry her immediately, and while the word "obey" was 6till fresh in her memory restrict her diet, form her mind, and be happy. There is a sage old proverb among the Persians to the effect that upou every good resolve wait two genii, one good and one bad. These par ties were doubtless on hand upon the evening wheu Alfred met Flossie Breck. This young woman had come from a neighboring country town to visit Alfred's cousin, Jane Moore. Some days after her arrival, Alfred, with other young people, was spending the evening up * the piazza of Jane's home, and among other things, they discuss ed their anticipated summer outings Seashore, lakes and mountain were named, and most of the party were to be widely divided during August. In spite of tempting invitation, Al fred had secretly decided on atrip to the Virginia hunting grounds, when he heard Janj say: "Ana here's Flossie going to that stup.d farm, where there is no one to see and noth ing to do, just so that she can climb trees !" A shout of laughter greeted ibis accusation,to which Miss Flossie replied only by a bright smiie, which si jwed two rows of exquisite teeth, and ivdimple iu which Cupid might have taken board for the summer. "And there's nothing to eat up there," added one of the young men, "Ob, Flossie eats notking but oat meal and potatoes !"said Jane Moore. Alfred's attention was aroused. "How very unusual, Miss Breck," he said. "I eat bread and sometimes meat; but my aunt, who has always Lad charge oi me,never allowed me toeat all sorts of things, as other girls do,"said E'lossie, with a pretty blush and a de precating glance. "Very sensible of her," said Alfred becomiug more interested. Present ly he learned that the place she in tended to visit was a farm house in Butler county, near a village with which he was familiar "I go there sometimes; the fishing is quite tolerable," he said. "I go to visit a second cousin of Diy aunt, uDd I think I heard her speak ol you last summer; she had seen you by chance, and inquired abont you," said Flossie. "Aud so you like oatmeal and farm life ?" asked Alfred. Indeed, I love hotb;but I hope you won't think me a dreadful romp, from what your cousin said Aunt Kate did not approve o? me dancing In hot roeuis, but she allowed me to climb trees when I was alone at the farm, aad it is such fuu. Aunt Kate says a girl should be heaithv, before all things, and as I'm alway3 well I sup pee I can thank her for it " Alfred's admiration for this lovely combination of beuutv and gentleness increased with every word e-he spoke, a d the Ist of August found bearding tit tlie bouse of SilaH CTtmd, the seeoud cotisin of the aunt of Fios -1 sie Breck. Flossie had beaa brought jup strictly, but in a small country town, where the need of a chaperon had never been impressed on her; sa that her eojovment of Alfred's society was unclouded by a single thought of etiquette or good form. And Alfred was in an earthly paradise Every morning Flossie took a walk before breakfast,aid then enjoyed her hearty but simple meal of oatmeal, potMoes, milk and bread. Alfred shared the walk and the breakfast, and then he and Flossie climbed trees. This 6ounds startling; bnt it was decorous ly done. Alfred climbed first, and assisted Flossie up, and a3 the trees were low branching orchard trees, climbing involved much less romping energy ttian tennis. There among the rustling leaves and sociable in sects Alfred basked in the light of Flosssie's presence, and discovered new charms in her every moment. He found her fully conscious that her mental acquirements were far inferior to bis, and eager to, listen to his in struction and advice, and as he read to her choice selections of prose and poetry, his joy at her appreciative sympathy was increased by frequent glances over the top of his book, for Flossie was grace itself, and each po sition she took among the curving branches was more lovely than the last. On Sundays Flossie exchanged her graceful teunis costume for a con ventional but becoming costnme, and she and Alfred attended the afternoon service al the village chureh. After ward, -on their way home, they lin gerqi in the shady paths and talked philosophy '"Bless her little heart ! She has more sympathy than auy other girl I ever knew, and she is as good as she is pretty." said Ailred, rapturously, to himself, as her beautiful eyes so eften met his, full of gentlest confi dence in his wisdom unci scarce veiled admiration of bis manly perfections. It was anenehanted solitude Silas and his wife were visible only at meal times, or at a distance, when en gaged in agricultural or poultrycultu ral pursui'B. Alfred hardly cared to read his letters, or the newspapers; Flossie received very few let ters and this met Alfred's approval, for he objected to a miscel laneous collection of female friends, such as most girls haye. Flossie had only one correspondent besides her aunt, This was a Phila delphia girl, who had attended the seminary in the town where Flossie lived, and had yisited at Flossie's home. "Aunt Kate distrusted her at first, because she was a boarding school girl (I was never away to school;.but she liked her afterward, except when Bella ate green apples and wanted to make me eat one. A untie was furious for a while," murmured Flossie, in her soothing, musical voice. "What a very Gue woman your aunt must be ! I approve entirely of her ideas I have noticed lately that you do not take a bite of every apple you see, as many people do '■ "Oh, auntie did not allow me to eat between meals 1" said Flossie. This statement brought matters to a crisis. "Here have I found youth, beauty, docility and digestion—what more can I wish ?" thought Alfred. Before sunset of that day Flossie was eugaged to him, and before Christmas they were married. Love and Hygeia presided over this suspic ious union, and Alfred was in the seventh heaven of earthly bliss. But of the two genii who attend upon good resolves, there was one who had yet to be heard from Genius number one had found Al fred his ideal girl. Genius number two cunningly con cealed from him the following letter which, Flossie wrote soon after her engagement had been made public; "MY DABLISO BEL —Wish me jov I've got out of aunt Kates clutches, and into th« bands of a rich,handsome and soft adorer! We will be married immediately. How did I get him ? you'll say, liviug in this dull bole Well, my love, last summer auntie sent me, for economy, to board at Cousin Silas Cloud's while she went north. There I heard of a richjyoung fellow who had been fishing in S . I traced him to Brinton, and found that he was Jane Moore's cousin— fancy that cat having a handsome cousin—l managed to get an invita tion out ot her. and soon learned thai, he had a hobby about marrying a healthy wife, It took just a month to catch him—easy work, too, for I made the most of aunt Kate's starva tion training—and now I'm free from her, and will have a house all my own—no in laws for me—and you Bball visit me the very day I get set tled Won't we have have fun? I'm going to send you $lO for candy, can dy, candy, to bring with you I mean to make up for lost time. We'll eat from moru till night, and 1 shall do just as 1 please all the rest of my life Joyfully yours, Flossie " —EVA MULLEB in Pittsburg Bulletin, —The Cambria Barb Wire Works at Johnstown, Pa., is running foar teen hours a day, including Sunday. —Ths employes of the Troy, N Y., Steel and Iron Company's works have accepted a reduction of 10 per cent. —Pittsburg's iron and steel output is now greater by 1164 tons a day than it was before the introduction of natural gas. —Congress is expected to appro priate SIBO,OOOO towards the erection of a Revolutionary monument iu the rich city of Brooklyn, —The coal deposits of Vera Cruz, Mexico, eover 150 miles, but are from 2000 to 4000 feet above the sea, and it would cost considerable to develop them. —lleGning working have been erected at Santa Paula which pro duce from the California petroleum a kerosene for illuminatng said to be equal in all respects to the best East ern oil. —The Brewers' Firemens' Union of New York has ordered a tine of $3 aud the Gerniau Painters' Union :j!2 upou any of their members who may be discovered smoking scab cigars —The introduction of natural gas at Pittsburg has displaced the use of 4,500,000 tons of coal a year. One hall of the 60.000 houses in Pittsburg use the natural gas for fuel aud light. —We often bear people say,there ie only one good cough medicine and "that is I)r. Bull's Cough Syrup. I buffered for two wec-ks with neu ralgia of the face, and procured im mediate relief by using Salvation Oil. MRS WM. C. BALD, 433 X. Curvy St /Bakim'efto, Md. INTERESTING HISTORY. Celoron's Voyage Down the Allegheny. The French and English w<*re both intent on acquiring possession of the Ohio valley. (The Allegheny and Ohio rivers were generally regarded \ by the early explorers as one stream The French called it La Belle Kiv ' iere ) The Indians formed a third party in interest, and were in occu pancy «*f the ground. The French > based their claim to the territory on i the voyage of La Salle in 108*2; the English, on the discoveries made by > the Cabots long previously. It was not until about the middle of the last i century, however, that auy decided | steps were taken by either nation to occupy the coveted region, In the year 1718, a number of genvlemen, mostly English colonists, formed themselves into an association, with a view to making settlements west of the Allegheny mountains, and carry ing on trade with the natives. The leader in the enterprise was Thomas Lee, one of His Majesty's Council in Virginia. The association wascallud "The Ohio Company." Among the stockholders were Lawrence and Au gustine Washington, brothers of George Washington. The Eajlish government favored the design of the company, and u tract of five hundred thousaud acres of land was granted it. This lufjti lay chiefly on the left bank of the Oaio, between the Monongahe la and the Keaawha rivers. A large quantity of goods fcuit&ble for the In dian trade was ordered from L >ndon; and it was determined to make roads, erect such buildings as might be thought desirable, and particularly cultivate a good understanding with the Indians. Christopher Gist,a bor derer of remarkable energy, intelli gence and courage, was employed to traverse the region lying within the Ohio valley,and make a report on the lauds in the company's grant. He at ouce set about, the work, aad spent several months in this arduous du y. The French at this time also deter mined to take an advanced step in the same direction. They bad settlements no't only in Canada,but in Louisiana, and at various points along the Miss issippi and its tributaries. Apart from other considerations, it was highly desirable to possess the Ohio as a convenient line of communication between .hese widely separated set tlements Accordingly in the Sum mer of the year 1749, Captain Celo ron, knight of the Order of St. Louis, was despatched by Gallisioniore, governor general of Canada, to take constructive possession of the Ohio valley, by passing down the river,and depositing leaden plates suitably en graved, at such points as he might think proper, as was the custom of explorers at that time. Celoron left La Chine, near Mont real, on the 15th of Juue, 1749. He had a detachment consisting of one captain, M. de Contractcir, after wards the commandant u Fort I>u quesne—eight subaltern officers, six cadets, ono chaplain, twenty soldiers, one hundred aud eighty Canadians, aid about thirty Indians. Celoron proceeded by water up the St. Lawrence and through the great lakes. Ou the sixteenth of July he reached the point where the Chautau qua creek flows into Lake Erie. He at first had some thought of establish ing a post here, but upon observing the situation more narrowly he con cluded that it was not suitable. "I found nothing there of advantage," he writes, "either for navigation of the lake, or for the situation of the post; the lake is so shallow on the side ot the south, that ships could uot approach the portage but at more than a leagues distance. There is no island or harbor who.'e they could be moored and put under protection; tbey must needs remain at auchor aud have boats for unloading them, the gales ol wind are so frequent there that I think they woold be in dan ger." At this point Celoron left the lake and turned his course towards the south. At dawn of the seventeenth of July, they began their ascent of the Chautauqua creek The stream was not navigable, and the labor of transporting the canoes, provisions, and so forth, was extremely arduous, and their progress was very slow. On the twenty-6econd they entered Lake Chauteuque. Tbey remained at the lake over the twenty-third,and on the morning of the twenty-fourth tbey entered the Conewango creek. This stream connects the lake with the Allegheny river, and flows into the latter at the town of Warren. The water in the creek was low, an d the greater part of the baggage had te be transported by hand Their progress was very tedious. The In dians who lived along the route were frightened, and fled from their cabins, leaving behind them a part of their utensils, their canoes, and even their provisions, to seek the woods. As the object of the expedition was part ly to secure the friendship and alle giance of the natives to the French authority, aud besides they might combine in considerable force aud em barrass the expedition, it was deter mined to send Lieutenant Jencaire aud five Indians of the party, with belts of wampum, aud induce them to take courage, that their father came only to treat with them of good things. So great were the difficulties of the passage down the Conewango, that it was not until noon of the 29th of July that they entered the Alle gheny. Rowing across the latter stream, they landed on the southern bauk. Here they resolved to bury the first of the leaden plates. By some inad vertance, the first plate they prepared was spoiled by insert ing the name of the Chautanqua creek instead of the Conewaugo, This plate was no doubt thrown aside as useless, and another was prepared. The spoiled plate afterwards fell into the hands of some Senecas, who gave it to Colonel Johnson, the Indian agent. They represented that they had stolen it from Joncaire; but it is much more likely they found it where it had been thrown aside. A leaden plate was buried hero "at the foot of a red oak " A plate of sheet iron, bearing the arms of the Freuch king, was also affixed to a tree. This lead en plate has never been found; the plate of sheet iron was soon after wards torn down by the Indians Leaving this point, they proceeded the same day to an ludian village not far off, named As J;»ncalre had been sent out ahead to notify the Inhabitants, they were on the watch to receive the expedition. Celeron treated them to t-raudy end tobuctar, niM iu reWn tbey gave hinj m%ize and eqti A few miles be low was the villa _-e of Out Straw, at the mouth of whit is now called lirokenstraw creek Celoron invited i tbe chiefs of IvAUiiouajron to meet Liia there, as he wished to »tddr«ss the Indians at that place. The next day, I the thirtieth, h»* went to Cat Straw i .Joneaire had preceded him and hid 1 prevailed upon the people of the vil lage to remain, as they were a'j mt to k flee to tbe woods. Upon the arrival j of Celoron the Indians presented him | with two belts of wampum and made | a speech, iu which they professed preat joy at his arrival among them I "in good health " Celoroa replied to | this speech, aud presented them with | three belts of wampum, in order to | "open their ears'' that they might hear ; well what he had to say on the part of their father, the governor-treneral of Canada, lie assured them of the kindness and good will of the French; cautioned them against favoring or harboring the English among tbem; and urged them to drive them away; "pay serious iittcntion to the message which I send you," said he. Listen to it; follow it; it is the means of al ways seeing over your villages a beautiful and sereue sky. I am sur ' prised, my children," he continued, "to see raised in your village a cabin destiued to receive English traders. If you look upon yourselves as my children, you will not continue this work; far from it, y< u will destroy it, and will no longer receive the Eng lish at your homes." In reply the Indians promised that they would not sutler rhe Eugiish among them any more; "and this Louse," said they, ' which is nearly Quished, will serve only as a recreation place for the youth." Celoroa remained at Cutstraw over the thirty-first of July, because of a heavy r iu. The next day he pro ceeded on down the river. Some tea I miles below hs came to a village of about a dozen cabins; but ail the peo ple except one man had fled. The fol lowing day, at a larger, town some ten or twelve miles farther down the stream, he again addressed the Indi ans ia the same strain as at Cut Straw. There was. perhaps, a con siderable gathering of natives here, as he had iuvited the inhabitants of sev eral villages that he had passed on the way to meet him at this place, whiih thev did. Oa the third of August he again set out, and went down to the mouth of Freueh creek, called by him the River aux Bueufs, where there was a village of eight or ten cabins. There were living here an English trader, whose name we do not know, and an English gunsmith, John Frazier, a person whose name often appears in the history of the border. The Indi ans, in the meeting of the previous day, had complained to Celoron that if he drove the English away, and "in particular the blacksmith," who meud ed their guns and hatchets, they fear ed they should be left to perish of "hunger and misery on the Beautiful river;" and they begged that the English, at least "the blacksmith," might be allowed to rem-iin over win ter, or until they could go hunting, and they promised that by spring the English should all retire. Celoron confesses that their representations embarrassed him very much. But when he got to the village at the month of the liiver aux Boeufs. or, as it was afterwards called, Le Bmuf, he found that the English, as well as the Indians, had "gained the woods " Only five or six "Indians of the Iro quois nation remained, who fired a salute of welcome He did not tarry at this place, but embarked,and proceeded about seven or eight miles further on the way, when he stopped for the niijht. At the place of en campment was a larga rock, .the face of which bore a number of figures, "rudely enough carved " This rock, which is six mi las below Fraukliu, is known as the "ludian God," btill re mains as Celoron found it, and marks the site of his encampment. The in scription on the rock, snys School craft, appears distinctly to record, in symbols, the triumphs in hunting and and war. Here Celoron buried the second ef the leaden plates, "directly opposite a naked mountain," and near this carved rock. This plate has never been found. On the following morning it was determined that Joucaire should pre cede the party to Attique, a cousider able village some distance down the river, and assure the inhabitants of the amicable intentions of tho expedi tion. By Attique was meant the town generally known by the English Kittanning. It occupied tho site of the present town of this name, the capital of Armstrong county. Jon caire at once set out. Celoron fol lowed more leisurely. The latter went out that day about thirty-five miles. The next day they started pretty early. They passed several streams of which Celoron makes note, and he ou the higher grounds by the river were villages of Loups and Iroquais of the Five Na tions. They encamped that day at an early hour, "in order to give M de Joncaire time to reach the "village of Attique " The next morning after going eight or ten miles, they arrived at Attique. They found Joucaire awaiting them there, but the inhabi tants of the town had fled. The place contained twenty-two cabins. The Indians who lived here were Loups A chief with two young warriors had tarried to observe what should be done. Seeing Joncaire was but slen derly accompanied, be had approached him and demanded to know what he wantod. This man Joncaire attempt ed to conciliate with fair speeches, and induced him to carry some belts of wampum to the villages farther down the river, and nrge the people to remain at their homes, and not run away at the approach of the expedi tion. If the chief executed the mis sion, he does not B<em to have been eminently successful. Celeron remained at Attique but a short time, and then proceeded on his way Some hours afterwards be reached Chartier's town, whicjh stood on the right batik not far below the present town of Freeport. Hero he found six English soldiers, as he calls them, more probably traders, with fifty hortes sud about one hundred bales of fura.ou their way to the east. Chartier's town was a well-known place. It was the point of departure from the Allegheny on tho Ki.-kimin etas route between the east and west. The town had been abandoned for i some years and was gem-rally called 1 Chartier's old town. Celoron does not seem to have known the name, 1 but terms it simply "uu old Village of i tho Shawaoeis.' " lit; warned the .English whom ho found here, gainst intruding upon woat be claimed was the territory of the French kin <1 by them sent a letter to the G i >r of Pennsylvania, a Philad • < a. This letter has been preserved i , . )9 archives of tbe State. Gov. ii ton informs the assembly that L d reCiived three letters from - i ing himself "Celoron," laying ;i to the bark parts of tbe colonv i the name of the French king. One o. e letters, as we have n seen, was written at c • tier's town; one was writt< a next day at a village which C< a calls Written Rack, which wt- > doubt Sbanaopia'g town, which I oa tbe bank of the Allegheny ri v r, within the present limits of the ci y of Pittsburg. From the latter vii re the Indians had all fled. They o ruled, says Celoron,by an old \v a "who looks upon herself as aij J( and is entirely devoted to the lish." The old woman was no d a Queen Aliquippa. Herehefoii'; x Eugiish traders, who came "all bling" before him when he la I. He gave them the same warui; > 13 the others, and by them sent a r to the governor. Where the . i d letter was written, we do not ka •.. most likely at Logstown. The tr . -i at Written itock told him they would withdraw; "that they knew well ti v had no right to trade, but not h; V: g encountered any obstacle up to present, they had sought to gain ' ir livelihood; and the more so, as th» Indians had attracted them thii •, but that henceforward they w u'-l not return." Celoron describes 3 place as the most attractive had yet seen on the Beautiful riv r. He calls it Written Rock, 00 «i m>t from the circumstance that a short distance below he passed a rock on which were "certain writings " T 0 writings upon investigation turirl out to be only some English nu s written with charcoal. He en— ed on the evening of the seveuri ->f August about three leagues b ! v the forks of the Ohio. It is w< -. v; of remark that Celoron makes 0 mention of the Monongahela ri. r; why the omission, it is impossr >j conceive. It ia the more snrpri. 1 , as the Monongahela was then, < v 1 more than at present, more notice 3 than the Allegheny, to one 10-J < back in descending tbe Ohio. T > next day, early, Celoron arrived .t Chiningne, or Logstown, on ther : - t bauk of the Ohio, eighteen miles low the village of Written Rock. A Shot and a Thrust. BY AIV EX-BEBEL. When we came to throw out n.V'tc ets in front of onr lines on the u;: Jit after dealing the Federal army the hard blow at Second Manassn?, we were right among the dead a 1 wounded. We had won a victory, and the bulk of the Federal army w 3 making fer the Potomac, but tr ? was a rear gaard that fought eulieniy and with a thirst for vengeance, and along the front of ray division the blue coats were alert and ready f r any night attack. It was abo>r ') o'clock in the evening wheu my ' pany was pushed out, and to g< ' , ■ place assigned us we had to crawl 1 our hands and knees for the la3t -'JO feet. When I finally got settled a place it was at the base of a sh-vJ fruit tree standing alone ia an a field. A ball or a shell had struck > trunk of the tree and cut it in two, and a portion of the top lay on t!. ground. The Federal picket e,s I presently ascertained, was about, . y steps distant from me, and hst : > cover of a heap of rails I did n.it locate him until he fired upon m • 1 do not think he knew of my pretn but rather mistrusted it and bl : J away to draw me out Tnere were dead and wounded nil about the tree. I had crept over v. o dead bodies, and two wounded ia > had begged me for water, aud tlr .» the evening was very dusky. I c I count at least ten bodies on my of the tree. I had come out with full canteen, knowing that the f.- tr, was covered with wounded C; e to me, on the right, was a Fe<! 1 corporal belonging to a New A k regiment. He told me at the the number of his regiment, b . i made no note of it. lie was si; >* " the right leg, midway between C hip and knee. This happen-;! > hours before dark, and consider; » T nearer our lines, and he had mane 1 to crawl twenty rods to get the . ter of the tree It was only a:: b wound, and could he have been t •: a inside the lines that night he w !1 have been fit for duty in thirty d s. Some men would have almost w . 1 off with such a hurt as that, bu' ; o poor fellow seemed knocked i : o pieces and had quite lost his co-;. I was holding the canteen to his : having raised his head aud pu a haversack under, when the Feder d picket fired the shot. The bu! crashed into the head of the wo* 1 man, and with a sort of quiver be ii back dead. The incident upset me consider.. v and being under orders not to firr a shot unless the enemy were adv.. :• ing. I hugged the ground at the t of the tree and remained quiet, f. o more shots were fired at me, but th- y were aimed too high and went ov*.r. I had been on duty about an hour, when the pleadings of a wound d man about fifty feet to lay lef. water determined me to succor i He knew of my presence and '< directly to rae, saying that he was shot in both legs and had been r there seven or eight hours. I le; / gun on the ground and started oil my hands and knees. The corp-* of a Federal lay directly in my way, ; d I was just making a half circle e r i it, when the supposed dead J scrambled up, seized his mu , which lay beside him, and whirl-- i me with a sort of scream You it all came so suddenly that I confused, and when he came at was still on my hands and kue helpless He held the gun at bayonets" and made aa awful at me. The point of the b.- passed through the back of my i . and the lunge pushed me 1 the steel went into the ground to the muzzle of the gun 1 thus pinned to the earth, and t; let go of the musket and fell me, uttering a groan of pain i I came down. [ My position was such that i 1 i not lree myself for two or thro j utes. and when I did the m dead for sure. He bad probab! i unconscious for a long time bet frenzy of death caused him to ; me in the singular manner be i.. . > i firmly was I pinned to tho enr.! t I had to "akin" out of mv.b'o > get free, and It took a Btout lu - t liie butt of tho muakut to pull ne i Va/odet bat tff tVte hWd-tTakld * NO -M)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers