VOL. XXI A. TR OUTM AN, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. TRIMMINGS.! Carpets. Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mais, Druggets, Stair Rods, Etc, (u) FOR FALL. FOR FALL. New Black Silks. New Colored Silk*. New Colored Cashmeres. New Black Cashmeres. New Black Silk Velvets. New Colored Silk Velvets. New Colored Silk Plushes. Isew Black Silk Plushes New Shades Ladies' Cloths. New Dress Goods. ' HEW BIBBOKB. FHCIICN. TIES, HASD SAT( HKM, Gloves Handkerchiefs, Towels, Corsets, Velvet Ribbons, Knitting Silks, Embroidery Silk on spools, all colors. New Pall Hosiery. I Underwear for men, ladies and chil dren. Largest" assortment, loweßt prices. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS Carpet Room Enlarged. Stock En largedi Prices the Lowest. NEW FALL STYLES.—We are now prepared atd showing our entire Fall Stock of Carpets and Oil Cloths, in all the Newest Designs. OIL CLOTHS, 1 lo 2 YARDS WIDE, IX ALL QUALITIES. Please call and examine etock and prices. A. TROUTMAN. ItITI.FIt. PA. HENRY BIEHL CO, Invite Attention lo Their Large Awsorlment of IA n « P«AI/ Ofnuao FARMERS' FAVORITE, bums wood I I Allegheny LOOK otoves, or coal. inci! wood. Mre of oven 22x21 1 Coal Hods, and. Jjf-" ■ ' IB Boys' Skates B t lr«m 500 up. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. REMINGTON CLIPPER PLOW, THE AMERICAN FRUIT EVAPORATOR, IMP'D KELLER GRAIN, SEED <fc FRTILIZING DRILL. GRATE FRONTS, TILE SEWER PIPE, TOLEDO and I. X. L. PUMPS, POCKET and TABLE CUTLERY, FINE CARVERS, RAZORS, LIBRARY LAMPS, HALL LAMPS, STAND LAMPS Winfield's "GOOD ENOUGH" 5 and 10 gallon Oil Cans with ' Pump, it cannot be excelled for cleanliness. BOOFINS AND SPOUTINS DONS TO ORDER. Large Assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Henry Biehl & Co., Butler, Pa. WHERE TO BUT HENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, At the Store of the undersigned, the acknowledged leader in CAKPETS, CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. We wish to «ay to the|trade|thiN fall that we have a larger and more varied st<vk of Carpets, Clothing, HATS AND CAPS, and Gents' Furnishing Goods than ever before. REMEMBER WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK The LATEST BTYI.ES, tne LOWEST PRICES. We have all grades and all prices, from the Cheapest to the Best made. I> A_. HECK, The Leading One Price Clothier and Gents' Outfitter, 2nd DOOR, DUPFV'S BLOCK. BUTLER, PA. CHRI-'. STOCK, STOVES, TIN-WARE AND GENERAL HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Airent for Bradley'* well-known Ptoves, Ratitfeti anrt Heater*. Ro uponiinir and repair ing door on Hburi notice. Store on Main >H, corner ol North Sl'u ol L irife Colfee Pot. BOV 28 SMy. FOR FALL. FOR FALL. New Flanuels, White Blankets, Red Blankets, Blue Blankets. Bed Comforts, White Quilts. Canton Flannels. Yarns of all kinds. Germantown Yarns, Midnight Yarns, German Worsted Yarns, Cashmere Yarns, Saxony \ arns, Country Factory Yarns, Zephyrs. Tbe above Yarns in all colors. I | Ladies' Sacques iln new Fall Shades, Ladies' Jersey ,' Jackets, Lace Curtaius, Lace Lambre- I quins. Large stock, prices low. Advertising Cheats. "It Bas become BO common to write j the beginning of an article, in an ele gant, interesting manner, ' Then run it into an advertisement that we avoid all such, "And * imply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain, hon est terms as possible, "To induce the people "To give them one trial, which so proves their value that they will never use anything else." ' The REMEDY so favorably noticed in all the papers, ,'Religious and secular, is "Having a large sale, and is sup planting all other medicines. "There is no denying the virtues of .the Hop plant, and the proprietors of Hop Bitters have shown great shrewd ness •'ADd ability ',ln compounding a medicine whose virtues are so palpable to every onea observation." Did She Die? •'No! • The lingered and anffered along, pining away all the time tor vc-ar*," "The doctors doiun her no gi<;d "And at latt « a*. cured by thin Hop Bitters the papers »ay bo n;ueti about " •-Indeed ! Indeed ! " '•How tnankful we «bouid be for that med icine. A Daughters Misery. "Eleven yearc our daughter Buffered on a b6d of mihery. "Froir a complication of kidney, liver, rheu matic trouble and Nervoua debility, "Under the care of the beat physicians, "Who gave her disease various names, "But no relief, "And now she is restored to us in good health by as simble a remedy a* Hop Bitters that we had shuned for years before useing it.'' — TH* PARENTS. Father is Getting well. "My daughters say : "How much better father is since he used Hop Hitters." '"He is getting well after his long suffering from a disease declared incurable" "Anil we are so glad that he used your Bitters," A LADY of L'tica, X y. W-<CNEVER FAILST>^ Opium Eating, Bbenraatlam, Speraator rbae, or Seminal Weaknew, and fifty other complaints?" We claim It a rpecine, sim ply, bccintc- the virus of all disaaHca arises frou» the blood. Its Nervine, ResoWent, Alterative and propcrtiesmectallthecondition* herein referred to. Il'g known u orld u idt aa It quiets and compose* the patient—not by tho lnt roductiun of opiates and drastic cathartics, but by tho restoration of activity to the Btomach and nervous system, whereby the brain is relieved of morbid fancies, whicil are created by tho causes above referred to. To Clergymen, Lawyers, Literary men. Mer chants. Bankers. Ladies and nil those whose sed entary employment causes , lcrvous prostration, irregularities of the blood, stomach, bowels or kidneys orwho require a nerve tonic, appetizer or stimulant. SAMARITAN NERVINE is iiiTaluablo. Thousands proclaim it the most wonderful invig orant that ever sustained the sinking system. J 1.00. Sold by all Druggists. The I>R. S. A. RICH [OND MED. CO., Proprietors. St. Joseph, Mo. Chi!. 17. CritUstos, Agist. )"»T Tort City. (1) TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these source* uriso tin ee fourths of th« .liseasos of tno i.uiuun race. 1 lie&e •ympluuii imlicule ihei r existence : Lois ol Appetite, llotvcl* toallvr, Mm W Head ache, fullness alter mtliiv, nvtriiou la exertion of lxxly or mind, Eructation of food, Irritability or temper, Low spirit*, A r.e|ing of having neglected some duly , IMxxliie**, Iluti. ring at the Heart, lints beiorc the eye*, highly col* ored Vrliie, < O.%f*TII»ATIO:V, and de mand the use of a remedy thiit ftcta directly on tho l.lver. As a Liver medicine TCTT'S I'l I.L.H have no equal. Their action on the Kidneys and Skin isaiso prompt; removing all Impurities through these tliree "»«•»• •tiger* of the system," producing xppa. tite,sound digestion, regular stools, a clear ■klnand a vigorous bodv. TCTT'S 1M1.1.M CM use no NUN sea or griping nor interfere wl'h d iilv work und are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. IIE FEEI.S I.IKE A NEW HAH. "I hive had Dyspepsia, with Constipa tion,two years,and have tried ten different kinds ol "pills, und I tTT'S are the lirst that have done me nnr good. They have cleaned me out nicely. My appetite is splendid, fo-d digests readily, and 1 now have naluial passaites. I fee 1 Ilk' a new mnn." W. D. EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. Snlilevervwlii r- ,2.1 c. Office,44 Murray St.,N.T. TUTTS HAIR DYE. TLRAT HAIR OR WIIISKKRS changed In stantly to v. tJLosBV BLACK by a single ap pi Ration of this DTK Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of t. Office, 44 Murray Street, Netv York. TL'TT'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREL PLABTE KLISTO. The undersigned intends to remove to Butler on the Ist of April next, anil hereby informs all per sons, that lie will be prompt m executing any work that luay be entrusted to his care. STUCCO AND MASTIC Work executed in the best and most satisfactory manner, (live me a call. jaii.'fo-4t. JOSEPH B. PIZER. G. D. HARVEY, Bricklayer and Contractor. Estimates given on contract work. Resi dence, Washington street, north end, Butler, a. Jau2.ly. MORRIS NURSERIES, West Chester, fa., GROVER & KINNE. Fruit, and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Rose- 4 , e»c., etc. J AS. M. ADA MS,Agent. nov2l-3iu Butler, Pa. Union Woolen iVlill, BUTLER, PA. II FUIiLIiKTO\", Prop'r, Manufacturer of BLANKETS. FLANNELS, YARNS, Ac. Also custom work done to order, such st carding Rolls, making Blankets, Flannels. Suit ing and Weaving Yarns, &c., at very low prices Wool worked on the shares, il de sired. my7-ly BUTLER, PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY (*>. 1884 LEAP YEAR SUGGESTIONS We welcome now the glad New Year, And bid the old adieu ; And may each maid be not afraid To seek a husband true. An honest husband you should seek, Without reproach or fear ; Nor should you stop until you pop The question of the year. Don't hesitate, or speculate On how, or when, or where, Or if he he a rover Or modest millionaire. Be sure you're right, then go ahead, And with a firm resolve Determine to g>» in and win A man who will revolve Around you with devotion true, And to your chidings hark. Whate'er you do, we say to you, Just make him toe the mark I — JY. V. Journal. Milo on the Hidden Law. For the CITIZEN'.] In my last 1 cited tbe law of definite proportions to fchow bow exact God's laws are, and how tbey extend to the most miDute aDd bidden parts of crea tion and that tbe union of elements to form compounds were not by chance, random. "Definite and multiple proportions are the foundations upon which chemis try, as an exact science, is based " I thiuk it was Professor W. C. Rich ard that said at Chautauqua that it matters not whether God created tbe earth with a word, or whether he first created tbe elements and allowed them to unite under certain laws that govern them, to make the world. "And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight." Gen. 11, ix. Then be first made the law bv which tbe trees grew. I presume Prof. Richards' idea is, tbat tbe world may bave grown from the elements under the "Hidden law," as well as the tree. If so, it shows that God's law for the growth of the vegi table kingdom may extend tothe planets as well. This brings us to a new theory in astronomy, which you will regard as very speculative which in deed it may be. But God not only made tbe immutable law by which cer tain elements united to form the trees in the garden of Eden, but he also es tablished laws for perpetuating the vegitable kingdom through all time. There are tbe seeds and tbe germ, from which springs tbe new life. Tbe same is true of the animal king dom. "Male and female created be them," and in Gen. I and xxiv "And God said let tho earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, etc. Now, if God has made these wise provisions for the part of creation be longing to this earth, why may he not have made tbe same provisions for the perpetuity of worlds ? Now for our speculative theory. The sun as the centre of the solar system may be the great germinant centre and the mother of all the plauets that revolve around her. "A thousand years are with the Lord as one day." If our theory be true, tbe sun may bave been giving off worlds for years innumerable aud tbe the planet Herschel (uow 1,800,000,000 miles distance from the sun) was once au infant planet, revolving round the sun, nearer to it than Mercury now does. In tbe beginning God created the heavens and tbe earth. Possibly, tbe elements aud the laws that govern I them. Suppose the sun to give off a new planet every ten thousand years and that planet, as it revolves round the sun is gradually receding from the sun, Saturn, being the tenth planet, would be one huudred thousand years old, and Eartb, being tbe third planet from the sun would bp thirty thousand years old, and Mercury would be the young est and, as well as the other planets, has been receding from the sun from the time of its birth, and in ten thous- I and years from that time astronomers will discover another plauet between her and the sun. (And from the un usual phenomena of the sun during the past jear, it may be tbat another plauet will soon be discovered ) The time I I have mentioned between the giving off ef new planets is, like my theory, a supposition. It may be less, and it may be ten times as long If the theory be correct, we are gradually growing farther from tbe sun, aud our planet may be growing colder, but so as to be scarcely perceptable. When Fahrenheit invented his ther mou.eter zero was the greatest degree of cold known at that time. This im aginary theory or picture I bave drawn, though it may not be probable, may help bring before our minds, the infinite power and wisdom of tbe Crea tor, and that all things that exist, are subject to his love. "The fool bath said in his heart there is no God," and he may say the universe is governed by tbe natural laws, independent of any creator or sustaining power. But by tbe universal workings of the Al mighty, he has established himself in a "Hidden law," or what we have termed (in a previous article) "Special laws," for tbe well being of his crea tures, and the preservation of animal life, when those natural or ordinary laws (by which the Scientist would govern the universe, independent of Uod), would render portions of the earth uninhabitable. For instance, all solids are expanded by heat, and contracted by < old (absence of heat). The same is true of all liquids, except water. If water fol owed the law of contraction by cold as other liquids do, the surface of tbe water in our rivers and lakes, coming in contact with the freezing atmosphere, would contract, become heavy, sink to ibe bottom, dis place the warmer water at the bottom of the lake, send it to the surface where, as it became colder would also contract and in turn sink to the bottom, send the warmer or lighter water to the sur face again to be condeneed and sink as before, and so on till tbe entire body of water has reached 32 degrees (freezing point) when the whole body of water immediately congeal into a solid mass of ice to the bottom, and such masses of ice would never again be liquified. But, by a "special law," (or the beneficient design of the Creator in forming water with an exception to the ordinary laws of nature), water continues to contract from cold (like other fluids) till it reaches the temper ature of 40°, when it no longer grows heavy, but, as it grows colder expands and becomes lighter, and instead of sinking, as above described, it remains at the surface, becomes converted into a cake of ice, and thus preserves the water under it from the influence of further cold. God moves in a mysterious way, II is wonders to perform. I hope at some future time to speak further of tbe "Special or Hidden Laws," of which this perhaps istbe most striking, and by which our Heav enly Father has established himself in his creation, and which no scientist can explain, independent of an Al mighty and everywhere present crea tor and preserver of the universe MILO A Sweeping Pension Bill. WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. Congressman I). B. Henderson, of lowa, has prepared a bill for tbe gen eral pensioning of soldiers of tbe late war and others. His proposition is to give a pension to every soldier who served six months in any war of the United States, provided he is now pen sionable for disability. He desires to makes it an inevitable presumption in favor of tbe veterans who a competent examining boprd of surgeons will certi fy is suffering from some physical disa bility incurred in tbe line of duty and as a direct consequence of bis military service, and tbat he was iu the army six months. He would bave the rat ing made without reference to rank, in accordance with regulations by the Commissioner of Peusions, but to de peud entirely upon the character and extent of the disability. For the same disability an honorably discharged soldier who had served six months in the war, under Henderson's proposi tion would receive exactly the same pension as a brigadier general. Another feature of a different char acter is incorporated in tbe bill. Every man who served six months in any war of the United States honorably discharged, who has reached the age of sixty-five years, independent of any disability, is given a pension, provided he is in indigent circumstances and actually needs the pension. Colonel Henderson says that he thinks this would do justics in thousands of cases, where, owing to the lapse of time proof cannot be established. He thinks it is not goiug too far to presume tbat the man who has been in the army, if there is anything of a serious nature the matter with bim now may trace its cause to bis military service Further, this law would have a tendency to set tle all those long pending case* and en able tbe Commissioner of Pensions to finish up his work and discharge most of tbe vast clerical force necessary in the management of the Pension office. The True Nature of a "Cold." Years of study and observation have forced nie to the conclusion that the disease that manifests the symptoms popularly supposed to indicate tbat a cold has been caught is to all intents aud purposes a jilth-diseaxe, arises largely from indigestion, aud forms the banis, so to say, and is in fact tbe first stage of all the so-called filth-diseases. Whatever interferes with digestion or depuration, or deprives the vital or ganism in any manner, produces an impure condition of tbe body—a con dition of disease; and a continuance of disease producing habits must inevit ablv result iu periodical or occasional "eruptions," the severity of which will depend the degree of one's transgres sion. Among the causes of this im pure bodily condition are impure tood, excess iu diet, and impure air. Our homes, offices, shops, halls, concert houses, churches, aud, with rare ex ceptions, all tbe living rooms, private or public, are insufficiently or not at all ventilated; and, except when in the open air, a very large proportion of our people, iu all the walks of life, habitually breathe an atmosphere viti ated by being breathed over and over again; they are starving for want of oxygen, and are being poisoned by carbonic acid. In default of sufficient oxygen the best of food caunot be transformed into pure blood—there will always be a corresponding indi gestion; nor can tho carbonic ac>d be eliminated freely in an impure atmos phere. We have, then, serious "inter ferences with digestion and depura tion," wheuever we remain even for a : single hour of the twenty-four in an "in-door." atmosphere, i. e , an atmos phere that is not in tolerably free com munication with the great body of air without. The only offset for restric tion iu oxygen is restriction in diet and exercise; but a combination of this character would produce enfeeblement of the system, though if a proper bal ance were maintained there would arise no febrile symptoms such as we are considering. We bave plenty of people living in unventilated rooms who, so far as exercise is concerned, live a well-balanced life; but seldom do these, auy more than the robust aud active, practice any sort of volun tary restriction as to quality or quan tity of food—nausea and lack of appe tite beiug tbe only safeguards. Per sons of this class are great sufferers from colds. Mr J. A Strieker, Wrigbtsyille, Pa., says: "Krown's Irou Uitters relieved me at once of poor i-ppetite and sleeb lessness." —Harvard University has added a veterinary school aud hospital to its other departments. This is an excel lent idea The treatment of dumb ani mals in sickness has too long been left in tbe hands of tbe ignorant and stupid charlatans. AN OILY SWINDLER! Capt. Jenks, the Bogus Pension Agent. Captain J. W. Jenks, not he who was made famous by his connection with the ''Horse Marines," but the pension swindler, bigamist and beat who now languishes in the Lancaster jail, seems to have led an adventure some life such as is not general!* vouchsafed to ordinary mortals Jenk> was arrested at Marietta on the morn ing of November 21st last, by a special examiuer of the Pension Department, for obtaining money under false pre tense in connection with the collection of pension claims, falsely representing himself to be an employee of the Pen sion Department, a Government de tective, etc. The rascal bad been oper ating in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and the au horities were busily engag ed in tracking him. His method ol operations was to secure the names of pensioners from the lists printed in the newspapers, visit pensioners and by his smooth talk induce them to per mit him to endeavor to secure for them an increase of pension, for which service be onlv asked a trifle—general'y several dollars—in advance. Of course, when the money was advanced to him that was the last heard of it and Jenks. Occasionally he assumed the role of a detective, and with a big silver star on bis breast, d« manded the pension papers oi poor widows, and when they refused to give bim money for bis inspection of the papers he had the gall to write across the pension certificates the word "annulled." This generally brought his victims to terms, and secured the return of the papers that Jenks had taken from them. When caught at Marietta Jenks was in the act of de manding money from a female pension er, but had not yet received the cash The law ot Pennsylvania is such that no charge could be preferred against the rascal because he bad not yet re ceived the money However, that was of no advantage to the festive Jenks On his person was found a huge re volver, and further search resulted in bringing to light a murderous knife which he bad concealed. That was sufficient. He was tried in the Lancast er courts and convicted on a charge of carrying concealed weapons. The court sentenced him to seventy days in jail, and this seuteuce has almost ex pired, but Jenks will only be set free to walk ioto a worse trap. While he was awaiting trial in Lancaster county the Governor of New Jersey made a requisition for h m on a charge of fraudulently obtaining money iu that State, and it is said that there are twenty-seven cases agaiust the gay Captain. When he gets a taste of Jersey justice he will know what se verity is. Gov. Pattison has honored the requisition from New Jeisev's Gov ernor, and the prisoner will not walk out of Lancaster prison a free man. I This is not all of the trouble in store for Jenks. The United States Com missioner of Philadelphia also desires to have him befoie the court on a very serious charge, said to be the eiasing or canceling of the Secretary of the In terior's name on a pension paper. After Jenks' arrest inquiries were set on foot regarding him, and it was found that he had been operating in New York, Ohio, Indiana, lowa, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Illinois. He had many names, among them "Captain J. W. Jeuks," "A. C. Webb," "Owhen," "Burleigh," "Moore," "Iliff" and "Captain Jones." He is about five feet five inches in height, has brown hair, moustache and chin whisk ers of a sandy or light brown color, weighs about 130 pounds, has small feet, drooping eye lids and a defect in one eye. On his left arm are a num ber of India itik marks, as follows : In a rude-shaped cross are the initials "J. T.," with the da'e "1831" beneath. Underneath this is a star and heart with "Co. F" in letters. Scattered Shot. An English gentleman has been making some experimeuts that may prove interesting to sportsmen. He gave the results of trials recently made to ascertain the actual distance to which shot will spread wheu discharg ed from an ordiuary sporting gun. The results will not, perhaps, be sur prising to gunmakers and other per sons who for many years past have been testing their weapons in every imaginable way. But to the general public tbey will certainly supply new and startling details; and for this very good reason—that in the public and private dt tails usually held, no account is taken of the shots which go widest of the mark. A comparatively small target-sometimes of thirty-six inches in diameter, more rarely six feet square, but seldom any larger than this—is set up at the required distance. All pellets which make their mark on this 'arget are counted, aud their force or power of penetration estimated; but as for the pellets that miss the mark altogether, no one knows or cares any thing as to their destination. The gentleman set up a target which will collect all these outer stray shots, being of the unwonted size of twenty feet square. By the use of this he was able to observe the exact effects of the irregularity with which the stray pellets leave the gun The extent of this discovery astonished him, and it will no doubt astonish many other sportsmen who have hitherto doubted the power of shot to spread more than about a foot for every ten yards. He tells us that both in the case of choke bore and cylinder guns shot occasion ally spread as far as twelve feet in forty-five yards, and that in one case a chokebore scattered its shot seventeen feet wide in a range of sixty yards. Pr« itty as a Picture. Twenty four beautiful colors of tbe Diamond Dyes, for Silk, Wool, Cotton, Ac., 10c each. A child can use with perfect success. Get it at once at your drug gists. Wells, Richardson Si Co., Burliogton, Vt. A Bad Dovetail. Some eighty years ago there lived in a email log house at Peltonia Point, ia I'ittsfield, Mass , a man by the name of luman. My grandfather, when I was a small boy, showed me the site of ihe old house and told me the follow ing story as true: luman was too lazy to hunt much, but would hang tround all day for a drink of rum and tell bear stories. At this time bears were quite plenty in this region and troubled our sheep and corn. One fall a nervous, quick stranger came 10 Col. Lancey's tavern from Boston to kill a few bears. He stepped up to the bar and called for a drink (this, be it re membered, was way back toward "the tfood old colony times when we were under the King," and new rum was sold openly for 3 cents a glass) and in quired where he could go to shoot a bear. This brought Inman to the front —bears! He knew! The very man the stranger wanted. "Will you take a drink ?" Yes, he would. After tell ing his wondrous feats in slaughtering bears, and taking several drinks, the stranger said: "Mr. Inman, how large a bear did you ever see?" Up to this time the admiration bad been mutual; the stranger had furnished the rum and dinner, and Inman the bears. "Well, sir, the biggest bear I ever see I killed in 1801 You see, I had a fine piece of corn on the side of the hill, and when it got full in the milk a bear began to break it down. I watched for him three nights to shoot him, but he kept away. I guess he knew me. Well, be that as it may, I took my axe and started out to make a bear trap, for when I don't fetch him one way I try another, and there was Mr. Bear break ing down my corn at a great rate. I started lor him and he ran down the bill between two rows of Corn, and gained on me every minute till be came to the fence, which was seven feet high, and jumped clear over it into ad d great snow drift, and went in to it all out of sight, and when he pok ed bis head out of the snow I knocked him over with my axe." "Mr Inman, that was a queer country where you lived. Corn in the milk on one side of the fence and a d d great snow drift on the other." Old Inman stop ped and scratched his head with a puz zled look, and said, very slowly : "I guess, Mister, I have got holt of part of two stories." Where Is the Right of It ? Some time ago I saw it proclaimed io the press, by authority of a promi neut and influential clergyman, that be did not favor abstinence from alcoholic drinks, but, on the contrary, that he approved their habitual use. It seems to me there must be a right and wrong as to this matter, and it ought not to be difficult to find. Some time ago a stranger to me and I were the only occupauts of a carriage on an Euglish railway The gentle man knew me ; he was a rector of the English t hurch. He commenced a conversation brusquely by asking : "Mr. Dow, do you (Temperance peo ple) hold that to drink a glass of wine is a sin for us ?" "We say nothing of that, but this is our view. An intelligent man must know something of the sin, shame, crime, horror, which in this country come from intemperance. He must know that intemperance comes from the drinking habits of society. He must know, also, that these are upheld and perpetuated by the example and influ ence of the better classes of the people For a man who knows all this to lend the influence of bis example to up hold the customs whence all this mis chief comes, is a mortal sin. We hold it to be a primary Christian duty so to live that if all the world should follow our ex -triple nc harm could come from it. If our example of total abstinence should be adopted by all the world, the Bin, shame, crime and infinite misery coming from intemperance would cease in a day, and the world would be re leived of nine-tenths of the wretched ness by which it is now cursed." The rector made no reply.— Hon. Neal Doir, in N ¥ Independent. The False Prophet. El Mahdi, the false prophet of the Soudan, in his boyhood was appren ticed to a boatman. Iluuning away, he went to Khartoum and attended a free school. He made considerable progress in religion, but was backward in the arts of reading and writing. After being ordained a sheik or faki he took up his abode in a cave on the White Nile, and by fasting, praying and incense buruing extended his fame far and wide. He became wealthy, collected disciples and married several wives In 1381 he annouueed that he was the Mahdi foretold by Mahomet, that he bad a divine mission to reform Islam, established universal equality, a universal law, a universal religion and a community of goods and that all who did not believe in him should be destroyed. This is the origin of the movement which is shaking the east to its foundations. Kl Mahdi is undoubt edly a man of great natural ability and tact, and is a born organizer of men.— London Teleqraph. —Drunkenness is on the increase among the negroes in Georgia. Who says they have not the same privileges as white men ? —' Man wants but little here below," wrote Gliver Goldsmith, but Gliver did not stop to consider that the man who is going to build a house wants a lot. —Fancy advertising cards have had their day. Business meu are tiring of them. Their expense exceeded their value. Plain cards were always bet ter, and for effective advertising thv, newspaper columns are always best. —The indians who sell hay to the Government out West have been de tected placing large rocks in the bales. That comes of teaching the Indians to read, so that they may study the daily papers, and become posted in the tricks of white A World-Wide Spectacle. The sunset glow witnessed in the United States during the closing week of Foyember apparently is not a phe nomenon due to local atmospheric con ditions. The gorgeous spectacle was watched on the same November even ings in various parts of the word—in England, France, Germany, Italy, Egypt and India. In England this wonderful after-glow attracted univer sal attention, being described in numer ous letters to the newspapers and ac knowledged on all sides to be a unique spectacle. The characteristic feature there, as here, was the appearance of an immense illumination extending from the point where the sun had disappeared, well toward the zenith and continuing for two and a half hours without the peculiar sciutil lating effect of the aurora borealis. While these remarkable sights in the heavens have attracted geueral atten tion in England, there has been no dis position to exaggerate tbeir importance or to advance fanciful theories in ex planation of them. One or two corres pondents of the newspapers attempted to connect them with the eruption of Java or with changes in the spots on the sun; but tb« hypothesis generally adopted attributed them to the extreme rarefication of the atmosphere by which Englishmen were enabled to see ia their usually murky island sights ordin arily reserved for Alpine climbers or the residents of Naples. If this be the true explanation, this rarefaction of the atmosphere was not confined to certain localities but was a condition which produced corresponding results simul taneously in Europe, America and Asia.— N, Y. Tribune. Temperance Items. Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen said: "If men will engage in this disastrous traffic, if they will stoop to degrade tbeir reason and reap the wages of iui quity, let them no longer have the law book as a pillar, nor quiet conscience with the opiate of a court license." Senator Garland, of Arkansas, never drinks. "I was passing by the ceme tery near ray home one day," said he, "aud I saw the graves of a dozen bril liant men who began life with me, every one of them hastened to bis end by whisky. 1 made up my mind that I had drunk my share, and stopped " Fashion no longer demands that wines be offered callers on New Year's day. Temperance must be popular when it can break down a custom of such long standing as this : One of our Nob Hill ladies last year steadfast ly refused to offer wine to quests; since then several large receptions have been held without the introduction of liquors of any kind.— San Francisco Rescue. Mixed Crops. The individual who made two blades of grass grow where but one grew be fore was called a public benefactor. But every farmer may play this part for the public and himself if he will. Double crops may be and have been and are grown by many farmers with the result of getting a double yield. For instance, timothy and clover are a double crop, yielding considerable more than either alone would do. Mixed grasses, as orchard-grass, oat-grass, fescue-grass and red-top, makiug mixed hay or pasture, will produce about twice as much as any one grass singly. Oats and peas, oats and barley, and many mixed market crops yield twice as much as the single ones. It is on the principle of rotation of crops. Just as we well know that a different crop following one succeeds better than the same succession. So two crops sown together produces more thau one alone, because they are not antagonistic or exhaustive to each other. These mix ed crops are of great advantage for green fodder, for soiling, or dried for winter use.— N. Y. Time*. Newspaper Duns. The Ilarrisburg Patriot makes the following sensible comments on an old subject: We presume that people think newspaper men are persistent duns; let a farmer place himself in a eimiliar position and see if he would not do the same Suppose that be raises one thousand bushels ofcoru,and his neighbor should come and buy a bushel, and the price was only the small sura of one dollar, or less, and the neighbor Ba ys ' I will pay you the amount in a few days " As the farmer does not want to be small about tho matter he says, "All right." Another comes in the same way until the whole one thousand bushels are trusted out to one thousand different persons, and not one of the purchasers concerns himself about it, for it is a small amount they owe the farmer, and of course that will not help any. He does not realize that the farmer has frittered away his large crop of corn, and that its value in due in a thousand little driblets, and that he is seriously embarrassed in his business because his debtors treat it as a little matter. Love is never lost. If not recip rocated it will flow back and soften and purify the heart. —The rye crop is short throughout Europe, and there iss likely to be an active demand for American rye. Kye bread is the "staff of life" in a large patt of Germany and Russia. With regard to the selection of seeds for spring use, Mr. Pbilbrick makes the wise suggestion that too much care cannot be exercised in mak ing it. Get the best attainable with out much regard to price, and good seed seldom sells for as much as it id really worth. —An Eastern station agent recently got a like position on a Jar Western railroad in a region where all men carry revolvers, and most men carry gun» and knives in addition, and they do say that that agent has suddenly become BO urbane and polite that hi* friends woqJH not know hi,to. NO. J2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers