KJBM€BIPTIOI BATES: Far year, in adviaoe $1 SO Otherwise 2 00 No BotwcriptioD will be discontinued until *l. arrearages are paid. PuetmaatMu neglecting to notify IU when aabdcriben do not take out their papers will be bekl liable for the subscription. Haoacribets removing from one poatoffice to another should give us the name of the former as well as the present office. All communications intended for publication n this paper moat be aooompanied by the real name of the writer, not for publication but as a guarantee of good faith. Marriage and death notices most be aeeompa nled by a responsible name. Address THB BCTI.BR CITIZEN. BtJTLEB. PA. OPENING FRESH FALL! WINTER STOCK " BOOTS Ml SHOES,' AT B. C. HTJSELTON'S. Mens', Boys' and Youths' Hand Made Kip Boots, CALF and VEAL. CALF BUTTON and LACE SHOES, BROGANS AND PLOW SHOES, RUBBER BOOTS, WOOL-LINED ARTICS, GRAIN BOOTS, SPECIALLY ADAPTED ROR TEAMSTERS AND OIL MENS WEAR. Large Stock of all kinds of Toilet Slippers, Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Kid, Goat and Pebble Button and Polish Boots. Kip and Calf Shoes, Hand Made, Elegant Goods for Winter Wear. Old Ladles' Warm Shoe* and Slippers a Specialty. Misses' and Childrens' Calf Button School, one pair will out wear two pairs of all Goat. Try them. URGE STOCK Of LEATHER AND FINDINGS. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS DONE AT REASONABLE RATES. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Estate of Abel Grant. Letters testimentary on the estate of Abel Grant, dec'd, late of Allegheny township, Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the Undersigned; all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make pay ment immediately, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. 8. P. EAKIN, Executor, Sep. 20, 1882. Parker City, Pa. WANTED.— " An Iw-lligent and honest man who thor oughly understands the manufacture of Black from natural Gas. Address with particulars as to former experience, references, Ac. Capitalists, augl6,2m P. O. Box, 672 NEW YORK. CATARRH A CURABLE DISEASE! NOCUItE, NO PAY! Dr. Dodge treats all Chronic Diseases suc cessfully with vegetable remedies exclusively. Call on "or address for all information. DR. J. DODGE, 226 Lacock Street, Allegheny City, Pa. Union Woolen Mill, BUTLER, PA. 11. FDLLERTOSI. Prop'r. Manufacturer of BLANKETS, FLAMNZLS, YARNS, Ac. Also custom work done to order, such at carding Rolls, making Blankets, Flannels, Knit ting and Weaving Yarns, Ac., at very low prices. Wool worked on the shares, if de tired. my7-ly M. MOORE, 325 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 'Will offer for a short time, t.) reduce st"ck be fore going to Paris, an exquisite assortment of Imported Dresses, Mantles and Hats. All recently received for the Huirmer, and of he most fashionable description. HEW LIVERY STABLE. Cunningham St., East of Main, BUTLER, PA., JAMKH SKL.L.EUB. Prop'r HA VINO removed my Livery Stock from Mil- Icntfown to Butler and located in tho old KELLY STAND, on Cunningham street. I •olict a share of your patronage. I have good reliable horses and good rigs, which I will let at reasonable prices. Give me a call. ID a. 31,82 ly Dlnolntlou nud Partnership. Whereas Oliver M. Purvis has purchased the •hare in a Portable Saw Mill which Niblock Kirkpatrick and John P. Kirkpatrick held in partnership, said partnership is thereby dis solved. The business will, in the future, be conducted by said John P. Kirkpatrick and Oliver M. Purvis in a limited partnership. They ask a share of public patronage. JOHN P. KiKKI'ATKK'K, OLIVER M. PCEVIS. September sth, 1882. sepl.Mt. Two Farms for Dale. The heirs of Robert McKinney, dec'd. late of Adams twp , Butler comity, Pa., will sell at private sale, and in lots, a farm of over 200 .A.cres, aitnated one and a half miles from Templeton Station, on the Pittsburgh A Western Railroad, in said Adams twp. For particulars inquire of A. J Fleming on the premises. ALSO A FARM OF 123 AORES in Cherry twp., Butler Co., Pa., on the line of <he Bheuango A Allegheny Railroad, and mid way between Bovard and Anandale Btations. For particulars as to this farm, inquire of Mr. Alexander Porter, living on adjoining farm. A. J. FIiEMINO. Pinafore P. O. Butler Co., Pa. Valuable Properly nt Ornhauk* Court Hale. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Butler eounty, held at Butler, Pa., on the 38th day of June, 1882, the undersigned Exe cutor of the last will and testament of William Cooper, late of Mercer township, Butler county, Pa., dec'd. will offer at public sale on the premises on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14th, at one o'clock, I*. M., the following described farm, situate in Mercer township, near the borough of Harrisville, and in sight of it, to-wit: EIGIITY-KIOIIT ACHES, more or less, tmunded and described as follows: On the north by lands of A. Wilcox and the Murrii.sville road, on the east by lands of John Snyder and others, on the south by R. K. Wick and on the west by James Kerr and others ; frame house and barn thereon erected, good orchard thereon, good spring of water dwelling and farm well watered. This farm is underlaid with coal, iron ore and limestone, the greater part of it is cleared, there j, from twelve to fifteen a<;res of good white-oak timber. TKUMB OF HALK« One-third of purchase money on confirmation of sale and the remainder in two equal annual payments thereafter, with interest. LKVI DALK, Executor. Jlorth Liberty P. 0., Mercer Co., Pa. VOL. XIX. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, myai-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klingler's Flour Store. DENTISTR * . 0 1# WALDRON, Graduate ol the Phil ft adelpbia Dental Collegers prepared • lie to do anything in the line of hifc profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, ap stairs. apll HEKBY G. II ALE, FIHE MERCHANT TAILOR, *COB, PENN AND SIXTH STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa EXPO3IITO IST! AT Jacob Hubley k Co.'s Confectionary! LADIES ANI) GENTLEMEN'S DINING and LUNCH BOOMS, i On the Europeon and American Plan. Library ItulUiinu, 16S Penn Ave., PITTMIICHUII, PA. Our citizens visiting the Exposition at Pitts burgh, will find it greatly to their advan tage to stop at Uubiey's and get Dinner, Lunch, etc., just as desired, European and American plan, at low prices. These rooms are located in the heart of the city, but a short distance from the Exposition and Fair. Parties, Weddings, etc., furnished to order in the latest approved style. Prompt attention given to mail orders. Sept 20 1 m BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. J. C. ROESSINO, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TRKASUKKU H. C. IIEINEMAN, SECRETARY DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, | E. A. Helmholdt, William Campbell, 'J. W. Burkhart, A. Troatman, I Jacob Schoene, O. C. Roessing, I John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvm, J. J. Croll. A. B. Rhodes, ! H. C. Heineman. JAS. T* M'JUNKIN, Gen. A*'t BUTLER PA. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O, PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., VANUFACTITBUKS AND DBALBKBIM Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near (Jcruian Catholic Church Jan7-80-ly The most complete Institution in the United State* for the thorough practical nlu<;ation of young and middle-.'iged incu. Enter at any time. For circulars giving full particulars, address J. C. SMITH, A. M., Pittsburgh, l'a. M \ 198 LIBERTV ST. ■ PITTSBURGH. I»A.. For Dyspepsia, jt-Jlf lTf.fi|A CoitlTeness, I" t Sick Headache, Chronic IMar -11 rhcea. Jaundice, Blood, Ferer and A caused by De rangement of LiYer, Bowels and Kidneys. SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED L.TTER. Bad Prcath; Pain in the Side, sometimes the ruin is felt under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for Rheumatism; general loss of appetite; Bowels generally costive, sometimes alternating with lax; the head U troubled with pain, is dull and heavy, with considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of leaving undone something which ought to have been done; a slight, dry cougn and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, oftea mistaken for consumption; the patient complains of weariness and debility; nervous, easily startled; feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, and, although satisfied that exercise would oe bene ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to try it—in fact, distrusts every remedy. Sever*, of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred when but few of them existed, yet examination after death has shown the Liver to have been extensively deranged. It nliotild be nsed by all persons, old and young, whenever any of the above symptoms appear. Persons Traveling or Living in Un healthy Localities, by taking a dose occasion ally to keep the Liver in healthy action, will avoid ail Malaria, Bilious attacks, Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness. Depression of Spirits, etc. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no in toxicating beverage. If You have eaten anything hard of digestion, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep less at night, take a dose and you will be relieved. Time and Doctors' Bills will be saved by always keeping the Regulator > hi the House! For, whatever th*e ailment may be, a thoroughly safe alterative and tonic can never be out of place. The remedy is harmless and does not interfere with business or pleasure. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, And has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. A Oovcrnor'f! Testimony. Simmons Liver Regulator has been in use in my far 'v for soine time, and I am satisfied it is a va!u.i'.-le addition to the medical science. J. GILL SHORTER, Governor of Ala. Is on. Alexander H. Stephens, of Ga., says: Have liorived some benefit from the use of Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a further trial, "The only Thing that never fails to Relieve."—l have used ra;«ny remedies for Dys ppsia, Liver Affection and Debility, but never have found anything to benefit me to the extent Simmons Liver Regulator has. I sent from Min nesota to Georgia for it, and would send further for such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim ilarly affected to give it a trial as it seems the only tiling that never fails to relieve. P. M. JANNHY, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. T. W. Mason says: From actual ex perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice I have been and am satisfied to use aud prescribe it as a purgative medicine. r nly the Genuine, which always has on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark and Signature of J. If. EEILIN & CO. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. New Life is given by using BROWN'S IRON BITTERS. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system; in the Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease; in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs; in the Fall it enables the system to stand the shock of sudden changes. In no way can disease be so surely prevented as by keeping the system in per fect condition. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS ensures per fect health through the changing seasons, it disarms the danger from impure water and miasmatic air, and it prevents Consump tion, Kidney and Liver Dis ease, &c. H S. Berlin, Esq., of the well-known firm of H. S. Berlin & Co., Attorneys, Le Droit Building, Washing ton, D. C., writes, Dec. 5 th, 1881: Gentlemen: I take pleas ure in stating that I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for ma laria and nervous troubles, caused by overwork, with excellent results. Beware of imitations. Ask for BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS, and insist on having it. Don't be imposed on with something recom mended as "just as good!' The genuine is made only by the Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md, GET THE BEST Watch en, ClockN, Jewelry, Spectacles, And Hilver-Platcd Ware, at the lowest eaaii prices at D. L. C LEE LANDS, one square South of Court House. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Spec taeles carefully repaired to order and satisfac tion guaranteed. " " For Neural«ln In the limbs, stomach. m . bark, breast, side, shoulder-blades, or pr g anywhere olso, take PEBUNA. "■■■■■I ~ 3 " For Cramp of the Mtomai b, Colli , il ■3 Biliousness, Diarrbma. or Vomiting, take ® N A.' * M o "For COIIKII. AKthllia, Nltflit hweat-s, O HhorUiessof itreath. take I'KUCNA." S 5 "For Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Hron- S" 2 cbltls and Wore Throat take I'IBUNA„ "I'ISUNA Is the purest, most prompt, and efficient medlHne known to man.'' • ■J •' l'Kiit .N Als the best awietlzer, purest g to tonic, finest InvlifraUir of the Ixxly and -• mind." n P •' If you can't sleep. If you are weak, or Q worried mentally, take PitHUKA." ■■■ "Hut remember the most Important or W 3 all Is that Ffciu N A will cure Chronic Si ° Bal Catarrh, lirlKht's Disease, anil Ula- j* >, betes of the Kidneys. ® JD If your ilriiKKlst Is out of our |>an iilileU « _ on the ••Illsof 1.1fe," orlf you sre labor „ 2 IUK under a disease not mentioned In It or EN ® In these advertisements, wlrirex* the pro- - a m prletors, H. B. Ilartman St Co., Osborn, O. o For Constipation anil I'lles, take for the CITIZEN. BIJTLER. PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1882 SELECT. (JEX. WILLIAM fl! KOONTZ. He.Speaks alike Independent steeling in PiitHburgh Sept. 2tfill. Record of the Camerons Given in Detail from the Beginning. Reported for Pittsburgh Dispatch. Gen. William H. Koontz, the elo quent Somerset county Independent, was the next speaker. His oration was very lengthy, and was a masterly review of the history of Bossism in Pennsylvania. It was heartily re ceived by the audience, the strong points, with which the address fairly bristled, meeting with round after round of applause. Gen. Koontz re viewed for some time the political causes leading up to the existing situ ation in Pennsylvania politics, and uext enumerated and pointedly dis cussed the abuses and wrongs against which the Independents protest. De claring and proving fully that THE SPOILS SYSTEM in Pennsylvania had its origin in the elevation of Simon Cameron to the Senate, the speaker turned to the rec ord of the Camerons. Said he : The record of other statesmen of that day is known of all men. Lincoln, with consummate tact, was reconcil ing the dissensions of contending fac tions, and with great ability was guiding the affairs of the country; Seward, with masterly skill, was, as Secretary of State, managing our foreign affairs ; Chase, at the head of the Treasury Department, was matur ing his splendid financial system, which was to proye one of the great aids in the salvation of the country ; Stanton, the great War Minister, was organ izing war as no man had done since the days of Cafnot; Greeley, at the head of a great newspaper, was help ing to mould a loyal public sentiment, and Sumner, with chaste and polished diction, made the Senate resound with his patriotic sentiments, while Tbad deus Stevens, the great Commoner, was marshaling the loyal forces on the floor of Congress, aud wisely mould ing the laws of the country. In this grand struggle by grand men for the preservation of free insti tutions, where were the Camerons ? Echo answers, Where ? The record of their whole life is made up, not of wise debate upon great questions, not in instituting great measures of public policy, but of low intrigue for place aud power for themselyes and friends, THE 1857 ELECTION. The manner of the elder Cameron's election iu 1857 and his attempt to secure another election in the Sea ate of the United States in 1863 are matters of public history, and may I well cause every honest man to hide ' his head in shame. Both took place in times of great public excitement ami in periods momentous with the well being of this country. In 1857 the whole country was stirred through out its length and breadth with the slavery question. The Southern oligarchy was using its vast power, aided by the administration of James Buchanan, to spread the institution of slavery in our Territories and to fas ten the iniquitous Lecompton Consti tution upon Kansas. In that great contest where was Simon Cameron ? Was he using his influence to resist the further spread of that institution ? Was he, either by voice or pen, or in any other way aiding the cause of human freedom ? If he was lam yet to learn it. But one thing the pub lie do know, that he was a candidate for the United States Senate, that the Democrats had a majority in joint bal lot in the Legislature, that John W. Forney was their candidate, and that when the vote was taken three Demo crats, Lebo, Manear and Wagonseller, deserted Forney and voted for Came ron. In 1801 the kindhearted Lin coln was induced to take him into his Cabinet as Secretary of War, and af ter the rebellion was innugurated, and while the very life of the Nation hung in the balance he was so reckless in the expenditure of public moneys and In the awarding of contracts that he had to be removed from Lincoln's Cabinet under a vote of censure by Congress. Was his son more patriotic than his father ? If he did anything more during that stormy period than to expend his energies and intellectual force in making profitable horse con tracts, it is unknown to history, and we find another evidence of the fact that history repeats itself when we re member that when the liberties of the patriots of the Revolution were won, and at the very moment that they were rejoicing over their great triumph, the voice of John Ilook, as described by Patrick Henry, was heard hoarsely brawling through the American ranks, "beef!" "beef!" and that when this Nation was in the agony of civil war, and when its very existence was im periled, the voice of our imperious and dictatorial Senateor was heard only in demanding horse contracts. Oh, for some Patrick Henry to portray this Pennsylvania Senator amid the blood shed and agony of the civil war clam oriug for horse contracts, as he por trayed John Hook in revolutionary times demanding the price of his beef. In 1803, when the rebellion still threatened the very life of the Nation, and one year before the Democratic party in National Convention at Chi cago bad declared that the war for the preservation of the Union was a fu.il j ure, Simon Cameron was again a candi j date for the Senate. The Dcmocratsbad ! a majority of one in joint ballot and J Charles R. Buekalew was their nom inee, and Simon toiled and tussled long with one Dr. Boyer, a Democrat, to induce him to vote for him (Came ron) for the United States Senate. But this time his power of persuasion failed, and Buekalew was elected. OI'I'OSINU Til ItKK TEEMS. In 1875 Simon Cameron, then not in very intimate relations with the Grant administration, procured the passage by a State Convention of a resolution in opposition to a third term for the Presidency. It was well known that Geueral Grant was ambitious to be nominated to a third term, and Cam eron's resolution was a direct blow at Grant. This trouble was soon remov ed by the appointment of Don Cameron I by General Grant as Secretary of War. Did anvbody ever doubt that his nomi nation was made for any other reason than to placate the Camerons? If they do, there stand the three facts which present a very strong case. First, the resolution of the State Convention passed at the instance of the Camerons in opposition to a third term ; second, the appointment of Don Cameron to the War portfolio, which was a sur prise to the whole country, because no one had ever heard of his name in con nection with the office ; third, the sub sequent advocacy of a third term by the Camerons, to the extent of stifling the public sentiment of the State, and twice betraying the Republicans of the State. If an election to a third term was wrong in 1875, why not in 1876 and 1880 1 Could there be any more con vincing proof that it was not principle that actuated the Camerons, but only a desire to advance their own selfish interests ? In 1877, after President Hayes had refused to recognize the Cameron party by appointing J. I). Cameron to a place in his Cabinet, Simon Cameron resign ed his seat in the Senate, but it was not made public, so that there might be a free, full and fair discussion as to the merits of any candidates who might present themselves, or be presented by their friends, but on the contrary, he held the resignation until the cians could be gathered from all parts of the State, and the Legislature of Pennsyl vania then committed that cunning act of base servility, by the election, at his dictation, of his son J. Donald Cameron to the Senate. If any evidence were wanting to show Cameron's complete dominion over the party and its utter subserviency to his behests, this fact alone would furnish it. It stands to-day as one of the black deeds in Pennsylvania's history, and nothing short of the entire, complete and overlasting overthrow of that dynasty will help eradicate the stain. Is there further evidence wanted of their complete mastery in Pennsylvania politics ? I point to the fact that for the last fifteen or twenty years they have manipulated the minority Repub lican counties and in various ways managed others, until it was a question at every State Convention, not who was the most available and suitable candidate for any State office, but who was the man named by the Camerons, and then the convention proceeded to do his bidding and nominate his candi dates. Is this denied'( Then call any man to the stand who has ever attend ed a convention. Ask Matthew S. Quay if it is not true that Don Cameron and he have atev&ry Republican State Convention for years dictated the nom inations for the party. But this is not all. They have at the last two National Conventions willfully betrayed the Republicans of this State. The sentiment of the Re publicans of Pennsylvania at the last two Presidential nominations was be yond all question favorable to James G. Blaine. Yet, in defiance of that well pronounced sentiment, on both oc casions a delegation was packed, and by means of the infamous, anti-Repub lican, anti-Democratic unit rule, the voice of Pennsylvania was stifled. THE SENATORIAL ELECTION. If any further evidence is needed of gross unsurpation of the rights of the people, I point to the conduct of Sena tor Cameron in the lato election of Senator in this State. The election under the Constitution of the United Slates had to be m»de by the Legisla ture of Pennsylvania, and Senator Cameron had no right whatever to in terfere in the slighest manner in the election of another person, who was to have an equal voice with himself in the Senate of the United States, in repre senting the great State of Pennsylva nia. The Constitution of the United States provided that each Senator shall have one vote, and it is a violation of the spirit of the constitution for a Senator to attempt to evade this plain provision of the organic law of the land, by endeavoring to secure the election of another Senator who will echo his sentiments and virtually give him two votes in the Senate. It is an invasion by an officer of one branch of the Government upon the rights and powers of another branch of the Gov ernment, and is a clear violation of law and ought to be an impeachable offense. When our governments, State and National, were divided into their distinct branches it was intended that each should act independently of the other, and any attempted usurpation by one of the rights, duties and privi leges of the other is a high crime against free government and merits condign punishment. I have thus presented what to my mind is most conclusive evidence of the outrageous usurpation by the Camerons of all the functions of government which of right belong to the people. But the wrong consists not only in thus sweeping away from the people their most precious rights, but it strikes dowu the rights of others. In this mad crusade against popular govern ment, every man who would not bow the knee to Baal was remorselessly stricken down, and the result has been that it has deprived the State of the services of some of its best men. In 18(57 it thrust aside Thaddeus Stevens, the great Commoner, who will rank in history with Clay, Calhoun and Web ster, with Pitt aud Fox and Burke, to make place for Simon Cameron. Think of that, Pennsylvanians, and hide your heads in shame. Thaddeus Stevens, who is not to be mentioned in the same day or the same year with Simon Cameron, thrust aside and Cameron elected to the Senate of the United States. Thaddeus Steyens, the great lawyer, the splendid advocate, the brilliant statesman, set aside by a Re publican majority in the Legislature of Pennsylvania, and Simon Cameron elected! Simon Cameron, who from the time he first attempted to instruct the Winnebago Indians in the virtue of paper money down to the last and crowning act of his distinguished pub lie life, when he said that he would vote for an ox, if nominated, never dis played a single statesmanlike quality ! Two years ago Galusha A. Grow was presented as a candidate for the United States Senate. He had served 12 years in Congress, had been Speaker of the House for one term ; he was familiar with public meu and public measures; he was a ready debater, could have gone on the floor of the Senate and maintained the honor and credit of the State with fair ability, but because he was not an avowed adhereut of the Ring; because he was a type of a higher order of Republicanism ; be cause he wonld have overshadowed Don Cameron, he had to be stricken down. The result of this Cameron-serving is that Pennsylvania has been dwarfed in the Senate of the Uuited States in comparison with other States. They send their foremost men. Massa chusetts sent Sumner and Wilson; Maine sent Fessenden aud Hamlin ; Vermont, Collamer a:id Edmunds; In diana, Morton and ll»'odricks; Ohio, Chase aud Ben Wade, while Pennsyl vania sends the Camerons. But the evil influence of this corrupt system is still more widely extended It tends to corrupt the younger men who arc coming upon the stage of ac tion. It leads them tu»believe that the only avenue to office anJ distinction in through the Camerons, and the conse quence is that they throw away con science and principle, surrender their manhood, aud meekly submit to having the collar fastened upon them for life. It has created a distinct class of poli ticians, who are commonly known as CAMERON'S HENCHMKN. This class is composed of his survile followers, who are his willing tools, ready to do his bidding at all times and upon all occasions. Perchauce one of them may be chosen a delegate to a State Convention, and unless he has had his cue from headquarters he will not venture an opinion as to who should be candidates, for fear that he would have to swallow his own words, for he knows full well that although he may for a while believe that he is a free man and means to do what his judgment leads him to be lieve would be best, that he dare not do it; that no matter what his own convictions are he has to obey his mas ter and do his bidding. He may at times indulge the conceit that be is a leader, that he is shaping the policy of the party, thut he is a power in the politics of the country, but let hiin walk one inch out of the line marked out for him by his master, and how quickly will the collar remind him thut it is there with as firm a hold as when first put on. He may talk boastfully as to what he has done, and strut and swagger in his own self importance, but he can't impose upon his neighbors, for they know that he has had no right of opinion in what has been done; that he has sim ply done what he has been told to do and could not help doing it He may have accumulated some wealth which he could not have done in auy honest vocation in life, for he would have been a marked failure as a lawyer, physician, merchant or business man, and he does not by nature belong to that class of men who make blades of grass grow, or to cause the fields to brighten with waving wheat, for in one respect only is he like the lilies of the field, in that "he toils not, nor does he spin," but other people understand that his accumulated wealth is the price of his manhood ; that he has got it only because he has bartered away the most precious rights of an American citizen; that in a land where the broadest liberty of opinion is tol erated, he has had none of his own ; that in a land of universal freedom, he has been a slaye, as abject and power less as was the lowest B"rf iu the days of the feudal system. Everybody un derstands, and no one better than the henchman does himself, that his power his strength and his influence depends upon the collar held by an invisible cord, but strong as adamant, and only to be dissolved at the touch of the master, but that sooner or later will be dissolved, for the bond between them is not one of affection or regard, but of utility only, and when the time comes, as it assuredly will come, that he will no longer be considered efficient in his master's service, the collar will be unloosed and he will be turned adrift, but too late in his old days to comprehend what freedom is, and will !>e like the prisoner of Bastile, who after long years of imprisonment was given his liberty, but he had got so us«d to his prison house that after wandering about for some days he went back aud asked to be locked up in his old cell. But the heuebmau won't be taken back, for the reason that his usefulness is pone, and then with a sense of manhood gone, of prin ciple bartered away for a life time, be he might well exclaim, changing slightly tho language of Cardinal VVolsey to Cromwell : "Oh, Cameron, Cameron, had I but served my country with half the zeal I served you, it would not in mine age have left me marked to mine enemies." THE HEAVER TICKET. But, my fellow citizens: Vou ask what has all this to do with tho ticket at the head of which is the name of (jjen. Beaver? It is a very pertinent question and must answered, for if can not successfully be answered, then all the arguments against the Camerons and Bossism fall to the ground. I re ply that with the exception of the Con gressman-at-Large, it is Cameron's ticket, made up by him at his home in Washington, in the District of Colum bia, long in advance of the convention. That the convention was called at an early day for the express purpjse of preventing the matter from being fully and fairly canvassed by the people, in order that the slated ticket might l>e railroaded through When it bad once gone forth to the world that Cameron had fixed up his ticket and fixed upon thaday for the convention, there was but little use to oppose it Everybody felt that the nomination of that ticket thus made up by Cameron was a forgone conclusion. That bad bi»cn tried before, but always with one j re?ult, ihe success of Cameron. The t olee of tho master bad gone forth and tbe voice of Pennsylvania wa?silenced, ' and the Republicans nil over the ■ State* were expected to rally to the j support of a ticket already made up i for them. That day has gone by, | and tbe time for the deliverence of Pennsylvania Republicans from the yoke of a master is at hand. Hereafter they propose to make up their own tickets. They propose to exercise their undoubted aud unquestioned ; right as freemen to select candidates ! for themselves, and will support 'no man, no matter who is, or ! how good a man he may be, if he has ' been forced upon them by Boss rule. It was well understood though why Senator Cameron was fur General Beaver. The brave soldier had failed to secure Cameron's support on form er occasions, when he stood solelv upon his own merits, J>jt the price paid for Cameron's support was the j assistance General Beaver rendered Cameron in the National Republican Convention in 1880, when the at tempt to secure the nomination of General Grant for a third term, by the enforcement of the infamous unit rule. To win Cameron's support General Beaver voted for Grant, when be knew, or must have known that not onlj* his immediate constitu ents, but tbe voice of a large majority of the Republicans of Pennsylvania were for James G. Blaine. lie struck a blow at one of the very fundamental principles of free ; government, and although he may . thereby have the support of Cameron he lost the confidence of many Re- ' publicans, who, much as they may have admired Lis past career as a, brave soldier and good man, will not j support him for an office which is j given him as tbe price of their betray al. One vear ago Senator Davies, be cause of the outrage he had shown in the opposition to Cameron in the election of a Senator, was beaten for nomination for State Treasurer, but this year, after making a pilgrimage to Washington and doubtless doing penance for his wrongs, received full absolution and the approval of the despot for the nomination for Lieuten ant Governor and his nomination was secured without trouble . Senator Greer's nomination was fixed up in advance, so that all opposing candidates might as well have spared themselves the trouble and expense of going to Harrisburg. But next to the nomination of General Beaver, which was for eervices rendered, the most flagraut outrage upon popular rights was the nomination of Rawle for the Supreme Bench. Every fair-minded man will concede that the utmost care should be taken in the selection of a candidate for that high and honorable position. It is the court of last resort for every citizen of Pennsylvania whose rights are brought in controversy. The reputation of that court has never been sullied. Its record forms one of the grandest pages in the history of our grand old State. The jurisprudence of the State, yea, of the whole civilized world, has been illumined by the genius of the distinguished men who have adorned that bench: by Tilghman, Yates, Gibson, Grier, Black, Thompson, Agnew and Sharswood. But the high privilege of naming a candidate for that position was denied the people. Senator Cameron during the last holidays tendered the nomina tion to Mr. Kawle as a Christmas gift. Assuming to act for the entire Repub lican party, he disposed of the nomina tion jnst as some feudal chieftain in the middle ages parcelled out his territories among his followers. What right bad he to do this ? Will any of bis admir ers or followers dare to come upon this stand right now, in the face of this audience, and justify such an act? If he will, let him come. No, bedarenot come, for he knows lull well that there can he no justification for such and art. No candidate for the Supreme liench, or the Common Pleas, or any other court, ought to owe his nomination to any one man, and especially when that man is President ol a great corporation, and if he is not President now is a large stockholder, and who may have important questions coming before the court for final determination. A judge of a court should be like Ciesar's wife, above suspicion, and ought to have no Christmas gift, in the way of a judicial nomination, to sway bim from the path of right and justice. It was an unwar ranted interference by a Senator of the United States in a nomination with which he had no more to do than any other one citizen of Pennsylvania. But this nomination was a gross outrage in another respect. A majori ty of the delegation from Philadelphia, where Mr. Kawle resides, headed by such men as James McManes, William Leeds and J. KI wood Rowan, were against the nomination of Mr. Rawle; vet the voice of that majority was silenced at the dictation of Cameron, and Rawle nominated against their protest. Allegheny county, the great Republican Gibralter of Western Penn sylvania, presented one of her leading lawyers and most honored citizens as a candidate for that high ofliee. He had the unanimous endorsements of his own delegation and received the votes of the delegates of nearly all the coun ties in Western Pennsylvania; yet this great popular demand for the nomina tion of Major Hrown was ignored, and the voice of Cameron was more poten tial than the voice of all these delegates shaking lor their large constituency. HOW I/)NO, HOW LONO. I ask how long are these outrages to be tolerated ? \Ve tolerated them (luriux the progress of the war, during the period of reconstruction and the settlement of the great questions grow ing out of the war, because those mat ters were of greater importance; but now, as they are settled, we mean to stand their abuses no longer. The time has come when the Cameron dynasty has to lie brought belore the bar of a great State to answer for high crimes and misdemeanors, and I hare no fear as to the final result. In a contest between right and wrong, truth ADVEKTIMSG HATf'A One aqnare, one insertion, tl : each »üb,« fpent Ineertioc, 50 oe.'.ta. Yrorly adrertisemei t oue-fourfh of a column, f5 per iticl . Kltfura wo r* Joi.L e tlie-e rate#: additional c itryoe where wo. kiy or iuociUj changes ara ravie. I.rv-aJ *•!%«rt.» 'uieiite 10 rents \-«T line for drat insertion, and .5 p»-r Una for each t<l(ijtionai insertion. MvnagM and deaths |<ul>- lishcd jfree of charge. Obit'ivj notice* charged as ad'.'ei Mid paiable when handed id. Auditors' Notices. #4; Eiecntu«s' and Adminis trator*' Notices. 93 each; Evlrav. Caution Dissolution Notice*, not exceeding ten line*, each. From the fact that the Cituii ta 'be oldest established a:jd most extensiT«-lj circulated Re publican newspaper in Butler county, fa lUpnt iicau aounty) it mut be apparent tu business men tliat it ia the meditun they should im ib advertising their buaineaa. NO. 45 1 and error, there can be but ooe result, | and that is the complete triumph of tbe right, aud Truth crushed to earth, will ri.«e ajsin, The eternal years of GckT are hers. But you say, settle them within tbe party, else you will baud the State over to the Democracy \ that you will break up the p~and old Republican party. Well, in answer to this, I have to say that I always opposed the Democratic party, and I have no faith in its capacity to administer this Gov ernment : but it is infinitely better to settle these matters now, ereu if it should be at tbe peril of the Democra cy carrying tbe State, than to post pone it until 188-1, when you run the risk of tbe far greater of hand ing over tbe whole country to the Democratic party, I firmly believe that if Colonel Stewart was not a can didate fir Governor there would be enough tied Republicans to vote lor Pauix>v '.o socure his election, and then it would go forth to the world that the Dvunicrats bad secured a victory in Pennsylvania, that the Slut* was Democratic ; bat the comltiui d vote of Stewart and Reaver will show that Pennsylvania is still Republican, and if you believe Repub lican ascendency is absolutely and es sentially necessary in Pennsylvania this tear theu tlwre is one way that it can be secured, and that ia by voting for Col Steward, who is equipped in every way |..r the discharire of the duties of tbe hijrh office of the Chief Executive of ib>f State ; vote for Duff And M-rrick, both of whom are otie i iegsr-d soldier*; vote for Colonel McJ>l:< bael, a sol lier, too, and an ac ! com pi is bed gentleman; vote for Jul*Lin, an hi complisbed jurist, for 1 Judge of the S:;;>reme Court, and all |of whom are well qualified for | tbe offices f,,r which they are named, aud are as true Republicans as live on tbe s..il of Pennsylvania or auyotber Stale, men wbo have b«en Republicans, not for plunder, but from principle, and when you have elected them you have secured a triumph for true aud genuine Republicanism that will make the hearts of Republicans rejoice everywhere. Strike off the shackles that Cameron ism has fastened upon the party, and Pennsj I vaoia will be Republican by 60.0J0 majority. But you tell us that we are going to kill the Republican party. I deny it. The Republican party was not made to be killed by one defeat Do you believe that it has less vitality than tbe Democratic party ? Why that party has been beaten for 20 years past Public opinion has condemned it and it has been kicked and cuffed about at the polls and yet it eomea up every year smiling and ready for the fray. No, 1 have more confidence in the vitality and strength of the Republican party than to believe that one defeat can destroy it, and I do not admit Aat it is going to be beaten; the party that has accomplished such grand results, that has such kign aima and purposes is not to be destroyed unless falce leaders and Bosses lead it away from the path of duty. We are here as Republicans, believ ing in everjr principle of tbe party, with a ticket composed of the very best Republicans in tbe State, and with a platform of the truest Republi canism, which means just what it says, and which if its candidates are elected, will be carried out It ia tbe one sure way to reform. There is no cham-e for refojm in tbe iVmocratie party. It must first reform itself Its past history, covered aa it ia with tbe blight of slavery and seces sion and attempted repudiation, unfits it for reform Nor can reform be look ed for in Pennsylvania under tbe Caiuerons, for it is precisely of tbe«e evils that they have fastened upon the party that we wish to reform tbe party. The only way to secure cer tain and sure reform is by elect ing tbe lndcpeudent Republican ticket Never interrupt any coo versa ti a with A backing Cough; it create** IMMI impression Better invest a quarter of a dollar in a bottle of I»r Hull's Cough Syrup and cure it A Michigan girl baa removed her nineteen warts with tomato juice. Itcanly. "It in claimed that New York wo men look vouoffer at 60 than Boeton womeu do at 40, or Chicago women at 30," for the reason that tbey have been taking Peruna for the past three months, hut Boston and Chicago wo men are coming up in fioe stjle—en tering upon the home-stretch on Mao alin. I got one oi jrour book* no tb« "Ilia of Life" from jour druggist as a present, and, a* it direct*, have been taking Peruna and Manalin My bowels are io excellent condition, and the lungs and heart are improving finely. J. M. WALKER, Lawan, Pr. A resident of Jacksonville, Fla, set a hen upon a nest of alligator eggs, and two reptiles a ere hatched out in due season A Miracle. Wbenevei there is an extraordinary occurrence—a team runs over • child without hurting it; a mechanfc* lalla from a third-story window, and io a week after he is at work again, we are wont to exclaim, "what a miracle!" Ho when Mrs. T. H Krerline. then of Allegheny City, Pa, bad been sick with consumption for a very long time, bad been told by several of the »est physicians of that her time was but for a few hours, that she most die, and when the use of but one bottle of Peruna io a week's time placed her on her feet again and made her the heart iest eater of the family, all the peopb around, as with one rejoicing voice, r»- claimed, " what a wonderful mirac!e! M See page 30 of the "ills ot l»ife '* Your druggist will give you one gra tia. There are about 220,000 telephone* in use in the country, and the uuiuier is increasing at the rate of over 500 a month. 153^"*Feather*, ribbon*, velvet ran all be colored to match that new hat by using the Diamond i»ye*. 10 eta. for *ny color.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers