bcmm iSIN ill *akiN c POWDER Absolutely Pure- Tliie nowter never varies* A nawvel of P jr |^' GSGIGRA^A P K?X?owf>EB CO. iOi Wall street, N. V. ■ Tiaraf Is no esowa for suferias from 1 CONSTIPATION ■ and other diseases that follow a dis- I ored state of the Stomach and l> ow ■ els, \*hen the use of ; | DR. KiHRY BARTER'S gum cm B Will give immediate relief. IB After constipation fjllowi ■ Biliousness, Dyspepsia, | Indigestion, Disoasos of ■ the Kidneys, Torpid Liver ■ Rheumatism, DizT ; ne3S,S ■ Sick Headache, Lcsa ofj ■ Appetite, Jaundice, Ap-H ■ oplexy, Palpitations,! j|| Eruptions and Skin 3is-l ■ eases, etc., aJI of wliicll these ■ ■ Bitters will speedily euro 1 y rc-moviojthecaiijr. ■ ■ Kr-cp Ilia .'if/moz-i, EcieeU, arJ Digmfhe Orjrn uH a img-yd working order, awl ptrftct l.ealtliß HwlUbolborcsilt. LadiCS *=' J oi: cr ' 9 jeet u> Sick Headache wl!l fi ,,J rciio'H Band permanent cure by Hie "» of ll.cso Eitter» ■ B Being toiilc and mildly purgative they R ■PURIFY THE BLOOD.| B Prlco 25 cts. per bottia. P ■ for ailo l»y all deal-re in medlHno. fend 13 0 ad'row for pamphlet, free, glrlns foil directions. B (R BE'tV, JoßjSoS&LoS3,rrtj:., Ear'.isgtoa, Vt. 8 ,WOMAN WITH|ni THE HOPE Oy /drut/j£es LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. A Rare Care for all FEMALE WEAK NKHSKS, Inelndlng LeocerrliKa, Ir regular and Painful Menstruation, Inflammation and Ulceration of the Womb, Flooding, PRO- L A PHI' H CTKRI, Are. nTPleasant to the taate, efll' aciona and Immodlat* In IU effect. It to a great help In pregnancy, and re lieves pain daring labor and at r< gular period!. rtiTMcumrarr A*»?b*«HIBE IT FREILT. RYFOA ALL WMIDOMSR-I of the generative organs or oithir ax, It la second to no remedy tlu.t Las ever been U'fore the public; and for all dl*a»c« of tha Kmxrrs it la the Greatest Remedy in llu H'orld. BTKIDSEr COMPLAOTH of Either Sex Find Great Relief In Ita Uae. LYDIA F.. PEfKMAM-S BLOOD ri KrriFH will oradirata every vestige of Ilumora from lhe Blood, at the name time will giro tone and rtrength to the system. Aamarvelkms la rumiUaa the Compound. tVßoth theOompTunrt and Blood rorlflrr are pre pared at 253 and KB Western Lynn, Km a. Price of cither, 91. Hl* bottles for 9& The Compound Is sent by mall In the form of pllla, or of lozenge*, on reoeipt of price, 91 per bo* for altlier. Kr.i. Plnkhara freely answer* all let ten of Inquiry. Em lose Scent stamp. Send for pamphlet. Mention thta Paper. nrl.nru B. Pnrganc'TTrvini rnjg cut* Constipa tion, Biliousness r.nd Torpidity of the IJvi r. ft cent* JVSold by all Dragglets.'h* «r> ARCHITECT A c.M.BARTBERGER' I i A 198 LrarrßTY ST. B PITTSBURGH. I»A. Benson's -AWARDED- Capcine 6 Porous -MEDALS- Plaster. The Best Known Remedy for Backache or Lama Back. Rheumatism or Lamo Joints. Cramps or Sprains. Nouraiaia or Kidney Diseases. Lumbctjo, Sovoro Aches or Pains Femalo Weakness. Are Superior to all other Piaster*. Are Mapertor to Pads. Are Buperlor to l.lnlneata. Arc Superior to Oinlmenla or Rnlrri. Aro lupcrior to Elertrlelir or sal vaalaai They Act Immediately. They Htrcnttl They Rootbe. TLoy Relieve Pain at Oaee. They Positively Cure. Si n a iw| Atl Dcnsou'iCipebiAPorMaPlM. I till I IIIN tern have been Imitated. Do liHV I I Vile not allow your drufuoft to pt.lm "If »imii olUrr plaster having a similar botiixliiit' name. See that tbe word la vpellad C-A P-C-I-N K Price K eta. IMAFD^S^VORH. 2~mTIKK KKiIIEOV AT LAHT. Price Mc. A MEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PUSTER. Advertise in tbe CXTIZ*n. BUTLER CITIZEN MISCKI^LAXEOUS. Tlie Plain ot tJi" Jourury »i Dt'Ulll. Nearly every ouc has read of the Journev of Death, ninety miles wide, lo ated" in the western part of New Mexico. It is a plain covered with grass and delightful to the eye, but was for some years entirely devoid ot water. The" soil was of a peculiar j.orus quality, but would not bold the rain that fell" upon the surface. It was the great bugbear of emigrants tra\el inir through the southwest, hundreds of whom, with their cattle, have per ished with thirst while within its confines. Some individual," howevev er went over it prospecting for water and finallv, after expending some thousands" of dollars, succeeded in striking an abundance of water in a well dug midway of the plain where he made considerable money supplying emigrants with water The "government afterward bough the well, making it free, paying th( owner a very comfortable sum for it Since that, however, the railroad ha: been built across the plain and tu< company has dug innumerable wells so that the plain has become a rea grazing ground.—- El Paso Herald. More Evidence. S. B. HART-MAN & CO., Osborn, 0.- Qe.nlle.men: Your valuable I'eruna 1 the best medicine I ever used. NANCY FETTERMAN, Cookport, Indi ana Co., I'a. Your I'eruna for Indigestion am Liver troubles helps me. W. P. BRANJON, East Liverpool, U. I was suffering with pain in th chest, palpitation of the heart, witl great swelling of the stomach. I eru na is doing wonders for me. JOHN DONAHUE, Sharpsburg, Allegne ny Couuty, I'a. I have had liver complaint for tnre years; 1 thought I would have to qui work: I have taken two bottles of you I'eruna and am well. THOS BRADKORI 314 Western avenue, Allegheny City Pa. , Ask your druggist for Dr. Hartman book on the "His of Life"-gratia. Tho fall is a good time to plant al kinds of Iruit-trees, except that IU th in the very coldest climates the P eß c may, perhaps, be better reserved fo the spring. Make haste, if your are constipated dizzy, pain in the back, or headache take "Sellers' Liver Pills." 25 cent a box. In canning pears, some housekeeper put two or more peach-pits in eae quart jar, as the flavor is found to b agreeable. For peaches, two pits ar enough for each can. Nervousness, debility, and exhausl cd vitality cured by using Brown' Iron Bitters. A Connecticut former, having a undesirable crop of wild carrot iu twenty-five acre field, turned in flock of forty sheep in August am September of last year, and they clean cd out the weeds nicely. " 'Dr. Lindeey's Blood Searebet cured my son of erysipelas." Mrs. K Smeltzer, Larimer, Pa. It cures al blood diseases. Cotton-seed oil is worth fifty cents i gallon. The best salad oil sells a eighty cents to one dollar a pint. A much of the Balad oil sent to thi: country from Italy is only refined cot ton-seed oil, the profit ou the frauc must be enormous. For the delicate and complicate difficulties peculiar to the female consti tution, Ljdia E. I'inkham's Vegeta blc Compound is the sovereign reme dy. It aims at the cause, and pro duces lasting results. Send to Mrs Ljdia E. I'inkham, 233 Western Ave nuc, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. A New York physician says no bet ter liniment can be made than the fol lowing for injuries sustained in th< feet or other parts of the body : Twc ounces alcohol, two ounces of organum one-half ounce tincture of camphor This has prevented many cases of loci jaw, and ought to be kept in ever} family. %*"Figurers are not always facts,' but the incontrovertible facts concern ing Kidney-Wort are better than most figures. For instance: "It is curing everybody" writes a druggist. "Kid uey-Wort is the most popular medi cine we sell." It should be by right, for no other medicine has such specific action on the liver, bowels and kid neys. Do not fail to try it. It is a great mistake to destroy harmless snakes, they nre great feed ers on destructive insects, and very useful in field nnd garden. The fool ish dread ol them entertained by many otherwise sensible people is something to be ashamed of. < n tirrb of flic llladdcr. Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinary passages, diseased dis charges, cured by Buchupaibn. sl. at druggists. Prepaid by express, § I 6 for $5. E. S. Wells. Jersey City, N. J. Non-professional fruit-growers would do well not to invest largely in new and high-priced varieties of fruit ol any kind. There plenty of good old ,-orts at reasonable prices for present use, and the new varieties will soon be cheap enough—some of them very cheap. ItruUi nnd Jferve. Wells' Health lieuewer, greatest remedy on earth for impotence, lean ness, sexual debility, iScc. $1 at drug tfists. Prepaid by express, sl.2">, ( for sf>. E. S. Wells, .Jersey City N. J. The Indiana Bureau of Statistie.- has compiled from the reports of town ship assessors a statement of the num her of rods of drainage tile laid in the several counties of that Statu. Ih< aggregate shows that nearly 2»!,00( miles of tile drainage, with nineteen counties to be heard from. Humbugged Again. I saw so much said about the merit; of Hop Bitters, and my wife who was always doctoring, and never well teased me so urgently to get her sot::e I concluded to lie humbugged again and I am glud I did, for iu less time than two months' use of the Bitters my wife was cured, and she has io' mained so for eighteen months since I like such humbugging.—ll. T., St Paul. Pioneer I'reea. §b*p**mb»K 2X, tWZ. IXYI<<IBI<E POISOX. How It V.urki> 11* Way Into (lie HuCj and How lo Counter act it. One of tbe great scourges of the present vear in ail parts ot America has been ruaiaria This is a trouble so treacherous in its nature and so dangerous in its results as to justly cause apprehension wherever it has ani eared But there arc so many erro neous ideas upon the subject that a few words are in order at a time when people are subject to malarial influ ences. , . i Malaria, which simply means bad air is the common n me of a class of diseases which arise from spares of de caying vegetable matter, thrown otl from stagnant pools or piles ot vegeta- I tion undergoing decomposition, these ! spores when inhaled with the breath ! or taken into the system with water i soon enter the blood and germinating I there tind a foothold, whereby tb* whole system is poisoned and the var ious functions disordered. W ben tne germ theory of disease was tirst a( - vanced it was supposed these sp or es were of animal nature, and like tne bacteria in diphtheria were propagated in the blood, but they are now con ceived to be of vegetable origin, like the fimgi fouDd on decaying wood or in cellars The source of this siale of tlio air is generally swamps or stagnaut pools, which, partially dried by the hot sun. send forth vapors loaded with this malarial pojjson. These vapors descend to the earth in the uight, pooled by the loss of temperature, and breathed oy sleepers are readily inhaled, ljei.ee persons living near stagnant pools or marshes are liable to be atliicted wit chills and fever, and such localities are never healthy, though they are more so when the streams flowing into them are pure, and also when the water i.> high. Again the drainage of houses, slaughter bouses, barns, etc., are a fertile source of malaria. <>ne will often notice in coming into the neigh boi Jjood of one of those sluggish stream > that pft*« through ulijiost every village a most villainous smell cauwi by the offensive refuse which communicates its bad odor to the atmosphere, es pecially on hot days This absorbed into the system by tbe lungs or taken in through water, which also absorbs it fro.ii the air, poisons the blood and deranges the whole system ! s poison is also developed io force in wells and springs when they become low, and the result of drinking these is the same as breathing the poisonous air. In a time of drouth the great quantity of vegetation that dries up in the meadows, stubble fields and pastures, tbe corn fields and forest leaves pro duces the same effluvia. On the prairies when large tracts of prairie ground are turned over, tbe decaying vegetation is a widespread cause of malaria. . The evils which follow malarial poisoning are almost infinite. Disease of a malignant and dangerous nature, accompanied by symptoms the the most distressing are certain to mani test themselves and life is a burden so long as this poison remains in the system. The indications of malarial poisoning are loss of appetite, short ness of breath, pains about the heart, wasting of flesh and strength, despond ency, nervousness, chill}' sensations, unaccountable lassitude, dull pains in various parts of the body, headaches, dizziness, a coated tongue and dry mouth, night sweats, muscnlar debility, puffing under the eyes, an unusual col or, odor or sediment about ihc fluids passed from the system, etc. Any one of the the above symptoms may be an indication of malarial poison in the body which necessitates immediate and careful attention. Hut if malarial poison could not find a lodgement in the human body.it would be just as harmless as the oxy gen of the air. The great difficulty is that, alter being absorbed into the sys tem, it produces obstructions in the stomach and lungs, clogs the circula tion of the blood, affects tbe kidneys, liyer and other organs, and brings on diseases of a most danirerouflcharacter. There is only one known way by vyhicb these diseases may be avoided or cured after they have once madt their appearance, and that is by keep ing the great purifying organs of tin body in perfect health. These organ: are the kidneys and liver. No on» whose kidneys or liver ate in a per feci condition was ever afflicted by maluri al poison. And when these or gans are disordered, they not only per mit, but invite, these diseases to mak< their inroads into the body. It is now admitted by physicians, scientist* and the majority ol the general publii that one medicine, and only one w hose power has been tested and proven, has absolute control of, and keeps the k.dneys and livers in constant health and hence prevents malarlrfl sickness. This remedy is Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, the most popular medicine before the American people, and sold by every druggist in the land. It fully coun'eia rts tie e\ il ef fect of malarial poison in the By stem, and not only banishes it, but restores the members which that poinon has weakened. How well it does this can be learned from the following: Kansas Citv; MO, June 2r>, 1 HSt'2 Moving from the State of Sew >»rk to the western country, I was attacked with malaria and general debility. I had lost all appetite and was hardly able lo move about. I had tried a great many remedies, but nothing bet tered my condition until I la gan using Warner's Safe Kidney and Ijiver Cure, which seemed to help tne right away, and I feel as well as I ever have in my life. It is a blessing to people in this malarious country. C. F. Wll.LlA}!, 1412 Grand Ave., of William & Co, Hardware. This great remedy has proven its power ill innumerable ca.-es, and is to day more extensively used in malarial districts, whether in cities or in the count! v, than any or all remedies for the cure of the same class of d'sease. No one can afford to trille with the first symptoms of malaria, but instant care should be taken to check it on the start before its evil influences over shadow the life. The remains of four bodies were found at Warren, I'a., last week, while excavating for a cellar. They are sup. posed to have been French and Indian, who were in this vicinity about the yeir 17. r >C,; also, lingir rings vith initials on them, pipes, buttons, medal , beads, epaulets, carmine, parts of cloth and buffalo roljes. Further searches are being made. AGK.S'TS! A«i:\Tsi! AGCVTS! Ft 1 '.FX. DOT)r.£*S bra V new book, entiiled Th i rty-Three Years Among OUR WILD INDIANS! A :rue record of the Author'* Hi iffy- Three Tern* Prrtonal r. r- It. KMc n.,.ong our Itutiuns. jy with an able Introdu^UoQ By Gen. Sh Thii new work ml at once rut, bribed for by President AHTIICE on/ entire Cabinet, ani by «. a. Men>..l*. Or*. 0«:nt , Gea. Sheridan, Gen. llancoel-, ui 11/ rt *of Fm- Inent Mori. Giv G«**THV« : -' It it t'-h, • on h hitn Life ever written." Bisuul* WiLET (Methodist. i aay » ' "lt isaU-Jc of iiiunente ralmr. It is the only authentic account of our Indiani ever published. fut'.v- revealinit their "inner life," aecret doings, exploit*, t tc. It it replete with thriii.nff experiences of the Author, und of famoua Scouts, Trapptm. Cbv-boyt, Miners. Border Ruffiaua, etc.. vividly portraying Life in the Great Wat an it nnw w. ltd r'.;n*i tin prt With Steel Engraviapi and Superb Chromo-LhHoeraph I'latea in 15 colora, from photofmpha made by the I S. Government exjiretd'j for t'lit grtat w orL. AGEXTStt This jrrand b«ok is now out-sell.n* all othrra 10 to !• So to..i,<rtiti"H. Agenta average 10 to SO order* a day. We want 1000 more aji nta at once. Exrlwnre Territory/ nn-t Terms ffire n. Our larjre ciretilars with full paiticuiaM rnt free. A tine Specimen Plate is. Nt i« mlditi n for a 3 cent stamp. A.lclrvsa the sole pnbUahera, A. I>- TTOBTHISGTO.V k CO.. U»Brr >ko. Corns. HORN£~& WABD, \o. '37 Fifth Avenue PITTSHI *!?GI I. I*A. S[ in t!.o following lino.- at goods Now Fall and Whtcr Stock Now Openi-g. Dress and Cloak Trimmings, Embroideries, Laces ant! Wliile Goods. NECK WE Alt. HANDKERCH IEFB, USES COLLARS AND CuFFS. Muslin Undergarments For Ladies ami Miasea Corsets and Corset Waists To Huit all si'.oa of Ladies and Children, Jnfunt Biesioes Underclothing, Hoods, Sacques, Bootees, Shawls, Uloaks, etc. CRAPES, AND CRAPE VEILS, Trimmed and uiitrimmed Hat-< and Bonnets, Flowers. Feathers. Ornaments. Velvets, Plushes and Ribboua, and ail other material* for Millinery purposes. I UOSIERY,OLO VES,KNIT GOODS Ucderwear and a most complete line of Mens' Furiiisliit g Goods Our Stock is kept up full and fresh at all times LATEST NOVELTIES SHOWN as SOON as OU Our prices we (Juaranleo t«i be As Low us Ilie liOwesf. When vou come to Pittsburgh favor us with a call. No" trouble to show you through our stock HORNE I TOO, 27 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURGH. (WOrdtr* by mail will receive our best atter tion. «eptl3,li Principal of tie old a;.d reliable. •f.eadville Business College Send for Citculars an ! Jflpeeim i s of Penman shii) Enclose six eoLts in nt m >■* and ad'lret* A. W. SMITH, nept 13.1 m MoadvUle, !'»• f;. •; "i everything required for Personal or Family use, witli over 15,200 illustrations. We sell all goods at wholesale prices, in quantities to suit tho purchaser. The only institution iu America who make this their sjiecinl business. Addrc-M MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., VX7 und ¥29 Wubunh Avenue, lhlcu«u, JUL CUKRY INSTITUTE AND UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE Prun Ave,, aixl Slxtli St., PlUabiirgh Entrance 42, 1 i Sixth St., opposite St.Cl u r llote FALL TERM B' O A SEPTEMBER 5. 1 1 re| aratory Dopatltni nt, 9. N"tui»l l)e|i»rtm«t.t 3—BUSINESS COLLEGE. 1 students can enter a! ;> y time. f> -The couihe of study \r compiehn aive mi thorough up to tLo lab t i audatd of .idvai.cec education I'roi- YV. W. Mi < MM AMi. I'onmati. 11A1.MON I>. WILLIAMS, Unsiness Mr.M*K°r JAMI,S C. WILLIAMS, IVitiuiptL aii|>23,lra SUiriil.V S HO HTM DCJU'.S Academy for Young Men and Boys MFI>!A, PKNIV., 12 MILKS I KOM I'll!I.ADKLI'III \. SCHOOL YEAR OTEMS SEPTEMBER 12. Fixed liricr CuVPI-i everv ex|i'-tH'-, evell lionks Nil e .Ira eharues. No liirl;i"i.|Hl e» peus-s Nit i".Hlilinalion foi 1 hirti en expert ,'■l it teaeliers.all men ami all (fr.uiu.i'es. Spe elal opportunities f-rupl sitideiit" to rilvanee r ip „llv. A 11l iJ:til for dull and Intel:ward l»>vs I'airoiii or 'dmletits niav seieet any Indies m ehoi.se iln- regnUr Kiirllhll. Sclentlfle. I u lues* Chi-siieal. or Civil Kiigineerliig Course. Mini, lit fitted al Media Aeadein> are now 111 ILinar.l Vide and ten other Colleges ae.l I olyleelinh Sell.Mil.. Media has -.even elinrclies and a leiiiper ;>nee eliarter W illell prulllllllS thesale <>• ,utox eat Ing itil'd ' For 11.-W a«ldr.Ms It,. I'rlii'ijial and I'loprietor, sV. ITHIN C. SHOhT' 'U'JE. A. M. Harvard I niv i .lv l.nd tiiHei. Msilin. Pen*. an<oQ.lm. Wr. J. V. H. At the CraUum 11.-ns.-, Cutler, I'n., eleani out witli r closets on *linrt iioltcc. <hm t clean d nut nt and without niukii jf any muss vihali vir, or creating but scarcely a y nnplea-:IIII Hinell. Address .I. C. W. (Laham House. Ilutler, I'n.,and give name and address, septlfi-lm j NSW 2nd SECOND-HAND FURNITURS, - I Cushion Furniture, Carpots, Stoves- Store Fixtures of all Kin ; .s Household Goods, dec., at tiiomas «v i>rinw, 4uU Pfcr.n Av.nue. Pittsburgh. Pa. If von de-iire to fiiruii'. your hou*3, or « • uro any pi-scoof furniture froa» a era lie up to the fined iv.irJru: .', .".v . you ran 1 e supplied h«ie \» «»>*- f*ll »ea»«m » neat at band, we ii fv oar Jim In nr. n tin etl at they cw «cire I v>,a.ni». u->? on yin p" <"• ,;:t 111 aelec'i, ii of uoo.l». wl: cb vie h*\c now in store Wo »re located within a lew *te| -of the Union L-CLOt where vou 'aud cn arriving in ihia city. . Goods delivered freo of (lia ge to a .ra.u, if do*ir»d. munediately after pj.-chane. anw. .:lnnw EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Cor. Rcbinscn and Anderson St., - ALLEGHENY CITY. >l. ?-iI >l< »', PL l\l M< MILL, SASH, HOOIt AMI JiIU'TTEB FAC'TOBY, Flooring Hoards, Weatlcil flan, d Boar s. Ku*b. Moulding*, Shingle*. I.aih and nil kiuds of Building Lumber. «•- v hlw r.il reduction lor <a-L order*. Send lor pike li-t. All work delivered to railrmd*, •te&iiii>oa s, &c., tree ol charge. Cominuuieationa solicited. 1 IRON CITY BOILER WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF 3s«O>3:;K j .:E::e3.S. Oil Tanks, St ills & All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work. Special attention paid to l<!a-t Furnace, Mill work and Jobbing. JAMES LAPPAN & CO., Plko Street. from 19th to 20tb. Office 20th St« PITTSBURGH ' u.at.'ui.ly J. PORTER 4b HON'S •iiljltw m StCQND HfttiO FURRITURE EMPORIUM,II iSo. 42 South Diamond, Allegheny City, I'a. We have all kinds of Furniture. Carpets. Sloves, Store Fixtures, Household Goods, Bar btr Chairs, &.C., for sal! at low prices. We bnv f r cash at low p-ices from tho manufacturers, and partie, who are leavingthe city thereto can se.lat l.,«r prices. Partie. in need of *** ,n our hue will find f their interopi to call and *eo our stock a'i i 1ei..1 oar pneas. K KEYSTONE BOILER WORKS. WM. MANCHESTER 28TH AND RAILROAD STS., PITTSBURGH. PA. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOILERS- All Kinds of Boiiers & Sheet Iron Woik Made lo Older Oil Stills Tank a, Rolling Mill Stacks, etc Repairing c'one promptly. Correal *>n.lence Solicited. MARTIN'S F.ED JACKET f DOUBLE ACTING FUOBT PIUX'F FORCE PUMP. Always ready and reliable in cine of lire, quick and easy to operate for washing a, &c. It iri the only douMe acting front proof force pump | that (an he ie| aii'txi v itiiout icmo\ iog rtimp froiu p'atfonn. It i* r: P *P« durable, efficient and suitable for well* of any depth. No farmer or houae holder ahould he without a pump of thia kind. H. HOUSTON & CO., SOLE AOENTH, 17 Seventh Avenue, Pittsburgh. Fa fSTBond for Catalogue and Price Lint DR. K V- WrsT'N KFRTB AKI» BRAIW TR*AT*KNT. a for Uyptcria. f>lfTin*wP. <'onvnlMon*. It**. NITVO'M NouralfCia, Hemlmbe, N«*rvou« Pro*tra ttan can "1 t»v th» no of alcohol or tobacco. wakeful. nvsMental t>©pre«Rlon, Roftrn nsrof the Brain reunit ing in Inranltyand leading to d«-c*y and d< nth. Premature Ota Ajre, Borri-nncw, Luuof Pnwer In either T Inrolnntary LOHM and , MMd by civ#» cxerUonor tbo brain, w'f ahn*eorover-lndtiltrcncv. One box will cure rwi-nt ca*e*. Kach box contain* «no ir .nth'» tr fitment One Hollar n box. or nix fire dollar*; tu nt I ymailpr< pal lonrecclrtof price Wi guar, •r:*i >si < !»«. .•* to cur • anv c-\<p. With t ■>< hor . r eel rad fop >.x box«n. ' ""I *i*»i fUedol arw. • will Mnd the purchaser our wi rt<« guaraotfi toi fa» I moiMj if trmtmont dot* not < <t a cure. QvauvaiMl i i d only by JOB. Fleming, Fa. Orteabj nail atregularprieoa C ATABRH Elys' Cream B .lm I le n;i .ill pMMfm "I r*M T11..1 Virus. < fcAM DKirSJI > ■ I.- mil us. H*M COU»*'£\n 1 •" i, > • lull:ili"":itn»ll. HrAQ I |>r< It-el- I}i**lili lul.rim- J ll'-11l :. • I«111 ioual <"ltK aA | _ r*. will i*urr I'alurrli, Hay ' n* •ll- ll' 'l ■ I * vTcCUtn jil> l.y'lln* Illll.' I.llr " ■ r~™~i%iu!<> t| l( . iK.irils. On rcrcipl nf .v c.wiil mall a |> I'-kagt*. Solil liv Hi tlrr JniU'.rints. KtV.-i 4 WKAM 11AI.M CO.. Owt'K". N. Y. WHO II U*t ACQU AMI ICO Wl I H TMt OtOONAPH < Of TMi® 1 uUH* Uy the central position of itn lino, oounm t« the Kaat urn) tho Wtn by thcthorteat route, and eur r paMr»rtitfi»i n, wttnout chance «»t care, b< twin t'ticagu aiiT Kan II ■>.* '.'.ty, 'Ouucil lilutln, I avt..- wortb. Atohlaon, ICluneapolle and It, Paul, it in Union Dryota with all tbo i * . ;c» *%l line.i of road i»«?twoen th" Athutlfland the nciflo Or-<;ana. Ita cqui(on«nt i ■ • ;iri.-•-•••■ I a.: I aent, b<?mv <:omi>u»od of Oomfo;-table and Bmutilul T v ' 4 '' •. ' I »on It.r oi.iiiik chair Cari, Pall man'a Prettiest t* •)<«■■• BJ -CMI-.p ( out, ri'.'i th'- J ■ I 1I<! (11, > r.tf <u -. In the world. Tt> r**c 'J'r «ln •b •» •n ( 1.1«- r*» url Siaaouri River Point i. Two Tra i• t ■ • .i- M|9 a>a Mtanoapoliaan4 M,JPacil,via tne I .i ■* <i«i "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." a r.'-vr ami Direot Lino,via Beni iand K oka* kce. liai recently m ( encd b t ! I 1 • 1 . fforfolk.Newi art NEW I, ( hat tan A»I •. • . AN ill Ml-I, Nanlivtlle. t.'iii*. v 11! •. I • w I*l* ■i, f'' •» I, ndlanap lie iofl 1 ifa/o . tnd < niaba, Ai ap« ob't and It. Paul and mterm- <n All 'l itrougn Paaauncorc 'l avci ou t uu t Lxprc.ui Tr.»i na. 'i'n'. tii for nab n' •. |.rn pti l'i•'■■ ■■ «. r. n■ n tbo ÜBated States and Can i Uaeuaae »'ii *okcd ibi-<mub and ratce < f f»» ' al. W A* LOW I I r >II 11 >• 1 1 • . I| I - t nu, I For detailed information, got tho Fold cm ot thf CREAT ROCX ISLAND ROU ft., At your nenrrm Tickft Ofll 1 R. I?. CARLE, £. 11T. J JHN, Vtafm. 4 nl« Ir. <:••« I Tut. & !*m». >ct. CHICACO. t „ BEST IN TUB VVOU L,MI Ii I |\ Take 110 nllif.r. DKAI.KM HKr. ! V«Ci, J**] <'• Hwiaiiiij t-ti "II MoimIKV • 1117 Winsl \T4~n Hlrtot, I'llliluirgli, l'». AdvertiHo iu tlio (JITIZKN. Planing Mill -AND JL,imil>ei- Yard, J. L. PURVIB. L. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., VANLIfACTI'KKKP AND DIALERS 1W Rough and Planed Lumber OK EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOUI-DINGS SASH, I>OORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS BfacketS| Gauged Cornice Boards SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near Ucriiiiiu <'itibollo <'hnr«'li janT-^O-ly A R 0 MANNA. ♦•The Cure ami Llveraiul 14id nej- Kfj;ulalor." Twenty-fire year« trial of an article i* • utrong aKMirance of Its efficiency \i< MASKA linn been Uted with the miwt natiiifactory reeultf for twenty odd vearn. ami lia* trained a wonder fill reputation "for tho rare Curative Powers it POHHAMHOH TIHH Remedy i« a purely Vegetable Compound and WAH years aj;o prepared by Prof. T>u La<-, of Genera. Switzerland. and m>ed t>v him ami other prominent ph?«iciarii in their pnvat* practice with OirAT Si;r. tax. Thousands have been cured of I>v«pei*ia Liver and Kidney !>*••« aew*. lui|"OT»riidiert >■! Dineaeed lllixid, weekneaa of the Back. ami fJonera! Debility of the Htoiuach. I'ri.-> IWan.l 75 cent* per bottle. For s\le bv »ll liru;:::i»ts G. HUIJMIF.IN. I'rot'.. Woodl>nry, N. J. \V II« > I .EM Al. I'' l» !•' >'l*M I IJi-rroi K A CI.KMMMAW. t>. H Arch Htr«et i 'hiladel} hi*. I n. WoouWABU. 1..X0*. A (Jo, Kansas CHy M iKHoiiri. A FEW HOME TESTIMONIALS! OF MANY I UKt'KI VEI>. WixilHtl H\ Dee. ti. t*st. Dkar Sir : I have IB>".1 your A HUM AN \i, am fiminl it to Ite very heneth lal. It I* an e\e*lleni Tonl'*. \V 11.1.l A M Mll.l.NlA*. Hupt, nf Public liiNtru -lion ol «;louec*tert'<», N. J J*AIIJ«llOUll. N. J., July to. I«t|. f>K\nSllt: I have tiseil \<mr AIIUMANN A LI my family f..r year- with ureal succesalordeiulli: nf the stiiinaeli, Kiteh as I'.lllousness. Costltchcss Nick tlca«lache, etc., and found It an exeellen remedy. .. „ JOHN PKNSTKN, Farmer, Near I'aulsboro, N. J. A IIKMAKKAItI.K «TKK. IN A MIOKT TIM* A TKUK CdNnflll*. I suffered lor yearn with Imllc" Hon, and lateli had .1 ti eliim a.s of hard ml-stalice in m; Stoin.i -li I eoulil not eat, k lt*t»p or worn I »a mull r the c ure o( a n*uUr pliysi tan for tlwe. months without relief. I Ihen « iii|»r«•>•••! i»< I»llVHlrlntiH 111 I'llI«» In l ' our I )»:u« ft. r i i'»; i. lv: •* in* tIN'IIM* !«• Ii *' '»th»r I |».inl :» differ, nt tunes the amount of ¥*» without an; lu ll'lit whatever. ... Some Ir.eiul recommended AHOMANM* I r :< dit :ind after takllia t'-vo Nifties, I -.\.i ureal h I I' veil, the |iu!n 111 my •.tnmarli i-eaw <l. tin aniH-tlle ail I leep euine hm ' and I could work Ihi . ,i. :i < ear ago I i t Odobw. Mm p thai turn I HIM I tkluu ev -ry U -ek a t.'hl.-|»HIIIIUI of tin AIJUMANN \. I am h iity and he-Illiy and .1 ntrie "as ever My wife ami daughter, win were siitTeraiK wltli l>\spe|.<l;i, 1. id III" aim im dieitie, ami were entirely eured. I have mailt' llm stut'-ia nt for the hein HI o many »n!lerers. I am llviiu; on Mi. Win Kintflit 1 farm near Wooillmry. win re I ean l>e fin.iul a anytime. .... ... 1 F~r 1.:11 w '<« ii Woodhnry. Dre. I. In*t. juuej.lv Union Woslen Mills. I would denirn to eall fho attention of tlif public to th«» Union Woolen Mill. Hntler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery f« 1 the manufacture of BURRED AND QR»Y FLANNOLN, Knlttinp ard Weavinsc Yarns, Mid I can reeoinm' .'d them *>' l>eiiiK very dura ble a* Ihev ai« luAiiufactnred «.f pure liit'. i roiinly wool. Tiioy are beautiful in color, en porinr in toxlurf*. »fi«l v< ry Inn price*. For -ample, and Jul2l, 7H ly) Butler, Pi OLD COUNTRY TEA no i s I*: ! >Bi,inia r.i> mw+mj*. mi lOMoum • r < % «.it The Largest end Most Complete 3TT m mm, yr iiM 1 AiM IS THE I'.MTEH STATES I KKIOHT rKtPM»»WirutN SO W t«nK>l'i;- IfT Order ol|Aw !ij»i !■••(> ! Order* ot #SO aui Uj » I «. tr *Ut | • }>' ' Or II pnfenbtt', a -uu; jli.>wmJ oi , per cent. Orders ol #lO9 Md up • «rda, height |--- i l'i. or a discount of S per • • nt. i-artie* Lm*ouvi* V ! milk* r»tm rirr-n -t«» Ordi tt ol #■!•"» ot a | » .n!«, i <! in ant o.' 3 |<r rent. Order* ol ♦.">o and u, i >1 .nt •»:* J , per err. I. Or Jin af #IOO m u| w irrf«, • di- nuut ot ■ per tent. Millie lainilie* n->t wi» to Inj worth or owr c.«t. i-luo with uotli r t iuJJ which will pUre 111 m .n the miiij< -HK'O *• Iwr tuyere. Noih.i. l>-r flfllw.- aei»d for • ur V mllili Price I.i-t I Housekeeper# Oui<le, n ' <»l» <>l "i* }'*-•». ■ '*- :njc all out pri< * and a coi ;•:< It- .!< -> t ptl*n, to ptrtlM ordering litlci out of the < ity on railroad*. Wm. Haslage & Son, 18 DIAMOND, malO.ly riTTiUI ROH, PA. "THE PENW HARROW ■IST IN THE WORLD IT HAS NO EQUAL C rnn~i *p«ii n.i« Th<> alwro c:it llv T*en Ttsrmw •nti i lete. wllh ?1 if.fi t-inaf * I'lrr llnr rnn. nril n »l. il lor • . <-U ltnm.« i ' »»• »»»».!• fr. 'Tit -t tt»» mliliti.>*i»l »*t to ntS.-r | 'Hit. !• r'\ tt • • . mm th- k -r.«.. t l'«f. „ -• >n , w »ir v <f\.j MuiK*. in*l • • ft Ihf m»«i r»rett*e |...1v. ri/< r la ih- n. ir .i l. TIIIH II IKROtV IH"» ONI.Y TO BK I will TO BK APPKW lATtD. fcmttbeff nj| uril»«iEifafcdyouaiillwanother The Penn Harrow CHUOED TO A TOREK COItNKK HOTAQV BAWOW. c T'l.ll^ren*-! 1 !.• f - V- hi-i't. «IV brr <«< I ; t i.|> t.l »l»i aU ai»nud U«* tivw wUH out Iwrkui* Uk.ii. The Penn Harrow CHAS'iKD TO KISOUC "V HtRIU'W Irnnmlijtt • » i »hr«-l frr-w W» wtiilnal jrou li»>u a vt«u|>wi« ou«U»r a "A ' U-».-tuw. The Penn Harrow OHASIfED TO DPI RLE "A" HAttKOW. A R«noTf Ihf wWI fr.nn Hi.* rv r«• l!w> wln«r. mi.l it i'i»l>n> UMf u»-t coMi V-to It .! Harrow lu wm uwrliwt The Penn Harrow aUNUU) TO A Sgl'AlUt It.VKUUW. It r P• r. mnvln* l!i"W>- »! r- th- f|-«1r«l r>m bar* lUtrr'w mi-!i lb I -h |. I.v t- - <4 1.. II rl!\«'i«' h.tr- > ut""" » •• ' " the t» •«..!.■ a»l U-ih «*•!• • i«Hf»i .1 »«. •V t r>>« th !■ ■> ami I h • . <>r ». i. m lift « ' r l<tel(i;il hntlhin' I ' ill'' -fx lliiitx Haul mi Ibe dnae wtta nut Mk" llnr ran. The Penn Harrow OH ITS SLED. A It nau ? n-** l« tf>« II : I " • ♦ «»ltv!.ttr« till*, a* n« i.* • »» II rr«'* > •'» |.| 11-.• !■ i • A. * t hN« «• •!••• lu Umml ll UN. The Penn Harrow f« <l£ tin hr«l «hltr nnk. with «fr^| V'rtH.wrll l»Tllt«l* <l. itl P»rn %%••% rirM-rl»o-% nnm rly a Ijorr«»w I|h« h •! in.ti.itu!> »tn| m. r > tJi *mr Jwww i »iii—l it mi ibm !•»«► t • *|)\ I'liM'Tlt. til llu *!•. •* I■l •- I HWlk «f uny nltirr Ht«rro%% intf IN#* litrwr fc#*lf l«U Itihor* mill Mnnu' lnt l« • I wr rr |tr»*«M*i»i «r *•*!» r«l« <l. OUIMK %T OX K A Nil III: I OM |M f 11. f'nr# nf th* 'frWf f M, .Will f"> m fWn ! •*<•'mm-t —• »W /anß«r« My AOF.NTfI WANTED I!f KTCttT o»t*2«Tt PENH HARROW MUSUFfICTURIKG CO. N. J. JOHN RJCHEY, No. 4r> Andcivon .St., All«frh«nr City Stair Bui'dinq in all its Branches Tim illhc* Krrnll HnnrlnK IUInil«r«, »nrl., null Hull .v e lianil Railx e.orkiNt l« irtler willi all Jon la nil mill i .olle<l inadj |.i I •• put up. OnlriM from a d »laii o will iwmn pnnnpl •llentimi. tJ- CUIIIU.MI'UNI'KNC E .HOLICITIU>,v» THAVKLfcBS' GUIDE. **«*» est* **» ri»n uiuk ma I-Mm k.. B« t iur !K. , ll.;^Mi>s« i ;ij, iv r in, P«rl-r ( >■ r., at 7JB a. m .a*! JA »imJ 7j|S p. as ir-utf At r**.; .t butiat UM nmw aM» r < ««nt* *4 • 7 a, su.. %m-i .v t-V u4 7 t'S p ?w tbr Xl 5 »*» mri. run . a Ifer .n* i--*j i• net • . . lUMtUt I'-'* Uaiiartl * *i!k. iMUf r 4Mty. -JT Ibrrtn, . Urrear' I. • , n 7«k B. «4 J A p «. Tr.<n».rri.. * Uu.urd'a « bat 1 «& a. *.. *<i "» W r w. M.icke U» iH Pf'iaia, K-rt., *. iKr i 4 H. r ».i ., Tra-r-. t» ic . I rf li T «*. t'ari.ti ». . _ - .. ~.a*k to ll» <b -.J, »" ■— «: > Tkv> trata n.m- Ircta ml m . . ;n «;•« \crw.aa* ta tn.«., aL«k " - rr* ti» ,1 . ) M *9*. a»-. Bsjrim m •'«!*. .<» • n* at Bwt-ar l«:.tt: a « ,9a *{ . lt « j» wtk Eti-fi 't, a»: .!•.•_«. .3 .■* •«} it tlf »- m -t i Rt r -* . .a« at Biaanatiia at I§TA a. a. r ...rvewl t.tw . Mti 1 at tl£ ;■ « , (wwrlnt >: tetter itat • itl as •; at 11a b t ip««M a-at, ■rrli inj Ha Aiiegbray a: % '»t j» tat , uit (i ,-r ■- ••Mi . oc ' B l»l»rw«i..» >' •* " " & r. i-<-. 4ti i.r alt. twriU »i» Ph.i > "• I Itpm* »a !. «|r« •<* lime I "i' > ta tra»u .•.a r .» at ■fcatoa*» , ?a tl ll.Wt n with it* Musi ««l. Mil Oc tS P ni. tr»,i. u ♦. V» * -.tl Ikr ruiWe.j-k » ft i'lt* Mflla Tr'.it* irritf at 9«i>r am W«t Fmt K 1 «l ';' • in : • .11 j.' rn p>i rr Tl* »/»! »4 .VI7 train* n«Mtl witii trata* M the Bat.Vr A | mrt-r K K. Jf«i« Ltmm. Thr-.iu-». train* ieaar Pktiahargb tar !b» laa* .1 3 V n|* .« » m ; v u ■*»'« p. •p., ilfitliw at Philadelphia at L4D Jad "JU m mm) :! m>. 7 © and 7 -to i « . at ••I • aata* t tt». •»: N-w T >rkthr. » kunr* • imi at MaabH>Kt«« ah»«nl m* a»»«I a kalt • i;" il.r Tluir t*l lltaltSlHß i »t»trl»- The aavvrai Conrta of th» fwuitf «# BntJar -ncaar«iM-» ,m Iho #:«t M-cUt of Java. ■V-. rnit .*r a 1 lN..T<:'r ••.<! wwir.nr :•*> aaaka. or art long •• mftmrf to .i»«y»aa af tha Mmm. Hoaaaaaa ara a*tt tilt h» Mai a* travarM> jamra naaaoaail tar lbs brat aaafc a# | (ba aavarai tern*. laitoknkv- at LAW. I J. M.OALITRE\TII. \TT mutt «I I»* Cfcra tl j; »»n !»*rra«. • n'b of Orat Hmh, in Uaa. Pvntata'l f<.»ai»r | ..«w. lyi""*-- R. F. SC OTT. tltofnov al Ij«. Hat'.rr. r» ' mmmrfmmr llwtw. lw« ibxb Wh» Mf l'mtrt •••»". JOHN K KKLI.T. Offl.. with K. «. Hi.lrr, #: <%., »a HrvJ* Ij»« A M COiRSRLirs, < »ffl •» with W. r> nratabm. B- r* > aia | *tr<>» t. B«itSor. I'* J F BIIITTAIS. <nn.-a With I. 7. tnajnorH. A. M CI'NNINIiHA-M. I o>lb-a in I. ail*'* La* Bun.! Pa. I H rmrnfL Offiro on V K. rortiar Inaot<>i»i. fc'Mb hat»l ng —— JOHN .M UKKEK. OMm eal. C. aumac DbßMi awt3 W.M II Ll'^K, Offica with W H H Kahila. E*|. NKWTON BLACK, O.IW oo I>ianuo>l. caar Coort Hooaa. anntb _ K. L BKi eil, omccik RulJIrV Ijtw BuiUi'.ag. S. r. BOWSER. Offioo in Bi*Ba a 1.%w Btul lit*. I**" 1 "** _ J. B MtJUNKIN. to! »uwtt-»o <S*e« to coJtcveb** \\ i!..ud HOTIK JOSEriI B. BKKDtN. OfHra nortU rt«»l carwe »l Utaiaood. .int. _ _ _ If H GOUCHER. Office in Sch-wf>ir3»at> * bmkltti|{. ap atait* J. T. DOJiLY Offl.-o near (Vml Htwt*e. * W. I) BR AN IN »N, ™bl7 75 In i mUlin* ( LARKNCK WALKER. Office in Utah biul«bnK a»art7 - VKBD KKIBER, OUlew in Rribrr'a hulltliae. Jrdrraoa Si. H'*' J V. M. EASTVAN, Office in Itraty but^utg. LEV. .M. Ql I>TION. Olfirt- Main atrawt, I Juor auntb of t'oart Runaa JOS. f. VANI'EUUN, Office Mam atreat. t <beir aaatb -J* l oan H<t>aa. Wm A. EORVII IR ®kT Odea <n> Main atracl f.fatof Boaaa (JIU. IC WHITE, OfGif X. E. eorßfr ol I»;*nn»ti.i J I>. McJI'N KIN, • Hllrv In h-ifklta*. weat «bl* M jin atrrrt, '4a>i fitaft" fr >tn lotart Kuan. T V CAMPBELL. Offica in Ib-r* • new KmUltn*. *1 fcar. wb Matn at . » faw Ae.ra +«nk af Vtmrf M>.taa. __ ■ Mr3 '*• r A. SI I.MVAN. •iw>7 S. W. c ' »T I'lsnt'inJ. A. T BLACK. • >lti€ »* on M »♦*» «iwt, «m« l"»* vr * Hr «tv V>u» +. h. X Kl t.KNK «i MILLk ; . Office in kaly a Law But. tu.<. tfata -»r«et. **. if ii of t'"nrf U [ «a e JB#««*t3*t THOMAS ROBINSON, BITTER, PA. JfHIN li. NEi.IJtV ut;. itittl» .t«a l> '%n~mc'.wmm m raal »»tat tb« »«H;le"tt tfea itfrb *■>* Ihc»..*t >ua Co at U»n» is t:rrix«t m-iimm K. K. IckUt, llftwi Vaa»atU t Late <»( Et'KI.EY A MARSHALL >tli In Bri'lj'a Ua Ha .1 >»•. !<■ |Ft.».74 I 11. CHRISTIK, Attorney at l_»w. /.r if>l ?>u»iaa*« nnfkllf -teairtfi Caßntlwat warf.- .n.l p**«>|>tff r mli:nt llti !wn»» r.>rrr«;K.n«»e»ee pnwyU} ttt«-it'b «l lo mJ an• wrtvtl. I (fire opposite L'tmrj n.-n-r. Butter. Pa. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E BYERS. Ii IYSICIAN A N D SI * KG F< >N t my3> lyl Bl'TLm, PA. Office on JrlT.r—>n .atreet. «|»P"-«lU» OEJIST^TIbTR X . 0 1/ « ALI»St« >V «J~<fa«tr . » tbe Phil ■ adrlpklft D» ■ ' M ■ O'.r.la a fa • 1i« profe* lon in « aoli«r»rl«»rt Wanner Office «H> Main atrrri, Batl -r. I'kM* B l **, «p atalra. at* 11 ■I F.N It V «J. llll.^ fm: HincwitT nun. colt. PERN AM» HIXTII PtHthurtjh. Pn JCC i»• h m jrtmroaa n l"i wl )DO.,„ini trv. A.1.1f « 11. 11.tt.1 rrt A t .1. Portlaiul. Maine. aaatt* .1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers