tfo Core Xo Pay. Dr. Pierce'.s Family Medicines are guaranteed to cure, for particulars see wrappers and pamphlets. They are reliable, have no sprung into populari ty iq a week or month and gone out of favor as rapidly, but being sustained by merit, have won a world-wide rep utation, necessitating a thancb in Lon pon, to supply foreign countries, while the home sales are enormous through- - out the United States. Golden Medi cal Discovery, purifies and enriches the blood, prevenring fevers, and cur ing all skin and scrofulous f Sections, stimulating t\ e liver to action, reliev ing biliousness, and curing consump tion, which is scrofuly of the lungs. If the bowels are costive take Tierce's Pellets (little pills.) Both soid by druggists. CHICAGO, 111., May 5, 187!'. World's Dispensary Medical Asso'n. GENTLEMEN.—For years I have been a preat sufferer. My trouble first start ed with terrible ague chills and cons tipations. This left me in 1878 with a racking cough and frequent bleedings from the lungs. Since this time I have been continually doctoring, consulting physicians without number. From thfem I received no benefit or encour agement. Tbe most noted physicians of our city who last visited me ex pressed their opinions in the brief but hopeless words, 'Take good care of yourself tbe few days you haee to live, we cannot help you.' I grew steadily woree under their treatment. One day, through reading your Memorandum Book I learned of tbe Golden Medical Discovery. With but little hope of re lief, I purchased a bottle and took it. To my surprise and satisfaction it did me more good than all the drugs I had taken the year around I a;n now etedially using 5t with benefit and rec ommend it to all to be just what it is advertised. Sincerely yours, JAMES P. MCGBATH, 50 Wight Street. J. C. Redick has secured the exclu sive Agency of the Day Kidney Pay for this county. Blown into Nothingness. BRADFORD, Feb. 14— F. A .McLain, in the employ of the Roberts Torpedo Company. # this morning was driving along the highway 15 miles southeast of Bradford, in a sleigh, with 200 pounds of nitro-glvcerine. The horses became frightened and ran against a bowlder, causing an explosion. McLain was torn to mince-meat. Both horses were killed and no evidences of tbe sleigh could be found, McLain was a young man and unmarried. His parents are said to reside in Beaver Falls. Though the Speaker of the new Houae of Representatives will not be elected till December next, there are many men who deem themselves spe cially fitted to adorn the Chair, and the candidating began long since. So general is the rivalry that Mr. Nord hoff is led to say pleasantly that when a Representative has served two or three terms his friends aud family usaally think he ought to be made Speaker, jast as in some places when a man gets to be forty without being sent to State Prison, the community by general consent, and as a matter of common decency, gve him the title of Colonel or Judge. —Thomas Carlyle, the author of "Sartor Resartus"and a host of other works that have stamped him as the most vigorous master of the English language since thedaysof Dr. Johnson, died at his home near London last Saturday a week in the 86th year of his age. Carlyle, like the great first lexicographer, hated democracy, aDd hence his classification of Americans as "civilized barbarians." But tbe general good which he has done in fighting shams ought to overbalance his prejudices; for no one ever dealt King Cant harder blows than the doughty Scotchman, Thomas Carlyle. —The first section of railway built by Americans in Asia was opened for traffic the first week in January, just twelve months from tbe date of the or der for its construction. The com pleted division is twenty-threo miles in length. The line is from Otarunai Harbor, on the west coast, via Lap paro, thp capital of the Northern Is land, Yezo, to the Paroni coal fields. It cost $20,000 per mile, which in cludes rolling stock, motive power, machinery for terminal repair shops, etc. The English line built between Tokio and Yokohama cost nearly S2OO - per mile, and it took five years to complete eighteen miles. The Japan ese official* arc said to be greatly en coaraged by the prospect ot an Ameri can system of rapid transportation. —The Secretaryship of the Treasury is tbe most important office which the new President has to fill. The depart ment of State, which nominally ranks as the first, cannot be so regarded when our foreign relations are as am icable as they seem likely to be for rhe next four years. But the Treasury Department will probably have to deal with tome (pjestions of the first mag nitude during tbe next administration. Our resumption of specie payment has thus far been a fair weather experi ment. The strain will come when the favorable condition of the foreign ex change shall be reversed. It is not to be expected thai the harvests of Eu rope will continue to be as bad as they have been for the last three years, not that our own crops will always be as superlatively good. Whenever the vicissitudes of the seasons shall arrest our exceptionally heavy exportations und gold flows out of the country as as rapidly as it has of late been flow ing in the solidity of our financial sys tem will be tested. Then, if ever, ability of the highest order will be needed in the Treasury Department. Whenever a great drain of gold sets in the period of fair weather navigation will come to an abrupt close. Every body who has greenbacks can exchange them for gold until the reserve in the Treasury is exhausted, and then our whole currency must sink to the value of our silver coin—in other words, be depreciated below the point at which it stood for several years previous to resumption. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, hav ing hud placed in his hands, )>y an Fast India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable • remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Coiiminiptioi), Bronchi tin, Catarrh. Asthma and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its • wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive » and adesiie to relieve human suffering, I will send lree of charge t . all who desire it, this rec ipe, iu German, French or English, with full i directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail hy addressing with stamp, naming this pap.rr, VV. W. Shearer, 14!> Powers' Block, Jioouenter, N. Y. [nov^:l3teow MRS. LYDIA I. PIHKHAM, in-- ■ \ OF LYDIA E. PBNSCHAIVS'S VEGSTABLI2 COMFOUITS. The Po«lti.rc_CTirg For all Female Complaints, This inspiration, a" it* Hi*' si-ricon : jof Vegetable Properties I'. t arc L.-ra:l ■ !'•. <S~ > irate lnvai:d. Upon one trial the merits of C<.:n pound will be lecosjnis-t, as relief Is ImnwdU ; ar.d when its n*eis continue. In ninety nine ca*-3 in a liua drod, a permanent cure lse<Teete<!,=st3iouuu».s v 111 tes tify.' On account of it 7 proven mc.-:ts. It h toKlay re commended and present*-J by the Lett physicians in the country. It will rrins entirely tl.o fim of falling of the uterus, L-ucorrb irrupiL.r and | :ii:u! Menstruation, ail Ovarian Troubles, IcHamriatloa and Ulceration, F!oodinc-<,aHl>: ~!acinv .:s a:.i t'lo con sequent spinal *vakn l, sndis ef;«.i lolly adapted to the Change of Life. It v!)l d:-)oivo r.r.d ezp*:l tumors from tbe uierusln an early st_--S» of d reloTjncr.t. T".ie tendency to cancerous humors thore Is checked very speedily by its use. Jn fart it has proved to 1-e the freat est and best remedy tliat has ever been discover ed. It permeates every portion of the syntcui,k.'-ICV- I ' 3 new life and vi,7or. It removes fainvne- latulrncy. de stroys all craving for stimulants, an t relieves wctines* of the stomach It cures Hloatins, Headache?. Nervous Trostnitlrin, General Debility, ::leeplessncEs, De?re.j»lon a:.d h.Ci gestion. That feel In? of bearing do* n, causing r—~ weight and bariaa-he, I* ahra;-s permanently ccrrd ty its use. It will at all times, and under rH c'.rcumstan ces, act fn harmony with the law that governs the female system. For Cidnev Complaints of either sex t his compound la unsurpassed, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound la prepared zX 233 and 235 Western Avt nne, Ljrni, Mrs.-*. Price CI-W. Six bottle* for s."*.&). Sent Ljr mail la form of pill*, also in the form of Losc-ngr's, on rceel. t of price, SI.OO, per box, for either. Mrs. PIXIULiII freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pam phlct. Ad Jress a.*; a.'x>ve MLm ti cm t\i-. pa per. ?;o family should be without I-YD IA E. PI'KHAir LIYZn TILLS. They cure Constipation, Biliousness, and Torpidity of tiie Liver. 25 cc.nta iwr bo* GtO. A.. KELLY & CO. General Agents, Pittsburgh Pa. Sold by D. H. Wuller, - Butler Pa. It jju arc a man I? you are x W of t>u.sioe»*,weak- *-i" >i <-»' '• *- eoeu bv the strain of lteretcilincoTermla K your dutitw &nid V? work, to re«- H rttu'iUlant-4 an d uae Of toi« brain n»-rvcana E3 Hop "Bitters. use Hop 3, ■ If jou are j-mii* an J 9 suffering from any in H discretion or dimipa H tion . if you are mar- H ried or sintfl**, old or fffl vouni*, sutferinj; from B poor health or Uui£iit*hHln£ on a btd of aick- jg nt-KM, rely on HO P BitterSa Whoever vouar , W> Thouisandndie an- n| whenever you feci jfK 1 nuallyfroin ®oni3 H that y•>.i r system of K » ne* I < leansin/, ton- fl tag or stimulating:* R have been prevented B wuhout intoxicating, HR by * timely use of uke Hop Hopßltters gj Have yon dyn- JmA pD. I. C. ttrurtmtry com, ■ lis an absolute S-irrs. | HOP 1&E3? liver or nerves r Ijuwof opium,' Yoti will be 3 niTTrnO ftitobacco, or cored if you uae » 111 I | I {ll' ft uarcotica. g Hop Bitter. 0 R LIW? 1 Ifyouare.lm- fj "" 1 LMU I S;>idbydru*- H ply w-a Ic and • iiri/rrj b/ * S ndfor ■ fcwspirited,try « NEVi." s, Circular. ■ it I It may: J .. K HOP BITTEN |r«?e v . e . y t^. r i| FAIL I I ■ saved hun-[/J jjßofbetirr, s. T. B P dredSi -1] 4 Toronto, OnU Q • Profitable Heaumg for LveVyboJy | ► Business men and women, te. - hers, mechanic-J •farmers, ministers, mothers, and all v. ho are tir-.-dJ [(Ait by the constant toil and worry of your work !| [don't drink intoxi- blttrr . 1 : i « % saaaEEEEHS^^siE? | Are yoti suttering iroin lJyspejjsia, Khcun. .tism, Neuralgia, or with Bowel, Kidney, Liver * 'Urinary • mplaints, 5 i 1 cured by 1 * > If you are wasting away with Consumption, [maie weakne-.s or any sickness ; if you have : pain-| ,ful cough or ' '»ld. v i \vi'l f- i s-.ire relief in , ! If you are enfeebled i>y disease, old age or di.-»-, and your system needs invigorating, or< |if you have pimple** and blotches, and your [needs purifying. ■ u »•] :ti-« •• , ~Made from Ginger, Buchu, Mandrake, Stillingia, ►and many other o the lx-st medicines known it is the Dest Health and Strength Restorer Ever !Used. and is far superior to Bitters, Kuences of] and other Tonics, as it never intoxicates.! 'and combines the b :-t curative properties of afl. 1 [ It llan Sared Ihindr. tU of Lires; It May ' [ Save Voutb. , • Buy a =;oc. bottle of your druggist, and to avoid* counterfeits be »ure our signature is on the out-' .side wraj»i»«»r, Hiscox & C , Chemists, N. Y. ' Parker's Hair Balsam. The Bent * Host Kcononiirtil ll»lr I)re*sln* Containing only ingredients that arc beneficial to the hair and s. alp, the BALSAM will be found far more satisfactory than any other preparation, ft >'c?cr Fallr, to llnstore Gray or Faded Hair to youthful c- ior and ii warranted to v-:(hndrurf, prevent baldness and stop lalliog of th« ii-ir, by druggists at so cents. S URE GU K : — ron — Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat. Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption ai d All Diseabts of THROAT anil LUNGS. Put up In Quart-size lioitlcs for Family Scientifically nrupart'd of Balsam Tolu. ('ryslal llzcd lUM-k <'anJy. old Hye. and ((ibtTttmlcx. 'the Formula is known to our physicians. Is liijrli- Iv l»y lli< 111, anil llic analysis of our most immiliii'lit cliemist. I'rnf. <l. A. MARIXFIC, in Chicago, in i u ili<" I;i'»♦-! of fveiy boiile. Ii is wt-11 known to llifi ni<-rtii I pMtcs-ion that TOI.V KIM K and ItVK will alloril Ihf j-rpali-st rcllt-f f"r ( OIIKIIS, Colds, Influenza. J'.roni'liith. , s ori- Throat, \Veak Luiigs. also C'oiiMiiiiiptioii, in'the in. Ipti lit and iMlvaiifvii st.- I'sod as a HRVKKAOK and Ai-i i i,ll makes a delightful tonic for family use. Is pleasant to take ; Tf weak or ilei.llilalett, it gives tone, acti\ :ty and ntrength to llie whole hum. n frame. (n X IT'linV DON'T r... I»k< KIVM. \ IvA I 1 I I" t N .by unprincipled deal- \ er» who try to palm off upon you l'nck & IJyc I in place of our Tot.t i:«n k ASH ltvi., which I Is tin: only nieoiraicd article made, the p-nn- / Ine havliiK tt government stamp on each bottle / LAWUKXCE & .MAItTIN, J*ropri»tor», lit Madl l.son Street, < hicaxo, your I»ru?frist fur it! ISr- Ask your (irocer for it ! irf~ Ask your Wine .Merchant for it ! i-T'-Children, ask your .Mamma for it ! r«<~ Sold liv DKt'<;<;iSTS,<;u( tci.ltsand VVI NF. MKIU'IIAN'TS everywhere, and hy I..WVREXCK .1 MAKTIX. Xo. » llarclay St., New York. IM ? UR. f^r-z:" "...'i'V,. :Jr TRADE GUENTHER'S LUNG MEALER CURES CONSUMPTION, Spittini* of Blood, A tbma, Coughs, c.:;l a 1 a of tin; Pulmonary 50 CVntM t\ IKI Pollar. CUENTHER & CO. Proprietors. 39 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. ,t*k Woiir Ilriigsisl for it. p en slows Procured for all boldier* disat>ied '.n J e [ T S. Berviee from any a)»<> for lit-ira of deceiu., ed *oldiern. The >liphfe»"t di.ahilitv cnlit en to pensions. PENHIONB INCBFAKI'D. liounty and new procured Thofe in doubt an to whether entitled to anything. sliouM .end two 3-cent wtaropfl f>-r our ''circular of info ma tiOD." AddreM), wiili ainf Srolu.AitT .V Co., h'olifitoro of Otai nn and I'ateiilH, ltooin H St. Cloud Building, WaaUlugton, D. C. (IddtxKm PxtfcUe CiUset* : Antler, P*., 3H««:df 2, ISBI. Mercantile Appraiser's List for 1381. ADAMS TOWKSHIP. BCTI.F.R 808. (Ton.) y<ti:ies. Class. Same.". Class MissN y A'lan.s M M Rookensteinl4 J. A. Anderson 11 K (Jrieb 1-1 11. W. Walters 14 Charles K. Grieb... 14 C B. Irvine 14 C. Stock 14 W. A. McCoinbs 14 Mrs. C. Koeli 13 J. J. Smith. .. ..14 J.Rockensteiu 14 ALLEGHENY TP. Jacob Keck 14 H. J. Thompson. .14 Troutman 11 A. B Bucklioldt..l4 Henry Biehl 14 J. C. Wales A- C 0...14 Bander A Pyle 14 M. W. Conway <fc L . Stein 13 Co 14 Zimmerman A" W. ii. Feucil 14 Wuller 14 W. M. Forqnher.,,l4 B.C. Huselton 11 •T. S. Flinn A Co.. 13 Hitter A Kalston... 8 J. I>. Schell A' Co. 13 H.Schneidetnan...l2 J. S. Kiskaddon...l4 D. H. Wuller 1^ S. P. Kaken 14 Al Ruti". 13 J. C. McKalip 14 John Bickel 13 W. H llankins 3 J.F. Shafcr billiard tables D. T. l'ape 14 BUFFALO TP. J. <fe B. Kemper....l4 J. M. Fleming 14 J.F. T. Stehle 13 (i.C. Cramer 14 L Bishop 14 Marshal Kros 14 John Berg A' 50n..13 BKAI'Y TP. Harvtiv Colbeit.. 14 E. G.Clutton 14 A. Hatl'ner 14 W. W. Robison 14 Coulter Linn 14 Murtl'd <Si Gordonl4 J. G. iV • Cauip coxcord TP. bell 13 A. I>. Kuhn A Co 13 S. Sykes 14 S. Mark well 13 George Boulger 2 H. A. Nesbit 14 billiard tables, 1 W. J. Hovis 14 pool tabie. D. Crawford 14 CKNTKI.VILLF.BOR. ohn Balsijrer. .. .14 Hard A Sons 1-' . A. Harding, 1 J.B. Mcti«iistion...l4 billiard table J. H Munt/. 14 CLINTON TV. J- H. A alker 13 Samuel Snvder 14 T. Wilsr.n & Son. FJ Win Wood 14 James S.M llson. 14 R.Anderson 14 C. W. Coulter 14 CE.NTBF. TP. . W. T. Ramsey Joseph Coulter.... 14 C.O. Kin^sljury...l4 D. C. Miller 14 Bingham A Sous.. 14 CLEARFIELD Tr. Über A Soils 14 \y # s. McCrea H FAIKVILVV HOR. M. J. Meßride 14 C. Scott..... 13 CH KRRY TP. J- M. Ervin 14 H C McCoyASon 14 C. Alexander ..14 X. W. Christy A G. P. Conway A Bros 13 Bro I*. Shannon A H-v.k.,14 Graham A Wilson 14 John A. Bailev 14 GN. «n»w ... 3 CONNouI* ENESSINO W ni. Kelly A 1>r0.14 TP HARMONY BOR. Peter Stalf'. 14 CG L Fetter 13 C. Nicklas 14 S 11 \\ heeler 4 J TAW. A.Pur- Aug Foehrmger. 14 viance 14 katshaw AStamml3 Joseph <iraham ... 13 A. katshaw .........14 CRANBBRRY TP Swain A 1,ente1...12 Wm. Garvin 14 A W Ziegler 14 P. B. Wilson 14 HARRISVILLE BOR. H. G Hendric;ksonl4 1> E Cle( land 14 DONF.OAL TP. Mrs E Black 13 C D.Wilber 11 I E Curry.. W. M. lHirham 14 W B Rrown A Son 14 Reisner Bros 14 J S Ilodil 14 FAIRVIEW TP. |S Ii Bingham 14 W G. Ilavs 13 R R Walker 14 I. N Hawk 14 C Black 12 I) W. Kelly 14 J N Cubbison 12 John Balsiger 14 T\V Morrow 14 Paul Troutman 13 MII.LERSTOWN BOR. Walter Jackson ...14 tieorge (itass 14 FRANKLIN TP. I) S\\ akeiiigllt.... 14 Wm. Watson 14 R Salvage A Co .14 JACKSON TP. Westeriuan 8r05..13 A Dreabert A 8r0.14 W P Turner 13 Georee IfftASons.l3 •' Scharbach 4 Botrtrs A Cooper.. 13 M l> Marks 14 II Marker 14 .S A A Fleeger 14 Wall 1 A Bishop 13 M R Marks 14 DrT Kersting 14 S Schweiger 4 LewisGantz.. M <' I> Aldlnger 14 F V Brooks 14 W W Bowen 14 Andrew Boggs 14 Cl* Pierce 1.1 JEFFERSON Tl®. H Lltzillger 13 Hartenstein A C 0..12 All Simpson 14 M. P. I.inch 13 J M Lander 14 Wm. Montag J Campbell 14 Wm. Lindsey M Dieter 14 LANCASTER TP. Alston A Sutton. .14 Jacob Laderc r 14 H Lockhart, .5 bil- A. E. Metz A Son. 12 Hard tables. • MERCER TP. PROSPECT BOR. Lewis Owens 13 J H Mcßurr 14 Wm C Brvson 14 C CSullivan 13 MARION TP. GelbAGoodfriend 12 Joseph Bailey 14 SS Forrester 12 J II Gormley 14 H Young 14 P Mcßride 14 W li Ruld.e .14 Wm May bold 14 T Critclilow 14 MIDDLESEX TP. PORTKRSVILLE BOK. J B Flick.. 14 Wm Humphrey...l 4 I. J Coojier 14 -Win \V illiams 11 Anderson A Marksl4 11 lleborling 14 J J Starr A Co 14 PETUOLIA BOR. OAKLAND TP. Mrs Travers 12 D J McKlwee 14 M A Klingensm'h.l3 PARRER TP. H Koonco 14 G W Hicks 14 R J Bottner 14 J P Robison 14 1» A Cypher 14 J W Oir 14 J Benedict A Son.. !' R I- Black"...'. "...*.J4 1» L Backus 14 J A McKallip 13 SE Lenchan 14 A I> Black 14 Freeman A Marksll FM Kinter.l4 J H Kilroy. 14 TC Campbell 13 J B Kilroy 14 B K Dennison 14 John Burns 14 Wn, WMson It 15 J Hunt 14 John Kelly, 3 bil- 81l Kerr 11 li lrd tables. Jas Lazenby 14 PENN TP. Mapes Bros. 13 D II Sutton 14 E P < hesebro 11 L G Moore 14 John l.ill 14 Nicol Allan 14 EJhlenfeld .... 14 SLIPPKRYROCK TP. A M }vilcheiisteiiil4 Hard Bros 14 •' A l-'ooto, Agt... 14 H E Wick 13 Q DOrwig 14 si'MMIT TP. J Aaron 14 C O Graham 14 John I>i!i, 2 bil- VKNANOO TP. liard tables A Burnett A Son. 14 W 11 utcinngs, 4 M'CandlessA Kerrl4 billiard tables D J Sloan 14 SAXON iu RO BOR. WASHINGTON TP. EA Ile'mbold 13 John MeCorkell.,.l3jTheo He1m1;01d....10 McKee A Son 14 John E Muder 14 John LBoattv 14 j si NBl BY Jifß. Philip Hilliard.... 14 P A S LRh< <les .. 14 JW Hi trains 14 John Mechlin 14 R A Mifflin A Son 11 A B Rhodes 14 Harper A Gibson. 14 K J McMicliael... 14 RM Harper 13 Conway A Brcad- X M Hoover 14 en 12 WINFIELD TP. Jasl'ryorACo 14 SJ Whited 14 Mrs Susan Kelly. 14 O F Katn 14 KARNS CITY BOR. (i II Love 13 G lirown U RA A Krause 12 John Wci>h 11 Weidhas 14 A J Hetric 14 EG I.eithold 14 J Rosenberg 14 WORTH TP. R Marks 14 N Gardner A 50n..13 W II Sett 11 BITTLKR BOROCOH. i J It IJitrke 14 11. C. lleineman...l3 J II Boreland 11 Mr*. M. Rocken- 1A A West 14 stein II J \ Jtfchey, 4 bit- Be TL' A Cypher.... 11 liard tabled. M. Reiber. Sr 13 ZI:LI KNOPLE BOR. Jackeon A Mitch- <'S l'assavant 14 ell 14 II Miller .14 George Reiber 14 Summer A Mille -11. J Kling'er 14! man 12 Mrs B. Roessina . 13 GeorgeSnyder 11 S. <l. Purvis A Co 12 A Siller.. 14 J. Xlggel <V Bro IB <teo B Baotian 14 Miller Bros A C 0.,11 !•' <} Kline 14 G. Wilson Miller A John Blum 14 Bros 10 John I»indinger...l3 .1. C Redick 13 1-Mwin Zehner.... II HeckAPatterson.lo II litndinger 14 C. Duffy 12, A Winter 14 S. M. LOVE, Mercantile Appraiser. Any merchant who ma, bo omitted in list, as furnished by tiio Mer cantile Appraiser, will take notice and apply within SO days from date of com mencing business, t<> County Treasurer, who will grant or issue such a license ac cording to amount of sales. If otherwise neglected over 30 days, there is 20 per cent added and liable to a penalty if re turned and prosecuted by tbe Common wealth of Pennsylvania. Wholesale li oen«*>i< arc due the Commonwealth on June Ist, lWsl, and must i.e paid to the Treasurer on or before July Ist, 1881, un less altered or revised at the appeal, A pril Bth, lssi, at which time only can any re vision be made. Feb. 15, '81.) A. L. CRAIG, Treas. >ij >I:N DA WN or I.ight mi the Great future in Uii>« Lifit firo' tlie I)*rk Valley and intlio Life Kte.rnal. ikLUS TItATKI). Hella fast. Pays over i MONTH fP_LVA7 KO R AGENTS Bend for circular and terms. AIPO send a<ldienH ot two or mora boot &p<i,ti and ten cents for of mailing, and I'f-i'i i.'O the Peoplp-n zine of choice literature free for I'. cionths. Ad drees I- W. A CO.. 915 Arch Street, Philadelphia, I'a. D. L. Cleeland, (FOUMKHLY OF HARRISVILLE) DE&LEII WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY SPECTACLES A VIOI-IK STRINGS, li f Fine Vvatcn and Clock r -pa ring a speci ality. All work warranted. Siore betw.en WA'.icrV DM K store and Putlor Savings Hunk. M.iin ptreet. Butler, Pa. V \ li V 111 ' ,er e les worth y'J I" o~«o f!j fiee. Audithh tins. .■» & Co., Port laud, iiaiue. dooJ-ly FOR SALE. A {ROOD four-room frame house, two town lots and Ito *p r r nrfn n ii mri in i : i iff hitUURU. all connected, sitc.A . i :ersville: I'U '"o . P»„ is for sale. Po- ION :lrat of Avrilnext FOR teims address the uuderti O II' J-> 11-rnio- J tiv, lint ler Co.. L'a. ' JNNL2:-M RUDOLF BAB»HART. o it to itr t-JTiri.lilirtt re /•«.'/ >'■ 7 ' B TUCPL :: ... K Wirt, N»-B®. KttNEYfflwir'SrtH "AID • BLOOD REMEDY *V L Anti-Bilious —OWSO.. Skia Scr f iIoUS Ht.u |* i •itic "ffecti >t:i f>i i »>r • ana u! -r«. t • tak-. Trill t : J' iJirKebottlnSOcta. A ir-;«'*:§rs-rd .v.nntrr f "-. 9 r will g-t it lor v .a. Af:-Mr- ti in f near •vau-d v."- in ' 1 " f r a KjsTia iIOMK MEDICINE (. 1.. Piul».:e:rli!». I'a. Sherifl *s Salt's. Jiv virtue of -undry writ- of Fieri Facias. • Venditioni Kxponas. L.evan Facias. ,Ve„ issned out of the Court of Common Pleas FT Butler county AND to nic directed, tl.ere will be ex poted to Public Sale at the. Court llouee. ii. the borough of Butler, oa Moiulav, Miircli 7<li. A !>.. IHSI, at one o'clock, P. M. the following de- BCl ibed property to wit : EI) So 72, ?larch Term. 1»S1. J. C. Vanderlin. Attorney. All the rigid, title, interest and claim of Pat rick Carrof. in and to one hundred acres of land, more or le.-S. situated in Vena> go township, Bntler comity Pa-, bounded AS follow-, to wit : On the nort: by Fzra McLullough, east by lands formerly of Knit - < and Judge XleJtiukin. south by Charles BUFTY. et al and yv. ST by Church property, log house, low Htalle and orchard thereon" Seized and taken in execution ss tbe property of Patrick Carr at the suit of George BE- ringer. ED No 31. March Term, I*Bl. S F Bowser, at'y At the p*r»ie time and place all the right, title, interest AND claim of Matthew Forqner and th seventy (70) acres of land, more or less, sit uated in Donegal township, Butler county. Pa., bonnded : s foi'ows. to wit : RI N tbe north by Brady and MC( Imtcck. east by Maloneys. south by Double heirs at:d yvest by OWC-n Brady, two story leg house AND log bain weather-boarded and two ore-hurd- thereon, al on: 50 acres cleared SEIZED and taken in execution A* tho projierty of Matthew Foiquer at the suit of H. L. Taylor A- Company. El> NO March Teini. 1881. T- 7. Mitchell at'y At the rnme time anil p ace all the right, title, interest and claim of G II Nesbit T of. in and to all the undivided three eighths I . I of that cer tain p : eee of land wtnat. in Fairview township. Butler county. Pa., bounded and described as follows beghting at a white oak on the south eftrt comet ai d tunning thence south 87 degrees west I'IC J ercben to a pott, thence by part of said tract belonging to or formerly of WM Mc- Caffc-rty north 3 degrees west 164 perches to a post, thence by lands of John Bieney north 87 decrees ea-t \it perches to a post, thence south 3 degrees east IN perche- to ibe place of begin U:g. containing 12'' acres, more or L.-RS. about I'T ceres cleared, a two -story dwelling house, frame bank lam tr.-hard, coal hank, 4 boaid licuses. one 22.0C0 barrel iron tank. 10 producing oil wells thereon, derricks, engine houses boiler houses, boilers mid engines, wooden tanks, cas ing. tubing, r.xls and all maehinerv and fixtures thereto belonging. Seized and tnl en in execu tion as the T:I nerty of G H Nesl itt at ilie suit of Kittsnning Insurance Company for u-E F. D No 9, 31 arch Term, 1881. I. Z Mitchell, at'y AT the same time and t lire all the right, title, interest and claim of G II Ne.-bitt or. in and to the undivided one-half of that certain place of land -itnate in Concord township. BNTH r county Ta.. bounded EI d described as follows, begin ing at the ROl.tb east corner of the fann of ISAIAH Brown at a white oak. thence by land of Samuel McC'ellsnd due north I'.- 1 tl-10 perches to a post, thence by land of Iraiah Brown due yvet-T 111. 5-' 1 peiclier. to a po- 1. t'.ence by land of P KeUimtrer due south 28 FI-10 perche-. to a port thence by and of Isai I!I Brown 40 rods to a post, thence by same land due south 40 rods to a poet on south line OF Isaiah Brown farm, thence by land of Bnmhart Pendeison Christie 76 5-10 J ei.ches to the \'lace of begiiilng, con t-- nlng 40 acres more or less, about '24 acres cleared, hoard house, one producing oil well tl EIET I . . I <■!.. CI gine lion. e. ( ngiue ;I d boil er. FUL ii g. casioi ß . ianks. rods --... 1 all Nl?;.'B:nejy and fixtures 1 hereto 1 elongii g. Seized anil taken in exf . ution • - the jropertv of G H Nes bitt at the suit of Kittanning limnrance Com pary for use, E IJ Xo 9. Match Toim. 1881. I Z Mitchell, at'y A: (lie sir: e tin e ai d t lace all Ihe light, 'itle. inferos* and elain of G II Nesbitt ' f, in anil to li e in div (led oriedialf of the oil right of about lift' acre- of land sitnate in Fait view township. Butler conniv. Pa bounded and DESCRIBED as follow- (and I t own as I'rui I aid faini.l tiegin ii g at the nottli < a-T E riu-r of a lot conveyed to John Mel anpMin on the west line of land of F<■' nper an' Kaler thence along the I-aid weet line north Idei/rees yv.--T G- % perch, s to the HI nth .-as' COR er of a lot in pornession of John V. rsel. tli' Ice a'on'r tie s. nth side of said Ven-el'S ';. nd SON'h 87 degrees west 117 perches to the south west corner of said Vensel's land, tin roe at<-I g tbe ea.t line I f land formerly of !'■ ill Mcl'ermott now or recenf'v of Matthew Banks untl- Hl'firxs (RST HC*.. p.rchts to the north line of said lot conveyed to John ME- I iiiigh'in. thence along said north line north 87 degrees eas' 117 perches to the p!NE» of begin ing. mostly chared, 3 small dwelling houses two producing oil wells teereon. del ricks, en gine housed, engiiKs rnd 1. ileis. tubing, casirc rr* 1 ;., TENL s and all machineiy and fixtures thereto belonging. Seized and taken in execn ti. nas T lie property of G UN;-lift at tho suit of Kittanning Insuranco Company, far use. r. P NoO. March Term, 18S1 I, 7. Mitchell, att'y At the fame tin e and place all tiie rigli*. title, iiitfi st and idsim of (i H of. in anil to tl-o foil- wing di eiibrd 'cm-hold. Bitnnt ton the Ti niino J mieon farm. Fairview tovaisbip. flit ter crniitv I'a., defcribed as followH lieeiniog at the. iiorth en .-I corner of tbe Tliomns Jamison farm east along the line between smd faitn and flie Mofls' vcy farm to th» Tliadys Bend ro d. t'n: oe along nod road according io the decent tirti of hi id rotd to the McKinney line thence nl. ng said line to the eoutli line of the faiin thence v est aim g hai l Hue to the Mc- crt iT, tl ence along the lines between said Thonns Jami-cn farm and t'- MePermott cori cr. thefco along the line between said Thomas Jamison farm and the McDermott farm north t;i tie p'ape of 1 ({.'inning, containing abont 25 acres mo e or less, tojjei her with fi p*oduci- g oil wells thereon, derrick, engine hoiiKes. engines and boi'erH. tnbin;r, casing, rods tanks and a'l machineiTand tistures thereto be longing. Peize.l and taken in execution as the pcpeity of fJ II Nesbitt a' the suit of Kittan ning liienrance Cninnaiiy, fir use. I-'. I> No 0, March T, ISS'. I. 7. Mil' 1 ell, att'y -\l tl.e same tin e and idace nl' the ri ■ lit, title, interest and cl- iin nl (I 11 Nesl itt o', in and to the followini' di scribed V-iS' l-oH situateonthp Thos Jamißon farm, Kairvieiv, Butler Co, Pa, bounded on the north by the McDermott and Mcftarvey l irn on tin-1t b\ 8 Wiles, on the south by tl.e Piety, MeKini ev and Kiddle farms and oti ll we*l by the Banks and McDermott farms, containing 2(1 neiea, more or less, togeih er \»i:b two piodllcint' oil walls I hereon, der ricks, t li'.'lnc bou es. rnaln.-s ai d I oilers, tub inir rti"li;L'. tanks, rod" :in4 all n aehincry and I tixtares therdo belonging K.-i/.-d and taken lu execution as 'he prop'-rtv "I (» II Nesbitt at Hie suit o! the Kin in nil in- urai.i.e ( o lor uc. K I) No '.I Mar. ' r, 1 ssi I / Mltcliell. att'y I At tl.e a ■ time mil (il ee all the ligl t, title, interest ai d claim of O ii N- btt id, in and to the following tl'sc ibed lea-ehn'rt. situate on the Thus Jamison firm. Fairvl- w township, linllcr ( , !*;i., bounded on the north by the MpGarvey (aim. south by barnyard and lane, eat oy the prlng- run and latin lem a aed west by lie- | lib ie ra 01, containing 5 acres, more or less, toga tin r with one prodiieintr oil well there on. delrii k, en; ine hcuse. engine and boiler, Inbin . c-tt ii'g, rod', inks and .'I ma< hinery and fixtwes t: ■ reto beloi ?ing. Bei::ed and ta- I en in cxeiiilior. as the property of (I II Ne«. I.itt at !!•(.'suit nt Kit iaulig Insurance Co. lor Ufip. E I) No 0, M uch T. H>xi. I. / Mitchell, att'y. At ti.e - no I line and place idl the right, title inlerc I and claim ol (i 11 Ni sbiit it, in and to abont -■> ores of land, situate it; K irvi w town ship, Butler Co I'i, Ii i ' a portion ot He .las 81-tny lirm djoinn ..' I. i !s •i(i W Graham. J. 15 Jamison, 011 the no ih an I 1) J..misou on tli3 past and part of land of said las Blany on ti c south and wi si to no .irveycil by u iiuu be ginning at the Black Jack corner arid running west along- G W Graham line to the cros- line of the 11 iid Blmy land, thence south to south side ol ravine, thence south a -ulll i nt distance lo make 2.1 acres par'ly now in the borough ol i'clrolla, (rl dwelling l ouses and wooden build- Ings and one prod-elm.' oil well thereon, der rick, engine bouse, engine aril b i '.jr, tilling easing tanks, rod- and all other in hinery and fixtures thereto belonging 1 hereon Seized and •nken In execn'ion as the property G II Ncs ' iti al the suit oi ixiiwiiiiiiiig iucitrunce Co, (or use. E1)No 9. March T, lsßl I. / Mitt-hell, att'y At tbe same time and pi cc all the liirlit, title interval and claim ol G II Nt-slntl 01, in and to a leasehold, beina: a portion ot ll.e -I 1! Jan i-on farm ?ili'"'e in ,h > - 'Se tx.rouali ot l'etrolia. Hnt ler Co. ' . i. ,-ng 4 acre-, more or less, aud i is, adion land- of .Tauie- BlatH oi. tin- ii d sin in..! (i vv (Jrali.mi or it.-e i orth, p 1-1 B Jainico;. ml- on the east, t<>_ :< er »i !; •- i ■ •. . ! -ai 1.1 B Jamison !'unt- osi:cs»' >l «'I ili:' pul>'ic road h-'dint Iroin V.iriiusli : ui' 's, and adjoin intr 1 itids ot Jus Bl uiy on the west, and on the ' south by W A \Vil.-on and s<id 1 B Jamison land on"the ea»t. Also, so much as li.s south Brady's Bend road adjoining lands ot Ely Steel , as will iirke 8 acres in all, 40 board dw. lling houses and huildiutrs erected thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the propel ty o| G II Neshitt at the suit ol Kittanning Insurance Co. tor use. F. DNo Mirth 1, 1881. L'/ Mitchell, att'y At tbe same time and place all 11 ic right, title interest and claim ol (1 II Ni.-bitt 01. in and to a iMMkdU, beillfr a pi-rtion of t'.ie Mcl'ermott !. ,tn. situate in Fairvii-w township, Untie- Co, Pa, bounde.l on lhe north by l<- ses ol McKc- OVII and Morre»y,Connelly, Leslie Bros, Reli' f Pipe Line, Bnckfis A Smith, east by 1 bos Jam ison. t-cutli ly Matthew R and #e-i b> Smith larro, contalnini! 50 acres, more or les-, with two | rodiicinsr »il wells thereon, dirii K-, engine houses, engines and b,»il**rs, ca-iii|T. tub iiiL'. tank®, rods, buildings and all m.\ihinerv and tix uii-- thereto belongini: thereon. Seized inn tak> nln ex. cuth>n s ill j roperty ot Gil N.-sbitt at the suit ol Kittauniug li-surance Co, lor us-e. IE D Nos .9 and 70, M.rch T, ISBI. S Black and .1 L) McJunkiti, attyV. At the t-ame time and l lace all the right, title intere-t and claim ol Solomon Albert of, i'i nd to thirty (30) acres ot land, more or less, shun ted in Franklin tewnsh ]» Butler Co. Pa, bound ed as follow-, to wit: on the north by John Staiu"', e st by VV 5 Thompson, south by \V S Tliompson and west by Jolin Staicm. a story and a h..lf Ira., eor plank dwelling house, log Inrn and fruit trees iherrcn, mostly cleared. Seized and taken in i-x. eutiou a- tie pioperty ol -M lomou Albe t at the suit ot 1 .1 M'Cat;dies and John Berg tfc Co E D No 18, March T. 1881. J D McJuukin, A t t'y At the same time and place, all the right, ti tle, interc-t and claim < f Francis Conley of, in and to one hundred and thirty-one (13') acres of land, more or lc?s situated in Centre town ship, Butler county. Pa., boui ded as tollows, to wit: (in the n rlh by lands of Robert Alli son. east b lands ot John Pollock and Jacob Sh.mor, south hj - lands of Sarah Shaiior and W'-st by Perry Smith and Thrs Ho n; aiwo slory stone dwelling house, frjme barn. Irinie stable and wagon abed and orchard thereon, mostly cleared. Seized and taken in execution •if tl:<- property ol Francis CODICJ at the suit of Robert Oe.iley. Sr. E 1> s'o 3»i, March T, 1881. Thompson A Scott, Att'y. At the sat le time and , lace a'l the light, title, intere-t ant' claim ol Win M Ahrims 01. MI and to thirty acres of laud, n.ore or less, situate and lying in th" borough ol Petrolia and Fairview township, Butler Co., IV, ai d bounded and de scribed as follows, beginning at a stone, thence noitb, 4 5 degree- west, ptrches to a post by hinds of Wm Gib M.ii, thence sou'h.!> degrees west. 2B pelches to a j/O-t by lan s lornierly ow ned by M B George,tl'.eiice souilt, 21 degree ea-t, pert-lies to a post, thence south, (52 deuce- east, 50 perches to a poet by lands ol J l> Jatuis ill's lieits, Ihence l.y lande ol the same, 80 degrees ia*t. 11 8-10 perches to a post, north, 12 t'egree? ea-t, 74 perches to the place of be. intunir by lands ol ilei ler, and be ing the 4anie piece of l-'tid which was conveyed to Jas Campbell, church building, school build ing, machine shoo, sixty wooden buildings, more or les°, erected ther on and u-ed us dwel ling l ooses and store houses, one producing oil we I thereon, derrick, engine ht tise. engine and boiler, tubing, casing, rod-, lank* and all ma chinery and fixture- thereto belonging. S«-i/.ed and t 'ken in execution a- the propel ty of Win M Abiams at the suit of J Craig W.illace for use of i H Hain«-» now for use ot -los .V'Elioy, ass'e of Citizens Savings Bank, of E i-t Brady. E D No 2», March T, 1881. M C Benedict, att'y At the same tiiLC at d place a'.llhe right, title, ititerert and cluitp of S !1 I'aiuiltoit ot, in ai.d to one acre of land, more or less, situated in Fairview town-hip, Boiler county, I'a , bounded ?.s follows, to wit: In the north by G U iles, east by G W Wiles, south bv public road mid w est by Mortimer fa'm, a one-story dwel ling house and board stable thereon, eh aied and fenced. Seizrd and taken in execution as ihe property of S H Hamilton at the suit ol G W Wiles. E1)No 4. March T, IMI. W II I.u-k. Ait'y. At the same time and pi. ice all the riirht, title intern t mid claim of William Beil of iu and 10 thirty-two (32) acres ol innd, nmrc «>r !ess, situ ated in Washington township, Hutler Co, Fa, bounded as follows, lo wit: on the north by Isaac Thompson's heirs, cast by Ah x Hi' 1. smith by !S A Campbell and w -t by I conird Stcwait, a one-slot y log and board bull e, frame i-table and small orchard tl orcon, all chared Seized and tnki 11 in exccu'ioi. a- the properly ol Win Hell at the mi it ol John F Cochran. E I) No 51, March T, ISSI. Newton Black, Atl'y. At ihc same tiir.e and place all the 'iL'ht, title, interest and claim ol Robert Ai en of, i;! lid to r.l! licit pertajn tra< t o r parcel of and si; it i!c in Brady and W( -th louhshlps, toi !cr county, I'a , In nudcil ai.d desciibeil as toib ws. Ir. in niiiir at a post, thence I y lamN ol A ri> d R (ilenn south, dct 'c-V. . si, 27-' I'ercl.c- lo a post, thence by lands ot Win Cmry and A (.linn south. i f a dcirtee east, -07 and 4-10 pi to a post and stone pile, I- cnic to a post, thence north. % ol a device wc-t, l.y lands ol MeClyii ends and others 2 7 and t 10 jiii' las to the place ot bciiinnini', c- niainina three hundred and ini\ aci-cs, more w Wit* i'-SO) loj and IVan.e bouse, loir bain and oull • nlit!iiiuK and aid tlicieon, partly cleared nil I-need, ridzed and taken in evi Ulloii as the | :opi-riy ol K her! Allen ai the uit ol Charles McCutcb eon for use. EI) No 51, March T. U'SI. N Black, ait'y At the same time ind place ill tin riirlil, title interest and cl i>u ol Rot e t Allen, ah that piece or paici I ot land - sji;talc in Brady town ship, Butler eo - niv. I'a , bounded and described as follows: beninnin/ at a post al the north west <:o tier, Hume by* ol li MeDecitt ct al, uoith, BS)J£ decrees • ist, 3t>|t and 3-10 perch es to a post, thence by lands ot James Gross nan south, 5 des:r e east I oil and ft-10 perches to a post, thence bj land ol the heirs ol Strain sniith Ml deirri i•> w> -t, Stfc'.l and 3-10 pen-lies to h pest, ihenct hv lands ot to the place p: beirinniwr containing two hundred and 1 rty clitlil more oj* les-, a ouc-'sldiy brick dwel ling house, lame frame barn and oi.i buildings and (rood orchard thenon. mostly cleared. Setx nnd taken in • xeeutlon as the property i t Rob i rt Allen al the suit ol Charles McCatchcon for use. E D Xo 51, March T, 18S1. N Black, atl'y. At the same time and place ail the riirht, title interest and claim • I Ho I ert Allen of, iu and to all that tracf. or iiarp-l ol | ipd, situate in Frank lin township, Butler county, Pa , bound* d on Ihc north by lain's ot Stephen Allen heirs, on the east by tiie Franklin road, on the south bv a public road and oil the w* st by lands of Gal laithi r and B ike''. containing lour hundred acres more or less, and known as the Biker tract, subject to a reservation ot twenty ai res lo lie se lected by a railroad company for depots, «Stc., when a Rai'road is built over sajd land, a irood fiume dwelling house and frame barn and other oiit-buildiiiL's ai d (rood orchard ihereon, mostly denied Bcizt d and taken in execution us the property of Robert Alien at the suit ol Charles VcCutcl eon for use. E I) No 54, March T. 1881. 0 McCandl. < tn'y Al the same lime ami place all the rnrht, title interest and claim ot Geo (J Conway, decVl, of, in and lo 185 acres ol land, more or les-, sltui ted in Joncord township. Butler Co, I'a. bound ed ns lollops, to* »t» li e north by K Gra ham, Key Marshall and II Donaldson, ' ast bv Fzn & I{ K Campbell, -outh by McCnllister and II Kulin and west by R 11 Campbel', a frame dwelling house, loir hi'n spring house and two orchards then on, mostly cleared. Bei/.'d and taken in execuiion as the property ol Geo C Conway, dee'd, at Hie suit ot Common wealth ol I'cnn'a for use, Ac. E 1) No 76. March T. 188). II Colbert, atl'y. At the same limp and plajrc .11 tl;e liirlit, title interest and claim of vV I' liali ot. iu and to 00x1 BO leet ol land, more or les-, situated n Sunhury borouiih, Butler i'.i, bounded as follows, to wit . on the north In Jcflerson Dun lap. east by Main street, south by an alley and west by an alley, a frame dwelling hou>e and Inune stable Iheieon. Seized and taken in exe- Cttiion as the proprrty ot W I' Hall at the suit ot -lames and e>|uiun iiuni. E D No 74, March T. 1881. C Walker, Alt'*. At the same time and p'acc all the iig't, title interest and claim ol John Liml-ey 01, in and to thirty (30) acres of laud, more or less, situa ted in Cherry township, Butler cocntv, I'M., bounded as follows, lo wit; on Ihe north by .loby Nelson, east by N. l*on and \t'v.-11, k iqlh b| i) .it will a,i,i Jos hiiliu al/ and west I) K II and F Lindsey, loir house, stable and some Iruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution as ihe properly ol John l.indsey at the suit ot W I) McCune lor use. E I) Nn 74, March T, I SSI. C Walker. Atl'y. At the same time and place all the rijrht, title interest and claim of .lohn Lindsey ol in and to :i nit"jc or paifol ol land pint ol l"t No 3l)I in Stud dbtrictol donation land in Chery township, Btillc Co, Pa, bounded .-mil describ ed as follows: beirintib ir ;;t a poal, ihence norlh HU (Jcirrei s ta-t, by ol John Billing-ly 7 and flfl-100 ptrches lo a po->t. them e north, 1 de btee east, by binds of F 1.1 id.-ev sft perch's to a post. Ihencc south, 8U deirri es < ast, by lands of tame 7 and HfJ-llK) perches to a post, thence south, 1 dcjrree east, I y lurid ol l u c *dd Jolm Lln.'sey 5(1 perches io a post, the place of be ginning, containiiiir '-ilj acres ot land, stiiet luc'urc. with the «piiurtm iuces. Ac, therein beized aud taken In execution as the property , ol John Lind'ev at the- suit of \V I) McCune, for use. El>No iB. March Term. 'BBI. W H I.usk. stt'y At t! e same time »ud place *ll 'he right. ft'-, interest an 1 claim if John Blackmore of. in and to .1 ! the f.i lowiniT de»e;ibed tia'-tx an 1 piecs of land s.tnite in Win field township. B'lt ler o tin?y. !'a.. bciuM and described as fol low. : lots i f gi« Mini "mini -erinp from andincl't 1- ing eno to and it cJutinip ei>;lit hundred iM) 0) lots of ground hi the town of SixonCitv t I out and m>;ped by the Enterprise and I.wt Compaty of Pittsliingh, a'so all that other piece of land joining the town of s.ix.;n City. on the raet hy the railroad, on the wist by town ship toad and on the north by land of an per maps ai.d ilrafis. containing four acres mi re or lew. excepting however out • f the eight hundred lot.-t of ground tiftee:i ! 15"S i.i number and numbered w follows to wit: 9.'. 93. I 94. 95. 96. 97. 146. 117. 148. » 40. 641. 643. C-44. 144 mid 145, all of above described lind and lots of <_'t\ mid; ccnivuing one hundred ai re.- of land m re > r lets, about SO actes cleared. small or- I Chaii the.t. n S*:Z> d and ta' en in I a.- tl .• property of John Blaki-ir.ore at tne su;t of Wiiliatn S Boyd : El> No 81, March Term. 1881. U P Scolt. atf'y. At the eiisie time and place all the right, title. ' interest and claim of Thumbs Oarvey and si.i Garvey of. in a:.d to one hundred at. 1 staity , 1 (1601 iu-ics of land. n.*o-e or less. situate in m- i . iioqnei>ess:ng town-hip. But'er county. l'a.. i bo". :d«. a* follows, to wi f : "n the noitli !v J Shannon <t a!. ea.-t by John Grab:in. soiuli by Graham Buncan raid west bv John Shannon et . al. a dwelling hotlse. frame bam and orchard thereon S <i and taken in f-XfCtttioti a» the propt: tv of Thomas (J.i v y and Jernsha. Garvey | at thevuit of Joiiu M Thompson, for-n.-te : E D Noc 48 and 94. March I'enn, IMi. C Mc- Catidlers at.J E G Mii er, att'yi ' At the tim mid place a i the i;.:'tit. titic. j interc t and eliiia of John -d Thompson of in | and to siity ac e" of land in Sun net | township, B'.itler county. Pa-, adjoving lands o? John Hear. Hon E McJnnkin. U l» I hoiupsou and others, log dnehiug house aud lok barn thereon, about 25 acres cleared. Seized it 1 taken in execution a* the property of John M Thompson at the t.uit or for and John Kat-p Sr. for u-<e of B ■ B El> No Match Term. IHSI. McCa.idiec . attoriey. Ai the same time and ; all the tig'-d. title, interest and clain of John M Tin. n; -on of in and to one lr ndre l ( 00) acres of land. more or less situatod in SiippervrojU Tp. Hitler (V--. Pa-, bounded at. follows, to wit: On the north by Mis K K- rr. east bv Hetiry Wolford s mtii by Thos McGaffick and road and «• st l>y Pine Grove ai.d Centreville road, a biick dwelling house and frame bam and fiame stible and orchard thereon, about 75 acres cleared. Seized and uken in exto :tion as the property of John M Thompscn at the suit of Charles Mc- Candless for use. F. 1> No 87, Match Term, 1881. AG Williams. attorney. At the same time and place all the right, title, interc.-t a;:d claim of Peter Hutchison of. i:i and to all f!.e undivided o:ie eigh'li of all that cer tain piece o lai '. situ '.to in Pailii f Tp.. Butler Co-, l'a.. !>• ended us follow*, beginning a; the north east corner a? a post, thence -outh 67 l 2 degrr- s v,est ! v !ai.*l*. ut 1 Cami bell 18 2-5 per ches to a poet." thence i-9 degrees west by lands of said an i bell 70 p«cl (• to a lost, thence south 1 degree west ty iai.ds of said (lampbell 50 perches to i poet, thence south'■■ 9 degrees west by lands of said Campbell Si 3-1 perches to limestone house south 1 1-2 degrees by land of J H Gibson and E Beep 9i ;l i perches to a post, thence south h-i degrees east by land of A Gra ham IS!) 2-3 perches to a jsist. thence west 1 de gree east by lat;ds of J H Gibson f 9 perches, thence south 88}j degrees west by sad Gibson 65 1-5 perches to a post, thence north 1 decree west by lands of J H Gilison 10" perches to the place of beginning, containing 1:10 acres, more or less, (two acies oil the south west corner be ing reserved and the whole is subj. ct to a coal lease) about 7.j acres cleared, on-hard, frame house and fiame b.rn and 4 pro "'icing oil well.-- thereon, d-iricks, engine houses, etigines and boilers, tubing, casing, rods, t ti.ks and all ina chinery and fixtures thereto belonging. Seized and taken i'l execution as the pr< p« r y of Peter Hutchison at the suit of Jacob H Walter. EU No S7. March Term. 188 i. A G Williams. attorney. At the »!>pie l}wp and place all the right, title inteiest and claim of P» ter Hutcins in vt in and to the undivided one sixth of ali that ceit -iu lot or parcal of laud situate in Paiker I'p., l'ntlei Co-, Pa., bounded and described as follows, be gining at a post near a manic at the north -,>t corner, tbense by lands fotaietiy of Owen Thomas now Browneon and ethers, thence south I>'4 dej;r#es west 49 perches to a post, tln bj the line of the Morgan farm south degrees west IGo perches to a jiost. thence by unos ol Heniy Gibson noitii - di/rc-es cast W i erchet. to a post, thence by lai-ds of 1' G Iliteital north Br J J degiees cast. liiJ perches to the pi tee of beginuig, containing i SO acres, more or !i ss. about 10 Peres cleared. ol 1 oil wells there on Seized and taken iu execution an the |.Top ortv of i'ettr i|:tlchison a rU -011 of J»uot:- il \v al';-r. K1) No *T, March T. issl. A(: Williams, Alr'y. At the same time ami plitcc ail the ight. tii.c, interest iiml claim i f IVI< r lintel ,r-<>n . ;.nd to Ihe utidiudp.i o'.c-elghftl i l ail l! ; ' ccuaiii lot or parcel i>l n:'-tiivi siiualc 111 Parker town.hip, Butler i>. I .1. bounded a. ■! described a. follows : Beginning at a| »i 1 at I lie north-cast conn nee by I.iii I or Owen Thomas, now Browiison ::i, south, u "I a decree no".ii. i ci.iies to a post, thence by lands soUi to I'l l.'r Hut'lusim jjii.l .M Hillings sooth, 86SJ degii es west. It 1 perches to s post, thence l>y l. i:ds i>£ Harvey Gibson north. 2 I degrees east, lii ofrcbes a post, ihetu... Ul Uiafli ..f<! to i.v„ir Afcn'idiil George V loremn:t north, cs> a di ffioi - cast, tiperches to a po-.|. heiag tin outer pie. Eof the Win'l liomp-oti larm. eor.i.lin ing 50 a "us more or le: s, about ten acres clea cd. 5 old oil wells thereon. Sei/ed and taken ni i \e eulion a> the piouerty of l'eler lintlti-on at Hie suit of Jacob II Walter. E i» No 87. March T. l>si. A <; Willi; iu>. Att'y. At the s .mi* Hun-and place all the right, tit.e interest and claim of IVici llUichiti-oii ot, ii; ami to all 111' 1 nudivid d l-Hth of all that i i Hain ttael :r parcel (if liino sjtu;,re ijl Allegheny _lo\yn si:ip, <"«>. ''a, laiiaaleil as Inflow's: beginning at a post, thence b,, lands of M I'Crawford north, ss degn es east, ii.!i jieii lies to ;t post ill the run. thence down tin 1 run south. II degrees east, eight pereln sin a. post, theme out It, I» degrees c;isi, i perches to a post, thence south, 2n ihvre's ea-t, 7 perches io a post. Ho nee south. 5 degrees cast. 14 perches to a post, iiience south 35 degn s we-r I |MT.-lies to a po.;t, thence v outh. 55 degrees west, f> perches, thence south. Hi devices east, la 2 It Hi pei-che -. tlieiiee south. - • decrees e-i-t M I I'.l ,„•; i lias. I (ill I'.i-' Smith. rO degrees Cltst, 7 peiclies. thence s'oiith -M degrees cast. •; ii-10 pen•hes.tliencc south. I degree wist,3 peiches. thence soiih,:;l degrees east, 7 iierches, ihence south, 2<! degrees east.33 lo perches, thence south, to degrees east. 6 2-10 perches, tlimiee sorth ii-i degrees list 2 3-10 peiches. thence south 15 decrees cast 7 Hi perch es, all by lands of Win Turner, tlieiiee by same and Tlios Marshall north sa 1 2 decrees east 70 pei ches to a post, thence by lands ferae ri'; ■.!' ,! U Brown south 2s det/ree-. west. :15 iietehes to ;• po- f; tlMCion |i« land of .1 ' 'iiljrin ofiv.-r ltedi< k i let I' (Vajier i.:dfi 8!"« wVst, !7:i pe.ehes to'a white oak. tlieiiee south l d'»g:'.'.-cast 15-lo'h perches lo a : iiience 'i u'h-a t d rees east, PJS per.-lies fo a post, titt-ie--' in lands ol .lolly north 2<l ••u'li i sea t per-:. to a po- I. Ih'-'.'-e l>> lands of Ja.-iies Kis! ;uldi:i u arlli . dcgi'ci > east. 80 perches to a post and t heii -e by norlh 11,l l , degrees west s5 perch" slo a el., -tii'.it the p!::e i f licginniiig, con!;.ining 172 acre • am' _'ii per lies, to gether with the light of way lo the r.'.er over tin iainlsof.l i; llrown and oilier .ii ghoi|-.e, loj ham and sia ill orehar) H ereon, ahoiit -a acres cleared. Seized and taken in execule.i. its thi- propi rty i f l'uter Kuti-ii.iso.i at I lie s.n; oi ,la, ih II \i\;!Ur. i: 1» No 87. Mareil T. ISSI, At lie- sain.* Ifiiu-ami p: ec all tin- right, title, interest and ciaini of l i ter Hutehisou of,in end '.o ail Hie rigiit. title, iuten: .t and claim oftl.e ',r fi udant of. in and to the in ilivlded ' i of all ..hat i certain piece or parcel of 1; : ;! sitli: !e in ii;. or township. IJutP-r <'e . I'a. begtiiiitng at a po-! at t):e liortli-ea- 1 < '.in- r. tie nee hv lands ol .'allies Ivei- Iv's heirs ninth «'■. (iegrec.i we-.l n- rod? a , l ( e| l j t.- 1,.11,1-e !I.V 1;.1..1s ,11 t.ei!.\ IV nil ell slii" k Mi'.ltll'i'« dcLTi .'S we>.t iia ri d . l.,e|H'e liv lands ol same south -'2 degrees cast V. p. relies to a stone I lieu. le. lands i f John I'aidk ii peck, for mer! 1 riios Kelly - iiulll 15<1egice : cast 28 rods to a 'ilacl; oak tree', tlicie-e h;. laie l - -f saiae It 1 , de grees eiLst .'lo 1 pi r'-i.i stoa pi ■!. I hence by lands of Amos Young north IP • d., • . i ast t..i; rod • '<> a whit-' oak. tlieiiee north 2' il« u■ i cast by land of Ar -hibaid . .ells ait'jpei.ii Hi the place of be!', eoatahillig 7C aei-e a I 111 percnes. more or less, about iki acres cieari I. oid !,ig ' H ous,: ,»nd .in-ill .n i artl liici- • n. izi tl : iid taken in exc ciilion as'the'iih'iisprty of I'etc r Ifuteiiison at the suit of .laco'i II WaiU-r. !•• |> N'o 85 and sc. 'i T, ist-i. T t'Canipbcll Att'y. Vt the same time mm pmee a'l the right, title, ilii.-ie'sl and claim of AV (I SI. n;;l ion of. hi and lo Olio hundred (liko acres of land. leoi. or lef-s. situ ated in Slippeiyroek township, llutler county, I'a. bounded as follows, to wit : i 11 the north by hints of (ieoige Cross, east liv liinds of .1 liovarif, south iiv land, of Kicliard < riteli'ov. ct al, and west by |tilid- of Jlihn MeKlhativ, old log house, log Miihle orchard, mostly eleare I. Si-;/ d -iju! tnkeu iii i \ , . |,;. (v in,- piop.-jiv oi W(i Htoughton at the suit Of ii I: Wick. I I) Nosßs anil so March T. I*Bl. T(' Campbell, Att'y. • At the same time and place all the right, title, in!' re- t and claim of W G Stonghlon of. in and to one hundred (100) actes of land, more or h -s, situ al.-d In Slippcrvrock township. Puller countv, I'a, bounded as follows, to wit : on tile north l'.v lands of I > M < 'row ;llid ,'o|i i, M; ! Ilia a J . eIWI b> Me I toil - :-!il lariu, now 'owib-d ov ct al, soulh by lands ~f and I > mi>l M"l»ev|tt's heirs, and west bv half of same tra'-tt by c M'Candlevs ct al. to M i.aiighlin, about :, ac i s cleared. Seized ..iid taken in execi tion as the property of W U Stoughton at the suit of II K \\ ick, Kli Nool, March T, lsfl. J I> McJimkln. Att'y. At the -ami-lime and place all tin right, title. Interest and claim of '' • I'e.i-n .u. in ~ad to I i'ii! \ (ni>t aelres ot 1 rtl ifl. ] ii.'ir>- oi le- . filiated in cherry township. Itutler < o. I'a. bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit : beginning at a white oak brush, thence south h-o , degrees ea-t by lands of Orey and Adam Hllliard to 5-to tierehes to a post tlieie-e south t'-i degrees west, IH7 7-10 perch ,-. to a whit lands of Jno M Hllliard. ihence north 88'. degrees west by lands of llarvcv Chr -ty and Jacob Grossman 10 5-|o perches to a walnut, thence ninth IS ib-Kiee< i-aft ' y lands ~f .las (iilclltlst and M Crane et al. 127 it-lo |» relies to tin- place (if begliinliiK. lo;. h'"ise and log stable thereon, partly clean if Si tzed and taken in cm cutlon its tin- property of Kugcnc Ken-ro al the suit of Catharine Koch. K I> No t'l March T, 1881. .1 I) MeJunkin at'v. At tin* same time ami place nl! the right, ti tle. interest and claim of I'-ngene I-'errero of, in and to all that eeitain piei-i- or parcel of h(n«l ! situated iu Wasmngtoii and Cherry townshiiis, | t'utler ('o, i'a, bounded and desi riinsj us bil lows; beginning at a post south B!'° east ,'!1 perches ton |ni-t by lands of I'hilin llilliurd, , thence 1° west '53 perches to a pout, thence ; north west 31 jwrches to a post, tUence i north I 3 east, 15.'i j > ht*» to H post, containing •JV acres. more or !cv«, partly cleared. Seized and taken in execution u» the property of F.u ueue Fi rero at the *uil ot Vlrn < atharine Koch. KI) No f e , March T, IML E(i Miller, att'y. At the same time anil jiUct all tin- riuht, ti tle, interest ami claim of U tuel of. in ami to all that certain piece or l"t of irr 'nni siu.tte in the t«jrou;rh of (Sutler. liiiller Co, Pa, Isum led and described a* follows, heiiiif part ot' i t No _' r > in the general plan "t'said borough : ninir at a |>oiiit ou High or M .in -treel I s leet from the s >uth-w, «t corner of lot No thence ; at angles to said High or Main street, hack in an easterly direction ISO feet to an ailev, thence by said alley south -J feet, thence at right angles west toward Main street 1 feet, thence at right angles south i feet, thence at riixht angles west seventy-five leet to high or main street and thence by line of said niiiiti st, 24 feet to the place of beginning, on which is erected a two story house, part hrick and part i frame, about Uf t'-et front a:. I about .'eet deep , being oppo-ite the Voueli-v House and bounded | noirh by Hughes property mid south t»» K zel 'i Prop rty. !>(•«•• ian 1 taken in execution us th property oft. K:/*i at the »uit o! build ing and L ian Association of 15ut!er, I'a. E 1' No* f-> vi 1 4J, Mart h T. ' -1. C MeCaml les.-, and U A «& A 1 !>!<U'k, i»tt vs. At the time an 1 place ail tie ti tle, interest and claim of \V t> McCai.d'i s of, in utid to one huudre 1 1 • > acres of ian I situ ated iii l etitre township, !Su:!cr coiritv, Pa., bounded us follows, t • wit: o:i the n "th hv 11 Beitlr.-g- r. e.u-t by H r.: n ii:ger and Tho~ Uicli ar i , south by 1: Mi i.-ra:ul w.--t by ■": ami Irvin et ai, a story a!i 1 halt frame house, frame barn, two-story store lsou--e. small fnUW hnßMj ! frame InaeUsmith shop and orchard thereon, i a'> >:t? 7* acres cleared and lenc ■ !. U'elcrlaid with fill. and take i iu ex.:i a* the property of W i> ii;<"nudless at the - i;t of W I.' Jli". audi.mur.iian, and Shnou V ung. E I> No'.i-'Jauii IJ, Mareii Term. 1-St. r Mc- Oin Hess and li A <t A T Black,'ys. At the s:;me time and pla -e ail the right title, iuterst and claim of W l> Mvt'andi • s of, in and to all tha: certain lot of gionud situate in the borough of Unto r, Duller Co., Pa., hounded north by First National I'aiiU oiiild i:ig. east hy Mai He stn-i!, south by Under Sav ings Hank nnd west by narrow aiiey, a threc story brick huiluiug ere- :.-d I hereon, together with the right of way to upper >tori> s of said building through stairway and hall in First National liank building, a good business loca tion. Seized an 1 taken iu execution as tiie p.-o[HTty tit W I> McCandless at the suit of \V C McCandless, Guardian, and Simon Young. EI'No9B an I 4J, March T rin, l>si. (' Mc- Candless and (i A A: A T Black, att'ys. At the same time and place nil the right, title, interest and claim of \Y D MeCandiess of, in and to the undivided s of 110 acres of land, more or less, situated in Slippery rock Tp., Butler Co., i'a., bounded as follows, to wit: Oil the north by George Cross, east by J D Bovard's heir., so.ith by Thomas Critchlow aq ! \k. -t by N I »t \V 1> Mct'andless a:nl John .MeElhar.ey.log house, log stable and orchard thereon, about oO acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as tiie property of W D Mc (a ud less at the Kiiit of \V t" Met'and less, Guar dian, and Simon Youay. E I> Nn U;i and 42, March Term, I.S>l. C Mc l andlcss and G A & A T Black, att'ys. At the same time and place all the right, title, interest and claim of W I> Mct'andless of, in and to the one-half of 7-9 of I(HJ acres of laud, more or less, situated in Slippery rock Tp., Rutler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by J McElhanv, ct al, east by \V li A N F McCandless and Thomas Critch low, south by Thomas and Daniel McDevitts heirs and west by McGlatighlen, coal bank open and in working order, about 8 acres cleared, not fenced. Seized and taken in execu tion as the property of W 1> McCandless at the -nit of \V C McCandless, Guardian, and Simon Young. E 1> No 03 and 42. March Term, 1881, C Mc ( andless and G AAA T Blauk, att'ys. At the time nml place all the rijrli t. tilie, interest ami claim of \V I) McCundless of. in ami to the undivided one-half of 33 acres ot of land, more or less, situated in Marion Tp., Sutler Co , I'a , bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by Alex McMurry, >a»t by W Dou rtn and Creek, south by J McAnallen and west by \V in Curvon. et al, loir house thereon, all cl<-.ri d mid fented. Seized and taken in execution as the property of W II McCandless at t!-.e suit of W C Mel'auoless, Guardian, and S'inon Young. I'. I> No March Term, ISM. McJ and ('nmpbell, att'ys. At the same lime ami all the right, title, inter,'»t and claim of Catharino Ciurk of, in and to sc ventv ' "I)) acres of land, more or It- silottcd iii Worth Tp., Hutler Co., I'a., In untied :i> follows, to wit: <>n the north by J|«l ph Piror, et :il, ei>t by John Rook and 11 uii:psi'ii I>ian, south by George Brant and wet I>v Hobert Shaffer, u two-story frame house frame barn and other outbuildings and orchard thereon, almut >(t acres cleared. Seised and taken in execution us tte property of Catharine Clark at the suit of linger Manufacturing Com pany. El* Nr. SO, March Term, ISSI. E G Miller, attorney. At the panic tiuie ::i.d pl,v all the right. ti;!p, ..nd el aim of Grabiel Etzel and A::iin lily. I of. in and to a part ol lot numbered in t!.e boron ;h of Butler, Hutler Co., I'a.. j hnving a front on High or Main street hegin ittg at a point on High street fortv-two 1J) ti from the south west C'"-n( r oi lot No Uo, thence at rit'if angles to Main street back ill at) eas terly direction J."> feet, thence ;u light angle in a northerly difiviioii nnir' ji let-t, thence a: I rt_'ht iu an easterly direction one hun dred fifty-live (100. liet to an alley, thence 2- feet south by an ailv to an alley, thence west along said alley one hundred and eighty (180- feet to High on Maine street and thence IS feet to the place of beginning, upon which is erected a two-storv brick store dwelling house. Seized slid taken in execution us the property i f Gabriel Etzel and Anna Etzel at the suit of 1.1 - nard r.nd Cassamcr Wise I for use I I'. I> Vy ilaroii Term, IHSI. E G Miller, attorney. At the same time and place all the right title, interest and claim of G Etzel and Anna Etzel of, i;i and to all that certain piece, p.ireel or tract ol land situate in the borough ot Hutler But.'cr Co.. I'a., and located i n Maip -ttvci op pi -1!«-■ the Vosrelev 110 and de seribed «- inHooUu the west bv Main ! street, south by an alley, east an alley and ; north by part of same lot, sold to and now oc cupied iiy Hughes, being jiurt of lot No (2">) , twenty-live, about H3l forty two feet front aud 'one liuie'rid liml eighty feet deep (180,) the I above comprising that pnrt of said lot deeded I by A Wise to Mrs A Etzel on which is grocery | store and residence in one brick building. ALSO that part of lot deeded by John M 1 Miller to (i Etzel on which is a two-story brick ; and frame dwelling house, excepting from sale, | the said last recited part of ahuv* Ascribed i premises <le»d(ul b? Miller to Etacl, being the ! hotil.ern part tin rr-of, containing one two-story | brick and frame dwelling liou-e. lieing about | .1 bet front and on Main street, the part to be ! sold being the southern part of first übove de ' seribed premises and described as follows : Be i ing a partof lot. No L'o in the borough of I'lltler, Butler Co., Pa., having a fropt on High or ■ .I/ain sii- ' t I><-■;i;i1In, r.i a point on high street i Ifi i ii.ii.i the south west corner of lot No2C : thence at right angles to ,1/aill street back iu . an easterly direction feet, thence at right angles in a northerly direction 4 feet, thence at right angles in an easterly direction 100 feet to an alley, thence 22 feet south up an alley to an alley, west along said alley 180 feet to 11 i_ - h or if tin street and thence 18 feet to. the place of beginning, upon >» erected a two V.ofy i.ti.:ii «tore aud dwelling house. Seized and taken in execution as the property of (} Etzel and Anna Etzel at the suit of John M .'/iiler, for use. Wit.i. JAM HOFFMAN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Olltce, Butler, I'a., Feb. 14th, ISM Worlli til II ;il Fir«* liiHiir aiicr < <tiii|)»i)y. Dec ipts and Expenditurtw of Wort(\ Mutual Firo Insurance Co-, for 1880 : Premium $ 2«1 80 Assessment 1.038 06 lialanceof 1879.... 140 • 0 J 1,439 86 rxrF.Ni rrrnrs. salaries. commissioners i S3 95 I'ost ge, printing, interest.... I|H Uii l.ossbos paid ~.., 1.004 50 •fi inn ii Bal. Jan. let, 1881, 240 75 W. E. TAY i OK, [ WM. M'CoY. f Auditors. MiLL FOR SALE. A three {'• > tun ('iiftotn Mill tor * »lt\ *itii.*t • i ne: r VVlii olown, Hut er, Co., I'a , boih ntiirn j and water po\v« r ; "to acre* o* 1 »n<l, «.'«>«>'! dwrl inir, oreh*«rrt, <*«>:» I l»:iiik, Ac , a I oca lion mid luill doinir i\ '•a k ini , *c. ill he! I -old at i bargain, hi in;.' the property of WIN Ail*-ii dee'«' It not *-o'd ton* A rll 1-i, wil l-in* in «*xpeil* n« * d Miller wli » run furnl»>ti it trrrnee For pHr'leulnr*. mldr«**f V. C. ALL KM, Wlnie ; towi , l\i A<lllllll is* ra I«>i ".s !Vol !<•<*. Estate ol Sarah Jane M.thaii, 1 ite of Middle sex tow s lp, Htitler county. I'a, I et er» of artiniiiislnitlon on the atioy.* i- t iii bsviii ln-ttn I tynti te(' ty tlit) undersigned, a'l |*eis i - k ou-l illy tbc'iisrlves imlel'l'd 111 almvc est ti- will | pl« aem il e tuimr lla p »ym and oiV Ii v- | lug el on -;• :i 11-1 anl i ! i:• " ill , r -i-iil lem j dul) until n" * ti 11 'o p. oi'-nt Jijii.V 11. M ,11 \ N \ ttu'r, kill Ulade Mills, P. U„ liuilcr gouuij, Pa. I I isl or %|»|»lir»lioiiN for IJ* ••flint'. Hie follow iippiieatlons have been filed in the of ie, ,he i 1-iik ot the Quarter Semions. which wit be iie-ont* 1 t «r action on Wednesday, the 'K.i da> of March. : m ri.i'B r.oßoriiH Ttx ru- tl W. ( : unpbell..l..T. Feidler.H. El ten mdler. 1.-, I. .rd Nicholas. Alex Lowry,C'has Boyle, lie- -V.eorge J. Smith. Jordan Eyth. Merchant & •>- Kellier, <iabnel Kohler. MIULI.ItWTOWN BOROt'GK. Tavein II l/H-khart. Johnston & Campbell' Jumes John Kiohnier. Leroy Deleiuater- John tilass. Restaurant—C. A. Aldinger. tieo. A. Miller. rrrROUA n moruH. Tavern—Kdwaril O'l>ona 1. W. H Jellison, James L. < I iri*. John tt. I'augnerty. Merchant—.lames Morrison. K.IUNS CITY BOBfTOH. Tavern—John A. Itiebey. John McGuire. HAKMOXV BOHOI'GH, Tavern—Jacoti lleil. Kestauranl—l'eterOtto Merchant -Jacob Shontz. 7KLIKSOPLE BOROUGH. T. vern daiues Oesterling. Jacob Schelley, Hen rv Stokev. ' Merchant— George Stalil. F.VIRVI F.W BOROt'CH. Tavern W. ('. Adams. James T. Wilson. SAXOXBt'RfI BOIM>C«H. Tavern I' K. Muder. Joseph Kohnfelder, Fran cis l.aabP. I h tries Pliabe. .IACKSOX TOWNSHIP. Tavern—Wiliiain Duncan, Jacob FcidlerJr. KVANSKIRO. j Tavem—J. N. Miller. Ml HUINSVIt.LE. Tavern—F. P. Murrin, Hugh Murrin. MIDDLE LANCASTER Tavern—William W'aUl. DELANO STATION. Tavern--1-e wis Weidham. SUMMIT TOWNSHI P. Tavern—Neal Blaney, Alliert Smith. COYLKSVILIJE. Tavern—M icliael Mcßride. CONCORD TOWNSHIP. Tavern—John A. Harding. CLKARKI ELI> TOWNSHIP. Merchant—William McCrea. GREAT BELT. Tavern —Micheal Shields. ST. JOE. Tavern —Joseph Reitli. MOD or. Tavern—George P. Tadder. BYROM CK TRE. Tavern—C. M. Burnet. W. A. WRIGHT, Cerk. ExMMifor's Notice. Letters testamentary havtiifr been granted to the ui il«'r«itfiied on tue e«tate of Simon Smith, late of Allegheny township. Butler county, Pfc, deceased, this is to give notic toall per-ona, knowing themselves to be indebted to said ts mte that immediate pavinent is required, and those having claims against th" same to prea nt tbenjselvcK dulv ;>n»hentlcated for -ettleraent. ABK.AHAM SMITH, ) A(lm ,_ fell 1G SAMUEL SMITH. ) aam ]HeeiiuK of Kloekholders. The annual meeting ot the -tockboldera of the building and Loan Association of Butler, Pa., win meet at the Opera House on Saturday evening, March S'h. 1S8;, a! 7 o'clock, lor tha pnrpo-e ot electing otfleers lor the ensuing year snd|ittendleg to any othtr business that may cotuc before them. BT ORDER OF THR BOABD. feblfi-3t J. 8. C\ M PBELL. dee 5 y- Sodff. Notice i« here' y given that an application for a charter ill he made to Hon. K. EcJnnkln President .ludje of the t'ou Is ot Butler county, on tiie 14ih day of March, ISSI, incorporating the Carbon Ccn'r United Pre-bjterinu Church. The charae'er of said proposed corporation la relighiiis and the object thereof, the promotioß of religion i the world. W P. SHAW, feblti-Mt Committee. Port Grape Wine Used !n the principal CI for Com in union purposes. TT»c< llrnt For L»dle§ and W# »w» I'ersoiia itu<l tlic Agrd. CpElifg i C, ~O C r- ■? *\f .y. S. ESK'S roRT ORA.PE WINE! FOUR YEARS OLD. juice of tne O|iorlo(irape,raised iu thU country; Its lvaluahlc Tonle riud Strupgthing Propertied are u;isii f i.a>sed by any other Native Wine. Betas tiie pure juice ot the Crape, produced under Mr. S|M'< r°s own personal supervision, its purely ana getiiiiiiene - .ire tflturuiiteed. The child may partnki l of its eenerous i|iialitiev and tha wen|;c»i Invalid use it toailvautaKe. It is particu larih hetielicia! to tlte aged and debilitated. an 4 snitri.! to tiie various ailments that affect tha weaker sex. It Is In every respect A WINK TO HI RKLILIi ON. »-• i» »•: kii'H IP. CT. SHERRY. Tiie P. J. SHERRY is a wine ol Su|« nor Char aeter. and partakes ot the golden <|ualiti*« of tba grape from which it is uiado. For purity. Richness Flavor a!in Mechatnoal Properties. It will be found unexcvHi"!, HI'K EllH F. J. BRANDY. This nit.VNDY stands unrivaled in this Country, |ar superior for medicilllal purixisen. IT Is \ I*l UK illstilation from the grape a'id contains valuable loedietnUl properties. it has a delicate tlaxor. similar to that of tba cr«ie-s from which it Is distilled, and is In great favor among first-class families. See that the signature of ALFRED SPEEK, Paa» sale, N. J., is over the cork of each bottle. Kolt! by I). 11. WIILLER. apra-iyr Union Woolen Mills. I would, desire ia call the attention of the pnbiiL) to the Union Woolen Mill, Itatltr, Pa., where 1 have new and improved machinery for the inanuf&cture of Barrc-d and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, ami I csn recommend them a» bain# very dura* bin. at- they are manufactured of pure Butlar comity wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices address. H. FDLLERTON, Hntl«r. Pa Notice Exfrsordinary. Persons desiring to have their Old Fnrnltni* repair- d or New Work made to order, suoh aa Mn-ic Stands. Pook Cases. Wardrobes, Otfloa Desks. Office Tables, d-0.. would do well to callaa A. B. WII^SON, Practical Cabinet Maker. I hold that a piece of furniture made bv hand worth two mule by machinery, and will coat out little mule, if any. Then why not have hand ma h'? All work made in the latest styles and of the be t raster Isl I tiiaraiitee entire sat j isfnei : .» in stvle, workmanship and price. Give , mil a call. Shop on Mifflin street four doora : wi st or Main street, a id opposite A Troutman's store, Butler, Pa. sepl7-ly BIJTIaKR COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance CQ. Office Cor. Main ind f unningham Sts. vi. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. VVM. CAMI'BKLL. TREASURER II C. IIKINEMAN, SECRETART. DIRECTORS: J L. Purvis E. A. Helmlioldt, William Campbell, J. W. Kuikhart, A. Troutniau, Jacob Schoene, 0 C. KiM-s-iti".', John Caldwell, t>- W Irvin. J.J Croll 1 w. Chrlstv H. C. Heineman IAS. T> M'JUNKIN. Qen. Act. BUTLER
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