MAX'S PHYSICAL MACHINE BY. The average weight of an adult man is 140 lbs. 6 oz. The average weight of a skeleton is about 14 lb9. Number of bones, 240. The skeleton measures one inch less than the height of the living man. The average weight of the brain of a man is lbs ;of a woman, 2 lbs. 1 oz, The brain of a man exceeds twice that of any other animal The average height of an English man* is 5 feet 0 in ; of a Frenchman, 5 feet 4in , and ofa Belgian, 5 feet in. The average weight of an English man is 150 pounds; of a Frenchman, 136 pounds ; aud of a Belgian, 140 pounds The average number of teeth is 32. A man breathes about 20 t mss in a minute, or 1,200 times in an hour. A man breathes about 18 pints cf air in a minute, or upward of 7 hogs heads in a day. A man gives off 4.08 per cent, car bonic gas of the air he respires ; respires 10,666 cubic feet of carbonic acid gas in 24 hours; consumes 11,667 cubic inches of common air. A man annually contributes to veg etation 124 pounds of carbon. The average of the pulse in infancy is 120 per minute; in mauhood, eighty; at sixty years, sixty. The pulse of females is more frequent than that < f males. The weight of the circulating blood is about twenty-eight pouods. The beurt beats seventy-five times in a minute; sends nearly ten pounds of blood through the veins and arteries each beat; makes four beats while we breath once. Five hundred and forty pounds, or one hogshead and one and one-fourth pints of blood pass through the heart in one hour. Twelve thousand pounds, of twenty four hogsheads and four gallons, of 10,- 783£ pints pass through the heart in twenty-four hours. One thousand ounces of blood pass through the kidieys in one hour. One hundred and seventy-lour mil lion holes or cells are in the lungs, which would cover a surface thirty times greater than the human body. For those distressing diseases pecu liar to women DAYS KIDNEY PAD is invaluable. Those who have water—barrels or other vessels liable to freeze, can pre vent them from bursting by placing a stone as large as a half peck measure in the centre of the bottom, inside. Ayer's Pills are the best of all purga tives for family use. They are pleas ant, safe and sure, and excel all other Pills in healing and curative qualities. Eccentric old lawyer to new footman, "Now then, Patrick, call me a cab." Pat, who thinks this is a dodge to try his sincerity; "Och, no, yer honor, it's not mesilf that'll be callin' ye names at all." Steele & Miller Holden, Mo., say : The A S. T. Co. Tip gives immense satisfaction, and our sales of shoes hav ing it upon them is rapidly increasing. "Conductor, why didn't you wake me np, as I asked you ? Here I am miles beyond my station." "1 did try, sir, but all I could get you to say was. t All right, Maria ; get the children their breakfast, and I'll be down in a minute.' Ladies will find relief from their headache, coltivtness, swimming in the head, colic, sour stomach, restlessness, etc.. etc., by taking Simmons' Liver Regulator. Personsliving in unhealthy localities may avoid all bilious attacks by taking a dose of Simmons' Liver Regulator occasionally to keep the liv er in healthy action. It should be used by all persons, old and young. It is not unpleasant, is a purely vegetable compound, is not injurious to the most delicate constitution, and will keep the liver in healthy action. A good many persons who lost time and money in more pretentious specu lations last autumn would have done well to purchase January options in eggs and oysters. The price of these useful comodities are so high that none but the rich can have such fare. .After the telegraph pole had fallen on a Savannah negro's head he threw up his hands and shouted : "Don't hit me again wid your club, Mr. Policemen. It warn't me that stole de chickens. It was Deacon Henry." Then he looked, saw what hit him and walked off: say ing : "Golly, I'se in luck 'dis morning. I'spected dat de policemau had me suah dat time.'J Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery, cures every kind of humor, from the worst scrofula to the common pimple or eruption. Four to six bottles cure salt-rheum or tetter. One to four bottles cure the worst kind of pimples on the face. Two to four bottles clear the system of boils, carbuncles, and sores. Four to six bottles cure the worst kind of erysipelas. Three to six bottles cure blotches among the hair. Six to ten bottles cure running at the ears. Five |to eight bottles cure cor rupt or running ulcers. Eight to twelve bottles cure the worst scrofula. Sold by druggists, and in half-dozen and dozen lots at great discount. GLASS MAKING IN OHlO—Five new glass works were started in Ohio last year, and several more will be added this year. The late3t official statistics give 19 firms employed in glass manu facture, with 32 furnaces, having 292 pots and employing 2,032 men. In the production of window glass there are employed 7 furnaces, with 66 pots; fliut glass, 19 furnaces with 199 pots ; green glass, 4 furnaces with 27 pots. The glass works are in Bellaire, Columbus, Ravenna, Kent, Zanesville, Steuben ville, Martin's Ferry, Bridgeport, La Grange, and Newark. SUPPOSED PREVENTIVE FOR CARPET BEETLES.—A writer in the German town Teleqraph suggests that, as the larvae of the bacon beetle (Dermexte* lardarius), an insect closely allied to the carpet beetle, will shun their food when tallow is placed near them, their repugnance to that substance being HO great that the insects will devour each other rather than approach it, the same peculiarty may be quite possibly met with in the larvae of the carpet beetle"; and if so the coating of floors and filling the cracks with tallow (the cracks be iug their place of concealment) would possibly prove an effective destroyer of these troublesome pests. The experi ment could be easily tried. If good mutton tallow be employed there could be no hurtful absorptiou of the grease, especially when the carpets have linen backs." MRS. LYDIA E. PIKKHA.., OF LYNN, MASS* DISCOVERER OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S tesetablb COMPOTOD. ThePositiv^nre For all Female Complaints. This preparation. •» its nams Fisniflc*. con<rt3 of Vegetable Properties thc-tare i.-rrni sto tho n.oHt del icate Invalid. Vpou one trial the merits of tt:a Com pound will be recognis-vl, aa relief li Immediate i and when Its use Is continued. In ninety-nino coses in a hun. dred, a permanent cure is thousands TT;;1 te» tify.' On account of Its proven merits, it it to-day re commend *1 and prescribed by the best physicians In the country. It will cure entirely tho worst form of falling of the uterus, Leueorrhc-a, Irregular and paioial Menstruation,all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation enj Ulceration, flooding!!, all Displacements and the con sequent spina! weakness, and is especially eda;.tod to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterusin an early stage of development. T-ic tendency to cancerous liumora there L> c Locked very speedily by its use. In fact it has proved to bo the prec-t est and best remedy that has evor been discover ed. It permeates every portion of the Fyrtom, and gives new life and stroys all craving for stimulants, an 1 relieves of the stomach It euros Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Pro : ration, General Debility, Depression iu.d In gestion. That feeUng of bearing down, causii.g pall, weight and backache, is nlwaj-3 permanently cured by Its use. It will at all times, and under rll circumstui 0e.% act In harmony with the law that governs th« female system. For Kidney Complaints of either sex this compoun 1 is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 533 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Pric© £I.OO. Sli bottles for $5.00. Sent tiy mail ia ti.e form of pills, also In the form of Losrnges, on rcc< Ipt of price, SI.OO, per box, for either. Mrs. IT." HA'J freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pom phlet Address as above Motion this pa;>er. Ko family should be without LTDIA H P1.....11A21' t,l'. ' rr'l They cure Constipation, Eiliousacss, andTorpiility of the Liver. Sicmtsoer bot GEO. A. KELLY & LO. General Agents, Pittsburgh Pa. Sold by D. H. Wuller, - Butler Pa. HOP BITTERS?! (A Medicine, not a Drink.) * HOPS, EtTCUr, MANDRAKE, gj DANDEI.IOX, ' AVD TIIK PrRFST ASP fIKST MxfMrALQrALI- ffi { ri es OK ALL oxuui: lii i u-s. I THEY CUKE All DlseaFeaof the Stomach, Bowel*, Blood, M LAvrr, Kidneys, and Urinary Organ.-, > or- H Female SIOOO ifa GOLD. ■Will be jutd for a case tlicj- will n«t cure or gi licla, or loranvtlilni? ill !>i:rc or liijunuua ft found io tliwn. M 9 Afky.itir drupylst for lln-> ritiersral f-y ■ H tin:lii before you bl.-ep. 'i'.iKo im uiher. M H D T. C. tsnnalwolntenr.iiin-nlsMVnrMm for g I j AND ? - SUAF GUtt —roit — Coyghs. Colds, Sure Throat. Bronch 'is. Asthma, Consi mpiion a d A!! Diseases o. THROAT an i LUNGS. Put up in Quart-size liottlcs for Fiunily Use. ScientinojUly pretmn'd of Balsam Tolu. Crystal lized Bock Candy. Old Rye. and other tonics. The Formula Is known to oi.f best physicians, is high ly recommended by them, ami tlu- analysis of our liiost prominent chemist, l'rof. G. A, MAIfIXKK, HI Chicago, is on the label of every bottle. It Is well known to the medical profession that TOLU KOCK and KYE will afford the greatest relief for Coughs. Colds, Influenza. Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Weak Lungs, also Consumption, in the incipient and advanced stages. Used as a BKVKHAOE and APPETIZER, it makes a delightful tonic for family use. Is pleasant to take ; if weak or debilitated, it gives tone, activity and strength to the whole human frame. (/~1 * i i l/u DON'T BK DF.OEIVKD \ /j\ I' ' • •!)>■ unprincipled deal- \ ers who try to palm off upon you Rock & Ilye 1 In place of our Ton - KOCK and BYE, which I Is the only inedlcaied article made, the genu- J ine having (,'oveniinent stamp en each bottle / LAAVKENCJE & .M.VJJTIN, Proprietors, ill Madi isi.u Htrcot, t hiuago, {S»P~ Ask yottr Druggist for it ! Ask your Grocer for it! {if Ask your Wine Merchant font ! irST" Children, ask your Mamma for it! ES-Sold bvDBIJGGISTS.GROCEBBand WINK MERCHANTS everywhere, ami l>v I.AWUENCE A MARTIN, No. C Barclay St., New York. WL: IT CDK. BE? Saul a man. whose woebegone counten ance and broken-down constitution plain ly showed traces of disease—a sutferer with Nervous Dyspcpsir. in whose stomach the most delicate morsel lay like lead. Re freshing sleepand quiet nesves wwestran gers to liim, and he despaired i f ever being well. We advised him to take SIMONS LIVER UHIOR, which lie did. and in a short time was npf only relieved but cured. Reader, if youare suffering with Pvspep;- s!a or Liver Disease in any form, do w>t wait until the disease has taken a fast hold upon you. but use ihe Regula'or when ihe symiitoms first show themselves. SIM MONS LIVER REGULATOR is not an al coholic stimulant, but a PURELY VEGE TABLE REMEDY that will cure when everything else fails, it is a faultless fam ily medicine. Does not disarrange the system. Is no violent drastic purge, but nature's own remedy. The friend of eve ryone. and will not disappoint you. A single trial will convince you that it is the ulieapest, purest and best Family Medicine in the world. ASK the r»"'<iverK(l dyspeptics, billions sufferers, victims of fever and thg mercurial diseased patient how tlieey re covered their health, cheerful spirits and good appeiite—they will tell you bv taking Simmons Liver Regulator. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Niinmoii^ < iver Regulator! Original and genuine prepared only by .1. 11. ZEILIX A CO., Phi la. Apr 28- 1 y VIA-SANO THE GREAT A pomf ound of the actiTA print- '•f m mm mMM I EYJFT C 3 I>an ielion, HHnrv-Wort, Bnchn. Ir* I \a EEC fl\ io., vh>«*h arts prompt!/ on „- a mmam % m tin Liver, Rulney. lilood, Sto rach l/mftßC V at ti.e tait;e time. M P5 I D\J f* f orgaus are m> imiutately connected I that on- is di>ca--i. tb-v ail become m<*re • r less alTected. lionet tha pr» at sral ie aud »upenority of K 9 uS 11 KM ;a tompound, which restorer them 3? MB ww I# all to haaltbv action, ami a tonic, Dpiwrpnv buildf up the entire ■▼Jtetn. It if XV XJ ltt also a must Talaal.le n?mcd y for H-ad- L Anti-Bilious ac,ie -H*l«on*uc 8. C«>nati- U TT Vr l* Uon ' travel. Female \N eakn. M. all "I f .IJIM XU« okio l>i«*raae«. S«r fuloua and Svprj •Uie fore* and ulcere. Pleaeant to take. *Trial hrtttle*. •tiiref have it, or will get it for yo%. Al»« prepared in "tipar- Oo4U>d Lull, an«l mailed f»r V* cf§. a box. a«;k% T* WAS f »:a HOME MEDICINE CO., Philadelphia. | J %. FAIIMOU, »Justice of tlie Pfeooe, Main street, opposite I'ostoftice, jlvtH XF.I I KNOPI.F, HA. uavajaj ui gsniOApy_^| s**., iFeJeruaxy 1&&1. A. Haffner, C F. 8S OR T7 H BAUER IBROS. BVTLEK, i A.. PLANING MILL AND Liniil>ei- Yard, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Rouah and Planed Lumber ft* OF EVEI'IV DESCRIPTION. DOORS, SASII, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, 8f ckets, i'cif d Gonxt Bosrcl, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL POSTS & BALUSTERS, FENCE PALINGS, Ac., Ac. JVi < BIG T- *■ - iisGi |>aru Boards Plastiriiitr I.r.'li, Hem ic, k Bill Stufi' <-i .*ili kinds, constant!} on hand. All o which I will sell on reasonable terms ' t'd - iit;>':ii:ti < -'it -'set-en PlanriLT M il .<l;'i I -«: li • • ; "li Jt'firrsoi; Mr« t Bui!, r I'a ldtcly A. '■ 1 FFNER hiW YORK vi m ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Ti ' 11 u «ii< t i- si i - <"• •- linilil t.v i> I t ■ I ' - ':<• ■ ■ ii'-tv- O' Ml I>•" I T I!i i ;, l I! 1- 1M:II it :i. <ly Ui-|>:>»:it.< Jii- 'li, ! '<>• I Ili t» > f \V-i ■ ro'races fi «•' >:■! <li | ii lufrjiom nil qm-n-r> ■•I the iflolic Uml' r I hi! Nt Am«-rlonn Nows are griven the Telegraphic l)i-|><tt hes ol the week from till part* of the Union. This li-ature only tuakes The Weekly Herald the mcst valuable chronicle in the world, as ii is the cheapest. Every week is a faithful report ol POLITICAL NEWS embracing complete and comprehensive des patches from WASHINGTON, including lull re ports of th' speeches of eminent politicians on the questions of the hour THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the WEEKLY HERALD srives the latest as well as the most practical suggestions and dis coveries relotioK to the flnties of the farmer, hints for misinir Cattle, Poultry. Grains Trees, Vegetables, &e, ifcc., with suggestions for keepintr buildings and farming utensils in re pair This is supplemented by a well-edited department, widely copied, under the head of THE HOME, jrivinsr rcclfcs (or practical disbe 6 , hints for ratikintr clothinL' and for ketplnjr up with the Intci-t fashions al the lowest price Every item ol •ookmit or economy eupireHtcd in (his de part meut Is practically tested by experts lefore puMicatlm Letters " Iron) ou.' P-ris and Lon don correspondent oil the very Inlctt fashion The Honn Depr.rtinert of tie WEFKLY HHK AI.U will save the houi-cwile more than one hundred tiiuts the price of the paper. The interests o! SKILLED LABOR are looked alier, and everything: relating to mechanics and latior savit K is< arclully recorded There is a paite devoted to all the latest plnsee of the bueinces market?. Crop*, Merchandise, &e , sc. A val nit hie feature is found in the specially reported prices and conditions o! THE PRODUCE MARKET. fporti e news at home and abroad, together with a ?toiy cvry v cck, a Sermon by some eminent divine, Literary, Musical, Dramatic, Personal aud -Sea Noies There is no paper in the world which contains so much rews mat ter every week as the W'EEKI.T HEUAI.D, which i< nn'. postage free, tor Oue Dollar. Yon can siihn ribe a! an\ time. NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD in a weekly form, ONE DOLIAH A YEAR. Address, NEW YORK HFRALD I'roadvuy and Ann Street New Ynrk. PiVw SIOWS Procured for all soldiers disabled in the U. S. service from any onife, also for heirs of deceas ed eohijprp. The -lightest disnbili'y entitles to pensions. PESKIONS INC'iIFAKFP Bounty and new discharges procured Tliose in doubt as to whether entitled to anything, should (tend two 3-cent stamps for our "circular of informa tion." Address, with stamps. STODPAUT A Co.. Solicitors of Claims and Patents. Room 8. St Cloud Building. Washington. D. C. (15dec3m ORPHANS' [CIBT !! Pursuant to an older ol the Orphans Court of Butler t'ountv. thcr will be exposed to pii' He sale on the prctuiS's, io Worth lowtiship, But ler <"ot iity, Pa., on THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17th, 1881, at one o'clock, i* M, the following de si tilled r«nl estate, late ol Gcorjie Vogaii, ilcc'd. In wit : All tlin* certain piece or tract of land situate in Worth t< wtiship, Btilier Connn, Pa, bounded on t' r north t>y lards ol Edward - ut 1 ill and lii nry utllfl. On the cast I" lands ol heir- ol Jonii Vo<r«n Oi. tile south br l nids o John Link and public road, at.d on the wcs.t by land* ol F. AU i.i et al., containing TWENTY-ONE ACRES AND EIGHTY I'EKCHEj?, more or less. About ten acres cleared, lot house thereon erec cd. good orchard ol bearing fruit trees This piece of land is about two i- i;e» Irou- West Lilteily, and is convenient to churches. schools and Mores. TERMS—Oue-Jl.itfl on confirmation ot sale, the rcimiindci in two cqtiai instil.'tiienis, with interest Irom date ol sale -said installments t> be - ecu red by bond and inortiraire. ADAM PISOR, Adtn'r Postoftj e—l.tcksville, Butler Co., Pa. LAND FOR SALE. FOR SALE. A handsome six-room frame house, located ■ m Hlufl street, northwestern part of Butler. Lot 50x176. All necessary outbuildings, lERMS—Ore-'hird cash and balance in four ••qua! annual payments. Inquire at this oiiiee. j in!4tf For i^ale. The well-improved fatm of Rov. W. B. Hutch ison, in the northeast corner of Middlesex town ship, Butler county. Pa . is now offered for sale, low. Inquire of W K. FRISBEE, ou the prem ow. aplGtf FOR SALE. $• Will buy a one-hall interest in a sood bus iiier • in Pitt-hijrL'h. Oue who knows some 'ijinir alv.ut tannins; preferred. An honest man with the above umoont will do well to address hy letter. SMITH JOHNS, care K. M James, Wt Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa |au27-ly NOTICE. Those of our readers desiring steady and pro fitable employment, or valuable reading matter cheap for lxiil- should send 15 cents to the FRANK LESLIE PUBLISHING CO., 15 Duy St., New York, for a complete set of their pub lications and Illustrated Catahigue, containing list of premiums, Ac., or $1.50 for a complete agent's outfit of 12 beautiful Chromos anil our Premium Book of Valuable Information, con taining over 500 pages, with sample copies of all our publications, &c. See advertisement in another column An active agent wanted in every town— twenty to thirty dollars can be made weekly. Their Illustrated Publications with their new Premiums, take at sight. Do not delay if you wish to secure your territory. Address Frank Leslie Publishing Co., 15 Dey St., New York. JAMES J. CAMPBEEL, t'waa >a •'«» (•«> «S «• 8~. Office in Fair view borough, in Telegraph Office. an 15] BALDWIN P. 0., Butler Co., Pa; *% |X'4* B* 1 * Port 6rape Wine Csed in the principal CI urehes for Communion purposes. £iOflleni For L*dlr« ■ »«! Wctkly Persons r url the iyd. €fj3?§2§ ! ! C, N. jT"*~ irrfi Vr.--- *?:. r- fxy ' _ t; " n siW>: v ' &EaaM( R •'# p c. - V r - r V vN"". ' " F R'ft iCil T G « -'. WIN F.! FOUR 'iEARS OL1). rins '"elehrateil Native Wine is made Iroin the 4 j !•.« •■ «>£ i:.e Ojx.i t'. (irape.niised in this country. IL> : ..t.u.llUC c * '.•>? < r < rop-irtiep art mi-;:: j' -v «| l.»y any other Native Wine. Being p. :> |i:: ■r; l(ir.ijx-. produced under Mr. i 0..11 p.i>o»;a'. supervision, it* purety and '••ii i'tii :• ■■ • r>- :*a'ir::nleo,'.. ihe 'oUiige.-tt child nia. |>.ut:!i : • i f its cciKTiiiri qualities, and the wea :n\alid n ;<-• it to a Ivantage. It i.s particu- Istrilv iieueiieiai to the aged and debilitated, and si' 1 !'--! to i lie various aliments that aiTect the we.,ker se\. II i» mevery respect A WINE TO BE fM I.W.i. UN. JR. J" SHERRY, Tne P. .1. SHERRY is a wine of Superior Char acter, aad partakes oi the golden qualities of the iia.'f lo::; v. ' ;> imule. for p,:rltv. Kichliess. I". \oi .i-iii i;;ic;-! I'rop'.'rties, it willbetouud I:I:HM ,- 3 J Rj \ NT O H 'Hi! r.T.W N i»Y stands unrivaled in this Country. IT'" • \ i" 'IK <l:sii!a.!'»n ;<«in tli'«* grape aud e«,it..:n c :!i wue'via. properties. 1! ii;'s u in i".u< I'. ivor. sinniar to that of the «I-.VM - ftom wliieh i: i- :, s:liled. and is in great favor anion); tlrst-class families. See that the signature of Al.lttED SI'EER. Pas saic, N. J., is over the cork of each bottle. *»i:l !>> I>. If. WdMER. apr2s-iyr Taxes! Taxeis! All taxes due in the various Boroughs and Townships of Butler county. Pa., for the year 1880 and for all previous years yet outstanding, nun-t be paid to the respective Collectors and by theui paid info the County Treasury on or be fore the 'Jsth day of December, 1880. Br ORRER or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. "About the handsomest eigbt-natre paper in the country."— l'hilntlalphia Times. THE PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY PRESS! Independent. Enterprising. Trustworthy. Having greatly strengthened its staff and general equipment, this tavoiite family journal will enter upon the year 1881 prepaied for the occupation of a widei iield than ever before In all many contribute to tne edification or or the entertainiijent of the best class of read ers. it is ever foremost. POINTS ABOUT THE PRESS: EPITOKIAL DEPARTMENT.— The pens ol trie best writers are engaged in fearless discussion oi all topics of living interest—political, social, and geueral. TUE NEWS or THE WEEK, covered not only by avgoctaieri pre-8 dispatc. es, bn* special cor lespondent !rom every point ol interest, foreign or dome tie. POLITICAL PHASES, —Presented in the most attractive and trnstwoithy form by the most brilliant letter writers ol the ■ ay, including ►tall correspondents ot national reputation. Inr. FOREIGN FIF.I.D —Full and accurate cable tils-patches from special agents of the PRESS in every Europe in capital. AN AGRICCI.TUKAL I'AGE. —Not a re-hash Ir. in the iiericu.tural weeklies, but fresh and -<■ ii-ortable discussion, under the supervlson of raeiieai men ol acknowledged .intl.oiii). HOME AMI -OCIKTY.— A department iu.valua li'c to women lot tu'tiilul fa-hi n reports and ho ts to housekeepers THB VE-T >TOTIES ol the day, fr M adv nee sheets, by arrangement with English publish ers. POKTUT, TALKS OF THAVEL *nd adveuture, itiiicist' sol art. literature and Ih»* druna; wit and humor, g:.mes and puzzles, personal iutel iirence, and gleauin s from every pai t oi the fields oi' tact and tietiou. Citniiiog to ali that u good i iU record, the VVEI KI.V i KE-8 means to ke p pace with the marcl oi ide t> and events, and has an opinion on eVi ry subject touching the wellur* ot the people, itisag restive for the right, but ever ourtei tin; enterprisinir. but not sensational th re is nothing iu its paces that would make ■I unwlcoiue in any huuily circle T< rniN : $1.25 a Year ; 81 OO 10 ClubM ol Ten or Mure. A SPLENDID PREMIUM ! "HE PUESB has made a peculiarly lavorable eontiact by which it is enabled to oiler, in • lace ol the c ! ub oilers, a epletidid premium. e-.nsisii> gof the Lii-rary < i Universal Knowl edge, a verbatim rc|.tit:t of the London e.lit ion ot ('liatuhers' Eneyelopse.iia, complete in fit teen volumes, oi more thai, 700 | aires each ; or •shakspeare's ( omtdete w rks, in three vol umes, an accurate repiini ot ihe lam ius Globe Edith n, willi a copious tr'ossai v. These pre uiiiiins are t fietcd to friends sending ciubs, as follows; F' r elub of If copies, one copy free, For elul> ol CO copies. Shakspear's Works. For club ot !0 copies and ii OiJ additional, rtie I,iti ary of Universal Kuowledse. For club ol 30 copies an $0 additional, tl e Libtary ol Univ-tsal Knowledge. For club ol si.' copies, the Library of Univer sal Koow'edge. For eluh of 100 co|)ies, the DAILV PRE slur one year and Library ol Universal Knowledge. FORM A CLUB AT OXCE! There is no chance for a sample cony. Send a postal c >rd. and get one by return m til. Address : TIJK I'KESS, Philadelphia. •'The Philadelphia I"rc-s mows constantly ■ reslier and stronger."—A'. Y Tribune. The oldest and the best appointed Institution for obtaining a Business Education. For citculats address, oc6-'.':it] P. IH'KK & SONS, Pittsburgh, Pa. Union Woolen Mills. I would derire lo call the attention of the pnblie to tho Union Woolen Mill. Butler, Pa., where 1 have new and improved machinery for the manufacture ol Barred aod Gray Flannels, Knittnin and Weaving Yarrs, I can lecommend them an being very dura blo. ir they ate manufactured of pure Butler •omity wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low rices. For samples and prices address. 11. FCU.EUTON, <>im Ta-ITI Potior V» Notice Ext a ordinary. Pet son* desiring to have their Did Furniture epair d or New Work nndo to order, s'tc'i as Vfusic Stands. Book Cases, Wardrobes. Office A. 13. WILSON, Practical Cabinet Maker. I hold that a piece of furniture made by hand worth two made by machinery, and will cost out little more, if any. Then whv not have hand made ? Ail work made in the latest styles and of the best material. I guarantee entire sat isfaction in style, workmanship and price. Give me a call. Shop on Mifflin street, four doors west of Main street, a id opposite A. Troutman's Rntler Fa. -epl7-lr 1,. . ««*€.'*.'• ti.t Livery, Sale, Feed and Exchange STABLE, Rear of Lowry House, - - BUTLER, PA. june4-ly J A NEW DEl'iß.'t KE $1 BOTTLE PATENT MEDICINES FOB 38 CENTS JADWIN'S TONIC LAXATIVE Is Appetizing, Palatable aud Non-Alcoholic, AND A1. ,,- AY-< t UKES Dyspepsia, ?iik IT attache f"on-ti| atior., iiil iousne-«, .Sour St iuia< h, Liv r Complaint, Want oi A, petit. , 1 i<ii_-esli >a. 1 miidioe. Kid ney, Nervousne«s, Dizziness, Sleep lessness, lleaithurn, Colic, Debility, Foul Breath, Worms, Piles, Fevers, 01. •«, Ai. THE TONIC LAXATIVE regulates the bowels and stri nirthens the sjstem, gives a clear head, pure MOIMJ and elaslii spirits. Is purely vcjre tab'e, contains no tuercnry nor aloes. Sale at all times. Pleasant l<> the taste, an i a sut>sti lute l< r l'iils, Castor Oi't, Ac lies I taint: \ med letnt known. Adapted to strong mim. delliate ternaies at d feeble inlan's. In liqui form Sold drm.gists Price oniv lis cents ior a large liot'le HEN'KY H JA D WIN. Ay >'lie cury and CbentiM, Sole i'roptielor, Carhondale, Pa. I). 11. WULLER, Dru-i.-t, Sole A-.-nt (ot |{uilet, P.«. jauiS-ly CUUNTRV JiKX ) LRMAX TIIE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLI S. A Prcirlum Annual to Every Reader. The Country Centleman is Unsurpassed, if not Cuei|iiul!ed. lor the amount and variety of the practical mforiualiou t: eonllrnis, and lor the abil ity and extent of itsCorres|»oiidcnce -in three chief directions of Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Kruit-O.rovnng. Livestock and liairying while it also includes all minor departments of ru ral interest, such as the Poultry Yard, Entomology 15ee-KeopniK. lireenhouse aud drapery. Veterina ry Replies, Farm Questions and Answers, Fireside Heading, Domestic Economy, and a summary of the News of the Week. Its" Market lteports are unitsally eomplHte. and more intorniutioti can be gathered from its columns than from any other source with regard to the prospects of the crops, a.-> throwing upon one ot ilie most important of all nuesiioiu — W lien to Buy and When to Sell. It is liberally illustrated, and constitutes toa great er degree than any of its con temporal ias A LIVE AGRICULTURAL NEWSPAPER of n?ver-failing interest both to producers aud consumers of every class. • ou'itry .. :nau Ls iiubll-bed weekly on the following terms, when paid strictly In advance : One copy, one year, ; Four copies. $lO. and an additional copy for the vear free lo til- sender of the club ; Ten copies, SJO, and ah additional copy for the y. ai tree to the sender of the club. For tjie year 18S1. thpse include a copy of the ANNUAL RKOISTKK or RTKAL AFFAIRS, to each subscriber—a book of Ut i>ages and about 120 : P,. ...- j;." . . i •• i' i# k jr-Ai: \e.v for lssi, paying :n ad vance now. will receive the paper weekly, from re e»i;it of remittance to Jami uy :st, issi, without charge. » COftKS OF THK PATER FKEB. Address LCTIIER TI CKER & SON. Publishers, ALBANY, N. Y. IMPROVE THE MOUR. GUENTHEB'S LUNG HEALER CUEE3 COITSUMPTIOIT, Spitting of Elood, Bronchitis, Asthma, CO'igha, aad a'l dianascs of the Pulmonary Organs. I'r'ce 59 Cent* and One Dollnr. OUiiNTHER Si CO. Proprietors. 39 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. AhU. X our Driiggitit fur if. NOTICE. THE BEST OFFER YfiT MADE 1 FOX*R OF FP. VNK LESLIE'S PCBLICA TIQNS, ONE YEAR FOR ONLY «3,5 a The Fran'.: Leslie Publishing Co., 1.". De/ St..New YorK. wi:l send Frank Leslie's FAMILV FKIRXO, at«i pace illustrated paper, for onlv *! i>«r ve-.r. FRANK LKSI.IK'S YOt vo FOLKS devoted to the interests of voting people, and containing much to Interest those of a more mature age. 'fills paner contains l<> oases of illustrations and valuable reading matter. I'ist tlie paper for young children. Price, per year SO cents. FRANK i.KSUK - .wriox.VL Acisit.-ULTt Risr AXi) WnttKiiv; l-'ARMBR. a 1J page illustrated paper, for only ?t.OO per year. FRAVK LKSI.IK'S PI. limt or TIIF. DAY. a !« page illustrated piper. .Inst the paper for Suhday reading. Price only 75 cent s pcy y«H?- Or all four ol tho above ph'jliaauoiH for -?2.50 per vear. Any person de irtiig to act as our tigent. on send ing us S!."io, will re.-H'ive |M)St paid, s:ms;»!e c.vr.c s or lhe above publications, together wit.i a com plete agents outfit of 1J Ix aufifal premi'im eliro inos, a-so a copvof our Book of Variable Informa tion. of over .VM pages, ea.itainina: a.i Illus;rated Olctionarv of ever; useful word to h • fo.tad in the Ktnrlish Lan.-naire. Medh-al an I llaaie'io'd re ceipts Local advice and form;, articles oa eti quette and letter wrltlus. advice to merchants, clerks, mechanic and farmers. Samplesof our ' -<n i ' tes - ted Catalogue (without for is ee ;) ts AH desiring steady .md prollHiiile empioyiiient should send at once before their territory is taken. Address. FRANK LESLIE PUBLISHING CO.. 15 Dev street. New York. THE SUN FOR 1381. Everybxly reads THE HK. In the edition" of this newspaper the year to com ■ everybody will tind ; 1. Ali '.he world's news, so presented that the reader wi't iret the gr.vito t amount o! inform .- tlou with the unprotitaM ■ expenditure of time and eyesight. Tiik Son long a»o discov ered the tfolden mean between redundant fulness and unsati-factory brevity. II» Much ol that rort of news which depends le»s upon its recognized import nice thin upon its Interest to manl ind. From morning to morning THE Sun prints i eonti ia ■ I st • v ot the lives of real men and women, an 1 of their deeds, plans, loves hates and trsub'"s This story is more varied and more in'i r sting than i"V romance that was ever de.ised. ill Good writing in evc.y column, an.: frcshtu ss, oricinalitj',, and deeorqtn in the tre-itiucut of every subjeit IV. Honest • ominen Ins Son's liablt is to speak out fearlessly a'>out men and tilings V. Equal candor in dealing with «ach politic al party, and equal readiness to commend wb r is praiseworthy or to rebuke what is blaiuahle in Democrat or Republican. VI. Absolute independence ol partisan or ganizations. but unwavering loyalty to tru- Democratic principles. THE SUN believes that the Government which ihy Constitution give>- us Is a good ono to keep Its notion of duty is to resist to Its Utmost power the ctlorts of rue t in the Repub'iean party to set up another :'or«u ot covcrnmeut i:i place o( that which The year 1 SSI and the year immediately Pillow ing will probably decide tiii- supreui ly im portant contest. THE SCN believea the victorv will bi wiih the people as against the Rinus tor monopoly, the Rings lor plunder.and llie Rings or imperial power. <'ur terms are as follows : For the Daily SUN, a four-page sheet ol I wen ty-eight colunins, Ihe price by inail, i»o s t paid Is 55 ceils a month, or id 5: a year ;o . includ ing the Sunday paper, an eight-page sheet o tidy-six 'olutuns. the price >s B5 cents a tnomii or *7.70 a year, postage paid. The Sunday edition ol THE Bcn is also fur nished separately at |l 2Qa year, postage pud The price ot tho Weekly Sus, eight pag_ s Hfty-slx columns, is $1 (X) a year, post ige paid For ctubs of ten sending ?10.00 w will send an exfa coft» Iree. Address I. W. ENOI.ANI>, Publisher ol TUB SUN, New York City Dec. 8, '!»0. C-t TEETII. FOR *fi. ati. kin. 812. si" or I will make you a full set of beautiful natural looking teeth,, warrant thein Hi vears. Teeth extracted and Laughing (las or Etliergiven without extra chaige. I will ask for no money until the patient is full*, satisfied with their new teeth. I also nil teeth ar very low rates. I>u. A. 11. Ltcwis. Dentist, nov.l-.Hn No. 257. Penn a\e. Pittsburgh. Pa. Slray Vollce, Came to the residence of sub senber living in Oleartield town- V, iJQ| ship, Butler county. Pa. on or about tlie Ist of Oct. iast, "" p yearling steer, red, with a star in the fnce. and a white streak along its back: no other marks. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pav charges and take it away or it wiil disposed of accord ing to law (Bdec4l) ABRAHAM FENNEI.L. Rheumatic Cure, iDonsrisr RHEUMATIC COMPOUND haH cured rlienmntiam after the treatment of fourteen doctors had failed, and after he had used crutches for sixteen years. It was discovered by K Dounel), in the treat ment of himself 'Sold by D. 11. n i IJ.ER. nov2l;Bm BDTLER, PA. HDIVRV «. HIM; fiii REBciiir COR. PENN AND SIXTH STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa m MiUNt !G UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, V/I_L lE_E BY MJIP. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND Jk PACIFIC R. IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WEM! its main line runs from < hlcaeo to Council ntulTi. passtnit through Juliet. Ottawa, I.a Salle, Geneseo. Mollnc. Kock Island, riavenport, \\ est Liberty. lowa City.Marengo, Brooklyn, liriniiell, I>E« MOIIILW I the capital of Iowa), Stuart. Atlan tic. anil Avoca; with branches from Bureau Junction to Peoria: Wilton Junction to Musca tine. Washington. Kalrfleld. Eldon. Uelkna.i. t'entrevitle. Princeton. Trenton. Uallatin, Came ron. Leavenworth, Atchiaon, and Kansas City; Washington to SUtourney. Oskaloosa, and Kunx vllle; Keokuk to Farmlnaton. Bonaparte. Ben tonsport. Independent. EMon. Ottamwa, Eddy ville. Oskult>o«a. Pella. Monroe, and Dos Moines; Newton to Monroe; Des Moines to tndianolaaiid Winterset; Atlantic to Lewis and Audubon; and Avoea to Harlan. This is positively the only Railroad, which owna. and operates a through line from Chicago Into the Stale of Kansas. Through Express Passenger Trains, with Pull man Palace Cars attached, are run each way daily between CHICAGO and PBOKIA. KANSAS CITY, COUNCIL Bn-rFS. LEAVENWORTH and ATCHI i»oS. Through cars are also run between Milwau kee sod Kansas City, via the "Milwaukee and Rock Island Short Line." The "Great Rock laland" is magnificently equipped. Its road bed is simply perfect, and Its track is laid with steel rails. What will please you most will be the pleasure of enjoying rour meals, while passing over the beautiful prairies of Illinois and lowa, in one of our magnificent Dining Cars that accompany all Through Express Trains. You get an entire meal, as good a* is served in any first-class hotel, forsevcnty-tlve cents. Appreciating the fact that a majority of the people prefer separate apartments for different purposes (and the immense passenger business of this Hue warranting It), we are pleased to an nounce that this Company runs Pullman l'ahire tSlrei'ing Cars for sleeping purposes, and Pa:,ice PFI,L.SfAX PALACS CARS are rti a through to PEOSU, ISTS *,V:-r.V ~ COl'KriL BLI'FFS, KANSAS CITY. lTt UISOS m<l LKAJ'E* « 01. Ticket! via tbi« L.lue, known »■ the " ll.:ek R'j'JU-," lire ■ f 3 all Ticket Airentu In the United S(nlc« u i .1 I'muidu. For ln«V»rmat!<m not obtnlnublc at your home tltkct .ifli.-c, mIC-i- «, A. KIMH ALL. K. ST. .K)ii \~. Cen'l Superintendent. Uecl .tt and l*-t i \ r t . WHY DOto ( ften break down at tin early age? Jv.t a ra .n n.* v, -i i-:<! hut .-u«is until every pore is openel; then let him >• • "J scalding and boiling clothes, that are full of ITO". KI:U ; ._s ——u-h too would break down before long; auJ yet this uust .. A WOMAN :> j~> :";rcu-h with on wash-day; and, besides, with her clothing v.ct f: rr t hot v. or;, she Las to risk her life by going out in the air to hang up in-.- < on it r.t Work are in the unhealthy atmosphere: its smell, so apparent t■ \ ihas it !"al- its way through the house, —the family, however, otter, b••• ■: 1 t > t'.ie peculiar odor from its own wash as not to notice iL These -.n why to laany women sutler with colds, rheumatism, weak nerves, or . ... LOOK OLD yet voting in years, and physicians and boards of health cannot - r.srrly t.)"ihe injurious effects of the usual way of washing, with its tec - > -nMinj or boiling to get the clothes pure and especially as it i- \v,i. n tue direct cause of those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, cpneumpUo:., i Voit-.uiaUiy (his trouble can bo avoided; scalding, boiling, stcain »m. :••.-!! fh.iii ihe wash completely done away with; clothes made sweet ar . i fcuinj in tud the wash done at lets corf than eve* when Home-made soap U i SOONER THAN I - t!:e (M way. by using FRANK SIDDAIXS SOAP,—a Soap SO pi.rii; . : i': .it tii.j tliriiest clothing can be washed in lukewarm water with very i'.t'.e ■ twihes, bedding and utensils used by the sick disinfected and clean-e. ; ; -aiding or boiling, while llie work is so light that a girl twelve or thirteen year- a • Jr.: -a wish without being tbed; and yet so mild and healing is this Soap that shiving it has no equal, and physicians advise its use in preference t» imparl . . t'; v.-ounds end *»res, au lto wash the youngest Infants, as well as for persons with o. Kow iSnr there is a remedy for this, so economical that the poorest can use it, there i. r. : u \ A MAN r.hi h »-ot directly interested in having used in tlieir homes, in »i>ttc of pn-Jn' WoTiDEHFUL WAY OF WASHING CLOTHES, which does away with the I tu •- SMC!" and fearful steam on wash-days, makes the white pieces whiter, colored p.- • i tofter than they can be made by Mashing the old way, leaves the ltan !• ■ ... • t to .Lo lin J Jew and overy article as clean, as sweet and as pure as if never w0:... ->TESTIM O NIALS-> F.- m 11. E. BoiVtti. JI. D„ nammonton, N. J., I Editor South J' ricy Jiipublican. Mv attention was called to FRANK BIDDALLS to \ P from an advertisement in my own paper, and ITS UVJ in my house i'or nearly a year, according t > the directions, has proved that its remarkable I ropcrties have not been Overstated. For remov li-.g pr.nling ink it Is Invaluable, while for toilet and shaving it i 3 the best S&AP I have ever seen. From Ma*. H. L. KENTON, Northfleld, Vt I do my wash with FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP In half ihe time and with no expense for Soap, as the 'n fuel more thm pavs/or it. I have no steam ,r scer.t from the wash, while the saving in r.eaLh, clothes and labor can hardly be estimated. I'rcm E. W. STANTON, 1506 N. 20th BL, Phllada. We are confident, from a long experience ll> and recommending FRANK SIDDALUK SOAP, that one trial, according to the very eajy iriated direction*, will overcome all prejudices, it uso rt-ahy luw wonderful merit for shaving, toilet, I r:«e following are the Directions for Use, so simple that a cliild can undei -itt;:id :. ■2. I)o.:t c!o anything so ridiculous as to buy the Soap unless you intend follow in' i. -'sloo positively forfeited if it injures the clothes, or trill not do cveryth ing cl • First, put the white clothes in a tub of water, only made warm enough to bo com ' . j [he hands. Then take one piece ont at a time on the wash-board, rub the S« ; y ver it, roll it up and pat it back into the same tub, and so on with each pLrc !l ■•.re the Soap rubbed on them. Then go away and let them soak at lea t twenty m.r. ■ :*hont touching them, when the dirt will all be looseued, and a very little rn • j wash-board, out of that one suds, will make them perfectly olep.n, bcin 1 : • ara each piece while washing so as to get at the seams. Then wash li • !y on through a lukewarm rinse-crater (without any Soap,) so as to get t ! - licti put through blue-water, and on the line, without scalding or be:. ■ f..-'.vard put flannels and colored pieces to soak, and wash them e.tfui!> ]t is important not to heat the wash-water in a tin, bras.i or copper kti. a -11 heat enough water for a large wash with this Soap. -;L Think What You will Save by this Easy Way of WasL ; : No Wash-boiler! No Steam! No Smell of Suds throiiij. ■ ■ }.::s the remarkable Property of keeping the Disk-Cloth, I; < always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in i. r - 5 SOLD BY GROCERSI-*- - a Cake and Try it for Yourself next i . :n-,s where thia Soap id not yet Introduced a Trial Cclco wi'l Mail, on receipt of Price, (lO Cents), in Money or Stanip-'. FRANK SIDDALLS f 7?* TALLOWHILL ST,. PHILADELPHIA, V i o U nUNUft. Incorporated ISI9. /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OK HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. \?cts *7.078,-i34 49. l.os-ir- [mill in C| year*, $~1,000,000. J. T. McJ( NKIN & .s()N, Agents, ]an'ißly Jcflerson street, butler, P«. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. VL. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASURER H. C. IIEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, | E. A. Ilelmboldt, William Campbell, jJ. W. Burkhart, A. Troutnian, j Jacob Sclioene, tJ. C. Roessing, John Caldwell, Dr. W. Irvin, W. W. Dodtls, I.W.Christy n. C. Heiueman. FAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen. Acj't- BUTLER IPA. FOR SALE. A gooi fo ir-roorn frame house, two town lots and TVI MOF GROUND, *1! connected, situate in PetcrHville: tntler Co., Pa ,is for sale. Possesion on tirxt of April next, yor term* adJres» the undersigned at Ilartnc- MT, Butler Co.. Pa. lant2:4m RUDOLF BUrN'ttART. U? Z ti\ (fcSft per day at homo Samples w rth - STINHT>S \ Co.. tWrtftml. Maine flw.t-ly Subscrilw for the CITTEEN. I IHntrio Cars for eating purposes only. Oncaii r 1 great feature of our Palace Cars is a SMOKING I SALOON where you can enjoy your "Ilavana" i at all hours of the day. ! Magnificent Iron Bridget span the Mississippi and Missouri rivers at all points crossed by • i i line, aud transfers are avoided at Council I'! 1 Kansas < ttv. Uaveuworth. and Atchison, con nections being made in I'nion Depots. THE PRINCIPAL R. U. CONNECTIONS THIS GREAT THROCGH LINE ARK AS FOLLOWS : At CHICAGO, with all diverging lines for the ; East and South. At E.voLKWoon, with the L. S. & M. 3., and P.. Ft. W. A <\ R. Kds. i At WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, with P., C. & St. L It. K. At LA SAI.LK. with 111. Cent. R. R. AtPF.oniA. with P. P. & J.; P. I). A E.; I. Li. Ji; | W.; 111. Mid.; and T. P. A W. Rds. I At ItocK ISLAND, with "Milwaukee <S Hock Island Short Line," and Rock Isl'd A Pto Kils. ! At DAVENPORT, with the Davenport Idvisi >n C. M. .4 St. P. R. It. At WEST LIBERTY, with theß.. C. R. & N. R !L At GRINNKLL. with Central lowa It. R. | At I)ES MOINES, with I). M. AK. I). li. R. AtCorNoiL BLrrre. with Union Paciti.'R. R. At OMAHA, with B. & Mo. R. R. It. in Nib ' At COLr.v.uusJfNCTloN.Willi 8..C. K. .v X. R It, ! At OTTOMWA. with Central lor.u It. K. ; V, , ! St. L. fc Pnc.. and I B. fcg. it. Hits. At KtOKUK. with ToL. Peo. .V War.; WnV St. L«.>uis Jt Pac„ and St. L., Keo. .V X.-W. P. Uus. 1 At CAMEItON. wilh H. St. .1. U. It. | At ATCHISON, with Atch.. Topeka A S .:a ■ •; At. 1,. Jc NeL>. andCen. Br. t". i\ R IMs At LEAVENWORTH, with Kan. Pae., !-'.•• . Cent. It. Itrts. At KANSAS CITY, with all lines fv r t: e Wt t and Southwest. | and alt household uses, and es It i: ■■•nr ■> generally known, must h:;ve an imiue; From Mrs. E. Stockwkll, IIUTI:n: nt -Ti. FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP has b. . 1 my house tbr the last seveu uiontlir., n:i !' lug the printed directions, we liu.l it t thing claimed on the wrapi>ori). V gcalde<l or boiled a single article, an ' are whiter and nvrctrr ttum U.V:. •■■■ old icoj/. |My husband, who i- n <■ has a steady demand for the Scup : u: i customers. From Makaoer or ftcx-m L.\u.vnr.-. ' 'i Street, Corner C Street, J>.\V., Wx-lin No laundry or family w.n to ' it FRANK Si 131) ALLS SOAl'. «>■ tloiu aud use no other Soap, an' - hr.vo nr. 'i second to no laundry *n ctmheH; the superior work w have !>■ 1 to turn out having secured us the trad i the best gentlemen's furuishiiig su r s | Proniable Heading fcr tverjbedy: E men and women, teachers, r .oc* 'tics., frfn-.-nv.TN, ministers, mothers, and ail who .'.re iired< £.»ut by the con&titnt til a:ul worry of your work !' Ldon't Jrijik i*it<'xic;tiiiiii bitters, but us<; * teaasaaaasasr-^ L Arc you suftenng irom Dyspepsia, K n.r hiism. or wiib Dowel, kit •. Lncrci, ll'.inary complaints, you can be cured \ x •• i.ig ' P If you are wasting away with Consump'.ioi:, ■male weakness or any sickness ;if ycu hav : ; Crnl cough or bad c"!a, you v. ill find su-e relief in ! liaEsmsasmEEE a. C if you are enieebled by disc. >e, - .Jd . dis-, r ; .. n, r.nd your system needs invi • vaiii », or* f:i • . l ave pi:npl:-> and blotches, and your Llood' n• ■ J m, ' Cm. i f m G nf;or, Buchu, Mandrs»; .bu lmqlo, r any oilic; o" the be t medicine- knf-wn it i.*-« ftli- ties! Hc-alt!i Did Stre.iofh Restorer ever K'j i>» f.-.r superior to J". «»ci.c. r. of] ;»•: ' :h -r Tonics, as it neve- inir.ri-~. tcs,. rt; i c 'tr. iines the best curative proj crtie-» of : 11. < jj It i:«s SRretl llum!r.'<!ii of Lircs; it . lay ' Save \CUTM. # , I I':ouj:tVncit-i 'to -it-c ci:r signature is on th- V st "i t iv'.c *..rupper. C . Chemists, " V. ' l- t&aTs" \-hr!i.r>~L ''Ad Parker's Hair Balsam, I!: • .1 .':.>,t Fronomicsi Hair l>rc .fug Co J J • ir. rt r« d cr.ts t!...' ftl • ; UU fn tr.c hair I alp, the I),\i/ v 4 v. i!l 1 ■ and for ra aci try than any other \ . ion. I! >"•? .< io Kcstor? (»raj or Fidel !!alr l) ' .. :1 y ithf'.tl v' ior and is wanvn* to r :-ln f. prevent h; Htiess and st- ; .ailing of :i?i h. ir. Sc'd by druggists at 50 ct'its. 11. IJioltel, MYK&r&FKBD STABLE JEFFERSON STREET, WEST 01' LOAVHY lIOUBE, BUTLEII, VA. Having removed all my stock to the above Stable, the public are respect* fully iuvited to call. The best Horses, Carriages, Bugp gies, itc. kept eonstant'y for bire. Open all hours, day aud uiyht. i ing Mill —AND— : her Yard. * L. O. PURVIS i 11 vis & Co., II K'Rfi ANJ) DEALERS 1* a-; i; :.nd Planed Lumber VK'.V DEft til fl ION t?KA. i>S. ::oi ldinc^, -A >ll n« o». ;jiko, iSID (, HA 11 ENS, -LL t ed [cii ice kids, POL- i'O&lfc', HA I - Nev ar< Bhlh» t- PAI IN*•>. &> Aj\ J- i 1 / (i 1 J i-- B ; ! •••!>!* 111 Llilj. , J:i.» ii sut h . ,!< in ) . .i !»•:»., . ali "i; f Nt:.iiil) o? ) rr«* A : Idol, \\t vvili «4i v. r*. . \ It- «jd s>uhi ;; ; iC-k patiptoction. 1 . !NG MILL A*'l> lAI ] A i. .4 > ill; II C'r 11 «• Ii« (Ii 14 I i t H:. GRIEB, DEALEK IN KINE vV c 1 i C li-0I i -0 3 5 CI o c k S, Jewelry, ... .. .. IK iz:., -pE 3 T AC . 3, -tG. U" 1 At Iff 1 w ( t tl c Public. 1: IK I IAXA r »»!'. H»re several old <•; 'ev tii iH-<• nsing tl'rm. and ••wi.l frd tl-ink much of ! 1 1 ' Of K A CO,. Druggieta. < ' I N"FV. TLXAS. • e me i; rn p' od th'n any : i . • JA.S. B. CALLAWAY. <' rlirxs, mich. •td no of Pain in the Buck M. J. HOCGH. Address ■ rp EY PAD CO., J.:: I'iiOl RiETOK3, ... OHIO. ".PM K. A<ri I I'r Butler r o. . Ms? •rtio Pills V.-st i tMmrtic principles r !i; aecurati lv ad :i t i•. . certainty, an«l ■f. v are the result ,i ffaily practical ex :ir - rho in effectual reui -1 fi>r i ascs caused by lunch, live*, and :uire r>i<<:nnt :md effectual ti-u's i i.M, arc sjH-cially i !a--i of diseases. They ; ":H! di • . five and asHimi and ri-stove regular T: :Av * -!isive use by .r i'i i'c. and by all is i>f tl:o inany ■ liie r P. raff, sure, and itive medicine, concentrated v<- lo substances, , \ fr in fHiotnel or it can lx' admiu .wl iJ- :-. t safety. ' : ual ctire for i ■ i -s, I n<li;;es . I.i of Appetite, •• i i th, Dizziness* >?t v, Nnnibness, ' . Ufieuijiatisra, kin sses, Dropsy, is, ' raigla, Colic, ) : utcry, (iout, • \- cf t . and al! • n a disordered .: :ive a; ;ts. they l.ave no e<]ual. ■ :i)t-ii . inese Pri.ui : i irehing catliar . and never give •v. < inflamed, and is !;• :•». They stirnil 1 di_ .ve organs: tliey i;nl fii i the Tilihml, and i health and vigor to tlia V.i. -.ria. by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., il ami Analytka! I'liemiaU, Lowell, Mass. ~i> 1-V ALL UUL'UI/IaTS LVSRTWBIBS. i \ at once, tf been disabled t^H v\V i JL'LY 1»S ■ ■ 11 INCREAI* • ure ra;cd too ':\V Di HARC.ES PRGH •on i }y given. Sea^H k r>Ai:T & CO..JH >.iitiding, >* icJilngton, D,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers