VALUE OF HA VINO A TRXDE. [Lutheran Missionary.] It was a rule among the Jews that •very young man, whatever his rank or wealth, and though bred for one of the learned professions, should be taught some handicraft. The Talmud asks: "What is commanded of a father towards his son?" The answer is: "To circumcise him, to teach him the law, to teach him a trade." Some of the rabbis used to say, "He that teaches not his son a trade, does as though he tanght him to be a thief." And a favorite saying of the wise Gamaliel was, "He that has a craft in bis bands, to what is he like? He is like to a vineyard that is fenced ;" by which he meant that a man's life by means of a handicraft was defended against idle ness, sickness and want. This custom of the Jews teaches our generation a valuable lesson. There are some people so foolish as to think that manual labor is depreciation. The moment a man deems himself re spectable, as having some position in society, or, when he has made a little money, he shrinks from apprenticing his sons to any trade. No, a father now sends his son to starve in an over crowded profession, or to earn a scanty pittance as a clerk in a ribbon store, robbing the feebler sex of their means of obtaining a livilihood, although as carpenters or coopers, builders or ma chinists, farmers or manufacturers, they might by industry and economy soon earn a competence and become masters and employers and gain an enviable reputation. Hard manual labor is not degrading in itself, nor is it inconsistent with true greatness. A working man need not be rude, rough and coarse; he need not lack in refinement and culture. All of God's creatures, who have the independence and nobility to work for their own living, can become true men and gentlemen, in the best sense of that much abused word. The nature of the work has nothing to do with it. It depends altogether on what you yourself are. If a man has a trade, and aims to become skillful in it—if he be sober, industrious, trustworthy and obliging, he is as sure of employment and a comfortable subsistence as, in this uncertain world any man can be. Fathers and mothers, be wise and learn. See that your sons acquire the knowledge of a trade, of a profession, or of business qualities, that they may be prepared for life, and let your daughters be thoroughly instructed in the principles that underlie true Womanhood, even as King Samuel describes the true woman in the last chapter of Proverbs. A LINCOLN ANECDOTE.— WhiIe Judge Logan, of Springfield, Illinois, was Lincoln's partner, two farmers who had a misunderstanding respecting a horse trade, went to law. By mutual consent, the partners in-law became antagonists in this case. On the day of the trial, Mr. Logan having bought a new shirt, open in the back, with a hugh standing collar, dressed himself in extreme baste and put on the shirt with the bosom at the back, a linen coat concealing the blunder. He daz zled the jury with his knowledge of "horse points," and as the day was sultry took off his coat and summed up his shirt sleeves. Lincoln, sitting behind him, took in the situation, and when his turn came, said to the jury : "Gentlemen, Mr. Logan has been try ing for over an hour to make you be lieve that he knows more about a horse than these honest old farmers who are witnesses. He has quoted largely from his "horse doctor," and now gentlemen, I submit to you [here he lifted Logan out of his chair and turned his back to the jury and crowd, ai the same time flipping up his enor mous standing collar,] what depend ence can you place on his horse knowl edge when be has not sense enihigb to put on his shirt?" The roars of laughter that greeted this exhibition, and the verdict that Lincoln got soon gave" Logan a premature prej udice against "bosom shirts."—Deca tur (III.) Sun. BUSINESS ON THE BRAIN.—A few nights ago the wife of Justice Moses was aroused from a sound sleep by a stern voice: "Ar# you ready for trial, I say ?" "Hush ! Don't make a noise, or else you'll wake the baby," she replied, endeavoring to soothe him. . "Don't talk back to this court," he Vociferated." "If you've got any wit nesses bring 'em on, but let your law yer do the talking." "Why, Tom, how you take on! What is the matter ?" "I send yoa up for sixty days, that's what's the matter. Here, Enders, take her away. Now, .I'm ready for that petty larceny case. Bring up the prisoner." And, jumping out of bed, he started for the next room to summou a jury, but fell over a rocking chair, barked his shins, woke up and asked bis wife what the dickens was the matter, any how.— Virginia Chronicle. WASHINGTON Territory is getting ready to ask for admission into the Union, and to that end her people have adopted a Constitution framed with the view to State government. The Territory has a population of only 60,000, and an area considerably larger than that of Pennsylvania. There is nothing in the way of its admission, except that the present Democratic Congress is not at «11 likely to admit a Republican Territory, which would be sure to cast its three electoral votes for the next Republican candidate for President. A bill was introduced last winter to admit Washington, but when it got into committee it slept there, and will not be disturbed while this Congress lasts. We cannot wel come the "State of Washington" to the sisterhood just yet. How TO STOP THE PAPER.— If you wish to stop your paper do not direct the postmaster to return it. That will not do. Do not write on it and return it yourself. That lays you liable to a fine. Do not leave it uncalled for at the office, for if you arc in arrears that convicts you of a swindle, and docs not release you from the obligation to pay for it until yon notify the pub fishers. But if you wish it discon tinned, write to the publishers and it will be done, provided you are not in arrears; if you are, send enough to pay up like an honorable man. If you ■ do not know the amount a postal card will bring the desired information. —"He is very absent minded," said ° a candidate of an opponent. "Indeed, his mind is entirely absent." a WHERK TO BUY HARDWARE! ■ , ; 1 Norwav Iron, Oilers, [ Axes, Augers, _ Oil Stones, Padlocks, • ' "'1879. FALL. 18<9. hssjtfsssr* ■ BlJk'n'l S'SWb After /hant-ing our pa'rons iznfi ( > Builders' Hardware, the. public generally for then I erg j>- iv * ets Revolvers, : „ Bra.,s Biitu, liberal patronage in the pa*', ice nules, Razor Strops, ■ 52a?,23? «">«'•/ r n pec,fully I Carpenters' Tools, we have HOW lil stock CI fil l lt?l€ 0 j ' 'stove.- 1 ' Carriage Bolts, j : Scvthes, Screw Drivers, _ <- - ook Stoves, HEAVY AND SHELF " Scvthe Stones, Cartridges, Chains, n£ " i ' Sh Wels Spades, Chisels, Cordage, Spikes, Spoons, Steel, : co Hardware ""Stow* Door Springs and Stops, J—L J- Tls) , e CjtlerV) Tacks, Drawing Kntv<*, ! t Trunk Locks, 1 Eh! KS <uiluhl, fur Ihe Full trade, a! Forks, Fly Traps, I price* to suit the tunes. Vises—Blacksmiths', Gun Caps Gimlets, , those in need of anything t.i vises-Hand, Gunjwwdcr,Grindstones, owr line are cordially incited to -^stones, Hammers, Hoes, hall and examine good s and price* \Vmdow Springs, Handles, Harness snaps, purchasing elsewhere. Window Locks, „ llin ? e *i 1 Wringers, Wrenches, Horse Shoes and >ailß, Wtnl Lanterns, Locks, JACKSON" & MITCH-CjLLi, Wardrobe' Hook's, ' . Wardrobe Locks, Malleable Iron ( Corner Main <fc Jefferson Sts., Wood Saws, \Vire Rope, Meat Cutters, Yard ' Sticks> Machine Screws, BUTLER, PA. Zink Oilers, Measuring Tapes, Zink Sheet, &c. Nuts, Nails, Agricultural Implements, House Furnishing Goods, Farmers' Supplies, Iron, Steel, Metals. Blacksmiths' Supplies, &c. f!ARPET.M OIL CLOTHS! MATS! RUGS! STAIR RODS o s NEW STOCKt MTEOT STOCK! g | HECK & PATTERSON'S 1 j WS CARPET ROOM ! n NOW opejST: c § Qa© Pqop South of their Slothing House, ~ % Oufty's niock, Be P t2otf Butler, Pa. |~ I'SAOH Hivxs i SIVRE i SHJATIO 110 i SXSJH VJ OCTOBER 6th, 1879. 3* % 3# Bargains in Black Cashmeres!! NEVER BEFORE EQUALED. 42-Inch All-Wool, 50 cents. 46-Inch at 75c., 85c. and sl. 40-Inch at 65c., 75c. ancl up to sl. gCgTScnd for Samples and be Convinced. Choice Dress Goods opening d illy. I On 3 case choice new patterns Black limeade I Silks, just received, r.t fl 50 per yard. Handsome Broche Effects, 50c. up. Black uud Colored Brocade Silks, f 1.50 to 46-incb Shoodah Cloths, at 7oc. 1G choice U5c. to 85c, and nt sl, f 1-25, Shades and Blacks that aie unc- 50 ail( j 75 i are positive bargains, quailed values. New Cliaiieenbie 100 pieces double-width All-VVool French j Brocado sVlk" Velvets, blacks Cashmere*, at 45c.—choicest shades. JIW nrouui and colors. Lupin's Fine Colored Cashmeres, 50 to 85c. New handscine Silk Finished Brocade and Striped Velveteens, blacks and colons, Largest aud ctelceat collection Handsome Nov-' at low price*. elites, Armures, Brocr.des aud Sell' Col- We have placed 011 sab* a Ime of extra hue ored Suilinirs, In 42 to 48-incb HI ick Silks, at 92, $2 goods ever shown, 75c., that wiir give undoubted satis #l, $1.50 and (action, and are of unusually upwards. bai.dsome llnish. New Cloaks, New Doimans, New Jackets, New An endless variety, the best values, the newest Circulars, to $75 each. d'jslgns Medium Dress Goods, 12% to 40c. yy c wou jj r .,n special attention to our Medium Extra Wide (3i-inch) Afherican Colored Cash- Price Garments, 5 » to $-5. meres, at 25c. New Silk Fur Lined Circular-, sls up, BOGGS & BUHI-., 118 & 120 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY] N. B.—Blankets, Flannels, Ladies', Mis*-*', Children's and Gents' Underwear Department now complete, with values tint will invite the closest buyers, both wholesale :>ni retail. E Hardware ilmplements! | :::::: J. €i. & W. CADIPBEfiL, = Sole Agents for the World-Renowned BIIPFEVE AND HSAPER,}= J\ J1 J CIDSR MILL, BTPI/PVH qbmn DRiiti1 ' J ulvlj C HAY RAKS, |E I REINDEER M RURE, Mi HiK RAKE, = E L M. COSBY'S Celebrated FAMING MILL. = DKAKKHS X2V Cultivators, Scythes <§■ Snaths, ;;;;;; Shovel Plows, Grain Cradles, ;;;;;; Corn Planters, Forks fy Hoes, ■■•••• Lawn Mowers, Gum Hose, •••••• And Everything in the Implement Line. :::::: StOVOS and TilLWarC, :::::: ::: House Furnishing Ooods I" CARPENTERS' AND FARMERS' TOOLS. ;;;;;; PHOSPHATE ALWAYS ON HAND. ;;;;;; * Goods greatly reduced in price and satisfaction guaranteed. j. G. &w. CAMPBELL. :::::: RYCKMAN, DAY & CO., ! UK! SHORE iniRDS. BROCTON, N. Y., MANUPACTUUEHB OF Xattvo W'iaes. Still and Sparkling Wine, ASD Brandies from Native Grapes Onr wine* are j.nt up in choice package*, and are guaranteed SO be btrndard good* aud give eatUf action. CJ. ETZEI,, Ageiit, ap2-ly UUTLEK, P> Pafcle* Citizen: MaiL»K t |§«.» ©jstofcec 29* I8?9. INCREASED PENSIONS For all aoldiero wlioho iato of peiinion i* too low. an compared v.ith liberal laws, or \v!io«e dwabilitien have increased Hinca pension wan granted. Thousand* are entitled, and should at once apply. "RftTTWTV ue a " discharged XJV/ Ui" I I for woundrt, lupture or other injury (not dißeaMO). who have failed to receive tlie amount promised. al-<o to tbotx: who cniinted between January Ift, 178:5, and April Ist. 1864, for 3 yearn who had previously served a term of 9 month* or uio>e and failed to receive a bounty of #-100 for lant nervice. SIOO due all noldiern who enlisted for 3 years prior to July 22. IH6I, and were mustered before August 6th. 1861, re gardless of time served. Pay for rations while prisoners of war, still due, A-c,, <fcc. We have bad a long and extensive experience in collecting claims and furnish the best of ref erence when desired, Only legal fees charged and 110 pay until clam l is allowed, so that it costs you nothing to apply. For ful linformatiou ad dress McNKILL <fc BIRCH, P. O. Drmer 457 Wash ington. D. C. enclose stamp for reply. oli-Itu PLABINii HILL —AND— IjUtiibei* Yai'd ! J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS. S.G. Purvis & Co., ' MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS 15 Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, Patent Moulded Weatherboarding. FLOORING, SIDING, BATTK S BRACKETS , and Scroll Sawing of every description Gauged Cornice Boards, Cornice Moulding PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, Newell Posts and Balusters I i FENCE, PALINGS, <fcc., Ac. I MICHIGAN SHINGLES, | Bonrdsi; Plastering Lath ; Hero 1 lock 13:11 Stuff, such as Joist Raf ters, Seantiinc, &c.. all sizes constantly on hand. ALSO, RIG STUFF AND TANK STUFF for oil wells. All of which we will fell od reasonable terms and guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD Wear German ('alimlic Church •TanS., 1«77. 1v BUTLER Lumber Yard and Planing Mill, H. BAUEH7& BROS., Jbffekson St.. - - Butler, Pa., M*>XrACTURER«I Olf Doors, Sash, Frames, Blinds, Molding of all descriptions, Brackets, Patent Molded Weatherboarding, Mill Boards, Flooring, E'alings, Stair Railings, Balusters of every style, &c., &c. Circular Fdoldings Made to Order, ALfO, DEALERS IN Lumber, Plank, Shingles, Lath, &c, apl2-ly Private H .sp'.tal. 2C-1 8 JjlJ ] A work, price 50 H. Clark r , cent- br UriUf irr I ri«-» of Nature, Pbjil l'rivafj. Chronic and IJ -—5 Clokj of Marriage, Or- OK ea n1 e Con«uluKo U of Youth aud m Lndies and Oend'--(7 ,_ . Manhood; a wealth of Omen, aeud one dullsr L _ choice an<i valuable in f'-r 1 ample* of he«i H CJD formation, of interest ruh)• e r Rood*, and || to both ><*xea. Nothing rateable iuforma>i»n «| I oflemire to jro',<l tasto br expre««. Klt-1!u- il QC! 1 ft?| d refinement. lufor- I blf Female Pith, 15.j n.atii.n n ever before ■I T>«*r box. published. No family home and mine farK 1 ebould be without it. a Ladle* during con-« ■GST P C"7*Addre«.i, Dr. A. O. ■w» 1 goement. H B OLIN'. COT Clark St. Only Known Remedy THAT ACTS AT THE RASK TIME OX THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS. TV lis combined action gite» it wonderful ]x/wer to cure oil diseatrs. Why are we Sick ? j Ikcause unc allow these gnat organs to be come clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors <ire therefore forced into the blood that nhouUl be cxpdlcd naturally. HIMJOUSKESS, I'il.JN, CONS 1 iPATIOIi, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, URINARY DIS EASES, FEJIA M: WEAKNESSES, AND NERVOI'S DISORDER:*, by cowing free action of these organs and restoring Jicir strength and poicer to throu, off di*ca»\ KXC 113 Suffvr BlilIou& |>sln«kl)d ichrg? EEC D'lijr ><a tori:u:it4 <! wlili Plli'S si;d Constl;j.:tloa i Wby ft-lfslitciied ov. r (!l:(jr«!i rrd K!>!n<}H I Why eni'.urc nrrrOßN 1:1,1 kl< nlghu r.c KJONF.Y-WOllT unit rtJo: « In Jh tltA. It ii it th'tl, d utiable compound : One v. 11l nuke >lz «uorU of Mtuitlu-j. j Oct it of lour I>ru:,gl.i, hr trill on', r it/or i/ou. WSLLB, HC3A3OMIT 4 CO., P.Djtlelsa, Bu.-l!tetca, 7t. Ayer's Sarsaparilla ? For Scrofula, and all * scrofulous diseases, Erysi jvlas. ltose. or St. Antho- Joi ny's Fire. Eruptions and Kruptive diseases of the skin. Clcerations of the UP! H Liver, Stomach. Kidneys, Lungs, Pimples, Pustules, I |p-B % a Roils, Blotches, Tumors, . 'rW' Letter, Salt llheum. Scald Head. Ringworm, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain in the Bones, Side and Head, Female [ Weakness, Sterility, Leuconhoea, arising from internal ulceration, aud Uterine disease. Syphilitic and Mercurial dis eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, General Debility, and for Purifying the Blood. This Sarsaparilla is a combination of vegetable alteratives Stillingia, Man drake, Yellow Dock—with the lodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the most efficacious medicine yet known for the diseases it is intended to cure, i, Its ingredients are so skilfully com bined. that the full alterative effect of each is assured, and while it is so mild ■ as to be harmless even to children, it is still so effectual as to purge out from the system those impurities and corruptions which develop into loathsome disease. The reputation it enjoys is derived from its cures, and the confidence which prominent physicians all over the coun try repose in it, prove their experience of its usefulness. Certificates attesting its virtues have accumulated, and are constantly being r , received, and as many of these caseg are publicly known, they furnish convincing evidence of the superiority of this Sar saparilla over every other alterative medicine. So generally is its superi ority to any other medicine known, that r we need do 110 more than to assure the public that the best qualities it has ever possessed are strictly maintained. prr.PAUED BV Dr. J. C. AVER & CO.. Lowell, Mass., J*mrtical aud Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS KYERYWiIKRK. BOOKSthaMILLIOM a l*r;e. new am complete Guide to Wedlock, containing, with many other*. a: d incompatible.' bti-rilitjr in Women, f filrifj'.r 11 ■Tilnei— g r „ onit AJfice to !fuO<*ndn. Advice to Wivet, Prostitution, iu causes, Celibacy *'.J Matrimony com -1 pared. Conjugal duties, C onceptioc. Confinement, Love at. J ( ourtship. Impediments to Marriace i.n male and fenn!«-. Science of Reproducti' n, Sing'e 1-i'e ccm Law of Marriage, Law of Divorce, Legal rights cf mirried women, etc.. includ-. inc Dipeaaea peculiar t» Women, tleir ennses and trcat me it. A t'<yk for private inJ conside; ate reading. «>« 3120 with full Mate Engraving*, ty mail, scaled, for 50 c.ut*. -THE PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER" on Syphilis, Gonorrhcea, Gleet, Btricture. Varico cele, fcr., a!."o o.i Spermatorrhoea. Sexual Debility, an J Impotence, from Selr-abuse ai d Exce»-«e». causing Semu a! F.niiasiotis. Nrrvou«ncs*. Aversion to Societv. Coufusioa of lilrii, I hysical Decay, Dininesa of SigM, Defective Memory. Lose of Sexual tower, etc., makir ? marriage improper or unhappy, giving frratroent, and a great many valuable receipts for the cure uf all | rivate uiseascs, 224 over CO plates, 50 cents. M MEDICAL ADVICE." A lecture on Manhood ard Womanhood. 10 cents ; or a!! three in one nicel* bound volume. SI. They contain 600 pages and over 100 iliuatrationa, embracing every thine on the I generative system tnat is worth knowing, and much that is not published in any other work. The combined volume is j-on tiv.-lv the most i'opnlar Medical Bock published, aud those dis satisfied after getting It can have their money refunded. The 1 Author is an experienced Physician of many years prac tice. (as it well known.) ar.d the advice given, and ru!*s for treatment laid down, will be found r f grent value to those suf fering trom impurities of the svstem. early errors. I cat vigor, or any of ihe numerous troubles coming under the head of " Private " or " Chronic " diseases.—Sent in single vol times, or complete in one, t-»r Price in Stamps. Silver, or C cr rsncy. (Consultation confidential; all letters are promptly ail 1 frankly answered without chsrg".) Address: Dr.Btttta* i>ixpenaury, 12 N. Bth St., St. Louis, Mo. (Established 1847.) CTFor tale by News Deslerj. AGENTS wanted. ■ DR. BUTTS invites all persons suffering from a RUPTURE to send him their names and address, m I and heret>v assures them tiiat they will learn W something to thtir advaataco— Not a Truaa. J I s ' 3r O ' >• Si m « • § «; - > > s? 2- ° > I 11 in O I Q ■ IrSS § ltd ws m O m *-* >3 ■ • | j > « O "S™ rH S M** l 5 Io > H (J) Ljj > 2 O § 2 r JtJ t § £3 £ I § P ® i > v,^ va p PHOVEIIBS. I 1 "No one can IJ : sick when tlic stomach, I |blood.liver au<l kidneys arc healthy, audi 2 Hop liittcrs keep them so." | | " The greatest nourishing tonic, appe-1 Itizer, Btrengthener and curative on earth, —Hop Bitters." " It is impossible to remain long sick or out of health, where Hop Bitters are F used." • I •' Why do Hop Bitters cure so much ?"J "Because they give good digestion, rich j blood, and healthy action ofallihy organs " | "No matter what your feelings or ail-1 inent is, Hup Bitl,-rs wiil do you good." ( " Itcmernber, Hop Bitt- rs nrvcr does! harm, Lut g xxl, ahvaydand continually."| " Purify tb>! blootl, cleanse the stomach I and sweeten the breath with Hop Bitters."! " Quiet nerves and b.ikuy sleep in Hop { I Bitters." j '•No health with inactive liver andi urinary organ* without Hop Bitters." j Try Hop Cough Cure and Pain Relief.! Is. Itoessing;, [Sticceusor to A. C. Itoescing it Bro.] ! DEALER IN Groceries, GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED, OIL, —AND— Anthracite Goal. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN WC-A.S FOR GRAIN OF ALL KINDS. nep4tf " Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call tlio attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, I'a., where I have new aud improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble, ah they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. Thoy are beautiful iu color, su perior iu texture, au«l will be sold at very low prices. For samples aud pricon. address. H. FULLEBTON. Jnl2'l,'7B-Iy) Butler, Pa • AS IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN SO XT STILL REMAINS ! The Largest and Best in Western Penn'a! WITH NO RECOGNIZED RIV r AL! An Inspection of Our Immense Stock, and a Comparison witii Our Prices, will Prove What We Have Ever Claimed, that KAUFMANFS IS THE CHEAPEST CORNER 83, 85 and 87 SmithfieldL St. FOR MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING We mention a few of t':ie many ba-gaias each department contains. MEISPS DEPARTMENT. AT $4.37 AT $5.62 Gents' Heavy All Wool Gents' Fine Worsted; Cassimere Suits, Suits, Perfect Fitting, \ Durable. AT Stylish. IA bargain. AT .G2.. Aba gain. I Men's Iron Twist Suite. . . $2 25 Men's Bluo Cai-lor Suits, . . 37 Men's Union Cassimere Suits. . . S9O Mtn's Imported Cheviot Suit?, . 975 Men's Scotch Cheviot Suits. . . 5 12 Mtn's Fiue Tricot Suits, . . 11 00 Men's All Wool Diagonal Suits, . . 6 75 Men's Fine Cioth Dross Suits, . . 13 50 CaTEach department superblp stocked with styles and fabrics of our own design and selection. Men's Extra Heavy Men's Fine Chinchilla OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, @1.85. 53.75. Boys' and Children's Deparfmeut. Boys' School Snits £1 90 Children's Blouse Suits. . . $1 15 Bots' Union Caseimf-re Suits, • . 2 37 Children's Worsted Suits, . . 270 Boys' Scotch Cheviot Snits, . • . 362 Children's Tricot Suits, . . 3 25 Boys' Fine Dress Suits, . . . 400 Children's Fine Suits, . . 4 12 Our Assortment Always the Largest! Our Styles Always the Newest! Our Makes Always the Best! Our Guarantee Always Reliable! OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT is newly stocked with Cassimeres, Chevicts, Worsteds. 4c., which wo make to order at cxtremelv low prices. Pants to order, 43.25. Suits to order, «13.51 V Our Hat and Gents' Furnishing Departments contain the latest novelties, all marked extremely low. CaTAsk for goods advertised, as we allow no misrepresentations to be made. BE SURE XT XS K A. IJFMANN'B Cheapest Corner, 83, 85 and 87 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, C OR. DIAMOND STREET, KKCOHK KA'XEHIWCr. WHO 12 t!NACvUAIMTL'3 WITH THS CECCRAPiIV CF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE SV T|!^^TH£^ IS THE GREATCOXXECTIXG LINK BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE WES f! l!*« i:n!n line run* from ChicagotoConncll HlufT* { FMOKINO SALOON where you can enjoy your and Oniaha. passing Ihroiu.h Jolict. Ottawa. I i *' Havana "nt all hours of the day. £«!le. (iencwy, Moiine. Ituck Island. Davenport. Mugniiicent Iron Crtdirea span the Missi di»pl V/e:t Liberty -lowa < lty.?,:ireniro. lirooklyi. PTlt | Missouri rivers :.t nil p«>i»tH crossed ly ids (•nniM'Sl mid, (Hie of Iowa) ( lino, and transfers are avoided at Council Ultiffr, il!!.' 1 from liurenii Junction to 1 cor in ; j,cnvcmvorth and Atchtioti, connection* bciiu Wlllon Junction t«» Muscatine. \Vashinjtton. Fair- made in depots tl Id. n<:«»n. llelknap. Centrevlllc. Princeton. TI!K PItI.N'C!PAL It. K. CONNECTIONS <)V i rontoM. Gallatin, i macron. i-eavenworth and THIS CHEAT THIIOL'OII LLNH AUK AS KOL- Atfiiihi'ii ; Washington t» Mgnurney, Oskaloo:*:i lx>\VS • mi.l Kuo'vllle : Kuokiik t.i i Kurmlnitt.m llona- At ciiirAOo. with all divcrt-ini: lines forthe llast part". l:i'iit<ms|wiri. Independent. hldon. Ottuni- nnil South wa, Lddyydle. «>s:iah»«»BM. I'elia Monroe and l>es At fcXULEWOOn. with the Lake Shore Jk Michi **l C /I : .? Moines to Indianola and Wlntersj't; pnn Southern and I'ittsburK. I't- Wayne Chicago Atlantieto Audubon. and Avoca to Harlan. This u J» iH.4itiv. ly the only Itililnuul. whtcli own* .eon- At Wasiunv.tox llKtonTS. with I'lttsbun.'. (.'ln trols and operates u through line between Chicago cinnati & St. Louis It II , A|La Sallk. with Illinois Cent nil It. 11. I his < orsipnny ovn and control their Sleeping At I'l okia with I* |» ,«• J p J &|> - I |J & Cars which nre Inferior lo none, uii.l Rive you a \y; 111. Midland; ami T.. 1'" ft \V. lluilioat!*. double berth between i l.icni;o nmlCounc I l}lufs, A t ItiK K Isi.AXD. with Wejtern Lnlon It. it. and ] ; e;ivi;nw<>rth. or Atclir for Iwo IJi.llnr* and line* Island ft I'eorla Itallrimd. 1 Ifty t cuts, ami n n otion I r hue Dollar*. while At Davenpout, with the Duvenport ft North- j nil oile r lines (Inure h'twoen the sanio p.ilntN Wentrrii It It Three Hollars fur a iloublo berth, ami Ki* Uollara At West l/IBEItTV. with the Curlliucton. Cedar ;«V "i"'. . 11. > .1, > Itaplils ft Northern it. It. i Wlint will pl'-nne you r.nwt will he the pleasure At CUIXXIiLL. v illi Central It. It. of lown. ' of enloy nif your meals, while imssinit over the A t lii:s Moines, with i). M. & Kt. Doilcelt. it. heaiKlful prairie*, of Illinois anil lowa. In one of At <ofxcil. ili.rfts, with Cnkm I'::i Hie It. It. ouruiuinii.iceiit IHnlnif nn.l Itesuurant I ars Hint At Omaiia. with 11. .V Mo. It. It. it. iln Nel>.) n. 'Company all ' hroiii-li l.xpress I rains. \on net AtCoi.r.Mlirs.l rKCTlox. with UuiiliiKton,Ccdar an entire ineiil. us I i;. Is serv.-ii In any llrst- Itaplils * Northern it. It. cl.-us hotel, lor sevi illv-llve cents : or you can At OTTfsiwA, with Central It. It. of Iowa: W. order what you 1!..e. ami pay for what you cot. Louis. ICon. City ft Northern nndc.. li. iu. it. Itds. Appreclattntf the f:u tth t a riajoritr of the peo- At KliuKl'K. with Toledo. I'eorla and Warsaw; pie prefer separate upartiue.its lor dilfurent pur- Wahash. and Ht. I.onls. Keokuk & N.-W. It. litis, poses I all. I the enonjous passenuer business of At BxveitLY. with Kan. City, St. J. ft C. 15.1t.1i. 1 I'iis line v/arr i'i: r. ' I• ■ V,e «re pleased to an- At ATOIIISOX. with Atchison, Topeka ft Snntn notiueif that I;ti-ii;.|>r::y runs its PAI.ACI'' l'"e: Atchison .V Neb. and Cen. llr. Union Taeitic c SI.Kni'IN.; CAIiS f. r rl- epi'iK purposes, nudlts It. Itds. 1 PAI.ACI-; DIM ■'■: i'Al'.s t■■.- fcatinit purposes. At I.KAVEXWOUTU, with K. IV and K. Cen. One other creat feature of ..ur I'alu< 9 Cars Is u It. Itds. PAI.ACF.t'A ITS nit ran lliihiiiiili to I'EOIII.I.DES HOIXHH, COI'NCII. ISI.I FFK, ATCIII'iOX mihl L2A VC.V WORTH• Tlc!;cl* .i « thin !<i.ic ( known u« the Stock Island Route,*' ure moM by r ell ric!%et la the lotted Ntatoi and t'anuda. ' For Inform-di'in tiof obtainable ut your home ticket office, ndtlress, A ICI3II : A;.:.. E. KT. .JOHN. tiun'l LuptimtendenU Oeu'l Tkt. and l'ass'itr A at., ] Chit «■:<•. 111. HTHE NEW VICTOR] j s|\ :IH $ r SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFIED! mmmm Notwithstanding tho VICTOR lias long been the peer of any Sewing Machine in the market —a fact ■ir Tl |TjBHR||NB supported Dy a host of volunteer witnesses— we now ■ H a wonderful reduction of Action antf a raro r ■ B combination of desfrable qualities. Itsshut tie is a beautiful specimen of mechanism, takes rank with the highest achievemenU inventive genius. Kote. — We do not lease consign Machines, therefore, have no old H °nea to patch np and ra*varnish for our Ws Sell New Machines Every Time. " Send for IHostrated Circular and prices. Liberal terms to the trade. Don't bay until you have seen the Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the [ Market — The Ever Reliable VICTOR. * VICTOR SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, Western Branch Office, 235 State St., Cmatao, Iu» MIDDLETOWN, CONN. Time of Holding Courts. The Court direct that after the 11th day of March, 1878, the several Courts of the county of Butler shall commence on the first Monday of March, June, September and December in each year, to continue two weeks, or so lone as necessary to dispose of the business. It is Fur ther ordered that hereafter no causes be put down for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the first week of the several terms. JAMES J. CAMPBELL, Office in F&irview borough, in Telegraph Office. janlS] BALDWIN P. 0.. Butler Co., P». FKIIIUB ARMOR, Justice of the Peace, Main gtr<*t, opposite Post office, jl>l6 ZEI.IENOPLE, PA. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BUTLER, PA. wmTITLU^K, 1 Office with W. n. H. Riddle. Esq. ~ N K WTONIBLACK; Office in First National Bank Building. E. I. iiHUCJH, Office in Riddle's Law Building. sTfT bow ser. 7 ' Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'76 J. B. McJUNKINT Special attention given to collections Ollict opposite Willard House. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office north-east comer of Diamond, Butler Pa. H. 11. GOUCHERr Office in Schneideman's building, up Btaiia. " J. T. DONLY " Office near Court House. r 74 \Y. 1). B1 lANDON, ' ebl7-76 Office in Berg's building ~~CLARENCE )iVALKER, " Office in Bredin building- ruarl7—t feudiTeiber; Office in Bern's new building, Main strect.ap9lj F. M. EASTMAN" " Office in Bredin building. | LEV. McQUISTION, I Office Main street, 1 door south of Court House JOS. C. VANDEULIN, * Office Main Btreet, 1 door south of Court House. Win A. FORQUER, *3" Office on Main street, opposite Yogeley House. GEOT RWII Ff ' Office N. E. corner of Diamond FKANCIS S PURVIANCET - Office with Gen. J. N. Furviance, Main street, south of Court House. J. D. McJUNKIN, ~ Office In Schneideman's buildinsr, west side ol | Main street, 2nd square from Court House. A. G. WILLIAMS, Office on Diamond, two doom west of CITIZEX office. ap26 T. C. CAMPBELL. Office in Berg's new building, 2d door, east side Main st., a few doors south of Lowrj House. * niar3—tf c A. & M. SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S. W. cor. ol Diamond. BLACK & BRO., Office on Main street, one door south os Brady Block, Butler. Pa. (Sep. 2,1874. JOIINM MILLER lliiia Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street, south of Court House. ECGE.NK Q. MII.LKR, Notary Public. juu4 ly THOMAS ]ROBINSON, J OIIN H. NEGLEY~ f3-Gives particular attention to transactions is real estate throughout the county. OFFICE ON DIAMOND, NEAR COURT HOUSE, IS CITIZEN RUII-DINO E. R. ECKLET, KENNEDY MARSHALL. (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY & MARSHALL. Office iu Brady's Law Huildiug. 5cpt.9,74 C. G. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Leg:il business carefully transacted Collections made and promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS. W. M. DAME, Schonblon Block, Br&dfoi d, Pa. EDWARD McSWEENEY. SMETHPOITT, PA. Collections made in McKean, Venango, Butler and Clarion counties M. N. MILES, Petrolia, Butler county, Pa. |jn3 wTlliamrTcq nn, Office in Brawlev House, GREECE cfTY. |june7-ly ~ M. C. BEN EIHCT7 janotf Petrolia, Butler co.. Pa HOTELS Astor Place Hotel. KUItOPEAN PJLAiV. Astor Place, 3rd & Bth St., (Oppo-ite Cooper Institute,) Wow «-■ - Rest location in the city. Elevated Railroad and live other lines ol cars puss the door. Rooms 50 cents to #2 per day. By the week $2 and upwards. OPEN ALL SIGHT. ap23tf WILLAKD HOUSE, Main street, near Couit House, BUTLER, PA. GEO. W. CAMPBELL, - - - PROPRIETOR. &T*Good stabliug in connection. EITENMILLER HOUSE," On Diamond, near Court House, BUTLER, PA. H. EITENMILLER, - - - - PROPRIETOR. This house has been newly furnished and pa pered. and the accommodations are good. Stabling in connection. S€IIKEI« KR HOUSE, Main street, Butler, Pa. JOnN F. HACKETT, .... PROP'B. This old and established Hotel has recently been fitted up in modern sty'e, ond is capable of accommodating a large number of guests. Terms moderate. Good stabling attached. National Hotel, CORTLANDT STREET, NEAR BROADWAY, NEW YOUK, IIOTCHKISS & POND, - - Prop'rs. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The restaurant, cafe and lunch room attached are unsurpassed for cheapness and excellence of service Rooms 50 cts. to *2 per day. 4>3 to #lO per week. Convenient to all ferries and city railroads. N'-w FURNITURE, NEW MANAGE MENT. janls-ly WJHU 9IAKDORF, DEAI.EK IN Ilidt'H, Leather, Finding*, Tal low, Shrep Pelt*, Plaster 11 air, do., Ac. Highest priee* paid in cash for Hides, Kips, Calfskins, tfbecp pelts, Tallow, ,fcc. All kinds of Leather, and also Plaster Hair, always on hand, aud sold at the lowest cash pi ices. Also, manufacturer of and dealer lu Harness. Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips, <Kc., which will be sold at bottom prices. Ke pairing promptly attended to. Shop on Cun ningham street, near creek, BUTLER. PA. HENKT G. HALE, FINE MERCHANT TAILOR, COR. PENN AND SIXTH STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa
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