strsMAtsrs KECOKJMSR'S NOTICE. All persons who are indebted 10 ihc under signed for recording Deeds and other 'instru ments of writing ; and particularly those who have not paid the State taxes upon them, and ihnse whose accounts have been standing for one year or longor are requested to settle sucht accounts either previous to or dnnng mo e.i Court woek. It is hoped that the opportunity afforded by the next Court week will be em braced by all who shall not have previously settled their accounts. SAM'l REES, Jr. Stroudsburg, Aug. 29, 1850. Recorder. NOTICE U hereby given, that the Monroe County Mutual Fire Insuranre Company will hold their j annual eleciion at the Court House, in the Bor- ough of Siroudsburg, on Monday the 2d day of j Sentember nexi. between the hours of 2 o'clock I and 5 o'clock, p. at. for the election of 13 man agers for the ensuing year. J. H. WALTON, Secretary. August 29, 1850. Wood's Patent Shingle & Flour BARREL STAVE MACHINE, Will be operated by one-horse power at J. J. Posten's hotel, Siroudsburg, on Friday and Saturday, September 6th and 7th, and Stod dartsviile, Luzerne couniy, on Wednesday, September 11, at 2 o'clock, P. M., each day, and by said operation will prove by actual ex periment that from 2500 to 5000 shingles and ktaves can be made from one cord of oak, ches nut, or pine wood, at the rapid rate of from 1 000 10 2000 per hour. The whole cost of making will not exceed ftom fifty cents to one dollar per thousand. In offering for sale this valuable improve ment the public are most respectfully invited to come and witness the operation, feeling con fident, from having much experience in the business (having at this time three machines in operation,) that I will be able to give perfect satisfaction. There is at this time tweniy-one machines in operation in Chester county. Persons who wish to, can by calling on Da vid Nase, Haycock township, Ducks county, or J. B. Brownback, Reading, Pa., see a machine in full operation JTr'Come and see the exhibition. C. P. MORTON. Mortonville, Chester co. Pa. Aug. 29, 1850. School exhibitions. The Pupils of the Stroudsburg Seminaries intend holding an exhibition on Thursday eve ning, August 29ih, and on Fnday afiernoon and evening, August 30 h. The performances will consist of Dialogues, and Single Pieces, Mu sic by the Stroudsburg Brass Band. To pay expenses 12 1-2 cents admittance to each en tertainment. Programmes containing particu lars, Tickets, &c. to be obtained of any of the Scholars. To mechanics, Inventors and Manu facturers. The publishers of the SCIENTIFIC AMERI CAN respectfully give notice that the Vlih Vol ume of this valuable journal will be commenced on the twenty-fast of September next, offering a favorable opportuny for all to subscribe who take an interest in the progress and development of the Mechanics, Arts, and Manufactures of our country. The character of the Scientific American is too well known throughout the country to require a de tailed account of the various subjects discussed through its columns. The aim of the publishers has always been to render it the most thorough and useful scientific journal in the country; and to judge of this, by com paring its circulation and influence with other pub lications of the same class, they have the unquiv ocal evidence of its value as the leading exponent of the Arts and Sciences. It will be published weekly as heretofore, in quarto form, on fine paper, affording at the end of the year an illustrated encyclopedia of over four hundred pages, with an index, and from five hun dred to six hundred original engravings described by letters of reference, besides a vast amount of practical information concerning the progress of Scientific and Mechanical Improvements, Chemis try, Civil Engineering, Manufacturing in its vari ous branches, Architecture, Masonry. Botany in short it embraces the entire range of the Arts and Sciences. It also possesses an original feature not found in any other weekly journal in the country, viz: an official list of Patent Claims, prepared ex pressly for its columns at the Patent Office, thus constituting it the " American Repertory of In- VENTIONB. . . i in connection with the publishing department the proprietors transact the most extensive Home and Foreign Patent business done in this country; consequently their facilities must be correspond ingly superior. Terms : $2.00 per year, in advance; $1.00 for six months. All letters must be post-paid and di rected to MUNN $ Co. Publishers of The Scientific American, .No. 128 Fulton street, New York Inducements for Clubbing. Any person who will send us four subscribers for six months, at our regular rates, shall be entitled to one copy for the same length of time; or we will furnish 10 copies, for 6 months, $ 8,00 10 44 12 " 15,00 15 44 12 , " 22,00 20 44 12 " 28,00 .Soutern and Western money taken at par for subscriptions; or post office stamps taken at their full Talue. Premium Any person sending us three sub scribers, will be entitled to a copy of the "Histo ry of Propellers and Steam Navigation." published in book form, now in press, to be ready about the 1st ot Uctober. Jt will be one .oi the moat com plete works upon the subject ever issued, and will contain about ninety engravings. aug. 29. Estate of Silas Flower, Late of Stroud township, Monroe county, dee'd. Notice is hereby given, that letters of Admin istration upon said estate, haye been granted to the undersigned. Ail persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and all those having claims or demands against said estate are requested to make known the same without delay, to ": JOHN L. CAFF RE Y, Administrator. Stroud township, May 16, 1850. TOYS. A great, variety of Toys on hand and for 'sale cheap at the variety store of JOHN H MELICK. JOB WORK Neatly executed al this Office. NOTICE To the heirs and legal representatives of Abraham Flyte, late of Ross v twvnship, Monroe county, Pemisyl f vania, deceased. Take Notice that an inquest will be held at the late dwelling-house of Abraham Flyie, in the township of Ross, in said County of Mon roe, on Thursday the twelfth day of September next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day for the purpose of making partition of the Real Estate of tho said deceased to and among his children and representatives, if the same can be done without prejudice to or spoiling of the whole; olherwiso to value and appraise the same according to law, at which time and place you are required to attend, if you think proper. PETER KEMMERER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office Stroudsburg, ) August 8, 1850. S SHERIFFS SALK. By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas is sued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Mon roe county, Penn'a., and to me directed, I will expose to public sale on Friday the 30th day of August, inst., at I o'clock p. m. at the public house of Joseph J. Postens, in the Borough of Siroudsburg, the following described property, 10 wit: That certain large Frame Tavern House and LOT of LAND situate on the corner of Walnut and Chesnut streets, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, in said County, ad joining lands of Dr. William D. Walton, Mi chael Brown and said streets, containing about Three-quarters of an Acre. There is also on said premises a large new Frame Tavern Shed 40 by 75 feet; frame SADDLERS SHOP, one and a half stories high and an ice House. Al jiO a good well of water near the door. This is one of the best Tavern stands in the Borough of Stroudsburg. Also, At the same time and place', a certain Farm or Tract of Land, situate in Smithfield town ship, in said County, adjoining lands of Charles Postens, John Brown and others, containing Ninety-Five Acres, more or less, ninety acres cleared and in a good jtate of cultivation ten acres of which is ex cellent meadow. The improvements are one good Frame House, one and a half stories high, and an excellent Spring of Water near the door; one BARN, pan frame and part log; APPLE OR CHARD and other FRUIT TREES. The house is within half a mile of the main road leading from Stroudsburg to Milford. Also, At the same time and place, another tract of Land, situate in said Smithfield township, ad- joining land oi William Uramer, William Ar nold and others, containing about 25 Acres, more or less, about 1 acre of which is cleared, the balance well timbered with Oak, Chesnut, Hickory, &c. Improvememeni Frame House one and a Halt stones Men. J here is an excellent Spring of Water near the door. Seized and taken in execution as the prop- eny ol Jidward fastens, and to be sold by me. PETER KEMMERER, Sheriffs Office, Siroudsburg, ) Sheriff. August 1, 1850. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Mon roe county, Penn'a., to me directed, I will ex pose to public sale at the public house of Chas. D. Brodhead, in Chesnuthill township, on Friday the 23d day of August, m 4 t a . . at 1 o clock p. m., the loilowing described prop- eny, to wit: A certain messuage, tract, or piece j of land situate in Polk Township, adjoining lands of Jacob Dotter, Henry Doner and others containing 141 Acres of JLand, more or less, all WOOD-LAND. A small stream of water runs through this tract. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Henr)r Doner, and 10 be sold by me. PETER KEMMERER, Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, ) Sheriff. August 1, 1850. J ESTliAY Came to ihe premises of the subscriber, in Hamilton township, on the 14th inst., a Red Steer, about two years old. The owner or owners thereof, are hereby notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away or ho will be disposed of according to law. JACOB DENNIS. Hamilton, July 25, 1850. CAMP MEETING. By divine permission, a Camp Meeting will be held on tho Island belonging to Franklin Starbird, Esq., about s quarter of a mile from Siroudsburg, commencing on Monday (he 2d of September, and will close on Saturday the 7th. Minuters and members of adjoining Cir cuits and Stations are cordially invited to at tend. Thi s is ihe most beautiful grove ever selec ied in this section of country for a Camp Meet ing, and there is an abundance of pure cold spring water. No traffic of any kind will be allowed with in the limit prescribed by the law. July 18, 1850. M. H. SISTY. A. K. JACKSOIV, M. I. Has permanently located himself in the bor ptigh of Siroudsburg, and respectfully tenders his professional services to the inhabitants of the borough and surrounding country. Office at S. J. liollinshead'a hotel. Stroudsburg, March 28, 1850. Relative to an Amendment of the CONSTITUTION. Resolved by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the Constitution of this Commonwealth be amended in the sec ond section of the fifth article, so that it shall read as follows : The Judges of the Supreme Court, of the several Courts of Common Pleas, and of such other Courts of Record as are or shall bo established by law, shall be elected by the qualified electors of the Commonwealth at large ; the President Judges of the several Courts of Common Pleas, and of such other Courts of Record as are or shall be established by law, and all other Judges required to be learned in (he law, by the qualified electors of the respective districts over which they are to preside or act as Judges ; and the Associate Judges of the Cour's of Common pleas by the qualified electors of the counties respectively. The Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices for the term of fifteen years, if they shall so long behave themselves well, (subject to ih allotment herein after nmvided for. to the allotment herein after provided for, tub sequent to the first eleciion ;) the President Judges of the several Courts of Common Pleas, and ot sucn otner courts 01 uecora as are or shall be establi&ed by law, and all other Judges required to be learned in the law, shall hold their offices for the term of ten years, if they shall so long behave themselves well ; the Associate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas shall hold their offices for the term of five years, if they shall so long behave themselves well; all of whom shall be commissioned by the Governor, but for any reasonable cause, which shall not be sufficient grounds of impeachment, the Govenor shall remove any of them on the address of two-thirds of each branch of the Le gislature. The first eleciion shall take place at the general election of this Commonwealth next after the adoption of this amendment, and the commissions of all the Judges who may be then in office shall expire on ihe first Monday of December following, when the terms uf the new Judges shall commence. The persons who shall then be elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices as follows : One of them for three years, one for six years, one for nine years, one for twelve years, and one for fifteen years, the term of each to be decided by lot by the said Judges, as soon after the elec tion as convenient, and the result certified by them to the Governor, that the commissons may be issued in accordance thereto. The Judge whose commission will first expire shall be Chief Justice during his term, and thereafter each Judge whose commission shall first expire shall be Chief Justice during his term, and thereafter each Judge whose commission shall first expire shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more commissions shall expire on ihe same day, the Judges holding them shall decide by lot which shall be the Chief Justice, Anv vacancies, hannenin bv death, resiuna- lion or otherwise, in any ol tne said courts, shall be filled by appointment by the Governor, to continue till the first Monday of December succeeding the next general eleciion. The Judges of the Supreme Court and the Presi- dents of ihe several Courts of Common Pleas shall, at staled times, receive for their services an adequate compensation, to be fixed by law, which &hall not bo diminished during their con sv tit unuance in office : but they snail receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold any other office of profit under this Commonwealth, or under the government of the United Slates, or any other State of this Union. The Judges of J O of the Supreme Court, during their continuance in offce, shall reside within this Common wealth; and the other Judges, during their con tinuance in office, shall reside within the dis trict or county for which they were respective ly elected. J. S. M'CALMONT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. V. BEST, Speaker of the Senate. Senate Chamber, Harrisburg, January 28, 1850 I, Samuel VV. Pearson, Chief Clerk of the Senate of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify I hat the foregoing resolution, (No. 10 on tho Sen ate file of the present session,) entitled "Res- olution relative to an amendment of the Consti tution, it being the same resolution which was agreed to by a majority of the members e- i . . i. xj ..r .u i . r : i ... iu cauu nuuac ui me alter naving been uuiy consiuerea ana aiscus- . i . 1 l I i .1 .1 ... i . ..:... r.i. i ua7 "greeu u uy niajuu.y ui um members elected to and serving in the Senate of Pennsylvania, at its present session, as will appear by their votes given on the final pas sage of the resolution, as follows, viz: Those voting in favor of ihe passage of the resolution were, H. Jones Brooke, J. Porter Brawley, William A. Crabb, Jonathan J. Cun ningham, Thdtnas S Fernon, Thomas H. Forsyth, Charles Frailey, Robert M. Frick, Henry Fulton, John W. Guernsey, William Haslett. Isaac Hueus. Timothy Ives, Joshua ir t t u Tr..: r?..,.. v T.n,rr, Maxwell M'CasIin. Beniamin Ma- v imps iiinhiiii rv uiiiMiiiauiiui . utiuieu . i nnin.nin Manilas Hnrv A Muhlen- h,r Willmm F. Parker. William R. Sadler, David Sankey, Peleg B. Savery, Conrad Shi- mer, Robert C. Sterrelt. Daniel Stine, Harris B. Streeier, John H. Walker and Valentine Beat, Speaker Yeas 29. Those voting against the passage of the res olution were, George Darsie, Augustus Drum and Alexander King Nays 3, Extract from the Journal. SAML. W. PEARSON, Clerk. In the House of Representatives. ) Harrisburg, March 1 4, 1850. J 1, William Jack, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution, (No. 10 on the Senate file, and No. 211 on the House Jour nal of the present session,) entitled "Resolution relative to the amendment of the Constitution," it being the same resolution which was a greed to )jy a majority of ihe members elected to each House of ihe last Legislature after haying been duly considered and discussed, was this day agreed to by a majority of the mem bers elected to and serving in the House of Rep resentatives of Pennsylvania, at its present ses sion, as will appear by jheir votes, given on the final passage of the resolution, as follows, viz: Those voting in favor of the passage of the resolution were, John Acker, John Allison, William Baker, Robert Baldwin, David j. Bent Craig Biddle, Jeremiah Black, John S. Bowen, William Brindle, Daniel H. B. Brower Jesse R. Burden, John Cessna, Henry Church, John N. Conyngham, Sylvester Cridland, Benjamin G. David, William J. Dobbina, James P. Dow ner, Thomas Duncan, William Dunn, William Espy, John C. Evans, William Eavns, A. Scott Ewing, Alexander S. Feather, James Flowera, Benjamin P. Former, Alexander Gibboney, Thomas E. Grier, Joseph E. Griffin, Joseph Guffey, Jacob S. Haldoman, George H.tJIart, Leffert Hart, John Hastings, William J. Hemp hill, John Hoge, Henry Huplet, Lewis Herford, Washington J. Jackson, Nicholas Jones, John "W. Killinger, Charles E. Kinkead, Robert Kloiz, Harrison P. Laird. Morris Leech, Jon athan D. Leet, Anson Leonard, James J. Lew is, Henry Little, Jonas R. M'Clintock, John F. M'Culloch, Alexander C. M'Curdy, John M' Laughlin, John M'Lean, Samuel Marx, John B. Meek, Michael Meyers, John Miller, Joseph C. Molloy, John D. Morris, Willaim T. Morison, bzektel Mowry, Edward Nickleson, Jacob Nis- UUl1 WAV"U" D' "r JsePn C- Powe, JaS C. Reid, John S. Rhey, Lew- U .1 rM:i! I i. r r is Roberts, Samuel Robtaon, John B. Ruther- ford, Glenni W. Scofield, Thomas C. Scouller, William Shaffner, Richard Simpson, Eli Slifer, William Smith, William A. Smiih, Daniel M. Smyser, Willaim H. Souder, Thomas C. Sieel, David Steward, Charles Stockwell, Edwin C. Trone, Andrew Wade, Robert C, Walker, Thomas Watson, Sidney B. Wells, Hiram A. Williams, Daniel Zerby and John S. M'Cal mont, Speaker Yeas 87. Those voting against the passage of the reso lution were, Augustus K. Cornyn, David Evans and James M. Porter Nays 3. Extract from the Journal. WILLIAM JACK, Clerk. Secretary's Office. Filed March 15, 1850. A. W. BENEDICT, Dep. Sec'y of Commonwealth. Secretary's Office. PENNSYLVANIA, ss. I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original resolution of the General Assembly, entitled "Resolution relative to an amendriMRtftof the Constitution," the same remains oh file in this office. In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand, and caused (o be affixed the seal of the Secretary's Of fice, Harrisburg, this fifteenth day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hun A. L. RUSSELL. dred and fitfty. Secretary of the Commonwealth. June 30, 1850 REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all legatees and other persons interested in the estate of tho re- specuve uecenuenis auu minors, that the ad ministration accounts of the following estates have been filed in the office of the Register of Monroe county, and will be presented for con firmation and allowance to the Orphan's Court, to be held at Stroudsburg, in and for tho a:ore- said county, on Monday, the 23d of day Sep tember next, at 10 o'clock, a. m. The final account of John E. Ziegenfus, ad ministrator and Sarah Ohlewine, administratrix of ihe estate of George Ohlewine, late of Ches nuthill township, Monroe county, deceased. The final account of James B. Morgan, ad ministrator of the estate of James Morgan, late of Stroud township, Monroe couniy, deceased 'PI c I f D .1 T7I ... .1 : .. The final account of Bernard Flyte, admin istrator of the estate of Bernard Franiz, late of Ross township, Monroe county, deceased. SAMUEL REES, Jr. Register. Register's Office, Stroudburg, ) August 22, 1850. I PROCLAMATION. Whereas the Hon. Nathaniel B. Eldred, President Judge of the 22d" Judicial district of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wayne, and Moses W. Coolbaugh and Stogdell Stokes, Esq's., Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the county of Monroe, and by virtue of their offices, Justices of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delivery, and Court of General Quarter Sessions in and for the said county of Monroe, have issued their nrnrpn. tn mfi nnmmiinAntT ,hat a Cnurt of i i & . ,Br oH8S nns of lhe Peace and Common P eas. " -. - - ' and Genera. Jai Delivery and Orphans' Court. f ,le saj(1 County of Monroe, to be holden at Stroudsburg, on Monday, the 23d day of -Sep tember next, to continue two weeks if necessary. NOTICE Is therefore, hereby given to the Coroner, th IiiBiir-fl of the Peace, and Constables ot the said County of Monroe, that they be then and there ready wuh their rolls, records, inqui anions, examinations ana oiner reinemuiuucca .. -. 1.1 L.'... to do those things which to their offices are ap neriaininpr. and also that those who are bound hv rnrnnrnizances to nrosecute and give evi i o recognizances to prosecute and j - a - i a dence against the prisoners that are or - am shall be in the iail of said Couniy of Monroe, or a gainst the persons who stand charged with the commission of offences, to be then and there to pruanuu.o ui icsuiy uuu u juai as shall it PETER KEMMERER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, I August 22, 1850. ( God save the Commonwealth ) ESTRAYS. Came to the premises of the subscriber, on the 17th intit., Two Heifers, apparently about 3 vftar old. one red and the other brindle. The owner or owners thereof are requested to come forward, proe property, pay charges, and take them away, otherwise they will be dis posed of according to law. ISAAC MAliorl. Hamilton township, August 22, 1850. STRAY SHEER Strayed from the subscriber, alout the last of June, six sheep, ail ewes, marked with a slit in the left ear, and one or two of them have a piece cut off of the ear. One of them had on an open horse bell. Whoever will return said sheep, Or give information where they are, shall be suitably compensated. DAVID SMILEY, Ji- Stroud township, Auguat 22, 1850, ! as f JUST RECEIVED a general assortment of of Dry GOODS, Groceries, Hardware; Queenwarej &c, &c., at the store of the sub scriber, which he offers for sale at the lowest prices. JOHN N. STOKES. Stroudsburg, May 16, 1850. A Fine selected stock of silks, bareges j law tisj ginghamsj and prints, to which the inspec tion of the ladies of Stroudsburg and sutrdiiding country is respectfully incited, has bee'n re ceived and is for sale by JOHN N. STOKES. Stroudsburg, May 1G, !S50. P ICICLE D PORK & MACKEtfE-L, d large quantity on hand and for sale chea'ri by JOHN N. STOKES. Stroudsburg, May 16, i850. A MS & SHOULDERS, of good quality, constantly on hand and for sale low by JOHN N.STOKES Stroudsburg, May 16, 1850. M' OLASSES, SUGAR, and COFFEE. a large and well-selected assortment for sale cheap by JOHN N. STOKES. Stroudsburg May 16, 1850. SUMMER STUFFS of all kinds, for gentle men's wear, consisting of cloths, cassimeres, caahmerettes, tweeds, and linens, &c, just re ceived and for sale low by JOHN N. STOKES. Stroudsburg, May 16, 1850, BOOTH & FOSTER LATE J. C. BOOTH & Co., FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Wholesale and Retail, 27 Courtlandt Street, New-York (a few doors below the western hotel.) THIS HOUSE, by reason of its Great Pop ularity and Extensive Reputation, both for the Superior Qualities and Cheapness of its Goods, has recently been extending us business, until it now presents an assortment at once unrival led by any in the city. One of the Firm being one of the Pioneers in lhe Clothing busi ness, devotes all his time to purchasing good9 for the establishment, which, his long experi ence, acknowledged skill, and with tho aid of abundant capital, he is enabled to do with the most predominent success. Another of the firm superintends, fn person, their extensive manu facturing department ; and the stock thus produced, and with a view to neatness, ele 'gance and utility, and amounting to nearly 9100,000 in Value, comprises an assortment now unequalled, and they defy all competition. They desire panic-1 ularly to call the attention of v Country Merchants to their stock, whom, by their extensive arrange ments, they are enabled to supply with an as sortment at once the best, the most varied, and the cheapest of any other on ihis Continent. Nor does the extent of their business prevent them from supplying the individual wants; Gentlemen visiting this city will at all times find them in readiness to furnish from the Smallest Article to the Complete Outfit t of such as cannot fail to suit the most refined tase, or meet the approbation of the most fas tidious. Their Manufactured Department Is replete with every description of DRESS and frock, business and travelling, sack and albert coats. All the styles of Drap De Ete, Alpaca and Bro. Linen COATS. PANTALOONS of all the various styles and qualities. VESTS of the latest and richest pattern. DRESSING GOWNS, &c. The Fancy Department embraces every thing new and desirable in the" line of SHIRTS, DRAWERS. BOSOMS, COLLARS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, Scarfs, gloves, Handkerchiefs, hosie ry, SUSPENDERS, SHOULDER BRA CES, MONEY BE"LTS, &c. To verify the above statements, fhejr atsk gen tlemen, when visiting the city, to call and ex amine for themselves, where they will receive the most polite attention, tho proprietors rely ing on the excessive cheapness which their .un rivalled facilities enable them to afford their Goods, to ensure a sale, Full suits furnished (0 orderal the shortest notice, and sent to any parf' of the United States. J. C. BOOTH. H. L FOSTER. N. B. Open from 6 o'clock a. m. to 10 p. it April 25, 1850. -6m. JEncoui'age Iloitie Manufacture! CABINET-WARE Of every Variety and Style at E ASTON PRICES! W. W. COOLBAUGH respectfully ifivites the attention of the citizens of Monroe county to his large and finished stock of Cabinet waro at his wareroom in the main street, a short dis tance below Posteu's hotel, in Stroudsburg, comprising every kind and quality of furniture. He h determined to be undersold by tio one, and the young and old housekeepers of the coun ly, in want of furnitue, will save tirtie' and mon ey by giving him a call. His stock embraces secretaries, desks, sideboards, wardrobes, bu reaus, sofas, centre tables, card tables break fast tables, side tables, dinner tables hat stands, wash stands, beadsleads, chests, corfter and kitchen cupboards, cradles, beautiful mahogany workstands, dressing bureaus, towel racks, &c. CHAIRS of all varieties rUsh-bottomed. cane seats, splint seals, cotiage cnauBj auu u fa chairs. Also, sofas and settees got up tVthe most beuliful style. TTjPAIl kind of work riiade to order at the shortest notice. 03 He has also oh hand a well-finishad hearse and is prepared to manufacture coffins and attend funerals at short notice. May 23. 1850. Attorney at Law, STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, PA. Office on Ehaaheth stjoet, formerly occupied by William Davis, fc-q A pnl la I BOO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers