-J-EFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN TEisirtfay, May 24, 1849. Gly's E.acIy'M ESook. The June number of this periodical, replete "ith irtteresting subjects,' has b'een received, and weiake pleasure in recommending it to our fair -felfiior.V as a publication of unequalled -merit. Tlie nextVltimber commences iriicw volume; The "'Jln'ok and Lady's Newspaper are furnished a year J for 'S3. ' .,1 Ha'tid' ESook For fhc 1 ranker in Phi5af'pSia, wilh illulralioiss uztil i Jiap f the iiy. We have been furmshed, by the publisher. Gooige S. Appleton. 161 Chenui St., Philadel phia, with a opy of a work bearing the above , title, ii is a c onvenient pocket volume of one . hundred and thirteen paes, containing a short description of all the public institutions in and ibuui the city, -with cutsrepresenting many pub- lie buildings, and important information how to ' obtain access to them. It is in fact a complete gutde'to the stranger from his first entrance into the city till lie may have visited every place wor thy of note. Tt is' indispensable to anv one not well acquainted with the city, who may wish to j see the various objects of interest without taking ( with him -a .personal guide. Price of .the book , 25 ,ents can be sent . bv mail. The JCuropeasi Revolution. The hour destined to bring repose to Eutope has not yet arrived. Her plains and valleys are still 'covered with camps and battle-fields, and from East to West echo the notes of preparation ; while the combat, suspended at one point, breaks out with fresh fury at another The Revolution no longer works with barricades, manned by the workmen of Paris or Vienna, but enlists nations, ami lights for the possession of half the continent. Defeated to-day, its armies resume the work at some distant point to-morrow. One hope is de stroyed, but some oilier comes as if by inspiration, to reanimate its children. Their leaders are im prisoned, shot, banished, sometimes fall of their bers may appear. -We may remember how the ' serving great credit for the skill and ability they Poles treated them in their short and badly man-1 nave displayed. Immediately upon information ! aed revolution. It is but a few weeks too, since .o. rnmmiinjeatR(i tn fha nrooer Deoartment at iWI kty x-vr----- - - - - i g i Washington a special messenger was dispatched to California to prevent as far as possible the im- we heard of Bern's having defeated a large corpse ; ofv them in Transylvaniania. 1 he case is, then, far from hopeless, and we may yet hear that Pol and is once more in arms. The effect of a Hungarian victory would also be felt in Germany. The great obstacle to the formation of the German Confederacy, on which the Parliament at Frankfort have so long been la boring, is the influence of the Austrian Court. Without that support, the smaller States would not think of holding out against the force of pub lic opinion, and the German Emperor might be crowned in a month. This may be a small con clusion to the hopes with which the work at mense swindling operation which has no doubt, ere this, been in part perpetrated Excitement at Easton." Coaespontlcnce of the Pennsylvanlan. jf' Easton, May "17, i;849 This day has been a day of great excitement among u The Sheriff went to the scene io- day with a posse, io obtain the boats of Mr. bo rJcntcpr Tt i5 not mprplv ihfl nrlHinrr of .in own weakness and incapacity, but new men rise jolner prince t0 lhe Ust of German potentates. Marshal of the Eastern District of Pennsvlva in their places. Their opponents, trained in all the tricks of policy, cunning, siallovr men like Guizot, profaning the name of Order by applying it to the pitiful, selfish interests of dynasties and classes, live in disappointment and terror. Where they thought their enemy buried, a host rises to the assault. For they contend not against merely mortal antagonists, but against ideas which ever raise up defenders to themselves against neces sities which are implacable against impulses which are nothing less than the life of humanity. It is now but a few months since the Austrian armies led by one of the oldest and most skillful generals of the Empire marched against Hungary. Well appointed and officered, carrying a large train of artillery, there was nothing but confidence among those veteran troops as they turned their backs upon Vienna, the scene ol their last triumph. The Magyars had little except an indomitable res olution u-ith which to maintain their cause. Head ed by Louis Kossuth, the most brilliant orator per haps, in the world, but totally destitute of all mil itary qualities, with lew regular troops, hardly any officers, few cannon, and a scanty supply of other arms ; surrounded by the Slowaks, Croa lians, Slavonians, and ..Servians, all Sclavonic Frankfort was begun, and yet it is a step not to j r'ennypacker, ol the Durham lumace. JUne ol the boats was taken in tow, and the boatmen managed to run it aground. Considerable scuf- . . i d, i i i i , T ' i i . tribes, of different origin, lanyuaye, and interests ma arrived in Philadelphia on Thursday of last j e c- e'l;, and in' a day oi two expected to enter upon flic ilutie. of his office. In speaking of the ap pointment of deputy marshal, the Lancaster Trib une ays.it may save trouble to applicants for sit- . uaiions connected with the taking of the Census, . I lrom themselves, outnumbering them by six mil lion snuls to four, and already partially in hostility with them, it seemed that the anticipations of the Imperialists were well grounded and that the na tional existence of Hungary the oldest constitu- " ,. ... .i . i . -r. . . i i tional State of Europe, was near at its end. The -'. . . ' . I first events of the war only strengthened this sup- until me year ltfoo, it is not intended to appoint . position. Favored by the unusual mildness, of any deputies at present. j the season, without which the country would have I been impassible, Windischraf advanced from A Ifloiisxlrous taake. i Presbum which (ell without a blow, and was soon ... Birmingham, in this State, while out gunning on -:-the 5thinst., cajured a Black Snake, which "'measured 21 feet S inches in length, and is sup- JExtesisire CotifivLZintiozi. r'pos.ei to be about 3 fee in circumference .tiii . ! t, Messrs. Isaac Wolvenin and Christlv Dale, of1 master of the Capital. The Magyars were every J ' i .1 r . .1 nil i i j.. . wiiBie ueiBiiiBu. i uey unu men reauy 10 ngni but no officer able to train and lead them. Indeed we happen to know that Kossuth attempted to send an agent to the United States to engage if possible, some ol our generals to take command of the Hungarian soldiers. But forture soon changed. Bpm and Dembinski , . . : assumed the highest posts iu the Magyar army. In 1 ne Telegraph reports the occurrence of a de- the .sence of'the common danger, differences yastatmg fire at St. T.ouis (Mo.) on Friday, morn- between nobles and the peasantry were forgotten. iriir last, bv which, as the desoatch states, nearlv - 1 he poor Hocked to the standards and the rich half of the citv was reduced to ashes and ruin. Rve UieiV fonun-s to equip them Bern destroyed P, r , ' . . , r, . runenner in 1 ransylvania, and then overwhelmed rhe fire happened m the very centre of business, lhe Russiar,s, who had come to his. aid. Dem- -irV,ntl amonft.il the property destroyed are mentioned , bin'ski and Gorgey pressed the Austrians in the 'all the insurance offices, five banking .houses, and interior. One by one the posts they had taken twenty-seven steamboats, lying at the wharves, 1 ere "captured, and now Windischgratz is in ,ni) lc n Tnlflnr,n. disgrace at Olmutz, and the legions he led to the and also the Telegraph office destruction of Hungary, defeated, demoralized, A e observe by the Philadelphia Ledger of yes- are falling back to defend the territory and capi ; tcnlay, that Thomas J. Albright, gunsmith, for-. al C Austria itself against their advaucing con "mc'rly of Stioudsourg, is one of the sufferers. ,flu"rs! " I is or is this all. The Austrian Empire, which Wisconsin K;tnkrcipt. j boasts an army of half a million, is unable to re- The Milwaukie Sentinel informs us that the ' f l miUions' wUh h hlf r . . . , , , savage allies. In such an emergency there is but ireasury of Wisconsin is so palpably empty that, one power that will lend its troops to overthrow the members of the late Legislature either went the independence of a nation. That power is home without any money or had. to stand a heavy Russia- 1 so doing Nicholas acts wilh the cone-have on their warrants. The Counties are de-. S',Sten,? which belongs to the Russian system far .... r . , niore than to the individuals by whom it is execu- iinqueui io me amount oi over 19,1)00. lhe de- ted. We hear much of the talents of the Autnrrat ficiency in the Treasury is about S25.000. Loco-' and of the political genius of Russians. Such talk foco misrule has accomplished this state of things. s worthless. The Czar is a man of very ordinary : ! powers of mind, and his subjects have no ono jo vi ality. It is the system Which is admirable, ad mirable for its horrible perfection, for its utter annihilation of many millions of men, that is to say, Pickpocket Carrsfxt.' The Philadelphia Daily News of the 10th inst., . says : Yesterday noon as Mr. John Bell the col- its implanting in them the .will of the ruler, so lector for the North American newsnanpr ' that they are but machines of whirh he is the ; passing through Bank Alley from Second street mOVer- ' ell this system feels that the Hunga- - ; ' . fa b "? in econu bireei' 'nans are its enemies ever more than the enemies ho felt some one at his coat pocket m which he of Austria. Right across the Hungarian frontier jiad .just placed ins account book and some S20 s-uaiiiciH. a Polish province, and next the pro in money. Instantly placi pocket, he found that the boo J i, .1: ii .i i r-. . . , iulltih auuuu i: uiauuveicu a wen uresseu man the roles to which that of 130 was child's play ! I , walking leisurely by his side enveloped in a cloak. The Magyars are therefore not lighting for them , Satisfied that this was the person who had been sehes and their nwii independence" alone. Wt?re . i work at his pocket, he arrested him, charging t f l,,fi sl" in th,? Tr,e' we should watch " v.L :..:.t. .Lr. u... .u. ri,J. its piogreas with greatly diminished interest. In n .u nidi, "ui me icixuw in auiuiscuiuiu j some respects, indeed, we thinl. The organization of a real Federal Government, with a liberal constitution regulating the internal, relations of the several States, and providing for a united army, navy, a perfect customs union, common weights, measures, money, &c. is a fact which can, perhaps afford to have a so-called Em peror for its representative. In truth, it is not easy to affirm that the imperial dignity is not the most practicable road to a great end; nor is it rash to say that the coronation of the Emperor is the virtual mediatisation of the whole troop of inferior princely dignitaries. The main point is to organ ize the conlederation ; the rest will take care of itself; and this point would surely be gained by the defeat of Austria, if indeed a great deal more would not be gained by it for Germany. But whatever be the resuit of the battle, fought, no doubt, ere this under the walls of Vien na, those who fancy the Revolution to be concluded will find that they are mistaken. Some may de lude themselves with the notion that Order is firmly established whenever a despotic Govern ment is "once more fastened upon a rebellious and aspiring people. There are even Americans who dwell with the warmth of partisans on the errors and imperfections of those desiring to be free with out knowing or practicing exactly the American method, and who rejoice when some Radetsky or VVrangel suppresses their efforts with violence ten-fold more brutal and barbarous than the ex cesses which fill our orthodox Republicans with indignation. We are happy not to share their opinions. We, too, believe in Order, but it must be based on mutual social benefits, on honorable industry enjoying its own product, on equal oppor tunities of education, and equal chances for the honors and comforts of life : and until such an or der is established there can be no tranquility in Europe, though three-quarters of the whole popu lation should be made soldiers to put down the rest. N. Y. Tribune. Counterfeiters broken up. An extensive counterfeiting concein has recently been discovered in New Jerseyand broken up. The New York Courier has the following partic- fling ened lhe ipw-rope was capijurcd and re-captured, blows were struck, ihe Sheriff wa knocked down in the melee, and fired upon one of ihe rioters. Several prisoners were captu red, some of whom were rescued. Siono were thrown by ihe boatmen, and some per sons injured. The boat howeverywas not cap tured, and still remains in ihn canal. Mr. Pen nypacker made for ihe Collecior's office at full -peed, where he remained shut up for some hours. The Sheriff, deeming Mr. Penuypack er's life in danger, assembled an armed po.sxo to rescue him, and goi out a six pounder. One of our ciuzeus, A H. Reedor, Eq., anxious to prevent bloodshed, offered if ihe Sheriff' would wan, he would jo alone 'and briii" Mr. Pennv packer home unharmed. This was accceded to, and by means of a little remonstrance, eflec- lually accomplished ihe boatmen escorting them to thw bridge. The Sheriff has sum moned an armed posse for to-morrow morning, to capture the boat, and our town is much ex-cned. The boaimen have behaved badly lo-day. What will r:e the end, God only knows. The reader will' perhaps wonder thai A. H. Reeder, Esq , has such an unbounded influence over the rioters. It seems a little remon strance " from him stilled their angry and ex cited passions, and changed ihern from their purpose of" bloodshed " to an "escort" of safe ty ! Wonderful man ! that Eq. Reeder. Could the ringleader of the rioters have done mure 7 JHF We learn that nothing of importance oc curred after Thursday among the boatmen ! and things remain a statu quo. If the boatmen would not molest or interrupt private individuals, but little feeling would be entertained against them. We believe it is universally admitted that their hy pJti ui.. ulars : On the 21st of April Mr. Matsell, the chief of case is a hard one that their earnings at present police, received information that led him to be-1 prices are inadequate to the support of their fam lteve that felonious operations had been carried ' ilies and they ought to have more wages. Still on in the State of New Jersey, and he forthwith they entered into a contract to work for a certain dispatched officers Leonard and Brown to ferret sum; and if there appeared to be any other feasible out the matter. The officers proceeded at once . remedy, their violation of their contract would be to the Blazing Star landing, on the Raritan river, less excusable. It is not true, however, that their and after proceeding about one mile they came to wages have been reduced 5 cents per ton. A the suspected place, and on maTsing an investi gation they ascertained that the place had been reduction of 2 cents per ton on coal to Bristol and 3 cents to Philadelphia, was made in the contracts used as one of the most extensive establishments this spring. On the other hand it is contended for manufacturing spurious coin that has ever been that the price of provisions is lower, and the money discovered in this country. The place was oc- they receive better, than formerly, so that their cupied formerly by a man named Sweet, who was pay is much the same as formerly. Still, we long suspected by the. police, but for several doubt not, it is too little. It appears to us that months past they lost all track of him, and it ap pears that he has been living in that secluded place during this time, carrying on his nefarious busi ness. Some months since he sent off a number of kegs and boxes to California, and on the 2d of April he started in person for that place, and there can be but little doubt that before information can be sent there the whole of that country will be flooded with base coin. The officers found at the establishment he had vacated in New Jersey a large quantity of unfinished coins, some of which had been plated with silver and were milled and ready for receiving the stamp from the dies, and they are so well executed that they will stand the best chemical tests. They also found a number of large and small boxes filled with rare and valu able machinery used in manufacturing the coin. The coins seem to have gone through three .sev eral processes previous to being milled. In the their error was in entering into contracts at so low a price ; but we understand that many of them, being under obligations to the coal company for their boats are obliged to continue in their ser vice at the price that may be fixed upon until their boats are paid for. The case seems hard for the boatmen ; and it is to be regretted that they have been induced to violate the rights of private in dividuals, in their efforts to bring the company to what they deem a sense ofjustice. The price of coal has not been raised by the com pany 25 cents per ton, as stated last week but remains the same as last year And it is said the company are quite as determined to to hold out as the boatmen. The probability is that but little coal will be brought from the Mauch Chunk Mines this season. We understand the- Company have ta ken up their railroad and are repairing their works, anticipating a season of leisure; so that if the boat ng h had his (-- - y . o : first plare lhe, cul , ()f solid compositior , men slmM now yield lhoy mM not ,oad t ooiv was not there, and defIlllle .triumph of Hunarv must be a risina nf then they went through another operation which j Chunk for some time. I 11 1 V ' . 1 t It I 1 - ... is . - , domed ail Knowledge ot it. Mr, LJell however, ,ur the Austrian Government, to be extended over 5-oized him and called for assistance when upon I " .Hr,ai material resources of the country opting the folds, of his cloak the book was dis-'l0" there would be r , . .(.bettor road:, and bridges, larger erons of corn and tovereu in jus nana. iv this time asi.ta.if. hH r,,i ,.vL..:ui.. J ' . . . " ...... win.-, anu iMjasiuiy uioru snceov lm .: : i .!. e u . vu,ana inc jeuDW-rioiwiinsianciing ins pro jjestations that he found tthe, book upon the pave . ment, was escorted to the city, lock up. He gave f Jus name as John Buyers, ,and. after. a hearing be ..ore the mayor, was comaiitted in default, of Si,- ... met. Great Overflow. A portion of the city of N: Orleans, owing to an increase of the crevasse, is entirely under wa ter, so much so that the citizens are compelled "to'srek refuge' in boats. Great consternation ore- i vaus. i Amkiuca.n Enterprise. At the time the Amer ; fctjcantArmy left Mexico, in July last, jioKa single janiittns house existed in Brownsville;. (the site of . Hon Brown) opposite Matamoras, wjiere now , itands tulown of 20(10 inhabitants. jr .A sleepy .doa.con, who sometimes engaged in v .jPPBSy ihewinfi tl.ejujnister use the.. words n.shuftlehls mo.ru! coil." started up, rubbed- his eyos. aud exclaimed, IJold.pn, h, my deal !" gave them the appearance of German silver, after which they were plated with silver, and they are so well executed that thev cannot be detected by the sound. Some coin had been buried in the it will be well!ground in a keg. The house in which they ca- ried on their operations was built by Sweet, and was so constructed that, while they had an abund ance of light, they could not be seen or heard l C 1-..M-I: O . r. i nrovement in ""'sine oi inu uuuumir. ovveei, soon alter lie Education than can otherwise be hoped for. Not ' moved into the house, was joined by others, who that there wjll be improvement in all the.se things at any rate, but. ypt the Austrians are much better practical men ql business than, the Hungarians, jusi as uiey are ueuer man the Italians in the aided linn in his operations. The officers immediately secured the implements and then returned to the city, and the chief of po same respect. But what gives the contest a far lice made the whole affair known to the Hon. lue iViK U)? i3-,Ts Ewlvg, Secretaray of the Interior, who sue is tlie lact lhat it is a part of the Revolution,! . , ., , . ' - , , and that the Question of iioenv. ,,,oo ! wtcl the Marshal m this city, and the Marshul . . : j . r"tj" 'M We understand also that the iron manufacturers at Durham are likely to sustain a loss of several thousand dollars in the extinction of their furnace fires, unless they get a supply of coal very soon. Bucks County Intelligencer. The Easton Whig of yesterday says the dif ficulty existing between the Boatmen, and the Mauch Chunk Company, has not yet been sonlr-d. Some seven or eight hundred boata remain tied up between Easion and Freemans burg. Arrest of a Clergyman.. A loiter recei ved at the office of Vho True Wesleyan, in New York, announces th f:wi thai R Inr.i. n Ba. on, ofihe Allpgheny We-doyan Conference r ?vT T . t v r . .t ano rriH nmr i inviiwro.i tn r it tt.,. ni iw jorsiv in nnminsn ninonr .onnnrM nnr r It ., aimistton miicl) to hope that the WuJ"" ",e l JS? ra h.rg.d h "he crime ,.f crculat.ng a li.blo cariai.s should be able lo com wiih ih r.. suo)ed their search, and'sueeiled m finding sov- argument ngainM Sla. cry, and loatiiiiff Fcednr. now to ce brought against them. Still the ohancK3 are not so unequal as they may seem. The cour age and enthusiasm which have beaten the splen did troops of Austria ought not to be crushed oy such an army as that now coming from the North. The Russian, soldiers are ill-fed, weak, incapable of bearing long fatigue, and possesses only one useful quality, namely, absolute obedience. In them despotism reaches'Us last' refinement. They 'cannxit even be called'slaves ; they hardly have as niwen mujviuuauty as oeiougs to machines In eral bags of spurious coins, some of which were finished and ready for circulation. They also found several crucibles, some of which contained silver, and it was evident that the counterfeiters became alarmed' and fled in haste. The officers immediately seized all the coin and manufacturing apparatus, and had them conveyed to this city, where they were deposited in the United States Marshal's office. The officers have been at work a ftiir'fiuliieuch men,badly ofilcijie'd as t!iey cer- Arreting out this matter day and.nightjsince it tnitdy ar, cannot b o furroidible as their num-J wns;firsH?ivcn them in charge, .and tbo.viire do. ick Uouylass s narrative uwith felonious intent," &c, 1 f convicted, ihn penalty is imprisonment for one or five years. A Wild Cat in New Jersey is somewhat of a uoveliy, but a very largr ono aiiacked the dog' of Joiah Lamb, during iho hummg excursion near Bear Swamp, Burlington county, laM week. Mr. Latnh atlempibd lo rescue the dog, but was hfmielf pm so flight. A company from Medlord attcrnpJed ,in vam o capture the am mat; ' ' 4 : ;' ' ' ' r 1 if; i . -i i .-. jr.)-. . t 1 cm . Cholera at Iew York. The "New York Day-Book" of Frd says; Yesterday, in comnanv with n j i i j - i-fi . Health Warden of the Sixih ward, ami pi,' officer M linsnn I h a laaiatonl t?.1.. - ' Dav-Book aaain vioitofl ido Sfv.l, tr- . j v ar j note the nropress nf thi P.hnloro - ' 1 o - w.....wi iiiiiv ril . ' inn . i some pans oi u, ana 10 ascertain by ai.. servation the sanitary condiiion of that the city. Our first visit was to the "Old Brewn UIU53 aireoi, which w? uuDergoing htr t .I !. I ll t '"'I cleansing me nnny nan; auu Main-ase h 1 : . L . . i.ii v r i mini i fiiui if ihii lb ii k n - " " "II H,i j. r a -j rn. ,, 1 '1)1 back vard. fihhv hevond anvihmu wm n - . - nil ,(,. iilcn w htirn u u nLn n,,i,.i.nf1 ..1. L. t ling agent ; but notwithstanding this, ihe h' Wa arising from putrid rnaum which inn,i , bpHii accumulating for many mouths Wr.r ' t)fiHU'ive ihat even the offi er haxtei,,.,! departure. There have heieo no -a.po fjf, era as yet, at the "Old Brewery." ahho Juk ,i! building i filled wiih a mans of living ,a.. i .1. i. i t . i. - ripe ior i ne cy,ne oi xyeatn. We next made our way to No. 20 0. st , where the first r"pr:ed casei of CfiinC occurren. ncacnint! ne rear, we d . . "it- into a iow, oamp, and nnny hapinem, wtlf(. Ncetie of human minerv and dHgradatinn ,,-, ? an power oi (inscription, prt-seri'rd i's,. ihi basouieni were three rnofu w j,k IT I I. I. 1 f I 1 . . . "I? oimiy ngniea. ana trie other dark. In diem. cipai room, a lemalp nail jus! died, and so n,. tier arunifen ana nearly companions wt.r, paring the body for interment. Th no manifestations of grief a' the MMlihn their friend, or fear of Cholera ; - l.ti lurned the hodv t tvadi and dres pi,. grave, their operations were enliei'eil t; r bald j'kes, and ihe idiotic gibberi g u ) , ter peculiar to faruone drunkards ot h M!!f rasie. In another corner of ihe same r . ""hi f female, wrapped in fibhy ragt was lying the floor, having sickened yesterday.! j was now unable 10 rie. She iva an nlrn perate woman, and presented a mot loah.-. appearance. Some three or four otherfeu , were sealed upon the floor, the trace rflw. manny scarcely visible upon faces wlnj f r t-.i i i i . . migni nave neen nanusome, out now. ho by iniemperance,-disfigured and hlarkedh vitiiriu c, cjiju su ucswiicu ciuu SlUpinHU 3. Ii)", apparently unconscious of our preenrr. or the more unwelcome visiia'ion of D atii. The Police officer, procurinjja hgh,(el a way into the dark room, where we diM-ore three more subjects, iu different stage-, if disease. A husband and wife were ly.niMi ;j the floor together, w iih some fihhv oM ei cloihes wrapped around i hem ; ihe man ap peared to be dead, but upon minute esan:na tion he was found to he still alne. The w.fe who was closely pressed to "the ody of ileal' was suffering the most excruciating pun I; another corner was a liule bov, (thihl of'iu dead woman,) who had beer, sick a few hours, he cried for buttermilk, and the kind-heaiei health-warden procured htm nine, which the moment allayed the burning thirst wh : Uinajo OLI.UIII Ja II IU3 11113 UIt;flU. While we were in this 44 house of tie " Dr. Shew, extensively known as a devo'eJt. enthusiastic disciple of Preisnnz, and ?vli. now actively and gratuitously enuaued in id: istering to ihe physical wauls of Cholera pi lietus wherever he can hear of them, tna let; appearance Dr. Shew being now added to mir parr wo left the horrible scenes i No 20 O ac'f st., and proceeded to examine the cowinoni Cross-st ; and wherever we went we fx", cellars, yards, alleys, and houses, reeking "i filth, which Mr. Owens ordered to le imef- ately removed Leaving Cross-st. we proceeded in'ot ihony-st., where, in the garriii of Nn. 146, found a small child sick of Cholera, anthp parenily dying ; its parents had diedK' same disease, and were hurled yestrrJij". Dr. Shew immediately took this ca.-e in hiti although without hope. The sufferer was In! upon the flotr, hut upon a more cornforU' bed than we had yet seen, and was ateii bv several fem'pi uhno ami iMilnreJ. tiv'i and sober; but hiuh ahoe the imie aiJ fusion of the woman, was heard ihe maiien vmgs of a drunken man, who addressed uii lernately in French aud English ; ami he we left the house, were onliyed to have hr-i conveyed to the Tumbs to protect Ins wile .L.J !. . . . I. It me uying clitld from his brutal assaul t 1 we entered ihe room our ears were asaW the ahrieks of the woman who va eiigweJ'! a fierce combat with the drunken rruht was dragging her from ihe sick rfd )"" hair of her head ; and thus, amid i he - - fighting, and cursing of drunkaids. rta' ' spirit ol the child passing away. Farbetf to, man to live a living deaih. Our next visit wa to the Old Ball Al'ef No. 12? Amhnny-st. This h-ue. until' cenily, wai used as a place for fi Ii t"si i A 6hort time since lhe roof of th;tt par"'' B - I iHiildings used for "sporting' purp 'r aOer which the house was closed. Y,f however, ihb authorities directed Mr Irt hruab it rrw.r n...t C r. trrii" - " " " irjirii, auu III II up as n 1 hospital which he did, after encoun'e'-' fierce opposition from the people in ihe n? iJ' horhood, who violently opposed ihe erfC of a hospital in their nudst. In a short time, however, the place wj cleansed, and about thirty cm beds marl if for the Rirk, one of which. at 4 oM' k occupied hy a.woman who was nirkel .-Mum nine neioro in Ironi o the oiu . iM1 Nr. S. nrs!rL..J U ...... rlollbtitl . . vuuoiuuiDu nor uasu ypiv 8he was al nl die V A female nurse was in attendance, anJ "erJ lieni was quite corafortablv bituated.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers