' - utim Hi n mxt r .JEFFERSONIAN "REPUBLICAN Friday, November 10, 1848. One Thousand Cheers for Monroe!!! Notwithstanding ihe unprecedented exertions of the Locofocos of this County, their private cam-use and nightly meetings in almost every school-house in the County notwithstand the private letters "from Stroudsburg, to the differ ent townships to guard the windows with good democrats, to challenge every Taylor vote, and croud in all the Cass otea they could"; their majority in this County has been reduced 32 since the Governors election. Monroe gives Cass but 1312 majority she gave Longstreth 1344. What has become of that '"Blue Moun tain avalanche of 1500 majority" that was claimed for Cass and Butler? What has be come of the 250 votes for Cass in Stroud town ship ? Instead of the 250 votes claimed, he received 20l and Taylor 197, leaving for Cass and Butler the paltry majority of 4 votes. Schoonover, one of the Cass electors, had lets in this County than the rest of his ticket Well done Snor.d. Hurrah for Monroe. Itlotiroe county Election Returns. OFFICIAL. Cass 201 235 192 279 171 175 131 75 47 124 53- 58 1830 518r 1312 Majority for Cass Van Buren received 3 ;otes in ttits County, 2 in Stroud, and 1 Lower Smithfield'. PENNSYLVANIA. The returns now in, from 36 counties, in this State, show a majority for Z A CHARY TAYLOR of 14,063 ! ! HUZZA! HUZZA!! HUZZA!!! The General Result." By ihe latest telegraphic reports to the' North American, we have the" result of the'ele'ction in the followingState8 : TAYLOR.' 7 36 26 3 v 12 CASS. New Jersey,- New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Massachusetts, Ohio, New Hampshire, Maine, Maryland, Connecticut, Vermont, Virginia, Norih Carolina, 6 12 8" 6l 17 11 Pike Conntyv Beldtr we give the vote of 'this Cfoukiy, which is nearly correctit will not vary ten Townships Taylor Stroud . 197 Hamilton 81 Lower Smithfield) 54 M. Smithfield 9 Chesnuthill 30 Ross A JJ ; 43 Polk 9 Tobyhanna j I 19 Coolbaugh- . 6 Focono 35 Jackson' . - ' 8 Price 5 Paradise- 22 TA7jOR. CASS. 42" 112 r 15 73 -I 17 65 3. 40 102 JJ ' 46 216 -v1 16 60 10 150 216 798 Milford Dmgman Wetfal! s Lackawaxert4' Palmyra Lehman Casa majority. 582 WANTED at this office, a. soprano Locofoco?J sing ifeo V Chester County Bank Robbery. The villains who robbed Dr. Darlington, Presi dent of the Chester County Bank, seem likely to meet with justice. Numerous arrests of persons suspected of participating in the act, have taken place. On Friday week the Grand Jury of Phil adelphia found true bills against the following persons : George Willims, alias Slappy, John Whitchouse, alias Old Duke, Robert White, alias Robert Ptnkcrton, and John Thompson, alias To bacco Jack. Thrilling Incident at the Menagerie Noble Gallantry of the .ion. On Thursday of last week, during the heavy storm of wind and rain, while the extensive col lection of wild beasts in the menagerie of Messrs. Raymond & Waring were in the village of Nnr wa'lfr, a feature was introduced in the exhibition! not previously announced in the bills. About four in the afternoon a violent gust of wind blew down the canvass which forms the large pavilion, completely enveloping the spectators and' cages of animals in one common mass of confu sion. The accident happened at the' time whdn Miss Adelina,-ths Lion Queen as she is styled,' was performing in the den of wild beasts, and as the fright of the animals rendered them seeming ly uncontrollable, great fears were entertained for the safety of thai interesting young lady. At this' moment a scene of indescribable' terror and con fusion presented itself. The roaring of the terified beasts, the screams of women and children, and the " peltings of the pitiless storm" without, rendered the scene truly appalling. The panic, however, was but momen tary as the prompt and energetic measures taken by the managers soon cleared the wreck, nb per son having received the slightest injury. But the most intensely interesting incident remains to be' told. The uproar among the lions, tigers and leopards in the performing cage gave rise that they were devouring Miss Adelina. In the next instant the canvass was stripped from the cage, when a tableaux presented itself such as would defy either poet, painter or sculptor to portray with accuracy. In the centre of the den, a young and beautiful lion, (the same recently presented to Gen. Cass by the Emperor of Morocco,) in a rampant position, formed the strong feature of the picture ; beneath one of his hind feet lay stretched the dead body of a leopard, and struggling within the invincible grasp of bis fore paws were the tiger and surviv ing leopard. In the opposite end of the cage, transfixed as a statue of marble, with dauntless eye and majestic attitude, the same as when she commands the wild beasts to crouch at her feet stood the Lion Queen, Miss Adelina. The young lady states- that the two leopards and the tiger made a simultkTieou3 spring for her at the mo ment the canVass was blown down, and were re pulsed by the' noble gallantry of the lion, who bounded between them, and protected her in the manner described. The presence of the keeper. Mr Pierce, soon reduced the savage group to sub- ection, and the Lion Queen was happily relieved from a farther participation in this extra perfor mance. jy: Y. Tme Sun. Energy One of the most' remarkable instances of the success which attends well applied energy and perseverance, is exhibited4 in" the case of David ayne, of Philadelphia, with whose advertisements the readers of the Register are famjliar. The Doctor after spending many years of his life in practice and a careful investigation of the qrigin and character of diseases, applied himself to the preparation of remedies, and the excellence of his compounds is attested by the grateful thanks of tnousancs, wno nave provea me oenenis 01 nis skill and scientific knowledge-. His are not mere quack nostrums, but preparations resultiug from ong and careful study, and as they serve, in an emfnent degree, the good purposes for which they were intended, success has followed the proprie tor's enterprise and labors.' His establishment is noW'one of the largest in the United States, and besides furnishing every city, town; and township in the country with his invaluable medicines, he ships, annually, immense quantifies to foreign lands. In the prosecution of his' plans Tor bringing his specifics to the 'notice of the whole people, Dr. Jatne has issded a 'Family' A'lmanatf, containing certificates'and testimdnialof the highest char acter. W see it stated in the Germantown Tel egraph, that-la3tyear, one million of the Almanacs were published for 1848, and all distributed. This year, th'e demand for 1849 is so great, that two power presses, driven by steam, are running day arid night, witli a double set'of hands, and unable to meet the demands of the public for the Alma nacs, indeed Messrs. Stavei2"'& M'Calla, who do the press-work. have found it necessary, to meet the wants of the publisher, to obtain a third power press ! Two millions and a 'half copies will he re quired for 1849, consuming from twelve to fifteen thousand reams of paper and incurring an expense, at the very smalL rat'eof two cents each copy, and we cannot see how' they can be furnished at so low a price of fifty thousand dollars! This is wonderful, exhibiting, as Undoes, one of the most remarkable instances of enterprise on record. ,1301 it must be remembered that this large sum, wfaich is' a fortune of itself, is entirely given away the whole two millibns and a half of Almanacs are gratuitously given to merchants, store-keepers, families arid individuals, with a view to the gener al gratuitous1 distribution throughout the United States. The position' ''6f 'Dr. Jayne is an enviable one achieved by his own unaided energy, industry, and enterprise- drawing largely1 from an' extensive knowledge of medic'jufispru'derYce and he now stands at the head of-'tfje 'discoveries of medicines for 41 the million," which have' not only been prd nounr.ed to be unequalled as "remedies, for the diseases severally set apart by th'e proprietor. &c, but destined to confer upon this human family in calculable benefits In the form of restored health arid prolonged existence. Norristown Register. Governor and Canal Commilsiouer. The following table contains the official returns for Governor and Canal Commissioner. Governor. Canal Commis'er. Johnston. Longs'th Middle'th. 1'aiMer Allegheny 885G 6164 82-14 6130 Adams 2331 180Q . 2314 1785 Armstrong 2094' 2133- 1864 2213 Berks 4207 8411 4113 83i)0 Beaver , 2704' 2383 2501 2320 Bucks 5084 5245 50R3 5204 Bedford 26i3 2739 2010 2730 Blair 2293 1427 2282 1324 Butler 2410 2308 2303 2310 Bradford 3241 3748 2992 2700 Cambria 1151 1421 1118 1440 Carbon 768 996 744 1000 Chester 5895 5140 5898 5101 Centre, 1649 2544 1636 2540 Cumberland 2989 3060 2968 3085 Columbia 1980 3157 1922 3134 Crawford 2580 2849 2398 2778 Clarion 1255 2238 1134 2209 Clinton 808 1004 792 997 Cleat field 630 1113 603 1105 Dauphin ' 3249 2269 3203 2287 Delaware -1975 1500 1974 1480 Elk 145 283 116 277 Etie 3500 2087 -3205 2090 Fayette '2776 3290 2710 3273 Franklin 3758 2988 3736 3004 Green ' 1354 2362 1297 2350 Huntingdon 2289 1871 2277 1864 Indiana- 2371 1568 2258 156S Juniata 1103 1201 1108 1190 Jefferson' 783 992 642 926 Lebanon 2637 1800 2623 1805 Lancaster' 9727 5514 9706 5519 Lehigh . 2550 2996 2526 2970 Lvcoming 1850 2298 1831 2267 Luzerne 2967 3785 2897 3083 Monroe 425 1769' 372 1635 Mercer' 3643 3109 8462 3103 Mifflin 1443 1591 1432 1585 Montgomery 4645 5218 4522 5337 McK'ean 376 429 362 400 Nor'thamptan ( 2551 3476 2461 3476 Northumberland1 1546 2124 1486 2038 Pefrrv 1339 2064 1343 2056 Philadelphia city 8963 4972 8955 4974 Philadelphia coiint 16998 16028 16996 16005 Pike ' 126 612 119 598 Potter 278 627 277 600 Schuylkill' 4264 3538 4181 3534 Somerset 2755 1103 2703 1077 Sullivan .182 360 000 000 Susquehanna:' 1597 2416 1505 2375 Tioga 1219 2077 1424 1980 Union 2887 1686 2941 1580 Venango , 988 1532 832 1523 i Wegtmoreland- 2856 4955' 2689 4983 Washington- 4665 3949 3906 3952 Warren 947 1145 901 1136 Wayne 855' 1455' 745 1402 Wyoming 780 948 750 930 York 4162 4345' 4122 4319 Total, U58,572 1 68;22G 164,084 1GR.704 Maj. for Johnston 300: Do. for. Painter 26W. JwW List. GRAND JURORS." 1 Peter Trtbeley, Smithfield 2 Jacob Correll, Rons ' 3 Jonas Greeuswig, Do" 4 Peter J Hoodmacher, Ches.nuihilF 5 Peter S Altetnose, Do ' 6 TKomas Knecht, Pocono' 7 Andrew Dreher, HamiltonJ 8 John Woolbert, Jr Jackson . 9 Henry Weiss, Jr Chesnuthill 10 Jacob Myers, Smithfiield 11 William Williams, Do 12 William Eboch, Tobyhanna . 13 William Adams, Do 14 Valentine Werkiser, Hamilton 15 James Smith, Chesnuthill 16 Jacob Hilgart, Price 17 Henry Eilenberger, Smithfield); 18 Peter Snyder, Hamilton - 19 John Petnrs, M Smithfield 20 Charles Labar, do 21 Patrick Daily, Chesnuthill 22 Christian Smith, Smithfield 23 Charles Andre, Stroud 24 John Shoemaker, M Smithfield PETIT JURORS 1 Reuben Gregery, Polk 2 John Gregery, Chesnuthill 3 Robert Van Buskirk, Hamilton 4 Iaaac Delong, Stroud 5 James Holhnshead, Do 6 James Fenner, Smithfield 7 George Sebnng, Pocono 8 Thomas Shiveley, Do 9 Joseph Fellincer, Hamiltou 10 Joseph Kerr, Siroud . 11 John Edmger, Pocono 12 Joseph Johnson, Ross 13 Henry Frankenfield, M Smithfield 14 James Bell,"Jr Smithfield 15 Peter Kunkle, Hamilton 16 Charles Larnbert, Smithfield . , . 17 William Hauk, Rosa' , 18 Jacob Bis.biiig, Pocono . Js 19 Joseph Staples, Smithfield" ; 20 Joseph V Wilson, Do 21 Andre Gr'ontr, Hamilton tr 22 Joseph Kemmerer, do t . j 23 William 'Smiley, Siroud - f?V; 24 John Setzef, Chesnuthill - 25 George BuMr; Siroud ' :'f : 26 Peter Edinper, Pocono f' 27 Peter-MostelleY, Hamilton ' 28 John E' Smith, Ross . , 29 Jdseph Biuenberider, Hamilton" 30 GfiOrgo Hohen.hteldl. Stroud 31 Jrfsse Sigliu, Chesnuthill 32 'John Hohenshieldt, Siroud 33 Samuel Pipher, M' Smilhfisld J 34 'John Merr'ihew', do 35 William Bellas, Jackson 36 Hpiiry Werkiser, Hamilton 4 STOVES ! -STOVES ! Forsale'by ' . stb'GDELL STOKES. Stroudsbnrg, November 10, "1848. BLANK MORTGAGES For" sale at this Office, The John Dunkey is dead again. We be lieve the animal is not playing possum this time. ITCail Robbers Caught. In consequence of ihe numerous robberies of the mails during the pressent year, and the many petitions lo the Postmaster General on the sub ject, a regular secret detective organization has been formed, by which all future robberies must he deiectetf. So perleci is the system, that the culprit is detected when he least ex pects it, for neither postmaster-, contractor-, drivers, agents, or others, are permitted to know the workings of the plan. It is impossible, at we learn from high authority, lor money to be taken no mailer how n is effected and the thief not bo discovered. Several robbers have already been caught ; the hut wa- John Curry, staoe owner and mail contractu betweu Pn k ensville, Georgia, and Columbti. Mi-. He has robbed ihe malls of, it i supposed, many thousands of dollar, and among them the mu sing packages of Si. John, Power & Co. This was effected very easily as he and his con federates had obtained, in some wav, keys of the patent bras locks, and could open tj.e mails at pleasure. H is detection' and arret was ef fected by gtent skill he was almost taken in the very act, and was forced nV di.-gorjjH ihe packages which he had .purloined the night befere. In some oases, Postmasters, who were, deputed to send money, have beeiV arrested, for embezzlement and violation of irut they hav ing kept the money instead of forwarding it to ihe names lor whom li was intended. H is a duty the department owes to the many rhoiiand honest and honorable postmaster, and deputies, to ferret out the dishonest, and inflict upon them the direst punishment. CHILD-BIRTH? A valuable Scientific Work, upon the subject of Gestation and Child Birth, by R. G. Gkiss- N er, M. D. late of Paris, just published in New York by the Author. ' Price Twenty-five Ccist. THIS WORK contains recently discovered' in formation upon a subject of the highest impor tance to Married Persons, or those contemplating Marriage. li will bo found of special value to those whose means, health or other circumstances, do not permit them to increase the numberr of ineir family, without great inconvenience, sul-( fering, or perhaps ri.sk of life. A method of avoiding 'these troubles and dangers, at will, (recently discovered by a celebrated French Physician,) is fully communicated in this work, so that any person may avail himself of it at once, without cost. The means of prevention here set forth are therefore within the reach of all. ihe.process is new, safe, iufalliable, con venient, simple, and cannot injure the health of ihe most delicate. CAUTION. -Some speculator has clandestinely (under another nam)'puhlished an imitation, (bearing the same title,) which, besides omitting thk most important portions of ii, dupes the cred ulous out of One dollar, When the price s Tweiitv-fiive Cents For the genuine, full, and complete Work. Copies tif this work will be sent in a clo-e envelope, "siriole letter potage to any part of the United Slates, for twenty five cenia sent, post-paid, to Dr. R. G. Geissner. Box 2456, office 127 1-2 Liberty Street, New York. B. No Bookseller allowed to sell this work. November 10, 1848--5m. Almaisacs ! Almujaacs ! !' t DOCTOR D. JAYNE would respectfully inform the public that he publishes annually for gratuitous distribution by himself and all hiV Agents, an Almanac, called Jayne's I?Icdccal Almanac, j And Guide to Health. . i The calculations for this Almanac are made wiih great care' and accuracy and for five dif ferent Latitudes and Longitudes, so as to make them equally ireful as a Calendar in everypart of the United Slates and British North Ameri ca. They are printed oh good paper, and with handsome new ivpe, andVte neatly bound, and besides being the neatest and most accurate Calender printed in the United Siates, they contain a large amount of valuable information, suited to the wants of all, and of that kind too, which cannot bo found in hooks. HIS CATALOGUE OF DlSEAES, with remarks and direction's for their removal is really invaluable, and make them welcome visiters in every house they enter. .Every family should possess at least one of these Annuals. His Almanacs for 1840 is now ready for distribu tion, of which he designs" to. publish at least TWO MILLIONS, and in order that they ery family in the United Slates and British America, may be furnished wii'h acopy, he hereby i.ciiitcs MERCHANTS AND STOREKEEPERS' to forward their orders to htm as early a pos sible, and i hey s hail tie supplied GRATUIT OUSLY wiih ai many opies as they may deem necessary to supplv their various custo mers. They are also invjted at the samo time,. to send a copy or their "BUSINESS CARD," wlnch"AH'bp printed and pla,i?ed on the cover of ihe Almanaes sent them, also without charce. i ney are aiio requested lo cive all necessa ry diroctions hrhv ihe Almnnacs should be for warded to them. Bv law thev cannot ho sent by mall unless hu postage ts first "pai'd on ihem here. Orders (post paq directed' to DR D JAYNE, Philadelphia, wlH meet wjih prompt attention. ILj A.YJI.LILS can obtain these Almanacs Gratis nf. JOHN MALVEN. SrmiirKhiiro M'm .K...- ID 1 R.-ifi .'At ' Stroudsbiirg Female Seminary MISS CAROLINE HORfr, if Ea.t,,,,, pa' has taken charge of this intiiiiui. winch iviij be. open for the reception of scholars on jJIN day the 13th of November, inst. For terms of tuition, &c. apply to the prc. ceptross. By order of trie hoard of trustees. JOHN HUSTON, Prcs',. Strotidsburg, November 2, 1848 CLOTHING EMPORIUM AND .GENTLEMEN'S Outfitting Establishment. No. 27 Cortland Sired, NEW-YORK. Strangers and citizens desireingto replenish their wardrobes, may be immediately acroin. modated in the very " best style, anil at the loin. est Cash prices. With a choice selection of '' Fall and Winter Garments Of the newei patterns, of superior make an.; finish, and of ihe best materials ; equal in eiJ rv respeel to the best custom work. M a irio j adopted the cash principle, upon which cenanj calculations may be made, he has pursued .sue-' cessfuliy for upwards of ten years, m direct op. position lo the. ruinous system of crcit, whicJi imposes the necessity of exacting uunecessari. unties jo provide, and has now on hand one of THE LARGEST MOST FASHIONABLE, AND CHOICE ASSORTMENTS OF cady Made IoISixeij; in Amcrira. From which gentlemen may deprrid upn,, Milting ihpinselve satisfactory, as regards qua. ity, style, and price His larue stuck embra ces Overcoats arid Cloaks of the uhs approval styles. Dress, Frock, and 0"her Coats. Phi;. j laloous of every desirable paticrn. and the rich. est assortment of Mark oalin, Larimer, ai..J oilier styles rf Winter Vests. The Fancy Dparlment Embraces all the new and elegant patterns, nnj latest and most desirable styles ol Fancy, Silk, and Satin Cravats. Suspend wt Gloves and Hosiery, Shirts. Bosoms and Collars, Carpet Bags, $'c, tfc . In addition to the aboie variety of Reailv Made Article's, he has for tale by the piece or yard, at as low prices as can be found in enhrr of the Atlantic cities, a beautiful assortment of fhe best quality. Cloths, Cassi'mcres, & Ycstisigs, JJT .Gentlemen can hae iheir orders filled at a few hours notice,' and sent to any part of the United States and bv sending their mea ures, can obtain clothing on as good terms a.i though ihey were present to select for them selves. Address J. C. BOOTH, No. 27 Cortland street, New York. October 5, 1848. Cm. JJjpFor iho liberal share of patronage wlm-h has been extended to htm for so many year, he returns unfeigned acknowledgements, and he promises that no efforts shall be spared on his part in future' to continue, to serve his cus tomers on as favorable terms as any other house in the trade. Good News I Not Jrom Ireland, but from the HAT AND CAP STOEE OF Fraracis Faw2i. The public are respectfully informed thai iIir subscriber has just received, nnrfdflers for sale, a splendid assortment' of Hats and Caps, w inch will be sold on i Vie niot reasonable terms fur cash. The supply of Hats on hand embraces the following: BEAVER, SILK, MOLESKIN5, IMP FUR, CASSIMERE, BRUSH, Ajsp Mens and Boys's white and black wool Hats glazed and Montery Hals. Fur and wool sporting and Ashland hats. A gen eral assortment of Caps, such as otter, fur seal, hair seal, musk rat, &c. Men's and Boys' fan cy and plain velvet, ted plush, and glaced Cap. Having had considerable experience in the business enables me to assure you that 1 can and will furnish Hats & Caps of the best ma terials and workmanship, and of the most de sirable styles. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere ; I charge nothing for showing my goods. Thankful for past favors, I will endeavor to merit a continuance of them. FRANCIS S. PAULI. K S. FlirS bought at the highest cash prices. Stroudsbnrg4,' September 21,1848. 3m. PAPER' HANGER, and Houe and Sign Fainter, Monroe Street, (near .the Methodist Church,) Stroudsbnrg, Pa. Respectfully informs tho chizens'rif Stroud burg and vicinity, that he hfcs removed to the house formerly occupied by Abnsr Gorden. en Monroe street, near tho Meil&uVt Church, where ho will be in readiness hi fulfil such tr tlers in his line of business, as he may be ben ofed with. Being MbfTrouohly acquainted with his business, and having'Had considerable ex perience, he is prepared to warrant all work, done bV'him. March 30, 3 843.-ly- BLANKS. The subscriber has on hand and offers for sale, a superior assortment of blanks, viz: Deeds, Mortgages, Executions, Subpoenas, SummonseSj Bonds. $c. L. F. BARNE? Milford, November, 2, 1848,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers