New and Cheap Hard warcCutlery Skttd Tool Store. flfli? V ' BOUTHEEST CORNER OF TI' PUBLIC SQUARE, EASTON. 1 5 . .. -.t aImthiip tm Tr Mn An rT :nn!ir"iTi;n . WILLIAM ' IJavincr purchased the stock of F. W.foble, inlands keeping at the aboVe stand, a full as rrmnent of Haidware. Cutlerv and Tooof all kinds. He has just received and will continue Wo keep for sale at low prices, and onberal American and English shelf and heavy riaruware. rurcnasers are respecuuny nivueu iu ba . amine his stock, consisting in part ihe following articles: For Mm rimnis. ! For Braces and Bits, iron Braces Carpenter's planes and plows Shingling and lath hatchets complete lot locks, with different knobs Thumb and drop latches 'Glue and Glue kettles j Iron and steel squares, Bevels? Guages, Plane irons, Awls Screw drivers, Auger Bits Firmer and mortice chisel English knob and closet locks Iron & brass shutter fastenings Sash springs, sash cord Window Fasteners Frame and screw Pullies Wood screws, and Clout Nails Brads, Tacks, Finisning Nails. Cut and wrought Nails Strap and Table Hinges Blind Hinges, Iron Castors Horse Nails Files and rasps, pincers Brick and Plastering Towels Masons' and Chalk Li Carriage sDnnirs. lrovaxes band and Oil stones, Shoo thread, 'coopes tools, &c For the Public Generally. Table and Terknives and forks. Pen and pocl'et knives, scissors and shears, Wade and wmchers and Roger a razors, ChapmanVMugic Razor Sirop, "Iron, German silver, and plaied Tea spoons, German'silver arid Plated bnlter knives, JapaniJgothic Waiters and Bread trays, Snuffers and trays, Coffee mills, Shovels and tongs, Coal hods and sifters, Brass and plated stair rods, Lamps and Candlesticks of all kinds, Japaud spittoons, Tea cannisters, Powder flasks and shot bells, Curriers knives, Buicher's saws, The attention of Farmers is particularly called Easton, April 20, 1848. 6m. PAPER HANGER, and House aud Sign Painter, Monroe Street, near the Methodist Church,) Stroudsburg, Pa. Respectfully informs the citizens of Strouds burg and vicinity, that he has removed to the house formerly occupied by Abner Gorden, on Monroe street, near the Methodist Church, where he will be in readiness to fulfil such or ders in his line of business, as he may be hon ored with. Being thoroughly acquainted with his husiness, and having had considerable ex perience, he is prepared to warrant all work done by him. March 30, EYES RIGHT ! Why is it that all eyes are cast toward ihe micK yaru occupied Dy atone won i Because they have 90,000 of the Largest and best Brick just burnt and fur sale, that can be had in this county, or in Easton. A portion of said brick are composed of material that will stand fire, and warranted good for building bake ovens and oiher fire places. Come and examine for yourselves, the brick will speak louder than word. These brick are considerably larger than any others made m this county. N. B. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange except cabbage, and cash not refused. STONE & WOLF. Stroudsburg, Monroe county, July 27, 1848. 85,000 BRICK. Just burnt and for sale by the subsbriber These brick are of a large size and of a supe rior quality and will be sold as low, and lower according to the quality than any other brick in 'he County. A ponion of them are pressed or front, jamb and cornice brick of different kinds. Said brick are composed of material that will stand the fire with impunity, thus answering for the purpose of building bake ovens, &c, all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. N. B. All kinds of grain taken in exchange for brick at the highest market prices, and cash not refused. Wm. S. WINTEMUTE. Stroudaburg, July 6th, 1848. New York & Erie Kail-Road SUfllOTER ARRANGEMENTS. From May 1, 2848 until further notice. FOR PASSENGERS Leave New-York from the foot of Duane Street, at 7 o'clock a. M. and 4 o'clock, M. for Piermont, Blauvelt yille, Clarkstown, Spring Valley, Monsey, Ram apo, Monroe Works, Turners, Monroe, Oxford, Chester, Goshen, New Hampton, Middletown, Hotvells, Otisville, and Pcrrt Jervis. For New York and intermediate places, leave PORT JERVIS at 6 a. m., and at 3 p; m., Otis ville at 6 35 a. M., and 3 35 p. m., JWiddletown at 7 a. m., and 4 p. m., Goshen at 7 20 a. m., and 4 20 p. m., Chester at 7 1-2 a. M;, and 4 1-2 p. M. JJj3 All baggage at the risk of the owner, unless put in charge of the Baggage Masters. Fifty lbs of personal baggage allowed to each passenger. No Freight taken by the Passenger trains. FOR FREIGHT Leave New York at 5 o'clock p. M., per Barges Samuel Marsh,. Henry Suydam jr. and Dunkirk. I eave Port Jervis at fl.A. mm Otisville a 10 a.m., Middleiewn at J 1 a. M.j Goshen at 12 M. and Cheater at 12 1-2 M, . rMI.LKwijl .betaken- morning and evening by trains running expressly for. that purposev H. a SEYMOUR; Sup?t Pierment, May 4, 1848, if. .. , job work; , , Neatly executed at this OMce, p . ELWELL, terras, a large, full, and complete assortment of Farmers For Builders Shovels and Spades Hay and Manure Forks Spade and Fork handles Crow bars, pick axes Grub and bog hoes, bush hooks Buck, cut, millA; hand sdtos Salters' spring balance, & steel yards Bellows, sieves, oxtips Halters, trace and log chain? Grain, grass, and bush scythes Horse brushes, cards and combs Sleigh, house, and hand bells Chopping axes, &c &c of American door Door crapers and door knockers,, , Coach wrenches and bed keys, Mouse and rat traps, Pails and wash boards, Long and short handle Fryirrg pans, Brass kettles, Enammelled saucepans,. Patent metal lea kettles and boilers, Grid Irons, Basting spoons and ladles,. Flesh forks, skimmers, flat irons, Choppers and Mincing knives, Chest, till, trunk, and Pad locks, Axe helves, chisel handles, mallels, etc Malleable Iron, Hub Bauds, Carriage springs, Wagon. boxes, Iron axles, &c. to his slock of farming implements. ACADEMY. The Spring Session of the Siroudsburg Acad- iij will open on Monday the 17th mst., when, emy heading, writing anu arithmetic win oe r . t i Mill taught lor S2 per quarter ol 12 weeks. Oram mar" and Geography, with the use of the globes and maps, $2,50 Algebra, Astronomy, Bot- ony, Mensuration, Book-keeping, Philoso phy, &c. S3. Beginners in La.tin and Greek for S3.50 All pupils charged from the time they enter tin til the end of the quarter, except in cases of sick- - ness The principal hopes by properly and sea sonably imparling instruction to the young, pa lient endurance in moral training, and unwea ried diligence in the various branches of his profession, to merit and obtain that patronage and support which the arduous duties of an in siructor demand. THOMAS HARRIS, Stroudshirrg, April 6, 1848. Principal: Ten it cut's Washington Gallery of DAGUERREOTYPES, No. 234 North Second street, N. W. corner of Callowhill street, Philadelphia. The Likenesses taken and beautifully colored! at this well known establishment, for One Dollar, are universally conceded to be equal in every respect to anu in the citv. Pictures ta- ken equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A large assortment of Medallions and Lockets on hand, at from $2 to $5, including the pic- lure. The Subscribers respectfully invite the citi- j zens of Monroe county,- to call and examine specimens of the latest improvements in the art of Daguerreoiyping, which will be exhibit ed cheerlully arnd without charge. T. & J. C. TENNENT. Philadelphia, July 6, 1848.--6m MASS MEETING ' AT TflE NEW AND CIIEAP 11 A 1 2llJJ UAJr lUlCHi TTT l ri a ttt a -n m ss. -r -r OF Francis . Patili, 111 btrOUaSOUrg, at b: rey S Old Stand, Where will be found ihe largest assortment of , ... ... . . I tne best and1 cheapest HATS and UAfS, ever ofiered in ihh nlace. and which he will sll n ,u . ui . - c r 7 n, ihe- most reasonable terms for Cash. The stock is welf selected, and just the kind suited tn. tkv n . .. .1 U I 'f! I wic jic.-ciii uuu dpjjiuauuuig seaaiiii. i ne Kiipply of Hats on hand embraces the following: BEAVER, m SILK, MOLESKIN, MM FUR, CASSIMERE, BRUSH, Also Men's and Boys's white and black woor nais ; giazeu ana ftlontery Hats. For and wool sporting and Ashland hats. A gen- f eral assortment of Carjs. such as oner, fur seal J ha r p mitcbral . rn Man- rwl f.. I i i i ii it s. cy and plain velvei,red plush, and glaced Caps. J he subscriber hopes by strict attention lo business to merit a liberal support, and assure those in want of Hats and Caps, that every ef- fort will be made to please, keeping a supply of the best and most fashionable articles on hand will he Call and see before purchasing eUewhere ; e will charge nothing for showing his goods, Remember, Frey's 61d; stand. FRANCIS S. PAULL ;N. B.Furs bought at the highest cash pri- b ' ces. Stroudstiirg, March 9, l848.6m. WATCHES. A good assortment of Watches, for sale, at redu,ajices, by JOHN H. MEL1CK. . Persons in want of articles in hi lm. appea nanus yan oe L-ured. I ousey 's Um- :. . .u : j . . it i- versal uintment will a ways cure the worst cases find it to ibeir advantage to" ca on him. as r -.u i ttj c 3 v . . ;it 11 . .1 i a oi cnappeu nanus, ocores oi persons will state wm sen ai ine very lowest prices. ihi Look at this, no Humbiig but Reality. PI ANO FORTES FOR SALE. A copy of the report of the Judges of Mu sical Instruments at the late exhibition of the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia: The Committee have awarded C. Meyer with a premium for the best seven octave Piano. The ground of this decision was the general excellence of the piano, and especially its pow er, brilliancy, and delicacy of touch. The judges did not give premiums for the best fin ished instruments, conceiving iho'best palpable tests of a piano to be its musical capabilities, and not its originality, its mechanical igenuity, or that elegance of finish, which effects neither the action nor the tone, and is only designed to please the eye and not to satisfy the ear. Another copy of the report of the judges of musical instruments at the last exhibition at Boston:-The committee have selected No. 591 a seven octave piano made by C. Meyer, wor thy of special commendation. No. 591, is a very fine instrument, particu larly commendable for its elastic and ready touch, in repealed trials by different hands. The keys never failed of certain repetitions in the shake. The tone throughout was even of great beauty and power from the lowest note to highest, and the damping was perfect in all cases. The North American of Philadelphia, Janu ary 4, 1848, contains the following ndiice: A Compliment to a Philudelphid Piano Manu facturer. Our Boston neighbors know how as well as we do to appreciate a good ihitlg. The Massachusetts Charitable Mechanical Associa tion, at their last Annual Fair, that nf the au tumn of 1847 awarded to Conrad Meyer, the" celebrated Piano Manufacturer of this city, a diploma and silver medal, for the best seven octave piano a compliment no other piano manufacturer of our city has received. The subscriber keeps always on hand a sup ply of C. Meyer s Pianos, which he will dis pose of, either for cash or in exchange for sec 0lld hanci in8irurnenis, at manufacturers prices. A. ZUILCH, Agent for C. M. rEaslnn March 2, 1848.--6m Its Works Praise Tt. Bums, Scalds, and all kinds of Inflamed Sores Curvd, Tousey's Universal Ointment, is the most com plete Bum Antidote ever know. It instantly (and as if by Magic) stops pains of the most desperate Burns and Scalds. For old Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, &c. on man or beast, it the best applica- non mat can oe made, .thousands have tried. ana" thousands praise it. It is the most perfect ",aiier 01 P" aiscoverea. ah wno use, recom mend it. Every family should be provided with it. None can tell how soon some family will need it. Observe each box of the genuine Ointment has the name oj 6 1 ousey written on the outside la bel. To imitate this is forgery Boatmen, Livery Men, Farmers, and all who use Horses, will find this Ointment the very best . . 1 r. " tning tney can use lor Uollar Cialls, Scratches, jvicks, kc &c, on tneir animals. Surely, every merciful man would keep his animals as free from pain as possible. Tousey's Universal Ointment is all that is required. Try it. Bites oj Insects. For the sting- Or bite of poi sonous insects, iousev's Ointment is Unrivalled. Hundreds have tried it and found it good. ' ' "'t j. jica, luuacys urn versal Ointment is one of the best Remedies that can be applied. All who. have tried it for the riles reccommend it. there is nothing equal to Tousey's Ointment. A Pers0,n n Manlius had, for a number of yeors, a unro lonr that Imfflorl tlia ol-Ill fiU ,1 . rr.... , A nu. ncuuuufs xuu- r..1w,n.HnB was Je?menaeci by one ol the nisiung pnysicians, wno Knew its great virtues,) and two boxes tW,U,1 mnr hBnofi tu, J! tient had received from anv and all nrevimw rpm. uies. iiei an iry u .1 T -11 - r Burns and Scalds Cured. Thousands of cases of Burns and Scalds, in all parts of the country, nave oeen curea oy lousey's Universal Ointment. Certificates enough can be had to fill the whole of this sheet. Violent Bruises Cured. Testimonials on testi monials, in favor of Tousey's Ointment for curing muises, nave Deen oneren the proprietors, llun- r 'in kyraCDSe WH certify to its great merits ln relieving the pain ol the most severe Bruise. pciauua ouuuiu ny u. uiiwu jjcuu vyucu.. uuurtjs ui cases oi dcain Head have been cured b Toug ,g ointment Try it it seldom fails. discoered for this most disagreeable complai Tousey's Univercal Ointment is the most comple Sore Lws Cured. For the cure nfSnrP. line there was never any thing made equal to Tousey's Ointment. It is sure to cure them. Try it. 11,8 a scientihc compound, warranted not to contain a"y PrePara;ion f Mercury. Price 25 cents per box. If or further particulors concerning this really valuable Ointment, the public are ref- lered to ramphiets, to be had gratis, of respecta oie uruggisis ana Merchants throuchout the Un ted States. Prepared by S. Tousey's, Druffcist. 106 Nassau at. l x . a ui sate in iruuasaurg. oy 1. SUHUUH, 'Agtntt j rfy j , . JUOUE. r JL OWIlseilU S oarsujnuiuu. WnnrW nnd Hlessiiier of the Awe. The most Extraordinary Medicine in the World, frrisExtractisputup in Quart Bottles: it is six times cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior lo any soiu. u cures wuiiuwvonuunBjpureiuftwi.ikBiu.iBui The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsa uiuiuvuuui mo i parilla over all other medicines is, that while it eradicates, it invigorates ihe body. , It is one of the very best SPRINO AND SUMMKR MEDICINES n 1 1 iRn U ,,,U1Q ,D d i i . . . 5tren(Tthens the oerson. but it creates new. , - , vure and rich blood : a power possessed by no K7 : T "jfivl. :J .i.:.. L. ; Ji omer meuiciue. xv iu ... u.. '-- s-; cretotits wonderiut success, n nas penormeo lSeTA? ,tt?fr i.uiiciuci,u iiitummti. una ' " nunc: liiuii u.uuu lmiiuicu uuuiik! iuu jv-u- , a . " , , n j 1-. j c 10,000 eases oj General Debility and wat of Nervous Energy, Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorates the whole system permanently To those who. have ti,e fluids or the coursing of the pure, rich blood to lost their muscular energy by the effects of medi- the extremities, is that which paints the counte cine or indiscretion committed in youth, or the ex- nance jn the most exquisite beauty. It is that winch cessive indulgence of the passions, and brought on jmijarts the indescribable slndes and flashes of a general physical prostration of the nervous sys- tern; lassitude, want of ambition, fainting sensa- tion, premature decay and decline, hastening to wards that fatal disease, Consumtion, can be en tirelv restored bv this pleasant remedy. This Sarsaparilla is far superior to. any Invigorating Cordial, As it renews and invigoiates the svstem, gives activity to the limbs, and strength to the muscular systdm, in a most extraordinary degree. Consumption Cured. Cleanse and Strengthen.- Consumption can be cured. Bron- emus, consumption, .Liver complaint, uoius, uaiarru, nnnoh. i,ihm smtmcr f hi,H nrln in th phost. Hectic Flush, Nfght sweats, Difficult or Profuse Expecto- . i - - - - Spitting Blood: 4 Neio Yofk, April 28, 1847. ut . i uvv useiiu i veriiy ueueve mai yuur odi- saparilla has beeh the means, through Providence, 01 saving my life. 1 have lor several years had a bad Cough. It became worse and worse. At last I raised large u uantites of blood, had night Sweats, and was greatly debiliated and reduced, and did not expect to live. I have only used your oarsaparuia asnon time, ana mere nas a wonaer- ful change been wrought in rfte. 1 am now able r ,Mi . . i - i.t..i 1 II II . .1. T l I I I w nam an uvci iiic uii-jf. x ittioc uiuuu, onu iny cough has left me. You can well imagine that I am thankful for these results. Your obedient sevant. ttTUT nlTfintT r. t . I vm it uooi'j jjij, do' oaiuerine-si Kheumatism. This is dnly ohe of more than four thousand Cases of Rheumatism that Dr. Townsen's Sarsa- parilla has cured, ihe most severe and chronic case's are weekly eradicated by its extraordinary virtues James Cummings, Esq ,one of the assistant in the Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell's Island, is the gentlemen spoken of in the following letter ; " . , Dr. Townsend Dear bir : 1 have suffered tern- , " - - - - " - bly for nine years with the Rheumatism i consid- erable of the time 1 could not eat. sleeD or walk. l naa the utmost distressing pains, and my umos were terribly swollen. 1 have used four bottles of your barsapanlla, aDd they have done me more than one thousand dollars worth of good. I am so mucu oetier inoeea, i am entirely reueveo. You are at liberty to use this for the benefit of the afflicted. Yours resp'y, Jas. Cummings Fits! Fits! Fits! Dr. Townsend, not having tested his Sarsapa- rilla in cases of Fits, of course never recommend- Albany, Apiil l, 1847. r,E. elmenpprf, m.d. ed it, and was surprised to receive the following Caution. Owing So the great success and im from an intelligent and respectable Farmer in mense sale of DiTowsend's Sarsaparilla, a num- Westchester County : Fordham, August 13, 1847 Dr. Townsend Dear Sir : 1 have a little airl seven years of age, who has been several .years afflicted with Fits i we tried almost evervthino- for her, but without success; at last, although we could find no recommendations in our circulars for cases like hers, we thought, as she was in very delicate haalth, we would give her some of your fcarsaparu:a, and are very glad we did, lor it not umy resiurea ner sirengm, dui sne nas had no re- turn of the Fits, to our great pleasure and surprise one is last oecoming ruggeo and nearly, lor which i i ii . we leel gratelul. Yours, respectfully. JOHN BUTLER Jr. Female Medicine Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla is a sovereign and speedy cure lor Incipient Consumption, Barren ness, Prolapsus Uteri, or Falling of the Womb, ctrilPlpH nr Hiffirnlt Mpncti-.ntmn T.nt;a vn,!, i iico, uoui,uuuu;a, ui Tunes, wu- i of Urine, or involuntary discharge thereof, and for uie general prostration oi tne systemno matter whether the result of inherent cause or causes. produced by irregularity, illness or accident. Nothing can be more surprising than its invigora- ting effects on the human frame. Persons all wuv..Coo anu laaauuuc, jfuuiidKiug u,ai once do- ,U,."D,U 7 , m ui energy uuuer us mnuence. SrnVte frwhkh s t e" Banenness. It will not be expected of us. in ses of so delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cures performed but we can assure the afflicted. that hundreds of cases have been reported to us, i uuubdnusoi cases where iamilies have been with- uuy.u .uren. ai er using a tew bottles of this m- . u:u r. - . ' . . ---- i vaiuaoie mHriirinf?. hvn hoon . oaJ i i.e... r":r: ' ' WWM uo, .., j a,,g. To Mother nA kt:.j r-j;.. This Extmnt nf sflMaMn, I y prepared in reference tn fflmnl onmnUint No female who has reason to suodosb she is an. piuauiuug mai crmcai period, The turn of life,' should neglect to take it, as it is a certain preven- ... u: ... -i .... . 1 I uve ior any or the numerous and horrible diseases to which lemales are subiect at this time of life. mi.; i i ins period may oe delayed for several years by us ing this medicine. Nor is it less valuable for those who are approaching womanhood, as it is calcuta ted to assist nature, by quickening the blood and invigorating the system. Indeed, this medicine is I invaluable for all the delicate diseases to' which' women are subjectT -It braces the whole systeu, renews permanently the natural energies, by re.' moving the impurities of the body, not so urjitin,. ulatingas to produce subsequent relaxation, wlucri is the case of mosf medicines taken for fenm((J weakness and disease. By using a few bottles f this medicine, many severe ahd-painful surgical operations may- be prevented. Great Blessing to Mothers and Children, h s the safest and most effectual medicine for purify, ing the system, and relieveing the sufferings, atte!,. danl upon child-birth ever discovered: ' It strength. .. L.iL (U. .11 t -LMJ a . I Clio uuiii hi. U1UIMC1 OHU IsllllU, JJICClll-3 JlcJIll disease, increases and enriches the food, those w, have used it think it is indispensible. It is hjujt'v useful both before and after confinement, as it pre; diseases attendant upon, chHdbirthin CW iivenss, jruea, iauipa, swelling oi uie reel, Despondency, iieanoum, vomiting, rain in thn -ri 1 T l.i L--; TLT ,1 - au u,ul,,a' 1 emomiage, ana m reguiaiinguiBwweiio,.a uuu uanzing me circu. io" " equal- he g"at beauty ofihto medicine is, it is always safe, and the most dehcata uso"'"u H." Jr ll n 7 ?7 any finer llicuiuiuc, ill guuic o nine vuatci vii,(r i mail ucoi a 10 uooiut xiAbiikiu vuuu air I p,. .1 . . -n i. .r. r' and UMi 100a wnn mis mea cine, win aiways en. e . c ' J sure a sale and easy confinement. and Health. Cosmetics. Chalk. and. . tw rnap ntin n - Sedil They close the pore's of theW and check & I 1 ...u;u r,n,..-- :.. ,U... i . , , . . i i ? n . ' rtioonoM nr nnwnRr. nr inn skin innnmp nv ih. alkalies used in soaps, oeantines its own produc. lhahuman Le Divine as well as in th. aardp.n of rich and delicately tinted and variefrat fl..wprs A free, active and healthy circulation nf oveijness that all admire, but none can descube. Tni beauty is the offspring of naturenot of pow. der or soap. If there is not a free and healthy circulation, there is no beauty. If the lady is fair as driven snow, if she paint, and use cosmetics. andthe blood is thick, cold and impure, she is not beautiful. If she be biown or yellow, and there ;s uure anti active blood, it uives a rich bloom to tue cheeks and a brilliancy to the eves that is fascinating. This is why the southern, and espe. cially the Spanish ladies, are so much admired. T.adjes iu the north who take but little exercise or , - , ,.. Ur,r-a L.nniini are confined in close rooms, or have spoiled their complexion by the application of deleterious mix. i turoj if tnpv witi in retrain eiasiicuv oi sipn buoyant spirits, spfcrnkling eyes and beautiful complexions, they should use Dr. Townsend's sarsaparilla. IllOUSdiiua wiiu uavc incu n. are more than satisfied, are delighted. Ladies of every station, crowd our onice daily. Notice to the Ladies. Those that imitate Dr. Townsend's Sarsapajilla, have invariavly called their stuff a great .Remedy for Females, &c, &c. and have copied our bills and circulars which re- . i f lates to the complaints ot women, vvora lor word- other men Who put up medicine, have, since the I r n 11 C -ii great SUCUcSS UI 1JV. J. uv iisciiu A jumiipui lilil ui comolaints incident to females, recommended theirs, although priviously they did not. A num- I htr nf thpsn Mfrturea-Pills. &c. are iniurionstn 1 - . . - i I lemales, as they aggravate diseases, anu unaer- mine the constitutiun. Scrofula Cured. This certificate conclusively1 proves that, this Sarsaparilla has perfect control over the most oostinate diseases oi the liiood. Three persons cured in one house is unprecedented i Three Children. Dr. Townsend Dear Sir : I have the pleasure to inform you that three of my children have been cured of the Scrofula by the use of your excellent medicine. They were afflic- j I . . mim I 'J ' J - --,.-. w.. ly four bottles ; it took them away tor which I feel m myself under great obligatton.-Youis, respectful- H Iv. ISAAC W. CHAIN. 106. VYoosiier-st. a umnions oj rnysicians. vC. J0,v?nsend isal-1 most daily receiving order, iwrn. Pbiyiscians m i different paits or the UmorA. wgk lis, to certify! that we, the undersigned Physicians' othe CitH oi Aioany, nave in numerous, cases prescribed Dr. Townsend's Sarsparillav an believe it to be one of the most valuable DreiJaretians in the market. f'MVkS1?:- R. jlbriggsmN) I uer oi men wno were lormeny our iigents, have commenced matung sarsaparilla iiiXtiacls Elixirs, Hitters, iLxtracts oi Yellow Dock, &cv They gen- erally put it up in the same shaped)! bottles, and some of them have stole and copied flur advertise-! mems, they are only worthless ire&ations, and should be avoided Principal Office, 126 Fulton Street. Sun.! Building, N. Y. ; Redding & Co., &Siaie.sifeeiJ Boston : Dyott & Sons, 132 North, Seconds.,. Ph ade nh a : S. S. Hance. Drnrtt;- Tln. more; P. M. Cohen, Charleston ; Wjisht fc. . , tvt.- . ii.i'i Co., 151 Chartres-st., N. O. ; 105 South BeaiL at., Albany ; and by all the nrincipal.Bruepiin and iMercbants generally thruughaut the U, S.J West indies and the Lanadas. This medecine is also, constantly kept on hand! and for sale by FRANCIS S. PAlflil, agentj ."sirnnrisnurcT ks. a.. o. mo. iv '? nug. j. INVALUABLE T? a tvttt "r rtrkHT"D A ATTTHAT -fAiVIlijX bUlVlJrAlN I W. S'x. Lectures on Causes, Prevention' and! Cure of Consumption, Asthma, Diseases ofl"tlifr Heart, and all Female Diseases, 234 pagesv2B engravings. Paper 50 cts. : bound 75 els.- Mail to any part postage 9 1-2 cts. . S.hou,der Braces and Chest Expander., S2. al1 ' any Par, 50 cl8 postage. Inhaling 1 "bes, Silver, S3, by mail, letter postage. Abdominal Supporters, perfect, S8 to $10. for all Ruptures, Falling of the Bowels and Womb.i and Wiik Rank ml P.hnsi npmi hv w.nrt '-"I""" everywhere. For Braces or SnnnortH,H. or . .... r Kupture Supporters, give height from head io r l. ,UWI "u ciicumicitjuuc ui person next mew ce, just above the hips. If Rupture, mention wh,Cu 8,de- Agents wanted for the sale of the- above goods. Address Dr. S. S. FITCH, 70? r j t. ttt- . moaaway, new xorK, post paid, Match 16, 1 848.-1 y. Clocks. From $1 50 to $6 50, for sale by JOHN H. MELICIC Stroudiburg, Aug. 13,,1846.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers