V- J jr- IfJAKRfED, In Stroudsburg, on the 2nd insth by sbe'Rev j W. Mecasky, Mr. George W.-Fenull ?ud jiiss Diana Compton, both of Oxford Furnace, Warren Co..T. J. On the same day, by the same, Mr. James Stout and Miss Margaret Comptoiij both of the same place. PILES. This distressing complaint proceeds from a want of proper evacuation of the bow 1 ' The foul humors, instead of being thorough ly' Celled from the body are but partially so ; a riion being left as it were at the threshold, is SI cause of that vexatious complaint called Piles; inrl is frequently neglected until, it ripens into a horrid form of disease called Fistula. m&sSn Veoetable Pills, of the - North Ampriwn College oMIealth," are a true and. na i Jpmedv fot the above complaint, because they eTec ually cleanse the body from those morbid humors which are not only the cause of Piles, but ( 'rv malady incident to man. TJaelf 'Sugar Coated Counterfeits. -Remember, that the original and only genuine Indian Vppetable i s nave UiC w,llwsu 3,o,""u'w' " " " ,t4h Wright on the top label of each box. For sale by George M. Miller, who is the only authorized agent for Stroudsburg ; see advertise ment for other agencies in another column. Office and general depot, 109 Race sr.. Phil a. CLICKENER'S SUGAR COATED PURGA TIVE PILLS. Solomon to the contrary not withstanding, there is something new under the sun. In Solomon's time physic was a lesser evil 10 cure a greater one ; and when his sagacious 'naiesty had the head ach, the dyspepsia, or any of ills that flesh is heir to, he had to get rid of them at the expense of gri pings and nausea that were nearly as hard to put up with as the diseases themselves. Had he lived in these days, how-ett-E, he would have found matters most happily t.j ; roenprf ihr T)r niirkener. who JJJHC4 111 Mil. w.ww., .w T j ,e met now making such a noise in the world has invented a. medicine, which is not only a " lesser evil." in the way of nausea, griping, and such like usual attributes of all other medicinal compounds, that an actual luxury, for it leaves patients under ihn imnresaion that thev have only been regaling on first rate peppermint lolly pops, and expels the disease, purifies the blood, and regulates the bowels, without giving any further evidence of its wesence. In serious truth. Clickener's Sugar Toated Purgative Pills nre the best general medi cine that has been ever introduced, for they have all the purifying advantages of physic, without any of those drawbacks which jnakes physic such an aversion to most people. Having used them our selves we can say thus much in their favor ; and are no longer surprised at Doc tor Clickener's great reputation and popularity, and at the reports eve ry where current, that wherever his pills are in troduced the use of all others becomes a thing of the past. For sale at the Republican Office, by T. Schoch, the only authorized agent for Stroudsburg. Most Extraordinary World The Married Woman's PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION". BY DR. A. M. MAURICE A U, ,, PROFESSOR, of diseases of woman. Sixth Edition. ISmo. pp 250. Price $1 25.000 Copies sold in Three MontlisJ Years of suffering, of physical and mental an guish to many an affectionate wife, and pecuniary difficulties to 'the husband, might have been spared by a timely possession of this work. It is intended especially lor the married, or those contemplating marriage, as it discloses important ' secrets which should be known to them particular ly. Truely, knowledge is power. It is health, hap piness, affluence. The revelations contained in its pages have proved a blessing to thousands, as .the innumera ble letters received by the author will attest. Here, also, every female the wife, the mother. the one either budding into womanhood or the one in the decline of years in whom nature contem plates an important change can discover the cau ses, symptoms, and the most efficient remedies, and most certain mode of cure, in every complaint to which her sex is subject. Copies will be. sent by mail free of postage to the purchaser. Over ten thousand copies have been sent by mail within three months, with perfect safety and certainty On the receipt of One Dollar, the "Married Wo man's Private Medical Companion" will be sent mailed free) to any part of the United States. All letters must be post-paid (except those containing a remittance) and addressed to Dr. A., M. Mauri ceau Box -122 4, New-York City. Publishing Of fice, 1-29 Liberty-st., New-York. The 'Married Woman's Private Medical Com panion, is sold by booksellers throughout the Uni ted States. July 6, 1848 2m. ' Doctor Touirselfl For .25 Cents ! By means of.ihe POCK ET ES C U LA PI U S,or K VE- RYDUE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN'! twentieth edition, wiih up wards of a hundred engra vings, showing private dis eases in every shape and form, and malformations of tbeEeneraiiesvte:n by W- YOUNG, M. D. The lime has now arrived, that person suf fering from secret disease, need no more, be come the Victim of quackerY, 39 'he pre scriptions contained in this book anj' one may cure himself, without hindrance Jo bui "hies, r the knowledge of the most intimate friend- and wuU one tenth the usual expense. In ad option to the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early de-cline, with observations on rharriage-besides many olher derangements which it would not be proper io.enumer.aie in the public prints. IHFAny person sending twenty-five cent's enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of 'his book, by mail, or five copies wijl be sent for one dollar. Address, 'Dr. W. YOUNG, No. 252 Spruce, street, PhjlAPELPHIa' Pot paid. 3U3 WANTED Proprietors of Drug,Tor Book Stores, arid Pettier; in every town in The United Slates, jojtcfrs agents forihe above work. September 7, lG4B;i3m, ; , YOUNG I, ABIES' INSTITUTE.' Eastou, Peiiu'a. The Young Ladie'"Instiiute, situated at the corner -ofpomfrei anil Spring Garden streets, will commence it sixth session, on tKe fitsl iVl onday, the 4ti day of SeptemSer next. For paruculars apply to. THOS M. CANN, Principal. Reference may be made to the following gen tlemen, who are patrons of the Institute : Peter S. Michler, John J. Burke, Chas.Innes,.M. D. J. P. Hetrich, . Jacob Wegener, Jojin Davis, D. Lachenour, M. D. Easion, July 19, 1848. Sept. 7, 5t ADJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By vmuo of an order of the Orphans' Court of the county of Afonroe, the following Real Estate, formerly of Valentine Werkiser, late of Hamilton township, in said county, deceased, will he sqld at pulic vendue, on Saturday the 23d day of September,. at one" o'clock in the afiernoon, two tracts or pie ces of Land, situate in Hamilton township, in said county, about one mile from Fennersville. ;Lot No. 1, ; Containing IIS 'Acres, 140 Perches, adjoining lands of Conrad Arnold, Thomas Mil ler, James Miller and John Werkiser ; about 75 acres of which are cleared and the remainder covered wiih limber of an excellent quality. ihe improvement are a sr 2 stories high, a LOG BARN ; a good Apple Orchard, and other fruit trees. A never failing stream of water runs through the whole tract, and a good spring of water near the house. Lot No. 2, Containing 52 Acres, 30 Perches, adjoining lands of John Williams, Peter and Abraham Butts and said Lot No. 1 ; about 30 acres of which are cleared and the residue is well timbered. A small stream of water passes through the same. The Conditions of Sale. One third of the purchase money, to be paid at the confirma- J tnn of the sale, one third part on the nr3t of April next, aud the other on the first day of April 1850. HENRY WERKISER, Adm'ot By ihe Court1: , J. H. Stroud, Clerk. September 7, 1848. Jury JList for September Teraij lS-i. Grand Jurors. Simon Siocker, Rosa Samuel Ruth, Hamilton John T. Bell, Smiihfield , Philip Doner, Polk Samuel Staples, Stroud John Eylenber, " Jacob Kresge, Polk Daniel Transue, Smithfield Inhn an RiinhL'trfc Rm r"Kd John Michael, jr., M. Smithfield Charles Price, (Capi.) Price , , George Larne, Hamiiton Jacob Deitrich, Smithfield William F. Edmonds, Chesnuthil! ' e Luke Staples, Smithfield l Gideon Burritt, Pocono Samuel Myers, do. James Newell, Tohyhanna . John Brown, Smithfield ii Thomas Grattan, M. Smithfield Jacob CofTmrin, Price George Weiss, Chesnulhill Daniel Andre, Ross Peier Kemmisrer, Hamilton Petit Jurors. John Miller, Stroud " Henry Ghiz, Res Joseph Arnold, Chesnnthill John Lander, Smithfield Philip Kresge, Chesnuthill Charles Millar, Hamilton John Staples, Stroud - David Keller, Stroud t. , "is it George Wolf, Stroud r -Joseph Kresge, Polk 1 John Lesig. Ross ' John Fruchey, M. Smithfield, Abraham Neyhan, Smithfield a-i - . . r. Joseph Frable, Hamilton David Edinger, Price Peter Heller, Pocono .r Abraham Featherman, Hamilton i : -Jacob Frederick, Stroud -Henry Miller, do. Frederick. JSylenberger, M. Smithfiield Joseph Rinker, Jackson , -Jaccob Angelmoyer, Pocono v.4 Peter Keller, Stroud k John Storm, Price v Jacob B. TeeK Pocono Peter Miller, Jackson y Jacob Vanauken, M. Smithfield Jos'eph Berry, Hamilton John Gearhart, Coolbaugh . -i Williham Hinton, Hamilton ' Michael Altamose, Ross . Iaac Transoe, Smithfield Theodore Broadhead, do ' Christian Snyder, do ' ; Thomas Stone, Stroud Jon;n J, Price. Price. , , rBLANKS. The gubscriber has on hand and offers for sale,. a superior assortment of blanks, viz: Deeds, jJxecutions, Mortgages, Summonses, Bonds, ojc. L.-FjiBAIiNES,. oenas 'Miirord;Noyernber'4inl p V v DTTDT Tn 0 A TT5 "Will be sold at public sale on the eighth day of the. ninth month (Septprnber)nx, at the P(J cono and Monroe Tanneries, in JPocono town ship, the following articles, by order of the As signee of R. T. Downing & Co.,- ;vi2 : ( ' Tanners beams, hand hooks, yard hooks, workers and flesh.ers, spades and shovels,, grind stones, wheel barrows, drying, poles, patent balances, old irpn, blocks and rope, ianteriis, scaffolding, old bark mill, two heaters or steam generators with pipes and fixtures ; shaft and bevel wheel, boxes and barrels, large , number of spuds, one dozert new ax,es, old axes, six coal stoves, knives, buckets, grubbing hoes, cross cut saw, lot of scrap-leather, leather hose, ladders, one mill screw, 100 Cords of Bark, twenty cord of wood? two heavy. wagons,,.one light wagon, one cart, one slpighone first rate Horse, and, a variety of oiher articles appertain ing to the buisiness of (aiming , .. Household and: KiScIien Furniture) Consisting of bedsteads, ,beds and bedding, tables and chairs, one ten plate stove, one cook ing stove and fixtures; aud a variety of other articles too tedious to mention. The articles in use at the Pocono Tannery will be sold subject to their being used for ihe purpose of tanning out ihe present stock, which will.be complejed about the first of jSfoverbber. Condition's of Sale. All bills of one hundred dollars and onder to be paid cash,--all over that sum will be allowed a credit of four months, by giving satisfactory securfty. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A.'ai., at tho Monroe Tannery., -.- : t M. D. PALMER, Agent. August 31, 1848. . . - i Auditor's Notice, The undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Couri of Monroe Coimiy, to examine and if necessary resettle the account of Andrew Storm, administrator of the estate of John B. Fetherman, deceased, and make distribution, will attend to the duties of his appointment, on Tuesday, the 12th Of September next, at 10 o clock a. ai., at the house of Jacob Knecht, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, at which time and place all persons having claims are required to present the same before me, or be debarred trom coming in for a share of the assets!" v. FRANKLIN STARBIRD, Auditor. August 17, 1848. t ' KaissMg- Blood And. Consumption, pain in the side and night sweats. Asthma, Whooping Cough,' palpita tion of the heart, Liver complaint, Bronchitis, And all diseases of the throat, lungs. and:liver, cured.by Sherman's All-Healing Balsam. ; RAISING BLOOD AND CONSUMPTION Mr. Milne, Builder, in Brookfyn, was! at tacked with raising blood, followed hy- a cough, pain in theide, aud all the usual symptoms of consumption. He ejnployed two of ihe best physicians ; they did him no good, and told him he could not live. Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Sherman's Balsam, he sent at 10 o'clock at night to Mrs. Hayes, 136 Fulton street, and got a bottle ; it operated like a charm, stopped the bleeding aud cough ! Before he had taken one bottle he was able to be about his. work. It had saved his life. His daughter, residing at 127 Myrtle Avenue, can auest it. Miss Ann Ma.iion, of Williamsburg, living in Tenth, near South Fourth-streei, says That she had been troubled with a hacking cough, and. pain in the chest, for a long time, which at last become so bad thai she . was obliged to give up her school for more than a year. She then commenced taking the All-Healing Bal sam which soon alleviated her symptoms. She is now fast recovering", and has resumed her laborious occupation as a teacher, 14 years Mr. John O'Neil, 10th avenue and 2 1 st street, suffered with a cough, raising, of phlegm, and pain in his side. He could get no relief till he tried the All-Healing Balam, which drove the pain from his side, allayed the cough, and brought the disease upon the surface; and before he had taken three bottles, was entirely cured. PLEURISY AND CONSUiMPTION. . Mrs. Baggas, a lady upwards of 70, residing 88 Sheriff, has for years been subject to attacks of Pleurisy, Raising of Blood, severe Cough, Shortness of Breath, Pain in her Head'and various parts of her body. Her friends believed her past recovery. The All-Healing Balsam releived her at onco of all her 'alarming symp tous, aud now he is able toatteud to her work. ASTHMA AND WHOOPING COUGK'. Mrs. Lucretia Wells, 95 Christie-street; L. S. Beals, 19 Delancey street ; Wm. H. Youngs, 75 Walnut street, know the value of this great remedy. Ask for Sherman.s All-Healing Balsam, and see that his written signature is on each bottle. Price 25 cents and SI per bottle. iU' Dr. Shermans' Worm and Couh Lozenges sold as above. Principal Office 106 Nassu-sireet, N.'Y. Agents for Monroe county; Theodore Schoch, Strpudsburg; :n . Charles Savior, Saylorsburg. . r.,..y George B. Keller, Cherry Valley, H. Peters & Co., Btishkill, Pike county, V. F. Brodhead, Dingmans Ferry, . r" . J. S. Walice, Milford, ' William Shouse, Wilsonville. K. & IS. B. EIilREl, Attorneys and Counsellors at La?v, MILFORD, PIKE COUNTY, PA. Will attend promptly to all, business entrusted to their care. Office opposite ihe.Presbyterian Church, on Broad street. K February 10, 1848.-Iy. -. - ; : BLANK 0EEDS I ' j " ''Fpr sale "at tliis" Office! . ' To the Voters, oi Monroe c.ounR Fellow Citizen": Not having been encourf aged ny any l my irienna i oiler my sell as a candidate lor tho orare f ; k .HIGH SHERIFF, " at thf?. ensuing election, of ny own free will and, u,c.cofd. The principal inducement for so doinjj is tho fear there, will not be: candidates enough in tho field for ihe dear people tp choose from: yet I will not have the least objection to being elected. Should that be the ease, 1 will pledge myself to perform the' duties of the ofj nee in the following .manner! viz: rirst If any process comes into my hands against any one I will catch him if I cart, and keep him if I can until he is legally discharged by due course of law. 2nd : Be cautious how you get into debt, for if an execution comes into my hands against any one in the County, and he has not the cash 1 will levy on his property if I can find any, aud sell ii to '.he best bidder, and af ter taking ood care of my own fens I will pay over the balance where U honestly belongs. 3rd and last: If anyone should be convicted of a capital crime (which God forbid) and a death warrant 'unfortunately come into my hands' 1 will hang him up rb'y the heck until he be! dead, dead, deaxl; and may the Loird have mer cy on his soul. A.x to politics, 1 am a full blooded Rough and Ready Whig.'' ' ' Very 'respectfully, your humble servant. ' " PHILIP ABBOTT. Tohyhanna township, .Aug. 17, 1848. To the People of Monroe county. Fellow-Citizens .'Encouraged by numerous friend 1 offer myself as; a candidate for the of fice of County (Commissioner, at tho approaching General electetion. Should I be so fortunate as to receive a ma jority of your suffrages, I pledge myself to dis charge the duties of said office with fidelity, impartiality, aud to the best of my ability. Respectfully, your friend and fellow-citizen, ABRAHAM FENNER. ' Smithfield township, August 17. 1848. To the Voters of Monroe county. Fellow Citizens: Encouraged by numerous friends I offer myself as a candidate for the of fice of County Commissioner, at the approaching General election. Should I be so fortunate as to receive a ma jority of your suffrages, I pledge myself to dis charge ihe, (Junes of said office with - fidelity, impartially, to the best of my ability. Respec tfully, your friend and fellow-citizen, PHILIP F-1SHER. Stroud lownsjiip. August 3. 1848. To the Voters of Monroe county. Fellow Citizens : 1 offer myself as a candi1 date for the office of Prothonotary and Clerk of the Courts of Monroe county, at ihe ensuing General Election, and respect fully solicit your suffrages. If ejected, 1 will endeavor faithfully, personally, and impartially lo discharge the duties of said office. Respectfully your friend and Fellow Citizen. J. H. EILENBERGER. Middle Smithfield, Aug. lD, 1S48. To the Voters of Monroe county. At the urgent solicitation of many persons from different parts of the county, I have con sented to be a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, at the approaching October Election, and re spectfully solicit your voles. Should you think proper to, elevate me to said office, 1 will dis charge its duties, to the best of my abilities. Respectfully, your obedient servant, MELCHOIR. DREHER. Stroud township, August 3, 1848. To the Voters of Monroe county. ieou;-Cej: Being encouraged by many friends in different parts of ihe County, 1 offer myself as a candidate for the office of, HIGH SHERIFF, at ihe ensuing General election. Should I bo so fortunate as to be elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of said office with fidel ity, personally, impartially, and to the best of my ability. Refpecifully, your friend, , ' PETER KEMMERRER. Hamilton, July 13, 1848-- To the Voters of Monroe county. Fellow Citizens .'--Encouraged by numerous friends I offer myself as a candidate for the of fice of Register and Recorder at the approaching general election, 'and res pectfully solicit your voles and support. Should I be so fortunate as to receive a majority of your suffrages I pledge myself to discharge the duties of said office with fidelity, impartially, and to the best of my ability. ' PETER NEYHART. Pocono, July 6, 1848. To the Voters of Monroe county. Fellow- Citizens:--Etcoir&ged by many friends from' different parts of the County, 1 offer my self as a candidate for the office of HIGH SHERIFF, at the ensuing General election.' Should I be so fortunate as lo be elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of said office with fidel ity, personally, impartially, and lo the best of my ability. , ( ". , '. Respectfully, yotij friend,. . nHAR.r.Es' SHOEMATCRR, Middle StniilifieldJiilVC, 18f8Ate. LI'o the Voters of' ! Monroe. dou nty. Fellow- Citizens .. En coura i;ed;;ryOi'tJme rous iiius i oner mvseii as a cuiiaiuaie ior toe e of 1GH SHERIFF QF TfUS COUNTY at IN. nnnroacliiiitf GenrMl cIhimiiiii 'iild I be so fordrnaie as to' receive a ilia- 'jorny K voursjifTraiies, I pledge myself to dis charge Ke duties of aaid "office with tideliiy, personalN impartially, and to the bei of'iny ability. Rejpecfully. vo'ur huuihle AKvaitu JAMES N. DU RLlNG.r Stroudsburg, T,,lv rj; i84a . To the Inpentlent Electors of MoVj-oe Con nty. Fellow-Citizfs :...EncpiiiagiI ly matiy of my friends from Wetent parts f the" Coun- iy y i am again juuuuei l0 otier mvsell as a can- didate for the office of HT(TFT at Ihe ensueing-General EJVcuon. Shoulu'f bo so fortu.nai e as to receive majority olyour votes I shall endeavor to di:harie the duties ,of said '.office' with fidelity, ai)J i. tl,tt i,est 0f my ability. AYnh sentimetlt0f respect, I remain yys irulv, . peter Kander. Smithfield township; Jone 29, 184 To the Voters of Monroe county. Fellow Citizens Encouraged by iiMnerou friends, I offer myself, as a candidate forie of- fice of Prothonotary and Cleric of the several Courts of Monroe county, at ihe approaching general election. Should I be so fortunate as to receive a ma jority of your suffrages, I pledge myself i di' charge the duties of satd offices wjih fidelity, personally, impartially, and to the best of my ability. Respectfully, your humble servant, M. H. DREHERi Stroudsburg, Juno 22, 1848. To the Free and Independent Electors OF MONROE COUNTY. FELLOW-CrriZENs:--Almost three years have now expired since you did me ihe honor to elect me to the offices of Register and Recorder of this County. Having, to the best of knowl edge, faithfully and impartially performed my official duties; and as I have received many en couragements from my numerous friends in dif ferent parts of the County, I therefore take the liberty of again offering myself as a can didate for ihe same offices, at the enstino general election. Should I bo so fortunate as to be re-elected, 1 will perform ihe duties 'in cumbent upon, me, (to the best of my ability) personally, faflhfully. arid if possible, to your entire satisfaction. With sentimenis of respect I remain your public servant SAMUEL REES, Jr. : Stroudsburg, June 8, 1848 -te. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Noice is hereby given to all legatees and other persons interested in the estate of ihe re spective decendents and minors, ihat the admin istration accounts of the following estates havo been filed in the office of the Register of Mon roe county, and will be presented for confirma tion and allowance to the Orphan's Coun, to be held at Stroudsburg, in and for the aforesaid county, on Monday the 25th day of September next, at 10 o'clock a. m. The first account of James H. Siroud. Ad ministatorof the estate of Charles G. Nebe, late of Pocon township, deceesed. SAMUEL REES, Jr. Register. Register's Office, Stroudsburg, Auust 24, 1848. $ $10 REWARD! V Ranaway from the subscriber on the night of the 22d July, 1848, Samuel W. Mood, an In dentured apprentice to the wagon making busi ness. Said apprentice is ahout 5 feet 5 inches high, and about 19 years of arje ; rather pale complexion. Had on when he left a black frock coat, cloth. cap and green striped cassimero pants. He had 2 years from the 6th of April last to serve. The above reward will be paid but no expenses for his delivery to the subscri ber. All persons are forbid harboring or em ploying him undei the penalty of the law. JOHN M. HELLER.' Milford, Pike co., July 25, 1848. A CARD. DR. V. M. SWAYZE, Surgeon Dentist, announces to the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity, that he intends visiting that place on the 5ih of September next, at which lime he will be happy lo wait upon all those who may be desirous of obtaining his professional servi ces. His acquaintance with the people, and his woll known reputation as a Dentist,, it is hoped will serve as a sufficient recommenda tion to all who may require his services. August 17, 1848." Auditor's Notice. In the matter of the account of Felix Weiss, -adminislrator of the eslate of John Snyder, de ceased. Notice is hereby given io the creditors and' all persons interested, that the undersigned Au ditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Mon roe county, to make distribution of the assets in the hands of Felix Weiss, administrator of the estate of John Snyder, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Friday tho 15th day of September next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the public house of David Keller, in the Bor ough of Stroudsburg, when and where all per sons having claims against said estate are re-" quired to present the same, or be debared'from coming in for a share of the assets to bo di distribuied. ,SAMUEfcS.. DREHER August 17, 1848. 4t.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers